-V 7 7 - I, i i i. 11:1.1., 7 i:i.. 32. ftaturduy i;-Hl, IVb. tf.l, IMIT. "I. . "i if - j 1 1 . ' v ;i T.:?fTIT" . .. . A Chat with the Agister." Loyalty it au active uri,m ii)l as well Las ira .aoa. lt.ttmwti.fi -tU-suUtua .Aiu-luxt. . brfc. lha.. ffovemia0ti!O'i' Lmtej?uiet.i,w j r? ' a lilinH to ruaTiVlGliliafiiaiS 'niF-Trre'f.is7T ' T vryaSSi J""Tt' f lid T The lo -raited Stat of" North Camlin bo wiit di-clr and tn'mifcxt rt actus! and U ut luv'e tor the stars - "Vaiibs .nuVtBiiiiriilJ iiimn utjlaasyjrflny of tlieir It i,-Imm lityUttr. 'j-- ; Tb) fail to Bol(w8 .jiHiW--W admit that loyalty i$ an. activ principle, and " that n"diniijifliii?TTiltI(OB.T)j' Tncohlennie itt of loyalty. Tbca r(f, -wbeoUenoeyHwjtert reverence and unrort. Now we accwtt tb proposition of the llegieter, to tlinar'W loyal man ia North Carolina smong the to-called reb els, to its fly disloyal, or,jrc mwJt .H plea... The "star and tripff w regard tb em blem simply of the" national overeignty,- W think respect fr due thai flag, but art incapabl of understanding how any one can "nmoilwt aa actual and bouest love for the tr and stripe," 'or how aucll manifestation cea afford any proper proof of true loyalty. We hare heard soldier and sailors (peak la teron of detotion and admiration of the "old flag," which we could not appelate, never having been either; but when wV heard of men, either soldier or tailors, fighting under that flag la defence , of the Constitution of the United Bute and the government, then we could understand and ap preciate tlieir loyalty. At other times w have siipoed that the emotions excited by the floating' of the flag, was simple enthusiasm ex cited by fts ocitlon, ; Hence, we conclude that there ! no sui h thing as msnifeting ' no actual and honest love for th and that the man who says be thus tore the flag 1 eim- " ply niistaken, if he ilo not tove and would not fight to defend and support the constitution of the United State'. - , ; i , ' -; -Now, In North srolina, there is. sn Innate, Inborn love, admiration and devotion to the principles of the Constitution of the United Wales, The "rebellion' fierce aa it was, did not extinguish that love among onr people. Hence the readme with which they returned to their fealty and fidelity to th government, when th results of the war convinced them, - that disunion was iinpssible.- Noar let the Register bring forward in good faith its ditlyal men. Where is the respectable man who doe not obey the law and the Constitution, who 'floe not renliiy y his taxes ia support of goT ernuient according to bia ability, and wboTtes" not repect the government end love the Con titmioaT ' To make admiration o( or real ai fiction fur a flug or for its stars and stripes, tet at, loyalty, would be demanding a mere ideal proof of loyalty, and which must always depend upon the' Tanciea or circumstances of men. A soldier or sailor who fought onder it, might foci aa siuotioa alcia to it, but to other it might be Impossible, But th principle of the Constitution and govifrnntent, whose sove reignty th flag represents, ar proper object of love and admiration. There is something tangible in them, and we- bold that no people In the Union are more devoted to these princi ple than the people of North Carolina, Sovereignty is not that attribute of the gov ernment that excites love and affection for lt. It may rxeitn admiration, reverence and fear, but not love. Display nf the Divine sovereign ty excite no love in mortal ; being. Wonder, admiration, awe aad fear ar excited, but no .totter fuel luv for Oiwl until ha appreciates the display of the Divine love, placability, , kindness, forgivenew or nieniy towards his err ing creature. Bolt is with Hovernmem to- ward the governed. Lore fra government,. yer m, is, tlnri fure, test of loyalty, uiiies it inelude obedience, Ac, since It ran only ex$t in the governed, when heU sutinlleil the Kv HtrnLnenlJojeJ4nr,'and shows mercy, kindness and forgiveness toward hiin, and lull protec tion. Tli Iltgitle?i Idea lnoysltyT therefore, totally at fault, ar 1 also its clap-trap about "conciliation." We have shown that iov to a government enn sot be excited by the display of its sovereignity or power, unless if power be displayed in acts ul lundu or priitwtl.M -Conci tifrHwn rxrttwrrwpnitent f lng in the recipient Human nature caunot fuel love or friendship towards any being or power who dins not exhibit Iov or friend ship toward it t and the Soothers people could not at heart feff love Vor those who had sought their destruction, until the strong party beguu to show pity, comnuswra .iloii hn 1 I. ver f.r thetn AniClhe hiwrv of tli Bout her people at tlnf close ol the wsr ailords a most striking illustration of the truth of this. - jtn.ilirm aien it Ilia Nf.rtlt rfl r"'rT hrartily disliked, listed, If yoo plesse, st the South, tltsn Mr. Seward, Mr. Orteley snd Tresidi'iit' Johnson, lint jiist so xsin as they lu gsn to , vinoe hutity, plarnWIity, snd a feeling of , ,cxt ftdence tow ards the' ol hern -oplv Ww Nchangwl the feeling 1, Arwl solt . Would ,hv been twrl the Congrt if 'that body had sliown anynpirtt of forlWiWiiee and Aiinlni-a .toward out people. Nay, mora, Tlie. only poaaibl way in which the KcMilicaa party can , ever secure the regard, co operation ami. sup port of the Southern pooplo, is by a change of its policy -towards us, and the exhibition ol a' kindl), lorjtving spirit, rt V Jt"ywt t !f'v :. Tfj:' P oith fi-o fives the lrtnpjr-wt prwd which any petode fn give, of tl if fi (inf!ii tu sbuuuuu lurvr, Jl hoalility to llin North. Hut the North, ha le B iuiplatiiMo uJ In-'ated all that W have r !i av as srloptin j ng jttfuf of inif stncvrity. r inrv. ft -thai North will not believe s ; bowesn we confule in itt Reading matter Will be found on th first ST. Liu.Keb. l-.Tb oiiu.p.poitl hi the Southern Keliel Aseoeiistion to tristnbote liie Iiiii.I raixed by the late fnir and by volnnta- er cirttrtiotniitUave maile vtaieuunii ormrir FriHit the ratimat It sppeara the Ms-iatin put Jnu piwewin' of the C4tumit- tee the sum total ii 'Itii.'aZS ZZT There has hre ditribute?i by the committee, irK-ludinir all tlie aoprooriauous made at each of .Jheit.mwtinKs.. an (fmegsie.arot"tof lOajt np-to the llHIi ot Pehrnary. IWli. T hi has iTiiNtHf.Nfe.rtfs'r.nrorsrifiTtiewie t j ir- gThisf T3,72rtUHiiippt . IJ.HOf NorHr CaRF hHS. : ,t.1i Sooth Carlii7,0i0.; lisMHiri I7.T78 : fieoririt4.24U :-AUiisuna 13,613 ; Ten- 1 lilHBfv,i;lAriili- -nnrt .glwst;ktw,,.iaU8Z4. Maryland fSOOO; t'l-wid; .?); Tens 1-100; Kentucky f73:;VThe general dialriUuluin by the ladies' Xociitive commit tee was 8,0H1. Hrpcrhaps proper, that we sbi the bv, for t he ioformti"n of our friends in Missouri, that if any portion of the above named f 1,085, has been sent to North Carolina, bo knowledge of It ha reached the Executive of the State, nor bavtf w seen any allusion to it in any portion of the State. Kditor Henliitfl. . ' . '7- X Th Blcs. The Kichinond DitpaUk take Ui positioo that although ilie blarx sre s!l en franchised who are SI yesrs of sge 4c , y the Sherman bill, that they never! htlin are not en titled to seat' In the State Convention, to -fx called. We do not see this as our eolempors;ryi doe. There is certainly no prohibition in the bill, and we bad come to the conclusion, that there is a good chance to elect l-out one thir.l of the delegate to the Convention suthorixed by t tie bill, from among onr black fopu;lation. There are a number of our colored friends in the State, whom many would prefer to those w ho have w h i te k i na bu t I lck hearts, QutliT. How much more adequate protec tion for life or property now exists in Tennes see, then in the ten other State placed under military rule by Mr, Sherman's bili? Cii any fene show that the state of- thing is one whit better, if half as good as in North Carolina f Or is it-because a good many more rebels are killed and mistreated in that State, than in th others f " N0ETH CAROLINA lEOISLATUE. SENATE. EVENING SESSION. . ., . . . . - . '- . FniiurV KeiTiJJ." The Senate . wu called M ordci at 7i PclocV, P.M. I'arixiisuKn ncsiME, IteatituttDn" relative Iti tha t ap Fear Naviga tion Company, passed its several roading. (This resolution authorize the so'icitor to commence . suits sgaist said Company.) Mr. Coward' resolution, on the subject of ad lournment. came np as unfinished bustnes. Sundry amendments Were offered. Pending its I eonsicleration tue itour arnveaxior the s-' ...WtClAI. OMilKJL jsi5SX4-' Bill SHthonilng the President and Director of the Western North Carolina Railroad Coin pany to put said mail under contract, came up. . On motion of Mr. Hall, it was amended. , Mr, Wilson tbn offered an amendment, which creaUtd considerable detate. Messrs, Avery, Leach, Hall, Covington, Gash and MeCorkle opposed tlie amendment. , i .Mr. M'ilaon ured it adoption. : Ti ietion recuirlng on the amendment, it was rejected, and the bili passed it several readmit. , x- '.. )n motion of Mr. Koonce'the rule were sus pended and the bill to convert th debt, due by the Atlantic and N. ('..Haitroad to the State, in to stock of said road, was tskci up, on its .'C ood reading.aiid 'rejected, -x Leave of stwence was granted Mr. Koonce, Senator from Jones. A .. On motion of Mr. Cow Its, the Senate adjourn d. , - i ' - 'i'- - 1 Mr. Cowan' name, instead of l r. Coward's, , ... .... , , the mover ol thea"ljoiriinienl reoluli.u J . SENATE. SATLHDAV Mt'ltMP.0', Vt ll. Sit. The Senate was railed to order at 10 o'tlink. Prayer by th Uer. Dr, Swede' of the Epi copal Church. , ... : : .,'iiV;f.u.,i THB FOLLOWIItO BILL WER ' BKP0UTEO OH FAVOR ARLt, Bill to incorporate the National Loan and Trout Company. ' ' :t ,'. , Hill to incorporate Crane Creek Lodge! i : ! Bill providing for the expenses of the Stat government and to pay the interest on the Stat debt. " - . Bill to amend tlie charter oJ. .tb. FyeUville 'hrce Kaiifoad Company. . u--'; ;.. Ill 1 1 for the rcliol ol executor and sdmim- trstora. ' i Bill to exchange a certain amount of stock in the N. C. K. to the Cheraw Kos.l. .t AOVBRSKI.T. " ,'.....?-( Bill to (lunate the tract of land kuowu a the I Cirrop Mangunrtract t the Wake rBjrWiirli Bill to reeal the militia laws of the State. 1 . McanMHMHrM "Airi nil I s TWiirirWW-lm netl ; 00 his motion the rule wsre suspended ami the mil passed it suvernl radlnB. - 1 In motion of sir. MH iirme. the rtilr wer suspended and the engrossed resolution in fa vor of Messrs Wilheis and Wliite, aaa takto up. and parsed its several rrmlilit. : 1 On mouon, of JJl. JldLLheaa, tus ruh wis suspended. and a resolution in lavor of Mrs. M. ry M.-Tmso, a takon Up anil pwwed it e v readinirs. . ,, : I - On motbMi of Mr. ButHe, the vote by whlKh the bill relative to the Atlantic A N. C. H. lCt ww h-jotitu vTniiiif, ws rnvoHatflvreil, - i . On motion of Mr. Jones, tl rah-s were su pemled snd the bilL authorizing' the County Court of Wake to bornVw money and issue bonds 'wm tmpntled and psaeit its tvirM reading. . . ON CALCMDAB. . ; I .... Itdsobilion in lavor vi Mrs. Tlieeesa 1V.-II. , UiU u4Mf.rxrnt the t harhrttf Wrrwnrtc fit?" iV. ' . , , IVnt 1,1 rrptnj ai I K-iuJUvti to tho UWhiii ton Toll HndLT Bttwiluiion ip favor of J. II. While, all of tt hreh "nmwerl trtitr scvt'inl TratTtngir' lh-oluttonia fnvor of Horace Ci P '-i "f Tatlkm Comity was rj. -cud on lU sw-ond wad- hi Bill to smend the charter of the N. CMtitual Lile Insurance Company was, 00 motion ol Mr. Wiirgins, laid op the tal!ei - ; ltosolittion in favor of J. A- Oi'nier, Jr., cain up. Some disc'ussioa ensued. Mwm. Ieaclt and Avery urged it passage. Mr. Love opposed "7 iJI"n-5!'rf t-JAaad thJtW Jfa. tqectsal, aye. ja, ay.i SPECIALOMbBK. Bill (o enable the W witern Ii!rtd Company to txtehd it Boad across th Nwth Car""0 Bail road to the Virginia line near ML Airy, Was taken up,. - M ryWiggin united tor amurid by striking tlie ant and 4th section or ttie MIl.jNot agreea to jp,iWnlion recntrinu on th ftasaitexif.th bilMtieaTi-i n(j jujl were called nnd the bill paxu-d by" a iite"J)f 23ToTff. ""T' 'P ' Bid to amend the charter .ofibe W: 'Mutual A ir loouramw l.ofijpiiiiy. Ljii.1 in tUa tahlSj. "Ptff 'ijweresise 6iti;gtntaf'attsdc'rit the ttar: eitdnn-liridge Cmpaiiy pard tta aevcriri rd; tugs. . .. " ttiil lo rerive sed sttieiid "the "charter "ot ilh Sheitty and Broad Utver Uailruad Company. Mr. H iufia,-tf Ho therftn-d. mo ved ttrnndefhr nite postponement. Not axreedto. ',' .. The juemioB ret urrtnge ibe paaaK of the fiUl, on motion of Mr. IIrri ol Hutliertord, the syes-afnnSys a ere called ad the bill was rejected by 23 to 7. . . Kill lo incorporate th Trustee of, the Lowell Colored School SoeUoy 1 User i'onaty of Wash ington, passed its several readings, - Bill , to Incorporate Lodge, No. Mil in the County cf pn d Hr several reading, i 'I le totitiwitrg-biiisand Toartlution csme np and penwd tlieir several resdings, vi : ' Bi II lo iuonrporat tlie Trustees of Table Koi k Seminary in the. County of' Burke. t ,. I!. II u iueorptiraie vbe Wiiiniiigtaa Iuatttute. ..-Biti to incorporate" the I haiutwr ol Commerce in the ;ity of Wilmington. ( . Bill to incorporate the Wiluiingtoo. Manufae turiiig Company. . , ( Bill to iocorporste th Wadesbore' Savings IllHtiltlti.ltl. ' i. " Bill to liicorporate Black Kock Lodi No. 1 35 in the-Cwuntv of Branswirk. u , : ' Bill to incorporate the Town Fork Coal and Petroleum Company. Bill to Incorporate th Olivia Quicksilver MI ning Company. Bill to amend the charter of the town of Jef ferson. Bill to incorporate the North Carolina Orphan Asylum, near Charlotte. I Bill to amend the Charter of the Olio High School. - ' . Bill to inatfporate Centre Hill Lodg JSn.. 280, in the county ol Chowan. , - . . . Itesolution in favor of llorton "S. Itaevca. The bill suthoriiing th formctien of the English and American Wool snd Viu growing Manufacture and Agiioulturs! Association of the Coiled State was, on motion of Mr. Clark, referred to tne Committee on Corporations Bill to incorporate the Charlotte Mercbanfa and Planter's Benefit Association was, on motion of Mr. Clark Jaid on the table. A message was received from the Ilnose pro- nnatno lo reaplnd th loint nrtlrT rslativs fen night aessTori w fFa to-ilglit whcerned Concurred in. On motion of Mr. Wlggln,"th Scnat ad journed until Monday morning. .:i '...!.. .V Satobpat, Fbl Mrd. The Houm met at 10 o'clock, A. M. Mr. Kenan in the Chair. ' Prayer by Rev. Dr, Smede of the Episcopal Church. Mr. McKsyifoMlie" Judiciary CQmmlttee, re Brtel s substitute tor "the Kill tA diminish the cost of equity sale for partition, between joint tenant ana tenant In common." This sulistl tute was adopted and then panned it second nd third readings under a suspension of the rule. '''''",' Mr. Whitfield, from the Mine, committee re ported back "the bid to regulate awilgnments ami protect creditors, wttn a recommendation that it do not pass. The tVroruittee, while they did not believe the bill unconstitutional, dwined it passage Inexpedient. On motion of Mr. Whitaeld, this bill was WJe a order for Monday- next . ADJOliUNKKNT. ''- ' Mr. May introduced a resolution that the tienei id Assembly adjourn on the 4th of March, to mevt agidn on the 2nd Tuesday in August 'next. "" ' ' '' '''.- ' Mi. Lowe offered a sotistitute proposing tint du adiourumeot on the 4tlt of March, Mr. Hlair moved to amend tne amendment tiy ...I-L..,,1., tt.m JtH nf Uixh tliSHlhin I BfllVHIUIIIIK I'l UV M. .... , wwtw luwm I ' -f iqutio, question recurring on Mr. Lowe's substi- tHisMjAntry moved to menilby providing for n adlournment on the 41H of Marco to meet Attsin on the Snd Mondav In -October. iTtiiM amendment was withdrawn after dis cussion, and the question recurring on the sub stilute which propose tint dis adjournment on th 4th of March, it waa adopted, Yea 19, Nay 1. The resolution, as amended, waa then adopted. '' A bill to amend the charter of th Howard Oap Turnpike Road, passed its several reading. Air. Daniel introduced a bill tor the relief of Jamr Snow, Sheriff of Halifax county, passed it several reading. ' 's '. Mr, Ueaslev was allowed to record his vote in tvrar -of -the-Wlf -nbolisbing Huprisoement for .4 iU-j '.rifijOI .rntVATB CALESOAB. . The following bill passed thKir second and third reading, vit : ' To incorporate th Amer ican Industrial Association xif North Carolina. To incorporate th American Agricultural and Mioerul Company.' To Incorporate th Wil tniiigton Hook snd Ladder Com psny. To in corporate ilecklenburg Fe.malVu"l ror the better regulation of tlie Western Turnpike, To etery, t tfi county ot t uiuoerland. loincor porate the town of Frank I ins vide, Randolph jminty. , To ' incorporstn EUinboro' Medical College! Tiilncorporate-thvKaleigh Memorial As-ocistion. To amend th. chaiier ot Jlilla boro' Military Acsdemy. for the relief of the Trprescntarivr of B. F. Bagtey.-ratn Sheriff of l'i rquiniABS County. To authorixe ,th sale of the iVcailVuiy. Tot to the .town of Elixalwth City. A resolution in favor of William Tat terson paswiil secoiid and third reatlioK. .- . A niolulion in favor isf Charles Byrd, Sheriff of Vaiwey, and bill to incorporate Cleavelarid Mioernl Sprinirs, were laid oa the table, - A lull to tncorjvirste the N. C Iteout AssocJ. ation, Waa liiiU HiiinBly postponed. 1 A, - An engrossed bill to autliorix Wake county Curt to Isirrow money, passed it several resil ing ' - . :s::A''wroaaaf-lHll to amend the Charter of .iiMsiluiU'U iu KhiUoitui ttwiprs liar iaki- gisll'tl Lil"Ji bd Ihwr lt,Jfea..liur. Aa eliuniiawd bill lo reiieal an act smendin --THt tT.HrtiT-nt the Washington TfiflrlTrnTge (jimpsny passed ns i-everal readings. m ok calc.noab. -;'" -TiilTRrinTCmtrirr-ChT CiKle.; a bin to provide tfor th oollectloa and payment into the Treasury oMh moneys due liy pnyinspstients in the lnsaneVsylum ; a bill t iueOrporate the Hlstoa Annual Conference of tiie Methodist Episcopal Church, South; a bill to autUoruc consolidation of funds of th lJi.!tilibjJh4rytiersa "i9' purposes, a to.utho'nzTtftuIfy cupenor voima loaentiaoe cnoima's to work on the public roada, passed Snd ami Srd read n- .?- ;'? - A bill to to tax fire nrin,' when iiot ued Xr military purposes, was jaid on the t abb A resolution to tnjf'ttieTegainy ortue cot- Aoh tax, passed second reading, tod the Htome f 4 (Mr. IteaevViBsme wssottefjronjtha vijrm-l trnui Honday 10 o'clock Teal ana nays, oa tlie bill puniahinir horse' swaJtng sritb death, Mr. Beaalrr voted egntt the biltl - .: - - : .. .. .. ..tf.: .:..."r..ltr, BhBmnn'iJ ItstMlosliiiji; W'sj wimt't!iiy' ' iif Th tSifttS utsu substitute a it passed both lionses, aa w And it in onr exchange '"""'".-'Tt"-. n here no legal State government or a.le qntl protecfioa for lite or projierty now exists in the rell States of Virginia; North C'arolioa, South Carolina, Georgia; Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, sad Arksnsas; and wbereas tt fs neoessary that peace and good .or der should he enforced in said State until loval and republican State governinent can be legally wB-wwini j miTTeiore ; t;, ,. "i,., i I Biti emust-td by Htmitt and JIouu of Jlt ravsMsw (is l'Hitd HUittt ' Anutrkl in VoKgrtM emMtd, That said reM Statt shall be divided into military " "district,' " and made subject to the military uth.irity ol the laited States, sa hereinafter preacrilwd, and for. that purpose Vfrgiula shall eoustitute the first dis trict; North Carolina and South tr.Wina the second district j Georgia, Alatms, ami Florid the third district; MmmsMppi nl Arkansas the fourth district '; and Louisiana and Texas the fifth district. J v - Bkcti.m . And it it furthtr enneted. That U shall be th duty of the President, to assign to th command ol each of said rl iilri"tii Kn nlllivr of th army not below the rank ttt briifsdier- general, and to detail a ufficient military force to enable such officer to perform hi dutie snd enforoe hi suthority within the district to which he is swigned. Sac. 8. And it U further mncUd, That It shall be the duty of each officer nssigned as aloreaaid to protect nil person in their right of person and property, to suppress insurrection, disorder and violence, and to punish, or cause to' be punished, all disturbers of tit public pence, and criminals; and to this end he may altow local civil tribunal to take jurisdiction of and to try offender; or, when in bia judg ment it nay be sstcesasu-y for the trial of offen ders, be shtll bare power to organize military commission or tribunate for that purpose ; and all interference onder color of State authority with th exercise of mintary-ambority nndcr this act shall be null and void,. . Sto, 4. And it it further enacted. That all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act shall b tried without unnecessary de lay, sou no cruel or unusual punishment alis!l rTtfifltCTSTTTinrBO aentehce of nny roilitary commission or tribunal hereby suthorixed. at- feeling the Ufa or liberty of any pers.10,. shall be executed until it is approved by the officer in com m and Trf-the dtatrtct y nd;ttie laws anii regulation for the government of the army shall not b affected by this set except in" so tar as tbey conflict with it provision ; Jnitided, That no sentence of death nadar the provisions of this set, (ball be carried into effect without the approval of the Pfeeident. i , Sko. S And It it further tinted. That when the people of any one of said rebel States shall have formed a constitutional (rnronimwt in con formity With th ConsritUtioiT of Ibe United State in all respects, I ranted by a convention of deh'gate elected by tba male oitizen if said Hut twenty one year old and upward, of what r vimwi. color, or Drevkius enndii 1011. who. Iivm been resident in aaid State for one year previous- to tli day 01 sucb election, except suoh as may be disfranchised lor participation in the retiei lion or tor felony at common haw 1 and when such constitntioo shall provide that the elect ive franchise shall he enjoyed by all such persons a have th qualifications herein stated tor election of delegate: and when said constitution shall b ratified by a majority of the persons voting on to question or ratiQcation, who are qnalihed alector for delegate, and when such consti tution shall have been submitted to Congress for examination and approval, and Congress shall have approved the same, snd when said State, by a vote of it Legislature slectsq umler said Constitution, shall have adopted th amend ment to the Constitution of th United States, tiroDOsed bv the Thirty ninth Concuss. ' and Lhaown as, art h;l iotirt wen , and when aaid sui- cl shell bav become part of the Constitution of the United States, said State hll be de clared entitled lo representation in Congress, and aenator aad representatives shall be ad mi t ted therefrom on their taking the i oath pre scribed by law, and then and thereafter the pre ceding sections of this bill shall be- inoperative ia said State : Prttided, That no person exclu ded front the privilege of holding nflh? bf laid proposetl amendment to th Constitution of th United State shall be eligible to election ss s member of th convention to frame- a Constitu tion for any of ssid rebel States, nor shall Bay such person vote for members of said 'conven tion. . v 1 '. .. Sua, t.indtit it further tnaeted, Xbat until th people of said rebel States shall be by law admitted to representatrntr in thnlCrjWgress of tna'CawafTfJWea. aa-ial-fTarnments whh may exist thtrein shall be deemed provisional only, and in all respect subject to the paramount authority of th United State at anytime to abolish, modify, control, or supercede the same ; and ia all election to any cities under such pro visional governments all person shall be enti tled to vote, ami none other, who are entitled in vote ander the provision ot the Sth section ot this act ; and no x"'oii ahill .4a7gil-jfo; auj snrrruudti1 my iijw'iiriiiisixuwi' govM meats, who would be disqualiSrid from holdinn otflca ander the provisions of the 3rd. arttcl pi' said constitutional amendment, y- W also ppend the third section of the Howard amendment hich i necessary to a proper Interpretation of the slmve actV. Sac." 8. No berson shall be a -Senator or re presentative ia. Congress, . of elector f lrf;i. dent and Vice President, or bold any otlior. civil or military, ander th: Unite d State or under any Mate, who, having previously taken an oath a a menibe-tJingrss, or as a mem ber of any ButaLcgislatui ure, or as an ofB of the United State. a sa exeutire or judicial officer of any State, to (opporl the Vonstitutnn ol tne Lntied Mate shall e engaged IB insurrecttoa or rvlielliuii agaitiat ten same, or given aid and emulort to tba enewie .llierrof. Birt Omgress may,. by vnte nf tw third of nt.lt li rtBsiv twmrti turb (tTl.'tti - li PiuaosV Adiy or taa aiuts two UA'tr from the OHiolrv, on a shopimitt ei-ur-ion t, (Tie cilf, fTroppiiii? Into K hardware atore, w Wrr I agriculttiral iiiipHm-nts were iold. They ad ' been reatlum Hie advertisement anj innocently aTd was rather late In the season f r the article, sod b hd sold ill of his stork: TT. larliA looked at each other, wonderingly, and w bistkmi laughingly, when one tnrnetl to the storekeeper 1 and remarked I "0ttf s-sssa, tkemeht Mitt ' 01 swr away tentim ! 'JteiUgmerf ittaii.. Tram ihs W""' tk-nioc-iat.' 6ood Suggestion. Wh. Yatx WUh your preroissioh I desli to ail thtatteation of onr farmers, and t-veny the cvriauiof onr town arid villages, to tb alliftemta Li the l ulliratioa ot all Hie varieties of lio truilsi and a 0 leason tiir trsnsTdant injr is" now near at band, and the iroportsninl d port sots' Ij !'lhe n(jrtsMHlpwjMrixn ciatetl 11 v our Jieoplethe Sace occupied by this ly notr-be entirgty fust upon your Tea- article uiy tiers; lUtLuldoubt that Mi. great aadion of our day herein the South, bow to secure the MM pwratabre teid '"W tin :tb ieaaTiblbor. "i baMtHt a the mteratteu id otir cdton-d iipt iation l'ruai this point to the South sml Wrst at th present time, it tri,ke me ritnt the dy tor raising cotton profitably, orto any treat extent. j.in our Uiitude baa passed awsjr aad it bccoin- e tiie men, snd women too, who feel sn inter est in tlie future growth and prosperity of our fdcarnld StateJo look arooml snd eee if with the larxir of one or two bands properly diver! fled, tlwy Bi ay not Iwi made to secBr a great a return as doutile the number ander our tif sys tem of labor... .,' ' , .-'..'' '"-' : Now I propose to demonstrate that there is no crop cultivatid by our farmers, which, for the time, attention and , land required, wit equal truit in cbeapues of production and rw:i ne ! yield. 1 alee for instance tea aorvs sppie tree, waicn axtt Uitry ) tit apart will give tjliy (10) trees per acre, or SOif trees on the tea seres. Alter the filth or sixth year, and for a year or two longer, it would be sate to cal culat upon an average of two bushels per tree snd after, say eight years, five bushel per tre which, at one dollar ptNyrthel, and five bush el per tree, would be twenty five bushel. 01 a.t)0 tb return for tea .acre. But if it is objected that tb yield will not average five hiudicla, then take balf that amotfnt, snd it 11230. Now what other ten acres of tba farm in ordinary crops, with the utmost car and labor, -will render such a profitable return Next. I will take ten acre in Peach traee planted 1 leet apart each, way (every good ditance lor Peaches) will be 150 tree per acre, or 1500 00 the ten acres, which, after the fourth year, win yieia an average or one bushel per iree uiteen nunaroa DUStiel S.t flOU f IB00, oa tea acres oevotea to rescues, inow admit- ting that we only realist a -eron everr-trther year, yei wim our laciiilie tor marketing all our surplus iruii, insteaa 01 one dollar per bushel, (the price rated at here,) shipped to tb Northern market, it would be safe to estimate the price at fly dollar per bushel after paying expense ror c-y cultivating mainly the early varietie, they could be marketed North withoat any competition except trom th State Sooth of this, so that five dollar per bushel would be a safe calculation, as the price never descend belosr that figure until th New Jersey market com nience sending their croj) iorwariL-- No y at mat price, 11 only a crop erst tiered every intra yesr n would oe an average ot one dollar 9 cents per bushel per annum, or at the . rat ot fiWtl per year from the ten acre in Peach Again, let u see what might be with safety expected trom ten acre In Orape Vine plan ted feet apart each way will give a few over 1300 vine per acre, or 18,000 to ten, acre, and after the fourth year aa average of 150 gallon ot grape jutce, lor making into wine, may M re lied on, wnicn ia 8300 gallon on th ten acre, worth in the Northern market $2 to 2 per gallon, with no more trouble to press than cider, and amounting at the lowest price ($3 per gallon) to $3,000 a tb return of ten acre properly planted in vine. , I have Intentionally put the yield low, for after the sixth or eighth year an acre ought in good aeaaona to give 5 to 800 gallons per acre, and this last result (800 gallons) has been realised ia Virginia, wlthou any extr oar or attention. The ground in th orchard, both ' Apple and reach, ought to be cultivated, until the trees shade so much that it will not pay. ia Corn Tobacco, Sweet or Irish Potatoes, or Peanuts th two last the beat and afterwards simply ploughed once or twice a year, not too near the trees and very sAallow, just to turn under the weeds, or they might be seeded down in grass in tne soove list 01 truii 1 nav not mention ed thepear, which ia now mora profitably cul tivated North, owing to the high price it com maiids, than perhap any other variety of orchard fruits; nor yet the smaller fruits, which, on account of their extremely profitable return! have been - made a rpecialty by many of the ' 1 wonnrm msnret gardener ; out Dave attempted 10 urew . suenuon 10 uiose named aa better known and in mora general nae in our section of tne state than others, wnich, though not so common, mignt by proper cultivation be render ed equally as profitable. .. , .. ,. , Your truly. ' : , .. . , . C.B.C. Soprema Court Opinion. Bt PaB0), C. 7. In Parker vs. Shsnnon nnnse, rrotn rerqnimon, error, to Bcott vs. Elliott, fnim Chatham, entr dt noun In State' v. Penland, from Buncombe, ttnire denoro. In Donnell v Donnell, ia- equity, from Guillord directing a reference to reform the renort. ' ,; - tlT BATTla, :T.a-T3 the State" vi McNanara!; TTnim Waahincrton. iudiment amrmed. In Car 1 my J(g..;:ji1ffft mjj Director of Wash ington Toll TffridgeXrbmnurypBMB judgment amrmed. ; In Little v. -Martin, from sleek lenburg. judgment reversed.. In Stand II vs. Branch, from Northampton, judgment re versed. In Roger r. Hintoa, in. Equity, from n - l . n 1 - ! . r id oiais -vs. oreraru, in euuT. .from VVM ' . I ' if r By Hbadb, J. In AasteT vs. Alderman, from tfnyfwttraiuwy7Wtr'yti overruled. h v , 1 AO BOXr.S MACT'I A- dammtms Candles, in 201 h Boies Also m 6lh. the trarlo. 0.-1 n-u PCLL1AU, JONES A CO. -"-V , i ; ; KCl . .it?, , , s . , CFItAPto clisw oaisu,'nmfht. ! t ; ,1 fUUUM, JONE8 a CO.i IW1) tf ,-. , , - I PRT in Unw trhriMmas ; Fin Taney Boorbnoa, p Lwiitm imn NH-ii in 1 1. PL'LLIAM, JONES ft COl ihir. U.tt , 1 H xa Ml Vih . V 5."iJ,m,.,X rt "Xjl"1 I""'" 1 I f r, "A-t a " n i.i.i.m. (iNi'.it a JlIM -1 I'd. iff WlM.!.jal ltrovh. MTI AS. SI. . I farl' tpts BtttV-s; f- Mr 1.V " --r-T . 'Pl'tJ.IAW Tonrrja ro 1 -fX-elW-tf- vt holmai Oroeer. w ANT ED .(W0 in Tans Fear Bank Botes an,) sismi i B..v sh C'arulins aotns. . . JPULUAM. J0XE8 k CO. , 1jlesais Giparai! I 1 rnriwi s . - All V ' A T T i w - -'. s--Zii-.;. -f-Ml ; ',-'."-'it''..CllatOls.'1: V1ST 'ivr-.-. ' 1 trn t JLTTKVD PIUWHTT v ' t - 1 1 L'ri.'bsiisaBkJ"l- leebian FsbZama ' '- 7; , j JL rtKURtinit tsii Hli " StST,.? ' T U)wirt;miiUioniirlTewiii.Hs' 1 will mat (hdn nWsr ihu pnm 2 . ' " "' s'tLm.UUMt ednrtsr next, from I u'olock Wl aiii - ( 1 - I- ' - - ' - --UWHW Brciciv sta-rsrsii!.) , .... r : , ' AT KUWeiD PBICE8 FOB cL , Huh, fallows, Kiaia, Shafts, i -,M ., 7 HpntiRa, A nl, Trio sod Cat-rise Holts. --...fb-aa IUH , - KtieuislM Cliah, sfnls fflrin aad Dash 1-tti i. ; sub mar aUuwarueU bskaaxtaw a. ih. rV ;, F.h J-Ul tf , uh Hast Ua, Jt'TCMli H0(atC. L-;- " mis nopals Boardina Boose, nosnUv leftJ . bow ooen tor iha aoauuunodaiioa at . u traiiaiuut boarders. Its moms ars uUaJuit well anpplied, anrranta SIlFullTa ud ,T KtHlerata. Memiiars of th Lsvi.Linr-,ii a. VT mil lin namforui of Hon. . . . """" ' Jau 10 Ins.; ... ..... ," . - .77 .: MaaM-AtriTs. FltESU ARKIVALOP "QUEES Ot TBH St-ri And other patterns of Hooking Htorea. hunUj wiut fuU swuiplsuisut of atsnaiia and lip. , tukiga, Jan 1 j-tf' , t. ; vnth Uan a0 FOB RE.T. THE House and Lot oa Hillabore at , knars ua "Uill psojNu-ty." 'mm appljto ' ' " " nj g'jOKE I J. The Lesder Cook Htovs,' ExtenaienTop, Spirit Jusvels. With I'luiub. . , PeblW5 tf With Bast Hny TBI IAND WE LOVE, ? i-.'i i io4 - . i, l. ! '. -.it Just Nceived. . .. .. , ' "-lag-tf : BKaSSOS a MU 1 flfi BEAMS NOTTS PAPER, - r-'TTrt" XJJUi - . . i satis) cents per Ream. - IsbU-liS-tf- ; , . , , BBANHON A fAKRAl jpoB sale. BmoWns Tobacco, as fjood a the Purhsa sal rhsipsr. ' -r. t,. ..v.. .. Pb'LI.lAM.lOMEa0(A i vu . ... - n , tiios HRAni & co,"1 "fit, IIS Iff In Street. (OPPOSITE THE POdT OPTICK,) ; aUtaial, V,; IH03.BEAJICH &60HS, - xi:l .n i,.ut Km ou mti.,il : - ' .. It..'-..- I, . 1 .. , . . . . t , i PETERSBURQ, fi,- nilAKCII, SON'S & CO., ' Broad Street, AUGUSTA, 6a, BANKERS. ..- it , ... , . -,i ( -AND t , n ,, CommTssion Merchants," Deceive Money en Deposit, subject to aitU cluuh and allow 111 tereat on aaiiie as agroed ni ; N v ste Lwmis i Hak oilrti(is iliroahoui tua l iuis Htates, sad bu; and sell oa eoauniaatua, sak s at swans, weas, , -t t Ttisj aio diti-r tlieir aerrices for ths aals aiul ft Chans of Tohawo. "Wbeat. Corn. Cotton. Me. Their ssnior, '1 boa. ltranea, with aa snisrtB miitxt jean hi ut conunumon aratw, wm (in a personal attention to tb lUukuiouil taws. n4 S peeta to give satiafaciion to bia old frianda autlitint luar favor tbein witb their patronage. ' Cah advances mads on eoaatgnnients to Hxa W to their eorrespiaidanui in Baltunora, Hew Kort, U pool, Loudon, Antwerp and Bremen. Ouuio. aud other concentrated Manures, furnisw to their regular customers. Special atUinuoti jia to the sieuuuva of Cotton purebasea, by TUO. BRANCH 4 80NS,' Petersburg, . . . t -i - - - a . . . - . -BltAKCU, SONS A CO., Augusta, Qs-, ,k . The4 Bkhmond Hooss trsnsmittina; tlep orders to either bouse, as mar b preferred. We ar's parin tbs bigfaet rats fee Bant f" and Southern r-ecuri tiea ; dl hand returaa mktlt Mi ew York, Itirbmoud or Peterabara-. As ali tssv ' sent to onr eare atrhwrt rates. WewUl boy old North Carolina "Bon.ta. Cotw Jfristsiwd, neratehed e,sliro detached ouujwrsv jaon,'aiii whwdwikw ana amtt. Ihe foUowlii are the pruseDt rates rf our FM bnrg Huoae for N. C Bauk notes, snd ar hi la j changes to bojbsst rates paid whoa bums ars r Bank of CapFosr...f'.I....t.i...r..'..."v?7: Charlotte ...ij,... ............. ..-J Claridon..,.....t-t..j.,...v l .f'orr.merce. .................... ..r.. J Fayettevill. Leung-ton . . ; .! . ....''- J "' . at Ofsjuna. . 1 North Carohn. . il", , i 3 Boiboro' .. sy '4'tf.iroirilla.- ..i.,..x,i. ""l'iwilniewMiSw'wi i naninfrian .J..,.i..t., Wilinihl.'toa Tanoeyvillw .... I Commercial fin k WUmiiurton .... r arnier a Uauk of . orth Cariilins. " MreeiMburu' Motnal tnaoraiMW - i MerebsBta' liahk W laAjma.; ;rr-.m stitiers snd J'lauters Jaiik.....;..Tnv.. Ihos. lirinch A Ron. will forward frnra PotsruM tree nf statimuvion, all eowirmueitia W . MOI.IJ,lAM!U sjtt, Bans-Vsba-15i4n) ,. ..tau.'t , ,' T lOtR-NAMtSX AVb. fliers will be a Tonrnanwr, and baU st O' Johmuat'o., N. C. en ThnradaVktlie 7th day Jo K it. All K ninhts are rtspecliu'Uy toviteU to P"" n,wi 10 ii nuiujf. - . .. U. 11. I AlllOAI. fCUAI-iU-IW' . . hi !U"V,H, - . JilUf t tt-m tnl Iw at vjiruit; f Cr.l.n Ree l, jit rw" w Buieisu a Lo., iMuuiore at in r.rawis 1 a, JAJiiJvJa. 11 1 ' Krli2o.tM.tf Aiw-ti'-' 1 r . OTkN'INO OF SPRING TRATE. K WESTER!! EMPIRE CHOKING tT! I rivin with oim.lrf ti ts 4 rteoi'. kl4-d in aor lunm-r Huir tt niiik otir a-' ! ' conaiot of m to ii Cook tuxos, various I '"' j a 1 liH- ! V Fdb l-lG-tf Vf. WitblLuwAlJ y I:'''- - "4 .

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