A , i ICtTOt ,1.'.!- - r nmif i.vrniiii:, rtu, aw, j Mjrrfiliiinaa'i BJtt 7 . ' 1 U brief notes of liiM'tiaiuH i. a ibis I ill on yet"rdy in the H! ' furuishyd by the .Kgrjph, eiml'li tit ti undtr Jaod it betier.--It Mill b Seen tttet triok-ur Radicals oppose if, becsone it is too leiiM-nl iw partial to th President, recognising the into of - his amnesty : 7 IS. proclamation, in that llrtCtiif only at ort dt- . jet pnyidi JWieMjroie JsUilUHLjetji1?- lloward amendment Democretsand real Con 1 aervative oppose it,1eceuse it violate thcCon r. atitttlitift palpaMy ,"tiftrraTbrT -war- -frevens bill and all other proposition bava proposed .-to dOj upon aa uiiartBed and ufloffdirig' peo ple. Jloderat Republican favored it because it contain! tb Howard amendment, a moat in lijuiton add stealthy attempt to delude the State into tbe surrender of all control ai their internal attain, and place constitutionally in vx the power of Ongreaa all the power of legis ' lation for the country, and tbe quad right to fore universal suffrage upon ot Every proposition that baa cone from Con gre., violates snd nullifies iff own profession and acta during the war, the acta, ipeecbet and proclamation of Mr, Lincoln, and the Contti tution with all the time honored intefrerationa of that inttrnment by the Supreme Court. i Tbe dispatch received to-day, give the grat ifying intellipmce; that tbe bill ia defeated, and that the question muit be adjourned over to the fortiethJCongreaa, .," If Cod ha not eniirejy giv, en over the country to the control and utter ruin f the flrndUU aplrit of ultra aU'litionUru, radical a that body wilt 1, we, tract it will be led into ufrrand mnre.coBaiatent actios.. .Time, the (Trent teacher, may more fully diaclooe the purpose ot the enemies of the government, bothj North aud feoulb, and lead tbe people to speak out in tones of tliumler, against the destruction and overthrow of the go rem merit of tb fathers f the Republic, v-ti. r sV -'; ' ? .Politlc.j, nn-ii-ij Our people cannot but fed deeply anxious about the present condition of attonlafTir, .. and Sienc? we.hHvelMitowedaomf LjttwtioQtt the subject. But the public control is so com pletely. In the hands of those wbo are totally indifferent to the early peace and jroiiierity of the South, aud Southern necessities, sufferings or wants have o little influence HmW them, that oar people will perhaps do well in the future, to concern themselves lcs about any speculations which may b ventured upon, to what Coo grei will do. . ', : ' ' ' - The news of course a) ar lolerelel lnj but a to the future, what is to be evolved by Fed eral legislation, except that U bodes no good to' . th ftoutb. is impenetrable and resatimw ly per plexiog to tlis brain of any on wbo would seek to pry into it. tVe have) t'onq wht duty and patriotism required ot us to aid tbe reconstruc tion and to seek reconciliation It has alt been in vain. Now w can but watch and wait, an til those who have the power shall direct. W : Ia the mr-aiiltnie. let our oconle drive the plow aud look closely to their material interests, I Ciongrues !ll scarcely interdict our liberty to work and make bread and meat or to pay Fed , , , . , sral Uxea. . f . I - 1 a 1 Bajrua Advertiser. Our cots "oiri, tlie Ji'en U rn Commercial baa fimml of f aydof k, tb extensive advertiser ot Msiell's pllU, Ac, and deuouncea hiui, W were aiifll months ago, that we should get nothing from .hi in, aul d.MiitiiiuoJ bis silver- tisement. H'e otisi-rve that our cotemporsrics re iKiiiiir deceived bjr other swindler. ., Some continue lo keep in Dr. Oardner't, advertiae- menta. He has puid aoiii iierhapa, and oilier partiatly, and othra hone at all, and hundred of people have liren dnivl by bim as he has deceived us. lie has nlieJi the pu rata of a number of jS), and more in aoniB e aaea, but we have seen but! one gentleman whu considers that he bas been benefitted. The pree should adopt it a a ru1e"Ti'adVerl!cT(. bo'oiie, mif of the Slate or in it, whom tiiey do uot know, or wbo lias not a ropur eudorsilioii.. The simple tact that these, impoalers. do not rhe4)xinjr4ja siuall matter. What dislits)' must ia, hil .'tjarv-Jl$JLi.il!ter meats of imposition upon lu public, aud often' to its damage. Dm of tkerlat4 plans by which they really make the prints joircuiri'1 erim , iflia With tbem io their imiKMture, is tlipmi- ' legs which tlio pnaj has granted to tumu, to' , insert thctr own stalemeuts either as speeial'uo ' twea or. lqt.bs . irjlildiiiMW..inMnwtim"wtfry wew -.otuuig sitou.tt .. appear iu our uoiiimua aiiiHr tit tun euiuu-ttu special iiLtioe columns ttlioul the luuoaot the advertiser. Our readers taka lor granted that what aeeiat to have the edttoriid eniloeineut asl..tie::r.'lg4:1tt"i""ti by tUia mauu'uVre of advertisers, to endorse wttat often provii Ui.lia 4W--d -palpably 'wrol)ga Ai tnu riak of blockiujf up our cub nmoS against this class of adwrtiaiug entirely, we bare resolved to make every adrisrtiaer re sponsible for iiis own statemvuta, aud coafl ning edi tonal notice wilhiu pMper bouniia. fA Moreover, w bop th pnnaot the Slat wil : not allow tb Use , of their colninns to quack' i cries aud doubtful rtmfdii or any thing elwe from 'beyond th limits of the State, at reduced filet 'Op, plrniyf ' tiFlargB pMTjiiiu7R.:.Oi4 al. aneaviyeuptaiiHi ajMM f-t? . tfef , - A"t AW'l Ow-cwt-epondrrrts, - t ar, burdertpd tvitl l'g ar Ut k. H e are Wrf rBimipodatg13ie Ii Save'dooe so si th risk of Uwing the good opinion of our readers, W beg our Kietida to coulinu tueir fayula, but w sulggvst, if they waut their article read, they Blast War a to sadswasewuniAia. , -I The Senate last niguf adopted tlie bill to - tl!Mi iPtfiijffltJsralii- adopting the . iih-ii-Ihm w i submit the rpiestiou to the peo- The' proceedings of to-day were of n irea- nl ijsi'trwt, xerpi tb paseageof the bill for the-j n lief of niuiiiit.t aoldit-rs, which consumed woe time. . . -. ' la lb Houat hut eiulit, I lie bill t establish ho new CoiinTiToi lMiTrtiiiii je touaLliued, and aftev a (liaeuwioa it was iodrfiiiitely post poned. V ' , TiJ-alay tka Uooeat aoMeded and pant it the Senate Jloin'aU-ad bi!l -: Also, the bill for the beoeBt of the Cher w land CMt)6eltl Railroad pamed its third read- Crowded Oct. Quite a sharp and lengthy article oa personal viaftef 'from Vt," IT.' Craw. trd, Eq.( one of thit .Commoner from Rowan, crowded out to-day, will appear to-morrow. : SOaTH CAEOLiyA LIGISLATUEE. " . , EVEMNO SESSION. SENATE. ' IoM)AT, lb. H. . Tbe Senate was railed to order at 7) o'clock A message was rrcei red from the Jlouxe Iran mittinsr resolution relative to (eiiulatliiiir the eeata for member ofeach tlouae of tlie ttenerat Assembly, providing that they lie drawn for. Tbe resolution was rejneted uusnimouafy. ; Sundry engrruised bill we' transmitted from the House, all of which paaaed tlieir nmt read- inprs and wer referred to appropriate commit tees. ; 7 . "'. i .'.' . '" rKaiTicjtiuaT, ' ' Bill lo etablih Stale Penitentiary having been made the rp(:cfitf order f r e u'ctoek, was taken up. . , ..... ' Air. Uaab offered an aiueodiiwnt iirovuline that it shall he submitted to the people and, it rntl fted by them, it shall fiecome a Uw. . Jlr. Luua npuoatMl tins amenilui-nt, liecaoae be believed it to be contrary o he Constitution of the State, and thought tb representatives of tbe people were the proper persous to consider th subjoct, and to act upon it immediately.- Tb amendment pawed, aud til 4ill pnsird as amended by ihe followj.ng'Vote, ayes 81, nays 2. On motion ol Sir. Leacli. the rule were siis- pended, and the lull sutliorinin j tha President and Directors of tha Western Railroad Cormi- ny to put said road under contract, a tukeu up. . . ., Mr. Hall staled that lie wan a friend to the bill, bat suggested an amendment. I rrLrve: rted"ttist heouIirTiccpiV amendment, if presented. - Mr. Battle mooed to amend, proposing to an limit the bill for ratification tn the people, Wincn was rejected. Mr. Battle then moved to lay tb whole mat ter on the table. - i Before th question was put Mr. Berry moved to adjourn. : , , On motion of Mr. Battle, the aye and nays worn called aud the Senate adjourned. ; . "7 HOUSE OF COMMONS. :-. ----'-x -'- - vMoxbar, Felj. 18, 18T, .'. - tVJEKJSO, SESaiOJL.,: A resolution in favor of tha Adjutant General, waa rejected oh Srd reading. .1 " . A bill to charter th Ornsboro, land Dsn Rivet Railroad Company, passed Jnd and Urd readings. A motion to recouauier tbe- otj ,y whirh tbe Houx paaaeii "tha bill to eatabliah the county if Pamllee " warttje(l U() ,, jjf, litham or craven, me uioiton prevailed. - Mr. ( bad wick presented a mUl'irinl from I V" no omers, prajtng ft tataiuisn uieni oi toe county. Mr. Clark oppoaed t)i bill and iuoved its Inilcnnit ptwiponement. Alter a protracted dwa-uiialnn, in which Mesars. Durham, Oarris, Williauw, ! Uarnrt, ami Moore, of llurtford, supported tlie bill, and Moaars. Chatlwick, Oorliam arid MeNair. Williams, of Martin, and Mon-bead i.'K-eil it. the bill was MNMpoiied litdetinilely, yeaa 13, nayaSfl. ;. , , t V-aa,-Messrs, Ashworth, lirown,1 tii vault, Car-on.Clm. I wl:li,ClMilt,'leineri1,(iin. ,(' art, I)vi, Freeman, tiamloii, Uarrett. Oorliam. (Iranlierrj, IIenleriwi, lliirJij.awiu.id - iV ts nKar Itortonr 7 "Wiik e.. tl.tt. .,i4 .rd.n, Ki, Kf-nan, Lr(ran, e, M(',tit!mr, ic t'laiuun', McKay, MtsNair, .Mooie. t tliiiisi. Mori-bead, Murrill, Patton, lieiuhardt, Kusa, AiV jiiii, Soutt,.' bhelton. Turiibtill, Veslal, M hhkIi, Williams, of Martin, anil York 43. ' NsYaMesar. Allen, Autry, Blythr, Boyd, Howe, Crawford, of Macon, Davidson. Durham. Foard, Ualloway, Oarris, Uodwin, Oueas, llin nant; lbxlnett, Holderbv. Kemlnll. Ijttliam. ,,f taveM, Way, JrtcOotigtut, Moore,-of llertforil, Mitrton, neai, Hicrnrdson, Hogera, Hoael.n), Simpson, Smith;, of Duplin, Stone, Trull, L'm stead. Walker, Wbitflold, Whitley, Wilson, ol rVrouimana, Williams, ot Harnetl. William. of Put, Williams, of Yancey, aud Womble 3tt( ; then adjniii-ne.1 ; , , . . , SENATE. . . , . -.. 4 Tt'Ksnsv Morning, YuU. 1. 1 he Senate was tailed to order at 10 o'clock; The Speaker, Mr. flsnly, in the Chair. By leave, Mr. H tguius recorded hi vote in tire nogaitve, ou tbe amendment to submit Hie Rmldvogs, lo whom was referred no ni noli ol the (t..ven...r' rneMc a i..luj.l r ...,rrTt HHin re por tr i ttrr-timtrtTrTiTTiTillr Trr-rccT aiid recommended au appropriatito to reoair. lb sarue, by resolution. And a bill setting Spartr.'ta win weiguia anu meantime, a nil inr other put pose, also, a bill in regard to Burke Souare and oilwr p44t pKjwt j ut the tnty of KatetphTr" Mr- vunBii(iiBm, irotn tn Committee nn Proposition and Urievances.itu wlioni a re ferred a petition from tii tniktei of Eliiabetlt City AoHdemy, relative to selling said peojHrrtv, reported a bill favorable to tlje same, tin niC tioa of Mr. Speed, the rule were "Suspended and tbe bill passed tta several resuiiiiira, BISOLCTInm AJIP BILLS, - Mr. Hall, a resolution in tavor 4 J.A,Cil user, ,r. Adjutant loneral of the State, lb jured to th Couimiltue on Claim . .!- Mivtiiikr'"iw.tBliueiiutfJuC;' i'iary tHBfliinee to t-pnrt aHpi.i1:W.)tt(I,T;yBi :-s44VdaUfyv-A.lisU4 ntiu and la lesalieaa. .-fUttiW totNe-jTirar r v Commit tea. - lir. June, s bill iQauihoujbYCotinty CViurt I ae to iKmow uioiitv an.i li.ue lunula lirivrrai tir th Ciirumtttee oa f 'limnre: 1 , By the iame, a tull to anumj tbe charter fuf the Norih Carolina Fire lusofanre .'.joi,b Referred to-thfCouiruiiullt oa Coi pprations! -By the same, a bill to amend toe chance of the rorta wwonna t,ne lusorsme Uompany. Referred W lb ComuiitUj oa Corporation ' Kf. WwltWtVt'iiisStlurS oCbw wan So peric-Court, note held by Jurtga (ri nuini n )i"iW-of fr: WiUoj,r ib fule wet n'wended and tbe bill paaaMl tt aeveral read inga. V ? - t t On motion of Mr. Biary, tbe rule were ua- tx-ndrd and the bill to incorporate the town of II. , to ittr coirty ri tirrrne, was takeai tip. and pwwwwt tta sevrrai readieg. T Oa niotioa of Mr. fpd, tU rules awt s- pend' d aif l tii re.luioiL providing tor fhe pirnienjjj iuialandiug e')iM- agaii a' juti Aaylutn waatakea up, and diarabved. j Mexens. WiHwftv ed and Jone urged tin paawMvof the reaolutrnn'. 1 . ' '" - iroliTii lia lirtent form, ami on motion ot Mr. ..BalLUyi; resoituuin M.4rAMHte4-Hrps cilie in.lructious to redue the claim to tbe teal of drprecittHon of ConledcraU' currency, i ' i " : 5!r. (lurk, by leavelutrodiired a rewilutioo proposing Ui spp-'iut an a blitionaj ciraaiitte on erro ld bilk for the e k. -' - - 1 i A mesMtge . waa. rerelved from the Boose, tranmnitting a resolution In favor of maimed oldier. Ob motiua of Mr. Jonea, the rub were suspended, and, oa BTotloa of Mr. Lov. it waa amended so a to include soldiers baring lost an art: Oa-ajiotion Ir. 1111, it wa. amended including soldier having bwt both eye. On motion of Mr. Cunningham, it waa amended, providing that ia case both arms arid h gl tiavibg len lost that Ihry b allowed double coBiiiiutation., . r s i ... On motion of Mr.. Avery jt waa aneoded by Including all soldier who are unable to do man ual labor, having made the fact knows to tb Utivntitr, i hat t Ik i eaiitled to eoaimuUtioB to the value or I lie moat cost I v liruh. f ' On motion ut Sfr. Iiepaa,-it waa amended by ini lu'liiiif women, Mr. Perkins moved to lay th whole matter on the UbJe. , Mot agreed lev 1 Mr. Speed offered a substitute for the whole, .authorizing th Uoveraor to appoint 4 enmmiV tee of three from each county in the" Slat ta ascertain tb Dumber of wounded and how, and to report tbe mm to th next General Assem bly. o that impartial justice mav die don to each. . .'-. f -J i Mr. Oab moved te lay the whole matter on the table. , Not agreed to. A discussion -of some length ensued. f Mr. Speed withdrew hi amendment and the resolution paaaed iUaevaral reading. : On motion of Mr, Wiiririns. tbe Senate ad journed until to night 7 o'clock, ! "V . HOUSE OF COMMONS. , Ttiaoar, Feb. IS. The House waa called to order at 10 o'clock, A. M. ! Prayer by IU v. J. M. AtkifMoa, of th Preaby Urtsn Church. ' ' Mr. Autrv introduced a resolution that tha General Assembly adjourn, Friday, February c iiu, nt uieei auaia me seeona Jnnnusv in UC toberl87. : . Laid on the table on motion of Mr. Wangh. . i "' on CAIBPAB. A bill to empower tb Buncombe Turnpik fJompany to autMcrib tha (took ia thair road to tb Western North Carolina Railroad, passed Mcond and third readings. . i lie House concurred la sundry SenaU amend ments to tlijs Revenue Bill and refused concur-, rencB in other. - ' ,v ' : . - Mr -Biker -eatled' up m-Mr'a ' u fatatJi cousidcr the vote by which the Hoot rejected, oa it third reading,, tha "bill to xcbsng a certain amount of th stock la th North Caro lina Railroad Company, with; the Cheraw and Cotl Hi-Ids Railroad Company, aud fot other par- poses. : ,.. Mr. McClammy moved to tay on tha tabla th motion to reconsider. - ' This motion did sot uravaib Y41.Nvs The vole waa reconsidered, and th questina recurred oa lb paasuge of the bill, oa it third readino. , Hesars. Daviaaad Long addressed tt Hoosa in support ot th Mil. Mers.. McClsmmy, Richardson, Boyd and r rerman oppoeen IW passage. , The bill iiasaed iu third reeling ' Y'saa -ilesar. Ashworth, Atttry, Beley, HIbcIi, Blair, Cliadwkk, 'Collin, 'Crawford, of liawan, Davia, Durham, Farrow, Foarti, Harper, HIiiaaiiM ifortoB, -of Watauga Horton, of like-, Houston, Jenkm, f Oranville, Jordan, KiWey, Kendall, Latham, olCra Long, Lynn, Luitftloh, Msy, McKay, McRae, Moore, of C, liire, ot llertlord, Alttruin, Murrill, Neal, Pat tofc. Perry, of Wak Rogers, Rusa, Scott, Ston. T.it;Me Trail, Tnrnbull. Vestal. Walker. - r - J?! ffi ' T"' ' u,tt l ei 4111 loans, worn lil snd lork 00. Nava- JUaasrs. Allen, Baker. Blytbe. Boyd. U.J.j. i........ 1,1 jrt ""ir. ijMiw ii, i. lai a, ieniertui, vuwan, vraw-r ii r. i.i V. . .. .. ori, i-i iithi, viomhi. rretniao. uauowav. etaiuoru, uarruti, uarria, uranuerry, uue, Henderson, Uodnetl, Holderby, Hutchison, Jenkins of Gantou, Jones, Kenan, Leo, Logan, Iowe, McArthur, McC'lainmy. McGoueaa. Me Nair, MorebeatL Peebles, lteiobardt, Richard son, Roaebro, Seoggin, Bhrluin, Smith, of Dup,. lin; Sudderth, Lmsted, Whitley, Williams, of Marun, Williama. or Pitt, William, of Yaueev. and Woodard--47. . .',- i. aparuL ohobr: . .. A bil to allow debtora the privilege of paving old debts in Stste Bank money, or it equiva lent, had llsseeend reading : MT?'trrsrof Omrton, -iroT-tor-ty--Tjfcr table. This motion prevailed, yeas 68, aajt IS. A bill to establish freehold KomeaUads, was put on its second reading. Mr. Riehardstia f fferiMj a aubstitot for th bill. , Adopted; ) i, i t, ii. t is i,ii f The question recurring on the bill as amended, it B aa lurtber amended,, oa motiiwt of Mr. Lo- M, t'y.,.,...BMi ? On motion of Mr. Foard, the House reeonsid- etetl tb Vol ty Wbtcli this suiendment Waa anoptt1. ; ' . Th question recurring oa tb amendment, it wat loodilied, ou motion of "Mr. Crawford, oi .Hiwa.':rm:-:JA:':bmit':tllB' sti ad to 3,0oo , at the tint at which h at laid off. ... , . ... -gr-Tbe siiiewdHienf, a aruended.'ras then t a..te.t, and th bill passed second and third rviuliiik-s. , A blil to amend th charter oi th Fayett Ville and Florence Railroad Com nan v. had iu rcond reading, and it consideration was pot- i v, uu.il vow aLiaiuoj - An ent:mapt bill to eitend th term of th Chowaa 8upvbir ('ourt, passed It several read ing, and the House took recess antil 71 o'clock. ls ste luai-AwuyMtJi";- ? reenirr-iiolr WFltlgiggJtKtttC:siiii Tsrmoniutis atv TtlW Xereerivrtlie esiutlv nd leiaiativ wiaw)itifTrwT ttwtTaiwfr : tion matter .receive suincient eneouraitement rw rwtb side to raiw a hope of I soma oraeti il mtilis uMiwiniz lrHn it. It is to h reitreUad. llWlt- ttfjairlfiiritt; wifr iwit.aH-ott ftiaa aariiar 'ia" the sesdon.- A ar. , The Ksuau Legislature ha adopted ta amendment striking out th word 'whito" and nnl', fr nn tba t onstitutio of that St at, and making inUijigeuc th tol baa of auitrag. - For tb Sentinel -f - lortk fjiiroltaa EailroaA 1 Vaasas. ditobs:-TU crfmsive and anpro. yoked attempt ot General Barringer to tbrosr more than su.picioo upon ray personal and po litical conduct; because of remark mad in tb Stockholders sseetlrg in December Ut, merit Bty coeteeapt rstbar than reaaajnnentK I Wonder It aoould be so dull In Charlotte, h-Ir. Jooe Bad Oovrn- Vance taith. ia 'owar So dull that the OeneraJL hs Jojijittal himself ana try to excite the" public mind, by puuiiebing what b thiuka of fas politically.,, j wa? wiiii .sow mipe iii s etraur Vital. ale, by publishlnB skit I think of him. f t shatt wat rratifY tiasr t Win 8i.t pub'iiih. Whea the General b lSSO-'ei turned JJeraiieratJ and aeoeiter, and again la 164 turned UoIiWb Ull - - . - . .... . . 111 II maa, and agaia ia I860 turned Worth inftavl formed my opinion of bim ; but 1 ' am not obliged to pabliah It to afford him aad th pub lic a tooliau'plcasur aad gratrftcation. I moat flatly refuse tba Uenersl invitation bt tattyr ehalleng to a persoeal viewspaper .ltercatiiiC It will be of bo MTtio f tb pnblie, and gen llrmeci ar not apt to b pleased with tiicU e arciaa and xbibition of themstlves, tiioug lr tha peopl do enjoy it hugely. 4- ., ' .. i Leaving th General to reflect at tilt leisure apoa tb neceswity, utility or propriety 4 bis pef-; uuaiitioF, wm proceea io notice itist por tioa of his eofamuuitaiioa not personal. Tb General says I am i error aa to th history ot tb Company, and I do the Stockholder great Injustice. Aaraia h saya "Mr. Turner charge that tba Stockholder soma of whom were eoa traetnr swindled th Stat." He mfsse th mark. I charged no inch thing. '! did say tb large Stockholders who paid their Miliserip tioa Mock ia work instead ot aioaey, held their stock without having paid a dim tor it-r There waa aa windfiug charged, , I meant to at ate what waa well understood at tit time th Road wss graded, that contractors Were making their stock clear. I bava been contra dicted la thia by aa anonymous eorrespoadeat of tba afinef, a well aa by Oea. Barringer. -! alway beard that Mr, Richard Ashe, Bennett Haul, Esq., Mr. Faul ty. Cameron,, Mr. Gile Mebaaa, Turner and Joaes, aod others 1 could name, mad their stock clear. ,-,m I never beard it denied until recently, that vary contractor did not do tb asm. A larg contractor reoantly told at, k not only mad his Mock but mooey besides. I bow have res son to bailee that a few contractors by rtmson of their had management, did not make their stock clean i But this qoestioa wa before tba Supreme Court la 1858. Chief Justice Pearson then did tii Stockholder the sam justice or "injustice" lf you please, that I did. la th case of Ashe again Juhnsoa' administrator, Judge Pear na ia second feW Equity Report (aid at follow : i "For tb porpoa of inducing indiwidual to (uheerihe for tba amount of Mock, necessary secure tha charter, th gentlemen, who telt-th aeMt interest la th socoeas of tlie enterprise, and to who ex ertioni the North Carolina Ball road wet it existence, la their pecb aad ia conventions, which they procured to meet, held oat the assuranc that the company, when orgsnixed, would tak ears to relieve t'le sub acribera of their atock, by requiniig tboa who cootractad to do work oa tb road, to take atock ia payment of on half of the amount of th price of thair workv , - '" l.Tbe Compaoyfat Its tret wtaetfag, instractetp tb airactor to carry into enect th assurance which bad beea held out to th subscribers fot stock and, In the language of tbeiCompsny, in iu answer, "tb aubaUACe of these resolution, passed at different timet and Conventions, wss that in letting oat th contracts, th contractor wars to rat required ta take Mock aa tar as it wa practicable ta fret them to do so." In pqrsu anea of the inatructlrms, the President and directors, ia th advertisement for letting out contract, mad this stipulation ; tit contrac tor receiving ia payxunt oa their contract one Kail la atock or cue mad. th other halt In cask. He, th defesulant, Insists that it could not hav been th intention of his intestate to tska ta Muck of tha plaintiff off ol hi hands st par,, oecauaa, a aa aiiegea, sn mock was taea irreat- ly toner par, aad his Intestate, aot being a pre). fuatinnal cob tractor, did - aot desir any greater contract uiaa one Mimtaa at double th ral- u of hi owa Mock. , It being a prevalent opinion at th tim (hat a con tract or with a contract yielding double thmonl of hi subscription, might pay" the ei peases of tba work from th mon.j.and tawt stock wa thea not worth par, and no prudent man would bar purchased it at that pnet; tbe rata ot depression may be judged of front the fact, that , tha sub-conlrsctox under Johnsna allowed a discount of twenty-fly per ceqt Jo obtain caarj for tba work. ..,.-,.... Th equity of th Plaintiff ia aa emanation or deduction trom an obllgatioa wbicb was ss tumed by tb freottemen, who were most active in procuring individual subscriptions for' Mock, ana wuicn waa srierwsrai carried into effect by tba President and director acting under tb instruction of th individual Stockhnldert,and wat by them according to the .dyertjineiit fur Contracts mad on ot the term of the letting ; that ia to nay, contractor wer required ta m- eeiv payment, on halt in cash the Other half in tb Mock of individual subscriljers. It It apparent that tucU aa obligation ot an- derlaking oa th part of th Individual subscriber,-wa in direct coritrsvention of the ritrhti of th8taT; inasranch u the 8tte was lo fur nish two-thirds ot tbe funds for th construc tion of thia Road, and although not then repre sented, waa to contribute two-tbirds of th 'Company' capital. " . ...u'', It waa aooordiniriy made asubtect of anxious eon ai deration by a, whether such an nnderta- officers of ill Company to allow more to iiwUim their work wa wortk. in eash. rn order ta Indue then, to Uke individual ttock necessarily ,fg Into effect aa ag reement gtw inr oat ot this understanding, or based upon It After much reflection, ws bsv com to the con iw. clusion, that thia objeion to our entertaining th caos has been removed by th concurring acts ot th Executir and Legislativ depsrt mut of t'l fovarnmant - Tbev bava, from bich considerations of nuhlie good, eoncorred in, approved ot aad rati Bed th acta of individual member! of th Company, in regard to th ondBrtaking, with full notice ; and it is proper to way , that th matter waa at all times openly avowed and jiwtified npnn the groondiof public good prejudicial to the rights f th largeat Stockholder. Tk. dosraia the answer of the drf,.ntlani pcovea It waa the prerslent optnttia itttiat tiine. mat inevcunuaciur, wun tits eontrsetjytcldln4 diwAiili amount of Ufe-euI-iejrjpBo jji.f7 pay the tipr pf th work fi tJie mmj. y in -other- word. Wight Baar bis sfock clear i that la, thing wer in neh a condition that the State, SS wa ivrrppowd. Would pay ail the toaey repair f toe tbs tMMtrehi)B-of tb- RtE-aiid: yfarlndlvkTUfalf Would own one-third of the tock. Thi dmclosare, togelber with the fur. tber fact, that contractor who took one.ii.4f ia stock wer allowed such prices a to enable 1 1 a to let out u'xon tracts, to be paid in cash at a deduction ol U per cent, it meliy startling. If th original udcnitking waa against pnh. S,Br A th ntrt nf th Inrttvi.-tti.l Ol .1 k.. 1 .4 . .1 8&m,VWlWi"yM,mmnmwmw-mn-wfw--venig -t rueaninir anil Ui lad . . . . - liut bet wwu tlie (leuetsl and Mae4fr-seUb4 JfJkjlJDp"atjjirn tttijuunydjuo lubt.- Bot,' tu. wir e.,niHtl tKltn bis saUfacfion."I1TieTJiiierttl answer the Chief inetioi If the Oenerat aoswera tlie? Chief Justice, I swegeal, brevity. I would coiiuuetid Wi hi theemftrenf bis f inrek anoeatnn. svho. in lluur Spe. Ulandsy; em down half Aeir-epii 1 . 1 . k. itreea to improve tlie value of tbe other bal(,b roduring' scarcjty and doubling prices. 1 would fnia fall the CentTal's attention to hi memorial, in which he pretends that the disns ters of the Compamy' are owing to dissension and di'iMon lietweeji the Stockholdeiaand tb Htste. I teeat, since the first election oi C4ouel , yiaber. (excot eer-frf Mrr- HnTrreo" ad miniatratioa) them aa beea entire harraonv, tietweev the State Directors snd the Dirwtors on the part of the Stockholders.' Evtq in Sir. Boydeo's adtuinist ration there wia no protest or remimstrance or objection to bis projects, plans and expenditures. The'Stnck holders, tbrmth their Directors, Thomss Webb, C.' P; Wend, n Jia'l, D. A. Davis and John U Morehead, if nut quietly eoricnrrrng, never remonstrating against any art of Mr. itoyden's administration, 'i'bene gentlemen are large Stockholders.' I say 'it to their credit, tiiey have devoted more time and attention to th vad than all the large Stock holder owning altove 80 share, put togrjticr 0d1ntooseanIirfIjeTJencrI propose to commit the future destinies of the road. Thene four gentlemen are a much responsible for Mrt Boydea's extravagant administration a General Leach and the State Directors. They did nothing to encourage it, and they did nothing to prevent it. Neither they nor th Slate Di rector knew of it, antil it waa all over and too late to apply tfie remedy. So it bas been with all Directors in this and In all roads, and so It will continue to be. Th President snd Super Intendent rnn th road', and not Director. I Th General, No. I, charge m with "making S lame apology for Mr. Boyden." I aaid Mr. Boyden had spent without paying th interest ha nor debt, one million three hundred thou sand dollars, I aid be took tb Presidency without desiring It, and promised ut he would not give hit wnol attention to th affair of the t-otd.'; I id be left tha Presidency informing m be tad kept hia promise. , Mistaking tbit farcaara for an apology, is well calculated to give he public an humble opinion of the General's fcapacity tad power of discrimination. " I The General, No. 8, honor with his notice tonly twrrthird of tbe present Botrd of Direc tors, He only names th State Director. Let trie inform- him, th. board consists ot twelve mem tiers, and that Me. irs. Mordecsi, Webb, f Morebead aad - Davis, Marg Stockholder, ar entitled tn the houorof hit notice at much a tb State Director. ' They are a rnucb ad dicted to 'payin claims nJ granting favors, its other of the Board. " In, fact when the Board, to use th General's language, "at last resolved to modiry the ntgro hire order," they did It without the aid of either of these gen tlemen.. I would giv the amount ot Stock each at these gentbimaa awrftat, jt woald ant add to their capacity, fidelity or fitness for heir place, except in tbe General's estimation, f I fear, sines tb General' t mistake of sarcasm for apology, be baa misread the old aphorism, worth makes th man, wantof it the fellow," by reading, money makes the man and want ot it tb fellow I verily believe if the General' 80 shares of stock "thrown upon him by tha, result of th wr" wer thrown upon . thea four gentlemen, individually or collectively, it would add nothing to their capacity for Rail Road management. ' m 4 i j Tb General, No. 8, tayt: ! "There i little or a reform, and the money continue to flow like water." Why 'did vou ' aot inform the Stockholders and Director of it f i he trains and 11811008," says the General, "ar often 'tha scenes of r rowdyism and obscenity, disgraceful to the age and country." I am at tb first of this ; I never witnessed or heard of disorder on tbe train or at the depot. Until better informed, I can only blame a large Stock holder, who knowing, then indecencies, has tailed to report them to the Board. I surges 6 the memorisliBt that they amend their mew niwiiai man nn, ueinistura, lo loroitl me General' voting in 'th Stockholder's meeting, byway of punishment for not Informing the Bosj-d. I wouid.boV Jiowever, k the Legisla ture tn act on tha amended memorial. I may "add, if would be a improper for that body to t so, as n wouiu ue ior tuem to lorma Hie Btockholder eh-cting Director uukss he owned twenty shares of stock. There is no iniDronri. ty in the memonalist asking for this, for it wouia Bot-Jiurt she eomplexina of the memorial to add this additional, but uuly feature to its fCC l .." .i V s I ' A to fare and freight the. whpla lytcmJ nible of . confusion, of favontism. fraud or folly."! i is t ' , -..f ! 1 Ins may be so m. to the "confusion and folly," but we have our doubu at to the "favor itism and fraud." If true, it it an argument apatoat tb ktrsre stockholders, who controlled ia overnoi ilorehead's, and C31. Fisher's a'l rq lain trat ion The ha&ia oX cliareea and taxiiTa wer mad in th early day of the Company, and I Bey oav nnriergon no great cuange since. I cannot think either of these gentlemen estnb liehed '"faira and freighta"in "fraud or favorit ism.'', If Uestr. Cameron and Webb, the fa voriteeof tbe large Mock holders, have confirmed the "fare ndjreight iyMfMwa'd lgnatiuiu. Tll. r , 1 I The rctLlt a.boiit.OBfc IL'Ilt Hill hillf-lhefsvil,; and . huge prupartioa of tire. fwiK)lU ,n(, teleKrpb. are ?ree ' iUl imftated tlie General, U hi. off, ensive ocr. onalftie In Xo, 1,1 would .caU. tl4.:tckhws;' aseertioa. If tit General ein prore what dif aay. I would not giv much for Mr. WelibV high character a, aa honest jnan JUmin, travel, and a large proportion of the freights 'and telegrams," could not be free without the eniltv ! knowledge of the President. ' ,1 ask pardon of Mr. Webb for theaunnositW Suppose it be true. U only gut to condemn tfie Ucnerai t plan, tbe largo stockholder and the memorial;, fur Mr. Webb it the special favorite arid choice of tbe "lare ttockholders.?! it Uiey did not make him director h Could not b Pres ident, -j;: : -i. i Ii : -4 -. i;j . , v I ag"cst to tlie Genert, foregoing perswri. ,.Wt! .1" .?ndjrjMA.W.. -mmkl:- if "he -mi iw Nfl 4, TtCi.mcili; lit ctiOtrailietbws, -rrntnttt ttar idanyeniw awd'cnrtm.tni3ai S -t ff .ML IJy3fitrrc!rfti the Company: w'liom vou iironone tn anru. . ,.i i. tab of tiwit Ji-i4gBt-aird-- inflaeTlCT'yi'Bi" earnoratinn, - : i .. . . .' . . . -. . -T ' -The-Stale- i tha laigt 'Hotkhitltief i owning j mtrfwrr-ctr tow j ist. oi inuivumsla. The State has eiiiht Director individuals four.' This is according to the original contract. J,0w yon projKM; to give tbe State' .bree Directors and individuals six. YVby giv tb State any f rjlie wonll Iw'ss powerless as if1 she had tine or none. With regard to the example of South Carolina I may her tay that Bute "doe not lie policy, oi coarse) this court could sot.' in any way aia in carrying it out,.- The eieeutivc off eer bar Caused tii sulwriptiun on tbe part of the State tu te p dd and the Leirislature at il last session, appropriated one other million i f dollar, io aid to tbe aonipletioo of a work which theyducmed so iinpurtautto th wtortsi of ui blaaii"i7iirPs3gwr.Wiep Tbu Judue Pearson settle one qm-stion in i . iciuiitw , umn. cwu twa thuds of her ;..t. l 1 - riaiUe tlie I-ilai- r . I ...W.LI...1.1 , th ndtvida.i ptii-t nuviim iB flttlili dtjtB not owr in ioltmt( 1 t own twenty share, of t A'l ! W Wod f Hie mtitmi)mi lnit 1 . of lionur aud eood hath v J ww ..... nviUllini. tts. i iiian audjuan in buaineaa traosBetW V"4 -treStttsUickhojderv only 112 n. . aJ.are.ot stock. 7 " " f W fctiw ar the Utb; T: 7 " LuU,-lwa, Wi. too targs, and oi -I i rfe " Htelrotderi tm: int. The Legn.la.ure may m,ke a vWofTu, -that I. a matter for that body and tl eT,l lenf nhra nt Hlit . - i. . I ,, !f ': L7.iL: r.L" .T rrTr "T mrn ot tbe jut cwim, if lUfit propar,' oj, appeal to (lilel Justice PiHonaU cL tailing in that, tin toromia. a. n.Tuv- peaceably to accede from th orporatio? It I uucb ratand tba General ia No. 1. If to run the'Road with dirw-lort. ' ii k.. jiatroa4- i vimv by director f 1 " aT knew directors to fun a roati, Thev dnif the RaWgh 4 OusU-n Kosd. 'Dr 1.7,1? as supreme there as C1. Fiaher Ms r.I. Webi.,o,M73 VcaTC onlv l( Mr .u., u . w" 1111 Hrf I. ..it " I"!' S V n,a- If s well mananeH II,. T. : , . all th cretlil tor it - t. I.. . , . .. : 1"u iP'is If it is bail!. . MiUst, tttk. di-iredit,-. No .'. eeprta, li.ni.nil .w. t..i : . . I ow tor. -holding bem rcaponsibl. instead of u Prwidenf, ., , ... .. . (- : , Mf-.CalUoait, wanted what fait called "L Presidency,- of tbe United State.-, douM headed government, one President from th North and one from it,. Onnth i.ik " ... ... railing B roan by di, n4 Ufa ka Th4tdTtraTrmgtwortk ,Caroliu Hail Road with nine Directors resp fftentrln, tbelCabouft theory of "Du4 Preai dency." 1 must uow conclude, Ut your read condemn me.fbr fmitating the General instead of the Spice Island Dutch. . . wuo' ' 'X ' " JOSIAH TCRXEiyj. FIUVATE n04KIIG IIOC8E. " PRICE OF BOARD REDUCED! A fJf - rEVTI!ES8 can accommodate t or 11 11 bers of th Aasembly ,lh eoud sra'rfaSl to&tven '" A 1 -"' I ! ... .stf.DAHilEt- P. 6. WORTH,,, Shlprtina ".t; fomsjilt-jiB'MercliaBtaj t.-, ,T WILMINQTON, JS::$T. t-t '"" BiAJ,IIW IN VaWINO R0PAV,,i fW i ." U"', m"'t- Hu'. Osiur rvmtria, -: bait, iiayaud sultia,laof (L , l AirenUli JsausWs Maw iW Super Pbesphsts sf Heorkf4 a''t HwsfrsaV 'aaa-?r"' ' ieu e-l&tlm ' ' ' TXT VVe are daily etq-tiae a Caro of w ht- Pnm. .cw I minis tli.lt Mm, nimnr ais fJuu", " Feb 9-V419 wohth a Daniel. QtNDYANBKAISINs. ' In large quantity, by the Box. FebUM-tf -. Whuleaal (iroco1 1 fin B4l5EH MANirFACTVBJED TOnACCrt Iat XK.IKJ up befiire tlis IWoral I as Urn wmt kits on- ersuou. mum suoihI. Csali will be i laid. - ' y, i'tWAJtt, joNtilacai v. -it Wkessstl Ufueen, . Eeb. li-,JCI-tf OtiCEBS BOIJCITEB FOR FEBfJVrAlt OtTAta to la. delivered at the dirtM-rntidpuU oa tlis aai- ' Feb. Hiet-tf I'UIXUM, JOKES A CO, WliuliMal Oroears, pOB ItEXT OR SAUi. ? .,-.. -1 ,Tt" A valnaUa liotuw and tut in that ei! t, fbr rent or aalt. a ,..,..ji LA'DRETir 5ARIn SEEDS, I A H1108 HCvrtx jusrr received at the J. ling Store if , , . . , - . - Jan 31-HMiu e . ,- nil Bt MAIWOOP. fiiiovjiiusnuw, j VoV.10 1 Mai n Street, ( " (OPPOSITE THB PQSTOFFlCH.)i' 4 ';s 1 . " T ' itt4. Va. IHOS. BRANCH & SONS, ' '- 1" . . T 'L- 3 o. S Old Street -j PETERSBtTRO.TA; BUA.VCII, SO,S STfO., nu, ' '; ' ' ' - . Broad Street, .VJ.-?-. r-OT AUGUSTA, ilAjr- ers; Commission' Merchants,-a: P.w-iv. W..v a TW. .1 ' ftfmft subject ro'siirlii rWt. ,.; ,.C''Uim Tui oiiKU'iiit Hie I i I 1 .. . - ' . tKi'.mr'iiv.fn.r('M.'irf IS'nliM, sud buy atulaall oa coniBiianion, Hank t tut, t"ii, www, , An. ""' - ' ' tW'ervi:fo,' tha a.r and eur- iine nf TirfJkxro," Wiieat, Com, Cottou, Ao; 1 hir senior, Thoa. Branch, with sa eiparienis of thirty veara m the emninipMton trsrte, wiii pivs Ut , n'TOfSlSltottiiiB. to tba ftwhtnf-bonWt; sniT TWtvwrBtve- SaUafsi tinn to his old friends snd a alio may favor them with their patronise. . t aah advance mail on cofiiranMnte to thera atiA to their rnrreapmiiieinsat luiiiunira, Kew Host, Uw pout, LuimIimi, AMtrerp and Bremen. : Guiaso, aud othtireouceiitrated Maaures, bii-n:bn ti; Umir etular euatoiuars. . hixwial alieauua lafivsa tu Uie iucdU'hi ut i inn inirnlitana. bj TIIOH. BBAXga rWJIII, Petersbarg, 'i7J?'J:. . . ' AK" I ' .. i " EBASCU, SONS A CO., Aogusts, Oa.- Ih Itiehmonit Honii wsnemtttinf fliienii'i 4 OTiinrs tn mtiiejr Umm, aa may be preferred " Thna. Brarich A Hon. will f.-iraril hana l'atanburt. " tg"iuaii)n, an einitrnnwnt to . UHOMt BliA.Vi; , A CO., r.i htnona Kttls-lg Ir-jSainlfattaat-a stntfran t . EAlti :w-i'ftfiKB mtf r.Ksr jriT riii'wry.'Jsii'I s,if sal west. 'a till; --' .. M.' "J. .4l,r JH Taesam-er, tn . 1 I 1 1 I. 1 j 1 i flu l..li. .1 & X.. It'-Iensl Orotwra aiid tutnmianiua Alwciiaiiia - IUleifehr'Mtf.- . , TAUCAIil-Bt'tyiTONrUl STATION. ' Apply at ' i . tftia nrrrrE.. Kov W-tf . B COOV rfriil.NGS AMDAXJLES: , ..'',) . ' ' AmoAed ulnit, t reduced prioea r fl alia t S ' VI " i If w ninit, . i.'.J. atrtows, ttbl-itia-U With lUarAUei. ,r-.

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