- - :- 1 Ctmm-4 I ' " I 1 I rft DAILY SENTINEL WTj. PELL, aMate ITlnler, ..-.-j ... THE SENTINEL. ' AD EIITISIXG BATES. -AfartiaaaMota aeraTTiiit aoa mora than 10 haa A i J : 1L' - K iili :;iL JL I NJLii of miaJoa lypa wtlch eonautntoa aquara t TERMS Of SUTJSCRIPTION, 1 InaartloD 4 4 ,i.no " 1-50 4 1.1 I twk 1 anotith Biontki " Th BrimwBv. U published JTery wing xop "a..1r on ITie RiHoirffi? WfMT 1 : V lfl.i 13.00 M.OO ao.uo 4 190 for on month. 11.00 too 100 r i. I WOOIJD RATHCB BB ICBT THA BE PtytS: ... 'WT.w-r Ctey. For two month, 1 week , ' . , . 1.50 7 i Special noticea, nndcr a aped! head, wiQ b har ged one dollar per aquare for each insertion. ' Paaeral aotica will be charged a adreiasementa.' The atmnl announoerneut of a doath ar snarriag will sot b charged. . . - - - J WW SW , Six months, 7 " " " , genii-Weekly frWntinel jw, - . . - . , i six month, t -,, Wk1y 8id&el,0O J - J" .. (,00 fcOO A VOL. II. L: 1 RALEIGH,. UESDAY EVENING, ;HCCmiBER 11, 1866. , : NO.108. Xoo 77 rr"" If ' ' I a ...; ins -:- 1 'iSll A Hi .. AiftO OJ' CAI A C Br Pnrchaalnc Vonr tiooala of " Wit lit SO TOif - 8TM ST, iTiaale.' , RAElirTf- TA"B. OCBaTOC. O0N81HT8 OP STAPLE AND FANCY "i f T DRY GOODS, . : '! ' Maoie mm b, II.M - Car-. ' . vvItfroii8Hnra doom AMD T O IX T AIIlSl.II. ' :''" ' T Wrr l,H ! l"' Hi fact everything any class In ths wimmanit jjrnT r qnir to complete their toilette nr drew, all of which .,11 a nrity reduced pn. We flat tor oir-lv that "FJT-n 4 mtrt Vnn that we will soil good TKN Fl.ll , eKVnfHAN;AJX OTHER DEALERS IN "aH.i.d exaaia m U PFIJKS, 'd tko. eatiafy ynarselvoa, Oarmottoia .--. :. )aiB nl Thankful tor the patronage ofths past, le" tMiiraoeerprmming to wtaks it th inter! bT'!.to,i"tr,. A KLISEAOO. Ceptas-tw.; ' . 1 . ! Biciinon. r i otiiivo m a m r . V FACTORY. " r 1B301 ESTABLISHED i$39 K. B liP K N K, AUKNT MERCHANT 1AIL0B A5D CLOTHOll, -OLD STAND, 'lri v nmim t'nwr r I .IlICIIHOWIVA. Um ill" ceWel a rin Awwtinent af Fall nd '7ler4-'.-4'' '" ... , .' ' LOTUS,. ; CA93IMERE8, lv. , , t - . . . AKD VE8TIN08, which ha U proprd to Biak up to order in th Ust lyle md al hr notie. ' hMnh"J ,otoi,tac,t ' ( Rea Made Clothing, of hi own mttufctor bW in Uiii City under hi w tupeyiiin. i CWrto rnndn to ordi n4 gopd 9t warrtntod. -. . CsCBtlomrn't FuraUbln; odt a dHum rilj ly 00 hiwl. , Call and aw hl Stock t Ho. 1300 Wiuu 8t. Bwh naond, Va,, be fur pnrclnsing etaewhara. . Oct l&-3ia i i r ANOTHER CASE. (t thtio. beautiful TuaMimabte Catwlmero HATS, WB4r' 'l Q,T. COOKE. l&i l v FOR KEXT. ONEofthemnatdwlrnUereeideiice is the City. Kor riMtaPJ. .Plly XHIH OPFM.-E. uayis ft jom lirore n tA Commission Merc Hants, n.viuKtoit, . c. ' WV iiava Innt retiirned from th Km with lara and eninulcto aeaortme.it of Oraeanea, wi.ieh -ur to the piiblie, at wboleaale aad retail, atth " j , Terf Loweat prlroo for Ctpih or Cot. v ' .i"-1' ' ton. , T Th aloHt oooabit, In part, a follow : ... , BL'OXB, cruahed, powdored and all trade of ' . .f brown, .,. ' - COITFK.-Java, Lagnvra and Rio, ', 3 OUEKN and BUw-kTeaa, bVilUF and Molaeaua, ; , . v V CANDI.Krt, . HF1UE8, BACPBIMT, LEAF LARD,' ,V ' t L m , WU' DBHK. and Beef-Tonguea, . :T,r , M, ll rAG&ET Baal ' Ood-nh. Mackerel iyl Itorring. Jrini Ooaban JJnttradClieea,nuan4 Tobacco, large and , ft a aaaort men t of Cigara, Starch, Copperaa, Alum, gait Fear., beat Durham SrufAmg Tobaoco, to. good aortmeiH oti-riMP WISES AND LiailOHS 4 .., x of the beet brand. .' 1 Bagging and -p, Earoaen Oil, BhiA No, to , beat rifle and gnn powder and capa, Maeon'e Cballeng Blaekinc. :. ''.. ' ...... .,. - "Wa reapeotfully invito the publie to aaU and M, ainln onr atook. ( Oat tMtn.' " - ' - 1 - 1 FOR 84IX. A F1KB HORSE, BFOOY AND fURKESH.- Applr C. W. D. Hutciiinga, naimgn, SaruJ, f.r a-a ne of KaWh, Octv8I--tf Vf. 8. TUCEa. -I Witt waH TtxnAX-enUrmer M OKf t OelM-tt 1 Whuleaala and Betail Orocer. - BOOTB A X I AIIOEI rTit4.hl nd to Ih fw-t. J No Wijo work Vi ' m ttu f.-. Ootu-tf v., --p. t.. COOtt A 'Ho. 1 stationary Ensine of 18 hrmc'Bowrr with a fatwra hoiliir of 2 horee and aaw miU coat- aieta. if ftirttn. panicnlsr-, addrna, - ' ' - DR. R. HOOKER. ' Ho la-it---,.,,. ' '"r''t:,,,lt,IBl. C " ' . Throat Freigbt Tariir. NORTH AND tbUT BY TEE AIR LUTE E0UTE ! "XTK r mow waoarad to abb all kind, of Tniglt "'"thtungh to Horn York, Philadalpkia, BwUia and Baltiiiutra, aa throufh rscetpta.at.tha ktwt rat. THIS IS THE LIXE PEB8. FOR 8IIII P. .-. . . Tour Ooodi will bo Handled .only Oneo. ThrcaKb c o;( wwu-laaa, aa delay, tint, and c. paH kw than by atiythaY runla. ,laarana tttHi , eawaared. with ahr ul ; W faka od la aad (row I'utaiolaa. H.U. wt nil aatirtat !, wilb mora urunptoaM aad iiiatk1laa ay Kipr Company at avboat ua KiwrthtHa at.;T" . , ' , takh iscrncE, ; ' . F-naaa ahippia Road Buath IU afcip tbroaRk th 'olloaiag Mcaata aad by tKa fullnwin'; aamad biaam. alup C'jwpaoia aad no other. yoH' Krw Your, BytliaAUintie Coa.tMailUauwblp Co., Liviog atua, fox A to , agent.. So. 8 Liberty Bueet, tor Fiar 3ti North Hirer H, YVK,. :t. ,-. F, .. ..- Biii.tiiiMtiaT'' ' ' .'-V , . Br th Halllmwa lu packet Compaay, 'L B. Parki aoat. tout of ,Ciii' Dock and BraniU'a line e(8tauiara ' . v ' PKOM PHILAOt.rHU, , Br Hi PhiWdetpbin and Morfolk Bteain.bip Co., W B. Clyde fc-Ua aKaa Mo. North llelawara Avenue, Fhijadelpliia. Pan" BoeToa, By tUe Buat.a asd Nurtifk gteamnhip Ce , K. flaoip aoa 4 Co , Auf nl.. end of Central Wharf, lloalon. Cunninryonreoodato K B. Aala, PiirUmoath Va., and City PnintJ Uood. eomtnu by the way f f.ily P.dt and i'etelaburii mn-J v C. B. ALLEN., KreiVht Agl. R A O. K. K Co. Dee.i tf, j ol ISBIKO FEM4EE COLL.EOE, FBASKLIX COUNTY, N. O. Cl.T: T. Jmtm, A. M. Profurtorof Natural Hcionca and Bollea Letter. W. P. Aldekvam, A. M. Profeaaor of Ancient Langu- agoe and Hatnematuw I u.a amfeaaor of Mnaie. Hum Luiix Mathew, Aaaietaut in the Literary Depart- nieut. . ' ' ' . Miea Moixm K. ftHmiAM,.iui4 Ma WiiAtuujirai Lka. Amiatanta in kiuaic. ; , Miw.L V. VaW Vlc, Guitar. Drawing and Painting. Mia Miria tl. 1JOTV, rreparatory ueparantui. Mna. T. M. Jowaa, uomeatio ucparunena. rfc. u,n Mnuion t.t ihh7. will beihn on the Una. WedneadayTn January and oontimi. SO week. ; Charge. reaaonaUe. Number of pnpila, limited. Siiriwrt" advanUKe anorded. : -1 ywrP "'"T.M.JONE3, DeeS-lm ? - a ; ' '- Preaident. Kutcrpriaa an4 lirnert 8 time and aend bill . f IkJortli Mate Iron and Bra Worln. THK8B weU known Iron Worka are turning out all kinda of MiU Caatinga. and wrought Mill Irona, also, erery rarietv of one and two borne plowa, aqd plow eaatingaj Th .Stock of Panning iinplenieuUi now on nana ana reaoy mubuiwj i bui and coiiawu ia part of the fullowing. via t ... , nun no. u i'towa, (luwuiuuu riu.. i . ) Solf Sharpuer do. SHONcll do. (Williata'a Patent.) 1(10 No. 0 , ihi. " " ( ; .50 .W H h, iAlW. , ... ") '30 No. I " One Home Living. Plowa, j WNo, It , , Two Home " " lo.ooellw.. all ktnda of Plow Canting, together with ManMrkt'e'a. I'mpeller- Wraw 'ntter, Oorn Bh ler. of artori i patterna, O'Anies'Shovuhiaud Kpadea, Ham'I. W. OuHiiiai.Ou'a.v.Jie, aiidi aat Btoel plowa, Nov hcotia Orimli4uiMi, Aa., Aa, jff ft 4.i tr ' We arc also Agent for the Sale of every deacfjption of AgrMtnral Inrptcmeiita mannractured In tlie Ci taHtatea. n - " - '. . ' ', , . AHkiiidaof Carlnri.v Torginga, and repairing don Beatlv and npon ahort notice. . h.a. atiica at once iuii.oto ma., uiu caet cip Iron, for which W will tirt liberally In caah, or ei- ehange PViwa or Plow caetinga, : . , . ! it i- wiLiiaAJi nun, v". y Hot I'tf i ..... -..7.i.. A ""llAIjpiGH AEXCT. A A a f ? CU M R E R L A N D A. VALLEY-; , v , INSURANCE C0MPANI. OF NASHVILLE , TENN, H03IE OFFICE: : CHEERY ST.1 -o- AUTIIOIIIZED CAPITAI, ' FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS. GEN. N. P. riyAKCE, rEs'T. S. L. Tbipph, See'j. Havin been tT'Uointed agent for th above Com pany, I reatiectfulfy call tlie attention .of th citoena I,f t.hi. aectioa of North Carolina, to the fact that thia ia a Hontbrrn Company with an antnonBed Capital or av),MO. it'a buaineee ia ably aondneted, by in fluential, reliarJM aua weaiwiy nusvnv va itowjmi It haa the finest referencea, and haa alwaye bees soeadinglv prompt in ita payment, aaean be ahnwn few iti. eeFa&. Beina iDNiHawa ov wwuirt kwiiotmi, It takea both Life and l ire rixta on term aa few aa anv Eaatorn Company. ; ' J HI tlOmpaoy aa naa oeuift Divro.iuci mw n nv tar Htateaad I hope it will be well patmniaod. Let aa aupport and enoimrage each other and keep -11 Mt'li mniutv at home.. . ' No ene ia obliged now to go Horth to got himaclf of hi property uieureo, aa no ean oa aoeoaunoaaiea lu... h a nomoanr of e-reateet reliabilitr. I can b fouud at any hour of the day at the Raleigh National nana.. i;.,i ,-nm I Nov :' " Agen. : DR. CHAiLES E. JOHHftOir, t ...'- , , 3 ..- r;imuiin.i iiiclo. , V AR BBM'ti II II O I Er J ; . : L.H Mia, NrCg2 J TH taking keU known MoteLI pmtma JL tlx public tint it ahali atyle that will giv entire n.l PHt'Jita. . - i ,i. . .... , . km Kept ana comment m a ibatMaction to lta natruua The room hav. rncontll been irfumiebed, and tha ent ire hie tiwrouglily rvnovated. It ia byon4 ail eonipan-wM' ,a . ..... ,,..' . y. .The bcstTToase la hc City, and ahall be kept In aarffl worthy of th hone. 'ar RALE I J a: W. O. EIDDICK. .! rropnejor. Hott-tf BF AtTIrTL vvnrtmM InSt rM and for 4tmaHAV -tAav hi.HX. I . ... ' Hembara of the Leirialatora, Vtnltora ana am iHTitMl tr. Mil at WaTHDN'U 1'HOlWKArn OALLEJKV, and hear of aooiotbing to their intoraat. - ;a,waiow. A. IM J hut ai-n VALUABLE PLA5TATI05 FOR SALE 1 OS THB BEC'ON D TBUUBDAY J DKCKMBEB, that beina the ldth dar of the month, 1 will U to the higheat bidder, upon the preruwee, that dvat rable . .. I CSTTOIf rtiAKTATIwI. lately owned, and reaiOed npon, by Atiea Stimbeth Uinton, dee'd. The tract ia aifuatod on Heuao Blrer. art rail. Eaat of Baleieh, on the Tarboro' ltuad, ailjuining the huida of David iluitou. It uootaiua KLETKN HUNDRED AND NINKTVOIVK ACRES. ef land, bum raaKB to run HtixDitroof which are cleared. AtumVlHtf arrwa ra Ina low - gronnda, mat liable to orer-flnw. ttl) is iwdi!red oue nf the Ipm Cotton Plantation la' -' oonty, and th Mteui land will alwaya produce 'fr.ajjfb ei-n to aoatarn iU' THE IMPBOVEaOC.NTB eonaiat ef a handaoma Dwellina; Houae, eonaaining aeven room, kwatod on a comniandina aito. Tltere are three frame" hounea alao on the preniiae, with two rooma eacli, and all necemary out-hoaaea, cahina. uarua, fjiu utiuso, carriage nuoee, a a, , Aa una land will be eoid on tlie liberal credit of only one-third caali, the balance payable in one, two and three yeara, a rare opportunity j afttmled to partiee Vlaliing to purobaaea nratelaaa farm. Peraonal aeenrity will be required, and title will be with-hcld until the hut payniuut ia matter. V Non. Thia Land will be divided into three tract. the Houee-trart WI0 acrea, another tract of 350 acree, and another of 245. Dlota of whusb may be aoen at ror ofhoa above Creech' ttturo, ' t , . , . W. R. MILLER, t Nor. 3 td i Agent of Legateef. " Utandard copy. THE VOICE OF TalEv I'KOPLB t - . ; " .i 'ii- .- ; SHALL NOT BE QUESTIONED ! ;i TMm UMANI.IfOk'aj VKatDICT HEH- E. I.. HAHDima eold th beet Clothing in North Carolina and now hia auooeeaor v R. B ANDREWS A CO. Brlltheaame reliable- fahrica the moat approved atylea at 1.0 WEST PRICES ; ' , alt made np under the auperviaiori of 1 HARDING, BALDWIN CO. "";!,:I(nToB,i,v. The public generally are invited to ctll and aee th NEW ASSORTMENT OFM WINTER OARMEVTS, Now Opening. FfilCES LOW quality and R. B ANDREWS A CO'S, make unsnrpaaaed, at Nov 3-tf ' t'lotliing and Furnishing Houae. INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDERS, f Scientiflo men, who thoroughly ondemtand the anb Ject, eoncorwith great nuanimity in aaying that nothing exerta aneh a deleteritma inflnence against health aa bad bread. The renwdv ia at hand in 8IMP laON'H INFALLllii.E VKASX FOWiiKBH, th. value of which ia thu certiiied : . RALniin, Ang. 84, I860. I hare teeted the Toast Powdora yon manufactnre and can recommend them aa vaetry anperior to any other evor need by me. In addition to the lightlies aniAjweetneaa or tne ureao, toe powder are eeonoau oal, aa one-third the ktrd naually reooired will anawer in the making of either loaf breadf or biacoit. For paatriea and oakea they areeiooUent. I f . v iaomu a. van. The price of theae powdera par paekag I IS da. or 75 eta. ner noand. looonaa at' avae, aiwaaa ! Confectionary More, FsTotteviU Street, Raleigh, K. aiLiiaa. janv. xa. lnnn. t 1 uie is ao eerurv ana i navw oaeo air. Bimnaun' i Ycaat Powders and find them to be an peril to any 1 1 have aver need. After trying- them ona no houee- keepnr wtU I ba satianeo) without tliem." s a u ,. i sua. tLU. HABBteoav Raudoit, Aag. JS, IMA I hav tried Mr Wn. Simnson's leant Fowdem aad find them very good. . ' . L. 1L Tucxu. ) A VALUABLE FARM FOR LEASE. rpHE SUBSCRIBER DESIRES TO LEASE, POR X a term of yeanij.bi Farrn, adjoining the town of It is well adapted to the growth of COTTON and CORN, and its proximity to the town secures abun dant Jatior at ail seasons oi tne year. C. WASHINGTON. Kinton,Oct.31-tf r Progreaa copy. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, IIOOB EWaBDI A PROCLAMATION By HU Eicellency JOSATHAH WORTH, (tovamor of North Carolina t - " "'" J " 1 ' ' ", " Wniua it hu been eui eaented tome, that asks PL, Moaaow. late of theOoonty of Cherokee, ia said KM, -tarida rharced with the murder of Harlan A Boone, of aaidCountr and Htate, and that' th said Morrow lea fuiritive from iuatice : '""'" Now. therefore, in ordur that th said atnrrow may be arrested aad bronght to trial, fin said alleged ninr-,1 der, 1, JoMTauR oT, uoremor or said jstate, ao lawae thia my I'roclamelion, oftering the reward, of Foe a mri)Rrii.ui UAa tor nisapprenensfoaana ue liverr to the hhwiff of Cherokee County. ' f I,, anrneaw wnernoi. nin txcruim'T. rfoe ata Worts, Governor of aaid State, haa hereto set hie haad aad caused the Groat Seal of tha State to be afhsed. - .' Dona at th City of Raleigh, thia 23d. day of Novem bor A. D. ltxid. ';"' ' ' . . 2 -1' 1 JUnATUArt tUKlU. By tha Governor: ; ,. i ,. ; vi a. ia. auu-bi ... r , Private Secretary. r 1 Jamea A. tiorrow, la about met niwa weigu aDoni 190 lbs., suborn hair, haaei eyea. smpniaeiid mouth, sharp aqneUi Mr wMiw rrtiir-TBrr all u lit lv atixj fair complexion, flat ne none, about thtr- itooped sTioaiilFrra; Bat cheted. ratRor vweiMweesmng in his generaj bwring, but few aud rnigarln hiaeouversaaion, fond of iiijuor and very profane. TT'-'. '' .-. . (. ,.f ".i-. ; - ' ITntrremiL AahevilT Kewi. and Greenville, Tnn pa ner, copy month and aend bi ll , to th .xecutiv oiuoe. . SIT.KATJOS WAXTI R. A YO(t:tiADf'n has eonnideral.le experience IX. a. a toacller, df-aire a sii.uMivMa4ur aloiiiy or etamnary-. , aVdomis. " COIWX. BDffiHAM, Hofcs-in .' CLO?VO IT SALE, , , .-i. .... . OiyTItE, SEAS O INT. ir aa. . A' ; FOTOTII AND LAW j. i f GRANJ)' OPENING OV DIIV GOODS. l-r.i- D . Having attended th- doling Dry Ooodt auction aale ia Hew-York ktet week, tad bought largely many of th Qdoda at over one hundred per cent, lea than aimilar Good early in the aeaaon, I am now prepared to offer the largeat and beet aeaortment of th aeaeon at fully 60 to 100 pereent. lea than at any previona time thia aeaaon..' - ' I would alao atata the lata porohaaa ar far aupe rior in quality, atyle and fabric to anything offered is thia market thi aeaaon. I will alao reduce th price of th preaent atock to correapond with tha heavy declin In the prio of all kind of Dry Oooda. You will now have an opportnn ny from the beat and largeat stock m Tirginla at prices that cannot but pleaae. .1 will enumerate a few of th pricee, that yoa farm aora Idea of what yoa can da. Yoa ean buy good plain Colored Bilk for II, worth early In th aeaaon tl.SO. Yoa can buy elegant Colored SQka fur ll.M, worth 12.00 early in th aeaaon: Can bay any BUk In atock for whioh w aakad 12.90 to 13, for 11.75 to 13. , t ' Yon can buy beautiful red ZeSett for to, worth 15 early m the aeaeoo. Yon ean buy magnificent Rept and Cardea Bilk in aolid color, 13 to 13.50, worth early in toe aeaaon from 15 to $0J Yoa can bay super Black Ground Bilka, with color ed embroidered cpota, for 3.5a Tnaaam alao in CuloRd,Oronnd.' Tiiea ailk ar th Seweat style in market, and worthy tha attention of th laaias. loii can buy Black Bilk tar H, l.aa, I1J0, ,1.75, tt. 150, 13, 13.50. Th aamc goods haw bean sold in thia place thia season from 50 cents to 11.50 per yard more money. Yoa can buy any kind of Silk at Smith' at s saving of from 15 to 110 per drees. . You ean buy aO woul Delaines, in all colors, ' at South', Tof JkTcehU. They sit werth'ii tm gold. ). Yon can boy I and newest styl of Dalainos at BmiUi'a35ente $ plain Colored Cashmere afS8 eentei solid Cihtred Diilainfrin brilliant flgurea, at M ceo la, wurib 50 cent ; good Empres Clot ha in cot ton ami woiM for 10 cents, worth 75 rente ; 64 Alpaca SOoento, worth TJ rent toll. 1 . ", Ylim can ur real all wool Rent Emnroaa Cloth atw arc .i. at an ... . .. , . -.' :- . Dn uwm -'prea. Lwui imported for, II. , I have sold such goods early in tha meson for 1 Yoa can bny real Velour Rept, a new thing, tor 1.50, worth ta.6. ' ' ' ' Yon ran buy Elaatuie, beet good imported for th best trade, for tl.'ii, worth W. , Yoa can buy real French Merinos for It per yard, same goods eostmessrlyin the aeaeon 11.65. - Yoa can bay say kind of Dress Goods at Smith's a low as anywhere in this1 country. . " Yoa can buy th latest stylus" of Cloaks. Baeq nines aud PalCtoU t Smith's, and savs from $5 to 110. Yoa. will- Sad th best assnrtmmf of Shawl at Smith's, from 1X50 to 110. Yoa oan buy tha best Linen flandkerc niefa ver of- fcredin thi market for th prio for IS, M, IS, 90 aad 35 eenta. , . , , ; ... ' Tha handeuoaast ladies' real Heriao Scarf srar awa, with brocfa end, ar at Smith'a, prtnss from 75 cent to Ii. , , , '. Th bast BlankaU is Virginia far th money era at Smith'. . 1 J -i 'u4 Th best winter hearjr pbuinela saa be fooud at .... ... ... . -.. Smith's. ... Th largest ssnortmsnt of Caaaiuiarea, Baliaete, aad paalalooa goods generally, is at fhuttVe. ' : Over 3,000 Hacktias, pur silk and new ttrla, at Smith's, for 25 cents each, f - ., ,, Yoa caaindth best all woul two-ply Carpets at Snuft'.for II Jk The eeUbrated rereriHblc-feed, aolf-adlnating, ten oa Florence Sewing Hacltin in for aale at Smith's, who ia general agent In- Virginia aad Horth CaroUaav It ia to be hoped that all ia want of goods ia cor Un will give as a ealL They will then W the proof of th l,,tetemeiats.-1,,1,,i;1',v. i,,;.., j ,,,..". .THOMAS SMITH, -'5 S.Tcariiore treoI. -iv; f :f cturaburg, T, -Hot flt-ttr -- NOTICE.-. 1 PrLICATlO will be made to the orient Gfnera' A AaecmWT for the incorporati.in of tha Rocky Al 1 -I m a. .nui wi ii vwjw. -v , , NovK-lmlaw ' .,-..' - : ,'. 1 fTTFTE annnal meeting of the Board of Trmrtwa of U J toivi-rsitvo N.C. will b heid in ths Exk-uuv otiiec a Huuday th ,10th. J I' t eciocs P. M. CflAi JIANLr, . antar. ? a pMllt A r-MCAT10lt WILL Bat MA Bit TO :J. tha areaent Oenerai tMMAmblw fiw a Charter for hittrwlta BjsrUlsT Penudi L'oUee uk'tli couuty oi uranviue. -o KB-lmlaw , L J : ' " i . .. i ii i i i ii. COTTOIf FARMS. ' Svsal very prodnctive Cotton and BUick farm fir rawt or ieus ; ltaated in Wavn and Jfohnatoo ooantiaa, and aonveuent to Rail Road. 'T .' 'i . .. Applyto . f. ' . . T.H. ATKINSON, or. ' W. P. ATKIWU), ' Nov 80-lm . . Boob Hill' K. B. j- '1.KOTICE.., . fTTHE Babserlbar will sail at Auction, at White Oak A plantation, in Johnston County, five miles west of Clayton, , , DECEMBER J 8TH. 1806,'... 900 barrels of Corn, 10,000 pounds PaddeV) a V Sweet Potatoes, Pat Hogs, How and Pigs, four good Holea, seventeen haad of Cattle, two Carriages, three BaggMsv two Wasxme, three Carta, and five eetta Har nssa. a good aaeortmeut of tannins- Uteaaua.. on ett Blacluinith Tools, one flu Piano j aieo a 60 gal lon Brandy Still bswT And a variety of other article too tedioo to men tion. ALSO, AT THE; SAME TIME, WILL BE V ' . 'SOLD . ' , I A I A Barrel Turpentine Still, A SO Barrel Rosin hilll. ' Tha Stilli en b ieeo at Clsyton. '. "r TERMS CASH. " " ALKX. MILLER. White Oak, Hot ltSStwids ,; . -.- A- L-iiL- ALLAN A JOinOW. WIIOLK8 A. TJ K 1 Seedsmen, Nurserjmen and Florists. tBNDER rW-CHABXES HOTEL) , f Richmond, Va. Oct 13-ly LADIESVFURS! FURS!! . F U R S t ! ! ' A .!,..., "... m .1 ' - TrsI- TTJ8T opening, a An aeaortment, Embracing Cape U Collars, Berthas, Eugenie', Viotonnes, Uufis and Cnfla. WR1PVT VP A rp" i WHUSUlrlo W. Not U-tf DOUBLE SOLES. TUST received, another lot of Oeat's fin DOUBLE U SOU. BOOTS. WHEELER A CO'S Hot. U-tf u s. wnxuaa, a. C SLACK, r. w. wTixuas, WILLIAMS, BLACK ttc CO C0MMI88I0N MERCHANTS . ; . .;;' i " H -it - : ' ' ' No. 120 PEARL STREET, N. Y. ' Braoui, ATTwjmoK srru o raa sals or C0ITOX, TOBACCO, SAVAL BT0SXS, TAMJf '"" '. "'1 4JW DOMESTICS. ' ' " . " Ltwii Ajmms, Raleigh, H. C. ' '" A ' 1 GaBittm , JAiaon, Richmond, Ta. - tf ' T, 1. Cokraxw, Norfolk, Va. W. T. RuTMKkuH, Danville Ya. t..w w pm. i.i v. Ti..,v m,..iii- vr r f Oaaa. Dawn, Cashier Stste Bank, Raleigh, K. C. n. aa. rfoaHsroa, rrea, sis. jMtns, voiomuia, a. v. ' Jakbs G. Gibbs, Columbia, 8. 0. ' 1. M. Gn.WKR, Montgomery, Ala. . . , . J AB. TuatsLE, Montgomery. Ala.' ' ' Wsias, Adais A Co., Atlanta, Ga. -I " " D. M. Barjunoes. Baleiirh. V. C. i. . ''". " , W. Jobsstos, Pres. C. and ft. a R. Road, v r4 ' i . ... DMuuu&re,, . auu wr , jr.au aioau. : i ' A. B. HiTcns, Pros. 1st. Na. Bank, Lvnchburg. Chbctt, Nicajusoa A Co , New Orleans. w. it. avow wis, ires, jsecn a 'itads itsnk, n. O, Csti.rrjia, Tarlstoh ft Co., New Orlcaoa. BaAOurr, Hill A Co., Savannah, Ga. , i . R. D. Poar, M.WIe, Ala. ' '.'' "7 " ' P. A. JBJurroii, Augusta, Oa. ' , " ' CloasiaBnents to as are enmred hv Fire and Marine Inaurtvnc aa anon aa freighted, frum-all Doixits on ail Railroads in North sad Huiith Carolina, and Georgia, and from all Southern Slumiing pens, throngh to New York, whether advice of ainpmoot ia received or n L use Ha ; ; u". 1 '"j , SPLEXDEU 'IA.0 FOR4LK. N Store on euosiftament dsvs Am Roeeaoud l'ucno, . seven Octavo. Iron Frame and a nrat rale liaatna. ment which will be sold low fur cealt, , , ' "- JAME'J'M. TOAVXES,' ' , u -1 -k-. - ' Agent. OS sale two Whiskey Stills, but httle need, which will bsaild kiw. , ... -" - . . a ww m m - - ' JAMES M. TO W-LEa, , . HorSO-tf''1 'f AgJut Arrr.lCATiow wii.i. nm . ( r ins the nreaeut soeariq of the Ueaeral Ansewihlr to incorporate the Colnrcd ft.ducanoual AasueiaUca of nortn t arolina. Novil-Jm'iaw ' " V AOTICK. HAYING qualified at the November tonn ldii of tba-eoiirt of Plct s.ul liunrt- Heaioua for th County of W ate as l.awcnter of Jasaes Mckimmon ilu ceaaeii, I hrn-ly notify all penwus having elaima againM the saul ttau; to pruaent the aaine for pay- mw "ihm ... .mi. pi--T--iii.ru ur iaw aim an per sona todobted liht,nt wtt to make ininiediaU navmeut. . -. .; , - ' A; N. McKJMMON Deel-lm' . . 3-- " . u'Execntor. F"Cl"c IIK1VT. ': ' - 300 AritwAoi1f,jurof,sjULjk,'" - KlitWJU MILLS CO., . Boon Bill, Johnston Conuty, H. C. Xov 14-dawlm ' ' i'oit. it i:-r ' ' 1 " 1 ' '' tafum of SiM) acre of ti-naMa LatuL ad. mm the rttv of RslMsrh? wnll alr.t,-,l to c: tun and twy witla tr ie Move and i h:m - Alao, 1 lioltoa and t -rn tiae4i.n. on Nnw River 4miii tiW'tovrti'Wii'if 8i.iin.ti.ild, in 'Jutmstua Conuty. Appry to X W. B. WATSON. Hot 13-lf OI.it GriOT iinTKI. FOR ajtLTJ orderof tl." 1'irectnra. Hie rirorv i-trVnom, .. th onion HiHet situated in tin. ...-. nt ... sod imatediatelr oppusit the cr;tvi. and ,moIii (ine an enure siimpj-c. wiU k,,1 ni m,mn the tlrat dav of J;u, nay livi'.. Ia, cash, the nwairnVt on tone. - . .. Dees-tds '' . Standard tad Pfogrtsa copr, k ' f . REAL, EST ATE , IN KORT1I CAROLINA. FOB SALE. ri PURSUANCE of a decree of our Court of Eii tr, I ahall sell at poblio Anctioa oo ths prenuaes, . on the 1st dar of Jaunary ml, at tha how of U At, v thej opsi ij -kvwitn as '-T .... 1 1... ORiSWOLD'8 K0TEL, I -v 1st t Qoltlaabiproug-K, JV. C. 4 , Inflhidlng 175 acres of Tjand adjoining aaid town, and what ia knows aa tha "Stabl Lots," on John hCreot, on th fiJiowing terms : Ths purchasers aVill be re quired to advance to the staster a ana mffl fries t to ! , ffet an inanranc aa directed by tha decree, and to pay the cost of the proceodinga" to secure ths r- kiaiwler of the purchase aaoney by bond with aee. rity payable in six, twelve and eighteen months, with hitereat from date. I'ouaeeaion given on or before th ' tilth ef Jacaary, and th WU retsined nntil the par., ahss-rmoney Ujpaid., 1JJ- W, G. MORRISEY, ' j ( Clerk and Waaler ia Equity for Wayne County. it ! r ehall sell at the same time and place, HI Interest k a tract of I.uid in Chatham Conntv. and in a traa . of land in Moore Conntv. bolnj th aani which War ' ovveyed on th Sth and 10th of December 1M54 by ' Amos Wade, to Willian, Korncgay and others, and . which are valuable oa account of ths coal mines wliioh they contain. Terms, (per cent esah, bond with spproved security for ths balance payable six. months afterdate with iutereet from date, Titl re- '' tamed until tlis poroliaae money is paidt .-- v. m. auwuniM, v. n. jr.. Nor. S3 td Of Wayns County. lNOTIClS. Bfvirtnsof s deereo of ths Court of Plus and Quarter Saeeiona of Wanhinpton County at Jlo vtmber Term A. D. 1860. I shall offer for aale at the ' Coart-Hons door in iHymouth the following rest : eatate belonging to Joeiah (JulUrn doe'd, Ivuig and be uig m toe couu tv ef Waehiriirtiin, vis : i Ona tract of land containing 4,4.28 acre called , "Somerset Plae,Mt being the farm on which tha aaid Joeiah Collins resided, and 1 aituated oa Laka Scappernong. Ttusitarm baa a frontage of one mile , on aaid Lake and nuia back sir miles to ths Scupper- nong niver avail is uiauiaaa vj awo tyanaiswj saw river. About 1,100 acres of it are cleared th uncleared land is .hfisnly timbered with Cypress, Fine, Oak, Poplar. Ash and Mapie, There hi a water power on law place that drives a Saw Hill, Grist Mill and Machinery for Thrashing, abelbng, cleaning and elevating grain. - i Also, a xraotoi una aooatone ntue irora me above an Lake Scnpperuong known as Wee torn, containing 1,460 acre of which about 6o0 ar cleared. Oa thia tract there are ao building of sny description. Also, various tracts of wild and unimproved land lying la Washington Conntyoontaining ft,110 acre, . Also, aa undivided jY interest ia aa unimproved a-act of land known as the Ner bold tract coutauung 1,400 acre oovered with valuable Umber. ) Alao. will be eold on the l.th. dav of Jaunarv IRA? at the Court Bone door in Columbia on undivided i interest in a certain Tract of Swamp lead eoBtauung S.0U0 acre known as the Frying Pan Tract. 7 Ata, wUl b old t th Court Bouse in Newbera i undivided , interest in a tract of Land lying on tha Lakes in the county of Craven containing 1,444 acres, .Alao, an undivided ) intercut in lot Hoe. 4D, 50, Jsua. : J7 and 378, in the town of Newborn. i Also an nndivuled ) in tercet is a tract of land adjoining town of Newborn containing 2 acre. Vt the Court House door in Louwbnrir and County of Franklin, on the 12th. January 1867 one trsi't of Land known aa "Hurry fleun'' ailjouuug Cobbs Z goads containing fci3 acres. i I will sell at th Court Uona door la Edenton th fbllownig tracts or parcel of Land belonging to tlie eatateof Joaiah Collins, deo'd. oa th Uth. of January IHel, ith. of an undivided tract of land called Luton a ailjoiiung ths lands of I'.tar P. White, B. Fat ton, W. Wood, containing 347 acres and also jth. of an an divided tract of land called the Jones' tract, adjoining Vonticello containing 76 acre. i ,.. , 5-'i4ths. of au undivided tract of land, sailed the Rons Walk, adjoining the town of Edenton containing lat acres., fth. of a Lot in ths town of tdentoa opposite to lots A and B, on old plan of Town, adjoining John .ton Bridge, 4th. Lola numbers Ou. 07, 00, 9, 110, ' ill, 113. i'JO and il, in ths town of Edenton. Jth. of U lots in EJenton, Bnmbersd 103 and 104. 1-H of Lot No. 34, m, m and 67, la town of Kdeow ' ton. Term mad known on day of sata.---- -r ?-7r j - " ' ' MART COLLINS, ' DM-td . . i , , , bsMtor, "MIND YOURPINTS.w AND FOR SALE BY W. EOBT. ' ' 1 : ANDREWS, firoccr, No. 28 FaetteTllie Street 1 ... , -i. t , .. ... . v'-.;v 100 Sacks Full weight Liverpool Salt at 14,00 t 60 bills. Superfine Flour N - ,S0 ' SO bbls. atolasee " '' ' i ' 6) Kit No. 1, Mackerel. . -i '. 30 Case freak Tomatoc and Peaches, "1" "'"' 60 Boxes Adamantine Candlea, at St5. .' 85 Bbls. White Mercer Potetoea. 10 Bill. Onions and 10 of Applea, choice. '" li Yds. Gunny Bagging, at 30 eta, , , ", -ail Coils Rope, X Ibt Sole Leather, at 40 eta, r . i ,10 Doa. French Calfskins. , 5 .Kin Skins. f 30 Boxes (Xudy, assarted. ' . - . 'JiSacksJava, lUcand Iagayra CofTees, Jf liK Reams Wrapping paper. I vJW BnhlSho poita, sasnrted, cheap, . 50 half and quarter hbla. flour, diilsrimt grades bte. Sugar, of all grade, in ouanmiAa .nl at prices to suit. - . ;, -, , : ,5 ao ona. r.mnage mmuynonr, best mads. i 100 Bag Shot, all suws, at 13.50. , a - . ' J A Iioa. I'ra. Cotton Cards, at (L00. , i 2") Boxes Pearl Ktarcb, elmap. : Good assortment Crockery at CoM. " , All manner of Bsurea, t'aiaupa,. and Fancy Qro cenes generally very cheap for caah. . . , jtreau uytr rectiivua daily from Forfotk. 1 . Mi lir T,",tj ,,, . ........ r. ,f i, , -" """ew auu xtetau uroe'er. IA-1.1 1 i V.. .... l Hot 23-lf V Crab Tree Plantation for Rent. OH Monday lb 10th. day of December next, I ahail ' rent for the enaurmg year the Plantation Ivlns on Crab Tree Creek, formerly th projicrtv of W m, H Hav wood Sr., ., i ' - the renting will lake place at tiie Court Hon as to theeity of Raleigh, to th hifht bid.l.ir. 1niiaCjhui4e.jnaliurtcr!vlimii,ime!i(. - " TllOS. C. MclXh, .s i', A,,r. - I 5 " - ' . octontaaoa, ofsy.ifso , : . LnwAso B, liruLTT. H. B. Persons duairing any biformsihn rolatrro to Ui properly will pleas ea.il on Gov. IZaiily. Dcc l-tdii . ' - - IO alt' - t aily'i cold watch and chain; The ws.h ,.),, A bKurns and ateel uande. i ne H-..na nana sUd slwx, A water wtis siurrsved on Un. biw k. Aieo a insllor r nirravuig oi the Kumn c!iar-ti.r nti tV.e tni, Jfari.t.. st.nie, eurioiiHrv wn.nirlit Oold chatUin yeah s ho.k, ana n.iiiiwi vim v.k.wv u.-.u, with riiiv e,-., and a nnt'tB tne I"", fmin whiclilosiiinil trmkfte. A Snitauisrf.....' -I will b given f. tlie rocevery of -tbViatuiiBndtii.n. . .-.. f .. .. - Apply t i ' ' ' . I Not. IS, .' THT3 OFFICK. T ABiii8 niNEa Ann lilLOMLJi a) rheao. at AA BhOes, good assortment and cheao, at 12-lf VVULi.Ai A CO'3. K0T i'