7T A V.-..i .,. tt7 Eterjper-oft . .-wgB.totl State. j Sic. 9. Ttrf Asfcneif ff fUnk J new- j hereby jnerpted'pau to i .--' - - . Ailf-TBAf T OF IHt it n'V i-ii if 11 law? . f miT UUIH Rua-fLH.TIt.ji, lits, ." aiikm ......... niiuiT, t. ........ lllw OI the i&L ' cmttfrne, by antplFOrUerij,pi!i"M Htc -10. Tb t.t on public billiard tiMw -at afft-eted by an y . V. tit "r-rTTti'iT. Jiii'i-ift. ir'.l,,i u r w ewcn, on pmaie biu.ani tawc! -: if nit' rtrtnnahuiifcia Vt fchsli Be Forjotttfc jjt,- i .!W;cutL Tate WrriBMlter'luH Widuiinlhi yf ptioKlbeltof Awl rfirfhtUf, At-Wrf tla !." M,tii-l came, jnrnoni .ranit orini assiaiii, til oca tai tut b' lw ka than j Utl Jj f pjWe. or botticf tlieaiiid.iiLCJ.nd aod tliifd BHt-i tii. t b ! w b J''.:.? : 8tct!iil5, i8, It ami J8, j;Jv tlie i,:,- t ii'it r t.;.'j.M.' i:,,l. iogt ihoM not b bft itbin tb time j tiiake ill nececssry order. f cmnc or ijr.jrH..l)ll ! F . . . -1 .-..-.i. . "SfSUBaaa the riDfi, jiwcfsfM-jreiptnsci required tf the further wanner lrovI.ltJ m" ; , ' , , , . ' ikrnpt thereto' tmpajred reufh-a. e hi trot, be ahA. jut I obli.:cf this -u-t If tUe ' t eliont r of Uie pmvitib.ns f tiiit fired to proceed therein until the bkcmi'v 4lr ri'imrtnl n 1 1 Sll I .wall not K. ;ucr mtttoL Hie hjuilru.a- "i'rpov. aor.W.ni.H.h.,! " rVu,.I"wa a if lue con . ' . . .i ., , : , r .' . M.'i'iur. ii ue iiLntiihiiij!.! i, hA.i. i inirfinni rjn. oruf iin ii mit inn in i h i-. - wiiuk . Imiul .IB 1 L . . ... I . . . ' ... .. f . I . ' - " r n . u EiaifKIl I ! 1 U'jmn ( I. . I Kketlkti ( to the liJit of the i,r.-l. : rBMUationniidij,!.-..! ue ot ua wgt a if t W lMH tent tl ufy Wt lug rrroceettti! ii shut mw il , r "T la the rdr f. a dividead pmkr tLu w- cuiating i)eriol of time ii .C. 10 -- . . r"-Mi)!ii U tl . a, i (,-7'.7rd 1i; cboow arbitratwg irt Jt, f ZtX ti 5TiMr ffnTlte.Act. ralilUd Marih Mtb, r8J.ier.l,PVu,d,l:rotr!.irr,WI1l by tie district JadgTtTUii . .., , . ... ' ' 1... ; in tin or tins prneodititf at:U rnntvt ! I tut four E. or kaw. m 4 ..,. ' . ? v"u"" t. i .. ..7! i K.. . ... . i ' . : I ji - . ' - . , . ! nav tlio. 4iu lli 1 fnr'l Ml jfr thii Iih f m th ftlwkV. pm. if '1 f-f f -J... I t flf Till frrwi thf m U. Wilti A fr niU-in bl',- Au4 lav .laiafe j f jutiOM- w ttMK 14,1 - Ht-iM . l'ritTiT and nurcbaWii, ialva ir . ' lneiifig ur ma uoiira, ami, lu atiliii, ! ..f tradt-n and (Ih kUo iU lU UKkM7irmT,!' "t"SEr' m only be .paid. I - ; . . ', ;: . lj(e chcoumni itl !CUu . 2 aad 2t, .rUiii tfi TSw, JtBe Toitoarihg elatifi CiirTJeTiTtTled , BCT. w pnwity at fnlenw aad to be lirt jajj a uiiin iiw ujuuwing order; First Tiie Una, :roti a rut ?caa oi , bankrupt UM, ..fuir ll)e ,'0' -btor or i ticd at a bi nnion of attr of the ' mm or tax of II ra cent for wh lalt. tliingt fr rrwrd. blt par a f fa"" tl l'e of dtfcwwed M.-mVn ; pro. Ut'Wwa rt'vtmi m tntnk-f rmttntr tiMianfcr,?"'" -ir-im "l'",y WW " wl.til Jar liia;.rilrnKlif 'tmal aai :n.mriv u.t.,r.':' . . . ,e Co Con or bk'bt raut aball ant bt ! tt,mt W "' t par tlie bigh- cet -a'h atalt. i weutur amf eiaimanta ; iurtaMl avtu agaioat HUe to par any mberiat : l a toww rMe't" d-- 'rteai be prtrtrt by the - l;. Emy.liMmrrJ iHsrlivr fritf J iaLljjf Jluaa creilit.ua proving gft . i ite li atstir. jo mutual dd.u betwwnf nd. AH def.ta due U Uie United ,, lata, or Wnitr or ciui. T i 1 luti And ye by r &r. uint.r 11'4 Frt.tti aU wclti 0 IU bait Jfapa Juggler.' A eonipany of acrolal, conjunra 'and ju' jti'tn, from Jnan, bate etialltbed in . frUm t ht. llartio'n Hall, Jm.I.m, n ti rr. . it.hi.i.ii. ..r. - tn .. oatbol biiiwlf- and alo of a credibia wit- oa liquor, aiaa or tordiula, fifty ibillsia ! urciuiii, aintprovkle lliat ir any bank -... ) mu .lamwiaam iiW w a fitai . --4. h m. , , . 1 rapt aimlL at tba aim at iullii..ti.u I., ti.: i ry on any traue or tnimn, aJiait owl rtliere " '. , , , ' i ' J i- j . j- - . " ' tba pruiM-rty r atitjr in trail iroin tbe Jl Vml V wmu inr i..yi imn ohij iwrj nmui y iweniy (iiiiinrn. 1 ua lalaai " -r 77;."" Mgo, primiiwurj' ..1 iiiiht iuij;miiiib in rvupert or aliav tinrt cwntrarf Tiltiirt rroWiHiire carrymir on at-parata and diatinct go iiiroab a atiriw (mIm tiiat tuar I at- trd an a j)'iuienof tbe iiiui-'mijtjitbnt' Bftit t?cr tn a region f hn-h toe ttentin ol iU putiic bat of late been moreibaa . ettmiBOiifyytiirected. That they try genu it Jpjefes(ji a J,mdon fruitful) tbere run 1 ho rei.jui)lii fli.ii!.. ioaiiiiui'ii a totir t8tiutunijiK) plainly itiacribed on - tbrirfeatanw.' I'baVijra! trk-fc b Jji are niiwt reiiffWi'te, tWtbna Iwinjof a kind altogether new to a turo- P'Mi piiiiiH?. lu oue of lliim a iarge top, iMrttai7uBle tbere ft nif 1 a1rT BlJi;- : IW t.!M5.'Bj.".all I jBaddMMm.JjUte haea. earainua or tale 1 "V " 1,1 tfic, on uns ua pureuca 01 M'ia la on tti receipt, ljurc .,r..J..i. 1...J .,..., 1.. ! Toil Hni lut. n I he on tlie oett recemla. "I ir- lw...niJUI UK, ,,rl 7. .... ., . tfuuM. Wbea tlw piirrW.,' weeljrta. wJ''87f-'"W. tt per teats on Uates 8,' Every '.merchant, jeweler. ervt. earning of nla of any (.'orprirat ion or Juint b'Ux k cmipany are taxetL tbe l)ii t ttork tlarc'tn olird by iudivi'luula (ball not I liable U ad HUrtot tat. ' lOrlt S. CorporuUona and Joint fltoi k dmpirUt, pioduee de!ef. aiid everr other I trailrr,.b, a prifleipsdir agent, en- ttbe biuisew oj buyijisr or itellirijr troid. "It 't babjte.4 So tiieir BaUv coatasae. Ciey fttfiipanie, ept at hrreiitfl;er ia .jjt-) wre t'lerebandizt) of whatrter nainvor OtUer tatablta, lbrt,B-'h tlo tr I "m r"",c; " - ereoii. iienLand no ier,n .! rill tl; ""'" Bit-rci.ani,rpt.ora, pr.Kis, , at part of bU peiwmal r"nen, aoj nvn-r peifwv'wnnif t-or other vetmentt, any narer tr i ir npuin, -nun jv i - Letl, thall be liulde to taxarion ' io thaMinei d8,7f,""n. nnrtetitboioiie T o tbe aii,u . 1 . mm M Mini i.r niu .ii,..i.i. u i , ,.v ..hi ,.i J property aud 1 ebief oflioer Or repaired to include, 1 property and Itn 1 loia ur ttm eanitii! Miiek or ti ' 1. . , - .- -j - r ....... . ..1 .1.. : - V" 1 - ...'.. cmtar or eorooralioo. wbu:b U required "" w -nwinj u. ipjir. to lit it eamiatatrd proirty (or taiation , "f on pun-low 11 ir tal.t, an tbe caw mtbitBuie. . my wtiflea, tlifproaUu-r mnimtac- Kv,.. IUilma.l.TUrn,dke.rnkIbindj 'UJi,!;i' r tuaM In to ... v-..i..:.. !. ntl '. ta Efttt..ir icatiuiacturt! ol aa toe .rouiuuia pejfUt ufi i,y neti-wn. f t , , , . , . x ( tor ear, y trower ot mantifacturer, r,yi,i. ad to (tinjiUr l,rr,e ol doeilitr 5 ,-JZ!3 .! . .L . r u u 1 L. . only twentieth fi one per sent, ilut atmoat entftb it to U (.l-jtsi-d au.o)t( i 7 " i J 'un ( taxed at a different ritta from tiiemore Jnnrlliircnt rat-uilwi t,f tbe brute ij . ,. : ' 1 that iiapo-jrif in tliia tte'tion. itll not be creatKia.. Tbe iiiL't'Ief tbrowx ft out aitb a . Ml.?. 1 be poaera aiKldutiet In'inbi li'ia4"-!mir tlikt ta.tW 3!crebartaad aa, or 111 any outer act, relating to me coi-1 W,er trrlere ahall lint force wiiieu ena bin it to renmln t. nr.in t "' any outer aci. relating 10 me cot- m her trader ahall line thir .. .-4imLjBikrAw.ijtttiiuetJ.e'tjt ! lc"on and return of gtate and county Ttt I cbawr of liqoort, ready made clot bini nd lowe titoKeliier aud cou.ii it to bound : ""rwttii'tiT-a-trtr Btbf arti..b Jmed-at-a-biytter-wt trora m perpend.euiar and rwoain aionr.ini ! . 2. , , rntrustau to, aim rejUird r a. I-a)er iu reiwiy tnt'lt flotbinff for m ni9 wi iiriT uv afw;''' i "ii'UOit t ; " - "" "-H wM.t. mv r mtupi irn pf nneuitti oi one per ei-ut. o& HibeduleA. - . , 8kc. 14. Any poraon aaiiijt a litilb ry for tpiiituoua Ibpiorn, iliniilled lr bin 00 uA. 1 i or le, or for other, ahall py, if front 'KfaiH, taenty-flva centa per gallon. Ijieetwe fVntp county Court or,out of Term time, tbe jpeeiaf Court.ri quired. " very iliiicrmt deufiaf, &c, ten dollar for ei;b county iu wliiiyh Ua Harriet ., Hm. 10. Jion real.f. nt borne drover one percent on fab. . t. - Hue. f7. ritudb'ofjtnit, Ae.,"ol aoi. tHktit! 10. - ''"..'--.;-y ..,,. Sac, 18. PtHblbtra 30. Order from"" "i firm trade, anil baring diatlnM eatatea to be woami np in ranicrapt-yt or a a tola tra der and alMias meml-r of a firm, Uie cir-roitiKtaiK-e tlt 'ueh firm are in a bole or in pan eompoe of tliuaam imbviduabi, of that the ante eoril ractor ia a mo uua of tl, jot eiHitraetor, ahall ut preteut urmd and receipt of dividend in rentier of u, l diatinct eonlracta axainat tlie eatulea rea- jeetieij iiaDle upon aueh contraeta. Bectiont 82. 29 and ti ltlf iTm ironfWf inn by oath of ail clidma bt tredifawa. amt If . corporation, by tbe proper officer for that purpose, to he riled before tba feuwuir, or it Sl'tbe"ref"e"U 'ct tmder f (ieatroyl, alteml,' BiWi Hie law tnereor. ; ,, . , .. ... , anv Imm.It il' . c'iceae4i Tliird. AH tleht due to the Hlate iruwbieb i . k -"I " in a rjii..n Mki.hiwi - l,..r - . Juatieeaout of l,rm tin. ,lli,.j,t, Hata. ZZ 1 " ""'VHm ,"e or -.----.. --- , , . . Mii'i"iiiaiio oiiiei-r neareet ti lucent cewar, to prove 1 ),lte.M citifftiit V: ,,1 thai l.ivewlpa.ioMcan l.d b i,,. "(.;y-stJi. ". t- niauenj ina ju-ige In cawof ) doubtful county. Src. 0. Kverj itinera',! abuaelUtiiirilQ out liriiiora, winea or cofdiala, put tba pro duct of bit uwn farm, in qiiaoHtiea tijiiul to one quart and lea titan one barrel, tliuM pay tweitiy-nve ooiiar mr erery aouoty. . l. (Jypiet4)( yf., .- t Pemonttelluiij by tauiptu aaiua tax 'a regular neaien, i di-uiM it at the fortiier end tf biaatrinsj, whicB become rigid by Ilia tLdlatoo, and take bow a boriwotal, bow a vertieal itoitt- ' ti'.a, tlta top oa one oceaAion fi) tug up fiito a txit impended Jnm the ceilinij; and cau. it,g a tbower oi yuid leaf to fall upon tbe jap'iier..- ., . - ....... ... 1 ne crowning feat o tb8 "Uip ipinner," H i called, ia to .land tlie li,p into a rt ofamxlen tramroad, that eiteiid from the front t tba back of tbe platform, and to Ui irnril gin on the oppuatta aide, tuned by 4 tori ut curve aua jiic, a a .nuking tiutiUKb atruoge uuuiiiiurit edilleea built in tbe J;iite aiyle. Tbrouyh tlie force of a tingle throw the ton complete (ha whole ol It journey aloutf thin intricate road, going over two vertieal aemi circular t urven Jiiet a 11 ua arinnrtt rcacu lilm. The pcjlurnv aiice oj.mt trhaconautiitea.t.iie whole duty of the ttp-iinner, and tint ate tuay be "' " M.Htietfiy trick,'! which itia nt'wr pct a lorvenieitt 01 the aveiuiig. ". To iXlnriii thin tlie ju!ur teara b pi tea of jii(M.T juto nill fm(!m:iiu, oiit ol two of wliKiti h tuaki a a pHir of artificial butter fliea, about the ni? oflile. jly the aid of two fun he not nnh- krrpt ttiun tmi'Wfr tg the air, but tuiiki a tliem n-tlla on a iurtte lMii.:tot tlowera and dart in and out ol a porcelaia - Kor lbe-tif,i i4wnter4 wiDiiitnt. Ii eoliveiiBiJ by; tbe tlebtthttd ahricka and D,out ol two Japaut. children, Whoencouritge.tbt JtiCKter b! the iiehrye ofhia duty, and occupy, that ai.rt ol mid - p'"iM.ii. b. twteii ifI'Ctatiir and pcrfontteT wbicb lrflonir to ll.s eloam.f an .ijimirian rin'. 1 he bilaiily thua prnnotd i ijmili- 8ii y tilwtrmj aecoiii)aoiiiieiit, played oa tha mimical inatriiniciila of Jupnii, which ' roduii-t nearly the whole of tlitt evening.-! Oilier uietiilx r of tlie troiif g, tbrouyrb'! iiimi on tlie tiKht rpe, a l do a few cotriu riiift trick; but in tbeae time ianonnat Bdirliv, aud tlie di dlbtrrata tJowncM with - whu'h tba Japanrae make Ibeirprepara'tiona CiititranadisBdvantaiftjoiisly w ith the nimlile . fcureoeim aTtr f .J1'-"?"''-"'! JlrftJ'bttttctfly'L.am.iilJy. unique, and heul.1 be mh i brVeery in take an intereat in thft qiiaai occult i ta to which they fknp. It there i any do f piin in tlie trick, tbtvaieault iut , ineniima; if there is none, thev are marvel. 1 leu. ' , ' ' tbe total amount of nnrrh author-1 , ' . ' . i - aaca V during aaid in any eountr appointed. Rem 8. Wbenerer the BheriflT I r .7 T? ,J . wldecl. i 7. On tbe grom raeelpt. of! le!eL reatao n.uiumiituiuuiiiii-i-mi w a.iii.iiinier an ranta anH r.hn.U.... (.,. ,.i;.. 1. uatb, to aacertain tbe troe amount of taxe. tbe u ilialbba. one fourth otoe per cent! ' 1 :; - "" ' t"'?j arur.ni'!. a. Valuation ol real cttate to l; that ol 1860 Peraonal property to b valued at time of litti'nj. ... ' ' . ...... J'oli tax fifty cW Employee to liat tbslr laborer in tbe county where employed. Tbe followitqr ubject bll pay a tax Of one-tcntb ot one per cent., on the eaah value thereof.. ..... ;, 1. Ileal property, ilb tbe improvement ibercon, including entrieaot limd. : 8. All wagon and other farming ntenaila, neat rati ie, boiaea. IllUle. . iennct. iwfp anci aneep, made and raJacd for tale. ...8. llouaehold furniture, e-ceediiicr :00 to values I liia onrmrapti fiieltnle. Indole olher furniture, cliKka, picture other than laiuily portraiia, and booka, over the vaTue of )00, , ; 4. one baif of one tier cent. .-fcvpry' tuoney or eichii)(e, bond or note tiroker, private banker or agent of foreijrn broker or banker, in addition to tbe - talirrtm tx on their cuiital inveated. and tbe tax on Ibeir M-tt Income, shall pay, if e.npoyntj"...t capital ot twenty thouannil dollara,or more, a llcenae tt of .one hundred dollar; if a capital of lea than twenty Ihooannd dollar aad not b than tijn thou, (and dollar, fll'tv dollar ; aod it capital of ten thoimand dollar or ieaa, a tax ol Uenfy five dollar, and also teg dollar ail ecHI DtXE c. - The taxc embraced in acbeduie C. "ahall be Hated and paid aa ia specialty therein dincted...; 1 , . i' '. 1 ores Conipanlea ahull pay lonr per rent." on griareccipta. ' Telegraiib Coinpuuic tliall pay two .per eeni. on gron receipt. ., ,1 . , Foreign Inaiirance Compsnie ahall pay two tier cent, on etna recetMe. Bank ahaM pay three per tint on divi- Seal at tbe Pule aball utr If ; Ttru rer'i IVpartoent 60 cenU; Hupremt Court au ccoijti Rotary. ruiiip,, c !5 et-nt ; Superior and County Court el exemot. U those oa coiuiiiiiaion of Justice of the rreace, . .. .. . ,...:,.. ..,. Un each niarriaaret license, nuirtirtute deed. BmrrlaL'K contrar-t, and deed in truat to secure creditor, there ahall lie tat; of one Ttia J:mi;tv CiuOi,K.-There U a whole volume of poetry in the I ilh.wiiijjf little ketch, which we find iu the hl;riuiubcr oi JliM liarber' Watty, " met John on the siiiirs: lie wtr- Africultural product, eiceiitfamilt niippplit Jot one yeat. In. lhe hand X'f. tJte. prixlucer, after the expiration of twelve month from the tinie tbe tame were pro- llUCtill, ' 5; A 'fffti-(ilrut HKKlucr. tn li(mibitt tif purchaser, wlio nine not pay tax 011 such product a auierchaiit or trader. - Family tuppllf foroti year shall I exempt. - 0. Holvent eredita, deilnctn. therefrom Hie Iiubllitfiw of the tax paver a briiieiiud and aa curcty, where thn jirmcipal is insol vent, the term "el-edit "4 include all cluiiii or demand owinir to tbe tx payer, whether due r not, whether pajf'sbbt in money or other ihiiit, and whether owinjt by jieraon witliia un without the Blala. Merchant and ether tradirr tlmli not Im iHiund U list the Credit accruini -in the regular course ol their tiuuncsa, during tbe twelvo iiiDiitha preceding the 1st -day of Ap'il of the year of lisliiiji. No deduct ion shall be iiiHile on account oiah'if fibitirMfSb i trtven tftaa diwunieee- eompary, )(e,.t4auJ tbeaioount of an awicsMueiit eliendy marie, nor on accotiniof any unpaid iihw-riitioi) to any iiratilnlion, siaiety, coriioratJon or company. .,- : :- ; ----- -V 7. Investment in public bond and tK ka, and the bonda ami stmba, or sbares, oftucb eortMirationa and Joint aten k coin panica, aa do not list their protwrty fortax- . . .. . : I. I I 1 ... 1 . a .. wii-.n ai ii vi 11111-11 in lime a. 1111a riion b1ii.I1 include tcctiritic of any Plate or Oov-ertinti-iit, or municipal corporation, riot ex 1 in I it by the law of this blateor tbe liiteri ilttlonal for eaclt tounly tn which tiny liave dollar, u tverv other deed converlnir ir a atfency. j coiilractlnif to etrnwy title to n-al ealate. lit. 1 laying card fa cent each pacav aod m aH Hhee itwemrnetil admitted to runi an 01.1 cradle to lie siowi.it awn .1.... .1 j .. t. i ... ,1 , , ! . a. . 1 .. , , . . 1 ' i ' simi-a 111 en a id nan jtoaa, among what be termed "plunder" 111 the Turni.ike, IMidik ltoad, Caual and Kavtpa imilH.r.,Hm. - tW rn-kef was .e, audi Hon Cnmpani.. whi ther ia or out of the - the witker wtrk f the aide bmken It m..r.-.- ... .....ji :: ;i r. i.::f s CAUr- 8. Money t aliove 10O iu value, tbe term money" to Include coin, . bullion, bank n old wihow affair, tut we could not n fiiiiu iri.m casting sad look iuto ita eniptv d'l'th. - i 1 "(joiie w e uid dreamily, "all gone ! What ff.ilden heads weie once piifowed hure ! lies is 00 a lib b thc curl prew iimi.t in ti jinNr, and the check and flushed to tri btte of rnae re hen slta-p-btoke,. the silken Irinped id opt lied, heavily from tie tlumberou eye j tun It fliited like sun Uaon over the face, the while lit as lliruit into tbe mcutii, and when matutna lifted the nirtea, ami the note of any tSlate or Uovern- merit lesfaiedn ctrculute a money, also' deposit, in thU rHt or eiaewhern, with in dividual or corporation. . payable Ob de mand. 1 'oin and bulliou, aa Well as note, snair ra rmra m titerr value tn anch cor reney i iucoiiimotily paid bir texea, 8. hha, ltanr, linatt ant other water craft, or an;,' .interest' therein, with their tacklinp, riim;, and furniture, and all elae IJitl III lr..l r.n...l in ... ..... i , I...! ssl't. .wlt--e u..ai. lLV'rt!u""Z " ""'. ifxdina;i.e tlum TTTrrnttnVrVI lm oHa lmndred riivl. ,i i . .... . - "--r-it tma-Mittp atth-ttm Ht'lWtsWWitswaseisssjisws'iiiMaMiaiii n "...in, ana kk a on until wotu if the tinv I V. 7 1 nniemm ... 1 . . . . .. i . iu. 1.111 11 inT,,nn it... it rtr ,.. ...... I I., 1 en s:iih-( were landed at t in T,i,,t ,,r it,. " " . v...r. .,t. , 1 1. On each eltiri hoise aid bu ksx a tax fflai- to oms-balf- the- price tbrgeJ fir tbe ae a Mill. .- , ... . 13. Hiding vehicles nmnufactureil out of the til ate, pay one p cent. ' ' 1 9-. -EWy-Attctiimeer-, tm all- jrooda, Mtro fit mercliKndi.e, sold by himself, whether tbe strowth or manufacture 'of this (State or no,..b.al puj pt!e.ij.f t,t one per cei)t,. tl the groa amount of sale, and if by itiner ant trader, or such a ant not resident uf tlie Stale, two pi-r cent, cm ihf gns amotint of sab. . . .. '.' -J. - -verf--:4luk-liday-JiaUul. word cane, rtirk rane arid ride cmiim. tex-' eept anus used for" mtwteriii- and poltee uuiy.j useo ur wornaooui t lie person ot arty one, one dollar. , . Parent or fiimnliart shall list any of said arm worn or used as alona ml liy their mi nor children or wardv" ' ' . . ; 1ft. Persona CiiniiiiiUily called "Dead lMada," traveling en (abroad or (,'anala, payiiifr noihiuK or I, M than two cent per mile, shall be taxed one vent for each mile su traveled during tba .jproceiUnif-tlte 1st day of April : hut iml.lia olttecr. ollicer urilaiffoildanitt mriii t'fSiiitwtiitnui, and II in i stare ol the Qoapel, shall not beheld to list the- number of mile traveled oil (iHlcial duty. , . .. .... , 10. CtdUteral tax, one ht Cent. If rctittion I unele ., uf tbeewted. . If more ri-niofe than uncle and aunt, or their isaue, then on and half per cent. , Tbe etierlfT shall collet the taxe el forth in this acbeduie annually, tinles otherwise direcltxl, ami ahall, unlese provision Is made to the contrary, prant to tbe tax payer li cense to rarrv on his litisineaa, or use the ar- ttrctei-tTrxprt; Ttnttt 1tr IsnPif TirJaTyerimti." tntr; But h raona saving lreaIy patl tax under the Hevemie Act. rail lied Mai jll 15, 1?G0, for license to carry on any business, or use any article fur twelve months from July 1st., 18118, shall not psy any further tax under tui Act, prior to July l. 1KI7. Ilctailcra of spiriitiou liquorv who have paid tax aconrilini; lo bjw. niay retftil f twelve nioniiia trmil t lie time of .banting their license without further, rsvuient. B0. 1. 1'taveliiif? Tiieatrical C'ompanief" tor cacu tntiuty, aiiait pay ten dollar for each exhibition. Wucn Theatrb-al cxhibi- fions are hy the aen of t les than fhree registration, Where lis consideration ex eeerf tmH) and ht bsw than fCfloA, 89 eenia, ami 9 cent n ailihlinn tof every hiitioija)d,(j(n, : Certain Corporatimi Charlera, granted by thetleneral A-ssentWy; ahall pay twenty Ave dollar, ... ,; y - . RxnarrtoK, : "Kxeiiiplioui'iw burctiiC ire, "ami" also" $250 of property M thus permanently disabled, mt also widow. -Zrm BAWKSPFT LAW, - Tit Act to Establish 4a Uniform fiyttein of BankraptcyTkroughout the Uuited State-r .What the Bill I-What it " Provide. j -1 t.t. 'iOH W - I a - -- 1 aw, vK'a luivniiu, u:u tir ijiiiitif t vv,i 1 If t l LI.e t . ... s . . I ' Cfa,t:e. W bere aie tl bend io w t&r ?',rt we-Hv4 wn- taiiimuil-6-l.r.Ht. sh..ll be iiai.l (or each vTtioned atwtlfinf tfi tbl clma, nn-pt -where ,., Isnid trade or bnsincs i taxed in thi Act; r. win ciuurowiieo ny viunmus insiiUnoi ' !.I.-aeI,ea ' witS lime IcififrVl tl). l-te V.S M. P1 , .1... t.l Auwiareaot BtocK tw anyA - i Hank, roeatrd witlort thU State, uiiTy; tire -tbdlarav. On- each lecture lor rovrard. live dollars. - , ... Wt. ! SiKC. fl. Oil Unn,wrta ftfiiumm. tl'.. w helbcr irtiMcial tevei-lit nsinlinm and .l.m.r. i nn The substance ol this moat important bill just passed by the Senate anil House, and approvtid by the Preaidt nt, will betouud as follow in the suiiinmry that ve Kivc: beotioti I, establishes the (evertd district Ctmrta of the United (Mate a court ot bankruptcy, in addition to the other origi nal (uriadictiott they now have, .mi ' :N hection 9. give tbe Circuit Court equity power to supervise the procecdinn ot the Itistrict Court fn bankruptcy litiuatiou and affairs, and in addition to thi power give them concurrent Jurisdiction in the same matters. ":J 'X'' rj Section 8. provide for tlie appointment id nKU viHiunsauiiuwi iitsiii:i, upon Lite nomination ol the I lin t Justice of thu ru preme Court, of one or more nuisters I to be couuaellora in the District Courts,) whose duty it shall lie to assbu the District Judge in tlie performance ol duty iu biiikruiiiey raiaea Itond ia tldiuib-iui uit-uat tu aiy oi'. me auiis, sum aoniiy i lase-uie iron cinu oath, are the prc-rvqninitis ot each register. Mectiou tuitkea.it the rtjpidert luty to ailjudicMte Ujmui, receive surrendera lu, and prewilc in bankruptcy proceedings. He i to compute priqierty, divnt, nils, assign pn rata sbaiea la ereditora, f'lit titr him from cent inittiiiL' for cuiiti nipt ur in actinsf in case that go npottajqu-at - ---- u, ' tseciTon 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 provide for tlie formula ot li-)jiil pnxteediug in the Court of bankruptcy; recapitulation ot the prac tice now iu vogue in other litigation. " t-u'tlnn 11 make :jdo tlie limit of debts 011 which to declare vobmiary linnkrnpfcy. claimt. . Section 25 order the sale and the holding for distribution by tbe tuaipnee of all per ishable proprty, the title to which i not in dispute. ....... Section 2S bfovirie for the rn-.;ni.tii. of tit, bankrupt by the court, either t ita o-uoimnn or at ine request 01 the assignee, into all circumstance and statement ot the ftank.uFS who ia punislnrtTH fnrcmrtenipt teqUQBHra,-8a nd 84 f,,rbi .... wvu wui)iiiMii -wmu incomer tor ex amination, and for good cause shown tbe wne 01 me Bankrupt may be called and similarly examined. tionof adischanre in bankmnti.. A;." umeni.irf K-L "7.'." 7 f0""-"" hac. 't. on coucen and Jlusical Kotcr- l.sve erfiwr i.-.l ... 1 . ' neot or owned liv nutlruli nr nun pm. ..ni.' "!,i 'oe tit.i.ie . aw, .m). teinU-rly t ,t j ' u L. i.i 7 , earn nay ami ingtiu exintnting, ahall be r .,k,d here. .bepiVid the coffin. Over ' S"' ,tiw.tt W'tv-Mk.. if. trrow bearf. er. J, and the vorou. bo, u j!.ed lltlJ Tl. 1 '"" "'" Un exhibition of drew, ml hii. ndy-tutt, nd the surry rXTLhuTiA0'- U" r d'' r cf tw"J - Bdne,. Tbe blue U,d utter, it., tiicht ZU?. " share 10 " 1"'te'1 n,i P"'d l7 ls buach county ,,,H tor eai-h '.biVahow ( ti? v tiii"r. i Wir.g through th willo Iwuha, aud.tli tool (liHiiuer wild whisper to the preeo lesvt and pras blade on the crave. S bat ol r prrusjis of lis iiuuiortsliiy. ji it on, 1 cuisee oi the Luiu-.ib.tiUa, forbid trane Ur of proerty during lendency of pro ceedings, and demaml f'nii exhtba of (iM and aasell on the part tif tiie voluntary bankrupt.! ' -i, , - rVio 13, II, and 14 previde that'tha acitoa bankruptcy ahall go on should the bankrupt die, the same as if he were to tw ; that the creditor ahall appoint an as tinee ur asaigoec of the debtor's estate, subject to tbe approval of District Judjre ; that everything be turned trvcr to assignees, whether of substaue'e or account, for distri bution, except; That there shall be excepted lrom the operation , of the provision ol thi Section 27 ubdividc prior.ty ef claim as toiiows: rirst. rerrnts' wage under f50. Second. All the creditor pre rata, without any preference either from amount or date of claims, except that in eases wherein the bnnkrept baa become hail, sure ty or guarantor for another, the compliance of tbe latter with the conditions must be ahown IkiI.um he claim ia albiwed. At the exiuratloii of three months fit km the clw of tiie Bfljuf-ltcation of Unkruptcy io any fMtj, or u uiucU earlier the court iny direct, the curtt mjkh rtqm ui o! vthe r- V " aw m - IlltTV tlllU ill nisi creilitors, of which due notice shall be giv en, and the assliruee ahall then renort mnri exhibit to the court and to the creditors just and true account o( all his ren im. and judjimentsv verified by hi oath; aprj he shall also produce and tile voucher' lor all payment !ir hltkruut.-bi ehstl ha rv quired by anv rule ol the etmrt he shall also submit tit schedule of the bankruot'e creditor and property ii ame died,. July ,miwai..ij.y .iuB.mmanin1 an.fw -tnleiuf nt of the whoht tetete of the Lankmpt a then ascertained, of the property recovered and of the property outstanding, specifying the cause of Its "being puisfHiidNift aftu what ueoia or claims are yet undetermined, and stating what sums remain in his hands At such meeting the majority in value of the creditors present shall deteimine whether any and what part of the "m rprriceeda of uie eainie, auer (led net loir and rtaiiiin ... - vm sum siiiin ieiit to prod.bj fur all tmdeter mined ttlainit which.' hv reason of the rila, taut residence of the creditor, or for other sullicieut reason! have nut Iwen proved, and or outer ex pensee and conttnencies, shall be divided monr tbe creditors- hut nni.u at least one half in value of the ereilitor ball attend such meet inir. either in nurann or by atttiiVT. it aliall be the duly of the "i-nee so n ueiermtne. In case dividend i ordered, the Ibgister shaft, within ten day atter aueft meetintr. ureuare a. list of creituor entitled to dividend, and s ha 1 cab culate and set opposite to the name oi each oreditor who ha proved hi claim, the div idend to which he ia entitled out of the net proceed ol the eatate aet apart for div idend, aud liall forward Iy mall to every creditor tatetuetit of the dividend to widcli lie i entitled, and such creditor shall lie paid, by the assignee iu sikIi manner ai uie court utay direct. . . Section fJJ nrovidee that tha like nnmlieii. fntt shall Imj bad at the expiration of tlie nexi in re- montnis. or ewrlier if irii,.ol.l.. and third meeiinir if the creAitor shall Tm-WlWTOtteiT1bs-u nividi na tnen duclanl, unless any action in law tr suit in equity be petidinir. or unless some other estu'a tar ellecU or the debtor afterwania come into the band of the luwignw, in which case the aasi(fne shall, al soon a may lie, convert euch estate or efTecUintii money, and wilhin t wo month atter the same shall lie so converted tbe name abaft lie 4ivul-l4btattner--arn-lr f said. JTurt her dividend shall 1h made in nae manner as oneo aa oecaaion reuuire : j any hook, tleet!, d.u,neorVr' mrftZ tint; thereto, or ,....,"? V. wn"N? tela. the procedinsrs in bankruotcv are rkJi.rintf I moved tlie same ur an. and all fate and assessments made under j the ditritwotherwlai1,,7rWt."f the law or m h State. , - r ; j thereof, with intent to prevenCit l D' yotirtitrWagraTrnelo iiiij i.h inlnci h ik lg inl.l h pnaitcsaioM-cf tha m' or bouse servant, to any ammmt n..t exceed-1 hankrbptcv, or to binder iuli,i! t,'D?e 01 ing f.W, btl-M- pcrforme.l within six monthseither ul them in recovennir orV.. do1'-' next pr.s-ee.ling the first pubj.icti,,,, t-,j ii,c, or -n,ake any i.aymcuL rift ,S tlia notice ofprtK-cciings in biArniitcv. i , s.gnuient. transfer ,,s ..Z? 'n''efU - tilth, AH debts due to anv pTs.'ins who 1 property behmpng- to hi -it. !rJ?.uT hythelswioftbel nitedlJtauIarei.rmavil'ke Intent, or s..rl ."! '"U,..,t1' Iwi mtHtti.d i,. -..i t... J . . . S : .......v.. ... einrnj . fr prcrertmce, . Ill ! bke nmnnef if tbia actltad not Iwen p;is- i ed. Always provided. That nothing ;m-i oytue iBw. oiti.e i mtedtakrermayl"ke Intent, . or siteud acv d. .i i" ... i'1-..iitY ,r iin-ii "riii-i, ii, , uniniii'i: ur kiibii m-iii. i... . ---.,wi ... . f. .- .. - ii.iiiiiiii..t. j .1 v.1" luwjr or fj-audulently eonce4r fZl. , -' -laaa iraMi n'n...t rVotw" 'font hi tnliied U tbia act shall interfere with the tro,wty or eflljt wbats(ve,r:.elUl,'-' asaeasment and collection of taxes bv the i caae of any person Laving .t.:.V r " ' or belief, proved a iah . "i.".r gaintt bis eatate, be tdiall f-il IT . " the tame to his aZ;"'.,?u to ocloe ... -.fcvw wriuin I authority of tbe 1'nited State or anv State. Section; 29 provide fur the full di'scharg of tlie bankrupt ix montli after eompliaut .UL !....!.... . i:.t i .. . " o"c viHiiiuions in entire Honesty and good faith, : v . . .. Krtion BO declare tht noxon si. ,11 M entitled a W time to tlte Nntfiu of bank alter coming to tSe Z&ZV, thereol; nc aball attem fit tra a tm . 1, of bU propetty by flctiUou. 2 rupt:y, whose estate is sufficient to pay 70 couinieticeuieut 0f proctedinn. u . tb per centum of hi. debt-, unlesa upon (ks cy, under tbe false cW i TJ" P-- written assent of three-fourthof I.U .. rvinir on hn.in i .i. .,7 , D.,e ar- tors In value. , . " ry couree of" trade ol it g he orclin- .r Seai-m 81 provide that any creditor op- ny person any glatd'a o, posmjr the discbarge of an, bankrupt may I intent to defraud hi. creditor wtlhlj ,T',h file .peciflcauon ,n writing of tbgre-ued. "mtba ne.t before tht Ttmmenn f hi. oppotuw,,, and the Court my. in ft J Proceeding. ia b.nkruPtT.wrT,t f discretion, order any question of fact io ! W ilipo ot otherwisti tL h. 'J Pi'f'St Mated Mtsion of transaction, in the ordln.rv w.t HA uijuiiuivivBun, i ... , . . iraae, any uf h i rmywi. ..r.-l 7-". unpaid lor, be .hail be dmed gui", 0f ! misdemeanor, and, npon convictioV thereof onn-r - the VM 8Ute.b.Tb. JvSt, " "'""i' three fi,00 4.9' 47r 8r4 nd 80 provid. for the punishment r..u " whs i "---" toe wiurt M ltOrti'ITta ot uanxruptcy to on whose debt have ac crued from their failure when in a fiduciary capacity, and provide for the full and fka"i discharge el the honest bankrupt a follows :t ram Cocat or tn a C itkd drrATM Di-trict or , Wherein La. been duly adjndged bankrupt nndur the act of Connreaa establishing a uniform ys . .lF, urouguout tlie l nited wrongly with intention i. l..w State, and ainx-ara tn kmWi ... .n rnnti s . I u"nt'on la bank- the requirement, ol law in that lhlf, it is 1 :hMi or more tlian 5i,b ...d'fi" t therefore ordered by tbe Court that .aid it lor les. th.flvVT!kr. ML"":0" r.rjtU!,i,"ni',hment ntalfeaaauce thi b forever discharged Irnm all 1Kr nl claim, which , by dd act are made, of all pereon. who ahall fm? provab It .utat hU eatat and which ifc N forgl, or knowing!. S ted on the day of on which h.. n, Jnf km at; -..' ,lll,!LUl petition for adjudication waa filed l. ....:.i i.iM . , ... . . Koi mm, cits jiitng ncn aeois, u any a. are by Mid act excepted front tbe opera tion r - i , !. roorcaua 1 1.- r,.r.. nvaenir or eoni.iZi:.- ..r ZsTi . '7lT mattcra. JTHTILIZJIS8. I'tMTIASlAXOSlBSTlTlTlgJ and after the third meetina nt creiliuirs. no further meeting shall Ikj called unless order ed by the t'ourt. If at any time tlteffl illl iws to rtte - Sectior. 8 and $7 provide foe tlte exten siott oftho acta U, partie. in partnershi.,f JZ. .m ,uo iiaontiv oi me aume kind ot property a now obtain in ordinary wind-4g-ttpf paFtBerabtp eoneems. oecuon 08 require the due 13 nc of all Iap itheae in thetmieroftbeirdate, RAW BONE SUPEfl-PHOSPTT A TV m and classified a to title of snbiect matter ! wx-tt -iWoirHATjS OF Section 89, 40, 41 and 42. provide that in :"':-;:" " "'. " WMEj prraona aosent, w no intent to detraud cred itors, or who take any method to forestall the legal service of just and proved claims against them." are to have their nrmw.t tt pmccedftd upon at tbe demand, of creditors. ioiuiw uiv same measure, tljiiy would were the bankruptcy upon voluntary application. . In which ciute aervice of one notice npoti such debtor to appear, ia to be road in the arne way, either by personal waiting upon, or by publication, as ia now pursued in civil State action; hia non-appearance within the time specified causing the claim to go .gainst him W default, which can after ward! be remedied for cause .howo....w . Sec. 4iV And he it further ennctcd. Thai if at any meeting of creditor, to lie speciafly called tor that purpose; and of which previa on. notice .hall have been given or nch length of time ' the court may direct. iun-7-iuuriii in vaiue ot the creditor shall resolve that it i for the interest of thn mm. end body of the crediUtr. that the estate of me bankrupt sliouhl be woundup and set tled, nddistrilutionnlKle.ltshall I lawful for the creditors to cenifv and renort aueh rceolntion to the court, and to nominate one or more trustee to take and old and d tntiute the estate, under the direction of aucu oenmittco. ir It shall appear to the court, -aUer ..hearing tbe-baukruptauit-aiicli cmiitor. as may desire to be heard, that the resolution was duly passed and that the in terest of the creditor will be promoted thereby, it shall confirm the same : and no- on the execution and filine bv or on behalf ot tnree lourtli. in value ot all the creditors whose claim have been proved of a consent mat the estate ot tbe bankrupt be wound up and settled by .aid -trustee according to ay tax of one half ot one per ccut, ad m- w!, fw ,,wm; it iht mljii othetaiae than Ss iiirtiinined tn the four pre- i suction the necessary household .ad kitchen ".tsf.(. intt.vib.inu-,'',." 'V'rt V- m,ii ex-, pc'tng e:tun, tor em h c.-unty five dollar. ! furniture, and such olher ariic.lt and Jie- r , , .p. T",!' htl Ulmfauf it'Litntaiur suatidiuucd lujtltsstu ol stt h ltnkrttpt a tie i an , t w "T- IT- .--.M-wmmw, mB-t,liainH iji-tniHStlH (- UaVUI tubs. fiiU JlLiv hi IHJK. -il 1 is a niun: ' - li'il. Uilli .-..l.i, I r tit-but el ot el l.e.,f, 'I. u.5 1 e ."Di'.h v it bM 'e MOI I it be a ;rae &r 'li.a triifj tiur rv viil, d.-n. ry with very juisoiisl - irrv. Ii f 1! chains, as ha and k in luf IHU ' hu... .4. J i' uiiie ri ii(a and ott er vehicle oV uiuus.mii uiuatiitaut.. 5 retcreuut. ui lte .amount lo tin lamt v. t outlv one- hutl too aiiMUint i dttton. and circuiu-tanisustor tua b-okruot btlongitig to the eatate, which cannot lie eollecteil and received by Ilia assLioee with.. out unreasonable ot ineon tenttut delay - or expense, the assignee hisyunder the di--c-tiou of the Court, tell aud aaaigtttueb d4-. or other property in itch manner, as the Court (ball order. Xo divide-sd already declared .hall b disturlted, by rea,m of debt Ijctiig subsequently proved, but the creditor provingawtch debt shall be eatitled to dividend equal to thee already received by the olher creditors before .ny further payment uiaie to,th 4att r. Preparatory to the final dividend, the isiiiiee thai! sub mit bit account to the CouX and file the same and give notice to the credit.tr. of uch Ciiitg; aad sbaJI atso give notice that ha wi.l si pty bit aettotBtit Mf bisaeeiifint. .ami tor. a Ui-etiari-e fmw alt" iabtfits? ii' Tiiuie i. ,. , - ..,.i,.i i -r, worn tt n.atfs hi. to 1,, a waUb Tat. 1 u 4EUim:uvriV X- . ova ilu.mil ti ,, ,,1,,.,!. . ; k I.... I l. k-.l... !...... .. ..... . - - ...... .. s . , M- p. mi, u, i iiw. ,i tun irci in ,aiuu tu anv i ii c' ii r I f a Tn l-l n t I at Thi. ( c 1. 1. thk t mi ftf tf iO atid s-tt Hie weaniiif ciusivUv li.r.i.!.j,i;iilric id ivcts. tliail be ex I si.iuiii I of such haukrtint ami tha.1 of 1,1. -iii ...... .mu - '- I i tu nn.l i'bil, trim Mil, I ItiA tiiiltit..-,, -a-.i.'. piibbe exhibition of ! and e.ini pint nf a ol any iHtioa Tui U or tiaiV I - -. rMitiii r ipioiiLrs. or outep rtivvit-e- ov ik-hit. i t.H.n . -miI.iut in tn- militia r in ii.M.r...w. i .i.m. t,, i... .i.. i .- -- - - , i .... ...uiivi hi -.it- Mattaru Matitifa--tnrl muter the formula origiBstDd ia IsiH and iatutod hy '"It.VUGH At ON, ' ' soi.a J-norRii-roas, at Tit. Il. lr. Rl,r, (tfa.l,al Warka, '' I BlLADKi-PHlA, C. 8. A. Thii iAeIiiisd JutllE ku.-auiBfact-c-l from Bonea thst have -.nut huen hnnieil or" sUiamua and iteoutauia U Uteir ortgiiud orRtinie niatter. It ia setivs in it OT-erationl sail ia a fer-tlli-er of i-r.l durabilitv. Ii A- ..i ..v, i.. soil like Peroviao Ouann. but iu. II .,iru yermaiiently iiiiprin ea iu i reMoua to lwt it was Introduced Intn fit. Bonlhern Mutes to considerable itent sn.l srsiu in lxhs, where it has been ased with-tjxaarkaiile sueeess iipna . . . Cottoa, Corn, Tobacco,' and U Crop . A irtsi J1 Miiujmm, any (.iaitier of its nients. I sntiiliM-ta etnitaining well-know Hi-nthem evi. l',,",',f'."'"1",'',, "po pplloatton to Kew York er rhtloilelihia ntiicea, - "Hold by Dealer in ' alt the nrineipa) citi sad town thronghout the I'uituil btate Si,-I rii-itisU I'roviiu-. 13 atjgh & Sons HOLKMAKtlFAOTDBElia, 8ire, .. an nmmh Bdawtrs tmso, ; , rfliLAniarinA. - ' . BAUCH BH0T1TEES & Co.,' 'V'1.," 0E5At,wiionMut AOKfirs, ' . ., , - , . .. rxie iuj at M7 TivI.r.'-', '.' - KISCIIIATfEOTS. IITJFIIAM HUGHES. - Vii'l'i-'T?SWii"w--WiWiii-i-ii,wsa, iiiinn n.iusuu j ttt.i i the terms of such resolution, the. bankrupt . or bis assignee in bankruptcy if appointed, ss the case may be, eballV Under tbe diri'C tion ot the court, and nn.n-r oath, convey, transfer and deliver all the property and es tatevei! tie tiatifcrttpMiMlta said. Iwuslee ,w : TOf;nimwii;'img and trtiiisfi-r. liftve 'and'hotitiliHTaiiiirtn tT.irt same manner, and with the " same power tiBTTgttta, -tn-wH-n tets, as the ttaukwfd w buld liave bail or held the sariie if lio pro ceedings in banknipteV had been taken, of a lb wtgw-wlB .'bti'Tkrupli'y tiuuM ln.el done nad sued resolution istit been pumeil; ami such Consent and the proceedings thereun der shall be a binding i-Hepi(;i. t any creditor wbote deUU are provable, who ha not ained tlia nam., ma il I.a 1.-1 .;......1 it, an.l on .ny creditor. whce debt, if on.v. ' ,re "i "nMiire in tire worM, . (the .bh3i.m..pr,vved..lfhebTroved it; 1 m V OX and the court, by orrler, (hall dir-ct sit acts ' f any kind at ilw ,, and things needful to be done to carry into f rVIOIiTTT vnTiw' -. tfTectsiieliresoiutionol tbe Creditor., an.l i ' nJiUltit-)T NOTICE the said trustees shall pMce.;d . to wind up ?-phr.T1""1 I ASOK Anr.E TERMS,' .ed at .ua seme me estate under the d'.r.v u.m ar,il; . " . .,.''.' '" "'' ii4-liiH.i:.i,i,,ititii' : ar:iJ;- .i::: Trriii" -' "r''"' W4wuat 9m? ' ' . " ----- w TvFm&tt::n, - . I llavisyaie Jarj-e auiietwto our : -Ve pwpari'd to do ait kradaofr-- EOOX AJTD 1TEWSPAPE2 fTiTSTUQ ...;-.J!rijmpt!y aiid.lM.lbe IR PRi.VTIMI rKf-vm A h.c. C tu- ah piibbe ctliiliition .ever tiaiiic e.iOe I, which prorV. to rev guiu-e. t a Intie to f iii.in e: stiit K 'ftieTf 'tTiiiu audit and pas. tit account.of fbe aa-,ignee : tot K a M-gm tihh if iwn-ired by tbe-j t ourt, tie examined, aa to Uie truth ol ueb .ccciunt, andU foAiudciiu-ia liiili:tkM.. e discHarged tnim ajlt- liHluiTly- a- saT tpi-iifh'tr'siirb i'th4ffeiiTfnf wye.wtS.-a-,w,i ..f iiM-M'&lVlSl-J- 1 , ' Sij-J a wuriby Ht t-(-4llM..I nisi fi,ii.ij tHii.'us.'i'. . ure b"te, it i ximjii.g t t-'m vain. ' , ,1 , . 1. , Tm m i I I v.ll l..!i I .1 llsrilft limm,- Vi.iIim- nA M f i - . " " i '' ....... j ppuu r ippnvs, or outer otwiee, ly 'WI-4- mmn doom, i -..-........ use, exceeding in value ; ,-ver eaiue e,ltd. h eh umltwnea to -s.l l i1. l'..ii.t nm aa.l au.h .itil...-i.s.. r-...,- .1,-H ii.... ... . . I. .L '.I . X - . ! ....... r ... . . v. . vt u .... , mj'V .. ..n.,-.1ltn r, h. , ,1, ot aniMB-iriinct I V-". r I ttiii-ifniiliir-at oris lliim t ... i ri I. .,f I Ii- I .... I. ... I.....r,. .1...II l .. t .1.. ........ . i. ... 1 . . of c., ,.wcred .1 ITW y'Zl ,k deail, U, r .iiixZ of iTsct hXZ 1U; ..ul-iect aad wcrsn..te-iti.wi,t (....-:.'.. , 7. .. "... 1 - " " " MT.'?i,-MT ""."" ? uieirsaiilulel.ts. i ti i " , , son oi c-iaoiiiiitu-iii t-tn.-iiti any artii'le. tfir pt. Tbe dividend of !,ki) in m Imiu I-: -.-.! I !.e v 1-ti.ni liiiu iivitiii ;,, i vi. i ,K i Ji an'iJJie 'i 1 , Aojit ii- like a t t- ui'i4ii"iic.i. 1. On, the ,r,-!t atmuitr.tiu-x t !':;ald ! ii nni.,iir,ii' !' 'A :,f t ii1 t t.,v, anu pnqHisiitg m i)ri-oin purt'Uas, r ! with any gilt or piizc, a an inducement to any estate under the lirovi-lons of this . i tion shall lie deemed to lie proeiedini;!! fn bankruptcy' tTfKier thi a-;t ami mesaidf truslte shall have til the right anxl poWi' ersof afiL-nies .in lia-ikrujit. Mrs-eouit iin ' ' tartlt, Ittlt Itends, . il-ttid Killa, l"ofrr. "nrc-iiTTirs, j in the lorejjoing exceptions, as is exempted 1 lu addiliou to all txpne necessnrilv fn- I rWM"" frolu let y an I sale upon nittti.Ht or other j cuwesl.by bim in the cxecmion of his ihit . d procea w onlt-r of tVnrt, by the of the in any (awe, the assignee shall ii erttiiled to i-w',,."'ir tnf:ti inc iiiii:niioU hi. aoi u iiiou-es, snail have power to wmmrm and examine, on oath .; - , . - tUrflri- llcads, other le. baft kru try .and creditor,! Ae. Ar , "7 - tfto.. 4r. and anylerson rtideble-l to the t-ataie, or . . ,"' known or tU'pwteri of having any i,f u ' tft euin ami neiet iimahMprwe. e'iaie in his,p.si.n, or any. wher p. rum ' OIlXAMESTAI.i tt)I,0UEI fKINTISH wlitHerxisminatinn may 1st material or mc-i- i .-To -ait&U it. s. - ' uie lriistiss in ill extti Htniiiol ' W sr -srH-siVd to tl-. anytw.) ef leri.-peMSi ami to compel tnlt, ai I iVi. iai iv ' tw'"lraB- Sr ' Im iui '. '1 no -t i ,i ,, I " '" v" 1 " me i-ik, ivn ruaie Ul wmu " oc 111111,1 i'pi 11 .ia uomictl ; an aiiitwunceior nn serVTre m sTinrcaTW Ibt i 1 nn prmiiu i.iiii ,,i iM,.,, -- - - : " ,, . . -. . ,u..... ... ..... -n- ,r in-i i. -at or rstao- at ine lime 01 rt,oe coiiinii uietutitc 01 tlie 1 u nioiius receirl !d pni'l out by him ' ' 1 " aauie maniter-a 111 - tuner - V " - 1. , -t, a A ft it" s II to l'"; t' '4-!iSilJri:iiS..inJ. sun rod ejra.,1;,,", Voie i' ''r""T,1,flS in l""lkr,!!'"7 umh-r-this a, 1 ; ' ' -. ;f ' Itb, ti,-' H v , " t Ti soait 1101 or -oiiuue, 10 iti,o,v .iti U 'n-r- ! not xct-.uuig that alloweU by such Male ! utnitMiid duloua, live per c. iiiiiit, ii,;?,,,,"; " , .nl..,--,.T..:.l.Ma. l' ;'f."nu,Z..n:'' I 'l!Ji,.,m. B, r!'""" ai:f -"ii-i!tiiieieiiirHi.HI b.ws in fnrrc Tn "the Tcar-1r, :f on bttt tBrsersmn, not exejediu, Eie thous"' a,,iJ ad tbtalii Atlilichr"a mi.T7 'tNT-V''I'I I';" "Tit I.' jl ' e. ' f 1 1, h?n 1' l ' "n:.;1-T'v.v'"''i'' " lr-i ''' """" Tl...vi.(c.i;TritTT '.- ' L",ir x f t tT" ... ... 1 . . ' - - 1,., , i.ii.T-iTe an a inmiauou titHin itte .cofivrv. V ie evee-l iivt-r nve t i.m-....r.,l . ...Ut... . 1 ;.-. 1 ' 11, -1.1 in -uiti iiutift as ,11 u-.. n.. 1 ,m-i . ,. j . '.. : " ' ""''i'".""'t4'a hy '" 'fe, t Au.j- ntst p.,U,u ,.,, ,mu,3 .r.t-r!y of tbe tamkhipt to bis '-. at a.iv time there bil not l,e i- i.,.'-r-r: Wt.a'i77r.it leen pa,wd. and as if J! ibi. , ' i'-IJAN'M .M it KAl.KAR. asmuti-a, L.. '- " u..l in no ease ba;l tbe property .uuieieut auiotibt t ttooey to deftay the Prf't'''i'!',- eontiuued in the ttaABe;.''' iB-tf-