fjUxwrr-p o mini trxpB a fORTOUNQ LADIES, HILLSBORO, ST. C. """"WW Miess ao4 ' tLalKk' seriated . a -r I bareh ta eaeh department by e bl Corp Jprofe-wira and In.tructore, wtfl rsanru the iw 1 2m of their echoed oo tu Sin. February, WOT. u liT.Tcirenlar forwarded w application. . . - , ... Deo ?: fit,' .' . TUOnjilBBAKCU ov 4 COiOHSSIOIf MXECH1JT8. pgfmuBciuj, Jul 7.1867. apaYiag"Bs nighe "' fee- Bnh i hew ork, Riohmond or P.Wrabsrg, all packs- rSlU bay old Nort CaroUue Bonds, Cobb , . - 1 I V. Blan JutafllUll AmWIBII ?.iin.jl Ktoek bought mud told. "i Z- ,liliii'"ira bar" trrcaenTTate for H. t. lank note, d era 4ble tobengee hightiret )4 MI pmw iwwi . f . ,c.Vi ;. Vr caboub. r" .". at ef Cap Fear... ....... ..v . . beHote....... ParettariUe, . . ............ Lexington . , iv.-. ; . . . "etOrauaav. North Carolina - Roxuore' ; .-i t .i.... '1 hoinaaviUe . t . r . i, $ Sii i . LT - .10 .11 .1(7 WtHWIHgllHIjll i . "TnMryiilit) . '!-e0mtal- Witn:....,--.i...... rumcr't Bulk of Kortb Crlin...t., , twanboro' Mutollauru ti. MsrchMita' Itenk KrwborSfri,,.;...,.. v. Hinti'md I"lntrr Bank . TTt & .THOMAS BKANCH A S0N8, Bulk era nd Commiiuiun Merohaot Peter. Hot. M-3m. ' - . cottg OSE! fftlS ALU - TO M, R0SEN13AUM, Jio. 10 rBfetevllIe Street,' rr MP WAKT TO OET TOtH HOOP CHRAPEB Ihaa at an qioe4foua in tU City, aa h now .' IELI.INQ OFF :','N . ktaaptondia BUy-oT ,,. ,.,7j. , .. ,.' -X!, DRY GOODS, ' " FANCY GOODS, - . NOTIONS. Ladlrt, MiMe, u4 Cblldrea't ShM, ' READY-MADE CLOTHING, OENfa FCBNISU1SG GOODS, HATS- AND CAPS, JOOTS,AHD shoes,, of Ladies and Gent's "TftAT- f ' and a nlenrtment tXLINU TKUNK4, at MEW YORK COST, For silt days only. rreparatory to bis maau( ehaBirna in hia store. Mat forgat to give hha a call, iaatS-lm at. tiaaiwa)I,, ikhaLSHli 1CE for tale by ..V HJ'llii.O.J'Pa.UAS. w'liuUwale Grooera. r: JaaM,X7-. .T n ri iioen, xixsnct ajsd ?ike Large yBEutt t T Raiaina. ia L i and whole bone. unauaHtlt putldAM, JONEB4CO. .. ; Jaa 1, ' I T " Wholtasle Oroears, , firm, at Warrensna, Dee. ; Jan'y. 3BM S4 C 1313 19 AW) 1127 it t A 10 1A 17 XI AM S A , wuaon, ., Tawburo, atTawboro " -r Roannaa, at Sberteeer,' -' WilUaauUm, at WUliamatoa, . . nynwatb, at Plymouth, Washington, at Washington, --I Bath, at Woodatoek, MataainakMt, at Hwaa Quartw Hatlaraa, at tiatteraa. Marsh The Dintriet Stewards meatins will be held at the Church in Tawboro, on Saturday tin Uih. Jaa The ' Steward, are Meavra. If. l'aliuw, E. A. Tiiora, a(ar na Battle, B. . Weatherabea. qbaa Latham, Juhn Arthur, Jas. Clark and Dr. 8. A.-Loug. J do not - know wha ar Ua Htewarda for Wilaow and Uatteraa. ; It ia wiporUmt that all should be present; - ' As the returns from tits Annual Conference thus fT inilu'tte. that the -'dan Iir, tha totrotluftioa ul Lay Bepreaentatton,' propiMed by the late Oeneral Conference, will soon be oflimatly annoonoad a the law of the Church, the district Blewards hi auticipa boa of sachannonneement will aleetoar btlrynivt to ear next Annaal Conference, in conformity with tha aroTiakms of said law. . My Post (Miea, for tha present, is Tawboro, K. C. tapers simulating witlun tha bounds of this diatnet - will oblige many or their raadera by publishing the above autiea. -.!..... . - V & MORAN, P. E. Dsel6-tf -y' " - ' '. "! " - r". t CHOICE 1'IAXOrORTE Ml SIC. Hows Ctao.s. tvnhi.' ; . lnatmmental Muaie for ttia Piano. Bu.raa Cuohik 1 oL Songs, llallada, Aw. Piano Aceompaniment. 1 Baowaa or 1'sam. 1 vol. ttimrr lwrtmj-witb aA Aneomptnlnent, -V,-,... vy OiwaTiorsAiui.. 1 vol. ... . V- 3 Usra n-'wi standard dperaa. IHano Aeoomp. , Gsv or .(.riiMAa Moso. 1 oh Tocal (iums of (leruian Composers. Plana Aos. Osms or SiwTTut Bono. irol. BUudvrd Bcoti'h Lyrioa. 1'iaaoAoa. Obms or tUuKP.D Husiik 1 vol. - . , Ail from Uie wm ComiMtaera. -l-riee tyi wk Vol. MateAswiOetavttaff-Cef ailA a 00. bant ouat-oaid. . -v , OUTEBWTSONACO, T-oblUhart, Ul WaahingtaB blnat, BuaUav Jaat asgjv r v-.-p"' - :t i OXIOSSt 0fOt;-jW (V"L UUaHELS. sonod and sweet, on consignment; A - B. I. WILLIAMSON m CO. . .'JaatV-af !S.n.sV't -i i .- ' ..-., '''.-:-- stray C'w. fTUKEN UP AT MT HOUSE, tiEAB FOREST HAH JL nfaetnring Mills, a itry Cow, on the 1st day of Jaiiaan last, Bba ia red and whits, uarkxd with a amp on each ear with an nnderkael aaeuiuia an4iadg ayonng eow bavmg baa Dal one cm. The owner ess ha er by proTlng property and Baring charges. JOtti-PH IstAUuDI. ForaatiiUa, ti. Jan lS lw - , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, - Prrr Cothtt. j" .'. ,' . . Torat or Efli rrt. - Oaa. W. Wooton and othars ' lairs at Law of II. F. Woo ... i tan, tlac'iL. Petition for aaW of I-atid (or partition, Aled Keeambar 2tUi, ltxi7. , ' ta Una rasM, il appi ariu g tliat Keedbsm Ward, Louma. tha fliililffn of . .Jlaaaaut ltowiin SJiil wile Wa ai....4. Li4Ki.f -4 aiio wa auanMaa ii Mwy J the clul-lrco. of . -torn and hie dee d. tasaai.t sis'; ti.i.t.!i. KaUis ikiSB ana 4wiit Jones, ::img UiaciwldruB u iuia Junes, dao'iLV llrlrii.ltuw, ar nun Maidtuli uf tbi htata. it ia therafor orderad r-. Skat pirBireatton be Biadai-rVw six weeks, bt-im Mmi' -. . mh .-vii.iurfl, D'Himjis said defendant to appear at tu aext.h-rai or ftnid Lm rt 10 tH! neta . a tn 1 onrt rJtoae in Wntilifl.-KM:::thil,';ah 'Mm&m.f'vt:Miik tit, a-t ftei aimwur tit taatjavaant rMWUi -W;ii ha tAtrii prxj r..i an 1 b.aril aeooruiiifc-iy " Caart, a dha ta rumilia, thia t0 7Ui da; of jaa- -eai-r, it.. - T"X'llTirE1TO I PTE Mtnrday Err-siiag, .ju. ja, Hr, LOQL-DEPARTMENT. Th Messrs. McKimmow ennonnes that they will aril til goods la tbelrUrge. wicty.-at cost pricea, ncl no mistake. Give tliema call. McTrtciraL. lu summing op, on yesterday, Hie list of candidate fur the effic of CommW siooer In 1h vsrlous H7wTnlTteirtly 1 Thi MwsRs.1jr;ccitH,Jt will be aeen,- re of; fering, in ood UitU, their, inrge and Taluable etoch at cod, wiia Tie to iipoiyftf-iti fore occupying their aplendid new Store. T1ii J nxpect to baa It ready for their reception by ttie 4i;oAprIfthej thing new." " ' ": r:: ; - : Crrr StinooiA We hare no public or charity white children. Northern charity open achooll for. colored child ren, and it woald ge ftirther and allow wUU children to go to tbeee achoola, where the colored children are taught, but we believe that none of our white ere to poor that they are willing to consent to that arrange ment, f'art'r-'ifj.-- 4 wrtrrr !.,.. f We ought to' hye four charity schools, loca 'cipey,t1i"c1ry,,'fbr but poor white children. We hrtbj the Legislature will author ize the krwrni, citiea, and counties to establish. the schools, and ta tliem fur their support, where " the people are willing to Incur Die tx- pense. -r- t . ..j .' , - u- In this city, if a proper tax was laid, we be lieve we are able to support four schools, which would accommodate all the white Children, ml wonld go. These could be taught by well qual ified, female teachers. The whole expense could be- psid by-axmg- erery gallon of spirituous liquors, wine, ale, lager beer Ac., & eta per gal gallon, sold in the city ; also every pound of to- baoo S ctsy and every pound of candy 5 cts., Ao," Eslargkmknt. Our purpose was to enlarge the Smtiiut, on Tuesday next, but the recent j severe weather, or soma other cause, bat delay ed the arrival of the material necessary for if. The enlargement win be made in a few days, however, X Soutberb EirKEsa. We regret to learn that the Southern (or Adams) Express is doing no business on the North Carolina Rail Itoad Tbe charges ot the Road, we learn, are so high BO ra"' K T .n. u n...t j . .. . eiiiuv im iwiw uiiviciva&ca tu tio hid vuhhh . y . v lUelf. . .. i II the Southern Express Company has shown , a disposition to monopolize everything, and pot a-heevy 'burden upon the public by cxtor. ikm, th4 Boada, ftjrtbe relief-of the peo pie, might with proptiutyconie In to protect the public f hot if the Express Company is dis posed to do a legitimate b'isiness, and to make only reswinalileelmrgeaj w doubt the propriety of interfering with its business. The Rail Roads can only promote their own interests by secu ring the accommodation ot the public. ; Thfl Expirm CoirpanT, by it proniptnest sad reliability, bas.mtda itself -. a necessity Iq the public. Itt large eapitsl, sud the readiness with which It pays all loanee, have secured the pub lic confidence. : Kor this reason, the public can not sanction ay attempt, on the pan of the Rail Roads, to interfere with "the legitimate business of tha Expreea Company. If, however, the Express Company is. oppreasive ia. iti charges, the Rail Roads will be fully sustained in adopting legitimate measures to protect the public against sxtartion. - - ' Thb N. C. RHilroal it building a fine Depot I at Ureenalioro . lor the use of that Company.- Tbe Piedmont Railroad wilt use the old depot. Thb Greensboro' Patriot Compliments Mr. P. II. Adams, pt that place, just admitted to Couna ty Court practice. There are a number of promising men in the last clans. ' . Wa bkorkt to learn of the sudden death of Mr. Jed. II. Lindsay, of Greensboro', on Batur orday last. ,' . : " '- -r e jt .' y ". " ' n ; it rv " . i Radicals Yo na'ajto Cheap. A correspon dent at Hibrfoint,TwjatI havf foraale7it High Point, N. C., a small lot of Radical.. I offer them at auction, ;- They art the prettiest set of radicals ever seew. . 1 will entore that there cannot be a better set found in the Union. They are already organized Into a society, i the purchaser Would have no trouble with them. bid t-l 1." i Erttcoraf. MtTBODisT. Wa have .received the first number of this paper, just issued ia this city, by Rev. W. H. Cnnninzeim. Publishar, snd ,HttfsI'W 4- ad weekly at 13, It is printed on sew type and good paper, and the selection aad editorial re in good taie77W believe ieversj good writert will cootnbute regularly to iu columna This "Episcopal Methodist" to much aeeded by the deoominstion 4o this State. - Every minblter snd member should interest biself ta tta circulation. --V4. .y mmm t-rT " ''r Gov, Swsnn, it i said, will be elected to the TJ. 8. Senate from Maryland. .'::'' The Legislature of Main. b rtiflljUiai:rV Basef Muicua. : - y- Nineteen wedings ia Concord aa Christmas. It to to b hoped they will sit live la Concord. ; There have been 1,600 divorce granted in MsMscnuseica iB-tne'iw-mmyesrrs;; , BEV. H. 0. illlXi Pbukwai. " X Th Prinrmal will be aid d by complnt an tautam 1 tba aulurrjB partTOtota. All out psyama m ulnnm. . - --"Tbsw pe? aWaJonT Twabty Veehf sictg- a Mt-- -i ' SHift 1 1 4HM. il . ' 10 - . - tnre and StJJsltr)BBS!t- S Couuitgaut I OfCTlSfS Mrsa4i--- ' " Her It f? HH.L,- . ?ecJies in tie Hon. Tnlay FlntUr iAmong tin 4Eadicl-.3ir. - Xandall' Bankiugr Mwuare Btwn . -of fienalor 1 - Wilaon The Billi for Adiaittinr Kebrm- . u and ColorndoThe Control of the Got .. CjwtWouA noo uf the BaltJnKfe ?Bttu! IWmhijiotq'I. Jan. lfl. Hon. Greelt r with bit Wlte and duu?hter. arrireil in town iut night, and wiH lecture to morroy plalit Meinrt tne Taunjj JMi'i CUrintiitB - Ai-4lniia.- lr. weeley yaa thn yap ijn f"-4liT fynt some time in coaveraauon with rtenatnrs .and members on the floor, --John Mr Botts aud-Gen- era! SickTe were on the floor of the Ilouie to ."4f, anjdaTr. Gm-h-V haA quite a-long mww aatioa with the fortuer . iU - 7i( r -Mr. Greele v slsp bad an' failerview oih-th rreuoent to-Uay, ot aa Hours duration, la wnicn a unrea upon Mr. Jobnson ttie adoption of his (Mr, Greeley's) peculiar potitieei icws, fpc(i j yit amnesty and unragapropoaiuon. i ne severe attack ot air. fame, oi v laconsm. noon Mr. Stevens in the Uouae to-dav, in which Mr. Stevens waschnrired a bfinir eqaally'Buil. ty with Mr. Johnson ia his treatment of the re cunilxufM'um. nriititvvtvjurttiif iitr'S iif Si among the IUdicala, and it the sVitjeci of : g- erat conversation to-oi(,'lit, ana Mr. llinghaiu i onsiaugnt npon tu Buivent aoa- Jkstiley tern torial bills has created a sensation It ia ad mitted that Mr. Bingham demolished the theo ries or Messrs. Stevens and Ashley. . . ' The House committee on baukiua and cur rency to-day further considered Mr. Randall's bill creating a sinking fund, and providing" tor uic graittial withdrawal or the nationni bank circulation, but eamejo no conclution. The comnutlea u pertucting till important wieaswe wnn a great deal or care, anu U will nse to a very marked contett u it ever, reach the House, '-"-'r- " . Senator Wilson baa returned from attending the burial of bis son, -and appeared in bis seat to-day. . ,.;..,.,. . ... ,.1 The bills for the admltuion of Nlralta and Colorado have now been finally acted upon by .both Honses, and will go to the President tor his spproval or otijections. The ainendmeuts which have been adopted inposing ' negro ul frae are acknowledged tojbe of -no ell'aet--hy many who voted lor them. :' The question of suffrage is left for the Legislatures to decide; a plainly unconstitutional infraction on the "pe culiar province of the people. It ia not likely, uowever, that any lust ohjoction will be made tfaiaseerih friend ef the Stale T move. meat, tue matter practically being or no conso quence, as there are but a very trilling' number of negroes ia both Territories. ' , ..Jt The chances of the passage, of the bills over the President's velp are being discussed with much interest to night, those friendly to them expressing their conlldeuce in a final triumph, although admitting that the contest, will be closes The test vote in the Senate tiMiay (28 to 14) is exactly t W-thtrd.' That "in ' the yesterday f 103 4o 54) lacks three ot the required number, Those not voting are divided pretty equally in their views, so , that, on the iccearmsy raecorod orlnst rt the i Bitwraw innnn ni one or two memneis qi : . 1. .. i. r,, . , , eiUiernouse. The bills were signed by the pre tiding oflicerl of both bouses tbisafternoont and will be presented to the President to-morrow, The proposition toconsolidute in tlieSenaU of the United States entire control ever the appoiut- went and removal of i!ieo(hce-holdersadxeduce the President to a mere cleric of that hotly to rnakeNmtlistai whtdrpsndeirtheTrtlc ibrTtill to regulate the tenure of office," bits occupied no much of the time of that aimast ' Lodv' wss op again to day and discuaaed unUl lbc adjourn ment. , . SN., ..,r:,.;,,r.'r,1 l!'..i--l.. 1 . Mr. Sumner Is very anxious to brinr Under the revision of the Senate the office-holder now appointed by the heads of the departments, in- jjiunng tnajyt numtHir of ntliMis tl Ihs rnur nal revenue. ' ' 1 ;.'"'' Mr. Fessenden expressively described this at tempt "running the thing into the ground,"snd showed conclusively that if the idea of the Mas aachoaettsenthuslastio was carried, out, the Seu ate would have to remain in perpetual csion, and consume its whole time in wrangling on the merits anil demerits of hordes of petty ollice holders. Over one hundred thousiind office all over the country, now under the control of the Secretaries, would come under the provision uf Mr. Sumner' proposed amendment, and in a abort time, if .this be agreed to, be or some one of bis party will want also to have the, appoinr ment of the (wentv-Vra'-thouaaad postmasters now in the gift, of the Postmaster Oeneral. Th'"toi1trTrTi!Hnr pmlbably pass, but the amendment of Mr, Sum ner will Hardly be adopted. . j STATE OF. NORTH CAROLINA, f ' j' " x DrBTTORD COUMTT. 'f ' ScraitioB Codbt or, Law, Fau, Teaat, 18C4. William Deming 1 y Original attachment levied e. on buick, Household and David Galling. ) kitchen furniture and Land. Ia appearing Ui tlie aadrtaotiua of In, Court that tb defendnat, David OatUng is a won teat Beat of till la ordered Hint pubhraiioa b ntada lor ii weak la tha KalmeH "Kaiinet." a saws- paper pnbliahed ia Ilia eity ef kWi;h, aohfying tli aid Dand Calling tu Siiuear at Dia Brit torin 01 tKia C'OBt, to ba kaid ft tlia t'naatv f Hartford s tha fuactb Skadar ia Kaeeb-IMhT. at tbaCoart llrn 1st th tews of Wtetoa; the and lit to rpl)r and plead, otherwise judgment by detaalt will aa granted against him. aad tha property levied, on eaodamned tolha aasvf tba pUinliff WitsMa, Oeorga W. Beyarly, Clerk ef oar amd vnnri, at sect in lourtn Mn-ilur ot September. 1N' ! XO O. W. BEVfcBLY, Clark. "Kt STATE OF NORTH CAtiOLlNl n j ; 1 Mariisoa Conwra, 1 1 uwiurririii. tn. iffln. . luar is iikuhhv mat tu timaBfi' Las. M. Alias. W. O. AadrMa and wlii- Uaresa Abir UuhwatbaaMvitif-afiie fnwtm W, HniW, AlleaC Jlai:irtMaryAf. Baity, lt ItaMy. Vv. P. Itaily,Lej J. Jl.sily Lliesiwtk Baiiy. Miga,J. Bally, HarlliiiK Baily, J. At. Baily, Awli jkader. aoa, Hondrro-Cr.ii and nil Jojra, M'oer itwiy, Jr., A, Uawaaa-aa4 Jtrba Feek, f aoa-reiiWial tha buue of North ia Miarehjrdr4.tlte 7Bbhcallea banada foraix eacua-tire wark's. is th tietUintt, pablulied Is tHf eity f Kakirh. emeroasd.' tag hwa appear a tbrwexttxrm f thla Court to ba hidat the Oart Una ta Msrahall tb 4th . Monday after lb 4b. Mnsday ia April aext. Hire and Ahars ta saswartba Wibaf MBtiBt IhHiin eaa,' wits-,aiN!4HTinw Equity TtTis Cuaaty at Ma4ik at offina ia MaraliaU ti.a 4ih,-MftHla aftar tba 4tb afoadav is BaDtambar A. : 3. B. NELSON, C. M. E. DaeOI-wfiw ..winnow taaaaa,. B0YE9 "than t that tujisrinr Freiirh Window Glal...Jttat weiyed ). the Drag R'.ore.ef 4.1! ess iabiAAaas4A mumsm H-tf - . - . . .-jt ;2":t7" j xyryj TLAB0 snpi-ly f npfi(r H!Hsigs;.-i Biuuf J Uj( at-'jilj ing W IL LIAM.3 II A Y WXMJD. reel7-tf T3AT pii'writ CotUga on. Biilaanro atraa ad T. r J-nnion tiie rd Jnilfa Saawlers. Poaasa. IMfllWU "nr, itm moo. rl. r if to ... rlilM,8 BAL1BB3, TELKG R APIIIC. 1 : I . . m. Our Satturday Xlatralag Dlspalcbca. j ' KLaiiett and Financial ' --.-.:.:V':yrKw:T?H,Jaji; 18, P. M, I Cotton firm and active. Sales of 1.300 ball F 1 Floor more active, but price nnrbaneed. ' ! Msval ttoret Bnchaneed IFreightt very firm. Cotton to liverpoot l&; I'j jnesmer. J-18 PIa penny ' tSold weaker at close, and left off at l,8o. By tbe Canity Il ia rBportalf torn inauConti nant that a dot. Derate plot nas been discovered to assassinate the Pacha of F.ypt- The plot latlu.led the subraraioa of the government, and putting tha rein or government la .the band , or bourn Ptchs, who to said to be at" the bead ot the conapiraey. . ' TZZrXXlTWOot Jan.-TT,TVtt The sales of cotton, to-day. were 1 3.000 bales. The market It a little njore active, but prices , ' LlvKHPOOi. Jan. 18. M. larket to-day opened dull. Authorised quo tat ion ; -.Midduaia uplands 1 41 1. Orleant - Lonpom, Jaa. 18. fonsolt 90. V. 8. Bonds T2. - Congreaa, - a ' Washikutok, Jan. 19, P, if. ppwAm A Hnmtmlcatioa from Gov. Brans- Irtleinf. Kentucky, announcing the rejection of the etmatit utioael amendment j whteb waa laid On the table. : . .. -7r - -' I sTw tenure of -office Bill was taken op. 8a in ner, under license of yesterday's vote, proceeded to denounce the President bitterly. Jleverdy Johnson made the point tbnt Sum- ner-was uiaqualtlylng himself from acting in a judicial capacity, should the President, enme before the Henate tor impeachment. A. point well taktn.) , The bill wa lse', 29 to 11 It exceplt I Caliinet officers .ami Judges of -the Supreme CVairt. Other officers shall be appointed as at present and hold until successor are appointed. Th President mar suucnd for misconduct or inability, appointing, temporarily, suitable per son, the President shall furnish the Senate 1 tin evie'e io on which uspension is baeedr-If- tli sinpension la confirmed,' new appointment cat 1 made. It otherwise, the aospended Ulcer resumes his functions. The President may fill vacancies from death or resignation ta hold till the termination of the next session. Acceptance of office, removal from office, tigo inr.' sealinir or counteMiirninB commissions. contrary to the provisions of the Bill, declared liitrh misdemeanor, puntsnaoie by a one not exceeding f 10,000 and imprisonment not ex ceeding fl ve yenra. . ' j ' After Executive session, adjourned. - Hoosn. AfteTi sorae unimportant business. the House adjousned to T to-night : . From Washington. ' Washisotoh, Jn. 18, P. M. Gen. F. D. Sewell has been ordered to North Carolina, to report an the apprenticing system of the Courts. Gov. Worth will appoint a Commissioner to act with Gen. Sewell, and the commiwion will report simultaneously to Gen. Howard and the North Carolina Legislature) -Bradley -T-. Johaaoa, of Riebmood, formerly Confederate Brigadier General, was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court, to-day, wader tht rule abolishing the test-oath. Afternoon DUpatrbea. KewforkJIarkeU 1 ' : " Naw Yoas, Jan, It. Stock irregular. Money 7 per ct Sterling Kicnaoffe, ouclavt, V10b4 : biglit 11004. !Gold 11,80. Fives of 'U2, IIO8.1 of fl4, fiooji ot 'oa, tfitpj. Cotton quiet ; il for middling. (- - From Wathington. j '.':;. Washihotow, Jan. 19. J. M. Anldi y c ulled the Sow t hern Radical At- so:iation together and submitted hit article of impeachment to it. - The vote stood 11 for, and 10 against impeachment Durant voting with tho: minority sgninst It. v " frThlTTlrpArtuTtT nf Ib pfesentaliy Washburne, of Illinois, on Wednesday, tor Europe, reduce the strength ol the extremists. , Ire is thirteea iochr thick on the Potomac. A apeeial to the Tribun from Nw Orleant, mvi that forty policemen concerned la the Ju ly riotsbsve been arrested under the Civil Rights bill, on freedinen'sosths. I)iptche recifived here from Frankfort nay that another ballot in the Kentucky Legislature resulted a follows ; Speed 42, Powell 40, Har ding 21, Davis 83. Another ineffectual ballot bis been 'held at Anaapnlis. The President has sent to th House a mass of papers, relatTv'theJuTy riotaTTt io cludes 400 pagetof tesUmooy taltan- hy-4b in vestigating board. Th Board report says that it il by no means their opinion that hostility to Northern Union men prevails, la the community, to the extent ot endsngering life and property, provided they retrain from freedom of speech on certain subjects. The party that elected Mayor Itonroe, end through him control the municipal auih ori ties the board considers thoroughly Imbued Willi a spirit ot hostili ty, t The Board exculpates Gm. Bsird. i.l'.Tba - aM aMU a m a see any evidence 01 armi'fr organization. . The besieged party was totally tinsrmedr. They allude to the brutal treatment of the wounded smi pritoner. ' But furiuartiHi jaw. and other military precautions anparsilelled outrage would ha occurred, tvsa5-TS-t-rf"T'w-',"-r5 cz fc'T:.ty. STATE OF NOHTn CAROLINA, " ' " ' ," Pin Coott. f" 'J CoifiiT o Pi.r.i 4 QDABTm Sisaiowa To- 1 z': ' VKVBKB I CRM, 180. EUxsbetli Waning, i Reading Bsroer and Jan his wife. ' ' . " 'JetUiAjbr PaHUiarU at i j Axarun conurq ana ' Finer his wife snd ot tiers. . l'aeeHKW)alh.e eBitf4tfl&"ciriiir jftri-"fria Tboniaa Wblthnml, Jane Whiteborat. William Whit- hurX.J'ilin Itobert WJiubnrat aa Oaorg W hitehurat. i'Altli!U..UIU- lUVlLiLjl -UCI.13.tiii!.-l!l . .till U'JlITi !.. I.' llB Ul .1U OIJUlO. k .limm Uf. UJIUI - that noUuiaUi ba na.1 l.t mit auoeia waeka in I tuenimg.ji nm p. ucnio, k; a.war arm ana war at la I ntit larai of lioa I'ourl or Juilfc'uint prt aoaaaaa W4I aegrawaa agwnst tneoi. t - - - o. a. uasct, v. e. e. ': Ds llMaw - WedneaoAT. tfa loin mat. Ttrrncy ni f.sgi.iiB, Fraath, tit; Latiw. 10. Xne, HO, 1'ans aad ink, H sav--'.fc". i.:--. - ' EAiriOH MOSEY UAEIIT CORRECTED BY JOHN O. WILLIAM! COBKOKERS, RALEIGH, N. C. meat or aonra oaaouaa bajik mutxs. Bank of N. C, (Gold 23) JSilver 2Q)GJLK . 'apw rear, -t.-. . Charlotte, . 25 i " ITington tt Ori '..... ; lWXbOTOUgh i i . , i i i ,V. ."41 ! " Watlesborongli.;'. Thomas villa. , , . . .... "' y Wilmington...... ..... so 80 iti cvommewiei-. . . m7n : -.Waahlngtoa,";i"-;---Fayetteril le . . , . ; ; , rr M Clarendnnr. tv """YaT10eyvineT:. Minertand planters' Bank f; . . . ,-a. ramart' Bant, Greenslirough . Commercial Baoky Wilmington.. MerchanB' Bank, Newborn .vrr. Greens borouiYh -Mutual 7U 18 Virginia Bank Notes, about South Carolina " : 'ias 84 Georgia; Gold........ Oil... .aivc7v,. ................. . a,fav4l 153 -a ',' 4 45 OJd Coupona.. i caWfUaHasllllBat- Old Sixes.... Exchange on New York RALEIGH NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH " "" CAROLINA. . . Btrrma batb . 0. aAJta aoraa. 1 Bank of Cape Foar., , . Uharlotte. 24 Commerce. ..,1 15 Clarandoa -.. .., .-,,,, 8 T ayetteville ......... ... , , , u .... 10 Islington -i-vi''.it"-. ir.-vt 10 Islington at Graham, ,.,. .'.. '... 80 " North Carolina Roxboro. . ..V, Thonissville.. . 87 83 85 24 Wades boro Wilmincton. Washington a Commercial. Wilminirton. 21 Farmers' Greensboro . . (Old) Merchant' New bern . . , ; , Miners! and Planters'. ...... . 26 ,45 . Si 21 .20 i:ia 123 -43 Virginia Ban notes, average. . it,, South Carolina wgi' "' ', Gold Silver X A J.f, f .v. i . , Uld North Carolina C-ottpon. North Carolina ttailroad Coupona. .... .V 924 North CaroJuM B'a, eleven Coupona on. . , M. 7u Exchange on New York. .: ,' '? HpolaI INotloesa.; T J! A. Fink lot of ladies nam. per oenL i than cost, at . . an l-lra M. ROHKNBAt'Sl'fl, 4 -I AAA VAIB CHIL DKEN'B COPPKIt-TOLO 1.UUU Bhoea, at tl.UO, st -Jsettins- IT. BOrTti Tjiru 3CA8E8 GENrs FINE CALF I1)T-1, at 11 .SO. at - '- - M. BOBES01A liil sV . Jaa 15 lm ' IlAnDIGS CLOTIIQ Is well know to All ear tiUsena. B. B. Andrew A fX, are hia suoeeaaora and ar keeping an the re potation of the old house. , Baijiwu or WuJfigoTOB "City Clothuig Btors" Is eoneaeted vita Harding, m wt-wherBB th"T tiiritning aula ojn, o. Aoarowa vh msawrsentr. ad. r . -.. w r HtaaiBO, Bawwsm A Co., Now Tork, - Tbowas H. Baunris a Oo, Bioluaond, Ta. UAaaiaos A C., Petarabnrg, Ta. ,,: It McrmoB A Cos Wilmington, . - ' 1 ; Oood received, by erery Eipre,' ' f - - st ' B. R ANDBKWg k CO. : Hewer :wu - Raejwlaaaaa Staaree, i - ' ssawaw. ' !. Wreaiefc Sehlaa. .-, , Mad by Harding, Baldwin Co.- NeW York,mjut iweeirsaat . R. B. ANDREW'S A CO. Dae 12-tf - i ., Oaars, FcsKiMisn Mtokb. te" v' IV ltatXeet la "Iiraenton j I SB entirely saw sclaatita dlaeorery combining auay af tba moat pewarlal aa rasterstiya agaat te thaafsWaar Aiaga'iMa. ? v Wa sava aaca euot lsao la its merit, aad ars as sr tt will 4 allwaelaioa tor It tlialwp ifffer. - if ttaBlctllaw Hale BVaawn doaa n givasatti factioa ia all ease wbea scad ia atrxa aeeordaae with ear laatractiaaa. i Yegetabla Sicilian Hair Benewer ' 1 provad Itaalf in ba th nvnit pwrrVnt pranaratio Sur tlia Hair ever otfured ta tha piiM v It a s yagntabla aampuaad. and aeataia Be lalari ewa proparthi waalavar. - saMi ujra, is sins as at ma nana eaa nils tfes gUads with saw Ills aad aoluriftg wiattar. ...... BS sw aaaiara . rar ssair i im at'iaintaM sainiwiiUMiww'rwraaiiiiaiiiifaaiiiaaiMiaTtrii It satlt aaaiara Orar Hair ia 4te lawIll haa lfcssatr fVaa falltai aat. It ! aba aaalw aaahaa ta Haw aart. Iarw aa ailhrai. gtta aslew4ta Slatr.SSaaaaiw. Ns aaraoa aid yoaug, bald tail to ba It, il ierarawnweadsd aad aaad by tb at Slrdleat ibaaMf. ,. . . .. , iii..i,. -.A- rrAk for Hall Taaatabla SNIiaa BalrKaaaw. r sad take bo other. ' ,- ' 4-;- S . f ,r-?Krwrwrtrtr Maahua, N. H. ' WriWd by a iWet!. Wtlllam Uaywo4 aadP.F PaMiad, Kal.itb, Jt, C. ,., -.. ' Fak. ''ajdavwli.iB'' t i -- STATE GF NORTH CAROLINA, J ' UeRTroan.CocHTr. j Scrcaioa Cockt or Law, Fall Tbbm 1809. John O. Askew . i Original attachment lev- '1 V IwlnnT init r;n ffe S.- Si'p!ieiwwi4 - Water Mittot'VM- ia nia oes. n appearing iu tna natirrictiea' of tli CoaitUiat tha delndaal, Jamea R. Hteyenaoa.ts a amraiitat if rhultiair, H i i.tdri S "thai pnhliia. - - - t - : - T - - itoa BtBi.iT.r tt;b ljiii. itll 'fiioitiucj '"e-P" ......,m...r tu aawg, amiiy i, 'LL , J L, :.' J Coait UiMua ia ti ( wf W'eton. the andtin.ra.ta raiilayy and pld, eilii. ariiaat by Brfaalt win d rroi ? anu. t''-.ivperty.lavia aa e.Hidrl Jw 'tiic nre nf .iarTitinlz."" r. 'Wiasaai . 'WiiargW'W- WarlyrC!arlrtaf W aalj It W. !r.VI l,i,Y. Clerk tfa a wing TotJU'iti. 70 f - r i I mm 3V f IDIGO, i;r": "1 r bLW. and other T)rn KlufTa. now r tllora. J.A , ,,f, 1'ILIJAM. JOKE Ca i 1 aoiaai urw.; tPaStrperv 1'haaphate ilaae . UME, - These Fertilizers ar recommended aa being equal io nf la na, sad are ottaevd ia aaf a.auiy at -tha coat m uanaparlation auova naiuiuore prions. n Li-lAM, JU.NKS CO. Kovatf . i i aH BALSi. f MMK r l,.l nlil ApbU Ittbh1 . . JL l " . : 1'iLui.n, joses A co. Hat urn . .-il aaa a a Li A LL grades of Sugar. Orain Pepper and Spice. , riiiuAM. turns-to. HoeluHf .jgam. "TATA. Laamira 'aad Kia Coffea. ' - , k sj PLIXIAM, JONESaCOY "4 FiSIWolluTaU to oloaa oiit rmy chpsp. A- l'L'IAUM.JOAiVaa CO. Aee ib-w . ' - .. tio noxr.syiHACY'a Achsmantlu Canine, In SfllK Sotes Abe Hi alb. Cartona,. These ar Uis best Candles known to Alu, it iiIa. - r -: PITLUA JONES CO. OettT-tf Bacaa Side. IIIEAP to ekM etlgiinicnty V 11 LUASf, JONtS it CO. 'A l)23-tf VNOTirKR trrltsj of bet FimPv Flonr. ' " " , fCLUAal, Jo.NtaA- lee Jl-tf JVST la time fia- t'brhtnia ; tin Fancy Bourboaa, Ladui Cruain hti. km ia 6 Ax. hoes. PL LI JAM, JONES A CO." bit Jl-tf won aAi.a. ' TTUTbr the barrel, sad another In H. 0. Itttoh, i 1 Wheat Floor. Deeli-tf - PULLIAaf, JONES A CO. " ' For Sale."- V IDi'E N 0 Bnck Wheat Floor, . ' ' A larg lot of bent Cheims ' family Hour of the bet quality, Clear rib Bacon Mul. -Lolluia t anuly Hour and Whit afaak 'AL-SC- Baialna. and larn lot beat Madeira and Mkm Win, Cooking ins a, Ala by th Caak, or Keg or la bottWa, ALSO ' AB grades of Sngar. OonVw-stid Taa. PL'LLIAM, JONES CO. Dee 6-tf ' matt-he Watchea. JjT Uis Oroas. rULLUM, JONEHACO. assail rATona. A KD beat faitiOy Floo f. Iiiat reii and M tale bv ! . , I'LUJAM. JO.NLa A CO. , , , Jjeat-lf , , Kboleaal Crueera. I ) rarstADB TIT ALB, - - l jaVK, quantitlea, for sale hf. 1'LUOAM, JONFS a Co; wt-I ,DaMt whollQroasre. i PERlTIAIf. CUANO BIESTIJITK ! I. A TTfS TY Cl V I ' ' ' : -aa--aVb. W "V awWasV .VJI 13 -f . t j' EAW SUFFJI-FEOSFIUTS OF I T.TlfTt. b-- 1 - . .b rv Mavmiretarytl niatlnrtli fucmtik niMUd m lHi.4 will pUjuUhI l f bom rsoniBTiias, ar thb . balawnr Btlrrr rbeaairal Warha, f 1 1 . rnnADft phi av o. a .a,w.t llna olj wUtimlivd MAN! UK ta ! from Bonaa tliat bare not beoa named or etaamed. and it oontaiiia all their original orguiio matter. It , a,,.. w ,. iijniBUlHI, M(4 IflntllKHr Ol grtiah durability. It doaa nut athanattbeaoil hkaPernriaa -. tinano. Lot on the enntrary pvnnanentlr imprnraa It, , m " ' n.iin w J, WM ,Ii LI 1 Wl U1W (II J rVHitbera Htate to conaiilcrabl eitent, and again la tiro, wner II naa uen nam! with nmarkabla auereas P" yy: .'. : xotion, torn. Tobacco, ana all crop. Ttwl ill convince anv i AnlnV of Ha BMrits. Pamptiieta ctintaiiiiiilr Well-knwnilrmtlieni CYiilioica hirninhi'd upon anjiiiealion to New l'ork or .1'tiilwlol' pbia oiliest. wim ny iiaieratn tu tna nnneipal cttioaamt' towns thronghout th United euia and llntmii SToyincea. I.BATJGH aSONS, ' -ai j ry SOI AKttfvn?aBBS,-' , aire, Na, la Baaih Orlawara Araawe, I'lUIyAPEU'HlA. At ; aay uai isiiwiiirtta ot CO., aaaEBAi. wboijwai aoists, AIM TSAhL JiTBUKt, XI W XORK, i' i "yy!' "7 ' roa SAia by' " .'i,, -i t- --.-!. - iAMIln ft rtwws, ', Jaa 4-JA.w ira. - - HaUiRh, X- C. a':..-;. rUila lure af In ,',', . is t , 'vl'M twinlttent rever.wc -t-y:"--- - i J .i iiy -iitiean,4 Fever, :' -: j V-vi ' S ItrmliN-iit tier ", ' I l$TLy?A A gu, I'rr I I e a I . "V ' ' j lltadache or II II I -' !Vt i oue Ilc'ttdatlic, aad X - V v" arwisnB. -a4 BJltlaaa a.... , .....J ' ror me wimia eiaa o' uoK.aiM'a orieiuating in biliary f deransenieiit, caused by tb malaria nf anaauaAiu Thia reme.W haa rarely failed to cure th serercat or t;miia anu rTrr, aim it haa yattaagttoyaratlier Aifaa inmbeiriRa, that it anbdueaV tba complaint without injury to tha pauent. It pon- tauoa no qninina or etiier doletftnotia aubatanca, nor ' diMa it produce quiniam or aiiyinjunoua ehoot what . erer. bhaking brothers of tbe army and the West, try it and yon wiat ejirire ihm aaoertioiia. , , - I'repared by J. U, Ali.ll 4 CO LowalL Uaaa an.l ; WttHainf ft Hay weia; Pk?; Peteid Eal-" nig 11. K, C, and Dealert generally. 1U F. Hiaias and Lot oa BilWhwa Bk, kmwW ss tba i apply ' - lW:htfr'-T-.:" - ;Bl!I(KialODD. 1 lUE-aiiUnBTihcr prw..v tcuqtrerax JL .tionef sew buva, -ii.aiiiool anl Knm..,. tturlith. of JunnsryrproyiUed a auSvirnt Buis.x r tor be gia With shad spp.y. . : : y v 7 .". I 4 . . '! i r "t w ! ; - - . f ' , . ' 4--.i-f--i'ri'- ; i I. f ..I 1 ..I I .' i ' o - ' f - yi .a ; i ,.I .L . - I t flsfltllllUll 11 'i ' I !" ; ti ; .r- I i .JMswlss igbjsl ! ' if fa. TCKliTirTju: Long HTI.UA BP. c. m. -.- iTinapal. ieCT Al'ttj

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