FARMEM and builder In wed L'e, ?.. auppued by th ondri,:ifd wtui u eavv " rate . - . .,,''. , ,A tout p ton at haliibui PTX.7H T J-w w " Freight from ealnilury to tirceiudxiro, I,,. . ;..... - -, bau uik, . A; ppty to iftW&tiU.M 4 CO ... .,. I'l'iwU Statjon, DMi-tf 7 aoo TouAt to r. nw V T1U i 1 A KEAB THE KOETH CABOLLTf A LTSZ. mill! b Unde Mhg u.Oerroll owty J-K" Parr. e.htb Um ... eaug ut " ...,Har mairo. - AikliM, or apply - T. B- WTO FA U.. Hiiiavill f. OTCruirCoTlilpBlK- IW l-daw4w vr. VuiilnM Tot Sale. ' J1JUIUBVIU9 1 I of Bekgh. the beadaoiiM-t pton-w . ' a mrj;a ea wmbuimuwu" n eeu.rv out hot and 14 acrea ' rt. fronting on Uie foraasr sad affording Be " for building am th latter. . . ' Frie raiiiini -"7;"--If eale is not effected betor the-leUrf .Una? " pta. writ b. mnred f..r th. r rou UE.NT. r A. T ArtlyU. xiuaorKoL. -T 11-1 V v - i RAVnOLPH MACON COLtECE, ' ' IU Fill OPERATION. - ' mii'ii TIMB HONOREO IN8TITITIOM U OKCE I .inr in iiioWul ofwwatiim, with a fii.i .nana or raorwiiK .aa. " Tfw cfiatraof trnr eeieral .L.tala ara . Sllodbr aWa and exporicmd. men. Ihora are nva liicrar a..d a-u.ntiflo achocla, v- of A.toirirr Lan irVaori, MiTHBMat, CnHiOTt and MwaAi vniriir. Moaai. I'miwoM" and Moi.iaa Lwoua ISlTta i" the at.. U.e U.d X rnataea haVa .ublill a ,id of U.aim.rcial ttoeuoe, with tha riow of ei"ii$ J"1 Ul m - , a ItawiMMi KiWatiun. . : 5'o aradiiatoa In all yiiJa Diphanaa ar rrant "k and tha 4rw of DacheJor of Art and Maa Lr of Arte are, eoiitWred upon atudent who aownv " o!ih a eertam oor. 'Tha hixh gra.1 of ch"lar Jii'ti f.irtnerly required i tU iimiiitalrii Vi h a full Chemw-al and Philoaophifal ApparaMia for the Oil""""" rf ",'),"?t tauKbl. , Tliew,ttaoftbatWU!Klaunnniaaae!f.rnaHh 1 aad wnialitr. It ! aitu.ted mitlwar Utwexn the wimntMha and tha eoebnard i and during a career of thirty-thre yeara, and with Uumaanda of yrmnH BM iBatlendan,tlHfhaneer been a dath ariaing from tiwfaria or (ilbt ) camw. VV pr.f-a ti T' adnrai roimg neo not only mentiUy and morally but "' " fkytcady aluO. ' BOAIiD IS SIXTEEN' DOLLARS FEB MONTH. Tnltkm from 40 to 90, aooordli.f to lh somber of - Ji'MmwUilteniled. t!i will eorer eiyxmaea of board, tirkeMI frr tiri.ebnplauljrtaalatton a4 annua- ' Rooma in tba 0.lle fro of eharffe tot tb atn- . J 4o DTuaidoa bit on furnitnre, fiil ami bhta.- v.r.n.ha n nrt ninui fur tiie"mmlalrr ana .l j... . hu ih inlet tvir who arft anebta to Pay their tmtifm, be aUowed to attend any or all of Thie Coll. -fr ia aituatad near BoydUw, IU ounty ' . Miitiirt . - Arrannwnonw ma-t" lotrannport atodftite front (,t.1rwtT twpot, wr h haiewbaod WJ4. ttailroaO, " w)1,Ula c"nv!titw lTmi ttoanoka wtation. on ibe .1PHnwd and rwJiTiU IUilroad, on Motidaya, Wd f .a and the Wo f Iran iMpok, oa the eauie ra4, TnwdaTa, ThnraOara and Haturdava; Wa aolicit a lilxral iiatronage fr'Mti Maryland, ir- ' alnia and Kortb Carolina, worn tua neaa, oouut auu riiortfnw will barecledal any tuna. Tha eeeond r ' trmwiUooinmenoeoBthaoth. day of Febrnarr et. Tourir men wul ba reoeiyad and pr. parod fur tu Coir WfurThr particnlar adlreea the ajidnraigaod at ... v ' ! Bojnton. Monu-r, -a-- JQHKBOS. x B17-lwjw . -i Proeiilenf B. H. ColWn- T iTVNK THOrSAXO ACJfEl sf-rlubl JatnL Jt6p on ftaa liiTer, in mo tmnni .unu.., ..... a both aide of tue K. 0. K. hoad, between f inithfe-Ul .Mt Mlalhnira Li4!twpta. I prefer ..liiir the wholfi trart to em man, but will nk it into hundred arY tracta to ami puroliawra. la a eompany of men wishing email funna aivd pleaav aat henMliT iowkhh, ikh. w wv", aa I will eell on fartiuraM Irtrma. J'tiraona wMiirui to anamlne the land, and eominif by Bail Itoad, eau b put on ih Car at Vinaon'a Mill, hra tliy ul "lwiil alo-l! a TWESTT HOUSE pwer lUWMItL. Im onnd wurkinc ordor. with- loanm, wgHi, and ail N. M. VlMjpN. annnrtenanoea. Oct 6-wnll. KITTSILL'S 8?EISrG3 FE3IALE COLLEGE, Granvilla Cotinty. IT. C:, aa-likt fceiir at wail Klllrrlla Draw Ike Ralrlfk Rail Rd mn -prksent hkssios Vtll.L CI.OSH OH l tha 2:ird of Deoe-nitmr. The nmt Hrmion will ojieu na tha let Wedneadaylit jannary. No Taxation gireo ta the Vtintir. A new m hmliline; baa nat keen eomplelod, bf wliHib a Inrff atMiiinntu i adititmiinl numt can I accoiunuiitU'U. For particuura. auiirren, ... it. IX U. RnN( K,'Tri'l"it, Jfay. l-Snt Kittroll'i ripnnga, N. C, -DECEMBEn 22mL 180. BHIXCiEES AX L.4TIIH. . I At nrenared to' diHer ghinalea and Ijilha Ut I Ealiih in enrh quantitiee aa ma ba req'iirwl. rT tt.OOiwr M. laihalJ DO rr M. Ur- w imn left with Biyaelf or It, f. Cheatham A Bro,, (J1 i . 1 MMnnl LtlKr.linn. - ' r, CAPT. W. E. PEIIICE. Da -tawt,e y - . Lf IIOSSET A CO 41-ocvr.RLr -iji, 155 dhs JOHTAllMfi1! n:t t:, i 0 North tViwer HI., "AVI tM I NCTONrNrO; on fniiMinuiente to 11a ov to. our fnwul at um n..te-i l. fi n:xL ntr t ut prof't'"' n"EIIOH I I II I!1, 1 TXT 1'r toth Fi'liai ra U"H ; erVitdncted !. i.rla rinru li' t Nili H'l at all . .. at liia- bortet n"Ht.. HurrH wioaa IIOICK AXU RELIABLE T ":-mi:i)icini:s, PAIXTSi, Oil, IJ e Miiffl, Spleee, ' struuirnte, Iiruslte, Medical Sad dle Ilaz?, "Bt and IBM", "W bdo w ji lM and PUS1 gALAD OIL AKD LICQBICE A5D TOSUu A BEAKS, W H frlS C A S E g; 70S ALL DISEASES, EXTEEiALrASD f IHTEaJTAL AT . ? :;',;T SPESCUD'S DRUG- STORE. ItALtlUI Bw dwiirmn of -Bri(i a ffli amniitt f OR KB BACKS,' MEMtttSKSOIf MIE t'OA KN T10N, VI.SJ TOKS. and al y frud and acnuniu tiw, who b and mcd up.lif Madl eia. aad othor article la the UUl'U K. ar wl aama.aad mak aa HCHAXJJK, '10. molt aatil factory iaduritrnant wiM be bft'm-d. ttpatiiM aiiairtwa in ea!M tu tba folluwii t prvpara Uoiuaad all who arm fj-nnt, eiirt Irt njfir, nr kaow otiiwrawha ara UaMv to tvflrr. ahvii.d ml fall to ,., IMtlof l.u FAMOUi IUliUlitKA hV HUP. WiK. h ta rrf.!d!d for IU r" I'J y-an pat by many la ttila emnmuwity a a tpftft lt that-ait kindred Arrnn. Anjr vf tolier.t auJ ttktrt km-im tUni uK v 4auY-irl'. ft'. Atar-a tfratabr ciptitimiftita, h !) au'wudd lpjlSa jAtlOS,WiMmflflttuiil)ail .l whujli (lapUiMiii ijan irfil't t '" i tir.Vihi ft iWr riuwt ultiitiii f.iriii f '.jpupjttM 0i 3iirhlf t: lannmi liumnmt I'ruft M. : . I aUo pi mii Hie readur that tti ie ) K"1ukm for 'liitt Turnip Und, aad Hurt li' b a full aup plffrra and lehabla. . f(r 'M ri, r P. F. rK.scxi). Jmi 18 if - : '" JE1 .OEMSf TIKBIXE 'WAtCER WHEELS REYNOLDS' PATENTSWEEI'STHK FIELD; KKW WrHOYKBSTa ; . , i iVOWPllICEHj ... HA8 NO COMI'LiCAi tOSS Ok 0ATE8 OH COSTLY LUMK WOJtK t , WMPACTFOR SUirMENT; '.' J ; ". V OttKAT WATE1UM.VER j . TUB oklT whkkl " 'l ; : TirATtxcKlJ bVF.rtHiioxs;, t ,ooLiaE)AL awaiuuu) E-AruiicASissTrn'TE rou ' . '"" M-rFitionrrT. Bhartfnf aad Oiring turniahrdwhen required. ..?KnT5riiAiii-i.'T.. tatTAixcoTirsi)i:iiniLL, : " .. Ko. las Liberty Blrerl 1 JiewV.Tk. A rn(.a : A. t. LF.R, ftoriety HiU, fj. C. and HAML., Cranllerille, B. C, Aug. I Hiia T rt . (Turn n , - .... . CHANGE OP EALLEOAB SCHEDULE ; . ' Owmm. Atirrt 4M. .-R:-rn;7'" iwm.BN.'iiv-r., Oct. j, laari - , On and after Honda- nejt Slail Train will run aily tear Jlnrehead City..-,.-, . ... . .... .4 Ifti..,: Arriv at Newport 7J ' Laa Newjxirt. , . ... . , .. . ...V. ..7 if Arriraat Nb!rn...v........j..iit.,.Voil " '", Iva Ncwlwrn ;..,... 15 M Amre n Kinetiin, ...... ....,'.,.,, ..'.ltlo.1 " . Lear Kinron. .V.V.. II M Amreat Jl.iailrHaU.,. ,,,... .......1133 ... Leer Mom 1 l(aU ..... .il 4'i ' .. Arrlr at OohUiljoro' ;.-.,. lii la P, M, BETVKN1NO. t .- Lear OohWioro'. . ....... . .....8 SO P. v Lear M.iaoly Hall,..,.... .......1H Ixmre-Mruit.ia. ,,... ....,.i5i " , ltara Newborn. .1140 , Lr Newiiort . M ' Arrire at Morvhcad City. ..,'.. R 30 " ' 1'mKCnger tarin eonueoia with Nortii Carolina Ball. road Tram going Wiwt at U Ut V. M and returning leareaattor arrival of WilniiiufUin and Vt eldon' lUil. road trajii going Konth. Pierngora from the Weat Walt from 11 20 A, It, to a o tv m. IJj.rfii!aM;'.,!;i.Ri en Aioiiiiv)4, -Ji erenr atL.rnato day aa follows : iimjj lare Morrtmwlt'itsf tStatioitl . . . .4 1 A 7 00 I,cve Ncwucrn lara Kinelon ...11 M 1 OOP. M. Arrira at Uoli lnboro' ; . , EETCKSrSO. " . Lear fWldeboro' at. .,..,.,...,... . ... 00 A.M. . ..8 SO " tU 00 M. Lear KinMon at. teara Newliern at. . ........ Arrira at Miirh ad Citr (Station) at . .SSOP. M. 1'hie train harw OohLlmrii' I'nradava, Yhnmiaya and,Katnn)v after arrtriil tiTWilmintrtm and Wei don Kaittnad tram going Nfirth and arrive every al ternate, day in G'il.t,bmorit i li P. M. a laiiir Irani than BiKti traw for e line N 01 in. x W.M. M. II Alt VET, tR-nMBI , Biipt of Tranirportaar AGE.VTS WATEI T N th Conntio of Warren.- Franklin. Wake, afnor X Mnitgomof,ianlv. lckhHiiMirg. and all rotirt ln-a tHt M the Rlwtv nuin d. in tho htle cf N irih Li"Uni. l'r me ii" in .... 1 MK, Wil'IHIHV WtTi RY OFTHW 'AH 1H'tr'1tl1(l4-1Htl1 k tL- V.H tl lt-t IWt'r, Hl H , IiwM.i, );a javorejb i or ; full j"rr-nlr 0 il Ajr 1 f r U Urn lod A fl -4 4, 4-.-. 1 wait 4w4i Wrtnt t -punift fir- Ti. y tt -TATE VI? MUlim-AUttlJA, k- i n lllmm L.-Jimfs anttotlirra.. 1 Jaj iv'v4 Joc h 8. Poll and Tlioma VMh. ) 1 8U ' Tiinwant to a dwrwi of the Ctmri, of E.iiiiIt maika Fail 1 Of HI It", dixurttpg pnluicai iittt, In Ij if th rtaiir SrnXtnH tml!n.l:-t !" the ntr of Kaieich fiW two iawka, f' tha creditor of tha d, n.n4aiH Hh w ii na. rtmme (4,i r than thedMteof hia trat doei, to wit: the Srd. day of June tvS. to appt-aj bfur tli niir and prove and ftlihcirYl-aitra. ' .- M II n .AO-. I ' M:i n jj 1' ''C li'AAC HOLT. 'V.' TriB SENTINEL. . tt l PELL, Proprietor. The nnounerniMit ! '! throort prlTu gffultu'rl fMttWlt. Ho paM"11 pniu, and prmuiaed romife writer, J Mutli pnmuiu fl dirt4 h tfo -ter., wiit b. (,.. jumiU -idie bJ,7l,Vr; I turn KAr tliii ; tftefr -fWnd its f.- w-,b I am all aJooa In wf bambmr , OWl VJIP III 1' JU IRIt. ....... t M ... .! (ha fir.i a oraek. and tha elnak onl Are the ouljr aounda 1 ber ; ' And OTr mjr aoul, i it aolilnde, Hwect (eeiiDRa ch aauiwaa a" i . i Vnr bit hcrt and rriT eo axa full i I l"'"a f 'pTtiJu! if thamtm -1 ' I went one night t ttif fatbr'khoa-y. . Went noma to the doar ooea all. ' And a.ifily I opened tha garden gate, And aottly tn aoor 01 uia nau , Mr wrtiiior fmti flilt 1 r" k,i IciMju'.t ma. and than alia aitfhe And bor hoad foil on my neck, and aba wapV For the Utile boy t!iat OioO. . And when I eared on bi Innocent faro, Ae atui and nld he lay. And thoiiRht wha a lowaly ebild be bad And huw aoon h uiuat decay ; 'Oil, death, thon lorrat the beautiful, l liiji wa tut mr aitirii I erieH : F.n- the ejwrklijMi eye, and the for ahead waa fair, liruir. jrcijyriti uieti i AKiin 1 will R' to tny faiherahu," , uhoiwihi Wlha 'duar ana -Alt AndaatUy I'll on the irarilon gata :' And aadly il door of in bait -1 1 ln II mont my mother, but nevor mora j t Hh ber darling by her aid i OT J!nt ah U kie in and aiKh and warp again For the liula boy that died. . . . ' i abaft uiiea bint when tba "flower eoma lu Hi i.rih'U where he played ; -I aliaU miaa blm mora by tha lira. 14 bn, When the flowera hare all dooayed ; 1 . ; I ahall a bia toy and bia empty oh air. And tha bora he oaad tonele ; . . And tliey wuil apeak with a alien apoaeh, - a Um UttU boy Utatduid, r-- I ahall ei hie little tatr again, -; " , TV if h ncr plTHil aermt tn flnor, And I'll watch the children in their sport. At I never did before ; Anil if in the group I tot t rhild . , That' dimple and laughing jeAl f il l.k trrtoo if B may iiotis Tli little boy that died. ' Wc ahall all go home to our Father' bmi To our Father's bona in the ki. W liere the hoi of our aoule ahall hare no blight, AIIU IU.W HM .',.., ',, W ahall nm on th lianka of the Bivrrof Toaoe, Ami bath in it nuwiiu tula ; v And on of thajova of onr heaven shall b Th hUi boy that died. - : Ani tlierafwe,, when I an sitting alona, And Hi niiilnixbt boar im hear. W hen tiie faggot crack, and lbs eloek'l iiill tiak, Are th only aounil A near, c- i)h aweeA o'er bit amil in its anlitnitarj.s Aretbe frettnawof sadmva that elide. . Tliough my heart, and my eyes ar full whan tiiina . .. Of the little boy that died. - WeroJof Widom, WUl they b Headed r "I io not ifanj iktpover of the people to do what ther-wtll." Vndtmtrtefliy, ttirr rny tear down their temples and tribunal and murder 1 heir ti'iclicri and tlicir magistrate, lliry Day g jiliysicaf fiirce'tn "trtionsh trrnir' lawt and to traiH(U b tli iuatitutum of tliuir forefather. But, rrraember, the rnan wha palled down the WJhWliWXW'f'm" we blind at well aa atrong. The tjuality ol an lin iiuiral act ia not alteri-J, the cuilt of en enor- ttiou crime is not tliminiahul, by the numbers that concur in it. -.The moment tue people flia TfiBso tliiuES the? would cease to bo, k nation. To UfStrxiy llieir consiiiunon ocjonov tncir competence; It la the inhtrUance of the unbent as well as theim.' What we leceiyed front our . .. . V. 1- , J ancestors we are morally and religiously bound, aa well by our laws, to transmit to pur pos terity. Of t'lch erroneona Ttolrnce on toe part .of the rteonle I know there ii no dance'. Will thev auffcr any other power to do in their 'name "that" whl;l thfj caunut and ought not to do lor tueuiarlvcet- I heard it from Lord Chat ham that power without right i tiie) tttott odi ous and tlctentuhlo object that can. be offered to tho human imKgination. , It la, at once, Vea itftetl.-itiiliM el, eaduea. - Let who will Assume auch power, it ousrht to be remitted. Brave men meet their tute; cowards Hike nignt, and die ft fear of timth.'W;1!!!' 1'hillp rranfii, in Arkan&ae and the Conititutional Amend- ; 7 ; ment 7. v...;.i . The following is the substance ol (ha report of the Senate committee of the Arkannat Legit!-' turo, which accompanies the resolution to reject the conatitutional amendment : First. That the State of Arkaotaa doe net know that th amendment was adopted by ij t ongroa auch at is .provided tor by th Conalt. tution, as neatly one-third the Staut were not ifpreaentcd therein when the amendment waa pas.acd. .(..-,, , 7 ttccond. It iiever-waeaTibmktcd to the Frs lilent for hil sanction, aa it choutd have been, hecordingto the tcry letter ol the Conatitutlon under which Conrres eiUU, and which it hat sougut to amcntu T):r.t, Ttie enormona power aoucht to be eon- iorce tho proviaiona of the amendment, would take from the State all control river local nd domvatic concerns, and , -virtually abolmh th otaia,. - Fourth. Th econd ee ction teem lo b an effort to. force' negro luffrsge" onr th State, whether intended or . not, and give Congrea the power to bring this about,, whether the Ptnteeeonacnt or not. -: Filth. .The third section, at an act of disfran chiwrnetrt of thfrwiaeatnd-beat eitnena of th Nnt, mui4 4f3eUttT hr people, having plormed all-the condi t iiina of t lie turreniUt and general amnettr, are entitled to reetaratina to 'the Union, aa beiure th war. - " -- There is no rraaon to believe that th adop tion of the amendment would secure restoration, and- if it would, they recommend quiet and purvliaae It al tiie sacriDcy i principle, ntgnity trrrt-Te-'frr-rirr't" -- - t - - T RiiniTrtitTALTii'Sil fiotgnhstltiiT The Kew Tntk- ft w. T-f -"The - - Tewtt-etHtli-iw( 4iwmn4 I a purnly Ut potheticat qua, fiori. It a h tlovfrnniiTita sr rn acted, th Tf ifnvTc rrrfiTtt rtt set thrmr WMihrwi" rrprjgnant tlic riiti'titunrinTTinftlliTniiTrt'veft IT lllolr irrt-e,mliiiin. - tl he threat may - WJy-. lie iatl fcitlmc-'Wiw.-.The rAmco not 1 1 'iiil li-in the tatilkatron of the atncbdinent and Jcrritnrial OnTcrnmcnta, but Iwtween ratifica tion and the riek of a Jong exclusion from lkn- Hiad. Ptevena ppppoeee to deatr&y the State of Marvlaiid. ' Which nevCTCTi did fede. Th Hadicals only noia i cnnnytvama iv nair, and hn that breaks be will probably deif to For 8Ie, FIXC M 0. Back Wht Hour, , , ' 1 -- . ..: - A Urga lot of bit ChM. - ' " nar rib baena hid- Coiiioa aoiUj Hour a4 Whit Meat tn lry !n bt Mtlra ij fhwry ITino. Cookuif W im a. Ale br tha caK, ac &e or ui All vrade f Sugar. Coffe and Tea, ' PCLLUM. JONES CO. tWaVtf . ' jHatcbctr Mlcliefc TJT the Otoe. FCIXUM, J0SEHrf Iwtf Bacon Side. nnrit u taa awdmeml. - l - - rrixuif. josksi De ) 13 tf AS0THEB arriTal of beet Family Flour - 1'CUJAM, JONES CO. uw 11-tr v - 1 . CABBTl CAMDTll TUST in tiie fcr Chriatmaa ! Fin Faney Bonrbona, U . I tiea t'team etieaa in tha. onxea. t an-:.. - - .. . . , ...... r "T ; a, ran ti . QTBtTPby th barrel, and another lot H. C. Bnek kJ "Wheat Ftonr. Daw l-t PTJtLlAW. JOTTFJ? CO. H f adder, and atkee Pre StilTa. wnw in WUre. il. , ri'I.Llt M. J0NEt A CO- Qtt K-tf boleeale Ororera. ZelHt fiaper Phosphate Bono . - " - ' .. . . - . 1 -:l ,- . A.IME, Tnaeia Fenihiia at reeoenmemloa a bemg oil 11 al to any hi na, and ar offered in any quantiiy at tb ot of tranaportauon aaor nan 1 more pnrea. , rubuaa, uiia a uu HA LB. fTMIE very be eld AppT Brancty"' J rCLLUkf, JONES CO. ' ia if af r : 7 V- - - warn mmt.uu . , r A IX grade sf Jogar, ftrtln Fenper and Kpirea. IX. PULLIAH, JOXES CO. iiealtt-tf , . . . WX ., ' j JATA, Lagiilra and Rio Cofe. " V V LLI A M, J ON Ki A CO, , Del-tf 4 VARIAI.K. AF1."E IM ef Rata ts elnaa nnt very ehear. FLLL1AM, JON KM A CO. DeelO-rf . - fctarehao tytarrh. BLACKIO aad Soap, Jnt. rnmivad. ' : I .. i'l IdJAM, .tONED A CO. Dee tt-lf - $9 BOXEf W ACT'S - - Adamantine Candl, in tnlb. Rote Also in 81b. Carton. 1bes ar th best Candle known 10 tba trade. PULLIAM, J0NE3 A Cf3. Imporlaatlo The People. Z'J ... A. W. FRU'S, 1 DEALER IK 7 Till NIT P B. WettlUe Eay etTltlle street, Kett to Hukler1 Jevdry Star, ni tjfmil th Market, Invite Attention ftnrn City and Country t hm Ury and elegant stock of furnitnre, on hand and to ar rive, oonaieting of ooanplet chamber Hetta, .tlaltraai aa of varioua designs and qualitiea, euitablo for Cot- Unf 1'alace, ilia anppir or KiitAS, 1'AitL.Olt, WJOJJO B(K)M and OFriCkl CHAJltH, ie., e., i aot icUd ia th KtateJ - . , ' UNDERTAKIXO. . ' ' ' He reepectfolly annoownea that ha ha added to hia other bnaineea, that of nndcrtakinx, and 1. now tevdy to .apply tbne who may reijfiu- them, Cifli i of any deaired quality. Ha baa the beat material for wood, work, elaborate eilvor plain avmntinga, plating, etc., and a finw HEATUHE, of modern pattern and Ha la therefore ia eonditioa to furhiah avervthing n nni.ita for fnnAral nociona and will .ttRd t.1 att f order for hi services, in this line, with promptitude, I Oct 7-rai ; ; ..:rJ;:i-- IMPORTERS OF AS D M A'LERS isl j l ....i ........ r .J-. COACH AND IADDLER T IIARDWAItE. Lte Thoma Mackenzie & Bon JSm. S9t naltlmore St., BAETIIOIt E. ; - ' . . " . 4 - I y-r - EtTAaii.iaiiiio ill lt)( Felloe. 8arldle Tteee, , - Jitibs. . Hoe hkuna, Spoke, Eheepeklnt, z- upring, -" nnoe inreaa Saddlers' Hair - 5 Liauvaaa. ' Vttralsh, Enameled Leather, . Bur Leather, Earmss Leaf Tier, turriacre Boltg. ire BQlta, Wheels, Burrnps, isit. Also, all other article appertaining to the bnlaee. iTgpi, GOODS. rl addition to my stack I hav iweairad a acw as sortment of FLANNELS, PRIJJTS7 snErrrnrasiXD" :BlinmK03,4e&c, Which I aiw.raadr to aell at a (rfaOciTnctinn of price, I will alas sell my astir dork of Fait and Winter good aonahmng of ALPACCAS, . . BALMtJUALArie Jedy pil Clothing. Boots snd Klines, Hat, and Cape, Cmlirllas Ae., Aa, e. AT COPT. -HewwH-weo ifnnHr. . . - : ' .BotrsBAtif. Ate do below Mr.-U; Ei Hesrtt, h'A Favotto-: ViImWwW - - . - IVUtf . - ITXIVEUSITT OF OUTII CAUO TIHTt en. handnd and forty-tfih Tarn ef this fn ' atitutioa vih begin' nafuiday; annatj ttticr 187. - ' ' ; . . TniUon KW : Beard 170 ta inn. Vnr I'AUina. or more rarticnlar Informatloa. an- jly ts the Preaident of the VoiveraitT. inixiuono' MiLiTAnv ': .,: JIT, .. fllUIS wr Q known and popnlar Inatttuuon. in onra JL Bunre in anoeeaaful optation, and prepared trfr tu rr'ptioij of Cadvta at an; luua.1IV1a.dex thft djraotuutof - '. ,, r" C KaT.t.) lux, :- a rmliiite. and" for fifteen re era, flip to the eonimenco- BKldt ot !tLat ) '-: M4.IT4H (JTITVTR. and m oolleagna of ' - ; BTOSEVAI,t,' JArRSOX. Th eoiira of tli fiwtitiition that of the Virginia Military liuitltut, and la auch aa to make tha Aiadt (uy a trv - A aehonl of tbeoretieal and aiiiilieil aiiirnre. in which LanguaKca and Lituratura aleu rweiw a duo aliare of aiUQti'in. Hie diaripline and meirnvtiuna ar on s t aingU-M Military Mnl, "Tha TaffnlMrik i rlie prinwiii organized attfiMlowa " rwpernucnKwf oxd I'rttiennrot Mutlrmt llwU:ni. AroVtvy wf i'txiU'tii Aiwiwu. ami utstruatar ftf Jo fantnand Oiroin Uwtuv, (if.S. K. Y.. tXjlX i UN, lata l nidan'ir of I'renali, and of Military liieturr. -)trty and 1'i.liti. al IV.Aiomv at the iri;ini ttiit- Mmiiumttlsk efot.ini Wiif. t Inul tu apiiwiutuicnt 01 l'mri-ea. .r, ' fteiv Coimon lakea cljiru of tha -ilenartiiu-iii of French and Kiigiih atuklir and lluliea Lciuint. Profettnor Of N.tliral 4mi Kicnurtmf.tilKl t'itiliMuirtliv.' JOnlnar.r, niilnicnr and limimctia- of Artillery tactira. M)or IK J ftl kfiKAK I,- OrartHnto of tiie Viruima tlilitary tneiiiuta ta JurwarU Aaawtaut t rf- f,Kor of th Va. ililitary lnlilut all a. I. .a to fhe (tnited KUtee Coat purvey Jat Jlji and t'lurf of Artillery in the C H. Army. l'rofi aior t'f tiiUhrmain e, tivil and Hilitnrr -Fn fineruiK, Architecture, 'iViitographhal and inaunti lal iri lim, ami Ai"iaiit Ineiructiirof lufanlry tacuca. aj, tf. a. oi'i.AuiiAi.x, -iiMt oijrtinsnuiii. a tiraiin. lii-. of In C Ian in tho Tirgiui ililiuu-y lunlitiiiti, and forelhriMit aud nwritjirieiia, et.rvii'' dnrinir tiie war, prouiutod Captain of KuKUuiera in. tha lata O. . Army. i'mfeaaor of fhemiatrT, Arrtmlhirat rhi-mlidrT, Oeologyand Mineralogy, Cot JbEWULLYN Ht)X iO.N. "liiKtiugiiiiihcd gradnt" of Wtnt Point Military Academy, and lata tshief of Anilldry -to Hardee Profeeaorof lAlin. KK-nch. F.thica and Bellea I-ctt- trea, to be appointed ahortly. Hnrgoona bis. E. A W. 8, oTRrPWTCK.1 41 . New appointments will be tuada, and tha Chairs now till. il will ba aubdivuled aa aoon aa tha number of Cadeta make It diiUtaJ.le, ' - - A pplicaat fr ProiVieworplifpa vmet be gentlcuieri of ivnwitiDC ana tiuiury e.lucation, who bare aryot In CandidiTea Tor adniinsion aa Cadota are ailviaed to eome withorrt delay. I; utll th Int. of Ftbrnary next, all those (add. pruaeut at the Academy, will ha ouah- ed forward tn Uieir studies irreapcetive of claniMa, so aa toonaoi un m, at lliat enter th nioet ail' vanced claetu) ttt which thev may be found niiahhvd. My doming at once t hoy may gam an enure yuitr in th term of thuir ediioauiin. " , .1 tor circular and any oilier information apply to ' MPTI I 11. K. .'UljBllt, 1 tn ; Bnp't UiUatMro Military Aeademr, PeeJO-tf - WAnacTo.v teniee COLLEGE, - W A It It E JI T Q N 'V'.i C .7 PHINC'IPAI.e : BEY:: J. 8. BCiJiOJlOSr JAMES IL F00TE, A. il. MATRON: MISS BESBIE1TA UICES. Th first Seneion ut tlu Institution will eommeno en KoniJay, the Utli. day of Januarv, 117, nniicr new auepwea. " 1 uo 1' having purctnwed I no en tire ground and bv.ihiuigii, an having the lattiv ele gantly rufittoj aud furiuahed auow fur ill rt-ceplttm oi pnpiia. i jler.'J. B. SCirxMOJf-HigherMatheinil!c,Tln"tf.ria, ' ijogin, jowTiieciiiiu a -itnoMopnv ana inorai ncionoo. - j j, m. t uo i Ai Ancient and Atouora. Language aim samrai Miiencea. . , Cirtatn jotl-y tt WrHsSjWnlc - Mr. M M. f 'l.UMUN Asnitant la MnMl and. Llto- rury Vt (Brunei. f. ; iJ ra."i. H r Hrt rl ftatnral ftcMmnea and Hi.l.n v IhA V ICTOhlA L. Jl) -Kt Urawiug and Aaeietant in -rugner minwn ana Matncmatic.. Mrs. bi Ki'.li PaHleL (ire:un Paintunir etc. MiMhLliC TAllAHl Anthmetie, tvngiuih Oram- ' mar, uoorapy sua compouiiion. 1 1 unary ui'paixmeuu Tkrus rr Susioh or nva ltomus, T.iltion in all the higher English Stndoa, 123.00 IV.W 25.0) 8. IK) Jo.iiO I6"0 2o.n0 IS.tpfl 10.00' .rnmirr inTiannieaL v 1 - Ancient and Modorn Language, each Moc on iiaiio, . Le of luetrument, Jhipic'on Onitar with na of Instrnmcnt, '' ' Mneio on Harp with nee of Instrument, , - Painting in til Colore, ' : PaintiuK in Water Colors, . 1 Drawing, Embroidery, An., Botrd, cicJuaive of lJKhts and waabing, U 7R E M A It K 8".-7:v - ' 1. The location of tliia College is in on of tint moet pleasant anu euitivatd town in North Carolina, long celebrated for it iiealtlifiUnma. -2. The PrincipalB axeuro the. pnhli that no rain taiTw epaa"edtridcj th51ntitution all that par ents ami guardians eould deaire it to ba auituble place fuj- the education of tlmlr danghhora and warda. 3. In all of ita Appointments tliey intend to make it rank with the foruuoat eollegea of onr land... Thoy themeehea are not novice in this department of la bor, but have bad ample experience in toothing, and m conducting auch eiiterpriaca. 1 ( j . i. Pupil will be allowe.l to attend snob places of wor- ahip on eabhath Aa their parents or guardian may preacrino. tine ot uie teacners wiu always accom pany young lavliea to th bonee of worship. , - 6. liehta canre,tt be contracted by tiie pupils withont pormiaeion from parent or gnardian. a. Ktory lpulj room will b aupplied with fuel and be mrpetei. .- - . . 7. Pnpiia iniint furni-h their own toweUi,and on paif of alieeta ea'h, and bar their clothing well mark ed. I l'AVxr.MT : One half in advance, the ether half at he cloe of tha heatnuu ... i or full her jiaxtuulaia, aildreaa itlir of the prin eipnla. - I lee S-tf -- ' ' ' -'I l KESU AHUIVAIn. ... A T 41 FaveiWvilla btreot! - iX. .Keriaieti in freat variety. Jind xtcej, ijioa litinip iiiii.ov), ail MXci JUmmmmmmmm A L a o iWictilMjIlSJiMSS i.- a do, Rrt qua.ity, by th barrel or ri nth Uront Imltffo BInifg, A- " lo botes for fftmily " J. l!ilowv7 De.lf . With Has A Lawi.. - qi CEV OI TIIE S.OITII, cookiso stoves. SCPERIOB alvantage for Cooking for UuX ami he. Furniahed couiplet. ' " He lH-rf - W'eter.A tan lSEASOv, Caeca M"at W Sanwuna-tSittrtw, Yurinwi SiHs V. liHOWN,. .... rel2-ff . . . With IUht A Lawie. , t , : " . t.laas taolilcls. , i 1 fc'1lti iii.raivTa..JjatlaLvauL, ALSO , D -tf i! Ttith HutTA . i.ewj DiwiuTtM iii Tiir, vi JO Weatnu ' r.mnirw "CtK'1,1 with fiirnitur and lipe, - Ffovce. fiiiiiIet -WTtt ftn f v tm .- ... Al liQellf viIio.NtiTef. I'aeAlI , A VALtABLE I'Alfl FOU EEAtE. Tnn tmsccinicR r-KsiRrs jo ikasf, von a term of yearajsjarinjjiiiingiiie ip e.f It ia weir adapted hi the growth of COTI'ON and COiiS, sud K proiiiuity to the town aeurea abun dant labor at aU seasons of the Tear; - J- c. WAsnrjfGTOx. mtnn, i.h-,. St -is (Formotlr HATHA WAT C,,Im)Krter of U0LA8 frlJj aud otOAlt, llauugton, N. c.) hlpplna and Cotutulaaiou Mercbaata, " ' 7 171 I'EAIU, 8TEEET, SEW TORK, W aiiUclt eoOBUittienta of Cotton, Kaval Rtnre MiwtiBitaf iHKi, iOM, K4 wther- ttenttMim Vr diit-ta, to the auleuf winch our prnnn,t ptiriuinal itin. tl.m U1 be tiwi.. e will niste hl.. ral a.ham- jtAtwB-PMiatitl il iWBti -ami iHtirf laitiea-.-ait atu. - 1 viiKluli." mU 1 ruaiua mUipvul to ita-AWw! aea m- aured Inmi point of shijiuixiot, .with nv without ad- ' nif. iutim atioiua aiwaya aocompany eauk ahin- ment. - l! !h of nil havinff hail ovor tw.niv v-para viyktrU,MA - ,u biu-mcMi htilivf i.lh,a4 our J, 1 HAliiAVkAlt iuiuo vi.r iu ntiw lni K, imi roninint ran ae- , euro finJ prweefor our lrieniU who will favor us with ih tr conriTfrnment liBi'in n hi nip P Iintlle, I'nlilic 1 rraanrer of N. C. and V IT A 1 fi J-nctcr. lull ,c!i, N f. JW.I HUlMHtl, ft M. . LTI.FY. . Attn. ziHim ; ; v v . -J IT B T it ifif E I v"e" . OtNT'S'HiKNCil FELT HATS. UllIGIITOW, AKE.amUll latest atvlea W'J ll.nm. Air youth, and CAPii of every dt iu-nptioii. A x- a. . 1 , a. 11. a. , , WI UIJIJIUA, . T.fVpt5-tf 7 ". ' . w. v a, . tiraun!i. . KVavn na a sad.. pyf w'iunxiglk. of Alainance Co. of Norfolk a. V1CK, MEIJANE & CO;," GI.QC13R8- - FOItlTtKI)l(i AM) COf!nf.MIO MERCHANTS. tlff I krual mm4 V) air, ftlrv.k., - Coneiifimeht aulicited. Cash tis saneoa )ih) naigiiaieiitatw-hand. T Nor a-8ia I" I J. S. SCOTT CO. y H 0 IK8AL K G B 0 fJ E K 8 '. ANDV GENIEAL CPIttMISSIOJr MEACHAyfg " Water Slrrct, Wilmington N. C. f rpiiesnlwcrll (4 respectfully offer their services tn f J the 'Iratle, North andUouih, and t th planter j and prodntwratif Virginia, N ith and fftiut h Carolina.- f in the unrchaaa and ante of . . L v .. - . (.'roceries, Cotlon, Hour, - 1 m. i Paval More, and . C'oiinlrjr IVodtire s - , , ",',y - - Thy will keop on hand, at all time, a till and f eontfilet aneortmeut of vdmhingwauallv kei in a fir4,chiai Xiwry litAiei wiuct. will ?-rprrd at " " I whotoaale to tue Triile a low a they ran be bought u anv other bouthcrn titv. . 'J h y tnmt by a atrict purannal attention to all buai- wjm, etHuidcd to tnetr care, to rectiv liberal Tuv- : "" UonHg. , . - Uiutaam) eotuiijnirmiit aclf -iu-dy - -c- - 4. H. tttro'lT. Ijit If. O. A. 'H. . . W'. C. liSM:i IfcOfOreenabora. . IL tiCOi'T, oi Unl ill, , .. , deference. Stenhonae and MaCauk y. Kew Tra'k City. W illiams, lilack A C Ilou. W. A. tiealiara J lttu Criicii Aicrbsuii, Hillalwo' K. O. Aluiun, at tfieen.boro, Metulle. iltm. Juliu A. tiilnier. l ev. A Vriliinn, tr. It; McCnM mu, 1 'ti r A re, Cnxi. "W, KttN-r, . JU). J. V. Uit-r lion. 1 1 os. l.ulliu. , . E. uki-a hnpt. - -SUino, iisfiii A Foatcr hUii.huUMi A t o., Juo. A. hvemtt, ' Thou. Webb, - . T. 4. t-'imner. Halibiuy, . t lonoord, ' - - - Morgantcm, - v Hilbiboro, ' -, N.C. It. U. l . l.u'kmond Ya. ( harleeton H. C. OoblalHiro N. C. Preat. h. C. B. B, haliitiurT, c. Jno. W UknPreat. Xational Bank t harlot to, E. Holt, Alamance, lic-V. J. Jf. hherwood, , Favettevili ue. yi. Monloctu, . ... llaleieh. Uet t-dwaawsia C. $io,ooo M outh of Dry Goods, Clo(ii!nr, Ladies Cloak," r . - ut,, , V. .' ATt COST! TROM this day, t hid aell any entire Block of Win-'. -- "tor 0663 at Coat Sly bUxsk eonaiats of a nice i aasortrnent of French lonn.os, English Merino, AU ' pacoas, Siiepharda Cliecka.IX'Laifie, Cahcos, Bleach-' toga, Domestics, Ae., which willUaold for ch- -at greatly reduced priaes. . Lailics1 Hats, Shawls, Fltnnels, Nubia. Hoods, Sontaga, Ac, Ae., vwry cheap. ' , . ' CLOTniXO, CLOTHINO, CLOTlilXQ I Overcoats, at aett eoet. Elegant Caaeimer and Sattinet 8ulta,V.ack Doeelun Pants, and Gentlemen 'a Fumlahing Good at Kew York prices. " I-Sdica and Gentlemen, tliia ia tha finest opportuni ty which will probably occur this season, for porchaa ingjeallj Jjoodj iaahionaW Goods. at almost your own prices. Call and examine my goods and prices and yon will b satisfied that this offer to sell at Cost, la no humbug. , ; . r. , - , ': llTWuilitiilr. good jrooda al .few pflr ear' Jiv xSJsimmm' a. . ... iBi.nitatiiiajflMiiraflTjt'J-'-1 - T ' tiargett Street. i 1. ii . ... A. Ki.Jntt . Dee S-tf KDnenOHTII FE.TIAI.if SETII'VARY. f piIIS inetitntion, located in th town of Oreene JL burn at the junction of the 1'ie.lmont and N. I'.. K. f.a.Voail. in the mwt' beanf lful and,helthv region of uiidilie North tlaroluia, baa been in enccewful oiiera tioti f.Vmore than "JO year, and hae a repntatino ae eoud to aon iu the State. Th bnilding am large ami commodious, ligliU-d Ihruughniu with Oaa and b' jilt dlir 1 1 1 rn arc .m -r.; in veiy room, and -are aip-ii.V4- ar'-'ituiaetitiHw boanlcrw sitii PJ im ii":ap,-nn;i an luts lu-f-err out nuuding.. i.i,on, xr., anoTi.i .;vjs vf-'gTimhd. It efferai forreqt prrfatdy, for on year or a b a term of TPl. .... Jim L. VoREHKUi. , 1 raxKB MuuHun, Jt-i nr A. tiu.iv. A dm rs of Jnlra it. tlorclieaiL Dee d. Kor.r7-(l'hTi,? A. , rwn-fA trrrrrr fiiiiFKwhratfimr-F ad furor thi' ih J, of t ape tear, id Una l ilv. Ap4 t J-- ! iHm. I eh., t :i'i(!Ct.jr' or to w if jo i -r irh.0 irn-t' - Aji- a. rOl tt- r ITI.T.eichani:ebt"ck m tLe Ealei-a A titm ti.ii iuw tuupxiiy f. (.,uia nf toeut'l North ( ,r"!iua ih-wle. Apply, - at tne h.-iei h V nonal Lank, to - b. t, t I.Ii K. . hauigk. Nat J4-f : j : t.ahior. ' -OTI E. A I'PLICATION' will be made to the LcOT"lfnrs it i. JtpreP!taeaion, fer a ieiianr for-in ll'ver iixi i-iiujg Companv. fr- t -i -1 "5rrrt,Te eopj. 5.T St-t' I V 1. 1. irip, J'rojwar. arah'aai, ! S-Sw 7 " "r".''., J disaorv the Keytlop;-"jlffif tffK twr-t, ; ." (:-. . (plrini,