J,'.:;. '. J "-5. -i.C - 4. ... MDRRW'S KORTH CAROLINA . ' ' 8 IE A US 1 P L IN fc. ..r-JSa- r a. : between MJir-oBii am kbw. Si PA lf KKM KNFatF 4H4GII . i ji;v H.utiiH,', :-. -"'"mLriuuuEi.!, . . pe toots- - v cente. .f Other tioodsjln Proportion This Lin la no" rwmkc.1 of Htr. ru ii.rv n k. CAn. PaRTJiIDCIE. FMRcnxurrT ".Hi aud will run regularly betw een W York sad Nt.w- U i uW. O. : ' . -' - I.EAV1N0 EACH POKT EVERY 8ATUHDAY, AT 4 P. M, For Freight or I'anugenpply io " AlrBSlV. Fsasis A flev W fcaiih St. I ' cm Vork. I HiTnxD, Thl.L A Co, ho. til Mid Hi. Itouin No, &, Craven Htrect, . Newbern. , A. Dei! IH-lnY " t TiVlNii enaliflcj at th- November Una V 1 1 the rnnri t Pleas and Qimrtot ttessloiia fur tlx t !miiitv nf Wake aa Executor of James MrKiWinon de - mml,--l hereby notify pcnsona lbMrmgnaitnr . attainst tlie earn estate, to present me mpie iiw pey . tiwut within the time prescribed by Iw Mid ell jier oim iiiili l J to biJ folate to auW Imrowfiitta . Ai N. McKIMMOX, , '-1)1U ; . - Ewtor- - AM'.KLC P it CM EHf I FOU , : ' ;" A L l! ' ." - IS NEWBEKNr It C. ' ' t WUXlw iilj Sfi rfie"iraif of Jifmiry, I1cr,THH" Idh (irrviouiiiT tiMpd of,) the Lot Mid Hail alllK on Craven Mrtwt, twlungiiig to the . " EUniA!TfS'IlAKKOFncWBERff, I and bn Ufir l by Uiai ifWtfmUim lur banking ."Tl y Tir mnaixta .rf a PITJ..L IXW, 107i2H fwf, with aWtrbrixk lillliiiK and brick outhouawt; i ii iird-V, and In trdl haatud fur buiuneM purpiti, vr fi-r a privaiii n-nlnce. . ., Partira wialnna K npifotiato tir it on prlvaw ImM, mnfur with tlif mib.Tiber pnrkma lo Ui day ap- P 7 , .A-.i.'J.,.. C.SLOVEK, D3Uirt4 . ".. froaideal KOAItDIVO A!VU DAY FOlt OlSii LAD1E3, HILLSBOHO, N., C- rpHR Mi Keh ad Hw KHork, aanteUd a X Wen if ore in Ooparunfrtt tiy au U corpa W Prof. ni.r and Iiiatrudtim, will remme the exsr cimanf tin ir w1ib1 im the 8ih. February, . iniihirn fmwarikd on application. y o " "Doe lo-iia ,.,. -' " '-".,'" i I V jl .ma, liln Inouratire C'omnaiiT pavuiiit in full tor Policy ho. MM, upon tlw life of JAMhH I hi Kit. FRANCIS K. MITIJ.RS, kxcVoTJaa. fc Week." '- It 1 pTopur t .1I that Mr. Weokehad a fair a pr.Rt for Ions l'f "T "n"1 apperenlly. Tha tinb premium paid by Mr. W. waa . Waa it wiae and prihleut U Uiua provide for wife and children t U ho - tuu wlir not follow the example at once. W. H.CUOW,Oen'l Ag't ; IW23 4f T iirhieof a tWee-of Hie Court of Pluait and OuarUT (ttBiii or waiiiiiKm wjuhit at udk-rTitrm A. D. lmii, 1 abail uni-r loraaie at mix '....-. il, .nA dmar in l'lrmonth' the followiiie real Htf ..a.iiitM-to Jneiat UoUina 4t4, feum aud -be-i i.. ii. a tiiiutv of-wttthinifcon. vus : . C One trart ot land enntatniuK 4,4 aeree callnd 'awireot rbu'at l-i"tf ilifi jDkni. .L.whkfillie. 7 ' mid Joaiali Colli nit rrmilixl, and in aitnated on Ijike Hi'upiK'nionic. Tliui Fanu liae a frontei( of one aula on aaid Laku and nina bank ail mika to Uie Knippor iioiir Itivi r and i draint-d by two t:aul to aatd river. About J.IUO Hire of it '.ire liired the nnclearad ' land la luavilv timlmreit with (;j-jrfli, I'm, Oak, ; 1 -J'lipUr.Anli andM:iil. 1"hereia a wstor power ou the that dnvun a Haw Mill, Uriat M ill and Machinery lor Thraahinir, ehellrttrf, cleaniug and eleyatinn grain. Al". i'liul of liaiLdalMJntoneniilii front UmJii '. ral Ijk ttfiipiwrruiuK known ae Wiwton, eontaiuing I tull at'reaot ' wh'mh alwttt 600 are eloartxl On thia tract tli're are no bmldinBa of aiiydeoriritiont Jllau, Trioii trai ia of wild -and unimproved laud lying in, WaaliiufrUin t'lwiitvroutainiiiir 6,110 aenai AIho, an nndividod iutnnwt in an unimproved X tnutt of laud known aa the tierbold tract containing! ' I 40U acrca onvered with Talnable timlnr. : . ' Alno, w ill lie aold on the 12th. day of January lf;7 at the Court Hniuw door in 1'oluruliia one tuidividcd 1 intcrdit in a eertain I'raist of (Swamp land containing ' b t ar' known aa the Frying Pan Tract. Alo, wimxi aold at the Court limine in Nowbern an nn.tivnh'd 1 inUjrfwt in a tract of tand lying oa tha Lukea in tin' connly of Crain outamiiig1,4l4 acre. Aleo,an niHhvidMl ) intnrt hi hrte Noa. tl, 50, M, 873 and STfi, in the tn of fcewbero, , . Alno an uiiilivnli'd I inUirent in a .tract of Dmd aili'niii)s town f Aewbern etHitaining 3j acrea. Vt tlu t'otirt Houae door in ioiiielmrg Mid dainty of Franklin, on the I'ltli. Jannanr l-xi7 one tract of " Ijuidkuown aa "Hurry rSourrj' adjoiiuiig C'obba X ItiMuie oontauitnf; fii acn-8. I will aetl at ttiu Court Hottee door in F.ilentoil the following tracta or parish) of I.anti bnltHiging to the ' eetatenl Joaiah iulliiw, ilchjji1lJ(a.UUti.f ilaWnWry " lJL. Jaw-nwiTn'HtBa' 'Kaf? of land eallod Luton . "'Pjoiiiiiiu the lau.la rf Pi-U-r V. hite, K. Faxtou, W. y- Wood, containing 347 ecrve and aleu 4th. of aa un divided tract of land called the Jones' tract, adjoining laoiitieiillooiHitatning 7f awe; 5 atthn. nf an iiriihvided tract of laud, called Uie Bop ' Walk, adjoining the town of Mertton containing 1J1 ir.n, IUl of a Lot in the town of Wen tun oppoait to Iota A and K, ou oldplau of Town, adjoining John, eron Kridife, Jlh. Lota nnmlwrg m, Wj , W, 110, Jll, Hi, miand l'Jl, in the townof Kilenion. (Ui. of I J low iu Kile-nton, nnmbored 103 and lot, 7-24 of lit No. 'J4, to, aj and 57. lu town of Kdea- " ton. " . Z Iemiii made known on dy of aJe. zrzzrALL "f he abomunnid liropc rty will be old on the 12th of January 1807. . mauy colons, - JDectd . ' Executrix fl'tP aniinJ mei I nff of thn njemlwa of jUiAJSorth t t'anita- elntn4- Ktre infturauce Cohipeiiv; willr h i held at the nrtn of Wie Company. ' in tiie Cilr of - V Vi.li, Ml i ii i I In it lii riinr 4 nnli e i-l tl.iMJiJL.M-' : 1 -iVt-rrlUV,- . IK i Ult I UXM A LBv A t A Hi; I , BrTli.mainwt Jstry ivKyarfr TSHiin tUTs . .All. half in tihft'iai- Ja-d4tol9cchiatt I CMitUea aim aanwC. 'fmnnjiiXT REVERENCE B, : t.- T. H. Jos lie. IxMtibnrg Collegih t A- Mi-loa.i.. Mitrre,"lort" I'pl. Colk rf. wni.i v!, aiiiFiriicMiAirii jMi-iuoat V. M. lfUMMHj) t:iivrMty N. ' ITiif. 11. I MTU..- " " . V.Vi. U. liiiuiii a. Kittrcll Biiringa College: Ii. llB..Hva. -. .'IW'V. W. ii, WnntTr, WakeFnrt, ,. - Vt. li'rvall " , . '--' J Erv, p iiii., X'niiiy . . SENTINEL. Tuesday- Evening, Jan. , IS6T. .Tti TTTT TrTTTT" ." ; , , ' i ZJzJiZt DEPARTMENT, 1imin& fn oprn the Xc Tp milh aa . TUe Slab Sfwn-f4fr. Lovejoy'i Academy will corunirnce oa Iht 7tlCiBt. , u ! rucnc at the fliBT" ".v.v." --Ottwr DlttKW jfCKi' VnattT. ruWisteri, an IW..'. ! .1 tMH . 11 .Tl 1 ' o wboac repnUhou necOano endorsement at our hand, bogini on the Oth. of Itarek. See card of Garrett, Yangt Scott ft Co., jrajtmifacilireni and wholiwale dfalcra in Men and Boy' Clothing, KowYork. ThUia moat reliable finrt. Send on, ypgrerderjL Mr. V. C. nowall'alect School for Young Ladiea, in thia City, wijl be returned OA the 17th. 8ai. ov tbic Old OciokIIotel. TWi prop erty waa aold, in thia city, to-day, we learn, for the aum of $1 4,000. Dr. F. J. 1I):Wki "Wtl the purchaaer. . J 'Pkb rmr and tourth puge V KOTiTH-riDi!o the' inclemency of -the weather, the freeilmen were out in considerable umbors tliia BnnmTng, in celebration of the an nirorsary of emancipation. They inarcbed in orderly oiL decoroui ptocalon through p atrorta, nl were briefly' nddreaied by Oor Worth, Col. Bom ford and othera. : FK HaIl We are indebted to our friend Jordan Woroble, Esq., fot a fine ham for onr New Year'a dinner. .It ia tuperb one, and ihey Biay lie ohtaincd at all time t Ml Woufa ble'e grocery, with any other good Article in hia line. Mr. W. ii a capital jiuke of good bacon. I'ltorofiAl. von JIaiia The Sentinel haa been aeleeted by the Poat Ofpce Department of the United Statea aa ita advertising medium for North Carolina. .-Thia has been the result of no application our part, or the part of any of our friend. The Propoaala lor conveying the Maila hava been received and will apear in a few day. " ". ''.' , "'.'".,,". - Tiroa. 1L EixtaoH, Esq., of Waabington, N C, died auddenly, of ajmpleiy, in hi room ,at the National Ilotel, New York, on the J?tb. ulW llUremalna have been, brought home for iaterment. Mr. Ellison waa a high toned gentle men, much respected by a large acquaintance. Good fot Korth Carolina, We are heartily glad to ace that our friend In the North Carolina ' Legislature bave, aa we augjtel,,taken the neceeaary , ftept to ..itamp some of tl e mdnstrou falsehood recently nrrimulgatcd by bad and deeignin.nen with oi- nciai contrail icuon ; it will be remeralerea TDr we lmv ilrcaily Publuhmi ahatracU ot aeTeral Munchauaen like letter which purported to jtive accormt of the pcraccutlona of Union men in Korth Carolina, and the partial decision of the Judiciary of that State, which consist of a body of a pure and nprtght Judge a adorn the bench in tlii country. We era glad to, aee that several of these. epistolary Daniels, risen to judgement, have been ummnned before Com mittee of the Iegislitture and examined, in or der to obtain the facts upon which tlietr'ttate mcnU were based. When confronted with the committee Mr. lilythe and his companion of tlio Itetl Hiring fraternity were unable to sub stantiate their base assertions, and atand before their fclluw-gttizen in the ignominious attitude f trctiberate febriflwr anditnrnltiatoT. This action oi tlio North CarolinA Legislature desrvrsapp)auaAltd we, trust every fellow who dure hereafter to assail either the people or Judiciary of any Southern State will be bunted op by IjCgisiative Action' and examined A t0.11lfiJJUth-Of hitatcnieiit. , y r- If grievance exist redress can be afforded, and if lie have been told their authors , can be held up to'poblie ' acorn. Norfolk Day Book. -.M1 .-:;-;i- , ,- -.;..,;,;,.i..l';; Is Alabama a Stat or a TpitRrroKT t The question of. the status ot the Southern 'State lately iu rebellion is about to come before the United State . Supreme Court for decision. - A man named Jordan was recently brought before the Federal District Court sitting in Montgom ery, Alabama, on a charge oi felony, and hav ing been found guilty was sentenced, by Judg uteed,tp twenty-one years Imprisonment,- Hi counsel have determined to apply to the Supreme Court for writ of hilxm eorpv$, on the ground that, Alabama is not a Htate, but a territory, and as tich Judge Busteed' District Court hail no legal status! The matter will thns be brought fairly and squarely before the learn ed judge of obr highest jndtelal tribunal, And, if thry will meet the question openly and ren der a plain decision, we may expect a solution of what is now A very eorjipUctot-vjteiiit MtmimnrWlBei ' ' ' ' A Philadelphia Judge of one of the' higher court of that city haa decided that aeyroc have no right to ride in the street cars, if the companies thinks proper to exclude them. Ex Senator C. C. Clay has returned borne af ter a protracted Absence, to, find hi property li'ielled for eonfi-K-ation at the instance of the United States District Court for North Ala baoiA. ' ... ' . . ; , A sister of laie Governor of Ken tucky died A tew days.tgo in station-house in Clncinnatti, of congestion of the brain. She was a miserable drunkard.; .- : --.r-':.. -.W-v--- A bill of fare published in th Savannah Ai- tertiter anoonncea green pea Among the .'n- tfe-- ' -- r ' . k A Jok from the German! Tlie path ot frnAlldpAtbynyoVfrpAtby u4uliBoopAtby. fl VftkmitM A. HAYWwkwflL.TfWpjlKoer . !i.iil.(or.vioi-lriji,.ao ;M,UA8.1i;A.X Uih Uii'a. -ihrr ntJanuiry; ls7. at the pm( 1 Wine of Mr7 IV, llnvwrn'iiT, newt oi the Wale tiena n-.i - - l'B3t-1W ' " AHINCI.B man thomiiKhly eotrtpetent to teach tiic Iiaiin and FeiViA ia-tywayci, end whe can tiiriii-li eatuifactwy teaiimoniaia sa te eharactor, a4 qualltkiatuavc" tet a erhoot in gftfid Si-UCt hood b,v early epHlieti"U Wi aedorninKel, A maimed CuVderw( ofn, oraol.lier idd be oi.j.-ctcd to, provi.li'd be eatk furnndt the reijuirad SeatiuiouaK . Ad.lreee, - JAiTTS WOOD, Mi 't BB, Letwir .. N. or 1 Hi 'MAS i. KKN.S Eii, j-:,:.,; i s jamjkj 'b i h-. i "e '23-kwI .' 7'."- hMnatoti, H. C. THE TI5XjEGRA.HliIO, Our TuetdMjr morning liiuttIic. irlarketi indTiBincTJ7' 'Njtw-VeAr:fnh--584T-4J-. - M. - Cotton advancing. 8ali- of 3.S00 bale oi nplanda at UWf - Fhr nnebajigetl. lo-at firm. Pork firmer at V''-Ls "TUJli!ltiA ftl.il'.i1 lio.jSTiMJaSa. Ui'ntf. . nprB Conrt DecMoB r4aUV to Jili """Tlie otittiroB of "IW itiTnority delivered by jLfj I base, and that or the majority by judge Davis, are published. It u impossi'tle to tule BTanh it entire, and the artniments are to close that' a synopsis would do itijustioe lo the learned judge. The only point, in addition to those already telegraphed, la that t hane uiulntnins that I oncrre can relieve mmiwri tl the Uie-. git trTbuuuui From r6nitr'feio'utiII)'IUy la damages at the band of those whom they pun-ished-' ' n7unge'TOviv elaborate opiuioi, Tie follow bir parairraph appear r - -. - . , - - "It can never be, in tikis country of written. constitutions ana taw, wUH a - jurticlal tletiart- merit to interpret them, that any t'lilof Magis trate would be so fur forgetful of bi duty aa to order the execution of a man. who denies the jurisdiction that tried and convicted him, After his case was before Tedoral Judge with' powur to decide it; who, being unable to Agree on lb grave rjoestionaivivorveil, '5 bad,s Aocordinj. to. I hown law, sent it to the tlrtprrme JMirt -ut the United Statcsfor deciaion. But even ;fbe ;iig gestion is injurious to the Executive ana we dis miss it further consideration. There - is, t Srrer fore, nothing to hinder this Court from : an " in vestintion of the merit In this controversy. And no graver q ueatioji. wfe ever cortai durtrl ty Mil court, nor one wnicu more neany concerns the rights of the whole people for it; i the birth ritrht of every A merit an tituijii when charged with crime, to be tried and . punished tusarding U law, Ac ., -I --v "l '"7 roreignBy th Cablevi I ' . - Lnmwwt Dei Vl'. U. The extensive department of Cbrvslal Palace, devoted to tropicai productions, was :, burned last night, involving a loaa of 4300,000. i The Canadian delegates, after a scries pf con ference with the English Ministry, have finally agreed upon a Confederation fur tle British and American provrrice. , i.-' - - "Five-twenlles 78. ErieiGi. IlliiniisCentral .- LivKltrtHil., Iw, 81. : The cotton and other market ae cloned. i z), Terrible Mystery, 'i .'Zr . ". i Boston, Doo.31. . -While diacharKins the earcro of the Btenincr Saxon At this port, to-day, from Philadelphia, two boxes, containing (our dead bodies, were found. They were taken to the dead-house. Our Afternoon IMftpHtrticsi , s rromWaahiiifjtoB,' . ,.u Wahhinotok, Jan. 1, 1x07. T"Thp day Is (lulielilful and is devob d to ro" ceptions and ftsaUvities, -The rertaicaiK t tliO White House are tnid, M old eitiwns, t be of tuiprccedsiitd lirHlianfy4 : .4 V" IroiB TSiv York. ; ' Nkw YoRit, Jan. . ,, Business entirely suspended to-dnyV ! ' ! The Tribune announce that James Stephen,. Fenian "lead Centre, was in New' Yorfc,dxard- ing on 13th Street, under the assumed name of William Scott, uutd some four day ago, whtn be suddenly decamped. ;.-, The house of Aaron Ward, jr., at Clinton, near Newark, was entered by biiriilars, last night, and Sirs. Ward, in alarming tiie family, wn shot just below the breast. . .: t "'. " The ground is broken on the European and North American Hallway at Bangor, to-dny. . i iu m; r, A Meat Cottage, with shady vard, fine well of waAnr Jl. and good garden. Location South Kaetorn jor- tion 01 itaioignoneiniinnciii r.oaii. jernia imutetiitM, VAl'T. W. 1 id III IS. Pec3t-3tawul A'AXTEO. T7IOR the year 117, an idive coiujM-tcut, Ilouee 8 J. M.Bf,Am &CO. Proprietor's Kxehange Hole). l)ee21-tf joiiy w. o.KVt : . . t j . tjJG'LVEER AXD , AKCIHTECT. CIVIL WIJj furnish i'lausaiid Kpei'ifleatioiui for Dwells inga, (llmrchea, Fwtory HiiildiiigH, JiiUii ami very di-ecrintion of Building; Also, all kinds of drawings with iiromiitiiese and on reasonable torms. . bove-tf, lllGIir.rfs AC ADEMV. i - TIIE next ei'ssiuM f mv Hehnnl will eenimeneA eA Monday, January 14th. lsiij. . .. TERM 8, Tuition, per aesaion of five T,n,ii,ha, I Ituatel, iiwrnihtnrirHM,'1tahuig. fuel, . i-r-io ttoaru, in goou lamuina 111 trie uetgliUorhvod, -. convenient to the Academy, at , f.2,50 , Faymeut can lie made at any time during the s e sion, t at ita cloeev ... l ost trtlice, Hniabonmch, N. ft. ' ' Dee 14-dlU-tw2t , ,. ., , ! nr.iERM oi.LEta ate ivm ri .;;;; tite. ' ', ... ; "(iyx-BALEian l gaston i? r ;s fpiIE second' session of (hi Tiislilntion wil com J. mence Mondav, 21st. Jannarr. In7. Terms per semim of IM weeks half in adrsncrj Primary Dept. (currency ) rjn.no Higher Kiujueh . inow Classkal 1 , 'v' i.du.tsl. Inciilental Fxpenses , 7 T For Board m private families tn Uiev.illag, Jueht--sire of waxhini;, fumVand intiits Ae., per mouth, it. iO ' Tlr. VriK. t.,.1 )! Iw, u,.i.l I,, tir Wrrt 1 Riibarda, of tranvillc Co., a thorough scholar, experienced teachi r. .... . " . Mid --iar luruwr parueuiarti'aniireiMi, FliEU. A. i'ETTER. A. V. V . ..' ,3 .... . . .ivimauutg. unu,t upy- wa r..eine -r --- b. yjftBCJiRaa t u A a ji aw ia y.- ftO Fustilonable ( loak. ; At greatly redneeil prices-4 Tittle money will buy a heap from W. Hi itli.8, TUCKER, jStt' Dec 21-U " ;" ,l .TIFf I.AKD TAMl. i,. nOLDINQ t, 10 smt lV Gallona. - ; ,i '" , i as-tx .' k . wa aM.t twi Helut IVotU-eaj. U well kmupuita ail-eer eiticena. B. 15. Anihrewa A Co., are hie itiicis enr and .rc keeping up the r- 'Jf fiifatioa of the old KOX It3;wijt nr H.!oioK"t'ii nothing tttore' emnstiwhftirfitm, ts-tewlBrt whert alt Ui ; Tuomu K. Il4i4)wis 4 CnRihmaad, . ' - U liaison A W, Iv tefuhevg, 'a:. - . .Ili-SsiiistTt t o,, lViOilii4tH T; r-1- 1 . CvxmU rcfi ived lijv.eXl'-.Ui',Vi l-i ' " "" :" t : lii It. ANDIIKWS A Ct. IlreiTV ttvrfft'aai ' ' Kaejeilmewx tieuirr,.-. ":" ' ') Itcuvre. , , j'.' ". I'lti:k Uni. Made by llardini;, Klilwin & C'i.,' Sew. Turk, juat recetvedat ' 1 - . JLJLAAOL'EJS'AiXXl "lHa,tf ttKNTS, Fraxianta Htork. -IrWAw trrAJttl Jpochitt Medicine t ' 1 - Iu. MtoviiKt. i llio founder f new Medical Pya tcuij Tlie quautilKriaiw, whoee vaiit internal dueca enfeeulc tlie atoiuaeh and paialvv.e the bowels, wnst ' give prectHlehce to tlie 1111111 wiist rcaiorea health Mid appetite, with from one to twuof he exlraordinary l'llla, aual iuea tlie uaot virnieHt surea with a but or so of his wonderful and all healing Salve. Tbeectwe great epeciuca of tlio Pgetor ai faat uwraeding all the ternil vu d lloxtruuia of the day, Kttraoirdiiia- ry erin a bj- Uaggiel'tPilui and Salie liaveupaned U4 eye of the public to the iiu llieieoer of the (eo-raUcd) remrilioe of others and Uxoi wlueh people have en lung bliiklb! : dejrl).inl-jlin't!4le lftlA AuteA'ths-Gla-iii tliat sre awallcweit by tiie doaen, and of which every box full luUn crvaliw a absolute aeeeaarty fnr snotlier. One or two of Msgtriel's Pill auflioea to jdece the bowclii m perfect order', tone 0i tI-ihii h. m ate an spuetkOi and render the eplrits light Mei j w7pki oerAB uu gnpiug.eou go nwuoq ie tne form of eonatipation. If tlie bver la affected. Ha fune tioti are n d.red ; and if the nervous ayatent ia fee ble, it is jUivigoratod. T1iialat quality makes the' neuVitW'e V.TV tle.drali)e for lbs wants uf delicate f inalia. L'lecr.m and eruptive dimeaeue are htorally exHngiiiiie5T)y"TIa Unatiftctaut ppwer.of Higglers Salve, In fact, it t Minoamed tht7W'A'ctele Mllllewe, stfaawaxle e4 Itiarrbeca 11 1 In rum where all othera fail. While for iiurnaj Mcelda. 1 101- blaiue. Cut and all alirssioua of theakiu, MaM-l'e "It hi infnl I ihle. Kolil by J. Haiku u, U 1iue HC, w Vork, and aU.Druggjata.AAiU eta. perJaii. fj,.w,-n " ' - f-T---7r.--ynitr 1 W BISEASIIS OF THE , : i'3 Y ir A IS 1 " JZ A. it .' - " . rosaentv or lokdok, ts'luvs.I OCULIST. AND AUIUST, OPEIUTOn ON ... tub ' . EYE AND E A III ' Ih ipectfully inform tlie citizens of Raleigh and trinity iiat hewiii baattiw KXCUA3SGE BOTEU-oiv fUturday Not. 211 b. and remain until Thursday Nov. tilth, uid again on Aaturday Iuc. 2ind. until Tburaday tlie 27th. After that time monthly, of which due nette will If given. . ; . AOtee MearerreaaAA. lri:le 6 r. ' M. And eau be consulted on Ioafnes, Noise ia the Bead, Catarrh, rHsrrtsrgeti from the Ear, Heater In titer iJfc3:UMIuhU'Jn;i.if Wtx In Ilia Eir fflntrimtinii -f the Kuatachieu Tulie, Mid all Acute or Chronic Iltaea- of .the Ear ud Ak pasagcs.l.. Vv. ... - ...... . . v. Artllel at K ret 4 rJuSerted witliout FAIN, and perfectly resembling the natural eye. Oiwretimia for Cataract, strabismus or Crux F.y, Artificial Pupil, Ac, akillfttlly perfunned, Mid all diaeaw of the -; . E YE AND EAR,'" ' treated. Mid every operation in Aural and Opthahuie Surgery, performed by DOCTOR OAHDSEE. ' . ; . Principal OlUee. H4 Wvt Fortieth street, Kew York I'm ruiunuc!, 'ieBtiiauuiala, Ac.wud fur a CIllC'U- .V ' - ' OPUtlOXQ OF TUX rtttsx ": K !; Tlie' Ixmisville Vownirtt sayst' "The toetluioriials wha h lw. (innliu r proeenta to the public oonld neviw hve been ohiaiiu-d, exipt by the display of great siiill and learning tu his profeaeioll. One thing Sslie cully coiiinieniiiiliiii in tlie Poctor'e practice ia, that he wilt uiit. att-rnqit An incurable disease for Uie sake -of a bHtfmnkty tJI the patinfeV w Iwitiier he -ran lieeuivd isr not. rVei liecrfullvreciinmeuilDr, (Itnl ner ui the attention of all our friends who may besuf fi rinir fi otu disesHea of the ere or ear. i'J'Iic Kielonond jf wirt save : We bavenn hei tn saying that l'r. taardner hi the nioetacunitille sud stieeesetul eye and ear h'urgeon in this country . "1 rAJii!uer' trcatiiitt4-f t4te-eye and ear la dnT uerfni." iuHiHMHii .'iiwwyi r "Vie feel jnsliHi'd in nsmnimending Doctor Gard ner to ttwtf HiiltrW'm fnau dieeaeue of tlie eye Mid ear.'' ,'eood n Ui'j. , ' ' . "We can mfely and cordially recoinhiend T)r. ChtroV tier. wh will fuitiil.all he umkirtakoa to porforui." hitbtnumf t it)'iT. 1 Tlni Kew Mesne Tritt TMIa says! 'W can safely Ei-coiitiiieod lr. tiaiitn'r aea auccoseful operetta? oa the i )ii aiid ear. ' iln will not loiili j) aie to treat a case unlciw s euro can be effected, w 5 , The Wheeling I tf Mi-r says : "Ilr. Oardoer Is one of the aiost auiMMiaHful-(h;iiliste and Anrista in tit cuniiry. , Vie advise tooae sntl. rinc from the disoaaua of the eve and ear lo counuH lnni.,r - Oct llom .. , " i 'A THE HAM OF WASIII.CiTO., ia the Toil $'Mirmitim?Mm' , " TO A LL ITt! CJtlKDITORB, f "YffHf;IU:AS. the said bank has resolved to sppro- vV prwte all the eat ate and to clime its bnsuM'sa and S111 rewler lis etiartoeenrifht sod franchises, iu pofifoiiiuty to the provntoim 1,1 an act of the fieneral Asm mhlv of the Mi ate. entitled !'n act to enable toe bunks ot thie Hate to olMee their busiueaa.'' ratified the Hi h. dayoiviMi, A. I). In. tAndtlte wild l-ewk, haa filed ita bill of enrnplaiiit in the Court of tiipiify, held for the, count r of beaufiirt, si UeSMtfUl-h Moodivy sir the rmirih Irlrnilsy of Ucptewls-r A. It. al tiie mid town of Waalung ton, aj.'aiiiwt the ciediturs of Hie said bank, for the pnfp.n.es and ohjects afoixsiwid. . And tbp.suid oft has, ui-ti the bearitig of saiif bill awl otn-rierntKSi thereof ordered that JOHN ii, BLOCMT besu.l he s lvjjiehjrea nf anid I -ni t, ajiowiTMT,"t 'oiniiiiio.'in..i'tj. lii-ireiver rf ail the real aiiil j'ional eej.itc of tiieniiiit bank, .and that there lie veit'-it irt loin, alwi. sll ihe refine of actl'Hi which the aatd bunk. 't.i T. ' ;t nihjja IL .di. bt .1..!. 1.. Htnu hsiik, of to wy f 1 "on v its ue ami ail hens and si.ii'im nui tiieroior. ami m alt tnmga to be vealed with tlw. aiii ts.wtr and miilnirity wli;.li the Mud I ;.ii,i, i.r- v In- 01. n-i.t. ui !-.-s.f e sho lilea of Uaus be'' !" jt ly v '-l.-"'1.'- f'Hii',i11" i1 r-"-ynn 'oiTei'et4-VtTetw---,,irmi-ri and rcpiw.-it ifi hiiif wd has M,eeBHt 4l-f ww. CiT(tiTn?rMfT!. -to-W4t-4Hv4 ilie i..ii.k-bitiiihirir.-wtvei byrraifi batik- i the in-it-tTTirTTTrf ri:rrrnr:.'.TT"r.'.'. - '.'"it"" . AiiTTli" M-iTTTtl Y 1 i.ijj;.-j ..or.b ri .i. .an4.dIfr-e4 4bf44W -tf'itftd MitirTi-r nt sffii,-t-1..i!, t1i.Tvoi.t,tt i4' tte srtacatxeyeteit-ra. asmi'iiiiiif,.. j m sai.l aet Tit Asi'iiiil,iii.iif mt; all Ihe creditor of aatd bank " tlte nlmglif tills le t, sud that th'-y prefer and estabjieh ttt..irVcver;il eiitiiHi a and di uowlM against the enf bank hef,r! Iiu said e ttrinitse oner, WHho twelve rmthiftrimtlietimiTofTliiw rieenve, ""and that thev apply for and take benefit uniU-r (lie said act. ao."l plead sud defend in all malb'rs coucerniiig their in tere.t in the Sfn.ic. J - - - . - ttn, MA 1 1 1! r. W till tW, Ci,.r ind KuU-ttit M "'irt, at olT. e in w'awlnhg.iue' in the 4aimef I',e.ir.irt am! Htati. gfnresaul; llila; tlie lth h. lUf ftf AJeeamber A. Hi Pv:i -i i ' rt- wa 1 r - . ' " i . tftm sstr-jux f- , ; . " SOIT1IER.V BELLE" J 1 ft Miaees and CliildreiSJ" ' 1 - . 1 rwfiva m - - i-.tfi. .liiejTiLVJ ':JsK' iWti( w re. rTv:TTTaui tr,si .ffjij-ii -vai LAlliEM BALMOHAXCaA't iUH.TrV -- Kill .III. (JiiUdr'am . . . I snii two caaea doulde ante awt .lwilite niwier wwrd . . ' ' UKO.T.lXHlKliB. Txi7-tf ... . -X -a.:- ; .- J Ijitllcs' and Gents Cilorcs. l )lak and Colored kid: 1" , JL l.lela Thread Mid Silk, for litaas'aa4 JMII - Octll-t buck ooia and Thread, tot mew at a. 1. 4J00KEH. BOOTS AI SHOES. 4 rriving almmt daily. I V. Wio'iIi ! iU.iiu.andlnii).Ui niiix filf -Iwu i A.n-'" ai l viewable Mid eay to Uu feet, lg hauie work at-tai-lnni nt to inoreae the eoat. . .. - - O. T. VO0K AXOTUEK AfK.L- OF those beautiful fashionable Juet mxuved at i Caeaimer HATS, Oetl3.tf 7 at.cooKEu. iiow'ii tiiAt," KATYD!fT, CKCKJUTTE7 "I ROWN Kaped beaver and fine French Felt ItU J 3 the very latest alyle. Jiwt received at 7 J T, COOKES. SELLING OFF , "10 ICLOSK TIIE COXCERN," ' Great sale of Dry Oooda, Boot and Wioea. Hats. J" ffolloiui .7Se., now going on " ' " AT . A SIX TO IT "4JR, ' : j. r' 1 ' ' Obi) S'f AN1 No, il FATETTEVIIXE SR. For the purpose of cluetng up our business in this City we nffw oiir enlirc i Mock I ' ft ' 4AT COST," '0.MT1.. OF - ' PKKHS OOOJ ' ' ti.'f'.s. i ... i ' " JOM KSTIM, I-7 i"" - : JAIil.K I.IK FV, .. .: . La1u:i i i.n k xmnoxx, 1. 1 ry 1 itfvV,vn oun H"lKlir LAIHKH HAT ttOXKKTX- HOOP AAf.T.-i " ... , ' I ' ,'jfor'.v.v . . ? win ntoic-mJi . ... LAi'its a t uunury, ALSO i)k MKLV ' . . --w iois irfAff. " ". ,AUrsfitK NKY- . -Aii iiui Also, a flue lot of Jeans aha' SMlwtsforMru'a wear. , uuj sux'a recently pitrchawd for Caah, isw.orthy the attention of all buyer ahj will be sold a almve UUd ' . -. ' . AT CCST. -j' ; i:iMVAni H IIEELEIt eV CO. No. 21 FATETTFVILIE, c.t Dee 20-tf IUijeioa, K C, Tiion.is niiAt ii & so, PKTERSBURd, VA. - l c; xiioh. imxAon, at co., RICHMOND, VA. '", D f a 110 U S 0 TTB &X3 OTTJ '.-v ' AUGUSTA, GA. . BANKERS &C0MMISSI05MEgHA3SrT8! ' rKT8SBUK0, V., Deo, 2Sth. 18(18. We are paving the highest ralce fi Ilank K.dea and Korthcrn hnciiritiea j will hand returns with check n Hew Vork, Richmond or 'eerbsrg, for all paeka gee sent to our care, at best rates. ... We will buy old North Carolina Buinlsi Cimi ous, Itegistorml, eeralelieit Ae, also detached coupons, itaiiroad M.s-k bought and mil. I. The h.lU.eoifj are onr preeent ralea f. M. C. Bank noli, ami are liable to change highest rales paid when note received , " ( , . timii n1u.11 no, Katik of Cae Fear : ......,,.! M Cliarlotio.. , lit - ('lsrendon. , ... .......... t'irtiimeree , . , . ' . , , ....... 4 ...... JO " ... FayettevUle .V. ........... .1 .. H lsmnglon ; J.....,.....!l " " IMIralmut, . . ...J.,..;.,,a Worth I'aiMma .. . . . H '--"VWI'l."'yl')ti.l.rt'W'..vl-ill.'VI Tlioiimi,! die Sii ' " , W a.blanmgh'. .......,', . ... . .... ...... , IM f " WealmigMi ...... ...... i Vt liming ton .-. . . . : . , " .Xwicejvllle v.. . .,-.. T" riHiHiicrciei itank WibniiiKtijri . ; .-.2t IWiiii r s Mank of Korth Carolina. .... ..... .at 4 t-reeurdsiro' Miitnal Imoiraiice (Co...............,. Monhaiila' Bank 0 Newle ru , ,.;.. .41 MltMfVaad .Flsiilere liank , ,...!! TIIO'dA-t UUAiNCIt d. ti'l, Bioikm ami Cotiiiuiiwiiio Men baiiie Peters burg, Vs. ., Nov. Si Sin, V - ' ' : V . . . Tulnuble IrtrfK-rty for Knle. V miiK J be iit-e. H-ttMi s.d Ijot in Ih town nf (Irs, th,:fi.rniily knows aa J. 8 Holt's Mi ore, in, N ti ) W'l Rfil Of BOW AND 6I10E MACHI.VE Ji Y I . . op -.tel's, w.Ch aeajmeit). of waking liaipairw of Shoes ,ii!JlX.jiAia..iiUii.rj..i - T ( .e U..v tat .Hnuuuw half acre, eoaifnrtahle fcilc.liee Willi two lire (caces. Tlie 8mre lia.'two fiie fiAt.e SMttahieJitt e4tMs a.daiailiegi'. t . r A ''f tv tk kfst. " i.o ....iiiiy, f-ic, - fvnteti c.iiiins III tt,7r, . ,,r l.anil, A Alwallij ttoitaaei ai4 ao eace!ltit wfnte HoSie, Ui" :j- sr as rtrs a circsiBrKimiTt; ia Chatham ei-ey, Wl ' .."?nj I-'UlM"! xviahl H to . EE ST tJTTTTTir a Tc can adifrss or Sad me at toe O.ahsm lb.it Tlli. RtNCA.f. Ry Carter, Aetit; Pee. i'l Sw ' Grab am, Alamnace ee., I Ott ItE.VT 4 FlSEeef e.irrtfrbl'.le llnnw. aitnat.X'ta it.. J V- pll-ainiit't i.i 'linn of the eily,'foni.rtv maupied by i t. tiov Jamca li.vdliijL.. 1'uaeesMHSi wiil he eieaw on JauUHfyJt. I-h.7. - 'lerlns c.i. i.' t-u.ae tu at-t i.if 4t to 4jt f, Kf! TTKIX, r'aT I7i iiaivTIl"7vtioiii btlti.' ., ''. " I Jull auH AfiAl A-A - fc ATEU'S AGt E rn - - l",or-tIerersrfr.',',T I, 111 ' rcrlnl.it t ttrc; ot In- K'r-lltittCIlt lT;r,Ar Iff-nA lenniltcttt l;r,nr ' - , ziJ.'uy iiiiKund e r , , ; XV. XntOltnt I c r ' l! - t"'i 1 1-vi r , i mm f "Z.l "StiT I'.M et.l i f it 1 7 VMt-trt'liA 4 Js)kj4iC'iiwiwiiia t fit m in-; tttiti r lllllaaa a... . mewiiou- elavs of uisewe-e oripiiaims m titliary z.. dcratigcjueiii. csitd lojif-; Jejiiat ia-ii inisani on ciimi ti !.. ; . i . ;. .';;''' This remedy has rarely failed to cure the nevcwad.1 :! eaecSi-T t,l,,li sud Fever, and it has this great ad vautageoterothi r Aitwn medicine, that it suMuea V ' ti riauplaint wit bout injur to tlie patcut. - It en - ' taina no iptiuiue or other deh h rioiis substance, mar ". s it produce quinism or mit injJirioua .fleet what- -' -, ever, bhsking br6tliera of the giiiiv and tlye west, try it anil you will ede tlieee a rtiane. l'rt i pared by J. C. AiK A CO., lowei. Aliee., an-' t.. -r7ilUTirt myoodTT. f. PeKnd, EaI-X-( C, and Dealer generally. O M ET HIS fj , 1, 4bV W UNDKU THE HUN. -- -t- ' .... A' N-w -Era' In" Medicine , Let tlie KiilVriion a. I ftiseascd read the follow - iftg. - ' ? - Let All who hare been Kits-it p bv Imtiir auiLeipokew ef as incurable, reeit the fijinwnig, - bet au wno can believe facts mid can have failh in evidence, read the Mowing : 1 - . ' , kiuiW 4tU fMCM in th..f .'hn--. -Oii --41- Twentleth dav of June, ill tiie vcirof onr lir.l " n, 1'himssnd Ki;:ht llniiitreil and Hixly-Hix, penemsliy oauie J.iecph lluyilis-k te me, knows as swh, and be. ik mil? anoru, ucpoHeil as Tollows: i tiat lie m the ile Kinni al airi'nt H w alie I mteil Kim.. ami l,..i.l dcneii's thcicuf, f, preiaratious or muiucines kuowit v Viuioi l.m l 11 A sir! suit that the fol- wniir rcrliHtatrs sis veihuloii eonies In tl,di lu,i h knowledge anil belief. , . 1 4A.HriMErTFt1 L. S ' . -' ;- Notarv Public,. . V' Wall Street, Jiew Voi k. "" June 1,-tHfift, . .. lw. Jl uioirt I lake sir Hen to m ile von of wi rniat relief and that the aw ful pain iu my anh Ji.ie left me at last -thanks to your medicine, 'dh, eVwtor. how thankful I sin tliat 1 can get some sin p. 1 r u. never write It eiimu'h. I thank toii affain ami a . mo. sud sin eiire tharvoa are really the friend of all sui:t r- em. 1 eisiM not help wntins to von. and kune vna will it lake it amiss. JArt" FCfl, , ' ' i iu Avvuue i. . Tills is to Certify ill at I was ritn'tisreed tVuni the trmy with t bronio Lmrrhuie, sud have been enrtd by lr. Mugidel's I'tUs. . WH.StMIMRVFV, New York, April 7, ISfiJ. 27 Put htrwt. Tlie following I' an Inlernsltng rnsn of a man rni loyed tu an lion Foundry, who, in 1-.11 i inir moii.d- inm into s llaek that was dsili "! wet, rauoedan ex iloemn. '1 he nHllcd in in was f iirown around and oa no in s perfect shower, and he waa burnt ilienOinHv- 1 he followiiie certiileate waa l-ivcu luuulii hnuala-iit eittht weeks alter tlie acuidcnu ... v i New Inrk.Jan, 11,-lWi. Mr name Is Jacob Ifsnlv: 1 am an In.n Iiu,j.,i: 1. waa hl..v hill nt hj Ju'il IimU-ml- ni.iinm.rW4i ter hui us hceicti, but 1 hail a iuhiihih sole uu mv t'ir that olltd not heal; i tried iW-i'icI a baive. and it cur. o me ui a few weeks. Una in all true; and anrlxKlv eau now SMI in at JaafAsou a iron H oi ks, ami Aveneri. JTH-AWJt, , v ll'. Ououuk hiMt, ' Katrwrf fewws V avtewa l.ri.rra " "I had no spputite ( Atigiil- l Pi lit. t tvi mthi-itHtf rytme." N , ''' "Your Fills are niarrelmia. "I send ror1 suolhor box, stid k house." ' Iheul in tits "IM Wagglel das cnre.l chtvuic," mv licn.l.-i.'! tlott wt "I gave half of one of your 'pills lit lily Iml ( WlII Imln' p..j' cholera nim bus. The dear blllu thinif f Ill ft oar, ''Mr aasesif s mivrntng is now iin d." 1 1 our le of Al s sj.. i a eaive ciir 'l mo-rrr maiaia m tlie heed, f rul.lwil soma uf vtiiir Haha 1k.1hh,i toe ears and the itoisn h'ft." ; , - "ek'nil me two boxes; 1 waul one .y a poor family" 'I ein-liwi a dollar ; your prieiwis tw bntthc nii'itietne to me is worth s do titv-tive ce.iiis.... s not tar, ' , . "Send mo Ave boxes of your pills." 'jjet me have ihre botes of ymir Halve by return matt ' 1 Z hava over 20Q iucIi TcntimonaU As this, but w ant uf iau eoeioels me tn com bide ... .. J AlAl.liU I., W. J- -' P, P. PESCUD Af.l N r FOR 1! VT.EKIII, FOR : t. MaiKiiri.'s I n is ami Hai vk. NOflf l' Nooi' feiiHine without lhi engraved trademark sn-iiud 1 .ich fsit or In., stine.t by jif. J Maooisi., II Pine rtiieel, New York, to eounteifeil which la I. lonv. hold lit lliviieo4.tl..e (iralrn in Medleines throilKb out Uie l iiilt'd Maliwand Lanaila at & cents per lix or pot. ., .,. . . , s Aug 2 if ' ' .i. H Ci rill KArit! f 4-. - ... . MzHh a VA. 1 iV ;Jk lii'j..Jkjf te. . y " ... (.;, j . X'lf" It EtiiM't i !ilrn-Hloii! s , j -- IT te aw entirely sew S' leelihe di'crrreTT cemtifriilil' A miHiy of tin most poweitul end KFtomlive agents' ie the rt'ftflHbl ate? doia. We huve such cinilrter.ee in i I h nieiit. ud-jhw- tuttrrt will ilo ail we i Linii lor it that ws of'.-r if t'-' i-iilit llttlr R-Mnrdu, nol iy0 f .4 our iiietru.iiMU. -itimvH'- W aLwL'S' -.f v 1. ns. jl' Jti. rV'r uti'.Mti'4l Lta Utt fiml. ,..,... 4M AMt.ltAA. aiiimm.hii. .-fjmvT"-rtitir: Tir ftytT MX -' i'-w n Htm iiM.iit il.it tf4VT4- ltlrT W ftlt MlfiftthlTnif' HiriMV i """" 1 a i AM A II will ltr p (krlfntr lrm tnUiuu IIcImam- liar fAratfi innlti tkm I la tar J.tlf plriltll4 llnlrllartxaiinf .---- It lit ro.'tiHiiiK .ml' i nu.l it.fi ty (lii feral :TJt-4irt.l r? A"k if HtH WjrrtF..j-( 1f-ih:iii IT ,;r Vt,m w F rVtlfi lfc pfTfTrjwrp. ' - It . HAM. V O treirt leve -f -ttnVd try art- trn -nr-Tt i.tf P. P Peecad. Kali u U,i(. C. Feb.iu-lon-eod At wi.ut, , 7 A t Tt(SiBJlirtJl . n . "' V- "'" T"'"--V V -y;' - : 'V...: l;:1 7-'";' ".7"-;