- L . J I I IIM-a-.-----aW-SlSJl III ! ihe daiLy sentinel JT JIE SE N T I NE L . ADTERTISIVO BATE'S.' v AdTartiaementa oceAipviniC 'J Bicw thaa It tan of minion type whlob eonatituta a ,nr : ' 1 luaortion . fi m IJ wei, .-g' J " ...... ... I M I month ID'S HP HP V."-''..". WJL E. PELL, Stato Printer. ,. WS. - II j . II nil' , rt..V.;-. TERH30HCBSCRIPTI0N. ; i Th tmurat. ia iwbllh eery .eig aaaept " ) - It.,' I waak . . Asol ' For o aw-th, - ia"- tLOO . : Fojtwoato-t-a, .t 100 f WOlTi BATHKB BB K1UBT THAW B FBEHCEMT." Hrf Claiy. e. Thj awtnth,.?" ' - . ...r 100 Kxmoathe, ., , , ? l,M Bpedal nohca, nndar a apeoial -Md.TI U obar- g4 on dollar per atrnar for each !rtit Semi-Weekly Sentinel m year, - - 6,06 YOL.IL. 7 RALEldll, FRIDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23. I860. Funeral Bntice will be ebarRe4 adTertiaereoata. " aixuianta, . . - 1,30 NO. 93. Th aioipla uinonncenwnt of A datb or mtrnaae ' .' n . I., .l... . Vastly Sentinel, on year 1 i txki .11.1 1( IMJL l lN JJjjJLie . : ,.,. aa. . - f - atfV a . V 1 aJt a-K4. aa'-a I A I k fiOQD CIIAHCE -Bj Purr-h-tlitf Yonr Godi f ' W I L 11 IJT 0 TO IT 8TMMKT, AT nM..Kll.SBIILB ITANIt eci stock oonbihts or stapui axd fancy , r. i; DBIOOOD Sao a4 Bbawa, Hat aad Vara. ' at Clalalag, , i .sv , iArma . t i 1XP-TOUIT 1ITICLII, Wmr f.Bl DMlltan is feat aroryjilng any elaae m Um eommunlty may r-e-ir to aomalete th.tr toilette or dree, all of whieh i h mnlA ft reailT red aad rieea. - We II attar onraalTM that w oannot be aadetwnld and aaanre'Voa. that w will tell goode TEN PKB CENT CHEAT- l'HAN ANY OTH-H DKAX 8 1 . ruin i v .- - Call and enaihin' ' SCFFLTEB, and the eaUary " )atei Malta aad aaall PraaHe. Thank fnl tor t e natronace of tha peat, w eolicil i, to sontinuanoa, prom tag to make H iatrt of .; . buyer to deal auk u,,i . V( . . v'" . " . A.KLIKSAO0L Sept 3-Sm . r ( , . DRT, GOODS AT ., 11EDUCED IRICE i , J DOT raoaWad a Baoatiftil Kna of T ranch Heflao IJtPEN CLOTH. , i rtAIM AND PLAID ALTAPA, ' AND ALL WOOL DbLAWK, " ; , i.. VERY CHEAP AT " , A. LIXI'I v Oatn-tf - ' - v XTZ CLOAKS, fron At Doner and upward, of J tfaaUtatbt7l,at' - . ltnI, UM it'.'" .1 . - i jticimoxn, CLOTH IXG tt-A,j- f factory. 4 K'1RO 1 ISTASIISHK) '1830 I." B.' SPENOE, .AGENT. TAIL01. ASD CL0TEIE2, ; OLD .STAND, i!- Ha 134 Mala t.t'Craiar aflSih. rf Em Joak racafrad a Tim Aaaortmant of all. aad -Z" Wtotal1 5t whith lia ia rrprd to vikt op p 4ar ta tha bart atjl. and at abort aoUoa, " Ba haa alao aa haad a wall atlaotad atoek of 1 Bcad(i'HadeCtotbln 4 3''ef VJt wi maanfaatnr tiafl la thl City ondaf lis 'iiaaiwaalipwrTialoa. airt ad ta ordar and a food It a .'v- Gentlmnea'a mmltblnf Crod " andleMl Tarieta- alwaya hand- , .a ,. . i: 1' OaB and aaa hla Stock, at J! a. UM Uaia St aMBd,'Va. bakm poMaaaittf alaawhara. BUh -H- t iiAAU lUl.hVMl(i. OT thoaa WanHfnl faahionabla Oaaatmar HATft, Oat , V,vJ.) FOR REXT. r. 595 NE ef tiia noat dealrabl raddeooaa la tha City. For partiouJara,appij ' .r. . DAYIS 4 JOXES, . IK- I 4 Grocers . and Commission Merchants, i n. ; ! aa. .wt ,v & .. aM) i" " , ' 7 V ,i -rrfa baTe Jnrt rotnrnad from tha Worth with a J-"iW - kra aiid aomplata aaaortmant of Groeenea. , whinh w aflar to th pnbUe, at wholeaala ad rota-, att-a - - " Tery Lowwt price for Caah or Cat- i i in. . ; - Tha atock ooMiata, in part, fUoi : ,. ' t a-iir rSAR, amnhad, powdare and all fradaa of 'ttt brcwn" , ' - . -' ' T T .J B I - ... I " P-. bKS and biark Taaa, . - .v . ,, u bVUUf ail Mclaaaaa, CALLUS. . . , . ' p. . it UJ-ltXS, i PRIFD TV KK, and Beaf-Totaa, w 4 point. j.. . , PACKET Boat x t Cod oah, Uaokaral and Harrlnga, Prfin" Ooahaa ' , Putter and Cbaeae, nufand Tobaooo, a larga and fina ataortmant of Clgara, SUrch, Copperaa, Alma, j-' rWt I'atra, boat Durhaai Smoking Tobaooo, to. ..' A So aaaortaeat r Floor uf Tin cut heat. 1 WINES lXD.UQUOBS . of tb beat bra-da., .;,Psrgi-Cd Bopa, K-roaaoaOa, 8batKa.lxto S, ' rifi. and f-an powder and eapa, Haeen'i Cblkngt -UUtVIng." - W. rMDaOtfullT inTita tb roblie to eall lad x- i afrBQrtftat fffXT aAOCsTa r " TT" Ofi 26-ioa. i Aaaw? m ' n II II ART' t A J Vrtw a Oxford, I larr. and Taabla Lot f y-f YXTZZK AXD A HALF ACRES an . ii.t amtm rJt lUiv.tirtfi Wiffht tit ttfO V fit ".'J'- 't au be i.'i uo it, fur wuici fraiuent a;.;, jcationa -i v UTF. au.itoonrmoiliont two !are offlca atd a oary out tunna, oosipnee th buudi or . , ' iUba aoui with &4 aaa pan of, tb land toatut va pTaar, s T KEW CobDSJ: 5EW,00DSIL: Fntr eiv rKvrv0 of- FALI.AM WINTER ;oui FOR 1 ' - IkMllt 010 PEip3 COmSQ TO TOWS ! T$T RECEIVED, A OPEJaHO - 10,000 YARDS BEAUT1FCX FALL AND WINTER V m t. , 1 'i. l i ,. V... 1 . and wIUBa told Cram 12 to ta oaata. COME TO r .CKEECIFS , . I '- -".t " t'-"t--J TO BUT YOUR CALICOS. OLD JPSICES SZACHID TEI CITY, 10,000 aard of Ladiaa beantiful DRXS8 GOODS, ar bracins tha noreluna of th aaaaon. and will ba auid euaap aaough to inaure aala. - CREECH'S i th plaot iobny ronr draw irooda ' Dost paa br. Ju.t racelT.d 6,wi0 rani goutls for Van', Buy and Children' WIN'TEU WEAK, the beat aaaortmant ta tha City. ' I tell fan Creech' ta tha plao to ob to dot your gooda. And aull they oome. ' net receired a Urge aud fine aaaortnlent of ;?..f i.ft in r.n v4Aaa AnvomHja, -uia new ityki for Jnat tha good tb people want.' I want you to rome to Creech' to buy your CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, alreadr enrowteneed oooiiuj ta. LAK1K(V TKIJIMKU AND I'KTKIMMKD HATS A BONN KTfl, the TLRHKN, tha GLADIATOR aaa the CENTRAL PARK, a different ehane from laat at- v aT.vnM I A m . ri An . . a bob, ana wut nant a aooct ment in a few dT. klak. no joor auoj to aoiaa to CU-KCK'S to bar your llala. ' , i- I told ywa prieee had to ootno down. SHOES i SHOES It SUOES II! JotraolTed.e00iair Van'. BrT.' Ladiaa.' Jfiaeee and C-ildraa1 ahoaa, boaght at tha larraat tradaaato m nvw lura, ana win a auiu a miueeu pin. Mo ntotaka, CHBECti S i tha nlaaa tobny year Hhoaa. fICS AL-.--UX AA-IUUJUJ. i Jnat reeeirad A rood aaaortmant of PAJCLT ORO- CERXKS, which will ba auld at prioea to meet tb hard tunea. War, U. to 80 1 Rio Coffee V to M. Jnat aa wail to make p your tnmd to oome to CRLECH yuu imu'i aa any vtvmr, aooi ay yoa won t eouia, nyi ma ear Too wui oome. Jnatreceired.. nod. anrtpiejtt SI CnSQCKERI AKii uLAai WAS-, wutoh wUl ba aold at pnaa cheap anoogh to keep yoa from being aoarad, Uoav to CREECH, he will treat yoa right, ate. i I aow take the nleaaura to inform the oaonle that I have ana amon the larm and moat complete atoek f htapia and Fanoy Dry Good rrar brought to Bat. aiga uoiore or ainoa ma war. i ' And I tall tha people whether I (track tb aail oa tb bead or aide wave, I atrark my good o, and I ear to yoa a I aid laat eeeeon, tint 1 will eall them aa ahaap aaTaiikaa, Jaw or Gentile, ooet Houae not ei oapted, that baa paid fvr hi good or rtt expect to par for tnemi lot will alwaya Snd nt teady and willkir to treat TonTibt at R. Smith' Building, eor aar of Fayettarilla and Bargett btreeta. ' ' " . iucjh, S-to . . Balaigb. fcept. itandard and Prograa eopy two waak. 4. it) : BOOTS AND SHOES. A Rising almoat daily, f w V Sootoh Bottom and Doable trover Calf Boot. aarrtoeable and eaay to th feat. Jio baaja work at tachmant tolacreaa tha aoaa. rr.: it r(, BUok and Colnrad Kid, ' - l.uf Thread and Silk, for tee and Ladiaa, rinek Wooian and Thread . for men, at OotJJ-i e.T.OOOKKo. 4 TsAHT) -TOR SAX-IV, ' THE Sabaoriber offer for aala hi tract of Land, lying near Clayton, JoheMoa County, II ml lea I J u ivigii. : -:.j.i. n . . CONTAININO 70 , ACRES, , , well adapted to tha cultivation of Cora, Cotton, and Potatoaa ; on half clared and in a high atata of eol a raiioa, wttk a Beat dwellmr; eon taming Are -room with all aaoeaaary oat biuktinra; at well of meeuaat wautr, an orchard of choice fruit. . ,(,.' t Thl place i in an onuu!y healtliy part of tha coontry, wher there ia a good School kept op, and nar anongh to th Yillau for any oaa wk ha if to tarry oa b una of any kwd. i.. j 11 v" ". znc"if uiO.-liXIAfl, Oct J$-lm. . , r ,4 rt .Clayton, It. & A VALUABLE FAR3I FOR LEASE. THB SCDBCBIBEB pr.MRE8 TO LEASE, fOB a turm of year, but Farm, adjoining tb town of Kinnton. , . ' ...... .t i... , t ,., It ia wB adapted to the grWtb of COTTON and COUN. and it proiimity to tha town; aecuraa abna Oant Ubor at au laaaou or tna year. j. c. WABnixaTpat ; XinatOB, Oct. 81 tf r Vrognm eopr. I5FALLLBJ.S TEAS! P0WDEES. t .. icntific men, who thoroughly understand th nb jact, concur with great unanimity in taring that na rl ON S 1 FALLIBLE ASTPO WDRai,.ealueof whirh ia thua cart Ud : v KiLEtOHr Ang. M,18S(. ' I bar tatted tb Teairt Powder jbm manufacture and can recommend them a Taatly (upenor any ether erar need by ma. In addiuoa to tb Ughtoaa and rwoetnea of th bread, tha powder are eeooomi eal, a one-third the lard nanally required will answer in th making of either loaf bread or bieeuit. for paatne and oakw they art. tiotlient. v Vnonru A C-a. Tb prle of thatofwwder par parktge 1 K at, or 75 eta. par pound. To be had at' Wai, wimaeaa'e Confecuonary btora, FayetMTiU Street, Italaigh, M. i ' ' "."' Bo. Aur. M. ISM. Tbia w to onrtify tbat I bare need lit. Kunpaon Teaat Powder, and find them to be (upanor to anr I hare aver need. Af tar trrmg them one BO bona keeper wiu be aauaiiea witnont them. i . KAunna, Anr. C, IMS. I b tried Hr. TB. bimpnon Xeaat l' owdarea find tuam rery goow : L. If. Tut BB. .rr: you. BEAT. MY Plantation of S00 acre of tenable Land, ad Joining the citr of Raleigh, well adapted to Cot tea aud C orn, with hn Hnuat and Cabina. Alao, 1 Cotton and Cora plantattone oa Nana, lint ii him b-ittuw thai town of omitbnald, is 'JohnatoA Cvonty. .. ,"i . . ., . , Atply to - , I. B. WATWH THIRD GRAND OPCITINO FALL I WIRIER GOODS AT SMITH'S. K-SV-CXt BEFORE nil seen am blboaxt, TASII4 ASS WtXX-SXUCTII) STOOIE 01? Lirfici"ltrcsi Goocfr I "a-- ---- BEES DISPUTED TO XllISl 'COMMtTPaXTr. AU " Snd oathln to aaH fhtir ideaa. , S) b aaataaa ta aaarato prteeal' .ifHk tbm aB -.Id V bMer oTidaae thaa Ikd eotj.iaBl throng that dally aaowl area ad oar ,11 Hi aountart eaa be (ivoB.,, ladiaa wHj tad thi aerortnvrat dartdadly a... 'wt aia -- .i-.jo it thaBoetatirw.rar4 thl MaoM, and at , maah raduaad jdtm. ! 1 t taaald ala aaH tttaotioa t oar tak a' J '.',' S'v' t.V- ! '.'.V j, a ,,. 1 .x. v I.... ........... .,vl ... IMS, . "i rtb VSBI, TABD frfM'rWETft cLAjnxx-TBi 1 W BBySSKLA TBMa-Fl ASO IKAp, 14 .W a- Ofwawi tiaU 4y, " , fc tb matt elegant aolor and fckai. t taUotad wttb great aro, aad wit tpaaial rtaw want . . . .Trtoa. inirni, , 13 S "eamora atraei. 1 V--: ;1 V.' J. S. SCOTT CO. WHOLESALE GROWERS . AND G-JfE&AL C0JOOSSI0 JT C-EHCEASTS, , Wter,8Cref t, Wilmington N. C , rT5il aabatrlara raapeetfolly oiler their aerrioea to X the Trade, borth and South, and to the planter andjnodacar of Virginia, Nurtb and South Carolina, brut parch and aala uf 3, - . '. .... . roc)riea, Cotton, Flotir, 1 - K-toI Storo, and . Conn try rrdnc . i. oonergtllr J They will keep on band, at aa timet, a full and complete aaaortmant of erarvthiiig neoaiiy kept m a flrat eiaaa Grocanr Houae, which will ba otnred at wholeaale to the Trata a low a they can be bought m any other Southern City. i They trutt by a atnot panoaaj attanUaa to buei aeaa, eonaded to their oare, to raootra a liberal pa, tnmajra. ' Order and oonatgnment xiliclted, J. 8. 8O0TT, La to N. C. R. K. W. C. DONKEIJL, of tlreanaboro. u. acoil, of Alelfi-a. Stenhouae and MaCauler. If aw York City. n uu ama, oiec vo. Hob, W, A. Graham, , Hob. Oile Mebane, .. , Hon. John A. Giluier, Rt. A. Wilaon, D. D. MoCnbbina, Foetor A Co.. Geo. W. Keatler, MaJ. J. W. Wilaio, Hon. Thoa. Ruflln. V U'ilL.. K... 1,7. 111 . , . . Hinaboro' Jf. 0. Allium. Graenebaro, Melrillo, Raliabunr, Concord', Mnrgaatoa, H -HiUabnro, H N. O. B, B. ftichmond Ta. Charleaton A C. Goldebta-o N. 0. Preet. V. C. R. B. Stone, Wilaon A Footer Stenbouae A Co., Jno. A. Ereratt, - inoa. neoo, ( Jno.'wkM, PtmI. KaUonal Bank Haliabnry, If. C. barlotto. " -.Holt. Alunaaoa. " ' Her. J. if. vharwood. Geo. W. Mordecai, . rayattoTlU. , i B-uugb,- , Jf, a iiwatwna , RALEIGH ACEXCY. 017 JI B ER L A N D ..:ALLEY--. tINSTBAN(E COMPANT. OF NASHVILLE. TENN". H0IIE OFFICE: ; AUTHORIZED CAPITAL . FT7X ETJSDBeD TIIOTJSAST) SOZXAsS, GEO." H. "tEXOIIl, Pbm't. ll - I - . - . ,1, ' t x !. Trtpps, Sec, ',. ' Harm, bean appointed event trtr Mia .Ka rv. panT, 1 reepertfiilfr call the tttenUoa of th citlaen of tbi aeotion of North Carolina, lo the faot tha Uu il A Southern Company with au autbooaed Capital of lOO.ooo. It' bueuiOM U bly eondunted, hy ia Bnential; reliable and wealthy citUen of Tenneeaea, It baa the Aneat referannM. ana k i .1 ... t . Medingiy prompt 1b fto parmenU, aa oaa be ahowa riJi!" rv,r ui auatauMia oj weeitnr ceutlemen. it to noth Lit auu Fir riaka on ten a aa kiw aa an. caetern vomi 'Pai Thi Com pany ia Ju.t being ta trod need into It aja ter Slat an m uuu i win ue weu mitro-taed. Let a mipport and aaouurag each other aad keep all oar money at horn. . , ' Mo one it obliged now to go North lo get blme or bl pruparty InanrciL a be ean be aooommodatod hr by a aomparrr af greetaat reliability. I ean be found at any hour of th dat at tb Baiigb KaUoual Bank. ' , ' C, J. rnEDELL, Ageut, , DR. CHARLES K. JOTTKRON, ' i biaauuwg fbyatetan. Sot 17-3ia ' COOKE'S HOTEL.- fTUIK nbacr!hr birrng rented th Hotel lately oo A aupied b Gen. T. t ooke, Eaq., beg Ibbt to in form liio pnhue that aha ia prepared to aocommodato TStAX.IBNTvK RKGC iA(t BtABDIII m good atyta. and will epar a pata t Vender III anurely comiortabta, - , . .... Jl.aahara af iba g.aal tat m . .1.1 IMltl WM WWMNHfl HI ni.. ...... .... MRS. ROSA JEFfRET8." Raleigh, Not 13-2w Qfill ACB-S OF GOOD COTTOJf LAKD. i Apply to KE0C0 MILLS C0 1 Bsc BUlt Jokaatoo Coaaty, M. 6; Hot H-dawli ; YaluabU Citr Properly for Said.'- ' ; I.-;.'. I WILL an on raaabl term t boon anil loi ea FayattoTill Street near th N. 0. H. R. 'lb lot eootauia about toe A ore of Land with una .of tb beat Spring of water ia tbia City. A good two try dw'U big a itb baMment aad a double Brick Kit. lieu. Tb yard beautifully abaded with Elm tree It ia alao a bo. 1, ataod for a Family Grocerr and would b a Mod it for a aanfaturing eeUbli.kmenLof any kihd, Ihare bawg aaifiouincy of water fur Eogiiw App ly to m at my offio otbt C-' Stora. f. R, JIlLf.EH, Ag't : War 104k ' v.' Sta-dard copy 1 weeka. ' ' ' ". DeROSSET aV CO. ':'. v enipnxo COMMIBSIOX mershaxts, VV Xorth Yt'tcr st . ' VTt t t fV V -m m am W M K ,V AI.UlljrlUl i.U. Liberal aaak adits mad oa tauaumanta to J. rtowarMoaOV- r-t---- -- , . - . v ITllton, CftUtway A Co ; . K"EW yohi.:. r. . 1 . i' i, v. Cut tan forward- d to tbera fi of ennrnixninn and adTwn ra if. i on ri,'rc ah.aioct to iMm ujkju r Ootr-te-iw ' . Ji. CRAI'SHAVS TAIIORING E H -TrA-D LISUMENT, FayettevillfV Street, , Raleigh, ' n. o.,- ;,: and avitste;. FASinOXSlSGO. " ' . C'- ' I HAYS TEX PLEASURE TO IKFOEM Mr rrlcnda and Patrons that I have the 'v,.,:; LASQKST AKT) BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF V FALL AMD WIXTER GOODS, 151 THIS CIXir..;!., '- ' ( CONSISTING OF 1 FRENCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND - DOME8TI0 BROADCLOTHS, ' ' REAVERS, CASTORS, CAS- , i , AIMERS, DOESKINS, TESTINGS, '. ' 1 f That I tm prepared to Biak up to order an; var ment wanted, aa cheap aa it can b obtained fa anr Merchant Tailoring aUbhahment in Ke York, and a gooa ana atvu.u a anywnar m tna unitaa otatet, aa I bar only th beat Cutter and Workmen aa my employ. i. r . ... ', , j t I also keep s good, well-Bisorted and larg-e ' ,;. READY MADJS pLOTnLNO.f I " Bat, Cap. Boot, Khoeaand Oantlewana Furntah. tag Gufide, which -will b old at lowar prtoe tbaa aoy gobde of k quality in tbia cHr.-' -"iJt- t It therefor will be to your hitereet to rait at my old aland on FaTetta.llie blreet, aa-t to Tucker' tew building, and dree youraolf from top to to I eapedelly oall the atumuou of the member of tb Lcgiaiatur and ererr Ttkiter to heleigbj fho wiahot to dreat hiraeelf flue and oup. ': ' - hee,etfll- , ,iM. GflAUB-AJf.i. Ko-is-jui , . . .,,,.., .. , ,.i SADIES FURS L FJJBS!! u i T 'Ml,'!-'' ; :T.it. ) TtTRT cpenlng, fin aortmrtt, EmbriSng Capo, J Collara, bwrOiaa, eugaoiaa', Vlotonnea, Aluoa and Cufln. i, , i ' . WHEELER CO. WorU-tf , , ,.f . . f-. 1 t i f DO IDLE OOLES. TL'St raoeired, another rat of Gent a in DO0BLE- t UUIUUI, i, WHEELER A C0'& 1 Ko. ll-tf1 TA1 SOLES. TTHT opened ' a nprlnr article 'of Tap SOLE tj f Juvitj, i.opper-neind. WHEELER WTS. No-ia-tf., , ,, :-it ii" 'ft '.nii-ii ji-" ii .t u. T Anna' niaae' aid iiit.oHiVa' J f Booe, a gooa ttanomant nrr enean, tt t s t : '.VVtlKKI.:U A fWS DITCHIXa BOOTS. THOKK lookiiig for Ditching Boot will Sod a beary Brtlile, hiiib Uf, at ' ' ''." ti cu a. Bar U-lf , , j 1 , . COULTER & CO., 1 t - WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PRO No. 63 & 65.. LIGHT St ' ' . .... ....... ' HA VIC floaa i bUt na ha ml T rve a Miiak of rLnla Ilea Pork, Baroo Hidea,1ima, Lard, tintb r. i Order from prompt Trader aolii'itad, with datar- minaUon to give MUefaction, KOTlS-lia - '''. j ,. ' - Ka 1 SwBnp LBnd lor Sale ' ' mBB Sulworlbar, baTing om Soto AfTiF.S ht .L Swamp Lamia, mieu$ aniirproved, dtwire to fi a porlivo uf Uiem, lo enable bun th better tolin- proTe in. revtauiMer. itiey ar attuataa aiflun 3V Bill" of Nowlwrn N. C ... - i 1 heae land aa hae bean demimetratad nixm landa adjoining ibtaaof uuilar quality aad growth,) will pro dune . , , , x AO to 100 Biitbels of Corn per. Acr and from 00 to e lb. -M lint Cot tna par Arre.' If any on ooaixa, m mm go ana a ina prea.nl grow iug crop. Term mad ar. - , t . ... , , W U. WLiNAIiSUUIM, '. & Oct Undaaw " . ; , . , Rabiixh, 0. 1800 FA IX TRADE 1800. - KO, M FAVETTE TILLS STltEET, BALE1GH, 9, V. TTX Lrrit attectioa to our Commanditig Stock of, ' nAEDWABE 1XD CTTLE8T lid' : " . . ; i v 0 ,Crorki"i- and 01a,-TlB Ware, . f '. , ! And Houae Iiirnialimj Gooiia, .,, i , '"' Conking HtOTea, H'ltlow War. . i " Oar atwk eoropruaa aticb an extenaiT aaaortmant k our Una, tha wa cannot, In aa ordinary adremaa Btent, enumerate tliem. - . . M iOTtt buyer to call and examine mtr atock. ; - . , , J. l.UtjN. 1 Baleigk, Oct WX f Wilb I1at A l.aia. ' " MASOMC. . . OaVD ff -prTAffi Or-tra, '" ' ' -. ' ' BaLCKIM, ! H.tb. IHii, ' . rriiTF omcrns, wrvprv a vo rrrr:rrTA 'X Tl'cttkauliAMlwiKia nr ie and Ae opted Maaon of Mirth Can.bna ..will ment m tnt eitT. on VihiiIhv aVMfiino. ill t!i.id of I.v.4:iriihf.r hu.t at 7 o'cloc k, f' tb traiuttotHV of aucli buiuwea. ag bi.t ba milmntted to tlxir conntderauun. 'he O'tinara of aubordinata Loilirea are riaabsd to attend in prwn or mum pmper dir!.i;ata to be BrtfiMita4, :u wwi t i in cim.HTttiiou and gen. wai rgalaii'jn,'Of tU Grand i. .. . . . .. . iauxiam t. mnf, - "Ootld-Stwld - taraud bocaatary. Stan dard and Entormia aopy, v. B. AlUMS, B. O. WORTft, GEO. U ESffHr,' ' " - 'UUof Wdmjugton,If. 0.)t 1 DIBBLE. WORTH & GO. Commissloa Marohaats, 188 PEARL STREET, ':,';? KeW YORK. ' Prumiit rwraonal atlanil.u 1. o.t.. i . ... Store. a.f wi " , '. " -o, narar An. aiiST" S"10 LjATe AsarvALs. THE LATEST AGONY" tutieein hoops," .BOtXEVARD TRAIL nOOP BKIUT9, WOVEN TRAIL HOOrs. ' EXTRA SIZE TILTEr.EENS AND BOVLEVARD i , In fart tbt moat comnlata .tn,.v r rtAAn arniv. laik-rH. mwv u I. mi -W, n. A B. B. TTCKEH A CO. Ag. 13-if AELA ft JOUXSOV. - WHOLES a r. rs Seedsmen,' Snrscrjmcn trxi norists. t ,' lSwO SlAI!f sth ' y 4. - (lMn BT. C-AHLK3 nors-i 'l ' OotiMy niobmond, Ta. .: ........ .. ........ r TOR SALE. andKi K ?.r?l.r,T"1"','1 i" wboJ" tr9t on but win ul it into hawlr.d au n..i. i. t. JVkny"wr,f!,",,-,n,,l,1'''ru' d l. ant bra Ithr looationa, it hoiil. out g,,l , :uwl,' , ta I wul tail on favourable term., lv . , , . ,, 1. tounln tbaUula,ar.doominrt,- .a f i c-ri ba nut otT the tare at Vinw. M if i. . alwav. ttud me. wu I illajaoeeilTWESTTROR'-r.pimeT KAWVXT In gl working otdar, wui, tamue, V . ,.,dt WW- vrngwauu FRESH ARRIVAL 0?.EE17 GOODS ATT A. ft", at. SIoKISISIOXfS. TTT- lake pleMnr m tnformltig "our fttnn t, th i...',..?-,, i,114 Pmd our K,rinT,t of h A 1.1. A 1I1MIH rtiwla and iiivn. th... m i ,. .. tliem. a wt ar detrnifnad .11 it., i at tlieioweetoaab price. 'M"'" Bepl-ao-lf ' .--'.Mwm!tM0eX. AlSOTHfcB lot of beantifiU Printi W hite, ReL and HUaker 1 InnneL - Bonnet, Belt, Streamer and TruJmlt'r t , Jlibbona. Telret hibtwna. , . LATT-HT t Tie Drat Onod. ' , I,l.am ud Fitmrnd Merino, ' ' ' ' Aii'fc .uu uvKir.il Alpaixi. Hi'. I'oplint and Deiaim , llombaaine and Lmpreaa CWh at " '' 8s.--;ffi-5Am?- aluabl0 1'ropertr fr bale. rnilE Snhaoriber, w hlng to Hnee h bn.!nM, ojTra JL for rale, privately, th f..lwwn.g priwtv' 1,7 ma.l. bT Mra. T.lnott A Bro.'. " .S owMux "1,b ",u Iiurn t," W2 bUTKrS FIT18T 0LA8S IflUl ; aereral horwa among tliom one pair of emi.li.ita i. 'iTr and one of the Hitnat mulill. k i , .. i . . 111 bile fM.lll wa), oaa Hack i4 " 'op J'uggy. One hHtidred TboBsnnd I rt of Sit w rd Lumbrr. rAi.se- inl"h-r gWHj" bBd. U1 rn I et hi Slon oodv t'nraoii WlKbllt iobna aneli ... . fullTbiTil-Jtooall and w.uiluV i r ( n."."..! wiali to etnpNiy, a aoon aa n,,.,i: . I-,. ... ,V. good Ct eutra. ,Tho-i. o. r:r,ox Oaryatmrg, bViT IT-Jw DEM II ABLE CITV V O P i: li r r roR s.iixi I ffcr nrybtjrta and lot In Ka. .h near l. T..r m Amm iaey.um mm tl,r rnni.Utu tit li- iaf)V. Itkf Blltll. It lu ii U' a ... I . . he iU.ee i two tonea w.iU L., cwiaiailn of t couifinlabi mum with 8te area a ..,.,... ..:f pieraa. h.e.ary ontlmildiim and a B'..l tm ar on the -reouae.' The guLim m t t , Aaop)MirMiiiiyndbtii;aintro Jti,,.,ni, topurvbae cwuforUt.1 and beain.; n. - , o. VAJU, . iWUb Ji. Li 11 A H .of TajtBOBO, K. C. or 6ooti0 n xJosEran.ni:Ji:,', , tecTarl).riir c. r" - AXCY, IST3IA3 &( ., C.neriil )Commt4!a Icrt-., jf I rorlhoalof.lJkind-of Sooffcrta Prodi. i nd rarchtae of Genets -.,..; . " iu-j ana SB, Xo. 21, Exclmrtjo riacs " Aug. S3 tf I'OH fsAI.!.'. ;i lothor 14 of C, l,!i. nn-e w '.'r j; rAr . awa Bacoa bnle and fuoiuuer. 4 ViLLJAM, J0S'E3 CO. For 10-lf H'AMLII. . J W h.M I-r-IVK OitKtil,.V, of irxHi . amt quality; eerrral (lr.t-r.te WA.(.OsV tt, a 1UU. & M, '.rtt and heel. t"g W 1(,V ? i A, . mi.IliivH,..!,. ..... i , "i nun jioiiae rpo rnrnn tp ne Otvk Troa bftaBarra.', tu X ul fur holding ;i...v. aaptlT-tl ' ' --UiAaf.-CttaJACJt v OetlHf .. uiu :'ae(TiBrc, fa, 1 , V - A,

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