V K 1 .' ' " JC HE t,ECT"BO AltDrVG .. ,,J iAJ.fi 6CXIOOW 4 VP 9U0 MWSS- BlUSBOKO,. Jfc ,c. rPHE Hiat Kuli ml 'Stia Kouncr, assisted aa "t" BBiW)ftiiF'ft '4tSS avbaruaehi Wilt" ' ol Pruf.-BaOrA'And Iiieurai:tore, trill rrae im Um Ar of H scuwd uu UieiiU. February, lhti7. J . Circular forwarded OB sppucation, . . . ...; - " r-1Ve lSn 7, , ..: . . .; "Tj; Another tS.OOO roller ruid. . Kft'r lyTO from W. HfmUfeal.AgnnA-ai tlx .f.ina, life rrienrauce Company paviunt in full -e f.ir polioy Nov iit.OliS upon the KfcAti. FRANC IS W. MVXI.F!, U i pniitwr is il Wis si Weekt had aa fair a j, Hume IWIoBg hf-:as wit rata anporentlr. uMmunuiiibT Mr. W. was !. 1 , w4 prnaaat to tbu provide fV wife and ehililren? f if o the why aot follow the eiemple at once. , w - ; W. II. CROW, Oen'l Ag't, f-rf PETERSBURG, VA.. 6 ml 1 ret OH. IJIlIVAOIl, St, CO. RICHMOND, VA. Branch Soastfe Co. AUGUSTA, GA, .BAHXXR8& COMMISSION M1ECHA5TS. ' .s PtK8B0jmi, Vx, Jan. 7, 1867. ' - W ar fumng U liighwt ntea far Bank Notiji and Kurt linii N irioa ; iN IuumI Mtaraa with cha4 a N York, Uu bmoiid ur Petenbarg, lur all paeia- ,,. tu our earn, at Deal rama. .. , i Wa trill hy oi l ?.9rtt. Carolina mtfa, Pmipnaa, : jjftrejj arratchnt e, W vtrtache emipatw. . ,-r.hailiDfi HVx'i buut;k( awl aold. ,?'. 't ' M ho- following are oiir promjot talea. for, N. -ft "-Ban Ddtaa, Had ira lial V I" ihli)?H-tiih(t raba KOETB CiUOlJXA. aok wtHpe rar. v v ...,4b . . . . .!kt ; - a iS V FaTetlavlUe. ..l .....w ;,'.:',. at ,nr.r":..8 r at OraJiani. . Nortk C'niima. .f..t, "rt ! i T k uf'r' ''i "T ' t4' vi t ji-.. rt aornDnrrmn " WuMM V.-Jr ." ' n -h' Ummtoo j . i' ..'....! Connnflrciat Bank WilmiiiKton. ...... 21 k ..'..., l'arniitr'a bank of Nfarth (Jarulina. ...... lrtenlorq' Mutual luxaranoa Co.. ....... ..... ' Mwrclianta Jiauk of Kfwbern. .......... WilitTa JiJ rUntfra' Bank tlBaakerji :d Conimiaaioa MercnanU Peter. Timuiuiiiiivrii.t;nvn ,, i i oanr.'Va. . f ' ' Nor. 42-Sm. 'l i.i'. v.riTwv Tbwntinir HmlfuT. ivwimllv n.'fltlwL -& Ww n for tlM ammimmlatiou of either permanent nr traiwieiit boardcra. Iu ntoma are pleanant, table ; WU auiiplied, aorrauta attentiro and polite, term ' modoraiu. kfunilx-ra of tlte riaUtur will And Imre aUtlmmftiMaef a IfoiiK., : , vW-1 inw lin . . ,. . ,... npoua. . ' .VZi . KOTICi KSSIDBKT IJk OTTERS, W1TO HATE -BOOKS from the Iw Ijbrarr, am rftim'tod to lmng Uwra in- hnrnwliati'lT. ' . t 'o.JaaaOK. LIBHABIAN. 1 "--7rnT ijiACHEa wasted: rpHE BUHKlTnniER DEK1EE8 TO KMPIY I ' I aaa.at Tucat Htf, to hutnirt h chilihra "' and a lewoherM hi ruHiOtaca in joUnauaa uuw-ty. lie must bo qualiiiW to prepare boya w admuaioo in ta Uaivaraitv or ail' Ur CbllcK, ard grre tearuno niala of audoubted gftod ehara. ter. U a gontlmaa ' eann.it lw prwured. b wUl ryita propoaUioBa ftw . cannot Iw pi a lal teaolier of character and qi itivatioua, to .in MIT ww-nwr i. - . -i V , , , -the &.5hh UnitaaKe and Up braiienea UMallj UMghi ta aood male rlio4. r ' . ."V".' Xduruaa tlie aulKTflrat 1aTton, . ?, V . ; ,T ... . n ' ' ' ' ' POM TO THR SHEBIHVT.? ??S,, - K) Tmtr IH and OwntT taiea dfw lt AarU I Suborn atvmdance daily, dnnrtg tb. rmau. or th nrfwnt week, to- ttwoit thoaa Uw--twt wl.l"h fahail tKaedweaUt ill m, vW Aatr wiMiouHaTthar natay, aa indulrna eannot arj will ill iit . . A. . J. I. PUJJjKM, Cailwrto.; ' atruri irl and-atnauer onya w in btom " - V mnrcT Tn a i e. rplfK flXE 8TEAMER . ' ,. nai.. .uM h 8ir ioaeob lkw. will f rin Norfolk, fur Liverpool oiroet, Ott W ednoaday, Hli . ,MiiraaliipiaBWantipaiaat arvy wnndj. 'ately of froiKbt intendwt fur h. For turther partw- ;ior' :'; mhkbtkhh, -i-L K (us asauia aia - ilJ.UUU, For aate bT . "C ; Jan 11 1W . . : JAMK8 M. XUWAiM, Ageuw . . - ' ' ' . ' ' WATTED,, ,fTK KMTLOY ayottiif man to taaea ia a 1re I fln,ii. H mniit eome weU rewMOBieaded, and . bletoUimietmallthewentaryEnKlihbtncbe. a ilniiiqiiU ikmiwlanu aoldwr preltrcwt. Apply tuaauma J, B. GHIFPI-N, :VJaaI-4l.;;p;;? Tarboro-.N.C. cuoicir PiAxoronrn misic.) r Uomi CiataJk ItoU, i luairunMMital Muai for the Piano. - "' y.Kunga, Bailada,!. lhan AoauaipanimeBt. '" SkVwKB I'SAaut.- 1 vol. "... . ' :Iuho busu, with I'tane Accompaninont. ' ' Oraamt: 1'sasia I L . t-ooi. Irani tannar4 Oiraa. Piano Aosuaip, i AlaaMO" tiBBliAK IIO. . I vol. i Vmml tna of tiennan Oompoaera. . Piano Ase , ilaam Koott . X Tot hiamliir.l M oU'a Lyrif. llann Aee. Gjsor tiAiara Hoa. 1 voL ill f-v. v.m luut r!.ifoaAra. .- ' ,awMwY.fmvVirt.,fNwiTIWt rNibliahors, 2?7 WaahiugiuB Btr4, Boaton. Jaall-te . .:.!..- . XTOTICK U hereby Riven, that epphostion will be ate certilieato of .look in said eorporationi m hey ef ... tn lht baa horn !, twlongmg w wia O'n. J)KA NfH. pw d, v.- jaa. vm A- A nil. a. 11.1.1 MB IIVTaxeaiit:ata ja awioa mt tka tiaawral AaaiMbly lea Jf i Mir -jr u. Lmla Kiwr la Praoim. saaaiy. mr-vr-m ffti f.,ai ranaias at Urf la Darusal a " , PMXl-lawAflS :' - . flour i r i.o ni txern ij Tl irrt;; ttsmtinttl rtrstTFamTirTIourT "aU". W tair-m"-.inttt(' '- " . io. f .-, C'bwaiBsaka tctra da,4o. V"';"i 4ai.'.lZ5. auj mass At ills Huper . 11 o S. KuijIB AAi.t JJjeiliU Hmith k C'... itrs and SBi!t, in a.. k:; -.- - A I Ih iiic rv an ea' a i f , - - : imllSa v -rr '" WiLUAMaOH & CO. ) OIOVA! IO.Sf OMOX9I BC8HFX8;rlia knaiwitno eonaignmnkN b. P. WU4XAJIS0J1 A CU. Honda j Evening, Jaa. 14, 187. LOOAtiEPARTMEITTr- ..,JW ApyxETitkMXNT, Pulliam, Jones ' to, announce Carolina Rioe, Ginger, Ailspic, Raisin, '&e, V-;'.-.i- .. - Sea notice of the la-meagre of AfleonTfor "KaypFaad Comiuiaaionor. , ' I i - n. Alien, A. My Principal, will commence on the SSnd, at.is--'E i tti r i - City thi morning. Whatever transpire of a J public nature, jxt their aeasiott, wfiAhall JbaAhl to give to-morrow. .-.. Gas. Wa r pleased to learn that the Oaa Company In thi Cut Jim reduced the price of 4h light fmui-flfrto $8pff tnoQsaiidleel.. The rrBgea)eot went into operation on the let l-.l.... ' ..... .. .i tiauiirt, - - . thia .City thia morning, the "Chief Justice aad both.thaaaaoaiate Judg-a hning In aititndrl I About fifty young, gentlemen were duly exam ined and adnuteed to practice in the aevefal County CourU of the State. We will publish the list to-morrow. AppIicanU tut Superior Court license will te exaniinod to-morrow. v'Tllaf C li A stem tLKCTiOM. Corjaidorable in iexet htbeig exhibited hi the election for May or ;and Commiaoioners on. Monday next Aa heretofore- announced, Chas. B. Root and W.D. JJay woodj Eoqrt, are the oppoaing eandidatea for Mayor, and "legion" is the name of the can didates for "Aldermen.'?- The City intereata de oiand the.beat practical talent and the highest efficiency, and jre trust that our citizena will make Judicious and safe electiona. l ,, Bttkiooa Afmut-A desperate fight occurrd is the yicinity of the market hifinee, in this city, on Saturday night, between Quent, Bryan and Wiley Sauls. We hare not learned, with suf ficient accuracy to state s them, the particulars which led to the rencontre. Sereral pistol shots ; 1 "f Ringed, oloe of whic&Jnc effect upca LPMJia, entering tueregtottof the abdomen and I lodging imnediaWjTojdw8:,akia.on the back. ur. AUh.ce was promptly aummoned, and extracted the balj, but the wounded Btan bow lieajh a very critical condition, with the chances, ,we learn, decidedly dveraa to his re covery..! ,, ; , ; r:..( t(a.sv j r Bryan wat at once arrested, but while hi tem porary conlineiuent, .in , the Mayor's office, and while the attention of the policeman on guard was niomenUlly averted, ha raised the window and jumped to the ground, a considerable dis tance, without Injury, and ia the darkness suc- eeeded ia eocing hia escape. - He hat hot yet .heea arreetetl. rrr P. S. Since the foregoing was written, we learn 4ba Baata haa died. - We presume U4 reward will bo at-oaeaxeKd for ibe-apprehea-sioa of Bryan. ,...".;. v '''' ? ) "Tm Lamd Wc LotBjTlie January num. ber of this most adinirable Magatine has just leached ua, probably beon detained somewhere ' rvuis to lia. ""The table of contenU indlcaiea unsnally attractive matter, which we will refer to more particularly, In day or two, when we shall have looked over it. - ' Sk riBT and fourth pagea for late news and interesting miscellany. , ( , :, a ..it"-. U 1'." ' - H--.. - '- J Tna Cnivkrsjtt. We are gratified to learn that proper efforUare being made to- secure a full attendance of the Trustees of the t'niver sity, in this Cityi oa the 28th inet- Matters of vital Importance to iU well-being are to be cou- idcre4 We-tnwt that tbedeHberatlwm of the Board will eventuate in decided and immediate adrntage to this institutioV, which should be the Object of common State pride snd fostering KW PoTtASTEiis. The following appoint- mcaU of lVtmaeter have been made in this Bute, vix : iTount . Nebo, Yadkin county, X Adams, vice J.' Pickens, failed to give bond ; Tadklnayille, Yadkin county, II. B. Peters, vice G. Masters, resigned ; Pleasant Ridge, Gas ton county, Mra. J. Xeag'. jiQ Mr- B- P' Hol land, resitrneil : New Market, Randolph count. O, JMewlio, ioe Mrs, KB. Newlio, reoigned, - j- Tng Hollywood JUWorial Baxaae. Wt published, a fevr days aincc the eloquent, wo manly aiid touchiiig appeaj of Mia Nannie Daves, Agent for all the counties, east of Orange, for eotttributlone to the Bazaar proposed to be held in Richmond, ew tie wHk February, bv the ladies of the Holly wood Memorial Aaao- tion. JA iA-tbeir mtA eacb ol tbe lata CnnfVderete States, with, Maryland, should Its represented asTie"Aa6cTalion is InajreatotI equally inail tnejieceasca aoiuieraoi uie oeuuy from whatever State tbey may have come, J)0j ... horlf at Ilollvwood t and it is honed that ... - . ' . - . the,Bttj5aarUl jIlustrate ho npbly thene States'., can emulate each other. is love and good work oo this-eceaaioa of so much Interest to a!W- : .Mr. Thomas H. Wynne, of Richuoad, we are requested to tate, will bare' charge of the North Carolina table, and she solldu contribur tion of every kind.-gga, butter, cakes, plck-j. lea, meat, preserves, fancy articles, Ac,--w!icb, can be tent to ber address, in eare of the Soutli-. ytf Epeetwiyr--lyorttilM snceeseful nvaiveua tu4 most liberal of her awters in tyalgeBeBhs-eniulaUoOi itanrviluable artiolom, Including pianos, aew- tei; The tiekeU (l&ui:ola;-i7 obtjawtrj by writtefl or Terbal applkatio to Mrs. Wynne) ere $1 each, aifl a person purchasing a Hicket ai j uiuK. Irom a niane down to a tar i . ' . . fof pickle. There are no DlaDka..: AMketiko of the, lot owners, of. Oakdale Cemetery; in Wilmington, was lu;ld a few dayi ainoe, for. thBurpoaa of etecttng pWa e the vao chosen Preaideot, Thia Cai sa.lautifui apoC ana ttie care, bestowed npon it by "flie citiitaa i.i !. ...... .. . ' Li -u ra rouintjinnrj rracctrwsiit UKn botfc. Nothing, ordinariljj, to marks 4lfcire,nneim'nt and culture of a, community as arniimlims card for tha aUit ti aTBm r.r".liX:t The CemeU-ry at Wiliuintrtiinf has alTtlioln - TtfOerOTailvautagfw of locality and areneri to render it attractive, and its capaWiUjr of ; im- rromrtJijgjli ihlawii wipiu'I ,aim" I JttwaiaHaiiarT H bile our own City Cemetery haagfleaf thcee B at ural advautagcav tbwa. ia .tiit no reason w hr Its uuproTement should be so much nwrlActieit Tlie rude wooden fence, the irregular 'arrange ment of the walks, and the general evidences of decay, are inexcusable. The City TrensurT. at j 'llwjKIUi nine, i probably inadeqitate to any oonsidcratiie outlay upon the grotindii, but would not such an Association as that which exists in WUmingtoa.tonipoaetltif 1m), ;jhi Tlie world hits never seen a more ,sbainful proceeding than the imposition of negro suffrage cm the JJiatrtct of Columbia by men Who Totud-, againttj ltlntlieir-own JUatefc-Biildry avmrr ing that they have aright to use lbe District for rnment, they are exercising their legislative power for a policy 9onidemncd hy ilir own people, ami odious to those tA. Jhe people tlte Itrict are thus the vie-- f tuns or a tyranny that Is both heartless and senseless that fears not God nor' regards maa. Rich, Enquirtr. - j , : Th Prkbidicntiai. :s Ma'sbiok JT1i1"" rit Council at iu seiwion yesterday afternoon paioied areaolution giving General Rosser the' privilege o porchaeirrg the PreaidentiaLmansioa in Uis city, for the use of the . Ladies' Ront.hftm n,.il,.r Aaaociation. The orico; Axod bv the Cnrnwol 133,000 for the bouse and ffrotrnds-'witlir out thourniture, and $10,000 including the fur- niture.TAA. Whig, ,-r f , i ,5, . 8eriator Sumner is cultivating a tublima tronage of lUerature. At his house in Washing ton all the literary aod acientillc celebritiea jof the day, who happen to be In that city, are in- ited to dry mmruuUiu, to which the leg-of mutton "swarry" of Mr. Samuel Waller. Would ie Infinitely lUwterahUvTr-t -rr." A newspaper called the Lsnghing Hyena lja ta started in Texas. What aort (if ftn uriimikl uiu editort '::'::;r - ;v-r I The Boxton Journal any many farmers jia Masaachnsotu having ponds find the propaga tion of fish a paying buaineaa. , j , The Missouri State Senate hits passed; ntl House of Delegatea tabled bills to repeal tlie teat aths in that State. - .,,.,.. j Tliirty thousand marriages took place in Ohio during the past year six thousand more than durinir anv nrvMrion vmp - i , ltev. Dt. Bock with, of New Orleans, is spojkjciiJ " prooaoieierjrymau to be elected to vue episcopal nee of r londt made Vacant by the death of the Rt. Ilev, Dr. Hutlwlga . The exact munber of Centeilcrate Ueainju. ed In the. vicinity of the varinns camps in OliiO h w beenasoerUine4tobj,!Lai , r w , . Thfre is a hospital for leper in San FranciaeOj the leprosy having; been Introduced by the Chi nese) .migrants.' 1 , ; , - "a ; -r? : . Tbe lower house ottbc NewAk.LegWattir Sasaed the Constitutional ameudiqcnt on Tu urn ay. It had already passed the Senate. J ., , Several National" Banks hi St Louis haire greed to unite in the request that Congress Al low no contraction la the national currency.1 j Iht CACirHKMT The New York TrPum tf January 8th, aays, aententiously, tha follow ing: , . 1 . "In this country tha ahortest political road is that which leads from a maionty to a minority. Our party will take tliig road, when it rashly lo gins impeachment," ; ; " 5"GenerrBotlcr ha commenced a libel suit against Brick Pomeroy, of La Crowe, Winnw-ainr-r HeolaitnaoHBliimdred" tfioOsanfiTllolTara damages. lo Douati's great comet will be visible to mortnl eyes again in theTear ArLC", 838.' Cut "this paragraph out for reference, and don't , fail to. sea it. . x . . The round trip from the United State to Paris and back, during the Exposition, be will at the rate of $130 to $150 in gold on board tbe OrautJEojferw. r :.. V , :i , x ..r- -j ' A $3,000. .monument to the Confcdenito dead of Amity county, Mississippi, ii to be inaugurat ed on Washington's birthday, j " The Naples Rothschild lias retired from busi ness with a fortune of $40,000,000. ' : j .JThree hundred divoroca were grantwl in cago during 1 HQs. I A moral town. Th Fibb at Norfolk, V. We. published yesterday an account of a destructive fire at Norfolk, on Tuesday morning, which destroyed the Atlantic Hotel ni other property The Pay Bonk" aays i ' ' f.' ' i : - The-Attetrtic Hotel wa constricted abont tetl , year ago, was the moat spacious and elegant hotel iu the State, and was kept by Colonel A. G. Newton, who was only aboutnne third t-i r- but it cannot mil mr snortxoi f.'i;,ouu. ii building cost about $100,000, and belonged tu a company ot merchant who are knawav as tlie Norfolk Hotel corn up ny, who dotibtlees bad the hotel insured, but it ia supposed that the insur ance, will not cover thelos by$50,0u0, j STATE OV NOUTH CAliUlLNA, t .... y.-.j., i ... i Cofav em Ei-rrr, :v' ' , v4-- 0.W. Wooten and other IVtitiuB for aals of Hairs aVj.aw of B. F. Woo- Un, dee'd. , 4 . , , Land lor partition, riled LH.Cttl 'JtMit, 1M)7, ' In tli ia"-""1, 1 appearing that Needham KTard, Floaaant buwdt-n anil wif louiaa, the rlitldr of Hamnd McK.iiiae tnd bi dwiawd wife Maijr Har.1 tiu. chllilreB.uf i ? Biwwir- iniiX'k,rlii.iita'ii.t Wif liary Jouea,vl4e''iloX' 0 1 rrr ain and. Ju Ik4 wila 6lle Junes, Iwolulon-a af Aiaiah J.ulm, iy'it, ttmvai Karr-lntoqire, (Htr! Bom aiwl m;f .liOiii.i.in A 4.ilA Jimi w. 4mii -ir'trrtiiKtxr2r TgwBtariBiiiijiia-of.tbia BtaUr.TViirTTiWoruV rV j ti,aA nnbtuianon be tnaite, ft stl in tie liat iimMKSkirtmL aid U t -"i aA Abo. law jHiM in orMftToMj, tm UiMin I.i.1bt nf Ttarrli imtt, and pload, aoaww or Acaiar, at uid pi-tiuoa will be takD pv ctnfno and tfcard anvittllHlr. Wiinrm f Hiuj.sD, ONi and MtMn uf aaid Ckmrt, a ofhee at OwTWli4,lKjh daj of Jan XJialwho-hjiyO. tlo proper etty ptiifa:wnof-ffcil blow artnWltTfrtonr ' T7 VI.4.J li.i j V i .1 t Tlie Glut has an editonaf, in whush- lt aayt sacred, kindred luat depomted U,,, be a good the Eastern quealio. ba tecoue se prewaing that Jdaa r We throw out the afaggeation. T ' ; . it demands the immediate attention of too Eu- " mm i, rouejLn newer. ., - --- - - .- - General Jltnv-'-y. v ' ; 1 - H-Vew) I f - lirtns HlLLIiJlD, (X M. fc. T juXiEGnpf -no:' Our Xlosidar JMorailng Dlapovicbea, WaahingtoB Katterm. ' - - WasirmoToir. Jan. IS. P. at , In the house, to-day, Mr. Vpaon introduced a Bill, Mtborixing the payment of the reward offered in 1J W the capture of Jefferson taT.i,lUfiirriaj to llis Committew-oa Api jriationa, ,. . ; . WAaHMoTOH, Jan. la, The Opinion, &ljh JupeamQut-oli lotted Sutei is to be delivered tomorrow. U ia baaed on the question presented in the c ? parU of llarr, of Louisiana, and Garland, of '!!' unTinSTuarticit iatea uh. the' ttonttl In IU litto war, at be re-adiintud- to practice at the bar of the Supreme Court. It lnvolvee more particularly the constitutionality i tlie Ihw enending to Attorneys in the Cnited oiatea CourU tlte wotuuoos o! the act of July. 18Gi which requires a teat oath of civil, miUtac ana naval Officers, with penalties for perjury, ' Lonrxwr, Jan. 43, P. M.VT The Ti'uct, of this moraine, has a lone arti cle on the subject of impeachment of the Proai dent and aays that the aclieroe bwks like . a I Fkakifokt, Jan. 11 i C S. Five-lwentiea ?5t LiVBirooL, Jaa. 1, P. JL. The cotton market closed dull to-day. and prices fell off slightly. . Jttiddliag a p lands quo- ted.at UL -- ' - '-- ' r " - . - - .; VM"A, Jaat14,.P.K The loumaliof thia.rdtc 4u da. HMMamal ouicial announcements that the Sublimo Porte has called 180,000 men, into aervice,.' to quell Uie Greek insurrection in the Mediterranean. , , ' Sew York Market. : - ! t ' ' NKW Vo, Jan. IS, P. M. Cotton closed dull and heavy. Sales of 1.800 balea at 84(a3S for mlddriug nplanda. uoiu vuataf i.m. 1 Afternoon DUpattofce. " Market and Financial ' , , Nw York, Jan. If Gold $1.34. Exchange.! for 80 day; sight 10. Money t percent, ZZZ2 ' f -' Cotton -dulL nominally unchanged, u kiid. dling upland 84i33. i. t . . From Waahington. ; . 1 ! " . : WAABHtoTotf.an. 14. Advice received here from Eurooe state that large quantity ot government aecuritie will bo returned to this country by the next steam er, the business community ' there becoming wary of luch investments, since the threatened impeachment ha taken a tangible shape. 5 -Stanton, it 1 said, has been aubponaed aa a witness before the House Judiciary Committee in the matter of impeachment ' 1 " i - ';'?' ImigTatioa of Freedmen, : ' r''..;.'J",V..j',v CoutJMBtA, 8. Jan. ii.' the Freedmen are leavlnir thia tidnltr ih auuh utnbra aa te excite alarm as to the future cultivation of . the. Jand - They ar bound ohieoy foryFlorida, whither tliey are transport ed at government, expense, with a promise of ration until tn working rnia'.l." ,f .'iJ ;;.-WaWtlMrTro, JJU 14 Bknatk. Mr. How presented a petition for re-eon ttructlon on the basis of equal right. r- d Nothing off importaoc done. 1Ioub -Tha following bill were presented! : liill Ueclarlng forfeiture of certain privilege of citisenabip lor acta of rebellion ; referred to the Judiciary. - : Bill n MUblian goTernmenta in th mate lately in Rebellion. .Referred to the Committe on Reconstruction. ' J- t . - - y THE UI.GIIAM ftCUOOLi jnBAKIBTILt.R, W. C. ; CJESMON of m beplnir Mairb tr(.- 13 Count of msfnirtion CiJt MAT1CAL. and COMMJCUUAU - OLAaalCAL, MATHE- .Address, ..... . i M.if.'- col. 'WM.BWGnAM. Ja4.-4awijB,l.L-l , , .. a. yif-.. , ArraTlNTMRNTaV BalKB lI "Warren. .v at Wairsnton. - Dee. StM 11 ft 110 A'i7 sat Asia 117 Moaooka, at XMiwiiar, . . TV'illiauMton. at Williamaton. ' " Plymouth, at l'lyniouth, -.(.:. Fsbf, Washiiiirton. at W aahiiiKton, " ,, " Bath, at Wood-, , ' !J " MataninakMt. at bwan OuarW M Uaiwraa, at Uatteraa, , , ,.. ' . MArobA The W.trlot HUwarda niMtlns will bfl held at tna Church tn Tawboroy on ttaMrday the lUlh. Jaa. Tbe 8tewardaar MeanraV H. Palmer, E. A. Thorn, War cm Hattle, B. E. Weatherle, Cha Latham, John Arthur, Jaa. Clark aad lit. a. A. Lon. I an aut know who are tha Htnwarda for Wusoa ant HaMeraa. It is Inyortiinf that all ahould h preawnl. - Aa UM ratarna froia Ah Awmal Cotifi rxn a thns far intlMaM Abat 'th -ptaO for ih iittrodnetioa of 1.AT HprraeotatKia,'' propoaMl by th 1st Oenrral Conference, will aoon be orhoiallt announced a th law of tli Chnroh, tb dietrict Htewarda in antiripa taoa of aneh annonneemant will euwt fimr DmSnfatn to oar Kent Annual tiwfureno, in eonformity with tb proviaietia of amid law. My foai .urw., kit uie prsm, is pawnor, . ' lam-re f-iruiilauna wiilna Uw bonn4 of this diatrii will oblige'inanx uf tlMHr rutdura by pnblialung th aoov now.. . t - u h. a. MORAN, P. E. Ictf ' . - i i ' ; A'STa U MIEETIXCS. -' ()A BAI .1,000 trancnea, Unit's YariM, from I's 3 to im,.. ... ..-.. . -s i Uie,S.KjBjla.l and 4 4 Hheetrn. '. : .1 " mil AUniaue Plaid, britfbt aat heavy. ' , Jant-U . J . RP.ILLtAaI80H00: M Kick." and Bitting Wldaltcr. k BitL. 'itii lUek Bitting By Whiskey. XJ 16 tea gaUoei kegs do. do. do. - ) T " ' . - " ftweet and wwHow, A . -, Jana-tl At. 1. WILLIAMAOB A CO 8. . - . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) . j;., . '' Pitt Couirrr.- f ; A.tr.'TaVlof M tw i I r . ... - ----- i - VlMiWiae1lIjandlW oliiHTa, limn at lw ul 1 ih, Inati. Kehewish a'aybar, siweaV j : ; -- f Jrfl-Hrt eanwfrH peHKit-th- Phsaaant P. ' Taft'ir" and JiibnAT ntywriiteniniMuU, 'tnt.aua rn.Mti of tliie HTMo, H 1. tnoi . r.ns urYid that puUK alion m vnaiini tn trn"TtVrirtr frnxitmi, fr an wk, niairviog Ahaant aVfeiiilaiiia taappearAt (ba nii ti t 10 of 1,4 ,q fnan, to be htl at tli nnt Houee in (iMjuuia, n tli Srat Mon.lav In Sarrii 1vj7. aod plead, tnawar or .Urtnur, or aaoi yvutKtn will be take ra tonfrmxt aa to them and Award aranritinirlv. - "- .- Vitueea Ini- HiLuuin, tltik and Kaeter aid Conrt, at orh" w orenTiiie, tun Tin Jannary, 1?; Janllww f LOL1H lUUJAJtD, a M, li, f ' The EALEIGH K05IT JtAXXIT. ' CORRECTED BY JOHJt . WILLIAMS CO, BROKERS, RAUilQH, Krtfcr nicsa or obth caaottxA bajii motc. Ban of N. C$ (Gold S5) (Silver M) O, B. 33 7 cape ear ....1. Charlotte.... A. -i..,',. " ' Lexington at Graham . . . . . . RnxlKirough Waduaborourh i vttt . rr; w it 20 US l uamasvuia . ' Wilminetoa, , , . , . .... Loini Washington rayetteville, , t'larj-mi'tn . . . auteyville "afmera'aod l'lan t-r' Bank r arm era' Bank, Greensborough., Commercial BankWilmingtun . . . Merchant4 Ban, TNewbern.7.. . . Greensborough ilutual... ....... Virginia 3ank Notes, about. . . . . South Carolina .... j..., QBorgia " Gold, .. IS 18 88 Silver, ........... ..,., Old Con pons, ... . ,- ...... ; ... North Carolina Railroad Coupons.' . , . Old Sixes, . . . . . .7. .. ..... ."T., xchange :M:XMjiMil-!d. RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH ... . ,.' , CAROLINA. . airmo atx a. c. saiixotu. Bank of CarMv lfear. Charlotte. .............. ....... S5 SI " Commerce. , " Clarendon . , " . Fayettevill is s 10 M aej- Lexington . ; LexihKton at Graham. so 88 80 So SO Jionn CaAiin , Jloiboro...,, Thoma!!.....,... Wades boro ......... i' Wilmington. ' Waahinirton. 4 8 18 S9 89 25 S3 SI 5YnoeTville., .....i,., Commercial Wilmington ' Farmem' Grotusboro . . (Old) . eTcuania . fiewDern. , . . Miner and Planters'. Jv t. Vinrlnia Bank note, avenurn Bouth Carolina - .. 80 ..133 .,183 .. 45 . m 70 suver. . . . . . . . . J; Old North Carolina Coupon... 1 North Carolina Railroad Coupon North Carolina 6'a, eleven Coupon on. Exchange on New York, . s ' Hloclul INof loess. , , IIARDI!CJ'w CLOTH IX"r: ; I well known to all our duaana. - B. B. Aadrewt A Co., ar his suenwasuTt and are keeptn n th r. pntatioa of the old house. " . 4 ; Baldwtk or Wixamrero "City nothing Btor" 1 afUMoted with Bardina, hrfew York whars all th Clothing sold by B. B. Andrews it Co., is manafaetar. d.- , , ... .. . BAaoura, Baldwoi A Co New York. . r : ' TaoatA a BAunrnt A Coi, Bichmond, Ya. 'f '. . . . Basaisos A Co., Petersborg, Ya. ' ' ' ' Mnvso ATCOn Wilmington, H. C. ' . ' i , Oooda received by every ExprMa,' at B. B. ANDREWS A CO, ,' .)He"Vf Over f 'la . ,...i.s,. . ' ' .i Afavr, .- - . ' ataaiwar, i---V-rT7 aTrrawh Umrmkimm.' ,V . '" Mad by Marding, Baldwin Co., Mw York, just K, B. ANDRJeTISA CO. . , (iaaTa, FuBKiamih Btoas. De Il-lf afp,rv. IflT It jLCfcet la Illravcaloaat J& f T la aa retlrely'a.w afrtentlfle dlneorery eoaiblalee maav rf tna oiiwt nuwsrtal an fAwtorailr agest Wa liava idb eoaa.leaoa la ita BMrlte, a4 .at sara it will 4o all w claim tor It that w offer : .. . .sji.ooo jtiTWA.r irtlaaielllasl MbI NfHmiaa Btgivaatit faeOt ia all oaees wna bsmI hi itrtet aooordeaee witk ear iBatnuitioa. . . . ' -4 Tet;eUbla Sicilian Hair Enwer ; has proved luelf te m th whmT perfeet praparatte fur tna Hair aver offered to th iiW' -; It is a veetahl eaiB.Hmd aad eontaiaa a labiri aw srnprtb-a witalaver. U ia t-x a life, it tnkm at lh'tv aad Ilia tk glaada with Bw Ufa aad oelwina; t. , ' t , It will rtrSf)riy rtelr ita i-la.la' Ctr. , rwltv trw STr-tYwt.r rHtTlB mmV HclwaM 4b. mtmtm WMbca Hair ak, lanMrwiHi ettk.n. . .. ' lie ale4tl) ai-lr.iaa Ml) peri. old it y'Ba. iiliuulj I'm lo u il. l ia reeontmanded aM aa. 4 tit eat eretl lr. ' XJT Ak fer Italt'e V,.K.t,bl ..-Hiai. Male Ue r and taw ol In l It. P. H A I.I. A IU, nrH-knt . . . , - 'ba, M. It. I-IT Sold bj all IbucuiMK. Vllii-jo. Ai Uafwun and t F " KtMrh. H. C. . ; .. ... 121 ... 45 .... s .... to i.,iMftriiwWM. .w.rbw'.W'""; ' iw SELECT Mil O OL FOB 1'Ol'N'G alllK ni-jt aeeeio of Mr. Howell's Sclent Brheol will eiiBi. Jaiirl7ih tini7. jrtwrpaticuiaraaireea, . .':-'.' ...- .. v -MiUi.. S?-C HOWEfcl,, Jen l'tf-H----Y-- ' ' ' ' ' Baleigh. . j J ilksiotr T ( POXES bmw of Uiat rtuperior Frenrh Window fjJ Olaaa. Jiurt n'eHved al the Drag Htww of A . WUJ4AM3 4k UAY WOOD. I'M 17-tf ' . : nn-Aratisro. , ..; ALABOE supply of anperb Blacking. . ! . (IriMera and Counirj Merchants, will sav money by applying na. "miJAlltil if AYWOOly. ::mi.,.r :':p;L ";:::-:'.'..;:.:: pp'if Tor i3iwru-iSZl ill -fnede til tl liioral Asn'Kihlr 1 North Carolina itmwt rta premul ai muon, --fnr thr tnroTjrati.iii uf jlie. u of AitAii!l..ae-Br aUu4. en U..Mer hr of Halifax County en noire tioui the Alartiu county jiu 'lbe eorpomti- limit ul nl town tu paa rr the Uo.l. of U.HmiMHle.m, W. It. , Wood, A. J. gilla, i. H. styaeMt, M . reixea. ne imatee of HiU Aradvmy a IMiara r. oi.ir, uan ral loutig, Ixtril gee and hiAmper, N. 3. Jie-y, w. UroAHUieg ad other and to im iu.ie nre nunurua Acroa, ! lA-lawlu Zeir huper I'lioapIiHte Bono -.( . " " - LIME, - V:- . Tbnaa Fertiharr ar reetnfrVnwmdeit aa brm eqnal to any in Bar, and ar ooVrwdOi any qnautiiy at tb ami of truiirium abore fsutiinior priiva.' 'SOvS-tf -t- H Ml. f pff veryfceat i Apple TTraniTrT illlUm, jySESACO. mat '-Ik -t'siwdfr nr nptr, -fstw tfStintiSSeT J- rtlJ.IAM, JOMJJt CO. ' JAYA.Lagu ira and Bis ConV. VLLUAM, JONES A CO. Deeie-tf AFISI lot of Batata elo ont very ehesp,' , ... ". ;. I'LAXIAM.JONta CO. lel0-tf MACVliT HOIKS I A daaientine Caadlea, tn Sntb. rV. Alm4n 61b. I a. Cart . 1 Ih-s sra tnw best aiilleB luiowa to U PTJIXIAM, JONES CO. Oetl7-tf ' j Bacon rldrs. fMlXXt.i olea eonalrmnnnt. I'l LI JAM, JONES A CO. t :l NOTHKB arrival of be Family Flonr: '- -1 :-r "- ---'-"!- 'LlJUAM,uE8A CO. Le Sl-tf -r-r-1 . CABBil rRovii -: JUST mrlma ffliriitui t Vim ranet ilonrbona. lla a l real fcti' k w A B. bo.w. f f J'l'l.LIAM, JUNES & CO. Bsi--tr o Va a a i. at. QTRCPbrihaUrrol, end another lot N. C. KJ vint stour. eel-tf Pt Lt.iAat, Jones a co. i'f, tn For Sale. "piNE K. 0. Bnck Wheat Flonr, JL. a isrirs w 01 nnsi cneea Urn I Family j Jy i ionr of tl beet qnlH r, r rib Baeon Hides . . t lear nt iiaeon nxies . . "r vuuia twaij sioar aju4 W Inl alaal. 1W I ALSC- Baisina. and larire lot beat Madeira and fihwr Win. Uooklna Viine a. Aie bv tha Cask. arKia botUo ... T..AL80-i-l-i-.-! .tvti! All grades of Sugar, foffea and Tea. Pe A-lf ; a ) .-v.- -.':,!,. .sj 9Iat'hr Blatrkea. "TOIthe Oroat. J ' PCLUAM, JONES A CO.' tl IKiail POTATOAia. AND bast family Flonr, Just rewire ii and- for aaU by .. fLUJAM, JONtjt ACO. !- '- f Vibokal prooera. 4r- COCaaABB CITV AI.BI. N larg qnantitiee, for sule bv' - -- - IHiLIJAW, JONES As CO.",3i- Delm ( ,J J , ,,WholMaAOrooare. PEEITUS CmO SIBSTITCTE ! RAW ' BOSS SUPia-PnOSPHiTjJ 07 Z- - ' LIME. - . ." . MAntifaetured and tha )rwHl eriniaated la 1MS4 and patented by - ( KATTtSII aV HOIS' W, ' solb raorairroaa, at rax TAtclswar tUver Chra.rr-1 , rHILADKUHIA, U. 8. A , j Thia old tahilhed MANtT.E Is manufactured from Borm that have not Ix-i-n bumi'd or ateamed, and it eontaina all their orli.uial orirania matter. It is artiT in lis operation, and ia a furlihanr nf great durability. U dom n. eahanat tb ami bk Peruvian Onano. but oh Die eonlrarypermanenily iniprnva it. Pravloni to -B0T II wia IntriHliicd into lb Boo 1 hern States to eonaiderable extent, and again in lrttil, where it baa been uaed with rvuarkabl auoeasa pn ,.ll:i;:.:.':;'Ji.t... - Cotton, Corn, Tobacco, and all Crops, . A trial will eoirvnv any planter of it menu. Pamphlet eonUimnjfc well-known Hmuliern evideno fiiniiKhfil upon apphvattioa to New lurk or l'buadel phta othee. 1 - hold by tlealera In all th prineipal cities and towns tbronijlunt tfa United rketea and British Pmvinee. , N f ; BATJGH & SONS, , ', aoix BAKincri'iieaa, . ,"). Saait Welaerar Avaaa, i rillLADKLI'HIA. ; it SAVG3 EEOTHXEa & C. , ' oriraiL WuoLiaALa aointa, tat rMAJIL STREET, SEW YORK. " ' FOB ALB BV 1 - JANM Bf. TWr.a, - Jan. 4-4wAw9nv , -. , f Kahagh, N. C . Madder, and bthet Pye KtnfT", now in fHnJ. f -r ": Y 1 1 LLiAM, JoNJJt A f 6. Tor ttatlynd crrtttin ( ure f ! -termtttt-nt lvrr,or (hillnHiiil l erer, C' S ItfMitiiftit l'v7jr. y ' -t.- 1 y 'Ji Agur, Irr I otl leal '""Z'S I Ht tt le or U 1 1 1 ' '.TS f I'i'idHrh, and ., J " Blli l'ever 1 lal, for the whole eUe of diseawa orirnnatiivg in biliary derangement, eaaaed by tb malaria of nuauitlv couiitriee. Y- .'iuirmiiMly haa raxejy lailul to cum th even's -oaw a of Cbilia and 1 ever, and it has Minri Al xl vantatfe over other Agne nieild'ine, that it quinine tlie complaint without hijur) to tlia patients' It coo talna no qiunin or otlu;r d..leterioua auletaueo, nor . doe it prodnc qniniam or any llijunoua erti .-t what- j,. ver. bbakuig broibfra of tlte army and the weet, try it and yon w!U eutlorwe tlt'.et a"'rti.iiis. ,f - Wopared by J. G. A l'fclt A CO., UtwcU, MWaa.,nd Bold by - Williann ii Haywood, f . F. Pecnd, Ealr iHjC.,nd Dealer generally.' - ' P;rf FOB STffff 7 7 ITT. ttratas and iWtn!Tloro Hf., kn.eVn aa iTi .'. ai pitin- .- - , 1. - , i -i a.!.- iBBB.fliA txil'D " Ie ! .. . , !, , , . , i iiool BY Bit. -ii i:ov? J1IIB Bretibrrropo to nndertult to odiwta I t t"n of a lew bt,vs. Hjs sf-hiwl wul eomuM-m on U10 llib. of Jmnarr. proTiJfilajHiiuietit nuaiUjr ia bmgm witlt anauappiy. : ft. 8. M.hUN. PeelS-W. If i l- X, ... t -7-7-. ; Buck' . I .ant tf '