T1II3- SENTINEL 'Wednesday Evening, tftyiaodi. 'W AjVKTMkl i em. Not to-4ay.f. Not bavin room lor prti4lw notice call special at tention to new avsrtiseraeota. ;i ' s Coscsbt at Wui FoaKST. Thei will U 'f givea at Wake Forest College, oa Wdnedy svening, Dec. 13Ui Belt, a Vocal and Instru mental Concert, for the beaeoYot Wake Forest Church. Tit public may expect fin entertain v . ,ThCharlotU)Onardiaa ssys, thst. John 8. Jleans Esq., Lag sold hi vslusbls farming tad miffing property to a Northern firm, and that hs received for it $30,000 ia gold.- Th company ' will work the mint. ' This ii gratifying, ' Jtfr, Ileiiry M. Bolton, an excellent young man of Charlotte, says die 2 taws, fell from the back ' ' eftps of the Charlotte Hotel, on Tnesdsylsst, fractariog hi skull o badly, that he survived but a lew hour. 1 A rattle make u killed la Qaston county a ' hort time since, aaicl H "TeT; Tee , length, and in iie a larjje a a man thigh, ,Jtbad.28 rattl and one button supposed to he 27 year old. to we learn from the Charlotte ,. Guardian. '' i . . . ii; ; The energy displayed by the friends of direct trade from Norfolk, Vs., to Europe, $a affecting that object, 1 remarkable. Their perseverance deserve encouragement. Two vessels employed in that trade, hare been lost, yet tbey are not discouraged. V 1 .JT' The Norfolk J).jr Awi ot the 19th alt. state that the Steamship Bofkornt arrived oa the 28th at Boston, aud will reach Norfolk about the 7th or 8th7 iost., to load direct for Europe, It expresses tlte hope that the merchants of Nor folk and Portsmouth and the farmers of Vir ginia and North Corolina will exert themselves to bare a full freight ready for her. The Agent of this line are men, pf, energy and. reliability . and ft" tfifir utmost to give satisfaction, . , The"ttoutb?m Loyalists," ws,"Ked Strings," are circulating among the friends of Got. Wells ia Louisiana, a petition requesting Congress , to establish provisional government in the South 4 imitates, until the full re admission ofjhe " 'For the Sentinel. , ,, : ' Eliiabkth Citt. N. C Nov. 1808. ' Dear ;itfff .After many Bps and down , I find myself comfortably ensconced before a larg biasing wood Are at Ballanos's Hotel, i 1(' J The terrible effects of war are still visible in this one beautiful village. The Court House, Lee'slarge Hotel, Wlllisms Hotel, Laverty' handsome mansion and other costly residences belonging to men one wealthy, are lying bow in ashes and ruin. Knowing Eltiabeth tJity as you once knew it, were you to see It bow, . urnlll.1 MallU VSYU. M BlCr.!' tr BUI ui enn m tMr n memory of its departed glory. Business seirms to be dull, and were it not tor the little life that th Saturday's trad with freed men r-itn parts to mercantile lite, in tradesmen s vo eatios would be dull very dull Perhaps th ""drug business should 'be excepted, at least on would suppose so Jrotn the appearance of tilings around the elegant store of our quanclom fellow cltiaea, Walter Poole, Esq, ., The depressed condition of tL country is "operating sadly oa th people, yet some think that "there is life fa ir jlldlaiul jut," The county of Pasquotank, you know, wa never a ottoa growing country. - Eminently . suited to the production of cereals, lu planters and far ' n(raers hae found the production of wheat, sad corn too remunerative to hare their attention diverted by the white charm ot king cotton, jf Tbisjwas the case in. former -y ears. But mV'.tba great scarerty ' of greenbacks, and" the '. higbrrcot cotton, has brought a change in thopublio Blind, and this year old, Pasquotank will roll out 490 bales of cotton, Wherewith to replenish her pecuniary wants. A few years more, with crops like th present, and I think . that Elizabeth City will shin forth, as ia days 'of yore, v - : t-;: " ' ' -v'i . . ; 'i be ride in stage coach oa the east bank pf th Dismal Swamp Canal is ss interesting as , er. The rude hand of war cannot deprive th J.ountry of the charm with which tb hand of ,Mtar basso luxuriantly invested this highly f svored section of North Carolina. Nature has ' done everything, art but little, to beautify this interestinsr country. Th far-famed Old hostelry at the outlet of the feeder of th lake of th I Dismal Swamp, Btill lies in sshes. TwiesI psss- ti iff in going ana returning irom ' iu!abetn City, and twice did tnv digestive organs, as dtd :Vthe of my fejhjw passengers, give sad signs of m painful vacuiu in the region of thsv stomach. t.No spot ia our Btat present a mora favorable point for th erection of a good hotel, for be side tae paironagv huiun vj paaacngm in tk Vnitea 6W Mil wn"c a asy mere is a iwomu"""" T pleasure parties ia cumnisr, from Norfolk, Porta- . l 11 l.lv... I. rit an.l nth., iw.inta Mn.tl. miss Lake Drummond Hotel as s point sfsppw; ' from which to make eicursions into the eel. m b rated Ink. Being built immediately oa tb Btat line, you ar aware that H was lojgjhe Gretna Green of fugitive lovers in Virginia, seelf- hostot that day was psrticuiarly polite, as th , young votaries were too nappy to minor ex panse, and by lavish expenditure endeavored to link U around tbem happy. ' v...' j By th kind forethought of Judg Brooks, "iom of 6w passengers wer" relieved of th . pangs t hunger, for soon after reaching the old ait of the old hotel, the Judge opened his car-t- pet bag, froov which he dre forth as ample "PP'y A Uioaghtful servant at th hotel an -; ti sating th contingency, had provided need - f J mack for others, so that a accomplUhsd a r pleasant rid Without much gastri Mleri-r, Oa the banks of th canal w met CoU Dennis Ferelbee, 1st of the Confederate State aruiy. -Our old fellow soldier, Cincinnatu like, has liid aside th sword and taken hold of the ?:ow. lis owns some 01 me upesi uuius is id ute, snV with good' faithful . tenants, he will '' never lack tor the stsflfof life. From th ap pearance of the soil, th low fiat sun ace of th - land, on would suppos the country wa ' healthy, - but the peopl residing then kri: ' among the healthiest, most; robust, thst I hsv ' "snetiaany part' of . th Slat. But I will do , lest your patisBc become wearied. s Eadical ProgTaoaune. ' , ' "' 1 TV'ashijwtox, Deo. 1 i oe commute appointed by the BaOical cau ea to prepare a prvgramm bare their docu- aneut reaay tor presentation. It conWraplate tlis mtir abolition of th gUt Government South, and provide for the ppouuni tor com m isai oners torescb but who suau nay power to. appoint all civil and Bull tarv officers to DKrv Deaoa.' , th Badical differ among themselves oa th franchise question. Bom of them favor confin ing th right of suffrage to "loyalists," includ lugnegroes. Soma ay that Congress should designate abo may vote, while others ish all 10 vote wno aow rota under State law. The new constitutions sr to be submitted to th people, but only those will voto who sr enfranchised by thns a was don In Mary If th oonstitutioa beadooted bv than voters. uiea in otates are to b admitted. U not, tliey will than be placed under territorial irovsrn- roenra. ; The commissioners are to bo authorised to orgauise the militia. Including nesroes to en fore the provision of th bill, and if called out are to be quartered on "those rendering the call necessary.. A ' Such are the loading; noints ia the new Mo- gram tue as utged by the Radical and Southern loySlists. . ,i - s . The committee oonsists of Messrs. Thad Btev ens, Washhurae, Schenck. Hart, Garfield, McRu er, Pike, Orth, Allison and Paine. The Washington correspondent ot the Rich mond Exotnitw, makes the following remarks upon this movement ; ( "Th proceedinffs of . the caucus are, on the whole, to be considered ss a declaration of hos tilities against the President and hi policy. The Republican members come her much divided in opinion as to tha coura proper for Congress to take ia future, relative to recon struction, now that their proposed amendment has failed. . There appears to be several distinct plans now in contemplation, and each plan has its advocates, amana the members. Soma sr in favor of adhering to the Congressional prop-4 osmon. exciuoinir tue recusant States Irons reo- -resentatioa, until it shsll b finslly ratified. Tnese men say, in so many words, ii tb South can wait, the North can wait also. Senator l essenden, who is chairman of ths Reconstruc tion Committee, on the Senate side, is on of the supporters of this idea. , f, l Us extreme Radicals sr la favor or estsb lisbing for the State government ot seceded States territorial governments. Tbers is also a party in favor of an adjustment upon th basis of impartial suflrage and universal smnesty. There is another party that baa declared in fa vor or enforcing the constitutional amendment as soon as it shall bo ratified by three fourths of th loyal 8tate. But this last scheme is met by tb objection that the term of the new sr- ticla proposed a an amendment, recognise the authority of the several excluded States for the purpose of accepting or rejecting it. All these, and, perhaps, other plans sre to be discussed at this Session, but, aa it is thought, will be turned over to the next Congress. I hsv no doubt thst a bill will be enacted con vening the fortieth Congress at an earlier day than usual. Members will b loth to spend their salaries here, but they can make no ex cuse to the country for leaving it in a cbaotio state. . . . . Th Richmond Enquirer, a judicious paper, ssy , . , The programme there marked out, will hard ly be carried out. Tb President is bound by his oath to maintain the State government lu tneir just rights, -and any attempt to abolish them by Congress aa proposed by the caucus, would , necessitate a collision. Bssidea the North is directly interested against sucb. wick ed folly. The injury it would inflicrupon us, woald not weigh a moment W know ; but Hesv en has mercy when man has none, and baa so ordered it thst outrage and anarchy cannot be visited here, without reacting at ths North, aad working disaster there. . The sensible men of ths North desire peace a wall as we aad enough of tbem wilt refuse to concur in this new programme of distraction and turmoil, to throw the agitators into a minority. . So wa be lieve. . Stevens, by his, wild . cavorting, will break his own neck. Jtewi From Fortress. Monroe,- ' FobtjuessUoxbo. Nov, 3. CO. Clay lea ve here for Petersburg in the morning, - Mrs. Clay went North to-night. ; v .V! v . H. Rive Pollard and J. sfarshall Hanna, for merly of the Richmond Examintr, arrived her to-day, on a visit to Jefferson Davipbut"weM refused act mission Into the fortreae, OtXEnsx StfxBican'a Mission At Vntwao at Tax LoxDoa Times. General Bhermsnhssbeen sent on an extraordinary mission to Mexico, Everybody Is asking what he--ls- goWXto do there. Tbcr need be but little myslwySkbout this business. The United Stste mesa to t&ita not only th French troops, , but Maximilian himself, out of Mexico, and to lend all tha .sup port they can givs to tha government of Juarez. This may be very impudent on th part of America, and very fatal to the prospects ol Jfexico ; but there is, in our dsy, nobody strong or rclln tnough to give a decided "No" to American dictation. TTks London Sunday Timm Tn Wkstkrh Com Co-" Th Chicago Republican says: "Wa hav met; and talked with farmers representing nearly the entire com region affected by front, and th uniform testi mony is that the crop Is depreciated fully one third. ' It value, if not the aggregate amount, (s so depreciated. - pRiissmcauj . U ax bra I AMiMai.v Th Assembly ia aeasioB at Jiempbis, afUr the long and interesting debate on th relations of th freed men to the church, finally decided, by a unanimous vote, that they should b receiv ed Iii'o full fellowship in the church, and on equal grounds as brothers in Christ"; , "' " - A Washington dispatch to tha Boston Put says "Thad. Stevens ia in very bad health, aad'hi nearest friends express a fear that ha is failing. He bu began to limit the attendance at his impromptu receptions, snd refuses to talk upon saisiiog political topics., -; , ". ; Bishop Coxe, ol vTeatem Nsw1 York, threaten to refuse ordination to any candid st for orders who holds the Doctrines ot Dr. Puaey's Eireni con, But the Church Journal savs: "W told him plainly that he dars not do i ' Hs knows thsthedaiaootdoit.. ,J f. ... v. , , AlABAjiSr lurAKTiaj. EorvaAO. In th Alabama House ol Representative, oa the ' 1st lost, Mr. Bracks pre-wmed a bill to alter ths constitution of tha Stat so "To admit of conditional negro suffrage. Tha condition sr that the voter sbsll-Tosses property ti th amonat of two hundred dollsra, and shall be ab tOfeadt lh eooslltoaon of tb' State and th United States, and write a legible band. Tb conditions also to hold good id ths caa of white men. .. '- ? , Mr. Brook ws closely identified with the Confederate cause, having expended bia last dollar in iu support, and ia presenting the bill he said he did so as a measure of policy and for the public good. , - - - . AJr aa exciting dcbaUtlta bill vtf talloJL Osv WMneadAT Morning Dlspntcbe. J i 1 Vraa WsvtUagtfhB - V - - Wassmotok, Dec i, Ths House of Representatives to day adopted a resolution inquiring into ths expediency of repealing ths cotton tax. Mr. Brooaal), of Pa also offered a resolution which was adopted by a vote of 10? to 87, in structing the committee en territories to en quirs into th propriety of extending territori al organization Over th State lately , in. insur Taction. ., t ... , ;- Mr. Stewns offered a resolutiSn for the ipT4-Ws Ooods ara U knowa to aU ear eiUasns. poinrment of a committee of five to report to ins uouse at tu next, session toe past ana pros ernment and tb railroads in th States lately in rebellion, the amount of money expended in constructing, repairing, equipping' and mana ging such roads ; the amount now due each one oi them to the government ; also as to ths course to be taken by the government in relation to said roads, , " The joint committee on reconstruction is re vived. Th Hons committee oa the judiciary have reported against repealing so much of th con fiscation act as prohibits the forfeiture of the real estate of the included classes, beyond the term of their aatural lives. They ssy to forfeit altogether the property of those engaged in the lata rebellion would ba tb enactment of pod facta law within the meaning of the consti tutional interdicts, by annexing to a crime al ready committed a new and additional punish ment, , ., . From Wasbing-ton. ' Washikotoh, Dee. 4. The heads of Bureau of th Treasury De partment, have joined in a letter to the House Committee on ways and mesne, urging tb p'ss-. sage of the bill prepared at the last session, for the reorganization of that Department. -. If ew York Market Cotton firm butquiot uplands 22ra3o(. Flour dullSal0 lower, State 7rall,15, Ohio 10al8 Western 71 1,80, Southern 11,1316. Wheat dull. Sale of 8200 bushel. Winter red 183. Cora dull 2a3 lower, 39,000 bushels Western sold t 114119. Bod heavy. Fork heavy and decidedly lower. Moss SOaSl. Lard heavy and lower lUaia. Whiskey eniet. Groceries dull Naval store quiet and unchanged. Uollt 1.4.0. . Our Afternoon DIspHtcbo. . . Si York Market. 1 ' 1 . Naw Tone, Deo. I. Cotton, ouiet at 83134 middling uplands i Flour, corn, pork, lard, whiskey Stc, all dul and drooping. . .. j&Gold 1.88,, Exchange al0, at sight I r. a. mill later, uoid Dad gone down to 1.891. Railroad stocks depressed by means of probable stringency in many market, by tb disinclination of the public ia stock. Canadiaa Matter, ' Nsw Yoke, Dec 8. A private letter received at Jfontreal, states that the only surviving descendant of Christo pher Columbus will shortly visit American j , A large number of French Canadians Sr re turning from th U, State to Canada for want of employment. . I It is reported that secret Fenisn maetins have been held at St. Albana, but nothing se rious is anticipated. At Toronto, a man named McDewItt, from New Brunswick, has been arrested for using seditious language, daring tha government to hang th Fenians. Members, from Sebruka, . Washihotos, Dc 8. Th Senators snd Representatives from Ne braska bava arrived. Tbey will present their State Constitution and memorial asking for ad mission. . An act will have to be passed for this purpose. f - Mventrom wiKrw ; t x a m a ' : " Ths Senate adopted tha standing committee agreed upon by Republican members in caucus to-dky, They rsmain as they were, exoept that Messrs. Doolittle, Cowan and Dixon wer re moved from their position. No committees ara now beaded by friend of the administrations f-sill mm lentg m his provision.- tias sklug sen--Ht, Wade introduced a biU for th, admUsioa X, J - 1 of Nebraska into the Union. Laid on th tabl for t h presen t. ,, . r ? j-.m : i ; . Th committee for th sossioa were a n aounced. Mr. Williams introduced a resolution instructing tb committee on retrenchments to inquire to what extent th President has a right to restore confiscated property under, the law of the U. S. and If such law exist to what ex tent it caa b executed, fu. Adopted. ""1 Mr. Trumbull, moved th - reference of th bill for the repeal of th President's - amnesty power, to the committee on tb Judiciary. This gave rise to a debate, at the conclusion of. wldch tha bUl was referred. v-K-.,--:.v Mr. Sumner sffored tha resolutions on recon st roction.wf which bs gava notiM yesterday, They assert ths right of Congress over the. sub- tct of reconstruction, and deny tbs right of th tely rebellious States to pass' upon constitu tional amendmenta. Read and . ordered to be printed. . , . Mr. Williams, or Pa., called up. tha bill of l&st session for ths regulation of appointments to and removals from office, and addressed tlis House In sdvocscy of if. " " . -j-y, ; Colorado Jewett- " (l 1 . . , Washmoiow, Doe, 8. Colorado Jewett is out tn a memorial to Con gress insisting that Hannibal Hamlin is th' proper representative and successor of Mr. Lin coln, upon th ground that the electioa of Mr. Lincoln at his but term and Dr. Johnson, war not legally elected, because eleven of ths States appointed no Elector. Us nrges the Congress ikirtftrt, to plac Mr, Hamlin in position, upon tha ground that he is th only legal officer, who of right'ie President. 1 .Repudiation la Mississippi mast with tew advocates. ; General Rue ben Davis, who mado himself notorious by the former unfortunate action ot that State, ia agsi urging ths people to another scbemsjjf repudiation. Tot he meets jjfwith no favor. . . , , - t ' : ; ; WliLE,lLE EALEB? I! PRCs. Vo.53 c 65. LIQHT tfe j ,'' BATE Corwtantly en hsnd Urn a Stock of Choke MeM Pork, aooa Sides, Ham, Lard, Jbutiter. OriUrs from prompt Trader aeiieued, withdeter' BfcinstKcm to ith MUsctigw :&t -,. . ... y, (!Si!al .Notices. OE.VTUMXN VHO ABB PABTKTLtB ABOUT ., .;. t f . v- IBETlt i h ! ..i : Vmin Wear, er nrese ahlrss, .? asow wa&ha th osb. tub sanaa mat waxt. v, . - ,w ' B. B, AHDREWS A CO, (ttueeesaor to X. L. Hsrdina;) kssp th jBost sateai siv ssaoiunaut in th ty. "'.:. - " ' ' r Iroaortod raria sou Locdoa Oooas tcthst srith sQ th;or sad 4frsl4s strbs of aoasastie asnsfse ansa. .- -. - w - sr free to say te the rsaeer of ths " amtidf that tbs above hens Is ths plao to bey (Hats, Tonths aa4 Bar enter sad asdsr r. Aadnws ia keeplnx p ta U earnM rrpuUo- of Hsj-dlf, wfaose r Bardliut, aMia 4 Co.' Hew fork ataaafaotars sad Ssad out all the asw and dstsrabl styts for iiav r yomr .. ' Go tn Aadrewe for A WF.DMSO Bl'IT. ready suds or mad to messur. , Var glad to s this heus fnersasiBg it ala dailr. This ia th only recular Clolhin tor ta IUwkgh sad probably as s aeslrsbls asi sasortatant aa mnj in wis mat. ' i . Nov aMrs , - v t - v ' ' ? n 4 ' A Vetr and Grand Epoch it Msdicin t Da, hUaenn. is the fouonar of a ar Msdkal By total Tha quaotltariaus, whose vast Internal dues enfeeus ths stomach and paralyse the bowels, bums givs precedents to th man who nwtorss health and sppvtite, with frou one to two of hia extraorduiaiy PiUs, sni cores ta moat vhraleat aore with a bax or so of bis wonderful and all healing Balr. Thas twe great spscifle ot th Doctor arc fast SDportcdisf all the starestypsd aostrdma of the day. Xitraordiiia-. rj eons by Msggial's Pills sad Sslv hav opened tb ej-ea of ths publio to ths iMIBoieDey of th (so-eaUsdl reuyldies of others, and upon which people have so long blindly depended, , tUgfiTs fill sr not of ths ehuw that are 'swallowed by th doaen, and of which every box full taken ratan saeolute aeessair for anothar. On or twe of tUggiel'r Pills sufflo to plar the bowsle ia parfeet order, ton th stotaach,' ereeteaa appetite, aad lead the spirits Ubt sod buoyant! There Is no sriptn;, snd ae reaction a th form af eonatipstion. UthshverisanaetsAltafaae tlona ars restored sad if ths nerveas ayeteas i fee blei it is iBvigaratod. This last quality saake the medidos very deeirsbls for the wants af dolioete female. Cloerous snd srUptiv dissasss sr UteraUy extisguislwd by ths dUslnteetaat pewei ef Msffgiel's Salve, la faot. It is annonaosd ttt Jk I a I e lllleae, OrawsilS aad slarrhsa rill eare wher all others fail. Whfl for Barne, 6ealds,ChU blaina, Onle and all abrasion ef the skin, nsftitll a I ve is infallible. Sold bv J. MAeonau 11 puis 8L. . New York, and sil DrofiisU, st M (ta. pr eox. t DISEASES OF TUB ' JS Y B A.NI EAH. DOCTOR GARDNER ' troasraaivo loaraosr, swskia.! f i - OCUUST AND AURIST, OPERATOR ION TBI. ' i B Y.B .AK D E A Rl I..;.. i RespeetftUlv informs ths ettissns ef Balslgh and vtoinity thst hf will bsatths EXCHANOX HOTEL, on Saturday Nov. Hth. and rsmain until Thursday Mo. Kth. andegaia oa aaturdty Dm. ssdA. until Thursday the J7th. - .-Ji' :.!i-i..'.iit s ,, After that ams monthly, of whtoh due aottea wfU ee Hears frees A. M. ( r. M. And eaa be consulted oa Desfhses, Xols ia tha Head, Catarrh, Cteeharses from the Ear, eeales ta ths Ear, Accumulation of Tax in the Ear, Obstruction ef thy Eustachian Tube, and all Aeute er Cbronla Diesa see oi ue aw eon sur passaaw i - A r i i a VB r , 1 Inserted without TUX, snd perfectly resembling she natural eye. Operations for Oataraes, sSrabismas r Cross Es, ArUdcial Papa, Ae., skillfully psrfonaed, sad all diseases of tha " 't T " f . , lYK.ASD.lU,, , J treated, Snd Svery operation fa Aural and Optbabnl Surgery, performed by . . .. - j ! i DOcioa oiaDSia. !'' at Wset PorHeth sreaXsw fork The touisville journot ys rTha tesUmooial which Dr. Uardner preseats to the pnblie eould ntver bare been obtained, except by th display of great of a fee, but franfly tells tb patient whether be eaa be cored or not. - n cheerfully recommend Dr. Oard- ner to th attention of all our Mends I fin ing from diseases of ths sye or ar. ' Hi ftichroond Ton sar : W hav no hssltattoa ia arinK Uiat Ur. usrdiiar is th moss seieoUfle aad suewiesful eye sua ear Burgeon to UU eounlrv. . ; "'Dt, Oardaert Sreetsteut ef she eye aad ear is Wosv Wai"a-siiswia jmtmrmvtt, i VW feel Justified ia reeommending Doctor Oard- Dr to moss suiionng noai uweaes e we eys bj .Xidmmut Whit. , . t i "W can safelv and eordlsllv reeomnead Dr. Osrd- ner, who will fuhiUsU hs uudertsks to perform,"-. Makvmor Uippmn . A it Ji4 tt.f . Si The Ksw Orleans 2Vm Ihlta ys MWs 'ea aafely leeommsnd bt. Uardner ss s suoveeefol operator oa she eve and ear. . U will not andvrtake to Brest a Ths Wheslii f lieijlsler s : "Dr. Oardnsr is one of the most successful Oculists and Aunets ia the oooutry. . W advM these snttariat nreas th dlseaees of the sye and ear to ovuiult hiut,' t ; Qctll-cm . ; .... . U. 90O TOBACCO FAR3IS i (XEWXAD$)f FOR8ALKsW TIlS PUD- MONT DI3TJUCT OP VI E a IN I A I HEAE TH1 V0&TH CAEOllTfA LIVE. rrUJE abevs leads lyln InJCsrVoll eoaoty Ts., Ksst X of Ui Blue tudgn, are so well known as being; the beet Tobacco Land, la the Boatn, a deecriptioa le anueeassary. llisy sre eared in Isrsss of luO to &M seres each, st fsom .W u S.oO per eere 4100 per acre esu the haiaoee ea a loss; A aredts a purchssers desire. . . -.;, ta,!i,w 1 , Addrses, or apply to . , ! . T. B. WIGFAfX, " I T BUftrnJl V. a rreU Co, Vu-guus. DecWswtw . , LADIES FURS TUBT opeinos;. s flne'ssnnrtmint, fcmbraofnjr Oapee. sj Collars, Berthse, ngnles', V-morinee, iiails ana Vuna, I 4 V--; ' f " " f i WHEELER A CO. mow w .v.h-. .(rt"tas. i".lrs! . ' i;- UOl.ULi; bOLEM. . f . . TCtT secefred, another lot of Osnfs fine DOfBLaV - WHEELER tfCO'S. x Kov.ia tf "f .. ( . TA1" T I'ST epsaed a superior article at Tp BOLE II AKHJio, copper-. uu. WTrrUt . av a. ', evia-d - '-.v' FOR' SALE iff if r ., fpn Brwk rture oa .Favettevills ., in A eUleih heienfting to f ha Jt. iX labiiahing Vvm pjay. Mcd propuuls WW e slved anul Uis 1 Ah. of ieceoiOsr, tir the frr.rchase of the earn. 1 ho t-owpany rewwres th ntbt,. to reject, sny o U trf sua biii, w i , j av 33-t Agent. t Tot Sal or Ee&t' r ; TlfT rLASTATIOS on Bhooce iTeek; In Wsrren XlJf. Cuuuiy, U eiUee reuUi of Vsrremon, The pwoe eenuuiM eso sores ef sjileodirtlv Ximbstsd lead, "i - wwiu w wore iu or laasaoe provesnsata eacn a Gin House. IVrao so Preoua wishing , bey or rent will he allowed n'ssonibie terms. le terms, iw Nor. Jl-la J.il'-V K annuilon, N. 6.. DEC. 3rd. 18C0. bee ara. nee. .LATEST; ARRlVALS::r j W. II. A R. t. TlTKEaMV. 1') DATE JtSI BECQTlB,! M t Oases Msb's Zagueh Styl eouU Decker water areof Boou. " ' . . , ,, C9 sa' doahto oud Calf Skin Boot' I 10 Caes aisn's douhl soled wax Lesther Breeens, eatnwrdinuy stock and qaility. - Cases Women snd tWldreoa'extr heary shoe. lwethaaaeycaabebsughllathClty: j. , ;. Vf, B, ' a 8. TCCKEU A CO." S0O Pput renhvr KuWss at 7 amis werthl.'tt. ' i U0 worsted Hoods at fSeaala worth 1 AS. Aao of Ladie WaHer drees roods at Bjswjanway BWVUkMM pnrwajBJe - - -.r, t 4 , . L W. H. 4 a B. TTJCtER CO. - 11000 Tda, Nsw style Winter Calico! - ! ' lli 000 Ba.isachd and Itrowa Uomeatiea, ! at astonishing tow prires. ' I A t'J ' f r. i-J ita v1 9t rit!i rnaoln . ALABOE Let Ltdiesand Misses fsahionabls Furs, Capes, Hurts, Tippet snd Cufli at lower srieee, tnaa any House North 6r South. , - AV. II. 4 R. a TUCKER A CO. " RALEIGH AKD OAITON RAIL Throuith Frflxht Tnff. j NORTH AND SOtTTIli' - BY TH1 AIS JlSi X0TJTBJ !';; WK sr sow srenared to ship all kinds of Frslirht thronglite Nsw York t Philadelphia, B..too aa aHlmoe, e through btrhr f (aiiiar, elvwc 1 Tnif ! THE LIXE ron niFw v ! Tool Qoodi will b Haiidlad .only Otto. rTlinineheBasniiriBseloee. ea Sals ilmm ami ... Sease hue thaa bv anv !: root. I.mr.u,. irifli.. eomprd with erher mates Ws tiks itoodi te aad from, Colambie; A Gi ant alt iDterawdiats) staticae. with aawe prumpioaM and dipauh lbs any Ksuress Coaipaay at asoet eee (ertb the east, i '-' TAO KOTICJB, f Psraoas skitwlsa seeds louts will able tbai Ike olhws; asssts ami by the following aamsd ateanv . Br th AtNmlo Cuait Mall isambie Co.. Llvlne. 'o f A Ca -t ts, Ki. IM LlbSity oliest, of Pier OeT aJ .. ail V B 1 ' - ""turn atiaj.aa, ! By the Bsllimore Ptesm packet Compasr. t Parks asjsat, tout efl7uhs"ltfck-asl Brandt's Use sfateaaiera i. , x ' 'Faoa PsiisBitrmi, ' .t By the phltudslukl Snd Noif,,! RtSamshlp Ce, . Girds ft. Co Sfscts Mo.' H ftortb U.Iswars Aseeae, , VkllsdslpbUk . By the Bostaa aad Nwf.lk BteaindiipOo., K. Bstlp. son A Ce, Agists, end wf Unauai Wlniif.,BeMos. Consige yuuroodstii It . Asia, Purtmautb Vs., aedCHyPiilat Ooods eomlnn by the way ef City Pels aad Pttersbart awst be so irtatkcd . ' Ml4 . "- vi-: ; C. a ALLENi ri.l.u,i d lu a u r. Dee. A tf - f " w LOCISBCBO FEMALE COLLEGE, FRANKLISreOUSTT, . , acbw;,.-;, '.in- i T. M iowas, A M. Professor of Sstural ooianos Sad nue iHsrs. W.F. AxoaanAS, A K. ProfossorV Anolnt Luifa- sees sad rl M'.emstice , s . . , , T. 3. Haws, rfnfMsor of Mu.ic. -'""' Kiss Luueib Mai aa-, Assistant fa ths Literary Depart. nent.'-' . .. " - Hiss Alot.ii V. BotrrasLt, and Kiss Wuxbsmhsa lAiAsitsnts in Mu.io. . Miss L, :. Vas ViMut, Umtar. Drsw!n and PslaUefc Hiss Mams H. Dutt, frenaralory Tlnpariinsnt. . ' n. a . m. oaa, unmuo iwpsrtnixnt, The 8nrin( eVMSiou ef 1IH.7. will Wi-m nil ths "hii. Wsdnosdsy m Jsonsry aad eoniinn'jft wk. Charwee. reseoaahle. . NiimliMr i,f rmnilM hmltA. hBupenor advaotaires sfforilnl. - 'f "(.. " tor full Wtuuiars, apply to "J "--'" . 1 . T. W. JOXEa,' f ma HUT - ' i " TJenfc - enterprise and insert i Uruss snTtsud h.Jl ., 1 1 .. ,.i ,- , ,... ,,, , -'t FOR I.B.w'-i'Vir A' Vo. I fitstionsry iing!n of IS h ym power wllfi s . retorn floe txiior of haras smKuw null ema- forfurthsrparuouisrs, sd0ri, t . . -. . . AU. tt. stUUKKIl, --r.: KoriO-tf . . Doc UiU,J.O.'V TLMBLERt A. AXDIRO.Xsi 11 sVa. Fluted Tnashlera, " -" ' Bar ltooni do. ' Id rM'ncy an 1 tst frou (Irs Poirs. U ' J. liliOJVH ' 'ortOf -t-TWIth Ewtlm'' - EXCEL8IOR. CLLU ROLbE, -i:; fii liiitsDoro' Street, jf EXTdaortoOi FitUne Hotel; oandnote an 11 -toe Knropoan Plan. Hot bissl served at aU boors, and at the shortest notios superior wises sad Liquors constantly oa hnd. t. r. LEE. I'ruprietor. i Vov 10-tf sTAXTEO, A ao.y M the OWIDOWT BKDOTT PAPERS." A. y oB.irK a copy iee-seof eea ebteis a isaseeebls price by apeiiee; at Uis Offloe, T W, U ALL-ROOM UOORB. H0v?e8Bs!lBmnd,Iii.ki CoolalnW so wards at Three Uardrad llssot, ieo!aitnf ti" hitaiit and moil ftsbluaebiev with l iuu, x. tanstinrs sod tbs nut aiiroiI iiru's and CalU rib A'lMMKSS-ana, ets.-''' '- M " EfMrB-tstaefr rst Btu, Rona? or TI I?A"ei C"rsioii eni.tniito, kemarks e Etiquette, a.t el Cotiiluas ssd raiicy IiiiDoe. iutriLvtioee for jj. f ir.r f truci-atj. UusTtrsnd Munto lo 1 in are.. 4'iiM i.fm w.rvm (..iuii. i 9t.tUtflV t-AilS fuf tDS Horsst Cusi g end Vifurtt le ail the Principel Quadriaee, Coulnons, fcotiBtrjr; snd fcawy Daac Mailed, Bost-pail. - f j OLIVERDITSOtf&CO. ' rnhllshera. Til Washtofte, ktrset, IWstoa. tWavOw aVasv ' . ' -f i AiOTlCE. ffUIE Bnlecnber wui sell ( Auc-uC-n, st V,l,ite Oak JL piaiukuoa, ia Joh&sioa Couutr, fle niiins west ef vAy'n, .. .,-. DCimiia 1JTU. 160(1, ; . 06 brrH of Corn, lO.dwl poaud. r,Mr, jnl Moutiis,rtUs,i(Wsaud fin, four good Muiss, ssTtntMa head of Caul., two tains sr, , I'.re BuKglfiS, two tos. three C.rts, sad (!,... ws, a eood .assortment of innuig I l-u.iu.n one abu a Tri.iy or other articlse toe tedious to boo. . ALSO, r. THE BAMB TIME, WILL BE .BOLD ' "'-- M Uavrcl Rostis r till. Tha Stills can be sees at ri..in. white s.TiT MI"cri, Wait Oak, Jar ttawtd Branch Son a& Co. AU0C8TA,GA. thoi iiuaivcii, st co. . t; wcajioirD,VA " iriinsi.n... . . . ' . siiu.it.il e; a OA a, BA3rai54C0XXISSI03riraC2A5Tg. 1 1 PtTaitsnmu, Via, Nov. SSih. 1868. u&?3 U' h,8h rates for Bank Koiee on w Jork, Riciinumd or I'bim .oarg, - aU iwcka. S sent to our oare. at best rat... '-" '" H We wui bay old J.orth t!arolitia Bonds, Coupons. 4UV lOUOWlSf are ear present rates for TS. c. jwia aotee. . xoara eABoLrxA. Bank of rps Fosr. , . , , i" 4 lisrlotte ,, " t'lsrcadou. t otimioren. ,.,,,.'.., " ' , " . raysltevilla " r ' llgtl ................. ,.t ..! ... I . IS i f ? - " . CirAksnt. , . " orlh IJaroUiia., (I'AroUna.,..,. .'..V.'.'.V? i ro. , ' isville ...... .... . !'.!!!! S7 borough.,,.., .('".'iiiisi. ngton . .,.,..,... b ntjt'Mi , a . ... -.. lloxboro". H 1 honssrille . . . V ' , WeaVaborough. i . .. s.iungio " Wilinu.i-tn .. a TannATvilltt Cnmmsrcial Bsuk W ilminirton. ..'!. . rsrmer's Bank of Norur'tAruuna ,. "., Oresnsboro' Mutual luniiMince .. Merchante Buk of Newborn....!,."' T ..SO ...a7 ... 41 aiuisrs anq. l intr' itank. TlltIM AS HUA vrtr a.ewi-a Ban Iters snd Coramiui buva.-. - w Hot. 83-lui.l 1 t- g O M ETUIHu jf jj XV UNDER THE SUN. - V , r ' J Era In llodlcina SSr Let Mi. SnrTnrtnW ..4 Tl..-.J ... ... j, T. n "" ' wis IOUOW. r Let aU who have bsea etveo np bj Doctor and spcka of u Incurable, rsaS ths fclUL Se-.Letall who eao believe facta aud vas hav im m eviastios, read tbs foilowtns ! no aU mm ha that primtnlt, Th hit on this, th AUOUMUU 1-itllt cams Juntih lu- .... .1..... , , .u,u, uqiima H muom lim lie te the daorius thereof, for preparatiraie or Hii,-uioe kuVnra as MAOUl Ela talti Li BAJLV 1, sd , .i? hiwiug certincs., . rsrbstuu eois to tu bt hw kuowuhhjs snd beiiof. ., . . . - ' JAin:n!Frrrit iLsV I ' ! ' h. 1 1. .iio, . . Wall SwtM. iw 1vJl '' ., Juno l, lStie, 13a. Bioom: I tsks sit won to write Csstrnfsodthattnswfiii pain in u i si ie bowtuankfullamthatlcABgut s-wis sl.r,. 1 nsrsr erne it sbuhku. 1 tbaiVyou slu a,d aeV; and an sure that xm Ar.r..iiw .... r. .. . . :, .i -"fi-p t; ana will sot take It anus. ) fAJirs trrriw, Jill Arouue D. This Is to certify that I waa s4leVIsAts-aul 1L - WILSON IIlTiTST, . 37 1 .it bu.st. Ksw lork, April T, 1804, Ths fiitlowfn is an lr tr.il . . ploytd in sn lr,.o foundry, who.'jn i, "u"J ,,.3 ton tote a desk t hrt was Oamp wit, . , j", mrttwi iron w ,Uf0W 1 -"A i W'sct Shower, snd hs wM burnt dL, Mi aameta Jacob n,,?! I0; . . wasWlybornt bv Hii 17 t&Z? burns bssJed, tmt had a runninK w mvw'tT.i Wtmldaotbosljl tried MsKKU-l'sbai,., d It curid see ia a few wks. his is All true, snd snv bo,K o new sss ms at Ju keoo s koo H orka. Kd A i. T Hal Dtf, ' ' ' liHOeorhiaisirset. , , Estreslfvaas TarssMse Latere t i. ..... ... - - ... tj ens.." , J. . " ' "7""" nae no avosttiai aisfrffiara ii:... . , "Insr Pills ars Karveloea, t ,.-.-(. i ,. . . .. . -er ' "I send Aw snothar Im. i--. ... ... . .. n0Mfc ' " umq.UI WIS Dr. vtsueilii h.S mtrA n,. L.. i. '." . chronic" -v ... ..... ws f esvs half ef rvn M nu. JwJ7 ai.,.. n.,.j. " n,r,e rot d . . . o a ia a :''f y oaasea ef a moraini Is ernr urcd." "Your box ef Usririel'a bin . - I. j f i.... - - ....... . n, n les fat ears and the boms left." . ""'rid lay a.od mo two bosea ; I want on, for a pw family." 1 iil-se s dollar ; your pri. is twenby-eve cent, but Uis medicins le lue is aorik a duiiAr.7 " sWaflvs,bo;eofyonrplUX ' - ', , " m,-h,T lhr h0m "fW 8lK l-l rotor I Lav orer 00 tuch ies1.;.:. A this, bat wsnt of sce sojRt-ia mi t. o"n--'n Is 1', ii. J'. ' - - Avl j.l I. F. rESClD ACiET r:i isst- Eicii.rort ive, tiis enr KOTTCBlsi-hnno ewiuins wniwoii rreflMiiar aritid ..n pol or b..i, d r, t. licit ' whuh is fci'Hiy. axil By au riwUhle r Ir-i i v. 'hrottj-h.- Htaioe eud Lu.atie-s' ai c bos or pot. Auk. 9A-t 1.T T r . AO-tiCC. " rpnH Trustees of Orcsmbore F. -i .,!, f JA inmwq w must .11 vr.li.rwi.-y jn , ill AihOtiiAt CllUWh OU UiS 1; a. ui 1 1 ars re '- lc - .v-i: next. A punctual aitsmlauee uun..' r , . J. E. WU.LiA KovlU-U tot. LsulUVitnrt Jt-i Glutei. Black and Colored Kid, - ! ;(. t wvl auj Ik, fV Jrissss snd J i -, " " v- iMised, fif nifn t Huiulrud and bistyx, tMrwinsily . . ,m ui our iucl. fiie i 'V:

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