f x f THE SE N TINE L. IV .9. E. I'KLE, ftate ITlaUer. ' . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Jio StJ.rix is imbliebod avery avnning. eaoept T .naday, e th following term ; ' fur tus aaaulh, , - . - .., , , f Of 10 tlOnttl, ..!'. - , TUP aarwthei - - m..r.jfih ' " it mouths, .,. . ,..,.. ieou-We1 Ifcuttiiiel one year, . . " - - " . eix month. , . . 11.00 100 god a 5,00 S,00 CJIOOI.S I XORTII AND SOUTH . . CAUOMM, . . run the Orphan ot Confederate Soldier. BlftllESCl 8: - i , ' - "CrJ-KtA, Oct 19, !(!. Mt-H H. A. BUIE, SO FAVORABLY KNOWN during the vaiaa the "Holdier Friend," t m , -ucd tu the attempt to ft hi ml School fur th orphan 1 JiTHilreD l Anitiiern Holdior. hhepnipoaes thalcon- rtirauora for tin uju-poe should be placed ia the . hint uf soma gemicmea of Uisj Hi ate, to bo apiioiut- d by the livcHWid tluM tlie rtchool shall he lo- eeted in some oiisiraiiie portion or the wouiu. 1 oum mand tint Unliable andertakiug to all charitable per ,,,1 aad 1 wish that the emptcet uoeea may reward : Lb UkUftOUC CIIOTI W WIS HUM). - WADE HAMPTON." .(.rewMCiu with Oca. Hampton m comutendiiig. the heeetwut enterprise ox ansa .lute-to we lavor ana , plong 01 tue generous, uitrrw enu puuniuropi. Bur life 111 m far hee be dovotwl to acta of kindness snd charily, and sue merit auoeaa IB ne under ' taking. : J. L. ORB, OotA-bot, " xhiitis or ffci-T C nanus, Eim-rirrf DkitTHK.it, UtM lU'ia- I amimva ( fmt iKjatiH m ap: "Tmiiit Mr. t Mi Kair, o t'harhon. aa "rn4lur-r, tu reneir th ftinda and bold 'tlwin fur the fe'einato Hcbnil T'hi arc HitorMUiiic yourwlf to Mallih fi tha etluoatum ui urihaji Kirk. JJ ia a gentleman of hijill chaiavtrr grat mural vurth, and enj.na the f aWMMMMM PIIUIW Very ruausoifnllr, Tmr ubodiimt Brniit, a. Loim. Mr. (fKaraOMpte the ltirn, All funua aeitt to Hiiuth (Jaruuiia nuwt Ut aant t him. MABTANXBITIE. "T Pnon-B'a NarjoKAl. Ba, . Caarloaum, H. C, Jan. 0. Wi7. t Iw MiNa ISitib lt vill afford me nines, nleawura In eerve aa Trtaiirar uf the ftcuool in CVunwia, ti. iX fcr ediu-ating Holdiera' Orihn. Yun bare ojy boat ' viabea in the amlortakiDg. With regard aad eateont. tuura truly, - D. L. McKAT, PrttUbnt FtotM Xalumat Bank. Miu Bule l'K the on-operation of all pereotie to ' aid ner m thia enterpruiwiu euiuwie auu maae guod and oeeful thouuiid. All dnnalimie nnrt be paid . ihe-'lreaaurara appointed bj the two Uorornora. .Oo. Wortn aaya: ? "You mar rly on my eo-operntiita. Too aak ma la amxrtnt mim mutable iximona a Treaauivra. anircfiet tiro. W. Mordeciai. f Halrirh ; Wm. A. Wriith 1 of Wdmingto ; Philip A WilT,f l'ayettenlle j Jwrin . I). WlnUrdJewlMiriie; Jeeee il Luidtiay, Oreenaboni'; D. A. Dairia, Malinlmry ; I. 0. Ijwh, Haluin ; R. F. Hwinetiin, Htateevuie ; h. Yi. iMwry, tliarioite ; Uti Robert Vanee, Aalieville. it other namee are deaired in other localities. I will dosiitnato them. Maf voii be suceeaaful ui taia, the uobhiat charity 1 the use of , uie iwnevoience to wuu-ur Tou nave dvvotea your uie. . xonrs rery renpeotiiniTano trtiiT, JtJlsA'i HAN WOB'l'il, t tub f-UT-U , Qotertur 9 AortA Carolina. JUST ItECKIVKD, KD FOB KALE BY W. BOBT ANDKEWB, No. yo, rayecuiiie mtiwl ruueiKn, n. t; -&l Rke Kull wisiKlit uerpml ttali. ' . $0 Mila, Kiiirfln Flutt. j i la bble. MolawMe. 7 I (OKiu No. 1. Makrl. 00 Cases freeh Tomatocw and Peaches. -&U 1itinm AilamaiiLuie f !atidla. Ml ilbla. nhite Uurcor I"nlaus and 50 r. B. to- 10 Bbla, Onions and 10 of Apples, shake. 1,01)0 Yds, Oiinny Bagging, . . as i;oiia uoiie. 00 lbs. Bole Leather, 10 Do. l-roiii-hCetiHains. - x . f " i Kip Hkina, . . IW Botes Candy, aeaorted. SO Hacks Java, Km and Laguyra Coffees. : 1(10 Rains Wra)piig pafMsr. ' t ': 30 Biiebels bhoe Ka, aeaorted, eheap. f tu halt and epiarter bbla. Hoar, dinorant grsdee. 76 bbla. Bugar, of all grade, in quantities aad at prices to suit. 1A bbla. Clkridge and Patapaoa family flour, bust aside. ' ft : j 100 Bag Shut, all auto. Dos. Pre. IJotuiu ( aril. " Boxes Pnarl Ntarch, ubnap. v Ovxid aeaortitHRit Crockery tu nt, . Bpioed feet, JMihea niarket tanilly Beef, br the wholesale aud retail. Also, a lot of ngliah llairy Cheee and a largS aasortiuont of freah (iarden Hoetla. A nne article of Bacon alwaye on hand. Alao, Olagetts' Baltimore Ale, by the I'eokege, and Lager Beer by the Caok. Y;i.,' LKiaiirsof all rrade. Attention la apeoially sailed to our mire old Jtobeaim County WhiUey. All nutuner of Baiutu, Catsup, aud Faney, (iro. aeries Kwiersily wry etieap for cash. .. , Fresu Oysters rei'eired dalle from Norfolk. ' : W. lioUElir aKukkws, i Wholeeal and Beuul Oroner. FebU-tf ' --' TTatlllNCl ArOTIONH. WEDNEHDAY AND FU1DA X EVKN1NOH. Bales of Fancy and Staple Dry floods, Ladies, Gen tlemen's, Cuudrons Mhoes, lieady made oiotlmig and a great variety of ntt'fiil and taiuty articles, at 'lViwios Aiistion uommiawon twe to oommenc at 7 o okvk. . v JAaLEa M. TUWLEU, Feb 5-188-tf - ' i - AooUoneer. Tit tt. AS AlStr.NFES OF J. F. FOARD.WE SHA1J.KFI 1. si ins iouri riouiie uoor in me city of ttaleigti, on Uie - Mfh-ilaT- of March 17. -M -hn4rt and - aw Mares of live Capital Mtock of alia LockrUls iliu- J., n( alaniifsctnruig. Company, aeiuia uiaue auown uu uay oi aaie. ALEX. WALKER, O. C. FA It 11 AH, J. D. WALKER. Feb -lBC7-lm , HILTO.1 C RlCIIARDOM, iatiiMi CUnton,x N. , C. - V n of claim s and other bnainass entraated to ai ear . tb4Jm. , . , KMt.atKBrvH rH MLR, 1 el A VF nTTI T . AV .n A.H-ik.. a kt .aarinvki v i"ir v.n ,.r.... ...... ..JK( ..... .... n..T .1.1 Jl Lii, i ur AVr.iUiltKL.Sit and deehhioo tree, wuich 1 wish to rucneap io euw out. llicy ar at the .Nursery and Ik,wer Irarden formerly owned by llsnulton and Car tor. I will aell tier lower than prune cost, tieu tie men and I4liea who wish to make a donation to the twnat LKXiieterT, will kvavw a ana chance to do ao. I will be at ih Oitrdea in porann on Tuaedav and Wedue.ly nekt, Irom 1 0 eloch till night, wheii par Be oao be autiplied. Feb lj-t;-lw W. H HAMILTON. il -H lK)b 11LN, AND MVlLT iloLN IAIV Bl?f . 1 LB. ... ' 1 PCLLIAH. JOVF9 A rrt Feb 8 KWxf .;, . i wr.it..kiiiGro-srs At iii.i't.cr.u J'liictit run CAHH. W'1'w.f'n-is, Edna, 50. arts, . 1,1 or!nK. Atles, 'Inn H arrmg Bull. ' tnttiw tut,, luii lllisi, Tleled lu.!iea. ami r.nanislld ITotbt. Mule Nkin and Dash Ixalher. witb many oiuer arucles btdotiging to the Trade. . J. mum s, Feb i tf With ftsr A Lawta. K" BtajIwaT atlt,. F A UC JD St'ITLT, OF THE BEST QCAT ITY. rtkil-UfLtr With Bmlur OA VOLr II. JETS A LIFE COSIOT. Over 1,000,000 AwfU. ' AX OLD COMl'AKY THAT UAH MVEX) THKOltlU A OKSF.RATIOX AND HAH SEVKR HAD A CASK OFXITIQATIOS. , ' . CLAIMS yonr eonndence, and offers eterr Indnee meut that reason can dictate to those whs wish to provide a certainty fur loved ones. Half note and half eah for premium and privilege to travel or reaiUe in any part of the United Matea. OBJECTION L . I'm too poos; Icas't arroao rr. ANSWER. If yoa are toe poor to av less thaik half a dollar per vWk, at Inm HO to .1ft years of aire, or proportion, alelr at other h and And it so dirticult to do so shooid yotilie taktn sway by death, how bitlerlv pover. tv will strike home to your widow and ?hilu-en, or Uioee dejwndf-nt on you I la it not worth a etrufrxle to avoid tin, and irive them at least tl.Uoo bv paying ao snuil ami in ? It nam uuu ioU per . omA to inw tl.Oin M tkr nj of Si ywirs. --.-.- t ABJEtTJOJI 8. , - - tf tnlkrt In mnwrnt of ww frieridt. and se at (idrisr iiU!tolut etnoth wo lo elo tUk .. . L: r; i; , AN8WKK. Will vnur friends nndcrtslre to provide for those yon leXv biihind, ut ease vou tlo not live kmg enough to save money ? Ask tlieui, and be guided by their I anewor.. .. ... .. OBJECTION . . Hain't nutlM up my mind ; taM again. - t . ANSWER. Your other nbiectiona bare been answered. I ap peal to your own omnium aunssi to answer this Air youreeii, siumi ny ! TIIBF.E l'KACTICAL JREFLKOTIUN& FiKeT. NiHhiru is as nnoertain as Life. riKou.iu.v-.No uruvMioa is twrtoot that is oontinarent upou tlie durafiou of your Lite, which m not inwuHiiaUi, AHiitT). i be oniv unmeiiiau) pnivision is mat pro vided by Lite lnsuranoe. m. it. vmm, Ocu'l Agent lor North Careliua at Haletgh, H. 0. Jau a-14o-liu w. 11. ciii;i:k, LATE OF WARREX COUSTY, N. C. WITH Oltll'KIlN, At- OO. OIIOCKRS AND Comnilailon Merehaula, 10$ LOMBARD STREET, B s I II . Keep eonefatitlr nn harnl t large and "well selected 1 leoruiieiit of au kinoe of urocruis. : Itewnar atwntiaui- md totWaala of ikstioe, and otuur CfHiuu'V prouuoe . 1'cruvimi '(inaiio, ilirH't from the overiiiii?iit Asent, and all othor kiodM ol Fert.ihxers, at the mauiiiacturors j priosa fomiwHMi awoaeli eroai eonsigniuent.vreotton. 1 0 nOKES MAClS A d darainlln Candles, in SWIb Boxes AUm in 61b. 1 j Cartons. These are the best Caudles known to I the trade. PULLIAM, JONES dt CO. Oct S7-U IJucon ftltlca. CHKAif to ifkwo otsuignment. 1 , . l'CIXIAM,JONJ3 0a Uec 2M.tr " NOTflEB arrival of best Family Flour. ' rVLLlAal. JONES A CO. ilea tll-tf , ,. i : C'ASJBVI CARDTH TTJHT In time for Chrutnia ; Fins Fancy Bourbons, ! j ijauies t'ream bucks ia a iim. notes. FL LLIAM. JONES A CO. Pe21-tf t-, .. latlail fVrATatBlt. A NU best family Flour, lust received and for sal 1 iV by VLLLLk'A, JONES A CO. Doc UN-tf V, holeaaia Oroosra. ' HA OK -ITr AaT. TH larsre anantitiea. for sale be .' ' X i'b'LLIAM, iOSKH A 00. Due 2a-tf . Wboleaala Uroosra. I. SEASON WCasealioat or Kanaaga Cutters, Various mass J. BKOWN, PeelS-tf , , . With HaaT Lrwia. ir TCHIIS HOI-UK. i ins popular Boarding Hons, reoontlr rnllttad. la ho ohiii fur tlie axcouiinodatiou of either permanent or traimicTit boarders. Its rooing jtro pbaeautft tuhl a eTJ supplied, scrvaiita attentive and polite. Terms moderate. Metubers of tli Legialature will And her au me conirorta ui a lioj Jan 10-lm I Ha. M. A. WATeON. I7F.SH AKIUVALOr "QUEEN OF THE ftOUTH" . and other rial torus of Cookiug Hlnvea, foruialied with full complement' of nteusils and Fipe. - - ' I fti.OY, - - J5lylJwJ!ifiWlllM ?Wtt t?4L.4t,'7j TOR REXT. . THE Hons and IMan IlillsboraBi., known a ike "lliil psoperty.'' ' addiv to ' " , BtlIflfl9TKDD. Doe a-f . - J STORE. The Trader Cook Stove,' F.itenaiou Top. ...I. ... ... ., , . opirH aeiyeie. v 114 riunia Feb ll-13-tf J. BROWN, With Hast A Lewi. THE LAND WE LOVE, FOR FEBRUARY, 4uet received. Feb XUm-tt BRANSON A FARCAS. - - L c ' I " 1 'i ' '' t ff liEAJiii NOTE PAPER. . XfJ At at) cents per Ruam. Feb 11-lW-tf , BUANHON A FARRAB. VOI SALE. NiiiiLtiig iwt.acio, aa gooir a tn lJum.nl grid eauafwjri !- -i ir ri-l.t-IA n, JU.-VK.19 a .. Feb 1-1 liS-tl ... . huluiale Uriioers. I ONO HANDLE BH0TEL8, MA.M EE FORRA, Il riarnea ana con acs. PVLLIAM, JONF.t A CO FebS-ir tf . hiaalo Uiocer. 0 B A L K . Toilet Mospa, fiemnleent and Pohehing Boao for a uueuiug outer, jjiiaaaiua aau itanare. I'llXiAM, JONBH A CO. Febll-lSS-tf Wholesale trrooers. KALKiGir. wi:dm;sday rvexing, feihutahy KALCIGII .IXD UAhTOX KAIL I86T RO.411. Ilsuf Through Frrlslst Tariff. .' 'NOItTII ANI) SOUTH, JBY THE ALU LUTE EOUIE t WE are now ireoared to 1.U10 all kind uf Freiirl t thnmgh to N-w York, Kniladelpiiia, Bottus aad Baltimore, 4a tbrou,fh hi!U "ut iniiutf, giving through retwpt. at the AHWt nue. ' ' Till IS THE mm: I'U!I. I'OH hill H. tour Good will bo Handled only Onco. Throsich weseHiiivii Iom. bo iliOny, tinw s-iil pen lea. tfiav bv any other mine loaurauo, lufliug, eoeipired wtltl ethr mule. W lake ifoodi to and from Columbia, t C sal all iiitermedisw mt..u, with more pnmitnMM and di-pittui ilMaaivy hxpcea Company at about Hie Kiurthilm rMi. , TAKE .NOTICE. . , . '. Pron alntiuiiiir r'xj,l H.iith will ahm ttiroinrh the oliowing ei.l. and by I lie lulli.wiu atujtid Mm ship Cimipanie aud 0 ttfher. - Fko) Xtcw Yoas,. ..'; By the AtUutic Coa.t Mall Ntain-lup Co., Llving tos Fx A Co , an -ma. Au. m Liueitv liiieet, or 1'ier StiMorlh Kiver N. X. Fan" Mai.tiii.iks, , By the BaltiHiore Steam packet t'ompauy, L ' B. Paik ageat, fool of Union IWk ad Brau'dl's hue of Hteamers. ..,........(. 4, r ... , j Kaon FuiuDtLrHit, ' Mv the Phila.l.li.i.i v, f.,:l wi..Iih. ('... W B. Clyde Co., agent No. l ti.utb I .-1hwmi Avenue, Vkiladeiphia. By the Botten aad Norfolk MUim-hip Co . E Samp- t?0 , Ageaia. d ot fentral WTi htT; R,urnn: ('oaiiiiM voureood. tu 11 K. Ants. fMrtrfniouth Va-. 1 and City Koinl Good i.i.miug by the wAy of l;ity roiat ana rvtsrstittig must eao umrseit. V. a. ALLr.N, freight Atft. H U tt. B. C V rae.!J Fit INTITVIT. A LTIIOVOH the bueineas uf all Tradtta audrro. A feseions ;nave awn onuwr;d t.ann suu'C the cioee of the war, we have given a special eriMiit 10 many of our Friends and ratroim, some of whom have paid'us nothing since that tune, and as we can't af- 1 ford to pay oaeli and give unlimited mulit, tlnti w to 1 give aoiica uist our eorouitiare,.now resiir anu inm alt are einsotad tocaM and1 settlei the same without delay, w , . ; . . Wll J.lA'via A 11 A I WOUU. DeelT-Jtf , , TA-VajaCKS Oil,. A KDTHER lot of that Buporfair Flvh Oil ftrrTsnm'r XX nstlnt 4" tin'ul. , wilLTamh i iiiWomt. Dec 17-tf SEOARft Al TOBACCO. "ITTE are in receipt of a lot of Bcgars and Chewing II. touaooauiat can t ne oeatcn. i;aii sun WILLIAMS & UAYWOOU. Dee 17-tf YAKKROrUlI IIOI SE, I KAI.EKiH, X. V, J TN taking charge of thia well known Hotel, I premium I .1.. ...,1.11m 1ft mI.. II Iu. It..., ...I ...... l,.n...l . tvl tliat will give eutuw aaU.tacUon to its patrons I and aueat. The rooms hav remnllv been refurnished, and the entire hone thoroughly renovated. It m beyond aU i jomparioa .... . . ... ..... .... The best House In the Cilr, and ahall b kept in a atyla worthy nf the houas, . . W, 0. HIDOH'K, Not -t , , i'ropnitor, A Hare I'bance for inicslment J Nearlj Twenty per cent. (siiHrantecd. A LOT OF ABOUT OVF.x ACKF., CONTAIN IN0 XA. two DWttlhnga, one having a large kitchen anil all aooeesarr out-hoowM. with tiardou well stociceii wittt a etMMeashftiitin of Fruit Tree,-end produoiog the best of vegctsble. The wools admiral itv lucau.d.. Will be auld for H.000. It will rent f.ir over 7ll, If I tlie purchaser wishes to rent it. r or runner particulars, aoniv tii Jan U-tf JAMLit At. TOiVU:.!, Agent., KIlTRII.l.'a alKl9iU irieMAl.at Col.. X GKANTILLE CO., N. C. Within t half Wile of KlttrellV le- pot, on the Raleigh & AVt-Idoit . , Railroad. F A O XT r, TVj BET. C B. REDDICK, FniwintKT, . . .... . - "IWeaaiir Ballea Zsatra. BET. 7. 9. R. CLARKE, tMiaidaiu and Prof. Men. and Moral Plillosoohv. KEV. JOtshPHH. BIDD1CK, Prot Aim. Laneuagea. - . ; WILL. LOPTJN HAKURAMi., A. M., lYofeseor M usio and Mmlcra Languagse. THOB. A. OATCIf. A, H.. Professor Jtathematio and Natural Sciences. His BLI'I IE A. 1 it At hMlo.N, I. t-bi'-j - a.-.fcik.:.... mit-i 'Mrrti-m.nmiPf'm'xm-t f- V.,. " tAieWetia Ilb,wnft0fH Mis LUCY A. lUolLIt, Piano, aTisslIAirr A. CCNSCtGIlAM, Piano. Misa BLANCHE FENTRESS, 1'iapo and Ouitar. Mias AMANDA IllCtES, Piano. Organ A Snlfpguto. ' . Matron. CoL MIUON a HATH, Domestic DeiiartituMit. TH08. C. BINES, IL D-, n'Nldent Ihvai'iae Tha Fall Suasion of this tnstitiitlon i l ,1 -i:ir.l dav or jMoemoer. Jlie pn( Hnion npeue the let. weorieeuay-iuaiiuary, .sou wiu eraiunue Wi weetca.. lite auetee of this ecboyi has been withorit a paral lel, a new ouftuiiitg ua iins oeeu coniletM, ,y vibl. h a lares additional uumUr can be avcoiiiiuKl.tti. Wi are dotoruimed to uiakeour pupils a comfortable as they can be made anywhere, ami toail.iid litem all itw afltautagfr F.r a UeirmiK'h ant cm ,,,j. nitilNj t.'warftft mKT uti n-iaws -retnli' t-iiF-North or N'Uiit. Vf arcr is Vuo wen anovrn to tii aicie mmuwi r Ut n. a rewiava- e h tovaoiv yMiug n,.ti. jnxy eet'iu' a UkorotU-h edncatHin, and at tneieJui time tl'i rmtora- tlon OX liteir oeailltt. tlclermu j 4Tikt to every iu b-iiigent I brsiitao in the Mate, as well as to tii iiun. dreos who hav f.iund rct,-f here. 1 be young ladies sll womiilp in th College tlmiwl. and hence no extra ctiitliiiig is reiiinred. 1 In lit '. o ureal partwt tan urtii )xrernt.vftit e,r rri,ar tncavrreu ey wmvJiftn to Jutritonq .v-ftofW. lo- cuUed in ri.ie or rtiftue um j(M,uiutiri i oertaudv oa of the ctteafieet and mont cay of aitcee m the hoiithera rnate. Beeidea, tt odor th most etificniir Sll suiasee Hi steiy resjmt,,-... . jtm psntcuiars aUilri-FftS, .. JtKT. C. B. ItlDDICK, ' Feb I-Ul-Sia ' luttrell'. privgS N. C. SI I T imtLiLAL, luicouoiat rtllitlSiUNG HOUSE. - HUFXIAM fe HtqIIES, 1U0K AADJOB PKIMERS. Hsvmg nude large additions to our . HOOK AND JOB TYPE We re piepanMl to do aU kunls of - . BOOK AKD EWSPAPEJBV PEIKTIK0 . Promptly and iu the best .trie nf the srt. I R PKl.vTIKO r Rtsiks are of the beat nianiifactiire in (lie World, (the same j nerpere, auu nailing J-llllllier in si. 1 ,) aud our fauilioos (i tU,u,g wurii of 4n. 4jn,j ,t UlW" , i , SHORTEST NOTICE oil the most BEAMOfcAftr.C: Tl'rius 1.. uinv 1, 1. . t , k,- " . -- , - wi etiktiu tv any rn til conntr ' ' Contracts mails f.w Uie (innling of Newspapers and lilunks, ( hveka, luin or mlorw Kill llruds, Hand Kills, , llfra, (Ireultira, "" j. . er.. At the aliorteat notiv anl moat reaaonahl prlea. ORNAMENTAL & COLORED I-RINTINO 'To suit all talra. W"ar pivlwrf-J'to'do any kind of lettar-presa priulmg, frisn an Invitation Card to a Hook of one thousand pig.., exprnlilnniMlv, eoonoinically and aat IHftorily. : 1ILVHAM A HlillllKit, '" 5" lf . Baleigh, N. 0. 0FOUI IXJIAUC ACADEMF. , - BEV. H. d. HH-U PuntiTPAi. -" rivn: w-Un open lliuraiUiy, Mih. t4 Jannarr X 1 he Principal will lie avit-d by enmnctoiit aula. lulls in Die dull-rent departments, Ul advance. i' . Ail bills psrabla Tkii : s H-r sewKai 0 Twt aty Week Board, arcln sive of vi SMinrig, sfoo KnglSh Tuition, - - ' ' .fi 1 languages eavb M usio and tow of Iuatrnrnent, Coiilmpsit IW, For Circular ai.lrei, ltev, II. U. BILL, Janli-oawlm 4 PROPONITIOV. WTIiriT TOU'AKE lN'TEUKHTKOr I ,'",' ,.,'., K ,fur ''w proteotioa of the Pilnttms of u and surruuuiliug eouutrv, agsiust the hb imsiimiii ui tluser o-ealld fml wm. i.. r i.i. ....1. and every person, the New Ymk Cum of any goods lucy iuj auttobuv; by tins means th..y can t.11 whether I lu-y art buying woods at Cost or psvlng a prrifit on them. : ' , 1 ui twin .re going to any of those Coat Hu o I raluxl, aud kit me give you a iiwiuorsudum of Oust 1 .. s ... .... ....... I At 1 t of my Urge stock I will aull M cost bnt I have jc..ie uiai 1 wui not anu la tuatwsy, and tlioee merchania who make such a ilourish about sell- llur all .'net. iku moruhant in tins plae has pOrchaaed hi Ooml I kny c.lieair than I bought (nine. Any assertion to the etHitrary isue j aud I will guarantee to aell as low ae any Owt Ibsiae. All I ask is an om Oonrhi (wrtuiu- i -. ... w , v .... iiHMiiiuun. fi ini asHruon. v ,.,. EO. T. COOKE. Jan 25-Ht-tf I k -cv CATIIAItTIC AU AI.Tr.KATIVK I'lLUS. . RKCOMMFVUirt) BY THE BENT PlIYHirUNH I'urely VegeUilii. No Calomel in Umm N.tf.i ji ipe, beu.g Coau-d with Uuw Tola are nerftw.i l ,. r Itr Wi l. MiUhitt who has an superior aa a Phmi clan in .Virth Carolina, Ui examined tua formula by vjlnch 0ioseu,U,, mado and highly Neoaatenila col. W. i. irfln, that distliiguislied Patriot and tftlntairof Chemistry tit the UniVemity of North I aioliua liaa aiialviied them, and iwrtiHe. 11..1 11... cotuain no Mercury is- any oUior nunrral eon.litiir.nt W hak'MVifl'1 Call and get a Cfrcular. ' wf repaiwj and aohl by . " ' ' ' B. rt. BAUNDEItft, FcbM.T0.tf M't''ttt-f.?..t. For aale m Hal, ,gU by WILLLUttj UAi w'otJD. X ATAV tl,!.'!. J lTIE. IOU Farmer, lawyer and Magistrate. CaU and . get a copy,, FriostTi. ilKANHON A FARRAR. Jan an-iis-tf AMERICAiV HOTEJ ' .- CIIEkSTNUT STREET. .T.-.1,..l...i(-.v.J. - w- rilll.AOEI.I'IllA, H.-9f.-iiKijr(irtiG8r - JaJ2..3in Paowhstoh. THE ltI.IIAn MIIOOL; r MKRAnrnr.r.tr, t gr. -- SEim of 1,7 W.r, MarVsh (lib. Oninm.of iiistrii.tiim CLAHMCAL. MATH STATICAL arid C0.HMEUC1AU .v. " ' . Aditre, ' i. . CrJ. WVf t!T!ff.ITAf Jau a-UswiD , qti;i: op tiii: noitii. coiiKivii Kriivtu tJ l PKKl'trt ailiaot.-.,,, h f,,r Cix.luug for large Famfc Furnish, ii cfnpi ...i.Buosrv, , rur UatA Lswi.- i'ec Li rr V " brrel.y trirrn, that apdirg.jw writ tn J. v javlctnthe N C. liidiiuJt t.iu 1m a J.,. hen of of L. i. tirl tiae l e l,rt bi iongoig tu tne ailele j n. lii.A .vi. ii. kiwc (j. Jan. A wliii . , JfNE folLUSliD TAD1.E AI Al ulION. I nlra ili-ii.(.l of pi irately, will be sold at aAi lion Oil Katlirdav Ireh. ad. ir,e licijant H.hnnl Tal 1 but lrds n.4 tnl, Bull, Cue ai,d Cbalkk corniilcto.- h net tm iluia U anuntua ago, and wd br..k a great baig.in pnvatoly.- , I JAMESM.TOWI.ES Jaa2t-U3-tf Auctumcrr A Cora. ot reguhiting the Bowels, and for the cure of BID- j TkT'O T I K " oi teiori lidiiiir fJeailaoHa, Ciiuslliiattontir-cotwf j ' uJ!SwtT i'Jtere? L.iTHr-,.N,vDrBreoTo7on! w. 20, ihgt. ISO. ICC. - IWALI AjlLi: imCOVEUV, liV WllKH Waltr cub be Turned Into Mwner VI ? bM " ''Tllt the I -, ue uurieu in tjia botrrht of the earth." The r-in, .re naiir tnkrn fi.un Uipjh roailily pnwnre all the Injuries ami r Amhu-w , ve, he great b,Mii u, tllf Wl.k) li,.,10wiiiiout aJneh, U,T.torh. miUion uf the Ilolhvluiu w wn'nre. ... ...... .... , jr 1 . iv icnuir iitie.ing fi.n lucon4i,ca, (, Vi1,h. as 11 is cmiinoidy cud, I, a. a I'nvemian (,f uaiii years eipenenru, aoiUdny, that )uu uuvd le W III "-toic me 01 j.aiii,, . u,- iw.l gen 11111 ""sancsa, tlie ronnup4H'e irf tins 1 -. HIMWHk . . All II 111 awieim.of imalern kachinf;, aill adit tl rreatdirlwnitM-suiarre.tig Una d. lr.!cr,jf healil, li vanou. raa,.s nn,i,..,v mention. l'Mmi Htsl .Btt.-.a. . . I 'i ITtTTMl' ut it. iltllll aa I'll flLAa rtnattiitlv st.irVvaA ...... li kwff mmiiuiiiw( n.4tir AviAUty. UwiWtT ifi UfSHtllJlaT It at Cri'saatt .a-ia.L.,..k'l.. 1... - - . frtJ,.- .... T t " w" w tm 1MIONC WIIr. va.f. iu allltl 111 I.IIM Aiiliih.Ho ,tt it... -i.l. ... 1 a .. nt.i .: : 1 1 or give the r: ,;. . ' " , " liiienw luat bate lai u n tmuBr my uroiiieaiiuial care, ;'i',i!' J,""" tl,c "'k'"" atandutf ia the ?. hri(,,". C, bad Ihxi.1 an ii.at sufter "7" ncoiTho for thii ycam. H.r ch.ks " "". sun siwav cold and almost tiaua-tartiut-ii, fa-t h eeemed not to have a red corpuscle Ul her UhIv. ho weak warn .1, ,1.-. .... dilllcultv .he could ascend a ll,Khl f .tana, without owing taint m nl.aneicU t'alpitaUoo of the heart e.-acue, auu a dtuineii in the head I..,.!,.. .1 .... . . 1 " , " "tr''Kftfwilli a lieariug. down KiMHium iu 1,,. reuim, ot n.. ..n.i. mm auirnooif. iotwllhI.At,ll,1 ,),.. ..... w... srmiu,iiwof eiir.msdeliihtv, tndwvd or kci4 ut) bv the Meter (VUIIU drum i.-,.... i... ..... . . ' . "l"' diiK.ii, every mean at mv command wa rebel, tuiiiiedr allor remedy a irnd. Kvery moans nxHrnirnomlwl by our modern authors provod wnrth- .r.7 TVT; "ig m uiecasK ol a sorvsnu Whom I had fonuer lv lre.l.1 H..I ... Crose,) havmg been vei-y niueh bcucmivd by Una mineral w.ki,p T i....l.l ,...,1 . . ' 7. . .,.,, iwiviitiui runner tiiuuirv.) as the last reaort, to recommend to her iu nse. Alii lous to w restored im, to hiwlih, she readilv acceded to mv urouautlon. and iwi.l !,,. -.11 j..i. Noon iinonH..,,..., . 1 1 ,. ' . -"T "- wm uoie, anu in toe aiiurt siiaue of tin mouth her health a entirolv ro.i.,r,l a ving niouuinout M the an-at eurativ'.iet.. .,.. water. 1 lie next cam of rreal internet, b il..i nt n.. wouiBR au-eauy si).,ieri f. Mcvci, jears (irovioiis to ervuw. in the eere of tju woman. I ,nl unit care. fill siuunuiatioa and -r-lied out all of Die particulars ofherhwtory. Mm ha.1 sulTcwi fr In Lars ,lh Ixiuoorrhtea, and being m.ly nH.cicd thon-Mrm, tt was universally known in our community, that she was the Mutvrirf il,. . r . .."I ' - ' "- . eiuou iier won ail ot the distressing evmplom, em-udurg this maladv, and iildonly.iildher ln,,, rjief. Iu, .'aed on, and ..dl hor aHlic,,,,! a,t.ol abate hh.'th dimcd all hep-. nwvery, and reeoived to take no Biwluuiea.butto herself tu the fate which seeniHl to sw.it her. Her ms.ie, j,t then having dwtwsltsmrweii. arrnrd that .1 1,UM (j,i,, freely of ilia water, a it might he of some benefit lo per. lake a ilrowuHig mau eau hing at straw site ...T..,, Wwm en.wneti Willi steiciiliit. .i,1 II, i. , .1.. a strong and h.Hhr wimian, m( tan Iw .,.u t u, iMdeiwe lu. f,,.. ....,..- j ..... r. . s, . . V ";" "."'i, and will 1IIKO great P ill V? r('1"ll,,i ' '"'' bJ any li.jUirs, thihis- y ... VMM, Alsnv ttbee eeeM, km.M 4.. . , hays U-en cured, and oitwr are bmi ,iu,i l h d. " J tt at tat regretted that the MMnl. .....i.l...., . . .. . 1 ... . ...,.,... , ,,,,, erpriiii.i..ul(, i.iPtt, Jjr, : w' hi THiiuuiiu prt,w. o invalids. Inder Ue pr..K.nv, a a nwurt for circuitMliuicc, til owner ilTwto rJVl'V " lr'- of ' I ' -.v ....... ...., t tHHrlHlUtH'ttt-e Wlttl ! 'V,un, li""t lellcr'or ivisoubIiv. u. a. "r"""V" ",' iuu ,'r' I" " and pro,hictiv 1'hi" ,ii,..l " ' " " "'""'iiiiion, T. . i "etpFni ouiiKiau. a line teaiii..ui, with nuMlem imoroveitienf. ' -no au necessary builniiurs attached, have luat Uein emii,ll.l ,.. i. . ' on It.... ,...1.... '- kuTeauusma - .,.u.w,,HTiiw uiiuiti oe tiucreil. . Feb. U.sodl w. M' D- JjKESH AIUUVAlJi OF BUOKS. SCIUKIIj Dl l Km . BLANK JIHOrTH ic., T., so ii i3i t,KKA f AllIETY. Jan a-141-tf BIiANMOS A r AliltAR. BAYS AS AD. d tiieir tioui in r 1,.. 1 .,. . .. will .i...-. e.u 1 uf r ' v. wui au ftmilftu Bllrl-eava COM JOHN W. HAVH, Ailm'r. Jan 0-l tt)-2t HAWH IN HAl'Kft, Hl'PFIiMIt t HEW- ws.. ug 4 uvaecu, juvai ami i,arit was receivoiL 1'iLUAVt, JONLMACO Jan 30 lto-tf Vi holeaal (irouera, IlardtAar HI 41 I'ltytUftllle Mrei l. on B.oga nan aswrrtfil from t Ui M d Mveaud Mule Mhons and Mhrxt Nail. Jli II Haw, lisatard kilos and iUi. Hpadca, Minvrla aud Harden liake. ,. mm.iw.1. MIU liUlw itu m irnimm aftiM.tr, .,,.,, ,., li ...i... ... .... ., . " ,. ..... J. Jiliu VVN, - - JanS-lf-llff Huh ilA.r I.fcwia. r Tin; , T AMERICAN" BITTERS. The C'rt'Hl ftituiUt ru Toitii, - AND THE MOST PALATAliLE bi'o.WAt 'lilC . ItUlf Mil. lU.Vl1lb-.Tf, latino Flskh ...1 ; oonilihifii of tl.r ,Moi(a ui.l Jjw..! n hltmmit m inj mm htiiuik u(t itnifiimi T.mf a, tl So tnouij.h over tli.iao. In auk. iuln,a alieniiod with tremorli and general nervous dcraiiem. ut h ( peculiarly artpt.j, giving atieiiKth aim loo to the nerve. To d. il. t L,in. and i l.il.l... .. .....V.. ".k, n,wi ; ijtT'UB il a tit I ti aiiii ioim ii ata. t lis vl ..... ai,land vi 1t wlieucr a iea.aut and aifrawbia Ionic w wanted, this shoutil be ud. . " lr. Johna n. June, one rf u,e most scieiitirla aud well kitwwu l'bnu.4u n, ih a,,..... ....... Uistihe bi ii gr.wt value, besnles mimy other wle'i tore? rauy twiicticd by the uy of these ilit- l'rpred aud n),l by its , B. HAL'NDEllS, Blftlliifict,., l-l..-..; . Feht-t- ( - t ,.d 1IL N, C. For sale to Blei,;l( by WIl.THmA niu,,n . . Moi:v HA.Xt I-IM. - "-Ul tti K s -f, K4.KiHp'nr"T" CoweAvy hM.rs U.i' Jul it lauT. ' t i'pHE Nortn. I arulina lUilromi Company desire to ""frow ti m.nu. l-iia pi m wng mtii p. k.nft ftHuii-aiiMiMiiy. .. Comiuiiuiuati ms sd lrcwil tha Prosiilent will aneet with prompt atu iiii.m. r , itlOMAS wrp.IJ, Jan 15- Jawliu . . p...,.i. .. AT pftigreee anil tuihfard c.hiv. . ,. t or Stent. AtJCIlii.V lit lltrt 'I, rii. rte A T PVBMii JX. Jauuaiy in, at p,a,, f,lr mile K,Mirti of U.-.)in. tha Aran DUUlleiloii. . larva 1 ...,i Ourn Planlattou. - Jao.li-W. i TUEIVTjyiga , AIVtItTISIG rati:m. Adynrti.-mciitsooi,iipnnii: u-H mora .tU 1 lit. f miniontw . a hu h coustuute a Mtuar i t ti . we v ri.ivi 1 i t Week 1 month i uonth f .' , ..: . Aial 1 treuk . - . .; i ........ Mil-al notice. UllJvr a Slcial he.! writ he el,.r- ft4 one dollar (k r wpiar for each intruoa. funeral not.... trill he charged as advertisem.'ntti. . 1 he ki'ujoie.iie.ii, V,i, cmtut uf a death or juwiwn ' 111 n( he ctnirired. i "hoi tiu:k ui.li.i;1' Iull au for Sin and Children, J usk received at O. T. COOKKU OctlS-tt ANMTIIstll AitttirAI. r T. Mll.Oa Jk a N a) LADIES IIAI.MORALOAT&H)Tr1, 'I'VS - ir,wtxv I. lueiieUM .. .. ..ft- . m i' andtwoiUl',uM oi and double mw ewd Boot l,l,l T . uiira u Io 17 If JOH W. IlIVSOALl;, ATTOttXEViXD f 01XSEL10B AT l.W X. 9, Hhj- Mreet, ru)Mtovlllo K, c. Wn.1. ATTrsD rri(mrn.f to all nnuxEnn Uitrustod to hi rare,- lOUKlLi;. 7M--H RAW HOME rUOhl-IUTE AND SUPER MJ I 'hiwnhate of Lime. i Adaiiled to all crop, and permanent ly iinprovea th , Boil u exoels lerutian Guano in L,, ,. .,". ' lake, a heavier yield and au4inor quaiiry if t ottoa' obaccoaudtiiaiu. Hsmn tei... j hlTif fT """"r0 Anret Mi ,ri.w, and iks tt- 1 1 made of pure raw Bona. A reasouaui -time wiU be given for half the pmcn.ee rooieT. W tooteaalaOroowa. Ti-IIS FKMJLCJi, r A NOXTHLr JVttlAI,, iiavoTCo to Aijrrloulturc, Ilorf ioiat urt-, - 'J THE MECHANIC ARTS iOL'i:iior.i KcoivoaiY t PCBLlsriKD AT lllrmmvj, vi T ELLIOTT A ftlHELUi. , . , "j rjllIE PUBLISHER., determined to axort all th.ir ' A enei'gios, look witn eoiitideno to III new year 1 fur such au uicroaee uf patronage as will enable tiwnt to eniaige the ueetulnc of lug 'k,a, aud wak - P..., ,,., uusuaoi msiiiuw fur edterkrecre. . .i HVaapBlrTloMe '1'ha term :t -...I,- 1..... been Iliad so low and tisasrwisbla a an nl.L ii .n.. The rn. u of tt )no inrty dcairo it: and in v.w .,f the great intreis to Iw c, ted by an extensive cir- eoouueiiuy expect Uie hearty co-opera- ' ' ion of many m tluwe SuUjuu. of the oouutiy nut ' , ow Mppiimi with a go.l Agiiculturai Jmiruai, laaisa or bt'nauRir-rio :-ki- . ... year, f.i,H0 . , ' "ATM : - 1 lve copi.1 ,m year for 13 ikl : tea coj.ie on year for aou ; muwa ,,,,. . V01J. uw tii.uu; taenty ci..i,. rear for ttu.itui tweutv iveeopmi yar lor Anu.uu; aud hugor clulx in the earn proportion. . . i To socuiattio advantage or the liberal term. ' ' tha olulw niiiat be couipieie at the tune of .ubaorio. lltin. Slid tll moi.MV a.uuiu.ru,.. .... . . :;: . ..... .... . .u,n...r..,,j HI, IH.T( It at not reipnied thai ail u,B .uUji,.,. to a' club hall reoeive ink. FAllMLIl t on. ut,,.. If n, " ary it anil be mailed under th ulub ananoum,t to s iiiaiiy ditJoruut uuioe a there era tuhs.-rilmrs to ,, Uiechib LLLiOHAMULLUH, , - liichuioml, ,'a. I.TEELItiEn; ou k i:. fllllE mjls( IIHLK8 i,ave FOltJltDACOPAHT. X nerslup Uirdr th firm ol ilraug a liearir f, H,e purjioiwut aupplyingj,., LsUuer and lluiis Mec vain at very roaiftoiial.le rate. . '1 liey are tircoared to nialta e,,tlk,.i. V... v and other who hu laborer Uimh tlieui, and to ted Uf Hail luNj-i and Hteam boat comniimicaliou. IheywiUaleo aticd to tl.s eollnotnui of aoooantt. Tlie rr liliug a,l j,,,,,, f i. lliey ate v.iiiua i ,,, ..i i,,.,.. (., . iwu-oni.ed, and proiiuee their uudiinled atUmtioa to aU ho nood their anrvico. - They may be f,,oH i,. ...... . . Ilearil bi..re, wto-re they ,11 be glad to ae parluM hating Imaiucea ,u, i , B ,"' U". 'Ihoe, llrairg, L, E, floartt. P r. PiiMcnd. anditL.n IH.l.,, i .. . Raleigh. ' " """-"M.uaeia o II. BRA'W, 1I. Ill-a HIT. Jo 21-117 im JLST BCl'EIVED! A IIEAt'TIKL'L LOT OK D LAINE3, AMl'ItES, l'HiM'8, -1 - MIAWLS, ENGLISH MLMIINOD. Utsola aud fthiMa,ka.rr all a-rea, geiet and rondlflon. ALL- AT piieo hoy, r than tin, pron,.uig to aull atqoat, or tin "selling goods cheapar Uian anv hodv !. '. 0K0. T. COOKE. Jr. il ..-tf N addition to my stock I bay rsclwt m A aottmerit of - LttliALNr,,', i'LANNEI.P,, J'KlNTt-, - - BlIKKTiNt'.rJ ANI) " BUIUriNl.iL Ac.(ic Which f am rradv to aell at a urc.t e..,t.-,..n r nrlces, 1 will also sell my eiitir stork of Aali and a,MnH ci, tela, iuu j . s ALPac:as, i . , , l'OI'UNS, 0 . OI'LRA FLANXKLfV UALAluHAIrfl. Ac., die!. Betty mad Clothing, Hoot and hhoo. I lata anil CaM, I'mbrellae Ac, Ac., Ac. AT C O 8 T .' Please call aiel see th goods. ,r. , ., J "'f-LMt'iriL, iiie oiMir lleluw Air, 1.. n. il.-artt N t Faflte. Doc U-tf , " - ' Mll-t, utti, IttHnitt i rn at t-toe rMe-H..eetw et 1-rta tr.aiTht A.-, o.r.ry i un. the I,!CliH II e I'uh'lt! fn,i. le.. ..I V r to I.in le Bivei in I'euiiiim.... .,.i . ,.. preveul l.k ti.n running ai largmii Ilim-., . i,,H-k I e Sl-I.wlm TJTANILD I.Vl:ip.lilA'i l.LY. A situsthm by a I.sdv of tress in lii(.-nu, MaUieuiatics, Irrauihahdi the rndi- tucuis ok kiauri. Aildieaa, atatuig term. t 5.50 ..... w.otr 1.1 is) Mis r.urrs, Lufioid, . C, JanSHO-lt''