1 1 - J. - ' XUE SENTINEL. TirESK N T 1 -NIJ Ii-. AUVERTIMAU ItATlla. Advertise menie oeeopyitig not morS than 10 Una of minion type whkh eoustiluts s square : 1-Jbl . TERMS OJ" 8UBSCK1PTIOS. I'ijj("5SSH5fSirlr"jjnt!tTislwit" avery ssrdjujresept riiiserUoa ll.t) t.su a tin week , 1 mouth i nionilis S " - - 10.00 Jff.lSJ SU.IW : Sunday, the roUawmg mr " for dm steala, .' " ' Jor two raaiiths, ' - " - Thru BWHUhe, ' ,7 tl SSOMthS, i -" ' " . r- KM - too r . i s,w . 4,80 ISO srssnr awe " S.60 M S -I-WOtffcirHTHEW HiilT THA BK rREttuEHT.Sear Clr hpeeial notieee, liml.tf t etteil Jiesd, will be ehsjf- g d sue dollar H-r square for earn Insert mn. r 1 i? i . . .. i . . rjjtil-vVeeklj rVnyhel wn veer ...-sis VOL, II. UALEIGILt FltlDAY EVENING, FKIJUUAUY -22. 1807. NO. ICS. uuerai ootiL-ea wiu lie unsrgeq -ss suveriisesaenia. The sun pip auutuiuesiiuuit of a death or marrtasTe will not be rh.rjcd. . .. ' ,. v.; r ,-. Ijr rVnliul, one yea .. s.tio W fl I 1 ir7W'E.VI51it itate avatar. : a. I ' tbe Dublin University llaaasiDe. - IB HIKIAL MKS, Bv Hebea lonely mountain, -On this side Jordan's wire, In vai is (lie laud of Muab, ; . ' There bee a lonely reve: ? Aad ao nsw dug tbssepulchrs. And no nien sew it s'er ; far tbe anient 04 Qod upturned the tod. And laid the (Wad aieu there. 5 . .; 1 That wm the rraudeet funeral - ' 1 bst svbr psaeed on eartn ; i... ' Rut ho nn Heard the tramping, i ' Or uf the train K forth. . NMsettmaly as Die daylight " y" f Comes when (H rdiibt is done, Aed tli mmeoo etreak oh nom'i theek - Urym uiKi tiie gr tt m : Kebx-lesely ae the spriioj-fime , , klnr erowe of erlur - ' s t And all lh tre on all tha hill " ' ' Oyn Hirir thtmaaiid leama grthonteinindof mnno, , . . artuuM if thwa that wept, J ' ' HilMidY dnwn frnm the mouutaw'l ernwn , jht (trNlt prooMwiua rwept ' ' Parrfianc tH bald old wgta On gray bwlipenr'a hutjlit, . Out frimi h Kx-ajr ayr , (. - - Lo"adon tle woodrona aight J i ir. IVmlianoa lt Ucw, utalkiug, i v: Hull aliiina that hallowod apot i . , , I or haaat ami bird liava anan and heard ;.. . ibat wluuk wea luioweiih uut. hut wfc'n the warrior dith, i , . ,' ' Km enmradoa in the war, Villi arma rirwed and muffled drum, r'ulliiw ttie furwral ear ; ' i . Tin- abw the bannara taken, i TIiht tell hia battlea wen, Aad atir liiin hiad hie maatarlaaa ataed, While peala the miunM fun, , j, Amid the noblit of th land , lien lay the aaire to real, . Aud civa the bard an honored fimn, ' " Willi ouaily, marble drew, 2 t Jn the great uiinnter-triliwpt," Where bght like glory fall. And the Hur inK and the oagan ringa ;. ' Along' the uiblaconed wall. - Xhi waa ilie brael warrior i hat for wruai amca;. That ever breathed a wiwd ; ' i A1 never eartb'a philowiplier '' Xraced with bia golden pen, On the deathleea page, train half an aage ' Aa ha wrote down for men. r " And had he not lilith honor ? . The hill aide for hi. pall, " To be in aute while angel, wait, ! With atara for taM're tail ; , And t)e dark rockiinea, bketoaaing plrtruea, - trter hia hivrto wave, And llixl . own hand, in that kmcly land, I'o lay bim in the gravel In that deep grare withont a name, Mun liia HiiiMdlilied viny -. bri'nk again, (uiuet wundruiia lll'mylit!) ' tiftiireUiejtidguieiit day, "Antlataud ana. glory wraimedaruaud r un thehill he never trH, Aud apt .k of the atnfe that Won our life ' M Witli the lncaruat Mm of tlod t . O lanely tomb iu Moah't land) , . .-. , i, fUrk ItoLhueur hilit Hpitik to tliew anrioua bearta of unre, And U'ai k them to lie aUll, Qod hath Hia ntyateriHa uf graee - ' ' ' Waratbat-anr eaitm fcdl-j He hidea them deep, like the secret eleep Of turn He lured as well. The Masonic Password. Curlos'itv and timidity are rbe two Important traiu in the character of Ralph Bloogey. The former quality, some years ago, made him de sirous of learning the secret of the Masonic Fraternity ; but as tie had heard that hot grid irons and pugnacious goats with sharp horns sre made use of during the ceremony of Initia tion, Kslpli's timidity warm) him that, as he was not copper bottomed, he should first strive to ascertain, if possible, whether huck- gnats and red hot spears and gridirons formed jmlispenie de adjuncts in the mysterinns ordeal of Masonry. To satisfy himself on this point, be endeavored to "pum" an intimate personal triend, Jacob 6leetout whom he knew to be a Mason, - ' "Now, Jacob," said he, during a converss tion on the mysterious subject, "I would like to become member ot the Iraternity ; but, for doing so, I think you ought to tell ma somo thinq about them, s Do they really brand you with a hot gridiron t and it so on what part of the body 1 - .,' i Like all Masons, wlien such questions were asked, Jacob would smile, and say, "After you hall have taken the three first degrees, you will know alt about it. I cau't answer your inlerro. (rations," - For a long time Ralph tried to worm out .something. .concerning the. fraternity ; but In vain. On every possible opportunity he would renew the attempt, until, at last. Jacob became jofiended st Ralph's persistency, and determined to punish him. ' iarly one morning as Ralph and Jacob Were hurrying down Grand street to their respective places oi business, the former renewed inquiries, "I'd give fifty dollsrs if I knew the signs and 'Dsssword. If yon tell lue about the password ml (frip'.'l'il pprtittr tit ask ,tB,8il,ler, L Rtnnttl vrtfguit write "wmvnt -Mmrmrf now, jacow -you va.Anowa. ina atuce 1 was a boT j and -yon -ought to be aware that if I am a tittle etrrious never Irlab.- Will you-tell me I Purely you don't doubt your nla school feltow f Out with the password, and I promise iltnt TB- ' mum' at irwtrnw Were it not for, the aake. o(ld-.irisndskrB, iteob would tiavt long before put an end to uctr imperii nvrjjt queries btit having failed to do so the inquisitive Ralph imagined that he would at last be success! ul In ; "pumping" his llasooic friend. - : . When Ralph bad completed his last Sentence, which was spoken in a loud toue, Jacob turned his head, thinking that the words Blight have been overheard by a gentleman who happened to tie walking behind them. : - This gentleman proved to be a lr. Hinslow, who a lew weeks before had been dismissed from bit position as keeper in the B - Hos- t ZZT lierwinallf "pnarnnaintT'd with Mr-tHnMo. - .,. .;'! fiftkm-w wn by- sight t hp had been po nled out.ti' him, "T a memter til tne common Coun cil, of whi a body Jaeob was also at th it tune : av metftbet . . . . . , Tne charges sanirnt Mr. Hinslow had not yet - " lea proved j but a ejiinniittre of the-Common '' CouiK il was to enquire into the ease at an early day, and Jacob had neen spKtDt a member . of that committee: """ The last Question nronounded bv Ralnh an- - - rtnd Jacob, and as be turned hia eyes and be held the man who had stolen thewoona, an idea ( itumed.atf' filtered his mind fe wnceived an admirsMr plan fr tmnisbincKalph, sad aolvetl to inmsntly put it in execution. "If I tell yoa the )sworl,". iaid JutxAn par posoly Blackening hit pace to a11uw,Mr. Hiualow to put before tliem, "if I tell you Ilia Maaonic paaaword, you promise never fo diwilge it not even to a, brother t" . . ' 'Jeer T' exclaimed Ralph, exulting, tliiuk. ing that at last bit curiosity wa to he aatintled, lTpon your noul, your twemr it f "I'pon my oul, 1 iwer it !" responded Kill pit, 3a 1m put hi. hand to hit face and acratched hit line to bide ktniite. By thin time Mr. llinslow had pasaed oa he fire thfni,liiyiiij Ralph and Jacob about three yarda lieliiiid. "You'll aeuer utter It, in tha hearing of jnan, woman or ttraatf" ked Jacoh.'- : , ' By the great God, I solemnly awear H "I think that I can trust you. Well, Ralph, t am admit to make known to yott one. of the (treat secrets of Masonry. When you wish to form the acquaintance oi a Mason, all you have the acquaints to do ia' to whUircr in his ear the mysterious password. That password is spoons !" "fyiooris ! O that , lie P ejaculated Ralph, as a smile on his fnce! was displaced by a trown. "I ttfll you truly tlie Masonic password is lS)OOIIS.' ' . "Spoons I Us f lin ! ha V and Ralph made a leelile attempt to laugh. "Spoons ! that's I h 1 ot a password Yoa must think I'm a con founded fool." : . "I'm in earnest, Ralph.. When Masons get into difficulty, ami need assistance, they roar, out the word tpaoni three times. Were you to say 'spoons' throe times, even here, on the public street, and a Mason should hear you, he would immfdiately rush to your assistance, thinking that you needed it." Ralph did not belieye him ; and to show that he could not be so easily gyMed, he roared out at the top of his Toice 8poons t Hpoons ! Spoons r i Ere the second syllable had passed his mouth, Mr. Ifinslow turned round and laced Ralph. YngTtd'-'tpTlrfo, ilkr twt-t aka - that, aniT that r " As he sp..gB, IHnstow "track Ralph liei ween the eyes, and then under the car, the seeoad blow littins; the inqusitive man off his fiiet, so that lie Statrjrered and fell to the paye mrnt. comnletelT stunned. - ' 'I'll Rive you spoons I" roared the excited Hinslow, as he advanced and repeatedly kick ed the prostrate man. ' , - As KiitptrTnade wo fT.trt to- rise, the euranid Hinslow soon tired ot kicking him. and slowly paused on, occaxloiiatly looking behind to see if Ralph were following to obtain satisfaction. Rnlpti did not riiire satist'sction, thinking he mitrht tret too much of it so he prudently postponed returning tri winsciousncws-ontil his enemy bad disappeared. Ashe ruse to his feet he said to Jacob.jo a suMued tone, "Why did that man strike me " Yoit uttered the Masonic password, but emild not nwrpond to the untnritn' He Is a Mason; and, as he is solemnly bound to do, immediately answered the password by making the omintorilfrn with hie hand.- Yoo were una ule to annwer 'his countersign, and for that reason he knew you to I dendeeline Mason a man who had learned the seoreta in an im proper wav. Therefore, It wn his duty to chae tise you. Your lite may tie forfeited tor that indi'prerion.1 t Ky life I By the great Jehorsh, I thanight you were nnlyxhumliugiting me when yo said tlfnt :apimna was tho password." Hh-h h 1 Beware 1" said Jacob, putting his hand to Raton's mouth. "Never utter that word again. Masons are ubiquitous, and you might i lose vonr life. As it is, you are in danger; for , all the lodges in the tlty" will be immediately convoked t adopt measure that may discover who has Iwtrsyed them. My life, as well as youra, is la' )pardy, Iromie trie that you will never sgain utter tha password." -'And aosiMions is the password !" Ralph was , at iatoavuiced that his old triend had been telling the truth." " Well may I be broiled on a Masonic gridiron, and turned over with a red hot trowel, if ever I halloo spoons again I" Ralph has most religtonsly kept bis -word. Should be need a spoon while at tablet he now asks his wile for a "sugar shovel," rearing tnat It lie mentioned the proper name of the article, some puitnacious member ot the mystif brother hood might nwponn to me BiaairapaBwm. lSAlLui "liiuKAltCS COMPANY, Over $1,000,000 Asact. ' ANOLiyCOMPASYTUAT HAS LIVED TH BOUGH AccsEnmos ksv fim iivr.n had," , CAKE OF UTIOATIUM. GLAIM.Svoaroottdenee, and offr verr uidu.-e-nuatiiUiainaien esn du.'iale to tbiwe who wub to pffivulo a cwrtauiLT fr Irrfed nwtT:-.r.. ,w . . Hslf note and half cash Ihr premium and pririli'gs to travel or reahte ui any part of the United tats OUJECTIOS L , H too km ; I a T arvoau rr. U UU at S l"0 H t u Bttve trn wim' Tw-w-.w.-r..i. perwe-a, atttwuau tuj jnutfa ilf tin. or iuuporlD'tt- atrnr at ulllr aim " should yon tie taken away by death, hiiw biUrlvpner tvwiU strike booVe to r'onf widow fMetiiioreit, or those dependent on yoa I Is it out worth a struggle to avoid t... nd gua mam.aa.lem llLii hv paying s i , OBJECTION I m huii mvi-a!r4 tayjrtrivl a.f (.sy at a4ntmttoktuemuttkuig to Lt villi . . AXS-WXB. ' WiD vonr friends amtertalie to provide ft those yon tears behind, is case von do no bvf Ions; eiioagh to eave nouey? Aek tuera, aad he guiied by liisir answer. ..., . . OBJECTION 1 I ena't wlrs up ray a-tind ea3 a-jatn. 1 AXHWEK. ' , ' Tonr other ohjectinns have beea answered. . I ap veai Ufpmr nwn ttiijim sense tf; jii".wor thu juar.-rf, s-M if - --jmia Hiii lltife HEeMM leu'aV v,ur ' Sr.xlniie is so ohrrsia sS Life. Ko-?u:---Xo pttrrmm te r-rr-t ti.ftt- hy eowtmet noon the duration of vourl.if. whh-h is bos ttnmeuiass. . .. j wWliBetttiMBeiMe.(Jllirt'.'4S !. JMfc 1 L-r-mr- Oen'l A?imt for KoriB CaroIiia at Baluib, H. C Jan Mtw-lai " f Toilet ftnapa, Detnnleent and 'i-lisbijug Soap for Foiialuug Buver; linuuuua and Im viare. i luJam. JOKES A CO. Tob 1 1-158-tf . ... wtsjIsswieOrooera. ttlLEIVlI A S D 6ASTOS U A 1 1- 1ST not.. IT Tliroanh Tre Isilit TarJIT. NOKTn AND 'SOUTH. ' BT TEE AIBTirSE EOUtE I WE are aw 9reiared to ulup all kittii if F)ei! t thnisgk A Km tk. 'Philadelphia! H'wi. and Baltiuxtre, urn thrnugk bill. uS ladies', giving through receipts, at the kxerat ne. THIS IS TIIK LIVi: IOU hllll- I'KHs. ., t Tosjoodt win be Handled only Once. Throiwk e-aueLkiHieUM. n delay, time and nease tie thsq 0 r any other mule Iuurwe trilling, eotnilrtreil' wnn unicr n'nie. inu m ,, from thrlmuhia. H.C. aal all iiitermmlisie .laltoaa wu h more proinptaeM aed dinpalch ihu any bsprmoi Uowipauy ai ahoat uoe himtuioe ewt. - . r TAKE SOTICB. Ptr4nna'ptppiag gtnt goats will ehtp tlirotih l 'ohnwi ng ageut. and toy the tot jowing " oauiimI Mi4itt ship Jipuis aud u u'ier. . VhhH X kw Toa, '..tv. By the AlUetia OuattlMall Mtoam i t'-i.. l.ivti.g loa '" A Ci), asi-nu.ini, hrt l.uwiiy rWd,i'r a Norih Kirur N. V. , , F.) ItAi.tia hi, By the H.lton.ire Hte.ro paeket Company. It IL ifark. .Keat. font uf Uui. Una -and Ui audi'. lute ef Mtesutera, 1 v. -v Psoa PlIIIAIItl'HH, By Ih Philadelphia and Nmfolk Ueniiivhlu C'l., AVeaua, Vbilsdnlphia- ,. , s Vko Botos, . . . . , mi o. tiyse ex ji., eveme Na.J4 N.Hih Ue'sware By the Hnatea aad Nis-folk 8ieamehip t' jkl. Hemp t!o , AKMils. eiiu H Lenirul n nan, Ciia.iifB vourmBKl. lii It H Aicl., P-.-rtKinonih Va, ssd (Jliy t'olnt titsxl. uomlTiit by t;e way wfl.iljr Pviat and P.lershurc mum he maiked ('. B. ALT.KX, Krf iltht As't. K stt U. K. C". Dee. Mi ; - --vsrie. laH Ka'IMI tSXt Ai.THfU0H the bnsineaa" of "all Trade and Pro fessions hsve been eonsideieU t'n'h sniu llm cIims of the war, wmhave nivun a special credit to many of our friends snd I'strons, some of whom have fisid'ne nothing einee that time, and as we eaat at nrd to pay oali snd give unlimited etedit, .Una is to give not lue that uar atioounbi are uow reaiiv and that an ara eipeeied to call aud auitle ttie name without WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. DeelT-ltf ------ - - T Nt?HS Oil.. . A NOTnKll lot of that Kup.irioi FishOil Tor Taii'inre A; nae, just to hsnd. v 7 - WILLIAM A lIAYWOOa Dee 17-tf ' MEtiinS A!VI TOBACCO. "TTIS are in renetjit of k lot of SeRai-s Slid Chewing 1 V i idtaeeo that earrr on wim- ewe - WILUAUS ii IIAV WOOD, Dee 17-tf TARBUOrClI IIOI SK, I ilAIJUttll, t TH taking ehsr-e of this well known notel, I promise the nulille that It .hall be keit and conducted lit a style that will give kiitire satusfiu'tiou to us pati uns Slid (rneste. -' - " rhe HHMna have irttoeiitlr bon refumudietL and the entire houae thoroughly reuovsted. It W Uuiid all soinpariaou The best IIuu.se In the iuy, aad shall be kept in a style worthy of the hnwin. . ; w. a, iinuiu k, Kuv t-vi frojirh.lor. A Uare Chance for lnvtsimcut ! erlf Twenty per ?rat. Onnriuitcrcl. A LOT OK ABOUT ONE Af'UE, fYTTVfSn two DwelluiKe, one hsvinfr a larire kiihim and ail ueueasary nnt-borises, with ttardon welt stoukud wnji a cboloe eeluciitiii of K ruii TriHie, and produvoiK tliti best uf vegelabkitt. ' ho whole aitmirahly lovaii d, Will be auld for M.OOO. U will rent for over 1M, it tlie purchaser wiehee to rent it. . . , . . . ror lurmer narwcuiar., appiv m .! Jau 11 U JAiliia At. 'fOWLES, Aenl. klITHtl.'S SPKISOS fttttAl.i: l.HK, i , . t'll. ' -, aiiANvnxE co.. s. e.1 H'libln a haUT Mil of Ktttrt'll'i Iv pot, on ih Iialtd.I V Weldou Railroad. V -A. O U JL. T, Y.i 11EV. C. B. ItlPDlCK, mxftTVT- - - - Wnteeeor Utiles Ittre. REV. i. S. R. CLARKK, C'haidam, snd lVof. Mn. snd Mural HuiuSophy. KET, JObDl H 1L Kl MUCK, l'rif. Aue. liSnusgij.. WlU-'ltinrHAKitlUVK, A. at , 'rotor Mirsie and Mwiura I sngntai s 1H08. A. tlATCU, A. M., . . lrnf-mor Maihiontitirs and ualural bVwuef4. Hiss BE mi! A. 'I HACKS I'UN, HiRher F-nghxh end Aoslemie IXiipsrtment. MisK. Hi ISA THAI hsliiN, Ums MA11Y A, CX KSrNUllAir, .riii 1Iii AUAKDABIOKM, a Jln Mutrrtn. XmadiUa) 0Duarla.Mit; ' TUiM. C. HIXLif, It Os, t T)i Fall Bewifio of ihw liitfUttiwm rkw.l iirJ. tint oT Deibr. lift prlutt Hemmm tl. hL Wrlijtijf to Januwry, ai will oryutiutit wwJui. i 1 b raccwBi frf Utut m:hiul 1m bmta wiimt j.rnJ 11. Aft iKuMinn' haVav ) wt vjwwn tM jutst tl , bv mhx ti a lrK niLLiinusi leuuiu-ty chui be mGetmimtibrd. art if UrnmHl Ut Hwkt; out p.ijtlm an oui(tj tale M they an b maj anVwlwr, and to atl'ird Uinn all thu adv'fctiuwe for ft ti'fiiyh ftrni eivttwrft dtvrt(iri( that cvu b ftftad M ay fin ffhum Ynnbtes Luii;r iL b-K &;iiiU w unwi iii t'uuti.ii iun ii . k watxmt kx H fitter firm.- "sXf-r UAtiizmil i tiyit:iim m tu tut, mm vu wtol.fi iiu- Oiy'i-tf Vtlr ir irTWi fcrf, - 1 De vmnfT alt wirrnhif in the 0-.!!( Cbtt Ut of tirtu pamds can $tt 0 fmrceaUvJ but trtttw 0jfmiu4 tricurtqd by lewting to jijirLi u$ t:hmMM Jew piiird tn etttfS ot tr we, 1 tuji Iimtjtud'tn la cfTti.nJy rVmtiira IHattMk. tomidem, it wttw um man mutx mr.c fi.ntDDUX 1IIULICAL JtCCOUDER PUBLISHING HOUSE IIUFHAM & -nTJQIIES, COOK AXU J03 PEINTEHS. - Haying ni.de large additions to our ; HOOK AND JOIITYPE, , W e are prepared to du all kind, of BOOS A3TD KXWSPirSS rJUXTIXQ Promptly and in Oie best style of the set. eiRPRl.VTI.1U rKEss sre ilf the best rssniifaotitre in tho world, (tintasms .-nwd by the Harpers, snd liisdnifi IMblisberS in N. I ,) Slid our fn-ilill.-. for d-miir irk of anv kiml at- III . j SIIOKTKST NOTICE nn Hie most KPAMONABLB TllRM. snd in SITE- ltlvlU rii Yt.K, ripisi to sny in the voniiU'r. y IJoiitraiits made for the pruitiiig ot Newefaiers and AU(SX1IM1, liliuika, Cberks, plain or eol.in J, Cards, ' -. Itllf Hi nds, Ilnd ltil)s, . ,- . . . , l'st-rs, . . , f Circulars, -.- ' . l-Hrr llcHds, Ar., An, , A, Ac, At the shortest aotioe and most reasonable prices. OKNAVKXrAL COLORED PRINTIXO " 1 TikMiiit all tastea. We sre prepared to"1 do anv kind of lettur-press printing' fiinn sn Invitation Csrd to a Itook or one iiMiuHsiid PK . supeihlioiinlv, eeoiiMiileallv and aat t.irl,ilv. 1(1 VlIAM A UtljHFH, . J 5 if , , , Kelul,n, K. 0. oxrttuo ixniLE acaoetiv. 1IKV. If. . HILti, rsisr,eit TlVffsi i-"!.'!! ojiens Tlinrwlsv, Stth. of Jsnnsry 1 The 'frnmpe will hw auti-d bj eomiietent awna Uiitsiit tlterhiltrinftdopartiiientii. All hills payable ui sdvaneo . . i . : Turns per mkhiou 0 . Jwuuly Woeka Board, eudii- aire uf VI awhun. Sim) Knirhsti Tniuon, - h ' ' 25 JiaiiKuaKeaesoii ' '' JO Aluniv aud use of liwtruuieiit, ... , as Contiugent Pes, . : f for CiriMilars srlilress, . 5.'. Itev. II, G. niLL,'"" " Jsn'J-Sswlni IrinoipaL A l'KOPOMTION. 't WHICH Yt)L A11K 1STKRKSTE0. IN Il'Itdl'O-E f"r the protection of Ilia eitisuns of Knl'd:h and siirroniidtnir country, susinst the im- poMiusi of ihnar aoH'slled Cixt Htorus.to fiiruieh each and evui' iittreon, liie JSewv Vurk lloet of any ffiMHls tiixy way aut In him; by Hue nutans tliuy can tell u.iu.w iu. are ijiu(( oue s 4vtea.ee fyisia prortt on them. - all ru fore iroins; to any' of thorn foat atnres sn l alh-i, and let lue give ' yon a memorandum ot Coat sW nf niv lfe st.k I win sell at euat but 1 have; (roods ttmi 1 will not aell in that way, and neit her will tump nii-mrniin who make ewdt s tfrnmatr annnt Sfltl WjK at IJost. . . .,i , .. ..; .-i - - A oine reliant in this plsos has pundissed his Ooods any disier tlisn I txniKht mine. Any sssertion to the einitrary w ft ; anil 1 will gnaranuie to Sell OixhIs low as any t 'out ii mo. All I sk is sn npimrtuii ity to prove tlie trutlif illness of this sssertion. , GKO. T. COOKE, , JsnlS-H-l-tf CATII1KTIC UI) ALTCIHTIVr. 7 .i . ILL8. KhmMllI'MU-IUiy THE r,Eh'f fHYNlCIANrt. l'llli'lj Vr.-talili). No Cshnuid in Uli'lll. Never tinpsi twins; taind with Oum Tula are perfeotljr ' P'H romil d-iiir the liiiw-ls, ami for tlie cure of lilll- miH r!Vux, jo'ii lit-eilaeiie, . CoimtitiaUon or Cose- tivtsnti&s,. Ja4uidmtv.iiulmeiior- l'ih, -JivefwHiie; Livnr I' et-4-e-K, lhrzill'MS, hies of Appetite, Mrk liiadai-ja. and all di-ese-s where s reliable Usthartie initdii.'.i(ie is repnr.d. ' ' : v' . lir W. 1'. Aluiitiit who has no siiporiiqr as a f'i'iyNi rinn in Noun i srohus, has exaiiniH.wl the formula by eoiii hthiiw ptliesre mails and highly rooomiminds u d. W. i. si set ss, thai distinRnisbsd Patriot- snd rinlt-rt,a-of rui-titoilrj in the I niverelly of isth t'dnfi.iia lute suuiy.f d tfioiij. and i-orlmVa 'that they iNtnts'ti no Jlitroiu-y or sny other mineral eotiNtitueut M-luit-ver. t .11 and iri l s f ircnlar. , . . l'i pai-i:,i and noid l.v . , - ' ' It. II.Mt'KIr.KM, ! ' "" v. Mstintai'tnriiut ('In mul, l'lbl-liO-tf r'hsivl Hill. N. fl. Jorealeiu Uk-liby WliJJUIrt A JtAYW(K)D. CATtVi;iX'rvJlTICK. - ... IUlt Fsruiiira, Lawyers and Mairislrstes. Call and ; gta copy. I'noe tX - 11 RAM SOX & FARRAR. Jan Sfi-MS-tf X AMi:iUCAAralOXL,4 .CIISINUr STREET, r. ir ... - ' - - ..w.i.j 111 iLit: 1.1111 A. 31, TilOlilllNOH, -Jnrtt. "ThoViktob. TflK niN;il4rI KrilOOLt - MS'RAirt'tll.l.sr, r. i. Stms nf inxtu&uiyi.i :1 nth. - ntn of in- in. it. n Ct.T,lt'AL, MATH' M tTli'At. snd iiIMHli:AL. Adilii-, - t :..i. w ii.iiiJi(5HAr. Jan 1-dwaswlm - . ! tt or tiii: mctii, I OOMS'U eluVKH. -TTtiroB sdiaiitijcr. f.s- CuokiMK f-w taye Faroi Ues. F.trai-he-t Hftph te. , , I. umjviji, ,'' l-'tf I'.-r Hsi A Lswia. h;i, r.T f..ti.(i.m will w ;,u x I i ..iii:iiv Li S'd-Apt. i Mi iieoip- auoa, in hou of liKiirnr Ui ill eel ate of fc. m. ; t.. l." "i i" I, ii. i : ...t i.- ui ei. i k l thflt hl l-r.-(f et bt Oil ll.UNi'il. JjU,t-o . , . iM;iJUjjiHi xai'.j k j r in.ua1? .It se .Ii T-i d of i.riia! l), will 1k. solj st Sd. lion on Halurdav let, yd. '.t hi. vai.t bllii.r.1 Tsbl 1-rlt llttlS need with Halle, CiM'S and Lhalk- nooiptete. ii eoet ansj, U-m than U iHoiilli. ag.., ana Will break a great bargain urivauly. ' JAMES M. TQWLE1, Jan Srt-143-tf . ' Anetioneer A CanC Men-bant ' - - r . C IIOOLS 1 OUTlI AMI kUl TH CAK01.I., ' 0.lt.. .T ' K r . Orphan or ConlrtiVratn Koldttaw . B F K K N t! Eti: ' "Oh.vwsu, tvt. tm. MIS M. A, M IU, m FAVOHAHLT KVOVY dunriK Ins war ae iuj 'h.-t-lu-r r rtead," m n )iX' il in b e aittiiipt to d-uiti a - ! tut ih orphan rhildren ol Soili.ti.l r4.ilth,-n. v,e nr.vieie tjlron triimiione fr tin. puri-M' x p wd la the baiHle ot soma kvuiWoi. n of Hi . ,"M- hi he afipeint ed by the Imvfii-ir. a i-t ihi me h..nt ehaU be to. eAU.-d ih eiiteOt.ie-t" piii , f i,, stuih. I corn- im-oil mm l.t; 1 !..- r-- . - f afc6i A i ,eje -n-- a . -. v i the iwuiotir t-rinrwui torn b-tn-. b.l'.Us p- iiiht revtard WAHE lUMlTOS." I concur with 0n. Hainplou m eommeniinis; the l.-rir.,oiI eiHerH-MO OI IS !.. lUIIS 10 tlW tavor altd patnm.Kn of the itenorona. liberal aud phdaiithrouie. M-r bie thas fr haa tarn b'Vtod tu st-ts of kisdnees and charity, snd she merits sueoess in her nuder tsking. ....... -,. 1 J. L. OIUl, foremor." "NTS'll or KotiB C.ROI its, Ktttiv Prr.STl1:KT, " VitLVwau, Ortubor Us, ssst, Miss I'.ms: I spiirm- of vtmr su.(,(ostion't sp point Mr. 11. 1 ab-K.y, of ( hanl.t.iu, ss lreaaurrr, to reeuivs the fund, and hold th.'m t the 1 .-in.le School )on are intereetmtr voui' lf to ee'aldieli for the edm-.timi of orphan Kirle. He a a Kwtlcm.n of hitt-h eliarsctrr. s-r-at nuiral wtirth. and enlovs ilia enild uoe of the pulilie. very ruejieotinliY, your olavhenl serysnL . i. L om." Mr. M.'KsVswsids the ofi'ice. Aft fi.r.,1. eeni to Kouih Csroli s niiMt lie sent to him, , " MARY AN'Jt lil'll', " Tne Prow.s's Ntosi. Urns, I'hsrleaUn, K C Jan. It, IW7. ( Iear Miks IH'it : - It will siford ma mnoh pleaeurs to serve as TresMirer ot the nrbool in i vVvmom, rt. (,'. for oduestmif Ooldiers' tb phsiis. lov bavs my bsst wishes in the undertaking. W lib rer.rd snd seteeni, Yours tmlv, T. I,. MeKAT, ' .i'resolenf J'eepie's jVotiomri Bonk." sttss liilie bin. the eo-nne ratios of all oeraieta t.i aid her In this euterjirwe uieduostesnd uiaks good ami Hv-i.li biiouMKiioa. am o.uiuuiius riusi ne peia to the Tressuiers sppolntid by the two tlovernats, Oov. Worth says : you oisy ridy.on tnv eo-oporsuon. Yoa ask bis to sppoiut some suitable pertains as Treasurers. I iiij-l tleo. W. Monleeal, ot llaleiuh; Vim. A. Wrujlit of WdnururUJi4 1'luUp A- NVdtv.iiT i ivuUuvilW; doli 1. Whitt.-d,Newiern; Jeaee 11 Mndeay, tlreeneleim'; I). A. Iiavis, riuiiKtmry : I. 0. t.ah, rialem ; 11. F. MwuuiUin, bUksuile L. W. tiewrv, Charlotte j Oen. Hubert Vanoe, Aalavilln. Trdthiir nmeesr deewd iaotber kwaliues, 1 will drviKiutie thsin. May you be siuxwiuifiil in Ikis. the nohhiet ehamr in the nee of tlis lienevoleuee tow hi.-h you hsve deuited your life, - Yoors very respeetrullv snd ttulv, Jon A id a.n wuit'lH, Feb J-U7-tf -, tvuetmor itf AoniA (irolwia. JjKKHH A11H1VAL8 UF iiMKA. " " ' '. " " sriinotiwuw, - . liLA.NK IKKIKH e., ' : ' IN ItKhAI VAIIIFTY. JA-H-lf - ,. UHA-VHtlN k, FAUIUB. T I sj C rmisoNsiKni-nrEDTii-roii", w nAVflAiAr. miiuetrstor of J. biuw'v, d-'d, will llnd Hh ir nutxa la tlie hauda of Ji-ltu (.. WJjiwu. A Cu '-ah '1 ic y wiD plnaas call on .th m unt tue atnl m e -,,i s. Jan 3(l-rit AdmV IJtAMlI.Y VU)Vi IS BACKS, kdJPI KlOR CHEW ' Uig Xoliaoeo, Mual and loril jnt n-.'ivd. jV'v-iA-lAM, JuM-..tOtr; - Jan 30-ltH-tf boh ssls Oroeers. Ilardtvaro at 1 1 I n t-ltevllli) Mrrt-1. DA Xiifrs Nails ssHorted froid 3 U ni d Horse and Mule Mines snd Hhoe Nslle. situ new, Bastard 'U and l(eHt. biade, shovels and tlardeii Kakes, With a general asatu tiiieut irf Hardware and Cat lery. ' j. imowv. Jlsn aWf-Hi With II uir A I.swis. . . t , 'A'HIC! -'r' - AMERICAN BITTERS.' Tha (.raat Southern Tonlv, ' AXI) TUK M(iT PALATABLK STOMACHIC I .tOR THE tTI!E OF PYSITPSIA. DIStlllljEHED . liwmoii, Flstiilency, Mlusraiau Dinmlation of tue Wood, buums l)oiiilaiits sruina; from a morbid eonditum of tho M.misth and il.je.le. An ltaut Tome in dcloliiatw' states of the btjrestive UrstsMs, or of ihs s.vaUnu (ruiierslly. ior iht. h.. of sppeine It is themoet whoiowime sn.i efl'wtiial 'l.nilf. iu the woilil. It strsiqrtherm nature and enable, ties system to triumph over disease. In wakeluiiiuna stieuded with trsiuurs slid utu-al nei toue deranesiuent. it le peculiarly sdnpt.'d, civiiik bu. nuih snd tone to tha nerves. To th -m-aiu Indies and laiuwo it is lnv.du-sl.le- and in i. t elitin-i.-r a i.,.-aiuu and aurt.t.aole i'oi.lc is wsutnd, Ihia ehould U- lew d. lr. Johuni.)l it. J.l$lln OI1S lf tile Illicit Sllimil lfitf and well known l'liyei.-iuus - in- lim lioi.iueru eiaum, testltlis bi lie r'.at vaoi.i, I..-.I.I. . m.liv ulie is kli.i bavetieen-ifreatty benied wv ',4 4, .11. tera., ,. , '; ..." IV. par. ,1 snJ I,-, . . It- 1! StL'MM.lut Mniira-;ni-( iin-i.ii ,1 Tebl lftl-lf " i b.i. Mi, I N t:. tut sale m Ilo'h by Ull.IJLt.H-i ; it I VVi.iIi, ": "t ciATA Tr:i r -' OlTli K X lUIi.lUHll CO, i (,vY niioea, A .' , Ju. ,4, in,;, l rtllESonli I ai-lyisi.,),,!. ,! i iiii 1 r. '''' b wmmvamMiMAtmlalvMii m ........ .1 s.tf T-p paid eemi auu.iaji,. . iximtiiiiun-jtViiHia s-l.li.-we.l , ths l"rel.lal will meet with prompt atu-iii.n , . t i-iI0., v nin, Jan 1A --tewliu " " - , .i T . .Id Malillartl-i (r. T -. I'or lirnt. , A T FLllLIC ACL1ION, O.S 1 HE It DAY OK j'l.vJsiiiiai-y lie., at the plaeo, f.nr tndvs HoiilU uf VlrfdfeH, the ArsLia.idautauon. -a lai JU C.-II.ki and &ra i'UtitiUioa. - - - . - Jan IJ Id. r . -Jratisiss at r !'. ,- - V'EIM:hilAV AXliTiaH tr nl'.MX08. hales of ar. v an-1 Staple Hrv Ock1b, Lsdies, (Kin tleuieu's, ( hihiiens Hhiwa, Ihuly made elirihuiK and S n at variety neeful snd taucy aiUclos, at Towlea An-Uos A Coniuneeioi. bale to eon'mien at 7 e'rUn-k. i JAXIu ML TuWI.K.1, . FtbHu-tf Anrthvtieer. VaT.it K. A A--l'iVI I.Sdi J, F. t r(iAI-JvVFsiUIJ,W-II. tti, trl r.,,,rH oniHt, ftt the t-.r.."r H I A -'. t IVth. aav ot V lii'i-I. l.f?. "i.e 7,.,i-l,.J ,-,,( (ifOSWi.iesof tlie l apilal ttto. k of the lx kvule Urn UifT Slid Alaiinfatrliti nt ijoiiirfta?. . r?ius svatl W'Hi ilj-e?ne- . - AI.I'.X. WAI RPlL r Tisrrrr T" - nvPAim t ii. - J. II. M Al.ki.lt Ieb-lht.7-tar iTkasstiruii A f(k)D Hl'PPLY, OP TiTk it) l Q"A r.ITT ' N. ' J. blt'ivvv, FcblS-ViMf - - With Burr A Iwia. , "soctiicuv tu:vvt:n 11 O O I HK I UTrj Irtttll sixs for Misw-s snd Children, Just received st O. T. COOKE OetlJ-if ' ' AMTHKH AMMIUli aV T. MII.Ka k LAIMEft BALMORAL 00ATB00TS. ' 4 .. . ... . ., ... K,0 ... ... . - Misses . v - " (Stwen, - - t bu-lrvus ' and two eases dtmhle sols and don his tapper sewssl boot a , UkA.'A.tAAJii,B. Ueoll-Uf 1 , , JOIIX W. 1IIASDALC, ATT0KXEV1XD COIXSEUOIIAT LAW !V'a., liar airect, rayflteillla W. C. AtrnX ATTRKD PltOMPTLT TO ALL BUBI.NF.Sfl II aimisMut to hiseare, I laliu. iHiileeled snvwhers in Kwlh Csrnlina, 1 ..' JaniM-tf ... ... ' r - OUgALK. yF-M.'H RAW 110NB PH08IJHATK AMD lTPF. efj I'hoephate of l.llne. adapted to sll ena and permarrently improve, the soil if, exeels l'eruvian Uuano- ta aetuiijc Clover, masee a heavier yield end atipej inr ijiialiiy of Cotton 'lohaeeo and Oram. Heciin ntrr la III nnme if orer smi fmtUwm s-Ae Aura tseJ (A is jW-lAliser, and hk it it is mavle uf pure raw Hone. A reasonable tun will be Kiven f. half the purnhaam monev. V L LL1AAI, J OS Ka 00. J M-t Wholesale (Iroeers. Tixi3 FA.mrisp, : . A raaisTnLT joikval, . , ' IlSVOTSft to i , .' , AirrlouKuro, Horticulture, "THK MECHANIC ARTS IIOUHGHOLl) KOONOJtV rCBlLVrEDAT niCHMOXl), T4., " ".Vai KLLIOTT A BlIIKLIf l. nmK rUIIUSHERS, dstermlnsd to esert sll their X eueriiius, look with euulidetios to the new year t. simh an iniiresse of patroii.se a. will snalde tlieia Ui siilargs Ui ueoTutiisas of las k'siusaa, and utaks it a still uiore dusu aids medium for adviii-users. btTswisirrioM. J he terms of sulisoripuon have heun made so low snd roaa. .liable ss tu plaos It within the rea.-h of all who may desire It ; and in view wf Uie (rreat Interests tibs served by sa eslenatvs cur etilaUim, we emiddeHtJy eapeut the UaMty eo-opera U'His of many in times sections of tlie oouiilry not uow supplied ;ltb a khn1 Aniiiiltural Journal, 'ltnjia or Huiwoaivrlus ux a ailiuie sunv ens year, a4.HU i i.rs ustes rrive eopiei one year for 118,00 : tea . enjni-a oue year for si,uu hiteeu oopiee oiea year t S..y,iA; twenty eupies one year for Stu,no; tw.-i.tv-flvs copies oue yeextur MMW, sad hugvr clubs ia the sauie proportion. - to aure Uie ailvantna of these liberal terms, ths plu lie uiset be eoiniduts at the uins of subscrip tion, ami Lue. money anf-oinpany uia oriee.- x - It ia n.'t required that u the siibeorilasrs to a club shall receive Ultt FAIlMI.U at one olhos. If neens sary It will b mailed uuil. r the dub arraiiKemeut ta as niauy dillerunl utdoi as there are aiihe.rilers to Uiseliib. tLUO'ff A i,iit,Lur), Jaa e tf ' ' llichiuouil, Vs. T ATrLLiui:.ci: oi i ici:. fntiE wnncrtinntw bavf. foiimfd a copaht- X nereliip under the Arm ot nr.i'it A llcsrtt, (r the purpoee of e.plviii(f J-.rm laihoiei-a slid Houae 8er vamast very riiaeoiianie rau.s -. '1 .hey are prepared to make oontraota for Fsnners, snd others who lure laborers Ihiimnh thorn, and to toward Jrm tlanda to any part ot Uie rttate, rntersee b'd by Hatl l(..ati and hteain lioal. eommuiiioaiiou. Thev will also atttmd to the eolleeiion of ..mvuimm The Kilting aud selling of Heal batata. They are y.mu tmicinners snd h.iie to he lih.n-ally palnniimii, aiel (H-oniwe their undivided aiuuilion ti all wliu letut Uum eervi,!!,-. - ... - . . . . They niny be found f..r the present at Mr. L. K. Ilwant'. More, whom tliuy wiU lei glstl to. see parti.-w having btiMineeawjfh thi'ni, . Taai Hrtraa to linn. Thus. Hreirft, L. K, Heart!, P. F. IWud, sml the leading ilureliauU sad bankers of Italmgh, . ' . " n. mi too, JauW-117 llil , uu.ui.Aurr. JIST BKCEIVLD! A UKAUTIFl'L LOT OK 1) LAIXiS, AMCHKS. 1'ni.VTR, - MhWL8, EXtlLIPH MEKIX09. t.l-.W Ti' AMI IIdTK hCAUI'la. 1'nots nmi ltfs, frvr alt 3cs, sriea ttntl 4'oiulillotia, " A 1,1., " At p.i.r. . lon er than liioee profeselnf te sell at seat, ut Ah' aaiu.fc (wills. Clival'? .IbW. .irij lnjily elss. ut-u. r. tLtiCibaL ,'iil lf . .Tiki m wiv.ric uns. ' mm,mmmHm Ii n..i iiii.ti .... my aioi.. a uave ruoeiveu a BSW as Sollnii'lit ..f ' iii ttvrn .- n-ASisELsni" 1 li.' I It, , , '""ss. BIIERTIKOSAND " " " ' BIIIKTOS. Ac, Ac. Which! srn rea.tr to .1 st a arrest roiWtion of funis, J wid sJen n.-ll rev entire etorsk af l-.u mint in', r e.hi-la i .. intiiiu 'of ALlMl'CA!, I-OI'LINM. r , . lU'EfiA FLANXF.LH, , UALMOUALi4c,a, Rvailr made ClcjtUiiif. ImxiIs and Khiie lui. Cspa, JJmbreliss Ac, Ae. ' 1 AT COST. Plssse sail and sue ths foods. J. llObl.NhAt'M, Ons door Wow Mr. L. E. Heart!, No 1 J yr-tte, yll'e Street. , ' - "KTrr" "ir-""" ' A nii.l. uiti. M t'rnetiifi At JV. the prfeiHiwRHj m iu O eerid Aa-.n.l.ly ia Kiuu'ii vi. lh e-f .rtiji .,- f n e I., ci ..no li.ta liiT-ft-to i-ieir: ii i v.. m l.'irrii mx r. nut y, i - prevent Al.-k fi.eo Itti.iti. j r,iv. ii, ll.oe.nl a N'i-k " lie. 'JI-tBWfrrr " sAV fASTUI 1MM1.1HAU1 V, A sitiistion by a Lsdr of rii.nee, as liiatrse tress ia KukIkIi, Kalneuiaiiee, 1 rsncb snd tU ru.li swnts of LekiiB. ., w Addiees, stating terms, ' ( .. j-. - 'V - atlas tr-rm Jsall-HWl ... JtnJk-ld,S.C, 7 ' X 7 ' : t. -: i r