. -' iSSfftS" . DliL -X""!.:''!!' 'MMI. 1 . aWWiaar'taf1 " ''gfl1.'",! Ui!!11 '."lUllil THE DAILY SENTINEL T1IE KENTIEJi.' . ADt I.UTI'.IA; - KATi:. .'Adrrti.uia iks oeriipviiifr nt Cioro tlwn Jo ht uf niini.iu t j is liu.h Coii.iiin'.iia a fcjinre; 1 Iaaertme : , ,. J wek ' 2 .t.fv .t....... i,..i 1 j hhHoh " - tij' at 1 4 t.. j - '--je . - jo 5 '' " . ' " AtM.1 a?-.., JR. j;. .' . .- jSMHf , P(wul noticcn. ninlcr a aiwoial beat!, nil! .be (ur WJI. . IAXL, fetate ITlnler. '4 . . i u "AL'JL :JJJ JUJJVI'JLINUIIIIJ - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ik BnmxB. la pablieoed every evening exoep 7 aaday, ob th foUowuig term ; , . for an mouth, - ,. ,' . , far twwBeoath, -s . -- j" Three meatka, . , . : - . .. A ,r t U months, y . eml-Weekly Sentinel year, - - -' - latr Weekly Sentinel, an yuer . '"'' ' (.00 100 . 4,00 6,00 IH "' 1 WOV Lit R A TH f R 0B mUHTTMA BB rZlDE T.-m Calf. t ged one Ur per .iiari fn ca.-h inxertion. ' thneralaotiecw will baeharired as advert in. m..i;.- Tbawim( awwiwaw mint nf wattl""jir r r ,f "is will not be i-liAivxd. . -T- 13 A GOOD CHANCE ' :i , ; tohakesioxeij: ;. " By ParchMlng Your Good of , , , 4V. KLIMK 4k CO., " ,j ! ', w W I IM t N 0 TO IT STRXZTJ OCBBTOCK COKBIbTS OF HTATLE iW IXNCyl Ik mmi JkM, U and Car. Rm,, r FUSsnsHisra goods 4 iiSB IOHII ABlICtlJ, .' - ? hultnss iiIm " i ia feci wr) thing nr dunlin th community may r gnire to complete their toilette or drew, ell of which ill be xiid at greatly reduced price. t ' ' We Batter oomelvee that onnii be nniWwild nit swore yon that we will sell goods TKl TKR CUT OH EAFfcft THAN AXi Orttfiil WCALKR3 IS THE CITY. - ' ' J ' . Call nd examine rmr flCJTLIES, and thai satisfy yourselves. Oar motto is . ,,Pi Cjaiek Lea aad SataplI rraulia. ' Thankful far the natronaire of th cast, wo solicit Ha eoaunaenoa, promising tu snake it the interest of avers to oeai wiin vs. - . i ' i ... A. KLINE A CO. jS (apt IM V'J:- Xi f ' Ricunoxi, cLOTinxa n a n v. 1839r .EsTAiuski) '" 1 1839 E. B. 8PBN0E. AGENT laX2.CIA!rT TAILfiS'AJf) ICIOTEXtfi, ' : iOLD-OTAND;- Rax. ISM Hala Caraar t3tht,,j . . BICHOXD,VA .' , Haa jnat raeeiraa nn Aaiortuwnt of FaU and Wbitar " . . .,-tCLOTH9, 1 " v " ' CASSIMERE8, : ' . 1 ' AND YE STRING S, vhiok ha U prapajred to buJm Bp to Order in tW beat aiyU asd at ihort aotioa. ' ''fU Ba has alao oa hand a well aoleoted atock of ' J Ready Made CIothlnK, 'T r . af hia owa Btanufaoinra mada in ifrif CUj under Ida m anperrtaioo. Ehlrl mad to ardor and i good fit warranted. ... ,. . . . , Gentlemen' rurnUhlug Gooti , , i i "v ,, pi andUaa Tarlety always en harul. Call and sea his Btock at No. VX Main St. ich faoad, Ta bafans pnrehaaing elaewbera., .. f 8 f J OotU-am - --.-"'' r T i, .I. i i linn. . . r .AfiikB a TP TC8T romired a P'HUful line of French' aluriad J EMPIiKSH f'IX)Tr. . 11.AIS A.KD PtATD ALPACA, - , Alil ALL WOOL DuLAUiE,' , 0etM-tf- , ' Y 'f T M TkTE'W CIjOAKR, fro Bra Dollar sad pwarda, of Sj (haa baantifid tanhlnnsbla Oaaaimerd HAI II Justxeeeivad at OetU-tf - 0. T. COOKE'S. -U - ron BEarx. ..j nmi: ONRoftha moat Aoairable remdenflW in tjia, Crty I arueuiar apply at . TSIS OFfaGE. . DAVIS & JOSES, t Croccrs mi Ccrunlsslon Merchants, " "Mil" W. kare Jaat returned frnfn iW Karth with a lartre and complete asaortment of Oreoenea, wh.rh we otfw to tn pulilio, at whUlo and retail, ataa r ' f .,,., Terf Lowest price far f h or Cot- -" "r ton '"' aCOAK.v-eroaUAd, poderL awl aU gradei of browm, ' ' .' !' ' COFFr"W,-JTa, T jctitt and Bio, ' V" OUr-P"! ai lua.Ataaa, . ' ' BlKLf ard H.-iaaae. . . ,. . CAADI.M.1 T.Mlii -.1 ' BP1CES. ' .. . 4 I" BA00. ' A 1 t . A - llii l liEKF, anJEef-Tonguoa.t, t j ALiiiS fOIlL , . . Y. TACKET Ecet , , Cod-nab. Kaekeral and Herrings; Prime Goehen Batter and Cltewe, oaff and Tohacm, a large and Ana aeeortanent of Ciffara, Starh, Copperas, Alimj alt Petre, but IHuliam Smoking Jbtaaa,ka..'::r A good RMortmcnt : of Vloar end Buckwheat. ' yaxi:3 asd liq'johs - i efth beat brands. Bagging and Bf , turoeene Oi!, Ko. 1 to i, Vaat e(l and gnn rxrwdi and js, M j jo't Challrnvge Blacking. . 'f "IPs reepectfully invite the pubhe tu call aud anineonrtxck. jiJi .'.V.Li, Oct R-Sm. 0'. ts fo aaie, in Oifnrd, a large and Ta5u'i Ljt sonLainjhg ' BEVESTEfcN AKD A ALF ACRES ? in h'i'S sieof rn'tivitlon. ,Firtit or tun v.-w.t kts mo he a.id oa it, for i.ih frjitnnt appLK-iijns kava been etsl. , i A'Hrwa and eummxdkms dweilini, -fwe lar? r.!Ml sad all nwrjr out homiea, teni..e tho tiiriiunfa asd wiU t aud wita all, on a putuf, the land v auii the purchaser. A , . . , , ,. , . , .. . .. . atls-f - -. .., KEW CO0D3I, KEW 600D9(! . , . ; A, JX J rt uJ, i rinsT cuAii'orEMVo or FALL. AM WINTER VOOUS FOB IttMItt L' y.t't . OLD PEICI3 comsro TO TJ)W1 1 JUST REGilTED, AND WOW 6PESDSO : 'i 10,0O YARD BEAUTIFUl. aa VfVaS and wilt be told from 12 to 29 cenU. It ':""0EEECIS', IIVV TOIIB CALIGOl. (OLD PEICES EZACHED THE CITY. 1,000 yards of Ladles beantiful KJIKSS GOODB, era- old ciioap aogh W Jjwajft tt&to.. , . , SCREECH'S it the plaot to bny your drees goods. Donl pass by. i Just receivod ,W0 Tarda goods fcr Men's, Boya and Cliildrea'a WUil'KK VliAlW-he beat assortment in tin gity. . I tttll jeo Oreer h a t na piasa5 ouwe w bar yoar s-oodaj And still they eome. . . ,,.,. i Jast reoejred s large and Una aaaortment of y J j ilia new styles f 1800; Jaat. the goods (ths people want. JLwant yon to eome to Creech's ta buy your CLOAKS AND RHAWLs, already eomsiwiped omuina In t.iTHKH1 TmWMEITAND UHTKIHTMED HATS ABONNETH, tha WUBBSj the GLAJtlATOK aud the ItMKAL rHK, a ouieisnn snsps sn iaaa w mtm and will liaoe a aood aaaortment in a few days. Make p yvnu nuud o euaM to CfUtECU'b to boy your iiat. - A v. -.- i r ' - ! JCST IS TIME, TfTr, 'it. I told yau priote bad to aoma dawna-i c i Uj I t SHOES nOC9 t SHOES lit i Jnst reeerred 4,000 pair Men's, Boys,' Ladies,' Misses il.ii.lrnta .tuMM hnavht at ike larsest tnda aala in New Vork, and will ba sold at reduoed prices- Mo mistake, Gvf&y f V co7 ff1' oooem. Jmrf marlTed a Mod aaaortmant of P JfTIiT OHO- fruivn will hfeat.ld 4 arinaa to saeet the hard timea. 8nKar, m to X ; Kio lri to as well to make n your mind to com to ClikJSCH a. yon ean't do any bettor, don't say yon won't eome, but AND OLASS WAKJS, wruea wiu oe mia w prwm ehean enongh to keep yon from being scersiL oBa toCUKlli,hwmVsatyMiriht,etoy ' ' I now take the pleasure to inform the people that a h... m uw Clio Imrirrnt and most eomiilote stocks Of Ktaple and ianey iWy Oooda aw brought to Bab. Sigh bifH-e or smoa the war. 'L'v t And I tell the people whether I struck the nail on the head or vd waya, I struck my good so, and I say tn wrm u taaid hmt aeaaon. that I will saU them as sheap aa Yankee, Jew or Gentile, oost Houses not al eeutedt that has paid-forbis gauds or srer expects to aay fur tham. V ton will always And me rea.ly and willing to treat you right at R. Smith's Building, eor or oFayetteville and Hargett btreeta.' jj ' ataadard and Progress oopy two weeks. - , ,... .toln . ' WASTED. mO pnrchase li I aUafVa- boU 100 new Oak trow boaad Bamla, nit I sept7-tf A.t..ir - .sillmrliir. . aw iai siTrnf.."". 4a-FrfeUef llle' rJlreet. o".!-! Cooking atorea, approved Paweras,'. KUer Soap, for waahing ler Ikare, f 1 HpUtting Knife,Mauera Uamissn and tana, hand. W. Collins A Cos Aiea, . J ' '.. ChoKPUiff or tteauav t laai A -'.n-r Baloigh, Oat U-if t"lo'(f WltklUar aD Lawn. f n .;... J JTi RECEIVED, i f .'l MiTJ Blasting Powder and nee. Rifle and laaiater Powder luwapctHag, (i. D. and Water Proof Caps, Bird. 6qnirreL aal Hoes, tihot, by tba Bags ar pond,'-i m ftt v' '" ' '. ' Baltigh, Oct. 13-ff WlthHATLawj NORTH CAROLINA CASSIWERE8. BAantifo! ouali w rV hlaak, tUa mitol iahd Heavy mixed iTcT JKANn, t bdialf s i TOT f A T 7 TIT t ' tWUtl 8HAWIJIII and Worsteds of all des criptions aud at ranwnua aw pntxm EOOWHHtrt of tb'ratoa taprowdjyto It only takes. " - - "" ' to bny a good Hoopakat at ;- ' A. KLIKE. i I7lU?;SET,91 rLANKL8t White and Cotord UUy redaoedt . ( , i wuOOTs AND HIOM, ! ' V rriving afanoat daily. 1 '-t awiub Bottom and Douhla pPr CaJ' B", aurrireablo and easy to Uie fcrt. ho banjo work t Uchmfiit to wereaaetlKirxieU, i ' , OctU-tf O.X COOnK. It dies' and Gents' tilovea.; Black and Cislored, Kid . . , , . . ' Ijle Thread and ftilk, for MiM and Ladies, Unek Wut.ioa sad laraad, f r ir i-u, at Octia-tf . 0.1VVWKBA XAJN I ITO 11 H AU i mnv. Hnl,:riW offers for 1 bis tract of land, J. Irinramr ClajUm, Jnhnntn loamy, it miles eaet of 'th..- . . COXTAIXES,0'f,5 A'ttK3, ..", . Wfll adjtd to the enltivation of Corn, Clton, and 'oit'; half cleared and ia a hiKh elate of cui tiTaunn, wuC aHlwlliiiit, eoouuiiwK -me rooms wh U bu! v mil bimUu.K ; a Wuiuf etcflient wiirr, an orchard of choice fi ml. . TM iHwt, i in an ounxualiy h.ia.thy part of the souutnr, ain-Te liicre i a itu't -bJ k.j-t np, and n.ar eo.msh to toe Viliat'S f.T any owe aii-tong to carry oa biunoesa of any kind. ' J. H. BRYAN, Oct5I-lni ' CUyui,S. C. lilK 6ae$, PuS Y DdRH In hs 8Ate, 7 years old l r-aae and bouad. ... i. i .H. CiiOJf..- - :., ww ( - - Anomalie. The Rniitk nccolcil from tlw Union uti tS81. Tba TaliJity of the act of sereaewa ra$ rttniod by the JiortUcrn BlaleN and thty averred Uiat no Putaooold di.solve her fonnLVtkm with the General Government, and upon this iaoue attlo Wat Joined. Fonryeaniof UlCMxiy war jillosr arl. and flnnlW the coucluwoa wa rcsclied by the surrender of Leo and. Johnson, that ' the South was iq the wrong and the North , in the tight Yet in the face of this iucccm, to which aU nation and kindred and tribe gnd tongue Wfro invoked to bear, witness, it Is aonouncea that tho Bouthern" State are out of the "Union, aid consequently that the ft'bHIion was $U4 eat. ' BuppoM the South bad been victorious, bow then would the case hare stood I Again : The Southern State are prononnoed by Kadical statesmen toJhe no longer ember of the) Unlonv Yet these' ftne stttueii grave ly ak their ratHkatioa f certain ameudiuenU to tne vouBUtuuon wmtawi wimu. .ww invalid in the absence ot mick ratification. In other word, the Southern State Are eut o tli Union except for purpose: where it u to tne in terest of the Jacobin; to rDlt tbem a State of the Union... ' T .lio;S '. ". I . .'Tbesa tame pknt sttttuainea ctUl upon th South to tafietitiu the auwndmonU ti tlie Coi titutioo in order that no inther cLiificutJ.ies in the matter ot reconstructfun inay exist, and yet tbuy officially declare thnt the mtiflf ution niea. nre, if adopted, will not tw fact restore th South to her former relation to the: Uarernr men. ..)'( .. ' j , i t Thia U claimed to be model Republic where the people are rupruaouted through their delegations in Congress, and where the right of representation is baaed upon .taxation, and yet the v hole logWatioa f the country is pertorm ed by A Congrewlront which seventy-four mem ben are excluded, end tn .nullion of people are taxed to eupport a government in which they are not allowed a single representative. , ' ; George Washingtoa and hi compatrioU ar reverenced and eulogimd as patriota and bene factor, who participated in , the - rebellion against "the beet government the "world ever saw," and Jefferson Ihtvis and hi compeer for doing the same thing, are held up to public ex ecration a guilty of the worst crime which can debase humanity, and "without condemna tion, without trial even, i condemned to hop, less imprisonment for U4 in the - wail of a Slate prison. , Such are some of the anomalies and paradoxes which characterize modern Hadr icalism.-r-ZycWv Ff - j f. fy.tj mmm in' m.i) :-. V -fix t uti uiwss-in 'Williamsburg, oe the lessons of our late war," Horace Oroely Is thus leported la the .T.'?li.s3S - , . ; -'t-114 ...w-erft '11'." . "Mr, Oreeiy thought the very first tenon of the late war was; tlie necitTot war itseii as tettlinff asency. The world had been divided into two classifications in court and out of courts, and more evil was uotiein court u&n out of them. Vet, court were eecesiiUy In pite of their evil were warn' (Applause.) The greatest principle taught by the present logic of events was the peril of undue national expendo. - The -rebellion might have been pre vented had the North end South bees contented to develop within theirown sphere. (Attention.) The tendency tif the times 1 to eoncentrate.--Rusala has not abnormally spread, but only bas rightly united those who should have been on long agcwliut let.u not look out fpr what we real I v are not eomreoiaKej? Canada and Mexi co are of themselves ; lei them be so." It is not for the United State to ga Wa into Mexico, or np i rite-Canada. To eut He, iwitliia Du. elvea, ia our duty, destiny and drift, , Mr. Greo- ly then v spoke ot 'sectionitt witipatuy, Tlie North and ftonlh bad not thotnrht much eud ottach other."; The i'orth tliougbt tho 'SouiA WM a bully; well, tncy oiaue a iiig mistake, and have found it out before thia. (Applause.) The South thought the Yankee was -mean, low, talked thrwgh.hi rroae,.erihd; a yxsjifW fog making money, tosdoet of kind so heinous as to be only capalile of entering the brain ot creature so degraded ss a Ynk-'-n (tgbter.) Bo thought that Hio bad grammur and billlou criticism of English book-writer n Amonunn affair bad had a great deal to do ia ctting eur people bjr the earaYt lhoji.b aumat'ua were not siiUicicnt to lead tit to war either against Englaad .er emengtourstilfr,- (ApplAUM.) Iftliurowere e law compelling to reati, the English book ot travel among us, it would be 0 hmt cause for war, Mr. Greeley tried to shtke off 'the reurotcli of beititf railed a sec- tionalist. . dig admit ed thut lie hated tho nsages of the. Sooth.taad ;lcet muht, he spent much rhet oric to show tho possibility of hating the usages nd loving the persons ana nature ot a people, le said to hate slavery in the eouth was being n more wclionxl than to dislike the ol tobacco in a friend who lived ovei the way was to hate the other aldb of the itretit, or the one in which you diui tiiyeyourssiL , .. ; Mr Oreelrv then TeiUsrtttcd his title of 1661. stating that be opposed . seceraion only bexanne be didn't U iieve Uiat, me Boutucrn people naa had the cluuiee to speak their ewa minds but were precipitated, out tf the Utioe.' -' Had the South been onsnimoua, and asrertainedly so for actual and Jnttant stctsssion, they would have tlie right to have gone out and stayed out ol the fnioa si long" aa they please." , , From tlie Baltimore GaxxMe.) . , . , . , Wordji ' - !- I There wa a ennmnar wayieian onh. as we road in the Arabian Iviylitjj, who palmed ofl dead loaves upon a biiiidvd commuuity fit sterling coin, and wlint tre once nuad a Inble w now accept as parable, or a a f ropliery, of the things that have come to pan. I i era. in city Containing eme three tmtidred thousand Inhabitant and n-nnf forty thountnd titen Who are entitled to exerclso the riht ot fitlMnahip, aiscalte faetion, numUsring iout hve thou sand individuala, bwk been Uiulk'd in power by the bayonet and still rultst and opprenie ti. The Soutliern people are di!rtiicln!rl. and they are under the domination flt' e Fcd nd bureau and a Fed'Titl army, am Mhey are not ri'prftstn ted in a trtivunimeiit v bi h rcr udit flic i j lii of wpreseiituiion at ill corner-stone. .Corprra- as sumes to nile, to tax and t" pmiiali ,t!it: e it Bav sw'iu 6t, TreardU of tlie puivliioti or principles of the Fcitfal lav or of tlie Cmitti tution, A!l thenc fiu-ts are notr.nly un.T.-ni.i'.le, iMit are p?4in to the pr.:' heli-,1. ft ftfS.il!. Sv-;rtln-!-4, t!. cobiuiU of ail the j'Ui.Uc journula of I tie Isad are rewmant w'.e fiil.ilnni hoaatioas in honor of the" F-r4wat ionx of civil liberty, Constitutional fhedout nd renublkan institutions o this ermtaaeut, Truly, "words are tlie money of loots, TIIIRD GHA1TD 012311370 OF. it . ! FALL 4 WINTER GOODS r- II-4C i iti-f i ' ). i i tf.-- -! 1 f ft i'iW - - t , ' 1 ' ft S! ' Js.4 l!i,SMITH!8:'' :1 V 1 t - I ' t 'HSl I 'J'f I v ' (, i - ' , j i ji oe . ... t K - - . DAI IIICll At ELEGAIV, ((.. V ; ll fi ..'j, t i At' f."1 ill iMM H Vl TAiHD, act vui-iiLzcria "; I f V I '1 . (I I ..'I STOCK OF" 1 nl I ' I Ladies' Dress Goods 1 i-k . 1 hi XO THIS COMMUNITy. ,1 f , , 1 .r n "Si n'" " r ' I . I 4 a... ' " -,.'. 1, ,1 J j . , 1 . 1 tl 1 ' a 1 u 1 AS ean and aometlunf te suit thalr idsaa. ; ,' ; ' , j . i - i !t t 4 V 4 ih74 it t 1, I a A ruji. yH i H' " - " -. frt .iir: 1 ''"I "ifi I; I'Wn; I 1 ( I It is useles te eanasrata pries. t (, 1J,, l, UI .1,1 1 y 1 rt.fij t- v,Mi tii inn"! ed Iff- Ui - ,1 . With then all es ylaased r. u'i 1 , 1 ''" I ' l ,1" ! . ; - - ' ' f ' l ,. t h j -1 ' f i 1 1 .!' .-v -1 j ,1 , t J ' 1 1 i iu t f , . 1 V' , Mfc 1'' ' l ! , , ' r 'c Hi berier rrldene fbaa 1 1 s . i 1 , - ' - 1 . ,i the eonstsnt throng that daily erowd aaswl eei I M " . l n.l t ' . .".. fw rr j t h it soontars taa be give' : i i ' i ', 'i , -ii . I u' ii l n, ' t l i'i 1 i i , ) i a its t h 'i V . j " . Lt'iu will And this sasartstsnt deetsedty f ' f (ll - !t '5 f I ' tl .!! (I j. i it. h v tir-VI " 4tm '.icj'ie iit the most satraeslT effarsd Abie ne, e4 et veey-l ' ' ' ninoh tadueeej pnoes. 'I I" j,' " 4 Jj--,t. iMls 1- 1 lit.) ll if' ',' '" I woulci also call atlentioe to aiir toe at4 v'l4 . , i - . ,. t, - . . . . . CAWED,,, - ... .1 . i 1 ( - N - . t . t i . A ' c j 1 ,JJl,UV-i ).(-'., , . ,'u 't 1 - let U1 ' ' ( ..tvnrf Bli'98,1 " w, Mii.ticui ;'H,1 - , t - 1 "U'l ' " DOOB MATH, Ac ' . oVB,eo) jteetw ,..' . ' f r "tr n-, . new cJAiiprrrtw IK Bftl'SHEI , TrtRT.B-Pt.1 ABO tVAlB, r Oponed this dJt,t -' . r la tl enet elegant eulnrs asd ft. ea, sofected with ert'at care, and wuh i ci! vise to snit ..a..).-- the reqmremenie of tUs ara aA ' ' ' , . , ,i . . Ti!. A 1 inn, ; 13 lyearaors itreeiv Oct -tf ' ' Pstmfciu-iy f V ,. CL0AI8! CLOAKS!! i ) iBothcr Snrplj t ' VBJCRCB UIBIKOg, , ; C0KDIDP0PLIN8, - -j ' J LAJWES, AU VfJOL, ' ' " I ' M - ' ' AT REDUCED PRtCl.S IIOIYNET8, HATS Aro'i Aco- ,v i Fresh ArrlTe.lt Reg olarly, from . . (NEW YORK. , ; - FresH Back Wheat Floor. L.E.HEARTT, , Oet M-t .Agent. I ' ' 1 1 J. S. SCOTT CO. rf HOilSlLS CROCKS S I aitxiilS"fN Art. !) tii.i r-t tw CIXULA1 C01OnSSI055IIECnA.VT5, t j Water Street, Vlimtngton &. C. , rpbe abaerfber reepeelftiTly ofR'f their serviis to A aaeTiad. ttorth aadetonth. and an the nlaidnra aud pradneers of Virginia, North and South Carolina, ia the purchase and sale of ' Cireeee-les, Cotton, Flour, i ' Bfnvnl Stores, nnd Conntir Produce :,l,i'- Cenerallf ' - 'ni.i'.n t '( i 't ' ' I '"t?r a 11 leap ea band, at aU times, full and IsaortaMnt of avarvthnts nnallv kTt in a tret eiaae Oroesrv floase. which will be ulli red at Sanlasalato th Trade-as low as tltuy can be bonu-lil Sny ob Bonthera Ctty. , . They treat by a striet persoaal tentioa to all boet ess, eoofided to their ears, to receive titwrat p' 0r4emedeeoignnMta solicited,, . : . , - K. Bt'KTT, lto N. C. B. B. i:ii4. W.C.rH)NNt.UofOrensburo, ! jtU of JUh-Ule, , rftonbeea tnd sfaTanley, '"New' YorkCftV.' ' wuiuHna,eiaea uo,w . (, Bn. W. A Graham, Bob. Olle Mehana '"' HilUUoro'K. C. ' Hilton. tireenatKee, M . I Melville, . ttelMbnryf " ' Concord, . Mortrantan, - -t rliUalxwo, !'! , ,, b.O B ft . . pifl m M S , lharleatnn H. C. (toldnboro N. C. I Preet N C B B. Hidmhiirv tl I- ucswotin a. uiimer. - , ,. Be. A. Wilson. 1). D. BaCabWna,roateOs., ! ' deo. W. Keler, .; ea). t. w. wuwtBi Hani lVoa Bumav r " t I. Wukes, Bap. , , atosa, Wilson A Foster 8iahiooe A Ce., Jna. A. Everett, inns. nana. . . T. 1. stirmasr. Jfno. Viikaa,Prest, KaUonal Bank ( harloiie, B. Holt, i ,1 .. Alamanoi Bean . at. Pherwood, . , . haf.ti,Jle ' . . (oo, w. awrdeesi, ' . Idvlo h. .X C, vos was vain u , i - i , , , . ALBERT JIOHlMfY, FAMILY GKOCEU, VTS 6ISXTEI KAEKZT SftUA IE, ,1 '-;' !. X A I4 I at H, II . s rrtyrgOH bakd a oexetial' XfwnimiEsT of family groosriea, f (ond ,uaUty and pruiea to stttt 1 TB BIS ABSOBTMENT B'lLL BE For N T), eofiee, j. :.' VfeUtsees, ."-.p.' ii aHUIt !(( r. 1 . ' 1 1 1 Candle,,. . fenices. T a . m i i J. . i 1 m. w n. iiiji a t-ttai, Cotton lerns, ? - riMir,- - . . Mral, t , if Itaenn .1 3 .-. I -S v " i t l .f. . .'J So 1 ' riah. .it 13 It ,1J Tortttcco 1 1 1 elm ing and emoUuit! ' CJiedee Liquor, Ik hoi f lis, utahr with a anod i.iuntit.piit f k, , Uf nd poeket enilery, and Wiotis irther jii.li, Ui 1 nrnantis tn men 1.10a 111 an advu-ti-tiit,jit. ts nwpeetfiiliy tnrit hie frt u.tf K'ni tn n 1 f gnnaeatly as eall and aaauui j.uv U W aad la u IrS'to With tbaat rmht, ' Baira, aid Braaa and rppr wanUnl. flr aiu'i h 4he highaet assbpnwuibi. imid. , , ( . , I ; v, . JUST B LfVrO, tl ,7 , trt traabeU White Flint Corn,- v.iry nice, j in eoeaa nparfMi, 4 1 JFiekStonglit liiw and win lie kl vt We. ... Oetl-tf i nrmiiEtx yiast po vvriii.; v Qefsetifl men, who trxirtmgklv iidkrUiii4 Uie -nib- Jeoi, oonrarwith gri'at iinaniiiitt v aottiing aserte sues mmwrioaa 1 haaih sa twd bi-fid. Thf rcnr-.lr i. ia mng aserte sues s OclnUrii.au ufliH,i..r 'in.t lii.e'l in m !' IKfAUdBl.K VAAff ItlWrtK' ifl till.tci.I wWch i that oartihcd : s ' ( ! fUrem. S 'r ''.4 !-c t have toatad the Veaat Pimiiim vm uiaaur-iioe rtrl eae remend tinm as vatlr huiwm m OSher ever nfd by me. In anitiumi t tij, liWi,i,.. ,r and niitaw of the brr:ul, tlie pub ni arc , ..,,,11,0 aL a one-third the larl usually r qui red win w,' IB the Snaking 1? rubier loaf bleed or buviui. i' .i paaltiee and eakas Cbey art, eaiKltt.nl.. ; Bs petos f IIias powib ra ivr pa 1, n p 1 't o t ets. par pinnd. 'joltehad at NiinK.aa', lonioeMonarynicsre, rjciv u -laxt, I..1.1 i,,li, is. 'C' .. - 1 'i ' , " ' Br i iMt, 1 t 1 Tii I toeorlifv that 1 h.m - 1 i . 1 . Tuate f owd.raaad rjcul 0iiu u , m u H to 1 air nixnU ititr trvmK ti.cn m.g j,j .him. koapar wfd b eatikbod w.iu.-ut 1.. .11 .is. k 11. 11 1 Kii.uttiit A lie. in -V'i. 1 burs tnvd kfr. Wbl g!mpiiu a t iirt t-..c u. am) ind ttiew very good. 1ai.iI. 1 . au. Kp.. Sl tt. , " " 2?. 1 8wamp Lnd For Sale ! fTITTR BabK-Hber, hnnn eoi.it f AC t 'f A. fewamp Lan.1. wtiwuv. i. T.-.ri.vr'd. t'd ft wu,fl 0 tn- m, tf ciisi i?-bitri th'- 1 II. -It M t'l ' Hum. a-wet tr.ft.r, l-r. ilc J ari ,iiii, ..1 Bi iaot ewiwnf V. 7n l..ta f fc-ber7i" n m,' 11 Kiln: Usaweof ainuiar inta.i. v m.rr.;n in 1 .: r;,. 4- 1 ' 59 l 10D J'D-hi isof Corn s-r, Afre 4 fWim to 'e lrif lint Cowt rr .- if .r.wnne dK.i ', h-i h:ro koumI re.Hi! ieacnt vraw- 1 trig erj I'i oial'' it-r. ' ; . W, ji. ct'XMNsJi'.r, " : ! ( n o c j K jv 1-7 ' !a.TstD . ' . ' ,f r IEKSmJlfCr, -a: (OTMISSION ncnciUNT ' 1 COVrHNORSTSErT, , , . IllCHUiiM), V4, B eenthiwe to do a Meiiorat Onv-ew ... r 1 loa Hn.m.w at out oldetaud, W 4 Ui h .. --- t Ittrvet, pKU-ntl'iltir n . ' dmaicnmreisoi lobsnco. CotlorV 5f.rii nl" -1 - ' "Jj1;;""' r-l'" i ' heo. ,ma !ai..,..,.n sod the hithpHt tnaih. t rr " nl f in., 1 1 AU Toll ft M J,,,SA A.N, J. tn .'i L wi J l'o ' )i-war.llfteeifl liuii. . ' " i.Onlere for toKn n ,r..im.tv fi'!,., ,..( i,i..:l..j f C fa. Rlf'.p.t K, BllBdt.ru MO f IMi, 1 " ' 1 iUt.'oSViliMid.t,,,, p. t.. t I :;::dibble.Witiuco:-.'- Cpjtaiui&hlou IIox-'c JaiA.t b, , i . lHSPIialULSTIUiLT, , M'.tr .OKU. Promut rom(rtperim8lt,.,li,,i, t,iH.lcs .f f',.n..n, ! ee and Uciiural iToduco, Willi muck rcl.irs's " ag. U-Sm . . ate- Aug JATE AES1VALS. . , THE IjATILST A(JONY "ittTEans iioors," J BOULEVAEO IKAtL II.nl' flil'iM. ' w OMX.ir.AlLLnw; . ' . 1 51 U.Y ME H171I KLIa .AT tl I LUAi.U In fxt the nnt oonifli tc nf'J i)p Mil'., in the litr. . 11. a j; 4 mm.iti). Aug l.Vtf ' AGISTS WANTEI TCS j THE LIKE AMf t '! ' ' a ra:i:utii fsii:u u.i. ' Vt, " BvPiior R,'L 1h. n s,1 li,r-4 ' Jji The W.IrW ,rd 1 1 ( tl. 1 v 1 f I 11 , ' ' ' Tlioonlv edition ainnm i.l iv l,m v.i ii.n. aid- i(ij,.- Uiht..d for hr icnniHrv tn iif i:t 'i t. tt-.jr & i. t- -tmnal fllcnd auJ '1-7 of Mll'rUic h.i-twn M .1,! .i- ' ne want an Ait'inl tu evuv conrtiN'. r-tot l -r cir.-n..: lain and ace our u iiun, and bui me In k a - i.t 1 Jm wiaa.- - -Addreea , Alius U. l'I;l)Lls!HN(i CO . forti'-r Till mi.l Mum isle , ii,, !,!,,,,,.,; . A. KUUi!in - . . .. ...... r,- AI.I.t A J(l!iM), u t,.:...; . .... v. -.. , 4 ,j. .""I ' . r . j W It O X. i: H A 1 i; ' Seea-KifiiJxsr-ii'jr.'n ;Ji: 1 ' line n a, r., (t-m t f-vr ( 11 , s 1 , I tel 13 lv ' r 1' i u f 1 1 ! :. 0CTrrr.r-r u Ai r, I U IV f j I, I , III ii ill, A ;,l I J : j Will M!ll)B-t' jlci.,tn. ", .. ,. .' y. I In- :t 1 l!n,L! Uic H I, .,1c tl f, i! U rtito limnlml acre 1 1 a 1 im piinv nt mi 11 1 1. l I ? en Hilt tCltlliV JOcaU,,!,. tf :! aihe , f,iwc,rHi V, t-- iianiit tnv iwiiAttut rntt.ii." I, I in-:pntor Mik t'are at ti,i i,, j.H alivmd o e . K'- ., . J ,i:;ii,i-!(T! I. VI V liOHM' j,,., m j.wi iri, i,N ,,i, r. (,.,, . 11 "U-l.llieit1'r, ..., . , , t 1 a v .'. Ci'.. , , , .Trinfji Ma, i H ' GOO? f ' i ; . i i 1 T , . A J. '! Ur t V L , 1 ' , ' 1M i 11 y- a:, ! ........ jlicin w. re 1 .. SI lliHW.1 HII4I1 pil. , ,- I T . . I I f .stft-an-tf t a 1 -r, 1 UI. , 1 1 L k , I t" .(t i1 'i 1 lire I 1 AV' ; It . 1 1 J 1', it , If l l-l I' -.t.i r ti r H t ! .f Iiv.? ' t loti! uini k .!. i', Ao., st r - J tM u-tr I 'or rill1. i UffiE lid of CaiviinA It- l! ji'..., -T ;t pt. t, - k'Jsa t 5 tl r-. f V