I- ... sssessese PTE SENTINEL; TIIM3 OF BUB5CBIPT10JL . , The Sifnisb puDiauiM avory mw Hand?, M the fotlowinf tern for ewe montb, --, f w tws saooths, .. ,. . im Booth, ; . HMKr-WeeUy Sea tinel w jw, ' ii annUli, Weekly tVmttnel, one year . - - n.t - Ant - AM . t,M , .M - ty ' "Cotviia 8ally Dlllard." ' In these gloomy times, when wen born free to tree Republic tamed by Washington, and -'the (thrr, re threatened with political slnrary , ., by a tkapatie majority, w may as welt laugh M cry, since them is no help for It, but quiut tobmUaioB or removal. , Hence we produce to-day Cousin Bally Dillard, which soma of our young renders bare nerer- seen. , Couiin Sally IJilUrd. BT HAMHTOK O. JOHKS. HftatmA. Gfurif Juttiee in iiortk Carolina. A bestUliiM (iiwiplo of Themle rises aod hiM ertdreeae the Court : Mst it please your worships sod you, gentlemen of the jury, sines , it has been my fortune (good or bad I m ill not mM, to Krcie myself iu irttal aisnuisitioa, it ba never befallen me to be obliged to proae- ent an iMrefullv marked an aaaault mora wilful violent, and datiifermin battery, and finally a.snorediatolioal breach of the peace, has seldom happened in a cmjiised country ; and I '' dare nay it seldom has been your duty to pans upon one so shocking to Deneroieot luenngs, aa ' this which took place over at Captain Kice's in , this county j but you will hear trora tue wit '." . neenes." . ; : ' The wit neat being sworn, two or three were examined ana di sposed : Una aaiu that be heard the noise bnt did not Sea the- fight ; another that ha saw the row, hut did not , , know ahn atraok first, and another ' that be . was very drank and couldn't say much about the scrimmage, .j ,;,, Lyr CT' I ata sorry, gentlemen, to ' "hTe oecupied your time with the stupidity- of i T the witnesses eiamined. It anaes, gentlemen, , from a misapprehension on my. part. Had 1 ' known, as I now do, that I bad a witness ; who u aeouainted with all the circumstaneas , of tlie ease, and who waa able to make himself clearly untlt'TStoou to tne court ana jury, i ,boolil not have trespassed so Ions; on your pa. if Umt. Cottte forward, Mr.' II arris, and bs sworn, . . . Bo totward comes the witness, a fat, chuffy old man, a "leetlt" corned, and took his oath A' avitU an air,-'. ", . . - - - CAoyis Harris, tre wish you to tell about the riot tli it hapiened the other day' at Captain Rice's and a good dual of time bas already been ' 'wasted iu'uireumlncntioB, we wish yob to be rompendioaa, at the same time as explicit a ' poaaible. ', i-irr Ad?jk!,v (jfiriux the lawyer a know "1ng wink at the name time clearing liin throat,) ('attain' Ric he gin a tr.-nt, ctHisin Hally Oil- ' lard flie come over to our uouse ana axea me ' e' -'if my wife ah nimitn't go. I told eouabi Hally t,., Oillard that my aifu a poorly, being aa how it', 'cahebad ttMeb t fheanwiiiw in tba bio.-and mi the hig swamp waa up in the mad, there liaria' ' lieen S (reat deal of rmn lately, rmt li..wimmeyer as it wa she, cousin Sully fjillard, niy wife she ',, ,saout ffiXi Well, couain 8ally Uillarti then axed t ,.-. n if Moae be motitn't go. I told oouitin Bully .. j . Dillard that he waa foreman ot the crap, and ,j ' the crap waa aiuartly in the grass; but. how , , awmerer, aa it was situ, courin Hally DilUrd, ' Moea he mout gt. CiSp In the name of common Mr. Harria, whst do you UHn by this rigmarole " HiMM Captain Hue lie (tin a trntl, and ' muaia KhIIt nillard sheoameoeer to my house ' "' and aied me if my wito she mouu't (' and 1 told couin Sally liillard . . "'' ,'ftff - fttop, sir, if you ptcav;we don't : ' want u hear alMtut your oiiain Sully Dillard, or hJ" . jottx wile t UiU us aljout the fiht at Kiev's." WitM- Well. I will, air, If you will let me. . CAsjia Welt, sir, go on. - Witne-Vfrn? sir, -fVptaiw- Hire b (fin treat, and contiu Sally Oillard she rame ovetto lu hoitxtic and axd me if my wife she hmmm gn: ) ' " Ch r Ure it is again. Wttneaa, please to i 1 toi). ' WitRtm-Well, sir, what do you wtntl i Clui$Vi'e want to know about the fight, a'Hl you niut not proceed with this impertinent , story. Do yon know anything about the matter before the Court t w If... - Will Ti be sure I du.' - - . . -w-t - Choi -Well, go on, then, and telt it, aiul ftotUlnf alaa.. L. " . . Vfrti Well, Captain Kice he gin a treat ri''J-Tliis is Intolerable. Hay it plea the ' eourt, I more that the witness Jhe romniitted - f.ir aeonwmpt." ITa seems to be" trifling" with i thia court. rrT Cvr(-Z.VTtnesiiyou ireTiefT re tlie Ibotirt of . ' Justice, and, unless you behave .yourself in a , , uioi liecominf; manner, yoa will be sent to lail ; f; , iwio and tell me what yon know alwut the ! - ght at Uioe's. .: i i - ' WUwm, somewhat slsrnied-Well, gentle i men, Captain Rue he gin a treat, and cousin : r"ally Dillard ----- - i AiuH I fter delilttiratinirV Mr, Attorney, Muua'iiumutt..tMfl.J.i.IMol til.l. tuajtaiafe-iCafel y lHttinjr the witness go on In his own wsy. rw-eed, Mr: Harris, wilh your story, but slh'k o tlie points W'tiitM Yes, gentlemen. Well. Captain Itice he gin a treat, ftad cousin Sally Dillard en otkt to our bouse and axed ma it my wits ahs asnutnt gK I told cosna Vally Uillard ' - tliat my wile she was poorly, being as bow she bad tlia JiheumstiS in her hip, and the big ' swamp waa up; however, aa it was aba, cousin r Sally Dillard, my wife she moot go. Cousin ' Bally Dillard then axed me if Moss he moutn't go. I told cousin Sally Dillard as bow liosa was the foreman of the crap, and the crap was smartly in the era", but hnwsomerer, as it was f ' aha. Cuuiu rUlly Dillard, Moae be mout go. ' rW they gws on - together, Muse, my (r, and ioaia 5a2ly Dillard, and they ennuis to the big swauiu.aiii it waa up, as I waa telhn'you; but being a liow thre w a log across thebig 1 f.jo faily jMilnni aad .iiwr lilui 4 , niii flkn, tStt-v walked the !;. iul iu wile, v I dart.-i-J !'1,. histi-U. htf cei and sabtiiigUl tbrutigli i Li 3 " ,?v,'n '' l..rr,,wJ I., t""1 VM ,. l.Ut l-) OB ' H N tU thai'i all I tnow fL . 4 Iht Tjpv" obered a younf urchin of tender ' years to bis fond pt-ut, iioe the Lmrd know ererythtnit f" "ea, my son," n plied the hope f.il sire-; "but hr do you k tlisc question V ikaose our preacuer, when lte prays, is so Ion? ttM.rtf tlelord evertthinn. I thoue'hthe Wasn't posteu.' Xefyent reflected.. Tomir jetsa irra issTJEAircs comjait, Ovrf 1 1,000,00 Assets, AX OLrrOMl'.St THAT HAS 1JVED TH1WCOH A GENERATION AND HAH KETKH HAJJ A CASK OF UnOATTOM, CLAIMS yoar aooflilanea, and offers awry Innuea mnnt that reawn can diotate to thus woo w uh as vimvwldi , mwatiilv tiw lovwl MM. lnAuea H.if note and half oash (nr prxmima and prtrflegs to traval or naula la any pan w iu bum own. - . OBJECTION 1. faroeroua; I c.'t anroan r, AKSWra. , If ytm are kw pone la nave laaa than half a dollar pnrwaeK, at iruiu nu to ao yeam ra ur ivixi" itxiv t other iuua. and bud it so dii&'iitt to do n hm'ild von be tnkeo away ljr dat h, how bitterly pover tv will strike home ' riwr walow and ahiklraa, or tluiaa il.HWU.iMit ua yuul la It nH wonnasuwK niwl t)n. Mid give tliom at, haat 1,WJ by paywiK so 1'iallasumT amttjuid i,ou por mtmlh k intun ttttaOced to Himil of my tiwi, .a( tht aaeias imtumet mauung to w anui a- , . , ANSWER. Will voiix trimda undertak to prortda far thoM ya kiava tielund. u eaaa vuu lo not Uva toaa anootf li to muuj uiem, and be aided by Uuar answer. OBJIStTipjt 1 f ana'f malts fay otimI ; anfl Oihw. ' ' ANSWER. Tonr other f!kvrions have bean annwersd. I an nul to vonr own common sense to answer Una fnr yuuraeu, auea ny ' ' THRFJE k'BACTICAt REFLECTIONS. VtBr..K(iiliuiff W so naartia se Liftk .K . . 1 Kunii a urovunon In oerfttot that is eontinaent nivm the duration of vonr Lira, which w nt immediala. Tnu. 'l'l miW uiimedime praui m that pro vided by Ut lnaiuii, :. Gen'l Ajteut tor Korth Carolina at Hslmgh, B. C. Jan iMM-iin , . . sv,' m. cheek; - -. , LATE Of WARltES OOCSTT, K. C. VTITH ' ,1 CSWHElTIIsr. MllQit CP, , OROCER8 AND JoMtntsstrt:nrhBts, i if. i 4ta LOMB.vim htbket, . . 4"! "H i f"1 alailliisieira. Keetrenuntiuitlviw hand s la'rire sod wall selastad wtmrmetH oi sn sinon ni wTrjrpnoii. r- 1'srtMniUr auxution paid U the mus nr vtGttm, ana wthor eotiuirr prtxluie. t'1 i ' - rVrnvtan (oiaiio, dirmfrom thoOovsnnnent Affent, and all othxr kinds aT Kartilisora, at the maoufaoiurar primw formain-d (or fU or ou eoiisignnwntof cotton. BOXES HACYHf AdaraanttiM OsikUm, in JWb Bote. Also ia 81b. Cx toiHr TtMrni are the best Uaiidlas kaowa to tlie trade. . ' l'ULUAVI. JONES A CO. Ott W-lf Buewn tl4ea, (111 Al' to oiu eonaiinimiuit. j . . 1XU.1A3T; JOJtES A 00. Iee23tf ' - ' ' ... A HOl'UKM arnsi ut btmt t'smily Flour. j f ULLIAM. JWNEU A CO. uii ai- "l" C4NDV! cafSOTII ' ' JUST intims for 1'hi'Mtuiai i Fins Vmuej Boarbots, Ladws Cnaut aui ks is 6 ft boren. . I'L'bUAM, JOXK9 CO. " f 5l-'tf " - ' - ' imn rnrtlnta. family fkmr. tnt raeaivad and for sals - fLLLUM, JDNKt A CO. hUolenala Groesrs. S N I) w A by UK tf retHAUSIITV l.. VM lr.r .MtAiititluM for Mitt bV ' I i'LLLUtf, JON'EIACO. Dr!lM-tf V lioleal Gruoara. tS SE.litO.V JO Cum Meat or aanstgs Cattera, Trim Buss j. uitu n a, Deo ia-lf. With Hist A Lawta. ir JTCHlta IIOL'WK. TiiIiTKHmKrTrVJ!fiTTfraHiTT!inv reHlTaVtls nw open tor ttw icoiumilsrann ot auhar perwanout or traiuiMDt bnsnlerr." lis moms ars pleawot, table wiill Mippuod, sxrvsnta tintirs and polita. Twiua modnrmte. Mcnitwm of Hi Legislature wUl And here all tbe Mtiaforts of s HoaSk ,Ju m-liu Uus. M. A. WATHOX. IUESH AHKITAI.Ol? "yLKKS OF TUB W)t7TH" and utiiait utiui u of ouokniK Mtovm, furmsliod witb hill coiuTltUMiit ( utenvils and Piix). roK ai:xir. fTDi R Honsa anA 14 a Hillsbnra at , hnewa as ths 1 HUpropr.''.- :.!, - - appiy so Dee !btr IX STORE. . , H - ' -T The Leader Cn"tt Wove PitsnelfflS Top. " i Spirit iiavels. With Plumb. J. BHOWTI, Febll-loVtf " - lth llasT A Lswia. Tas iIakd in lotk, - rot. FKBRrABI, V, i Just nMMMVIld. Fab 11-liS-tf WUkoOS A iFABftAB. -f KLAJIi hXTE PAI'l.R. MMI : Atiueniit iwr Rsani- TTHi'tnw-it- -tmA"MTM TAftJtiRr Hhku Tubswo, ss rood as the liurhua snd a-tso-rt . iiotniiale Orocvra. f erv H.trffirw HOVrJLd, JfAST liE FvMd, .'.ra!s AUd toi.&rs 1 l riJUAV, JfAaACii Ftb A-ISC-tr W buioiMls ir F O B a A X K . T'ttlot fto.'ii. PHmiiluent and rUiahinfl Sosa fur Patudui( tttinir, laikania and Tib Ware. - I'LLLJAV. JoXES A CO. .. Tci If-lfrtt ' i Vtaalesals(lrroeersa 'Ci.nn. I...:. "I WOlXb SATHKK BE RK.MT RAXEiairr 3ioxdat ctening, --pEimuAinas RALEIGH JASTO UAH. HIT , IIOAD. . Iw67 ThrouKh TnlOA tariff. NORTH AND SOOTH, BT THS AIS LISTS' EOUTE f "1TFK ars ww weparsd l lip all krnd of FrsiKl t thmaakta Nw York. Pliiladaliikia, Hollos asd Balinauee, ym tbrvuira esllii at sdtaa', itivini; tb rough iwesipta. at tbs lvM rui. . ... ' ;A- TIII I TUB. LIVE I'EHS. . 'OK Mill'. Toot Goods will be Candled only Oace, 'Tt,rfMifthimswitiriaaloa; aa dalay, tiwia and ex aafia kM itias by ar otlw rwiita, larttraaea ttiflieit, eautpar4d with otlinr rouiti W take uuoJt iiand freia Columbia, a. C. an-t all mteriTvuiliaia iatn, with ism promfii aMii and dtateh ttiu auy Kpre Caiapany atabout htufthiita h1.- 1 TAKE NOTICE. " ftiw'M abippiair f id SmuiIi will lii lli'io'ut H tiia Wlowion axai'ta and bj tit IvItt'Wtn earned slop Cuaipaaies ssd wi oiiee. , Fkom Saw irons," By the Atlaatle C'al Mail aiam-Mp C. tdVii'K alea. Fox Co.. ai"t. No. ft l.iorty Mtwet, r l'ir M Kurtk ttivwK. I. - " . - Fa w Bi.tiK .as, , ' ' " By the Baltimore Hteam pafket nv"V. l Paikiaaat, toutof Uania l).a ad Biaodt a lot tl ttttSBMra. . i 4 ( m s tn i . , . Fiioa fHiiaoni-Mu, ,tl l . , B Iha Pkiladelphia Norfolk tttawshio tin., W B. Clrd A Cm., eyauu A, it NorKi xlawara Avassa,''hiiadipliia . - LVftaM HtxTuS, s ISnetaa asd KorfilktlCKawhipCii . K. Simp aoa'A C ,KBta. emtwt Cxvtoal Mliarl, Boaiou. Conij(rn yourgixnU to U K AHu, HJUiith Vn , aad Cit V 1'oint (Ifioda i oiniug by tie wajr. of l.iiy Feiai and llarsbsr( oiaat mmki'd '.' V. H. Al.l.tt... KtttitiUi At a it k. at. C', Jsa.AU ' A mABK IlkVaSBTHFAH'. ; ALTIinuorj the haaineas of alt Ti-sdes and lro leaaione bav beea oonaulnroA Uaab suwe the doasof ths war, wwhawxivvn a apii'ml iii itit m many of our Frlenda ami Fatnnis, aouis of ahoin have paid s nothmg mwn tliat tone, and as w ' at ford tn pay caaii and give unlimited credit, tlua is to e;iv noUi tliat our aueoniiui are aow ruady and that all araaijxs-teil tocullauii autllu tla sauw wiUnait delay. Mt ..,, a Ir'ivwruirt' n ilwa;i,t a, oa i o ox.', . Dee lT-Stf "., TanrnttstM Oil.. - A NOfJI K H M of that Huomor fwh tnl tor '1 emmea Asa,Juattoban;l. w ' Dae I7-tf ' ' r , - BEG ARS ASD TOBACCO. ' WE are in rolpt of s fc of Hoirars -d fltt-wlns Xobaeeo tliat ean't Im) beaum. tull ami aee. Vll.t.l.M5 S IIAl ihiou. Des 1TUT TAKKKOl tall HOI OlE, WM Ultlnir nharira nfthts well known Hotel. I nrmnlsi I the Dul.hu tliat it shall b kmit and eomliu wd iu s trie that will aivs entire aatmtw'ioii to us ualraas ami guoaia. . Tt.a room have roertnnvbeen refnmlffhod. aod the entire bouaa tlioroughly Tuoovatad. " It at bvyiMid all BPumriauii - : The best House In the City, sad shall be kept ta a style worthy of ths house. W. O. KfDDri'K, Kav i U I'ropriaior: A Rare Chance for Investment t .eurly Tweuty per ceDt.Guuriinierfl. a lOT OF ABOUT N'M AtUtG, OiiTAA.sll J. two IwiHini, one having a laric kiu:liu and all Boiuu.ar aut.W.4a with lixi'du ft-f'H t.w.ktl irlf a abomaacleoiion of Fruit t'roea, and priyluoniK in heat of vegetables, l bs wtiols admirably touati, Will bs sold for M.(KK). It will' rent for uvr ,), it ths puribaatir winliea to rJiit if. for lurtnar parueuiara, appiy io i Jan It tf JAM La AC. TUWUvS, AksiiI.. Btl'ITatatl.I.'a sistttNi4 cl.at tot.- GRANVILLE Cli'ti. 0. - L within Bimir mile r jaiurtira ie. pot, on' llio Ilalt ltth Jk Weldan "T; - fl it I I f o'av'a . " " KST.C. B. BIDDICX, rsEHinnir. ' ' ! t'rottMMor liellss IMIirsi ' BKf. t. . R. CI.AHKE, Cbal.lun, and Trof. Al.-n. sii'l ilural i'bdoaouhy, FJiY.JllaUUll. Illl'I'K K, t'roi, mic. ijiTiicuagiw. WILI, LOrnXtfAItukAtt. A. M., t'mfi'iMHW siumm; ana Mouurn IJuiKuaues, THUS. A. tiAtt M. A. M.,- IV. Mor s oitMKiii. ana ;sa(niHj k, ..iirs. Miaa H. ItLMA THAi.hi ih. UrnaimMitai iuparttnwut Alias LV'CT A, Ubl bll, " , "" Ttftll. " . Hum VABT A, CUNNINGHAM, Miss VtAKOHft FFSTHEW, UiasAUANSA HICK., l'lairo. Organ A nulla, ftnt Hjtrull. , , , I)om(ic I'jUi troent. I!isidijut rhraii'ian. ' CaL hlMuS G. Ui4. ram. a bines, m. d Ths Fill session of slits Ium iUiuou cloxnd UJnh day of iacTiii,r. 'I us tprine lv Kn njmud 110114. WKdnaaiiay m January, ana will eonhmia in vi ka. 'ins anocessia una ecbooj lias seen atinoot s fMrai. WL Anew butlma baa tuat beiMi euiil(Hd. Iv Bin. h a large BtdHioiial uumUir can t aM-oniiuu4iau.d. la ars uiniond w tuaiia our putna aa conilunahi a (oay eait tie made anrwhtlre, al ft tf rd tl.f 01 fid tl.a alvBKii.,'i tor a Uurfouoi and 144.111.4011 a.toi mi 14111. tlit Lab cafi.niidsi any rut (bwi toinai, Coin Kiih er Ikouu. . Jtia bw iMira lo o-.- '11 .t. i.'i M& Water la too wall known 10 ttw a nolo country vi a remark.. Even invalid ton tor iatws inaf ware a Tt.nrtuvb S'lra n aif ' emt ai iii'TaMiim hioti' i'J'Mi rni'fi'ii': tioa of uit'ir toul.M. lM-HT"iire la inaon to every l u li ibiii I L'i.i..n In tlo: aa ami & ( in bun. .4 irno ntva frmri'l fiiM hum r - - In tuunif lal..aa.l uiln. in Uirf Lul- I na:l. sad aeries tio axiva L'ifciiiitK ia ruu-4!d. Jit lrt.t(t ttrm ttf dras pm tn'tt ( -in .irr f.'fr (Wid. iff (., t.tit.l rrf-it i-j tfiitt" ut h'i(irtl'iq yoo lo- e.il m rii ttr vuut. 1 Ina friMitF.rt.ion ra tyrtBiiiiy Bs of the enaapawi and RUNHt r'aMV l a-naa ua iimi aiHHhrs btataa. K.a.Mfa. it otl -i n Um m- .yut'f aUrawneBa in every re-;"-t. , 1 ir paa i&ewais a-.-u,ei"i . " "TT ' - t !-t. . 1 nmuu-K, Tehl-Ul-Sfll fWstlfllWatuiSa w n 1 w ;u' THAN BB ltlKIDEXT.-Haary CUy. BIUEICAL. RECOUDEU riiuLLsmxa HOUSE. : llUFIIAH c IIUGIIES,. w COCK AM) JOB PRINTERS. 7 . UnruiA; daJ Urgtt mdOjUuiM tVotu 4 " ' BOOK AND .TOUT YPE, t n Ws are frfjiaied o du'all kin.ls of flOOK AKD TmSWSPAPES.PliraTISO I'mntt ly tii,I in t he twit ttj le f ba art. tl H PRINTINU rmtaasa sre of Hie heat nianiifat'tiire in Ilia worlil, (t became aa wa oj lue iiai jiura, ami tratliiig riililiahvra in N. !.,) and our fai iUuoa fi donif work of any kind st the i .. ,.ii . ' MIoariWT NOTICB nnlhemnt REt.VtNABLK TKIIM and in SITE tilt B M bb, nal to anv in the eanntry, Couli'in tn uiatlo (nr the priuting uf hewiipapars and SU(ziiiea. , . AM lun ks, Cheeks, plain or colored, Curtis, , mil IIHda, " ' llitild IJIIla, l0ttTS, 1 ' - t-imilars, ' ' " I.rller Ilnuls, Ac, At'., Ae., At tlie sborteat nntios and eoeat rinalla prices. ' ORXAMKXTAL& COLOltEO PBISTISQ " To suit all taatea. We are i)r..pr'd to hi any kind of letter-press prinitnt!, from su Inviiation Card to a Book of one tHHiHsiiil paKea, S7editimiitlv, emvnmiiiiallrand set wfa.aurily. .,- iiL'FHAM A tiliuHM, Jan j-U ( j . . . iiiiiaiyu, . C. XEKI EE n A EE ACADEMY, ' REV. H. O. HHX, ritnwr. v ' fyjE arnftjon o)Kna Tliuraitav, Mtli, of Janaary. X The Principal will be anlid by eoruieint aaais btots is the diU. rent departnients. AU bills payauls "W advance. - t:.!-.' .v.'" , 'Jauva puraeaaiiaio. Twenty Vaults Board, awln alve of wsHtmur, ' .. . . M EiiMliab Tuition, i ij. ' ' : , lanilfuaKes l h . t jo , II un' and ue uf Iiwtrunieut, ( ' 80 i'ontiueiit l'-e, , i t 1 H For f 'Ireulars addrem, " - her. u. a. mix, aim-Haw ha ' J . rnneipal. ' - A lKOPSITI0. ; " IM WHICH 6i; Alili INrKlil.bl'WV , - Xl'U'itV-E for ths pruwetloB of tits eitiseus of liiiit'iKli and aurroniultuK ooutifcry, aainat tb im ItOaiUntt uf thiutti ao-4'Alltid L)oat atofi'M, Ui foruiwli aanh and 'ry pwiwii, th ew tork Cimt of any skhIi ty ntay ant to buy; by this Is muni they ean ojll whfllwr they are btijuiK gouds st Costur payiiin s proiit on ilitttu. . all Iwinio Koind to sny of tbiwui Ooat ftUiree sh raited, and kc uis giva yoa s uwnioianduiu of Cuat fo'H'i'a. . . anal ui my lama atoea 1 will sell st anst ont I have: Kooda that I will not at' II in that way. Slid neither will ttioae nifrrliauts who make autdi s douriah about sell- tne at Cent. no nw r. hant In this pbics has pnmhsaed bis floods auy ohuapar than 1 bought iuukv Auy aaatution to tlie u'iitcujr layicw.aou t 110 Hnnaiowv M avil 1JTO.HIM aa low aa any ;oi rionae. ah i ui is sn opportun ity to prove ths trutlifnluess of this smmotcuwi. . . , OKO. T. COOKE. Jan J5-14t-t( , . . , ClTBIaftTIC AMI ALTERATIVE ;, : . ., iu.i.. , ... , U iiMip.viii-:ruiT the beht phtkktvnh. lnrily k .'(otitble. v Ms Calomel iu theia. HV.lr t'UfM', U.iug tMtd witU Uiua 'i'.il.r oerttitUy tUlll-J.'Mtt eV..r iiirn biting th Bowida, and fcir the aufW of BllJ. oiua hifVi'r, tiiitoua Houilane, fj'ainttpation fir Coaa- tivMiit.-'iM, Jaiitdit-a. iMiliKeatum, iVoa, liywpagiaia, l.ivor liiaoa.i.:M, llixztnnaa, Joaa of Apputie, ei.k fi. ailaha, and ail fh-eiaaea where s raliaiils Catharuti iiM'Kifine ia riwjiitred. - uf o. r. juai tti won uas 00 superior as a nival ciaii m North t;:ir.tfna, haa eaannned tlia Airmula by a I h li tiiw puis aj it rnadii and highly recouiuivhde them. ' W. J. StartiH, that itiathutuialied Patriot and 1'roiuvH' of tliemniiry in (tie tulvaraity of Noitli Carolina h eualiai'd ;.liom. and eei tifte tliat ibuy eoutaiu no Jlniviuy or any otlmr "rriiiinal oonatll tiont whaNm'r, v"-' Call snd KiAafimnlar I " v , I'reiisred and sold l.y ... ! , " H. li KAmiFIW, ... -'Witirmrrr.frtnjf n ('nnKl " F-h l irm-tr 1 l,i-t Hill, N. 0. For axiom lUlei;h Ly WIUJAMrf & UAiWiM'U. CA1VTH EEE' Jl STICK. IXoH Fsrmars, lArnriid kfaiiatratas. ' Call and . Kt asopy, .t'l'iee o: . .iiU.VNsOjf 4 FARKAK. . Jan 2-14.Vtf , AMERICAN HOTEL, 'Wltt'rTC VnntsliSBknaw MlBiajM5BasSa IXiti. , bVpOSITtt'oLi)' IN-liUfKNDEJil'E HALL, ' riMIILIEEIMllA. , 1 u :m ax tin, 1 . PnopiiTrin. Jan 12 lira ' TIIE MI NO 1 1 A. U isCnoOL j nstn Aiaa-Tii.i.S', m. 0, SCION of I 7 !.(.. n M.H. li H'h. f'.mrin of I'w'r.i, ii..m n.A-t'dCAX UATHE MATICA1. and "tl di.itt.lAL. 1 ' Adiilra, --C4. W.M, EUiGIIAat. Jas l-dwaawtot. . ct qn;w ok Tut? mi rii, CLNthlNU KlOilti. . I'FI'.l'ilt BiWkii'arri.ic i'..A ne fa lares Fanii- i BHOWT. I" llf i.n liaar A Lcaria F'C'iC 11 ,ii 11 ,lj ( iu nil , it MO wiMiii. t'. tna . 1 . ii..iir,.ii i .ifii)nfiv for s dupll i-ii' . st- 'i SvAuui .ii'j!.B't!!Ui.'j;iitUa.al 4. o.vu 1014 ii. tim tt u.o-.lc'i w tne eaiaia of L. uu lint jn.a. Aued. .1 ."MSh HUJ.U..H TAilLi. A I'. AC .iltiS. . dib'MM ilisp-wad of piivu-l; on .t.M -Ui ti u. A. v .. 4:t.' t i'-iaol tliihflrd labid will sold at auction b it li.tle naod wilh Hal... (',.' and I , than ri rnoBt.ua sg pnvataiy. .. - . 1. .1 t.. (t net I nil, Ima aad id break S graac fbargata JAMK3 M.T0WLK,- . ABetloBier A Dim. AiwibanL. ' Jail W-143-rf f ' mi; -NOrlWr- TI KlAHARLi: 1IC01EUY, . ' lilL.Viucil WHler -n br Turuod lulo Montfr Truly has it been said, "Ttiat the nehes of tbia worm, i,a imrird u the bueaia of tt aafib." i ba prmoiia nitiiala that are dauy taken front thea-. pniira an ina nixtu'iea snt twin roris-eave, lie great Ikumi to the ni'k. Health wfihnnt winch, life ia a l.anlcn, and Ola Millions of the K.ilhchU.U would fail to seem. . ,0 lo fiinl. mit! t.i.g trm Lruvorrhrea, (. Wbiloa, aa it ta eoiimoi,.y nail, d.l t, a a 1'lnoMaii of many years exvruiHiw. wwiiri v, that vou need not ka s en.lore a uuMribm Ulu of puna, Aiha snd (( eral ibbihty. or waaanuaa, tba xhiw.-muiuhi of Una depiorablri dtanase. AUFnvariaua,afmnlaratrM-hinic, Bill atlmlt tlie ami miuoiiiM in imm ma ui tUauinarof health, tor vauoua naiw unntiuowiary tonieniion. t'atioiita enmnHig nitwwii-om Bni aa n-aiii'y aiiraa, that msli. euMa, uowavor earrfnllv pnqiarrii Mid uat-l fail, to uioat HMlaiua, r,j.f ; and tn wanv, froul,; naiK nwitiHUMii'e, prilu u.-tnl it etimby jiHrreaa Uik the malady they wore viporti J ton-ii,.in levniuir A great privilire to be s pul.lio bena fbetor, ami add hi loo eonilorui of the sttln-tj.d, by pla'in hrfuia tlmin uii ana of relief, 1 bore give tlie luelory of a fcwcaaoa of uroat niiiiriMi inat h.va rui. lea uiidor juy protnaaiunal oare. - ' Alia. a ladv id the litirbai atandirie la tha city of Char lotu., H. C, had bwu aa lueeiwaut enfl. r er from JueniiluM for tliroe ,.ra. Her ebet-ks wore blanobtid, her skin always cold and alinoat trana parent m fat t ahs mined '' to hav a red enrjinsels 111 lior biidy. howraS was ah, that it wsa with (treat dilbvully alia eouU aay'nd a tlnrbl of aUurn, without tevimtt fault Snd ethsusted. I'Bloitatl.mnf the baaM. hatl-a. lM, and a diaiio.Mi in the bead, bronb ex rni. wiiUK m 11: the bank, toattier with s rwaiuig; ilon acMMttiou iu lli roirioii of the womb, warn vim- slant snd stitrininp. N.'l wHlulanamii they wnra but symptom otetttmn 0.111)11, inilm-, d of ki pi up by tlie never acMiug drain from h.ir eYatem. In this wiu dirnm, every Meanaat my eonimaiid was need fee her rrln'f. lUoiit'dy Ur rt ni.il v waa uW. kvrv moana nwommended by onr aiudern sol bora tiroved worth. leaain her cane, llfntiiiiif of Din rae of a servant, whom 1 had ftirniorly treated (bolnniriiis.' to Mr. CrtMis.1 hsvuur betm verv Mineb lit.iMetiMii- s at, mbieral watr, I reeolvud, (wiUiout further Inquiry,) aa the laat reaort, tu nMouinu.iid to her lie uau. Am wua t b rratored omie more to health, Hm readily aeomted to my prufiuaition, and vwii d thia well dally. ..n iniiirovt iru nt waa nibia, and ill the alu.il of thrrs moatha her healih was eiuimly roatomd. A iiruis lanaunirin w tne great rural no vtilueaol yua wa'Uir. i. . m.'v Ths neat mmi of ertist mtiireat ia tliat of the aanrant wtnuan already j.i.li.io of. Meven ytais previona to tlie distawery of Una well, Mr. Croaa eueactt-it my services in the oar ot tins woman. 1 made ntoat eara fnl eaanilliatiou and atmruhed out all ot the narut'iilara olUier hiotorv. Hint had. allll. ri il for 1H t w.r Mi Irfiiiwrhrea, and bcuijr sori'ly sftlii-twl thun tnrui, It waa uiniwf-aaiiy anown in our eonitnunitv, that she was the mavtvTof the town. 1 tnnnii hee with all af the divtreaaiUH ayniptoms attetiduit Una mala.lv, snd eould only adord her temporary mnet Tune paaaed nil, sua etui lor auiieuona tU.t alwtsi him alisa ilumxl ail lii.Hiof rwuvfiy, and ihl to take no lliediolnea, but to mKlcn fierat-lf lo Din tula ln.,h aeemnd to await her.' Id maetcr Jimt tl.on liavina diaeuK.redihMWi.il, ad naod that hs hhnnld drink freely of ilm water, as it niutht usof aorna tieneat tn bur. Lilies tbuaumit man. . amu:uuu at. stratt, aha tried it, and tnirormtoiit: was hooii pi'ri'i.plihiii, i,.r atrvauati auimtmnl willraihMv.a, and tlua ilav alia w a autuifi ami tKwJihy wunau, snd ean hat aoan st the r..HiihiKw of h.r iormer maMUir. and will taka vm.l pkissnre in . rrlanuii, m MtiU, to any vtaitora, the h.s tnrv or tier f see, T ' ' 1 - Many other eaaas known to n. of equal Intenud, havs btwu curix), and others wa beutg daily bunetiit ted. . A It Is to hereKvettett that the peonniarv eniliarraa uienu uiviilniii to ilm lata war pmiluola the iih.a,nf Hr, t.roaa uttuii; tip tlna valualiui priijHo iy, aa a raaort for uivauoa, i!inh:.r tin.ae I'ltvunititiim-oa, the owner I lr. torw t r.ia. id riiarlmte. N. I'. I ia willum to diopnae of bia priirty al lb vnr reakonabhi prve of vmvw u, i... n. vnrroni-.y, ami win eofiinitiiiifeia wtMl any one cither by leimr or iieivoually. i ha plaotaiiou nf Jim awi of ftmi and proiliintive iiuio ia aiuiau'ii aiiniii one anil a nan ntii.a nr the eny ... vi iui., v ., i.niiitioiaieiy on ute n tiniinuin, Cliailolid and Itm itt'i fi i.J Jlailroad. A nee r.wlilinoe, with tnoij.'t-n improviotiriti.il and oonvriinnioa, l.i((oth r with all nenwaiy binl.liiu'a aim. hud, baru inat beoti oompb-t.d, and roAfiifiiiHtiMkinif iiivmhtionta Ho un.'l uidui'i.iui W. could ba oticrwd. it . M. D. Feb. Ii50-eodlw. "LitX-jU AltllltAU-uF iiiA.ha. . ' Bt.H')()trtfw"iM, ' llUhK IJiWtKa, Ar, , ' IX tJIIKt'l" VamFTT, ' . Jan Jii-imf. .:.UWtlU.iiAAtttAR. V, V : i'Xilvi.S.JiNllKljrFI) ro.l.lHI W. HtV.t Al AI- noniaieatot of J. huno'v. deu'd, will ttno tlwir mitoa in Uiu hau4a uf John i. Williama A Co., ot luuen;h. I hey will plraati tali on tliam and noulit ami aave r.Mia. JIlli.N W. li tis, i Jan3a.U1.2t. . '. Adni'r. I1AM1I.V FUll It IN hAI hS. Kl fl ItJuK t'HKW , lug lolatovn, M. al and l.n il )nt rwiveL . . i'1'l.UAM, JUMj a ca Jan :llts-if , ; . Vkimhwaht.i,nmia. Ilitrdttnra ui II I'uytMU'tllln ttlrrel. . fW Ket(rXaila ssaortetl ft.int tolWtl .. . ' ' Hnnieafirl MaltMhneandlli.o -Sail..'- ; . i. trtt'CSw-.'Ttsnura l il. ami Iti-pa. tipaiiee, ahoruki and (laxh S tlasiai.' ' ' Villi a Bi'iieraiawawtuwitivuf Uardsataaad t ut teey. - J. II I tow ,v. JaB2H-tfHil AVoli li-.nl A Lswia, " 'iiuf" CioTr' AMERICAN BITTElts. ,x t i . , ft . Tim urunt Auuthcrii 'I onic, tTnTrr-crr," . , 1 --v "" IORTflM 1HKtp lii -rti.l'rt iJltKlltil.M t . iiiKeetmn, rialiihovy, ronnnndi liimiiatioo , toe liiiKid, iniioua t oniiilainia a.i..ti from a itorl4i. t,.TttrlOMtt .t Ai i.wtt. at"i l..-o.. An I o-'atT luniera delnlitatoil atatea ofrlie Unrtie Hilai.. or of me rw!.ixt'.MiiTll. For th J..! of ;,muv it nt tit m.wtwIioWMite. and atlottnal Tome in tn.'. aurld It alr.-Hiil.Vi natnr aud tuinbitta lt fh. im to tinoiiph Mtcr .liMaaae. in aaaHuinoa aiuonh.1 with triiuiora and i;..'nt.rl nerrott., .ii'iuut'crii' iit, it ot peniliarly fe.1 it.l, firia,- ti.-iirili ami bate to ti.u nerval 't u.'iu'nt jV.iuw and t innir. it ta uividii abieand ui Imt wiitnMirsr a iilxaaaiit and aKioaatila 'ionic la wautnd, thia aliottld lie UMod. Jjr. aoioiatou H-vnwm. one of the m.wt si'ii'Tiibb! snd well known 1'nvaiia.oie tn the MomiiHm ntatra. teatiiin to lie ertiat value, tawoUi niany oiiwira wiio tiava wiiii grwatiy twnunuiu y tn lew ui Un.au liit b t. ; ; Prepared snd svd nv " , I 1! B. flAt'NItcns, Z,aitufi:turiii ctieuitnt, i r.lM-4-tf t ln')ot A a ill N. t of aj5 inr Bai-n j-vrVLtt ; I jTt tViriTf TZrirSiJivE v w a vri;m' a CoHrAI 1 HHoea, . C , Jan. IA, txoV. t fT1!fRJm'th'CKihsa ftadtetjoj tuott tourist a ol lie paid flK'TtH-aomniilr, tFinuitttt.'ti.Hia ao'ino.!! tb l'nmdft.-.t will j WAhfAllfs W ll Witt isfti taH .f 9t aitf li 4t" tiju - , i. tn. mi s w Jun ).1-5ilin - Pi, B4T Vr"zrt tm and Ktan.iatd eiir. I ur itt-iif. c A1 T H I l-i M ( I U.S. OS 'I HE lit J-AY UK Jaltiia-rj l-v. , at l.u .M it.:iv.io4tr uul..a rtviitt t.f f IM ,4'...iiaa Ure Couvu and 1 t'ld"it, tlm A' ' Oea fi.wn.iioa. aan.l t- TU.13 SENTINKL, ADYERTISIXG" RATI J, AJverUaeromU aeeapyuK not morn Ui"u 10 Itbes w. uniuun ip wntoa eonsiuutes a Btiuars; 1 lusertio 1.00 1 week S.M) l.M I 1 Bi.iuth 10.00 ISO Sootl u.ua Swl a ae-ioha 2 11 'V 5,.ifl- . 1 wtwk ... . ' a iui 1 . .. . Special auuoaa. undiir a aiMMl.wl lm.l will ha . 1 ged one dollar per sou are fur eat b, inaortion. , - 1 tmarai ina'1tt vt Wiarr it at li. tv nit oTC -Tks sumite awmnweement af w danth OT mat 1 tasa will not be ebaierd. II "SB-1I Ill II I III laiiaiSSBBBJ "KOI TIIE.U BELLE" .'IIOO P H IC I It T N ITluB sine f.ir Muat and Children, . iuat reeerved st f t ' . 1 j. o. t. cookt'a. ChllSHT ANOTtlKR AHKITAI. eaf t. nn.K A LAPina BALMORAL aOATBOOTiV ' . ..Huina . ,, ..'..f : .. ... .w.p.......,. ntl tin nwu rimlii. ml. i.t A..,.Kl - 1 l""tat JKO. T. CUOK'AVfl. Use 17-tf , i j JOII W. IIIltLEr , ; ATTORNEY AD fOTOSEUOS IT UW So. , lltty fttreet, I'ayeUewllle K. C. Trrnx attfad ruDMm.r td aix ltrsi-VKaa IT intruaied to hta eare. ' - t lamia eohwtwl ant wum e 10 Sortb Carolina t Janllt-tf y . . ' lOKAlEi:. ' ; ZEIXW HAW HOSE I'HOfil'IlATE AND St'PKR t'aoathal of luitte. . AdanU'd to all enii.a aud tiermansntlv fmnmraa th soil 11 eaeeh) tVeruttan (titatio in R'ttuijr Clovw, mi.m m Mw.'.t,f iwu auu auptinor quality or Votlon lotauira Slid Uraiu. Hiom rr'rr to ia's aumaa of aj-er StUfm'ienian trAo An tie Bead (fits t tritium; and like It it ia wads of purs raw Bona. A resaunabia tuns Will be given for half the puriMiaae uiuney. FlLLlAAi, JU.NKS & CO.. JaaW-lf , . . . . , VVItuleaalsttroears. r:f ,7 A IIOMTMbV JOtRltAI,, it 1 v. ntyoraw no ' j Aft-rloolturo, - llortloult uio, " THK MT.PTI AJSTIO ART9 ' ' ' nouwKHOLi) t:cono.uv PCBLHlllCD AT JiiaLVOXn, VA., ' . ,-t , - , . f u t ELLIOTT A MIIELIXt. ' . . I ' - ..- r " , . , 'lH mil I'L'hLlNHPilX, dtrnftett M tun all their JL eiim-Kiue, kaik with eonhdouiia to lite new yaar for such an uiereaae of patronaite as will enable them to Ontario Uia aaa'iiliona of ins Fajiaaav suit niaao It s atnl more dairaiiaiiietiuui.tiir advartiwira, . rSt'Sm-aiKriox.-. tn uruut of auiw-i ,pium haea beea BMntew tow ami enaaouabl aa to pnnvet wtanitt the maou of ad alio my doaire it; and in viuw of the itrtiat uitereata to lie served by sa SYtentnvs ell rulauou, we eonjubinity atpevl tl.a beany ta-opra tlona of manv lit tiioe aui'lioiia of the uountrv not sow supplied with a itoud Atfruutiluiai Jutuuai. t i or ouatMiau'rioa -ur a suuits-aotiy one year, t.l,llt ' '" r ' vvm Karaa : Vira ornthis one year Air SlJ.OO ten rimi..a one yrar fi J5,ll ; miuhmi copioa una yr for t.i7,ti0 I twenty eopi..a one yoar fot; tUii.mi ; ta. nty HvBootiitaiouB yoar tor tjO,'tfU i ami Utger aluba in the aanie pi-oporuon. 1 - To anoure me a.tvant!,-a" of thoae liberal terms, ths eluba iwi.1 ba ouuiplut m the lima wtbwrip llon, aud tne nionny a.uiompany lh ornur. It is aot reipnred that all tne aulKiiirllmrs tw S club ball rsotiiva liin. t AUMr.il at oue iibai. If naa aary it will be ruaild un.n.r the elub arratutaineat to aa umiiy ilubnoni oln..i an tlwia aio ih. ni.ra to Ilia rlufi. i:UJ(ll A hlUl.l.ns, Janto tf - ' y . iin limomt, Vs. T TELL1.ECE urriCE. fiiHE srnsciiinnw havk foiivfd acotart- L u.irabiiinii.li rtiie Ann of Hiiijh II. m it. for I ha p.irpnae of anpptviiiti faun and Huuee raw- vaniaat vory rituoiui.oiii raiea, . . : Tliy are pr..parod to inalio e.iiitrayls for Farmers, sndutlierawtoobirw lalwrors throiiuh tliton. aa.1 o toward tai m liauda to any part ol the ltiloraee- winy ohm tioa.1 ano ntoaiti tioat eoiiittinuit.ftiioit. ....Tby wid.alao attoutl. to lha eolletitiiitt ot aetsnaata--Tli. ri'titinu and a. limit ut Ural r matf. - llwv an. rinttte m-nmrrond hoim to lie hliwraltr- pai.rotn.Mi4, and primii tltetr undivided aoWiiunti u ail who Hoed tlion- h.,m vkm'. l'bev niev be found for the orwaant ilHnt, H llwa.ru a htore. wliera tlicv will Ija ula.1 to ni. bavimr l.UMirioaa N-ilh th.vtii, luki lluna ro lion. Dion. Brave. I. It tt.uird l V. I'i .'ml, aud tliu J. a Lug Xor, aud hanittna of Kah.lglb T H. BBAthl, Jail YM47 lot U i. Jll.tnl'T. 1 ' 1 JIST RCCEIVebt - A IlKACTlaTL LOT Ot V LALNKS, . ., ' AMFKE, WUNTtt-,'- - - "Ml AWLS, KSOLIiTI MEIITXOH. -cr.Trr-n nnrv & carts, t Moots "ml Kliut i, nr all n.t's, anil ftiiMlltlons. -ALL- i'.,,- 5'!.;...f r....... , y .... .. . .... ...... --4.. A r piloas 1oh( tltuu tin 'lv orofoMlng to sell at cost. Jill !tff ' .'. IN audition biiy stotikl have renaived a new aa- " lihLAINIS, ' ' 4 ' KLANNKT", ! 1 '"1 t riuNirt. . MIKKTINOSANU -,, , ,- UIIIHILNUS, Ac, Ac. hl. b I in resdytoanlt kt s Rnut i. l,i 11..11 of prt. i.a, I will mmi sell mr enurtw'k of K ill and " H inter KniM eouMieung uf : t . vv . t. . ALI'ACCAS, . ' , . l'Oi'LLNI, ' ' 1 otMcru flavxem, ' v ALJIUItAl.S,Ac.,Ac. Besdv mail Chdhin?. IlooU and hh.wa, Hat and Cape, I'lubrellae Ao-, Atw . ; , , .... A T C O 8 T , . ' Tlaaee trljjind tlie jfiw.Mj ' '' ( n rWir rn-t Mr. fi E. B.-sftt, K IS r",ntt".5. vm W rtvT T V .. tl,..i.r -... t ... . . .. t, . -f,r trrf r.rt nr .-mxi r ": lr i. ll'' t"" -H 1I..II .VI .11. li ttvttt Aln1l't.lr IO iiuioiif ti, t...r."i l ri.ng l,iira Hum 1 -rqm JlUtllJ 1 ll 1 I ..-....H,. ert- ' , wui . w 11 ra .11 .tl - - t:j iln- a . ilM S. lh Vl'i im .... . . . 'AMi:.li i, i.l ... tn 1. 1 '. A annnion ny a 1a.1t or -,-r. aa lutiuc ll- III J ..K.'-.l, 41.ilj.,-.l 1 i,:. u a:.o ;:. rutii- aireia ot lAtjtt. - . ''. r .-I . . Ad'iieas, atatlng terms. Jan M-HMs 1-ufni.t, h. C.