AJSD DAT . SCHOOL, h i t .axwm r .A MRS: IIILL8B0RO. N.iC, " I "rrvta Uimm Neli nl " imk, T i d-psriiuent by q able eorps riMn end Instruct w,d rwuiue . exr- Lesof their school oo th kth. February, t7.. . t ircuiar. iuawim, -II" . . .,.,...i,n. TIIOll.4iCII IO.Mr - PETERSBURG, VA. THOrt. nilNACII, & - - RICHMOND. VA- . I BrtfctioTi-Son BsCd."- AUGUSTA, OA. J, t . JASIEES & COMMISSION MEfcCHAJTTS. PaTBBSBlftO, V A, Jan. 7, 1867. w.,.r.evtnK tlx highest rate ft Bunk Nits .7 VItMnt hecuritles ; will hand return with chock 'Mw iw. , . mii4 tti ourcsre, t be rat. tt-TwiU bar old North -Carolina Bonds, Coopqoa, ,.((itred, scratched Aejalso deUohwt eouponaj .V i '.ujt laiyl.t aimI afiliL i h lowing are our present rate tor H. C. IB.uk notes, ami et.liaiiieto cusogo paid whoa note rouwlrea. r rrrfuMa m ,. highest ratea i aak of Cane Pear '-t'tiartiAte - Clarendon...... - 4wnimert. . r FawMe'viJla . " l'luKt" v "at OrahaB.. North CaruUiia - Koiuoro'. ...... '- 1'hcHuanvJl WatliwIifflrousU.. - : Wanlunm . ,j - wUhuuk" M 'anwy-tiiie ..-:...y.-r . Commereiat Mauk Wllnumftun-. yamar'ailank of North Carotink. .. n.ir.i' Mutual luMiranu Co.... . M . Jl ... I ..16 ..10 ..w ..36 M .". 6 21 ........ n . i . . . -i u-..k. Af hmnHra u. ' 1'l.uit.ArM' lMMlk " THOMAS BllAJSX'H 4 bONS, Banker and Commiwioa MercbanU Petert burg, Ya. , Not. a-3m. C0UE0NE! COME ALL! TO M. ROSEBAIM, So. 1 rayeuevllle street, - TV YOU WANT TO GET IOV tt GOOD' CHKAFEB 1 than at any.othef Honae ia the City, aa m now SELLING OtF bia pkndiil 8touk of DRY 0OOD8, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. Ladle, MUaca, and CbUdre' hoi, . READY-MADK CLOTHING, - eESTB FURNISIllNaiiaQD... HATS AND CAP8, BOOTS AliD SHOES, and a nioe aurnirtfrn-nt of Ladies 1 and Gent's TBAV KLL1NU 1HUSKS, at - . - SEW -l'ORK, COT, For aiit days only. Preparatory to hie making-, ehanfro in his ston. . H Dou l (arKt to (e kun a eau. Jan 14 lm atOS)falIJW.- CITT EA.ECTIOS. MOKOAT.TH'R Slut INHTAKT, AN KLKCTIOS will be b.'ld at the Court House, in the City of HaleiKli. for Maroraud ConiiuasloBsrs 11 sam vuy. , ji d. itoysiT.rt, - ttW. U. Hli'lH1N0, I ' A. V. McKlMMON, 1 V. I). WlUUAUil. ..... Jangtd pAUOLINA KICK F' t FULUAM. JONES CO., VV holssaie Orocers. aul,'7-t( ft 1SGER, AUSPICE AND FINB LABOB FBESH VT Baiaiua, i. C and J"TjOKBI.rO. 1 W bolsau urowrs. TjrTCMllVsj Horaet. AA .. . 1 1.. n 1. 11 .. recently r.-lltuA h .now oiwu 6 the accommodation of Aittwr pennaiwmt or traiwB-iit boardtro. It rooms sre phtanaiit, UWe woll Sflfphe. -sfTTStits srtrtilrw an f"1 niiKlxrale. Mi'uilwrs of tl Ix'KislaUire will find Her all the comforts of s HoK. - - ,.,. - Jan 10-lin Ms M- A WATO)N. XTOTICE is hereby fciww, that appUcstion will be 1M aiaileto the N. C. Hail road JJonipany ! a dupli cate ewrtitieate of stttek in said eorutArauoif, in Una i)T one that has rxwn hurt, belontring to th. sotaU of L. O'U. BKANCll. Deo'd. , : Jan. wlm " TStlCT, n. m,cmfwmmmmvm. KELECT BOABJBIXG Warren, at Wsrrenn, - WUson, . 1 Taw bar o, at Tawboro Knanoke, at tbenesr, WiUiannt.wi, at Wulianntea, 1 ' ' Flvmouth, at Mrmouth, ''-. " WaBliiiiRton, Wanhington, V' . Hath, si Wuodittiwk, ttatamuskeet, at Bwaa Quarter . .- HatUM-aa. at Uaiteras. Doe, Jan'y, to A 6 11 A IS Id ) MAW Ik I A 10 1 A J7 A SH Feb'y. March 1A ' Th Ihstrict Btowards mootiiiff will bo hfld at the Church iaTsboro, on Jtauinlay the Uth. Jan. lbs Buiwardaare Sluiwra. H. l'almor, K. A. Thorn, r. ens Battle. B. E. Woalhembeo, Cha ll.hia, Jl.n Arthur, Jas. Clark snd Dr. 8. A. Lou. I do nut kuow who ar tho Htewsnis for Wilson and flatteraa, It la tmirwm mat au mioutu uw lir.-mii.fc. . Aa th. rotnrna from tho Anneal Conforences thns " far indioal that tho N'Blan f.w the tutroductioa of V Lay Heprssenuuon," nropoood by tho bus General Cauferenoo, will aoon boN oihmally annoanood as the - i...jiui:hun.i th. liiairie Klow.nl. in ant'cipw- - .. tiim of sui h aonmincemont will elect fr yf'ej to ,.,,.,,,.,.. ,T;... nut Annual tHinf.renoOj in oonformity with tho i ...,..'..,. nf ..III law. J'aDCrs circulaung within tho bounds-of this dMtrm i "will Tbli8 many of their roader by puWMluug the- ahovsnouco. RX8.M0RAN, P.K, Dee-tf CHOICE PIAKOrORTE MCalC. -Hems OtaoLB.- I vhk F2: ItwtruuwBtal Music tat the Flano, Bo,v Cnoen. t vnL --.-- . 1 ism- - Booga, BaUftde..' 1.wW1wti HUOWF.B OV I'KASU tvot. t hoioe Duets, with Kane Aeoomuauinent. Oram Pkabls. 1 voL '-. - (k-m. from sUndsrd Opwrs. Piano Aoeomp. Qik or Oesmas oso. 1 vra. " I ViiesJ Oen of German Conipooera.: Okw or Siwrn. Bono. 1 vol. btanoard -irh Lyrics. Pisno A69 Gems or Hu-sr.n Hoso. 1 vol. ' o Aee. t.j. v..i Plain ii se : Cloth 13 00; CtotHv tto - - . -J- - . V ' jMiuart iat. tyie rea a. wwnw, """. oiwp 011 , " T Z 'Z I ... .mA W. mi ilf. F w nn mm ' : 1 sndl Th. n.i n have tat vj l"1'' r'JJr. Mini Marii. ' " J-areslVkUe, S. C, JanJS-lw - - . . i j.kKi. iH i,.aiu.xjs Till SENTINEL. Siaursduy Evening, Jan. IT, 167. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. T New Advbtiemest. Bee Court tisernenU from Pitt county. . See . Court -advertisement from county, ., . r, Bee Card of June & Pliunuier, luceessors Vo N, .Marti, I'lummw &C, pBiBrnWrg- TiUi a arfiifl ami mmf ri'liahlM firm, and alt ennskm. finPQt inade to tUeiu wTll.be: faithfully and . rimritlv at temb-il to. The iritiuKfs wl: tc "it rw DitHKET, atct&sca, will offer at public rale; on the 13th. pro., tome eligible town lou in the town of Enfield. C'olobb o Tkoofw. A detachment of die 87th Regiment U. 8. Colored Troop armed Iter lout evening from Charleston, where it bat beed ta- I Uoned ITr aotTTtiie panU Tbo are t be paid olf and ouiKtured out at thi place, we nndt r tt&nd. ' 1 ... i Ta 8wru-Jtr4 va- engagw), aU-4ay . atedayt JUi th eiiniijltrration of aa-ialtrcatiag eaaa of habtai eorpu. We hoper to-morrow, to, be able to furnish an aUtract ot proceeding in the matter. ; . 4. -.. ! W v olti-n awiri ufr (he wind blowing "great gun.'L Weroaiized it last night. Con fiderinjf the tremend(Mi violence f the 1(rind atorm, it h a matter i wonder that we bare hcardol an iujury to buildinga,m, W-II '' eertainlj-wronght great change in the tempe rature, and brought upon at one ot the coldest days of the yeaa , Black 8nitw,-Our fricndDrake, of the Statesville Amrrictm, alluding to C. D.Drke. the. newly elected Senator from Miasouri, aajs, , "be is a Radiral of the worst stamp, and the Uaek $heep of the Drakn family.n Ii he A North Carolinian t It so, that account for it. The 'worst enemies North Carolina has are those who were born oa her soil and have turned their hand against bet. Such ; count is so mean and unnatural, that they are obliged to eicel la their bitterness and vileness, to get any countenance lrnm their new fellow. - J - tTfmsil CotJBTT. We learn that Benjamin M. Collins, Kq.,:" wan elected ft member of the House ot Commons, at the special election in Warren county. n the 13tb inst., to fill the va cancy occasioned by the death ot Tho. J. Jnd kins, Esq. 1 " M0K8T. Our frien3 Evans7"brnie'Danvine Timet, -wishes to know if it i tolerably decent to get money xinyhawT We think not, and would not commend the plan to any one, Wfc have no doubt lie has seen not a tew, who were considered decent, who'were not very careful oh they got It, Th National Bank at Charlotte ba declared a dividend of 10 per cent from its earnings for the paat six months, and carried S per cent, to the mserve fund. ":r,' ; - ' J" 1 -T Korth Carolinian Pardoned. , : The tollowing is the list of the various gen lmen in this State, who held priroinent posi tidns, who have been pardoned by tb Presi dent, with the names 01 wose wuo rwxjnimcuu ed them : . ' ' ' ' ' , Geo. Davis, Confederate Attorney General, by Governor Perry, Governor worm, ana targe number of citizens, " A. H. Arrington, Confederate member of Con gress, by Gov. lfolilen. Thomas 8. Ahe, Confederate member of Con gress, by Gov. Holden. It. Barringer, C'onletiorate Brigadier Qimeral, by ov. Holden and General bcuotlL W. lw ISB17' vonronerftiei ungauicrs wrcuorut, hy GovaJVuUh s-'i'l U'll'h n, ... . - William T. Dortab, Confederate. Senator, by B.P. Muure. (Gov. ilotdca recommended the n-iwtinn ot this suulication.l - Itrv.n tlrimet. Confederate Major Gener- at by General Howard, Keverdy Johnson an tWAi-IMSeM R. M. rparson and Judge Fowlo. anu - Bradley T. Johnson, Confederate Brigadier General, by Governor Holden, B, M. Sander,. E. O. Beade, and H. J. Schley, and the member ot the North Carolina Legislature. J. M. -Leach, Confederal member ef Congress, no recommendation. ; . - Richard B. Lee, Confederate Lieutenant r-ntnopl hv H. P. Lee, IK 8. Navv. - James. Ii, McLean. Confederate member of Congress, by Governor Holden and J. A. Gilmer Thomas I). McDowell. Confederate, member of Comtress, by Governor, Holden and J. R. Hawley. -, ; . - ' J. G. Ramsey, Confederate memlx. ot Con mo. hv (iov . Holden. . ' M. W. Ransom, Confwlerate Brlgailier Gen r.l l (kv. Hotden and J,JI. Wheeler,. - ; A M Weales. Confederate Uriiradier General, 1y Gov. Ilo'den,' Jno." A. Giinaf and Governor Worth. . u , A, W. Venable, Confederate memlier of ;on; gress, by Governor Holden. ' Thu IrBfl8 IxPBAcneo. AsJly,- wha ba undertaken to impeach President Johnson, brought Ao light la a report submitted to Wte House of Kepriwcntalives by one of its commit tees on the list li. ot r coniary, 1000. uo rcooi . hnn as aet forth in the Wesbunitutt . llrfnMi tbsJLJ-bjd-tia rhargwi with "cor- J mot oflieJit conduct" and only escanea oy a flaw inth jndirtweut, H waa accused of obtaining an otlioe for a "consideraUou previ uily made,'' and escaped because it was not ex actly moves that the . consideration bd been "previousjy agreed iipon." , - ASIlieyx proeureti -tuw vyy" hhu, v. . Case a Surveyor General of Colorado; Among the letters df 'Ashley to Case, penrtiirg his exer tion for the appointment, ts one dated reoru arySnd t8l, in which he dwell on the im portance of the office,' asying that it would en able a gooa DUitiness niau ouraini blv) to make a fortune of ,'jO,000 or flOO.OOO ; id in the same letter he say : "1 want my uroiu. , - , ... ... ,f fc. 1,1 1 will A , 1.1mm l.w SrSTlMI'T ti1V,r t m m mrt " - i....j wi letter fi forms Case that hs44 madu soHie pro raa, atwl that, in onlff IQ secure the Indiana jMuntUtua awi-xiiBtir 1 Lano. ta Oiiwutu. oa Dmitb; tirhsxl ptomiseU thai tue u appoiiit- hients should t1 muiiH jmmiy. lie giving mem ti.-i r tW choice.'"" " He ak fir a teTtitr auttior- ixing lia to make such pledge, , He also say iftLt4.lLi;H.l!'.tol,.J?.n,.. liUlitiuIi Uoni and Kwn ite. 7 ' ' " ' 1 . . -ri,;. i. th nreckius racid wbo hat nndetta I ke to lmtieacu r ""- --r i , ... u. .r v Tir-r.f ., r- : , - . 1 tion of office r JT. T, World, -1 advet. I Granville General Kewi" - A Lrva Lowo akb BrxKT FkuB.Tlis limi' tille journal state that two families of A'rlt cmtnjT, Tenn(-!c,,nnie.l, H"lwU.4nd Julie-i stohc, "lisve been waging a bloody war lietwora earn ptbur for twenty yenrs, during wlii;h time fourteen men have liwt their, lues. On. the evening of the 3lh ioWmnt the venfatta came to ft bloody end In the streets of EtizabethtMWn. wnm hy the .W Urvivinr.4iU-(X, ihni - " m,M"Jl ,icor"" "", lobcrts ahd' Johnntonea. The, aew d .in TOT.fcrt6;ritk tir Htrnse -wmmtWt, pd Roberts oersonal altercation which' resulted fatally, to trh. 4'Ti'dorn(tio-''Wr ngiatM. atmut ft very trifling affuir. ,. , Fivisdillerentpfmoua tifficinted w Governor of Maine within lli'j fr'ej' J.reintithat beginning iu l nn'tit 1 rS. TTZ", " ". ' The il4fthi)('tt Id'g'wlittiire on Vriifay. in. tructed the Juttieiary Oonimitti to iiniirinto the expedienry uf ftbblishuig . UicuuUbk , nd writing qualilication of yours. . ' A writer in ft New York paper ,nmke M jma, ..:. ....i........,t .k.n tho fwirai hitherto in the Bittet lst(un- edfroina Iske in Thilx t in Asia, ami .yr, tiwvyh not mu(h,from Northern Italy. ... I ,; , A man has Inx-n arresU-d In New York. ! and .1 ,in iu c.i,iuLii t tl. in in prevent f rmilty l. afliiu.'ilik ll't. Ml"'!: setting ft ttng to worry a cat. r , I Works sre to be constructed in- Alalmms for the manut'aeture of ntilrosd iron from unlive ore, which is abundant. The fit. Louis Jttpwl liean. boasts that such enterprise will le( ulti mately t Houtuern independenoa,,, '- "A little boy 1n Pittsburph, P., got tip u-arly oa Christmas morning to awxrtain what hnta Cilra. had put i iu ottliii, and failing the stave set hi night clolhue on fire, and w dead in ft few hours, - - . : . 7 , ( 7 ' f - A man in Lower Windsor township, Petineyl Tni;wThrmidnr lairt, attempted trr burn bis wife up, a he -ftllcged she had burnt a ? fence rail. ' By ft desperate effort the woman em-aped from the horrible lata Intended by her . flemhsh husband, ,s , , , , ' A vnm.o- tadv stTtorlin commlttod suicide rv ccntly because her betrothed -was among the killed at Nadowe. one was pinying oue ui Beetiioven' sonatos on the piano, worn she suddenly left the instrument, oHed win- dew, and dashed nerseii on tue pavement ie low. I- '17 .ii f , ,1 it - I Millard Fillmore,, William O. FarooJ Jobn M Untchisikn, ftnd other leading cltu-ens t Mnt- flo, have-organized eluh to which the initia tion tee ts one hundred dollars, annual duns fifty dollars.' ' -r - An exchange say that it is just is srtisit.le ft move to undertttke to get marneu wituout emir ting, as to attempt any business without adver tising: Both often prove abortive. f . The receint ol cotton at ull th ftiiillicrn ports during the past wlt exhibit a falling- 4f of about evnieen tuousanu uaies, as unipureu with the previou week. General Sterling Priue arrived in ti Loai 1 in &i last Saturday, and the fteople tliere gave) him I cotdial reception, overwhelming him with ten ders of private htmpitalrty, but lie ducliiu-d alL The Union Tennessee State, Convention to nominate ftcandidate for Governor ,(iK-eU- the a3nrl of February. A number -of i eouittiee in East Tenw-saee rerommind the renominaUoa of Governor Browhtow, " " The Michlaan L-KialitureTiave uiuwed resolit- tions thankiuif Conurrsa for nassiug the District suffrage bill over the President s vutoand tavoiv ing the impeachment Ail the President. ) Hie Shcriu" of Texaa eonnty, Missouri, while trying to arrert party -ot ix, on the 6th Inst., was resisted. Two ot bis posse were killed and three wounded. 'i '1 It is said in St Louis Umt the radical in the Missouri Legislature popose modifying the re quirements of the test ualh so Hint preacher and school teacher can JHinmo, their evocation without taking it. . . , ' Music Profesjr Fftrnhaiii'e object 1 to render the public generally as ready reader of musical notation a they already are of English or any other tongue. Astonishing result i are pointed to in Framevirw'tt , . A "wife agency" i in operation, at Cleveland, Ohio. It is conducted on the employment agency system, the prices ranging from three to ten dullars. Fred. Douglas lectured in Cincinnati on Sat urday night on the "Perils and Danger of the Republic." It was a bighly-"coloffd" picture.- .World. ' ,. KKFrCt,RAKTrf Doctor. A gentleman of fortune visited a lunatic asylum, whore the treatment consisted chiefly in forcing the pa tients to stand in tuba of cold wnter. those tightly affected op to the knees; other,' whose case were graver, up to the middle, while per sons very seriously ill were immersed up to the neck. The visitor entered Into conversation with one of the patients, who seemed to have some curiosity to know hew the stranger paused his time out of door.- r. ; V I "I have horses and grey-boun- lis rir coursing, aalil the lattef, in reply to th other' questioi - AhT H.ev are VerV exbenstve f on, "Yes, they cost me a great deal nf- money in the year, but they are the best of their kind." "Have you anything morel" "I have a pack of bounds for hunting the tut." r- "And tiiey cost a great deal, too V mg "I see. birds for. bunting birdi. Aiut these swell up the expense, I dare say " a may say mat, nirtnoy are n common 4ir thi ceurilry., And then i mmLUme ctouij with my g". aiouipaniedbj a setter and "And these are ex pensive, too. t.: r- "Of. course. After ail. it is not; the artimals of taemaelvea that run .awav..wUti the money: there mnst be men, rou know, to let-4-aHd lo.a miter them; houses to lodge in thehi, in sliort. " "I See, I see I Toti have horses, bound, set ters, retrievers, hawks, men, and all lor the capture of foxes and birds. What an enormous revenue tney muss cost you. w w u I want to know is this what Xrtiim do tliey pay I What does your yeae xrtlng pro du T 1 ' - . - . "Wby,e kill a fo nw and tbciv-inly they .are gM.Uiig Wber 'rxfl.I.C( urMiUta, and veM'hLuui. bag less than fitty brace of bird rfS4,,,AVawfcTio,.iH-e.-T u mMi-'"Jl-lly.mmmtnmiafwivilmrl MUffyyT' -1t JJ'r-ir "Hark ! 1 sant the liinsUc, luukuig auxiuuiy around him. "MY friwdl In W wrtA s per, "fliero i -a-pfrnr-berr -rmrj-take myi-j;-,- jj- ,,5., TvlrrwIinteSCoari advire, and gf t out of this while yoa areCi I ulg toen,Bi rt pointed out the neoesaity of Ulior Dont let the doctor get hi eve upon yoti. IIe duckf U to iemiuiimm--'mVmmm''--'j "area livinfminiTie wtlTaTtrwrjmi." .' Th Mnileman looked serious a he pwl on. Perhsp he thought that be was a mad as the iptaatoot tneasytum. v ?;.'? I Our Thursday Morutug ltspatobrs I - . . . , . ? - ' CongTiE, - - IVAsnisoTos, Jan, 16, P. M. Sksai.' Sumner presented tin petition rmin North Carolina negroes, favoring Stevens' bill. . ... . . ny a vote 01 to is, anu now gun.iy ws iJi.fit.- . 1 ; . . it- . . : , ; . HoL'!.i-TTlie Judiciary" Comiiilifat was Ia- structedto rerHrt, in writing, what loffislslion isneeoasary tuVnaUe tbre fourth of the rupre iitjid states to. ratilj .eontilutionalauienil--trrrnts. - - 7 - Htuvenal- nAUUug aui.wu dlw'njned,.. Mr. l'ajne opposed the ecconti section of the bill, wh'ieh recognizee the present State governments. wtiieh tie denqrracoct as ptratiatt. Mr. HinLrhanVs siieecli occuuied an hour and ft quarter, lie said that the bill, Instead of beim one of rwonrtruction. was on of iJuituiiliou, iuili!"- iTt- xeitirtiifiiiH a for disuiuoa. and ; uerpvlual disiuenibermeiiW He slwwed the AlMurdity Oi denying that the rebel States were Stall), b showing : that Conjiress. the Coux9 and the F.iwutive had I reei.L-nir.ed tbem. lie knew thut they hail I . " 'i U .!!" '.""'.. l."""T; "-I eitir.ens listlt.illen martyrs t ir mo couinry ami the Constitution ; but it was in view ot such great trangressions that the proposed .universal auinestty ne to the sublime and challenged pirrallell in history. He protested ftgainit the bill s foreign to thespirit and burpnae of the Coiutitulioual ftmenilment, He closed by mnving to -reJcr the bill to the Committee on reentrhction. - Mr. Duwson sptiku in 6pposiUun to the wll demiuneing it, - - - The House went into Committee oi me Whole. "WasaingtoB Matter. -Wamhwitom, Jan. lfl, P. M. Geu. Sickles was exstniiied. to bv the special coniuiiltee nf enquiry into the killiugof Union soldier tn Booth Cerohim. - , f The President ha iirned the bill, suspending th payment of claim tor th service of negro slaves enlisted during ths war. - I The Preniiient' first diplomatic) dinner, on yesterday, was a brilliant affair, , . t '-tv- Horace ureely isuere, iteiunng. , Fenian Trial!" ' , 1. T--.1. i . ; , Toronto, Jan, 18. ( nl. Lynch gftvo evidence in the case of Dan iel Oninn. who. notwithstanding, was convicted. Quinu confessed to nativity in Cork, and ot be ing one ot Morgan s men. - ! ' lie ns'ul the name of Canada was to bar been changed to the IrUh. Krpuble. ' It was proved that h was captured in arms. Marketi and Financial. Kbw Yo, Jan. 1, P: M. " Gold1.35l. Fives of "03 1107 1. Do. of 'U tlO.M. Tens9UI Cotton more active. UplandsIlo Flour dull and drooninir. ' The money market a httle more active, but first class Arm- readily accommodate at 7. - -Gold baa been excited all the afternoon-;. touching 1.37, but closing a above.; , . . I i : ? Baltimore, Jan, 18, ' Flour dull. - Whisker I2.15(a$3.20. 1 Bugat and CuttoB torn with ntJiced tock. Aliililling Cotton quiet at as cents. Y' , Afternoon Dispatch. ',:' Market and Financial Ntw Yoaa,Jan;i7. Gold 1,801. Exchange, 80 day, 1091 ! Sht 110b ' ' - - i ' Cotton firm and quiot at' St) a 83 for mid dling uplands. ' - " " - Liverpool, Jan. 17. Cotton market opened quit active thi morn ing, and the prices ehow a slight advance, Bale will probably .reach 10,0UO bale. Up land Iff. - .-.,.. Lokdcj, Jan. 17. , Cils unchanged. Fives 72 1. Erie 43. J ' , , By the Cable. '. View a, Jan. 17. .. Tho Pre" of tbia City, In an article thii morniUK, states thut large insurance bs been miide at. Mam burg on the personal effect of Maximilian, which are to be shipped, 'per stvsmuf Maria, to Ragussa. . - , - -. V: , London, Jan. 17. The Ruform League is preparing for another monster trade tlemonst rat ion, which will come off in this city on the Uth ot February, and is expected to surpass any demonstration .of the kind ever m in In in England. ' 1 i - -"1Heayy Bnow. "r - --.-' New Yobjc, Jan. 17. There Is the heaviest snow here that ba fallen in year. , It is already a foot deep od Kill falling. ;i FrotrWaiWnpton., i i , Wa8Ihniito, Jan. 17. Mr. G(ely enlan.Uir.wUh the President, Urging his suffrage and amnesty plan. Messrs. Paynes and Binulmin's harangue agiilnot Mr. Stevens' bill excite a flutter in the radical circles. " . ; The (Supreme Court bus heard the case, in vnlviiiir thealiiiitvof Chase's trad reirulationa i A Louisiana during the war. Gov. Orr, of Hnuth Carolina, la at Wlllard . ( rndiitl tnkina Hind hril lias oen lavor- sTriv cTir"trirrr.nVtf niiijontv of which favor the subttitution of Leyul Tender for Nallonsl Bank -Notes. It is stated t hat the president has a veto pre- f ,v Territorial snirraize bill, a I T,le UoUBe )1C j'three ol it wo thirds on the Jij tjraMta WIJW :2 veto ptnai "l"r L toil i-Taa) "-Lkct-wx .iAa-E.EvatJiiu.-r-Dr.. Curti delivered bi lecture on "Sell Culture" at the Theatre, last , evening, to an audience who, though mlt inXnumbers, niauifirsU-4 an evi dent! : appreclatiosV f tlie discourse, .' It mm. somewhst lengthy, the variou points ngget ed by theftObjeet 'being discussed in deUil, and was truly an aineprouucuou. ao iwiiuayo ut Which it wa expireased was most beautiful, the reasoning sound, and the Instruction and coun sel conveyed truly fslnable, f ' f 41 wax a iroTk evidently. preparerj witli gre tsrr!f and -was -xliilitijJU ia iist.U' f that la bofyLStudy ftTMl rere4iJ;iue wjispjuawjiics. tlieteatitriir JibyigeiLfeJittljrm.BmiM. aiukieiu as troduetivelSll c-ulHlre.- The nirlnmt fc.-tlH gava- t nil auuience snl researrb. if the mind sptree to ah elcvatloa bVfijnd tbRt Tif L tM;; that his reinarVs m'sy be io Tmpfesaid uin bis t,r n to ! erodnctire of much irrtod to tbemselvea infutureWklwW ' I" R.ALEIGH'M03TET MARfcIT, COrmtCTED BY JOHN G. WIUJAXTS , CO., BKOKE1W, RALKIGH, N. C. - . - rarcae or mouth oa.uoi.ua ak horio. Bank of N. C.,' (.Gold S5):(Siler 88) G. U. Tr J ' l ane rear .-.,.. ' " CharlotVe...-. t... r Lexington at Graham. - ihixborongb . . v . . . " Wadesbbroufh.'. .... r ThonuuiviUe..J.td.t , , S ilmingtoa . .. r. . ......... . 44 Commerce. . , 81 20 5 80 a hi ... 4 ... Washington. . Payeturvdie... . 1 1 , . , , " t. laremlon - i . u Yanrryville, . , Minn.' Arid Plniilera;,!! mk .. ' Faruiers hank, Oiwilwrottj;ti tJtimHKsreial lfaiuk, U ilmlnntun. . . . . Mercbaiits' Bank, Newborn. . i. , . i UreenelKinniL-h Mutual : ... . US . .23 . 23 . i.t ma F Virginia Bauk Notes, elwut. ...,,,... Bouin Caruuna - V .,...-.... Georcia ' . .i. ....... t J.Uold,, Oliver-. i . . . Old Coupons .......':v North Carolina Railroad, Coupons, OldSixe.. .r... 44 1)1) 70 Exchange on. New York.. . ., . , . , . H-. -4.Ufll.MWU tlrtm..lU Hili1tt..V1.4iliJUUX CAROLINA. ' BtrVINO KATKe M.C. AH WOT its. Bank of Cape Fear. . , Charlotte Commerce. ................... Clarendon.,.,.,......,. " Fayettoville,...,.. . Lexington ............... . . t ,- Ixingtrm at Graham, ,t;'7 r..' .". 7. , " North Carolina 88 84 n 10 10 20 87 ta 33 84 21 8 7 81 S 45 83 85 81 80 134 188 48 " RoxIkw. t- . -Thomasvi .. . " Waitestiofo " - W ilmmgtun.w,, u. 'tr-..i.l.. ' " Viinocyville. . . , Commercial Wilmington Farmers' Greensboro . 0ld) ... , Merchants', Newbern .-. . ... Miners' end Planter'. Virginia Bank notes, average.,.. limit h r'.M.Itna i . flout h Carolina Georgi. - - " . o..id:.,.;..,.., Bilver..; 1 ... ..x Old North Carolina Coupon North Carolina lUilroad C'oopon 02 i North Carolina 8 s, eleven Coupons on. ,. 70 Exchange on New York, i, , HloIul ISotlcoa. A FINE LOT OF LADUSS' ri'KU. 8S per sent. loss VVtlisn oust, a ' !m. JtOSENBAl'M'S. Jan 16 lm 1 nff PAlK CHtl.DREN'f) COl'rElVl'OED l.XjyjK' Bhoes, St l.l,UU, st J au 14lui It. KOSrrNnACM'8. CASlJi OESTS FINE CALK IKXi'l", .t Ho. st K. KlIoKMlAlMH. Jan li-lra IIAKmXtt'ft Cs.OTHI I wall knows to all ear mUsnus.. B. B. Andrews A Co., are bia aucettasurs and are keeping aa the re nntatun of tho old house, . ' ' Baldwix or Wi,kiuto "City ClothuiK tur" i connected with Ilarillng, fa Hew Turk wbor all the Clothing ild by , B. Andrew A Ce, ts mif- ed. ' A , UklMM, Ujji Cu, Haw Vurk. . . .Taiuu A Baiwis A Co, llir-liiuimdj Vv HAamrsos A Co l'eteniburg, a. ii Muasoa A Co, Wilminirtoa, W. 0. ! ,"". ?; UimxIs received by every Eipress, 1 'Z..' . ' l R.B.ASl'IUiVfS CO. - Heavy Orcst.al. .-',!.. , . .j,, K.sjwlawawz iteavor, , ' ' J. .."" ' i'awtwr Mowvor, ........... rrrwrb SSomAilils, Mad by Uardiujr.iiaUlwia A Co., New fork, Just reeeiviHi at , , . R, B. ANDREWS A CO. Dno U-tf ' Osiers, KrmKMHnta tiroaa. D.TQ-CRAPH - ' 'a .';t'v ' f'tTnlr - tAlfvfu.. ' fW H EftVet U Miraculous! IT is aa entirely asw sciestiBs discovery oombiaint masy of th wtmt poworlul as rssiorativ agaiits la theecs-irfoAto kinfiUm. W e have each ooMMmfio ts' Its mariU, sad ars se ear it will da all ws claim ror tt tlistw "tor ' Hl)00 UEWAHD if tV-w ttlrlllaawi Hair Btcaowor doe st itivssatii faetion in sll oas whes Band ts itruit accortlaacs wuk our uwtrttcuoos, , , -. ( HALL'S -Veg-eUbl Sicilian Hair Eenewer has proved hilf t" be ths isoet pc,frl prprt' fur two Hair over offered to the pii'.l-' It if a vetretobl Minpussd. asd contatat se iaorl en. properlle. whatever. It ia t a Dye, it striksa at the mot. and nils ths gland with sew lila and ookirmif msttw. ) f will rwaiwtw SJrwy flair la ii arlnlaa' Calav. ' - ' ' ' Ii will barw Ifcellalr fraas rallies eel. IselaaaaM the arala. aa4 iho Hair un. la. lean. ..I .till. a, S i Ua'.alriiVra' 1W-'''I H'.M aw. .-i ... w, ....,.'i No paraos old w y.'siiK, iliould tail to as. It. It I reAotnineOdiHl and aaed by th ar.l Medical aalharllr. 1 , frr Auk for Hall TKtabU) Siciliaa Hair KoasW. or aid take Mather, - 4 - tt. --fttt, eV t)Oi, rrarlaa -t --i ,-- Alaebaa. Niat. Vtiv" "H Vy atr DKiw1itt.-ttluHiur May wood MP. F FKiad.llal.ub,il.C.--J.4, i -.-:,(.' i Feb- 'R '."wd Ii wr.'ui. . .,,.v ; '' s im DOW l. A an. ; -- -more of that Buncrior Frenrh Window JU Gla-s. JuaA nowiiroil at th. Drnn HUiro of ;- WILLIAMS k HAYWOOD. ; lee 17-tf ,, , atl.At'ftllMa. -Ji' A T AIU5E aurmlrof sunrrlor Klaeklne. ' " ' J Oroeere and tkrautry Mert hania, will save wouwy by applyuaf to iw. i S ' . WILLIAMS 4 HAYWOOD. T rMlAT vh'fl'ss.ut., .t.trf? rm ll.ijlw -ro, ir.':.t.sd hiutiiix iiw i .i.h ui,- uIjH'Tu.r s4iiawft. .xai.s' SU tt ! U l "Oee,;. . J :ilt .IlKsHj 1 e. yvimnv-nrr.i" "i'l V Jauf-aiajw .L j. Mary's fiiiiool. -fiw k rtrfie rtt i w. m - t tiWHWfi -t! WettBrvXTmrwin last: Tititios tx 1-.olih, A4; French, Hi; Ijttio, tlO. - 1 ZnvZ-xf ViihUi, W, rna sua ats, mt rtn. ' Yk IMJIGO, l 1 r 7 ' it iii . Jon r ca. j.. fT-rr-T.il...- fw . ii,:n- nn ifl MOT -Vi huleaah) UroL-ura. , . t t ' Tf ZJI'a fcuptrr I'xiospliaie ltoiie - ... " ILME, Tin F. rtJii-w ar reconnwee J. d i. b.-tK "1"' . , Ln h. n. ami are oerd in any quaumj . euatuf uu-irt.Uu., ''-JA t. ; vtf , rest At,m fJMIE vrry berf eM JOMJt A CO, - IXolU-li ... VOH BAt.K ' ' A LLcrsd.- of FilBsr, drain r-ppcr sua cj. .-., l't lJJAM, JUMKHA I II. vqh wai n. - J AVA, UK.ra and IU. Co Dee le-tr , ---. - - , , VOUSAI.K. : " A FINE lot of Hats to clows out very cheap. iy - " 1-CL1.1AM. JOtitaACG. tlO-lf -. ttuotn nAtrt - - - AdamantiiM ;aillc, tn sum. Bore. At m i""V Cartous. Ilicae sro Ui U-st CanJlcs known to tll ll-aiki. ' M . JtUA M-J VsX'3 ih'i 87-tf Huron bide. IflEAPto duos consignment. (J ., . 1-ILLIAM, JOKES CO. l)t W-tf " ' " ' ' - , a vni-rurn .m-L.i nrtw,t rtm t Kintir.- X J'lUJAil,JOE8ACO. 31-U- - fAUBVItASnVII . T JrtlT Infime r.irt1iTim ( Fine Fsncy Uoorbon, ladhia Creiia fftf'-K. m ft n.e. hose. " 1L 1.1.1AM, junr,D vm. Dee 21 tf VOH B4I.K, CJVrtlT hr fhebsrrel, anil snotlior ln 0. Buck AJ Wheat . Flonr. Deo H-tf Pl'LLIAM, JONE8 CO. Tor dulf. 1 MSK N Uaek Vt heat Fhsir, A hit of bent ( hnefW Family Klimr 01 tho beat quamy, , Clear rib Slacon Huh-s, . , Collius Fanuly J- li.ur snd Vi Into U oal -ALSC-, i --' ItHlKitfn, snd lariro lot host Madeira and b henry Wine, Cooking Wiuo's, Als by th. lank, or Keg or iu bottles.' ' 1 ' ' ' - -AhSO- AU Ci-adeeef fhursr. Coffee snd Tea. PULUAM, JONES CO. Isjoa-W ' , .Matclieft Blatcliea, TITthe Gross. fuixuM, Junes co. man roTATOK".' AND best family Flour, Just received snd for sal hr PVL1JAM, JUNKS CO. DeM-tf K Wholesale Urooore. i . , 1 i . . i k ii ' I i" f 'i " i,! in."' hi - 15 lark' qaantiliva, for sale hy i rluJjViJoNFS-CO. , Doo2-tf t' V holiwsie Grocer.- PEIU'VIAN U'AXO Rl'BSTITl'TE ! EAW B03TS SUrEE-rnOSPHATE 07 i. - ijjie. - --- rMrT fwi&nE ' Msrmfaetnrcd nnder tlie fomnils erlginsted in 1854 , and patenled by i JIATJOII BOISH, sot. raopaieTOBS, at tb ' ' Brlaware Klvcr 'boaalral Works, rillLADKLPHIA, V. ft. A. This old i-ntabilHliod WAM'RR Is manufactured from Hoiioa tliathsvo not been lninivd or stesmcu, and it ooiitaina all their oriiiia eiifanio. mstt.r. It t i active m its operation, asd is s fi niliacr of (rrest diiraliil'il v. It does not oxhaiiBtthesi.il like Peruvian Unano, baton tlie contrary permanently improves II. lYovlmi to IHiil tt "was iiitnHluced into tho Houllieru Hlatabinnisideishlc exteiil, kilrt Again W" lHtki, where it has been used with remarkable Buecoa r nim : . ... - Cotton, Corn, Tobacco, and all Crop. 'A trial will eonvinco any planter of it merit. Pamphleta ootitaimiiK well-known Hontheru evi.leruo -fnmwhed upon aiplH Uun to few lurk or Philadel phia ollioe.. , ' 11- Hold hv (Whirs in alhth princiual eitino and towns throughout the liniUtd fetstea and ltMlisli PruvimKV. . BAUGII & SONS, - - srAKi'rArTTtarBs, . ' OMir, N. HO oaih Uelawere Avawata, 1 I UULll'liiA,. , BAUCS BUOTHIRS ft Co., -ORSMHAi, WUMA1 AoMM, ' - f Ml l-KAHl, STUr.KT, XX W lOKK. . "-'! WllW JA.VIKM M. TWI,M. JaiM-dw.WJm. IUIcigh, N. 0, IA.! I Vnt Ihe sperdy and --rtHln ure of lu- r M it , ti-riulitent mrr,r w ( liillsand l- ere f ' lt-iiilti-iit Fever, 4 jtUt J cjLr;r,..l!W, 1 tsV-"' A.ur.rrrledlral TWV M l(.a,MorHI.- , """Vl . oiis Hernia.-!!, and . ; V-J Hilli.i (!., X tti iWiahol.tU ol diHt-jwAS ur!t,'luaUus lit tulittiy deraiiK. unlit, csuoya ,1 in malaria, e nnaooiauo ei.iiulit.-H. - , - X 1 'his ) i-ni' My nsjt rsmly tailed tn cfire the aeverea - caw. of Chills ind Fever, and It li thi ((rest sd- vwBarher-Ai?w'-iwhoHHi, ths a-tnlieW -tho oiuuplaiutaitliout Injury to th patient. It mi Um. no uihiiie or other diU ti-riou. substantia, nor hwa it pnnlui quinism or anvlnjiirinas cftee what ever. Miakwg brothTf the ariey snd aha -woes, -try it snd v will en'loriw thew smMirliona.- I'roiiared by J. C. A 11.11 A CO., Untell, Haaa., and m 1 v . . -- -; , William & Haywood, P. F. FeKnd, Eal ieh, N.C and Dealer generally,' 1 -lOlaUlttXT, ' Xnowni' BS BioK ..7'iitu pnpeHy-.'i- rautrsfisf tH'trriii': lice W ti -.1 fTlTE anhecriherprots'sestosaih.rtake tho eiluna-' f.- tiagt S'!"ew"hor;'" ff-e ln4 wtH cottmicn. tit lAh Arf Jauuacr, prtaA!..miAci.i.uiiul)ur iu. . begin with shau aj-t'iv. - B.S.MABOX. .1 f m'I V v aLjU-; ..-7. ).-- x-,--iv -A -A