-,-r: -- ..,.Nr;,,,e,,... rtttjitsf- S-.ijt " I 1 THE. SENTINEL. IHcMlug, lib. 83, 1 T. f(V sAlWTISkWlilfT. J. BruWD "" offer! : ew good 1a tit line. ' L. Hr-Pullmra. Jonft Co., Wholesale Grocer. r ceceitlng U( nd large import : jom';' Their ttock wirl b loll. llittimili. J Allen Co... ml vert i Wcu. B. UiHiJU'-Esq.,; ofta Bmult iuric, AorroM BAiJt Meear. BriuMua and Farrar ..ill offer. t pst.llo taction, t their store to- 'c5gUt We variety of Book enJ fancy article, ajrstebe iO'J Jewelry. ' Zl-i'Iauvr Ffcamf,- MT hear ofnoobserv tace of thi day, on vcsienlay. Th Nation! Bt Bali Clnb, w bra,elebnud it by a bull L tb Eiopuliva, Waoabin, lb Ilemlquatter of . Cot BumforJ, last night ' ' " Gkl. CourrtuV W sr pleaaotl t kn that this Lecture was largely attended Ins. !at evening, at the Common Hall. Beldam la aa-intellip-ot audience mora , biglily tn tt-rtaiuetl than we'r t!i uateotr to Una Lt 49Tef It Waalmieeil a rich Intellectual treat. ,V For tb Sentinel. Tiia Sort Carolina fcailroed. X word ia reply to my tjooadainfriead Joeiah Tnrow, Iia f ' . rr ,'.. . 7I dtd not expect to "eieite" Mr. Turner. tkadirbt coolnea bit chief characteristic But, my fait and figure oianiteetly hurt, Jine iLUlaehruma. As a it-tend say : "joaiah breathes . long and bard." Ht talk of "personal i t ioa (" Personalitiea have been bia meat and drink, i It-at nnneceaearv to quota a long decision of tbaSuprama Court toprovtbat It wa wrong (or contractor to cheat the Bute. Tliia waa a vtis parade of authority to bolster up a weak mmA Jnkinir eauae. i . . . JMft Tomer Ten turn la queation only one of my atatementa. Ua bad not beam ot the aceoea of , "rowdyism ana ooacenity" auunea to; ana wobders why I did not report to the Board. It la so part oi my nuamvaa i report oia Board.-,. But it Mr, TurorMiad been all re to the interests of bis Board, be con Id bare learn d all the facta; The President, and at least three Directors knew the particulars. When Mr. Turner cornea to "peraunalitiea," he ie mora hone Hera ae4 at of bia personal flinga are good. ) yield to him irr pouucai couaiLut.j. r-iuLion iue ihmvi i four rears in the field (rather than at borne.) and -A fciatf-- suontbe- reaidenoa -at JorV Oelawara. in- nf running for C"ngTgigJyjl Jj. f lne effort, I frankly ennteaa, iu mmiifying my no- tiona of party. - Whenever I retnru to politic shall, aher all, try and follow uiy illuatriou leader- J. J .. Jr. And I promise this besides : . If ha faila to get into Congreae and omthlave an olflc, I will propose to get op, for his bene Tit. voluntary luisaion to lhe-Hi)iofl.IiWnd iW will send bip forth to preach the g'wp.f'A at manner and moral to tlie stupid Dutcb. Ha will, I know, leave witli regret. tb "grovea of Orange, the scenes of his early and lucceaa- tul political tilting, but, with bis "occupation gone. I think be could not decline a miaaion to Uie distant but fragrant realm of All tipice and Bour-Krout. ., , ,, , , So much for Mr, Turner. 7 Mr, Webb tells me tbat I do both him and the Company injustice In the geueral state jnent,, Jliat , ,"a. , large proportion of the freight and telegraphing is int." I still insist thai the Board pay tor a Tut deal ot telegraph, log that ought to bo charged to other panic But Mr. Webb baa satisfied me that I waa in rror in regartt to free freighta. They bare i the- lioad, a avstein oi reiumiiog money iw - "bills for OTcrcitaritea," which ia auaceptible of freat almae. But Mr. W. assures me I am mi taken aa to tb eiUut of Ihe evil, and that he , ia gradually correcting It. ' - He also says that both bi fare and freight . are lower than those on the Virginia and South Carolina Koada. This may, or may not, he so. Ti e Confusion of the whole S) stem of tariffs ou this . Rjiad. is wkalLmmtt o'j"',t to. T7TTT.,.i , KtFIS BAUUIXGER. " . Cbahjxtb, Feb. tl, 1887. ' ' STATU OF JkoUTU CAROLINA. 'tOO JtEWAUD!! -yk ( piV o c Va m a t i o n , JSy ilit KretlhnrftWyATlIAX WORTH, Go- truer iff North Carolina: , 1 , , ' "ITrilssRB, IT H RKKsr MPPBlat. acuUMl to Uitt 1'LTLK LANK (CoI.m-mI.I ..laieof Uia oontjr of Waka, iu said HlMe, afanfa ttiariif.l with Uae aairdur of on Mayo, , (Colored) kle at said County d Bute, and tLat said Lau at hKitiT froat jiieHn 1 - - Now TUEaxroBK, u etdar that tUe said Laa (nay - bfruU-iUljri)U(ht to JuUimi tjj.aii llKi - u4f, L JoHAXkua WualM,. liuveru. of said Htata, dc i-iii thin my oineUmation, ot)anni Um rnw.rj at ' 1 H !.l K HI. NMll.O INH.IAIW (ur liia approbeoaioa and dttlTery to the SUerJf A Wak County. 1 is wiTXK-u wntaaor, mm .juiueumey, 8ul JoMATaui Wokth, Governor of aaid State, :K fag hereto net Ms hind snd naosvd the GrtAt K'l of tht Stale t) b ftlltij. lxmo a the Cltf ot luleigh, t'lii" the 'U4, Uj uf Frlirnanr A. 1. bj tita tr..Brnor : , . JoXAi HAX HUKIH, , a. H. Biuirr, . .... . V. friTU Heoratary. - "y "-. -' feEHCltirriOS.Petr Lsne, is a bright mulatto; 3 fee lot inches iiiBwviKti 1W) or lfl pounds .auro tfti bS" ...paaeAiaAtor.., okn atta w a uiaca-aumu 07 tratie. - STATE OF HORTII CAROLINA. -'Ci300 TIEWAItrJi r. A Proclamation byEii Excellency, Jona than Worth, Governor of Kortu Carolina. WR(RAS IT HA B KES BEPREHKSTF.TJ to bm lliat J. ii- Bnv.-Mvr, late of the eanty of , Take is asul Mate, aunds cuarKtd with the murder of Nt VYuey Hsuht, lata if naid County sod Huts, and that asid Brvant ia a fus;itve frtin josties. t - liow, THKsertHtB, in order Hist the askl Bryant sjiav k anvtt-.l and bnttti;ht ti jtu,t,ftt Itf tin nati aii'-e-t-ti nmr lt, I, JontTiiAX Wosrrn, Ouverwa-trf mid Hisw, il wane thia, my proclanuuion, oftmyr tba reward of TaHKS Hcsiwed IVhjju t km apprehension snd eVhvery as the Klienlf is Wake Comity. 1 1- ' ) In wttueaa wboreof, Hi FtctillcnrT, Joxa ....... i SJiAU TtHS V. WTW.'e'eHwe.tf.iii lttr Kahw- i -1 to as htm Ii&od attil cuuibp n-.t K. S? 0 Safe (j U'-(5tft-'JfttC.itoyij, -...-iinuxJii!i.ti)i uf ijT'tuatJv A. lt.h;i . ... J ; I -bj tl, lotT.-rnor: JoSSrttXS WOirTtL Vt jl, U. Haiu-ar, THVan Bee'y. , arewmtTKm J . 1 tnvaiu j nenrsea H int i " . . . 1. . a j. i t.. 1. .t. ..... ' i 1. z 1 v jiihiw, ,1.1111 w wet ttit-H t1", ittilIIl, BO flam ,A.nbwJ, itt-ut sowpletiuetl, ikivrn .k. uu.,sit4 iy etiewms PtiKMte. vitutuit; dissipated plaeua. fistd of -y"iimii, ilark Lair, has a U.f (it h.n hni, wiiich Wol i.svs S at-sr.) .i.ls i Shm-U 8 KE UATHi-lHlXH tvrATlEi. ltT0 buh . UM-td SerA fKts-verv CUnies. luU Lolx., i'aaAA ttkiw afiti M,rry f'',t'M'u to ST . . 1'i.JAJAM, JO.SM CO. lehSJ-lrJJ-t Wanasssk broeera. - ' ' , f ' MARRIED, M'VM Mth. Jan. , Ht. Jm ettnrtn, KiAnwnd 07 iwy. t i-etrk, lMBWaaat . L. Tnuosa, of Mia U.hjam J. Uuna, of tlu y. - - ,"Z . lite an. Uc. IXtiK bi tha Bar. T. R. fWan mk It Pthnmt. It. Y m 4,a iak m.i. IsyUie Ber; R.WL J. CaraoA. Mr. N R. I'lmn, of tJP e.u, oounti jg luifAao4 iiuua of Uakfu oouatr. . " In Hsmfltoa, H. X, eaTharsday eraninr Jan. Ilai at th nwooBoe of ihs bride auUe, by Re. T. . UaiiKhu Mr. T. K. Dibue!!, of Va., to Mm Man iHiMt.a'ijBjialkt Ov B""-f -.- ' -1 a TBiwtlasioniBii ia. -lfeJ67r th Cillioun Ktrvet, Baltuuore, Har jlaiiil, at th ruideao sf th toridrt rather, by Bj-t. Q.Vf. Ieema, uf Um N. C. orifcTvuoe, Mr. Juuii T. Waira, of Ji.foik, Va., to 5ia OioTia 4x114 Uuna, euly daughter uf toe oihetatina Minister. 1 - - 1 - ' . , . . iiei, , AiKith. r BtoUii r la Ja. , : baa faflea, Una. Mtaoaaaw II. HjlSUNOX. Vidu ol ilr. J.ihn P. HunmJnl diad at the resideuee of Imr mm is iJaasall i:i .iiMt 4th. uutsnt ia the With, ear of her . Mb was aatiTii of Urauvilis Co, . ut attes hrr narnaso ft. auoved to CaaseU. . Mm atas th atothsr of H. H. gar rison Kaq., 1mj duriugpTrrlseasiuusTr faituiully and eftt. wutly rrpmnutw CaU Co., in th bsnsral AsaemU of tlis ISUt. Kur ftwtr reaia aiwr Harrt- sou waaamamlioraf th . . Cbairn, lnroaKh ail uf whi. s period she faithfully mauitaiiued swr Chrtsr tian iuWktht, Ulitatrated U powsr'of diTtn grae ia euahni,t biwra io Ur hauiiT, and at th tskme of her toil- pmbaliuq died Ouac. lulJj and Imiuipl.anlly. - -- "y . It. . mtUJ. . Wut Hasobovb, diej at tua ruvdonca in 4iranvill oouniv, N c., 011 ciuuilay atu ruoou r'eu. luth. itx7, hi tua ait iVHtsrmuh yasr of bi M. n uiwrg tur utoniiia Irom a.i atta.'k of raratrai havuis iMea atlarasd Orst. ou th loth, of Mar last--. 00c mi.mvllv raluiiiji and tbeo deehuuiK. A tea aeeka MrrhHU uj hi tbtaiu hia sutferitiK vre intense, jat b aura all with cunatian pauea -e snd rxi(iili"0. tie euatenvd urr MUs tlanua hi last and tataJ du elins. He ioinad the MvthntHat Eniscunal Cluuvb Hmth is 1M5 afid eoQunuad in its eoniniuuioa durin; th ra maitidur of his Ufa. Ha was raiuarkauls for his 11a- tenntTaud Ddeiitr iu all Ids buaineaa tranaacliona and if "an honest man is th noiileat work of Uod, no fuller exhibition of auch a man evuld b found Uiaa our departed brother. -. 1HA x. wrcaa. . JTKW ADVEETISEKIENT8. ST, V ; , fprlng Trade, ' ; IS6T, Bst Qualily KonameOil, (7J eeuieQallon, 6rM oents quart, : quart. J. BROWN, i fab u-im-tt Wth Heibt Lrais. BOl' FOR SALE... F OR Hile, North Carolina Bail Boad Bond, beartna eiirnt per wo. ntwreiH.. cavaois semi annuallr. Wanted to borrow ftv tliouaand dollar on bond and niort((au, iutrt at mbt per eent. inqniis of mm nnuBraifcjnea at tits naieign Aauonai tsaua or ftorta caruUua. , , r , , u W. B. OUIJCK. reo -lRV-3( ' - Cashier. oopywttnwsr -7 T II K ' Eicelsior Glee Rook, A collection of the bit OI.EES, CHOEUHKj, AND oFtiutic OEMii. r - For Mixed Voioei. Thta tolleoti.in of Gins. .. eomnriixi the aeotiltr portion of tus new snd nooalar "('horns Wreath." and includes osn f the best eompo Uonsof the kiud obtainable. Tha book ia fasissd in s mrr Bat atrlt twmnd in boarda and ftiruehi at th low price of tt OIJVKH MTSUN & CoJGl ik'aaluinftua Wiiuston. mil B-fis-w - . -.v FARMERS HACII1SERV." Wl ARB PREPARED TO FURNISH ALL MA. Cllilltf UHAitlMd bv ilia f.rHH, ll.Hu . Corn Hhvlism, mraw Ciittera, Cora Mills, Cider Willa, n. 1 emery aua tou liainmsi Cotton (tin and Condenmr, Horns Poarers, Cotton and Hj Prsssss, Plows. Maes. M.ela. -ioades. Alas. Iron and Htssi of all kind, ,. :4, . ,. -, . Mtn:HifUs aixkh com. Jaa IB-ltS-lt . , Il.ru war otors. Ne.l-m Ji. L ir. klHIU TK4Uer 1HT, so. m r&xrnvruLx street. ' 'AD KM, SifOVKUJ. TAM.S PORKS: POTiTiE Dili. Uaiilnfl iloua. aud Bakas. Trsiia l liun. low (lauea, I'iauU r hleel Iiusa, al.sc- Window (lias lill sad 10 x 11' madder PnU. 8)irila Turpuutiiis. . ' --.-.' s. BROWS, f. Feb M-168-tf U' A i'-. With HaaM Lnwia. QLATES, AHM1K TED H1ZES. . O Joet received at b -16-tf 1)RS)N A FAHRAF. GkUUHS BKKlMt-LASDBKTH'i BB8T, FRK8H and Oeimiue at - rekll-IWi lf DKANHON A FARRAR A' OKNTtlF FAVKTrEVlLLS IN8UHANCE 00M- ritai 1.. unanoun, m bHUB tl. v. J , . - BKANHON ft FARRAR. )ErTT FAMU.Y FLOCB. t reah Ocooad and warrantsd t)i vary best qnahty, I'wlt v JAMtdk TOWLbfi, Feb M68-tf ,. ' , NAaetauusr. ACCflOS rALE, . THCKNDAT, Stst, - a eoibtuia or mo rarnitur and Household ar- tiuiss at iosis's AooUun. - . JAUE4 M. TOWIJJL Ft tW4-it AnetmuewJ 1 SEASO.V 90 Cass Meat or Hauiuu Cnttera, l,' 4. BKOWIf. Uai.LIAS1,4 NOTHEB arrival of best Familv Floor. '". , 1'L'lliaV. jusea a ca. , Axe tl-tf - lAUlak V EITTLEJOIIV, iSt C(TW(-B.S TO A5DEKHOV, MaRKU ft CO.,) V . -ihftSD-.'-i CoHimlasloit, itlffftusat. . . -: K. S OLft STBEET, ' ffllftflrtrix o m Petersburer. Va. Wdl attsnd to ths Kalaofall Frodnee and Merchsn- diae,-of every description, stmt to tli- ir ears and wdl ! par. b any floods not in their bus. iiiisral esah atlvauees' msds on eousignmcnta fat band. . " ' ... . - .- C an aim ftirnth Fnrterlisen of any kind to farmer on atTKsnOMSistHif tonus. ' v it A M iBKJI, ' W H- LlTTLEJOinr, Laitof kmtermn Marrta Co. rm Af ts Co., jr. C. Feb IS-ltH J;n , - ts.adnf ciA.-c.!pifsd idjkiU imaWAKjoaa. 4 mmk frMrp ,iun mi 1 M-.ig nisii-triTuiij-t Mtl-ilHi. urit-ira toauit the tiftt'-S. " " ' : rub S-1 J 3w . MI-EsT FROM CAr.ltl.SA3 ;v JWho(rhesds,l Brijfht Kew Crop Clayed r-"- Utnva, Sioiaasra. . V-tjTei, -) In PniB kw Packages,. Iailv ripoetcd. Itoas (arawn 4rf, snr Vtu, 8bNA.N.SA. . . , , list asm hup wbaif at lowest pries f.- CA8H, by v. u. I .niixi u Lt. Feb 14-bU-lw Vtiiminyton, S. C- 117 "V 'J:j-riRRECTEiyyy-jpHai o. wi T. !"-P I .CO., BKOkOAL Our 1 w attungtoBiTT WaaHtaTil, Feb. ,Tb veto of Shrfffian's sulwltlule ht rxpectad oa Moadsr. " " J oil commsnd. Tha Depart meets were closed at noonin houor of the da Tb South Carolina tnurik'f comotltteoiia .!nost,.MnjWu..oi :ti)ijufe -tsWge IlaHrrbo releaacd theHeged mur.lir. 1 ne report aK?ert met . uromiuin, ic thousand- dollar fee, made- nrawnent before tba President, urging that thu pruoueis be brought within retuh of the h.il&it f-n),ia of the Northern - court. The Committee make the following deductions tram the evidence of Grh. fichoflelti Tbotnaa, Wood and Baird. That the punUliuieot of crime upon . soklii-M, uniou aien and freedmen, cannot be relied upon iu tMr department. Neither the' magislrales, of the jurors are diaposed to dd their duty, in this res pect. ' There ia 00 change for tli beUer,,l)uV tof Ii ... . . ' -,:l:t..-i. iwwwn), toe committee Buiteai niuinarj triala a tha ooly prat tiral cura tor the alli-goil wu.lt, t-. t f.Ul'l . ' WARHHIflTOS, Fell. Si. i In tli tteoate, Mr. Vaiea iirewntetl the tK'ti tiun'of 4,0W citiaen of Cbarltnton, asking Mr a territorial government - : 1 , ( Th bill extending the Aj;riculiiiinl Co't.-;ie acrip bi Tenbewe was paswd: The. Utilise amendment, birli(ltlliig 'imfekrate protexiMirs, waa atriekra txit .;;-A ". . . Tba House bill transferring Indian sfTWs to tha War Department was negatived 13 to 21, a Committee ot Con lerenc waa aked. The bill providing torn wail between Ban Francisco and Honolulu passed Mr. Sumner's resolution appropriating fp3, WOO for th Pan Exposition passed. In the Hons the Judiciary appropriation bill aa considered, tba : amendment of t!e Benat were rejected, and tviramittea ol con (erenco appointed. - The Speaker directed tba Doorkeeper to t clode trom tha floor all but privileged peri. Tba bill suspending teniorsily -the direct taxes in West V tririnia passed. A committee of ceuferenca waa apiiointed on WeatPoint. - .. ri ) t ' a , Vi' 1 t Tba Senates amendment to tba approprinUi Mil to pay Harvey at Libaon was njoetetl, and t...nA ..,.;. 1... .,.,:.,.. i - t 1- m WtUBIBIWB WHIHJItn j'J'IUM.'t. , J Tha bill retiring contractor fit war vessel paaoed. , . s. . . . . ... Tba House went Into committee on tax.; an amendiacbt remorinp the cotton tax Atu-r tlie first of rVpteral rtlie?-, - pawd; "rtjra: WX$:utW to M. Mr. Blaine made the motion. Mr. Stevens moved to remit the tax on the burned portion of Cliamls-rsljurjf for (his year. lltjecteib. .-., Got. Barnside Nominatea. - " PBovrni'sri!, Fell, 82 Qov, Btunside tias been noniinutcd for r-elca Wofklng Men'i Convection. " Nw HavRH, Feb. as - At the working mW Convention, in sciwmn be re, Urty atrlont are rrpresetitett by three nun drcd delegatoa. , ., ( Market. .ttr'U- TUMTMomi, Feb. 22 The day ts observed a a general kolliluy fNo Duaineat Uoiug. Cotton quiet Ui. . . . WimtiitoTon, Feb. Cotton dull. Middling 88. ' " . Our Aftcrnooat I)aMstchea. ' Kexican Ifewa " ' !. , 2iuw Yoaa, IWk. Tho fferaWt city of Mexico correspondent write on the lib, that tha army ia rulreatinar iroiu rueaia in a vary oisoraeriy contliuoa. A light' demonstration from the Iiiberals tut eauaed a grand route. Maifraillian calls liiiu aelf tb chief of tbe National party. cnlllaa advices report another peace prointm tion from Frano and Euglantl. T h terms hav not transptrea. - - ; ' ' j JOeMendijirevQluliaft 1 groKlng,.--;ii4 Congret Memorialized, , ' ".'. ' ""." ' . Hi. Loci. Feb. 25. Tbf board of trade metuotialiu s Congroe to tend cotton planter money, taking a itm oa tha crops, and thus prevent famine, and tivold tha threatened Necessity of having to fi:cd tht people, .. v , V- '.'''''.: .;.,r.l' V f " ToDentUt.1""T""!" ! PiTTSBCMot'Etb-a; ;( CBtlttttl tf9'0BJil ft I ftOtw HfjiuUtr''Os.Mhjyi;f Vnlcahite. t ; ' ' " '- . 8omtt'Tiil . ---!; ' ' . a, r rf -T' WaslBIBtfTOIft b. JS. i I Tht court houae 111 densely packed. Jurratt bad not been brought 111 at onav.oelntik, but J momentarily axpacted. ; , aTarknU and FinangiaL I ..' . JvkhtouL, Fl. 23.! Cotton cloned quiet ' sale 8,000 mltlJIing npUndsstl3. Middling Orb-ana I4. - ' , .-t--- Kjw Yo, Feb. 8.1 - Gold 1,38 ' Floor SalO better j Wheat lai better. Corn lower. Pork quiet, new mess 20, Cotton (lull, 82 fur lUiddlii vi'Jj.lv.fi , , PILLIIH, J05LS & Wholesale Crocers and Commission afo.ftSFayctteTille Street, Ualeigh, V. C - - . . . 4 HATE Uf RT011E ISO AP.E COXsTAOT.f tEOJV- Ixa,suaAKs, amffeem, ani nun,'.- v i t BAtXWjVMtMJtlteEH AND CHf-KME,'" . I BhASDrjC WIJtKS tSU HUtKIKV h , BOAPd,CAKlLEH, A3SO rAlMIBl lVliACCl,' HSt'FF AXIl tlliAFW, Canned I rults, Saaee and I Us Caui steal Oysters, Uaislna and I'nlct, Silts 'nrrant IMckle aud " fajvreJcra, Sod.t, and in fat srerytbinx aaosMv found lit iirat laa lftifiil faeit jsiid' at prices wUicb cannot t ill to pit im- t W Boas Axe. JO V . of Mt,ur Fka. a IMS. Loos iuuniieti euaovris, 2 One. hsd.a, -SB " Wtiim Hmm aatrUfl. sat Issn dswa' I 'ii " fi.ita .4isri, au ls.xirass chains, j. tju " i ivm iitrs, luuntas AisthWisss, ,", . : .. Iwwe, Twins, Jtstis, . ..... I'ILUam, Jon?. s am 1 WholiiWl tiroonr Cos, kjiert kaiits. FakSS-UMt . IIXIAMS 'HILKS Of fcOKTU CAKOl-V BAJiX KOTKaT Bsaik iT JSCOoId. 83) JSUvet JJfl) fl. B 7 1 Cap Fearii.ii.iiir.i.xj.Jj t V CbarU)tte...i. 84 t " liinirton at Graham.. .......... . SO . Boxlmrouch 40 " WadeshonHitrU. . . . ........ i 44 --TiaimAilil8: ifriri Wilmingt.ai. , . . . . " fommeree, : ; -o tl IS ayxilfvilfii. Yar.w-ywile. Miners' and I'lauter' Bank . 71 ; SO Farmer' Bank, Ureensbflrougb. Cmumcrcial Ba11kv.ndoungI4.1n., !1 Merc bant Hank, riewberu.. UrecfisbufOogh Mutual..,.. i '-, Virjrinia Bank Note, about,, .'. . Houth t'aiolttia 4 1 M ;s -. ; . , . i Umirgi 44 ".... uoiti Wlror. ..,.,;,.,... Old Coupon. f North Carolina Ksilrond Coupon. Old Sue.... Exchange ou Vnv York ; tli ,13 I S3 m 43 4 10 i IIALK1UU NATIONAL BANK OF MOUTH . . , . CAKOLINA. ' j ' ' OVVINO RATK H. . lAMX HOTBS. ( liaiik . .ot CH. ..Fmii!,,, " t hai lolls, . ... . . . . , . " C'tntiuerot- .,.., J.utremioa . . , . ........ " Fayettfvillc...:. ..... " : Lexingtoa . " Ijrxintrton at Grab am " North Carolina rf UoxboMi. . . t. . i. u ,r 14 ... .. to .. 10 " Thomasville ' " Watleslro 4 . , J'J '"Wilmington . . . . .-. ' 'f Washington .... " Yancevmllc.. Commercial Wilmington J . Farmer' Orcemibtiro . , (OU) . Merchant', Newborn. Miuem'and I'lauter' Virginia Bank notes, average. ri ,-, n ,-, , ioth t'artilina " " ' ., Oeorgia - ' ' '"' " ' ' ' .... oid. . . . . , . . . .'. ... .... . , Mil vr; . A A. . . i i .: . . . . . . j Old North Carolina Coupons ... . li .1. t. ii:t , . 4 ,. SI . a 41 ..45 .132 . 12i . 43 rori.n .srfttns ivsiinvwu vuuuutu,,,,.,.,! 921 North Caroli la eleven Coupon 70 Kxchang on New York, . '. rleflitl INiotlocai. : prr. lb. ztravB at ct., PF.horsns, at OU ' :;' 5 " M. lKntENBAUSCS. , 4 - VINEtUT UF LAUlKtl 1TB U FEB CENT less than cost, st lLltllMEXBAL-M fc- OAKH(lENT" FlSR FRE1CU CALF BOOTS sm warranted baud sewed, at fA.fO a pair. 1, At, i .X. hXthl-MlAUM'B. Feb B-liJ-U 'I rnfi FAIltt) LADIEJ 8EWED SHOES AT tt. ov;u 1 pair at. M. R0SENBATJJT8. . Aiarealotiif llu Dated Hav. : 1'L LLIAM, JONK8 ft CO. . FsbMU)-tf ' VVholssawUroosr. if' ) i S' -i...'. ' 4 : 1 ..... 1 JttOl'B 1 TLOUH fl FLOCBI tt ' .i 130 bbl., uimrent Brands sn irrade. l'LXLIAM, JONES 4 CO. Feb. JA-los-tt u VthaJasnisOrocars. STATE V WOliTH CAHOLINA, 1 . . ',o it v,i t-v - . JtsooN Cotiirnr. f i Corar or Flbas akp Qtastsb Baasioa, Dbo. Tua; 1 M ' j -', t PVit;.u ... Abtatul Ksensrv and of berk. ' 1 "" It atiorarniK to the satotfaftlon or ths Conn, that Chnatoplivr C. Ziu bery and wifa Nancy O. tlefsndsula in tins ratHk are not ii'miu-uts of una mats, tt is tltars- rur ftrih r. J ttiat pnlilicatKMi tie mads in sums news uaix roi tfOaMiste Paii ww-ka. niitifrma them to apMar at the mat lann of thia Court, to b hid for tin; county of Ma-ttit, at lite Court House in Frsnkbn, uu U.e aid. kliiutl) lu April neat, and show causa si any tninv ran, wnr ine praerof pi-uuotier aiiau not os itrniiu ti, vt juitjinwti pru eo'treaso nil 0 reuunrsd a to them. . , , Willi,, R.C. HI AdU:, Clerk of said Court, atoffloa m ai iv aiimoajr is V". iw i : '' It. C. bL&ULK, U. C. O. ! Feb 18 H"l-sliw . , i . i -"l s liTtTE fll" NniJTfl fAWftTTVl 1 ! I'lTT COPIfTX t f- - Coca or Eucrrv., t j, ' Oe W. Wootra and urber T Pt III ion for sals of Lautllor partUkin, fllad LNicelubcr ilh, 1S07. j Ueira at Las of H. F. Woo- . ten, dWd. ; k tin estlAA. it apsflariBi;- that Xsedhant Ward. rk-aaattt litjsuen auti wife Louiaa, ths cliddrsa of ainnel MKenzie ami his deeeasetl wife Mary Ward, rne eMldrmi it tttieaTne -and -hi ileeeaissj-wife Wary Jooe. tli eliittiren of -Rons and hi dse'd wifs Kailitt Joiiea, tli chtltlren -;f Jiisiati Jonsa, ded; the aaid Marv Ctilratite, Hallie Rons antl joaiah Jones, being ths children iff Ells Jtsies, deu'd., defendants, are nm reaiihsuta of thia Mat, it ia Ihsrefors ordered mat puootBntsi tad inaoi, ror mx wst'ia, in 'tli ItaJ. I etgh Urnttnrt, imtiftriftjfsid eVIemfwuw tn appear at tie asxt Otis of sain uonrt is bo neio at tits :mrt Uosus sn Urasnviiis. oa ths lirat klutidsv of Maroh neat, anl pleatl, aitawer or dtnur, ur said peuttsn wi)t lis tak.'U prtt otntfo and beard aecttrdinglr. . Wrntma ltttf tli(,i i4Bi, ;ierk and Maatsr of said Court, st stao ia tam-nv ilia, this ths t day at Jsn. SBlaTaM feTATE OF N0IIT11 CiUOLINA, ( . WK CoflfTV. i Court or Ti.kas iMi Qlahti-h Uxamon. NorMBK Tkbm, l tljB. .' Iswr-at Xyon,--- 4 u. - v ; . i ' .' . . T .if. Lev i bn Land.: .Zi, .T Charles WcGbea. ) In tit shove eanas, it is ordvred kv tits Court, that rn hi lt-.ati l its nia-t. m tlis JUIttih W't klv tirntin mix, weuka, IfAjfjiiiB the tBlidnj Cicariss tJhee. Utat ntiltsN iteaiMtears at tlis nt-vi term of this Omrt, tob lield ft th (amity of Wake, at th (urt Htsia.? in H it' i.'it. on thf tititd UtHitlay In ru- ru Ary ltK.T, tin atsi tliero to ttu-wer, pjead or chtmur, or ittfiirtnttitt t i'tntrittitv fwtt mmjt'Hwn win w ttiat-il as w mm. t ilnmai . I nsamj., of sMt fJoart, st of. ' m iUlvtlt. lint ilurd Monday of .Novciulisr. A. l. 1H. d ll-w. . - J; V. FP.liriELI, C. C. C. : j -4 TATEir holirilCAltOUKA.t'' i - M.t.. tot STT f iisfs t; MBit, tt, K b: fffAyn;" Je tv'tt.-jftnittit,i.y Aa. i., T. R: Rttso ths S'lfttiniatJ-ait' and ihrfttntlsnt lu tills tS, lltut s Uo.-V.ald lit it litis htaut. it Is MS-.tMrsd nv Uu mrt that psitttcaiMsi bsnistlu ia H fitnidt. Ih'Tif arf at -MStMMsa. wet-kit, atrtifriitf. the astd i'htts. H. Mosn to sppesr at the ntxt term, ttf tBiaiWmrt, to h ht-lti fuf th oounty ttf MaOtttt, si Ut Cin.it lt.itit! in Frauklin on tha rtrd. Monday tli Attit h-xt, attti.titti ratiar if sity,' whv ths K-tltlfn aMali IKtt Its neSrd, cHt-ru tin- US will be mT.d ol as tnonb noiiue had Hwfti tw-t tt.,i. j tt line, H. C. bf AULI., Clvik tit aaij tutmly t ofnee, tltettrd. Monday m Ik. IhtiA. . ' I SB u-iuj-wow it. V. BI.Alll.l , t,c,C L mm mil waaa KwH mCm ..v : 1 nii.tiit uutuoitu - llUlSli. ; i-FRICE OF BO.VftO BEPUCEP-.'Lil MRS. FEM'RKsii esn attiats.late or 11 its m. Ii..r... ii. i-mUv mil, .Hlai-onimtartoBs by spptyiUK stam. 1'iani.ii-itt t iuuau will hntTit tir AhetfAiitrrwd to Bivs um aesH." WI1.H. W. J.TEXTniXS. - Na 1 Fa.f list dtp th- vds: fnmv WW ap,t... -Jan. i ij itd D. O. WOUTIl, S O. l)AElT i-74lii:ORTU-..V JaAXIEIs.--,;.:,.'', Shtpplna; ConimUatHQ .Hrrchants, D KAtius is B.oaiNftTsorE;r inox"'Trw. Ire, rtaater, tmcnt, tlairflfnuius Tenman Uuaiw uirwet frtsu twvrrnuit.nt Ageutav t,-v natt. nav antl all ktiulM tir 1 :,L Aireuta tv lismrh s Law iktiu. Huiier ' PhiMtihats ttf Litiu,. . t K(MtTi ft tht mitiutitlnhU1 aHiilu'a-BanK shin litis. Aifetiis for 3wdpe4 weekly teanuilupiluis from Aitenla for Joiim Huuth A Co'a.. I 1 of (if Wwr Ytttk T re OFFKR TO THE 1'ITII.IC THIS CEI.EBRA f ted nil, and in doiiiR xn aniiuttiitKly jm- I'rasHiS TO Wt IH'BKlMn UIL IS VSS Jt IS HKin-axphsiive. 1'res .front Urease. It will pot grease the hands.: it will not aoil ur srraae ths ololh- ujK. It is nus-s brilhant tliati- Uaa, I. pruduveaa soft ai'd bsauiitul huiiU It ia tuts so tr-lug to ths evsa. It can us sued i aiiy Kttt'WUe Lamp by aiiop- ujb fit ! . LIGHT HOU8K OB RAfTCIIET.rJtjRNErUI. It has breu most farorslily reeeived, and pronouneen by Judges to be lb " , I . THRlEf AJiD HOST REUABLK OIL j now in the marknt ! snd in eonaequem of the msnv serions aecitlsnts srisiiiK from the EXt'UMlttN tlf KEItOMENE, tin Oil la xt!jiriy known and a d in preferTij. ' - ; 7 , W are now prepared b rurniah Uia tnuta with this valuable Oil, and we solicit from ths public an eiami nstioa snd trtaL - J Bmau hsfldalsrtf rtnek uf LAMPS, BURNERS, CHIMHEYS, i WIUliHr Ace. and eaa aupply th trad on Ultcrai teriua, ; . T Flrat lrautuin Awnrdctl at the) I.ou- ' - limna Statv Talr hrld In Sew 11 - Orl'jiv, frtini Itov. Utiu V ; I to IfTlU. IH06, HRalRsI - nil Competitor. II. D. NORRELL, Gen'l Agent, ) m Haitian Lass, Maw York. Fsbl&-is-3m . II EMINOTONrl' j ...- It , ..A - -.J.i j Sold by ' the Trade Cienerallr. j ' - A LIBERAL Dl8C0t?NT TO PEALEJlS, - j ,) rsrs.k4 the V. . Osvsrsaaswf, Aaitv Baewaai,., tu. .,v'. .44-1 tin bi. Calilr, Navv RavoLvan,. . . ... . . .... . . .7 au.ia m. Caiti, Bait UcvoLVBa,. . .. t': . . . .. Navy Hiss t altlirs. Polk Kevolvkb, .haw HusCttltts-s, New Pot rr Kkvolvb,. ..'...;. ....gi-i'oo in talihrs, Pooarr Rrvot.vaa,. ..(IlitW Tt r -lo in Caltlirs, HaraaTim Pmntt, ... ( B.ihot pt ) No ti W CarO'its, VBST roosBT l tTtil, no, it, so, ki and 1 t'artntiKtt, tit's vAMa,. . . i t. IfJanilSJ I'artritluo. bnaaoa Loamnu Biiu, (Besla') No. Ji, A iw, ' " : ItavoLVTBo Uikle. H ait.ltt-HW hi Calihra, a ivcjUAUivn bu.m, amok, new lork, , PRINCIPAL AflESTS. MuobbA Nicuoia........ , .. .... ttsw Ittts rm ltJAUibtid ,. ... IS. C (1st SB, ft t o ... . ..t.tr. IWtaUiB ..I'hilaiiniiihia .lisilimtu- , . New Urlssit ......... ...... Cntrai t-.hi.-Li tuts t . . .Sau x-raiuAta' Pon.Tsrv ft TBiwnut. .... . t . llKSBT FOLSOW ft CO.' JonsoH m-KNt-t; ft Co. . . L. M. bi Mshi ft Co.- Al SKRT 1.. I KINK, r reo 10-iB.T-zm"' - O.VG OF Tllli MOtT 1i:MK4.iiL SMALL, FAKJII IX THE STATU I t. r o u i .a l. v) j 257 ACRES, 100 CLEARED AND FENCED, 3HOCR8 RTDE FROSt RAl:iaM, WITH T.AHrtB and new dwtliinn bonus and all nesrassry uuv. bouses, larKysrd beautifully lauoaiiapfd sitU ilowef btttla set with soiits 6U t-ltoltts vsririies td lite rose,.ttar dsn. 14 at'rt ", Vtithiid !tls i b .tisaif )s j and stnail fruits, sctipperutSirf Vlti'm Juf 'iti' vrma.-,' yssrstMd, ous o tha HiMt or. t.arti. in tha NUIej stsitawing, bs-itlestlte early, summer sitd tall apptt-tj 35 vsritis a ir bttsl keeper ; 41 a,it-ti.s til' tit pear, ths finer itraous and tltt rt tts and uu .artt tn of Ahe:plu. I Jlteresrs tettsntsoo toe latt.ia vuttt will remain il.h .the purt ltawr, . lJJvj.i ! My olijeet in st-Uuitf is tupayiitf boV nt Jt itU antT rsltv bit mind. jr i .. ";; V5 -? Prit-s .omhJ. half ranh the r. .1 alnii tin any time. For further fuurtieulars si-my to Hui. L. W rink. Kt E.. Corner of Capitnl htputsj wUu ktuill -s;ittd to anawttr all iiu.fUona. Fhli-li-l AUtrriti'v, (j B 0 C E B B I S IjnR 8 . f I RAVE AO AIM CtiSfiEt'TEl) WITII it V FAMILV 'iroe.ry tlis AlK'tiotl Jitlltilttjal' .fldtjiliiii ClSiaijU. metttfl 'jf ariittie of evety kind eitlitir st iiiolu or prt. vat Hals. : " : .; AU tsiaiue snUuntott t-ttns shall tie nramptly at. .. . 1. IT. FECK. Jan -l!-lwd2tn j SSOKIO and rhtiina TtdsinV a.. K. FKHUPfcLU, lNMlT-4f : i ITVAl'ltrN wtT;, TWO fJWIXIlS WAST HUTATIf lN'S AH TEACH' ars. One is ot .ptia-tttiit ttt t..arh r.utdinb and the rmls. ntfids i4 relu'b,-tht other w compf trnt tvtts-h l.uir. halt. Mitairoii i-tifiifi ami the i ii.;nitt;iiis ttf Irntu- lu-fttrenses eTvt and repiirl. A-MnaiB i. Miss Y Feba-158-lw. F.ti.iu-.tilo, K. C. JJUfUVBl aaa'ietitd aiars. at w .inosd -toasts- -ir wiw- awt t.it pj sjtk i r i.' 'W , 1 U l.-li. ti : W.iu JUatftLnsi. i f s U U 1 ill b. 0 tt A KJ I 1'rttahi.tl aud rVs.hrt'l, (. t ofTt s and commoa Jdftt, ItiSLS A (: 'S fi'.ltsal,- t.rttt', FebUH-tf r. HMUtrTirs a titix:v!rrr. , A I.AHOI! rlU'l'-Li JX6t ULCW bll . A'i .1 H J.M. . lt btors uf jaa ilflie-lia VUJJAMS i H itWOClJ. 7 PEEtTIAS CIXVO M CSTlttTE ! HAW B0SE SPER-PE0S?HA,tE 01 MARKOV MwW.fjuitlli. 1 thx)Li,nii!af WtgfnAf i tn l-4 Vctn antl jtaltriitmi btr aou raoranrToks, at tb Masara atlvev rhataitcal Wstkia, - This old etabii.hed BtA!4TT!E la manufactured from Bonew that hav not Been burned at steatned, and it eoutslnt alt their orltnual orgattie maltor. It is attire in its opefatMta, and ia fertiliser of sreat durability. r-It dttua not exhaust the soil Uk Peruviaa On ton but on the contrary punuansntly improves tl. I'rttvious to lm;i it aws minslutwd tutu ths Botithrrn Stsifs to eonaiihealle extent, snd seats ml tt, where it ha bet-B used with remarkable sueoes UJIOU ' - . Cotton, Corn, Tobacco, and nil Crop. A trial will ttnivin.u any planter of it menla ramphleta t-tMiisintus; well-kiittsn mmtlmrn eTitlMic . biinialtvtl upjt attpluatWui ew York or 1'hilatlel phta oKltt-s. ... T. . " Hold by Tealenj m !i the prlneipal cities and tnwna throuhhttui tlis L'niied ISlatea snd liriuah Provinces. ,f ,. BAUGII & SONS, oui Misi iAfri Huts, - ""v -.. ,!. tutt Drlasarf IfraH, rinLAir.LrniA. BAUGII BROTHIRS ft Co, ; IUUX WatlLBSAL AOBBT, IWI PKAML HTftKKT, A A' If X011K. roB (At. T vswi.rs, . Baleigh, S. C. Jan. 4 dnAaw;ttu. 1Chotccr:aph I fi PT AV.i Y ' . I r t tf i. . j iT I ia rffcit la SIlraeuIuat rj TT la aa sntirsly asw seisulite dlaeovery eoathininf ft- many nf th matt paweriai and raatorativ aaMt ' In thswcffrtiM itws. Wsbaveaaes ewiil ittnes I It merit, and in mm sars it will do all wa oiaos tor It lliatwa offar , ft I.OOO UEWAItD IftltsMstllaiei Hair Rwsur itmm aotratia faetitai ia all esas whs assd la strict eooofdana with . r isatrBotioas. HALLOS -: ' VegeUbl Bicilian Hair Banewcr bss provsd itself to ba ths most psrfsnt prsuaratioa lev tlis Usirsvsrsffersd to tbs pitW' , u i s vshwisiiis osinpoBna, ana eentslBS BO Ulurt is properties Wiislsvsr. It i sot a Ova. it inksa attha mob aad tlla Ik. slaada with saw Ufa and eoturtni niauar. - It will vsatiwr ry Hair lis stiBlaal C'sisr. ... ttwlil koeai lbs H sir (Vans felllagatni. " llcssstsMM tbs seal. saskas Use Uatr (!, Imnh aaa allkss. (Is a aptlsadld Halr.rsssiai. Ko parson old or ysanr, thnuld rail to aa It. 1 ' It la nmnviBMadsd aas saed by th ftrst Medical laarltr. .- -r,.-. . .... rt" Ak for Hall , TsB-st.bl Slotliso Hair R.oaw r and take a of hoi st, a. UAI.I, Prsarlrtsr ' kaattua. K. R (TBil4 byH DruirifUu. Williams at tjaywood aa F. V PstHtnd, haliKh,N & Fsh "WiWMlaiwiVm. B.H. MACBT, J-LMACfiT, B. T. BEOOKB " it. II. MAURY Si CO. I, EsTACLIdlEDIS 183d. BANKERS A N D BB0 kBu. -' Km inttMftlSHTBEBT.':' '. ' Fint Home Belovw the Pot Office, WCHMOND. Ya, Slcrllng- Firliungc, Cold and Silvt-r, Hank !olr, Suite, (It y, and IImII. .roud. ISoudt ii ud Mock y.ako...... Iiuutflit and sold on com- iiiUsifin," Dept.ttre ivrtand Cllftiuins mads ea all k. .aMhtt p.4iita ui tlta tniltHi nistua. 'i aea; VY . -..tt,.- IN Jl'St liUCLIVISO FUOM THE KORTlf A t i Pr.r Sttppl.; of - ' ' ' PiAiioxrrnr j , JILA.VK BOOK-X Iiika. Pin nd Fanry artielea. Ad ,-i.n .t.I tiuus. I ittl'stid sos. . r " , " BRANSON A F AUTI An Whi' tse.' r X" aw k i i f r 0KwiKH'33rKKiM X.' '.'Z CiOLItiHUHO I LTItlE COLLLCiK. A -XSTABUSESIS 1858. ; 1- mat unaxa sionwiixbeoin on mon. -. -' A day tl. Jlu. 1,-b. and etsitinus tweatv ' ' wieks. W a can .anetsnnnststB a few mu boaxdurs." : '-.'TS', , , ' , . . . Ai'pUcalioti siiutlld bo uatis ininisd.s sly to secsrs i- attitiiaaif.it. w :'-f tMstttutiaoiia not aeeUrian ; Ute creed -of aU duiionnnaiiona ars duly r.-spneUtJ. I'uiitla ars Si " " pseted B m'-unxi th Cbttrch of tanielt titaj nsrenta ' - are menitMT. 1 he boaedtfi department It nnder tl.a auperri.lon '. of Mis Fresiusot of tus Ct.ilfSs, Th vo'imi Ladiee sre m tht-special chYre of l.t, nlt n-s tfi. fi,. j. ". " ' y . (ll, a,. t.aerncJ'lkyau6M bJ ; att.1 worship rtmi,rtlh tumUmllmr .with the men tber - : of hi own tumiiy, ' , . . , , ' , l-'AC UIXY. , R. Mn to Fe.vt A tr I w.i ..a . . hAnt-kint Lani!ii.4t.iiil rhiiwuhv. fc. W. A PA-ai. A. il. 1'ruf. of MalK,lt,M ..'.j t I ' - . . - . . v-. . atliu j-I-JSlJUU t-Ki V I t.!!',"!!, 1. , i i mrtwt rft,:,..n , A..i,, .uiv. rti.i. 1 ( t.t f - .and i '""K i?i i".t rii.ri " it hi ti r vt.,.. ..r if....:. 1 . H t. IT t . 1 i.mttt t tt, ,,, ,.rtty-- INtttarttitititt. - ' mum, tr g lito Ltntr I, parli.Mtl ira , t. t fir s Cijctilar; Atlitit, . . Feh-l.itawl , . - IWitJit, V . WAVrLD.t . .. 1 fill Df,r'S MAXl'FACTVliED TOKACCO,. put JllUnp beiore Ut letkifl i i,lw KKm (q 0 " -mntutt.. It must b ound.. t ash vui Nt pd. 1 V t ,. . X VLLLUI, iuSid ft CO. Feb. It-WI-tf VVhyiessi Grocer.

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