r . . - . i-.--. ,, : r-r-1-'- -r '. . V --. , ' 1 .... - . , ) :,, i . . : ' ! ' '. ' l. . ' , ' r5 - - - c - v . v -. . ' - ' COHEONE. I0HE ALLT TO 31. K0SEXBAU3I, A'o, 1 Fa) eiietllle -ireelr. ... IF YOiyvYAKT to mar Yoift go,!P cheaphs thaa at any other Hui;c id u . fry, eww sklmxu rr "; UntimiiiBloctot r:'.' i " CRT GOODS, - - FA NTT GOODS, GEXT'3 FCRXISilJNO GOODS, . JIATS" AND CAPS, i .... . JJtWJTTAHB-6HOES,-hitia ead a i HHKirlmtBt of Ladie end OmiI'i TBAT. ..-jxiau-.iM.xR,4.-l----:--.---!: SEW lOUK tOIT, far iti ar iy. lT-prtoy to hw mtkng . jMwt fogat togir bira nil 1L Wirreo, M Warrautin, Dm. ' 39 A Jau'T. I A Itauuro, t TiwIxto Koaok, t ttxner, WiiluinMun, H ttiiumtn, Pljrmouih, t flyiuuiiUi, . . . ' BUj, m H oodatock, Htaiaiukat, l Hum QuArtaf JitUarM. at iinwrm. laiiis 1KA40 1 '. rbf. I0 1A 17 Th Ototricl Hterl meel iiif will b beld t ih Chardb in 1 iwburo. on rtaianlajr tb Utti. Ja 1 b ttuau-ds Mnon. 11. J'.iiuw, H. A. Tborn, Mr- .- n Battle, K. K. Methrr.b, Clita Lalhim, John Anliur, Ju Ctark ad tr. (. A. Vong I do not kuow who re t)j Ht wr.i fr Wiiwm a4 Hu. It in important tifl aiJ huuid b p"'!it. lh relnrnA friitil AnmiJJ LJIiferTlfl tbnt hi itid tUt Ui 'i liu f.r the mtroductioa of Lav bpriHHuttitiHi, ijruiiwd by th Uta uenarai t ocifrrcuce, will nue wi bllimalijr nnoniice4 u tb kwof Ui t borub the diiri.-t ritawardu in ftBUefp tlua of euch ajuiounceuieut will aleotour Dkgato$ to our net! Annual Cmifurtuice, in ooucinnity witb tli proviaiona of aaid taw, kljr Voallffi--ojiO.C!llltllt.lif Twwra. af..C. I er circulating within the ouunaa 01 una qivinci "will ohlige mac; of (Jieir reader by paUiahicg the above nutiea'. '. - - sJ-- - "' ' R- MOHAN, P, E. WiTHB TOWER ASD MILL IWI1X HlXL AT VVIILIO AUCTION, AT THE Court-HuuM in Graham, Alamanca Connty N. C, on TuMday, Vlarcb 6tb, at 11 o clock, tii valuable propeny, anown m me COM PANT M Fl( LB, r COXHITKO OF A LARGE WITH AtX THE KECKSSAEI MACHIKEBT. CIimlrw-Mitl and JJaohlnerr, Dwelling Hihim ana unt noun, uridga vtu reel umg Aorc )iaw juvut, witn aoout 40 ACRES EXCELLENT LAND. F T IHWw Power at preeeot improved laaufflaieot for a large Factory and tlie moat rain hi power 1 jet awuiproved, Tbi profiorty i only two and a half Brtie from tt Jiovth Carolina tntral Mail Koad fchoo. and midway bet wax ttorkitwand Oofdrtwro. It 1 a valuable locatioB fur m Cotton Factory, and wa of the cbeapoat marketa for purcbutng eotUin. Purcbaaer are In riled ' to axanna tb property, which they can do by atopplne; at th Company Hbopa, Only on tenth of tb purobaM money will b ra--ajuired ta-eaah. TH03. J. MITCHELL. JanU-td New barn, Mortb Carolina. LI1 c i..iraci:. MAlfT intnr their Hv beoanM they aea tb folly of Mglactmg to do ao. Many who do Dot inaur argu that it i folly to llieiir. Which i right If thoM who donotiimarscao cite lrjatanee of tha barm doo by a polioy of life Inanranc. if they can point out men who hav lot5,0(J to 1100,000 by Mfe In n ranee, then upon proof of Mine, w malt be!iv them. Hundred of iiMttnce ran readily be abown where partie have been benefitted to thla eitcnt. In North Carolina there r aoine YWdowa and Chil dren ready to trimly to the good renilting from a Ufa lBWiranee on the ir only eartlilv donendi m a. 'iba"tna Lite Co., in iooaing 123.000. lh paat year haa relieved want and now with over (4.O00.0H0 of aaaeta oftcra aure nrotectioii to aU thoM who will avail (heniaelvoa of ber liberal tfrni, by calling on v. it. cnu, ... Oenl Ag'i lor U tltaU of K. 0. Balalg4, S. 0. Jan . M-113-tf fELECT BOARDIXO AND DAY AitHOOIV FOR T0UNG LADIES, niLLSBORO, N. C. THE Miner Vuh and MtM Knllock, aitd M berotofore in tub department by an abl our pa of Profeasor and IiHtrni toi-a, willreaama tli emr weaof thuir choal on th 8lh. rVbruary, lni7. Circular forwardud on application. Dee 16-ira TIIOIAS 1(UAC'II t ox, rETERSBUUa, VA. i?IIO JITtANCII.a. CO, K1CUM0ND, TA -Btariblt Son 8& Co. ' ' ATT.rSTA f!A. BAKKIUS 4 COMMISSION MEECEANT1 TtTK iisBft W, Ta.; janT'!ll"S07. W are paying tha "highert rau- fir Pan Note Ad Kortlu rn ecnntie; will band return with check a New York, Hivhuiond nr Petersburg, fur all packa faldai irrirwud, acritchid io.alno ilclacheijooupoii. rlatlroad stoca bought aim aoiu. . iTb folidwtng am onr preaatrt rate ftV K. f?, Bank note, and ar Uaiil to ehaugea big liMt ratM paid wtua nulla recmcdV- - - Koktv OAaoiJ.. JtnJi -atX'sta JeM-m M " .Challotl a r Clarendon. , ouireerce. .t. . ......... ........1 .,4, ,,..,y.B,WMT;.;,...;r;-r..., Laaiugton ...12 - " atOmbaai f-O-jx-;'- Tortb Carolma. .J...7-... ....... ..",,..7. .7 , Roiboro'. " Thomaavill .......... ..... ' " Wadealxirough, , ,....,..,.'..3 Waahington ,. . Vilmiiiirton .... " Yanccyull J Comajercial Hank Wilmington. Jj . Jarmer. bank of North Carolina.. ....... . ...... t.reeuaboro' Mutual luBuranoa Co......'.......-..- MercnanU' Bank of Jiewbera.. ,...... ........ . Ittuia' anA I'lautura' Uu.k,., ' -TUtWfJkS 'BKANCH SONr" for nt.v r. -sr.. FIS'E "aiiTcuml "rial 1 HrniaeT" 1natedTntli (iov Jin Iredell. Voeaeaainn will b givA .on JanuarT lt. 17. ' . ; Trrm rn known rm aptAttoa la.lVX IB1.. i)i 1 1 L. at the itaLifh Satioi.ttl bank.' , t 19-tf . " . . .. , - Ni'- rOK KAI.1C. - - J ATA. Lagnira and Kio C 'ffi. ' ... PwJ--f . .. . TE2 BAJTK 07 WASHEffGTOJT, la Ibe Iowa ir Washington, Korih Carolina, 'rT6 AIL ITS CnEDITORS, WHi-BEAS, tha Mid Ubit bu rowJred to p pruinai all Uiaaut and toeluaa lU bu liin ln-l aarrattdwr lU cbaftertd ntjblaMdiatt liiaoa, in euKfunoitjr to tlw proviauMui of act at Um Osiisral AaaeniMy f tM Blala, Ut ad ; "u act lu auaiiU uia bank U kbla Btaap to eluaa : Ae4 tb. tii b()i fiM bBl WW(talnl u ilia Court til i.joilT,'j.ii ior tb.otutr of Dut, oa tte iKUib iluutUj fSa -Mm HmrHi -Muadar of MuiBUer A. L). at tba aaid town uf Waabiugum, aa;ainM tbo creditor, of tha aid. bank, for tna purpuaaa and object aforeaaid. tiul rtm mirl nirt"rja. unoa tbo beannr of ' blU tad emmaUtraimrtirmt-rmi J On 3 v. BlXH;?i I o, ao ai.a w dt uw oiw aatd Court, appointed, wonimiaaiouor or KoeiMP of MS Um teal aad pemmai eatate of tb Mid bank, and tbat there be rented in bim, aiao, all thri)rbt of action which ile aaid bank bad t baa, tucludiiig aU debta due to uid halik or to any peraea for it nee and ail Uena and aoruntiea Hwraor, and tn .aU tbini;. to bo wiVh the wut power and aaiUoritjwhkh tha aaid bank uoi hu or bad, at the unW of the tiluig or luu-Midbuliand tba aa.d rfobn U. lomit h exeaaled a bond in the required aout.eonditioned I.- ktM !Hi..... j4,itte ami traata auKUned lnd repoaed in bim, and baa entered on bw d f tiea, m aooh eominiaAuuar, t-wit : at the bank bntldinc, owned by Mid bank, tn ma aara f WMtiingUm aforeaaid. . , , And tha Mid Court baa alao ordered and de rl tiiat the Clerk and MMter of aaid Coort ad ttartiM u Uie aeierai oew.papera, a meuUimed v la aatd act irf Aaaeuiblr, notiftiia; all the eredl tora of aaid bank of the filing of tlaa bill, and tbat they preler and eatabliah their aeveral eUiin and deound aaUie tha aaid bai.k bef.a tb Mid oomniiMiouer, within twelve tnotithe from the time of thie decree, and that they apply fr and take benefit under th Mul act ad plvad and defend in all matte re eoiieerwiiig their ui tereata in the um. Vt ilnoM, MAi'iMKW nHAW.Clerk and fMid Court, at oOvm in )t abugt.jn, in the County of Heaofort and Btt aforeaaid, th loth, day of l-ecerobw A, l. ; "V MATfHKW bIIAW,C. A M. E. Doi-lm . ; SEW 00058 ! Vm GOODS ! !. : ' O'CB BECEST-PPHCHA8FA together with aur -eluaiaj oa fiom tli large atocka and lata deelin fat Good north, bar placed na In poaamaloii of uprv Koei'of Jwf " which wen aeli tower than Good bar been "old la tb Haleigh, Market ainc U el "f fhawar. '' ' Our numaron enatotnera both in town eonnty and Stat, hav long ! boon eooTincad of tb tmA tbat v bar been, and are now aaulng bet tar good, at tower pric than any other Boum f w aaa afford to do thie, a w keep on of our flna eontantlf in th Aonnern aiaraew , VI it. W l. 13. 4 v. V"--- - A TZACHZS WANTED. TBI BUBHCBIBEB. DKHIRto TV JtiiriAir a HALat THKi to toatj-uct hi hild.'n and a few other, at hureemencem onu- , .ton County. He mart be qualified to prepar boy ( for admlaaion in th Univereity or any other Col- 1m. and i giv teatimotual or nnaouoteu gooti ZT.l , i . .MLmui nannot b Droeurod. -t wittwlvprepirtt''ri fnana tady teachwof , haraoter and qualification, to inatrw-t girU and ; ainaliar bora in th nual brancbe of th Lngliab laof tiag and th branche nauaUy Uught in good ....aU auaknAtat AadrM tb . at vton, g-. Jokaaton Co., an. 10 iw NOTICE. a eel iriTint m II matte to tl ' A.AaMmbly ia Jaouar4;hIr th paaaageof aa act auiuouaieg ai ... - . loner for tb towa otWKtmW, pbwfnf! .aid lowa under lb law.W tb. Hi at concerning Towm generally, any local Uw to If eontrary autwitbataodingi and alee for aa ant aa boriamo ; thaJutioM of Warrea eouoty to en a para oi th aquar ta aaid tueimi jruieb. the Jail tdi. Ieel-w . 4- Alnwick Farm near Italelgh. ( DECEMBER J2nd. 1806. IIDKGLES ASI EAT 1 IS. I AM prepared to deliver Uhlnglea and Utlia In BaleigbinaoPh quantitie. aa may be re quired. I'm. bhinglM M.00 per M. Latba WOO . per M. Older k?ft with myeelforB F. Cheat-,i. baa A Bro., will iwoeive prompt attention. 1 CAPT. W. K. PE1UCE. 5 : ... Dm H-twt .... ...... .,. : FOR 8.4 EE. A FINE BOHHE, BCGGT Al HABSF.8S. jfV Apply to C. W. 1. Uutobinga, Raleigh, or. tha nndemgued, four milea Wee of f aleigh, Oct, 8l-ll VI. B. Itvam BELMOXT SCIIOOE, '' O R A NT I L L E O O U.U T T, N. C. TEN mile Sooth of ClarkavUl Va., and U4 teen Ktwth.of Oxford, N. C. 1 ha J'weutT-third aceaion of thu acbool begin Uth. ot Jan. Ukjd. For Circular addi B. H .ORAVKV DeeW-ow Oxford, N. 0. ClaM oble. . Tden,TariooiFattem. Juettohaai.- ALSO Wagom Bub. - J. BR0TN, With HiLw, rLoiRt FEOLIll ILOtUI 1 ( BBLtt, GambriU,a PaUpaoo FKmily XV '""a. fJa.""HS.Aw.7.-r--Tf- Iff - vnoaapeaae a-aiia o". " feeveru audjUidg Mill 10 Su; iper 11 u 8. Smith k Co' Idon Milla, Fam- - - Ilv, tnenc. - v uaaPiaWiwtel ill in Rtoraand 'f h beuf, Jb a-f .. B.V vYUXIAMBOfl CO. JOHN 8. DANCY.,, IQHH H. HYJJAS, T Taaaoao, K.O., f uv n. v, -jo set n mi n i m :i r'Lauit'farboro,-)!. fXT.v- ' dAxct, htmax a to., aonerat iC6mmU''''VtiMu;" Forth ul of U kind of Sonthern produce and purcha of General Merchanuice, , Ko. 94, Exchange mace, N. NKW I1U, Ang.So-tf .. Bank BI1U For Kale. . : $2,000 .. ..A... IX JPAK OF WASIIINOT0S BILX. For b i J&Mm M. TOWLES, AgvnC t",i rr-tw S0tIC- At from th Law library, ara rwqnwwdto briaW Abmin. ia lTiilily. , i-ii f, TAK1S tT AT MY HOCSK. KEAB FOHE8T Manufaotdriug Mil la, a etray Cow, on tbalat . day of January laet. bli iarad and white, mark ad with a crop on each ear with aa onderkeel medium ana, and 1 Jode A young edw having had but on calf. The owner can nar Aver by ' -frwmilk propertv and paying charge. -JLm V s'aJwa---: tmvTlU M. 0-, Jaia.lw :7 HULSBOEO" KUITASY ACAilMT. niubi Veil known and popular faattitutioa) ia JL one mora in aueeaaef ul operation, and la pra Er4 ior the eeepuoo of Caueia at any un.- i ia under thedirocuea of j- : g. h, k. cLkrtt.tr, a graduat,' and for fifteen yean, (up to tha aw tteacwuatnt of th war) a - . Profnaara- of -tha Virginia, ; - aiilTAKV IntiaTITl'TK, and a colleague of " STONEWALL JACK30N. lit eraira of the lnetitntlnn that of th Tir firna Military Inaiinne, and ia each aa to mate I7i caicinya great A ah"il of theoretical and apphd. dene, m which Language and Literature alea roeetv a due ahar id aitenuou. iii duetptuM and to atructtou ara on .a . -tvmpUtm military Haala. . 3h Pghy tlor the present trgngd a ful low i .... AuawrfrOendnif and Profor of Military l'iit tory, ratfgy and FotaUsa Jtanomy, and in-- wr uj j'otiMramy! LtiTwry uictu-t. uta. n. . Military Jliatorr. Ktrate irv and Pahu-1 Fjvuimnv at tb Virginia 'Military Inetitaia, and law Brig. OeneralC. A. A. - . J Cutil tn appotntn-ient of additiorial Prof ora, Oon.f Coiaion take charge of tha iiepart Bint of ranch and Engluh aludie and Bejlca Lettt a. n.jUHAfV.iHHt..J wv.i.t tikin. rpby Ordnance, (junnery and inatnu-tor of Artdl ry tactica, aiajor a. ini,t.iiaaui, urauiwm, of th Virginia Military lnetitut in 1.V , after-, ward Aaaurtant Frufeacor of tha Va. kl ilitary In. aiilut attached to I ha Cmld Mtata Coaat Mur vy lata Map and thief of Artillery ia th C l, Army. . - Profeaaur of Mathematical, Civil and Military EngirtM-ring, ArchiUcture, Topgrphioal and lu dtKtrial Drawing, and Aaeialant Inatructorof In- ' failtry taclica, Mai. W. A. OUh.NCH AIM, flrat dia- truguiahed Gradual," of hie Clara in th Vir- fliuia Military llntuute, and for efficient and mer loriei'e aervice during th war, promoud Cap tain of Kngineera in the le C. K. Army rTofraaor of Chemiatrr, Agricultural fbem letrv, etilogT and Mineralogy, Col.I.tWELI.VN MOXTON, "DujunguUhed graduate" of Wet Point Military Acadomy, arxr late Chief of Ar tillery to llardre Corpa. x l'rofraaor of ltin, r reneb. Ethic tad Belle Lattrefc-to beannointed ahia-tlv. f. k A vVttrMiaJBWICaV New annointment will he mail, and the Chair. now filled will be aubdivided aa soon aa the nun bar of Cadet make it dveirebi. '. pill cmla iut-f utt caaoi ah lW Bf WTB geiille men of bc-ientihc and klilitarr edueation. who hav aerved in the field. ... Candidate for ailmiaaion aa Cadet are adviaed tii com without delar, Cntd the let. of Febrn rynext, all thuae l a.lct preaent at tha Academy,, will be pushed forward in their aludie irrMpec tiva of cjaaaea. ao aa to enable them, at that time. to enter th moat advanced elaaee for which they may be found qualified. Hy doming at one they may gaia an entir jMr In th term of their education. For etroulara and any other information apply to . ,. Gen'I R IL COLSTON, up't inileboro' MUitary Academy. DeeO-tf '. SOfcOOO! tso.ooott -WORTH OP GENTS CLOTHING l . A N D - FI RXISllIXa GOOD NOW 0PEN1NO AT 7 R, Al- A adrw t C.- OUT KTTINO BOOMi YOUTHS CLOTIIINGI M O V IM,TIIIai v-t ' - '., .. ParenU and Guardian. Call and aa th An good and low price at ' ' ; IL B. ANDREW g CO'S. ' CXOTHfM) 8TOB. ! Beautiful drew frock Coal for Wedding ocea inna,mad by Harding Baldwin A Co. New York at ; : ' i , , -- - 'v- " -rf : " R, B. ANDREWS 4 CO'S. !.".':,.., , i . ... ,- "Out Frrrnto Boom .... -Fina Doeekin Pant, eat from Kw Faumoai PiTTXai mad by Harding, Baldwin A Co., Kew fork, - , i ' -" R, B, ANDREWS A CO. ' ei-tf SELLING OFF ij'AT COST,: ' ' T0 CLOSE THE COSCERV," : Great ul of Dry Good, Boota and Bhoea, Hata, (lotiotiAo., ., nowroing on - ! IA M "JKO UNCI, OLD STAND Sq. 31 FAYETTEVIIXB BT., KAJL.13IGII. N.C. For th pnrpoM of doling np Our buaiiMM ia thla City w oiler our entire rjtock -v r "AT COST," co sisti.xo or i MSISS GOODS, . . 1 ulcus - MOM tSTJCS. X Table Imsx. JtJB0X. IAOI.. . VLOVSX, HViJXkT, TRtMXlXSS, iAi) I$ BATS BOXXSTi, . HOOP SKIRTS, XOTIOX , - ' also roi A SB BVY8 WEAK. ir - ! - r -r HATH FuH MKX -. .. ASDitors.- Alao, a fin lot of Jean, and ftatlneta for Mau'l wear. ' TV.' -- - - -- K T Xhi Stock raeantiy pnrchaaed for Caah, I war- 1 (by tli.ttnuoaiaf a& bwywr arid wiU b ald a i.' i hT elated EDWARD WHEELER V CO. ' -: ' V ' 1 Bo. 21 FATf TTETUXE, fcT, -DuM-lf BaiJBo,H.a kt QAREEXT, Y0UNO. SCOTT, ft Ctt ,1 f JfNJTACTURER3 AND . ' Wrrai mm rrmf . Bimx-s-jxs 40RXEU OF4II1RCIE JSEHUOJIS ierarmptAjrFtUaytl SHT8MADE TO ORDER. C. V. G ARRETT, hf N. C. - - T -'EBEX TOUSG. N. I. City. .- BrESSER SCOTT, of Sw Jetwey. ' Aj rS.8HArEB,PtrbTirg,Ta., A. L. SCOTT, Er. r. X. GAF.RBTT, of 5. Caroliaa, Jm 1-bf THKJKTZTJS OT A2f& DEALERS IN - COACH AXD IADDLEB V IIARDWAUE. f Lai ThomM JIackeruie (k Son X. t9 Blllmore St.. BALTI nORE. Fetlof;iSadd-TrMvJ EWd akini. Snrino-a Khnei Thread. 1 Cn?aa. Sadakrs' Hair , VarBiih, " Enameled Leather, , Carnage Bolt" hug Leatfcer, : TireBoita, Skirtino;, Mo, - - HarntM Leather, Wheel. Surrnp,Bi Alto, all other, arlirlet npperiitlnljit? t the btulneu. Sept. 6-6m 1 JEVXOLDS' TIRBIE WATER WHEELS RETKOLDS' PATENT SWEEPS THE FIELD; pEW rMTROVEMESTS ; - 1. ' ' ' LOWPRICES; 'I .t'"V DOES HOT CLOO ; '- T HAS NO COMI'UCATIoSH OK - V ATE8 OR COSTLT TLtME WORK ! COMPACT FOB "SHIPMENT ; GREAT WATi.R-SAVKn ; . - THE ONLY WHEEL " - THAT EXCELS OVERSHOTS; - GOLD MEDAL AWARDED ET - AMERICA Jf ISSTITCTE FOR '.'"'- '' ; ' . . '. , BCPERIORm. :tv". Shafting and Gearing fnrnisbed when required. - T3lrRni TAi.rt T, ' Ul TALLCOT A I'NDERHIIX, - K M LibarK Street v Jiew York. : Agentai A. t. LEE, Society Hifl, S. C, and SAML. BASER, Granitevill, 8. . . N . Aug. 13-om .. ... .Sx.. :. " T-'- : WABREVTOX FEMALE . COLLEGE, .WARRENTPN,' N ' C . raiwriPAi.aj; RET. J. B. SOLOMON, JAMES II. FOOTS, A. M. MATRON: MIS8 HENRIETTA HICKR. . Tha firai Seaainn of tbi Inatitutirw will rnmmem-e on Monday, th 1Mb. day of Jannarr, lSt',7, under new auapice. Th Principal havtlig purchaned th en tir ground and buildinga, ara having the lattor ulc gantly retitted and fnraialied anew for- the reception of pupil. .. . onri or iktbiic!tto ; , , .-- ; Ber. J. B. SOLOMON Higher Mathematic.'Rheloric, Logic, Intellectual Philowijilir and Moral Suieuoa, -Major J. H. FOOTE Ancient and Modern Language and natural BciencM. - Captain JOH W B. WEISS Muaic. ' " ' ' Mr. M. M. BOLOMOS Aniataut in Muaic and Lito. ..rary. D'paj-tiuent . , Mi. C. H. i'OOTE-Katnral Sciencoa and Hiatorv. lira. VICTORIA L. JO "I E8 Drawing and Aaai.laiit In Higher Engluh and Mstheuuttic. ' Mr. hTKEDPaeteL Grecian Painting, etc.. i MimBCK O. TAVLOK Aritlirnntic, Ehghah Grata. 5w(jrpj aiiu yoHipotnllOO I'liuury Department. Tana ma Semioii otr rrvrn Mowthb. TniUon in all the higher English Studies, ta .00 Primary DepartmenL x 17.50 Ancient and Modern Language, each 1 : 10.U) , Music on Piano, 25.00 I'm of Inatronient, 8.00 . Muaio on Guitar with naj of Inatniment, - 25.00 Muaic on Harp with oa of Instrument, 53.00 Painting in (ul Colors, 20.00 Painting in Water Colors, ' "10.00 Drawing, Embroiderr, Ac, ' ' ' - 10.00 Board, axolaaira of light and washing. 7i.oo REMARKS. 1, Tb location of this College i in one of the most pleasant and cultivated town in North Carolina, long eeieoratea ror lie oeauiinunees. . Th Principal aaaur th pitbli tbat no pain will ba epared to render the institution all tbat par ent and guardian could desir it to be a .tillable place fur th education of their daughter and ward. 8. In all of it appointmenta they intend to make it rank witb tha foremoet colkgea of our land. They tnemaeive are not novice in till department or la bor, but bar had ample experience iu teaching, aud In conducting ucn enterprises. A Pupils will be allowed to attond inch daces of wor ship on habbath m their pai-onta or guardians may I iw.iii-j. uu. vi cm.ugi, wui aiwaja atluul' pany young ladies to the bobs of worahin. 6. Debts cannot be contracted by the pupil without permimion from parent or guaruiana. - & Every eleeping room will b supplied kith fuel and be carpeted. " 7. Pupils must ftrrnlrh their own towcls.and on pair of aheeta tach, and have their clothing well mark ed. - .! Pamirr : One half in advance, th othor half at th cloM of th Seaaion. For further particular, addreu eithor of (lie prin. eipala. le -f ' . - .' - --T-- (PIT RE C E IV E n GENTS FRENCH FELT HATS. 1 BRIOHTON, ' TT m t .on a w w ox uai; v PARK, ami all lunul II Um Wuiil HMI. for in.n ai.d yvutha, and CAl'S of every description . ,. ,. - A, . & J. I AlclilMMON, Sept 8-tf ' I. w. vrtTt, . r. wtHAxa. w. t. arTion.o a aao.. of wuiungt n. of Alamanc Coq of Norfolk Va. V1CK, 3IEBANE Sc CO. FORWARDING AND COMTIISSION -MERCHANTS.. Csmr-1 hMaat Wi Ktrrvu, r wij?tt m ttxor. rv o. Conalrnmnta ollcitL 0m1 advance made eonsigument la Aor TTiBVFR. and bnlldev in w,m-A T.in,a I. JS aupphed by tb undraigad with an excellent I anicie ai vary ww mee. Cost per boa at rtaiiabury aecurcly boxed tllM ireigrii nroia oaiiaoury is urevnaooro, j, t 1 Do. Hillnbnro, S. A) J.70. ttaiwgn, Apply to FOVyELL, YVTLROM A? CO. Catawba Station, Air.UXfunuabriana.nd PporincaU.w, f,T r,wel. yf. rnga, Churchea, Factory fcnildioi.11. Jaiis and vary decriptioa of Building ; Aleo, aU kind of drawing with prompUiee and on reaeonabl terms. nova-u. FOR REX T,' TBAT pleasant Cottage on HiUeboro Kreet ad JiMning tbrtdehce nf Jndg Satuder. roeee. oa givo at one. Jienl modcrs t. ,-aviiwt n a aaa trADTir iir, VjVW- was m mm Drjr Coods, Clothing, ladle - at co,sxr : CloaW.s FItOU tkia day, I ahall aell fny entir Stock of Win ter Good at .Coat. My Stock e.tt of a nh- Mortuirht of French Merino, Englih Merino, - Alt pace, Rliephert't Cheek, DoLainea, Caliooi, Btoach- inga, Domeatita, 4, Ac abich will ba old trruk at greatly red iuiedprka. . -. ' ' :-::tgyietT'hawbv' tawA Hubjif :'IIoov Snr.ta'ijg, AeAr?:,f(- cnpTr " " " . - l. CEOTHlJtO,CL6f fllNO, cirTHixor trrrrroarH,' TSeWd."gtCalWa-tr- mid catUnei Suit, lihxk Doeskin Panta, andGentWruon'a Furniabing Good at Kow York price. , Ladit aut.illc men, Uiia ia trtrfflatortum; ty which will probably occur thi aeaaou, for purcha- t'lng really good, ftahkmabl Good at alraoat your own pneea. Call and examm my good and price and vou will be aatikfM that thie oflcr toaell at font. ia no humbug.. - ! , All wialung good good at lew pric, ar fuviteti to call at the Corner of Fiyattarill A Bargett 8treU. ' A. at 1.1 K. Vff 5 tf ' . JA. L. HATHA WAV AXD ETLE Y (Formerly HATHA WAY A Co., Importer of MOLAS Dta ana bluaii, numingtoo, n. u) Khlpplag and Coiumlaalon nierchauta, 171 PEARL STREET, NEW TORE. VV aolicit eouaipraent of Cotton, Naval Htorea, Hlieetinia. Varna. Tolieceo. and other ftniiil,Arn Pra dnota, to the aalnof which our prompt peraoual atten tion will be given. W will make liberal adve-heea upon receipt of Invoice and Dill of Lading. All Mer- chuuuiaa aud 1 roduc ahipped to na fur ule are in suri d from point of himuent. with or without ad. vice, lnvjice ahould aiway accompany each ahip- lii'lli of n having fiadoTCTtweillryparif fftpcnV'iiiv in buiunoM in th Heuth, and our J. L. HATHAWAY three year in New York, wa feel confident we can ee cur full price for our friend who will favor na with their cuneigument. Runt to Kemp P. Battle, Publio Treaaurar of N, C. and W. H. A R. H. Tucker, Raleigh, N. C. J AH. L. HATHAWAY, WM. B. PTLET. Aug. ao-6u r-rvT'-1- 4. ' " EXCELSIOR. CLEB IIOE8E, : k r milsboroV Street, . U F'Xt door to tb Exchang Hotel ; oonducted on th European Plan. Hot meal served at all hours, and at tha shorteat notlo. rjnperior wine aau juiquorsAionstantiy on nana. T. F. LEE, : Proprietor. Nov 80-tf ALLAN V JonxsoN. A- W II OxlL. X SAL E Scedsraeit, Nnrscrjmen and Florists. ';' isoa MAiit st V- ITJIfDEB BT. CHARLES HOTEL) Richmond, Va. -Oot 19 ly- TIIEKOR.HAL Ml SIC A L INSTI . ..TETE . WILL be opened at Cbspal Hill N, 0, Feb. '1st 1WI7, under th direetion of Rev. N. W. W'u os, A. M. aMusied by a corps ef experienced instruc tor, fteeoioo to continue twelve week. The object of this school ia thorough instruction in music; (rocal and instrumental) eapeciaily-with reference to qualifying cernona for teachinw. Girls and hnva. ladie and gentlemen, desiring to prepara fur teaoh- lu iu ww or more oi m orancnea, wiu d received Term reasonable, and induction made in favor of ( - voinaded, (Coufederatel aoidler Of limited mean. ror circular eontammg particular. addreM th Principal, . . "i" K ov SiV-lawdw " - :t ISO. 1U1 1H HHOW, ! -aTrTJTVtr-wrr rn" liruwu, Ilelkiaaet A C. , gavannan, on. BROWS V CtlLER, Commission Merchants, ,IiA.3,,jftXA.xjaat? !JaeiBWmMIMIMf N K W Yv O n K -Liberal advi aa Consignments. Dee Xt-Uw .,TICE T IE CNDER810XED will apply to the Oeneral Assembly, at. its taext itnng, ior an Act to incor porate the 4 American Industrial Asedciati.no of g.fti LaruUna, for tn purpee f developing the Agricul tural, Mineral and other resource of ttwtern North JaaA-lm LYMAJfW. GILBERT. . . ' ... . SCHOOL BT DR. MASOV. THE fMiricriber propose to underrate th dnca-tron-of a few boya. Hi. school will eouiTnenceoo tu 17th. of January, prondad a sufSciant a am ber to uegui wiin anu apply. . . . , " ' A- 8. MASOS. sfvt-tiiir'nrr-r;it; 1 ..v j j.jmv Mj ).rat, - Vpf If-E IS eraS, rhiVailieatinit 4,1 MMxt Ui'iie.raUnw.wWrvtOTrbsrter vill be matle th "ballon- ai i-iwii anu jrnt (.ompanr. "IKiJ. " - A VALUABLE FARM FOR LEASE. T!E SL'BSCRIIIE R TESIREn'TO LE8F0 a term of yvrs, Li Fann, adjoining ths town of AinMon. t " It is well adapted to fhe rrowth of COTTON and CORN', aod Its proximity to tlie town secure abun dant lahor at ail eaou rf the rear. J. C. WASHING IQiL Kimttoa, Oe. 81 At ' - . ' Prosresa copy, " ' " -. w c Jy. V3N " . , LXECIT0'3 SALE. aauiiv roiiT plar i T , n ... " ... ; -?fei. v- - ' - -t - - . . Al.,v TU AT, 9Ugm IK..II,,,,, w... -. . l UAWDLlikY." Uiepr"IertyofLEMLAXE, uecealed will v ,at puUie ..(ton on the 1st, day of February -i,,''4 the prwuiae, ; . - ' 7Va The tract of Jnd emlirace. ahrmt land emlirai-j,a a 00 ut vuu ta ciitamr and -1.,, liy, ..... .. ul ,1 d ready for eTtlu'v.UorTlJi ih tattoo woodh?' ..i... aue uaiaiic Voodhu.rf JT" Pin; Ct-prcM and Oak growth. It k3B lion, be'tuf adapted to the cnltivathTn .rf UU,CW- than anv oilier -plautaaun ot Ah ej, ' grwiwial iitrirr. - tW-":a,;ie.,.,c4,'- H. tiiahutti thx.iilea freeir ar.-HL , the ilmingUm A W'eidon Railroad wi.rTT' lroin W ilimiigiuii. 14ie plantation Uy. aiao. S. North Kant branch of the Uane 11. - admirable facitit ief, tr.n-ponation of prodic. to",? lwueet niarket la th hlau, etfhar by w.t. ? Lai-g trii.,u, of the land ia underlaid with atouc, ailniiliiig faeilili.fo, manuring bTmarli ."J tegeUbie matUT im.urpd any wle TtL 2 eiwf andditi he are in fair order. The irhomt-I ?" eoiieirH iha rood hmMin Mm,., .1 ' urge bn. aud butbje, .mpte Negro IniS?. Olhce m Uie yard : one tea bone Engm ann?' axjtUies, capable oi gliding Mventr-itv bu.hlu !? per day. . w.i At the nine time and pla, will be Aoldali .v. stock ronnisting of --mum ta HORSES, AtULESf'HOOS, SHEET";: ml some of the finest blooded CATTLE in tb try. Farming trtau.iti.'.Coni, FodeX Pork. fw2i 1'ea Potatoe, ouy, Ac. .. urooad 'leiuiaofaieone-tbird eaah, ' balaac ,.. nd three jar. Title Deed.L given when allTJ tic paymems are made, - wu" u f . . For further iulormation, apply to Col. E D H.n W ilnungtou, and Dr. li, U. Chilitt Gold.w Ja.a-2.wtd W. W.U.SE, J,xnlor. AfJIIOH i: AU RELIABLE MEDICINES 7- PALVTS, lOIla, Dye SlnfT,, Spice, lm. ; Slrunieitta, Uriisheii, Medical Sad. le Bagi, Caefg and Che, .... Tollrt article, PerrnraerT, - Window G las and PURE BAIAD OIL AND UC0EICE AUD -" 7 "TONftTJA BEANS, . IN WU0LEC18E8, aud the most Popular Remedies FOE All DISEASES, EXTEBH AirAKD ' IKTEB5AL AT , PESCTJD'S DRUG STORE, "( KALEIGR, If. C , Letiif deairoui of eeenriBg a certain asHntet ef T10N, 181 1 OHH. and all my frisnd and aeqaai. tances.wheha.a a surplus, and need upplieof Medi cine, and ether article ia th DRUG LINK, ara rae.t ' cordially invited to mil. or send ia their moraa dum., and make aa EXCHANGE, Th mo.1 mu faotory iiiduceuienia will be effered. 1 SpeeiaLaUeution U call.d to the-foHnwitrr prenaia- "' tlouaandall who ar tvjrrig, txptrt to know other who ar Kable to -r, should a. fail -1T,?.r U"tl,le. ' LU a'AMOCo DIAKKHAHA gY KCP. . vV Inch i regarded for 10 or IS year, paat by 1 '' eoiBBtunlfy aa tfKe (ot lhrM MJ kindred di.eMe. Afaay knuimU ef toUer, a4 otkrr$ km item rv rwaHnf A aW-Pric 40 ota After a great many eiprteet. he baraeede(l in prepnnnga LOTiOM, the coo.titii.nt part f wbiah ia dumilTi'd in K0M1 Water, which with one or twa ei eeptinim haa sever failed to cure i 3 or S Ja1t ,),, moat obetlnat form of Cmmp lick sad Smusr C frtwee. CrtveaaM Price 50. r " ' Halt.ie thTeter that this i to ' aaau, - for Mowing 'J urwp Srrd. aod that h bu a full toy plyofrr4 and reliable. Rvta tint Flat , V: furptt Top-ttrap Iruvtd and other 5rrM Ntri. . . ... . v P. . PE8CUD. June 1 8-tf :: . ;. ..r . . CHANGE OF KAILS 0 AD BCHEDITLI ; Office Atlakttc A N. C. B. B: Co.. 1' ' ' Kbwbesji, N. C., Oct, 1, 1866. On and after Monday next Hail Train will rva daily M follow.:. Leave Morehead City ....-..'..7 IS A, M. Arrive at Kewport. . . ., .'.'.T. .7... ...,..,.1 ii ' Lmv Kewport ...,.,.. .......7 44 ' " Arrive at bewbera... , ... . ,.'.1 ..... .9 00 " '- Leave ewbern. ... r. - g IS Arrive at Kimbu.k , , r. , .,,,,. Q gg -4 Leave KiiiBton. . , 1100 M Arrive at Moselr Hall... ....J.,..., 11 8S Leav Mosely Hall. ,.f.,,.. n 4j Arrive at Guldsboro'. ... .,.. . ... .... .12 It P. M. RETURNING. . Lear. GohUboro'. . . . 4 .J 90 P. M. Lmv Moaely Hall ,......r..,.....4 10 "" LeavKin.tuu . ..4 6J " Leave Newbern........ V.... 6 40 " Leava Kewport. .... .... -, i .i.-.. . . .8 00 Arrive at Morehead City. . , .........8 80 " Paeaenger tarin connects with North Carolina Ball road Train going Went at 1J 45 P. M., and returning teave after arrival of Wilmington nd Weldoo Bail- ' road train going ekmih. I - Y frum U West Wt from UJA, M..k ' 8 ilO P; w. ' ...... . ... . it The accommodation train will lcav Morahead City on Mondays, Wednssdays and Fridays, retominf ' every alternate day a follow j ., Leave MoreheadCity (Mauon). ...400 A. M. Leave Newbcrn.. ,..7 00 " Lear Kiustoni v. . .it sn Afrivat GokUboro'.. 100 P.M. " RETUBNTKO. ; ' Lear Ooldaboro at. . ... ...... v..... 1 08 A.M. ........8 80 " ......uno nr. . Leave hinaton at. . . . . Leav Newbcrn at. Arrive aVMorehead City (Station) at...a SO P. AL.. This train M'Aves Goldbboro' Tuead.va Tkiiradm and rlaturdev. aOor arrival of Wdrning'toa and W el don lUiiroad train going North and arrive evert al ternate day in Goldnboro' at t U P. kt.-s later traia Uian mul train for paeaentrei going Not th. -, r,w " . , vvai. l. liAKVET, Oct Ma Sup't of Transportation FOR RALE. O'SB lnotsAMJ XfIilS of rainabl TiHTW' 1 ; j ou both aide of the li. O. K. Itoad, Wwmb emitbneld . and htaihnga' Depot. . . I prefer selling the whole tract to on man, but will I cut it Into hundred acre tract to siiit purchaMra. . f. I To a Mtnnativ of me.n wiahinr atnail farma and AU... t ant hHli(iylocatiitilt hold out goni umatmv. " 1 w&selgy J,,, twtfa1iai,laag-l' Jioad. ' VuiDOll't illll, whan Ik., w ill l.,r.Knlm. J 1 ul also wll a TWESTY HOUSE power fCA trilTLL in p'vsl wiffliing order, ub kama, wagKon. nt U aj p .rUiianii f, jf " jj,ao.(, Orf s-wwrttf - - - ' - ImpoHittU to The Ieople. A. W. FR IPS, - B E A L E R I N FU R NITf R E . Wcet ilde F8(( eV 1,1 1 Street, .Frrtto XaMfr'i jetteliy Stou, ani opjxtite & v , -VirU, .'t.-, - Invitrs Attention from Citv and Country to his large and elegant stock of furniture, on hand nd ta ar. nije, fonewiiogofeoiifplete chamber Setts, Mattr-" sea of various desirfus and qualities, snitahl for t -tsw or Palace. Iw em'i'lv of KllFiSL PAiiLOU,-.. ti HurrnimrT nFFt.T CllAji.-kl-i L AW, nt il44.S.t(,ji.it.,- I ":LT I'RTAItiNU" "' We.reajiffTfSiHy siuii-uncea lliil. h ha. added to bu ntlu-r I n,,hat oi uniti-i-t..ktnir, and i. now tea 'y tosiipblyiti . sho luny require them. torMns of '' yttLagSllUf... tic hi tu.bMitswimi. frf.-wnoJ lid t Hi w lltatKE, of unidera paiu-ra and riniah. He 1. tlierefi.r. in CoIuiiUun to funnah evervthmv f- ouuit for fnneral oceaaiiw aod will hu.,1 an U onh rs f-ir hi serrsce, in tin una, with promptitnd- , -.I,, -.1 ' i ' ,WATi:, L1,.'R VMr I!?, sn crir oinpttit JB-iat .Apr., . M. BLAIR A CO. POTtTTc Eacfbssg JgoUi. Dee24-tf I i

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