'is V-.;: V,.' -3rEW-AD,VEaTTSE3EST3.: i i f t: crops. TtTEl I', it.r.iriii W i'.eruuiia and ' r .i-,uiii and Vusoua. thai . ere prepared tu fiirnijli'"'' w11 tW wubI ! . t,u moat lUwiijimorfatirur terms. tiie roost Aewisimortei We a.li bote a ick of if. huuw .'Mil IAS i fL'ANO, piuvheeed di4 - ; rect froni !,'n, Nuiun Hrnmrawntr vVe'.ave rto.3 m wj t iuoik-.i,.- - -t-THlAliLtr KtKH PrlOsri'H.VPK trKyllltk, winch won h I'"" euehanv enviable rcputatioa lu th .'ou end 'f.-beoco counties of North Carolina rrt Virginia, la- , proving itself equal, it in T ...u.trtutt tuaiaaltt. aiUMIHar iO the iVrilVlAB ...tr.-i we Rive ail eiienme ui il a" evei lemvw "J "lopr el the raoei eminent li ..m.. ja. ib "i::. . - . .. . i i .(wvj: ,4': - .. -- ! Itlt tPer-plt-0 tI . '""' ttBW, M Ho Mldbjf nm. Lu Bradley. jd Ptam toneisr or , Prepared auimal matter, aalta of Ammonia, - fatty aubstaneee aud Humsa ' - SW.50 Bom HiiP"tae of Luna, Mlgnwia and Iron to.HO " (r.,iBbleUWpliund. Ma-lO.)- . 1 I't'Bft . y . . --V tJW Hut llHKllllUk Tim animal aff.d-Jl 4-0prl '-! il-iiixwed. and. aa will b rta of Ammonia aoea, nearlf maB analrw of your Hiiper-l'Uoaphal of -n miute thmn itw Jat f" miiti, Ih iound r iwUrd oiu.UtfnUqQltotht of any yon J,wertd in former ypani; and I am aatialiod Mat too inslud" tlie correct pruH4pa In tu mna fioture. ltaiipootfnll . 1 . . ' k. A. 1IATE3. M . DWila Aaaayor. W ri'fi'r to the foltowiug gMii)eaM who toaud ita marita mat aram r ' (i , v a , , 1 la. (. A. ftwray ar t-ouutjr, N.C. J S FooTiti " ' ," .J""- ' " Wimbibm. uranv.i. . .X.fl,,.Kujis-.i.;i.X--- ,r.-Xi4 - ft, I.. IAUIKH'H"' ' -' U Btti., Kali Oitlnity, N. C. i H Aiwa . ... '. ' LMOoxirwM,- - 11 " J HHii-uahii, ' " , ' , 1 1 Jusaixa, t " .'-.' v' '. jJThkt". "';:;: ; -r i Pr W U WiT!t, : " ' ' . 1 1 Boooia, Kaii) County, Kurt Carolina. J8Boimr-. ' '.' Hi ltonsas ake - i I H AMHIKOlt. JLI.TO ' K H FUJWCTS, ': W WBiaaiiBv-: -: ' i"-r. "r J B f AV1JUS. i . ' V -J -.V. . J N tAXIX, Qpy MitV Hutm- NqrthamptoB We will oe rtpreaoi.tl at tha CnnWa of Granville, Raab, Wake. EUK-"nil, Wilmw, HW. Nortbamp l I'luklm aiid WarreajeoiintiuaI C., and (iroeiia- vuie county u-guMo, Any liuaiuoaa conlided to aa shall hae our bant at- l10"' - rT McILWAINK CO. PateralHirg,Ta.,Jaa21-Sra PnTII'S ?S 15YCA JIORE-STREETV XTOTICEI peofle of rETEitsBuno. -IjlAoTEaN-ViaCIKIA, NORTH IrAUOLINA. I return tuv airiM ro tlunka fi t'.ia UUera patronK extended the pat araaon, and hi, hy atrict attention, to luerit their kuid patronmffe in fnUire v .. u naiT mat t ma; w iirp,cw V at aa 9 si b : 0. as -es a a b in NEW HTOCIv,; in the HprtuK, I hara determined to elrwe out the baluiae of Fall and Winter tiooda, atill auaold . . Vl'JTHOUT REGAUD TO COST, Dy Uiia atattement I mean much bolow eoet ; or, in other wunix, what you are wiLUnn Id py for the Oooila. ,. ;......;..- I am not a bohaver ia eatrying Oooda over from ana axaeou to anolhi r, therebara my dewroiiuatiou h to aU what yet remains of ni FALL AX WI.VTEK GOODS a 6 3 H m H H M at iaaeriune,an,I lnvit all to an examina tion of thie atork, which ia atill larga, and ainbrapea aome of the most detnrala D2ESS CO0D3 ASD SILKS offered at any time tliia aeaaon The atock will be eompleta dnrinf tha tn Hra aeaaon with - t ... 8T Al'IilC OQOPg! LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES and in strict conipliamM with the doclina from ily to .lav -tut has Oci u the eaaa with tl: as ffuixts for thtf laut aiKiitevn montiia. lo ruwe at a dintAitco, ulio cannot eoava nu'iitly virnt FetewUtrfc SAMPLED WILL er u'.ii., UE SENT, KitMCK OK COST, WITH TBtrKS ' ATTACIIED A ND Til OIVK ENTIRE SATISFACTION SSO, S SYCAMOrtB tlTUBET, - fetT:uaBtitJ. , . ' f TIIOM.VH SMITH. Kult'lylv MitiiuriU'turLns f'ompnn. fcVlf. ti 1 ir I it a -"-to t r n a T jkV4i'- tu li. last'.r; I.t'4 rr"?L'iur, tA .-. - -- - - - - t t t t M V. Jriit a J f;i , - , V fVvr-t anrrinnTsn Jlcrtliaiiti ' " lUiciii. J, in 1 -'.C . r A Yalmu'e Cottofl rarm for Bent J . T TINt't 'N t ONTTN'rvrt CRKEK. ID .MtLF-S f 1 1 fmn-ftTTi'rmni: tr -rm-f mm irnr. oii the" - t'tjiia lima rnnmni? irom TMiRan to t-ireennce. .inert - erwk thrmiL'ti th1 farm. for furtner rtic!iUr, enqnire of STitn'S JovnCT, MiwIt Hail, N. C, of i. Jorupr,. MAriltiiro', ti. C. , ian'ifr-tit , ; , , t. ., , : '.' . " . M0SM JOl'SZB. . , "W AdtKKTISBMESTB. The Major gtve BO tire in regard to Fire C,nir.pnifa. Geo. T. CooVe iias card to the public about coat prices. - -- MrU.he.li, Allen 4 Co., New bern, N. C, offer! I .. 1 .. I . y 'i -a . , mm . . . lergejot oBui!ding MateaUL-TbMf jtnck .! U f Xttnmve, un they understand hew to buy, hMk; "rulliam, Jones 4 Co. Are in receipt of new t importation, Vinegar Tohguea, Lard &0. Ob Makkkt. Our market contiBuet to b pretty well supplied with proTiaiona. Porktbia morning brooght 13al4 ets. Beef li becomffig wee nrt bigher. Fowl are In demand Corn 1.15at.25. . ' - " lIininpjL Our new Mayor aud Commia iioncra teem to have gone to work In good ear neat Ve are glad to aee propoaala (or putting and keeping tbe punpa is ardery aba to or; gantu tbe lira Couipaniea. Our polic officers hav alio we tliev, taken a freab stait. We bopa to see energy, promptness and decision in tbe new administrators, V will readily, - tree of charge, publiah- the regu'af proceedings of thf. Of mill, J 4i (rfvT f,nt flu maniiurlnl milk I sent lu at i early hour n Ljliftlnortring:-afterJS ' the meeting. Tub Cotton Faptobt. The machinery for the Factory, alioi.it to le established in tbis city, is being manufactured aa fast as possible. The Company will bare eTery thing ready by the time them icbinery can be bad. : ." " . Wabbwstoii. This interesting Tillage must be looking up. , We learn that one or two news papers have been started in. that village. We bare not seen either of them, bujfK6 ire pleased r at this sign of enterprise in that place, end we if Mi them goo'jnocea-.. irrCT'" Virginia Cokfbbbsch or th Northbh Wktiiodist CucBctt. The Virginia and North CarolniajriasrTC&TO ipiacopnr Church wa organized in the city of Richmond, Va., brBishop Bcott nn Thursday the 8d JanuarylOn the flrst day four members were enrolled, natnely : Itcy. J. 8. ilitchell, P. D.; late of the Kew Tork Episcopal Conference, and Rer. T. H. Haynaa,' J. W. Grant, and James HiU'liell, or the Baltimore Conference. Subse quently, Ecva. Jobn 8. Blinds and Charles D?js.W'fw-adm 3ohn W. Najlor iid ILA--IV liamsj wer almittF from the Protestant Hethbdisjtv Church ; Key. Samuel R. Keen was received from the Metlimlut New Connection Church In Canada j and Revs; Ja U. Postell, Wm. Rawling, Wm. G. Matthews, and John T. Miller were received on trial On Ha to Hay aConforence M irsi on ary Soci ety, Tract Society, and Sunday School Vnion were organ izetb In April, 1808, this work commenced with almut 55 members and 4 ministers; now it num bers 673 members and 15 ministers. We bava no church of our own in Richmond. Will yoo not lend me the aid of your ioornal to secure 1 from our irienda at least $30,000 for such a pue- poaet I need not tell you how important such a lodgement in Richmond has become; you know it wen, flease ten a ns yonr valuable aid. : .,,--.;'.: . ' The " Conference session closed on Monday, January 7, alter a session of four days, Tbe following are the appointments of the Virginia and xvorth Carolina conierence: F'rjrwii District. David B, White, P, E. Richmond, James Mitchell: Petersburg and City Point, Jamva W. Grant; Williamsburg and iiigclow s, (J. b. Williams; Hampton and rork- town circuit, o. It. Kean ; Portsmouth and Nor folk, T. 11, Paynes. C. A. Paris, chaplain in navy, stationed at Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia. -.JS'ortk Carolina JJulrkt.-J. S. Mitchell, P. E. Kaieich to be supplied. Charlotte to be sup- plied. Lineolnton. W. C, Mattoa; Palley, W. Rawlins; Wilkes, II. A. F. Harris; Yadkin, J, T. Miller; Piedmont Springs, J. II. Postell. ti'eu Yo k Christian AdvocaU, quoted by Rieh mmd Chrittian AdeocaU. The above aiofement of the Northern Meth odists will surprise many North Carolina Meth odists. "The Philistines are npoa yoo," and you must be up and doing. -Stntirul. . SOLTIIKUS OkFICB-HOLDSHS 8TfIX RuiID Oct. I learn that the decision of the Supreme Court in, the test oath case has received a very Barrow construction at the Treasury. It is, for the present at least, held by beads of bureaus in that department, that the decision docs not em brace officers of tM,.flyern.wwiiV.WdUliut iio4 aalanescan be draWohy omcials who have been unable tr, take the oath prewrHied by the set of July 21, 18(13. From this it would seem that it I thought in some quarters that, however plain ly the roasnning'ol' the eourt might apply to other than the very cases before it, the special mattet decided only should be considered at settled. Poubtlcss, this question will receive the early consideration of the Attorney General, wlien, It Is to be hoped, a different ruliog will be . uniformly adopted. The Government itself is evidently a suU'urer from the limited number of persoiii,..nnderfixi8tu)g circumstances from , among whom tbey aie compelled to choose the officeis connected with the revenue and postal ferta Haltimor Uutettt. Anotrbr Hero Hiioitoht Home. The re mains otCapt. Win. T. Marsh pawed through our place oii TuewlViy, accompanied by bis brother Maj. Ed. S.'Wamh. ; ' . , . Capt. M, w as wounded f the battle of Aa tietaia on tbe 17tb,. Sept. lbC3,-wbile in com niaod of hisCo. "I" 4th N. C.f and died eight days after from ita effects. , , It will be a metttneholy satislaction -to bis friends, to lesrn that be now sleeps bis last sleep peacefully in the family burial' ground in Batl'i. Another mitrtyr to. our '.'Lost Cause." Jarbjro' IxntlhtrruT. i l . The, New York dry goods clerks ire wslclied bydel(.it tk-l " ' "-r" ' : -: A T. Htcwart.lif w ork. ke ns lm lorsei fn a building once used ss a lipti.t ehrehi--t. -A or-Kf ut. Tff H -b-H4-&"H - AB-frf-iM H It F.aatra wardi corner of lsnmiitand Ivie hirneta, lor tliS proaeftt rear. It has tun's rpom and a baae Bieot. Appiy tu .. - . . . .: . ...... jiiii.iu Tfftriiir fittiti' -trr.r; at K tvTstat-v-ata T V the ureent neum ot the 0iwrei Aeeevahlv te uoinni the et'oiioe a Pub "e iaoe truss frqet eoet kivjr to l.itiie Kiver in Per q aim aoaety. ta jifvDt stock fromeeeaingat huBwIa Dofeant s Sleek. leeUalm V . .. , , . ....... . . . .... . , Bl ILDERS SIATERIALK. AMERICAN and EnKli.h U'U tatctica, I!oU, MinR-a, 8ervwa, kails, Iron, 1 amti Oil, Vaniidr, Ui.m, fuilv, lima, (larul, riaaler "llair, Houip ttolla, Sarh Weiifhta, ra)wr Uangityja and a gwiJ I. JI1I I MITCHELL, ALLEN & CO. Jaa W hH-h r. . - rcrwhern, tt.X, T7 O R SALE Fiaal4piRar htrtie barrel. imj BeefloiiijuM'tiy tha t.if n. Bwwt loaf rtr.l in Tuta .n.i 1 Ui 1TLLIAM, JONKS & ft). . ' 1A holt'itala Orotra. Jan IM44-tf, TJitftlTS I.STIS. QliASUUIL XHI8 Kew, popular Oramniar can be hail in' am quantity on aliurt notice for cli ttiT-jrrTn ll.ao for aingis eopy,witli a reaxnfiaMe "di'dueuou for " Jan ii-lH-it . . : . - JOBTH CABOLISA iWit IKK)KS, Constantlv knton Kinn hv - - 5- "" lilUNSON A FARIUIt: Jaa aS-IU-tf - . ... Aibskt ev nvfi. HlfKK.tltC cotur J tteports for aak eheaii. Apply soon UUANSON & t'ARHAR., Jaa 144-tf Thia CaHfornla mr 1 mwimuu.. luuMfii,.! UNWHIW. , t I BRANSON & FARHAR. Jan a5-14-tf lf-A fttw yti It oa hnX lillANol.S tAhKAit. Jaa 31U if atHTII CSMOM.TA f HH at ti .i Henorta Moat of llura eau bo hail at nnr BMrii. A'tew vols, ar out of print, r URASSU 4c FA UK A R. 7 jaa -lM-tf . MAYOH8 OFFICE, Bauuoh, Jaa. U, 1nH, fTUIK eitiaens of Raleigh are herby lnvit ad to enroll JL their uainea aa Buuubera of the Fire Companm. laraona diannaed to volunteer as momlxtra of tlio aama, will furaiah tbe eitytxinatablea with tkrh-aamta on or before Wednesday tha Wth. of .Unitary ml. U tha praaeribed namtwr hae. not prejoualy Tallin tered, a oraft will be made uixm the wbow nuuiUr of eiuaana to supply the drilnrucr. 1 W. 1). HAT WOOL),' Jan at-lM-td 1 'Mavor. A PHOI'OSITIOX. IH WHICH TOU AltK INTERFISTKL). T'ROPOJ'K tl)f"tU tirofertloil f ihi ('lfj,i? i X BakiiKh and anrrounilinit ennntrv. aahiat iire-im- poaition of those ao-ealled tt morua, Ut luminh each avery psraua, me new sura t l ol any on,l they ntay wan nt to oay ny-una hieans tney eau tell Ht on "hem"" ,mtvr !sivi M W before iroina to any ef thou Coot mores so- eaued, and lot sua gire yoo a memorandum of Coat kloet of rnr lame stock 1 will sell at coat hut I havi; gouda tliat 1 will not aU in that way, anil ncithei. will thoaa-fiih.nt.whn . t,.llii, .iw.i uig at Coat. i . So marchant fn thia plane has Cnrehased his' Goods sny cheaper than I bought mine. Any aaasrtion to the svntrsry u fait ; aud I will guarantee to a'll Oooda aa tow aa any Coat. Htraa. All i aak Is an opportun ity to provs the truthfulness of thia aaaertion. : 1 . ojiO. T. COOKB. Jan35-U4-tf .' 1 0 1. E T -Twtf-WlBrawlarEe Ch1urluVa''BOOXKaW'iIut eentra of tha eity. . Apply at the '. -JaaM-liS-tf kKjil'INEL OFFICE. ; . PUOPObAL. . -; r.;... j, Aroum t,rHK, i Kalkiob, Jan. 2t, lnt,7. ( TJK0PO8AL8 will be received at thie Office until tin A loth, day of Feb"y next, for keeping tha City ramps eiean ana in repair lor toe enanmK voar. . , Wat. D. HAVViooil, - Jaa M-1431W . . llayur. ktandard and Progreaa, copy on week. fpiSK BIUJAKO TABLK AT Al-CTIOS. Cnleaa disposed of privately, will be sold at auction on Saturday Feb. Sd. r One Elegant Billiard Table but littl aaed. witli Balls, Cuea and Chalk eomuleto. it coat Ioik), li m Hiao it moouia ago, ana win urea a Kn,al nargaln pnveiviy. - JAMES M. TOWLEfl, ' JaaM-IO-tf - Aoctione-r Com. Merchant. 1 w. iiisiali:. ATT0EXEV1SD C01NSLLL0RAT LAW, Mo. 9, Hay Street, Fajettcvtlle X. C. ITrrLt ATTEKD PBOM i TO AU --1WHJ NEXH fy Intrusted to tue care, C'laima collected anywhere in North Carolina. . ', Jan iM-tf ,; ... LIFE .mA.CE. MAXT inxure their Uvea bersnae they see the folly of neglecting to do ao. klany w bo do not insure, atKue that it ia fully to insure. Which iariKulr If thuee who donotinoureean cite instaui-oa of the harm dime by a pohcy of life Insurance, if 'the can point out men who bare lost to.OuO to UOO.fmo by Lira in earance, then upon proof of aame, we niuxt Iwlievo them. HoiHiMKis of inetaneea can reaaiiy tie elioicn where part ice bava been benelitted to thia extent. In Korth Carolina there are some i idowa eud Clnl- dxen ready, w taetify to 11m gomt r nn I mty- from wirfe4 iminrance oa their only eertbly depenorixv. The "Atna Lite Co., in liKnung Sl.tiou the past year haa relieved want and now ait h ovi '.IMn.(aa of awM'te ofYera sure protoition to all those who -iU avail themselves of her liberal t'-niid. by ealiiiij; un , . IT. 11. CiUMV, Oeo'l A (f't ft the, fc Ute of Ji , I1 BaleiK!t, M. C. Jan as-ltO-tf SELLTJffQ AT COST. WE AHR new deposing of oar entire STOCK OF ltoiN at COST, to make room or our rlprin atock. .Hirensumters will ruly upon H, that tlif J iil get ttAJKiAlKti. All aia iuTitcd to f.m,,. , L K. JlCiUlT, Jaa SI Iw - - rr r -Arrmitr- A UEAL'TIFL'L LOT OF Dt LA A M URE8, PRINTS, ' IjNES, . ; SHAWLS, EXGLISIJ MEItlXOf. .ET6' AXI ROT' fcCAKI S. Boole Btnd fehoes, ror nil ages, aexea 1 uJ',1 rondilloits. A.yz:-rm. :z -V-Z- AT prloee lower than those prof t-wing to sell at eoet, or those "eelllng goods eLeaper than uiv body eiee V -'.. . OEO. T. KXE. JaaS-rf . fTlf Hwae-S"! Ij"t OB ltmia-ytt ttna e.Jf JU ' aA1 leruiiasty.V - - zs-JHtm tat.'-vj: -iw-n ictw. - nr. trim jt rw-.r 0, I Dee ? tf - jtitv f. vtk vrr.i) OFPI, ja m fjntl.OB C.) roawain Kaora, K..C,,.Ji.i. li, ;7. rrilli North f,.4iiis hiir:d trmipailt ilenf. 1 borrow stii.io. J-.ifit per er?i iner. i U ft pent eau-eitoii.,jT. Coeamunieatioiis s4dreeeel Ike Preeideot w.l! with prorapt attenBin. tnojfii wtpb. in 1A tlm fAeelueat. . jBaT ingress ea4 tissidatd Sfpy. Our I rl.luy Murulitg Iiiat lies. 'JZ-""''' "r r ' Wash isqtos. Jan. 14." Generals Tltontas and Sick Ua saw the Preai th'nt to day, . - v - The gaileriea of the Ilnttxa were Jerrwry rro a ded to-day to bear Steven on the enaldi-il'1 (,'!, Mq gave way to iUyatiind, as ue- wished hi rpeaa. , The Revenni' receipts to day aro $500,000. utuntfw.age44att tbtaCUty to jyr On fliKrlsl r:nonlniion Unit theeivil rights .WM jannot,fte tMoTcr-J. irt,jjiie parts of Aciua H lor want nfinrniiiife Ti)ft and .competent CLHtrta, Ct ii. CnTui, lii - Offered itddioiitional T trooiia to Gen. CrJ, eomiiiandihi; in Arkansas. j og i-ituittfim voiorauo nu la cxpuvtou w m-qw. . , ' .. ;. ..... ,, .... . .: ,' Conerewi. - : r AsBiSuTos, Jaa. 2L " . rij 1 tie feiiittte the Finance Couimittee. reor. tea lueuivit appropnation Li II with aiuentt ni nla. "- .. v-- - In IheTlotise i after unimportant proceedings - SL'rfculturat Colleiro acrio" to the bill giving I enntaace waa taken up. The eiaendment to extend the operations' of the bill to all of tbe titi-s. provoked a delmte. Mr. Mavnard dis- liked liavlng-Tenneasee yoked -tatbe jebel states. Air, 8tokes also roke and was taunted with bis vnrly secession letters. . lie said that be bad ret waited and entered the Fwlerat arnif . And that btf was ready to enter tbe saddle and stay there tlirecreara. n hen Sir. Randall vt Fenn. sylvapia said 'Olibonlj," and the regular report says in parcuthesis, (Laughter.) ' r .-riMrS tteHyof Tennesww, mfiiutnincd that his saxlI&auLJtwU)m.wUw. slt1t.avptibucML governint'iit. Poutu Carolina, lipraiwc. were not mau-s. i An amendment was agreed Jo. that ni Con federate should be profeaaor. , The President was calhd a naurper. t . ire the fire Com parties.- Our police ollicers have Mr. Cooper .off Tennessee was called to order for calling Mr, Kelly of Pa. a liitr. and the dill passed.' .'; ... ; ,. ' " - -'- 1 he enatiling act waa taken up. . The . CmiuiUi;eLOU WayiAud Means was in- siructed toenquireinfo ihet ipedienry of lepeal ing the Cotton 1st, (,; I j .,..,. TLa Bureti.3i;"Ti , "" . Z .... WAsniKBTOM, Jan, 24. I -ffeu. Jlownrd bus issued the following circu lar: Iliriiafu-rand until further orders no Tecs or charges will be exacted by officers of this Bu rami, ior nervi e rendered, or making contracts u.nuii ITniiliof).n and ilif'Tr ehVidrivra TtliAr in eiatoiuiug, approving, wltneasiug of register- ins contracts or otherwise. lie requests Assistant CommlMiloners to in- struct their stiliordjnates tu the above effects " He recommend written contracts in all cases, Verbal contracts occasion much confusion, -lln- ratt Ai;rs Vr-e u ged to ' do ill to Uleir power t to secure contrails tot Jfiieuweo. Ana tu tenrt sring tWir service forthis object, tbey should let it be understood that they will render it with out charge to the parties concerned. 7Z " iTegroei In Colorado. 1 -V i s i'i f r Wahhinotok. Jan. 24. Tho Colorado Legialature has passed- an act prohibiting -negroes and mulattoee from serving as jurors, over the Governor's yeto. Ooy. Cummings of Colorado is a rouf for Washington.' : ' f 'r f ' ,, Karketi and FinanolaL ' j a- i .. Naw 'okk, Jan. 24. Money easy at 7. There is considerable dis trust anion" tbe banks about lending money - Cotton without decided change 8ii a 84 for middling uplands. Flour dull, State 9,50 4 tl2,o ; Ohio 1 1,00 a 14 ; Western f 9,50 a 1S, 00, .. Wheat dull and lower. Corn dull and de clining, mixed west $ t.l 0 a $1,18. Provisions dull and heavy. Whisker quiet. Rice dull.- Sugar steady. Muscovado 11.- Other groceriee ... . 1 a, : . : tiKi . ni quie aim uriri,- rpiFiiBoi j urientiuo una a i, itobin H a 10. Gold f 1,34", ' ' Bai.tivohb, Jan. 24. Flour rtnll, western and low grades declined 25 rta. Ik ut, Simtlicrn red $2,75 a $3. . . Gov, Ilawley Ee-Nominated. Xkw IIiyRit, Jan. 24. Gov. ITawley hsu lieeii re-nominated by the Repttblit-aa'CoBvcntion. 5 -T-Oar Afternoon Dispntchca. ' - I ' ' Iffarketiand Financial . - . . Nkw ioHa, Jan. 89, Cotton dull 3;lJ34,' OotrJ I34t, . . , From Washington. j , . C; Wasninoton, Jan. 8,1. ' Jleisrs. Pmwroy, Harper and Uefrees ot the Cnrteiify Cominittee Are opposed to Randall's. Oold lull, . Ihe balance ar laiavorotit. .: The Coniiiiiltee On Wsvs and Means will re port ataindt changing the present rates of retir- mffwnonnif Geo. tjrant's spririgvifit to Europe i author itatively denied. - A ai);lul to the Philadelphia F.nunirer closes Ha ( count of rtwerH acrhnrltltus : "Thia chtla the prospects for territorial Governments t the Soul li i r this sosion., - The Maryland Legislature J,,,, passed an en- francliininir set restorinir Confederates. -The l eiiiiesw Hocse Ims dtiJiircd lheacatxiL. the Jackson nislnrt vacant the representative riot Iwing siifticiently oy.i: , . -SmaUnrss. ' tAt,VKyt, Jno. 2"i. firillin, Klddo's sncreu-.nr, . lurbida the (Un belt Sidney Johnson. . . - " WAWiiofA, Jan. 25. '1 lie Natunjal litpi<mn ilemei publinlung the article credited to it m (avor of avowed re aietance to Confre, seconipatiied by a states, ment that tiie article t aiitborijiM by the President. ; ! v j.. , .... .. "1 be JifpulTteua has the bibcat authority for fivinsf that the article in quesiion. was pulilish ed in the (7onftfu.fiius..ta,.:Bnd was" not suthori.rd by tke.Prraidriit. '.v i'.xZ ; i) 1 What Wendell Phillips tayt r JttxiTOH, Jan. 84. ' listerdav theljidiia Atili-xbivery Society S. Ill-"'- ' -'ri -Wiver-irA in tluut. Th-r Hiwie aeiH-M-h m-wtiK'.h be said the Nortb-muat. tia. U' y e La4 tbavit wis aat eee fle ntamii i i-d ! v Lis 3u"!iih. "L tiie 4ejijla acre pet mti H-tt to- come doan to the levul where H-a' M ik-'iH. tfl ' lrltrttad of ubutr- kifpt I abere houlwtil and hiuiiiier liveA 4 cbanoe ti! Rfiyt) votes would re elect Andrew Jolinwiri, and 3fTrar-t up jI tcibo; aji "U I 1 tfjl tltt m R e mut c-ot Joltimm out of tin" wiyj nul in pun ulilnoi T'l.t rc,tue ae io-el hia pnet:e to wnrk irom. 1 ne J reuient, be adnci, Is a tranor. The Supreme Curt poisoned with dlsluyaHy, sod Congress must t trie gevernrrtent kud (vit. 10 ITOImUGGEIlY rTH K L4RUEST 1 HE APEST, W oTrvFtiN "FOR TM5 lTCHE oV MOVlKd TCI OI B KEW 8tOJlrjH THE 1ST. OF APUIL KEXT, WK WILL s.iff I'PBT, CoaWm-liii'mttv'asl. day pf JaPMtiry. tir, J'XTIHE a-mi'lf fiF .' lJf-4, -haa been latly purchawd at tha' recent deelina. ln prieea. . J .... : ... ,4 Bucli an opportunity baa been rarely oftejed thlaeotiimunity of biiyiwg their gnosis it Kew Tojk ratiit j. We will sell our Stock of 0OOD8 AT COST, ia lore, with aa Entire Sow l4ock Ja sveiy depajient, - ..,.,T....r. ,.t,j.. N. &.'Flewffefeaeeytbeawtteae OA?B TERMS ABB?CA8H. . . , i . ' W. If. V R. . T. aV CO., ATTEJITIIsV MIRCHINTi ie reqneeted to the above Stock. Tew ten now replenish yarn- Block at Cost prices. - v. - - -Raleigh, Jaa 19-tf -- - i.' --- . A riXK LOT O LAWK' FI BS, S5 per eent. teas it. . thaa cost, at- Jaa Ulm M. KQRfKBACM'8. 1.060 PAIB CHir.HIiF-S'S COrrEB-TOKD Shoea, at ,UU, at 7 tsBAWM - Jo 14 lm ar, jnTpr:nTJT7iii ci. O CASES OENTH FIXE CALF ffiWTS, at 13 ML at J . . .-;,...., , ,'M, Jtuatiiutiiaaa. Jan isla.-:- . ... . . HARDING'S CLOTIIIXO la well know to all our eiliaena. B. B. Andtsws A Co., sre his aneeeaaora and are keeping up the r. nutation of tha old house. BaUdwix or Wti-miMrroa '"City wiouiing sw" eonneeted with Harding, in Kew York where all the Clothing sold by B. B. Andrews t"n., Is niannfaetnr- tUaotaa.BAUnrm A Co., Kuw Tork. --. ,. 4 . , t Thou as ti Baldwiw A Co., Richmond, Vs. ' ' tlaaauua JtCa., retarahnrg, Y4. t,''-',) 'a Hpiwo A Cet, Wilmington, S, C.--t'..-.:rsi iMh. Uooda reeeired by every Expreea, ' ' " ti ' -. 5 f. at B, B. ANPBKWH CO. f - Heavy Over j at.anlievwm steaver.v " ' ' : ' V . t eeter Steavrr. fmel tteieshlaa. ,- Male by Harding, liaidwia A Co, Sew Tork, Juat reoelred at "i LB. ANDREWS & CO. DeelJ-tf Onrrs, Fuainsauio Btobb. vV 1 r. ct .vo. t j... ' v iMfi'tiO V V f i- , 11 I I A tJ ' i 4 IW It! Effect Is BlIrHCiilouai 1 IT is st entirely aew aelentllln dncovry coaiblnins natty of I be meet pewerla) and reiUa ail ve ageats la hvrrrttlt kmriLim, We have ears eoati leaoe In its merit! d are so sare it will de ell we nlatni tor it that we offer ft 1 ,000 11 KWA1 II if thewlrtllaa Hair Kraewer dose sotgivasalia faetioa la all oaaes wnen used in lnet accordance with ear taatraotKiaa. ' HALL'! .. Vegetable Sicilian Halt Eenewer baa proved iteolf to be tb nioet pertuot urepai lor the M air ever onarea to tue pnw - it is s yBtW eemposnd. aed eontaiue ao fufurf ens prperti"e wliatever. i . 1 . It ia Kit a Uy, 11 sinker at the rmrt sad fills ibs glaada with aew llfeand eotoriagmatter.!. It will rweiarw dreiy Hale 14 Ita erlglwa' '!. iwttl B Ihe Hair rre-a falllag at. " II tleaaere Ike eealw, aast aaakee late llair salt, Iwairwna awe ellhra. ,v Itiaa epleadid lair-ltreeeiaa. '' Ko pel toe old m voang, should tail to due ft. -" It ia reeummeudea sad aaed by the Bret In leal aaibarlir. - r J i.. t . - IT Ak "t Ur.ll . V-K.ubl. Sieiliaa llair KeaeW ar and take eoiib'r - fl t, t. 111.1. M Srejrletere ' .,,' .... v ... . . Kantiiia. N.-H '- fjf Rol.l by H HttifXiiitA, Wlitlaaw At- lie weed and P. F rWud, Kalivli,N fl. .' i F. tjd Wl4v v 4 t ' ' - ' , iiuEer tr iui:. . , , pilOrSiTST'K t f 1 it l'KHUVIAN, g.Oflfttnlie, eouiMianrlcd by Kir .Irmnjih OtnriT; will froea Norfolk, for Liver p, Mil uirvd, on AcuikihiI, soth January. 'ioeimiire elnpiiient. ii'it:e uist lie (tiien nnrtiedi- atnlvof Irwiehl Ullemleil far lol .. f or Itlt't.Vr t.ArllLV ulare, enoaixe uf W, U. lihl Nul l A I I;" r . , Ag-iit'. rrois. - Of A sf U. Mr t II UH, JenU. 3w ; ; , laleigli, H. V. IMM4.0, ':-.; MaJiler, and vilier Dye Muffs, no lu ft. ire. l'tl.ll..HM:'it.t.,0; Zeii'B fMiper Puwsthue Itono ' " LIME. Theee Ferlilierii are rec.itnnii'iidi d ta le-ina equal to anv 111 mm), and are oriir d la anv quantitv at the eoet of trne-i te-Uuii aiwivp KaliiiiKire pina, . . , iiiUiAM, JtiiselvACO. - NOV i-tf , ' rosi wai.ir.- T BE verv' leet-AM Apple Urandv. .. .'...' -y-UllLLlAw, jonksaco.: lleeKelf IO!O.VlOV) 1 OMO.Nl) f-' 6) BCHilEtoaad'aiiil eweet, ea eonlriiTnnt. ji 11. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. JeaB 1 - r . ,f 3Tf UK Stjfrt or fcfUH.Vir liti'm. nn'tMrT P;rc ,j 1 ,ui Jh,ei?t 7 " 'kits iKr 1 kei. .AWl.:..naaLB..iiir-..I:lutt.:: 1J1a nv4 Aeronlfoti, . wiNXi irs 1 riiiti (hi 1. rri int . - Ss.- yyBMTIae.''' -''i"'.'. ;" iSriav'"'; F the tun ' vr, , ... r .f n AW'ivl"7! ' 1". "'-, Y-fh ti-.k com,.,, i-f-eiiv- rete biutdrt..! iVi hfrv p..p.tlar ati.i-iiee 51iui, p.4rt-pid, oa seeopt of prii a. . 1 . . . ' ' ritrntrt wt a ck,',' . , Tnhlishsrs, J7T Washington ritreet BostjV ..' JanttAj ... , :, Au norr iiesiuaule h rocu op Til E", OTTY. '1 good faith, sa is oiir iuUotio to move into our Kew ,, v- it-. ,,4 - :-- . W.II.aV R, . TECKER tV. CO. . - a it, TucTCTt a;co. V tO IIOXES MACV8 A damantius Cjoutea, in 201b, Ilotea Aha ta tub. 1 a. caruMta. 'iheee iuw the best Candida kauwri te tlie trade. PCLLIAM, JONES A CO, Oct r-it Karon lde, qUSAP to ehwe mnslpn went. " f " 1'IXUAM, J0NF.4 A Cd.-e23-tf j . VKOTHIUI srrival of lt FsmPv Flonr. ' I t U.iAil, JOJ.ES A CO. loc Jl-tf . a . i CANV'VI VARBTil , , .'.V ' Tt'HT In time for Christmas Fine Fancy Bout bona, a. bos. , a . sj Ladiea Cream hii.'k in 6 llw. boioe. 1'I LLIAM, JO.NE9 4 CO. ' Dee ai-tf : y , QTBCP by tlie liaml, aad another lot N. C. Huck O Wbeai fkMUV . , ee H-tf , , PCLLIAM, JOKES ft CO. V -4- ' Z.. . For Sale. S. C. Buek Wheat JC A larce lot of beet Cheeee Family lonr of the beat quality, .. -Cleat rib Becoa Hides. ..Collins Family Flour and ghlta Meal. .,. ' Balaina..and btrire bit tw,l Uinin uA fikl Wine, Cooking Y, ine a, Ale by the Cask, or Keg or la bottles. -. - , -ALS0 All grados of Sugar," Coffee t ud Ta, - " jrt'LLIAM, J0NF3 3c CO, Dec 5-lf ... Bffitrliee' Matches. JJT the Cross. TUIXIAII, JOKES A CO." iieezs-tr ' " IlllBtl FOfATOtt, A KD beat family Floor, limit roccircd end for aal by . riLLLAM. Ju.N'ta A CO. A"1 ""tr v VMioluaeie Grocers. cecstAM tirr am. IK large quantities, for h1 by " " . l'LLLUM, J0FS A CO. . Deo28-tf p holeaale tirooeia. ,f PEBtTUS Cl'AXO SIDSTITITE ! BA.XJOirB EAW BOXEIiSUPEE-PEOSPHATE tor ZtRADE MARKS Msnnfactftred uiiilcrtherrnntinla originated 'in 1-vTl '" Sud patented hy , ' . .. , . - 1JAUC3H Si. HONK, - 'r .. S01.B FaoanrfM, at vua . ' ; I Delaware Kleer rkemleal Warbe, I .' IHILADELTHIA, B. A. This old etaMlshd MANL'IIK Is Bianufscture4 from Boues that have not been burned or -M.-anit-d, and it conuins sll their original orenlo niatter. l! ' is active ia its oiieration, and ut a terulin-r of great - ' ditrahility. It (foes not ethane! the soil like I'i 1 1; 1 v., u Oiinno. Luton tjie eontrAry pernianeinly iu,t,ioe 11 " . I'mMiNia to JnBt . H was intrndtwied uito ti,n -. HaiUiern HtXea to eoneiileralile eilent, and SKafn in IHA.1, wiiertt it hue bet H ueed ailll relliaikal.lo klicenns iqartl . . - - r Cotton; Corn, Tobacco, and all Cropt a nai win amisiMW any planter of Ita nierita.-a. T I'aniphleie waitaming well'-kiiewn Menthent evi.leiiea , turmanmt nuoa niioliratnin to New k r l'inU.1.,1. - phta oiiici e. . ........ . - ur, Horn h iitaiees In all ti e prhi.-ipal ettles ami f ' 1 lowiia lhimiKhoiit the l'int-. ritalea and UritnU . i. - Province. . . . ' BAUGII EONS, Sol MAJit-f'AMfVni llll, v OBIre, . HeMlk Itelaware Aoear. ' I'lDLAIiELI'illA. B.UCH EHOTKISS & Co., 1 ' " . oraaaAt. WH'l.ml.s Aot.ra, . .. - fa SAia ar jauks M. riiu.i La 1 i;li, A, IL Jau. 4 - dw.i.w.tin. " ( . nr iitespfodyimrt "''"' ' ' '' "rliiliKure rn. , Z,s leriiiiitcnt reirr.or v.t 1. hiii. mid Pever., O ' J.cmiliaat l.y.r. r JZSbZTiS ' f I o .1 1 a I A VNV J ,' "'' or ti li i -V;- 1 one Itt4it lu-, and Bllle 'everel lers , for the whole cIami 01 uiAeew-a deraniremeiit, ceueed .by the uie,.iia of UilSbUiMlO eotiniriea. , . 1 hie retneilr baa rir, ly failed to cure the ...v...-. eae of thiua atel fever, ami it hua !).. 1,1-1.1. .jaJHUJHuli rA. 1 nn ia ti t it a i-the e,aw,'l4t wfhiHt- Witr w the pAtfl-rif!'1" it coii- litine ni i inn ur otioir H.,.ot.i-iw aol.-Af.-- Alueatt pruuuue aw.i c a-ia-ii.iM.unui nvrt w (rrrr, whsama t l"IM'aOt li, Irn.j t,nj u,a trr it atid sn a ill eii.li rN t!M.e an-i t...-1-a ' J n-nared hy 4. C. AU.Ii A )., jin V, 159- :3trrt.'T--' 'Williarai Haywoed, P. P, PeKUd, Eal- t'rVTT C BtiJ IelurfieerMi"y. - I;. c e if ' i ' '''.' " ' rIra. If. W. 3HLLI:R' IIOtSE 13 REPAIRED AND RE OPENEP. 1 .Ttuntilnf friends f past pstronsge, aha lej ewituinanee. 1 . ' 1 Jaa -iW .'-; . , ' ... j......-"'.' -7 : : . t TV- 7 1 ' "1 -. A j V A V