P. ''wigawnttKUftTti -" :- mo er " '- " V ," . , ",' ' "' . j' J - ' '"' "j " '- " "T .' ;. 1" u .:pgd nHtoi. aa.w a ttoia aiyW w easr.'' rj-r--- i i 1 .g; jlr - ' 1 r'"T '." '.it t ' ' : " " ;; winotbharge4. , ..,,:.-..-'.,.'. ? MUHRAyS SORTH CAROLINA GREAT REDUCTION 7. In JSreights, . - LlBET3VEE'M XEW.ypRK.A51 JiEW- ' DEUX N. C " v , v: FAWBKSfKST O? OOOD9 , ' ' perTdot Other Goods la Proportion,"" Jlui L)U i BO OOmjXIMil til ; ' -,;,,..,!,,.. ftr. ICIW;i BUCK, . CAPT. PABTBIDOR. JA8.8. OBEEN, TAIIiCHHJ). , f4 UliarfgulrlybtB Kew lock mm! Vew- UStfUra JEACH rOBt EVER! SATURDAY, AT i P.M. - ' " " T rr iVelglit r Pwwif 0 apply to IftmiAY. hnn Co.1 ' 1 WiuTnimD. Dtu. A Co. M. t uul (U, South Ht. No. i, Crren BtrMt, KowVork.1 . AimiWm. BJALEIGII AND A,TON BAIL . y-.r .V ... -V - - ROAD, r 7", - - - - ThronjSli Freight Ttrlff. 4 KORTII AND SOUTII,; w ' BY m AlJt ilSE E0UT1 f ; J TTTK tr now artumil la abiu all kind ml Frurkl VYhroogk to Maw.Yurk.. VaiUiielBbta, lioMom and BalUoHire, ok tiirouick bills. ktibMi in through MMit, t th WhI rote. mis' is THE LIKE V PERS. FOB SHIPw " Tonr Qoodi will be Handled only Once, s ' H ., -...'.--.- ' ' TTOrh emneitiortoe', W i lint o4 mh kuni thtit by njr lit her ruala, luurBO tnliinif, oonpared with other rente W lak'S twdi lo nd frtMa Colaoibia, S. C. aai all intormediata atatMwa, with praipta ma and dlpu-h th mnj Expraaa Coarpaaf at about on fovrtb tit ooat, " Tj r- TAKE NOTICE. Parioaa ahippwr (ooda South wiU-ahip tbrarh the UiwUc MwUMd r tb loUwwf aJBd Siaaia ship Coiupaaiaa aad no oOtm: a .. , -i -! Ta-i. ti-i-ai BthaAtltlCoaatMilQttnblp Co., LlTiiig ta. Kol A o , a(U, Mo. d Liuwt Iklaai, or tun Id)I.I - ' - - -i ' -Havrtimwav r??- ' Brtballl-f Jk"l55;.. lui ,Prk.at. lo.f UoiuoOoxk d Bri UfHiaFk-'phi and nonoia mj"-"' W B, I'lwla at to., 4jai iH, WWalpk la., (i w k ni,Att.. uraou No. m ' From Borroa i imtl; aad of ial Wharf, ad Cit Point. Good "ommK by "' ,''7 fVolght Agt. . OK. ur. :-w Dm. k-tf 1 . . .l. i ,i all Trade! and Pro- eloM id the war, wo nw K"o v paid M ootliimj .invo tbat time, Mid a w. ' tmttl UO TTATWOOD. A SOTHTtB Wttha8apwrkJh0afarTanli ! WILLIAMS k HATWOOt), , DMlT-tf v tEOARS A3i TOBACCO. ' TTTE ar. ta Keipt of a M of Be ra ,7 YABBBOrCII HOUSE, I rrtsktHg charge Of tM wen known iioicl P""Y lie puoUc full it .hall be kj afca JW ise let Mid oonimcwu -aXactkn to iU pabroos style that will gire enttr atn Tb room bar rerentlr bn reHurni.hed, and toe ntihouUioroogUijr .jwBatodJ. U tab.yo-4 aU tfgsiuot. ,v- w "" f, x ' i The Dcst House in the aty, as AhaU be kept in a atjl worthy of th hov , - . POR BETT. A 5rK.t Cottage, with ahady. yard, fins well f r.,.l i,l s.r.lf.n. lxn-ation Heitth Eaetera pot -fHih'nitw'iat CAiI. W. K 1'EIKta. "Tl'Rarn i rtancc for InTCstmcnt t Xeaj-I r Tweattr '. Ciuaranteed. -A tOT OF ABOUT 0KB ACBK. OOSTAlVniO A two Dawllmw". m-li'ig a large krfuhen and all iU.arv mit-hui... , Kh Oarden rtd ""J .tt,&XrMnmito over 7U0. If the mrretiaevr wiehea to rent it, ., , -, r'tr fnrtlier particulare, appletti . . JB u-tf ... . JAW M.PWTJa. Agvnt, W 11. DOBBIN , ROOT AND SHOE MAKERS 1 1 TT-a ii.ru-k row rifarlv i.n.ito 4bf Market.) " avnied V FrantrHS and ftirmed a eo-paffnor- OM prPrdwePhU kind of work la war . A 7l . .i..,.,,iidamueiMe,BialiDa. miw the aau'tw to B':':.- jJLgtJ gnarmie aiiaU'H"' jr" ' T -Jaa tW-. --" " - ' -t T,-r.( i'or Bent.-" Ta Tywrt.MS1 Hdi15' ANtJ LOT I THS Kaaterw ard, eoroer of feioent end I'i Ktreeto, k tha print yoar. Xt sM tttlM roues a a 0PtjJMMS"EAON GRAND OPENINa' I, S-i . - ' - , . i . ' f OJET DIIY GOODS. .. this fall:, .:. Harlng attended Hi oloaing Prj Qooda aoctioa ale is Now lork tact woek, aod boogbi burKelr auiij of Ok Oooda l orer oa hondred per oeei lea tkaa lmilar Oooda earlr fa the WMoti, I u bo prepared to eflur ttta largeat aod beat aaortmsnt of tb oaa at fullr Wto tOBt.lta h at mf proriooj w this aroanii.' ' 5- . 1.- r..'. .( i I wonld alas ttato Hi Ute pirrcbuea art far aapo- rior tnqnaltty, atyla and fabno to anything offered ia thia market tlu I will alao rehio tha prioa of tb preaent aiackto eorrenpood with (h beary decliao is th prio of aQ kindaofDrj Qooda. Vua will bow bar an oppof-toa. ttyfroft t beat aad Urf atook ht Tirginia at prtcMthat oaBBOt but plea. WiUeouinarataafewaf Uia prioaa, tnat yon Buy on idea of what yom oaa do. Job ea buy good plain Colored Silk lot $1, wrtk early ia the aeaaonll.M. XuaoanbuyetogantColorwd Silkafar ILfiO, worth t.CO aarty In tb Maaos. 'Can biiy any Bilk in lUck for which w aakod (2.90 o3,A 1.7Sk a, . . , , , Voa eaa boy beaotiul real Zaflstta far CS,' wvUi IS early fek the aeaana. ' . . . torn eaa bay augBiflcwnt Sept And Can, olid aaloH, A3 1 Hod, worth early in the aeaaon from 1 ee-ea. .T':' T" ".", ,ZT7,3' Ton eau bay roper Black Ground Silka, with eoler- 4 anibroUliwad apotay f A3.W. The aasia alae in Colored Oroond, TbAaaaUka ar the oewett atylaa in market, and worth the attention oi th hullo. TIon oanbayBla Bilk be tt, .1.85, IL60, 11.75, 12, 160, 13, $aM, The aama goocU bar been aold In thia plaoa tlii aeaaon from M oant U l.6 per yard more money. Ton eaa boy any kind of Bilk at Bmilh' at a aaring uf iron AS ta 110 p dreaa.-' i Ton can boy anoo.peUiaev 8nuth,a, for W pmita, Tb7 or ilwgoW. buy beat and Bewet, atyl Delaine at Too ean nmith-. for YQ eentaiaoMColorIWaiue, inbrilhant Borea, at -r-r . . i -a aa i SO oenta, worth SO eesta ; good Empress Cloth in cot ton and wool for 40 eents, or 78 eents ( M Alpaca 60 oeuU; worth 73 eents to IL. Ton eaa boy real all wool Bept toprwajyjTothJneJ 85 oanU. worth H.W Ton eaa buy the flneet Buipiea Cloth Imported ror, 1. T bsvs sold acb goods early in Ui aaaaoa.for a. Too eaa boy seal Valetw Bept, a aew taAmg, for il.80, worth 150. w, , i,-,fl!.'! Ion ean boy Elaatinbei good Impeetod for the beat trade, ft tl.M, wurui sa. t Ton ean bar real French Merino far $lxer yard, earn good, ooat m early in th. aeaaon it.06. . f To eaa boy any kind of Proa. Oooil. at emith'i a low as anywhera in thi eotry. " ' I Ten eaa boy the Jatert atylea et Cleaka, Baaqoine and PaUtot at Bmltb'e, and ear from U to til Ton Will and th beat aornamt of BbawM at Smith's, worn At.W to . " , Tq ean bny thebet Lip Handkerchiefs over f- faredla tills market fnr th pric for 15, 18, IS, K and tf eonta. !" -' The bandMnneet ladie' real Horin tearf tw seon, with' broeh en.U, ar at' Smiths, prioe frora TO cent to ti. The beat Blanket la Virginia tor tn money are at Smith's . . ' . ;t . . , . ..... - Tbbat wintr vy,inBala b fcwaj, at Th largMt aasertment of Caaalmer, Battaets, and ejstitft goods generally, la at Bmith'a. rw (! itaektieB. dot silk "and new wiyla, at . "- a . . '... lBmitb'a.ltreeBts Ton can find th . beat ail weal kww-ply jCarpeU at Bmith'a for 1.3Sa -hi. J: i. f;Theelebraled'reveiraibl a- Florene Hewing Machine I for sale at Bmith'a, who la gen1 eg to Tirginia and Sl!!SnStw:'WU 0. Ii m tSbSbothat aa'tn want of goods m enr v W4T1 ai na a eaU. Ther will than bav th aaaaw a - proof of the above atatomenta. :; ' ' ' ' ? ; ' '1.' 14 aye Peter.bwrg. Va, UIGHES. ACADEMT. mri ant aenaicm oftrT ft-Wooi wiU . !UL-lieiljs.uryl I aloniliT- Januanr Hth. I 1 K K M-B Brd. molodinf room, washing fuel, As. . 16,00 Board, to good familic- m tu nem hour noon, -cxmTenwnt to tin Acailemy, at - ! -.tnWo. Payment ean be mad at any Urn during tfc ater Fost OtbcUiilaborongb, K. C. - - : De lAAltaawJt - - ; . -- ' - -; - - . Thw AnniTertftrt' 15ananet Effect of Pre ! . dent Johneon'AFreaanew and Brief Ra- . mark l'h BPeechei of Judge MmIc, Sen- aitur iowio, mua ouieri - u . ISpeaial Cornapondcaoa ba'timor Uaaetta.) 1m gircn id iicmor oi tne aontveroarr oi me v.aAi-.T ::'' ' it iwiuooi new vnean was an loijiosing anair. The President fntered the (liuing room at about I o'clock, and wai received -with raptnrooi and proloBKod pp!auee. He remained notil-half-past It-, I aee that 70a bare published the (oaec ne rare, and hie lew prelatnry n mark. I eonld eire but a faint idea of the effect tlu produced npon the audicure, were 1 to attempt it. At no time aince nii elevati to the Pmi dency hat he giyea moh decided efWcnce. that he may be fully trusted to any tmerirencT. and rf that lie will be fonnd equal to the tak of mint ing the daDirer that threaten tbeeouutrr.- Ilia presence seemed to inepire the- sprakert with a "Pint which had been quite irtual ftirthe-pvn tew year. - It would be intidiou to" particu- larlze, but I may, with propriety, ea? that the lieecnera 01 JHowra. itlack, L ou an, lJoolUIH, nemcK ana Koagere, exhibited toue far dir- lerent irom the timid and trucklini? elocution inanigtatn or late by the opponeuts of con greealonal nturpation. In impaaaioned and em phatic language the President was pointedly told by these gifted oratoriiharnpoa the flrt attempt or the plotted at the Capitol to carry their infamon iDstirreotionarr proiects into practical effect, thejrwtyald km to hiut m cum-mander-inbief of the army and nary, to exer. ciae his function to their full extent, and that they eonld, after th occuiitnicrr of tttii' eve-.: miitf, rely wttb' rrocwed nt nndontittntf'&jjsB rance oa ki dtUrmlnation to do his full Out v. Mr. Cowan, in Dortrarinir themonitroua it- lationi ot the Constitution already perpetrated by ContrreM in espellins member arowedlv to eecore tulGciept , niajorities : in rfuini- rrDre- sentatiTetto ten 6utea, . whose rk'tit to scats was as elear aathoM oi Maasachusett. and in hundreds of other nsurnationa, frequently paus ed to ak What then I What is the nwaedT t n oat is u ue uooe 1 1 ueo pjufpaUans th. practat Tiolatiout of th ConjtitationJie con- tndod, were a groM a those eomaiitted by Croinwll when he "pnrfred the Rouse of Com mons." They called." he said, "fug umotical redress" end eyeing th President tead(tly for moment, he continued, "and the mean of this redrew cannot be found in speech, how ler eloquent and logical; in conrentiojta, how- evernUDMinMaelT or harmnnlnnal fttnAA . t in banquets, however eplendidly eupplied but ; id practical action. In firmness and incrrnrage.'! 1 ih Bownlaii of inio. 1 ran a-OTwwji 7" rv.. JT,(..J TnUUiameer mock at the ca lamity of the politicarfirmeT Pteren an.l For- MM vnial 1I1H ' it a..,. tn na tliat tf ever wen came to wUann rhoft fallen, humiliated, mortified, and dintranetL the whilom Hrtafor f the House, and hi meretriciout eorrfrtre, who is the editor nd proprietor of two oewspnpers, wnn iaiiw nnda Included, must be thoe men. Mr. Steren repaired in nrfde of hower and nlace' to llarrisbnrir. ' Tfe was followed bf the ditof th Chrome, fur both of whom, it We announces dj xeiepam, suite of parlor nao- Deen pui in iuubhio Ute of preparation for th arrival of men who snppoaed tliemeelteQ,;apble of riding the atAmi. i neir lHTera cuuiu uiwn ' nv..... ... icalinnr-They came, wr.ind wertmot Oparea a aitrn Is left of them. Wecati not ee how either can noiu np tnnr uim among the political VOiaractnr ot tne iapuai, to. -hnm the haveesiwved to (rive the nod.' what a Mama and i mod tent conclusion 1' ' Bat eeveayotes in the RfnWieaijiwww feFh 'ereat ommoner,' backed vj toe eauor nun proprietor oi two newepnjci, . . y, Bunday included I ' . - ' J f wv '.Oomimi' Chbatham. The Nashville eor reepoodent of the MiasoiirL Republican, who sut a,..r Rn Wade and Oen. Cheatham at the re cent Contrretwinnal banquet at Nashville, give th ubtance of what the gallant eon iof Ten eseaidto tbat rough old bear.VTade, of rx.in H aaanrwd the JJenatof ne was a law- abiding citiien, in whom he thought the gov. eminent mignt repose ojnuuenco, . n ' d it understood distinctly he came to hi duty ;tv. no mh and tear of iiretended contrition, II was quite twenty-one when he enlisted a a flirhtino- rebel and was not a seduced innocent tti h waa defeated and urrendered, and now. h. miHnmnt for which be had one ight with a foreiiTn foe couldot have frein hiin a flood of aniveling proteataUona, lik those or a endled urchin, but implj a aoldiern word Qt honor. . . : ' ' A j.LTa.1 iu aava tha reason yonnir ladies look o bold and fierce in these latter days Uyj .a . a . a.! l. a.1 Al. am Lab f 1 that they tie tneir nair so tiputiy h. heart that ttieveannoi suut tuetrwrwi ""-' n . . t . 1 al...i nn menuou wateriaiia u uiaut uw -r that tlrev teem to "cock tneir cwn at every body, hence their bold, decant lonfc.. ... A Western editor asyet We learn from Booth America that there i -war on the Plate and t,n arid When Butle wa in New Or- toan thar wasa toJ'ribl war on the plate . the gold and silver plate, ; T,a tanrmt diamond in America, valued . at n nnn h. on exhibition at New Orleant. Th aggregate contot tue uumuufc. chm-.u A Pew in a ronton church aold nKonlif . for $3,400. ' . '. ,- -.-t A dailv nwoarer man, who bad iust ot imtot-ton-toace. T,bji; beeomini? Jjnit wl I acquainted with lua tamiiy- tie tnacoverao. a Vila aitrnriae. that hilsMttUtcJt.conldpll a tact oewre. ' It i Mated that 23,74 person Id Uie Sontti wtITTiw-lwndertSpir61orb toddptlnn of tfcr ittrutfcDTi statnitiffcGt. Pork, U o abundant in West Virginut that brings Only i,s, nu pouoo, u The Canadian people oucht to be huppy. "Money 1 pUaUiul, into, gaiva at tg r wu. TiiC fTIHlS KEW TVS ion wnx COMMKNCI X ita flrat seaeioa in 1 fnAbavl.3, MtnWy;.tgtjtWj, January HtaoiliHAMi Iv..mla4iia ka. iTUHon, Mr terat of thtrtaea waeka. ttaralii.in mnwu.B i j, ia aiiranre, svn,au. l.xii 1 fair rattaa.- A aaa l;ttM u teniBlaUa, .' tm C'in'iilaia.-aittfrM'. ' A.a."iiTTrTrr imi -u -,. 1 : , caarmtM, m. a. . L.A.VUM I lk 11 IllAT 1W1U, BE BEN TED TO TBK HIUHEoTBIDa I'l Court HmH door, ia Urajiiill. UUUrauty, h. C.. (if not prerimnlj rented pnrate- 1. 1 vn a DBiMif. ma mn n w a. t.h mi art. lhtTT. th iiantaitna oa 1'raiitar'a k aad Tae lurer. ta PiM Couutr, kuowa aa , A f wick rtaAitTATt. aad belocuriaff is the ataia J im a n.rk ata PeraotiA wlaliina ta mait rwiaati KMiwun , ). . . . t . u.iiue ume aovortinei wiu eomniuuicat with Wm A fiokltia. Warreutnn N O am' P.rti. a. Mr .AM aait) ruttOB-eontains abwat Tiit.Zri.-. . . I.M Sfmatai . On tlw planution ther are booae for lalxrar sad k AAAal I I IVt an J l . AlaHer hnil iwsfrm(ttng to said' eiita (not pnviooaly rented) will be ranted at to aafu tiaw and plaoa. EiiK-t'ra and Treatae of JA. ". CLAB1C. , (iwenyilla, Jan -(UwAwSw . , , 1 I SI PORTA SiT BAI.K, - ' OF IBTIREST-TO 1VEEYB0DT. 7 0DXl.SI)Ay 23o' JANUABY, I HHAIX t-EIX a .i. ?" f","e tonnty, on N. CX Biljrod, to th kignoM buidef7-"T-i'-r'v- .-. , -. .. , .jr Excellent Engine, Boher and Saw Kill Alao mno l'lcknnt Too ahtn 14 nnn a..! .. Kt Pm' t-uialior al dient kiad (all of good .ln A aleo i or i tnt in itooa Hill, ar and upon fj-T nauiuau, who ano. wiuirmt Unproreu(nu . ai, k.nfnrmiiitool,Ae.,Afc. e. At the same time ami ilaa. Kimnavui A nln ed via- valoable lot of ajarhiuar Aww.rhin. k.k "uol and trim tail la avvul nrH i j ",,,lrl,r" . ii-jmcri nana loots tot of plow eaatinp and bem smied to th low and """"1" j an tueajant tot m iroa abarunc and I'Miniurfumitur. t Their are dr-termlned to eell, snd wa sell brns. reetmlnar our former rv-TiMini. u .1 a tortne artielea ennmuraleiL XluauAaaa.ai mmmmty to pure liar. eapitshaU aad thra. lumMjnad knows on day oi salat ill 0- torertim!ara, adih- Mr. J. A. Hrwrar.il, New 9i' J "mithftald, l . C. rilf Vourual copy iui day aad and btlia U lit, ntx'aer. . . . Ju -td 111 JtSt BECEITED .JL A BEACTrPta LOT OP o Lmt$r Exnn Also ot CAiira. BU and fthoe, ftor avll ajrva, mxm and condiUwna. Hi i AT price lower than tbost proe"jng t eeU At Ooat, tbo "aeUiug good heper thaa any body als. GEO. T, COOKE. JaaS-tf t ilTBUCAL' RECOBDEB UBLISIIING , HOUSE. hufiiam fe nuaiiES, X. ;E00KSDJ01irBISTEnS. "1 . .... 1,1 , B&ving made hrge silditione to e - -- --- are jn epared to do-all kinds of boox abtd KXWsPAPza panrirso ironipltye!i4 in th beat tyt of th J3kf ,, l it PRIMTIHO PBIMtl ''. reef th beat mannfaetar in tb world, (IKs same 1 umxI by Ui Harpers, and leaning nuuaMn in rt. ,) and our faoiUU for doing work of any kiad at BIIOUTEST NOTICE ' ,; ':' n Ibemoet REASON ABLK TERMS, and U BUPR BI'" HTVI-K, equal to any in Ui conntrv. t outraxta mau tor toe pnniing n prnwumpmn auu Migtsinec .,,..-: - Blanks, Chcrk. plain or colored. Crd, t , Bill llcnds, ' , . . . , Ilsaid BUI. ,:. lVMior, - " " ' ' ;' - Clreatlar, , . ..... JtXter lletid, Ac. , 'n it th )iartat notice and meat reaaonabU prieaa. ORNAMENTAL 4Sr OLOHED PRINTINfJ .1 i 1 . 1 f- .ut. .11 1. ...... ' 1 Wetre nftrd to do ny kind of letter-praas ..tniatlttBflaantaraB thouaeiHl Paitea, piiiuoiirY, ac.ic iiii a,. ,ra.Uy ittVHAtt 4, HWiBH Jan ft- U c"-r." Oll OltU re 71 ALE ACADEJJT. V v : HET. H. O. KILL, Pametrtx. fl WE arawioa open. Tlinrataf, 84 th. of iaewarrafc Xhe tnnrij)l will lo aided by. f imptaat. aaavia Ui ill tlie diili-renl 4opruuna, AU biii payabi taute I'saMa per eioa or Twenty weer noara, xrin- Wnif and ne of Instrument. Contingent ', - ! ' ' , . ,. uf Cuwular ddreaa, ' - ' Kev. 11, J. niLL, lant-3awlai . , 1 r I'rineipal. - k - t ft-w. t tr - rr a W I ar TTCir.rfIa 8, 10 snd IS 6Uon. f I t- y.TROWIT, HW - wwt; - , a.f-.5.:' I'OR KLM.t 7- r A-BtB-BJtJ somf.'Vtirr itsiiwH'a by tit. tiov: Jn.iD. il trxl;t. i'oaaaamae e Ji b guB on Janniry it. l"7. : 1 irin can b known " airti"" t B. . Is- t'K.UU n halMga K.B-.i.at liaia. , IXMte-U - -- ' " '"; " " r. i . . lii i . " i Ii I ! i"- 1 quoK-WO and Chewicg irmw-Lt. TTTnTT thai h E lVJ ILE1D E t ACE HI KXSCHAST IAH0a A5U:CL0TEIE2, : OLD STAND, , , No. IJM BlatB aVt.rerMr of lath. , bioi:tio.d,ta- a,t i HasjiMrswafved Flo Aasortmut f Fall ad Wiator ' ' t ' - ".f-- - - AND TESTINOS, which a apnparedtomak up to erdav tn ah best Myleaadat abort botiea. v:i.J..i.; Hhaal oabiuidawnelH toek of G . Ecaflj MadeaothlBK, - t af his wa aaaaometnr made la thia City under his ewa nprTiaia. ghlrU mad to order and a goedM warranted. .. L!;.".; ':' :'.-' Gentlemen' rtmlsbtnf OskU . BdUaa varleiyatwaya on hand. "' Can aad see hi Block at Ho. 1S00 HsJa St. Bicb- aeod,Ta., before pnrchaalug lMwher.. v Out i"MIND YOURPINTS." IK SI OBI, AND FOR SALT! BY ' ANDREWS, .: ;ie . - ., . . . - i . .. . Croccr, No. 2S FajctteTlIle Etrect ; in" Rrke Poll weight Uvwrpeol Salt at MM ' . AO bbla. Hurrnu k'loot ,( . IU bhia. Mulaaae ! - ...Au Kite hiu. ii Ataebemii. W t sees freak IVmiatoe snd Prarlie. AO B"e Adsjanintine CufiOlo, at Jj, J : 1 id tMa. wtototaaroer t'otaUMw. ,.10 bl.la. 4 Mtna awd H) of Apv. dhais. W Ik,i-.' ' aai . a ivjb ttiOua. - ' -" 'm u Boxea Camly, aaaorted. ) Sai.k Javvltio and Laguyr Cone. JU8 Beams Wrapping paper. !M Bnahails bo pear, aaoorlad, etieap. a 60 half and quartxr bb'la. fliiar, different grade. 15 bbla.bngr,0f all gradoa, In quantities aad at Briee to nt. . , 1 . a n- a tt aaaitav SO 0Oa f.ianu((a naiuf "" i 100 Bag fhot, all siae. U1- . g iHis. Pre. Cotton Carila, at 11,0 .... , .,. ' M Bote Pearl Htareh, ehean. Good assortment Orocknry at Cost ' All manner of Baaeea, C.Ian o. aad ', Oio- eerlte geueralljr ery obeap for oaan. Tre.u ih uyetor rweiTea oanr irom riri"R. .vv, itviiicttt nni'iiuMM, Wholeaal nd Betail Orooer, , Nov SJ-tf RALEIGH - AGElwClr-4 - CUMB E RL AND YALLEY 1 18 U BANCS CO 51 V h NT H0JV1K UJblUbe n , NO. 25 CIIKRHi ST." ; . AinriiontzED capital ; FIVE HTJSTJSEl) THOtf SAin? DOtLAKS, GEN. N. D. tKAKCE,' Pbes't, ' . ; ' ' -t V1' ' v Ii ':.- !'TSIPPII. 5w. .. H.rfng aipoined .M't lh ! C" nllV. l r"liaH-triirir in" a!'rit-,ir of tiii ect.o " a.rtBi t'r.4l., to " f'' ;' ia a Kontbera ;.iiiny with au aiitlHwV!l ipiial a4 aswO-OOat. 4t trtt-nn anirr TsamiH ii, "j.oi floenttal, n 'l.Ue anil wi-.IUtv nliw-ne ..f 'ft-oncHm-. -It baa the amel rt f'-rrari-e. and. been asraedlnirly semniit tn ita ajaraipirt, ' tie eh,.,,, t - , . ...,1. ijetna nter.iiieti wi ni arm., ..,. i.l. t ....1 L,m ri.L.niil.,iiiia aa iuBT a.v anv .ator 4 4tMMty.- -..r. BimninW tllfrtlif)pw,Ji .u.s.inltilinw WarrSTuiJ.l into it . 1 luua- H w la laa W"il u,i,.,i. . r .... Let ea eu,p.nt ai- n-ua( "- " ".r gD nor money st h, unr- - .:- r v.. . I. nhhTotimt Ivi jo SiWth Ifl eel hlmeelf ftr ki. tmionrtv hai:ea-,i. Am he ean tx, ammuiHXUited l ' . tit L-rnatt relMBiHtv. I ran t- f.hdt.i.r.lniur of Uiadayt.tlieBlelgb yev 11-W . Ax-ni R. tURr,t'H B.-OTT1?)". ' ,,.,.";,'! T" iAUnmiig f hvaiei. BKADi;iM 1'LLI.IATE ISSTIe t - - Tl-TE. - - - -(03 RALEIOU A UA9TOM R R) ftlUBseennd eeaii'n of this InstHntioa will row. I ...l.v Ulat.iannaiY.1K.i7. . f ..... niaa. ai aaiiaa ia iw . 1 wm ran. Higher r ngliaa it-'vim t iaT-l IK f ,vViip---'"T" r.uo For lioaru to Jinveie linim-a in viia ivf baaJiinit.-fbel antflitii "4ir iauiht loiM The Priri.-'faJ . will no. ..anau-jiea- u.t .t fj,.l,ari1. nf timnalll t'l-"-, th.artjyijh J fur tatrtbar parttfaiara ..reau - IWel-Atawlnt fnoetval Peteraberg luJet eupy aud forward bill to Air. F vrn HR Al)THOhlZritoiMiotie B At. A V IKBWH as a ranoidal fur !ommieaionr la t)at Westers . Wa-i, at law wieg baaj ti,. rto , - i nAXKLITO 9IALE ACAOE5IT. ' 4 oalidlfj and waatung. OZO. Ky USAI At - -Vij BEFEBENCK8. Jruiripat, Bv. T. Af . Jowbi, Ixmi!nir Cf-illnqa. a T..n... . kl nrfrraebam' Bpk. OoUege, J. WllJ.nwn. tf nrfriwuah.: r-"""-"!: ITtiaiaio CuiTenaity ti. C, Kev. C. B. hii.i.1,-, KittreU Spring. CoIWg. Itt. W. U HAoAVS, " : . a,"j Be.s.O.i,i,Trinitr le 14-lia , , " AI'aUA , "iOCIIIKKS belle";;; I 11 o o i ; .ia ic x it x b Inil sis for atlsaes and Children. :r .. Jnat raesired at .Jj Oettl-bf , i-H-i J s , Q. t. COOKE S. AlftTalCB AtrairAl. AAV T. Wlg,B) sV .-v5:,:'-- f:,fit.;;!! 'T " a'isix V My-,:t;s f LADIES BALMOnAL OOATBOOTSw f Miaie " a. CbU.lren ' ' ' " Atoroeoo, anaa aoaoM wbio and dmd.le njirw HH at . . , . tika. T. i'.iMH ewaJ . ouKhs,, Jeel7-tf .-, Latdlray and OBta' .!. . 7 '" Blaek aaWK'nlofwl Kid, - " " , '" ' T ' Tliraad and Bilk, Aw Mi snd Ladies. A- uiioa ttoolea aud Iluoad, for men, at l-- otia-if. e-r.POS.-ttr J. 1. UJOSnfc..s s , BOOTS Awn Kiiora ' A nlTine alnioat dail. XV Seou-b Bottom and TVmhl tirmer Calf Ttn.il. ' "refdeMVto thefaot. JSo. banjo work at. . , tjK-hmont to lncreus th oost. ' ' - - '' 0. Ti C0OKA " r.-.-,e ii'-1 AXOTHEtt CASE.; Of than bsaotifnl fahlonhb Casatmer ATS, ' fa 'KATT-Dirv crociotte," : r. rt f TBOWIf V aped Beaver and one French lett Hate JL a vory eatest styles, jnat rweeirad u ARRIVED AT I. A ST. 1 TWO Case T. Xlfrn Sf.ti'T)T.le Sol sni Dui.l tTIT"r vt ATtB l JtOoFBiJOIH. -.-J- - i u na gti ftumtiiiin UiatwiU ao yoe Rena. ii J -1',. .-.,.,",,.., - - r - . Ti OOOKH. ----- oSadWbliuii i. 0. 0. NUTTAIXa U ta w-.--- 1- a ,.i ..,.( t.- .--...... ! i ... if c at O. If. Mtt fiamrmal afianlloe Grtven to the aai or nnra ehaasul Cotton, CoMob Tarn. Huron, i'loor, Naval Stores, and Ateronanui uenerauj, . , . .. lt 1 C0N8IQNMENTS SOUCrTEO. i ... innnon, .. .( - A.' J. fork, MoOon-Jd ITarriWi, R.'tT'.Poarif A Sons,' V. A. Arohttialrl, Oenenrd; Cm A Softa, fttl'leaaant; ! ft; W. 1. Bnhow. Oroeuaburo, and P Jitor of th ' , anntinrl, BaleigB.'" ' . '. ; ' '" " J.fVlm t,,,..; s-,. 6i ,(. ;:tot( . DBT GOODS t DRV UOOUSIf DHf s -r---eOOMl t f li- J,j.'la. - - . . a . i At .A Al A.. TAfwlt. tit ivulluwinir dMiravul fnd frtmb lo l Mil ; GOOIX. hi:b f) wilt t AV T'fc I . i in. fil.- t.....a.il. aC'laatanisl I pfif, t3nB'l e-tetT aim txiftuM sr , 1W tl', J C. !lM.ilknKbiv .'iw a .u.A.A4tHi -ai-A lO .1 arwilia 1 a. iiauuaen.an-t li.. t) . -r, r, ,1,1ml Kid Glor, . iuh "ii fed.. eta i ;, I ?!jfr III -a. Irish idnr-tl, eaaf OWlWy, 10 di'Ht nur worsted iireaitr.M Huawia, Bouiaga, Aiubias, Munb, Ae.,' nea. Tn-OMl Rlllm. " llautbaimie Dren GimxT., Uulsris. hatm I'lsids and Shenhartl y'- v;-;;oioth, rr I .French Menna, .--.i f.-i!..t t- i-. .-.nr t Kamta-h PlSlibt. .i"-, fe v.. i'. Vi; It '. Baporb Iruh Poplin " ' " ' ' H trill soli the sliov gtmla eerw eAsae, ' ,v -".tf J U. V. H lLUAMaoNACO, ' -1 i-.n-1-tf . ;.. ;Vr., h. anl ,ii, i, nii -.mi .. if .... i i i ' if--t.?Tfi i X'w -i r l:J A MONTH la JOt RVAl, t , nSVOTSD TO ' .-l-i,. ' . , JkAt;rloultnrs IIortlmltisr, . J rjv,, TUB MBCIIANia AHT -'. i torwisjiotaTJ licoNostr. 1 -pmi.wJ a r nrtjBwoynn:, siKIJUOTT it Mllt.iMH, ' Z JL eii.-fiiM-, e-i'i -1 l-' ' nf-w tear . f.if ann an inoreaeei ftatrfioftate aa-w.u enatue tnem - ' toeiS.n;i liiai-uaeluluaiea uf J.iai kaaana, awt mak q it s euu tu.ir a.UML.iB7amiium kit aiivortiar. , . aiuaaxmti-rHiN.-i na tfrraw-w aniwhTripuim n.T been m.'1e ao fciw aad fcaeonal lo aa to pin. it witlii ih rva'Ti nf .11 who Biy d. aire it; ami in view of euiaiiun, w cjiuiiliutly it)ia5t tha -hearty co-opera- --j-r tuataarf niaov in tiifme aH-tnm of the country a, It nfw supplied with a gnod Agrt.nilturaJ Journal. '"" f saw Buiaacairruil ar u - a aingts soprano year. H.il ' . .. t lltl I VAT ae mi-b e"iie-a year ht V13.IAI ; WB , e-'l'i'-a one year ior wu,w humid eojuee one year ft , - A-fl.W UtKHUS'l'4WCbJPs i tweniv- ; fii).i 'o y-w lor tV),oy j and larg.te club, la 1 tlx am pmiiorti'in. ( To eecur the a.iTantii(re of theee lilyirl term.,' th cliiln niuiat b oi.nii-i.'te at tb time of aaliaci-tp- t- ti.m, ati-l the tiimier a..,n,nin.n.r (be ur-i.-r. - ..... - U tat.Titoi"J f1 ' ttetatmr trr I" fViTt " ' shsll .foetv 1-UB EA-it.MKH t one olhos. If tMew.Ki; aary It will lie uiail-n nii'ler lite club art-.ng.taeot ti--u many dillefwil office a fli.-re are a,-,!,-, -( ii.j j.a tu elilTC-. V, .... . AlaldW Mliil.lO, Jan t -" , , , inciii Vr- fcCOTT- V AU K h 45.4 l $ Ai?5n-9"3fa nAiajjaiiSsss,-- rAYETTKritLK BTRKST, (Oaweotentof th Fawr.awi nWttx.Y A HE PBKPAIirOto'-do np" thi art' tousoria In tbo beatt style. -. - -- iv.. . Tbey have on band aSno nri)lrof oil, pornstiima, tnaoa, Ac, aad will giv ir-mi. iDcn a Qthj shave ajvj eemronao' g j ,T i f Bir- ptvt ga tHvo a s aai. . .. . . fwjt. '-il iir. j 1 ( x 4; .- jr 'I I Isa ... rft- f 1 "-- . JaaU-iaa r T. B.RXLBT. r -V