' I'- U 7 - t ,1 Si . -:-i 7 f jr. r ;7 THE. DAILY SENTINEL YT.TirE. rELL, Slaw ranter. TERMS SUCSClilrilQjr The Pbshsm, ia pubiialied every evening except 1.. - M tbi tlnm ftdMrni I InollMi inur . too . 100 - 1,00 1,00 - 1,50 - noo For wa aWnha, T" W1ttl,. ,. ixntonths, . . . - .. qtui-Weekly Sentinel on year, . ..... " - sixaioaths, Wi.Vy Sauiiuel, one year . , - A , t O O D C IIANGE , TO MAKE HONEY ! . . By farchHulnz Your CtHxU of A. IUIII. .:, . WI I XI Kit-tO MAB T It XX r, JL.X,jm.au-JttBAMt:iI"Hi Ql.l-JTAjl-B. OCR HTtXK COMlSW-0 IWAMJa AND jfAKCT Dill GOODS,'- Clathiag, . njusrissiJio dooDs " , v A N D T 0 I L 8 T A B T-I C L B , - " i '- ;? J'"'11" 44eutnaM f . lit fa.il evervlhmg ar rtaea in thmraiinily may l mtirrtntmipWtthtrtiiMHlt,U f Which lwHIIoM at gniatly reduced prices, j We rtne miwln'i th eannot b TinrtmnM uwtini Tim tlil w iU wll fwi Cm- HWil'iiUXUAN S)f m'HBHKAiJiBS U -ntfcU il 'imin m RUPPLIEa, ni thnr tiy youiwlfe. (HO- in : ;' Qilck Rain hi! "imII Vrvtlm. . 1 ' ; Tknikful futlhs ptronBi of flf-jiMt, w wolicit be nak li mlrr of . KI.INB & CO., KfCHMOXO. riOTIIIXO MAST ' FACTOR V. X u o'Aunsirja IBS? ff.D.' 8PRNCFM-,A11EST MBBC1IANI TAILOa AND CLOTEEEtt, :r old stxni) Ma. 3iK Mala ar S"- yrKu:iiiioVi;TA., s Ku jiist aur(i a Fia AawwtiMnl rf FU tai . Ifialat; j - - . - - j ! CLOTHS, -s ' 1 . - - ., CASSIMERE9, . - ' " AND VESTING8, WflTlii jSpSrffWW Bp W wJ t tlw tsrt ttyl mi at short aotuw. n hi lo an hand i wll Hlctod tuk of ; Bead Made Clothing. afVi,,wnT!Wfefnrimiul in thU City under hi - ' vwa mpflrriAm.- Chirta il-ta rdr ai4- -: miuitti ! r: : T :"". . Ocntlcrueirt Furnbliing OootU a julla vnrlaty 'sliraya' op hand, j " Call aTil aTbia Btock at" K" 1300 Mi'ia t. awrnd, V.-, fcafora HtrnhaaiB aiaawhora, - 0.it 15-Sm T. . Kiel t A.VOT1IER CASE. v Op thoaa bantii"iil fhioaahle Caaimcra HAT8, . -Jnat rocoivad at t)otlif . T - O.T.COOKEH. ron itxvr. I Fttr partioulatm, apply at , , " UctJ-tf THI3 OFPICB. Grocer, and Comiulsslon Merchants, fa liava Jnat ftnrnnil from tha Korlti 'With a " V lanrf aJ aamiiafla aim ll 1a -uli i" 1- "''"'n Dim nililir, at a li")""1' f Tt"1, I BIIHI H I I M w iwoib ton; jfb alaeii amwita, U ,wrl,, aa fnllnn HOAlL-enwhKd. powdered and all grades of lrrown, ' "... f COFKF.R.-JTi.TA)?nyr anil Ria, tlUKKN ami lllack J'oaa, : HVKlll'aiid M'llaaaeB, s -4 ... . CAM'UX, i . bilCEt, , . . 1 PlUKtt UKKI', and Bmf-'lVwgiiea. ; N. y, r.VCKFt Beet ... Cod JSah, MaiikereJ and Brnugs, Truue Ooahea " Butter and Chema, Unnff ani Tobacco, larga and Una aaaortment of Cigars, SUrch, Copperaa, Ajnm, --- H 9 ero, host PufKain Miot mgTotiiiccB; Ate. .." gasaVrti?-fto,,--,, ' f tub best branda,; 7- VVi'. . IL,fe!i;lu( an4 Sopo, Kerosene Oil, ShatKo. 1 9 . BlacUng. ... N- ., ' ; .... , -Wftxejjfi'l'l tha puUiO-tC4U and ei amine oor stock. AFIMK UOKSK, PUUtil Ail niKjr.''5.Tl Ant to C W. t. HiiidmiRa. Italeigh, or Iks, Un-1 , ,tT 3t-tf - W. B. TUCKER. fYSTrV. TlOl-J SOW H dully nweipt of " I will r.t nil. them ( rnl iwt'mera at ONE DOLL A U A-NDtilXTYCKSlH r"r Sur- v , W. ItOBEKT ANPEEWfil, Oel-aHf 4 -; WhoUwale and statf Q AM Miot:. niinfi 4tmftt (UHy. Bc,it.'li ltotuan aiuIUmiijIo rty,r 'Alt Bootll, "aiewtggaoiv and ea-ay Uia f4,- UnjSJ.ulleJ. r Ov l- !f - "-- .- . .- -rw-G.T. tXJOKS. Sal. rif.aoia Il0f,.- fTHS net affm-f thtfteoaoni wnl tfmcwi)c oil JL . J.'ia. Ja, Citclara aant on afwiiinatiua - . W Aa 1 H IXiOUiXi 7"" " '' If II L-l II. II -.: II i 4- X M - --r4 r I '4 1 1 -r"f T 1 r 1 1 1 I "" I I F t. i .... , I i i- l ' .. m . . m '. la. .-i.. - s v aw ?-.. 1 j .n m m if 1 - ri j . , ( . , V at - ' "I.WPJI.1 MATHER VOL. II. RALEIGII MONDAY EVENING yECE3IHKK 24, ttlLEIOII AKD OASTOJTBAU - -ThroBRh Freight Tariff- NORTH AND SOUTH, BY THE AIB LUTE EOUTE ! - E ar saw iter red to ihip all kinds of rrwt.l l Ibmairli to Hew York.. Hiladalpliia. Bmtoa thnwgk rwMipti, at lb Joweal rait, - Tn i tire-' rou Mill- PKKS. ?7 Your Qood will b Handled oaTy Once. Tlm.iiirh vvenT(iiw rtoaa. to dcldT. t ime and cx- bmm kw than by t wthar rnt. laaii' liifiiair. compircd ilh tilhcr route. W taka (audi U atd Irom voiumnin, a. u. aT ail iDtarmexuaca nwwm, witk BMripronintBiw aad dupatrk thaa aay Kipron Cunijxfiy aiaaout oe funh(h eont. '.. . TAKE tNOTICK. , Perona .hiPDiiMi cuoda Siiuth will ahia through tha Mlig agenta and by tha lullowlag aamfd lam- Uliil Tin T.t - Ia, Viuc lj(!a ,iili,ti, 88 Ubarty Ktwat, or IW 36 Nurth KivctK. Y. , ' ' -V -f au Bl,ti.iK, . -- . By th Aaltimora Ktaam ,paekat Cenipaay, L . . arka ageat, loot o( Uatoa Iuk aod Itraadt'a Una Pa of ataaatera, By ffia philadulphia aad Korfolk rSeamniilp Co., W B. Clyda fc Co., agenta No. 14 ftorth Ualawara Araoosj Fhuadlphia. - V ' " V.T gOMBoTO, B th. Jlata aedKorf.ilk 8tariwhkCvrE'B'ain- aoa A C , Afraaii, aad f Uaatral Wharf, -Jloatoav Coeaiga ynargoodt to R.H. Ata, furtawoutk Va., and City Point. 'Grtoda eoniiaa by way of City1 Point and Pataaabat must ba ao anarkad - g.: H A, n U B fa. D.ll . FRANKLIN COCNTT, K. - T. M Jovaa, A. M. Prrfeaaarsf Satural Science an4 ' Bullea Lattra. -- " . W. F. Aw-aw". . M. Profpaaor af Aaciont Lanan- Mas atM alataainatica ' Mia Luzu Maihsw, Aaaiatant in tha Litwary Depart- moot, - - . Ua Mou. E. SoPTBitx, and Mias Wu.ursxmi I j!. Anaintania in 3iuie. i Mraa L. C. Va Vusm, Ouitar, Drawing and Painting. Mm Mull H. Dirrr, iYoparatnry Impartmont. Mai. T. M. Jombu, Domtvtis Departnwiit. Tha Spring Ba8i of Jti67, will begin on Mia zna. Wdnedy -Jaaary-a4-oontne Want-- - Bunai inr advaiilairea ailurdtSl. orfalk partmla, ajtply t T. 3L JOSE9, ?e 1 lm ' ' Prasidont. nU)rpris and insert 5 limes anil send bill ' North Stiiia JraiB and ISraiM WorfctC TnKSBwelIjiowiiTrim'Worisar tiimliig oilt-all kinds of Mill Cmitings'and; wroOjfht MuJ Jrin, alifo, arery rarurtr of one and two horso plows; -f nj plow eat!n(;s. 'fh htotlc tif Farmuifr finplemenla now on hsnd and ready for delivery is Try.lrH(i, and eonsints in part of tna fidlowin)?, is.; 6(X) No. 0 Plows, (Ruthmond Patent.) . ' Sf Helf Kharpucr do - -T 2il No. It - do. xWitliani's Ptnt.) , 1 No M - - -r - r - tt - ' - " ?io.St du. (Alkn's ") SB Km 1 ' Jn HoraeLiTlngitton Plows. 1 ho. S ' Two Hta-so " M lLUaailhs., all kinnVnf J'kiwCaatltitrs, netha4fU Hiiudair A t 'o'a. .PtonaUrr Kttaw ( uturra, Oirn Wiel lora, of Tarioua patients, ) AmeaMKnreleand Hda, Riti; W". tStftiue Afju a-Ajeiij a4l3aa Btel pAjwij Nova heotia Uruulotouoa, &ai Ac ' . - ; . We are also AkoiiU for the hale of arorr dwwtipt ioa of Agricultural liuplemanta maoufavtnred in tlw Uni ted ntates. ' 1 All kinds of Caatmrrs, Fonrings, and repairing dona neatlv and upon ahurtnotir. ' - -- -- A'.Ti. Wanted at ones KM.-nnO'tW.. old eaat scrap linn, for which we will jfty Jiberally in aasli pr a- cnatiRS riows or rinw rim 1 Hi;a, "nrrrTrcrJA!ktso, ,t p'o. K A LEI6M -A-eiWtfVi crini B-EnM A N 1) VALLEY " : I N S C I A N C E C 0 M P A N I . " OP NASHVILLE, TENN KO. 23 QITEIIRY" ST." Tf-AIJTIlOUr 2EI-CAPITA L - nVEflmSTDEID TIIOUSAITD LOlIAES. GEN. Jf, D. rEARCfa, Ymfa - ;-, . HaVing aeea apixunted agent for tha ebova Coia H4ij respectfully eU the miwntioo vt the citizens (f tua a.Klj.jj J Stitlh CarKuh' the fain ihat this ia a oouthern Company w.Ui au autiioriaed Canute! ii faOs),lwa. UsfcuMnewHaaiuy anniliulini, by in fl'itMitnl, reliahle arul wealtliy citizens of T:nnesa It him the B.iiC ftftrren..', ana atakralnya bee exretiiirtgiy pi-ouipt in it.;wymenta, aa'can be Sliowu br itinMikJiaial auxuuaed uy weaiihy gontlataia, 'It tk-Viti life aniliirftrii'Ss MAeunaaa iuwaa anv Vjuttar.jnitn. - i lTOa.tihpTtivwjiltuet tlngjatttataeaiato 111 gtlf Htata wiu not it will bo well patrtmiseo. hut ua aiiHn n t. oa one alrouiae'iiat'll' Other UhfiaMV all due-money at b''nie. .. a.- No one is obli (rad'now to go Sorh to rt h'niaelf or Bin iir'i;i is ineuii'd aa lie can lie ai.eommxUted llftra by a aompaiv 01 Ifrrw! ri.aoiui.v. .. - . I call oft T""'i at aiijf.waur 01 mui mf ai liif Jian 111 Vki i,,a1 liuik. -V- ; tr-'rSf r-VO. i. IKEDELL, f . KawlT-S6i'. :- --. ' 1 Aira-V v-ui- Da.-OIAIIT.ES K. WIfSV!,- i " .iVmimt Krsmiiiing -Phyaiiwsjti ' TS Uking chares of this well known UoteL I proihise 'i jie.o-u if una it kll he lo-r4 and eon(aet4 Id a 1 f- it i.. . - . . ., . . ano cheats. .. ( , - - - . Toe room's have rerntlv rx reforniehi'd. and the Titir h"a llaannlgtity sginfaud. -1 tyd ail asA sIiaS bs-kfj.t in a t;l otUiy of the hoove,"- -1 rTra . . T'" llctreWaV 1 PliaTOOSAFU ALMEJIsL BF.AVTirt it, aeaortment toet rereinxi and Tyr JY aala km at YYAISOVo I'HOTXKJKAl'H OKU U-.KV. . ... Mionhers of tha Leiilature, TkItura.and. fi(Mns are hmt.-d to i-afl at VtAfSOVa pIlulVUKAPil UALU;i(i' and hear 0 aoweilujurH W their interest, v il. Vt. WATSON. A rn.itiATiosj avia.! mm SSADB MI R 1 A. in Die nreaent evasion of Uta Oeaerai AaaeaiUy to incorporate tha Colored KttaeatfcunaV AasquiaUoa of Mtwth t arohna. ... ... - AOTZl-luulaw XOTIC E. TT AVISO Aualined at tha Nurwniker term ItWI of A A tha court l Pleas and Quarter tK-aanHia for tha County of Wake aa haeeutor uf James Mi lusumoiide eoaMeil, I hereby iitHify til pnons having aUuhir airainst the said Vxtau., to proet'iit tha sama Ttt pay ment within the tune pneK'tiuotF iy law and all, po'r siHia iulbtd to tha said aetata to Biaka immediate pvinent . - -i -1 A.J. BCMaMU.I, v ' Deavaajn -2 rlxtulor. FOltltKIVT,, oifl ACKHs or iooi ctrrrux land, UU AppIv to - - - ' - - KEOOOIJILLSW.,1 ; JUOSUtHUW aiov imiiw jnx ron KE.vr. MY Plmtation of SUU aorea of tenable Land, ad Jnnui(! the IV of Kah-tgh, well adaptwi to Oot tou and torn, nith rttn Honue and C'aluus. ' v Alan, 1 GotaVrfi "and Own plantations on Sena River M milt bohist tha town of hruiUiiirUl, in 'Joiitwton County. . . apply w , J. W. B. WATSON. Kor 18-lf oi.DGi iw.xiioTii, rait rLE, BY order of the Direr ;ors, .the property known as the Union Motel aitnated ia the centra uf the city and bumediately opposita tha Capitol, and emhrs cinar an entire Sonki . will 1m sold at auction on tha first day of January ieu7. 13,000 cash, tha remainder os time. - , Dec S-Ws 1 eop.i, A txfk n CsT" TH jrJTTiJ II T YTFo B" " HALE IK NEWBKIOI. N. C. WILL he sold on the Sd. day of January, ltWf, (on teas previously diapoaed of.) the Lot and Buil dings, on Craven .street, bolongtug U tha "'" '.' MEBCHAJTOtoKCJrNEWBEBN, 4 end heretofore Used by that insUi&Uoa tor banking The propeHy eonsiats uf a FULL. LOT. ItrTxJl feet. with alarge brick building and brick onthnaeea;.ls in good order, and ia well located for bnaineaa purpoaea, or flir a private ialdence. . Partiea wishing 10 aegotiaU for It on private terms, will confer with the aubaiariber previous to tha day ap pointed for tha aala. ,.. - ,,.jss-'m 4. - -Sea A-8tawtd : rre1rtent, lTSTAltrBLE YEASI SOWSERS. Srientian men, who thoronphlT irndprst and th ttihs Jeot, eonenrwith great unanimity in sayiug that nothing exerts such a deleterioua inflaenca asainst neaitn aa nan nreaa. 'j he remedy is at hand In elMP-AKiN-a IS UlML&S& VimiL&X the Tmloe of which ia thua certuiud'i ' , - : - KTJnBW,TIg..M; imgT I have tested the Veaat Poaduia yuu manafaemfe and can recommend them as rantly anpenor la any other ever need by roe. Ia addition to tha Hithttteas and aweetness of the bread, the powders are eoonouu eal, aa one-third the lard usually reuttiired will answer in the -making of eil.lier loaf bread or biscuit. Kur . pwiries and oaaos tney are roelient. v -J'laoiKu A. Ok Tha pries af these jpowduri per parkags is 25 etc or 75 ct. )er pound. To bo had at Was, ftiaawsaala t ;onretionry niora, rayutteviiia etreet, italotgti, Jt . lUuna, Aug. Vt, lRflft. This ia to certify that 1 have need Jlr. Minpaoi'a TwbrflwdwraaJtel-fimiTfinnTtoha snperlor id kuV J nave aver nam. Alter trying inem uses ao nouse keciw will ba aahaiied without tli;m. ,. m e o. a. Aiaaauaos. " - -v ' MAi.rmw, Anr. l lHfld. I liasa tn4 Mr, Wau timpaon a Xeaat I'owiWa and Snd tliem very good. - L. M. Tdckei. AuitSt-tL A VALUAIII.K 1'AKTI l'OII l.i;AK. rpffU KtJBrtCHIDhR DKslRKS TO LEASE, FOB J. a tnrra of years, bis Farm, adjoining the-town of fc-iifston. " " it ie well adaptnd to tha crmrth of COrfON and null, aim 11a in ii&iuiii j v 111s u'wn aeenres luuip dont lalwr at all soaeooa of the rear. J. O. WASHINGTON. Klnatoii, Oct 31 tf . aa frogreea copy. STATIC OF K0CTII CAR0LLVA, tDnr,ff ardi A CllO CLAM ATI ON By Bis ExoenehcyTOAIUAX WOUTH, Oorarsor af North 'Carolina: Whesea. it has beea renresentedtoam. that Jaatits hna,unia ciiarwl auth tJw- mirdr of Yi-atian A. Boene. of said (J,Hiiitv,and Mate, and that the said C II . Int. .. ..! , u I 1..1 .. , in u ,.1 -AtoiToev-ia a fuiatrve from justice : . - , . -. . Jwiw. Uinmfore. in order that the aahl knnow nir be srrewtrd aadiironpht V trial, for said slipped liyui-4 cu. L Josatmah wiiarB. fJovvrnor or sftuK'WiUr'. tlnJ 'iH!e this my prorlamatHin, olfociatg the mwatu of rt a uionarn jmi lab mr niaappn neuaionanti oe hvry to tli tiuerill of Cherokee Countv. In witnesa whereof. Ilia Kxi'cileut'v, Jorathas Worth, bovarnor ofhaid Mats, trs hereto set bta hand and caused thejUreat beoj of the Imp U ba aHixed. " . Dons at the City of Raleigh, this 22,1 day of Xtrrern- ocr A. u. ITO, ioATtiATWofnriTtpaniao Bv tha Coremor x ... ..'.' Via- II. JIAAILST, ,.' J : - Prlvata Secretarr. - DrarErrno3i --.- -:.:. James K Vorw. ia about uat hl.-h wcI, atioat toil ItMfc. aitt,ni'n hnir- hiL eva- farr eommevtrm. tlat ouinpi iei d tuoaUt, al.M ajiw-UiMa iumo, aiioitt tlnr tv years old, TerT alinmly SKaijKd ahuuliired, l)ai natd, rathcr pnpoSAwtaitiK in Ins gei 1 1 al hearing, I1.1t i'iw ao wmrar in ni "U rwiwgjy tona m iiqnor and " mamSrF'T1. . T. " ' "'"'"'"rr" Pfureea, AateviHa Ifewa. tart.l yVeenfil?, Tf fl. ,pFvtH,7 1 B's'ilh iid S'H'l 1'iu to the iifcuu. otiiL-. . tJTtATIO.'s WA"Tn." ATOCs1iLAlwho bas enamderahle arnwrinnea aaateatrher, deairea a Situation in a fniuigr or I iMuiinAi Aiiureaa. - - - ' .1 : COI.WM FIHOHAM. . ... . j.. jT.;bitieyiij.,.siTi: AIdv'a roM wai-h and eh!,,.iTieiwit-h rather laree sUe but iat, ainKle ", g"id &, Utrk tWoras and ata-lian.'liLlf scod,an. af- 1 a'-' A water aefe-oe6.t'i oli vil Itr if. A. a ewrravioar ottUeafMe-ebara''t'i' w the luAiAittt. aonie. crinun.v wrgfit tm: ctisttiHin sitb sf.ii'. and luii.jit i v.!h. a-i ! ',' tf-i-t, m mj.il 11 r;i-i: inllie txVii.T: 'Hi wM.'Tit"i!i-:TT A H.uim'. rcwra4il tat giv Im t raeotwrw of tha y aU-ti an J l,4J.i'H. " Jx'oT. IS, It. this omen Bl BKJHT THAN SIS FRKMDEWT,' -Hearf Clay. CLOaIi Ot'T IAUu O F TH 1: . , 9 ., , , v "KirA'si); GK AND; OPENING !'' ?ISV fiOOlH," THIS FALL. r Having attonded iu cl.wios thy Uoml ancttua saltia in ew lurk last wn', and bought largely anaay of 'Uta Goals at era on hundred per eamk leas 'than ani nuwutijuuiid to offor the largeat and boat assortment of th St fully 50 to 100 per eon, leas than st any pranoas time this season. x- I would alao atats Uie lata purchase are far supe rior in quality, style and fabric to anything afferad u) this market tUU aaaaoa. " - I will also reduce th prio of th promat aiaok ta oart"f nj with tha has vyaeelins iath palo af All- ity iram th bast and iargost atavk ra TirginlA at price that cannot but pleas. 1 ; I will anaiuarat a few of tha pcioM, tha ya aiay btm mm isle .of what yoa en do hJX-.-Jl ttm esa buy good plain Oolorad Bilks for l, varih tertytlJiai(LDl. ' 7 rtvi. om buy alcgant Colored Bilks imjijSttjnk loOliarry in the aoaaoa. ' ' ;;; r I Can buy r Bilk to stock for which w. 1 aakd llSo to w, ft 11.75 u 11 . - ':; ; Von eaa boy beautiful real Zaffctt fi S, wsrtK .toa.eaft.laiy masHifiMat Bepr and e OTk'llf tSto A j I .. by tap Mack Cround Bilks,; wit aolar- ad embroidered spots, for (MOiwm'' ! la is tnarkat, aitd worthy tha attention of tha ladies. -yoit Ban buy Black Eilkafor 1,'1.1S, tLis), IL7&, , 150, , tlUL Th sam gomla have baea otd ia thia place thia season from AO oanaa HI fl.M par yard inor money. 1 ' I Ton can bny any kind oTWilk at Smith a at a aavlng us"fruiUtofUlilres. -Jt - - Tuq nut bny all woo) Dlaina, in all eolora, it Smith's, for SO cent. They ar worth it in gold, - Ton can buy teal and nweet style of DelsutM at cants ; aoluj (Mored ielaina, in bnlliaat figures, si 10 cents, Worth W cents ; gHl Eiupress Cloth In 0t- tort and wool fur 40 canto, worth 74 cent ; 1-4 AJpasaa SO aunts, worth 7 eenta to It, , : ' Von can hjiy ral all wool Kept Kntiress Cloth for 85 e.tita, wm)i $Ui ' . w meat Kinpisss tolh liiipiwlid fin1, 4tr-4-tMwi-ol4-M..h goiiiia naely-w tlia aeasoti-fw A Toil can bny ratal Valour Uupt, a new thing, for 11.50, worth ttiO. ... ; .j 1 , boat trade, for-ri., wnrtai - Yim eaa buy real French iterinna far 41 per yard, saraa g-id cost m early in Uta awasm H M. 1 j Yon can boy any kind of Drees Good at HmitrrW low aa anywhere In this eoiwtrv. ' You nan buy fli lateat slylos uf Cloaks,' Baaiuss and PaleUita at Kimth'a, and save from t to 110. t Yon will find th bant leaortinetit of Shawls at omftOiX trom 12.50 to 110. : You can bay the boat Linen llaodkouhiofsawer a ferod ia tins nutlet for tlm prtre f,ar ii, IA, W, JO sad 25 cants. - - " -'.-..- ,,T.TinuaunMii'ii,l ,h" i.t M-rltie hnarfs aver U.O, witn uriM-a f na 1 niuMii rico from 75 nantoto 42. The, beat llfaid ta ia Virti'U f.tr tiie runevey are at Smith's.! " " : ' -. ' - f Hi best WiuU'r Maty ! can t found at Smith1. - TbaVjargtst aetfOrtment af . ai . Matineta, and :t'lnir:iuv,. &l hojlll,. vaf 8,009 - foi'a i'k Mid bow utyl. at Smith'Sf Hit 2J ita ach-A. t JTou can find th b.-.jt nil rra'J ErvA-,v Carpet at jSuiithafor ttnnkr ; - ' Tbaedebtate.1 riVcri.iiK-f.4 w!f-BdjniiUiig, ten elonEltrcacuf'owwir Man'.un.' Ij W n)u at Smith', a no iSfgi'nriiit.': n!iVfi'--tiT. WiV CareUa. It ia tol hotmd ht all In -it( of errata fn onr lina Will giv h I'l'nof ' Ihs a lrt a t-tih. 1 h v IV'ii hav the fun it.AvllTli, ycamor street. -1 ' ., . ... .. n i:, ' ' 4 rPUCATiO will be eaarle to the preaent 0nerl V. Asaioaiitjf f the iworo'iration of th Jtocky "'r'Wlar;i'.i"i.:. 'f : ' COTTOX T-.tISlS, vrv irfln .ia. 4,'4'tr and !' fwrma mVf 1 ia V,"dviAi.iI J Lu&to I t 1 f. if nut id or V-4L"! AjfiUlKii ariM f'tivt ii t to II ill 1; (,1 rt, h'to "" T"" r ; 4 f. U. ATrJOV ag' r:;::.:r,Ai'K:is'"'i.. r .,. 18CG, NO. 119. t pri,imim wild, nts mauat-To jf V. the preaait General Asei'nihly for a Charter lor Kutrells Hpruiga Female Cyrg In tha county of Oramithv Aot:!t4uUw ALLAN A; JOIIM)X. 8efdraent KnrKcrymca and Florbtj, r " ' llAimiaaa , Ai3(A laa!rlAI!8T., . (I'NDttlt ST. CHAIUJC3 HDTKI.J Klffeanontl, Tu 0 IS ly t. . wiu.ijius. a, e. at Art, w. win ums. ' WILLI AMU, II LACK A. CO., COW Ml 88 1 0 N MERCHANTS No. fH PEARL STREET, N. ?. ttpamAL armimos srvss JPO trssi t777 COTTrtT, TOBA(Tf, XJLTAl ST0XE TJBY . AND lHJIsrU- T.ryw Aba hs, Raleigh, K. C. . . T. J. Coaraww, orflk. a. W. T. HntBaaw.", Dsnvilht Vi John WiLsna, f'rea. let. Na. Hank, Chat lotto, N. C f nx. Dkwkv; Cashier Mato r.nk, iiahuoh, N. , B. Al. Jona-ro, Prus. Kx. Bank, Columbia, B. t , Jahiis a. Uians, Columbia, H.V. ' at Un.nasf, AtontgiaHorr, Ala. ' 1. k B. TuiMaua, llontifouury, Ala. 1 ". W1.14. A oa is A Co., Atlanta. Cia. , ,. , I. It. BtHBIMttSK, lUICi-h, Jj. C. , W, JonamwN, Pre. C-and 8 V. B, 1hd ' 1 U. It. liauxifcM. Pre. W. and W. Bail Ka.L . " A. H, Ui'', praKtna, . Bank. Lvnchbnrfl. - 't'liaCTTTNn rr; TrcTciirn mr- W. It. Bnaixiauf. Its. atuah's-A V'naira H.ha- S. ft. Ctnunuia, 'i'ASl.afos A V.a;, New Orleatia. V- jtaADiai, tli 14. t o , tiavaiinaU, Oa, t Jt. D. l'uaf, Mobil, Ala. . ' a 1. A. rk-iivj, Anguala, Ca. ' iOlltdLaimehl til na ATM ..jiVi h VlM nA SlriUa lnminwu' as soon aa freighted, from all Di-tads on all Itatlroadsiw Kurrtrand sjnntM Carnlliia. and flcorint, and bum ah KontliernHlumiing porta, through ta New ytrk, wtiMher advic of ainpitu-nt la rawlvad or not. ' His 1 -lui "MIND YOUli PINTS." lV;ST0 RR, AmOTiwOTjt by wr$6 iiT ; ANDREWS,', ' Grocer, No. WFajfliCiJlIe Street. -M0 SaiVa Full weTjtht TJreqwol Bait 00 AftttMa. ttiirnnfUie Fluur t'-7b b.-:-, 30 lihla. Moiasaca ul S0 Kita tin. t Jfackerol. . ..t . .. 0 Cases freah Tisnatnos and Pvache, fit) Boie AdainanttnaC'andlea, at 4i. " " ' 25 Bids. Whit aleroar Potaaoe. ; . J: 10 Utile Onions ami 10" of Apidirs, chnie, . f 1,9(10 yds. U tinny Bagging, at JO cU. 50 Cmla Kojw. ' ,- tK Ihe: Hole Leather, attOcta. 1 , 10 Ji. Fihik h Ualf ekuia. , ' M Ktpblunk, ) ( til Boxes t audr, aaaortd, -, " '' " i ' 10 Hacka Java,'ltio and l4U!irWa Coffees. ' lial Ueauis Wransng pior, . : l UiiHhida phi l1"J"trmrt",'"Lt ! p, "SiTTlnlf inJ )iiiirf.i UititbMmu, 4ilWii g Fades', 75 bbla. rtugar. of all cradu. in auauLuii-. aad at prines to suit. uoia. j-,iKri.i!;e family Pour, nost auuio, - v 100 liana riliot, all si,n, at aiao; ' 1 t Doa.Tra. XVt list Card, at 41,00. ' ' --44- B.iaaa I'ti-Mari'h; rhfap. , fVood aesorlanent Cniekeary ol baf, -' ' Ail aianner uf Malice. Catwtna. anil I'uni-a flru. eerie fi'iii'rallv ri-ry cheap fir taah. -nrOTTiaii i n 1 "in n ttntty from NorfM -- - rr W. IIOIililiT ANUKKVVa, r-"-r-rWh.1ri.aVa"ii.ni Uj fiio, ..T." nf mi. - - - - ATTEHTION--EYEEYBODY, THE BEAT CHANCE VKT. f .'- TO W. Ure:R4l, . t nvrui'iirvii.! KhT7 AND GET r O U It O o H H AT NEW YOHIv COST. AS ti is a otRhik lllil i iiitartt TFtspreit ttlai'k uf Vatil an 1 win'cr , u ' . , . Dltlias. uoiidsi Xaajpwnd aatuaiw-abasil,. - ; A Ilea ami aloeara kwl.,. . ' 1 luiaitfad titaniptnHv - ' - v--: 5. : , ' ., and wintM t Uiftint-, - - - rr- . ttirMiu(.-l - 4.8tm ' - .-.1 All iwiH While aii'l I'olorrd lMok'ta, ' ' ' f, Hu-.tiaud eltit.iretM tl-iH It m.a., Ixiliuoij k!.ij ta and lh p -in-, i ,,, s .,, .rmiu', -tes-iyfT.s I mi.- lot of 1 K 1 -. a. h a t ti on r . : f.ar aistr davsonlr. in.ffl'rlo tnake ZiLiTva atol en larK tua auee. . .'. ..i..ajiitUs-antjt tV-if, ,ve m Tw ai1 'l!r-riri"oiT"11 eot, as h pit.-ii.la m f it ir.i to kji' l.n.iii. yt wily a verv Hi. f.i.i-), , ! - f tits f umMiliiif 4iio4atU " ' It tM Itll.l tts, ' Held aitd L;;i,uj.'iii! i and hfarw'j of al1 drriit on. 'j be cadelaraiad auMritf r Fraudi flf Hula of all tVania Aim oil! tktai at Ml', . kAp. Vi v.iu.in,t, Mui aaM juii .Wu,i V.' lfHKiHMr the plfue, UDSI.rit. .M, Pae-(f k. 10 lav. U.jVliiB Kt. JVOlIf O . " . . Cpflr! annaal tnasdipg of ll,e memlK-ra of tha Kiir'fr, A arolma ) nlual l-ir liienrcitce (:omnr, will b beld at tiie minaaof the t,,inn', m tiie City of Halrigh, on Tnaadal the h. day t Jannanr r. at it A U t - - --'H M 7 ' JUte.rh, lute S-1alm (-,. , 'H GUAMlTOlltUHl N r. M HAM, Ttirt.if. J tii'Dirj I, ism, KnivhtH friM a d.-.-,.ifr.. t---- '' i iV ' ! RTTOIw' - . - rUfT l ui'l!:. f ' i;.i -.'i ai4 f. :.i i- T-nt li-k. 1ii Hrr .. ,.l.afer.f the Clnf jfiatiml. ."T ' " - - V.K. nityAy, the si:nti?ii:l. 1 luvr.nrisivo nvrix. ""'AiJwtimjmttitta ocenpnng nt dkv than 10 nut. of aunioa ij-pa vhiuh nutnt a : I' IwflftHI " i.no 1 1 week ' ti: i 1 " , . , I.MI 1 lu.mlli ...-. l!i. inttt mnntttri " " " )" ' 7 "I t 1 " TT "'7 I S i I 6 S al I H(KH'la) nnttooa, 11111W a anl hea.1, w,!l I" t'ii' gad one dollar por auare fi.r each tnHTtiou.. ynneral ntu-a will lai chargod as advur'-ta m. lite. Th stupla annoniierRwut nf a death or niari'iae ill not br charged.- . : muz hioh'17 vaimjaiii.i: HEAL ESTiTE I JVOUTII4 Al'.Ol.I 1,1 iiEt 1LE. 1 N rrilSCAhf E of a r i" nr Court of V no X Tn mrnirvpn DT pillilllt All iitiil on f.k pi ,'ir(.i,.'H, im the lot ty Jmiisi j li, t the hmr of it al wa propuriy known a . . - r ' ' CEISVOLD'S HOTEL, . f In CllJatlorrmli,-1. 0. -Inriuding 175 aiiree of Land a lj-i'inni; fV, town and anai latiiown aa uie -utaiHO lna,"un Join htioev, an the tdluwing tei-oiat I1.9 putthamT will U r- qmifH UifcivaHi e Ui tlm Mi,'r a amii auiitnu-nt to ailwct au uimrance as dvrwtmt hv tlm .Vi-tvfi, n,J i pay the ojel of toe nivet'tluij,', to an -uie ta v ninmlt'T uf ilia pun Lie luout v Ut l,u.i, nty pat ' ilo 111 en. lwlrainl eitiitoeii m..i,n,. ,ii, ttrttircttt fiiiin dato. i'oawattiii vivou nuor bt't'ire the loth of Jaiiiiai r, and th title r- i-Mncil nuiil ii, ,,,0. otiast) nininvj ta paid. -, W. t. 'KilililM V, .lera ana Master lu r.'(nily lur ariw I -ixuitr. 1 . AUSO I'aWlselratthe aame tuna and uta, I, 5 1(1 wtll'lMl in a trail ut lann in liutliatn 1 IIHO f lllil IM ft t 4 of hand m Mow 4 imrtlr-tn-rrr r-t Titi,, wiu- h w- " d m e.i rd otr tha HI H fiu.T -If.tn id lit.-oniiur i-.i l.y Amos ailo, to v illi.vw horn t.iv and uiini, i1 whH'h are valiuhlK na amaint nif the coal ni'ima which they maiiain. Jeiuna, a pi r mot nah, tond Willi i U 1 111 Itv for the l.iWoie jmc..! niiHithaalti-r duae Wl'ii nitittt from tUitj, 'l ,ku r,-- ntuivu villi ut piMvhanii mooev ia (xud ' W. II. MUttti i-KVi C M. P Kov. ii td wiLso bjali; axoVlmale Illi.II ftCHOOL, riVilH Heboid wiUojieii tha Beennd fcvriidav In Juiii X arv, in tha bti, and cotiuiouiiulN,i,t.i j;a f"i m at ly wrupied. by tir. Isamna, tie 1 niutai lias aasiu'iatcd with hint Piit"o AVKI.l.lf and LAI i, 0f Jllifx Ciainivt o ,ims. - I'rtfh aww AvrnriT I 1 t'railoalu of tlm I n,...,-,!. f Virgiina. Ha as aleai'iii'r mf limi t vi'ah u. aimaiey1' iawwif-ol Mattieatiailra In 11, T', Itunale l-olii'j: until hs rnatKuetl his poai turn Ui lah hut piaeatn.tliatwiilutWrata arwiv. lie la knows to be a ri" .sciHiiar and au atvimiil;-ihil p.'nim.r'Ui -ttiw. AvKinsrr aaaiao well known, Ixxh in Vinrinfa and horth tanilinaasaaiiiH-eaaful t. tii:r, in lmtii the LiUjiarjfamd aluaio twtiaituioiils 01 Hi. bti,t l cniiala lu a wofif. the Priuctnal has rawolved to t-iaLa ll... hVdioul til that it protiKwta to be, vim a Hit h Hi-h.Kd af the hint grade. In order to this, ba ha niitvi oiov aiirh teai tiors as aie litiown m aoiui .luul-i.-huiaia, slid who have arttaiiliMliMl a r'p'itiiiion aa Suvceeatiil Aitatrutors, - - . . '1 h iniwiber of pupils will not hereafu'r he Witai " and ad'iiiujiial Wa. Ueni wnl be tiipiowd eo a.i.iii a ' Uie patnaiaKO will Juatifv it, ' '1 li klnaie il-ji'iiiit witl he enmmiMed to Mrs. Avkhxtt, wlui will be aaalated lir Mia. AatiiKoroa. All th tttler will real. !e 111 tint t ,.u, i"i Build. ifiKa. lining-aaibe can iilitAio l.ni a ,1 h ut Piukh psl, ird luttfcan sciuit! bimt.i oi.ti'pinita taine In tha town. - , lli anasKia will ooniprm tweuiy wk. Th term per to'"!ou a ,11 tm-. . l'rnnay ihniart iiieiit, !. III la P liu'har f mnliah Biamhoa, .t ! l.aun and (ireek, nah, f Jreiit'li and Duwuig, eai h, 11 , SliiBie ami 1 -aintiiif. em'ti. , .. ...i.. ... il- j -Jtiiard, luaiva ol not,,, and Saw ll.nf, M ' Incidental expenses, " - ' TIhi above prie aia 111 ajxinie or Ha equivalent, cue Hnlf in adannoe. I'npilawiU ba allowed tn attend flmreli aoconling to the wiahns of their parent guardi-tn. lebt eanno be x.iitiatted without leritiiai ia frtna parnil or guardisua. ' .Pupils boarding villi the Principal must furmult . oil pair ofskmila, pilkt cjisee, blaiik.it or cotuioi ta and tour totti-l. I'h rovemmtit will be iil t lu Emu lur further uiformalion, a,ln a - . ' ti. W. AUiUNGiO.V, OoolO-llJu. lumnaL j-trtnro7"n a mui, jo x ir. n i a s . r Tahdoso, K. C. or 'on-Aaa Nwex, JOSEPH II. IIUIAN, ; . ... . . laU-of TaiLoro, If C. DAtT, m!l' At0.f A'Hcral-Ct.miuiAl.ii iraj.4Mt4t riliai!A4fll kdid uf iKHitheiK ci-ffii anA" purchase of tri'Titn ul AiHehaiiiiixi, law. 01, r.xriimiso IMitt'Cft !r:tr VOKK Ang. 23 tf A.eeet 3.oootr (iENTtSCIjOTIIING J N J) J- I I KMVIIIM1 .t(i:m . . NOW OIT.MXTI AT" f li. li. Imlii ni & (Vt, iti r 1 11 1 im i.i 11 h YOUTHS CLOTHING ul ttaVlt lOTIIIW . 1'art'iita a'lil fttiardiana, ( nil ami , !, t:,, ,.. aiiJli'w'pdai al " 1: AVT'i:; Vi.t- - . . v.( t,()- l! K 1 .,, - faiawtifid deaaa frtiek ( for -Wr-ldjiaf .--a,. 1 i(. ! 1 r if w.'ivi li.U.H.A CvV.w t . t 1 1) - rt rf rrr l'ln,rioiiJiin Pants, ret twin lui.le by Jludiup. r; 1 S r J- f-r- 1 iv ( 1 Doe 1J tf TiiiMTV ri,M:i.i: !R tvil T'vm will coinn ' '.. 1 ; 14 lHliiHlV. llt-'lIU Mot ' 1. to Il.. f Vra til 1 tutu the a .-. t. J'l" M " i,Hv a i ' u:-i fiic"i"-firv 1 ...Hie IjuV'.i 'ut m f. i.v , ii.-w,.. i.l r-' . 0 l.'.'.W4ft'- w'r- rmi'a r! I a i "iIUl..!ilftl j. I a t:A,i f.Mlli.V el.ni.(i.Jh.(i I i. I I I.. ....... "f. Ul 1 )! , 1-1. I i' 1 if) i i.ilt a f,. f 111 aiivx'ii'sa, .-a... awas a-iuma, -f.ui-d la.ia, f.4 fJ.-r aUii.; .11; 111 r.evaratuo K jwJ t.V lo L'oo li-.ir . 1), :TT'