r ij r 1 - t - : - t. rEBT iLizEBir o r p b i ar o -w V T httv- t inform th tra.l and nlimtarS of North - V -Carolina Vtrginir . "' a are .prepared, 10 t-uvJk tarm with' the most approved ffiETltKEBS, . in ml accommodating terma. ,W wm na a stackof genninePEhTVlANGCASa, po.toheeed dl- tons BHA0LKV hi l'i:u Ptiosi'H.yrE .tit fASfti, j i0ut again." See bta advertisement, r irh i hir ilwlf 111 ii enviable reputation ia -t , . .. . . wo t ti end Tobacco counties of Nortii Carolina " nf.i v . . . ... . L iu-am lii nrnviftriteelf eoau. S&d til ri: -nr miprJTHBJt ypprT, Iip!l1T J MW r. risr-in?; ttiimiwi eminent C itluiiU iB-iha .....a v ireee. ut anai-vsie 01 n h ii Luuru .... buutryi . . . :. ' ,' - . , ICj 9 lit H 1 ClIJH i-M uva.U.V j .7 Uie, as now cold by an. I. Bradley, 1 jo Oobfr . . Htttr - ' . - Mimai nuttar, ulUor Amrauni. (tlj aluuice. nd Uamo 1.50 Buae l'itu)'tii of Lam, Mtdi tnd trad (.ilnlhm i'lKwpUtea "I da 18 -lU.) 1 ulultt "I Uta ' ,18.30 : " Mtt. - - - - .IwoiiiU '. ..." - -" .. . .. .1:.". . : wsw Th animal mattur aflVrJftH 8-lOpi 4. na 1-IHUIKH-(L anl. aa will rtof AiuU'nia be teou, &wrlr ma-half ot tn Uooe fhlat la aolubl. llutnwiiy analTiAa at yoar Btiper-inioojihata of ,ir iMandaM f qaalitV full eqnal,to that aoj yutt Lr etr 11 iu fonm yara; and' I am aatiaUed iht yw hiclotlB the rniiJt pruidptrti in tha niutu fnra. - Bwpertftilly. . . " A. A. 1! AVESr CTfta Aaaaya. Warafrr to tin followiinj goutiemeu no Iu4 ita Da.'tr.TCl'onririn-w'ICoUiriyrJtT-fV V1 John Wibbwh; Oranvitlt , " U T Bix fiankim. . .A...'.?.; .u a.i. tu4, j R. f. YiUmonnraB," - " L. Btrt, ao Vaaitty, N. O. , ' . JHATKJ.T, ,.. , " W Tit. ' " . " ' I, M floauwav mtx ;?,'! , '" u u W.UJAH-, v .; J PJasaisa, ' . L. . . , it. w H WtTBoar.' - ' T J Ltoa, taBl( i'mnij, liorth Caroliaa. jgHopwa ' . Hon U itootaa Wla . j , ; " X H Haavrn.i.. K'l(?fmb -- - I H ABBMWJfii, -1 - ft "f r T" WT IHfWtlM, Jji.'iiii.-J Col (i W lUniywD, .; . - , . WWiUkjm. . "-V 4 B TiTLOBj . : ,'- ... . ' J NTtiia, : " " " 0n M W ittuwox Northamiitoa W f houiMOM, Hakfai, i ' I " W.T Xatiua Wilwn, ' WawiU barKpreMMitadat aia C-wria of GranTifla, Saali. Wake, Kdurfnaihat Wilfcil Haiftax. Nurthamp m,ranklinaU Warreu ftuuntita, H. CandOraena . Tillaooiiuty Virginia. '' . " . . V ' Any buaiiMiM eualidad to. oa ahal) haa onr beat at McILWAINEACO. Marabarg, Ta., J Il-8m siirrn'S 25 sycamore street. NOTICE t to raa l- , - v PEOPLE Or" PETEItSBCRG, . YIEGIbTIA.1., SOU THi CAROLINA. Inturn mv ainvra thanks for liberal patrunags eiiemlfd ilia-peat asiii, ana Lop, by atriut aiuiuiioo, to merit tbr kutd patronae m luuua . , r . In orJer tiiat I may b prepared ta aauw aa auura . : NEW STOCK, la the H; out ta I have detenninad ta eloaa Utauee ot FaU and Winter Goods, euii anaold ' WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. By tht atatement I mean much below eiait ; or, ia other word; what you are willing to pay ft the Goods . I am not a belierer in rarrying Good over from ou eeaaoa to auother. tlieretore niy aetarminstion ia to aell what yet remains of FA IX .D WISTEB GOODS at a saeridee, and tartar all to an eaamina tioa of this atoek, which ia ' etOl 4arga, and ambracea aoms of the moat deaira. 1 . ; DI1KSS GOODS AND SILKS offered at any time this aeaaon The atoek will ba oomplet during tha aa tlra aeaaon with E7 all kinds STAJIE GOODS. LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES and in atrict eooiplianee with tha decline from day to day-- has been -tha eaaa with th aooda ttir tha last eighteen months. To tltoito at a ditaiice, who cannot eooTa- nientiy viatt 'vtaraourg, BAMPLES WILL , BESE NT, , nv MAIL, .......l. W ITU -V J14-C-Xa -ATrACHED AKJD r-o--. ... . SO JETFOET 6PAEED INTIRSIATISFACTIOX ' 'THOIIAt ITU'S, NO. W BTCAHORS BTltBBT, , rRTKK'aBtraiti. v." 7 - r Tilt) MAS SMITH. Ralei.'b nanufiirfiirlng Compnnf. BALEa UKKIOaiXTTOI( -' TAftlti- JUST reciTfa mm fur alf to thn trsnn. BOAunilioojs:; 3i JIM. KU.A JEtURV8.-AT-KlB-HUTSW j.? JL Ta-prepred terenuwtata th poblie, - ravslUng man uanwvii w 1 1 it ihiktii, -ftmtt&rl&tZVK H07NTHT Ttar table win be aappliJ wilii" the3aJLlh Jntfc. kat aMmtia ; tmr Toom an oonifurtabi aod ftrraota atMnuna : aad hr eharnw modaraaa. , Sit will epace a eurdoa to pleas bar - JaaK-4 , ... patreas. ' Til SiJNTIIN E L. . J- Ujj , Af,er..ooB P.mt..et. THE SENTINEL. Tuesday E.enlng, Jam. 99, 1S7. j, j . LOCAL DEPARTMENT. j. aiessrfcjiragg ana Ileartt Bar (SHblHned.M t I U!lf:5?S LoffiraTtej wiU da. whaATthej promise. " Encourage them. -. ' - &rjclo1thijfttriMr , kihuj, win r-ia.i we rrtuntent s notice MeaaTa: Orbtr, Kaoaoa Co., of Kew York, ofler an 38 horae power Engines very cheap. )Ira..Fentre offer inducement at: her Irivate lioardjng House price reduced. . ; A teacher of experlenoe want a a situation. Mesar. JJitcliell, Alloa 4 Co., of Kewbern offer goods lor Bttddlm and Coacu-mskera. " Supreme Court Opinions rr-fj . By l'K.vnsox, C. J.In Ste M Puarro, from New Hanover, no error; Ja; Moore ra Feltoa, njuiij, from ilalifm, -directing th report to b relormotl, ;i In Hughe, rx pari, remanding the petititiner. "' j By Battir, J.In Griaaett Smith, from Columbus, attiining tlie . judgment. In Davit r Thtiai, Panjuotauk, affirming. thh judgment; finning the intcriocutory decree. By Hrahu, Jilh. Harriet and Eliza Ain ltrose, children oAcolmr, t parte, discharging the prrttionrrs. In State r Mcrritt, from Du plin, 00 error. Ia i. Egypta le Oliviera a the Univeraity of North Carolina, from- Cho wan, in equity, demurrer overruled and cause remanded. ' ' J. Edwin Moore, of Martin Bounty, received license to practice law In the Superior Court. 1 . 7 Latk Storm: Murine disaster have beea BatiieToiii-dmin,g--ithe1at ijAtt: wthcrrlTfie Wilmingtofl Dispatch my j ':' , Jntormation Inia been received of the total loss ot the briir Trindelcn. Capt Hawes. which trleafed from iiiis port for Ally' Point, Conn., Jan. Btu, with a cargo of lumber. She went to pieces on Point Lookout, and the Ciptarn and -vrew baWlMH bneit lleard from. The Trindelea waa loaded I? Messra; O. U. Parsley & Co. . A Pobji. The beautitul poem recited by J. llurron Hope, of Norfolk, last summer at Jones' Springs in Warren, at the rearing of the monu ment to Sis Lett, has been presented by the author, to the Ladies' Memorial Association of Richmond, and lias been beautifully printed at the. Examiner office, and ia for sale for the bene fit of the Hollywood Memorial fund, - The amount of loose thinking respecting the Constitution and it obligation is really soa derful. 'to some men it i a mere agreement of the people, to be set aside by any election re turn or town meeting resolve. Others regard it as a written instrument to be turned and twisted into any meaning by an act of Congress. To other if l the fundamental law of the nation, to wbkh the aaaent of every individual in it ia formally pledged; -awd from thwebugations of which no man Can escape save by expatriation or amendment. " The will of the, nation i far more sacredly pledged to ity observance than it it held an election every year to ratify it pro visions, for every election that ia held, every vote that is cast, every law that i enacted, every decision that i rendered, every aale that ia made or title that ia conveyed, i an endorse ment of the Constitution, and proceed on the assumption that until it is authentically altered it does express the sovereign will of the nation. -' There may be a question raised about an act of Congress or a popular vote representing the public will, but there is none about tbe Consti- 'ftHton Tru,', iliiulits may lie riiseT aTTiTTEeTKduoeiir extending jt regardless of sex. A meaning of certain provision, yet every year these are diminishing, for the tribunal whose -duty 4i is to interpret tbem have passed upon most of hem of donbtful construction. No man. therefore, has a right to rise in Congress or anywhere else, bat especially in Congress, and proclaim that the will of this nation contra venes in any particular the Constitution of the United States. For that is the most solemn and formally authenticated expression of the public will that is possible, and must stand ss the re sistless flat of the nation until, ia constitutional , Con yen I ion assembled, the sovereignity of the n alios abrogates and amend it provisions. Htd. Intel. - JOIIM W. IIISDALE, ATTOKXEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No, a, Hay (street, tuyettet lllo C. I WILL ATTEND I'BOMPTLT TO ALL B0SIXKB8 iniruatod to his rare. Claims rolluctod anywhera in North Carolina . Jn'2-tr v FOR-KALE. 21 8 kAW BUNK rffOSI'HATK AND HUPER PiioffuliA W of Liiue. 1 devptoal lo )l oropti uid prosaoeMiU tmproreM U) miVti excili ii frruriii iiutuio 111 itetUuK Vtovmr, niaakM ft htteVTier vivid mad uirttir onalitT of (Tot tun 'loifro ftDti (riii. H mm refer to tk nam f frrer -Wm gtiitienian rho ftaui uini (hi$ Fertiliser ftna jAiaa.LL,,, .11.1 .iii.li n nr rttirn rw n mn m Triafnrr nf I lliUIA.11, JO.XI.S it tU. I uiJ-lf " ; - WKNesata Owmrfr JjllNE BILLIAKO TABLE ATApCTlOX. Unleaa diapMad of priratebrill ba auld at aodioa Saturday t'eb. Ud. 2 ' '' ' ' " One Elegant ItitliaTd'Tabl hut little used. With Balls, Cues and Chalk oompleta. It cot;tu0, leaa than Vi luouiln ago, and will break a (rest bargain privately. 7F7 JAME3 M. T0WLE3, Aaetipneer A Com. MarehaBt. Jan -14.Vtf lHOIUAL. -; j,,'. :: '.'.?'' nttens vrirt, . Kautioa, an. a,,WI7. ( ; 1)BUPU8ALS will be reoaiTod atlhla Offloantil tbe Sloth, day uf t'i b j Beat, for keepiug th City t'umps clean and in rt-pair for tlie nauia; rear. - 1 . WM. 1). UAVWOOO, Jaa24-1131w Mayor. -. Bundard aud Prograasi copy one week. ii.it:pii.7wjr .ted;..r:r --r f I I If tit fan c rn - - traB!BNr-,-V-" -.4 Jt'SfT KKOEfflStl mOM TUB MOUTH A LABOB enpnlr of STAltOXHRT B LAN r BOOKS. ,TTOTOrBcV krtiela,. Jk.11 ihaaB fr th time, call and see. I BRANSON ot FARRAR, Jaa JMweod . . BaWigh, 9. C. TKT.I2GRA.PIIIO Our Tuesday Tlornlng Dlaimtctaee. nTetdlTeaaagf, ' Washisotox, Jan. 28. i President' veto of the Colorado bill tent in to dy and is u fullnw.; I return tUuart Jnnllingt'olor'l. A tt tm fit duty prtTcnU appruvjU-Wuly wptiou of to dtiitKiD.tl Clause, it i tlic Ute lht 111 vetoed in May last, bicU still kii . 1 the Benale't ee any. rctiium fur changin)?' my opinion, but tny rs.m for changing 'my opinion, but hj tiit milltH- - ,uthtlritlel of the yf0)Xea stlttvt Hft--"8, . ""'i'!"' tu nrffltitry oftVuM, or with hiving at at , iMaa.it iooai ii.oa , objectionable. - The Constitution 1 ColoraxfoTTnTthi mM " promises that the law existing shall costume. Among these ia one absolutely prohlbitiwr negro suffrage, and' the recent territorial legututure almost unauimoualy reused ttp)al it Anl, pending the paaaage of the act' by Con&rras, the territorial legislature parsed an art trotinil jury ciguia to uegruca. js . -,.. sjt tt ( i tie lull belora-Jue-gniutOlghtl iLeiijejLla the Legislature and Constitution of Colorado; Thit incongruity; tt4. the protest , on, the part of the people against a Sute govern aient, clear ly indicate the impolicy and hijitstice ftropostHl in the enactment.1 It ia a subject of aerions en qiry whether the enactment W hot an attempt to eaerti powers not oonl'erroxl by the l'iiistl- tution. ':).;:..r-.rV?'. The President aubmita evidence of the reimi nance ot the people or Colorado to a btata gov eftHnent. 1 ue total total populalion of CUrinU; is Lflhh of whafaJrntiTitJtr, epreaetiUliou, and arrfiif-s the a7.H09. only one ConirreneHinal reui Injustice of allowing this email community, one representative ana two Senator. ISulIi a.Jmis- aiun of State waa not practiced la the early day Florida' admission In 1815, resulted from aectiooal strife, which we would do well to re gard aa a warming of evil, rather than aa exam uivioj- lunuiuon. . lie shows, bv statistics. : that .other . States. when admitted, had a Donulntion entitlimr them to one and nearly two priwtitativea. ' Every organixea territory equally (wun Uolorauo i entitled to admission. : The logical urecetlenk admit Dacotah, Montana, Idaho and the other Territories, when they present 'themselves. Giving nsien new Senator and five Itopreanfa Uvea furnished by a population scarcely entitled to one Representative in the existing States, while tne average population tor two , Senator U now nearly a million. , ' " ". - The ensuing act for- Colorado was passed under false statistic and tliu deliberate decision of the poopleag.ii net forming a 'State; beaido the bill is to framed as to render its exec ution Jui possible, and the queatioa is whether it is not a nullity or not tn itself, and arguee t some length tbe incongruitiee of the bill. , In concluaion he aya t The admission of Slate ia regarded as an enot h in history mar king the progreae of the nuttnn .but he cannot, sea that W proposed proceeding accord with tha uniform policy of tha gorernaieut - to the admission of new States. -" i- i y y In conclusion Ihe say the admission ot States ia regarded aa ah epoch in history, marking the progress ot the nation, but be caunot ce that the proposed proceeding accords with the uni form policy of the government the admission, of new States ..-;-.-..:.'. Congressional. ;.'". ' ,,7 :r:ryfuiumion;'3ivtw:y' In the Senate among number of petitions ft one for a National' Bureau" ol Education. 7 77 . The President was directed to inform the Sen ate why the Governor of Colnrado was absent from his post I Why hen t Who paid hi ex pense t When and how aftea he baa been ab sent from hit poat t ,..,:,,.. Tbe tame enquiry was ordered regarding other territorial Governor and Indian Agents, . The judicial bill goee back tn the House with amendment. It prescribe the machinery of muma cpr-pur, out excepts lroui us operations military offenders or those tainted with rebellion, prior to date of the act. - " la tne Mouse Mr. rnmoie, ot Renttimy, inrro duced a bill repealing the cotton and aug&r tax. Referred to Waye and Mean Committee... -A bill amending tlie district franchise was in- motion to retcr it to a special committee ol live, was lost by a vote of Yea 4 8, Naya 73.. Refer red ta District Oommittee. '- An onsuocessful effort was made to refer the impeachment bill to a committee ot seveu, on the ground that the Judiciary Committee lacked time. Tbe Chairman said that tbe committee bad time, and In answer to the question what tbe Committee was doing, iaid that it would be known at the proper time, N one outside ot tbe Committee knew, aad branded all report sent North ss false. ' The Postmaster General wasordereu to report what amount was due mail contractors in Ti- nesaee on the opening of the rebellion. Mr. Steven bill waa taken up. ' ' Mr. Julian opposed the bill, as he favored keeping the Southern State from representation indefinitely; - , , ., . . JJr. Kteveh BiodiQed his bill iiialiTially and appeared to Mr, Bingham to withdraw hit mo tion to refer, so th bill might be completed. Bingham declined, wishing the House to decide. Mr. Steven said that the reference of the bill would be it death. " " . ' A. fitter colloquyWt weenSteven and Bing-1 llIU CUBUCU, ... , The Speaker called Stevens to order for say ing that he did not believe a word that Bing ham said. - . "' ' . , The bill was referred to the reconstruction; CtlVUItllflC UJ DO av W-l. - - i : 3 .J A f I . . ft ufi a . i . , - w i . Mnrkft &4 financial, - Cottnwj TCTT Siftf ftBl HWW t9tlT9-eaVkate lftOO middling upland 88 a St. Flour rlnll, 5 a 10 lower. tatel tin; Uhioilj alio. net tern tr ail Southern llal. Wbjrat dull. Pork heavy 22,50. yld 14 Lard heavy, whis key nominal, ltice .qiiiet. Carolina 10 a lot. Groceries steady ; Naval stm-s, Spirit of Tur pentine 88 a 87 Koain 4 a. Gold 1341. - -.- ffi)nx,m''2frr Cotton dnlL Middling 80. . LmtkrooLTJan: 23. Cotton market firmer and quite active, tulei to-day reach 10,000 bales. Price unchanged. i LoMuoa, Jan. 2$. ' Five-Twentiea advanced 8-13 Erie declined . Other American securities unchanged. 7Ij: Ihi CaMevTl JPjiwfPisMl5L--. m.tritr-o 'trie rtoaian;TBiegrpii stf. 1 and tu-a?ctt atif f l tor. tu pus,. poW Of 1llTdtng t.tH$3lJljie7fJ'm'ne ea- WAHrotoir, Jan. 28. I The Bupreni -Court In neveralMtttry Bd liquor cases decides mat toe payment ot iexieral,l tax, doe not euthorira busiueas prohibited by Afternoon Dlspatrhra. Wuhingtot Matters. . I Hob. W. A, Sharkey, of Miss,, ha been ad mitted to practice in the Supreme Court : The .lies-instruction Committee 1 hopelessly Inharmonious. - j , The pbrateolegy of the exception to the bill MrtirlDg kattiu curput to persons imprisoned contrary to the Constitution, and traitor is at' t,,llr. "tn.lll,.. ).. ni.;n. r .;. a a I 1 a I MUM liq (11V lIV1 XlT 'UD V Vllta ' f, amllaait,,,,, , ,s the ra-ot anyperaon htid a mv oMition. but 1 1. .i. it:.. . ..i . .i . wntvuw, ai:?itii iviBi'iuoii &)aiub un uvihih ot this art. Wheeling, Virginia, has elected Democratic municipal olKcera except Treasurer. - - The Maryland Legislature's hill, for a .Con stitutional Convention exclude preacher as del egate. a7 Mr. Ashley is mooting the question whether the acta 'of Mr. Johnson, before becoming PreaU dent, render htm liable to imjieaehment. r - A letter from Mr. Omlirie expreiise hi hope leasnes of physical ability to resime hi seat. ' Tb Senate took no' action whatever on the Colorado veto, ' , c . . . . fien. Grant was in eoaaultatioavwith the mili tary eonimittoe yeaterday. ' - Sontkera Eeliel, ; Naw York, Jan. 28. -Aflioeting c "!i''J-?Rii'ii Merchant iiai A meeting of the Executive eommrttew of th froinwasion LwssJield ,.t the I ilank. .Air, V..A1. Vermillia acting as temporary Chairman, the committee organi ze.! by electing Mr. Archibald Russell permanent Chairman, aud proceeded to transact tbe neces sary business' of tha commission; Those who Voted to Eefer Mr. Steren'i ., Bill ..,!.-.,;.'.....' : ', ,.,- WAMiMiToii,Jan. SB. 7 .Thosrf .wlift toted committing Mr. Steven' hill to the Reconstruction , committee are : Messrs. Ancoua, liak. r, iUuks. 1. R. Ashley,. Bingham, - Blaine, Biiyer, Buckland, Buody, LauipDeitJVuajiler, t-oualiuir, Conner. Dariihir, Dawes, Da wm, IVlrtes, Delano, Dewing, Den-I iiiiWn,, Dcdxi Eggieston, Eldridge, 5'arnes worth, Ferry, rinck, Ourflutd, Griswold, Hale, Aaron llarcting, llarria, Hawkins. Hill. lasa. Hogan, Hooiier, C. D. Hubbard. E N. Hubbard., liuuiphiev, Jngersol, Joncks, Ketchum, Key. keudale, Lafllin, Geo, Lawrence, Leblond, LefV wich, Marliall,Maarin, UuKee, McKuer, More head, Fulton, Niblack, Nicholson, Patterson, Pomeroy, Randall, lUjmood Rice, Ritler, Ihigers, - Rosa, Suheak, SbenkUn, Bit greaves, Spslding, Strouse, Tabor, Taylor, Thornton, Trimble, Van Horn, A., II. Ward, Warner, U. 9. Washburne, W. B. Waahburne, Whalcy. Walker, Winfleld, Woolbridge and Wright. L . ' 7 Market itnd PinanoiaL N Ton, Jan. 89. Cuttou quiet but firmer (4. for middling up land. Gold 1,84. JUJI.lit.Wt7 IL I'll Lllii.l JIU.'X.JU H-.HULJI-aM'JI-l M'r r-X PROPOSITION. - -; L r , IH WHICH 10V ABB INTERESTED. IPKoPOsK for tha pruteotion af th eitiaeoa el BaieiKh and aurroanding eountry, agaiwet tha sax position of those so-called tktat Htoraa,to furnish awuh and ry wraon, the iew Vork Coat of any foods they may want th buyj by Mils moans thoy can tell whether they are buying good at Coat or paying a profit on them. . . ... : - Call haor guiitg to any ef tbosa Cost Btorea ao callod, aud Ut me giv yoa a uaoaoranduia uf Coat Ub!rtiylwrg atoek I will sell at seat bat I have) good that 1 will not sell hi that way, and Mithor will those Bierohaiita who make sack a flourish about sU iug st Coat. . - . i Ho merchant la this plaoe haa pnrohased hia Goods any choaper than I bought nitua. Any aasartinn to tha ouutrary imiUm ; and 1 will guarantee to aU Ooods aa low as aay Cost Hone. All I aak la aa opportun ity to preva the anthfnlnsa ef tin aaeertioa. , ( f . UEO.T. COOKS. Jan at-14a-tf . . ...,, .. CAXT WELL'S J I STICE. FOB Farmers, Ijiwrer end lUistraUa. Call and gat a oopy. Prie ta. KASONJtFA8RAliw 7 ' inPOftTAKT TO FAR3IERS. OUR Mr. W'illiainwn will leav for Baltimor an Mow lay ih. of february to porchase Iguana slid iiacm sud otlier supphoa, that our Parmera will need to make a eriip Paruiintereetd will aad tt so their inteTMt to call oo kna before that tun. .-- a. P. WILLIAMSON A CO. Commlaaion ifarehanU Anetiooeera. Jan 26-US-td F 0 1 Bill, arbrl Lar.ra Beef 1 euaue lif th losa. hwevt Leaf Lard In Tuba and t Bbla. ' PLLLIAM. JONES A CO. Jsn iSJU tf 'Wholeaal OtwrT JIHOftAwU tATIH GBAMMAR. ' 1H1S NW, popalar Grammar saa ba had In any quantity on ahort notto fVa eaab erdsra, prioa 11.60 fur aingle eopy, with a reasonable deduction for a large order, atLj AlBAHllUB AtABllAJt aV- Janmti-tf . , JlOBTH CABOlikA FORM 1JO0K8, V."" ' ' ixmetanur Brps oa nana or - - BRANSON 4 FARRAIL -fat TS ; . - . -iWsjnBr N. t . evratatHSi CocKT V Beporta fiw aafa cheap. Apply aoon.X neap. Apply aoon. BHANrtON A FARRAR. Jaa aS-ltt-tf -3- -- - A- - - r K D ESTR rjCTl B LE TENS. w4lSlSW awitiwmMtMMsa4ww iBdrvtrnetihl. "jntS NSOH"os FARRAR. JaatS-H4-tf " LAST lvINKTrmrTa-A fw still oahand. "' ' BSIAN.'UJ.SAl'AIUtAH. Jan U-IJt tfv r T: -.7 i.,', , - JoatTi 'M.iiv alfRxm rsi'RT Uenortaw-Moot of them can ba had at onr bton. A (sweet. w.aprjt.-r..-VTr!.rr-,TO.n--,..w, ' . J5KAN80X 4 FARRAtl ' .i Jaa a?-M4-t , - . 1 7. .';,.. ,A.:::....-MSIICO,.:..., Mddr, and ethsr Ily HtutTa, now In Slurs. ' ' I'lLLlAM, JONES CO, 0til7-tf UjhiileaaisttroeeraJ 7 JtST RECEIVED, A BEAUTIFUL LOT O WxAJNES, rTTfl ttrft", v TttyTa, : 7: ; r- j I A W t?t ESTiLtg f I M ER t Npy. li r-A t 8ft tCA r vsr and ronditlona. AT priee tower than thse profaaeing to aU at post, of tltoo "rUing ggods eliaeper than any body ' Tl" CKO. T. COOKE. rv.Jaal-tf '7' "'. - LoVnGE STOCK OFGOODS AX COST FOlt OABIaV n'J's.iJ -it OIUMBUGGrEKT .1 , TUB EARLIEST CHEAPEST, AXD MOST OES1KAULE BTOtU 6 O I S ' 4 N T II E I T Y . T II AT T, Couitneneing IConday tl.t 51 at. Jay of January, onr ENTIRE STOCK Of flOOI atuea haa been laUly porrhaaed ti tha reeeat decline tarfirteea.) ' . Back aa opportunity tuul'beea rarely eflared tin oouimunity of baying their good al Naw Turk rate,! W will sail our Block ef GOODS AT COST, in good faith, ee te out mtantioa to more bito ma Msw , Iters, with aa Fntir Kaw SWi-k la every department, s . - r-f . ' ' " - W. II. It, S. TLCKEn CO. ' ; V, B. J!nae do not aak for crtAtt on roods which i ATTKNTian Of MBMCIIANTB 1 feqnaatad to-tha above Blork, Stock at Coat prieea. ; BaMgh, Jaa 1H-U J xi. AT- Hpeelul INotluoM. A FINK LOT OF LAUU1S' FUBH. a. pet sent, less J. Utau Otau, aa Jaa la tax ., . at. tiUML.MiAiaiB.- 1.000 1'AIU CHU.DIIES8 COPi'tK-TOED bhoea, at si.OO, at Jau la lui X. aaSESIiACM'8. 3 CASES GENTS FIXE CALF BOOTS, al 3.S0. at , , M-KOnElillAliMB.. Jaa 15 lm IIARDIWS CLOTlflXCJ.' , ta well knujin to all eur eitlaena, : B7 B. Andrew Co., are bis successor and are keeping op th re putatioo of tha old house. . , . BaiJwia or Wiliuoto "City ChiUilng Blotag-1 sonneeted with Harding, in New 1'o.k where sll th Clothing sold by IX, B. Andrews A Co., ia Biannfaetur. d...,.:.:7..i-!t:'iJ.' AMl- -' ' ' . 1 BABDnto, BaiJwi 4 Co., Kew York. Tnoaue 8. Biiiiwnt 4 Co., BIhmond, Ts. ' . Uaaaiao A Co IVttiraburg, Vs. "W ? ' Moaaoa A fa., WUmiagtoia, H. C. -.- - Uooda reoeived by every. Bipraaa,' ' ' '- a- It. B. AStlBBWS CO. . , nvy evvcwta ' . Mliaii HoatTer,', ..-.. eativ stewvar, ' ..4 -'.-: Frrarh lblM. ; Mad by Harding, Baldwin A Co., Kaw Tark, oat rrr&R b. Andrews & co. - Deo 1J-U Uairra, ruaaissiaa BToma. AVER'S AGVE CCRE, a Vats, lBAa naaaaAiley antn M. VST HV aafavvvcuw eX7aTftai H A " HI M H" . termtttent lTer,er hills stnd Fever, jaeHuiimt rover. Chill Fever, Dumb Ague, lerlo4lel 8eleh or BUI ou Ilrndactae, nl BBIIIms. arsverai !, (or the whole elaae ot diaeaeaa oriirinating la biliary deranaemenL caused br th enalaria' of a eormtrtoe. '- ' ' "- -'- t This remedy haa rarely failed to ear the severest eeaus of CuiiH awl i'utatT and Jt aa this ttvaat adt vantage over other Ague medicinca, that It subdue the eomphuDt witfaout injury to tha patient It eon taiata ao mitiu or ailmt diiUtnrioup xlb.lian, duea It produce qultii.m or any lnjurioo effeet what. tat. Shaking brothers of tha army and th Waal, trv It and ton will endorse these eeaarktoue. .. Prepared by J. 0. Ai fc.lt A CO., Lowell, Mass., and aoia oy WUliamt & Harwood, P. P. Peeend, Hal i JT.C, And Denier, generally. : DIRECT TRADE. rjnHB FIKB BTEAMEB ?""'' PETllJVFAIV,""-" . 1.000 tone, eommanded by cir Jneeph (Hotet, will aad from Norfolk, for Lirarpuo! direct, on Wednesday, tb. January. ,..,., . ,. . To ensnre atiipment, notlee must be giren Immedi ately of freight intended fur her. For further partus aiara, ntinie ef W. V. ItEYNOl.DN A MM., t V ,v f . t - m Agent, Norfolk. X; ' ? ' Or! A. at, MofliKK.i'KHH, Ja.t1 ' Balaigb, B.C. SEell' Super Pboephate Bone LIMB, Thse Fertilisers are neommeniled aa Iteing aqnal to any la a, and ar offered In any quantity at the seat or treueportatlon suove Hsuimora pnc. PULLIAM, JONEs 00, nv e-u v rriHS vry beat old Apple Brandy. I rr ptiXUkf, JONES 00. ,T)eln-tf -T ..,CT,,r..,,.,-,,:v.- r- - O.tlOftSt OMO.t OKIOXSt ' v 0 1 BUkllkUJl, sound and aweet, on 'eoinrignment, ZO . .. H, P. W UXIAMMIN A CO. Jaat-af K) Cam Meat a Baaaag Cutters, Varinna Riss J. BROWN, DeelS-tf With Hist if. Mew n oil for 1 1 u I et AeeordeoM. Vloiln (tnd ' WIJiSEIlU EXCfcLMlOl! ; JVUJMJIIO. For th Flii'u. . ' y , Tieta. P7 tli Vhilin. ' t . ,. . 75 eta. ' For tbe Aooordsou; 7S eta. Each book eonlauie nearlv on kiiudiwd aud 'flflv Popalar Malodwa. Mailed, post-paid,' oa receipt of BflO. -i - - - .- . : tri.(!iim.iiBtca Jaa ,1 ta Gr. HOcv tile ; K Ha altD-l atid liuporiaiioa of lm from B. Biti delphia, on of th oldest aud mm tat ruhaOl BieaiB America. A larg a araortuuint embracing all Ute u aod itKtat approviwt vrmtiea. .lo, a bla. Whit and Uow:ii!uoti fur eailr planting, jui ra ttd and for sale, wkoial and retail at l'FJK;uti D'hUd 8T0BB. 4T P. ad t a Catalogaa. , . eads romiEST.; 7:"; ttrrLL he BESTED TO THE 11 10 H EST B ID a ('onrt Hoa-a A'vr, in Urn.itYill. Vf iler, at th ('onrt Roo-, Piltltiii,ly, K i'.. lit oot prvAitiirlrruied priral- Iti ou Ihurtdar. tha sin Uai of 1-t ltruarr. 1,7. th f'laatatioinm iiajikr t Crvk aitd Tat lurar, In put County, known aa r .. -NICK a.lTa-f.'"-' and belonging to the jtaU of Jaa. . Clark, dtw'd. . .Persons aialiilig to rt lil prirately, hetwMii tlnsdat and the tiniatirtiia-d, will eaaiiiuniet with Wm A- liiw.; ammw, '!LJLlJ.kliia. B & Miuniori tewiUa.i.Tci.'ii: tit eT--t Land," I'id Is walradaptaj to th rrowth of nte,Wr 4 tthri - -1 Vu 'tfiaatitation thale ar b'ma for laborers sod tgi'itid .lin ind weiea's ' , - -AhrU-oUir lamia beluuKitur to aaid iata IruA .lprcii.llj mttil,Lill It inMUd at-; Mqij -feara rVand Trtrataee of jTA-H. 8. CLABE, fir aiiviiiw, Jan diA,wlfw Baa'd. . ,- mmm i,tt. ALL grada ef Sugar, Oraia Peppwr and plc, PVLLlAM.JOMEa to i ti If OKI will ba sold st eoaf. OUB TERMS ABB CAMl. ' IV. nan a t a -a . - - - - - aw. w. a , n Toa 9vo air rqlmiali fooT 1 s -v. xtJcici:itae;co. 1; SO BOXES HACV'S Adamantine Candlea, ia SOlb. Bote Also ta Ok. Cartimav an are tha beat Candle known le ; Ui trad. JUIIXIAAt, JQSE V 0.- Baeoa Side. ZtREAF to eloaa eorndfrnment. PL 1.1.1 A.M, JONES M CO. USJ-tf A KOTIIEB arrfvjU Iv-sl of beet -,..-...fpl FbiiiIIt Flour " ' -IX. b'LLl All, JOKES A CO. lee 11 -If Caiiv( mmu . ' TVHT in time ft Christniae ; Tina Fanev Bevrboha. - tj AiSdiea I ream Slicks m I fit. boa. - s ' PULLUM, JONES CV t ll-tf -.i'- -. . v- fOB wALM. SYlItT br tbe barrel, and another lot X. a Baak Wheat Flour. -Da la-lf PtUJAM, J0KEB A CO. ': .: v !.;.,!; for 'Sale.' I7IKK N C. Buek Wheat Flour, A large 1c of beat Cheese " Family Hoar of :th beet quality, ' Clear rib bacon Hide. -Collins Faauly Fhar and WhiU Meal. t Baiains, and larg lot beat Madeira and ahrv -Wine, Cooking Win a, Al by th Cask, ar A eg or ia ALSO-t All grada of Sugar, Com and Tea. 1 PtiLLLsM, JONES St COT Dm -tf ) '" Matrhe natrhe. JTthsOroaa. UeetS-tf pAxiAkt, JONES A 00. : IRISH POrATOKd. " AKD heat family Flour, juat roeelvad and' K asle .ay 1'UiXiA vt, jon k a co. ...1HKI-U. wholesale Ororwr. COCKAOI CITf AI.K. TH large aoaliUUaa. for aale bv X ' ' PULUAM, JONES A CO. aWM-tf , WholaleOroo. rECl'TIAS CCAXU ElBSTIICTiJ HAW JBOJTEriSirPEE-PHOSPHAW 0P LIME. J .. 1 Hi ' a ettuni Manufactured eotlar tk Jf,niiUSriiU In tSAA and patented by-: ' ' MATJCiJH AJHONH, oia raoranrroaa, at tne Bala war Blvrr t heawieal Warit. ft - rniLADELPHIA, 17.11, This eld atliKahd vU'rnr i. nhni from Bone thst have aot been burned or ataamed. Slid it com sine all thatr original orgauia matter. It ' ia acthr in it inwratioa, aad is a ferti'tror of great durability. It d.fs not eiiiauat the eoil Uk Perunaa (iuano. but on the contrary pannanently impravea H. l'reriooa to l;i it waa tntrndnued Into tha Kouthern Btatea to eunaidersbl itcut, and again la tem, win re it haa been used with MmarkaMa upon .. Cotton, Cora, Tobacco, and all Crop A A trial Will eon vine anv ttlanfcp tvt iim iart. Pamohiata mUllill,u Mll.kmtwn MimtkM- a. , , l.hrt fiinitahed npoo apiMi.-aUoti to New l'ork or Philadal- aw- w.1,1 i,r ucaier la alMh prinaipal el tie aad - town ihrooghout th Cultad lataie aa4 -lirttiak - Provim-ee. B AUG II & SONS, x oli un raiTraaa, ,. k Belawara ArewsM, PHILADELPHIA. ;.: oshuai. wsoi.auia Aaan-ra, ro sam av . . jAvVlKa M. TeWLH, Jan. 4-dwAewloi. Baieigh, M. 0. Mra. II. W. MILLER'S Hot'SE - TS REPAIRED ;ANaIlEiorENED,::--' Thanking friantla f,w past patronage, eh bag a eotitinuanoa. - , ; Jaa l-lw . ' , LIFE lSl IIACE. , ' MANY insure their Urea becaoaa they saa tha folly of neglecting to do ea Many who do at insure, argue that it la folly to insure. Which is rijbit H thoa whs donot uiaurecaa cue Lnatancea at tu. k.rn t don by policy of lit liunranoe, if they can ootut I out men i nav km k,,uuu to SlW.ooo by Life la I itirsnes, tlten npon proof of aania, wa amal bli.w tltem. Ilandruda of inetance can readilr ba show wlre-tritnS ha-vw- hem ljer,nutt ... ;f:. ... tip fi'orMit .?.''ruhpa thereat soma tt M. a4 t5t - M t'fy " t" r-w reanliiT.j from a trj Jji.iirai.ii ' rtn tttieTr ool-jf, tou.li.tj uVpeiii Iriirafc . ::- - i., ihe "iJna 1st 4 .UmmiK tiJ.ontf iTie Tf year baa relieved w Ml end row with wr-Hla,. -saels ognre sure pti.ttiHtiniB fAatt thott'Whe--wtff aTail themasivaa of her liberal l.tm., hv i,,.,f WTli. CROW. Gnnl ict foi.ibat pl.l.nf CO J a i; waieigav t. a sa tta If -,-FOB BE.1T. rJHooajLot ea HJl.bora St , kaewa a h ' ; ; It ! s I WWWlflWiWtttftHtsWKs!)i.:' oiatei laws. -i-:'!:..