i j -mm- mmmmmlmmmm -, ' .,'' - j; r- . ' ' ' 'f ' " jsitL. UjiM'UJ. LlJgaLLJ J IL-. ' ' i ' ' nnm.l,., t ' ' , rilE DULY SENTINEL w.n. E. IT CLE, ktate Trlnter. , , TjEIljaa OF SfBSCRIlTIOX it i ri i A I . I. . . . ... . -'"whwerenin-h.gnrt . than jo .n Ti ScMTmt, in published every evening en-er t uuuj, vu tiw loiiuwwg wrwut-t ror oue bkiwu, , . . . . . j For two moutl., , - y . 4 . . ,(. 3 m:ih " a ' t nree tiionliiR, ' . : J - J 00 "f WOttD RATH8K BE R1HT THAU BB rit.SIOKKT.-KBrT Ctey. . I. 7 I S ' SI month, - . ' . 5,00 Iti.uO ; Sx3 J!T,T"nW"le",'i'1Jl U eh. 1 . suniouUui, . , . . s.5( vol: il - ralftott, ti 4 I'W ISJ HiOll-I all fltiIltta'ttiAt . . h -f A OOO I Kit I KCE " ruivliuiin qHr,iitKA of ' f A Kf.Hlt AT JIH.. HRIHEUIWOI.II TiY. OU STOCK CQXIST OP STAPLE ASD FAStTf '' iny coodh, ! u4 hm, Mm mmi Vupm, Rea ('tkiac, njRsisHiica goods . , A K I) TOILET AuTICLKS, ,. I'r Ladies aad Ucattrntra ill hot ve-nlhing any clsiwiu thec.ni'niwitymav re. quire It cotupit-le thir todrttx r dresa, ail of winoh Will tie gold at urcitly mowed priees. - Wa tJatuir ouraelve that wo cannot tie iinderncM nit ur von -that we will Mil goad TEN I't'.tt THKCUT. Call Mill examine our KUfPUJC-aitd thus stifv yonm-ives. uur motto u f)tckalwai4;Niiilt Vrtl.i. Thankful for the ulMin of the rwt. wn n!:,.ii cm't-rti to u.-iu ,iii u. j '- ' ' - V - A. KMSB 1 00. RICJIItV, CEO T IIIG m A - V , ... , FACTORY. , 1839 ESTABLISHED v . A it i. 3839 K. 15. SPESCE, AC E J! T ' ' j ' i .' ' f u MEiCHAST TAILOR AND CLOTHIEU, fRICrt1fOXiYAj V'A Ha jtw roeeiyotl Tim A"rtma of Full and Winter j " 3 I- . ' CAS3IMERE3, , " " ASD VJ&STI803. .wuicti laa bi pittpr4 to maki' up to urd'-r iu tlie bi t Hle juid at Ikt t noiu'O. Hi; has lt ua hanil a well oltxtcJ stoi'1; of "'"seadr HadeCtotliliu. r . of bu owu maiiufaotaro vtaAt in tttio City tinder1 hie own mijijvKinu., .'hu t Dilo tt ordrMd a good fit wanmiitcd. ... ' Ocntli'tuen' I'iirtlhlsr Goods jn iid!c varlet T alwaj-e on liaml. Call ami K 3tfli t K t-KW ,Mlio St: Tlirlt- moBtt, To., botnra mrr buing; elowUuriv Oct IS-fcn - 4 " ' tmv iuooos" AT , , . . ., , TC'T rwoivM a DhmtiAtl lip uf rrocl M.'rino I tJ KMl'hKswCMiI'H. IH.4IN AM J'TATOAI.l'ACA. . , : AM AI,L WOOL 111 LALNll, I , VUtlT CHIiAP AT t 1 i i A. KI.ItK'M c-iaatf 5 ti ,TW0L,OAK'. froiaav ull- mt npwanl,of X. in intent Mtyiog, at. ; , OrtSi-tf ,,,r, -A.KUXE. , AXOTIIEK CASE. Ftli(ia bwiutifitl fashlmiahla OasximerB HATH, KJ ' lWNWnIM, Oct 12-tf G. T. COOKU'3. v , for rest: ' -; o of tfi m.wt dvsirahle reidnneee in the Citv. For pii ticulura, ai'ply at Oott- tf . THIS OFFICE. . - J NAYIS & JOXES, V Grocers ni Commission McrcUaatu, . TlAlEIOH, 3V. O. YTT have jut retnrnfd from thu IforHi with IT lnrje and complete Kortini'ii of (iroi-oiiua, wlil.'h we iiITit to tlie puttlio, at nrliii.'viU) f.ni rrtiL at the Very I.o went prlten for 'h or Cot- " ' . ton.1 . ' '. ' The eonsitii, ;u aa folWwt : M'OAIt, urasbed, powdiTid and all frailes of brown, ( i 4 V- - - - J COFFEE --Xivi,Tf.ti.M!"Tii in j llio, a tH..'f and J'.ln.-li Tvaa, ' i , . ' " ' " ...frtUCl'IwIH.i'Mit ',, .,' . CAM'I I , 1 ' ' tit'lCEl, ' - BACON' , TRIM? IT KT T.Ar.T . , . ' ' iifllKDHKI.!'', ar.4B'i!f TonjrB.S. SUl'oiiA, , , , .i.lHCKt,T Be'if. i n Cod-flsh; Miiiesl an'l IlTriii,;-!, . Prime r...sUin Baiter and Cheese, truiff and T.riavo, a laie and fine aesortment of Ciam, Htareh, Cojipr.'i, AJ-im, Beit Petrs, beat Durham Kinoking TobaefO, A'e. - A food assortment of Hour imd WIXES AX Hqt'OM nf the boat bocdai - - Bagging mid ltni, K.t.i;'-:T 0:1, hli.it So, J' to . bel ride and gon p.iw J.-r sud caps, Mason's (Jial!ei,''e ! , Plarlins. ' . v " . ne raspeetfniiv iin.ie t:i piii,:i(j to t.U and el- sriiiMi mir at in k-0.-t i&-3m.' . i. uutr ff ti,ri.,f..r e-i.r. tn Ostord, s Iwu and T.ili.al fs T.M ..j. .WHH.(ttil................. . - SEVENTEEN-AJS'D A HALF ACRES ' tn abifrh atat of eultivmti.in. Eiht or b n v-vt k.t.-a.i be s.id on , fi, wlm-h fr-jn.-ut a: ;.i,ti.., ; .'Jure ben mad.'.. , 'v .- ; .. .- ! ,.- A Isrgu aid -.mf -i-liime lv -.l!in.iuAuJir.,1, oir-o,, and w.il be U wtih U, a J pirl o'fli Wud I tb pnrehssnr. " j ' " 0tl6-U. , '' ( . , TJ V1 "''n,,,A '":'-' tlie bnibliiivs i NEW COODSIJ FIRST GBAXD OPIAIa OF VAhl. AMI WIVTEK CiOOOS FOB CIS psrcEs coxing to lows i JIST KECEIVED, AND N0Y OPENISGi IO.OOO YARDS BEAIITIFtX FALL 4ND WINTER -V t I " ' : ' t . - - CAILalCOS. nd be guia from 12 to S3 wnti. - COMB TO CEEECH'S to ui;v toiib ciMrot OLD PEICES SEACHEd'tHB CITY, 12,0(i0 yaribi of La,li beautiful DHE88 GOODS, m- dil chi an euaujih toiuaure aala. ORE ECU'S oie plae to tiny vnur drcM ami. Don't pue by. ' JtiKt r(Hived 6,mi Tarda t-uoda for Ifaw'a. and Juki riHwed ff.MtK) Tarda a-uud for Ifaw'a. Bm and Cluldrfi, VViXTJitt Jrt jiAKthe btwt awortmiot in the City. I Ull yon Crmuti'a ia the plao to. ouioe tu vu ji.ui ffiMMin. Aiiu aiui inej ooaie. , i Ju4 reuuivei lw uid tUut awortstent at? L.X.KIE3' CIOAX8 AND SHAWLS, tlu; new Mlrlca for lWi8, just the gnoda th peopla 1 want n in mi to Oan,-!,'. to hnv CUHKH ANDKUAWIJ. alraulr 1., 1 1.TUI.(n l.rit I I a. ..n lto.N n. ra, the Tl'ltBKM, the GI.ADIATOH aud -"' niurcii aiwjw mm un aea. d,.T.JJSSrtry??. ir, 5. ST. youi iitf TT. ' " ' JUST IS TIME, 1 tuld yua pricea bad la eowe down. - ' SHOES I SHOE 1 1 HlIftK til r.. an .J, ,r.-TO.'lr Mf?ft-'t'W-fi in .S w lurk, and will lw eoM M reduced pnena.-. Kb Biitakc, CliliKCH tiu the plaoe t buy your Hhoea, ' '1 . . .aiuaawnui. auiwvw Tuwt roijMved" a rxia aawirtment of FAMTLY ORO-1 .-'' tT.llltH, which ' " . ' 1. w will M. Ill limi W U1VCI. III. 111LT1I lU ... ...i i . i . . . i. . i j iiioiw. nuar, fit to : Hio Coffin 1 to Just well to make up ymr mind to some to CUKKCti'it, run w i (in as; wim, sua i ht nrnmai won, mi aav ),n will txmw. i yuu eau't do any bvttor, don't awy yoa won't eoiae, bat I Jut n'ceiTcd a r.wd wortaient of CBOCKEBT ""u, "hieti wilt b mM at prio... I now take tliepleaaure to Inform UwmopU that I nave one aimmg Um lreiit aud aacMt enmplet etocka jif tiiaple and Fanry Pry tJooda ever bruuitht to iial- " And I ru7hrwti, I ttrwk the nail on the hd4.r w.le wani, I ttriick my K-1 ao, aud Iaay to yuu aa I aiit Us aeuon, that I will auU them aa I elteao m Vaokoa. Jew or Uentils. coat HonaM not ax. (M'tited. tlut hm mid for hia irooila or arar nnmu to per for tlw;na. lira will alwayt And me ready and 1 ma to treat toh ntrtit at K. mitb'a Buildiug, eor ut Fayettmalle and Hargett btreeta, , . , h ' - . A. CREECH, JfuloiKh, fcept. 5-Sm stuai'urd and Progreiia aopv two weeka. VAKTEO. purchase 1'W new Oak Iron bound Bairela, a nit ble for holding WhiKker. .. i 1 uiimv mvci a. m ept 27-tf SOW. IS STORED " . 41 Fayettevllle Street. ;- Cimkinir ittaveu, 6 approved Pattorna, , Silver tWo, fiwwiwlimg hirer Ware, 51 1 HplittinK Kmf, Hadler'a Hannwra and Knivea, , paroi. n . oiiu ia aivi AXKa, t.h.ippuig or Hcliuh Aaav ' ? ... J. BROWN. faWlfc ft "i-tf ' - With Ham Ann Lawn. ' JEST RECEIVED, " AT NO. 44. FAIKTTEVIXIJS STREET. Dlaatiug Towdor and nae, liiltti anil CamstiT Powder for tporting, i. 1). and Water Proof I'apt ; Bird. HnuirreL and Kock hhot. br the Baare 1 pound, -,-4-awau jJnianee) and otliee Beaiaa, ItleiKh, Oct. 12-tf- With Uast A Utvi. XOKTlt CAROLINA CASSISERES. Besntibd nnditv of lat-k8tl mixed and Heavy ouwd ft. t. .1KAN8, at i . i a " n. t. nooilE'H. I ir.. i vjtr- I CJ HAW LSI SHAWLS M and Woretedt of all d, ei'iptknui abd at reiuarkable low pm-ea at Oot Ul it A. KLIXE. i ,i i i.nniyi iii-1 iinii-fff - . r.jr HOOl'SKIHTSJof the latest Improved Styles. only takes. ... Ovt i2-if , t A. KLINE. TALAVS1XS1 I'LA.VTF.ti : I WbiteXaad Colored v.y.?'"1''' "ii l'ric"' tvv Wty-tr ,.,.. - - BOOTH AAI IUOE. I wiv.mn .lmn niiv i. !eich ll.nurtu and Doable upper Calf Boots, I SvrVR-eatiic Sud eauj to the feet, Nu banjo work v J (M)!ioitit to tnereaa mo eost. Oi.t li-tf G.T. COOEE. IiMlit'i and Cient' Gloves, NEW GOODS t I TV&ek and Colured EiiL ! J Lwl TUnl aud -Kilk, (or Mi I sod liiiidt Vt uoU-H and Xliread. for men, at 0.:tlS-if t. T. COOKX. t 1 AN O 1TO J i haLi; rtIE iierirxT .of. r for ta! bis tract of Iand, A i ms' iir Ciaytiffii, JohnMtou. bounty, 10 miles '""'f COXTAINING 70 ACHES, well fclantid to tlie cnltivatlim of Corn, CotW. sad I'MntiTi-a ; one half eleared and in a biifh atata of mU j ii'.Hf"i, ...iu a ... ui,.iiiik, vinit.!!.. uri riwrnia I ..in .U ml bmbiiiii a well of .!!., ilMi p.rU" ij in ail uuuftui(if b?uhT trt uf Ui Mr eiiiMu v. tue Ua fr agif woe viiriuug to crvy m hiinKm of iiy kukL J. if. BKfAV, i ZVtn CUf ton, N. C roii nc. TIiE f,"-, r"Sy ,r",rS';; iu 8lt. 7 J'r )4 A irmg fcvsJta and busnd, - 'It Octto-v. , yr, 8.CB0TT, i the sentinel; J 1 , J! L-JaBHWaHliXJi I. (From Bum f EnrW SfMt.l ' ' A Fat of Eorttmushlp la Winchester ueneru ajudt. ' la fallinffback Jackaoa left abtoluWly noth ing behind for fait adversary. . Everything wa tvtfioied, ud the laughiug Infantry retd wnn jet it aaa cneen an cnormou ntilway en gine, which, drawn by t long atriog of hurMd, wumi tin win mo real. t! ,f JacWxm remained last, and hit critical f,ve poered In erery direction, to dicoTcr nhetier nytiung tisd been lorgottcn. "la everything removed, Major V t laid to in cnier quartcrmaiter, Jlalor Uarnukd. "Krerytliing, General." 'No comruisanry itore whaterer are lift n' "None, General." "And tboae broken can at the depot V , ''They cannot be moved." ' " "Burn them. Mi.w." . -i ,- . "I will, at once, eir." "And the telegraph wire ?' "I est, air." "But, ia it removed ! "No, Oenoral." ' -. 'Ramnva It M.,! II ltd Jackaoa then added: "Take Jour time. lam m uo uurry to leave wincti eater." " Bgon the broken cre wre burning, t!i wire w rolled np and placed in wagona, nd the wwk ww complete. - "Very good,"id arkaon, when the jrepoit vfuugut w uim ; ana ne aown under tree, and folding bit hand acrorn bit breatt, fell qutotly aalecp. .,' lie had been up all night, and never wat Able to bo without tlcep, - The tteady approach of the firing now "lndl- cauai mat uie enemy wa preaung Aahby close, ly near the tuburbt of the town. I rode in that direction, and reaching the riling ground at wi ueau or xjoaunun atreet, wncre the remain) of tlle ola fi,rt. -"1 by Major George Waahlng- uxniv i ira, mar aiui oe teen, encountered the 5.vlry. tmns Uck in good order before , "dvance. The Mar guard, under I the personal command, of Aahnv, who wat. mouuteU on mow-white hyrae, ma disputing cy everr loot oi ground , tbe Main c"""tn n.enwbile UeL ng Uiroauht to form in line eouth of thetawt? V81 Ju,t -cha tine point when uddon I rah of the Federal cavalty broke through the I I tear-suard. and before I knew it., almnat I ... I toy Amur tide, in the midst of a ani.rlmn f I Ll 7 . ' . . . . -l - v.K.e kueii pieuiit, and tlaallinx witu tabrca. . The twewn of Aah. I ana aittaiiiiior mvitn .ui,fM I " " " vwva vm bvfaweatKiD wm mAiriiiHrten,-. an1 li jkj.t.i. 1 launch blmaolf Ironi the aaddle at erw hln u. j li. .-i..,.;,, , " i , Bd eplendid animal aeemed One, and H .mpoatiwe to Uctcnba hit face,,,, I a on ure.tne eyet blued, lw looked happyj r V " B',nc?i "wever, A eatire cut nearly unseated I me. na n blue Cordon Wat ail around Ua, I when a determined charge from one of Atliby'a I J?0" ,dnT k lhe """J "-4 wo ""nareu yarut nortn ot lite place, ' " don't like to be crowded." And Dlacinir himself at the heart of lita men he waved bit eword, and cried In clear, calm voice, ttrikingly in contrnat with hi irate an. penrance : ' Follow me. Those clear accentt K-emed to tliriU Uie men. They responded with a wild cheer, and driving hia white home to a furioua apeed, AtUby burst the Federal line like tornado. .. , Before the furiout onslaught, to tudden and desperate, the enemy't cevaTrv eave wv. Ash. by wat la front ot bit., line, cutting right and left with the sabre: and when, a few minnt afterward, be came back, hie white horse dan cing on all four feet, at the nervous hand reined him in nmid shower cf balln, hi face tu calmei for the moment he seemed tatbsfied., continued to retire b!oh ly, and reached the suburbs of the town. The enemy did not at once move forward. The Confederate cavulrv passed through, and it was not until I reached thaMBouthern tuburbt that 1 missed Ashby. urning, i saw nun seated on nit White horse tude. lie aeotned to have taken hit place there to witnesi some peacciul psgeant, mt to re gard the advance ot the Federal hi antes, now nearly in contact with hltn, with languid curt- a"X; ', . - . ff nnC ?me d t It'tn. but D to noUce of thetnX" This teenicl to snrttre the nemr. and aetaeliment (annul him at iull Ballon, lirine tbev rame. i.s". .. V. .. Ahby waved bit bat around his head, uttered chr, and then, drawing bit revolver, gal loped -tiff, tiring at he went. .,! '' Urn had newly reached the tuborba, when sud denly J taw two Feieral cavalrymen iheue from a aide ttreet, and post themselve in the middle of the ttroct to intercept hira. I rude rapidly forward to warn him of bis danger; bat itws not . nerentarv. lie turned, atiw them. . iul charged the two men, with glow of unmiat. j k,,,1 Ple" npon hit features. One Ml, shot 1 ; through tlm heart i HiPn' h l.l .III , .emptied, be seized the second by the throat. i men witnessed uneot thociespectacietwbtcli Vt tuppotod to be conllncd to romance. Uirne on t furious speed upon, his powerful white I uorse, Asuuy aragjrea uit aJiversary clear out of I nis eaauia, never ruiaxtng tut olutth, ud in moment was bevond nurauit. ttill drspirinir hia ...1 l. .f..w!.l. ! 1 .!. . .. , .71 ji svut:i vj iu aius Ol ins Jiorso. ' j A i-H A cheer rose from his men at Ashby released the primmer. nni coolly loekd to the dwiiost ; tion Of his. command. His iVoe wim aain. cahn. tue sad eA predion hud oui back, sod when I . he saidyl'Welld Miiior, thev are laiitrliim' at ua 'yondet, Isuiipose by this tiuvo," bi voko was a sweet and t'ntle a .wbensueakinw ,r,f hi? duiul brother. Is. w. virr c r. isfBivr., ,wi e. t n.oi f un. .' of Wiliaiigt d. of Aiiutic tj'-.., I-,t .wtfitkr a. I w. . y , . ' . - VICK, MED AN E ' & CO.". GROCKliS rOKWAIU)lGAD COTfmIO iwaitt,! w uansenwa on nil winte liorte ih. eoM.uut Uiroug. daily crowd around ma . in the middle of Loudoan, street, looking nuiet- ' : " w ona ir lynt the Federal cavalry and infantry pouring : ' t n ---V,,.JV '""T f f'." "" into the place. It it impossible to conceive S ,v' ountrs can-be alvei."' C ,. " Mytmnir more ca ntlvimli rerent than hia aitl.l 4 ' " ' - s . " I T MEKCIIANTG. Orm-r ( lieaanl urn Water Bierrla, -Wlt.3lIiCJXON.?f o. C-Mii-k'nmenl si-dej. Cs.h S'V.anrn n-! eonii.uii-u-.s u baud. . itova tu . .- , . ... . ' TIfcD-GRAND OPENING by K !' OF f ' , 4 ' A", i AT SMITH'S. NJGVKAl UEPOnn I'CH'AX HLROANT, YABIED, ASD WIXt-SElECIED a m e !i I M tv .STOOIciP ' ft' At I- I n t "a i(! vi ilioa' Ilrnon tT,x.l I .i ' .- UUU3 all ' f iii 4 0t"t r .-4 xo tiii coaorimiTTr. .''i i ia w t i ix ' r rv "- I 4- Sxil" taM' .. ' i v. J y (til if ' . - ' i f i 4 I jtiji bm, " jm (' . k 1 it' -f f. 1 1 't ' i , (.,- AUan fln4 sourathing ta salt tkalr idws. ' 1 . : to ft i r t fiv. l.-t,', i. 1 u u uias in namrate prices. . ' t ,t Jf I ft '( , S.si i' With tliam all msui plaaaad rt '? ' ' t St't"' ' 'I oboil..r iaiMwthB iHV , .SI Vi ie.KPi m,. H,i.i ) 1 ( j tiliet rj Stlil tliis Siteortnwiit deoidiffillT 1 . i" S. t..i ' . ? -! jai : i ths a'wt attiacttve uorwl this 'wum, and at very vi?w i Affl&H ; ip.i w I i niuih radiiiwd prioM, '0 IK X would also call attention to oi!r stork of 'I t fc.f ; i ii.' CAUPETS, t -. :i ca . . ?. PKCflflETS," ' .'O.IK WAI8, 4a. ) (at fata , tuns ni;v, cAitmrtni V -si .-,-), k . IS BKCISEL,iaBM.WA"(D INORAfN. wkii&mX.tSkM' jhA.i : Otfia tli it for, "TO " l A-.iit, tyuti Ajn.l"t J fohr,;t wtlia;it wffh grest cart-, ami ;tiiwiiVT(d view to nit tie rv.jn'rwmi iiu of ti.i irnr!.it, at TM. Ann ua, I in tl i w,i - Jm ; v.; "i k i.-r -P-' i 5 SjC'StO'T Stl-ML . ' rtsbnrg, T. Ost 25-tf , CLOAKS! ClOUS!! Another r5nji!jr 8t " L. E. HEARTT'S COHDEDPOPLfKS, ' D LAIN'ES, ALL WOOL, ' At REDUCED PRICE3. WOJVJVIiTH. lLVTri Ac, Frrl Ari-Hiile Rrffularly from XEJV YORK. lS " ' Fresh Enck Wheal Flour.. L. E. UEAIiTT. . OstJt-Jw Agvnt. J. . fcCOTT CO, WHlESAtE (! A I ) n s I uvvau I GENZ&AL COMBSlOJTtMiabHAXli Water Street, Wilmington N. ('. Tb.i 1,'''(bT "VPiMitfiiUy offnr th.-tr .j Uw.lr,1,i Y;rthahdpif.,i(li.ml t tl, ,,!, ud produwnt .f V'h ,i. ....a o J it the purelww and ul itf ' Grarrrlf, rutlAit, Hour. 1 ' ' aral Norm, nn! ' t'onniry IVIim ; ' ' ' Grnernlir ' ' ' ' ' .They will kw p on liuuO, at all t a fnu and Hier IrtiMA hv a ati-i-4 im .u..u,ir.M u .m . . ,- nM.M i .,1 , : " .. .wn rats uaii tronaa. w ti'niit a hUial i,ii. Orikre and OutuugMinanU aolii ited, J. H. WO IT. Lain V f V tl 41. m un, Mnmue.. Ilrfotracni. Stenhmiae ami Mat 'nuley, e. r.k riiy. lumiirn, mm dt 1 tl, It'io. W. A. tlrnhani. Hon. liilra W,. .i ' 4 H.lWHiru'S'. 0. i Hon. Jutm A, UilmiT, 1 Kbv. A. Wiiimn, 1). II. jMilt'ul.lilDa. Kuatiw Pn - .n (i fun, Urrtinnliarn, W-lville, . (IWiHry,'' " 'lllllj . 1'1'illllnn, " Hil!hliro, tteo. W. Kmllvr, Muj. J, W. Wllm.ll. Hon. Thoa, Hultlu. P Urilt,..d u , u heoiw.-w-fcm Fmtvr KtoiihouiM A 4 o,, . .. , Jttio. A. livwt'tt, ' 'i'lioa. Welih. . i N. IV Jl. ft. -M.Tnn.Sit VI."1" liMinatun w. r," ntiW.i'o Si. 0. rit.t. n. f. it. it. T. J. Siiiiuier, e" Holt.'-"' to- JM: 3; H- W. MordivaL ' ! uX, .1. V r-' Oct l-dwanvrJiu AI.III HT jou.vsov FABIILf;nOli( KOETH BIDE THE MARKET SftUAtE, WAt.RtMM.1V. , offami v mnrin .f n,..i ....7i . ."'-Yl IV UIS ArWItTJfE.NT WILL BK l'dl'MJ, ngar,)v' iv-, i t-i . ;.? " t'ni,i ' ' f". u, mlMae. ' ' - V SMlf, ' 'n ',..fi' H , , 4 ,7 . v C'antflee it"t , ' fcplfiaj, f. ' ni, . ,Ctklng I mat., , Cotton larns, Flonr. ; - . nil;.?,!; - ( v'. i Mr 41, "?.' w ChoU w L!((ior. hi tot(It. Vpitllf Wjtk' Mtoul kSLH.a,! . 1 . Ti I. ..... ";'. ! Jttt,J!iJt. ' MoTJrthlli'y "'.,fit,"' '" fn"",,M r''i'" Ilga, ohl BiMta , ft.Vn t atlb .t. f' !,'.,'t1 "(!, -; , jut tuirt:n'WT,- ' V hnsbiits White Ftuit Cr,-erv hli-'n SO dtw.'v HiMiil.ia, . ' JO - I'm k,lm(iJi Jo 8i ,u Shoap. 1 ... . . Kohl very - inpalliIlb ?ea"3t7o vM7ir7 S jont.Ho ni"n, lu Ih irwijuly Kiid,-wii,l (j,e jfli-t, iwiirw m Bi-,. a u .n,tv m ,,,,,, iiutlung etotra H d'-N-'i'Vi !f.it:i...i.., P. , . l -NAJ."di, i-'i j vV JU't-Jt. . in-- vli... f whKh is time ei nul- .... I bavs ti-Vl tb T,-T n,"!,?,."!' ;"' -'? I and !n rewnmnci, j iiit-m as .,i.,'., '. ' "1" Mher nr aaed b' tuu. liia iu.t..,;. t 'n.u n ,i..... . and wetn-' .'f I lit tnea.l 1, . ' ral, sa one (bud (.!' l.i.I i I:, . , 7" In k .... I ... aJ . ' . ' ' pastfiea and vsk tlieyar exowli, i-t.- ' III ,,IV.IUIIU ... 1T ,,n,v 1.M.W ... I.. r .NidntvA. una. Tli DTleeotfi. l.-t'a iter i !,...,,.. n- ... .. " . 7n.p.r-..d. vW).B.i'r.rM.;,..j; lioniH7iK.r,s.-.-tt..iineii-...t, fi,, , u x , 1- -(1 v. ... r . n.t. to certify ,,, , Teajjt I'-..,!..,,,. So.! it. lintuTClirTv I ,ema4. An..r t. ,i., ,,,, , y W-yt-r will t,afi.ttird itlin,t itim. x ( i1''. . I. lhnaini.il. find ttwiti vim'v goo,L ...... i, . v ... i.e nidi ,ur. WIU.H.,n.M.,Ha t.it I.. M. 1 in ,j a. xiiiB. ot u. No. 1 Swdmp Land FwrJaTeT fflHB Ritbn-nW, liain e.m-in K.rtrio ACRPS of A i fcwainp InniK nmattv nnininnn ej (!-ir, . i' ..i.l... n .A .... ... ... ...l.. .. . . ...in., i:. r 10 im- .rn auttnttt-d. .utt tu .lLMat.-d ii;.n.. rirt,t l"'" jri-iiiauio-T. JlUi J SFG .,ii.-a i.i will ni i , j'Tiiithf Urimeof n.'ot. il iiil.-li.y i.ii.l-.iiiih'i p .,. I One t . - and :rom ion to f p , i.f . ,,t tvt,,.,! a-iy onn dnt't.'. I. t Lob i-n .,,! , .. big crop, lenits uiade wi. Vt A"re, If pti-lllll (...-OS- eiilnnlAft. .a.ui . 7 n, .,.a whnleaaie U 1 1... traile a iu a tlv bo LiauiTt in any other fcomh, in, ' W. It. Cf.N.VINGfjIU.-liaiiiih,Nf;, J)ON t , A- JOU8TO, MISSION NEIinilAVTs " r -i OS 111 Sjcamoro t. MJTERSBUIlGr, VA." MISSION MEBCHAST ' -. "" ' OOVEtlXOaSTEEEr, . We rmilmua to on.,.i . m.wi liui. at i i . . .. ""r"" i ti'Hi- .a. i... mwiil. 1 Bind 1 ki,.,... " . " IK.HIilf .. t. 'MlHlL'tHlli r1u ..i"r.,i - . '"U.m, Cm-a, lM-rilt I ami I t!.n lin,!id '"our p.i-w.J aii.-i.L. W.-'U .iU u. iTOfnnrlthuOT,,.,., .... . ,....,.,,, ii-ieit am j Aijs'. J-.tm. C. It, I-IHBU5, II. O. WoUflf. nun xr hr,P.., tItofWdii.ingtoB,M.C.) DIBBLE, WORTH S CO. ' iCoi . uuautu, 188 PEARL STREET, A m:w i ottK, IV.Bi.pt p.rml.ttei,m to Rle, of Colt, - V Tee aiiiUh-uural I'nuln. ' Aug.Jitiu U1 'lJl retuiiia. I jrATE AEEIVAIS. THE LATEST AGONY TIITB,EI3 nOOPS," DOl'LEVAUD TRAIL UOOl SfUItTS , . WOVEN TRAIL HOurs. JUaTJiAWTJLlEltErM : f .. ( AND BOl'LEVAirn . mu6i.'?tvl' "",!', p"""l'K'tt0''-rH0tP BRUITS A-K.i3.if : '" B "'CKt:.iAro.'. ' ' AGENTS WAKTIJ) roa TE MFEADCAmiG.3Cr GEERAE fJITOEW.4t.I.1 t r. , nj mm .-m St - ' ' ' so.v, 1 . fci Ttior. B. L, T)ii,xr.T, . T).. . Va Thrf ,V;(.,r,I IhoHptiy .f t1, Immortal Tl..,,. . it i "J ibui am imriiiij Irv l.ia w.,iw, and , , . llnlied f..r br r wnm., .(.,it. -pl!ffl ,.',, ' ' ' a.... J friend and f v, y .'.f ,s(lf f lhJ, "hr .n',,, ' l.,r. .,.,1 u. ... .. I....V. : ' . . ?" ' 'r it wniii an A,.-Mut ii, v.., . . wot k. al Uis Aitdrua NATl'lN'M. pfltl TMirtvn r,i I orii. til ll and Waiu fci., l,i.-hiiu.ul, V. Aug. IMAwji, t. A LEAN cV JOII.,oV. VH O I. i: M A j; Seedsmen, Nurscrjnen anarinrl .,; iiiiaii r ' (UNUl II tt. CJIAHLLd ITOTl J.) lEW-IIMlOllrf, V. toil KALE. j . 'i i ii ir-u . ii, i ......... ... lima I ..II1.1V I.f J..L,,. ., U OOllt H-lillM ftf ll,. ft. K.iad, Ix-mi i-ii Mi. Sad uJjut.A J.tut. i pti tir w !,.) tl.s hI,. (,,.( looi-e nun l.-,t nitlili.tor.ii.,.li.rta.-i t,-... ..... o a auwtiHoy f mea w iil.i.. n ' """" i liitl. I. ,!,,,. I. ?' i w.-ii . d f..,,;,',!.i .l '" '"' . i iiii-.ina Jl.J. .,,, u in-. m a jt.j, n, l(J tJ, I'lV. Hid I Kail II . -,i-, .; i. ed ,-k...B 6..i,r, ,-h waiu. J :i.L. l-il who tin. i K, At 1 1.. Oct -:'v,a.lif. FRESH Af-BJTAL OF JSEW GOODS it a. . a . r o u I TI -j o x g , yE tur.!..1Meis j, ,.,,, , . tVifl " r-i,t,. tt.fr MX tiJSi I "'!.".',?.tl'? .t. liV 'W SMS " "".U.lHl tu ... t tin biwe 1 1 a. Ki pt JO 1 u tin. ti. t am .1 pi ..-eii. . At x. & J. Mucr; ox. LA 11 tT,s,!.. Tln-aX la, . 1 'on i aii-l ..f,:r,.( jViii., .Ink ami ( ,.i.,.d t,,,. ... ttfc " ' U y. i upliw sx'l li..iin i , tMiifuHmm u.l tij.re.(,f.ih at - ' a. ;. & j. i i . t-ii t; if . 4 .vothi'i; i.rf , tl V. Int.., J; l'.i.nn,. , . -M V, sept 8)4 1 f U-i.ni f.d i ,;r uri't hunker Fhi . I ..'S'i-'' i 'ill. !' t I.luli,.!,., A. X. ft jr. yr 100 I'M.tj Tt! tt.-s; : 1 Ki.tir.Ui:ni:-,ijj,K mbut, i!u,i:n n,. , rKIuttie aleiilii.nloinirCi' . m ' - i:.H;:r.v.ra:; ii.vDt iir,:;;'. t tin rv enit f!.'.-, . "j" .t W jr, , Atj.l lli.w t uiiii.Jiiviif ti,M...s ...V. si, .. ... ' ' t'ooluiii! .v. w. ii v, ',.. i QitrMwk . emnpwira.B.eit n.iva i. m. in .mi l.iie. tUl ,e ,-,, Ju a Uli . ' lil'i't. einnilfiutc tlinu ' ..mi.. i Via it,v.w buyer, t0 a and sxanuns nur.t-v:.. IWtlg,0v-(f'. , WilhlLVi'fci' vul Ost K-lnillae

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