y ir ni-iijin,. . . ' m iitfl sirimoa, ..v-,- . , , , J t.f m-iu.e,. ......... tit : '.' . . tme Tear, '.. ;. .'i t-KU-l(Tttrn!iBfi new Kwf,. ., " M six OMuiim, . WWklj Beivinr-1, one year , . . ... . " -.- .au asuatba,. ...... ..Jtl ,. . il ,i.j,u . 6 SIS' WM. K. rELL, j SEATO.t ualks. .... EliiTiilei., THUUstUX liVEXISG, JJAWIl 14, JHS7, , To TU KltlltKIXi OF THE Stun!.. We V-pe tlit all our friends throughout the - t-tarr-mif interest thrmntriviw-exwncl the tjirifiatioa of the Pa, Beml Weekly anrj Vr k'v Smtuitt Ita enlargement ; furnishes lr:r amount of readingwJiatler, and our j.orpo it t make It m of the best iwir yap-ri in the country.. Coming event are j.ofttDiom. Every On should keep himself f-illv tdrfiied of what is passing. Reconstruction-Our Position. Our parrot is not to discuss ttii ques tion further. If any of oar cotemporariea tv k to engxgfl at ia angrj controvert upon ' 1 UU subject, ttiev will be 4iappotntit We -wsot pac, quiet ea 1 a stable giveroinent. Above ait thing's, we desire such govern -Bi. at M we once enjoyed U the golden days i,l the Itepublio. If such a restoration Is within the reach of poesibiiity, we shall most heartily giv our saoctioa to soy proper modtotocrit; but, if tbe halcyon day of de -Republic have passed, never to return, tben we waot tbe sext best government, that will afford full protection, liberty and voitwl riwht to aH good. cTtiiehs, a gov ernment of law and order. Our people are liYed of strife, Tliey are not willing to promote mfe,"eyen fr the priviii-gu aud emolument of olieo, uititli Uiat to aware the potty aims and end of fMiy. ;. We not only want peace, but an ittrly pnwe, aud a full acttlcinent of all of oar liitricuUW. We dceire no further quarrel, with Congreai, with tbe government, or with thoee In this State, wbooe alio to fir k"iim to have bea to embroil and dia- uirb the people. If the Congre, and the ' iliiitarj Cominanilint,ahTuld bedoteriuined to p'.'iee the entire control rif rrlvil afTiiirsin -.. ..this hula, in the huii of tlio clumoroun. I ki called Sonthern.Loyalixte or lloldrnitca; and the blacks, then we wiah to know it. la tbst taxi. We lbll give ouraelvea nu fur- ilir concern about the matter, but quietly uhmit to our fate. If we cannot them ia the work of roconitlrucUon, we certainly wilt not oppose or in any way nk to inter- f .re with thtrn. But we do not an undt-r- atiiiid theColigreM. We believe it U boot to have our national dirficutth a1juted at the diit laumcot, uo umtlor by a boui U ia to be done. Butlt the principles of the FUerinan-Bliullabargtii' bill are ttlootttrol in this matter, one but 0i dUfraaehimi will m eicu table ia keeping hands off, Ua iutb impedirnenU are thrown tii the way t many, who are not difranchiaed, In the Torm ol oaths or something elae, ss.stiall Juatify tiiessea and indifference on, their part. Finally, we take it for granted, that this whole matter will be fully d flood and act forth by the Commanding Oenoral in a short time, either by proclamation or general or dure. These ordors we shall strictly obey, to the boat of our knowledge and ability. I f If we, and those who think with us, are to lie ostrsciaea ana prevented irom pruiMia- tl ti is tbe matter of rvconntruction,- we shall not complain, Hut if those ol us, who sra not dial'iauchiaed by the tvnnt of Ihe ,ll I iii, fioia ai.ling in this work, sm allowed to participate, , we ahull do our duty to the CMiulry and the State, toer!y, discreetly 1 and with the beat intentions for tlis good of our lioie people, and (r the peuce snd pr.-ertty of the whole country. Uilmtc on Mr, Kumnt-r'a Itlll. We plai, to dy, on our fiit puge, an u!r.if4ct of the interesting debate in the ("f-naie, on Monday last, whith tik plat upon Mr. Sumner's bill to supph im nt the ncot.lrttctioa act known as the bheraian t ut-Duharger, bill. We consider that debate ajid vote decidedly the most iiopeful sign of restoration we hare yet se n. Tlie de i. Urate and bold position aMtimed by Sli aars. Sherman, Trelinghujucn, Trumbull aud others, as to the finality1 of the recon struction act already pSMed,Wsrrnte the coirUuion that the Congress will readily I to r!(iiratioo,non tle tcrpis proposed l.y twM.it. IMiiAnH.... ; . ' every gout hern man, who can conscientious. Jy tcccpt ilioee ternisj be Wacly to ailopt them. ' I - -'- ' . , , -ttur Itlstrirt Cwnslrr. .. . CUr telegram announct d fioiu-ly to-day ,' tUt.il f tfklr Bt lo aSig'ned to tioi comaiand of District No, 3, emlraciiig onband South Carolina, and that ihi lu-adiiuarU'i are fixed at Columbia, 8. C. It is prrsumeable that all the present oflioeVsi nf the JVparttuect will be, rt'ained. H M In a lew days, we yresume, i the gemrai or.l''rot the CoRiminidiiig General will he -y-y - - . .... '.;.; ;J: c'y!VXi?llr2-& 'ie Hi,rof the Ijiwih tiiiiiuuihr beii.j ncpreine for the tun tjeiog, there emmot rt!e any conflict of authority, ami hence we i-ite r.o difficulty In tlie due oWrvsiire " ..f tn 01 r. ,r lovsnsts of lhat Main-to follow 1 i Fram-itir. I'll rpomi rather than ! t (f un W . Iluniiicutl." f " " fi I n at lUr - il- ha ln arfr-- ' "" ' "";' -f m: i,n.,i. 1 ' 1 I IV 11. .1 U a..a ol affitir. in Virginia, the he ,y nothV,,, n,,,, h " ir.,tBl ( as by ;the ,.,,;,, tW wds-tiicy j ;,Ymk 7 hold, the following W-H''"'' r -We tru-t n l4 will I f lUr.d to " JJ ','..1 ,"! t af" Jds "".'' I fear, a good ikat ft donate hi, len don. U.'.-a eii.tion , am, we , a, , h. ,p Zl h ,H. v l.a7 ni hJnd ! !?!. lt I "" " Titer llttH'l IJkw II l . bunt mi 'j1;!1,"- ,,'- t&eelf-tlcd tiuuthi-va Loyalist re looketT in !, if th htarla flf tlnj bve aByT f itclt as Hidden, and the iwit of that sirt, ciiil l 1 laid bare, it winild be luuiid that they are gri-vi(U!y diiii.intc.l with iite StifTtnatr ttitfSild"rji. 1iltKyopprisrri'Hw-hrork its Initliu prwiswiHfc Tliey"wiiild T'jn it, if Ihi jriL.rcd. In all its rsnentixl faturs it r in' far h"rt of w lut they ilmiired of etpt.flt:d.. In the fiiat plaie, all tln ir antecedenla de oxiiittrste, lwyond csvil, tiiat they" ara koa tile to ttie negro, and oppused to investing hi w with civil or political rights, Aftur bav. iajf ibjneeyerytfaitig in their powi-r to bring on the war. ther became wrsk-kneed and clamored fur submission, only so soon as they begtat -to apprehend that tbe result would be adverse, and that nUtery would thereby be destroyefi. Shortly alter tlie anrrender, tbe Standiird uu'id, ia stilstaoce : "Slavery is dead ; the secessionists killed it j sm tried to fmil, but we were not heeded. They now profess peculiar devotion to the colored peo ple, but it ia only their. voles that they are hankering after. If they were not hopeful of securing majority of the colored voto, they would b io favor of diveting them, to morrow, - of the right' of sutfrage, and probably even of remanding the blacks iota servitude again. And just here ww take occasion to ad- miith the colored people of the State, to look arhund them and reflect vh are tlie men that they most respect and h an upon, and a bo- are they whom they would ruber trutt In or out of office. ,We would not have them ally themselves with, or suj port, any men who fits twt competent to partiet Pt itt-the-nonagement of s(Tlr, naiWr the teriosof the Kecotistruetloa Hill, which is now the law of tha land. We would not have them,- or any one else, do aught in eon' traveotios of its intent. , Hut .they are vl tally interested ia the eatabnahment of i quiet, just and stable Winof government ; and we counsel theffl to survey the field ami auk themselves , wise bsvs beri tofurs been their real and best frietu1t,'and whom they would soonest intrust with the momentous and solemn duty of inaugurating such a government, . ' ' ' Hut to return-s ifl the Hold. n P.ml Hill beii adopted tiyOntf '''. that woidd-j have sntted the Smrthenr' Loyalist exactly, lit proviaiona would hsve disfranchised niueteentwentieths of the people of the State, and would have left the entire control of affairs with a few individuals who could have monopolized all the offices tn the lanlf, wlikh is the sum and summit of all their aspirations. Office, power, and an op portunity of glutting a mean revenge upon thi'ir1 neighbors who laml them, are tile aim and object of their efforts by dsy and their drcami by iiiyht. ' ?T Vi hat galls thine turn tuout in the Sher man Bill i the fatit that a majority of them are disfranchised by its e press U-rms ; dis- frunchuied, as they should he, for men who educated their people td.btliuve in seces sion, and who betrayed them altet involving theui in war, as the resultof thtir teachings, are untlt and unworthy either to vote or to hold office. It is a good f attire la the Bill which thus disqualifies them. Congress will not remove their disabilities. Thry have nothing to do with the work of re cimatrurfion. They must take back seats snd wait.' ! Tbir interference with what does. not concern them Is mischievous and iin pertinent. It is revolutionary aud sgltative. Let ihu work of re-orgauiJithtre be csrricd on exclusivcty, under the direction ot the military authorities, by those who are priv ileged, by the terms of the Act, to consum mate it. And Jet every man of the clans who have heretofore control In I, who is al lowed to vote under the Act of Congtcas, be broitglit lit feel tlint it is his most Imperative, J woim-Mous aud sM r.d duly, not only to vuli.', liitt l: U.--0 all bis junuenca tn induce, by piopcr Hriuai-ion, at tunny as-possihte of the naly eiiliimi liiM d ttaaa to voto w,ith hnu. Tbe Ullsoa Itlll. We were fully sati.tiwl, from the plan of the reconstruction act itself, that the power to fit aud. determine alt nutter. In regard to the Btate Conventions, wss clearly within the Control of the CotumaDdiug Gcuural ol the Dintriet, and our opinion is that it Is best it should be so, et, we thtuk the Wilson Supplementary Bill ia iliiral.le, tweause it dura ilt-fitittely a unitonn rule, which will prcvetit, or ought to prevent, the adoption . ' , V- . - -... - eak-abtted to iBangurate diiiiciillii before the finlaelio!i of the Cotumanding Oeiier si. Ia m article BpotTth Wilson Bill, the New York Wvrhl say ! "Bui 7tlkODnlioiiC if jplksMNl, will cause nothing to I done which would not equally lie done without It, it may perhaps be better to have a Uniform rule, sn,l to tnA at little as Mwiblto mere discretion. By fixing a time within which t-'fate Ctr ventions shall be Culled, determining .who hal! call lh iu, prescribipg the registration id voter and th regulathni for the polls, the whole thing is nut at th: outset, ami i ni lot all, in the defitiHre tlisj.e in wliirh upon it.. Jt tt ts44i!br t'lH1 v,,'l 'Si' Jfi ec.'i.a?j3)-ji:-T Tiiua of ii 111140 1.1"., it will tiiumateiyt come into the thaie of Oumiu'" r-ornii ifition;. " The pecpr may as writ be rurnl of any flattering (Vinson on 'that iuhj't;U una. a..iuai. I.UUV: m'ii LX win if rjMni.-i iu fiau - ami win. n, 11 niey mwi ana.l it 1, will dfdranchtae them f..revcr, , , 1 . .. - I" r r ! on an I Ti lint smc tt odds." , ' The. on y (juration or em ice -ft tW "hiktlttn wliiiin u wi in r ihry ill be ho w 1 r r. t r win t'ur t 1 v will eo-n- ir "i'ir -Hr nr t i'mrrhin; or 1- t ' r t1.. ni to 'e 1 1 not 44- Iw i-' li.i.hiV l-v ai-r. iit.i n. I !-, lions' wil ''' ' '- - 1 bil'l" earv. t -1 -"isiii.Mn wl.i , bv 1 In. in-. I!,. v a I liiii-m j.,.,U t-v' il., 1 I , sod thecoma t.r. ol tai. l, will 1 7 L. Z - 7, L ' i " , Z ' ""V( Wi g. n 13?' th S nt.l. witscsttWiw f IM tR-WnHtn in the worid. Tb-r , . a & n ! v x u tttrveumftlte mines .I our ooi.t. .i- , M(r((uU owltj B ravia, the laWnmieble tj hi culy ns).ties, TiM son- U c i ot uAnm, which Bow yields h. itt,'. Watie. : r diturtw lt.o actlle.1, s y ,,u f t.0l ptr Sv, ""l yssvj , . 'f'g v V, Twe- 'TBWWtlW WtSiK- t:. mi .;l. mm i luuuiii : mi I this prnjierty U-kmge he booof tost Wre the iravausttct f-Mt. 27 i.iin.liL Home ten veins have Us cut rutiead, leveloftht. min. T. srelmci in a trsppeau iJjke. s .d w!"- . Cmnltui. wUo t.o. true tihcr Veins, -although very productive ia their iiuartr, ma kels in free uUU tfiii i mine iii nuieKi:ntii-nt;ii TFlinaier- i 1 . . . f - M.st.ir phis. A battery of V-f i swuips Is tiig ere-tei1, to prepare tlie oivs ur lue inni poiitt and amaigwnation. - - -r ' "1- . IKK riKKttl WIUBS. In former years, teniveopejatnns aerc 'carried on, on this. eunive d fine tract of land -situated within nine-miles of Con oord and the visitor luxe ses the eviden ce ol the great scullh of nr iiiinns. k'or t nne ot miles, pits have been sunk, about three lest apart, arid the ore taken out to the water level. Home entirprirtng' Itcntle men from California" have boupht these mine. The old eniruie and mill luMixe are being put in thorough repair; a battery ol; ten stain e is lieing erectrd ',' a s" engine and saw mill hsve Us started, and miner are bu.ily at work re opening the old stiatts, and hsve already raised many tons' of very rich ores. '' - : tub CRoSHV MtnKS. ' Tliese mines are side and side with the IbonU, and are now owned by gentlemen in Weabiiitfton. T. C. Here : iu-naive ar rangements are being carrie' I out for a large mine, and very rich on-s are being daily raisei!. - : . . t i The mines Ik Ioiilmiii to Sir. W. P. Fur-' nine and it. I), ( ullen, ol .Xkw York, are stilt idle, bnt rumors Vr aw early reatimp- i ion of work coiiio oecasioeally from the North, i , ., .,. ,i ' .; " Itottevor, rear this priiptrty, pure has lately Ihscm discovered a vein ot copper which has been bought by some parties front new York, who are ooetitng tlie vein. They have raised ore that will yield 3d per rent, ot intitaltK) copier, the nnesi ever seen in this section of the Plate, fhe vein Is maxaive, being some 4 fiirt wlilc; and Mis with wonder and admiration that the visitor views the great diapbiy at this mine. Ex tensive works will here lie erected. . At this mine some tine specimens of free gold have been found in the vein. .-, , I thall be pleaxed, from time to time, to acrpiaint the juililic, through the columns i of your valuahle joiiriinh.WUu.iJiS uiBCove-J i i .-v.. i i .u - i. e ries nere uiaiie ; as aisu ui me naunt n the presvat workings. . . . , . , . , i. E. MtF.ACHEnX. lie ioLlTi.'s, Mr. flumner would soera to be a lineal descendant of the Wandering Jew, With him nothing is ever settled, lie Seems possiweil ot the siiint or tirinnt. Agitation has been so long his habit that he is nothinir unless an assailant, latterly, in dued, be has Iwcome a sort of nintorial Inlimai lite. Ilia band is raised against cv- ery man, and every man's hand is raised ... i.,......,..-,. ....... , against mm. u couta not. Keep tua run oi his Senatorial wranghs, bur he baa drawn UMn himself the sturdy blows of the pres ent President of th 8enate, and Je imlig nant phillipic ot bis eloijuetit colleagiw, the keen onslaught of the li ntor irom Maine, and tbe Hen rebuke of bint from Cull lor nia, and even the sneers of the repre sentative of ' Mii hiifao. Even tlie tern tier of his clever col!e!fne has not been proof BgatjMit i his evorworning arrogance, and tbe irishman caustic description of his neighbor, who "had such' wiutjiug wavs tn make neonlo hate hiui, it eintneiit- ly applicable to the gentlcnran from fttasa cbuaetts. The recent military hill is mil quite harsh enough for his puritanical, ex acting temper, it i "horridly infective,"' and so he propown to amend its undue leu. ietica, and take tbe lands ( white mm to parcel thent out amongt negroes. Hut we tip not care to pursue the subject. It is suf licient that the Hi-nate rebukel him by lay ing his "fine puiiits" on th table. Ami even of the ten who voted with htm, there were some Who repudiatoil his doctrines while willing to give him a Ion her ucarVj A signillcant acknowhtdgement was made yesterday, even by o determined aa ub traist as Air, Boutwell, ot Jlti9iu hiiwtts. which ougM not to escape the attention the people of the Ninth. Heplyiiig 4a TUr. tlingham's ri iiiimli-r, that the const i tn tions adopted by the Southern people would still have tooome tK-foreCimgrviM tor acceptance, he declared that Congr wAwbji Ub under the tmsistitils prwsuie to m ttot aufl'tJlP" stitutmn so adopted as the work of the peo pleoi.the htatc." This was urged by" Mr. Boutwell as a reason for haytiig tue prelimi naries so air.ini-d that no noodles question should be rained in Congress, snbserUeiitlyV k ...i I : f .. H'...--..l ainifit tiiv uiiiimuu ui a cmuj.- hiwwm I)ioHomi.T Nrokos. Never before have our titixen U-rn siihjivU-d to4tucb insults ss they re'ived on yestlmlay, Jrom the negro aoiilii rs that arrived here on Hat- uritsy. lolilillrrmt sections of the- city BWWTfillc'fo'ttr vTtiHKsdd.rs, watidish- iog their patois and bayot,-frighteiiing iatiitaand clnldien, ami in many iiistanres emiangcrinu their livni; Bill the crowning iusult Was that omred Ui the" Oeneral Aa scmlily. AtKMit h ilf past . twoohK'ka ' Hilhd of alxiht twenty twgro ihllers, w ll li cloned ranks anil bayonets jax sheath,- rmn tnomli d by a burly negro, matched arftniid the Capitol building in whit h the Legisla ture was iu session. A tin y pu-wd around, they viK'iti-mtitly cheered t"i the In ion and the Shellnbarjjer bill, and Imjuelilly hout e "If you had accepted IheCViBslitution al aim num. -nt, yiut would not tie out here iu the rot 1." lUhmouJ Tim,, VMh. s Iu everv .' anif tn evcrv cliioe it has j le'W---reaidi d -a ini-ffnM- ow-;wmW ttV n Wtt at3kaV .-JO.B- Ufc WjwA tW sMtltt on 1 raiwript has nil-tortunr. 1 he Hosii ealhd w on its rv'b to coutrUnito to the ne.i,ta4 ptir l.r.-ll.r. n tn the NWitU, . ttut mHii-itpi me- Mini-- ' ,f N,,w K.tistx.! cult ore; We aUuilcto them Li,. - .,.t, ,,;, ,),.- ,. :i,i ., -,,i. i" ,'1 i-;:.,7.r IZf.fCZZi 7 . Morrisscj" artfiimehia on the floor of the House ye C.xjMvu.d to be .linchers..; hi'- T,v"r. .the iwve!lt,'bm' Utttr: pointi d iiutisli Constil at Trtesle. W.!H-..in II Vuio.s- a II, i.!n '.iii ' f me Hut..', Ui4 iuth.it city on Tuiday Irf-t. Wiikie (V-llUis V' novi-'ltt U ilvint; ef C2SESAL 5EWS. luuti'iils1" v twi'i'ii1111'1 '.,fi f '. f.i ,'iTf iywMi'''"Wi'B i k. Im the laiue of croiinrt leasee, t s -.-Haer-"hie- awi The Ji.,rti-ir4 lliirtKn senrs O aim-, Tim. to,lji..t n.i-tnn linn lrn ki-iH in "i laiu- j)r ,,,,1 Increased by inU.-ruiarrlujte. . , t .ppW.atio. of following anecdo 1 1 '""iKaii m, an f e iwneil to be "on board, wa nrged by ; the iisaaenorra to mount the mgiue and put - ttliet ttiromrir. i ft ...... ,. ,t as il tiKMX'eiWd in starting, i ..i ...ti.lh lui emitd du would atop it I so they lfcbd into the depot at full speed, mL goWZ throtighiwu Iwh k Walls brought up win a gweral fV O- n'hj mensaid he, as the y gl.ered around him, 'I told you I would put yott thu-agh but when I said that, I did think I should iut you so far through. Xf hd put on the brskes .,u wht not have to jjtck up the piiaai." 1 tim. Iojr..U Ci.iuini.n Council, which Uit on tlt li Janirj.smi ha hwilotUrd nearly two liumlrwi time iiiefociualiy tor a fosiilint, wss si Jregsn .iirfwiiisru u i Sth instant, by the rtet-liOn t . ileuiocrat. The MttnitMr salti(fis itte -ioti. porly uiiMlilieal of alt tie members ior tue position. but a republiesn voiett- lor him, aud thus decide I tbe question. t -" ; ' f TheN.w York Timet says that to the un tiring exertions of Mrs. Jessie B, Kreuiont li.i. M. m ik iioh i.ti il for the donatioa of a million of dollars jtiat made by tl L'. . H..m.tifoTtlMiteatituteDt Ibis . section, aud to lies efforte alo are due tlie credit of the contribution ot a national ship to transport to tli Houtb the corn, itc., donsted in New York to tketslojp porjKJse. ' j --iiick Pomcruy hsi left Mobile and is " on bis wsy tirftcw Urh-ans in tn'wk of pKii statistics for the 'beneat til" Ibis friend. A Mobile pajwr says that it would bate to pay lor tlie stalioncrv, W Brick inteuils to; make his statisticai taiiie a full and complete one. .'. IlXMtaa' or BkoWSIOW We learn, says the Knoivilln. Cvmmrcuil, ol tne otn, tnai Coventor Browulow is lying dangerously ill at Nashville. liis jliuiinatioii, and having to run against a negro barln-r ot Knoxville, for Governor, is likely to kill him." .. . ' ' -. i i ftecretarv Seward has been charged with a gn at many things during his life, but the Uiont astounding of all Is that just tnaile by a New York paper, that he Is undr-r "deip- aoSiiiliiiB(.'ar liulneticc Tbe Baltimore Omeltt estimate that that citr has contributed 350,000 for the relict of ilw Mouth. , ,--', . . John Blidi ll is reportcl to lie 'one of the richest men In Paris t-day. ,'- t . ' Oboral Budirod. Johnsuo, ex -Couii th r- ate, ia on a visit to his relative in Cam bridge, Indiana." f ; i Alctter rrontuerlin mentmus tho serious illtieasof Mr. Wright, the United blates Milliliter to Prusaia, He is said to be much swollen from dnitiaVr- ami -hi recover -is coiuidered doubttui. ;' A tetter from Augusta, 0a., say that Alexander U. elevens ti extremely ttiwpon lent In reference to the ' 'action- of Coiicress, but recommcuil auhiutssion and pill ieiice. " " " Is the Maniand Senate, on Fridays an snieiidmeiit was otfored tn the Convention Hill, which, in t-lR-ct, woohl allow colored suflraue, but it was defeated by vot of t to . ; - i.. ' ' ' Tlie Washington JlrftuUiram say that when the new.. Conimss was born It was pretty much the tame old Congress born sguiu, out w iiuuut ri-jfuiiciatiott, We learn from the Mason County Juvmal, tli i t Oi-m r tl Jihn A. McCauslaud, Who has hei D si'lt exiled m Mexico twr sinoe the close of the war, ti'tnrtieil to his home last Friday week. ' -' 'H It is said that there will be a Radical candiditte for the Mayoralty of Fredericks- bun;, and that every tttort will be made to concentrate the m gro vrtte upon him. Tlie Norfolk JMv Itook avy a rogue's carnira' has lx a inaugurated in that city. II reconls nine law sot roMary that oc curred during Friday, tiitturday and Sun day. ,' . 'u""7" ' - ' A Wliucliiiu 1. 1). advertises French medicine, one IhiHUj of vlii.-h will trnable a person to talk Fn nch in uUit three weeks. An uttciuot to miiton yourself is a "rith" act, but a slu e'of tried bacon is a-"rayhcr,'' Crinoirite and Krno were the rock umm which a St. LouU 1111 uliaul w as wrecked. "When the enrtftiw rha s- at ibe Academy, the first thing seen is a "J ip" on knees. Krhob (ihmkctkij- Tlie Ibilelgh iSri.iiwi, 111 commenting oh the lorlhcoming "Life ol (teiiera! I,1 by Mr. James Mci'afss, take thst aulltor to tank in a dignified but H'vert tono for his alaii .ii lit relative o the Uhn- vior of Pettigrew e divisioo at Ilia battle of (Jettysliurg. not. erilicallv infuwned as to tht heroic lUduct of the Camlinit troops, from Bethel to BentoBsvilie, The Rtntti . which seat sue h men aa hers ..to tha fitld neetj fear no criticism, Why dont some of the actio!" arsot Woitti t arolma write tlis history ot tmrttattrat-ftt wfe--Tb Amiwnd aa wade some time since tiy t)i Warrenlon niiixih'r in an article of niicAnonoa nWrit. Let Ithe lhiiw,4y...ll'nieittii1-r,i.A l'wgJW...,,v: Let no maw not acceptable to the Con irress take part in the work of reconstruction. Let the loval w hites and and the colored people do this work at once. Let no man interlire with them or eniKarrasa tlu m. Cungrv had no u- for Die K. I i tor of the WifsJiii i.', as was plainly driiioiistmleil by tnvir not' Wnttrnittriv HIS ppnnirni'nt j v.-Hswstt.htkkatt.k a.aiti rntw ewwi,fiilJfeIeJ;yiM W.jErtt'4 g j UMAnv .Vws. - I j i sad b)t 1J ols. , j Tult Fiahib. The Pet cburtf Krnrm un tltsst the nvcr anil stnams thronvliout that -tatCrtanaicm'i ch-sweit! 0.: tin Wtrtdnif tfirufr t.rfH'nrvin 1111. ritTvnl n"i t tt- ri.s, a'hiiuM Ji-iii M'-wvii ami iisNsv J. itf avf. It t.,s jo 11 sf 1 hai him II mi uf li, ,1 Mn limits tii tins 1 i.-. is t ii.iM,-ii nt ill the tiuti- j of 11rtl1 ( r'mia. It Is tliif-ftuwi rtr.U nit bv the t . tn-lrf -.1 CkuAjfc t.4 itl hf4M4ril , is' li'l-i' 1,1 till. L , , n,T .'irt. a M-WS(Wf ; -I-J m '" ' 'S li.ii.t."h. for su j U'Vt';. itf I si. -i J r n 11 - I o (,(r ihi' tti.nir lf :jHi.i,lt, SI', l ln.,1 i!li'. lit- un.! t Inn 111 vl 1 ,. im 1 i ..iin a:iil su-w.-i. -!,-ai or il Hint ' tu u,f m-Ii iim , tli ami.! UU liiMtii j jnu lt tm 111 I . i IA a JcllS a. TIIOKt'.CVia. E. i 1i faflcral Si r M the late Mm, AaiBMXi '"n "" -''ft t i-'ir- jrj;ji' hm4 ARTIFICIAL LIWBI.. a ABT. U4BKPT.I-'- ' li).rjn, Manw Wth.' Jaul f rruwsi rir-or TmrnTrTE, anrkitr X loat hmba, l nh ejra, or htve hmlia that an eii.iretytiaeleaa, renoVmi so wluW iu aervics dur. ' in; tbe bvte ar, sih! wao preft-r eumtnuution, oaa abeam a warrsot eu 10a Xrvaaur r for din saaie, (wliK-k is ss valuabla as the. mOneyj, ly ' K"ttii'g eeftafkaij frusa UWir , wmitv Court : VUfk, ii.uifu.a Uir lyanjianMis, rcijiiBKiita, anil . unit m mm vm rvMtiivru asviraa auu aorwaruiii wiria vj man ku lie-. , Tlio aeeearlr blanks hsve been Siit to the Ckrk.Anj muuiuar Laie tftilsa lift get iIk.qi, wiii piftsss v im ui kdow at euee. . i tstiinau aiiivt jjtTe his Post unine, so that I may ku'oir wU to m nd his wsrrsnfc t nqae wuv ti liaiWTrui have to eiMne br. -H.O. BtAN, Snp'k mar H-lst-t ' ' - Journal of uaumvne. Mewlienit Juirnal. Wi- aaingtua; Tisiea, Cbartotte iiaTanuer, AsBeviU'; argiMi aitfc.hot-11 ; Old -a-th (State, Kulinburr ; and bhhVaisir, WsiTmitun ; nuhlish a Uiiise each aiiu iiion-aisir, visithiiiiio j punnsti a 1 auu stud su us ts tu this iinartmiMit. m.) Mot'HE. KFXI KttH. - r-.-j I'alJe CntleiT. Hiionns, (gators, WaiUewJLsmp iUUMiavLhuia,yriicJuirvaiUOIaMa ware, 'i'taiut Helta, t'Sfwr iiaiijguiKa, Bats, Jiroutue, iiuc-keta. JMivaa, obovataiMl Iouks, Ana lroua auu Ire ns. HSiMaKe Cottsra, ItoUuw "art., lloea, ItaSea, Ax- oa, c a, ... HlfCHELt, AUJCN A VO. Jan 31-HK-ir . .Si-aOurn N. C, .STATE 0FK0BTH CAROLINA, f L BXTI t'OUMTV.. j ' Cocar ai funs AMD QcxBTsa tassioiia, Fas. ,-. p Ta,18fi7, Jsrred Peeln, ) .ss, AttoahmmL" wtn.T.tbaw.) '..--. IT anuearinr to the astisfscthm ol the Court that Mm, T, Kttaw ie u4 ruatdta beyoud um U1111U of this ittsta; it la oi.h-iwl lhat pul.lu -lion be msue-iu the MsnlifMit. is naiwr uuhualied ui tisleiKb, H. U) or six w.tls, notiiyuiK the ui.-u,-iiiiaiit tu ajijaiar at uie links tuilil lit wis Court, to be hi'lil at the Court House 111 Windsor, oU tli seeund Monuay ot May next, ami auswur or putHu 10 me aaiiie, or piuguMiut uual wiu lie en ieretl ai;aiiiMt hiin. Viitmsa, w 11.1,1AM F. OUKLtl. tnerk of our aaui tJourt, at tUtioa in n iinjaur, tha awcuuil M ou tlay of Fetamary, A. it, lm,1. 1 . , , WJ. iVOUlit.KY, war tt-im-ti - , u. c. C ' BTATE OF i0liTH CAltOLINA, ' , , - ; Bkktib Coujitt. Col ST or Puua xso Qvabtkb Hkaaioxa, Fts., - -, 1 .. TSHH, Vi3t' .r , ... , ... .. I. iaTOaJtun, i. a. t AttaolMuntt. ''' Wia. J. hhs. j . . IT sppesruts to tlie' SstiafsHhai of the Conrt, thst Vim, T, iisw ia ami reauh-s beyond thelunita oftliiaiiUUi U is win-rot that puhiicatiiai Im inaile in Die iSriiit(,s iiaia-rpahlisiudin Kali-iKU, N. C for aix wueka nutifvuia the saitl (fotuiHiaiii to aujiear at the next t.rm of this t'onrt. tu im held at Ui (.uni t House 111 VI uidsor. on the se- waul sfonUar ot Mar unit and auswur or rlnad Ui tlie name ; or liiilgmeiit nnal aiU be eutereo suaiuat hlui Wilneaa, WII,IJt P. (H KI.KY, Cl.-rk ,4 mir said t.oort, at otlloein Wititaor, the sooonil U.tu- day uf teoruary, A. l. 1W.7. v jt. r. ui.nii.r.i, niarlt-lH-snS X. tt-C. STATE OF NOIITU CAUOLIXA, , DhHTta C'Ot'NTY. I Cues? or Pinks axu QiiASTta ibsios Feb. ;-' " " ' Trim, 1W7. . -Joseph D, Clsik, .1 i vs. . . Attachmefti . Ha T. Miaw. J ' tT pm-sriiii; to the aaUahuitioa of the Court, 'tint Vi ui. T. Wis ia aail rwudosimyont) tile llilnta ut tnia mate i it M oroi rvu uiat iiuiilmslioli be made iu the 'Ssatiio (a naoer pubhahed ill flat- xixh, K. tl) (or six wts-ka, notifiuig the said do minant to ajijiear at tbe next tsrni at tbis Court, to ks held at tn Court Houss in W imlaor, on th second Uuuday W Mty next, and answer or ukd to the asms , w jtiduu-ut Ubsl will be entered airamst hiui Vtitnaaa. Wtl.I.lAM 1'. til lil.f.t. L'li-rk of onr said Court, at nttii-e iu Winilaor. the st-ou3 M.av daji uf February, A 1)., Jti7 , - K.r. ht-nui, -I tnar J4 lSt-wfiw C. C. f. "I'.VAVOIDADI.K DELAY," , IN tiETTINO ISW OUlt KKW 8TOHE BY April, baa uhligt'tl ns tumin-haae our BfitlMt hl'lH k' lu'liiMi miriiii . f Me are now mvivmit, st otir OLD hTAM), a II... ..1... I .1. l..i: J 1.IWI11 11 UI Mill VllVIVl.- RHRK11UU Vlf CONWtKTlSO OP OIUUJiDI stlMIdXiS, UNcujtcuNrr, " ' 1 i-MMED LAWS.-, , t'UALLLEiS, LtXOE'tJ 11011 tJl.S, . TOl'LENt AND He LAINi-S, TOtiETHEii WITH A LAIttiE , i 7 ,. ' . HTCK'K OF THE M0..T ' ,: , itEiLTiFixritiNi's f ;'- j:il.rii -;i i K full line of Whlte-Uoods snd Era- brolderlex. Our atut k will b daily nptenished, in every and whilst we will U yen the beat eoods, we in tend t si'll l..lhs lowest liru-oa, ;. . uur Sfciuor jianner suu biiry tit -mrssTj Wot rsmaiii in tha Northern and Eastern starspta, sad Ui etimmanity at tarfre, ean r-iy ttjxMi having tb-jHMat aivh of. snmua, . tits laixat novelties, at the kiWtfst prieea; W . Bi I bV l, Bisr t3-li-tf MEliTUANTU. AND OTIIEfW, HESmiXO Goods, i-s.li (vuri-haa f twin from da, or hsve UH-ir ordt-ni ulied m Nw llork on t'ouiniHaaoB, W. H. A u. fl. TL I K felt t;a mar I3-tHj-ljf , i 4-4 CLOTHS ND iX)Ci)k Ibtitnit. - W l 1 U fi TIY'trriJ -rt ij , .. ,0, 1 tt. ncii i v ,r.- JtJf. in 14 ami li 1 IK llmo. lb,, tuadiler Pally. ' i. fiiitiws Willi Uabt A LtwiH. lasr U-IMOitf .OTItEl tt . 1 FOR THK rrKPUsR (IF t ONHftTlStr X Family Grocery, 4- bsvn, rwtablMtied mrwilf hi til .V.llh rinle of Market lniarv. tn tla iiik k Atorv iM-tl to raveliii.iils H'reet where 1 sliail kis-nisinsiaiiiivou hand sean-fuilyst-levs d rUnek easUiaruig, FLOCK, MEAi. GitAlS. . BAtt'Ji.LAhU, HtKHP, ftfinn, Ml)LA.rA torur,ut, Aft- - - I tMl 1 s I Lh t . . V SAI T. c, e. to wln.-li I r--isM-ifi,!li ho its tin. m.t'iitae uf fin ii.is aid in 1VCULA B1XU , . Eakifc-n, Mar 11-11) Im ' FBI VIBTCB OF A DEED Of jiilXSX TED TO" slE BV VlL It feifltH, CO." ' ' i okfeb fob 8ale, ivoh : oooTTtebuv tk '; ' isTtlierafat'li-linifnt latrly tielofiing to the firm of Wei. BiriMITH A CO., atNo. Si, "fayetli'nUi- Mm t ill tllla t in. -- 7 3 HE K-N 1 IKIi.'rilTilX'Or HHK, B.f A I IUS EKY, N Ilia it, anil oftii-e mjuoabn, tiardeu Sesl,f iitun-atiatnther withisti assiiimtit of tlni !-: ttl Usk Stoii?risnn, isdi-s.nnt to Ii-tis-i1 St uu-v in bulk ; snd to this end hitbi a ill be rivrd hv the sutsairilier. r.very,oppi'tnuil' will lis readily afforded uunaaM deairiiiK to purcbasu, for aatt-rtainiiia tlie rliarai-u-r and amount of aus'k, the saiuot of tiie haameaa, ilprolila,firnM . tf . . " " - , 1 sist. onVr 6 sSlf , la lbs saws wav, th . qptnsn rHtixmo ksToBusuukkt, bretht wilh an sSat-uiuvtit of b aa f,ruotua ia li h it hi aulual. 1 also ouVr ha- sale the wtiyrhrtd, suWrhitiou hat Slid aiaal wdl of ' . THE iril AXD I HIn; , , .: t- .. ...... ' . - ' ' - - widi the tjiy sud Biaehinery sumciuiW to pub lish . . I also offer for sals upon the aaine tsniu, Tlit Tliblu' W'''1 t V sa-chiuery sulhcieat Ui ishMji, offer fur asle upon th same terms, The Crccent Monthly, Tbe Rural JOlK1iAI, -' snd th Oil m.M$ npos si) tbe bonk pnliUshsal by Wn. II. K until A Co.. inaofar an th. uy,,u have bikmirnd to them ander coutracU auh Author. buusrUuahsaetis ; . ' -- - NAUIELEM, a popular Novel, which is ;nod to the publisher for one or more sditinns, with cpacist sttjmlst nm between anther and publisher ; 1 -'' 'v'i7.!,'.-'1 :. '.-'-.i ... MOSSE3 FROM A ROLLIXO STONE, a volume of ixieuia Umm ahnilar ennititinna : and several NOVELETTES. ,' Persons deairliiK to bid esn obtain any infonna Una by spplvinr u m iisin the preniiaes, or in my abat.no to Yi in. It Hinii b, who will lake pleas one in giving any bjtorniaUon desired. Tl, ..m.lii..n. ..I rv .. 1.. u . . w. n t, :. 1. - . d ... .. ,ui. in 111 in nm. i-uiiiii k Co , other than A itsllarne A Cn., oTMew York. th enii'loys! and run itiabutiwa irfHie bfe Bnti.T KUhaaw A itajtwnod hhuli. sod wi'h Masonie Puhiiahing and Manufactnribe; Company," New lia-a, an or wiima are preierren, m saul lleect, are not 1 tied to present -their cUiiha duly sutheu- tii sted within ihree months from tliKZtd. of ich UHi7. K. W.TClJilK, ii Nirra, Kids mnst be in writimt ; and ihoyNvill us reoeived until tha 17th. Msr. li, lHti7, tor ail portion Or all is th stot k ss oH.-red above. The TruatMi reservns the right to sn-ejit sny hid in th mi vitini", snd to n jivt all bids at tti end of th tiriic.i if iHt SiWtiteil ttie sus'lt will im nkiaod ont, at auntioik, on to 21 li M&n-b 1HI17, it. W. YuilK, March T-17-dlwalawti1s. - Trualoa. Petersburg Advertlsemeiils. M7. NEW ' SPUING GOODS, M7. ' : 400.0. ;-:- Forlj Thousand Dollars Worth or Ttia MOWT DESIUAHLB AMI) -, ' j F A S II 1 0 N A B L E DRY GOODS VK OPrSRED M THIS MARKKT, HOW 7 orktiiitoAT --'::'-'-"--. SMITU'S, 23 SYCAMORE .STREET, PrmSBUEG, VA. i QUICK KALKK AND 8MALI. PU0FIT8 BEING now tnor than ever nir firm eouvu.uon t thu true wav to suorras. I sin determined tuMmr- sne this oiuraB, and as advertisiuir ia only eile tuai wuen it m real, 1 am aua uoieriiuaed to ait vertnw onlv sni-hK.ssIs aa are realiv on hand aud in stot'k. IiiitepeiHluiit of the large' stot k of 11AV GOOBis, I have added large stock of Cocoa and Htraw UatiuiK, oil I lot Its. uapew, Uu:e and Dauiaak Ciii'taiua, 'labia and Piano Cot.rs, lsee, '1 iuu-h, iilinw-'liHil and Vubleschtsf Hatui-liamaak and Hiiow-drop labia Lmun. Naikina, iioiliea Tow- 01a, llinkabaek lan. a liuwlaa, liiaiier and Tiiids- uys utapera in grwat variety. All aimis 01 wuue pofiil- sui-n aa ureiusou wis vunressro Jfts"npis iiJ Cautbi CoeekeVTauUlIha, KaibSWisaTlir and t-hiKikiMi. Huli-Stuauna. Hwiaaea. olain. oiiocknd, dotted, and eaibruidered, tlrgaudiea and urauaiunua, itoua aiuttins, 1 anotonswnite snu co.oreit. Also a full assortment of LACE8 AKD EM Bl.OiilKKltiS, from the fineat real Point Lam t'oUar, worth to tli lowest Imitation hu e. worth 25 cent. A full assortment of Hands. Ed ging and tiouncuigt taoibnc, 'ickoiil,iiaui7 sisiK SQU UUell. iAiso, tne soost extensive stock of IIU jit LINEN in Virginia. . . Full line of Linen and Muslin HAXDEEC- CHIKKb, in plain henutiich aud fancy ; do. c iti bnadsred aodLce trunaad,iruin ocuta 10 tii, iaisarh. Tli mnat oomplvU abnk of ttpnug MAS TLta ist iu llu. aiMket, mi jkiw imeiied, em- inot fail tub ui.-st -luieresbuar. tosiur Thia ealilli. id our tiuaiiieae to the liuiiea. a-tae-wtoek LA 1)1 lJ MEftft flt) IIIK. nui braees alt lha new tabrxea hi be Joui.tt si Uic sitsJ reasoual'le ralea. ' , '1 he bU.lt susk ia far larirnr than anv in U Statey ami ainianiB our wipavial attantioa i kW sociauinma -the iaitr. hy iioratof oro psaaed ua thia stock, ss oom1Mr.i itl. juiyUung thev had aeon, kavaa as without anything to. aay, umrs llisu it ta now largiT and mm oomplete Uiau ft "Mas-ever Wn.i io hnlv wisliing to boy Ml as Bhoubl de so, without ttrat eiaiuuiiiii Uus atoea.- . .- ih aaortniit of CLOTHS. CAHXI VFIIF-t AMI L1M..N liOoDM fi Kiirim. wear, ia simn-lr ouniplete, euila-aeuig the la, geat btook of As kind, anil at Un, BHiat anslersu pricw. UlllSKlll ever ortered. ia BOW beilii Olieneil fin. braeuig vr Uimg in the line, than the hnest Ak-tsinle.T auO uUivi.a,.Ui iloi. UiSrejU. ttraiUiB, fiiH r to eiiaii.ft tin ft. inor! ia ev, vi Lu;TP bi,. l.-hjjtjs-..Ho... i.-l4i'.t.hii ji'us ,4111 .Igr aisi.irt - t OHIO OI BJl.tlO. 1IAMA fttl.Ul.VV 11,111.. MIMiH. Att. Tlie A Hi l! I K 1 1 K iTil K ,. ,l..l rejiei-t. anil is the iaiest 1 have ritr iteni, ' being iHrtieht eti-lnairely for Cash. t ii'iat iniliieetni h's aid tie bfT-n-d for lli rli ! lii,,i aid tan arnt bj nuuOrisl of ehrr , ajuitu -atioit, wuli rKi niarki.l . a rs. li, th. n In ' eiubun Uwawi wtm catttsw siau.W etta, uBi.o,...! their aeka.-tK.ai at home al As fi,w poo-e sa if i Mary were prSMi-u1. ( IIIU1lS b.VllTII. , nmr I t lst-tf . - ' . . 1 1 KISCILLASEOITS. VObN AMI-rtrrrOS MJkS iH;.t A "VT j ' j Just rwivmg as .Vt!-nt. dkn-t from tho lit avti tl - 1 f fmt 1, jiimI m their yiuwb nvtitii:. ttM, ' l' MhilaVaJatAim - 41 h-aiAiaajfUi Ayki's;h,-,.l Ca-CU.' ut.$r ..ZJ, i tMtJiin nr! if.i iMjit. - - ' - , Mtiswwrv-.aeAAA U him tiiii v I'i.ii.i in r tiiiin. en.iM. tri.u,(a. tn .. ... ."'srsfi "' 1 .ii. si l'li.sf. Corn Kli. Ber,' t . 1 1 1 1 1 v a u s a t n4tt am as. - JAlitU U. TUW ISA, ansrlJ-lSi-tf . . .. i""1 KITTI-i:jf,v aciLeral Cirocera- CoiiimUsioii . A.a j-. Mt-rehanu, NoJOLD STREET rr .itr.y "tu f, y a""rx -r-:. w ill siu-n I the Hale of aU Pn.i , ' IT-: f"T-rttt. ) . . 7 Vu" " anv ttisal nut u 11 1 ( u also ,furui,h Fertifiaer of an, 11, A faniifis on ao-omniodatinit tenns 7 "no to Feb IS-lM-ain ! '...-i " w'EKTlMXKKs Ol I KVUIXKi C1COI.H Y k.a-th Ckndiu. and ij'?n "t oie,,.r,.f f,, riruuia them with U UJ," r Vt, ,liA'N,' Punhied direetli ,a: ' of the.l'eravfan Uovkphum-ih ut , tt e rave now in store, for ininnslist u LlJiK, Whii h wiaihitlif AUt t'5 un.ti.ai io Oie Cotun and I,! North. sroliua and VirK,.., lastelaT? rf iienur to the r,enivin ti-,. u,-: fen. alai of It aa ai'i-tmi,t 1.. i. ., s" an a Kv an a. Ihe iuoat eaiiueut Uiauata li in- llc.ull. or Anl, . iH.de .rBrai intent Soprr-M,o.piu,ie of Llmo, us now sold by y m. as. isratdle)-, IBT CoHalRT OF 100 Pas- Atiaature . l'rejjared auima matter, aalta of Amasnoia, ' . S.M - K. 1.7 ' . , .1. "lu "omua Iron . . ..T ' '"" sua 1-1 ", atagiwaia and - B lWuhiI'h0at.rfdo,W.io j M-' Hulliata of Luna . -iu.) . haiia . ' 'J, i- . M.56 luaululde . - ) ' !, - JS! MHoalaiatter' afforded J-W'parteef "Jf After many analyse of of Lime , made diin'ng the list f,,; S u 7h. : found your stamlard m,aJT fuU aanll'ti JL? . irfariy y..., havv.r aofd in iorWTJjT I aiu sauarted that von llK!imle uaZ? Ji . . . . H"fiS. M. 1) Male bm, .tt We r. to the following gentJeuW atowwU 1 its menu butt ansaoa i : " " l)u. U. A Foots, H arren County, X. t ' '" 'Jt3,"" OrsnvUIe ' ' ;m ' T"i o 1 lltixauu, Pranktia, v, , .; , . A. 11. KtJja. 1 K. P. YAaaoaotroH,'1 L. H rn 1' . 1 " -. -- I 1fJi Mash Cuaary, H. X '' r' i, f T T' " . ---i- .-n- J T w L M CoavKiia. li it Wiuiou, . . I l'Hiujan, ; . ' M 1 aj .i'r JPJkSKiaa, - . I I Taoairros, " ' ' ' . . Ir W U Wat-os, - '7. Him 8 It KtMBM Wake s. V T 1" liaaawaix. Kdgidajnib . J tl AKMSTaoSU. ; " " - . .. ' KL l.Yoa, - " ' ! -' 1 -,r . ' .. : l KiO'uiwia. i . , M soi ai mi. t H TaviikX w'ilLW Northamptoa vr- U.aiidOionnvul wnty Virirhii tU.'.t. " CHUli,JU to " bed n-. -11' ' ,1 ' MelLWAlNE A CO. Petersburg, Va., Jan 21-Hu, , TIIOS. BRA'I & t'O W IOU Haiti Kir c , fOPPOWTK THE POtiT OFFICE,)'"....',! ..: . . Rieli mwnd, V.; IHOiBEAKCH&SOUS,' - ' ? Iki, 8 Old Street ' r , PETERSBURQ, VA; BRAXCII, ftOSlT CO., Broad Street. Al'Gl'l?TA, OA, BANKERS, AND U. -ominisaion jisrciianisr Iteeeive M mev on Ileposft, anl.jnet tu aiKht chscknv, and allow interest on aunt, as aix-ed uiioii;Ns-V enliatBlaina ; sfiike Culierttoii IhronKhmit tk United Kiatea. aud bnv and 11 on ohuhimSiiU, bsak Notea, Honda, iu;ka, e. . 1 liy also ofter Uk.-u- aci vuaia fur tha aals auA- piin nase ot iiasiyiy.a iwat, tbm, 4n!. J In-ir seini.r, l iiiw. Itraiii-ii, with ao exjnK of thirty yaarsin the commission trails, will gn hta psraottaiatVnUoB to tha llu-limlsi.l biaiae,. ail ssftets4ogiv aatisiaxiinin bo hia old fnawafes- UiHtllklumiav fueitrl.lii.uk with II,,.. ...... ... i'si-h aiivaiH'w inaihV 00 evmsunnisnta to then and to their oomispiaalints iu ihuntnnre.- htm iak, LirsrsMl. luuou, Antwerp aud itre-iueu. Ouauo, and other conctitilratea X auiirj-a. tur- nistic-ilto tin ir n -ular customers. Hfierlai atwa tioo is given to the elocution of Cotton parcha, by --,. TUO& BUANCH A SONS, Ivtsraburg, ISKAXCn, 8)N'H & CO., Aagnsta, Oa. llrn hiolinmr;d House tranwmiilwig t'fariyw- onb-t. tu Uz '.MwsSa.'t i "? asmtlioru S. cnritn-s ; will 'rttttfj afftl1 )vwr- nn clink Hi New inrk. If 1. IhihuiJ nr IVinv " bwrg, for H pvrtrars acnt-tn our ear, at h"t rati-. . . - , w'e will by ' Surth Can.lnia Bimils, Co piaia, iuigisterot, .ral. iit U Ac, thsi sietaaiast . ousna. - liailnsul Btociriiiimi.'tit and snhl, " 1 11 following are tint nreanut ratos'of our torslmrg Mouse fur f, 1:. Hank miles, tud.tr liable to . ehangea h luglusst rate paid a use iii.t.-s kre riH-ein-.l. llank of Csiie Fear. . ,....':: . 1. ,,-. . .... 5 ' ritarlott.. H Ciarendou.,.,.. M . t'oimiK-ree.. . ., 7, . , . . . ' ri.eille. , . " la-si ngtiat ; . , ""'' " at tirhai. .... . I North t amiuia... : lloilsiiij'...... i.i.i.iri.1 -n. ... :"rrP--'fleR?lt!!-ftr-.-:'-'-.V- -- - - " .... St il " . lAii.-,l Coninivi:ii lUnk ilinini.-tm. V,n, ,'. V,.il. , . -..!,. I'ruenarasro' Mutual ln-uram-a to. Mendiantsi' .lisnk of eirn., ? Miners' snd 1 11,. it, -is' I;nnl ilnsi. Wain h A hi.ns ,7rariTTrrira frtrr- "g, free of smufitstin, ail smsixnie n '.THiieV JtlUStOt Al'u, leMoneeA . Feb S-lit-ilO , Initir inm,w'.,r (ivivi v niMTIi .i,. i,,.ji.nillir.u li rrf Li.- i. " . , . - 1 Cesnitv of W.iS..-. ha.ii.e i -en -f hil-l 7 Tu ti.as I t-rintv IVioit ,J W.- s- ,n.r llTIS. I t rivmi1 tlf is rs hasmif cmtijin m'Wrt - "' sf vftt t-- tW- - w y 1 is-nted, I, JtHtiw-Iil 4 tt" 1&U f tttlHMt, tbf (!t'ik!lt t tlwSf ..lit.wA Im t'uri H-t in uy of i 3 Istl ' "1 ' Ife (rf huHfitf 'l i ', i..s ..1.. 4 till rl ' .-..tiiiae pnr (. 'sxurt J.-X lit. i:Ui JkX.i."Jl-f .'liifl. V"1 U-t. iViic - A tl uv,s i Si1 a..., A i - VV.-'.'!,.S Feb iV 1 lASl.l 1 ...,M it .. " .,. . f'i"'i'''i,T77T ' UvctMX