..-V-' ;-- ; 7: 7 sill amount TELRGIlArill lUleiif i Honey Xtrket DKf GOODS. t f ;,n3T" ... wuiefst the ft'Uowing raw. A u nor win be 4ySB!,&,J wunretB time.!.,.... ..... 11,00 -- kM .we ...,.....,.,..... - . arJUar IMW Week ..... 4 . i i ..... s ., 7. 1,0 h-ad.iiuouJ square an meek. ...... xnu lw nuim tin week.-. " V.eli ail btioual square two weeks. : . (::;frrmV YtWiTtrr. . . . , .: . nzx fradduiotialai'iare -ijJ'j?V;"c": One square i' it .ua . . . . Lacked, hiiousl ' ' One stjltare 'tcftttt .-BllBltibsJfLjXLT-'ir" w.Bs.hliti'aisl . .,. -.. S.&0 iJIW:,l.tJ ,.;;.. 4.0 One bail ooluiuu " Utateohunn . " .,.... :..i.0lt , .7s,ou kVguiir buaiuoss cards, 15 miuiou hue or lees, ' will be charged only f 10 fur thru mouth. All sdvertiet-mente or cards tutut be changed in form at let vry three months. Contract fur man than thro muiulu nsita-'euly at the above BpMHTittoeirwtTerttiietaMitt "rpdrerid k inserted oa wienie or any special place, will be dat, ged i5 per evat higher tliaa tin abun ravgee. jvcrtlM-nu'iita incrttid in Weekly wid ftem- Hmr t 0"T,jomtiug with tue aixira, Cow ArtiaMHWit atl4 f wek T uah w 10 if fliargetl. lTrtlwrtwin alwaya firtdit UitliMr adruitage in enrfi we tbe caah wlnn tliey eend adrtiaBwnu, to the eitwit they viah tn Jy f them. THE SEXTINEL riW'AfivKNlNtt, MAMl'H H, tooV To Abvkiitwkk. he pulilic foul the Bentind one of the bent nliumi of ad vertising in tbe State. IU circulation cover targt-r area, pcrtwpa, than any other pa- ', .per.. ,. ... Ht AuvanTiaiuntaTa, Hranaun & Fr - rattftw rawiitt trf Law Biaik Ac.-........ Jee iuudrj Curt Entice from Bertie nty." '. i ,J,.,'iv' ''.''.'.' Mr. Ryan, SuperinteniWnt nf U Artificial limb Depirtuient, tnakea aa announcement, tu which the attention of the parttea inter aated, and of Clcrka, la particularly called 8e tha usual attractive announcement iS , Uitchell, Allen & c4,thaenlrpriaiugNew beni Dcalera in Agricultural implement, HKTin or., CoMmaaioNRiu. At a ajie iaj enacting pf t he Board i ()iminiaiineia, held on Tueaday eTeninjf, th following jnemberi were present : v Win. D. Haywood, Mayor j Memra. J. I). Ibiyntor, A. T. Bawyer, J. J. Overby, B. V. Cueatbam, J j A. More, D. L. lloyater and J. M. BetU, Coruiuiasioueia, . Ho. Tboa. Uragg, who wa employed by the Board of Commissioner) i ,to attend a meeting of the Chatham Coalllulila Ittilroad Company, tor the purpose ot biokinK to the juterwit of the city tor stock held by it in aaid Koad, appeared Iwfore the Board with tba tllowing report: ; , , , ; , To tie Miiy-r mnd Board of Cvm ' miiuhneii of th Vitjf of lbiUiyk ; 1 The Chatham lUilroad Company , wai cliarmrr.i in tlia your 1B01. By an ordi nance of tha State Convention, paxaed the SOth. of January, ia02. corporate boiliei ana towns Were amnorizeil to make, fuiiacrip tiona for atiH'k in tbe same, ami, to raise their subscriptions, it was allowed them to deposit their bond with the Public Treas urer of the State, tbe principal -payable semi-annually, and to receive State coupon - bonds iiutvad thereof, and pay over , the aame to tbe Chatham Hail road oinpany and tlie corporate bodies making such ub acriptions bad tbe option of redeeming their bond to tbe State at any time before niaturityiin tbe currency of the State. By a subsequent oidinance, books were allow d to be opened lor further subscription for stock in the aaid Company. -: " r t'uilcr tbe first ordinance, tli city ot Kal eigh subscribed )0,OUO, pnyiiiR, alout the time, $1,000 iu cash, and executing to the Mate 49 bonds, each for $1,000 dated 1st. January, J 803. One of these bonds to the State, as appears by the books ot the Public Treasurer, was paid off by the city, leaving 48, for which the city was bound. Tbe Haleiirll A Maston It. It. Company also subscrilied $300,000, gave it bonds to i tbe Hlaie lor that amount, and the Chailiutu R R Company received of the ritate that amount ot Htnte Umda, and ol.liatioim trom the Pulilic ' Trcastin'-r for forty nine bonds, to be delivered as cullcil for, on ac count of the erilMsriptioa at the ciiy. Du ' rine the s ar, the. UiiieijjItJiUfl yaaUMe. .R.. R, . pi.J to tht (State, in Uepreuiiicd euireiiey, $,K0,0O0 leaving uiipiuj $30,000. " The city ina. Ie.no pauie!il.j6iceptj Above. ... - . v I n N. C. It K. Compauy and sundry in- .JiviJuals bad afterwards "maile large sub N acnpiDHis for ala:k in tlie Cliatliain K, It, Company, w hich were paid, mwt of I hem, In t'oute.li rale money, when givafly depre c-iated, some in cotton yarns, at $'50 per luncu, wliicn could lie uaetl tiy the Coiup sty in purchasing supplies. It w ill thus lie seen that there was great 3awJ'SKl,l'w and. H wa. km lleally uniul thai aeiip t the sTibwrTfH-wfiirThefulfaTnrinnt" it ibeir payments in t'onteibrte money. This aoukl fcav lniHTaTTriTiuSt W-Ttreir Rleigh, 4 hose tt Umda were held by the latc, and the city might lie reouiied U pay iu. r..u ....,. ' ' - After several attempts to adjust the mat ter among the several companies and indi viduals bad tailed, I iU appointed l art as th agent and attorney of the city. , I'pou a meeting ol all the partus con eeme I, it wa finally agreed that the Chat ham R K, Company, uich bad the Public Treasurer's obligation, to deliver $34,000 ot TiCdetjrrnd, (part of tb'wohtained by the city for her ImiihU,) Would surruiider up thei Mine to the riMr and cancel the city sul oeriiitiou lor ll.at ainouiit of stiH k, prorert i .l...i.-..-..n-...-.-.i . t .. i. ..i- hi, -i'iiiii nn ... nn . v Tlie iminri!' -'bw'StiHili era-fad -ail oilteta. wt: aureetl; A b JKsAtai? it p.d .ur mJtiMU- M - . 41. f I ., . ' . i i. i f . 1 1 I lus pniHMi4 was, us i uihi-c l, auptiil by the Hoard i Coitiiunwiouera, and will lie found oil the minutea. It rcllevwl the rry from a dvlit of $.H.00O to the Blate. leaving vt in the bands of the rtat 14 i..i. ..i ii.. ia noil Tl ZZ 7 "t w Tbe accouioauving letter Itom YV. V.: Vaas. tnknr the (mttlim IL It Com- nv. ahuwa the uul,dr.rt shares now held j in that Con-pany, according to the scale -h-.oL .h L.J.: , u. ..no. .... . I... , the m1i vaiun id I he prop..)' .of the Com i!uy,ixuf iliiig 'TUT be" tiigiiurs cslimalff: lUi.tu.n, N. C March 11, 1867. , IIo Tain. IRA.i-fr tir ; In answer' ta your etiqmn.K tohebing the Chatham R It. Co., t have to si ale, tawt there were ussul . in on stctiunt il tlxiir capifsl sti-s-k, in Cou-. fedVrtreTilff e.-vrf TT7!rr tilcil tying rei. ".' dn-nt ortli-d tu goiti valuation ait thedste nf th leverai pawitenta, ainouirU tu $l.M), - JU? ''5. . . .r .. ' j The etiljiicrijiUoB of tiie City of Kaitig.li, I ! 1 ttAAf ualiiikdtoA TIAA nrMimt valno -f tha Ou the en4Bt: ahunt tl83,ft9.- Scrip r eertintatea or toc will fee issued hy m Brd rerj aoon. Your. W; W. Va : It u boned that tha Legislature would titicnd some. help to the Company that 1 believe lui lea, ami I lie untui will probably be told: Tbe share of the City is the pro. cecdaTTT prn'm-r W are TaEen 16 feveni asacrince, t netieve, win go jr owrei re lieving it of the balance of iu indebtedness to the State. The operation can be made by buying up lu'itat: 1iM(fs.l'auv''"Kf'''-ttia'' 'diaitiaui Koad as already stated; which being war bonds, ran be bought very low.- They are aot now recugnized as a part of tbe State debt, though possibly they way be at some iutnre time. Should the City boy fourteen ot these boirK whk u may be bad for about cents iuthe dollar, they may be returned to tbe State, and tbe remaining City bonds surrendered by virtue ot another act of the Legislature, the passage of which may be procured without much- difficulty. As soon aa the acfli) is made, out lv the Chatham It. R Company, I will procure 'that oi the City and send it to the Board. ,"i All ol which is respocttully submitted, March 11, 1807. Tuomas Biuoa. " On motion of Mr. Moore, the accompany ing report Waa receive.! and ordered to be spread upon the wiuu tea. An account of Uov. , Uragg lor vervtcca rendered the City, auiouuliug to $360, waa, on motion, allowed. On motion, tbe Board adjourned. . . ,i. J. CUMISTOFUkUS, CUlk. A KHKSTS.J-- Our police, Musnrs. Thouipson, Ifarris, Harvard and Waddull. arrested six it 8. soldiers on yetiterjay, engaged in ri otous ronduet in the font h west-portion of the City, and delivered them up to the mil itary authorities. We are glad that we have an efficient police. 1 - ' . . ' ...... Oo SmnsiTa. We twlieve that our City authorities are doing everything they can, Biinsinttmt. wit b a lean Treasury, bif the pit ! lie convenience. The condition of our streets, however, rwjntrt s attention. The side-walks, gencinlly, during such weather ss w are now having, are in a shocking plight. They should be promptly paved or repaired. " i. j For iHTKHKanNo matter, are first and fourth page. 1 i KundaT Scnooi,. We notice "quite a handsome little structure going up on the piscoisl Chun h lot. It ia deaignedibr tli floufttnng'8iindy 8i hool .jif that de nomination, in this City.' ""' ' StATE ITEMS. . At an election fur Tntendant and Copiniiasiouera ol the town . of Lincoln ton, held on the Snd itist the following gen tlemen were 'clioeen, "via : rnfendant, V" A.' McBee ; Coromiatiionere, C. C. Henderson, A. McLean, M. L. Brown, 8. P. Hherrill, B. II. Bumner, P. A. Biimmey, Win, Lander, Elam Caldwell. -The Salisbury Old Aurtk Matt sajt that the wheat crop, generally, in that sec tion of the Btute is hwiking very fine, and th prospect isevviy where iomising. -4- Hon. ( 0. Clark baa been elected Solicitor ol the County of Craven and Jno. L. Holmes, Emj., Solicitor of New Hanover Comity. By the recent law establishing Criminal Courts in these Counties, tbe above gentlemen will act Sit Solicitors In those Courts. , ; - The Wilson Carvliuim mentions a remarkable ease ol energy and industry on the part of an intelligent and worthy freed nan of that County. It any : ' "Cliai lc riynum, a former slave of Col. Robert Bynum, ol this County, cultivsting a portion of his late owner's hinds on White Oak, w ith the assistance of bis children, five in uumlier, produced IhhI year twenty-five bales ol cotton, averaging lour hundred pounds ; one hundred and seventy barrel ot corn, betides pess, potati.es, garden vegetables, etc .Charles shipped his cotton to Messrs. De Roswlt & Co., Wilminirton, with instruc tions to prutest acai nst the tax ot three cents per pound. . He is determined to tet the conttitutionality of the. xaid tax la and lias enusgeu able counsel to conduct bis suit." We will guarantee Ilia. Charles will nevl;"" ,n,,'ri1 f regiatrat.on - " - rtnatl enter the name of anv man as a voter lend himself to the mwhinations ol the Dor rites in this State. .. . A'-.,.,. David Waisou, a lad tivejears old, wss accidentally shot by a negro V'), near Wilson, n-ovutiv, and died in ti ve minute. The worthy parent are aaid to lie dread- lullr distreweit. t . Wr . ft,Kow not Iad. The New Orleans Piaiyun of March 8. 1. contains the following: ; We cherrlully give place to the following. contradicting the telegraphic report of the - - NewOhlrans, March 1, 18C7i - tt'r ... ii . -. . . .!. Jur issue of tli is morning that J.V.' BVTeftvsr. editor of lkioa'$ hrtieit, is di-aiL I think it ny duty Uf .eiintrailict . the statement. TbeediUiria stilt living and'fiiH' of tati titml energy. His brother, Mr.,. Franklin lAow, ilieti in New York a 15y dys agSn. Tbe iiriiit" oiiiiuary notice iti tliV?5to ttf Uhis morning is complimentary, but prema tura. ! - . ' V " - R 0, BiH.vwRi.i., . Asaociate Editor DcU 'w's licview. To the Nobth Cakiii.ina PhIchs. Our cotcmporaric will ph ane give publicity to ... .. ... .' ., u 11 a i ice, lr out ivooi. r. .aiam - uo utv be tbe n loans ot rcittrtn -the anttetr nf Ihtr rctatt-vrs cir fnt-ndi of 1 lie ilu-' aHc.f, tr. WaTltcr ntsfe-' tfabl grlllU uiall amT 10 l Tleel flilly ri lnlef any aaaiataiKie in bis uom . 3 ' T ' er in the premier , il&At tour. N. C., Marvti 7, 07 Editor D tily yVcie Vimwif t .' , 81 Ou visiEiiig tins Njltbi-rs' buryiTig ground to day, (the oct:anion, dislutermeut eiluiis. KdUier.) mv atteBiion Wat called . r . ' ... . U'..U' M b-JHi Vu. , l V? ' , T""1 ? . JuUly ft?1- T . T v "7 ' M M;meii,-ld Ural Ho-p.tal (Ketleral) sub- aetjiiLiii to aurrenuer of r ort il icm. 1 am luid ha wa njiieuibex of Caiit.. CanaKiy'a k C.mpany.- Von can give this ihlorinalioa i through yourpNipe ilyou think proper. I have uo ttouU bis family and frieatl ere iu i ami f-ieail. Ere in. a 1. .. , i L 1.. 4 .. a.. sJ .. f 1 .1 .. .1 . .1 .. .. , , , ' f , nic vi tin ini7. tiitiuiii imT . I...UI., ,1,1 W ..,l II. any ail 1 it c i.t'4.1 "Id Vi liici ll ue ; chmtuUy ruii hrctl. --a-- . i onuain .mimi ;-, '.' . UOIlT. E. YVAi.KEU. ' P.J. The grave la in ceo I. cuuilitiu 1 be oiSuer in vtttc uf dlMUet'f ng sawtl. it was not disturbed. Jt. lew. ..''r- , , TOBTtETH COXOHEX- Wsssiuuiyux.. March 13, P. X. I Th iiuss Wss In eomnuttee ol tha whole a lb bill apropriMugauilUua of duUara U um destitute uf U Bouta. Mr, Wood opiweed the aieaaure, ' aluTaaiit the South ouly SautetreRir "rTgbtaTEaKwtbern esp' its t deIi,p tbvtr -ruur9M, Mr. Williams thought that CHigrwMiioiil bonn. ty would W btUeV sitpliwl to ln widow and or phans, made so by j.ebola. If any are. to suffer let it be 'the dialovat, sod let God ilmttgtrylkitiu- lata that oooutry jith people wba are loyal Id th Ur. Cliandler denoaueed tha nieaanre ia Intend- ad to bolater tk Freedintn's Bureau. "It w wolf m sbep's elotbinft ' Vlr, Iloyer hojied Uiat tbe bill would paaa. The rFrswfriKn's Bureau was Hi b.-t weaus ot dis-" tnbuttog it. ' Utbr necessities of tW till ftuVd hf uid sot winb to bear snyUiuiK aior of Ireland! ayuipaliy. He ikclared tbe analogy betwsea Uie Southern and lriab psile to be euuiplete. Mr. Butler offered a substitute that the million nould co to tbe widows aud ombau of those starved at Ailorurivills and elaewbere. Messrs. Bntler and Lcaraa aiads bitter speeches. If any Brpubbcao spoks warmly la upuuaiUue to the subatitut. and n favor uf the buL Tbe eoniniittes Anally roM without actual, and tha lioua adjourued. In th tintait, tlie militia bill eoaiee: up to-mor- row. - . ' ;!.-' . : Mr. 1'raaibull, bum tbo Judiciary eouinilttee reported Mr. Vi ilaoa'a b U, as a substitute krt th Houa niipkuientat bill. It wulilhw th oath siimsa batasiid allows th iomaiaialuig Oeueral to dek g'stai bw powers to tbe acting Ooveruur. MHfTUUUr C0MMANDK1W-EX. iPOPE. ' WaauunnroM, Man 13, 1'. M. Tbe foUowuK are tiielnotriet Cowniauders aud Uieplaeed or tlieur Hc.liuarUijra : feVhotleld, at hkhmond, Va.-, meldea, at Columbia, 8. C; Thorn, as, at laautcontery, Alal; Urd, at' VickburgMs.; and Koeriuao, at Now Orleans. La. Tbe powers of UepalrbueDt teauaander ar deb-gated to tba abov aluned llutriet Coieinaiiders. tla. IVipe, a lib bis lleadquaru rs at lOTtarillr-, Ky., eomaisnds Vieat Virginia, Tnuj(see snd Kentucky, . . , . . ' . 0E.V. aX;HolEU il'MM .COMJfAND IN VlllOlSU. . ItirtaaHWD, March 13. Oeu. Hehiitbild has araiumed eommand and continues lb uiUtig oflicera. MAUKEl'H A.SU FINANCIAL. Kcw Voaa, Uareh 13, P. M. ('niton tinner ; sale of Mai bales at SO. Flour srtirs snd advanced U&V ; Htat.tH,0Sel 1I,?S. Wheat adnerif3(r- J 1 . A-. Corn vnry active j atWanred 8fo5. Mixed We. tern t,124,l- ': .'."'' '';'j:,'t" (irpeeries generally dull. ,'! . Ksval Bturea quiet. W ool Ann ami 111 good da. wsttd Texas U56fc35.'-""-. - Lr'CJiuX,, Ooldl,. hto. k firmer. ' , . Bai.timose, March IS, P. M. -Wbat lh offering an llnkt ; choiu md iS,30. t'usfljiit - . ' '. ' - ". Flour ttrw fur bijj her giadua. " V v haevn luailihr, H ; sidu, .134. : Muss Pork ftlOi.tJ.i. Llvsaront, March 1 P. M, ; Cotton active ; aak-a of 15ouQ. bains ; aUTauoed d. VpUndslSi. Orfeauslllj, i , ; . ,1 ;,; .-'V tojinow, Msrrh IS V. U. Cunxils i.v Bouds Tt. ? , , ... . Our Afternoon Itl-pulclie. '". by the cable, i'1---.-- Iawnoa, March It. , No more Fenian demiaiatrationaar reported. . ... ..;r 1 .. I , . . . Saaxut, Marek 14. llurr Munchauaen ba ehallenged Von Bisniark fur word altered in debate. MASK EfS AND FIXASCIAL, , New Voaa, March 11 ' Cnttaa tinner at WK'1 fur nuddliug uplaniU. oidti,aii. Linmroot, March 14. Cotton miiis firm with niutiuued activity 11,0(10 bales. MidiUing upland 13J. Orbmu U). Lokdox, March 11 OnumlaMi, fraiiaTli,-' - - "Blood will Tea" ; ' ' Not content with voting down a proposi tion to admit negroes to tlie elective fran ehiae in Michigan, liy erasing thevwerd "whilerom the constitutum, the radical letrlKlHttire of that Stat is coimidering A bill which prwrilea that even a white man most tie very, white in order to have the right to vote The bill has already naased (me bourn and proUbly will pass the other. 'l"!!. h? L,ITnJ,'",,'l'" person, The oiijccl of this svemi io i tliat the registrars shall examine hiin with their own eye, in order to letermine the degree of his while Bes. For tins act further provide that th registrar sliali be, sa,tillel "from personal impection, or other wise," that be baa "less than one-rpiarter of African blood in hl Tcins-'If the rrgiairar are unable, from personal inspection, to ascertain to a fraction the quantity unci fltiality of his blood, then the uhuuI radical plan of solving all ' knotty (iroblemsistobe resorted to that of swesr mg. The applicant must awear that be has than one-fourth of African blood, and any SPECIAL KQTICES: Kf LMa.ZEPHYKATM CT., PF.H OPNCK, 0l AT H llOhENBALM H. A tixa 4AT OF LAWrj, FOml SS FEB it t-nt hes liuui etwt, st ..Ftib-lfi7-tf M. IIOSEXBAPMU (t-emar- xnt . fixe fech cau t0 litaits arrauu-d hand aeaed, at l itlil a pair. . At, M. lUThKNriACM a F.h9I57-f , j r.I (XTMM LADIE4 HKWKU 8H0E1) AT M Jl II.." pair at, en-u.;.a . it, ItOKEXBAl MU . i . p-t BAHKEE3 AUD EH0KEE3- BSLMZEU,' KKLKluO t PtTEIW, ISANKER8 i BROKERS, rsi la-Wsst 4 -4 UBLMZCIt, UM.LOCit. v o.f isaoRo', n. c. Ol J, niLTEIt, 4H t,I.tOf, frt.Tr1ERS J .-ank .ites; ghtand uuw escbatigw, tocks. wiii"" "J wnf-f-, te.!jiu...inu aH, fc"."d "f ""I""! BWBtt"d Iwleeilte 11 erlv snaaant hi sisht.r.5lu s.d ' it ti"t" Cent lnt..lVi.t . I, t t- ...i,ti,t t iHtei lniii ii.a.ia on an a. u. e-ibie fiiiitji. Fr1e"uir at.-Hle jlv.-n to the ptitvhivm Snd fi id I i..Ltli stand JtiaiUaa.Wi.jliaidi- twUi,.oii tsn-l.lie-liin. j biuuia-ss ii(ir diee.mai.-4 tw reaeoaable U rn. ' i Slid ei:V L stM-d im ...i .ale 'kin. I J It-rra, to I 5J.rt. Z. 15. Van". Char! .dt. Tt C. J- "-. H. l-m lwr, ila., OroeUatioio h. C. t 1 buu O-tis-eod-sia . I oauiiMVAi"v., Bant of N. C, (Gold ) (ralvsr ) O. B. , -- t an tm. .-- .. " Chars.tU!I., . " LnuiKtun. at Graham. " Rotborou(ra . . ...V. M -. Wadeaboroogh. . . "' TbnmwrtiU '. -r at--- VeiHnMwt-ojrfrr.?; tl 1 -Vaanmalua.,,u.J.iji. lxrrtl-Tiiie.-T-."".'v " ' . i uiminhm H Vaiwvulle ....... .i.v, Mmrea' and I'laiit.-r' Bank. . .-. t ... I'aMness' thmk. lireeiiahnmucli., . 4 .-- 4 t " m V$ '.HI . 4 ' rt 1 t H.1 70 --i ( 'ouiuiwelal lUtHtr Wilmtrigtoer. . Merchant's Bank-, Piewbera. , . . ,T. , tlreenalionaiifli Mutual. . . .-. ........... Virginia Hank Kutea, about. South Carolma .... - (Mrgia Chad . , ; .". . . :, . . Silver . .' i ; Old ( Vmjxma Murth I arobua Uailroa.1 Coupon . i Hixtw.-.y..-.-. . .-.vrrr.-nrr.T.rr.r Cubange On KsjT Yarkr--. , Ealelgh national Bank of Korth Caro- arvix vTw a. e. base xms, BankofCvne Fear...... 'liar hut ... i omimire . . ..... , . . ... W . ., U H ItarendiiH ' Favelteviile ' Il!!!ia... ' lainMin at Uiahaiu . . . , M . North t'aruhua . -. ....... Hoxboro . . i. . . . Ttiowaanvill. i..,v. , M Wadenbimi. ....... ... .. ... o ...lA'iliin:Ui. . WaatiiHto ..V. .. -Vaneeyvtlle. I Ill m .... ..... so .. M a) ,Ti ftiii.4ij.JQti. 7 . . , Da ,, ., ;v.....;.,,,. ui ........ .. a 14 1 l oiauiereial at msuigbw , . n'i . . Karnwra' tlreenalii'" . (Old). Mrehant'..'Newbera . j. . . . . ..'. . . Muhmw and 11a .;... Vireinla Hank niaiea. averaaa. ...... South Carulina . . ..... linorguv " Gold 8iler,,... ...... Old Ntaih Carolina Coupons. ...... . . . . S9 1 .... V north ( arollna Kailroau tHMtpooa.-. North Carolina A's ... . tiScoaiure tm New tora, 4. :. - x PROVISION MARKET , . tAWIuari KU M JollbAl. wOMIILK, UUig. a:- RAUUOH If. f. BACON BI KK BO'ITKR.... tontiN. ........... ......... cons. . f COKr'KE s . KnH UHU.O Fltl'lT Aniles " 1'ea. hea, tier bu. FOWIJI... t...., VlOV U- Family . . tULierhne I.ARD. -, MKAL MOLAHMSBs , .,. t .......... KAU., ItAav-Wbite ................. " ht.i:. ..:r:. POTATUE-lrb V , , . ... . . , , . ,1 '.- . aJ a KAOM. . , , , , . , , . n. tfAuv, ,.r..: HUUAtt-Cmsbod .. .. -O - Brim 11 bevt. -.- .-. . . . ' tiuaioioa Brown.:... IVkU x , l'J((-0 HmmIi-i . - M'Jt . 1 fc'xitl 40 . ; - 1J',VIS none . I Oi.M ,1ft MkkIT 00 .13 isH,ri.i on . l.VaJI . I il'msl 40 , oi.70 . .. te.i.10 . 1 BfKfll W .T lovft j " , 1 T6,i KS . . 75te.l DO , 1 4fit8 . a ma . iw: , - lte.i.17 ; I4(ffil KawHKaa, March x.ittou (tax aniiaidixl 1 i, FUmr t'.i,lKi.!lS. . . Hn.irlt Turpenitiie (tai paid) Alio, Koaiu '.Utt-JuKi. II cut Turk WtitJt, torn KaMtl. hhiiiKles UAnt&,li par it. FAVX-rmvniAL March . Hacon !V7tl7. Beef ariela. Butter isifiao. tVittoa Wtii&i. Cotton t arns M.WVm M.7S. a-ttilim tmea lWrina. Plour. fauulv, i;, sunertine tllfitHi, Tunata- tu2,60(,a. - ..r... .. ,... Wu.wncmia. March fi. Tnroentliie 41 fa fur yelhiw dip aiid fl.so nir bard, per 2h(I lb. Hiiirila Wet, per gaL Knain s,ia4i(tta,74. -Tar 41,66 per iiu, Oianat j(i'. , I'lTEBHsrao, March 12. Cotton Sjftih. To bacon, Lnga 'i,5o-.i$12 ; LeaT tfittwi, soeording ta quality, hamn, Weatera, J2(ncl4e.. Feru.ll ser nrineavarvuiir. acourdin so analiiy. f r. .m :Vi 1 ..wwa . Nosrol.s AMD PoRnutotrrn, March ll-Baenn. Va.aud N. C., 14f(l7. Cotton 27 pi :mt FlonrtUl Urn. BBrnnK, , C. eut, till. Ourn, ttst'w,, Molasses i.Vn,ntl. hlavea .ib4tiK par M. WHOLESALE GfiOCEES. BPOBIID CIG1H8. I0.OUO, fin Cigars, cheap hiclraie cnilf(mnent. 1'UJ.IAM, JUNEH IX. mar 4 176-tf Whohawl (Iroosrs. CUT RECEITED. Ralnma in Ki ta. r Iso. 1 Mackerel. Freeh Ov. lei s in 1 snd t lb. cane. Lobstera anil Naril nin. it l.LIAM, JON KM A CO. utrt 17s-tf Wboli'saJ llri ra. SHOT AND POVVIjKhV-dn large qnsnlity, Just to band. , .PUIXIA,JOKEKA(. mar 4-178 tf ....... W hijeaal U.oeers, SOWN U O A B , In store 6 barrels M ime I1HOWN KI'OAH whi, h sill t sold low to the train-. PeaWra will do webVteeaUat anew, aa U will he on the awkut aud tail)' a few davs. .iAJltS M. TOVYIXH, r Bir7-17-ir x f.aa. Menhanl. wrxMUfaToir advertiseitekts. 1). 0. WOBTU, . h.tl. DANIXL. tVOKTII A DAM IX KhlpplngCoBniHlR II 'liHntt . "WILMINGTON, N. C. tWATnTii HAuilNO, ItOI'B, IRON TIEli, i F una, neater, euieni, Mau, Oeuuin I'eni vuta tiiMuo direct hrtaa tiiit.eaiunt Agenla 't.'., Ii. afru B11 Stini ul t .USl. : Agent hsr Daauh'a haw Buna Hmae Mu-i.l,.i. ofLun. . T Ageuta foe the Pbil.delp.liia.fliuith-Mft- . Agent for (haidapeed's weekly Mteauwhip bits from Kew Yin-k. . AKnJio Riuith A Co'., una of S sun o-it-fwn sfTINti t,e)TaatW;, ano tils, r.ilalnc "Mercia," Peach Klumn' snd -Jackaiaj lAhiO-it" foreile f v WILL A It I) A RROH mar H7Hf . Vj lUalogtoo, H 0. vcvr cner hi.as. - it Hla. arid Irinea, hsqr- t'ir.irtTil.. M uu, J iTri.let.y - - . WHJ,lf(T BHrr" mar 2-175 iw Vl dwuigt.ai, H. !. Tax r. t: 4WU rrtitsi, - j f. illriS. LOl'IHE TRACY, mar ITVw h Ummglou, li. C UMITKU riKT.NtlWUII'. J-OTlCIt IH 'lIKkHiY OIY'KS, THAT THF. a niHiereixuea ave loroied s'ii.i?erf .(rt,w oii, m soHlain.e ,Yih a. ta if tba l-ei-Utnre " . twiO-'al, ewilkd "i oiiit.il Farthrrabij.," I 'nap- ! " 1 . - " v -' -, i-i u.if rpjuuma. 1 L. tsnl, j w --i i.'in.i. . .it. .... 1-,. i sa name ta 'e imrtitwm hi lie u-eliaaetrd le eenc.l wh.ile- MS'.. k.M tdMI.UllM.ll.l l.ll.llu .M ,i. h I A U. .4 Uim'' Jam. A. Willard . nd a. . Willari twatiM4.1t..M,iliilrt.i .r h.-.isrii aMiihieiM iXim.l. r tiiM .lii. ,.f 1.. ... ' U . It U..1I A iwf ....... J 1,.;....!. .. .i I pun, Lx aa. wh- -ha ..,i'irt,.l- w tw- in ' .ur . . i . -w - - iii ruih ui eeveuly-tive thtaoisiid douars i v ".ot Uim -a-.n. " JAil. A. U.I Alii. I , r A. A. WILLAhU, tl. II. W UXAiilJ, iJ l arto-r; ST ...... ij t r's. St . mar 3 ITj Im TO OlE EOII'SI 7OJO,' A OLLV GOODS 80uOCIi i "-rrr.7i.ta new dooutico hisg ix t xbyrrAnrTHEri.EAspnH ofinkokm- X lug Bi) llli uaa and cul.mr, thai 1 have junt returdfr.HaNewVorkai)daiiK.v Mi.w ktrg aud well selected Stuck of 8P1UN0 AND BUMMKR GOODS, emlwacuig all th new th of tha rleaana, to gether with slarg ioek of " " 7 GK.NTS. LADIE3', HISSES'" ANDX CH1L. DREN'S gHOtS. Lxtuw", Mi". ' and Childmi' trimmed, and autrtmmrd HkU, ( ybw fur 1WT.) I IIAVK NOW Irf $T01 A FINK VA ' IUSTTOK LA DIES' DRESS OOOP, and say shirk will be complete in a frw days, wba I will sell yim niore abuut the in. A. CREECH. MUDICIKES. aa HAUNDKHW. ATIIUTICAM Ai:n:H4TIVK rii.Lit. rKr4lMKi:i jiy THK lttT riiYM J V ctaiM. I'ttieiv tegetabbi. Kit Calomel In Uk'I. hever mil ; U lna t'oilid nh Outn ruin. nt prrfci-'tli txitehsa Fisr reuiiUtine tlio How-l. and for the ear of Dillons Fever, BiImhis Headache, l,mtintion ... . , - - . . .. Pyapt-jmis, LlviHr liiaeaMea, liy.ttias, luea of Aiiia'tttn, Mck iii-sdsche., slid all diineaae her s reliable Cathartic mnilicinp Is renuuiMl. Or. W. V. W.lleU, who has no stiiwrior as a Physician iu burlb Carolina, lias rtuniiiied the Aauiul by which these pule ate nude and high ly fecami mends tbcra. Col. W. J. Marl in, th dislingnialied Patriot and IVofosanr of Cbemiwtry iu tha Cuiveraity of hurtli Carolina, haa analysed litem, and certifies that Ihey nullum n Memiry or any oilier mino ra! omiului.iil whaioviT. Call and get s Circular. ' Pmpared and sold by 4-, R. B. 8A!KIFJW,'-J Maimfacttiring ClicmiHt. 'r Ft J-lfWf : MiUl,-Vtl-4 ruf? aaie m nan i(rn ny 1 ' WUdAMSA HAVWlXd). v'-.: Till: AMERICAN BITTERS. The tirt-ut wuutbern Tonic, AND TIIE- ViOST. PALATABLE 8T0 MACII1C EVER USED, FOR THE CUKE 0FIVYKPKPM1A, BIHoltnF.n. ed Ingestion, Flatulency, HlitKgieh Ciriiuhs; lion of the IUuikI. Bilaiua Cotmileiiite ariains from mcrbid eonititiiw of the Moniaeh and Ihnrela, An i-legaut lonie tu a. -bitttsted stales or Hie lligeative Organs, or of the y(tm generally. fur tli- loss of sptnitite it is Ik must whuleaoRt and Waetual loiiio hi the wiwld. It streng then nature and euablea the system to triumph over - heca. Iu wakefnlneas attended Vfllb tremors snd general hervous liHrsngement, It Is peculiarly silapled, giving streugth snd haw to lb nvrvea. To dlual 1a1im and (hililrca it is invaluable-and in tact whenever s pleanaut snd sgrewanie lonw la allien, una Simula ne uaeti. Ur. Johuntoa H. Jmiea. one of th Binel rats tilta and well know Physk-taos In the Mouthera ", eetines to its great vatna, beanies many others wba have bee greatly lamented by Hi saw 01 uieee oiLiers. Prepared snd sold by H. b, BACNDtiW, Manufacturing Cheniial, Feb 1-lSO-tf cbapet Hill, K. 0. For al in Itsleigb by ', WUOAMH A HAKWOOD, KISCELIAJTE0TJ8. "' A B4rat ! ratal- KlUf. ALTHOU0H th bnetuaea of all Trailes sad Professiiais have been uotiadiered Cash inc the ekasaof the war. we have aiven a aneeial credit so many of our Friends and Patrons, sum of whom have paid ns nothing since that tune, snu a we ran t airurd to pay aaen sad giv on hnulntl credit, thi I to giv main that our accounts ar now ready snd that all are stjiected tu call aud settle tha same without delay. WILLIAM?) & HA V Wool). Dee 17-Jtf ... 1 c m THK CNPEHSIONED bF.OH LEAVE TO HE apetitful-y iuiurln tleate who have heretoftsw ia Uouieod him, aud tli publio generally, Uisl he 1 now earryuig on th n - TULOIilVa bUSISK'A T . few paesabouUi ul ihe Conrt lluua, mi door Wetvt tCO: hewttt'biw nfliiw. All orders in hie line uf hio-ineas will be ptianpt ly aiteiided to and thankfully reeriied; h)eil stleiKuio will lie aod to renovating idd chithe. Ail Hpots of greaee, turpentine, 4c. . eu ur ly removed. F. O. kl.N'fi. nuur 6-177. 1 N ; A MtltfBLT JMt'KNAI., - MVOTBB n AmiMi.iiwwiiw ...uinwrwniiiMmiiiimwNmiiii TUB 'WECIIANIC ARTS SSS) lIOrSMIOLIr LTO.Or P CBhJxHF.l AT HKHIfiSD, ' A., . r . r.l.MOTT sV Illi:i.la, 1 thmt rnwru tern, km A with lu I it tu trir f"f oci aiii UttTt tM if (atrt44s$;tv t!l rii ai.rar Um Ut Hiturxo Ut ttilutatp Ink Kah rat, tuid mk ti a itii i4rtxuilai tu.jinM Hi'w vui'i". Tf lTntt if rihmT)tim lXv t4riNJ loW fttlU ri'aWMJllBlttll aVe) itl plft. rt f MliiH U ftvb t l til who mv drrMra it ; and Mi new of xrrm. lntrTf io m arrf-vd by mi twiiaiv finultvlKWi . jvinHtUvtiiiv ij,vt iht iu.avrtr .r-rnra,urfi A manr in th.iavn wi in.ita. erf ttfft WttifrrT ttvrt IHW tntplfr' tttV S pmvt tt T' 4 M lUrtw Fit eojuee one ver h 41 AMI ; I tun ft4i fi wmr rr ti.'i ; riftt-t-n rogni'm 1 viw I'll (..!. ; twunt v tv-pirii or ar fur f l' 1 1 t flf V -11 V tliI'14'K ,Blt lar fllT ttdi tall '. all j.i l.t TRei-- ure ui CTtaWK. .BiSW"BfiiTiJ1ermi miot be ewniiite at th tune ut auo- th clt.bw ecrtpuoa, ana-.tlie anaiey acctanpwnv tin- isih r. dl m toirt required that Bli the euliecrilM-is u s clnbehail receive 1 Uk KAIi vKKalm ulm. II sueery It aid be .!. .! un,h-r Hie club ar rangettMrnt to ae many thn.-retit ufticia aa there see etlbrrlTs to the e'nh.- . , LI.UOTT nitlEMet,. i.n tf , ke liimsi.l, Vs. i:.titw am itinuto, TB ih rec ijt uf a loj . Sei-iia ami (liew- VV Ulg I.")cco .11.1 c.ii-,1 In ta.ab-11. t U I i i an.! a. 3 . - I WILLI AMS A HA Y (Mill. ' 1" ' 1 1 . - - ; 1 t ti 4.i " A AAfl Uat. UF V4CF. U l tv .i;i. r ) 7.Y MM (I..UI f.mj, huii,,,,! ,.... " .Uj e nil i-ir n. W. U. A ra2i ln-a UKWAHDl T :i0 V I'roclainAflon Ij EiV Exoellency, Jonathan, Worthy Oomsot pf tli Carolina u. lTTllSflrl eUaV-lT HAS BEKS liKPIIR V W M.lifeil til me llikf J. (J. llui-lNT. Itltr tit I ouiity or wake in aai.t Niat, atautla dui-a auij j iy to mrw auiiurti-iou, lias auinbir of wm Wtfca risiilt ami uf bbiUXkimi) j. . TU .L'!!!!liiMoii is imi aei-tatisa..: tha rd of i ami Male, and tbat aail bt vain w s bijjitoc tinm all uciMiiumaiiotis ai dnlv ronecieri- l iii!. jiie. - - ' j -- ,- .i..,.J 'Hi aiu-fid i he I'hmrb of kliu h ow, THraeroKK, ui oilcr thai the said I'rvaut i their- I'Hrcnt.s are uieiiiberH. Uiay UiArrexfcd and btonht lo piiew toi i.iv j 1 lie biMnthng ib iiariincnt ia nrider ttts sniMir aid klleitixl wiiinler. I. Jhuvtmas Whi. ih, (.mwr-i tin f tne 1-resideni of the t'oiieir 'J he nur ia aan hiate. iiii ikmuc titin. inf ih.oi.i.miuou.hi a 7T I"' rV,l,,,I", 1 '""" ui appivhcnmoH and iUliwrv t..th.isiiwiill III WjaJl l.-UHlV wai i- o. iATH AJt- VVlUl I II. ,ltra'l lit f HHi' , I Male, li. hereto act hi hand aud caiwu.l the (ileal Hi slut the Wate u l alti id 1 lone at the City of luicifth, tlua lite U-ltd Ua' of rcnrnai-v, A. u. lrnrf. - Urthe thiTcnwr : 1 " JON"XS WTiJim ' ., BAUOKy. Private n.-.f - Ihw-aii-rtox. - J. J. Brratrt'b lietwenw -nrt XI yeam ol.l. atxttit feel I inch hicli, etmmit, apiani hii.mijiIichi, mtiiteiauiarsuair,!, uuu i..k. iiaviwaitily elu.aiiig lobarcu, viAiuug diMiitniti'if ptaia, foud of ganiiii, ilwi k liair, Itam a sore leg (r haa' had, vtluthmii have a war.) ' 'ebl.-lll-tf , ' ,- STATE OF .OKTII ( UOI.tA. :( HEWAKDII I A 1 11 -'it'-V IV -A M A T 1 O N flit KrtUy, JONATIUX WORTH, iiotrmr ff AH!k Varolum: "ItTlIstRBAa, IT 1IA Nrt) HFfKST. T sealed to me thst I K I 1 11 LAM! t olo red.) late of the Comity of Wake. In said Htate. Stands cliarfi d with tbe mnrder of one Mavo. (H-,r.ireili lale of aaul Cuuiitv am) hiaia. ami that aid Lane i a.fiigittv fi'oin luatuau Jiuw 'rHjihHiHa, in uiilcr that tUe i-ai.t l.nue' may beamaied and bronubt to litetiee fi r Hie aaul ailcireu nittPUer, t, JosdiTHfca rViatrn (lovet' nnr of aaul Htate, hieile thn mv pi.K-i.iiuiil .011, uneniig the reward of 111 IU.I'. Ill NUbl ll ia 1.A1W fur his sp)Mheueuin slid dehu rj to tlie KlienlTof Vt'uke mniiy. I l.i witi.- wniKiuir, liiw r vi II. -ii. v, tum- JosATaaM - noma, . uovi.ri.ia- ur sant I htate. ha In it io , a. t his hand slid caused the Oi. at Heal of tlie. htate hi be anUcd. litme st the CUV tit tUleiidi, Una the iU.1. day ol Feltfuarv A. 1. lw;. By tlie .(iiiveiiior i JO.NAI MAS VUlil II, . 11. iniii.nr, . . . ; ' " l'i'ivaie. HeervtArv, IlK.Sl MIT IO V lMirTjine, is a biu l.t tim latto, f. 1 1 1 is- u Itu hca high hixu l-i or I ti ntmutie- HS ra1 411 Vtiara (ilillHiavv gouiiHt.--.full lace luKh furehesil .-hktilv-iiuUi intelligent -very poh(--uui. k sjaikeu- ami is a black-smith by trade. . . FeB W-lia-lm , AHTIIKIAI, I.I.UH, ESECI'TIVF. OFFICE,! ' Feb. lad. leW. f T HI! B M A N I! F At TU It K (l(t y I'U ) V K. I TO K t ' p. Jl plv sruiicinl legs at the eiiae of tit Mate, hi aoutiei's of this mate almloet thtiir tegs in the military service oTthe Blatd or 'Hfrtvinferlerat' Ooveniment in the late war, have nearly complc ted their nudertakiug, snd aa there may. lie some entitled tube supplied who have nut made apb cation, all such are rviiueated to apply to the Hlwrina f their reseecliv euuiiUe aud ..jironire the requisite eurtillcate (printed forms id which. see Hi the hand of evwy toherut) and, msk ap- r:;7T,JzriLi.A f,.ii,- ah..,iv li(BtttsM twitltnait (l.ilsv . . the Ml.mg eouulie. allowing how nisny have L l.. , 1..-. -Jia. ,l.l ! fristt llteee eiiuntica -u-w it : turtle, t aiiufen. ,.- , .--t-r---1 Carlen-t, Chowan, Clay, Peru'uinieuaaud i'yrrell, . 'I'he hhenlf of Caswcii rejionil j ; liny w.kiI i ; llf.hi A: Jimes 1 i'lraiiHvhama ii : and limit these eotmltes no sppiieatiou hua l4en made he? aa ai'lUKlal leg, or fur eoinniuletioit for tme. dO.HAtllAN WO I II. Fdi a-W7-w - 4.ortHiru X. C. )i.m:ii iitm v to., 277 " W4hitieton Bt,, Boston. ... 1)UIII.HII Ll'WAIUW Of SOU Ml. hill llllllhH. - eonitiFHting TheofWn.iti and l'l'acllii Worke lu every brAllell nf Minnent Sen lice. Among these are Kicliarileoli'a New tlcttin.1 tor the 1'iano, $3.?li; Bltalern hchotil fur the Oriran, tiy undeli, 14 , ftaeeim's Art of Kingliig ( -oiuph.te, at; Abntt ged, $4 ,H(iohr's 1niu1 - Cnuj.ii le- 4; Abi iilgtl t'i ; lleilngiiier s Mute, f .'I ; "Die iii.ime Ctrtrle Merles" of Claim-forte tlllnic, Voha. each, iIaiii. U.SU ; Cloth, i, Olll, 4 ; tlaiiniba. li a. l. il Ouarleto, Cloth fi lii; lluanle, fJ..Jl ; 'lint II it in of Jilriah and The Jubllato, bv J.. O. Kit't'mfK each 11,30 ; Oohlt u Wreaih and Mcn v Chimes, ,Wc ont each SU eta. Alao. all tli Hlamlanl lieie, Manses, Oratorios and Cantatas, and a win.pu ti. series ot l.il.retloe. (miplete t'stalugnes of Books and hheet Music will be furnished uu ap- pnestniu. ar s-lTH-w x TIIE I'lAMST S AI.K1 n ; A CiiLLECTIOS OF . Marebet, Waltzct, Polkas, Redowaa, Galop, MaMarlui, GaaJrillet, Four Hand Pieces, Cancel, tco. BI(II.LIANT WT OF PIANO FOItTE OEMK. SPITED to ever tlrs.1 of Cetcity, and bulis- Itaiible 4i. e.eiy Pialllet who wtrufd Iwoome familiar arilh Tua I'oi nwa Mtiamortwa suit. '1 bia tlfotf lolilliie, being the htri! K th Moan CuV i t .' will le welcomed by all who de sire lo havV 1 he L1.T I'll l m III a convelileul ftirm. A very tarce uinnlier (rf tlw Genie contain ed hi fliie iMw conip.laliiwi are hta hi he found th-any otlM-r, tiiougti am. h ailmued aiel in chi etaut ilemaiitl,.s la.'th.sl ih rcmhir tt tha h.-l- ug ta-ik ! ll kiiMl. l ine, l inn. 1 (ill : CI1.1I1, 44.IW; CUab. lull gib. !.'. SHil.l bv all Mimic Xh-ak-rs, ami inallcd. Intel iaid. OI.1S KK I'l l HON t O., i'lllilialiers, i,i v tM.biligtou Kl., kUwUu. niar t lit tc I o fiu mli. d li.n.iiio o s uleaaant nsrt of the Ciiy. Ai'P'y at "the 1 n.i.iiiiAi n vrm air 4 177-tf AHCT1DH HOUSrS; .yiivafctskhtiikJlhaSaA Jul. 11 .'... J : m)l HAIH pnme N. I acquis Hay in Hlore SW ' iu'L. f'r "itle bi . rfAMSiSJi. ItmiJ-JV, -AnctioiHtr. Pub K-171-tf IWI.it a! X lil.DCMiVIll, Oltt ll It'll HtAHH, ,' , 'lIMiM H. - , ,., ... . , ( til,ns4 , l.ltlllNE, ami bist variety of lnir.l. n Hti'ila, Jiut reocivcd tr.sii ft. hiuciair A Co ,tialihttore, r the Farmers' H"tl JAslhJl M. TOVt.l!.f. 4ehJ li-lf Auctasieer. . . : , x AUCTION, " A N I) fi.R0TEBY, HI'SINESS TWfvt rfT'N'ifrTTrrr trirfr "itr fl UStl Y lifai n the suu.ai tiUMwaa, Jil.il .in iti.n-iKuiiit'ioaoi ar ucics ui vely siluleitlu er at public or iirivate sale. f AH hmmiessentriintetl to me shall lav wmnptlv L, W. PKCK. - iut tWt-s--rrm ' : n: JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. HM. II. TIIOTII'siOX, ...I-" .VATtKMlKER 4 JEWELLIB, tl -, bit evllle Street 41. ItAtKIUII, IX. CT - T rH 1'wl n.timied froth the X,V, ih mt om,ie, A A at hie olusuwd, a ai-lt i.di.1 vaiietv of ' U ill i lie, Jcttclrt. lli , r IM ! f " " iire, At-." ' -f - reus .eienetiv a.i.1 with d;.i.t. h. It.- hut .-n..i.;.",r vr n.. "k , tl ..tn'l.l pi st. I'l H h t 1 h I t I M '--'IV. A-tlr.l lot of nt M A I . isi I.V el,.1 iu p.iv in- Hli-re. and many hum uil.-u. k tliat w.il et-itf't. . . " i ""I l and slLVLU Unit;Ut sod sol.1, Iv'bAed'.VatU " " I- 1. , l-a-t:, ISTAELISlJ) III 1853, fnnic -fdnt.vtj m.s-iox mill 1 i.t.i'N ( x X SIoiiiUc, tbe 1.HII..1 1 1). ki t. aiid cimiiiii.. - j Uenty week. e can aceoinnuidata a few mm the liordrl ri. . Aiuiliratiiilt Mitcuiil lie niiile i v'.ihuu. i, auies are tti tiiu iiikh'ImI elu mii. I.S'Iiessre ui Um tiiHH'iMt .....I..I...I ,.r i. ' P " ' 7" J'ty - i..ali eat si Um aaiuu labia aiul .ir.it.ip a,i.af thm-- 0.1.1 . i, mi u 1110 nieiuiiera 01 ills OWB rattlu- Krv. a M11.T0.V Fkt, A. My Jrmi and IV. of.AlK ieut Lalu;ua),-ee and I'luineoiiliv. Aii.se, A. il. lYof. of MaUiewaUr and eV-mniMia. : Maa. Jnua It. Wil.uiaK, Testiher ef English J.11. mtuiB and Frmu h. x Mum KiAia J. Catiiir fliiverni.aa, Tcarhrr of - iiiiuMcajiii I'aiuiinif. illmi K1J.1.X V aniHI, Tesi her of Mllaie. ; MiHe M.V8I M. lUaij Teacher ia Hie Freuar- tury i)euuiniut. lasxa, Tira mikIthA .For particular eccd fi t ut-ular. Address, p , MILTON FROST, Febf-US-Jawlm V President. - klTTRKM,'SPKI(l I tnALi: tLOLLEGK. OUANVILLE CO., N. C. tVllhln at half Ma ur Ulitra.lt' Depot, oh lite Btil-I)ih A. 'iVrl- Itisllroad. -If A. 'C3 XJ E.X V 1 tlU.J, B. Kl)pICK. 4-amra,---i; .1 '.' i vv t .,'" Ih'lhw Lettre. . blt.J.H. B. (T.AhhK, Ctuuitam, ...... ' ami Moral t'fcwejnpby. ' lil'V. JOhKI'll II. fUlMiUii, 17 , I'rol. au. lanxnaKij, AllJ. UiKHS IIAKOIUYK, . St TlltW. AT2.UVrM?' 4'""'r" Pr.-e..r Maliiematiia and Kaiural rVwteev mum 11,. 1 1 i r. A, 1 11 At 1N1 il. i Unrlier'r.iiKlntb ant) Acath.mie IhtnartnieaiL 1 Msv iw l. svt 1 IIAih.s'ti.N, I niiiaini iiOil l'..(ilii.ll1 i.iX-)X.-TTWITKK, HiasMAI.i A Cl'NM.NdllAM, " ilii.ald.tMUE FKNTIii:HH, 1 . .. t'laiio amlfluilar. Minn AM tlt 1IICKH, 1-uu.o, " '" ' - . tllgtil A ti. lf. g,;. . " - - j Cut hl.MOS O. IIAYK, f""" Tinc.iiiN!ifo.r''''rl,n' : , l'eld.lit I'hvel. lair. Jbe hall Ke.ion of tine bi-liluli.i elomnl 2d " day of Oeivniticr. The eijnBig lww, ooenwi Ilia l.t. Vt ediicetbiy hi Jannai v, and will eiaiuuu 'Hi weeks. .-Xh'' Biltveiu. of tliia sh-Ii-hiI 1jh !,.,.( withont a 1nu.l1, 1 A ne building bsajuet been taauuiuUKL liyiiKii s laige stbliiimi,,! iimnber can Iw aiwm nitHlaietl. We are eVteraimed to make uur iHimbr s wnnftirtable. sa Ihey h lw nia.la siivwioiie, and,haAidUHniaU the advantage 'orath.e-nuKh sad extensir ntuoauon, H,t ,. m f,,,,,,,) t any " n chiws Fcmah- lnjcga, Niih or Kouih. . L. 4. fc,,- . j ... ... . " rtititrhtfirf mo. 'th """" .. u, u. a liole ta, ....r h ure an K ",'ta"4 Tn.""K f'" msvs.'dlr. Ih.wiMixh e.!,,, ,!!,,,,. ull t me same lime th reatotratuai of their hm. . .-,...i w ifiwir in every inu'iuii-nt rnt'Kh'jan m Hi mate, as seU a to the huudrrda who havs 4nnd relict iiere. The young Udiee sll'w.T.bip In (lie Collegs 1 hspel, ami heuoe m t di, elottiiug le rHitiureil. fa MeaiMole tlem ( uVM eicea ma sol e Si4 liee eenl.iir (Ae eijire ejwNjie msnnl ln w-.,ilo, la JftwtMimr nrtrsiar riii it;, I hi i,'in , r rihiue Hue luellllltloli la eerlamly one of His elwaliest anil immt 1 aev .if st 1. es u tlie H. ml hern hiatus. Hii.les, . nil. 1 o,w inuoj suiKTior atitsmaites ta .svery nieMct, v . ... ror pailunUis sd.he, ' " '. lil-.V. C. II. IlIDIIICK, ' KllUell S Mprmgs, N. 0. Feb s-l.'d mn THK It I . II ATI K 1IOOI. 1 nvHANIKt II I.:, aj, 8EHMON of IWT begins March (lib. ' Con re of luetruilnni 1 I.As.iICAL. MA- 1 HEMATIC I, and COMllKllCiAI. Adiheaa, , , ' Col, WM. UJNilllAM. sau 1-dwasKliti ....... KISCEJLLAKE0U3. 8 ii fonroii.' Jut riM-t lied In fine nnh-r 2: nrllii.su FoTAToKrt, "Jai-kwn oflcredstreilutted irn.ee. I rrele of Super! YMutes,' ami sis JAM t.j M, Tott 1.1 s mar 7 ITa-lf . .... c Ml tl' I.II4IITM. 40- rents .r (lallon fr Non-F.nplosiv Oil. Warr.utvd Nu. 1. tut, A giKl saies tment of Lanil stid Oil t jus; at Chimin) nr Whka 9 door West Preabyterian ( hiii. li, mas 177 Iw ' Laieih, S. a fo u u 1: tt- V( tur riy oM tK-d S T . '" ; liv J K. Marriott , w for rem (,.r ihs . rilHK Olll. A snd liiti lv iiAt .1 ea;t!ii'c tjatsncw or this x."i . W. fl. A IL 8. Tt'CKttt Feb an i7i tf TtAvrnx en,. I' 4 NOTHEK l.a of thai MuiiAritu Fish Oil for Tsn i X. Uor's Use, in.t to hau l. VY U-LLiilrt .t HA YW OD. UeC 17-tf LB HCSTEK, II. LAHMJTEM. UsASVUJ.k Co., N. C. KoBTHAarrux Co., N. 0. i v )-: I 'it; it , A,, j, f s it j- T 5 , l.WllW4MWj,., iFUUMKRLV CUINA.NT A III N I r.ii I Cotton factor, & General Cpmmioa BIKKCIIAM'H, COhNVttOFIIIt.il H tllllf Jl I , is, 1 rORTWMOL'TH, VA. - Feb -irit-!ll TO I'UIYII.Uv TOfl KAI.EAKOIil V-uiM'ltlM 1TOS CIi1h a iu gii linn r sua. j-t sohl t li. 1 eumk. Al, a l .lut 1 1.- ; ,u p,,nt a i;..i.l pr., w.iu rul- qilarter elleet haml-l tt-ra reatly for iiiimctlM liin-ea, lil I lllll A Hi tilil s, Jnlil lilil.il,, LiMiii.!, ,S marll-lNO-iw X ft tt ; ti Il It jt r KK I 1Y IV LA IU ili aiipplt ..I . " " i " .s 11 ''M 'I IK Ni I I linn lU.XS Kl; n. All ti 'A.S, 'P for -lota. IVna and Fi.ii. s mh, tile littiee, ( all and eve. --: IiIi.VNmi.V i KAKHAH Jaa2c.d Nb.l. .,li. It' C, si V H T A n i; i v i: ii. I h: I Ma a : iMim Ir-. ,p.u III li..lll. A i. and. s (; ) 1Uu,.lr tl..l. 1 1VM. i ' It". . Ill Vail. ' V of M. 1KJ i.;ax.;o, aVaruar. F ba. iTiMf ' : t sii'a.. -f .VIA: A 1, l I i I j , v.S: h L. i X vi.,MMnNiVlwiMMW)1t.VM.-..-. ..l",