NO. 170. THE SENTINEL " AV U. Ev .TELL, loWvroC frioa Evening, March, 8, 1867. - Somebody 11 Com Tw-Hig&t "I saowt bind mr hair with lbs tumid bough, iM eni it with Inula of while ; Aud this btnh from my banting brow, ),,r.-oroclouj u coin. u uiKttfc. i.rf while hie eveshsU dKWn a ' 'III til pram i i v ni' . He mifet wt Bud ill my tell-sl fsee , , 1B, .pell u bis wondrous power. ' "I win the rob vhn'h h fondly nil ' a ..i.iul of enchautiiir ht'lit : Ad af where the Bielluwing moonlight falls. ii J.',r ausiM-tinur ii coin wi-nigut. AnifWhile b robe Slid tlw ptac htt seem I B tBS " SI1SIKW, 'Jin nwvet to know thst bin eye will beam , Vi nil a winterer, happier glance." : "Tm thnsTssng when the years Wees few '1 list Uvr on my heed, .Ami ail tile tlutii't in fainy grew 'f , Were tied with gi.iduil thread. ' ' And ewotaebody" earns Mid the wliieuers (hers I i-uiiiK repeal them, quite . Dirt 1 k-wfii "" ml lip in prayer, . And "somebody ',' ur tit-night, . J I bhiah no more t the whiapsred vo 1 -ii N, sigh in the soft niooiilight ; . . ft, robe bsatiMe"it- now-, "; .." ' Ami I bv anthracite. Ami tK " tbst vied with the gky wre Have passed t" the silver gray, . " Phi ibeiine that decked tlu-ia with flowers the . "- la holier love to-day..--- Kewi and Miieellany, i Women! For-shwtd. ' rom tlie Sew vork Uazette, ' ' " When pUrenolojjy first liegan to attract - attention, and claimed to be a denon, iiigh forehi adi of wo-men, well as men, were aociated with jntMllert. Every member of the otipoaite ki, however dull or uncultiva- ' ted lie nay lie, alinirea meutai gift, and hat no nbjecdon to t he reuUtion'jmiauBai- iiiu them Vraeimioniiequer.tly. ihe deter mined to be the neeming if not thrra)Hy, and tripicd l r forehead of the cluateriiig trenaea, and even removed the bair by arli fiYial meana that ih wilfht present a front WJich would awake the enthu'-an ot Ga lor lBoiir-dwiBi.o. J'ur. nuuiUir -tt yr4tit miinia for high foreheadi raged in spite of the pstent fu;t that they detracted from their feminine iovclinesa, giving U a hard, bold masculine expreiwioii that should be aedu lously avoideil. All the clawiic models of v"". Tiesut y, w hctliet tn inarWe ot in fliU, from X the Venuaand I'hryne down to the Mary's of Kapbael and MKill"inf Mnrrillo, the picturesque damsels 01 the Campagna and the clawuc rUiliote maidens, InxUnil of high, hsvs quite low forheads aomelhin tur omn women see in at last to have dlacovered. Horse and Catullus snd Ovid all sang of ' the fair, 6nd creature whose while Uire bead gleamed like tlie creaeot okhs ,-be. neath the dark cloud of silken hair. ArtisU ove so painted fenvnriBe tieatrty. Wett "of taste and. sallantry have atlmired suck I'hreoology has cesaed to ie Counoi tod with ff-thrfUguhjeiHs; tlutretwra we have. ip turned to nature m t art - v Indeed the passion now Is rather for e- ceedingly low forrtifads, for sir over! the ' templesend ive-l.ks that stade tto lua- tet of ilei p eyea. This israthcr-iwdonet but still it is preferable to hfty and stripped brows that inskehe lace mort fitting Wr H-irniH aenator than rgentle tender, womanly woman. Every main of ate must rejoice that something Hkg an approx imation to the old moiU Ia and the correct atandnrdoffeniloliieltveHneMhaslieen ea taliliahedt an we are no longer pained With. I , . high white fronts that tell of power Which ner u; fahien'd by the gentle heart j, .. . Victor riiiao on said of lViuis Nspo leon : "Hu lies mute and motionless, look , ing in tlm oppositej dirwtion U his object, iniil th lunir for action omes ; he then iu.mi h islieiid aud,iia4w.u.uon-hi fxvfriU! poliey start out on you aoruimy, m wub. unbending taming) pistol in hand, ut ftr." There is in bis tablet in his study, a drawer, , frequently half open. "jle taki thence a paper, reads it to' a ibinister. It ia decree, The minister assents W dissents. If lie dis "aenU, Louis Napoleon throws the paper back into the drawer, where there are many other '""papers,, bundle f paper the dreams of a all poteut man shut the drawer, takes ! out the key, and leave tlie room witnoui I saying a word. The mliiiater Iwiws snd re tires Uellgutea Willi inejueii rence nu-o o been pId lo I'm opinion Kext niorning the decree is in the MotUm." flTernor Orr. in hU iiMasagH delivered to 1 the Hute Legislature on the 7th November ' aaat, said ; . , , P ' .- V'-IIUory fHrntO. fcw example of pea ple who have been nJnuired to concede more a th will of tlieir conunerorsthan the peo ple ot the 8onth. Every concession wehave made, bowever, so far from touching the " mairniumuitv or eeneroaity 4X the victor. ku aharnenml thoir malice, and intensified Jvilalttee of -OWo-wanta-)- Brtjra rliei h.r tiiat niece of the Old Dominion too. . ... Ita Bimtef pesrtivt4y-reftte to ffmnt Uml rolotMt Citixeos etiual nglits wiui me wuitea. Tha ntla-IHoa irrow Kentucky, Kansas and Ohio. Ten sod three make thirteen. A mad nrii e at of the house of Bmi b in, on - " tieing asked why the reigns ot queen were In ei-nerul more prosperous than the reigns ol kingt, replied, "llocause, umler kiuija, Women govern ) under qmna, wen. t Mfheo a Spsuiardeata a piath or pear by . the readable, be wake a hole in the ground and covers the seed. Consequently, all over ttpaia fruit is in '.great abundance and al-. ways free.- ' ' Th Laki)kit PsrKR 'JLliL "-S, liriiUKVtl.eeiiri ut rtits ciiy, weTiambeeii' permitteil to s-ti met etipy ettbf AvftyrdifK putjliste ed at kt.:ltoiiriic, itiiilfafia, the largest pa-" the worJiX ." It "contains . Ihiilyiati pntrrn'rif i6ve Aluiiini ,eueii, sud ir printed i on a finule sheet -wjuuIJ Le ttUtitJavt Utn t tlinea) mue.'lnim-iJl4! J.Mmil. A FnKDttTHiN, The Radieai eanilidate lor Mvorl Alexandria is ri'ortiHi to have ;told tbenigroesat amet-ting Monilaf night, that in three months the wliite pwiplkwould . all b? disfranchised, snd the negroes would : Jisve the snpn me roiUrid. " - .. WhT TMB KkiiWll'.l DIB iwt VrsV AT Ai.xaj KU -- It ia.said thst the Attorney, , CDiml ,, tlie t'liiteil Elates (tr. St.tu- berj) declined to uive hts opiuinn on tlie qni-ai k,o in (M abort a tinue, but said he w elit-. jn the opinmn' tjiat they wouiil nm entiib-dto vote until the tovernnieut kd formally taken piwefc-ion of the Stale. M ir. - ' ly A .'' 1 - . ' Cotnnton t'ouiicil of t'iiarlestoa tiave C Jd a vote of thanks to Ut. I'esbody for S "it to the fcoiiihern schools. , f us FusstB Pose OtWThW-JwT iiig anecdote is told n connection witlt the ltiUBt Urparinient of tlie j" tbowe(tErtjrTiiitiioii. auj ilranainii by me arm young laity ink ball hutiuug coit. uimob, eoterwt ibe bureau ana askra in a IWm ,nm It .- . !.... f. If . 1 .... The clerk care'uUy nt- tha jacket from tlta L pigeon Bola ,Ntliiii( fur M ai) anje .lijfej A,a iioutalWwarti the young Imly Muotil, tlii time atone, and almoHt trembling iroacbed the counter. Th clerk aa her, auU betiire alra bad time tojak, he aaid 'lk-re U your letter, Mad ame; on no account whatever could., I de liver it to tWy ona but. jourelC Madame L , add M. liucamp, baa entertained the for J highest regard lor the puete reatante ever aiuce.". . - j .-; C'oMHU iNO lliHMKliF. An old . "IU'b,' who baa been diulraix liitted by the ' blter nian Keconatruction hill, aayi he i about to leave the gay and ftstiva acenea politi cally aad retire into aome aeclmlixl ajiot. where he can adopt mine plan of aiuuning niineeu tn nil lonely lioura. ban vone crazy on the cat question, aud aeudi ua the fulUiw- ing pnule: v "' ... ? In a four cornered room tiu acttt ba each cornr, before each one of theae cat U three cala, and on each of the caff tail alt a eat. Hnw'uisnr rani are there in the room f THE FOSTIZTH CONGRESS. ' KEN ATE. 1 i f i fisdical mon'bera msrkeil "B. CunnDrvatives marked "C." OOSKBrnejDT. ) ' WNIISBOTA. sums I limn, e, . OrmiB frr Alex Ramsay, r I Dsu'l a Murtou, i VIW BAHTHSiaE. Aaron H (."raiuio, r Jsa W raitoraoa, r . : sw voaa. . Edwin BMoTKsn, r eAiJvniiNU. ' John Conaena, r Curoelius Cute,, r , . , I DCt.AWlBS. fleo hVsd Kiddle, e ' ilisrii ynniifarr( e - ttosoos-riHilliTiK, r ILUMoia. ".- saw naaaf. : -, A 0 t'atleU, r v , , i"C VrulinKbnyaan, r . mcvaut. Wia M btowart, r . Vaoaory i . - Omo. Bnjrr"Watle7r T Jobu hhariiian, f J OKIMhlM. : On H Williams, r Httury W Corbstt, r . ..fbsa U Ju4lew;-e-,-t houou Caaieruo, r SltOUB ULAXD. Wm HpraRim, r Jioury b AnUiony. r TfMoowaa. Richard vatea, r Vscaaiuy,' IKDI4S. ' Tbns A Houdrk-ks, Lyman TruaabuU, r .IOWA. - i ani'i W 'O i uiias k Jainos Harlan, r Vsesnry -' . AtKB. 4 if - Ixitt M Momll, r . W F s'tHawudea, r MAauomiaarr. i snniDcr.rj . lloiiry Vi dauu, r SYL4ND. Bevwrdy Jubiwon, a Vacauuy unmoral.- John B Henderaou,' r C I) Drka,r ' MicBieAit." Saebariati OhamllCT, t Jaoub At Howard, t - .J.aasteoax. Jama Outhrte, e ". .IK s.-auej, .. L-LJ David 1 rowler, r - J b I'atterson, '; '- VEBMOXT. f Oi-o f Edmundai r MiutoB I'sincnni, r WIMOONNIX. . Jaa B. Poolillv -i- Vscaw.y. . . wkst viaatsia. Peter O.Tsn'W inkle, t t .iViuuli A' Ksltayj-r HOLttBOF KKl'K&UJSTATIVKM. UWKW V.HIll. btiu -Tabor, e 3 lleuiaa Haniea. e Mianorai. ' t Wm A File, r C A Vewoniii, r 8 Thiai E Noeli, ' ' 4 J J ttravellv, r . ' 6 J W McOIuVk, r R T Van Horn, 7 BtmJ wln,t , 8 J F llt-iijiuuui, r ; U W AuderMon, r ".. KK-hioah: I Far t! Kaanwn, f - I'ha Vpaon, r 8 Aualin llUir, r 4 Thus W kerrv. r IRK Trowbrids;, 8 John F lhiRKa, r iNiKwrra. t Wm Windom, r 3 Iguatiua Douuelly, r 1 New jr.kaHV. 1 William Moore, r Win A Newell, , Wm t. Kobinaon, ' jonn rax, . t Jobs Mia-rbiaey, e - Thoa EHiewarl, e 7 John W Chaudltir, 8 J antes Brook a, e J-na.Ui Wiaal, f 10 Wm H Robertaim, r ' tl t'haa H Vaa Wvefc, r 111 JobttH Kiwhaia, r 13 Tlioa (.orimU, r ltJVthwis.1 l(j J AQrantohl, r h c Oraiiga orris, r , . T Uiillwrd, r I Jamw M Marvin, r - in U ... ( m JO A H Lafliii, r Jl Roanie t'mikling, r ti J t: Chim-.liill, r i.1 leiini MeOarthy, r 8 Chaa Kitgresves, e t i' f 1 ; I 1 in it aeim'v r 8UAltalaey,r Mi Win It Liueoii, tl Hamilton War.l,lt ' M Lawia Ki-Ivh, T hart Van Horn, SO J W Humphrey, 31 11 Van Arouiau, I .. SSVAUA. Pdhiua K Anhloy, r " OH1IK t BanJ EkgUiaUai, r S 11 U Hav.a, ( . 8 llobt tj Mchnk,Jr . t.Ju -.Vt'JU Jjutnuioivs-' 8 Wui 11 Mungioi, e . ,' EW(3Art,. l- - . , 7 8ainl HhaUttbergtir.r 8 I K llaiiiiluui, r It Ralph 1' Burkland, r 10 Jaioua M Aaldi y, r 11 JoIhiT Wilson, r I' y Van Tramp, e H n ' Kt-aii ' t 14 Martin Walker, r . 13 ToW A llauta., r . HI John A Buih-tiaiu, r ' 17 Kphraim R kU kb.y, r IX ttutua f ttpaidms;. r : M Jaws A liartiuld, r liiri.AWaHK. John Ku buiaou, e tij.ixoia, 1 MB Jmld.r 2 J F Kariwwarlh, t 1KB WaaUbnrne, r 4 AOHaiHiiiiR f - ' 6 B C liiKraoll, r Bllriou t; I'ook, r K FH hroniweli, r 8 Hbelby Ml'iuluiu, r Lewi W lioaa, . MA U Barr, e 11 ftoru'l Marshall, . U Jotin Bairar, r 13 U B Bainn, f t At large, J A Lotfau, r t1tf!ktr - 5 Wm EKiiU.-k, Ml. haal U .ir, SMC Umil-or, r 4: Wui.S Holloa J I) 11 Heudoraon, r rasiMavi.vANia. 1 Haiuuul J llaudal', c i ChsrWs tl'NtuU, t 3 Ieonard Mysra, r . ' 6 Ur W Julian, r a John Colburn.r i 4 W 1 Kellea. r 1 H II VVaalibnrue. r I 6 t'sb-b N lav lor. r lt.UAilhasH I WKM$-tuil.--X'.X IU ViwuiiuaoM.r B iwrenre nets, cir U Jo t'C Hhsiiks, r ' ThafldensHtevens.r low. jo iioiiry ij t aae t JmmmF Wfhain; tirlt liJt Van Ankwt-e t Hlrsra IVifle, r 1'J Charles lierinuasi.e 8 Wm B AUiwn, r 1.1 I losses r Hereer, r a w kl lnurlH-idis. r It tirti F Miller, r ION 1i?m. r - 1ft A j, fllti.briier, e 8 Aasasl w HuHisrd, r HI i H kooutz.r 17 Ilalkd Morrett, t ' IS sv-itheo F Wilson, r Bhhwyttrkr MAIltlw I John Lvuelt. r l O W svittoni-id, SO Imrwiu A Fmney, t t Kidney Parhau, t 8 Janiea U Blauw, r 4 John A reti-ra, r 8 Fred'k A Pike, r HAfttiAl SOiETTS, 1 Til. 1 tllot, r 1 Oakes Anws, r 8 Oinery 'lwiu:bell, r 4 Kam i Hmper, r -t ttowjr V iViH ier,-T 8 MstPBsflkavI.-,-: jCm.h WitiHwtti-r - t H-twi;Tr f W B W airtrt trree, r 10 liem-T L liawoa, r - 21 Juiin tormle, r tl J K atorrle ad, r Tle nias tilliiua,r 24 O Y Lawrence, r lvv.ailoT. 1 E It Vioixiiiridrge, r X l.ii ae roiauti, r 3 VV 0 Kmith, r wrai-'osits t- WBTS- ft T TSTf i?;" :v,3i Bray Vlhyitm:t" Atmrwa t m , t " 4 'i''.-h A t.. ln-1 .'." c -t-tmiit(W Sawy.-r; r ... .: f Viiwil lxtrne.T iavimr. nrt VrBifunir 1 Hiram ' ullmgh, C ISAM luir. c t f U H.Wr.l, r 3. am) tt hitirhen;! 3 Daiiinl l'alsev. r 3 C b. i'ln Ijn, e 4h tret-ru-k bloue. s' 4:.oe--e'ut, California, Kentucky, Nw Haiflp abire, ItbOile li4aad. Sod T!iHesee, iiaiauitf Iwobty-niue weiuln-ra, srsyet Wekct, TJ. S. Judiciary. Tlie.Au.Iwes f the Htipreme C.iiitof-liie Cui fc-d !tiat ares 'ii : , - . Jfr bikf Jn-lK I ha. of V' " ' Mi Jiime-e- vt avue, iH ia s -Si'3iletn-a Siob, New Votk . ' w - V Afr Juie- tre-r, Pmnajivania Mr JniK Kwayue, Ohio Mr Jui .' Iowa . . . . Jfr Jnl I'avia, riisnoia .. Mr Jueren 1 e t, t 'aliforh' " v "... r Mr Ju-ti.-ervaii-lliry. Itto.V .' h.jTt-r; J-.tin WaliaVn, Oiikl . '-An.fcl. D ti'Sidiug , r I i-sk. 1) W AM-ileton 'li, Ji-U- of ttieliritt Coorurf NnnhCaeo iiia is O Vv Bnavts. I'lemt A-f uney, I) H btar ' wca. iarahst, L-aiuel R tiooaim -' --. SOETH CAllOLIHA LEQISLATUlllL Csrolia--SetsioB 1868-'67. . '' " . . 6KSAT . ..- ' 1st dWiTet Paaoooiaiik' and Perquinuii aVr. Rufna K Moved ' ud diauiotC'auiden sad Curritek Wilson 0 FlTrja ii i , ' Sril ilMrii.-U Oalea sad. ChowaiIf Willey" i 4ib ihtnetTvrnU and Hvd Jonvs fmKr 8th diairiet- Nortliainptim-H 0 Edwarda th diatriet Hertford -Jaanes Barnes ' 7th diatnet IterUs David ttntlaw Bin district Mai tin and Washington J E atour tHh diatriet Halitax Maaon LWiggius HHh diatriet Edgeeonibe and Wilaon Henry T Clark- .. 11th diatriet Tltt-C Perkins ' lb diatnes Boanfort iaaiah Brapsaw " " i l.ah diu-ict ( ravon kallnaa K Maaily 141b disU-itt-Carurot Slid Joues 4. Salvia W Kuooee l"4b dialriet flreene siiJ Uimar 3 ii Cowu'd liiih diatniit New Hanover Kd D tiall . I7tti diatrK-t Duplin -laaae B Kelly Wb diatriot Oualow-Japor KUierid( Isnli iiiin. i- li!KWn, Uruuawiuk awl Culiua lnuyaur Uyd . . ath diBiriit--CumlM)rUiid and Harnett Ar-Ut. babl Mi-ljeau , aiat diatriit' rhmimsi JohnC Williams t'-At rhmtrn-tW itvn" W 'iHriia : tM diatriet-JohiMlnn-Thonnw 1 Himad i4(h diatnetWaks'WiUM! 1 Jones .. 2. th dwtriet Su.ii L N h Battle , '&th dmtrirt- r'ranklii WaHhinUm Harriaa -7tbdHirie-uWaiTii--trA1tiiriitno -2Nth diatriot Uraoviue John bultork n h diati'iet-I'eraoa Jolui W Cviiuinghan Sillh diatriet Uranno Julia bTrr Slat dlatrict Alamance and Itaudolpb M 8 Robius. - - " . Mrl diatriet Thstliiiu-R B Paadiall 3d diatriot slows 'sad MonlKooiBTjrW B IlicJumtaou , - ait b diatriet Richmond and Robeson M HcRsa 3. 'tli diatriet Anaon and Ijooti ) ACovhuftua 'Kith diatriet thiilford tler Adama 7ib diattiet'widt--livinitit'io Qrowa 3KUi diatrut HiwkinRbant-4j Hand - . 8"th rlin.lji.i l Mi l hlniliiira JHVtilwai SnlTSiatriet Hianley siid CabarruaAlr Afar sball tint diatriet Rowan and Davis Hubert F John. stun , , . SJd diHtrirt-Havilm ,J X Leach 4.1.1 iliairirt-Htoktia sudKoraytb J G Afatthewa 44lh diatriet Aatie, Hurry , A C Oowlea iiitb dwtnet lradrll, Wllki and Aiesaader 1 H HiU ,. , , 4)th diatriet Barks, A., A C Avery . 471 b diatriet Luiculu, Uaatou snd Cat awl Af L jf.'rkle - 4Hth diatriet Ruthorfurd, Polk snJ Clesvaland 4' li Hamas , , 4snb dialMct Buneoinhe, Hondersuav Aa.i L 8 Oaah ., . , . Doth district Hsywoud. JVarnii, As.. J R Love. Jr.-- ... ' llOUKE OF COMMONS. Austin A J Dargao, W P Kendall Aalui siid AllegUanv Robert Oaiubnll Alexander 1'r J if Citrauii Alani nee- R V Ur AoVa, A If Bovd Itesufurt litmry Harding, C Af tWhant BerUs lit V X Henry, i W Beaakiy Bladen J A, Riebariiaou Brusawirk-U 0 AU"ir " Bnnonntlis JfmitravillaPattoa burke John HuAWlU . , Caliarrus J At itong Caldwell Jamas C llariwr . Camden -W 41 jWwriaacit Carteret -J M Perry Caawall I'lulip HoJilett, WttlLoilg s Catawba W 1' Keiulianlt Chatbain-tl ifoore, U Aay, snd Tbiai W Wont bis " ' Chowan R D Simpson Cksvlssd 4iu W Wliiltteld aud t Dnrhaw , Coluaibua-'Ur J Af Afotiougan ' Craven -8 W Chadwick and AC Latham CumlmrlandW MeL Atchaj aud TH Lutterk.h Cumtiuk- W O Cranberry ii .. ' Chenikee Mr Davidson Duplin T 8 Kenan snd Zach. Smith llavidaon-C F Lows, Br J H Hhaltuu llavie J H Clements . Kdgsoontbs and Wilaim-Df J U Baker and J H Womtitrd . Franklin Capt Joseph J IHivia Forayth-P A Wi(aou aud B B Tesgas (oVta Dr W H Lee tii-au villa K B Lyon, W H Jenkins, H Freeman. (Ireeiis F H Boontreev (iuitford-W R Wuitli, J T Murebssd, Jr., J 8 Houston x tlaaton- I A Jenkins, ft-1 nuiwit if o vi , uiiiotia ' llav wooo viri-ou niwren Hertfnnl- lr U C AWe ' '. Hvde Tiliusn Farrow itesikHwou and Tranaj lvasia Jas Blvtha lreu. ll J A ItoaelH-n snd J H Mevnsi Johnston I'errv (iodwui aud B B Unuisnt Jiaies Jaeob H Hwrtt JaekaMO-- Thaililens- 0 Bryson ' " Lk-noir R F Bright Luwolu JJr M L Urowu W.iroii Abiu-r 8 lUiaius M. l)well-Jann N Afei-klanlnirK- K V W'.liHley and J M Hutchison. Afonigomsry Allen Jurdan .,h-Wiu Af Biai k Jfa.inn,-W tl Crawford - - - ' .liliBoii--Sr Kt b-y Naati Jonathan Af Stona New Hanover B H Cowan snd C W Afi'Ctammy Northampton R B I'svblea snd K A Afartia . Ouatow -A J urrill trange-W W Oneas, D touted Hpi.auk-J B JOnes IWquiuiatia Tbiaiiaa nilaun j pursoir-W A ltrstahr ...... FiU-W R Williama, John Oalloway Randolph E T Blair sud Joel Aahwnrtk Richmond Petnr Afoltae - . ' Riiwan O U Fuard and W H Crawford Robeaon- Kory Afi Nair and J A JfcArthnr Hta-kiDgbsm J loifr.rliv and R B Hendsrson ltutlierford and Potk-O W Logsn, N Heoggm-; ;M,rB,IM Hill S IIS-H- 1 TvrreU W W Wslker, t''iil.i-J'Miailiaj Trull W akC J ltogera, J P 11 Buna, Root S Warren John H Tunibuil, B M ColUns Waaliington- Cbarles I villain WaUngsWilliam Horton -" Warns J H k.voreu and Ii C Oams Wifkes-P Horlon an lr Tyr Jutk . 7 Vadkin-T M Veatal Yancey and Afitchcll Vr Williams Perry. HOTELS AND B0AEDIS0 HOUSES. AMERICAN HOTEL, 1. .riivwrTr ftl Tl tVrirftPVT'.VVfnf H T T UI I W1 A & V'3v-r '-r .V".t.iAWi-'v- im iiA inxrii 1 a. X IKU IiINOH,-; ..1 pBWKieTOlt. jail li-i 3m Jk AU WttttlsVIA-H4U AVr- W i.liu, rl .f f thia Well kuowa Hotd. I I pniniiiii! the jfiitilie that it aiialt ba k-pt sad ounWo-d in a ntyif that will gi sours saus faciton to its patrons and gncata. x . . I lu. KHinia bare reoentlv lieen refuniiehed1. sfld 11.. mu bmuvtlucouKiili rci.i Aid. ltis be- yulid stl etmiparnesi f TUB Bt-sr HOfSE iS THE CITY, sad shall bs kept ia 8 style, worthy of (he bona. r . W. O. lill illicit, '. Ni -tl . ,1 PropnooW. . K4 t;iio lCb hoi k, jinils!)oro' HJreet, N'tXTdoor lo ths Ft. bangs H'wel ; eoruluet. d the tun i wan' 1'iau. Hi meala aer- ,.A -at ad boars, snd st tlis shortest ntHic. . s,.i,i aiuti and Ij-iiKira eonstaiitlr bo band. "'- , - l.F.LLB KovW-tf r Proprietat TT DBT OOODl i: a -. w - i :. W. H. t B. 8a IlCILEas St CO. DAVE RECEIVED t.JR 1 81) AY 71 PjeeeapriiMt andSiiBmsr Calinosa, T 10 " .KM a 11-4 Bleaetied bbeaUttg, ill " Bleaehed hliirtiuaa i to 4-4 dsrd brsnrla, at kiwest prices. . 3 Bales 4-4 Rrown bheetinars. ; . , . Boal ttwow MwiUna snd Tamaaa. I W. H. A It. 8. TICKER A CO. Feb H70-tf .. .. 4 4 FLtHiR OIL CLOTHS AN1 COt XX. stall inga. . . o - W.11.4K8. TUCKER A CO. ICK J ICI'.t! 1( lEItt v rx( CC( IJ-0FK1CE, CLEAN, TCRE l "v tt ice from freah runuing Ktrsams, W. 11. A t&s. TUCKER i- Feb 38-171 -U . i -,-! " VJ ust a step or two Ahead," I ' FIRST SUPPLY OP NEW -8PBIN6 D ST 0 00 D 8 m 8PIUNGOA r.TCOS. Freneh 4 American Lawn. PUIS ASD SMS B01B SS SB M0 Z Ait- Eagliah Barege, Organdie, Ae., Ac Oood Stoek Blesehei Miialiu, 7-8 sud 4-4 nnbieseheid " . .' XU MAMS P Id IBS ,&, Just received tt am. T. COOK Ft, Fab 36-m-tf , Cheap Bturs, SELLING OFF AT COST T0 CLOSE TflK COaVUEBV .. ' . . i Orest sale of Dry Oooils, Bootg sad Bboea, Bate, Nntiona Ae., A., aww going o -. A M'L lOIINOi, ..-t - -' OLD HT4ND No.' 31 FAtETTEVILIJ! BT., livVLKIOIi; N. C. Fur ths puvimaeof closing up euf businaas fax tlm City ws Ollur our sulirs Htock i "AT COST," CONSISTING OF . ' t; ' ' 1 JA"I. BOOBS, CALM'S, . , . BOMksTICS. ' ........ 1AULS l lMCf, - 4 LAB1ES LLOAXS,- kiuBdfan. lack. u0YX.U0SiXKT, TH1MVKVGX LAB IKS HAT B0XNKTS, . HOOP Klltr AOrWAi. - . . BOOTS SHOES FOR i , . LAD IKS VUILVUKN, ' ALSO TOR NJClf, e AHO BOi S WKAK. a ' BATS PO R Af KIT . il.VXl Mor. i i Also, Una lot of Jeans and asttueis fur Man's wear. This Stock recently nnrehsasd fts Cssh, I wor thy tiia sttwauon of all buyers sad will bs sold as above stated . . AT COST. . EDWAItn WIIECLEB s CO. Ho. 11 FATETTEvTIiLB, ST., Dee 30-tf ' . ,i . ... RAitan,M.q . lLCaOOUSlL-8l-exWs .AT COST : TIY( F YOU WANT TO OKT CHEAP 000D8 LOOK X at our prices, befurs pnreasaing alaewhars 1 rsi I Brown Khlrtlng do. 4-4 " - heavy 8-4 " Sheeting ' LAri'tis Bleschnig, Viillow Bndgs do. I IVmlin.ka . " 4 4 IwlaVHl " lie; oanta par yard. lii 30 38 IS io 38 35 4-4 HanovHf extra. Lousilals, Wsiusutla snd Sis lurk Mills at pres ent market prions. , ; . I PR I N T 8! I st from 12 to 30 eents per ysrd. . - ' FLASNELStll I whit all wool Flannolj4S emUpaf- y4- -rrl-T-e ' . " lillS .1 tW -"- ! " , Jf 7s " " 4-4 " " "EitrsJusVlaniMillloO" " -4-4 M U wool ext. heavy Nhaker Flannel 81,00 per vard. hack snd eolortd Fuuinole sorroapoud Isglyasw. . . , . . . . i. ; l ull nnd winter Drea ' fanedi, ii 'loks, RhHWIs, 1 4! rile, "llssr - Wit ti-imrrjia h aws sisial s , 7, ?"y'iaaA .- MSMMSJ mt r: - tacnt ltendy Irlasle Clolblng, nool nnd Hho-s( lints it4 4tp8 ATtOUB OWK PRICF", AT V ' " At. BtlHRSBAKsl'SV--Fb 8-157-tf So. M, iayettcvilia, tr. PROFESSIONAL CABJ3S. iniLTOSf C. IlICIIAnD0, ATTORNEY AT LAW V Clinton, N. C. n.L ATTEND rROMPTLt TO THE C01 lection of eiaiois aim oiitor "nJ''l ATroBssr ; , xsn msmoa. "AT . LA VV, . - .i, Ilay hliriRCI, fitrvHlsyJljrj -iriIX ATTEND PROMPTLK TO ALL BUSt y nas inirutnd to tnarare. Claims eidleined auywUer to North CarJlio. . Jsa 34-tf MISCELLANEOUa 4 CCinoNeBALI! PObTPONED. liiessleof tnOmnibns, Rsefatt SVsav snd fmif 8ns Horace, Marnt sod other srttiiM, be. Lirmff to the Ktchaiie tioo Y Las b. en lnwt- pomd until Saturday O'-it, at lfo'clork, A Is. at ths Market. -.. , X -'. iLXTJiNISCiOIM. , war 8 l?-ld i1 ' - rF vr in rftt'fitrt m Mfjf H'-parifiiCIi' Mia Iwavcro ttiAt (ai Ve U-Ua, Ltvu Vt'II,LIAiI3 A HAYWQOD. ,D17-4t WH01ESA1E GROCIES. . Toilatufsveninlenr iniT V"TiTiiiig Kjap ur nil lain in atlvar, Jn-ilanma and Tin w ai e. PtiXiAM, JtlNKS CO. Vsk 11-138-tf Wnoleaslslirocera. ORBERS HOUCITFJI FXIR PEKIV1AN Ot.U am to be dehvsrwd at tlx different th pots oa ths Rahuih A Qastnn and K. C!. KailnsuU. PtLLUM, Junes a co. . Feb. 14 Hl-lf Whulaaale Urwvra. v - ANTED in.eni la Caps Fear Bank Bute sad 13.800 in sua at none varouns aotss. PLLUAM.JONRS3CO. Feb4-lM-tt WbolaiOro.Hrs."l CALK, A huga lot of Aus Baled Hay. ITU4 U JONFJ) A CO. W huhmaia tirooers. WAVTEU. IfaflBOXEH MANVFACTIRKD .TOBACCO, 1 V7 V I'm up betors ths edersl Tax Law weut tuto opersuou.. u wuat bs sound. Cash .will be paid. . - ; I'l LUAM, JONES CO. Feb. 14-161-U . - Whulsaala Oroerrs. JjUXlUBl FLOURII FLOCH1 It 1j0 bbls., Viltoroiit Brands all gradea. l'LLLlAal, JOUKS A CO, Feb 33-lta-lf r . Whnluaals Oroosrs. A LAUUg lAir AbAklANTlNE CANDLE8 i'LLLlAM, JONES A CO. Fsba-15ti-f .- WiMilsaal Orooers. s EKD OATS, 1RIMU POTATOKM. !( bnah , (lelwted Hoed fists very Choice, ' 100 bbls., IVaek Blow snd ktsnter IVAatoea, to arnv. PUUJAsL JUNhaACO Feb33-lG8-tr . .. -.Wli ss4 Oiiiwiisa ri'LLIAM, JONES A 0iv W holesale Grocers and Commission ME UG I i A VxtS Fayetteville Street, E.leigh, N. C, HAVK It RTORR AST) ARE CONSTANTLY RF 4JK1VINO, riti(AH8, CtirFKrlt. ANOTtAH, BACON, MOlAWi: AM CHI KSK, , BRANDIto. WINF.ft AXO V HlhKIEfl, HiiAPH, CANDI.FX Al CANhlKrt, TOBACCO, HNCFF AND ClOAltM, Cstnned iults, Kmikhmi stud t'lf a, C'annesJ Oyster, Ualslns nnd . Ikatee, Pants rrsxnts, IMc ' Itloe and pleee, 1'oxxdcr, shot and t npe, U utter, Ijird, l ttst, I'ow " ' sJers, kodn, , and m nut avarVthlne tianallr ftmnd to a first etsss VV holsssls 6rusurv himaa tn 4 wreateat variety and at priea vhica eaiuiot fail to piasas. FABKISQ IMPLEMENTS Ac 80 Boxes A am, 36 Do, of ktaoura Forka Do, of ktannrs t'orka, lied Hhovela 3S ltoa. Kjndc,' a6 Do. Long luuiii lis Hues saaorted, faj IKis. Mantes, 38 Moras Collars, 80 OuJ 'two Chauies, , SO f - Plow Lines, Id Uroas Au Uetves, Rods, Twins, Natla, Aa r r-i pcijjtAM, Jones a co. I Whnli.aala Orooers A Con. aterchantsv Feb 33-les-tf . : - - juht mcoiiivii:i, ANT) FOR RALE BY W. BOBT ANDRE Wh No. 3a, Fayottevills Btrset, RaUtigh, N- C. to 8aka Full weight Livsrpool Malt. , 60 bhla. Huiiernue Flour. ,. 18 tdda. stiilsssee, .. 80 Kits No. 1. klackaruL . . t0 Cases freah TmiuiUies snd Peschss. 611 Boxes Ailaniaiitnie Caudles, " ' 60 Bbls. V. lilts ktoroer l'otatoos and -60 P. B. Potstoes. I Bbls. Onions and 10 of AppUa, ehoios. - 1.UU0 VJa. Ouany Bsgguta, , . .. .. . 36 Coils Bops. , too lbs. Sols Leather, ' J 10 loa French tU skins. , 3 " kip Hkws. SO Boxas Candy, ssaorJeiL. -"3n'Racta Javatfro aud Laguyra Cofless, 1(10 Reams Wrappnig papw. ' 30 Bushels Mio pegs, saaorteA, ehssp. 60 half snd quarter bbls. Boar, dinsrant grades, 76 bbls. Sugar, of all grades, la quantities sad t prices to auit, 36 bbls. Elkrnlga and Pstapseo family 8otir, . . 100 Bags Shot, all atses. 8 lx. Prs. Cotlos Csrds. - 30 Bors Pesrt Kiarrh. chasn. " Oond sssorwusnt I ruckary ol Cfcsf. ftplosd Pigs iev4, FaltuB market family Beef, by ths wholesale sua retail. Also, s lo) of F.iigliah Dsiry Chess' and a large ssaorujisut of freah or dsn iesds. ' " r - r- - - A has srtkts of Bsonn slwavs on haml. ( Also, tUagotov' Jultini ira Ala, by ths PsctaKa, and Lager Bst by Uis cyk. I.innoiaoi ail stades. lAUsntlon is sneciallv eslled toour rsrs old ItobeSon Coumy Vtliutkey. All msaer uf Kaneea, t aiiiva, ana rainy, Oroaenrv gansrslly very cheap I. ssah. FrssAlostsniroiietvaa anv rrom cirrm.' VV. HtlilhliT ANOHHWa,' ' ' ' Wboteaais snd Retsd (ira-er. FsblAtf . h, wr i r a. 'i.i .. ' ') Fivs gaieta ioii frnie rteutu Bi-iatea tt pwilliamsox a cd. rsbsB-rn-tr'Tyr : ... 1 ABBIYINO Till WA1V 800 Sacks Xo. CPerB Wan On alio. .' 60O - 1'atapaeo H 60 " Bangh'a B4rphiaiphata l.i to. 70 P'jla. ltockiand Luna, ui prlliie or.L.r. an Bales prims ilay. o Backs Uerp.J tins Halt; it. P. WlLLLtM-toS A CO. mar -1-174-tf -iSouidard si 8AJe, ' rd snd rrogress eopy. cttxs, siiAna. mi Tons Kd. 1 Pernvisa Onsno. direct from Ats. teomaian tganti " -e' feu i-Bia I'staiiaHotiusfio, 20" "1latigh sltsw !!UaSjiitJUts tXiUn-'-r--- .-- -i- v.-- .- 1(1 ToasFor Ttiluww ' l bs staivssreall blajelard Hiainirea.so4.-wiU be Bold, on as g'Vid touts s ths Iabw-s -wttt-sdmil or. IheM fertilisers srs now sil blng at I'urta- wimnb A't., aaaUilig.. trftUap-jatsii-iii, We- wilt faki or.U.r. siid hot to b slits is eaatatma Ajaliiuojt-it-ialha ai it ten itaia. ' - it. r. W 1LHA,V11S dt t O. 1 Feb 15 170-lf Lwuniisaiim llcrchants.- Htsu.iwd sad Progress oopy. fOLAKHIIS, JTIOI ;, AlOLtAr lira. ) " HHliS. KF.W .VMll't'l'BA iiil.A"W tR AaJ riving tina .tat, wnich will beeuid at Mum- ujgtAui prtca, lie,ot Ac, aitli.l. 11 P. WILLIAMSON 1 CO, Feb 46 i:f-!f JCSf prCCUVLD. A lot of C'ituutiw a..'l ItatfoiT.i H ales." .1 , - Al . B noun. k I'mltL-i. F-:b M-17.i3 . - -. ' . CAM VIXL' Jl TI r.. 1 JH 1 ariar. I-awyt-ra att.t klioti.tss. Ca! and gat So, Pitce '. liUASSU.S A FAnRAR. jsa 2S-ni-tr - . t (JARBETT, Y0UN0. SCCTT CO, . S3" ariia mmA aarra NEW Vt'HK, StTCCESHOItS Tt AK( .5!C1U VOl Nfiy U' UKKTT Co. OP NEW YOU - laxi4 - ' VVVi:il itTT CO., OF NEWARK, J!. V" EtMlta iltMWufsxrlMPcr ft a d I ' l xVholraul l)ulr lit Hen'smd Boj s' C I o tlilnjj. C. W. 0ARRF.TT, A. ft BHAFPIl . F. II F.N YoltNtt, ' A. In fcCtirr. BI'KNCKK t iTT, F. At. t.MiRKTT, "Febls-itia-Snl : -,s ' - ,- THE ) tl'ZM 1 34 C AT ON W lllti: AKIIH. Hold by tlm Trulc (ruvrally. BMstBBV A LIlil.ltAL IMHt'OUNT TO DKAJj;iia-ftirtn1,ci . M, Owverasssail. "Asm Rsvoi.vxa, ..... ... ,41-luO In, Calibre, Navv llrvoi.yaa, : . wt-iim in. failure, Bsi, Brvut.vui,. . t .., ..... Navy Hiao t alihre, P01.HK liKvoi.vKa, Navy Bias Calibre, Nw P rr llnvol vra, l-ii) in Calibre, Poesrr Rtvoi.vaa,. t Rider's pt.) 81-1(41 in Calibre, lUuraaTUWpMWiv, tlfclhornt w mCarii'gn, Vest i'ocsiT l'nrroL, ho. 22, 80, .fJ and 41 Caitr gu, 0r Cakk No. 33 and 83 Cartridge, BauoB Loaoiho lUnji, (llesla'l Nu. 33, A 3, " Rvoi.viNo lliet.r Hti and 44-KKI in Cahbrn, K. RKM1N010N A HONH, Iuini. New Vork. PRINCIPAL Mixias A Nirsoia, Wm. Rraii A boa Jia). 0 Oasss, A C Poi'Lthki A Taiaai.K . ... llKKSV FilijaiM A CO ... . AOENTS. New Vork , . . -. , . . HoMKIII I'liilailclnbia ........... .Baltimore . . . .New (uli sua .......... 1 .. t liii aiio . . .... ...... Kt. lxiitia .han 1 rancinro JoHMMOH. Hl'KKCAS A (o. L. M. ItimaKT A Co. ..... Al.HKKT K. t 'RAK, Feb 18-l(Uu' E OFFKIt TO THE Pl'BIJCTHlM CI I K- hratcd Oil, and lb d.Hiig we nnne-n- tv trenonn' it kerrHios to am nt'ei " tat. a It i Ka.Fiiilo.ive. Fiw. from liieaae. It fill not greawi the Band, ft will ws) awl or gresse tlia clothing. It is more Innlhsnt than Oaa. t peoiluees s soft and beautilul light. It is I1.1t so li-ving to ths eyes. Itraaba Used tn any Kemacna Lamp bv adopting our I4)B I AlUUtkVAtlt JtAtel "Tit liaa bean Innal favorabl tiooiH-ed bv JililgtHl to lie tlia 7 TlliiBMTANDMOUT rem in the niarkct ; and in LldtlH fJllULUttKA4!iWrHM fW'mvxjrov. It baa bean moat favorai.iy reeeiveo, auu .r REtJAIU.K OIL eoiiawiii-iice of the tnaiiy'aeriona sci-idcnta sriaiug from wis t.AI A fclON OF ktllOhlNF. Una Oil Is eiteuatveiy known and uaml tii prefi rciuA Ws srs now prepared to funiVh- 4lia trails with Una valuable Oil, snd ws aoh. U tl oiu ths yiil.lio an eianiiiiallon and triah Ws have on hand tsrgs stiak of ;IAMPSrBTJElxERS, ' CTITMlxEYS, AVICHH, and eao aiipck the trade on liberal till auw . Viral Ir'iiilum Awarded at the l.outaliuiN siule fair tiHd In brw Orlrwtsw, from Ikav, ... 40 la STth. le, attalNst all 4 oMiMtlors. , ' ' ' U MUfKKI.L, Oral Agent, . 131 Bw,lcn Lsne, New Va-. Fett lVlli'2- (m Jt.HN . UANCT. JOHM H. HVMAN, or Taiihob N C., or SooMjiB Nbos, S. C. JOS Km II. II t M A N Latenf Tarhnro..jr.-.L.A r n.vcTr iu.iia. v .u., brneral VitiriillHl Mrrcliaiita, Fi the aslo-nf atT Vtnitr of Sriufhiini ymstnea 1 1 purchase uf Ottuoral Atorchandiae, X. 81, Ktr-harifo Ilre, "Ziirr si -aii7 Asg. Jit-tf 7 T , "";' . .. .. .- - ; Jf, L. IIATIIIWAI AM) iTLIiV. fFormerir HATHA WAT A C., Importers of MO- LA hl'JI snd rtlitiAR, WiiuiifigUMi, . C.) i . tihlpplng aud temmlwlon iflrr- ; . riiunts, ' - 7'F.AllL8Tlt.r,, NEW OtiK: .belt . cHiati-iinietits 4 C.4ton, iaal (..' I1W! .T'tbar.;.v aiel,.ju!!e( tiLai.a Ol.tlliot Wlff-HtSl aio HWI pM-.- . will maae- .w...,.. i-..i .. ... .---- vob a and Bi:i ( LteliUAU -AH troiliwa al"ft"d ui ua bar sate are nisunuTtio Mtiuit of alo(tment, .Ih or w .st.rn.i- tiiV.-ncKI ahiiud" alaaia a ctaupi.y ea.ll amo- Bt nC . " " . ixtlUjif Oa baling lta.1 our twenty yeila tl- in bu.iiMu4 111 ths buib, ami our J. L. liAIHAHAk three vmis !u New Vitlk, v etitthtittttt s1. eil at-eme lull pliers ftrf our tin-tutu Wbti aill favvr ua wnti tlteir eoiitOK-iiuiciiia. ha.ativ Nliip P. Batlle, I'ui.oe iToaaor. r of .. ti. and v.. M A K. K lwker, Itaiein ,N. 1 . J t.t. U HClHAnAV, . WM. M. I ll.l.l. owTpEoHai y"xo a "sale." 4f yf!foirtvinI!'H,ri? I m .1 lijs r;-i'i uce l of Ut ftri rhtim m "ill- ana K'fcHi "'i l,f" jai'i -aif( j.;V-tiLi- tei s'T. 1 v-!j tft Ut 3m A' a tA;n t..t,- ttfi (iife ISr'li at'tHUi Ifl fr.tnl nf in'h Ji ;rttir ijttf t'. '11' J 1 rlW" in-4k-t U. x, (.AT Aw-iHtv. tt ! "ii' ft, r- (SMI La a 'it Ytlt'i tit Xiii - - nnd lHini'iaai lJUl UvJ r, lilt-!) JB UttfUvri avi. AllUt'ti li. . i;,.;s. .' . TI10H.S "BA IT IWO BEAD VEB.TI32 X T 3. ' . S P R I N 0 I K FOE TAT I ON. t r. . - . .. 11.- - ItllllJONw, Millinery and Straw tioods. AnwsTitoxo, catou to.. IWPOttTJEtt AKH JLIBBKM or RIBBONS, BtTNNET SILKS A SATINS, Blond, Kttte, Crape, Velvet u.!iee, . , Flower, Feather, :.rf?j w box Sets a xd .apcTt ua t ... TMHxro axil rsrrmainiii,' SHAKER HOODS, Ac. 93Tand a t Ilalthnore tlm t, '' ; ' RALTlMi.lBB, M l. OlBf the Uliecat Mtivk l.i F. T,.nnil In Cm Conn. try , snd nnetpialit-d ut ehoies varmty cuid eheap- leaa. Orders' solicited' and pronit attention givon. i'tibao-llo-jiii : , , , w. 11. hii:i;k, LATE OF WABHF.N COVKTT, N. 0. WITH OKI FFI TV, IlltO V CO. UR0CER8 AND , Cemmliilon Mef ehaal, , 105 LOMBARD STREET, j 8 e I lists . Keep eonatsnrty on hand a large, snd we8 e4eit asaortinctit of all kuuta ot (irocen. Part Kilas attuntssi iiae-sg-ttrs mil of Cofloau eouiury pimlu,!. i i-eruvian tuiaiio, airw-4 n-om ma rioverninAns I Agent, ami all other kuuta of Fartihiwrs, at tlie niaitufai-turera f-riooa furtitalied for caah i.r on eon aigumeiit of cotton. - . . Jas Sl-liO-sm v MEDICISES, &a HAiivbiaitM' ATIIiKTICAl ALTI.n VTIVU i ... ' IMI.LS. -' TE'11RN11C1 THH BEST PII7)tl- I'vgetsblo. No tal-ni.d ia llicut. Never ttiiie ; being CoaUnl Willi Oont I oiu are p.rrictiy talleaa. la- rt.guiaiiiig the liowt-ia, and for ths cure af Hilton sever, liiliona llnaitache, J'"'"1"!'"""" or tAMdive41caw4 Jailluliii, luiiiKealion, i lies, ivapi-ii,ia, Lucr 1 iinchkiVn, llt.HWMia, lows MT Apelil, eick lleailacha, and all Oim a-ca wiiuas S rt lialtle Calliamc nieiiiclne is re.jittr.-tt, I)r W. P. klallelt, alio baa n.isuiwii.a- as a Phvslrisn in North Carolina, has et.Jnued the formula by winch tlicas pillaars made and high ly recommend tlit-ui. ( ol. VV. J. iiartiu, the diatingtliitliKd Pulriot and lYolWaor bf t'hcunarry ut tlta t-mvermtv of North CaroliDS. haa aealited thctn, eiN t.Aea that they contain 110 Mercury or suy other mina ral eoiwiihicnt aln,t,.v,.r. . 4 'all slid gaMtt irmilsr, . I'tcjiaiTil slid St4il bv '' ; .. .. , . , I'- B- SACMU'liit, '' Miiufart!nihg t'lttntst, . Fchl-lM tf 4 Impel Hal, N. C. For sale Ifl flaleirh hf ' , WU-LlAM.1 A IUTW0O0. AMERICAN BITTERS. The Grcut ftombcrn Tonic, AM) THE VltWT PALATABLE BTO JUClirCEVEUfSED, I.lllRTMF.Ct'RrOFDVKrF.llA.rillfil'DPR. eit liigcatiou, Klrttulfiicy, ( o.-uia-tlou of the lUtaitl, lliiutua t.tmiilaiiit. at-iioii titta s morbid eoritlition of the btomach aud bowels. An Lb-gam loiiiu ut ii. Vilnai.ti atai.ta of ths liiitcMtite th irniw, or.Atf, Uis .sAstMa. (emtir:-'-pt-tr-tll r"T iS'ti 'of ntti iila ,t ta tii initt a In .i-trtoma and athttltinl l-n.ic m tlta It eti-int-iueiia iiaiiue sod uttablca die ayatm Is tnusi,1! oter tliwuMt, lu aakcluliic-te alien. ltd with trvmorti and t'enci-al nerroua iicrauf;cuiciil, tt is peculiarly aiiitiiiotl, giving itiiii;iii ami toi.s t. the u.-rvi-a. l.i tl. iii-aUt Latlu-a ai.ti t. ho. lu-u it m iiivaluablii-alid 01 fat wln-nev.r a ) and. sgriMtHiiia 'Ionic ia au!e4.OMa ahouiii bs lot. tr. J'llriiti'tu 1,. Jt.ii,. one of tlta mttl uu tlini suit Well ktioH-n Plivaiciaiia in the hmohfrtra lalt- It-itlitUM, to ila great value, botcilt-a ninny ollit'ltl a 11 1 loite been leatiy beuwiUtti by ill uae ui iiiae luiiera. i'ft pttied and sold bv R. li. SACNIii iUt, Manufacturing I lu nr-t, . ... f-hl-Mttt- - ' tlal liul, N.O. - Foraale in lUlcih bv ... 1 VV lUAAllil A HA i Wi.HU). MISCELLANEOUS. KIHMCAL Ki:coHni:u runusiiLxw 11 o us :, HUFIIATI tSc IltJGIIEG, CtHik AKDJOB PElXTtllS. - Hum ruAiio U.tyfn mldiium ioaur .Wl-sJlWwteiltWWl? VVo are pr pared to da all kinda of Promptly snd in the beat style id tlie ait ( It lKITIti l-Rl .at H are of Xita behthiniiuf vaiiie at. ut .1 h tUo 11 baliera in h. V .1 ai .t ot- tutu iu. .Iha; w-eUi, o ttii. an. I ii , (the .: l uii- Wu I l.u ...11, -a I . of suy gsiio at 11m rtlliiiUWt, NfiTICE the liKft ' Itl.AvW'Ain.K Tl liM - and is e... .iti f . . Sl'PI Rli'lt e'Tl t.r, ioaI lo a'ny 111 11 . tiHiUattle In I01 tl, pilntnrg of V Sad StagaAio. IllMttk, 4 livrka, jloiu or roh iretl. Crirdaj.., ..m; .- f .. '. I. filer .11 aJa A -., pll.'e.. &"., Af, AC, Hit. ! oil. ,1 n'... ,ci. Bl4,lnttti r.' OUSAMF.NT AI,i ml.t r i'!a lo .-,..;-.l aie f K 11.I , (All it 1,-1 1. , ! a I ect -1.-. priiiiin..', ii.t.ii -. 00. lit.tioainl r sotl j.ji.. a a... Jai. i 11 . jh..iilio til A Hi 1.4,. . .1 litt. 1 ft., u ,Vei flirt .- jb.b!..i. r i(bn;.i-5i r i it- w - . v ' , : . '.