" rn-?-r I. ill. til- Tu .!. j Etc ning. i 1 T. 11, lc. Tile Revenue-leal a prepared I v l .T51 usurer, iciiii rot to e ui)dcrtood. I':if.! lip. n tin- hist luini iiij, , iii.it .i:' li l.'uhlic li is oiH-rty Which ( ol.-tltlitcV ,' !,, ali.4 ol l.Vir.g ttl.ll b-eT'tiiiiig tiili. ii..ir',i U t'uud .nr.-i-liti;;Jio its v Uiu, i -. .j ' ruinrrni, ami that a man's iiH-tmir . . oyer -and ajsoe the cxpcii-e of nmUititi it, should "rrmr y ' tiixe.iu govirminx'i ' taxed .in r. ti-i.Uniu.'ii t the tir.uecui.ii un IlllJ Ait , .! 'luxury or goti riiiin -in i.tl.inU it. Attic which are not surictiv nccessaiv. are taxed spi- -4 cifica'ly. ' ' k ! By iiu rt HUj; largely tin1 sul ject.sof taxatioi mhiili i.i dcnis to U- riropir!-joft of it, the PiiKie Trc-x-nircr. has fixed a smaiivr tax upon iTopTrty than heretofore. NVgrors ling also the ml k-cts of taxation now, on Jlieir" own ic iriunt, a Very -small poll-tax has lVcti fixed.. TW"M ii8ii.stuuUJi!ifi.u'iyl:?Xl?? dut JHlIfclS'kifiFlrnrlxTit' -llier-increase 'of the auf.ios.t4 of taxation. Very" pnmWjfi& elude that the taxes ,&r to he wry heavy i n tlie peorie, and will produce a very large 'surplus overhand above the necessities- of the State. - If e mistake rot. 31 r. Logan, of the House, arid other, sc-m t " anticipate a large surplus, tskina it 1 . r crni.ted without ea refill inviti.i tit'D, that the tax laid i a Very hih. oniy lur 'a n crmrv not Nfn la ever, tit. ! n i ?i:r i i'i; y liiii1,' lienirfrr-rtTt -rtttaier - x U-rf 1 noon iirninrtv tor many years. il v l ti.e in.ll't i. :i'id's.i l.rr from ti e I i , ;.; i i.udiii' a Ur,j finplit. wc ho e Li .L.-i -: a: i. ri ls-.l'in- wiih it. that it rve, that a paper iii this rity also, w v.erto errors in legard lo th- surplus ait'r tf. vrr-i p-:-.. A Tr i-'..rv. l! the crop during the present 1 n.. t.i ip verv t-ood. and ii the Leois- inrurc should materially reduce ithef the ul iects i'f taxation or the tax 'laid, the 'condition if t! e Treasury would, w fear., be lean indeed. Tbi'trrorsin the caleu'.atiorH proceed fnnn itw.rahce f the proper nianugtmuit of the ibises Itut&ars. liicl'uMic 1 rcii-urer iikikis timatc with the view of using the faxes which are paid-r.f year, to meet tlfr expenses ol the f-Alrii,y year. CKerluoliing this, the estimated receipts -,ire a lu ) to the taxes which will be paid in. the win'nr. tf lsfiei llow then could 'IL thx tXptliS'-i ciJt-Ci) he ;;oT It 14 held that ti.e taxes paid in the lull and winter ol 10. should be applied to the' t spcnsn ot the year preceding, and Ihus'IuTli persons are misled, by t iking thru taxes in tiro fiscal years, i. e. to de ' fray the expenses i t the two ye.irs ending S.p uini.tr .311, 1, they would apply the taxes paid imtlie winters of sW. t7 a:);f.'Cs. Where then, would It the mom y to pay the expenses" ' f i:r. ' - ' . . -Ni-.w it w l.ii per.s that the I'.evanue bill was framedto raif.- a surplus only of about (200,000 f ir two years or $100,000 per annum. This : w-as d.mi;. believing, as always lias been done, that thu OetKjral; AsinjWpf 5ifRt stiike out ome iu-ms in theliiU, and also would makeap pr.opriatioDB which would bring the surplus dwn to almost nothing. Both of these antici pations have already been realized, and the pro bability is, when conipVted, will not leave in the Treasury, a iri tiy aurjilus. Jilt Stasia,"- Tho passage of the Stay Law by the Legisla ture will be -hailed over the Stato as a relief measure. Vi of course ympathire with any plaD, which gives the people even momentary " cause of joy, or affords thehi momentary - relief. It is some relief to the lif lings of ilcbtots, crushed and oppressed as they are in t-jiirit rtthf f alannit'uit which 'have vcrw helmed them, to, f if i that the evil-iay, the day which "hall make thein poor, has W-fl put olf even a ear. - Bttt-hw anthe present Stay Law lie madVeveit a present reli( It ni'y deters '-payment, but j dix-s hot Callt'i.l tuur eii i'l'.: jiiiuin uin "real relief, any proper-fratc-rijal feeling, sni'h as ought , to exist iu every community, u'nijl all jiagmenfi sndwet -n Absolute neeitii-ity, created by the previous one and the Convention -Stay Law, hive tinned three --fi.urths of ihr creditors of the Stat to bring m&mu-mdl IietweCtl debtor frn fere.! 1 1.1. .1 HI lYl - cis theVl'jcket, ,, ,-rritr-'vaKziMmm ;ior: .o ..maiTrr lii-nr AWtifiaiuAlhe'crjitorjiiajy be in bringing ynit.Tlrom'Gaston. In. Satterthwaite, rs. Cannon,, -.eUssLk- ij.ch-l.tor.7, Will M that j trm riffrrizr '--tlii'rn l.trr -rtP-f M )-x;' It"1 m"re lenient, tor- Efttinc'-that oti-e hsrsl hcirted cre13r lorwl j 'it o mi'L'ht have rleiavtd. to commence ! L -- , .. . 4 - suit, iloreover, tuucu itn m i-tnu-, eiiing I... 1 ir nnd ci-'.-'litor, 'we ate sorry to see, is ( s ,1 M-ir tranif. rred to t!iru U w ho are unrilovcd ! tVirosccuc Afincuiht n t l . t e blau.. 1 f .r 1 IMT:11".' fc I. pursuing ti.e.r vra. ti if hiinm na-ur, iss. icJepraVta, uiui 110 ru:i.' l iiu in aej ;pii t.-"iiiicci . can ill. ai.T wi-n eolincct (. himself with what a uik'-v tnmlcsi miurea hnn. ' ' n-. . ! it- 4Hi;a!!i'u i .is ijiPii-asiire. I in-, n nmsr - - - - )il'thi-ii tipl"- TiM.-'t'-p 11 y f" T. .i-i ta ct rtsupy. iwi ttS-4-4-v (hi- UJ1 Ut-tt ir tienr "WFfctV'W. not But : uhie-s tue ' nitet the !'' '. Vidifiwi' ttiXbiU all --i Ml tended t'.' , and w!.-' .it,i'..!'"'"i-r-' I' ,.:,'. i ;i,i'-.'. !' '." ' ' : ".'.' "''.- "w i s r i-1' r1: " - t yi-i- ' - - ' ' 'ps ! 1 to ; I'm ie.lAaiit i' - .' w ojk at once !' i f. the' utuoutH J -i,, tbj -will tij, that i i, ,-. t. It , "i ano la not i- i '. - -i ' - '.i.v "ii,i,.- UO.-HU9 ; ' --s-ni rr- i t SUCH T . 1 lie- K I'l-i.lt :i.; t l' af. , , - , . f -ee-xi.ny (aw, - which u,-,) 1 i 'I'nvatf coiitraets ort lav.- j.-tioi'sWhich-du i . t'rrts.M'C s-Tb--Ji :.C 't. -i ; .' ature Can dlhe-py. p. 'C law -.r V;-- l" m. i.I M tUe.I d 'ttu.2.i.";;.-Ui-;-4i'..pt . .u,e ' j , i,,.Uj, ; ., t.;,v i ""'v'v ' " 1 , ' - . t ' -ty"il"''"';'Mi thwr I iL ' '! T '"r"' fltf isit d.eti ejedtert T't"Kf:1nftnir!h"iu' iii erd; r t.y be if any advau- r : u;c to the ciu.utiy. uiiist Tc liuldeo secure the t 1 e.il I Ij'.lhci.t II i.. I till? . pnTptr a-'amst rebel , llOpC, J ii:liitue lo t lo.r rebels are "pleased" or lis ... t-i .1 i In ir consent is not essential, am! their rtl pun nl hint ks UIIV scheme l8 dangerous. ' lioio', thiinyli'i iilinly niittrn, iiulientes a J'rejU diee and a I'itterne.'.W of heait, tthieli wediil liyt rxpnt. Wrnt-tfiit', tire li ronnJiupJnd ilie wmre. ot inl .iih.ition po-seed 1'V tlie oJiVr, h ive lieen pn-eiely mii h a ' are mssmi ''' thouaud! of honest, yet bitter HudiraU at the North. To lliis day, they an-, totally ignorant or h ael J y untjiunded statements of hitter factioni'sts, in regard .to Tlie hopes, tile si'lili- hieuts aiid TtiiT ainhiliofi of "retH'ls."- llenre the illiht ral and unkind and reeklesi rmutrk, it makesno differenee whether n hels are pleased or displeased." Now, we challenge anil defy the .lkgitttr, truthlully to put it linger upon a single "rehel" in North Carolina, and prove its asertion at tlie same time, who has any "hope or "ambition, to elfi rt "t'onlederate resurrer. tion." If there is sueli a mini in Nortty ("aro tins, we have not seen or Ifeirit oTIiini: itw soineliuies Softiiit'd and WTrrrirrl drv - ritdipal- iu- rM-iit'p nnil wlint ftt-onmil t.i bit H ii'ii-n-ilt'sS vlll (lietiveiieits towards the South,, by radieal Coti -gressnien and o'thers, may have retunieil railing' for railiiifj, and sjn.l;en as pn-ioii dictates ; but wc challenge the I!t;ii:t r to point out any r.'V Mii.Ml'tii iti.r.iin tti. 1 it .litt milflll. nn.l uti- liwfuily.lat least siijeix his p.irdoin chooses tol -Otll "li bel, U Ito .1.11 s nut-JjUW ill MFI-, J'J.-itiMi: and truly, a "recouMrui t ion" of llie f'nion en the basis ot "the C'on-titntion of tlie United States. lint doe.-, the A',",a','i ile-netlie n imiiiI i uetii.u of the I ilion ; D'oi's- if not desire, and i- not its liartv seekili'' the destruction ot the "overn- ment of our lathers, and the iiialigni ritioii of a new government, destructive ot the rights and behests of civil lilierty ; Are they not seeking a different Vnioii In the anxiety ol the linjiMter to place tlfC So'utheui f tati-s under thciuleof what it calls (t i men, is it aware that it is laboring to place them in the h inds of ! h- . w or-i; im u in the South ,' is it aware that those who claim to be "Southern loyalists" 'n ff'tUcntf, at IwasL the leaders of them, are bankrupt in political and moral character ( liow W ill it administer the government, if if excludes those it elas-Vs anions; rebels ( It w ill l e found to be inipos-iblo. nation for the proiuotiotK-i't' edticaluui-iu the South, by Mr. George l'cabody. the princely American nierchaiit of Enulaud, oci a-ions no little interest. A majority of the Trustees, or gentlemen whom Mr. Peabodyeutrusts with the management of the donation, being in Wash ington, Him. 1. I', Winthmp, the first mimed in the list, called them together, w ho organised and accepted the trus and - adopted liighly proper resolutions of thankb to the donor. Hon, W. A. Graham, -of this State, was necessarily ah- sent, but w ill, no doubt, consent to co operate with the other members of the Board. Stevens'. Bii.i. and the Plan iip AnifsT ytt x. We call the attention of- -the rratler t nn article -frtmHiie New Vorjt -44VW on thU subject, on-the first pajie. The sources idjn- tormafion possessed 1W that jmper, and its ability, make anything from that source, oft that subject, worthy of attention. . Supreine eourt-OptntuTi87 By Pr.AhsoK, Cli. J. In Iliggins iii, Hinson, from Duplin, judginent reversed and judgment here for defendant., In State Myertielt, from Howan, declaiing that there is no error. In State r. Isenhoin, from Caldwell, declaring there is no c-rror. In Doe Unh nr Ifooveri v. .Thomas, from Davidson, riniiv rle nnrii. In Flvnt r. Conrad, from Forsyth, judtxiiient af tirhied. In H.argrnve . Fi-lier, in equity, from Davidson, dismissins the bill without prejudice. ';. By Ba fti.e. i. In- Sftte -t. - Minhm,; ijnr Wilkes, declaring that fliere is ci..cor. in Mate f. Hodges, from Meckh'iiburg, no error. . Iii Hoyster el. Uoyster, front Person', iudgment at finoed, In HoU"toii in. Hnimtiiii. in npiity, from (iuiltord, directing a sale. ' In Hartley r. Estis,' an jK.stis.' Hartley, in eipiity, l"rott Wataugs, tins ting a ilecree anil uisnussnig ttie cross bill directing a reference, By l(KAl)E,a.l. v Inlvirkland a. Maniruin, from Oningy no etri.r. In Shelton r. Kils, troni II . - : IT, I . i. ... x,u-i ' : .: t. ..... .,.. lo-.-rroledl fn Fulls m MctfilHlH tl . l ie i.-i',.iencs of this great tree peoi iii; is suli- liirit',' Tliet win I'ear" "fnm h aliiise" nf" p'owi f" much neglrfet of rjnty, cspedally when commit en.l in tiii tlrilrl ftl.f tilHV -ttlll lt,,.f ..ill r,,l T-BnlkiniC lii & iioTltiirr rTciiiiiTsni thmiLrh in ti.n,.. I - ' 1 ' 1 j-i)r I I...' 'II, v wi!f 'tint permit tlie great I'on.st ituiion . fo In- stricken. tin down in tlie uinl-t of peai e. and when the iSsT "W"1'1. f ' "? 1 r lw.. m a. , w run 1 f I, s ,s kit And t hrv wi not mm li on.-ei nrrniit 1 he f.mmtlfs , t H It sir km v ,, t, (,,-t R . p p urate two ureat- sections of out .oiuinon cliun- rate two great- sec;tion ot out 'opinion i-trv. 1 lie fjateitjaj fn io,g o.t tins now. specious li - .vlit-iitilil l.ullnn must . .t,i .n Fi t ri.;t,ir.,t Iv divided nation must - be -' 1 t " or in .pit.- T S 1 4 ( ( t . ' I U l.iipj two n 'I rr nt ittut rf ,hi . n !t 1 wtl n-l hi-4 I tiaigfatiaaHii.l 1 vie4 .Lw. i,u ii I ti ruiiplenit I v vindn ate .1 t Ue p'.-pi anist - -prmi!U-ir' Ueapi'lisjii i.mi'il lhar iif'the1- painrFtv" "ice "to'tlTTirrdily id an, American eitirrrr; who, (0!iet - .u,.-....u- 1. .. i .. ; -. i.... v- .. . f ii lll'I' Vl.' -l.l lie t. II4L ll.lt S. IU II "0 l.lll'l, WHUH1. bless the impoverielierl South with hi? bcncfa.c . tions. and unite our common .count rv'bv anot'h- ... !,;, ,,,, ,.,,ri, .i K i, r 1, .!..., j.CT?.eo ithi; ail liOl.C?;! p Tl ' 11'. it T. I tlt it ltW, ffT 7( r.r tti riff. . . ' " " '' f. , 3 . ,' ' '"-'.' - ". 1 lie residticei.l I;r. L.tT. Bidna.,in lh-k ; ,,. colmfy. vm", n,,irelv-..'..nsuro'ed hyCrcirrh the iiiu iw,n ..f Momljiy; tTi'd 2-th rif urii3 o..iijjii.Jn:uarv utdiiiow n lm sui'I'4-'1 biLccidcntal. . Neatly, 'all the fur- nitup; and 'oii!r-io.s w ret.Hved. tfiejnnly- ,lo;5 i'jciiig the iniirv ineidetita'l b ;iiiojcr thuii. .- 'J -' 'i.in-'v rJrrTwTTyrhitcrnic'ii. liaiw el Vfr Jr4tiWfi-tho-tiuuiljf. report.ed.'jis fbllbwii : . " KMly'ahd B-nj Biiily, atid a in gfi., lowned An" i. Wli..le rte r.ast 13.' ncrHitarV't: I ctimceTfTr dirn. fuccc.tdcd r,n IJoudav Iniiiht,-of. thUT lijcAIr Means, CX for Mr. Wa'idell 3 For wctlftn - yscopih trorotha j-l at this pi-t pi r.-Wntjtit; 14. . Scattcricg. :,3. Xoelection- , VVrg A rynt. ;. ',' tter.Hayro.1r.. ' '. . ' T! ' SENATE; ' - - T J"': . Tt fcumv Mohmxu, Tlie tk-uate was called to order, at-10 o'clock. l'roy ui' . Iy . 1 1 w -Ua-ajryjU A i.ki Pri-nbYtcriaii t'hurcli. H s " IIKIMHIB OK COMJtilTKt. Mr. Cunningham, lrom the ' comiuitteu.,ou lt-onoftitioiw ntid (t rti'viiuiee4 'to w hfuu wasfe-- leiiiaU-, iveomirtt'iiiiingils patwage.. Mr. .lohnaoii -trom tlie ('oniuiitteeoii I orpor- ations, to whom was referred a hirf to incorpor- ite tTif "Wniidiii'lon tit ink and' Ladder ivmm- ii v, reported Iiivorahly. .lr. WjL'ijjns, trom the I omimltee on Unance, to w hom wan referred a lull for the relief of tire estate of the late Hon. I,. (). U. Htaiwli, reported adversely tiMhe paymi'nt ot. the et)lipons, but was -willing o give new liond-; for tho-tc that Ii.1VcTm'TT Mr.Hall, from 1 hr Joint Setret Conimittee, to.w.liom Was referred a coniniunication from the Oovernor covering, a report ol thu ATtorney General, relative to Hie t ape Juvf Navigation Company, reported the following: Jlmokeil, That the .Solicitor ot the 5th Cir cuit be authorized and instructed to tile an in formationin the nature of n iui triirrunto against the Cape Fear Navigation Company. .Mr. Avery, trom the Committee iimtrueteil to report some plan to change the Judicial system ol .the jSAalji.jqniluda ttlVmtd iiii Lis iimtion, ii was onh reil to be ' printed ainl made the spe-. tiaT oTrter toro o-cjoe 4i4ay-jugUL . On motion of Mr. Wiggins, the revenue l-ill was made the special orilw for Thursday next. A iiiessayc was received from the "House re-' lusing to ciVgrOT' in rihe .Senalc proposition to p 1 1 nt 2 1 p i p i i sTT Hi eS ta y 1 .a w f i ' r, ach niviii Ih-r ol the (ieTVeral AntirbTv, tuiU Ihe Senate concuried in tlie proposition (run tJie lloilK' to pri rint o ropic-. , -rcrrscrmrm;-! - s i n k s s ; Bill making provision lor tlie payment ot the St ae bonds now ilue.aiid the interest on the ill bt iflie' 'State! Mi-rs. Wilson and Berry discussed the.liieiits oi t lie Tint .lit' "sortie length. Mr. Jlrrry, at tde'cai e of his remarks offered an tunendinciit which was agreed to. Vr. Speed spoke, at some length in opposition to the bill. Mr. Wiggins favored it. Mr. Cov . ingtiW thought, it wns not free front-objections he had beeu anxiously Waiting .for a better plan, but as nothing Tiad been presented, he sITonld 'support the bill. Its turthcrtvusidera tion was postponed for the present. A message was received from the House, pro posing to go into the election ol Judges lor the spei ial Courts of 4TRVrfl.aml New Hanover. Concurred in. Messrsr-Mc-ares, Wright and Wad dell were put iu, notuiiiiition; for the county of Ni.-.v Hanover, w hich resulted, on a second bal lot, in the election of Mr.- Mears. The Senate proceeded, to Imllot tor Judge ot the special Court ol (-'raven County, Messrs. George Green and David Carter in nomination. Messrs. Perkins and K ounce .superintryiided the election, which stixid as follow s, Th the -Senate : biecii ycarteJ :t.'vi7.r.Me.-srJ. Harris of Uiith-: urliird, Suea.l and Gadi. , Mr. Cow les stated that Mr. ( utter w as a strong persona) friend, ot his and he should have voted tor hint, but he had pledged himself to Mr. Green, not knowing that Mr. Carter. would be a candiilate. I'rtCI AI. ORHKIt. Bill to abolish imprisonment lor debt, was taken up. 'Messrs. -Wilson-and Ah 'Cork lo op posed the bill in speeches of some length. .Mr. Speed favored its passage. The ijuestion recur ring, on its passage, on its second reading, the ayes and nays were called, and the bill passed by, a vtte of'24 to 12. Mr. Cunningham moved to suKpetid the rules and put the lull on its third reading. Lost.- 1 Mr.-Bullock moved the Senate adjourn until L'l aui!rmv:.aLlO tt'tlixk. Mb, JohriMin ..muvwt to ameiiii oy insej-iing 1 j o ciock io nigui. A.p ofTfTiH The ayTsTnuTluVyt s Were, t'allrd"inidtrip aniendment was lost, and the Senate adjourned untibto-uiorrow at 10 o'clock. lIOl'SEvOK COMMONS 1 Tl KsDAV, Feb: 1'. 1 ' I he lioii A. M. w as iIimI d to ofilentt 10 o'clot-h,- Prayer by Rev. J. M ferian Church. Atkinson of the Psbv- Utl'oKTS ol COMMITTERS. - A large nuniber of reports were iiiaile-fioiii various standing comtnittej's. Of these the fol lowing were most important: From the , .Judiciary Committe, 4 by Messrs. MidCay, Kenan and Richardson,! unfavorably, a hilPehe entitled "the' Mechanic's Llefl Law " a brti to make valid official atts of ilHStiws of the PciiSe during tlie war, and a bill in relation to hunting on the Sabbath: A resolution to republish Winston's reports reported back, favorably, fioin't ami' Coin mittee. By Air. Waugh. from the Committee on Prop osiiioiis nnu 'neanees,-etniavoraiilV, a Olll TO i Tepral-Xe :erclinanpe .of tbe-finwBttn,-'lith--; itiiig the x sale of spiritous Ijipmrs at Company" shoos ' ' Shops. ' x : Hy. Mr: Jl.-.Vair, from Hie Coniiitt"e n Cor- porations, tsvornli t i In ii-,irmir.ie-TTn (MttSaWfiwfTW-trnrto lucoruorate the Hoard of 1 rade of the city of Newbern. - By "Air 'Harper, from f he f '.niriniitmi on -FI nance, unfavontlity, a resolution appropriating f lO.trWt forthe encorrragcmeiTt of fmnrigratmn- tlie, jwlwx 451 capital, arc. -.... AND HKi 'I f TIOSs By '-Mr. Long, a resolution for diuloainr jnnre 1 V' peijeolly the statues, of the aate- paMcd -since ,1'soo. itejecied. 1 Uy'-Mr. HrowV a resolution in relation to'fur nishincopics of the Suprcihe t;otirt reports to tfa-m'veral rlei kt trf-this dialer - Rt-ieeteil - I!v Mr Lviett. a bill .to einpowvjr.lhe Superi or oiirt .Indues lo hold special t(-nnsr -" , l!v .Mr.T'i-wvtitrom the Judicia.-v committee) a hill tmauthorrr'Tourtfl of law to grant reUcf in casi sJor1- i4t liegotlarMe .bonds, bills atid HfOi'S Tt-v..Lf Mi.J 1 rpi.r-,1 yr the ho ipiiutt ee on I inlin e I,'.c Mr- ILiriu r:,f"r the 1 , . 1 .. IT si 1 1 1 ni-i s 1 1 li 11 uuar ti 111 anij anh .'" ,Tsa IBtettlaiEMj eHTTT pa-sea its sevefaT -rcfo-tir,rHHmler 1 6'jspensir.n it the-rules; ' -wuhuimu iMTLainrMTi or c.Tuven; ajgosifa . sage was-sftit to thrtvnftie-prtipris-ing tii.elt.'tt a Judite for the criminal cvurtof Craven County, ininiediutclv alter the election i!it Judge ifor New Hanover county. Hr. L itlianv alo - nominated (Jtorge (ireei) 'E-'j., of ('raveh,,,f(.-r said oflice. . - -' . In making the nominatipn, Mr: Latham aid that Mr. tireen was a lawyer ot eminent ability, mid the choice of the people of .(.'raven, etc. . - The Hon prircredeif trr vote for a .J ufle of the. p niiiihaf Court of- New H-movcr Cpu-hty', .Vr.' Uuess" hurling Dominated' Irugh Wildel, h'A'i .and Mr. 'Slurrill, Hon. )'m. A. Wright, c.f Si-w Hanover. - ' ' , - ! the eommr.tti-e that -snjierinteiKleil this elec- The benate having coucurtH, thd House hi iv.wt cced'ed fo vote for JuilgeoITIie rrinilmd Court 4i-fcraven CountyAlL Iluiry li.ayiiiji nominte'k David M. Carter, of. Hyde. he committee that, t.uperiitiiiiled this ehc- tioti reported an follow : Whole number olf voles trafr i ir9 - - Jiry ti-a-tlnw -? K ' For -M tv ri:en'H4. I;or Sir. Carter 34'. ; Siatteriiij; 1. Mr. ti reen elected. ' . ; - X : seertbet tiallot ViiiT tnnl fiif ' :tWTt of (hi? lojlows; tt hole nuniber it votes cast HJ.-1-, Neeessarv to a choice 71. 1'or .Mi.- Meares 7:5. ForMr. Waddell ort. For Mr. Wri;;lit 7? Scat tering J. 3If. 5Iearcti Teiecled. '"r- Messrs. Daniel, linitlsht r, Harding aiftl l.a thum, of Craven, were allowed to, record their Totes m favor of the Stay Law, psed on Sat urday. ' ' A billXo inci'irporaie llhick lioek l.od:!e of' -Emm anil IfWiilnl tt'iunm, Hiiil fi bill ill fel:l- tion to dormant jtldgiients, parsed tlioir vicond reading. j 'A hi-fi to charter' the Oilord Brain Ii bt the 'Raleigh and Gaston 'Railroad Company' passed 2nd andi 'trd readings.- - SPBt lAI, OHlIKIt. . The bll to autlirie the Public Treasurer to negotiate a loan for the relief of the Treasury, and to establish a North Carolina Savings Bank, was put on its second, rending. " 'Mr; Wiffiaiiis", ol ALii-Hri, saiif that he iTirnii'T lielieve -.hat the loan of fen million dollars con templated by the hill, could evvjr be rai-cd. Tlis sclu'ine Uiii -UUjljt.iflUriti;t inAit. He moved that tlie bill lie on the t,-d.,., I iic u"?.V. cueully withdrew t he- motion, at (he request of Mr, McKay, who pToceeded to nddiiss ine House in support ot -the bill. .Mr. Harper replied to Mr. Mih'av. .ii fending tlie report of the Finance committe iuIm-i-c to the bill liuiler coiis.idi ration. Pending the tsillhcr tlis. tisswo ti c' llo,-i- jrmfm'tl': - for th Uai.ku.ii, N. ., Fi b. Ufim I. . Isii.-. - lith, in i Mk. Liutiiu. Happening V b the 11 ty pei i;iily 1 Ion Friday last, and hot have amy thing I to occupy luy tiilie, I wnnder.e into the- Senate ,! ('handier, during the discussion of the biyl to I all'ord nlkf to the fni plt, and heard the Scf itor ; from the 1st district pay tue follow in- ju-t j and handsome compliment l licit Min-iable man, the true, well-tried 101 I 'faithful' public ' servant, the Senator from the coin ty . ol U'.-ii - i ren,-F. N. Thornton.- Dr. S I -.ud, .Mr. j Sjieaker. I cnnriof. w ithhold jroto the venerable 1 gentl'.'uian, the Senator fVojii the. (onnty of Warren, my wjrin, heartfelt th.-ml.-. for the : just, able and chM-jiicnt remarks 1 h ' he hss just 8ubii)itted to the Senate, in lihiil of the i'down troihlen. patient- and 'siaU'i t ing pcopie of 1 the' -State. Sir, '0.11 111 y. ou 11 .an -o'nii 1 . fool in 1 lieiiaif of my ceirjjitituents, 1 tender- him ln-.n-ty j thanks, for his sentiments, t. tci-l!, mi I ciuhIhI I ly hd foreilly exprcsed. . Sir, t in y id touch I a responsive chord in the In art "ion;. ii"l,' tllilll-inir vtTIi iii- tlii- -Ii :0 Si ll, . I li-iii fly' with e1ectHiu4tl-Troni ttrt!';T:?ir"-T-" -fffliin- of the Kast, where tin- latk 1 oihn-" A 1 lau'tie, ; bents its olt recuripg, cver-n peatinu waves, a.- their phosplnuiescelit crests tliehi 1 in the I'liebt. j ness of the rising suiflighl, ugainM the sand j bound shores of Currituck, through the length j and !ire:idthof this great fontmonAvcalth re- j verberating and n soundih'g aiiiid the nmunt.ain I gorges, as if hasti-iis onto nun t. a re-o ,11-ive thrjll in tho -county -o l yiil.i e, ' where -.the proud bird of libert-y, sits in niaji -ty, upon the j pinnaele of some sturdy buk, which h.i- been j shivered by the desolating blast, us it swept t over the State, and died ol'- its younijs; sur- veying the misery, poveity, ami ruin (hat. Viir- j rounds him. 'Sir, to have tlie.coiiiilcnalici', en- couragenie.nt..a.nil ..sujiport of that, .vimut ible man, j cheers inv heart and nerves mv soul, to iiress foward iMhcrtrr!niiiiinaiii pose tor winch my crmsiituentH sent ine to this "Tteneral AsS-mh))-': "fic felli, t' (hi j,, ,,,!?." sir, ! he is venerable for years, distinguished lor learn- J -ing,.' id prominent for sound eonrerv'ative principles and high regard tor constitutional j guarantees and the rights of the people. The! Senate will pardon me, I hope, for saving to it collectively and to Senators individually, that iucTi a 11 t- x alii pie Tii AJ well "afKt" Ttielr ritfen tion and receive their earnest consideration, if not, their concurrence and imitation. "ONE OF Till: PEOPLE." The Reconstruction. Debate. 0 . The great question ot reconstruct ion w its ., further discussed in thJ-luui yuKtcr-dny, a'tni the uttTHrfets were dicidededly foiji-d in their -purposes. Mr Stevens had annimnccd his iit tcntioii tf close thft debate at two 0VI01 k, but the hour was allowed to glide l y iu a sin e ssi n of animated speeches. Mr. Shankliu, of Ken 'tucky, holding the floor from the e'vi niiig pre- yious, made a strong argument against the ri I !, ami was .followed in sue ession i.y .M'srs. Ab Tfiayer,-. Hanlin!', Shellabarijer, Hotchkiss. 1 (iris wold, liavinoiid and Garlield. At tin' close I --"-"".- vM - MTt.? jgj .fig Vreviously m iirevious ones Id s remarks. Vr. Stevens, havni" I untitled the I Inur. demanded the previous ipieslion, amnlst the 111 a 11 1 1 1 st interest 'Q tue eniire ooiiv. oeeiai geiuieiiicn nppi 111- ami. aniHUirolounil silence, urired the L'cntle- 1 1 ;olound silence, urt'ed the jrentle- I limn from PenmiLltjuua-tu-pr-rwtt' tW-t-Kirr-rrt-'f: Bo 011. because lie 1 In r I th it vt iroMrrd dor day-or two, it -would he .po"S)bls: InjUtheJ. jJLiiWl(A-.'nifi...t'. SUeh. an jiinlersjundiii" s 1 twifuhrBarnioiiiX. the f oiinTrr" unrf Aj t'-ij - se"J cure the co-operation ol the rrtsnlcnt i f the I Vnitprl JitAten or, at h ist it not "unite the ' public iu'dL'meiit so stronutv hl tin-t hnn nt -t't-T compel a w ithdrawal rif all opposition on lcs ; jjttrt. Ky V At we have paid, thesn.rrestion "-v h"iir 1 itr 1 mirVwiwf-iih-. -ahicr- 'eerv nn-mlAim tri-e-i fcM't. He wsf,.lowed bvIr. KldriL'e of Wis- ! cimsin" from tli" c.t'teV'side. who appealed to the gentleman from1 rcVihsvlvania lo allow the' Democrata. who wished to'gci-cin the -recnid in protest BL'ainst the liill Hliieh w is lmnni fo i pas, he apprehended -the fvmr lioon of" H-iig I " ilh w hat jusl ice - c;f.i thrr t ..hi ill t beard. -.The veteran "Uader "o( the l,,iISl.". I Dniiocriitl or honest 1( pidi!ioiins,. h M iliTlslVe HUH lo flitted filer Ills 'HrrlnnU' I ait'fe.1 'tVi hia Wihynic: feu-'! iioFM-sf ttSr-'il.K Trtuliut " Ihe lDrTrrr-rTHW rrr cir' t rui f r r-r-Miet?8aat0P'-' .t!ie-t(t-rgoUttluinil. -diich lhe "uotU ih frouk- Ua.hutU,ha(L xli&,. fldvaiHiivi- w tiifh o havincr. hi couhuat act iirmn r Uli 1 ' they grew bitter as, declining the rerjue'st of JIi:, Eldtidge, lie, siipl fie was not sOsuieof the pass age of the bill, and w as keenly sarcastic w hen commenting on the demoralization of his p;irtv' friend who had delcated the foriin r c-ivil hjli, which was sent "to the toinli of the ('anuiois M But he sternly refused to yield, and inso-tci ,,n r- therlemand for tlie previous -qtirsTton. y o(.H,.rn. Uilhks was permiited to- iimk'1 fieri lii-r is phi- nation, arnl the division was taken, ri-Mijt i n-ri,in ; lrl a.dofcat.orihr'Urcat CY The long strain on the House was related an- . . i...i.i..',i. .-l.i... ...... ... , -. . a universal luimiun.iirfaii up which ivs . fl'.rilKo(.1i.lyMP Iut..,.. ..CI ... make himself heard, rfctini hi-iHeTriitM''t Mm un.ui.!i.'...i'."( o,.,, i.y.i i o i-j i ii. ..... fliwIgrrTif paHiitheJ.iJlLa.a rule jit the arrrn-. under the provision, authorizing rnjis cop. criiTiTg the lnif and naval- forct-3 of the United" Statea. r ivt;,r IntrUineketr of theVth . , ' - '.iiivii r f i. I - -KEMIBKS OF MB, PEEBLES, - OF NORTnASlPT'OX, A.N AxiEXDXIPNT, pFrEHF.D JBY' HtMSEL?, TO - fiii: Cif.t: "CiftNfiis'tf TDK Convention- gf.it, Law, SATt itDAT, Feb. .Oth." 3fr. .&;ik;r : We regret that there is a de- !rmrgijrrnrt W-f l9 HEWAKb.- fair test of its merit'. We reeognie htitli iliT'iolBr i'Tio5niv '''M'AllLM'lN necessity mid justice of whef tor the debtor portion of our people, and are willing to (Jive rrprrrt WTiyr-riitrnt-fw-ftittger :to jHepiife -to meet their first pavnieiits ; but iri return for ttiis in diligence,. w think it is just and right that the debtor should give the ereditor some guarantee that at Ihe expiration of said indulgence, his property 'will he. responsibly for his debls. To accompii.li this end. we have introduced the iillieildini ul that is iicfoir the House., it -tn-tmtr our-vish, nor does this amendment propose; to restrain a debtor in the free use of his proa-rty. It oiot sleclan s that he shall not prefer oiie creditor to another, during the time the Courts are not permitted to hear anil determinoactions of debt. - . . If the merits of the' inncrulniei.t rested solely on its eipiity atitl justice, wc cannot understand how it could be opposed by any one, w ho is not willing to legislate with a, view to encourage1 anil promote dishonesty. - lint -when we take into coiisidenitioii the fact that it Is necessary to ( secure the relii-f contt niplated by the- bill, it is j sui jias-ingiy olrange that any true friend ol relict s-!ou44-oppuse its. jjdloptiqn. That it is necessa ry to secure the end contemplated hyThrr tirfl, is jilnin to every one, who has devoted that time and attention to the subject which its im portance di mauds. For alter all, it the bill passes and becomes a law, its stability miist depend entirely on the acquiescence ot credi tou. It will be nothing more nur less than a law at 1 he sutlerauce ot creditors. To sustain this I'osiTloTtwiriTJitd-'rrrrn-ifnrtgt' Stiuy's rDfnrrrntf f iiies on the Constitution, page 2"0, book III, hapter 3-i, from the decisions of 'the Supreme Court of tlie I'nited States, in' JleCraeken Tt. Ibuward, 2 How. page 012, and in IJuackcn-luu-li ik. Hanks,, 1 Denio page 130. It there is. any oiie who is not convinced by these authori tie-,, w e ilirei-Tliis iittijition to the decisio'n of ihe Supreme Court of N. C, in Crittenden rs. j Ci i 1 1 111 ' lcn, aad to a large number of other eases wlui li .maybe touuil in the Supreme Court Ih ports of the I'. 9.', by Howard, Denio, Wheaton atid by ('ranch. We too have paid some attention to this snbj' ct, as well ns the member from Anson, but wc have not Telied upon our own internaf convictions northetrresponsibfe Opinions of this or that lawyer, but have taken the trouble to t-xatiiine the riuf horitits on the subject, and from the highest tribunal knowaio -thtConsti tut ion, have cited decisions which prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the -hill if passed,. Vill be ifiiconstitutional, and must therefore con! iime only by permfssiiiii of creditors. Is it not then the duty of the frieirjs of relief (among whotii we can justly be numbered! to make ai.ua- i)l-'.)vLsio.ii , itl thUt.jl'IL..f'..f.,. the iiroiectiini of. the rights of cretliturs, tolet 'thblh know that they are not forgotten, to satisfy them that this is not repudiation in disguise, so thut.-without eloiiig" injustice to themselves and families, they can acipiicsce in the further postponcfrneut of the collection of debts, with some assurance that nt the end of the twelve months, the prop erty of their debtors will be bound for their debts. This is one f the leading objects con templated hy. the amendment. Wc wish to biing almut a friendly feeling of confidence I nl weiii the creditor and debtor, which will in duce the former to grant tho latter the indul gence contemplated in the bill. -1 " Another object of the amendment is to do jus tice to creditors. We are not here to represent a particular class, but the whole people at large, and we. can not give our support to any tiieasurij. which is intended to favor one class to I'he subject of reliet is an iutricate dnd diffi cult one, and in dealing with it wc khould lie careful, lest in our etlorts to fleet, from the evils that are upon us.'wfe fall into greater and autre onerous ones. When our people are crying for a fish, wc should lie careful not to give them a stiirto. It is our honest conviction that the bill as it stands, will not afford the relief inten ded, and we w ant it remembered that we here predict, if the liill passes without the amend ment, that in less than twelve months it will lie declared unconstitutional, and very harrier to theoollcciioo of debt will be thereby swept away, aiid our poor, unfortunate debtors will be at the niercy of the Shylocks of the country, who will revel in ease and luxury, w hile debtors and in- diligent creditors will grope in poverty and want. We repeat what we have often declared, flint 'we are willing and anxious to afford the people every substantial means', of relief in our L power, but we cannot give our; support to any 'measure which offers the shadow without the. MibUHiiei' of lelaf, 01 nhnh gni'SinduliyiiKX- the debtor without affording prolcctiun fn the creditor. - ... Foreign Opinion -Ihe (numer tie titntt Lnt, the French per 111 New orkv after giving a summary of Air. ti-e. 1- s ituj-iJ arv-JiiiU...i.kiiVLTi: Ihe BULiioineu torc-lgner partakes soinewTiaT of3lfftrirgg liti'l iniTfftsrfl'tcrr rtii: TTucu of posterity ; -sm h la the nl sur 1 h gislation prepared hy the chief of the Radical party. It 1 u-elesn to diseiivi H ; it is enough-to make public, such 1 in-. ftrTrs-rr'r'1" lili I .rTr"r-fttia h. iiOftthe riUthc aei'cntsoi wrain, ri venj.ee c ami passion, amr w hicli, it i to Ih: liopeit, win DC speedily- repu- &te- d tsv tlirv W raf rebrobatiou -:t-: r 1 'I111"-tr mstT-orie men in the llouso -ol Ib'I'resi iitaMves who are 'N"'K that half their J'"U'd i'V-.tneu.. A!titli U'liLlil-IT 1 11 '!. "J. 1 111 "ill ot a hrigaii-r ifnijfi.l -id the, army.--Are they willing'jojn.ld lli-.ir.lvberti. s by lhnp.r nulitiiry ei 1J1 1111:11 'h rlt they are, tiny "re. fit to lie slaves, iouI milit-lor the high dnt an Amcric-an K 'pri -u nt itn e. , lltliey lire in t. : 1 be trim , ie VViillM j iuifiijLJ!a..iirJ..aI.L',J.Mo.M.!l?ilLa...'.!n 1 en ii.oniilt i ''!'!! QAhfrfrt-hry ,ril ml;t' w asirdi.wwiiUfiftWf "liiilirTh?-iH? mm: haJ-fiyCTetFiir hillmTiT" ?Iu.mnrrtnrTr-br'trrpn. whitisa nnrJ - blacks lull i - .. ,,.i.o ..i ti ,r,,..,lttP -V T . Minister 'Caiuiihell pronounces as tinriualifie Iv- lalsethC report retteulhiit-rrciilated. ol alisa. ,rri-f'mMt.L---i..t ..'ii li-VtuiIl- unt CSpn.vrat SHiAr.iiMn .i on their ioiiit mission. . . '' - ' I Tin ...'. i AKSIONKF.S OFJ. F. FOlAft D. W E S f 1 A L L SELL at.Til-i Court llouso iliir la the eit'y 'rif i;alrigli, ou'liiii sf,ir$ ...rttis Captnrl 8to.-k.uf tm t.oHcrmo 5 ilh. riay oi .-uaren i-mo. row n..cievi mi'i zu.Vjj mr l lMiiitcurmic company. s Ti-rfna niado kimwn (in dav t sab''' " i . Xn ttx wti icvtf ' . 1 bh.hlt, ; . . ii, IA, . . . r, i r . i . i.-ii- .-J-.SV-lsi'Tjlni-, Cl MOKIN'G and Cheaauyf U'obajcent 4 at B. L FERItnLLfJ, Deel7-.tr t H'SIr-WillUmscm will dears for- Baltimara-on MiHIila V 4lh. of February to nnmliui lluana and ""t .v'wier sujipues, inac our f armers ww need WuiitVfta'di-W.. innrea(4 iU tla4 It to AbF mii:iig i-uii ou iiiril ijebire tlut tune. ..ILP, ILtUMSOS CO.- l onuTiimKin JterchnU A Anetinnoera. Jan 2l4.j-td JOHNSTOS iiwl., ftmrX mar mnlra V 4.J t omiiy aiii -Muuilsy luiffit' the. 38th: ,111 I.I. s, 1 horse- mule, niuuiiu r.il.iriwl a to.r. o color, Wa-8, sorrel and inoune ci aia-TTne twoTatiar cinTrlTt'frntn-thetpwnmt.trf brandgj. -i will cxr i th 4 A'liirena, . J- W. B. WATSOSl,,--, l et. J J.MVtf RaUagh, N. , Fit IV ATI: OAKIIlG II O USE. Itlt l! Or BOARD BEDCCEL DCCEli E t or 13 mm aeeoaraodatioiM Mils. KKNTlilXS can accommrxUta I or hers c.I ihe An inhly with eood aeeomi lv sniilviiiL! soon. Transient iTuatam vill Sn.l it their inteieHt to give us a call. - . .... " MRS. M. J. FEHTRK8H - No. l-i FavettevUlf St. 0 yda! from th OspitoL Jan. W-UJitd , , tj.' . I. O. WOItTII,-' N. O. DANIKL. WORTH A IUXIEL ' ; MilpitiiiK, A omtiilitslon Merrhants, WILMlNtJTONVN. C. DKAIJilLS IS liAOiaiNO, nOPE, IBOK TIE8, Lime. Plaster, CVnient, llur, Oanuin I'smrisa - ttuauo iliruet from Government Agent, i. ; fislt, flay a,ii(l all kinds of Cost. " slr ' AKeuisfor Dsugu's liaw Bono Super Phosphate of Lime. , Agents for the l'liilaifclphia Houthern Hail Staaiq-" sliip loin. ' AniitH for aoodspeed t 'weekly fttaamahip Unsfrom New lurk. A 11 ins for Jonas Smith A (Vs., lil of New Tork JSllXjUaeieLi!.. l ei. G-151-Crn "VKW CltOP Cl'IiA MOLASSES. -1 UIhEC'T importation. Wii ure daily ei(xttinR fsrtro of 240 bhd, prima New ( orp c iiha Molasnea. Orders arts rMpeetfuUr relieitivl, prices t9ut tho times. WOKTH DANIEL. fell t;-l.'4-2w I N1A AMI (1AISI.NS. I- It arm iiutuititv, bv (fits Bo&. ITIXIAM, JONES CO. f.hb-l.H if WholoMls (trocars. P OKU A 1. 1: . ' A lni iu lol of dim Haled Hat. ' ', Tt U.IAJT, JONES A CO. tehllsif WholflMUs Urorars, r a s t k n f 1i.iiu in 4 ape 1'ear Bank nutns and tlSOO in Bank of Nurili ( aruhiia nmes. Pl'I.MAM, JONEHAtX). f Vebt l.'i2 tf Wholesais Ororer-1. CvXi A k: HUO 1 It ! ! - t rriHtio.-t -rrirt riWi1rr,d, ' T. Coffo and Tonimori l!rou. , FIT J.IAM, JOKE k CO. Kt-b 8 Y4'irC W holeciale Orootira. , I.IIIETII' CiAKUEX tsCEDS. LARUE SITPI.V jrST HECEIVEU AT THE 4 V Ln-ug tstorn uf Wn.UAMH A HAT WOOD. Jau 31-1V.I lm 4 VALl'ADLE COTTON PLANTATION Apply st THIS OFFICE. Nov 12-tf M I I.TOV '. It It'll A nio, attohm:v at laav Jz Clinton." ' N C. y iLI.ArrENU PROMPTLY TO THE COLLEC yy tion of claim's ami olhiirbnsineas ontriuted to bis care Feb 4-2uu. SITUATION t ATKW, " ' ' TWO Sl.STEfW W'AXT BlTUATiONS AH TEACH- era. One is competent to toaih KliKliah and th radi monta of French, tho other is eoiupetonl to toacb Hnir- hah. Music on fiano au.l the rudiment of Frwicb, hrfurenoe Riven and required. Aililresa 4 Mias Y. . Fb t-lo3-lw, ... Fsyettovuls, N. f.. - ... X'" STIC K , , Ve wish tohiro Wagons to Iiiil300,00u Mtof lnm ber and 2UU cords of wood, liialanrs from t tn4milM BHIK18DODD. - Feb l-tj-tr ;-i . ., 4 -1 AltliK tof ADAMANTINE CAUDLES VERY -U- 4..JL, tneup PCLLIAM, JOTES & CfX Wholesals Orooara. Feh M.ti-tf sT TOSHES'. AND bTET MOl'.STAIN BUT. I Ll PtTil.LtM, J0NT.S CO. -W bolesalt Ororsrs F.-b 8-1 4 IIIM:itV roil KALE. WE HAVE FOK SALE (0) DOUBLE igines and lkilars.t)f thirty-hrrrs rower, anmnleta. MimifteliM$MJBtt)a.. liv& Fnicliah JMattufayHirsL shWwili Aiitti. h J 1 elfi' I -i ff ft.?K''jay"nBn fur), ,a audw'.ortTir.l.tTr.hr f ue coat 01 making it. , VV e invite tboac in want of aiich to an isiuuiaUon ot tlnms engines. . onrrn navsoaco, Jan Ti l'Jt . U Broad it. hart lurk. fj O K f E 1 C O F T P. ET1 Jna.' ovlon and Illn t ntTi. PPLmW,JONMt'0 rubG-lui - Wholossls Uasaoars "O lt A I. F. I'.'i.inlceiit aji.l Pohnlung 8n fr . I.nlarioia ami 1 111 Ware J I IJ.1AM. JONES CO . 1 W holeaale Grocers. . in- iSiv,.l 1 lo If 1.V1;1. iMVCkUtAL AND- SALMON IS TIN J tlsiia ar.il hum. also, very fine Veaat l'owdnra l) tl-15Jtf ILLIAM, JONES 04), I w holeaale Orocsrs V UhiM ' ht fill iii '(.( nooij" , TLtNK HlK-. I w Di-i-T LsjrvaUov r'ARl'Y AliTK'l.rs " tVh 7-ir-U ' , iiilAN.SOXAFAHRR r d.vvwa rntiTnii? ; . - . Hit. ISl.F.DHOE'S HOOK. tn. i i. ...i .... Feb 7-liVif , s' lift ANWJN' ' FARR A R. loialar Kntl A Orchestra Mu.hr. VrATI(()N-r.(ll!CHF.-sTP.A,- ll,. and 2ml. Violgji ' ill .I'iukiS, ( liiriiim-t. Cstrnet and llaan M .ffm . .- 'Prieo M eseh, (W ct. .LiITfJON'8 SELECT IiRASH HHAXU Ml flC I'tii'iUicA on (i'arits. for 14 or lu nitin'tr of instrument. '47Nri. Prieo "of each tl tui - ' HhUl'.-dt nl:K. f.a-S to 18 instruments. Prim7 r,,r ' x.ainall on lu .slr i ttictH r -fur ,larro ordieatra, i no wnipleie rest oi ..me pu-e.-B ciaiipritK.- m the - abort"" jpt's Heiit iiVi aiihi-ftliiin. villi: NF.Wbl.injAMA; A ei'lleetioii of Operatic' "v - - " " Ail s, Man-Ill s, W iiltea, ynadrillea, Ac., for 5 and C inHtrnineiitw, by Hnnlitr,i tl.fiH, , . ,Mar eotk eiin nf Mukio, tur w ind and Stringed In- -trinwento. I v J. W. Moore. Price 12.no. - . ' "-' - robUvdhy - . ' . . . ,. ' - OLIVtn DI TSO.N A CO., Feb i-t - , 277 Washiogton Street, Eostoii. .' " - i. ' f If -Ml-