- i .' - ( .. .r.....1,,...t ..r,.... iS....,,.,.,.,,;,..,,. ....V... i-: 7 1 -A i I i k i f f : t i " f 1 i v . if I , FERTILIZITRS ro IPHHIC ' IT fE beg itins-m the trtule nu pteuler of Sot-lb 7 Carolina end Vuviut. tnat arc prrj-arui to furnish tUaiu it m i apiror-d FfHiilH.l-lii, Ml to SOComtllOilaliU' lcr-n, W ha stuck of genuine VliiNLiiLAMl. portdi4 jib tlrt Ajiftiit of ii.c i'.rainOueniiwntt Wo e now it.r, Mr turnw hate dtb.ef, ij tiitis liltAliLKVS Mlb lMUH.lIti iV Lliik, winch .n few in 'If- n. u awrtabw rt putaU mi ta the- 'oitoa and twt finnw of Nrt mruUut and Virgltua. lent mMurJH, pI.HHW Its. 11 equal, and In tnauyiuiimrtem rB- i, iptia- to toe l ei avian viunA-- U i ov fiu i rf it as accitatr.e.1 br ouutry : " ' ' ' I Reaulta or Analjtea Tlade f II md ley luientjiiper-iFophle f Llme, iu mv aold bjr Wat, animal auauir". salt of Ammonia. ' , . lion PbiVWof Lim. Magneet end Iroa S6.WI . , Sulphate of Luii .'. t ... T -- .. -t- ,' - v- lnsulubl ll Hit . . The wutnkl mtlUr flrclrd 4 put Xmnviui , wbrn it h Junninw4, uh), will b wwu, bmu-I Jkhrt many wialyM of your Hupr-HifipUti rt Lima, uad duraK uio uut lew bmwum, i hh unna yuur tuiwUrd f quality full equal to iliat of any yen ta er "old in former yara ; and I am atiad Uia( yon incl ule tha wmrcct (irtuuiplui in tit man ",Ur- UU''.va ar ...... W refer to Ui4JUumi guatlanuta wuo toaWuV iU menu laat afaaon : .; , ,. I a. U. A. tWra, H'arrae Cooiity, N. C, Col Johk WiMDMa, Ornni ' ' B T lUi.uao, rnnkiia, . ' A. D. " . " - -:, K, If. TAanoaoPOB." ' - . I. Birru, Kaata CoBnty, K. C. i U Arrirr, " ! W T " M ' h l C'mtM, " ' H WflLUaaa, - " 1 P HiuJiao, " , 'I PJuumm. ';; . .' ; , '. i 1 Tmiti. " -''-! , , 'Ur WM ViktMy, ' TJBuuuis. ali County, Nurth Carolina. "S VsBoi'um. , " ; Hen S H Kooraa Wall Trfcmtswau.. Kdgeoomb ' J H AaUTiua, " " h I.TO. ' ' K H fuwiu .' " - C,,10 W Hakmoxb, : J B Tuuii : 1 iNTixm. h-n U W IUhi.w KortlianiptoD WPHolomo Halifax, ' . ' WIIhuh H ilium. . W will ua rnprtwantffd at th Court of GranrilU, Nanb, Wi4B lulivxiiuba, WilM.a Halifax, Knrtiiamp- fUi eomttr Vimliiia. Aay bttHinoM ixniiidad to na ahall hay oat Ut at tiott. PetarabnrK, Va. . Jan 31-3m JIl'tES' ftTOLCX flOO UBWIKO, STOLES FROM MY HTABLK3 IS J0H3TOS Comity on Monday nifht ih Stta. tint., four MO'LIX, 1 bora niuln, nmuM eolored, D mar mntsa color, black, orrl and laouaa eriiiir. The two latter Viuglit fj-om tbe Hovennueut and branded. I will pay Aildreaa, I Jrt B, WATSON, : .:: ... - . . Balciga, K. C Fob l-150-tf r;LA?3 AT 44 FAVETTEVIljjTSTuilEf. Jgroa flutwl OoblMta, , .. Tx . s . i ' . groaa 'I'ouy liar XumbUra. , Bt Ku-oon 00, by tha barroL Fb.liU!-tf t-v-" For Hart A Lewia. ' Juat arrivine alar aelwtion.of tli beat Mid mnt daaira 4 Oaruuo and JCiold Bead duwnt from 11, hin clair A Co. lUlliimira, tu ol lt and tuoat raliahl Heedaman in ttia country. Our trwul war raly upon keUiui the cruin auiuid to Boutlwra Holla awiulih beat quality u arvry roaiiect. . t quality Ut arvry roapact. J Alir.3 1L TOWLEM, -r., o" let I3-15l-tf " gITCATION WANTED. . , Two yosng Ladiit, of tiparbinn in Teaching, wtnh ailiiauun eilhdr in eoma acliocil or a family. Ina would tvach ail tba Krilnh branuhoa, Praitchand Mu aio, at a aalary of (iuO and board, for a aaaaion of ton iiiilbtlieotljl'r would Uoh th Tariou English iiratteuSrfiir a aalaryot 1W) and board. Adilraa .Kbv. J-KMOH 8HKI t, Leaabnrg, CaawuU County, J(. C ' BwwtMa.Rvr. . (. ., ., . - "TbH-aUl-dStwlw rrzwti kawbone phosimiate AND 1 Sutwr Pliiwtih! tif Lime Tbeae aofwrior rertiluwtra, romRimdod by the expe rteuoe of tlie miiHt aiuioeaaful l'iauuira in tba Hnutiiora Ktataa, whoa erUoctee we bava, will be'furmahiHl oa bliaral Uirmn by I'UIXUM, JON Kit A j. X 1TI(. i4-lit-tf W holaaal tlrowir. ; . ' t'OU KfcXT. ' A nNE and oomfortabla Homw, aitaatad in the A pleaaantoat portion of tba city, formerly noon ptod Hi ca. uut uivm ifvueo. . iihhiiwwi wui ua Jauipa Iradall. . 1'inmoimku gtyan on Janu try let. ln;7. Ternia can be known on aonliiali.io to C J. IUE Df.LL, at tli Ualuujb Natioual Uank. lm i , , -i- , roil The Basking house Asb ixt of tub bakx of Ci Fear, la tliia City, Apply to J, t. Uuir, ...Xab.ftOntUM(tiiiu, w..to :. W. If. JOKES, . rTIGII II f I C R II OTu:E.Illl!lt.lI pivi-..i til y l iiEail'AilX- nvrnuip iHiiaumm ui ritH, uu ur u. tf, v ooiviii anil 4. H llnuur, nndur the nam aii.l atyl of t tlNASl' A IHM i.lt, ha this day Uwn dusolved by ninluivi ciu arnt. . . . ) . . . neaa of th late tiru), !.. H. tt..i.jiS,.tsiV-- ni.tii'l'wjili'lilaiiifr.w rOTIitu,i.ipra., eb. la, lwn IUtuik aaaoelated with to MrL K. H, lilr. ?7orHiaHipUn ooiiuly, . 4,- we -tHjMoeita will ho - after b ooHiim-t-d hi th aame atand, Budur the tiaut and atria of liL.N lXH A LAiWITKK. Tiatik!ul hit tha liherar-ptttron itietoforn; W v towed n)xm the lata tiria of Conant A Huuwt, I r "7" aptiaitiUy aolicit aoonuituanoa of tba earn. ; ,. keb t-IW-l ; J., U. IHJNTEB, c arria Til 8ilOm. &- Cuihlreua Cip(H Tip hoa M e. per pair. . W. U. U. , TCciUcfi CO. Jan JI-14SM - . v . JOKS & PLU3IMEU; , (Hnonaaaora to K. U. Martin, Hummer A fo. 1 CF.SEKAL COS&IOX MEP.CHAXTS 7 (IROCEItil, tiTn"lt rti'ieVh'tnnU of '("ntUirw T.4,aienHt1uHit. l.iaeral a4aeee nt-oa ProdaiiO. Orders Kit tRw.1 Btioa irtanuii rntea. - -, KOf.Knt tt iUMt-s irEKrETIXHOTTJ,"' Lale luaunt-t. . . lxi of th firm M H. at atuurv warenmia. aUitin, nciiiimiT A Jaa 17 lniOu., and W, K Martin ... ! N W Wih tobtr Wwron to haul .100. ( fret of lomf ber and 'MM oordaof wood. lMntam-e trn it to 4 mile lliUB Hltl, ftb 1-130-U . . !.; 1 nicimoD, clotiiixg HAxr, , t"4CTOKV, ESTABLISHED 1831) 1839 Jf. B. j P K SI t' e, A CI E ST KEllCHAST TAILOR AID ClOTHIEa, OI-STAND, aj, 3nll aj( M aflllk j-ji . . jucnno d, TA.! . '. Htnlnit rcivd aEu Winter ' , CLOTHS, " CA8SIMEHE8, , AND VESTIKGS, which ha ki prepared to make np to order ia th beat atyl and at abort ttotioo, H ha aao oa band a trail aeletd tock of id ay Eeadj Slide Clothin. of hi an nauafaotur mad in tlii City nnder hi y'n asperrtaion. Klurt mad tn order and a good tt warranted. ' ' 4cnllmn'a I'urnlahliig 4jioo4l endlee variety alwaya on band. Call and e bia Stock at No. 1300 Maia Htj Biek. Kwd, Ta., befor parchaauig alae where. Oct l&-3n ' -4- UAVVlUti AKCT. CU M B E II L AN D VALLEY " " , .! IXSlttANtK COM PA N I.' OF NASHVILLE. ' TENN HOME OFFICE : ; NO. 25 CIIERRyNsT. AlTIIOKlZi:i CAPITAL FIVE HTTHDRED THOUSAND DOLUSS. GEN. N. B. PEARCE, Vms'r. v i ; . S. t, TBippE, Sec'y. J fiavina been enootfifed afient tw the ilm,' f'nm. pny, I roipeotfulfy call the atWutioa of the citueia vl tin eotion of North Carolina, to th fact that th ia a Southern Cotnvany with au auUuirized Capital of tHMHw. It'a baauiea i ably eondncted, by In Juential, reliahl and wealthy ottiren of TennoBaee. 11 p. mt angit jsierE9Ei AlULJtaA alirtgut iiuan exoeetUngly prompt in 1U payment, a can be ahowa UJ ii nn?mi, oei"K eueiawjeu oy weattuy reuuonum. , It take both Life and Fir rialu 00 ternut a low a any Faatern Comuauy, Tin Conipanr I Juat beinr lntrodoeed into Ha sla ter iitate and I hope it will be well patronutad. Let u auiipoil and enoourase aauh othar aud keen all our Monoy at hum. f Ho on i obliKed now to no North to est himaelf hb prolmrty luaurad, a C nan be aooouiruodated bare by a company f greatest reliability. 1 aw o iouuu at any soar in au at to HalUKh Natioual Uauk. ' i' ' ; C, i. 1BJSDFXL. , , v A BB. CHABT.Efl E. JOHNON, . """",':" Vl KaainlniJn Pbyaioiau. IIEXDEllftO! COLLEGIATE IX9TI : TCTE, ...'".;-' .! -.-'i C .(ON JtALEIGH A GASTON II Jt) rrWEaecoud aeaaiou of thi Inatitiitloa wiU oouv JL niouc iouday, ilt. Janaarv, 1 f win per aewnoii of !J weeka naif ta advaiino Primary l)it. currenvy , ., IA.nu HiglHir'Eiigludi . .. ., skt.tiv Vlaajeai I i v '. -.-j So.uo lll. nlolltal ElfieiIKe 1 no air of waaliing. fuel aud light Ac , )wr mouth, Id. Ml 'Ilia l'nik'iil wul b aaaiated by Mr. VVm J. Hobarda, of Uranrill Co., a thorough enholar, and axiMirieiioad teaehor. For further particular! addr, ' FKKO. A, JtBTTRR, A. M. OeeSl lawlra l'nni ial. Petarabarg Indet eopy and ftarward bill to Ur V BKmiesvwwK, jidw ritfjiTON'a Ki:v book, Uhyme of Ui War, Filth TuniHand.,V k - . f HJiA!tJ.N A FAKHAK. 1 JaBS0-l8-tf . .. . . k' LOOK AT 0 I! It (.0 0 DM IOOIC AT. oun piiices i SOME UNDER COST "ETEHT BODY IS I.XTEnE.tTKO." 1 Brown Dometio. par yaisj,- -W-rtea--- We i Portaiiiouth BIeacuiiig, .4 4 Whiteaton " 4 A A. Aqanlnkk j 4-4 Waltham " IMe. i',8. 4 i.F.tra Usary .Rwies,! wWiJwVH Low, PUINTS!'!f: -- EMPIRE M ADDER VrrtSH!. WAM3CTTA . " , . 13 c V -SAC M KKA9 S ev And all ether Prints In Proportion. OtB OOOD3 HATK BEEN BOUGHT IN THE UUT (0 DAY, AND ABE ALL PAID FOR, AND WE INTEND TO CLOKE OIT THE " WHOLE STOCK AT 4 t" s , ' , PiaoR TO MOVING TO ;-ocs ,N E w I , - :;: W..1I. V H, Hjt Tl C UEIt A. 1 0.1 Jan21-14U u lio.iiuitu bELECr lAx"l""iAT tiCIIOOL, .,m vm-Xfl t.lnirs till t annua m. r, I riT.IE Miean Kaah and ia a Jlmk, aerated a t. biTeUitore In eaoh oVtartmetit by an abl 0.-0 ot Prof.iMHira and luatruotAfta, will rtnim the iur. own or their aeliooi on tli Hih. Feomary, It it, . . 4'ircatara flrwanlw.i on appucatiou. ATCOST ; . Greet aal of Dry- Oeda, Boot and Sao, Bate, Nouou Ae., Ac, new going oa AT r-r-n'xwtr v r soirT;.- 7 . of.b fit as d so. si -nstrnxiuM For th purpoe of ekwing ap oof bvaui ia tbial'tty we otter uur antua aux-k AT COST,"- coswrisa or VALHV t DOMESTICS, TABLK LtXM.fi LAP IU I1JOAK.1, i Jw.v., t.Arr , . . H-LO I'M HOXlXXTi TRIMXIXlH. , LADAS HA T B0XStTH, -UvOP SKI UTS, X0T1OS mnnit mo git roii 1 ) ' . I.APIKH A CHJLUMKX. AL0 FOH MK.V 4A'X KWJ X HrJT.4 HATS tOlt IfKV AXVMOiX Aiau, a As lot of Jeaua and Batinata hit Han' a oar. 1 but Mora recently purehaaed for Caeb, ia war Uiy ih attention of all buyer and will b aoid a aoor Mated AT C C ST. EDWARD WHEELER CO. No. II FAIETTEVILI.B, r.T., BauwaM.C. Dec tf 9 0 t r El C O F P E El! Jar, CeyUm and Bio Coffee PULLIAM, JONES A CO. Feb 6-154 Wholesale Orooera. IS DA VIS A TRAITOBf DM. BLEDSOE'S BOOK. " Jnt reoeirad, ; - Feb T-lU-tf B SANSON F ABBAS. QOTIOS WANTED, By th Baleigb Manufacturing Company hr Bpuuing pnrpoae ot th grad of "AliddUng. Ajiplj j " . : Jan 81-149-tf Tl 3 Ala OI,Ttl t IV ' . .. . e atrfcaine ain tiioee ti.weee pr- W. H. A B. fi. TX'CKEB A CO. Jen 51-149-tf ' ' . - piELD, LAXCSTROTH V CO UIP0BTEB3 4 : DEALERS I TV FOREIGN d DOMESTIC - IIAIiDWAHE, Cutlery Guns, etc.. "3" KO. 440 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. j WB ABE CONSTANTLt RECEIVINOADdlTIONB TO OUB STOCK FBOM ENGLISH, FRENCU, GERMAN ARB American nanulaM'turera. " Mercliant Tisiting thi city ar inrited to atamin our ' ' ,i . ; assostbeht op goods. which will b offerod a Viw a any houa in tha jocmntrr. Orda t ttriu receive prompt and caref ul - cutenlum. tirw 'Vrpi n . T. F LANi'tMTBOTH, .... w . r. at Aiaos. Fab S-lSa-lw DRT CiOODSt Dm GOODS " " AT ; COST V I ',A3srr' Lowe h. TF TQU WANT TO GET CHEAP GOODS LOOK AT 1 our prioee, orr puronaaiug etaawncra. L Brown Sbuting. . Mo cetita per do. 1 " " at ) hea vy 20 ' " " 8-4 Bbeatliig ' - - i Arctic Bleaching. 15 " yard. ' I Willow Bridg. do. 1-4 rombroA 4-4 Lawiaton AA Hanover extra fine Lonadala, Wamratta and New fork Mill at market price. i 1 .Jr. It 1 Vt I'.Bt , . at from 12) to 20 sent par yard. I trhite all wool Flannel . ...o ., o ,. un": 4 ownta Pr yard. HO 7, Eri 11n nanrwfn tW'' all wool eitra heary Mhaker Flan ml II ,08 r yard. Sack and eolurrd IFIani net aorreapwdiagly Full and winter Dre Cooda, Cloak, AJaaul vUalca, !ltii.ErrI;J;C.hJ!.t ortment or taenia Head . I Wit tie Clothing. Poota I aad Suoea, llataand . . ' " Cp etc., ele.. AT TOl'B OWN PRICES,' AT M. BOSBHBAl'M'S! - Feb v-157-tf No. IS, Fvsttvul,1MrI jLiHH ."DASCIt JOHN H. HTM AN, or 4 aaaoau, b.u., or eotrruwa Kwat, . (i - J 0 8 KPH II. HI MA N, . Ltttrf Tarboro, IC . - : DAXCT, IIVTIAK ate CO., Gcaeral CommlloB Ulercliaata, . For th aal of all khnta of Sonthera Drodnoe and au- rf arthaae of General Meruhan.hja, 2o. 31, Eicbavng-fi inatee, .. .. -. . . ... nuw vgtKr.. HnlHfl Mtauufttcturlnf UnMii, i)A BA1XH KllEUIOR COTToN YARN, JC8T .si 'ffawrtvei 'weie'te Wrtr erwriw.' - Apply to H. A. iajkir, Eao., Treaanrer, or tn . . - 1-tLLiAli, JttNFjt A CO-: Wh-ileaal Orooera and Coininewautt Maruhaula. - BaUiuthr Jaa-Hi."C. . - T rOR RBT. A VALCABLE COVfON I'LANTATIOX X ... .Apply at THIS OFFICE. Nov 15-U I ';HARDWAIIK2 IaU Thomg Ktckenzi 4 Son f(: 993 Balilraiore KU BALTIMORE. Felloea,'; BaddlTree, noBa. Hoar Skint VnihT -win vua, .2 Mdttler lial nameled Ltathtr, CirriaM BoltA jjag i.eainer, . Tireoltt, Mo. Wieelm; . oitirxinff, Harneit ltfter, i Stirmps, Bita, ; 1 y Ae m Alao, ta ether tartirlo iippruttBlnp ine Buaineaa. , Bept. A-sui ia , rEYXOLDS mtBKEj WATEItlVilEELS RET1TOLDS' PATENT SWEEPS THE FIELD; SEW IMrKOVtMENTS ; MSW PBJCE8 ; ; - ', ,4 : DOK8 NOT CLOO ; - , ' t I S HAS NO COMPLICATIONS OF fc ' ' V- GATES OB OOBTLT FLCME VyAjIlK i roOMPACT FOB SHIPMENT ; j '.V j GREAT WATEB-8AVEH ; THE OSLT WHEEL '.' , THAT EXCELS OVEBSHOTS j - flOLD MEDAL AWABDEDST I , , ! AST EBICAN rSSTTlTTE FOB ; ' BUPEPJOKITY. . . ; Ihafttag and Oeanng rurniah4 when required. otaiiaiTALLcar, ' Lata TAIXCOT A tJNDEBHIIX,. ' i . i, I No. M Liberty atreet , " N.w V...k ' Arenta : A T. LEE, Society Hill, S, ' C.,: and 8AML. DAun, ttraaitaruia, a. v. ' Aag. 13-om . - ; - ,M , ; 'i J ,, i WATEB P0WEB AND MILL. ' I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC ACCTION, AT THE Conrt-Hona in Oraham. Alaataiuie Coutit M. C. oa Tuesday, March ftta. at U o'ulock, tba raluabl property , known a tbe OjMIlXISIaJir-A LARGE DRIOK ITOTJTIIIVO MILL, WITH ALL THE NbCEoAHI MACHJVEBY. a.w win - . i .- ' ' ..." I vHi.1.1 n.w-in .iq n 1 1 1 1 ir it iweinng nm0 i and I In, Hn,,. U.l ua v.'r ' .TZ - . e o aJiM xiew Hivee .ia, almnl ... i, u.iu a..'.'.r..... i..'jirj r ... .. unvs . ,toh. iiiiiiiiiiwi ia uiuf:ien( ft larg Factory, nd the int -valuaW power ia yet animproved. Thi protwrty is oiilr two and a half M.,.w ..i .iiw ....1 in muium uniuu nan noau Hhopa. and midway between t'bar.itle and Ooliieboro'. It la a valuable klAation fi r a I r..t v..,.,-- .1 ia of the cheapest aiarketa for piircbaaing eottou. D 1 I... i. , ... ' 1 -J Wlilcb they can (io by tc ippuix at Uia Cowlaov rn. f Hill, .A,A iMtili, .ifll.M l.ttr.-l.. .......... u 1.. 1.... OV Htea. wdj be re- ' ITJV ! .ninut tn . .K . ... lutro. j: Mi iuiirLi.r.. JaaSl-td Newbern, North Laxolin. , LIFE IKKERAKC'E. MAT lnaura their Uvea becana thy aee th folly of neglecting torto ao. Manv who do (kit titenre argue that it ia tolly to menre. WTiich is right-r If those who donotinaniaean cite instance of th harm dun by a policy of hie luaurunoe, if they cau point out ansa wtvo have loet Vi.OtlO to (100,0(10 by Life In aurauoa, then upon proof of aame, we most believe them. Hundred of mataaoes oan readtly be ebown where part lea have been benefitted to Una extent In North Caroline there are amm tttdo and Chil dren ready to testify to th goot resulting from a Ufa laanranee on tbear only earthly depeuilenc. v -4'lie "iluia Life Co., in loosing til.ooo the past year haa relieved want and now with oyer 4.0fi0.iio of assets offers snr protection to all thinui who will vall thenMBlvs of her liberal 1ra, bv railing on . t i ' W. II. CROW, - . .i,-. n'1 Af'' th jtlt if G BalsigU, It. C, Jn a-lS-tf , . , . .. for hai.il--! : 0 i'K THOUSAND ACRES of valuable lead, lyiag r on Neu Kiver, in the Count v of eolttUHSi. and oa Dotn iuo ot tne .v c 11. itiawi, oetweeu . nntlinold and Stalling Depot. . 1 nrefer eaallin aha veholai traeA ta, aMf man l.ti I rlil out it into hundred aura tract, to unit purchaser. To a company of men wiahing entail farm and plea- an I hanaltha, traati.Ha. it lii.i.1. na, a..t a.ilnwau..i. aa I will sell oa favourable terms. Kentona wnhiBg bo examine tn tana, ana coming uy, nail Koau, can b nnt t)S tli Cara at Vlnaiui'a Mill, wliure tli.,v eoll aiwava nua ute. . I will also sell a TWENTY HOUSE pbwor SAW MTU., in good working order, with teams, waggon, and all appurtenance.. . -r . .. Y N. M. VINSON. Aet a.rUarftf. .'. iT IT u Y U K fJ E l V EW GENTS FllENCH FELT HATS, ' BRICIITO.V, 's'Tri""- a.vv, " l"- ,n- ' v., aw .11 1... . 1 ii. A' , .i. . ut . ...I., nma a,io,nitfl anal, 1 . , - "'".'i-w w.umiui auu wmtla,--a.AAJ'Sef-evwdes.!riirtloii " fludtiatrucUbtt). - .. A N. dt J. . Hch'IMMOV a w. vrcm, a. Mtun, w. b. axmm ns a o, ofWilwo gt'n. of Alamance Ca . . of Norfolk V YICK, MEBANE & CO., GJ.OCKHS' ' WMWSlila HE it C H Tr: I'arwrr 4'beaaat a a Water Mlreeis, ' 5nmiHaTOMai"tjX vurtaili; ii lurirui - i bJ.. 1 U ww l Li n a TABMT.RS and buil Jera ia Bead of Lian. n tie X uppuea oy ui uiiuersnpied with aa exotlleut atlL. .a i.i Low ratee . Cost per text at Naliabory aeonrely boxed 112.00 Jrstflit fnira galubury to lnma.lira, v i,i, l0.x. i ItlllelKiru, .V ' V 11-. - i-Wh, S.70. Apply ta ... POWELL, WTLso iro. ." '. : laiswti ttion, DwM ... . - y.A.4 a. joii tv.towitr. qtil- rciUrTa ."Ai"iK( ii nr.fr rT; , JIALKIGII, TV. C. i flX warwiaa Flaw seid ripserni-ittTrirt fr" !; Uiga, t nurctics, factory UuiMiuga, Jails and V.n ItMUTTItHin OT UUIi.UII A .11 a r.. .1 . arawinra with pronptuass audoai rvasoriabi virtna. FOR RE YT, T IHAT ptet Cnttagis oa Hilkhoro Rtreet a,). iouuiui tha rendenee of Jadee h.iim.lm i, . aaiaa a.lUM ait anav , Hana Ran. W., a. . 1.1 v T.. BAUXDEBa. excelsior cub norsE,- TkTEXT w to tba Escbann Bote ; conducted na il uw curofie ra. ituv aaemi aervru v . . and Luiiaora eouataaaly a baad. - "t- T.F.LEE. Kiw80-tf Prortetia:. JAS. L. IIATI1AWA V AD UTLET fFortaerly HlTHAWAf A Co. . Lnputir re jtf U0LAB F. aod Bl'dAK. Wilmuiiit.ui. N, C.) bhipln and Commlwiion 9Irrliutit,T ;. 171 PEARL mtEET, SEW TOBK We aolicit eonairnmenta of Cotton Naval St', baftmti Vein T.iv-,.'B,.,Y ifwTt.hfl.i.n Jt.fit- fhitM t,. tt.. . sl..l. .... "a-taill he aivea. I rttt'inake litwial' ailvaui.ii "I- ,rwi(a "i jiiTiitcu ano i in ot LAOiog, au -iBcr-uiiamlnw and Prodnra ahipped to fur wle are iu umd fmm point of ahiim.ent, with or ailhout ad rioe, liiroice ahonld alwaya acconijiany urb hi- ui U usTiiir Biaw wiwemr virs Mnfnf-nc IB wnmnMII It trial TLuitiU ...a. r f UiilllU.'lV . t ' anna . A-a a l u A n A I threw rear in New York, we feel eonfi.lont we can ae enr full pruweforour friemi who will farrarn -with then- eonaignmewt. Ml,7!?.,T"r'i'mI' ""Ml. Pnbhe Treunr of N. C. and W. H. A M. S. Tucker, BaWh, N. C. i8-"' M. B. LTLEt;. ALLAX V' JOIIVMF . : W II O L, l: H A J, K . Seedsmen, Nnrscrjipn and Florlsli. ,..t: (. . ., iga;) MAIN ''..- (CNDEB BT. CHABLE8 HOTEL) ' .-; :- s .; Oot lS-ly - THE KORJIAL MUSIC A L IN ST I , ...... - ., -TETE ,. C. Feb. 1st II ro, nnuer the direction of 1U. 0, A.M. aaaiated by a corps of exncrlenced Inetrnc. U - . . 1 . . tor. KHuinn In MtiKnn. ' l.i , . or iw. k. iIii.Lii I. .i " "J"" ,V0;lJn, ""trumenul) eapecially with reference to snalifrlnv M.n. . . i .... r. -. tm .iiurooKO instruction in muMln: rw. wwiniiiK. utrii ana ooye, ladtoeand gentlemen, desiring to prenar for teaob uig lnon.ormor.of it branch, WUU be receired lerme reasonable, and Jeductioue mad ia fa.or of wounded, (Confederal) soldier of limited manv por. t-'jrcnlar containing' particnlara, addrea tha NoriW.law6 '. ' .'. if jwo.porre bbown, bicitd m. ctjtleb. rurmenyoi . Of Savannah. Oa. Brown.D.llo-etACp, tTt vA . '.' BROWSf A CYLERt. " , OS BEAVER ST., IV E W Y O n'tt Libral advanoe oa Oonaigometii. ' Dee3S-lw ' - ' ,f 1 .. ' ' XOTICE. -:- A Aaaeoibly, awita next sitting, for an Act to norat the In........ I.. .1 . . I , . . . : . . V . . . -: ....... K , ,ur u VI IIH-III- porat to ' American Industrial Aaaociation of North Carolina, for the parpoee of developing the Agrienl- tliral. Mineral .nil ..',.. . . . Carolina. Jan A-lra , LTMAN W. OtLBEBT. J . KsaflaMaa ST.. A HlUaa.ll .. . n.iaa... "JOTICE 18 GIVEN, that application will be made I XI to the General Assembly, to charter th "N'tioo- I al laamnataii Trwtm t ............. .1 -804.' ' ! A VALUABLE FAR.U FOR LEAbE. fpHK RURHCKIBKK fElIRE8 TO LEASE, FOR 1 a turn at mm' kk V.m. . 1 . . .' ... a-m a- w ua, wuuuilll VIID IV.ll Ul hiniton. .. .. ... ,. It i well adapted to tha growth of COTTON and 'I I KM. and ila nnniMil. .... ,M. - l COBM, and its proximity to the town secures abun- uaa laoor a au aeaeoos of .i. .... j. p. Washington. "I Kin ton, Oet. Jl tf i-rogrea oopy. LABD, MACKEBAL AND SALMON IN TIN Cau and KltU, auto, Terr fine Yeast Powder. ; DI 'T 1 1 a U I. a. v w . , V L a a, a- vAaAAa. dWL3 X LU. TO SCHOOLS & COLLEGE. "S HAVE A GOOD StfPPr.V Olf Bj-nrtriT UooltV SHEET ilfSIC, alee, " "ALBl'MH and BlltrV 1 T"mrT r? j Feb7-15J-tf , ... BRANSON A FABBAB. ' . b hunter, Oiuuirnxi Co., N. C. E. H. LAS8ITEB, NoBTBAitrroR Co., 5, C. IIIXTER LASSITER,,. ) FORMERLY COXANT 4 nUNXER, v Cotton FActort, & General CommigdW . '..''... - ..'M"I!TirII A-Njto , .1 ,..',. . ' COBNEB OF HIOH AND WATEB STREETS, PORTSMOUTH, VA. , Fab e-lli.3 T.NP1STJWOT8UI. PSS&. L-. , , , 1 Thi California nam ta Mnanaua I .. , BRANSON A FARRAR, JaB21i fTT K,v"-A few atill fmhand. Jan 25-l-tf uiiaaaiifl a ik iik. VTaaT. OtRi.it KCPRtai rai RT y BeportaAIosA of tfassa-caa be bad at oar Store. 1 ta.Vi.1. an. nn n !r." v .-!! ,ieasSS5SvSS33SSi Cf,E, "Toitf , ITOg. HAVUfQ T.EAftEB J. W. WATSON'S HOCK Onarrw t& tr oitu rvuaci. . . m fcfplT to -vud Uwy .tl it on cj, immune lurniML '' . - - -- n - Jaa 30-liS-tf TAl uiiA.n a aneKiwa, TaaACce. yt ake weix supruXu with nils best of all Bnioking lolMitoo, aud eah funueh it in 1. 4 an.1 pound Packagtsvau auy quanuuus at tuanulsa-turers JanSO-lMlf ' -.p.w.Aca ' ' - ' :"t gHEETINO'S, I ARN4 AND PLAIDS. ,0i yd. and 4-4 shnetinrs. . . recu iu.g tuie 4v eV jnh shtmt P. W. A fW -4 g a LTTi, iT t ia e . ' S Raek Uvrnn.J fi'is"t. 7j liarn is ln i, lan.1 ljniu, . Jaa )-ltf-tf uprirAco: ;i ,TII t.Aita "TANDta, nOUrlSa W a Oaltoea. ; " i . ' " ' J. BTlfttnr at mi. n.. " ru,eK Bruahea, Me41c, Hln4iwi:iu.. .., J - pure salad on, ajtd nwlici 0 JL sua g, - and the most rnnni. 'f-uaa aiCUieSlPi 10S. ALL DISJASII,-ixTHtt U'l W f. i!!HL4I rlj PESCUD'S DRTJO STORE Being desirn'iit of aeesring a !lkKj..N KACKS," MtMUhkfTT:?r, taaeea, who ha e a aarplaa. aua aei ..nrTl'L5 ciaee. asd other artiele. ta th DkLO Lis T eordiallv invited to call, tw wad ia thif. dun,.. nuu. .sat EXCKAXOfcW Th. siT" factory ibduceuienu will be effnrad ' Spetai atteutiea eelled to tba 'cVIWi' tiowaod all who.,. J.:. P'-Iv know til here who ar lialn, to"iTbi.7li "uW " a B.tt.of ki FA trOllruu I many is II. ia cnoiieu aisiiied dia.aM. A. I elaera in nrtA . A lief a greet manv aiperimseta ... i. -diivjd Tti.; w. w-jk-. ."""Jr101" the reader that thi la the a. ior oowiug i wrat Ktrd. aait th.i k. a " . . T"" I avail 7p-irfeawda4 athar tItLS'4. .... ..... . . J FESci'D. CHAKGE OF P BAIL&0AD SClltrrj OnW Atlaktto A N. 0. H 4. CeJ , .. .. v-.. , 10ML t . .follow. Mond,y Mlt Mlul T1" M rji 4 Leave Minreheaut riifv Arrive at Newport.... Leave Newjxirt.. Arrive at N ewbern Leave Newbera . . . . ., Arrive at Kjnaton. ..... ,T 14 A at . I.M..T4 v..,'" 4T 1 tm ...... tu "to.Mat- i Axiav Avineton. Arnv at Moselv Hill! .11 o, .1136 Leav Mn oeely Hall.1,,". Arnv at OoidaooroV ...u ta- .'.UUF.S. '.IWP.L ' ..4 16 6 40 3 BETUBNTNO. Leave Jloeoly 1111. . Leave Kinaum. . , .. ,. Leave ovlmm .;.'..t'. 1 Leav New t IM- a 1 road iraiu oroiria. H.J i.ji T . . . S T.!:VIIIH HM.WWKWintn'!l ...iU k"iuk neni at in ia p. M... and returns, aeaveeafuu, amn r u.-,ij. ' . . . remni.ii roadtr gVs-uTh '" ",fW- TVl MnnrnMoil.tt,,. w 'v.. a ! ... Mr. f w 3 Mliaxrwt.1 jUv48 MoaLMssvd uty (Nuuon) TATb1 l'aV.aaaa-n VatAFV fAaAaarnAA ta day a follewa i 7-7 TT . .4 04 A M. I Leav Klnston T.r- , . 7 00 " . , ...luOF.M." v.o8A.m'.1( Amva-ar 4tohttliarn . .r. . . . 1 -BETllHNTVrV Leave Ooldahoro' at . . . ... . i laiav auawHt asi . ,M I a- . ' .,.., ..I ..s BO Arrive at Morehesd City (HuUon)'at" ' a ao u " This tram U... n,.i;i. . ni. ." V ll and tnriava y ahur ? Railroad aramgiua; North M r!rv. JvV? ti.1 um uaie ua iu uoioaooro' at 1 K If lata L- than mail Inua for (leaaeugera going North." OctS-Sui Rup'tofTranrparuu'- Iroportaatiwi Tb) People, T"7 a. w. fbaps,' , DEALER IN PURlflTf RE., - Weal Side rayetterl.il strtH-t. Aa AfAoV AtMry fiKor; 4 typrwVf fA, jrnrtcf,' InviU AtteiiU.n from City and Cuuntrv to ais but, and eleiraot aow k ..r L jT'r ro inn.l.ini. a....I. .. -i . .. n ....w mjBiiur on nana I rivoiniustiiig or compiet chamber Belts, Kama. T?Z"ZV l1"" onit.bf fir I i.!. Plee. Hi siipp y of BOF'AM. PARI i. a DlNINO HOOM and OltlU CHAIJtaTjJ , JL T not excelled lit th NUle. - UNDERTAKINQ. v ' . Uv aalftrttirtrataa -4-Kx Ww . w Other bu j w ia UJ UM rUUfnI M) Tl - f utanAAjkiiijF ia QO SW ate T&WS3!1?. ? work, elaborate silver plain mounting, nlatmr atl and new HEAlliE. of nwi. f- He ia therefore in condiUon to furnxeh avervthiur If'Vi enU O0,'''n ""I will attend C, af 1ST. "THE WORLD" 107. I the Irading public tourhaUof THE PUBLIC IS INVITO 1 ba AV fjaai-a., a. sbl.. tPfAfhnaF mihlr . .ivi. ai . ty.l"rr,M,:iu,i th. in,;.:, ; B Its eharacuir v , ,t , Aa enterprising and Tritatwui .. i. . '"I IVewiDaner. ina hiaitirw tf mi Cr-oaa .-..; v I the evi-ntfiil oan that av Dreceilei 1 I . : . ''".preceaea i . , r-i pivvHje(i it. .ii j reouuitLp ior n mietiigeiH mrlimrent of . 1 iaTa full anil ,,h..T!i!!2!.!?V!l. ' jMie a.;1 a full and authentic account of ttv .(, i, .,i. spire, lliese T Woni,B always aims to gir with conseienttotis laoeuracr, and witk equal fullst. and J.h.?4'WwWtto. ft.. .agaiaat.it ovra, iewa orpubiic poimy. prompt activity in spreading bun ire It. rea.t.r. jnr..rw bij. . . ...... ...3 . . - . ... i.c uovrs IB wiiuaa ij part of tlie publi Uke an iutereat, in the flrl duif of aneawpaper, and the facibtie of Tm ou.n lor discharging thi obbKation ar unsurpassed by this of any journal in the United btalee. Vhatenr l my fad m, it uertauily wiU an fail to fnmuh tea news, nor to aupply it with such prompUtuiis, niu, II alriitldlll-l .Ml II I It. 11114 WS lilt .1 II ... a.,,1 .,.(.. iyjvssliiiih,i a aiwai mmn,mm:m-v.:n Wlllfh till'T avl.h I.. il..- . ii . . . diH iinicnta ami argiimvut prepared by political f ...... "''.. ass SURLS Will PHI lust as fruelv as tluuu. i prepared by poiitioal frientt; niakllttf II V,t. e.,,r.,u. a,...-.. ... . , .iinni, fit (.urm., ....Ti siij'pree-.tug or garwiiig ll,em beranae tbrv art calculated y haia;s its own partv. Advsrss aiirn nieniM wliiiTi it. c.ii.,i.il ,r..i. r. :.. i 7 , . r - 'V!1, i. is content o smvb : maitetbeir rH tinpressBm; Tun Womid aidsits (lit ! rn" npt-aose it belnives no oilier is honest ; Uicai.M d omcciVm that ite lust duty to its rsadere is to ta tl.eui thoroughly lHAjraivil ou every pas-ing sul i vl i importance. : ' i TICUMS.' ' ; - - WEEKLT wnDT.n ... . .... . One Gipv, bts rear,. . . ' , Four Copies, otas year, - v lou Lopius, one rear, 1 weniy Coos, to one ddre f tfty Copies, " , - SEMIWIThxr WORLD, fine C"pv, ona year, V lurt iins, ops vi tx .Aatt.-TTfiifna Htm .TrBir. " ;,i,...ii..,..;;. -i .-i.sai. V SB1 il tl 4e TTi in. if u-i iiii i. J . ...z .. . " "'ui L"W, one yuar, TH S Wolil.li, ' -- .rai iA'oic, Ki r-i- Jan 21-113 if p IMttf t -j I T i,n,.(n . f.HANa siro.iKi'i'. 'inula, one of tne iilil,-.! .ml .i..i... .... .. "hi" " Amertca. A latg assortment aintirscmr all ):.,. . . . - -11".'" ..uaain. aiK. . ' U, tt,.,. an.t t ll..w ris..... . i . ... ..... reived aud for sale, who. l and rotail at ,, , ri-BCLaiSDl.l-UBTUlli.il , - S nil for a Catalogue. ... . Jaa-lw ... , V. ire lor IU or I. y-ar. MiA v ?J ar, jx- 'WltkHAxrrAIjrwTV '-..'; ......v.. . i !!-'' ' ' l 4. t .i.lf HA.; 1 Y