7 3 -A, z THE SIIUHEL .... ...-.-.f 1 . ... 1 Tuesday Evening, Jan. , .lJV v ,, ytic to 8ubacriber.t. Th tlin of number u oaf eubsmbrr Iu. ' expirsd. They hve .died I reiiew though twv tided. iftrt tliit poe, the yptv will bwii1 j:Hinued tfciuch at hsve fiu'ed to psy, out. , , , mLA,S iha tiiteUaaitH t- be Mlicd.t0p do thie, but nfeeasity ia.laid ups u. v. . '. ' " , 1 .. - ."of. i-" .' ' Belief for the People. Tbe eoner-eueerel the BiesBber of, the Ig lslstare, among themselves end with the people, seem to beve fixed d-wlded iuspressioa, that th universal imrit of wieinjf under the Ca-, venik-n tray Yiwpmiil&JnifS&iLzjtirittibit eeavicn, buU cesettdly Moommml sod prw pared, ra presented on yesterday ia the House, Mr Latham, ot' Craven, which. HmlU the iurlsdiction. o the .Court and Superior Court, and prevents sH ct lor the present k , -tort of debt, and vret ms progr pi juog MUM Mil execution, we lieiie'v. Tbe'blll will possibly meet with opposition, bat from what we can learn, the Mj if o tully convinced that the condition of the people dcniSuds extra - Dwam of relief, that nothing but a strong " remedy wiir "meet Hip Casi, W should noTW surprised if the bill paaae. On of tb meet encouraging Ifw f the tint, to the WUSred by Mr-MeKy,--'f Cumberand, aulhorixlng a loan of ft 0,000,000 ot f old ill i Europe, by llio State, end the estab lishment of Siring Bank. Tb bill i care fully draws and well guarded, and iu provia. ioMia bo wis conflict with the government banking act. K-v ; " " . What fat people need it money. Much of the enterprise of out people ia curbed for the aat of It. It ia for Uiia raoei eloaa, thai both public end private indebtednee cannot be can celled without general dittres end rurB.'J'We are aMored that the projactpre of thU Wl!,iTe, neati(actory !Tidenc9 tlt the loea can be efV fectedioKMopeoafeTonbieterme.- Tbelprea ' eat state of pu bile sffai'n, la reference to reCoa atractiea, night eaoae tome i delay, fmt ehotfid ear boriion become c1ewjr the i thiug will be , aeily accempti)tad.' . . Our talgrem give the Intereeting intelligenee that after a aharp eootet on j eater day in' the Honae, the blJJ q! Mr, tena wae referred, to ' the rrfeonetrucfion committee) by a' decided tote, which Mr. Steven! affirmed, wa:ytanta oaot to ita dcitructloB. The colored radical beet ia thi ctty, tsiut take back ita cheering , wonnael to ite frienda. The terrltoriaJiaing eehema we judge ha played out,' and Holdea ia again ia the mud. f,""i . . ; Tta Betag. 'T:!..T":. th7VebMeege"oi (he IVeeidehr-6w the Colorado bill. It will be seen was sent In on yea- terday. The facta disclosed hv the :Preeitleft, , present the conduct of those members of Con-; ' grass who voted for it, in no envlabla light. It was loreed npoo the country la opposition to a " majority of the people of the territory whose population la only one-fifth of the usual Bum ' bar required for the ail mission of State. What Will not blind partylsin ksd men to I Fomey'i Bpeculationi. ": The Washingtoa correspondent of the Phila delphia Iitqvirtr, Is responsible for the follow- ing: : ' ' ' The lo-ealled Ooverhor "Vaiice, of North Carolina, aay he ha assurances front the Pre. . id eat that the Supreme Court will recognize the Southern H la tea, and declare that the legislation of the present Congrea is Invalid.' . W have po poiitivu information upon the abject ut we bsrrd little in saying, that the : whole statement i fulirlcTitlori. JIjuUis upon months, if not years, have elapsed sine Gov. ' Vane saw President Johnson, and we are in clined to the opinion that any correspondence which may have' occurred between them, baa - been entirely confined to Gov. Vance's own 'personal matters. 'Gov, Vance is closely en gaged in hi profession, and any attempt to ooonect him in any way with political, move ments, dea him injustice. If, however, at any time, tb Pri-aident haa made any remark' to him, which we do not believe, bearing upon the eiolus of the South, we are turn it would not have found Its way into the newspapers. ! Tha BUndard'i Falaehooda. - Hotden has become so debased, It would seem be Cannot.apeak.tha truth, were-he-to try. Lie suit bi present dlubollcal purpose! faf bet ter tha tfJUK-and (Aof are likaltffMWjWf office. la for this reason tliat we hare of late seldom noticed his aaaertiont or statemeota. . They are so glaring, they carry with (hem their own refutation. The last number of hi paper bound in falsehood. " Hence wej pass' over -what be eayt of Gov. Worthor the 'Bmtintl or itaditnr. ' ill attaekt are perfectly harmlesfc Ia Xorth Carolina they know him thoroughly, and It seemt be Is beconilhg well known in WashlngtotW - TIT has mnlif 4 Tiia l.jlli among the Radicals, and they will let him go. We regret to leara that Mr. Jone Bpeoeer, tbe 8ator elect from Qyde and Tyrrell, at tbe last! accounts was very ill at borne, having also lost bis wife, during the irecewr This accounts for hi absence from hit place In the Senate. Hyde sever bsde tertepwsenUtfvayjw a mor -weltfee Sd 6fate SenilOT from thi; CoHnty of Rockinjjbsin, o&inmSf&gZ:& -fiiHhe ucv44oui dt brrM aiafroTW Hand.' ' . ' ' '' " '" . "," (Sot. B.aon, " Marylami, ha been, elected U. S. Senator frdm that Stat f"r ail' year. He wu alecled on tiij tfc tsiJot " ,, ' l gwine are much more eobjfct t diieaee 1.UMF .mostperaoneJfflaiwaMJhX whoeat awiarara much more interwted i-th 'mtwf3Xom of their- health; tbanie generally eoocured. any of the d of nwnkjnd, w imairiae, original iu " the 6onumjtkin of iiahealtby aimrt Jtoml -If to, hia important that all BoimaUab'iild,bei" i perfectly benlthy tale, whew slaughtered Tfrftbod. . On tha aubieetof the dijeeeee of twjra, the last Daotllle Tttiul Ubfiihe a letter frron ... Hr, Kewp iWattw-e-Wlra:taCT , . .. . , t.T.-.fj"t etperienro in their manajjemeiit. hat tlie tereraleaf aiea "thtt Htr jftuwwg hog, generally ealled cholera, i B binjr. bat fcrer, ,.II classee the dueases oi tt"s measiea. farer. manire. murrian or JeprVwy and lie has cnesd a oumlx r afllictcd with Tom r so-callsl cholera, .wjlfc the fullowiuu prescrip- ipa : not .tja-(ifi4 eljipiriJi of tlrptiDfa one Uble spoooful of castor oil, and one table spoonful of sulphur, to beftiven, as soon ss the disease appears, and tu.be 'refwwted trecruently ! (' '!.' , ii f t - i Ten Wimtk a Waaatixnow. r.i-Wuth iraicty and amnaemeot hare been indulged tt'i,wintr at Washington, amid the eufferinir and gloom which Derradee the' eonetry.' rV "the world ! The editor of the Old North fltaU mjH the North Carolina Coramiwion attended tlxt'rnii- iJetirslereo and tbal auioog ail the diStinguiah- ed gtiesta who gracedi the occasion, none' were more courtly and dignified 'than; We, associate CM! Bedford BfWft.Vf.i1fwwbeTongsten g and class, of which the pfeseftt genera tion has bot few imitator ; Fubltc men of this age are fast deterioratlox. few have the ftiigh bearing, the integrity and straight forwardness oi our fathere. . ).! . ' - For the Bentinnt. .:Eau.oed ftMLr.v.,,, 5 ;. Ml' The last Legislature, in view of the decreased business in the Courts, consequent upon the stay law, and the decreased jralue of. the circulating medium, paeeed an act increasing the pay of clerka, witnesses, and jurors, fifty percent, with the understanding that this per cent, should be taken off when the currency sliould again ap proximate gold esltis. This .WHl rffeht In priti ciple, because alt these fees were intended orig inally to M n zed at tne specie ttamtard. Uut the eenata or the present'. Assembly ha .passed bill to reduce the pay of clerk, juror and wltneesee to the old rates, or making their fee from 89 to 60 per cent, below the specie stan dard. . W ae yet to see what the Iluase of Commons will do in regard to thisliill. The member pi the OenerLJA!(!jnl!y--ta! ereassd their wt pay from .three to six dollar per day. u8auce lor the goose is sauce for the gender," . A vynJCSSi . j 'aawe.:.' " CAE01I5A LEQISLATUHE. "1"'. h 8EKATE. ! " TcaeDaT Horning, Jan. 89. . The Senate was ealled to order at 10i o'clock, 'rrayevTryxne ev. nr. Atkinson ot u free- byterian church. TTTt naroBTs or committee. . t. . 'i . . . . . Mr. Cunainirbam, from, the committee--on Propoaitiona and Orievaocea, to whom was re ferred sundry paper from the Ladies' Memorial Association: of Richmond' Y asking for an ap propriation to aid in marking and protecting the grave of North Carolinian who fell in the lata war ana are tiuriea near menmuod, report ed at tome length and recommended the pass age ot a resolution appropriating one thousand dollar from the Treasury of the State not other wise appropriated, and that the Governor be authorised to forward the aaid sum to the prop er authority, otitain a receipt tor tne same, ami make a report to the next General Assembly. ' Mr. Gash, front the committee on Claims, to whom waa referred' a Ttitl for the relief of 4be estate of the late U O B, Branch, recomuisnded Ita paaaage. .- -"1. " M.-vrr? f - By the same, a resolution in favor of 0. Per ktnt, reported adversely. j j -; j i'4 BU.la A D BESOLUTIOK. .' -,:' ' Mr. WlUey, a resolution lntavorol the Sher iff ol Gate county. Pass- d Itaaeveral readiugt uoaer tne upenion oi wit rules. . ., , v . i Mr. Wilson, a bill to incorporate the Cleav tand Mineral Spring. Kelerred to the commit tee on Cotporatiuna. j-i. Mr. Matthews, a bill to change the juriadio tion of the courts and the aianpcr of pleading therein. Ordered to be printed and referred to (be committee on Proposition and Grievan ce. : ... f. i 'I., - ! I " On motion of Mr. Etheridge, the rule were uspended and the bill to amend an .act for the better, regulation of . the town ot Jackson iu the county of Onslow, was taken ud and unused it several reaaing. A message Wae received from the House pro posing to raise a Joint Select committee ou the subject of sins fi adjournment, which was inid on the table. - ' . tnrmraHXD busikiss. . Bill to protect property aold under execution from sacrifice;,' came up and Mr. Cowlee offered an amendment, (brovided Ihia act Joea jiuii Include debt contracted auica the lt oi ilav 186S.) on motion the ye and pst , .were U . win lues omma in amendment. rrovj- del, that this act ahall not aotily to notes or jeVtrtenocorTreurTieIdy tiuartlians. Adiuio- lstratorsor Executors of detancd perionras such, unlea the creditor or heir to aaid estate hall be compelled to receive said property as a part or whole of his claim, at the -price said Guardian, Adoiinistrator or Executor may have to pay for tbe same Md tlieproKnTjf-tb7J act:) &lf.;Lech bpposeil this amendment in a speech st length, and argued that tire chief merit of tbe bill in iu original form, is it pro tection to the widnifisnil rrrhsiH uf illl Umd soiaiera, Mr. Love replied, that WeXsvmoathies we're with that claae of people ; he bail been I blessed With the honor of acting with those brave men, but he was opposed to any measure that looked to repudiation, or that wae calculated to "dis grace and injure the credit of the Btste. He had oflere the amendment in good faith and hoped it would be adopted, The ayes ami nays were then railed .end it w . rejected lby vt nmaMnti.. th;e(riibtt.r;.lhiIM'iJii' 'imtTcmohiriiUiedrfL'ailauu siuwidnive'tHW,! and etrttritvfOTtberThcomtriV,T 'ih1. - S;.'T JfeJtt JkdhW Sieeajet ef Eorv iteodia thatrf -tfreriiarr ytmfltiiVttwTmf: onTBe Yadkin KveiTtalrisn, T . not willing tffgWe three-fourth' he ought not1 a. Iisaswo la 1 ' t -1. 1 of thr amendmenrr eld that il th. bill pL" DS,wr'PatM ean wiff make in iu present condition it would destroy every , wdCape Fear river navigable from Proa Sioer m the Btale, and he believed It to peiity to Wilmington, ; by Introducing the water UBeonjtilutional, beyond doubt, Th que.aUcn ornt the Yadkin. , , btini on the adoption of the amendmaat it wae rejected, ; air. A Terr thea QfTured to amead 1 V.. ; .. 2i J ..I T-l. ,Li, ij luraiiuiiiJmfMii, ua um WK mil tf. when such peraoa or perapne ebaU bs plaio- f j but aucb person so acting in a fiduciary ca uacity, alialt lM ienn,itted to parchaae property in the name of prnsooa entitled to the beueflu of the estate,, subject to the approval of the Court of -plea and quarter aeasioes.U he shall make pavraenU tuerelor, iu eridenoee uf i debtedneM held in the names ot the peraoa or 4pwo it whom he k acting; Mr" Icb ovfKi the smt-odintnt, heliering t woiii'i tltairuv the bill. Mr. A very insisted ie di iriTd Ihe aineadment was tout. The nnrtiinn aritimt.nn.iha naasag nf the bill llull arose ami aaid-he had o t iucejuled to Say -j anythlcg, bat tiie disriMMon bad placed those who" bad opposed the bill in a falne position. Nfi man more deeply srmDathixcd with the -Vi4'Hsaiyt-orphas4rf ducnaed slUera than ldmaeir and those who voted with aim, ana none would go further in helping tbem, but he had been iiifluenced by differeet and higher motive yliBJleiievef Ti unconstitutional and woold be iiyiHoua to public and private credit. Alter some t'urther eiplaaatioo, the vote ' was taken and, the ayes and nays being called, re sulted as follows: : ij ... Yt. M.r. Ailama, Elattle, Barnes, Berry, Brown BuIlucV, Clark, Covington, Copies, Ciiunlnyliain, E.lwar.la, Etheridge, JTereboe, llarrja, of franklin, Johnston, Jones, Kelly, Koonce.Leuch, Ive,' I.toyd, Marshall, Jtat Ihea. Mrlnjv Moore. Pawhal. Perkins. Ilteh- 4rd(n,.Hnead, Sped, TbHpaoay Thornton, Wt&n, WHley and Willlui Nat. Jfr Avery, tiaah, Hall. Harris, of Wilson 9. . , , v Mf. Joftcrmovcd to reconsider the vote of yesierilny on the liomestetd bill.s Mr. ;Hall moved that it be Lud on the table. Before the noestion was taken. Mr. Paschall moved an edjiHmi&Mttit awl the Senate adjoumsd, ? HOUSE OF COMMONS " V . i i i Tcaaiuv, Jan, 89th. 1847. The House waa ottlM to order at Half Past Ten o'chx-k. - .'"' "' ' Mr. Itnsa rose to a personal explanation, rel ative to hi vote fur 1 , 6. Senator at the last session. He stated that Mr. Pool bad deceived hiujaa' p In viea-e concerning tbe Howard amendment and Hundred matters, and ba tow regretted the. vote he bad given on that occa sion. ; .' :.-'-.-.- , r. - .. ' y t '. ( .Mr. Ttuss' remarks will -appear to-morrow. Jfessrs. Itoirer and Perrv. of Wake, endorsed the statemenu of Mr. Kuae. alletrine that thev also bad been deceived a to Mr: Poot viewa ia tjie premises, end regretted having voted for him.. ! i. ',. ,r( -,..-1' ;.. i' -.' - i. ' lit Henry defended Mr. Pool as a consistent opponent of the Howard ameadmsnt, and a man of honor, . . .. t . , , . :. Sundry reporta' were, made- from Standing Committees, which will be noticed in detail hereafter. . ''-.":'' J )nhl Am BBot.rmoii.1-T'- .-r By Mr. .Waugb, Resolution proposing 'the call of a Constitutional Convention, ) Referred tf the Committee on Federal Relatione, st? . By Mr. Horton ot Watauga, a resolution of enquiry addressed to the Judiciary Committee, relative to the status of Freed men, etc . Jtefer red. j-(.ji4b-s ii" t .:, ,i 4 By Mr. Jluss, a bill la relation to Banting on tne rwoostn. - . R-Mr-tloi.li'K- m r-r.rrr-(At.-Ai ;!, Ricklngham and Henry Railroad Company. Q y Mr. Horton or Watauga, a bill to authorise A. Mc Bride, sherifl pf Wataugajo poiiect arreata uf taxe. ...... By Mr. Draw ford of Macon, a bill to incor porate the American Industrial Association of North. Care-lin Also, a tyll for the relief of purchasers of Vacant lands in the county of Aiacoa. . ... . ... -i , ;.if t..v. r By Mr. Chadwick, a bill to subject to entry tne l ami covered by the water of Long Lake U the county of Craven. ..-- . . - By Mr. Davis, a bill in relation to Deeds of Trust and Mortgagee. ' : , . CH CSLCMPAB B1LM OH SBCOSD KBADIlfO. : A bill to repeal certain acta, heretofore paa ei, aeuning me powers or tne county courts, In levying taxes for county purposes, was, laid on tbeywHe. ..'.'::.. y -y . . A bill to amend the charter of the Albemarle Swamp Land Companv. Passed its 2nd and 8rd leading. '.". - r , ' . T na Special Order for 13 o'clock to-day, oeing me uevenue Din, it naet Ita nrst readinir. and wae. then postponed until Thursday next, on motion ot Mr. Harper. i A bill to amend Hcc. 71, chapter 81 of the Revised Code, passed its second readine. : (In-. creasei the pay of witnesses to $1.00). A Mil to protect tionest debtors, wu laid- on the table on second reading. - A bill to exempt certain article irom execu tion was also laid on the table. A bill to abolish imprisonment for debt, waa discussed. Messer Dargan, McKay, Latham of Washington, Richardson, and Latham of Cra ven, warmly supported.it, and it was opposed by Mr. Long, It was amended and finally referred to a iielect committee. v- -A fnesanire was received from the Governor " transmitting a petition from citixens ot Gran ville county, praying the eetablishment of a warehouse at Henderson, N. C., for the storage or i opacco. ana tne appolnuuent ot Inspector. Bent to the Senate. . .,, ' . The House then adjourned. i- (Mr. Waugh was reported erroneously on ves- yesterdajr, favoring the resolution of Mr, eeoiea, to. ssk tue opinion ot the Supreme Court as. ttt the paaer ef ihe.Lfjtielatum. to mt vt-ntion. r vvatipn opposed tbe resolution and voted against it. I - Where' 1 the Higher. . , "...A Radical aheet aay a : . . , . i'We have had the Republican victory-ow where, the nigger r. V Co to yonr store, and vou ftef' irom eichteen feiTwenfyBve leenU" worth ot nigger Tn. every yam 01 iiiusiiu you ouy; irom ten to niteea cents' worth of nigifer in even, yard of calico your wife and children nae ; frrrm eight to six ttniiars worth ol! nigger in each barrel of flour your family consume ; twenty-five cent worth nf nigger in each pound of coffee you purchase ; from eight to ten cent worth of nigger in each pound of sugar you buy to weetenit. Ton'U find a (mall bit ot nigger -in' your box of match' e, andN considerable nigger ia your plug ot tohacmV You can eat nothing, wear nothing, taie nothing or have nothing that ie not Snore or lea affected by the miserable nlfrgeriih that baa ayjetroMed theenjmtrv tmcfl t)if Abatr jaix, enttrt4 toy jy aeiigttTv.". 1 1 -i"jrr ri-TfEr-r-rs-rrrrrTr - tww'',m""wf - ,!!5!.TO a cnarter mmI irosa i'tv. on Deeo riVer. in Moore county! Th. wtl' m aaoao ii'rrtAGK. ' JTh tamtori) suftraira r, II w ,ich vu tint. X?&th?-?T! "a aignature on the ihtkfMne, ,4, Thomas . Oreen 12th Instant, haa, it i UBderstood, become a ia w nb nule from VVirrWnion, cnlndy Dtlit isTr.. without his iignature. This bill provide that i'wt., Sir 45 Guar" in Um artli. year bt-r '' there shall hereafter be no distinction ol race or1,"- Wrth of tins truly CTiimmlfc im ! a Enk color in the right of auffiraga i. U-'Tecrit - . . - ., - i A letter was received ). Ihia ijily ta-dayirtaa a broker in .New Vork, whose name and addre (saa be turniahed. and who is vouched lor as re J liable, charging that 1 the sum uf T0j)QQ. arualen.pmimt lf. th t- aaoacnued among the. drorers m that city to induce ths offerini? of impeachment resolutions "itBTla 'tTduseV.. Hie intW tvM l one broker ho admits hv?, subscribed 5,000. Ai doc not appear that any money was ever . paid. WaskuifUm jMUr. . . ' X : , ..... si Extract from a letter of the correspondent of the Baltimore OatU ot the 24th inst. The visit of Ooverobr Orr, of Jdulk CaroUaj, and several other prominent- Southern geotle utea to the Metropolis ba revived speculations aa to compromise. I am fur from thinking that the Radical leader could -be induced' to favor any practicable plan of settling tbe difficulties which now distract the country. Their purpo se are widely different Every act and word of tnesr pointedly exhibit, va'.her a Arm determi natioa to interpose every obatacle in the way of a peaeerul solution t the Sistmg emliarwvd aeclioaal relations.! There can. lie no 'doubt, however, of the great anxiety of ttieHouth tlint perfect anion and harmony should be restored to the Whole country, not that, they Would be willing to aacriflcj much to bring about s de sirable a reeult. It will be recollected that Judge Chase, in a speech fa made in Philadel phia some months airo, favoring the adoption of the. lmos 'Contitutionah am. ridmeut," sug gested the propriety of some offor bv the South, and that about the same time he Proposed to the President a plan of adjustnht based ujion the proposition contained-. hi Tuat amendment, with the substitution of impartial suffrage for the aeeosd and third aection. I understand that gentlemen now here, who are known to have the eon Silence ot the great body of the Southern people, represent that thi proposition of the Chief Justice would le cheerfully accep ted in any form vhiek Cangrtm my preterite ; or rather, (which embraced an additional con ceeaion) that the South would accept a the con dition ot aniversal amnesty and unrestricted representation. Impartial suffrage and represen tation according to the voting population. 1 mention these iacts, not in the bt-liet that any practicable resalt is ia the slightest "degree prob able, but merely to show the people oi the Worth tbe true attitude of the South, so that they may contrast it with tbe revolutionary pro gramma of the Destructive. '. X" Boathern Pot Offlcei and the Supreme ., !-!. ! - i-oun decision. . 1 ,, ; ,. . It is understood that Postmaster1 General Randall will, in the course of a lew d-rv, sub mit aa enqnlry to Attorney iooeral .Stan berry, as to whether or not tbe into decision by the Supreme Court of tbe unconstitutionality of the "iron-clad" or test osth, relieves persons of the disabilities which they have heretofore been laboring under, on account of sympathy or participation in the late, rebellion, wind enable tbem to quality aa postmasters by taking the loruier prescribed oath f mcto jmppor t " the! Union and tbe Constitution and for tbe iaitfatul performance of their dutiee.-- Should .the Opin ion of the Attorney General be in accordance with (be exprsation everywhere entertained, h will go las sowarda reopentng-sererat -rhnaTOnd poet omcea ta tue Southern States, .which, ewlog to the "feet oath have been closed, and the government oi the large amount ot revenue aocruing therefrom, when in active operation. rV'osAuiytoa Centitutioiud Cat , 234, int. ' -a1 m RaroRTiD Vuwa of BacBjtTiax Stahtob ok Tb BrrCiTioa. The WashingtJn ' correspon deatof the Boston Poit sends the following to that Journal t "' '".''' -4". ..j..... t , i "Hon. John Covod called upon Secretary Stanton yesterday, and there endued a long and friendly discourse on the statu of the country. Mr. SUnton appeared very desirou of discussing the current event of national import, and ex pressed himaell freely. He confessed that from the very outset tbe disputations of the executive and legialativ brancbee of the Government had censed him tbe liveliest alarm, which, since tbe 'movement toward impeachment, had Increased to an apprehension ol revolution and anarchy. The burden of bis remark was ia regard to cer tain acta of the President and Congress.- and he pointed gloomily to the deleterious tff-ct of eacn upon tne nation. la parting w ith Covode, Mr Stanton remarked t "I aided to place two million of men in the Held to put down the re hellion; three hundred thousand' have bitten the dust, and an equal number arc- cripples throughout the land; and yet, with all this tre mendous effort and corresponding sacrifice, the country in my judgment, i shsdowed with the gloom of a darker hour than wa Incident to ny eni of tne late war." - This latter expres- Inn nf If. llt.H,m. ... Il.i. ...1.1- ; - ... mm-v- . iii-uw. viKi.airaii.iTtl me WHn scrupulous eiacntunt by a gentleman -minutely acquainted with every circumstance in the prem iaea, and who further avere that the Secretarv seemed completely unmanned a he uttered the last remark, and abruptly turned from hi visi tor to conceal his emotion." . STrit' Bfix Wht hi Talk o - With. DUAwino IT.- The seemlns check received yea Jerday in the Hons bv the Rmlieala - in-rjipti WIWCr-wmrwfrWvWuTW . - . ... . . ..to tonelof resolution recently Bereeotible in the S?bI,' pracked tit jiurukulu . .,10. rwsiataoce in tue mease Ol tbeDeo- pie, Atowever, ' , ' . , ' "We have soothed ths snake, not killed H." . Although Mr. Steven acknowledged the present deleat of hi pet .measure of. practical revolution, let not the public therefore infev Tnt" the extreme element If powerless. The machinery of caucus dictation, I learn, will again be invoked, and it may be successful, as in tne case oi aaniey i proposrtinr) r(r ITT-seh menu In some-form, a practical demonstra tion, capable of initiating a conflict and general rupture of the peaceful relation of the country, would stem to be inevitable, a the Radicals are (Irmly impressed with the idea that Nothing short of another physical collision can enable them to perfect their plana for tbe overthrow of republican government, and eubsiituting in iu tead a military despptisnvrXeffer in Baltimore Qaaetie, "" 1 . . WMM$mii J40ieisaw:snyfasJ--aey instructed Senator Truro biili to reportTiack the -amendment to the Contiturtoir;:-tntB!Bt8cetTv' .8flntorWada,-xraviding tht the Pieaideid. tb United mate shall not be ehVibie f.,r a ffond terrn. It j changed sumeaTisv fftthe ortgrtrsr, ana Is In effect as follows ; No nerson who, by virtuf aieetion to the otrirrtif President or Vice President, ha field the office of President, shall be eligible to either of uca offlcea. ' --', i,; ' . . DIED. ' ". ' ilk;. ..Jra. 11.iitl Pitt fW' nn tl 1 ... . .. u - ajtt ii. i.u ..-T, ' m, a t jnoiiiiir-H(.!l, lona. i;ututt ever smshhw, (o her in. ;., kind, turbexrinK and indutseut; and to her nciL-itbora am- .lid jnd slihamg. JlnLUiusKS wssxesllj.. iriuitis toaii,-amlhr ri-k-tvliip fc iiirwlwwyiW kind sd rt.nr, t VsJoaMta aweamsaanyryeala yh (lit- Lapiutt duiM'iituiatitju of hruaii 11(1 IPX- niaj hfr ffien'fj n.mr.i..l autl hfj.: virtiwa, be lu!:!auik' k. MEW ADVETISEMNT8. LOOK OUT LOOK IT? T H M IiAUJILr: JS BKUST RD jv'crx TJX ATCOUTi - . ' :' - nrascG iiiMBiu A BK 1HKM IF "J-TIKy WILL KEI-b WAMftl'fTA pnuuiai 121 e per yd. 1 , hi riwmini ! I . ITllIlip Aileu a, iraru a IiutHiell a and Aineriwu priuu at 15 e. j-r yd., koo.1 My lea, aaod qualityand good enloura, Hue rmuid fdread ana well cumpKeted. - Ak Ihe K-iitliuen if thev U1 se.ll heavy i-i Drowa DonifiBue at 1 e. ueryd V , Ak Iheui if they will irll New York ' Milla -l Bleaeheel Uonwuuc at 85 e. per yd. ; ask Uie (rtiDtlsowsif tncy will aU Uanuiutia and Lonedala -t llkae,hed Uouiestios at e. Ask them if they will sell powdersd, and crunhed suifar si 14e. par lb. Ak them if ihey will acll Bio Coffee at 23 e. pcrtti., ?,27l trtlcte " 4u1 K'Sius, NOT ltotKS, BIT 4Ar r II they will sell them at the above prices they are cheap, if tliey will not, leave immediately. ; A FEW WORDS TO MY FRIEXD3 AND y CUSTOMERS. I advertised in the early part of the season tliaft would sell good aa cheap, as Yankee, Jew or (.lentile, oat Uoaaea not excepted aa oheap a he who had pakl Io his aoods, or ever intended to pay for them And 1 here tak the phvueirs to sav, that I think my customers will bear ma out when t say, 1 have done so in almost every instance, . I uld the people to 'ecms to Creech'a," to buy their Koode they have come, and they are still com iiiR and 1 think they will pardon me whsn 1 say they have ahovu their good judgment. - 1 now tell them to "coius to Creech1" to buy their good.'. - J- :. . I duu't advertise my goods st Now York t'ot-l intend to repraaent my goods to you ia a fair and audiuhl way, and sell them folly aa cheap aa iy su cuiled Coat House. And I hers say to the ae-called cost gentlemen, if they paid what they charge their customers for goods, I ulriw them to go baek to the Liosnfe man and urrender their hoens. Oo back to tour Land-lords' sod ask them to' take nak yonr houwi, and proclaim to ths world tliat yuu hav miawd your calliug, and are not til fur merchants. 1 eoiuproniiaed my debt that 1 owed North befur' the war, by paying them atone hundred eeuts in the dollar. ... ... . . . ' ..- , , ' Let them start their opposition let them all talk. But "come to I reech'," to bay your goods: You will and me at B. Bmith'a corner, ready andjfrilling at all tunss to serve yon right. '--' ' . A. CREECH. Jan 29-O.H47. - . . ' Progresis eopy t bmea. --; JXTELUGEXCE OFFICE. fflHE SUtWCRIBERg HAVE FORMED A COPART- jl -nerani hipanderthe firm or Bragg & Hearlt, for thsT of supiilyiiur Farm Laboraira and Mouaw Ber rery roasonable rates. ' I -purpose ol vaniaai very insv axe prtrtwl to mus-eonu aeta ftir 3rmT. and others who bir laborers throogh them, and to toward Farm Uaada to any part of tha Stats, mtaraec ted by Bad itoatl audBusuu bust onmmiHiiiiation - " They will: else attend- to th oollecUon of accounts. The renting and selling of Heal Estate. patronised, and promise their nndivided attention to ad who need their arrise& They may bs found for ths present at Mr. L , BearU'e Store, where they will be glad to see parties having business with them. 'i'asr Keteb to Hon. Tboa. Bragg, L. E. Heartt, P. Pescud, and the leading Merchants and Bankers of Raleigh, ,". .7. - H.BRAOO, Jsn-H7-ltu ' I I. UKAKTT. PHisinviT'liorriCK, ) Wn-HcioTox k MAMCBxana R. R. Comtv, 1 .. WiLjriiioTOK, S. (;., Jannary 26tb. 1SS7. I TITE Wilmington and Manchester Railroad Company baa placed to the credit of its Third Preferred First Mortgage Bond-holdera, at M. K. Jesiip A Ca,- Broadway. New York, the semi-annual interest due on said UoaUs, Fteby. 1st, ib67. Holders of Coupons will pleaae-ooileot the same. HtMlXM. DRAKE, Jaaaa-it-UT Preaident. ' JJ ACHIXEHY roil SALE.. WK HAVE FOR SALE (6) DOUBLE Engines and Boilers, of thirty-hore power, eomplete. Thie machinery ia of the beat English manufacture, ALL SEW, and well adapted for aaw-milla or other nni-poeea, and we offer H for sale for greatly less than the cost of making it. , W invite thoae in want of such to an examination ot theas engine. ' ORBETL SANSON A CO., Jan SB-lOt 43 Broad at, Kew York. ' Pill V ATE BOARDING IIOL'SE. i PRICE OF BOARD REDUCED. . IfhivJ. "bora of the Assembly with good eeoommodatione by applying soon. Transient Custom will And it to their interest to give us a call. - - . ... JUBB. H, J. FE.NTUES8. No. 15 Fayetteill St CO yds. from th Capitol. Jw-.--81r--i2Std n "7 : w A ( T . Br an experienced, and a successful teacher nf Eur. Ush and Latin, a situstlon In a family or quiet ueigL- borbood. .. ' - Jan 2J-147-3t Warren County N. C. IJLMJ MM RJ JUS nB4i. !." ftE KEEP FTI.l. RTtw cvnWTwn.nT Wagon and Cart Spokea, Rime, Hubs, oali, Shafta axii ana nprrage, 1 oaeh ITiraming.Eiianialedt'loth, Dash. Collar and Hxrnese leather, t arred Part. MaJeSWe Caatinga, Plated Bands, Bolia, Tire Iron, Uig Trees. , Harws flara, Bneitlea, firta, Frontsi vi inkers Ornanienta. Rosstts. rw KunnAn. .. T.. Fad screws and Oehcful iiardwsn. Jan.U?-H I Newborns. C, 1 - wAI.Er 4 FINE lot ef lists to dose out very cheap; '' -,-.- . ICLLIAM.JONLoA CAROLINA BICE For sale by r ''.1 '..'' FlLLlAf,'JONE3 A CO ,' an li, Wtf Wboiesal Grocers. '..,;', . ... .-'.. " - GlNCJ:il,AtWriCB AND FINE LARGE. i BEHtt Itiiwu., iM i, J and whole boiea. , 1 ii, p 1 MAAA ,-.rfON RS fTTTir" JUitdeatjren!q 1 rt OTUan WlLS:iHMKier; do d"Ll QiIjiiidV- ipl.'l f An W.. vo tonsiirnment which we will sell low, Jan lti tf lU4UAt-A-f!PL J JLOIM f f ACK. S. fDJITH CTJB celebrated ''WeidW JW.MilU''itffaimly and Suparfln I lour, grriv 3. this day ' MTJATIO!tf VTAXTED, H X BY gentleman, who teaches the Enghsh hru. and Latin. He haa 'seen aerriu'F u a lTT andcaa rtar ta any of bis former patrons. lourni, EMORVBTtT. . Warren riauia; Wama ( JanStl'laMt i-77? ' - ri It E COTJ PA V I ES. MAroBsomr j Eil-aoa, Jan. , bef? -flldB c,tijii of Rnlntch am hrb; X tlinr iinncsa luemneis of tea ' fr . Vwtenteer-a s r 'r loiaj,.,, ntirmB-Weilinaiiay tli '-Uin. at Joiurr - lfthe praaexiW number has aot prrioolr ttIu,' iwad, s araft will bs mad oponlhs wtiwi niiiril . 1 u 1 j, m 11 rBTrrTTS-" "uVfleiEiit-jf: , - Jaa 23-lt tjw. I n l"0 KT A T A LE. a - Pv 1 WILL' BELL AT PUBLIC Alfrnnv r Town of Henderson; on Tuesday the Uih. Feta-oar! neat, rahiant-' .. . k , . irfunurat-turlngand Saw Mills; V "iltusWf within one mile of theTownrof Hendfrios ou a never failing, atream of water, which aObnU antBe,ient power to attach a Cotton Factorv if ehar should so desire. These Mills are new in enlleut working order ;they having beea'baui last year. Have btH-n ie auoceasful operation lor h I' ant nve mow ha, during which tuna tin Haw in a lone haa yielded an tncomo of about Ave thooatul dollars. . . - ' . . . . . ... 1 will rell with Mill, on hundred and fifty acne f heavy timbered land, aaid tuiber of aupener eualitv Abto the timbered of two huudr4 and nay aocee of laud, all f whn h is adjoining the Mill prupwiy VV Ul be sold st tbe same time, two good yoke of Oxen, on Log Cart, a aplendid pair of Mulea, oa two-horse Wagon and Harness, a superior lot afUoin. of iniyroved slock, and uaay other artklee too nuoul una ti mention, iacludiug one aett Blaekaautk tooii" Also, at the same time and place, two very valuable . Houses and Lot, ':y2:l ttuat.-a in tLe Towu of Henderson. , I feel no hesitancy ia pronouncing the aW an, C rly, aa valuable as any of the kiud in th Mate. apitaliata dcdirous of investing in property Uiat wiB ' fjuy, cau do no better than examine this property an i'sima made known en day of sals. P. R. MERRIMAN. Jaiia8-tda-Hg ? '' . .... f. -JZ!f: Hardware at 41 rayettcvlllo Street fi KtKsNaiUasrorUdframltoSOd I Horse and Mule 8hoea and Hhoe Kaila. - -. ; " Mill aaw, Bastard fuse and Jtaapa. -f - - , .: Hpadea, fchovela and Harden Kakea. ' ' . With a general aaeortnieat of Hardware and Cat lery. ' ,. i. ..... - ' ' y J. BROWN, . Jan28-tf-U ,-.., mth Hast A Lewis. 1 lO BWHELU COLLIN WHITS M1AJ- se lVLs!5bbls.Cdluls Family Ftoor. IT LLiAil, Jo.t R8 A CO. v: Vi holeeal Ureoere. ' - Jan 18 tf "THE MOULD- IST. qmE ATTENTION OF THS PfTBUO W WTlTib -X to the claims of TUSt JsVssMi.D" as oa ef the leading publis journaU of tbe country. It is ths chief organ of the Democratic pwty of the United btates, and the loretnont advocate vl the immediau restoration of the Univn., lie highest merit ooaewte 1 in its character as - - An cnterprlin and Trustworthy Newspaper. :. -The next year bids fair to has mor critical one ia t his' or y of our free umitutiona, than even any of the eventful onee that have preoeded it The flrss requisite fur an intelligentjudgmept of public atauw 1 ia a full and anthentio account of facta as thsy aiir. These Ths Womld alwaya aims to gn with ' mnw'ieniiios accuracy, and with, equal fuUMsa waa nd-UtJ...w.huthai:. Ihey nishe-iue-ar -giwst a. m Aiu4j puUu. pohcy. prompt activity ia anreadiu " ix nire its reaora every kind of new la which aay part nf the public takes an iiilereet, is ths Aral date of a newspaper, snd the facilities of Ta W ou lot diaebargiuK thm obdiratinn are nnanrnsjssut h. ik -of any journal ta the United States. WhaUver alas il ' may lad 10, it certainly will - not fail to furnish ths news, nor to supply it with such promptitude, spirit freshness, abunuance. variety, aceuraey, and candor that no class of readers esn mine anything of ie tenet which they wish to hud. Ta Woaue will pohusk docutoeuta and argument prepared by political fosa juat aa froely aa1 those prepared by political friends , malting its own comments on them, of eowsa, bet , nevor auppreaeing or garbling them becauas thay an f calculated to damage its own paHy. Advaras aisw uienta which it canoot refute, it ia content to leava to make their full impression. Tax Woatn adopts thai rule because it believes no other is honest : bsoassa it oonseiva that iU first duty to its readers is to ksep tbem thoroughly informed on every passing enbjeet of importance. ' TERMS.' ' ; " WEIILT WORLD. One Copy, one year, . Four'Comea. 011a vMr. s ttw - im MO KM Mt W , MM -SOW Tep Copies, one year, A 1 "cuir ojpiea, to one addreee. Fifty Copies, " " " 8EMI-WEEKXI WORIJ). On Copy, one year, ' Four Coplea, one year, Ten Copies, one year, . 7K: . DAILT WORIJ). One Copy, one year, 110 M THI W0BID, ii JV Rom, Jfm Terk. Jaa U-li3:tf I WATKU P0WEB AND MllL. T WILKIREU,T "JBU0 ACCTION. AT THI X Court House hi Graham, AU-,B Cowoty . C, ou Tuesday. March 6th. at 13 o'oloek. the falaasta property , known a ths . CO MP A NT MI LLBff, COVSISTI0 OF A LARGE rjlCK ITLOTTKIIVO MIUU WltH AIXTJlBJIC?kmt MACHIIf11T- - - Cirenlai -Saw-Mill and Machinery, Dwelling loess snd Out Houses, Bridge Sao Feet Long Aeroas Haw Biver, with about . 40 ACRES EXCELLENT LAND. ...... 4a Watnr yawsv at jru eawu t Im'in m wt it m i W -tsti ) ewlwewlpPW' yet nmmproved. Thie prooertv is onlv twoand a half miles from the North Carolina Central Rail Road . S)ifMpa.: and-widway betweeu Chsriott and Qoldshors'. It is valuable location for a Cotton Factory, sad en of the elwapeat market for purchasing sottsai. Fnrchaeera are invited to examine tbe property. . which the. can do by stojiping at ths Company Hhons. ' Only s tenth of tlis purehaae mousy, will be rs- quired in sash. 1 . , . i ; xr--ryr TLTOS. J". MITCH ELL, ''. -TT ''al-td j .. awhsTBWmfraralhial'jir jjbtCmH r.i' .''.'"' v....--.-.f ' ,--f 1 hi riojiiilarBoard.ing Bona, r scant ly tenttad, at -nowopen fir the aw-ommodation of either permanent ,or traiieieatboardora. lie room are pleasant, tsbt , welleupplicd, eeri-anta attentive and polite. Term eioderaie. Momlwre of the Lsgislamrs will fled bars all the, comforts of a Hons. , ,. , 1 ' Jan lblm - , Vn. 1C a- WATBON. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL, PAU(Tm(i and Musical Hehool, at Springfield Academy, sigM S miles East ot Raleigh, on the K.'C R. R, I'he thirb aasajoa will Mmmiict oa Isvesdav, Ja. " TjaWSe-U'iSra SJMl.4lHV(pryr-e - - H.ftt;.ri,-a:-w- AITEiliBait lli-p"iiigof.0Mf.wtire UTOFg ( ,11 UuOiisi, at t,iihi'. to Bisks. room ft our Sptfrr stock. Ourcnstomerewill relv nnoikii ik.i !, wiB et BARJi..AU.iaaiimad wgteU; ., ".j . Ap. JB..aABlT, Jualfcalw U-; AgaoL roa iili, JATA, Lagnlr and Bio Coffee. ' . ru.I.TA,tt,J0KMCa Jaa 16-lf R P. vTTLLUKSOS Ca aVVV Ar-e

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