'. TIIE SENTINgL. f -V,,'....3E Saturday Evening, Feb. 8, 1867. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. jfivr Advertisements. See advertisement if -Kittrell Spring Fetriale Colifge. mis instl tntion U flourishing "! t" a aMe Faculty, Equity notice from Nash U Important to the tuentpartyi fpchurch ADodil, enterprising" arid popular .',i'ncr merchants and (tracers: have removed te) ew brick, store, un tneiket square: Pee tJverlienieut. ' ifrvFRAi. Ma. Bam. The funeral of tbia uMhh citiwsn was largely attended. The terrier at tba Church were tonducted by Her jj T.'Hndaon, the pastor The Grand and other Lodge were well represented. The Cere mony was solemn and interesting. ., tocAj-rrJ are scarce. ity U seldom disturbed. The quiet of the A meeting otthe Young MenV Christian Asso ciation of Kalelgh, will be held on Monday sight, at the regular place of meeting. Way- Fbmai Collbo. We are glad to learn that thi School opena handsomely ftr the' session. The pupJU enjoy eacellfnt health. ReT. & M. Frost ia President. , - 'WaHBKKTim Femami Cowjm. We learn that tbia institution haa opened rery flatteringly;, under the charge of Messrs. Solomon and Foote. It hm a large and able Faculty. . Interesting news matter may be iound on the first page. For the Sentinel. : From the Country, Kditon of tin ewttnei Gentlemen Petple whn imH the mnM reirularlv. do feel sometimes a if a talk with some editor was a matter of tinnx&hr. b wit of exchange of ideas some times, and aometimea by way of acknowledg- ment tor n easure ana oeneni uoriTeu. jusi now I feel mvself considerably jour debtor first, tor your editorial ot the 23tb inst., in re ' gara to our univermiy, in paiuvumr, iuu other school of learning in general, and the way - in which we are spoiling our eniklraa at Dome ; and second, lor the rery sensible communica- tion of "Senei," which ffead aloud tar I select circle with immense applause. I don't know whtail have been more pleased mntlmn. than br your Dlain talk about educa , 1 tioa. I, tor one, teltcondemnexi, and resolving at once to turn over a new leat in my aomestic au ministration, refused, that very evening, wUh exemplary nrmneas, to allow my youngest boy more than three lumps of sugar id his tea, . I venture to say, there ia not a teacher in the country who doc hot secretly thank you for that pointed talk to parents. . I wish you would give the public just such a vigorous lecture, free gratis, every week. There are topics n abun dance. "Senex" writes well, and saystlie ttuth itseli. If more eld men 'and women) vnnld ! make their voices heard these 'days, and the . vounir men (and women) were a little, just little lees- eofiepieuotts and- more modost, what blessing it would be 1 1 our late ueiovea country : so-called. Excuse an old woman'a garrulity,, but I see 1 your merchants are selling off at cost, or there- ' abouts. Allow me to suggest to tliera tne poll- cy, of annexing the prices of some of their j - guous in ineir iuvcrLisi;iuv4ti in uou""j f people would like to know just how far a little f i mofloj will go. Bay, I have twenty dollars to in- "-rveiit iaiili!orthTe'l-M-J''!irting. I have two of I three neighbors alsff aminbly -dispororr-tir-ihfi ! i aama amount. We read tbe Sentinel of coiirsg 1 Everybody does. We read Mr. - Tucker's an I nounoemcnt with deep emotion. We read Air, I (Poke's card. and. Mr amtra-. Mr. CfriwrliV Our imaginations became excited with the hope of enriching ourselvess one way or another among t hem. When th-i-v- fall out, you know, we honest people, -Ac., &c, Ac. Well now, to be serious, ft e might often send snug little commissions to your city, if we bad some guide i to prices. What is good calico, for instance ? Unless there is decided reduction, I hold that it would not be fair to our home merchants to send what little money we have abroad. But the melancholy fact that it is so little, makes us nervous about prices. Isn't it astonishing how the ladies will buy f They , they vill, Heaven bless them. - There is always something needed in a family you Itaow. Our experience in the war has made us fevejixh on the subject of laying in supplies. I have positively done several i merchants in my neighborhood good service, by hinting obscurely to certain impress ible ladies, that it would l-es well, to nave a good stock of shirting and sheeting on baud, ' tiiat "I should not lie surprised if another war" &c, with other deep rUlection ef the like nature. This very week I sent three ladies out buying up all the sewing cotton to be had, by telling them I had no doubt the price would soon rise, the "tk-a Island'' crop being short It is a fact, I have not been able to get a "No, 60 Coats"1 since. What does Mr. Kusenbaura ask lor cotton t - 1 . You perceive, I am not concerned as to tbe price ot dress goods, a suit of sackcloth turned '--isV Bf.t.riii.1 i A'aA Ii V anil .jt a nnnilMXiiAn...AiiJLMi r -j vv"' ij'ir'nrvW'ii'Ti? .iKHisnmia i-tb vxmwwivmm m"v A UL.U WOMAN. orricE rou ucvt. Ax R FACIXLENT OFFICE WITH TWO ItOOMS JV,nd fire plwmi, in a (hwrsble jxatiau ot the city,. ibeMd fur thi rmuitna trt tha rear or br the lumilhy im ainmcMKai to Hi EJltrirroirHi Bmhweu Feb MMWJw N, C, MVTVAti riKF. IVSIRACE COW PAW. AT A KKF.TIMO OF THE BOARD OK DIRF,0 tors of the N. C. M.F. Iiwnruic Company, hold si tha effioa of the Company in this City the irii iay otjMtiu; lttti7, after due notice to each iHreetor, V. A. CoTington Esq., waa called to the chur and Ht. W. E. feli iu appointed- Secretary. Tbe fol lowing orilxr of asMiMuntiot iu made : - On mntuni, Oniwwi, tiiat for the parpaM of paying aneemdne by the Company et the dta bereiu iU-r mentiimed, an affliiKmt of fifteen per cent on all eoeipired pnminra SHites, 10 powioo of the Com pany on t)ie Hth. day of AiiRaet iMiS, the 14th day of JiovemherlWit, the 27th. dy of SpptHmlxr lWig the ii day of Frttmsry 1. e)r tt,." 1cr of , n 1(WS . ..tha atlbday of Mv 1 d Mw'Hhl'4ajr at QMimit tM, twt krvtrrj pvnlTl imtni-imtr. - - (.ml, tiiii tf.e lri i.-nt a ,m an jn aViii'al.lV . rtVa iwucai.b) pani(i haiklw- -iwliMr ttie e!frefcid Aea,iMiHiii4iiit) -anoof ttthS; tite ehai'tr-miii hf.tawe.' . ,. HntrtfL Uiat parttee payuie; tuher, thia- mna. nuait or UiM uv 4 the It.ut. i4vsiBr lA. may bn Kid frme the hr nwmnit mt irsr.r "At the Jianifi luiMjiti T. JH. teJ I j, -of tuWarae f H.iiijtiininij fe.-i..uu rtM4t-if oi cue mmimtri and . V. liatue wae nsamiuHHtalc elected Attorney of tlie Company. Hore ftr all biiaitmw of tbe Com pany will be transartod'bf the frevident. Hence all aHtutraainet b adilmnFd-to him ' - , N T.ILSELBT," i Raleitrh, Jau Zt-2awdawavlwaw Freeidoet " w.tHl'? D ouoe a week for fooj weak od d TELEGRAPHIC. Our Kalurduy Mornlug Irlnpittrtics. J ! Congressional ' !.' - Wauioto, Feb.,'t. In the Seuati the Tarilf bill passed by 2? to 10, and goes back to the House for concurrence ia the amendment. A bill directing the clerk of the House to place on Ui! roll of the next Conjress only the ritates bow represented, passed by 31 to 8 " In the ITuuse tbe committee on Wavs and Mean went i,itru:tnl to enquire into the ex pediency ol tlie lrsrrnrtinn nf at ilia and selling them for old eo(per. . . The Renal bill regulating Temovals . from office was taken up, an -auwiMliiHmt-extemiing its provisions to Cabinet officers wa lost by a rote of 78 to'W. Several other amendments were rejected. '." ::-".... . . Washington Kattert, " ! ' WAMiiwron, Feb. 1. The Prraident has submitted to the House a mass of Mexican correspondence, most of which nas recn puDiisnenv Jay Cook, of riiiladeluhla. Gov. Pmithof New Hampshire, Thos. A. Hoyd, Jno W. Ellis, of Ohio, K. G. Nye, of Indiana, and other prominent bunkers and buniiiuss meiij with the Comptroller and. Htcrt-xwy of the Treasury, bas bad an interview with the rtenste Tinsnce Committee. ; They all agreed on a bill retiring compound interest notes," by the issue to Na tional banks of trmporary loan certificate beariny four ir oeut... payable in lawful money on demand. This temporary loan shall not exceed a hundred million. , Markets and Financial Nbw York, Feb. 1. Cotton i cent lower. 331 for nliildlinir ni- lanils. Flour,. Slate ()((.$ 10. Ohio $10,IHd id.ou. western f lU(jl!J,14. Kouthern ill,14 16. Wheat unchttOKud. Corn mixed Western $100$110r. Pork, new iuss MJ, old f 10T, prime 16i!$17. .. jSpiriti of Turpentine 65 64. Kosin 8J8J. Bm.timohk, Feb. I, Cottonr-mithHtg- uplands -ftr-si-frt-.- xlonr nrmcr. n heat, winter red 2,80 a f 3.20. good white 103 a f 103. . Corn, Our Afternoon Iiutclies. Markets and Financial New Vokk, Feb. 2; Tbe stock market opened strong. 8 30s of 'fl'i. Coupon, 10i of '8 Coupons: 106100f of '05 Coupons lOCiltflDf, 1040s Coupons 99, ous nratiieries 1U4J1U4,, aecnnd Sttries lU4t 104.--Virginians 61. -irtd tl,rtf ' i i Londoh, Feb. 2. ' Conscls for money 90fc. Illinois Central 89. i ... LrrcRPooL, Feb. 2. Cotton market opens to day dull and un changed sales to day will probably not exceed 6000 bates. . From Washington. IVASiirwTOS, Feb. 3, The InUUtgtncer regards the failure of the tariff in the House as certain, D, E. Coon, of ATubama. Hen. TIT Ttiiflr Bf Memphis, Ore. Harris, Jlichael Hahn, K. Pen dleton. Ki-Oov.,Pnt!e. ot Texas. lion. Thomas fettle and Hon, H. R Bridgersof North Caro lina, "have anHved here. , 1 he Treasury investigation developcno frauds. i ne imueacimient nuestion Is caimnc irronnil. The VkronicU bas double leader urging it. Death of a Distinguished Man. ' Nbw York, Feb. 1. Hon. Washington Hunt is dvad.. . iui:i, in this City, on rimrndavevenhiir laat. .fier a lin. .jtei nir ijineHK. Airs. AONKM WllJ Uini in ti.A AOli, -oilier aj;eAU- ' ' , , FAKTlCIt JtlACIIIvrHV. Wlltt PRFI-ABED TO FCItSISfl ALL MA chlhee nieiltil liv ih ...j ti...i Corn Phellrre, htraw CutU-rs, Cora Alills, Sder MilhT ii. j emery ana sous Ciuvuriutl (lis awl Condenser, Home IHiwere, Cotton and Hay r. ii"r"' iUoe"' ,,h"vel.I''l-, Axes, Iron and ot masses, hteel of all kwds, at MITCUKIJ, ALLEN A CO S. Hardware Bt,ore, ISewbern N. C. Jan tS-lM-lt We wutlt tohue WnnriH i, lianl vm rmo e,, Ai i..n beranil aw oonlsof.wood. LiaUi from S to4 mili. . tllUCitiAIXI)l). Feb 1-MU-tr . -po R BALE. A laree lot of fine Ikhul Hsv. , rriXiA. jonem a co. lebl-lSO-tf .... " . WholeaaleOrocera, mul.es btoi.k.v fieo iiewaiiu. STOLES FIUIM m WABLES JN" JOHNHTOH fiiintv on Montlitv yik.Io. ii.a Om,i, .... 1ULES, f horse mule, mouse Co Jural, S mare imdes color, black, sftrreland inoiM eokir. The two lalter btiuKbt from UwUovernnwnt and hramtcd. I will pay tlie aliove reward for their recovery, . - - " x A, Lin... " " "V - " J. W. B. WATSOM, Feb 1-130-tf v' IlalMtrh, N. C LAXDRCTirS AItI)EXSEEI. A LARGE rSlITLJf JCHT RECEIVED AT THE J.J J' "K otore or '7l'V! ffI J Tfi "HAXTWDT'ITIS" CATHAUTIC A.VIf AITi:UATIVK PILLS. "T EOOUMESbED BIT THSTllFST PHtKICIANS. A i"rly VegeUhle. No Calomel in them. Never Onpe, being Coated with .m Tolu are perfectly taaietess. - - - For regulating tha Bowels, and for tha cure of Bili ous Fever, tlihous ileadactie, Cotsttifiatioli'or Coes tivepsss. Jaundice, liMlwmtien,. i'lLs, Dvspepaia, Livflr liseiiie, lJi.xine, loasi of Appetite, mfc Headache, and all diaeauea where areliabie Cathartie niedjeine is .required. . , Dr. W. P. Mallett who has no snnerinr ' as a Phvl. eian in North Carolina, has examined the formula by winch these pills are made and highly reo mime wis then. . Col. W.J. Martin, that dwtingnished Patriot and Professor of Chemistry m the Cnivermty of iiorth Carolina, hse anaivsed them, and oertittes that they, eon tain no Mercury or any other mineral eotwtitueut whatever. . 4I sort f Bl K W'ilaf ' t " pTJ'jiwad aiirt tt h tt TT. BAPSf.rr4H - ' "rF6t-'i.v-t'f'-'' " " 'Fi sale tn ftatilKh . ..iU'UJlu turiug I4.e-iu.t,, - -tt.spei Hitt, s r.- lif TlIUJAjts A HAiMvHlD. JX. a o.tt.TJtvT-jtxfrTitt-K trrvn.Fwt-Trrir an ofheer ui the Corifed.'rat service, having haft the ntiK'inmie.duritig tlie war to have a' "Ki and dangliter slanKby bueh-whaekers. hae atrsm ncn the suhnMrt of nuefokuiM m having hia dwcuimg and nesrly ad of bis pensiialiie g.ls de.iruved bv hre, while slment flora boms in the diecharce of a puhiie duty. Ine puhhe. generauv are.mvited to aid htm by eon--tribnting to (lie t iitors of tlie SrrUintl therefor. Jaai-MSKtf j ' ',i " Special IVotlces. 4 FIX E LOT OF LA 111 EsT Ft' Hii. Ut per eeut lew . than euat, at Jan 14 lm. - ..' M. KOSKXBArilS. ! .. ... 1.000 I'AIH CHU.IilU'S't) Cliri'KR-TOl.O onooa, at i,uu, at J Hi li liu M. KOSKXliArSTft. 3 CASES GEXT F1SK CALF lxn , .t it L'lilteKKlUl'K'li.' - Jan 15 lm - - . t . wr ii i m' i .1 i i-i. i. " ii . urn Il,RDIll(MTIl4j Ia mull ko.iwu to all onr ciliam. It. U. Andivws A Cu are but aiifitis aiHl arHXphiK up th r- suUUiib at the old hmtat!. BaLOwia or Wilmikotvx "City ClnlhiiiK Rturu" i eonnwM with Harding, in Now York whpre all the AkithiMr sold by K. 11, Amlwwe A to-, i mannfadur. sd. lliaoufo, IUuiwih A Co., New 'ui k. . Tkokm H. IJauwik A Co., Kioliniati.ff Va. . . , HaitaiNoir A Co., I'otonliaig, Va. f Mt'saoa A Co., WilmmfUiii, ". Uoods routfired by every jLtireee, at ' B.B. AM'ltKWS A CO. Hravr re4'Mia . , . ..... Keejaiaaaaix Heavvr . t'aetr llver, j . ' .Vreairb Worelttae. Made by Harding, Jialdwia A Co., Xrw Xorkt Jint receireu aa It, Xi, ANDREWS A CO. Deo li t ' (Hurra, I'vamania'a Ktoiib. A f IWALl'ABLe IIS o I.UV, xx BV WHICH Water -ari be Turned Into Slum) Tralv hsa It lieen eaid, '.'That the m-hVe of thia world, lie buried in tbe bowers of the-arth." TUe prwioua uieiaia inat are oauy taaen rrom llieniie. reauny pnieure an tue iuiiur' ana couitorte -(, the great Imjob to the tuck, Htaithl-witbotit which, hfa a bnrden, and tlie sniihou uf the ltoththjM.' wuutu tail vy secure. To fenial eurtennif fnn Lemvwrhri-. (or 'K hitwa. as It u oommuniy called,) l,tae a l'hvan.ian of niaiiT yrars iariiu would mil. tint vou novd not km eer endure a miserable luo of uauia.' aithua aud ecu- eral debility, r weakueaa, thu euuaeuttw of this uepiormiue uweaeo; -All I'hyaioiaiw, iof nmlern teaeUInir, a ill almit the great dUIU'Ullies in arreetiUK thia dt-etroer 6f hHitth, (or various reasons nniiflottMary to mention. I'atumts unnriiijf tliorefrom will as readily anri-e, that medi eiuea howYr carefully pn-pared aud used fail, in most instwifiee, to afford relief ; and in many, from ine thfrntahtdy thpy-WBie riiirtc'd:tsrrrlliyy uetiiuuiL' il a groat privilege to be a public bene factor, ami dd to tho eoutorui of tlio aUhctd, br ilac-ing tH-lore them means of relinf, I hem (five the iistory of a fW eaant of gntat ititortiat that Lav fl len wider my profiiwiional nare. Mrs. . a ladv of I he luirheni etaiuliuir in the city of CharlotM, N. 0., had been an luccaxaut' aufler r from Leiicorrhn'a for thi-e vc&ra, Hr ehnetis' were blanched, her skin always cold and alinrint traim- parent in lact alie seemed not to have a red rorpuscle in her body. "So weak waa she, that it was with Krnat diflicnlty she could ascend a flight of suns, without feehug faint and eihainrted, I'alpi'tation of the heart, head-aeho, end a diKxincaa iu the bead, btsidea t. J riMJUvtuiK Muus in the baek, together ilh a IwaruiK T-nowtrseneMim-tlA roH.HMi.ot the. woridi. wert cmi. aunt and alarming. iotwtehMauduiK tin v wt hut evniptoinsof extreme dibditv, indiioed or kept up by the never ecuMinfr dram from Intr mvmIi.iii. In thin imii. dition, every nivaiui at my command waa used fin- her relief. KemedT altwrumedj- wae ti UhI. Every means rtioominended by our nuMiurn authors proved worth less IB bercase. Heeniij: of iheeaMi of a servant, h'u I bad- formerly trcatod, Jblm(ring to Mr. Croes,) having been very moth Uietltuxl by thia utuuiw a ruaoiveu, vwiuioui xiiriiifr lnqiurv, I as the last ronort. to reoouiintiud to hur iu Ahu. n, ioua to be restored one more to health, she readily miwi w ifiy projKmuum, aim visiuMi tins wmu dally rKm.jiuiiEuxj.'uttiui wae moie7 rttt-iU-TUe anttfT, miui r of three months her health wis entirely ritiwil Uin uiiMiuiinTu, v, me Kn'at. ouTanve virriititoi tuis ater. ..... i- i ... -- - The next ear of (rrrat tntfTttat ts thai of tin- servant woman airealy mxmeii nr. rk'vcn yi ars pre vmns to mm, uiK.ifvrj w tuiw wen, air. t;roea finfteii my " t nip care ui una woman.. 1 inane IllOMl rare- nil examination and Hoaretied out all of tho partioulm i of nor limbiry. Hlie bad sullernd for let )nare with lueorrh.Ba, and being sortily sllhoted th'ereti.nn. It waa oniveriMUlv known' in our nuuiiiiinhv. tint, .h was the martyr of the town. I found her with all of Uie (litri-ng symptoms sttnudiug thie malady, and vniiuoiii aiiiou ntr temporary rtiiii. 'i-iine ptumva on, and still her afflictions did not alwto. Hh alian doned ail hope of reoovery and resolved to take firt tuedwne but to- nudgu tumulf 4o-th fatw wlneb seenwii wi await net ller niaeler (net then bavins- .l;UA.MrAu.l .1.1. ..11 i . l .. . i , . P MB",J". . OlMIMHI Ulb MHO SLIOU1U 111' fretly of the water, as it might be of some bmmflt her. Like a drowning man catching at straw, she tried it, and improvement was stHHt fH-r--tttil.e, ivr.- !! or",wn" wiin sucutar-miiTIiis day hf 1s atii'inig -and hc&IHiy W(jman,jund: ean lx srien at the Teaiacnoe or Inr former BiaeUir, slid w ill take great pleasnrs m relatuig, in dtluil, to any vUitore, the his- uvt vse. Many other easoa known Nto us, of eipml inturcBt, uei-ii vujiju, auu yiuei-s are oeiug uay Ueiu Hit. ted.. - It is te tieregn'ttn,! that Oio pe unlary i'ttibaaa Mieinn uiciuciii to tueuiu! war pniciuiioa Uie tlea,of Air. Cross' tltting np this valiuthlu proMuttv, as aremirt for invalids, I nrier theso ein-tiiiianci's, tlie owner ir. orge L.ross, or t'liarlotle, . t!., is wilhng to dieimse of his prtity at the very reaeoiiahle price ,.f Ml,unuui U. H. eurrenev. and will enMimimirau oiih any one eitncr iy it-tier or pernouaiiv. Thtt iitaiilstloii or list a.-i'.-u ,,f ,,.1 -A.TT...ii.: land a situated within ono and a half miles of tlie eit v ,.f I 1,--1... a U 1 i 1.. 11 .... J i i.i."itoi . , v-., oiiifiuinieiv tu uie nuiiuniftoii, CharhTtte and ltutherford llailroad. A' flue residence, with muileru iniproveuientH and eoiiveiiuiwwa, togcUi- with all iion'ssary biulihiigs attj-hcd, have just been completed, and to capitalists seeking im'ustnieuts in uiii intiuvimjeute eouio ue oueriu. Ii Feb. 1-iao-eotUir, -, M. P. JIUXH AttlilVALS OF BtWEft. . i BCHOl IL Itf H.1K n, BLANK I'.OOKf. Ac. IN OKEAT AKII TV. Jan gtt-Ha-tf . - hHA.NHO.N A EAlUtXR. 1'EIWONH INDr H I ED TO JOHN W. H IV8 AH Al muiistrMor of J. Kitiser, dee'd, will find their notes in the hanils of John O. Williams A Co., of Italeigli; Tlwv will pkiaseoall on Uiem and settle and save i"ti. r : JOICv W. M A i S, Jah S0-ll-it Adiu'r. Family Fi-orn ixr sackh, ftfTEriinTcjilvvI uig 'Jobaeoo, Ateal and Lord pint iwctved. riLUAM. JONKHArV) " fllhlSrtf . -&.failMp.t ly..r llurdvture til 41 1 uj euei llle htreet. , fsHwgs Msfls siawrtsd-JI'-tw-m-ar---r irr Hnrne and Mule hliH's and HIiimi Nails. ; . Mill Haw. Dastard l'llea and Hn-nr alpades, hhovls and Oai-deu tlMm, With a gunerai assortment of Hard war and Cut- Jaa SK-tf-ltS TTItlt Hast A 1 AMERICAN BITTERSj- The tsreat 8Htbrrn Tonic, AND THE MOST PALATABLE STOMACHIC EVEIl USED, . x IOIl THE CUKF. OF DVSFF-1'.mA, ClttfjRDEIlED Digestion, IrlatuleiH-y; MingKiah Circulation ot tue b!ij(.l, bilwrns ComplauiUi arming from a morbid .condition of tha htomsch and ilowi.i. An- Flerant '4mhci m tt'0h lattnl 9fttf.-irr..ieiT tlri.n. or of ths avau-m geiwailr. l.ir tills of irpjjeiite t it w w moat w smhis J4 -ii. u i 1- -l ..ivi.. v the t world. It stremrihens nature and nai.ihei.4Mi. W IZIU'"!'!' r fli""-B-"?. "Ill saki-iiiiiujss atiwuu4 with treuiufwand gittunral nAn-vwus drsncement, t is pucnharly. wlapted, giving streiiKth and tm to the Tierv, 'Jo d in'sie i.jU aMd Lduuimta.it iawu,ai. ft'laaw"4WMt aM.'w1 "Wfcw'ISaV Vsler $F tytaftfftfil'Fl I 'Afll!!" 'atfffWF'BTiTsl l" Ionic la wanted, tins eiionid lie uneiL IT. Joiinsum 11. Jiie, one el me moat eeientlRe and well known I'livai. una In tire Hontiiertt htates, tewulles 10 lie great value, beiel-a many olhers who have been greatly benentedihy tlie n of (ieiae twa. - r Jreperd and solj by - . C ft A C.N L'l.Ud, Uahufactunfig CneDnet, Feb l-UO-tf 'I1- ., Uupcl l i, ?t e For sals in Baleigh by WtLLUJto A JUAi S OOD, rCKTILIZERgfOn SPItlXC fnop. . - "TK begtr, inform the trade anil plantar wf Xnrtli -W Iff Caroline aud mrmaL fatMa'-wtt'r HUrioarfil to fUJ-iiith thm thu uiuat aiiprrrved t LIU 1U.KIW, j oh itm uioet avviiinifKiailfiY M'rma. ne im hati e. -fatoik of grimme i'i.l(l!lAN d'AS0, parchaad di- rvi'l noin tue akoui of tne rer vutn uovertioieut. V e itave now in etoro, fur ininM'ihate delivery. 8iS tons UKAULKV K SI l'fclt I'htl'HAiK OV LlMi, mhich. won for Itself euch au enviable rcpuutiou. in the t'otUm and TdaoiN counties of North Carolina and u'koii. laat sweMttt, provmij iUh'U eUal, and ui many iii)p"rtant reaMM:t, auponos to the IVruvian wim-Wc-gwestiBnat.riiMif it an awrtabwdr tiy l'r. Hayes, ououf the woet nmueut Ci.miU in th eountrv f - ;--'-. Itsuru of Anal are ifade of kirad- lty' Ptttcnt iopeivlhiliate f . J:L:-Lliiiet iu now oldbj-Vi'iii,!t .. E. Uradlry, lud I'ABTeCoiisieror V . Motetnre -. . . . 1.30 lirejwred animal mattrr, salts of Ammonia, fatty utjetaiices arid Mnnitis SH.W i 3une Fhuaf ihat ot liHM, Magneeia snd Iron 96. m) I -(Noiume rnoepiMtea or do. um. Kulvhate of Lline - . ' . 16.50 ' ' bait . ...... . . ... . 'gu . luaoluM ' . u . J.80 1 ' W .90 The aulinal matter afforded I J-Iflisrt of Ammonia when it was deeompoeed, and, ms will be seen, nearly one-half mt tbe rknie t'nosohate is mhildc.. After many analyses of your Miiper-l'hnsphate of Lime, made during the last few months, 1 have found vmir etmutanl of quality run equal to tiiat of any yen L.we evttr sold in furoier years ; and 1 am sausrUid tha you include tbe eoirreot prntciiuee 111 tho mane- facture. Kespeetfully, .- ' A. A. HATES, M. D., Wat Asssyer. We n. f. e ta Him fidbiwinn crMtt leeieik wlm IiiwIhI 11 nicntW tarat season : ih. (1. A. Foots, n arren Couuty, H. C. J H FOOTR. '! " 1 ColJoHH V lanusn, Orsnvills ," llTlhLUiu, Franklin, " A. IK KU.1R, " " It. F. TAanmtM, L. Uattijc, Nh Connty;Aj C. J 1 AvKsr, " W T WnioitT, ' " ' " h M tVMfcaa, " " " ,s II O Wtu.ua, " " J P Hiij.uko, " " JP Jknkins. J J TnoKtmnr, .. . . Dr W 11 irw, " ' , TJ Konnia, Naeh Comity, North Carolina. J 8 Munina. y . 4mrHS-H rtis'rns Wikw ' " T t' l)aswn.i. Edgi'conib - - "- " " J II Ahmstkoko. ." i ' 3 I. Lvom, 1 " . " : ElfFioFs ' Col t! W Hammond, " , W W llARKKIl, . ' J BTtYliOK. . J N Tvvuib, ' . ' " 1 v . ' :. (ten M W luxanat Nrtbamitan " . W P Mouimom. lUllfttt, : '" WTT.HUH Wijson, !:;.: We Will he roiireSeulj-d st th Courts of Granville Nanli. Maks Edgecomiie. Wilei.n Halifax, Northamp ton, Franklin and Warren comities, N. C, and Oreens ville county Virginia. Any dusiunm contuiea to ns snail bays onr beat at- MclLWAINE A CO."" I'etarabarg, Ta., Jan 31-Jui SMITH'S 2S SYCAMORE STREET. I NOTICE I PKOPLB Ot PKTEftSBUHO, EASTEkjr VIRGI3IIA, f ' ' , " AB , i 1 1 l t ' f I J . '. - t NORTH CAROLINA, . I return my einnesn thanks for the liberal patronage extended the past season, and boiie, by strict attention, to merit thotr kind tiatronatre hi future - In enter that i may br prepared tohow NEOT0CK, in the Hpriug, J hare determined te close out the baiaiiue of Fall and Winter Groode, etui nneoiu . WITHOUT REGARD TO COST. lly this statement I mean much below cost : or. in lit tier worilN. what von are willinir to pjv lnr till? l.tutilM. - I am not a Iwhever in carrying Ooods over from one eanu to another, .therefore niv dctcrnunaUiui is to sell what yet remain of l I'AIJ. 4l Mn'TEit OOODS O at a wteriilee, and invite all to an eutniua tion of tins stock, which is still largs, and r9 uuiuraces some oi tlie most oesirai ie DKLXS GOODS AND SILKS offered at any time this season ,'riie stock will bs coiuplete during tlie en tire season with n 9 n n 1 STAl'LK GOODS LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES and in strict compliance with ths decline from day to day as has been the ease with thew) gd for the last eighteen months. !iVi tiiiwe at a diwtance. who eanniit conre- n HI H V on 8 r" nbMitiy visit "Feternuiirp;, ' SAMPLES WILL UK SENT, - vj i;m -O K -OOHT WITH PltlCEH ATTACH !:i A N D K0 EFPOET SPARED s r9 fi as V. "1ST la- u TO OlVg -IsTIHC FATISP ACTIOS A.. AT THOMAS fcniTIl'fi, KO. 'iS STCAMORE STREET, rKTSCKMBUIKj, VA. T II O M A S SMITII BttMnh nnnoricltirlng f'umpnnr. )( HAI.IJ W I'HlICH TfOSl VAIIS, JLUT el ree l d aar 1 tr a&le tjt f J j.f-lv t Ht- n. t avlMV.. .. , ivet'l."t:-of t " " .-" .- Z J'l Llilil.'Ji A i .i A ii. '" " Whdmle llflweif sod t uiHiiiiit.i M-rhants. ruicigli, Jii I .. j. i: xv ' u o o ii i i jrsT KtcEivi.Na FiiOM the kuiirti a lakuk supply of . . Ol ItUilU '"l. TA HOEltr (I ULAN K BOOKS, Inks. Fens and Fancy article. All eheao irr tl. times. Call snd see, BRAN SON 4 FARRAR, JaniJ-lweod , r. Jtaleigh, Jl, C. .' GOODS AT COST. a. x. st j. nuiftnoxf 1 rf-itetlllo Rireel, Kalclgu. IN onWir to ehvw out onr pcrm'iitfStock of Goods, to uiaka room fur our SPItlNG IMPOUTATION8, a.J - w will ftnamenoa, on Alendsy next, to offer all goods ineur uuga variety, at . ' . . Irlme tu, t,,y rr vaU, st'rf 'n,f midiwiers aiuj the public to the hns w ...w w UWUIUH tllS S1IT. " McKlMMOXS --enifctr v' JUST RECEIVED, A BEAUTIKIX LOT OF Da LA1NE8, '. AMCRES, riUXT!- ,.. a " k" . ; SIIAWIiv, ENGLISH MEIUNDS. 1.EXT8' AND iiOVS' (tCAUI'S. :. ..... .-I - .... ... Boots and slioee, for all ages, syies ' fend rondlfloiia, ALL- AT prices lower than those professing to acll at coat, or those "selling goods cheaper than any body eu,, GEO. T. COOKB.. Jan J-lf . TVrLLLI(.ECE OITICC, riVIK BITTWCKIBE1WI HAVE FOintTT) A mniPT. X nership under the nrm of Mragg A Heartt, ftw tha purpose of snppjyuig Farm Laborers and House Her vanUat very reasonahle rates. They are prepared to make contracts for Farmers and others who hire laborers through them, and to toward larm Hands to any part of the Ntate, intcrseo. see by Kail Itoad and Utoam boat coniiiuini.Tition. They ia also attend to the collection of accounts. The renting and aeUmg of He! Ewtate. 1 hey are young beguuiers ami iiinw to he lilwrallv patronised, and mrnmiaa thou- undivided attention to aH who niwd ihi ir strvms, They may be foiuid for the preeent at Mr. L E fleam's Hi. ire. where Ibev will 1. l..i . I l,..l.,. . . . '. - e ri. i-'u.i. - .e ,i ihi THKV llKCKkl Tl Hull 'I'llilM 111--.,., r V 11. 1 1, V. l'tKR-ud, and the U ailing Men huu'ls and bankers of ltahiigh. - , ' II. DRAOfl, L. D. HEAIiTT. Jaa -U7-tm nd. 11 " Taaita Board and tuition per semion of twenty weeks, from 60 to 711 dollar. For particular address. , , ALLEN, A. M Jaa 14-Sleod wit Fnnotpal, Auburn, K. 0. GIVOER, AUMCB AND FINE LAKGE FKE8H Raisms, m t,t end whole boxes. - t - FULLlAVt, JONKSA tX), , JSa li, 1)7 W holesale Cirooers. 1 OK8AI.E. A 9TW9I.1 .111 ... i m xihmu mi, oi nais so close out very cheap. I'LUJAM, "JONEdA CO. Dee 10-tf hp 0 E 8 A L E Fine Cider Vinegar by the barrel. LsrreBeef lungnes bv tlie lioren Sweet Leaf Jsnl tn Tuba and t ill lis. PALLIA M, JONES 4 CO. W huleaala Groeers. Jan as-144-tf' JJINUHAM'H LATIN UHAMHAU. 1 lira et.. popular Oraiiitimr can "be hi in any H"U'J on siiOTt, notice for. cash orders, ii no .i i"' .:. VT ' ""'"- l'n w.iHn v'j.j, eitii a reanmiaiue O'tllictl in for a oirge order, at Jan U-144-tf BUANHON A FAltHAK'a. "JyJ'ORTII CAJIOLISA F0UM BOOKS, - thmstwrtty kpt Dn Ii n .1 T. y UltAlN'SOX 4 FARRA1L Jan aj-lM-tf fn El" of . i. MI'PRK-rlst COr NT Anulv SbHltl V-f Itcports for sslr cheap, Amilr .on IJKANSOX FARRAR, Jan 35-I14.tr rNDESTKVCTIULE I'ENrt. Tills California tien im iiMiimm.h.iiI lmii.fi.t l.,l...i...a .. - 1 "'" """" nut I iAii4..u.uiiom. BRANSON & FAIIHAR. Jan 35-l-tf I WiRKTW OifS-A few still on hand. Jan 25-Ut-tf .,...- HHANoO.M AFAKltAit. NRTIS C.Moi.lma. MIIfRKlK (ol'RT Hft)xirtx Mimc of them can be had at onr Store. A few vols, ai'e out of print, URANSON FARRAR. JanaS-Ht-tf IXIFICiO, t Madder, and other Iv Htnfls, now tn Htora. I'ULLIAH, JONEH A CO, Out Z7-tf : VMtolessle tirixwr,- gTONK, mtoivk, sroivst. HAVING LEAH1.U J. VvTll. WATrUiN'S MM'K i Onarrv near Uie citr. oerHims In ami nt Niiine will aj ply to us, and they shall have it on accnuiinoilsliiiff term. . . . - 1J.F. Wll.I.IAll.stlNACC jan uo-IiK-tr D VRHA.TIS) TIOHlal TSNtl'KI. WE AREELLhL'Pl'L 11. 11 KITH T1I1H p.i' iTuP sll Mmokiiig IVtlNkwo, and can furnish it In I. 4 sod M xiund t'ai kagee, tn aiiyaosiiNliepat nianiitiu'liirer pric4si.. ' .. ., .. ... ..sK-mtf.; 1. i . i- rr Am. ,. tUlEEUJuTsl, VAlUiAA-X 1- Vtkr. - . n.issi yds: t nu aheMiiiga. s, " brmhl. Alamanwi i'laela, 6iSI hnnrhea rtt.m Vmum, - - reii'ivuig tins dav at .Jan.aO-lTS.il. j. K l Vt.Jk CO, . g ALT AN I) LIME. i i Hacks Lltertiool Una Milt. . . 74 llairels itix'kisind Uiue, Oil COIIrtlgUUlOllt. "Jan3iHtf iCi'.w.Aco. l it I. A Kin s rMn TTOLDINa , 10 and Ii flall.His. AA le2-ir With fuiir A I.swis. Js. A!,D ATTRA(-'fIVE L- A Winter ETcnlns'it EntprtnfnnicnU , A WltltL AI'41A, "Wonlsbi.Ml'.SKS USUI. " 1 ... AiH. fc, n, A,-t4 LL.-'- lllS Clll'ltlltS 111 Wf Mllli'ni'WI ftlliHi il H HiJuy itiiiiiClMltCia ' render eiiji.val.ie.i.c U11.4 L.H-t4-.,;-: r4 onr N.itie-.rn euiiera, Ainiu.i lie . a.. a i, 1 Vm",' ' ire luititiw' stMUle. ''yol Hntt .wl1-' I ,iive het nen. I i-iiuic rloeue. snd iw mr snrctive-.b siuri. Tbe 'niitflta can' lw su.ug itlfnii scti. hi nrse.nerv, but.. if the latter 4s tiemwd-a till im lng'.i4ot.y- wMI eotV' it-,. 4Uvitrttn for which are givon. Ii i Vae,lv 'niouetdi nut," ml eanmA tail to stfirrdsminfitetion and aoiueeinerit whtt ever pmlncml, lTn, huh. Sl.afu Pspsr, ll.fsj, on raceijit of which.it wni lie sent rwt pant. OLIVi-lt liltSdS A., Fnhliehetw Jan 8IM4-tc Z77 Washington htreit, Husbir CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL, PAINTING ami It lineal Kclnxd, at Spi mKHeld Aeadcmv, eight miles East of llaleigh, on the N. O. It. It! Hit third session will smimmm mi r PEKITIAX fcl'AXO gpSTniTE ! 'MUOH'8."1 -iw boxe: BUP?E-PH0SP6aT1! Of - - 'ifjIE. MaHHTttli, .1 under ili.lert-tiiiiiiijirigtnaied ra taM and paictiU'd by . WOT-TBoraiirroair-Trnr Delaware Hirer t'bemlral Wtriuy 1 riirxADELriiu, t. a. a. This old eolsblished MNr.!tE is manufactured from lluuew uwt havw been burned or steamed, soil it oemmn. all their original organ'ie malter. it is active ui its operation, and is a fertiliser of great durability, it (hies not eihanst Ui soil like Peruvian liuiiio. but on the eontrarv permancnUy unprovoa it, 1 reviomi to Ihol it was hilriHlnoed luU tlw' southern n tales to considerable silent, and again in itao, where.H has betu used with remarkable suwesa P"" ' , . , Cotton, Corn, Tobacco, and all Clropa A iinul will convince snir planter of fta merita. I aniphlct enutainiug well-known Hontheru evidence fiirniehcd nHin spphiation to New lark or l'hdadel pbta oihcc e. , - noltLby DeaUtrs In all ths principal cities and t-ws throiighont the tinted btales and Biit4.h I'i'orlncijs. BAUGII cfe SONS, , aoi.s MAXtTAin-sr.iti, OMce, N. ) alh OeUwarw Ansss, riuLAPi.LruiA. . BAUGH BKOTIMllS & Co., ucxietiAfi wiim.PMAUt Aiiasrs, f IHI rhAht, fithhKT, KKH' l ORK. rtui s.u.a r ..... J itfi ai M. T S.ns, Jan. 4- dxA;)iu. llaleigh, N'. C. AVLIl'S AUVK I tin., forme speedy and" ' rrrialn Cure of In K'rnilucnt l"fv r,or iiiisana i v e r , Ys ItrmliU'nt Fever, , ; a inn i rrrr, irunio sue, IVrl od teal ailHche) rJllll- iJ on li-uiH-iie, and ,J still... a?..-... . i... . vs ftir the whole elus oi diseases originating In biliary derangement, canned by the nislana. nf miaauialie ooiitilries. '1 his remerly ha rarely fuiled to cure tho severest "s of Chills and Fever, awl tt haa tins great ad vantage over oilier Ague iiiedicinee. that it subdues the cuuiplauit without injury to tlie patient. It eon, tains no ipiinine or other deleterious ntietanca, bnr does it piiidiiee qulumm or any injurious eflunt what ever, tihakmg brothers of tlie army and ths nest, try it and ynp will endorse then ssseVtioti. Prlred by J. t). AiLU A CO., IiweU, Mass '"ani sold by . ....... Williami & Haywood, P, F, Peacud, Ral eigh, IT C, and Dealers generally. ritll'ATK KOAHUIN'G IIOISE, .- TRICE OF BOARD REDUCED, .1. . i ENTUKnM mm aeeommndat t or H fflem- -lf L hers of the Assembly with good accommodations by applying annsu Transient Cnstoin will tind it to their interest to give u a oatl. AI1TH.M. J. FENTIll tt. " No. 15 FnyfWvllIe Bt. BO yds. from the Capitol. Jan. VW-lM6id , - jmiORTAr.T MALE, I WILL BEIX AT pritLIO AFCTHIN IN THIS Town of II iuideisoii, on. Tuesday ths lUth, February neat, Vai liable .... . . i; n t I r Blanuruclurlng and ISaw Mills; situated within one mile of lh Town of Henderson, en a never failing stream of naler, which, aitmil ' sulVineiit poacr toatiai h a Cotton Facttny, if pur ehasor should so desire. I'hese Mills are new, and in excel ut winking order ; they having been built last year. Have hei n in succesnliil opiiinimn for the past live months, during who Ii tuns the fiaw Mill alone ha yielded an uicoine of about Ave thousand dollars. i will rcl) with MM, one hundred ami flftv seres of heavy tinils-reil land, said iMibcrnlsupeiiiVr ouslity. , AlMltnotiniliernUiitlanhuiiJj.il aud Ulir aelell,if land, all of v intli is adjoining Int. Will pronertv. Will be sold st tbe same time, two good yoke of Oxen, one IjigCart, a splendid pjir of Mules, on i.""n nagou anti jtaruees, asilienor lot of Hogs, of Improved stock, and many otlmr articles luunnii ous tonittiition, luultiding on sett lllacksmilh tools. Also, at ths same Uiue and place, two rery valuable Houses and Lots, situated in tbe Town of If emlcmin. I feel no hesitancy In pronouncing the above pio Jierly, as vlulrl.a any of ths kind in the Male. Cspilahsts deMiroiia irf investing in pmperly that will' rwiy, ran do no belter than etanune this prupettyaud i erms made known on day of sale. V, R. MERRIMAUT. Jan JhVtda-lKI SO KOXKH ItlACVS Adainaiitiii Candles, In lines Also in 81b; Cartons, '1 bese are the best Candles known ta the trade. ri'LLIAM, JONKS 4 CO. Ort TT-tf - ! . , .., Huron tildes. CIHKAPto ch.ieeMM'msigiimeTit. I I I,I,1A M, JUNES A tO neexi tr " . . ANOTHEll arrival of licet Fsnillr Flour i l '' US,i J,,'FH o. W"?Tm"',S'' ar'r,lWa - . .. . .alaMBr.-a Www -v.... . . . V -e , ' ' "I-HIW 3mWgw,-iMamvti') a I tNUVt t tSIIV II . Jt'HT In tun fur CbriaUaas : Fine Fam-y JuirJma, Ladies Cream Mirks In 6 lbs. but, I'L LLIA41, JU.NKS 4 CO, - Iee 21 -If lUlall POfATOKS. A Ubeei family FWnr, )., reciiivid snd tr sl x .a. u j ...... nxuAJi, jii.m';; cu. 11C l-tf hoiesale OrotHua, t SAADat ( ITV AI.K. IS large quantities, for sals bv 1 ",. ' i l'ULLIA tf, JONKS A CO. Deeas-tf WhuheaieGTooei. , 1 SCAhOW 30 Cases Meat or Sausage Cutters " Variomi Siito J. BROWN, Vie la-tf tWith H it 4 hmirn. TCiilva siai ;. 1 i.i tipimr mr fug 11... i,,,, tufun, reflltul, 1 WOW )iel h lb newimnrhtll'lr! tt Sltielt ffi Inn i. ut or trnii-n rit tsianh T Jin r 1111 ajn pli.t'jiit, tanla well supplied, ervauls Hniir and p.ilit, Tenrs Titr-tnram. Menders T f lie U .:!!,',.! nra wul find h,,ia likUtMl IImish. . - Jsnto-lm a M. M. A W t l.iN . in roar ant to rtnuritw. Drif Mr. WilhaniKou will leave for Ilaltimore on Mojel&y'Jtu, ol lehruiiry lopuivhaiie U uouoaud Jluo-m aud oilier supi'iiee, that our Isnuer wul need to nuke a crop i'ariies,niuirnstixl will tlud it to their interest to call on him before that time, li. P. ILLIAtlSOX 4 CO. Jan K UH4,Cimn",'B rTcbnw AncHotjeera, I j X