a, pitaMftheiTevi'i v.ru'nW". leiwine, o rn',P"";"""""""' one ttlonlh. ' two month Three months. ItlX tlltHitll One year, - . ' fetCmirWet ,,ne .a- ... b. jimiinT!- .Weekly n iiimel.. ntu y ear ' .s mx nifiiil.s. Till: M'NTtM'I;. 7 U'VI- IL'I I wl Ai'.iV .11 1' ":" ' ''J' . l : ' iiss&" ".' r;r : JTnTTr. WLiNFl.U. I MNi. ' 1 V.!'--.'.:. - f 11 1 lii - t.-i Hi itil-'. 4 if -J.- t lii"l'r.V.-i Ir' Tla- .....r N. rji liavr In-t-n.wri.v:-. - the Ii lli:ll .';r !' 11. t ( 'onyrr--. ... I i r ,i;.'mt.': in i !i (ii!.ii,.l . tSonili ..I the ru t needed. The si lands has let u- k.. ' 1 '' niom depritiaiini.' 4'r - i ' - i i.. ... i. . . . T .in-l em lands, Sut lit id ocietyliave 1'i-eii r. .. ;. , ilucing tliouaauds of i...;.,- i lantial farmers t.. mi k an it bomcjn the Xortliw.-si, insund bettor climate, Iwtur aot',1 1 in aju r lan.is .,.. betleV'ictv' in the Sout'i. A I in. u I specula! latie i.4tiils. with snho, II. i .His. ii.,11- uowe among at, toSu.t J-Vli tpii. k. . upon ,; cotton, but liave nut no i-; t.i iintkii.t: a bnnie iiaiODg Mi, wlule the actual luljorin man haslicen iuducti to golst here Oneotthe moil fouuuon aud t If. cm e . '. i i i i yVtto prevent j.eace-a!,le and indu-t ni,s teoAv from tniiiij; anntui; us.liu- tnily kind ot emigration that i. really desim ble is the daily publication of totally iiiifuiiiitletl utorie to the ml'ety of travel ainl ivipt . ii Dlonp n Our quiet people havy lte. ii r. j resented hyenas rca ly to t'-tv mid slut every tlpivellt-r that t"Uiis.ii; "u. ..ii'l.as lu tally unwilltnt; titlnr toiivi t-iiiploy iiium i. or t si-11 small tract a of Kind to im lusti imi farnnni. It is Well known that tln ie is i, touiulation for these stor'n - llnl . lit I i ! aQXiously de.sire to tlispast1 ..! tln-ir l.iinls i. actual and intliistriom s.-ttlt is There m no cheaper or better land in tin World, all tilings considered, t dan the- mi- .1U..J 1.4 . ..... ,.fP..l.rn Van i "'J B.niitti inn.., ,., i.siii -'"..".llieoilspilllt'oiEtitifij.uiiii lllilillt riionot- ,. . ' 9 Carolina. .Sa portion ol the I nion is so im. well a lapfed to Dutch and Ueriiian setilers. and to the people of Southern Europe, w ho are acquainted with the culture nit he k;raie With the right kindif population, in twen- It team it would ! made the L'ardiin spot ott'the Union; It is important, therefore. ,, , , that early steps slntuldbe tak.-nf. remove these Untouiltletl prejudices tnun Ihem ami ','',wy-4tllut. tltfui to iettr'-ft!i ami mb4i these lands - . , Tut, pEAJtliiiY urritKhN Ft Me -T1!.- trustees of the fund oivt n by Mr. I'eabodv' for the education of the Smiili ,'l meet in New Ytrk,. 'this .week. : .;U.i!il!y . Tin ir nanua are Hubert C. Winthrup. ( l!"stoj-. : Hamilton Fish, of New Yak. Kiiiiiij li. v. eba'fle 1'. Mcl'.vaine. ofcilti't. lomrih f -IVtirantv- Vde-f- ttiatUta rn.y M."m. . I' U'... ,.l V.r..,,,. t II I 1 ,.l . ,i. . , . ., , dlUsettS; Will. Alkl'tl. ' I "oil II 1 a!. vna. s PI. M. Evftnt..R.t-.t''-sJ!!v'y,.YrK. I "!". A. Gtaliatn, if North (.ari.iina . ( Itaries Macalter. ol 1'ew.s-vlvai.i; ;.-..,'.. .A. El 'WmL.'. U l,-"(:' Kew York ; Edward A. Ill aid!, ual. K-.j . ol Louisiana; George X. Kiitou, of Varjlainl. ' aiuTftawe Peabtxlv HusmI1. of Mas-a. hii , , .,, ., , , , ,r. etta, - JIl I eahtal--wJ t'1' d.iiibt be pres- priia. - ja t ent To the freneroas ?iver ot tins jrreal -tjueat the Soiitb. owes a debt of urafitutle. IT u a little lingular that. roteiiipr:.Hcou with a statement matle in the S -mi, ml. -elm day! ago. upon the urengtb of (jeneial uewspspar rumor, that Louisiana bad app'.. priated fiiO.OOU to defray Ihe i;pen-. ol testing the legalit y of the Sherman .Vt t I -fore the SupKrine Court of tin- t ii ib ! ' aj' -there should Wve apjiearl t.bc f ii t v parairraph in the New (ri - TUe State of -North U-ifolina has matit .-a ..tir..i.riation ot -f io.od" I.. -ia v tie-. penaesid liunatum jtl,siiii.o i,r,'tllie'nl atroetion bill; and int.-ii'l"! I" u -t the eon atitutionality of that iiiea-uii'. It-would 1 proper lor ail ot the Southern States to ai t siniilarlVa" : - - - ' A' Ve need Isardly wiy thai ihu U u-j fXjn - . . . . We need Isanllv sny mat. iwnn is h-j i juu daUon for this announcement I'l.-babh , ..... --,,1 , . there 1 as liltle for the statcm. it rtl.ttt, tK IfoialHture of Louisiana. Nt - , -. " " . - Wi aixiVed, on ve.ter.iay, to the prob 2xJm.Slli&jj ' '"--' laturV having retieiiVlv -lusf.l la-reinpforily T-toalhiw the pei ipe Ou-AqN- "1i t'Le whetberthe word 1, irom its-Coustituiiiin. whe'herthe word whit.-'shniil'l be -In' kin Ti,.. :.,-. s-i-v ,1 -ih h - l,i-e.l gfowsiniire luiiitrTvi -ev-- "Tatu're at tfia dr-rfinprfra -few- on a direct vutert, itU'.e . .for lliiA-fo;'-'a. in a n sieirvii i.( .... ,t The hirjli-day nl the iaJu r.l, ii-il ho'-'lay VkaT -The N-Wl'tik .' I "irS... li ,n lii the fact that the Dismal, t-a 1:.. i .' '.'oi' in peat. Tin- 1 s riiat . nt ha- l li e.iently tnatle. and enl. rpi ine. (., i-,,- "(tt-trisr You aiav break yo may loll Will. J, lit the se.tll of llie litre- : Mill.".' V .: v . ;- ' ; itASkun-T I.Aw'i-t hi i J.-'n Iff is sanl will, not appoint foinini.s-inti. r Bankrupt.-? .until the. ni.-.-ifna ' prime Court in-Apnl,' J-"' " . tjijw ia' a law ver and I a!a- to it'.1; SatoatlC will apptillltcl ' f .r e ,u l.mgress. pa . 4t 1,,m '-Kt . - - s ' , - . - . . il l. ..... I i l t - - ,, I" ot lll.lL.of i ,s.i. " i. .."Ill'll I'll-e ... i - . . ... ..'i.t ., . - - : , :ti.,..i.u.ti,j..;i,n.',a;'7-iW j it-.iiuaLaifti.i...! i.:...-rar-',..t,.,....-.i i,i,..,i.'.' ''rnjijiAaia- U-jl "7n -In ma,:,,. ' -' - Z' i stundinpeat.t.ikilioti;.,, ZZ !'!' ' ' , ' ' , r ' ! Siililh's "t tril iiim I t'lth ' U'" , ;.:V-;.,ff,en,,....,,mrp,,V. Z ..-' KtO:::i2.Za., T:..-w,,..:e..yrtjUirymlVn.;wip rbi'. re . ry , sh.iultlX , ,-e tW' ' -V ' . ' ! , Um Fatnikavev w Jh - - Ja . . ' I ,, hun r. 1 nl Mr . h ,v w h n, , ( r. m.t ,u., mV1r con " J '.ij""1 tf 7i"inTl lnvwr . i 'HI ' i . - . j . I have ulreii.lv lip-ut iolie..t as an Mi-a-ti . . ,. .oiir taiiu-t oltp-is ami (ininti i n-s-ioiis. I" I .. n-sr i l 1st if i ' - - ' ttpmmiv aeotitn'.-nt wan 'given . .Ttie lVuni"N Nt--l(t imiiin. id ' -. ntl.-tnun I'.aviug long resi.le.l in IStail- ""'Oitinlial riyl.l-, his l.iirsot pariy-.ceii-ture ), f,.r tl.o ..i.i.tv ..f Wan, . at ih-tonri H.tns.. . "'"r u ' - tiiii r . .vviit PI. V I'fv i v, 'v r. .p'Vm- ' : TL. Si'J. MvnuuL. , . , ' t, w .1. , 1 a.U , r iv Ii r ill luthw llli.tr,, .,,, ma h him ijualilv ailli sii( U.i h. tti jnmr in I al ihh in tl. tl ir I M ndas in M iv n xt 1) E '1 It V li I I 1 i- 1 1 1 "' "1 1- U I I y " ' . - , ' - ' . , r. s- tt - t. -,T- -s ,- . - . , . .. - . ,,1--1. MP,,.., ,, M , -,1 ,M 11 t ft II ,.l.4. ..s.l -Jllll al II 1 I, II.- Il I 1 I M 1 1 S W .-r 1 11 , 1 1 I 11' I I, 1 1 1 II T. , II I I 111 11.- ' ' . ' ' ... . ' I 1 . . . I I 1 II 1' I II II J kl II I .,S. s .... 'I . .J - t t t V: :'. U I I 1. .l,,tO,.J It 1 hlitTiiIUAh Cllir (717' l ili'; A; km:.! .V.CfJiiit. " nut il.. there is ... . ,:. . .. '.- .. :lt ' ... .' ii .1 ,.. f tin ju uiuun "i nijuik " "'"" ,. - . . fill' iiii.e. i..ulu - i - JtmiJ'o I liar it .i .Hill- ru!: i . .list' ii Hi-1 tuition connected 1lJi li,, . u Imarv si'u-tiirm in such a man r iv ..i it- .'..I n tii .lift hi. nt iirw .' "" " ' i i '" 1 r'' re tli.iM.- -at tin "TrrinvVfi:Tni"L:Ti! r TtnitWirf mtfl 1 1, . i;Ui. ivi,. i art h a lv to pcrvvrt anil ills- n'PI .., . t ...T.tl .ivn .l,u..ri-..ti...ia nli. . j -j.- .. 7....; . tXi, !ir.-ti,--il HTtTt '.'.-...... j . ri ' 1 "4i f.i'oplv. I lit' latter class liH-t fiioni-. alter class fin l tluna-'. 1 Ii.f the public ilisi'stetin Hi l '-L-:i ,11 l! Ii .hi i uii f I.I. I v a lici-nse -and t I-' i' 1,1 "-"'' """ .''""'?-' pluh- ul .JJUiUi's.uiU t-oid'tj iipoutht-ui, to Ho :'!. I ra I !. i...iiM'ce. I'lelei-iieh ein iltn i -, toe ,;,i i it hi Aii ... I" I In- .'.. vvr '-.iv. .iii'i man I. nj Mi II "1 llie !rl li.ls nl , . jl I e I ;t!l.l. ;.. ' n.i'iTt. i- pi rh:ips I.. i in i!-eii. .iiei. i.-r 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 v . i 'a i i i ii.ii i-1--Mt. .1. . l.l. '.. .11 f. ' t I lill'-. lilt r... i Ir i vi. iK l.j, l'i... Ni.iiti.il- '.i 1 iih.in i .J Tr.,in .i. H '11 i ii n,i, . I tin 'l.iiii-ii 1 iii-n ii.'. I: UI.ll.ll. hi lis Oll-si'llt -111' "In Tent .1 tli.t..:. ; sl.tit, I, jllstljliWil.e.1 1 the an . tin- Hi. ist alli'lllaVMls nil llie tail- til. ,,, ill 'I III re is liv llie W.IV Ii. I Slll.ii t 1 in li nih.j-.la a wnh r ii.-i.l lor the iuvesii-a .1 ii. I'1 i"i-i--t..ttian n,e s.ie,,ss,vt : ,.',,,,, l,n h l.ave I ii wrought in tin- , Anio i.uii i.tuuue. It is j r. l it in n ii al , r , . , ..ileal ehau-'i s 1 1, it i,.,i e 1.. fi, i . , ,,,,ult have l en better lor ll-beau, v and I -iuipliikiiuuu of the lanyuaoe. 1'erhaps tiie iniiov.itiniis mailt' prior to the comincnet i ,t ,,f the scvciitefnth century inay not r., ! v) pt,,.rlv eoimideretl as haviliK tontlfd to i its ilcteritirat-toti, thinish the bnonist lias in i lo iijfll Ihi ihili a n anil finr tii j -tin! period, .Cich ..I the churn. Ht.U aim- ' , . , . , i, . i i ...f"5. . plitity ..1 style. It m certainly, '"'r. a .In ided 1,,-s to the i pressiveiiess, b, aiity.l n il pov.. r of the liinu'iiio. e, that so in iiiy ot Molds ol Sh kspeate, so unit' l ou ot S ill. and 1 1. ,)il-iuil li, ami Addl ii. shi.uiu icue l:I" n nno ansoiiiie in. .,. ,,,,,1 ,,ni. ,,( urbitr.-irv eoma-re aml'iin- I ,,;,., import have in-i-i. substituted. I .1. il' 1 ' ... I id.lv- , -pH, f,,i)W i,,, ullusion US. Jlhe etymohtov ,, cr.j-t.jjn WOrih in our latii(Ua"e prove " ' - The origin. of a ciHisiderable claaa o( eoihinon noun i the aubiect ot an interest ' ch,iter in this volume A Iruitful source, which the author illustrateJi at h (h(, naniM of , cmln,rirt -in.i, mis hiiicii imvcjiecn useii to iieaicnate - . - 'H'Ui''Ka' - L .imuutaitHirii r iiiatotijaUin .Xtiii- 1VI have ittru iroin Calicut, on tnc yiaianar .oast . i which the author confounds with 4 m utiai ; hit,tuh iroin iiamascus, mnyim - ir ni, MoiisMtl.tn Asta Minor; " iind-perhaps T,;(; Tut "-t7 ." The debt of the United .. from (iiuk. C,iM,fn- conies Irom the ; S!a.a"i rullll miinlK-is, is three Ihmmiul lotniot Cambrai; rW Irmii )-r.', the ' ()7i,; ,j .u.Ve it In be mwe, noiwith' l!. :4ian city, .preceded by the ptvpnsttion tf..! .t;tmm,i. their Uu meiid- statements report r,., (not as written by the auihnl )-tf pres ; t,(t t)i,v illt(.r,.Ht. a little lc ) This ami ,x-r., Iroin the city ot thai name. Cor ; ,ivi,,., - ;lll',o .r popuiaiion t.f thirty- e.t.,. in. HIS until lis '"'-'"."."', Armenia, ee.ninr ; Cyprus, i:;,r,r . t 'hiiia. the irniMU. uu. jutaj. jlu.uu: ; anu i.ii-ta. - 'ixu 1 a. ul'Ii this l.isl derivation the author din , i.wt stl-est t-iUlllst'l d. ilireetlv Iroin ecWtf. . , . ... ' , , h.i.k. iiii. I not Iroin the L'eo''taihieal name. Vt.' J,.' i, so called as an Indian ili.efrom tin adjective Indieus, jfwh Jroni i'ersieuiu, "'y'lr'un (.Vrasiis. ,,.,,,,, I trom lVr-a Pa-iau bird, fn.ia I'ixa.,1.-. . Ve.lum-.. J.:.- llw:s alMl Xoled.i blades tr.uu the citic ol ;l,"-e names, iyo Irotn li..vonne, the 'lee be re that weapon was Invented: tin, I i,it;l trom I isliiia. I he potent word i,t .i' ,, , . . , , is ro iii the tierman fi.er, a lei in derived lii the ticriuan i.i'tr, a teitn tlcrivett Iroin Jiint hinisi.i. ivaliey ot Jaiachini ,. a utile ininin"; town when- that silver coin .V'.ts lirst iiraite.' : , " ,n nr- " w' 9 Vi-r.-'tt criticisms upon moderm style, we notice, !, a nuiniMT oi im; t incimiiiu i,.ittiitv jtptt received, ami now Lying la-fore us, the rit h- -I illustration that cmihl possibly have Is en iuri'islie.l of the justice ill some of the i'r.,1. s ,r's si, iei iin - If la' a fetter Irom a 11 . I.', .. ...... hl ,l,.u.-r;l.in,. f,. dn f.liii.-aiin ol I!.,, k.-vi 'eiel.-fs the ,- .. ' ' ', . ' ' ,' , miiiihll IhiMln liii,ii,i!ii..lali.l,tj..- .bnkiiists Willi I hi: L'l'itmliloiiiientc ol , Iv.iali I'ooram. Alludiiiir to the Stiiate. as i wa- iii the .lavs ,,!' .tiie or. al 1 1 i.u in v i rate . ' . . . . . .11 I . ;.. nol Is i.s. nt... ih fll.r Os - . tJ ... ... 1 iu I I. ... .'. l.t... , ...1 1..: I ,., ; , , b' mi; r, trarded not on!v as a most wonder - "I ' " " ,-""" '""-'"s pTTeTTnrrbeirlnnitT '-.., , , ,' ' . . cnrtlaiice wuhxthe aii..uiif ol population, 1 is the writers ls-u ideal r( ,;wii11,l1ilBXm'li.i. must i b.vi-iire'mos'" the t,,h-enlaw ' tM w hat should I the pr -r hei-ht lor a T i..-.,..lr.-.'l '..'.! vt'llr.".-' hotaTTT-faape wa.. Hlmrr-t a piymT, .whi h - "n-re it.ueia-cll "real -srtititars. w c iloul.t red-, w hi stin ul six let t 111 their stockiji". "l... S-dith tieWiiriuluc.-;! tJ.e. 1 . t iMiiuuJC-a&at. iibiatLad uiiiu'llf. Ullu'l 1. lrii .His pllVsleal fa alllA, Wll.slst Tll.,1 I , ,t , , , . ; ' - 1 1 lit it it - A IS jinn Ills 11 1, a I, a II 1 1 tt a Ilia:- '. . n-'i ;i I II I ,11 s, 1 I Jl. .1 1 tt li'. 1. nis r"-aTiiucT'si rirmiVsty aLn.Ui vvi.uni.n" is ViMoiii:-..' and tint ! r. vet no man ever klu' w ... ,," , . ,. vim -in iinjtte a unman rigut in - lialt ot l ii a prih.-ip.e tu ia couii'limeui. . i -. - . I ..nr n a h fs -u ij .iivnie jiiai ami ' "i i I-1) t line km, mii us the ( .-!"lt ,' "If is;.2jiiib:i'-rn.!l 'ilaily, ij wiekv a;.yek-.vV..au.l we cst.s-ui i lumir - ihe la -t-f.1 tjur Moutlierii rxt han'v s 4a. - V'Jit iMli:i.s-io. M-eUis to be lavorabie," a'-tiow tii the ability., I Maximilian lo a. i ... i... xt .- . ivll.ain !As . a., i, ........ , . . . .... i.lent v t..titin- I retn.li troops, j j,e i-rtvi-iniis Win. I, i 'M-t -among the Mi Means fi!f.,M li srsTt-rl ie i-i-ri it ri til-it v to-r u man .of f.k ill and ti - ,: i . For the Sentinel. JUL UInston,. March l,, 1807. i. .. , .' ,:.... I. : I .; ...... :.; I -ii'mi.. ;.i..'.r. . - i - i. in 1 1 1 ,ai. m aiuie, ill . my hist . leitr, tin- second noticeable iact , 'with nanud. P, l,niliaii i.oiiilier c. ' It wit, I ,t h:"tf 'Brail i vpoi :Yd' to flic. ITuM-li posses- ' '!'! '."! .S:-.-.li:luUiU!.I in IrHi.i'.alMinl fmir ' ''"H'm niutli a. to lliiv 1'iiiU'il Stati's. : 0lrll.r, j si;f New Ymk ytnportil in'tns1 iit-'f,,T ainaTuit ..riiiffi Texc-Hf.!" -la. 77-,fl;l. iiuga,- I "II " 'i.i.)u wi n aroiii iih,u. m If?" I ill in 'H v. I , I ' Mii.miiH, ivai iim 1 'r'.f - v'Wt 13IHI.V uf wliii-h lOlto.'i wire I'n.ni - - ' r-r- i .. ... . J.iru.U J .. I i !'lii.,'?.. whuh supii-i.'iis lovkini f' .uiii-iv .' wtilHi 'i'ir pniwliii' i(,kiiiii around n!i ihnt 4im- will i'r.i ..i. nt .M tills oiililini.in lalilll-i; i ll. Itui lii .-.- times , ..r.. l :l.t (..! I.,! iisiii.ii fi.rii't.i Il.e ...H el ..I ilia .ill. ill lev. line ' mid talk iti'.'.n,' "Mii I!!'.- tin 1 !. .1! Jhi;i. ii.il r.-v-nur !' l'.i.irrl- mi '.', - - I, II v..s hi ... : ji e; I .- KU Ilj.ip..rJl-.,- , 1 jjui-'i. ill. - i. ;.;.f I :;.mh, j '. I Inl. l!li:l - 1 . V I I .1 II. p.. .Y'l.i.nn, i.i ;7.o,i is .'ViO'i, ::' tie. . -! iii s I'll,- I .. . ) , 1 . : r. V ! Ii 11 I III- I" 1 1 1 . . - " il'll Ii 1.111 1. 111.4 -sU. Ill' 1 '.111-. 11 I . 'I ' I 1 11 i "lllits la 1 sll .' u .1- i ' I a . i l.i 1 i . i.i -I at- : I i ; -.f' alel lain 1 -I lui 1 .1. 'lis I a I I' i I u'" I"' ' . s ; I if r' V.elill i I I e al.ttnl ! .t tin- I 111 1 1 til e. lii. : I. li . .t.lVM'.iM. , Hill allium ;l-ri jm rli ip, . ...in-ri no s ... til i.ll 1 ttiioiis. It it ti l it ! ..V III! l.i I.i 1 Us hiav Ite Well lit IHIU Rl I. .nl, Hull a! I. Or Inline lev 1 -line. I. Mr .lie 1 Cllll. i. lis I'-ii.Ul .t'l I lit rilil'i I 111' I. I flili. Ill'- ,,, , ,. I ,:,,! M.-m-us. In n,, ,, i...n,.-, i.iiii.iinu.. i. i s."i't :.1m;7,-.".M 1 i-1 im aiii 'i lie ..ipiil.ii'i.m m tlar I inifl ';' ' """y -'' ". '' mull atui'Uht would I" a' toe rile ul nl'uiit ?. , , i,lu , hl,, ,,r ,,Ve. f r. hues as , I ,t,j ii I i .m s. uJ a'-uiii : ; nl this .live hundred and lilty -tour intllion jrt tavauon in 111 ' ''' ' ri!. l.t,lH will 1. 1 f tavatiou in llie l uiinl Slates, f, II 1,77-1, in intri nal revenue anil iii i h e have all fell aiicl under i j j 1,'f it is a. species of tnatioii which p.iniltWrW i--if - Duties on imporlit nr -nly l.t I'.v . .uialii'iier l.-ii be f.-l ,l!- posetl to Jmv the iniporl. .1 arlicM and has ',,, , ..l pay fe.r them ; .iidda, ,jHm,H , x,,is ure'tnxes on rjJ'i products , ,n. iii llruil th.-v miinunt to just -ix per, Ti ,,T'. ,1 1fm'vettfVta,t., .iiLLr- iuliinl lht! praniina t ,,:i i v paya 1 1n in ilien he uie ( ",. proline - to mii. put tenial levemtt' and ilin c; i,ia,; iiitlirt la'; i i ,,.,,,.o,.ni-or ineonvr.ni liivnl, whelher , i,,.u have all vt hi lit' to pnv with or not iiml , ii"W olleii, already, have our people hi en niade toleel the w rctclletlltesa (if that iinloi- ,. . , , .- ,, , l--. tunate iii'lnnlual, spoken iii in Ilolv Writ: r-IVoi him that hath mt sliall be taken even , that liabntli lint to return : This amount ' ol nearly tliree hundred and twelvp million .li.,1.1,.,1 aim. n.r flip fliirtv-seven millions o ' ... .nutation ol' t lii 1 flltl tl MlttCS.: W'OUld b. , iffa mal; wunum ami ebildv Now take Hie whole internal revenue nt Brazil, exclusive of import and export duties and deposits, and we find it amounts to f. 1,741, p(U,.whii:h, divided amonff per population ofripht millions, would be about aeventy 'fB"cen tXW'Tsetrr--Bat iir hV By the moat recent statement that I could pet, (18fi4i the debt of Brazil was t42,l)5,344. -u aieh divided anion.' her nmiulation.-Wuuld ..,,,. niillio lis WOUI.I Ite III t fUJIllll-mu ,,.,.,.,, ,...., iudivitliial. or about .lilteep al. t Hr- - r - fi.!I4..,. - 44 . A,Hrnm- lbi debt there is mi rx-.n . , lor we have sol i iiml v raiiucii an aiiicmlinent t" the I onsti- o iticd an aim avin that wi tut inn savin" lb.it we will in vcr (iiicstiiui or repudiate ih, Ihiuiuh k ihini-'h it was mine ol olircon. I rati in- .' ,.',..,, . ,i. ,;.-o. .,,- 1 NO ':!: I. rut I bill w ill relieve Us. And lure hi inenn-rett an error, or ... ',,t,f inti' tl Ulls'lllliri'llenatMII llttl) whit It some may inadvertently be led by a siaiemont in u'lbrnier letter. I statetl that nur pi "pl' jn" cverv sixteenttr seventeen vt ar-. vM'iild have to pay iheir iipropor- J ti.Ui ol the wholt-th-bt iK thXl'nitcd StatesJ ..ithr..,. ihoiisiinil millions. liV 'war of ten-sfi IMI.oiio.oiioi vtiiilout toiicinii" ine jirtnrrpnl: Hut this would be a small mat 1 It T. ItV llll- Slilieillt-ins oo,,. ,i i.s meu . . . : . ...i t . no. c.ti....i si - ( wlli(.,1 nu.amtax, paid by the . people,, . amounted: last' yean to live hundred mnl ; lhirtvvthi'-e millions; ami for one 1 can sec ln imlii al Ifoii or n for tin- future, of any retlue- tn m hmeiit Five hundred and Ltltim t h tt '- u ij ! ! i i in a y-ar. will amount to thriV thousand millions in. ju-t four vears ...., .I il.- It i- lit,., in ihia iiltnrf limT-tlfat olir p. op!.- will have to pay their I shiii-i ism h a- ii 1-. of iln. e ilioii-an.l mill- ; ion- .ili.l 11"! -ll.i i II M 11-as stated. Itllt I ,,, , mf ,,.1,;,;, .t l3LitMto., nn. ,,,r,i , ,, ,,U Ml.ti : .oiii, iluiir , I-, , ;'"i w---e. , I 1 ,. ,- , . , ,. isoccupants of the river lanus on the l tsstsi I .The p.j ujiar boast ol the I nitetl States i .' . - , . . . - , . . has long been their "iganlic .y-tem of pub- K I .h..n , tiii.l ii e,,r,tiinr toei ad iin l.lm. : " '"'I..." is .- o.s , covered Mielltng Ish.ks. wiiicii tistii to he , ...........1 .li.ll ltil I t. lll l Its,., Il, 1.1. a-tray amongst ua, they were a.N.iit Uieonly (- iMop e who were "' '" lilucation, or hail ,i i,,M.ii ,., e The ,.ulate,l nart of ' ..r. A 1 ,iM!,an , , idjynjjnrejt lx ( -mi isireVliiat 1 tmve been, able to Mr lain. rut an m t-ouiiis t oman in ii-pre-triiiin "'" "'"'I"'1 "'. '"'"aii.in.as one or prim. .ui..c, ,., ..,,.. ,.,. ..s ,.n .., V'", : : 77'. 1 777-7.-; TTr.riTT.T.T-Lr.rirTWi. .-iii, - The mai;i..riiitiiJ !i i;,Jt 'iL ....-,.. "011. 1 -t.t.hsot Mill I....L .... i , . i r ti 1. . tan re Ii ire, lie salt- 111 t s. 01 i,, no ..yiiio, 1 .i.i,' 1 ;., .1... ..,.1.1:,. -1,,.,. , ' - s, loo u 11, in as in in.-. .i"ui ", ii inn ;...,a., ii.,:, ... r:-..'i i-u..'..r.vivi;f..i. a,.i....i. - - ' , . ..; i .;. .11 toot vs..... v.. ....o... -. ... ...... I v iiuuietous. In Kio. there nrr .im- f ol l'c ol Ihm I'eilm II, If NTatal ami M .4 Hal c A ,..h mies. (oovir nt ..lata a. . ' vi... i;.,..i ......I -ri. ...,!.... ;....i . , ... ... , iifs.i t.i.itiis. ami a i.ar"c mini ,1 V t.l, ourp pic .an .., u, ,ht 1 nL,,,r.it 111 i, I a. to .-do-all II with ih ir own coiinti v. I oiibidering. that the - - r ,i - imb pi mh nee ot lirail dates on l--'-' -he wpl nut sillier bv Ihr Comparisor A to the l.trmul JntpnUi uwhI. : there re now Cuipli ted. anil-in (-nurse of cm ! " ,.p ... .. ... . . .. ... tr.utli.,11. six ll.iijv Itouds. yi thtse, ihfee - sir.ut a ion. si x i.auv r,oiins. vi uu m-. .its- i..,a. Im''... ..hi' Irom Itiil.iii. and olic Imtii Santo. I thiiilv I 1 1,1,, mf i tin iti. nor ot th.irreptiuvt In hiuls rimimmi i, U .onl an the ,.r. it, h I hr.luiu . I r r.il . ! , and of tlic'scshe is almost, destitute.- Tils' . pivuliat.v in.niw nt lltfiiut .iinil thea . ! II ii iti )' ii in wi.ii nt the country, tngvtli-.; er with thcAyarit of weft'directi'd energy, aaj ! j the ma;lliess nt the population in no vast a j' . . . ..... " f :.. ....j.. unci, ill cnil.htrY, llnve IM-Cll mc maill untiita- cles to the i-oiisiiuciinn of coititiioir road. Tins pimple have, as jet, settled principally uloiijr llie sea coa-l aiid the navigable livers, nd, oonsc.pjuntly. have not-felt Uic want of riiwl, anil to thoiti.aUav limn the river, in thy inicrhir, the abrupt "rise uf the coun- try' r&tu the high7 plateau or table !hd,-of men l uave (.poKi-n, pminniu niiivunies ill IHBMIIi' ruilUS Id lltr Sl'tl L'Oa.-U Hill i I'.ir Ihi.ir ,ii,,i.l,,l ,.tV,,ri ui.,1 .unHi-oiivntlv.. , .r .-r ...--..--........JL.. ... , . .1 .o. - itriv n inK rinr lainl traiisportalion is i-ll.-vtfi d 1 v puck Hindi'.' The uoverntucnt hajj," hiiwevi-r, within the last li.-w' years. turned ill atu-nti hk to the coiisli uctlon of ril:li . It.l.. I n- Ill'.-riAl 'lllil 11TI' llilW IlllSlllllir itt. vi.'.'.r and' ener-'v. Nearly all the K.ul .Un-iiK Iinie Mien IniT't w ilh pnvrTni mtmkahl, :ulj..mj'- u! tin iff present s'u- .enil.iu.sii, lii'-veinenis ...i .eimiiie. nni; skill:; . "I).siipii.-;i.-i lii i i t. .,.:,li... Il-.t 1 sita l.j have tieeas'i.m i -peak i.i.iie f.n u-ii larly ol I mucuf. .mi.tx.cj.iil.Xl q:.ii 1 1 ' i: a 1 1 ir. - . -j t Ketfiibfr liin--il' inn- ply almw Hie, e...i-t. ...line, -tii-ij the vRn.u,- -iitie-. ami l.i' I low lis li-i'lli I'.u a. al llie lll'.llill nl the A mi .in. I . . I'.'l. .la-, lie t hi. i' town "illit I'i.n in. . hi I'e.lio. llit iMreiin- S.illt)i 'i in I'r.iv iu e ol ih' iaiijiife. Tlie Kinpin 'linei 1 1 1 1 . it I'll f.ui'.pe l.v tliree 1 lili r. mid Si ilh llie I nited Mail s li one i 1' a t ill . The N't Yolk llie '.'.'n.l. ol'eat h-lllollth. j an- in. Maiiiilaiini-ii s in jiraiMtr ii i Im nol nee., I tin in. Her laii'tf arc so i . i rit-li .ami. ul p! 'I. Ill' Vinlls laid nd lu r iiLi-iculyiral ' sotJieaply l.aised at so 1. 1 al ii.ii.li auiKiud i-pt nsabh- to l.u p. ails, lhal it is iii. .j-! t , .. . , i limn al tin- her people to devote their time ' l"K''lhei ttlll, llie a.Ualit ti;. s ill, . ...ss nrpur- ,d,.i,br,o napiiuih. rieb j.,..iu.,s o;;;i'-;::i; :r;r:;K,r;kivS in r leeuiiui; soil, lhan lo-ine t iinuuiuv; nun i si.i-.li.l toil ol tin- laett'iy. The climate, i.i J !ra:l i-ol -in h .in enjoyable t hnraeter.--u In .' a- llie "1,1 Jesuit w r iters describe i r lei lIllllLr soil, lhan lo-the ill till 1 tltj allil I soi-ili.l toil ..I tin- factory . The climate , f J.r.iil i-ol -mii an enjoyable t hnraeter.- It. -the mere sill rt I lsti nee Is lelt II luxury," lhal the people of Hrazil eoulil jhnr. l. in, In, , ulniiidon their more : pit us.-inl Hieeupafiona ill tin-lit e air ol Itcav-1 en. Im -llie Ho-, mid -wHjIy" lalair ol t lie Ciittini mill and inuelifnc li,,ii. lira.il tin n : is pesHliarly an agricultural coillilry n.l has 1 li'iT iniiiiul'a frij ies and hnriirth m ed of ine chiinii -. With the -cm i plioh ot the ifo.v-j criniieiil ar-i njals. arinorii s. ami dot k yards. I i tuil, never hear ol lull im Ian nniii - fen III n.lliin t: i, to! li s in ilr.l.il. one near Uio ami llie olliei in ar diahia. "fri i I. il bv i .. ,. , i .s.i-Ttr. ..t,l...-,-i.oif, 1 ,IH.,.. I so I a , , i speak not; of course, ol sin.li laehH n - -.nv mills aml.uri-l mills, retpiirctl in oil, ,r..l Thet ,lo m il Slid tjieli is milt II need of them. When it be enme understood that Hrazil inoketl with -v.iii.aihv nil eiiiinatinn IViimthe United.' States." our Nori hem friends. and shall I n..t ...11 lh...t. ... sin,-.. trhit eti-til .It-k toll ..,,., , , i t i veiition, in ItaleiKli, the other day, resolved tbttt "('onieress ha.1 altolis-ht-tl (ill tlistinc- ... ..f ... ....!...-' ..,,,1 n..,.- ,,tt rtttr tion4if rtt'and color," and now all our pi4-rii.f any Tmr adunul fruiultf" our Northern- 'friendli (.the "mechanicals") at on uomdiHleti that the invitation tncsttt tunn. Thev tot ked iu niuuberato the Emi (jrant Agency, in New "York, and Hading that tbe paawige to Brand was Cheap,' they "WfTttr-itwa nmch a H, in -aid tUuiai, they bad come down to vour totton or augnr plantation aud asked for employment in. ijuivkujitautmcif-i, 1 lie least you couiii uo w ould lie to tell tlitm that you unl not w 'imt llietn you wuiltl tell them so then, and unless tilt v could handle the hoe mid. tit. id. lie a u.-ll as thev eiitlhl the tilt', ami! co.il chisel, they were 'in the w ay. Tbey Iiuvi ihiis i.iiiii- ta Hr:iil iind. iil'-cniirsi'., both thevaiid lirail are disaiMiointed. ami it is not iitK-.iniiuon to -tlr their t,lisappniiit tunif, iililnle'l in 4-h-Nor:lierin oiiLUpa. - per ami in no ..I i..i,,a. I't... is nn-asurt , only Htllteiilly i. mat they act epteu an at invitation meant tor soniebtnh else. I il,n nit,.., . ii..ri,l i.bi 'nt the j.,mpirc ot tiran. as it is pro ter, nowevei, (hut an emi'Tant to so vast a coiiutrv should fix in Ida mind, before startine;, on some I .-,-iuu.i..l ...ion n,,w.li l,u a,,.l,l IlL.tlw ..fi;."! ; f, r, I will atU-mpt, in my next, a rapid arid sinxinct sketch of so.ni ot the ,incipal Provinces trnttim, aloni; the s-a coast. - They all pnss&9 aotne distinctive pcculiari- tjt ot climate, il, iiriHluctions and hica - in-Ti..n h!eh .rtlodit n..t b. ,W,n uselein - umiiui n-...T fiirniation by those who may come to the conclusion that there wwy tie, perhapsv, "as ; tr.Miil a eotintrv hi ivin North Ciirolina rati- ... ,.v " v.. : i. .. .o . ... i f - Yours,-- Y. TtlK K.VRM iv of Messrs. Joc 1 Jeff. Da Vis, in .Mississippi, .are salil to have heenj confiscated and are now in the jiossession of one of their former slaves. It is said the government goldtliem tobini fori00.000,oa time, and that he made fMO.ATM) the past ..- Tt.U nuta.U mn.wrVi.bUI Vort lo.rn i t-'l'l"- '-,v - j ' - " I idler .. .. --.-- .. .. d ... - ' " -. i- r T T1V1V , . European p.tw- ' ,n. ers. in rergaftir.ing their armies amlXi.,.. . ., . V: . . , i ns l" ;)-, that, artoag the various . ones- ' , ,. ,, , , ; i!n 2 " ' i - - I TToW tlFiir tnator Wibm. ol M....i, .l.u- i c . , , , , , . 1 v.. ... ., - - ""'s "t.;., '. . , 1 ,1 . oreat speech ! Near eiiouh to make one T h';--l"f-" d r I that pi 1 . 1, -atiim be made .' :.:'!n... lWI,.o-wr,4-..;,., 'e eiiy ' set is, came 011. nauutiaj i.i-. ut niiiMiit- a - ,hlt j - . - - - - .... it. li'ttuol the people.w ilh s ngularlvele per ! ol the people, w iiii s ngillarlycle per- f iW;nd Willi rur..- J-tpular s mpatlit, un.re wisely lor.-, asj.i t he ,i ift ,",t i r I'll lot man pulilii ninion. -Ib.l thinm!, l k n bohl- lie .: i,.i. tl... ..In, L t,. ..,.,;.,:. :. ... i''; M-TOTrin'"' w--jfrit. no iiiiiti ,.t, s 1 I'"- - '-' to on ii.aic. it. m-itiit to i that t the North .. i V..... I. i . . . I .... j . l llus . ,,.,..ra .ir,,l,le t-r.-ni, i - ":' . , . , , ' wilt, sc-ps ..,;; ,u, I ,.. , lie,lir..Jna'..i,vj id- m clioiial hatcw ill be nvi rwheliued. For, ii. ,,r...,.i,t h sins I nit lhal is a ''tei,.i.i. i t ' ' . .......... , ' " ,,, s , n r or lar ,h. N ,-. ft,,,,, " " "nustus win niaaev in. -p. , n In .-1.1. ; 1 si . . 1.... I 'il might have inadcon atur, 111 ill. V , I MM It. W 1 1 1 1st Iv jl,JJM',i'lin'"n pla.-o;'w hen iti might have la-en im mortal. .Ail:: I alt oenivr .Toli.otA M .'ist fvvi i.-i.l-.. Iluinor stales . , r. ", " .'." -. l - ha'MPWar.lsol twenty limn u ill , inion I ; i.ti"a..t,.d 111 the manufacture of hew intr Iiii- l"-f'MH ourcily. l.yi,r,t:ii. fcjiuHintn. . I had lu. s -sHvi.il, has la, n ill s. v. ml day It is dnid tl il wh.llHrhc Iiv.stos,, (hi ,,n ,j , 1 ,, . tt. ,1, 1 in I - . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ': -i Hnvutt'a.OrriTK, I " 'lAUCionrJMarJi 'attli. 17. $ 1 will atfenilat tin- Maror'a (IHii-i'. inlltalcich iim Miiuilay the limt ilayuf April lM7toUke the city 'lx l.iat for the iiiuBut ytiar. .? ! ,1'vrMiiM huiiMK tu nsnitW lint f thf if i'ff'i-a btlUj.-4.-t l.i iaxatiiui, Mill b.' lldtifc- tu a Uulll.U' lax. AM white aud t-olur.-.l uan renidm tu the city, betaken the aum ui'tl-autl Uai am, aiu reijiitri-ii to ilnr.il llitir u.ui'1. r.it- a IVili' 'I'.il fur 11. v.ir l.n.7. - t . - .- . - W, D. HAVWlifili, Uili. mar JD-lnu-M Mayor. fioiFKE ! x:,.i'i'Kit': :: . .Hi BaaJUii. .lava 1 ahtl t eylun fjillt'e, jiit. r- eeiveU au.t lur oiile. ! 111 I.UAM. .loX'i:.sA CO. mar 20-lSS-tf . h'.li'sale linn-era. 1S(7. 18(57. A T, T K A (.' 1 T. V E - S'T ii-V K. . . - - .tieil.i? I t-., Vlnlwi lv I-ii tiM i l-"i-- , i-iyil iiikI loiiit'it In p. 4.w,mK llll, A 4'lolliiiiK, . Mi. 7'.l SVl'.UInbiy ainl ji" '-' -s ' Ni. ll'l-.i .11,1 i;rs. .! T I It to H I K I. .. ' V IKUIP1 I I, Tale ,.. a-lire n. an, i,-.i tin tra.le tli.VI vti.ne m .tt.re.'l'eatlr for ehllntlt' a lai is; i.illa. iil i.f ' . 1 Nr.W RPPTwr, nnrcnt; - ' i i,i(,ia,aiie all ,n, i, t-sitihlisliiiii niM-;- hi ir ii.h l.usi 0 ' " ' elt "i, ni. r ii.tiu,- ..i Virginia and Aorth Caroiifia, lias mailf liieiu fnnnliai it nil I Inn ttalitn; this, ,ialli mill, llie all.i,li,.n ,.f. l.nt. i-.h in Ih.ir t yiinsne i. k of I - rr.l lt n llll' f IllTIIIVl: il)i.4r iiwii itiali i. Mini Ii fr ,ty,., Kurkniauallip UHleliSaltliiM fltliltot be sinpiiiisetl. 'they would alstf , all atleiiii.iu to nne ol v. . 1 OJi-K, All of which w)H he offered to luireliast is on I It. very nest lertus, by ( ant. .Kilwanl liraham ami ,',;1;Jr M' "" ? 'v. . liai-fe.f the ,le- Mt 1I.1N' tf'P ,1 TO." N..: yfainore an.l N,.. 1' lahh Snee'is. mar JU:l -3m sr n-e ul' voiitii riiii-n iv i . ' ... ' .','.'- 4 vv vkk I oi.mv. . Col ill til Ti nts eI til ten H Si ssioa l.'eB ' - ' Ti i 1 Si7. Kill V llattle, to the "se Ol ,14.11,1 Alltll-eWS, The National Kxpress and 1 rausptu tat ion lo., Attilihtitt nt. . I IT appt aritii: to the saltsfa, ti f ihe CtdiH... 1 ml tun in aeiinaiit, i lie .tainiuai I .xi.iism anil I Ttyuisianiatittii CO., in a iiiiio.rt.Bi,lent til 'the hiatn. TUr. fore.it ttrderetl. that iui.n. aimn be mails ! in the .vafia'', a uew-Kpapeiipublwhed m the city I uf Italivurh . for ail Hhwl, i,ii..niuu4ivwlv tioiiftini of liaJeih. Inr six weuks siletxMwtively, uotlfyiui' lhe defendant to Is-ami ai'it ur at the uaxt term uf the Court of I'leatf aart Wuarter Ktvsmon-t, to bo belli for the said Count v, l tfio Court Houne in liatfh-h, ott tlits tlllrtl J toll! lay ui May next, then and there to auawer plead, or. demur, 4ji jiit'K- anin . ... in wwu f" " i ,,, , rMf W lines, J i. FkHRKtU Clerk ofnnr said Conn, at ortiei iu Kaleurh. the tluirt Moiidav' of iv-"aa miii 3 im feb. L li. - j. j fekuki.l, c: V. ntsr l-wliw STATE OF NOKTII tAHOLLNA, l Wax it County, y Col'RT or 1'I.KVS AND Ql XBTCU Sl.vSOXS, l'l.B. Tcum, imn. ! T. V. nichardhton. '" AWtehmrttt . 'The National Express and t J ransp,,r(aliou ( o L - JXJij.'i'' it'iii u.jji - sali.-l.t, li. ii of tint 'Court 1 in- National lllr.-sH and j thai the ill 1. n'.lalli 1 1 ail-gnu taiiitii t - IS a Iloti-restiteni ill the .-tat ,..,..,. M . , 1. 1 ti,,lt i,iil,lii-,iii..n be mad, in lb,. ,, ltsl,ai,..r l.tllillslisit in Ihe eliv "' I'"11-1'. '"r rl"v ' k" u IVI IV, ItOtlfvillU Ihe d.-l. in lam to b-- aV"l aj.s-ar al Ihle next Uino ,... ,,.,., ,., p,,.,,. ,d b.iart..r8.-a.-ioim. tab I Jield for the said County, nt ttie Court ILuse.iii e i IVileiKlt, on the thiril M.'iiday.u, May iievt, then . ! uii.l there t.ii.ailswa r, plead, or dtiuiir, or jurtj- vm,, .. .1 .1 1 1 lil; f i 1 h.-ik of our sai.l Court at oltita, n, luieifli. the thud Monday of , tel..,, A. li, i,,. .w .N J. J. 1 i.itlti.i,LP..c c. c ! ". " ' i i - .. ....a.....,,., . sTV'rFrrK "vrKTi-rrxri'sr-i - , -y . WaKK C'olmv '(. aar of Pi.h.in and vlt AiiTiai iSkssio.ns, t'E., TtllM, 1K.J. . ('. C. Lewis, ti .: f J r... . , Attachment. .' ine .iiuoiuii j.Ajuesn j j ami Tran-portatlon ( o. n apisanni; tn ine saiisiaeiinu oi me cnun in at me .,. i. ii.i.nii, in, .',,., ' ..xp.tn itnti .l-rit-.uiiou ta.., is a ni,u-reaideia,.t Uiunuie: IhiTiiore 11 isiutlered that Itubheatliai be uiade - in the V.tW, a liewspaptr, published ,im the eily of haleiKh.for six ,i, ee.s.m' weeks, noiifyuiK tne utituu.ni .. oe a,,.. .,.p.-..- mi, it. a., .n ... ..f imrlxnirt.it 11. as and uaitt r f.-ssions, to U. i. a . I... t u ., .. ., .... ,. il. m lialeiKh, o thef, lord Monday ... May next .... .ml il...r.. tnanaw-i-x phtad or Vumr, i or JiulK-. itn-TU'WHI Im. lakeniao twtftmm, -, Wnimss. ,J. J. I KltKKI.L. Clerk of our said I ourl. ax ,'lln e lit Kah lKU; the third Muml y 1, f 'if..,, if. . M'... J. J. r.BlM.LL, . C. Feb! 1M'7 mar 2 iwiiw . STATE OF N UTH ('A K II4N.A, 1 , . Wakic I hi vrr t I. . A kit Col.jvTT. ( 1 01 ar or -pi.tis ami Oiartkb Missions i. it. , ... . , ' . .',-. Jiiiucs A. Moore, ' i?, Tiansportation Co. 1' ' si-- 4- s 1 ll.irh.k. nl 1 lltlisiit'i ittliou VI. I I 1 1' aiiW'irrimr In iln saii.fai - il.l rdant" Ih, Naon u LdiJ - ',. - . 1 . , -"'- ' ... i.u ,-,,a,... their promises v,ll Is-fnlnll, .1 : -r i;aingn-7Teir-stv--wt-ss---siii tt ssivtav , t iTiJxnmTrrr. ibe ,. iemlaul I.. - ami appear at the nexr- t. rn, ; Court nt IV-a.'iiar-l-jst--tr1j! l!,r 'f" ,u'"? "' Vfkf izh"'-"' , ibe ti.it '-," -s . "--1 "-wsMtts.. .;'!'. " . "?r??,J?rj.u?t-' -...., , ' . ' ' i' auiiKiueiti au ! taseii ten rvntinitn. - N -Willi , J. Jj- H--IU;P.l, in,, J, J H-dUitUv 11. -ik-of-oiir. -aid . voiHi nijiini-- m itaieign, ins- iiurti .immiay h, Hi third .Monday of i i on l i t o . ' J. I- r. If I.r.I.I,, I . . t , ; - Wr - h..' A. li. lsj: STATE OF NOHTH QAROLIXi,' ( "'Vj "i'l loi'l,"'. ,k . r . ... -a, 1 , ,,. , , , , I Mll l.h tin thllM M H lav in reawWl.t,l I. ... ' J. J. Fl lllll I I.. ( . t'. C. I. mar 2U-WUW . Itlltl'k hlllilll'l Tool, Oil llltllll. I Kl.I.OWS. Anvils. Vices. Kle.lt;.'. Hand ami J $ H,,rB. .'(,,, hasps. slr.l Files. K - 8J1A L S O , ' . . II rw ami Mnl. sh s Null -Nil s , fast ail 1 nsur hi. I P. niu 1 an 1 ss I,. Ir n , 10 )hl lf M ,u, n , w r I t er lf u rvv A crt I c ninit is6i: new SPBINC COOBS, IMm. MO .OOO.OO'. Forty Thousand Dollars Worth OF 1UE MOST llKalK.VUI.E AND FASHION ABLE I)KY G 0 0 U & HH atVKUU;i TUWMKKI4T. ho SIITU-S, 25 SYt'AMPUE srKfcJil, PETERSBURG. VA Kvi-yK sAi.r.s AM,s-,M i.i.ri:iini;si-! isi. J niivt' ui'trn lhan i ivr my ntiii e.uiti le. i "l Hi. Itlle naytti BUttjeea, 1 alll tit I. alillla 'I 1" 1-ni -sin tins ....iil'se. nii-1 as a, 1. 1 1 1 ism.' is unit i ii. , . f iiitl it lit ii it i sj ri ilt . I am attttt tiert-rmr ett t't--Tt-t . rtis . unit sn.-li nlf as ait- I. allv "h lia...!1 ."...I lll.stt't k. Ili'l' lii li.li-lit el lii' lltlr-i rlw. l, -I I1 V i.l.letl a la'l-Ke GOODS lijve a.l.leil late s,.. k ( .. ..a an. I Mallnn;, hl I I'll Ii". t mi" Is. la" an I I'.'" t lil taills. 1'al'l' ainl I'l.ih" I 'o t 1 s, l.at. I..n lliea, lit 'l ainl I iihlea. h'.'l .1 I MifH-th"!'-lalile l.in.ai, Nit'l.lns. 1i ..im-.- 1 . i ,s, 11 1 k.iha. k I. nit li li'itt ,a;. IHa.. I ai .l i i t. In.ii, is in j;!i .il tangly. Allkm.l- .1 j. sin li us I Iresseil :ilitJ-l"lniresVi .4.l. i-...,i 1.1 auihll'-, (.liei-ketl .llllslllis, .allsi i.ivs .i I .li. I Vltill VIiIsImim Sttiss., iilt.ni I ehifk.,!. i iilteil unit elllt't.'i.l. ret . Ol L'au.Uea all. I i rami' Inn s, lliiok'lusini l-nrli ImuJ wliilt. iin.1 (foil. I, 1.1. . i'ir ,.u..,.i., nt -..r I ti't.'s ami bi.i iliihKIKs, iioui iln- iinivft reitl xfomi l.a. . Collar, worth fi t" the loaesl Imitation lata-;- north it cfiits. A full assortment uf llan.r.-. en, e an, I Ktftuiieitif -- aiublle. Jaek.mel. Niiiii- Htw.k ami lam 11. - Also, the llliiBt.eltelislVt stoek ol 'HUSH I.IM.N in Vitniiiia.. I Full lllieti of l.inetl Itllid Muslin II AM '1. l-'.lb rillKKH, ill plain heiusttieh anil faney ; tin. em- hrotileietl and Laee trtlluiietl.l'roiu 'Jo cents to SOeaeh. ' lie iiinst eiiinplete slis-k of ttjirin M.W'l l.l.S eVer tiflt retl in thlil inarket, is II, ,w ,.,,t-!if.l. i lib I.i aeuiK ttoiue forty tulterent styles, ami all ii. vt. This ealinnt fall tit 1 a nmst iiitei-t stniL' l- alnr,. of "lir hllslnesn t.i the lathes. ' ' -The at.iik of LAI'IKS' JdtKSH (itvH l IS , m- hr.wall tin- new. laltrii-a t'i la- foiiml al tin most .,)t.,.n.i.i.. i-i. The Mt.k atts k is far larger than itale. aud eoluuiaiitls t.ur esla. aal i ant- in llin State, aud comma,!, a t.ur ml,,, lal alUlilioli -. I The uiivc-lihuuis tile ladies hav't in rel'-fol e ua-t 'I I mi Una murk, an etunnareil w.tii. anMliim; II hatl seen, hates us vvulioiil aiiuhni' In sav, ! nion than h is .now lari;. r ami n,..i-e i inii.iei.. ' 1 hall it lias I'M 1 bei II. No la.lv wishim 1,, l.fo , . : . . . " Mlks HiltlUlll till St', Ititltlltit hlsl ladllillllll til, Mttw-k. llie assortment of, (TOTI1S, CASNUIKII I '.s AMI UM..N tiuOD.s, for bprttiK wear; is t ittm li coin jilele, eluhraeuig the lai 'tl M. a-k' of Us kmii, ami at the iiiosl mode late piie.. The larKint and nnest st.s k of (if.OVI'.S AMi 111 lllsKiti ever olteli d, is now ls.-uif .'k tied, braeinii everythuin in the line from the lim i " ',",'"' . s .... .,, , ... h...,i,n. i ll"sit ry 111 t nttit ss varn ly, euil.raeui t vt 1 1 kiu-l , and f"r " -wry aee. l nave also athlen ine mosi einni a.-te Rf"ii- in, ut nf h.M.l.'l. VVAl.i:s, NOTION J U1M- JlltlliS,,!,.. TV WIUiLllAI-E STtK K i eomph te in every respect, ainl is the lareest 1 havat ever offered, berngr bflneht exelusivi ly for Cash. tireat, iLithieeiueuts wiil be.otlcreil hr the Cash. Samples will lie .sent by mail free of charts apiilKatitui, with prices inarkt tl on eaeh, tin n b enaJtluig th.ts.. who cammi visit nur city, to mak. j tlutir sli.iitiiaia at lutiuu- at as low. prices as if I bey were present. - -- - THOMAS SttlTII. lliST JS-lU-tf : ' ' ""T FERTILIZERS. ttylAlOHOlCH! THY wii.i.iam ii. oi.i vr: it -v ..'. fOTTOFERTlLlZEliV I'KH-AliEI) HY WILLIAM H. OLIVER & CO. Newbern, N. r. ' ,, , .- - o- - j Arier con,ul.u,K the wauls of .,r .ieUn..rl fri.-nil. and eallimr ihe moat itra.-tie.l. tut w.dl a. j w.ir.tinc.wj to i-nr assistaneo. we have prepared I Fertilizer that we are fiUlyiH-rsuatled will saus- i ly an who niaae use ut il, or it iniinemH prunt 4 - a .a, , .u i,,i pla,nts, particularly in the growth, expansion and llmi; t The CDlnpoeition is no secret, aifd is kuos htu most nf nur friends. . Fifty per cent, of eietmim. . Peruvian Guano (purchased direct from the agent j of the Peruvian Government, ) eoustitiites the I amiiiouiacal. Twenty-live jier cent, of finely Kroiitid Ihines the f'lltlsphatic the halailett is 1 ma'diemi uf such niiretheuts as have the power ' ' ol llxiru; llie auinioina. . i N ,lirt, or water will ho added to increase its' weight. j It ispuro sa ri;iiri w4'iiied, ami all lira.-'1 4 tl, ,,T farmers know bv eiK-rmuee llie . fleet the j -iu..... lt- woi .'.a,,,,.. e ' Au m.j .pl.- t i .i. of two lilindr, d ixmnds to the ' j,, i ,.,), ntwill double the pr.sluet of , ,.,. , t,. ,., f Cotton. - i i We iw.mim.iid the follow uiK as the Vat misle of apnlviuK the Fertilizer: Aiinlv nno hulnhi d 1 and twenty-five pounda to the acre at the time j J hey also oner - their m-rviis-s for tlift sale mil ' the Cnttnii is planted b.v eoveriiiK it in the drill, ! pnri-liMs- of Tohaeen, Wheat. Cmli, :ott.ai, Ae. -mdatily one b-m-drettaml twetrty-tive stnnd-t on Then- senilis,. I ljnw. iiraii-iii'ritwi,-g)tW'.rieiiC,t -the siifelif Ihe Cotton after the Cotton has been ; thirty years in the .-oltinilssitin Iraile. 'will ei.n barred out, at the time uf thinning: . WTIJ.1AM Ii. OLIVF.lt A CO. ! IV , - - I We wonld call attenitnn tt) tV folltiwing : We have Itech shown ty Messra. Wii.livm H. Oi.ivK.tcA Co., a preparation made by tbem. and known as W'u.i.iam 11. OmvKa 4c. Co.'s Cotton Fertilizer. TheBHsie orprepiirliTjf It,' thp-nnleTial nsert, the itroisirtii'ins, Ac. were fully explainrd- to lis. and we tnrvst iiuhesitaiuiely ree.tniuit-ud jt,, as a i most excellent rertiuzer. "' ... ,." ,''y. TThT- " t'1" ", an'i 1 ne n im ie 1 11 iiiiiiiii- jutiiip as evpiameii 10 lis. toiaai is- n and tln-ir stamlii." will, we IhinkV, ) 1 - 1!11.1.illV ,! ,,.,r nroniists Jv.,11 I, .,. M Ml . lis. lml Is- luiiilila me. I. SUllllt tit lllilled : -CU.a.r. A-a-Vl.J.a., .rn. II e-l Ihimii- ir--Tr-TC.7-T--r-Ty- . s. IHI.Itle. J.Tlmll IlinWrteaiioioTTa WitThini Hassrft tt. Weathers bee, ('i.-i)T---Sslaer h. It. Jones, il. F. .VI. .Hail, i NVll.T II. n.i s.-i. bTrrrr.d.,e.., .Ih A. Par til. Jim, I'. llediiiiiLt-Ahiier Itniise, Henry H.v It........ vc.l,..v n.,Su U' I II.,.-. ....ee II l.uiM ,fi,.pi't W.AVatson. J. ' Ha-kell. Fwm- VVillnnu pVlaulttn, .lantea M. bane, t Merwin, ! JohuJl. NiaVui, raiviiiCox, John C. Washington, w, . are prifyar. il In furnish any iiiantitt ot the , . Uir.l.lAM H.OMYJUtA ro. . Si Ik i u, :Mjut-h. 1JhMi" . . ,. . II TV I'KO ri: It TV At tlKltllU- "IITI.I, P.F. sold) ii HIiTrillfiY. -in. IV Haul al Al .THIN, unless ,,,!i. ,is, ,l. s'..if. the 1111 and will-ariani;, .1 t- C OTT A (1 K . situated III the orlh'W-l'-ln itart iif tin- t i uear the new ( itloi.i taftol-r. and kiuisu.as .s,a ,,, roioaiiiinv Ifilf ai. t.-i- ! f'l-A'-.'e' II - n i r v m vt. j, ah , t ,sl i "j7r,7TT " ''' " "' "j VuUl L'l" Vl S mail Is, f H U, If t ' v r'" ' PETEIISBURQ ADVESTISEMENT8 t.f;i-ntrHl' Ciroc'tTii . ash. 1 iiiiiniiii nert'liuiita, ; , No. C OI.I) fsTI'.KKT,' ' ' ! V II S i"Y. I l"A M O U E - Petersburg. Va. f: Will at teu.l to the haleof.all l'ri.illiee anif Mur- r etiitfulis.., of everv id ii-i-j i.l i. .ii, nenl to their cmr mi. I u ii J ilr.i i.ur. Kane ui'iy iriii'.lit n..t in their line. JiKtrxasliaiisjuiiuj msitejot ryijagiimriit , in i.iiii.l. ' ' ' ,j i. .o.t id.'.i. luiiupli I . iiil'Z. is. or any kind to fal'llt'Os mi .in', .ijinimlal ii . 'i. nils. J. A. .M -IJflvS, I I IIJ'-KHIX, . l-'H ...fl ''" k .1-' '". d i-niukliH T V. I'. I. ls ir.i .ii,. i'i:UTii.ixi:itj 1 -O J f ! I i 1 1 I CUOPHe 1 1 'I.---.-.; . -!, .!:!, i y-.-':'"l.lLill:h!'a I . ,a:lt ! I" laiai-ll 111. i fin' tiiiTe ati-t nhtnleta of ' i 1'ai-lii.a mill . Virahiui, (lull in artt laillisll Ih. Ul Vtllll the FlltHstl rtinil'tiveii I'.l.f- i". "Ill hate a s,V.-k ,'f uelllinie I'l.l.i . 1 I , t , . I ', Ni ', uilli l,s, ,l illl , , I ll i.lii tl.H Aiitnt It ' I . i IJ , nil. I ,.,t, i Miu. nt i.ii'u- iit.it i.i sl. i. . I r inniet 'llate ilelirerf, ' !" bi..ti'i.iA . m i-i:i; i iium iiai t V l.i ti I . vt in, i( i,. i. r, i us, li mi, i, an t uviahle rt p- ,,1-ai - ii n, li.. 1 i.tl-.n aial i.'t.ateii eolllitlea vt N.i.V,, i i.na .ili.l l.ffliiiu. last a ftwon, prnvin fl. .'.j.i il. i.ii'l nt iniii.y nnjaij iaiil respoeiai. an-- leil.-l to ..it. .l'tlilViau liuanti. H e Klve an tl al.tsis .,1 ii as at, named l,y llr. llalra. imti of tilt U liiin'riil L', t iiii.-ia m Hie coirritiT : ' .111111 M'K TIIIIU-oritriKl- I'nli nl iicr-l'li.li:i(i- ' IJnie, in now anltl Ii) IViu I Itrn.ll... . . ... "rililll . 1 I vi.i- I i.v.hi i .M.'I.-tlUt O.J0 . o ! . .....iiiai mailer, nails ol l,mi,,iiia. i.iti t siinMaiH-, s HNl ululm ;t.."i i;. uos.,.i. I,,, ne, .Mairliem. autl 1 1 ! le l'i'"-.'liales ..r.lo. lllli.lll I ' ! 3ti.N0 S iNshui. ,. lam. . . L. isahs . . . . . insomi.ie . - ... -.' Slit . , ' J y.. . 1 I" aliiuuil nuilli i attorned 4 2-lli)parla itf AnT . m-n'ii vvh. j-i I a as tli-e,aiiiI. i,,l..M " ' '". i.i mi i.v ..n. -Innrw;. in,, j;,,,,,. .i.-,,atpr - , J I on i mam I,n.lts,-H , Viilir .Nil '" l--la'-. ma.l. ilnj.ne llie last fi '"'" 'l V "II r slai.ilsi d of unahly fllil t ipial .fun i! Hat, , ti I .solo in I. inner vtti I Mil .1 lhal 1..1I l.ieihd. mii fl.i, II, I l.lit lure. I..i t elfni, V. Il U M. II.. -It.l, i,.,e ' I' f-r.l" ,lt, I tt u;f e, nth hitii wliiiieHltd IP' llltMls ia-l ,,,-,,,1 ; In... I .. A. I ...hi , a, ri n Counti. N. C, . .1 N l'.-.ii , ,. ' ... ' l "I I. ' 11 Y.,ii.;,i (., I'nill,. i li I llll l van, I Kinl.,i.,. " -A. It. I., i ',-. "i 11, I" v-.: m... u t.i; I" Hvllil. Na .'i I . -t: 1 1 r , , N (' .1 II Ml si, . ' .. V T V. hi. .ii . " . I. M I ON -IKS. ' . llll W II.,., (Ms, " ' J I' lb. I i ti.,-, ,i iMnhi'v., - : . . .1 .1 1 Mty-MiiS, JU W II nVaisiei, I I itori )., ..Nauli I .siiili. NoiU, t aroluia. .1 r' r-.l'i-o: ll-ih t'll Itiitiijij,' Wa.,. '.'. '' 1;'' vsl.l.l. lal.eonil, ... .) 11 AliMslltoMi. .1 1. I.V.V v . . ", 1 II 1 l,l.lts. . " " """ t "1 'j W ll.tast.M. W llAhkLK, J it Tllhou, .1 N I VVI.'K . i. en M W luso K.irihaiinito,, V I' vii.om,,,, Hahfav, " l l I.OII WVllsoh. v il vli vl V"i' ' '' aI ""' Orm V. llia,, '' Lk" fr'K''"'"1. Jiallf.,, V.'i thampton frankhn and Warreu caiuli... lai 1 WttHVU IMrilUtltB. Km t . ami ( ir. Ttisville isnuuv Virxiiiia. Any husiu.Mcoiilidetl in u. shall i - -MclLiYAUE Jt'cd! I tt isburi,-. a., Jan 2f-:iui T 'I'llOS. ItltVM'H Al CO., No. I oi S Main Mrii'i, (n'i-(i.sTKTIIK l'tk-tT 0l'FI( i;i - --R i h ffl o tt d , V a . ; - THOS. BRANCH & SOS'S, o. t Old Mr I'KTEISI!LTU1, VA.: .. ' K.l II, M i Broad Street, AL'GUSTA, OA., liAN IvKRs, AND Comirussioii"M3rfhants, flee' ive M'uu y n le.it, siil.ieet U. si.-ht ehti ls snd allow int. rest ,, ,aiue as agreed ills.,, : Nel , K"liale l.tnuis ; Jlake Coll. vtltnis throimUnut the I nitetl .states, and buy. and ,elj,, eoui-nisaiou Hank Notes, liiinds, Moeks, Ae, Ac. his s.rsoi,al atteniinn to the Ku-bniond house '") ex-s-ets U.give salistaet-nn to bis old friends ' no may lavor them Willi their lialionn-e. I a-.li aovaiH-esmatleiai cniisifrnmeiitji to I In m and tit their eom-ssiiiiiijia ii, llalliintire, New Ittrls, lavcqsail, lauidoii, Aiitweni ami llri iiien. Ouano. and oilier eoneeiitraU-,1 M. h... nislM-dto their reiiailar ciisiiiiiiers. .Hpeeial aiit ii- tiua is Bivju lattheexoeiilitiii of ottoii purchases, . THOS. ldlANCn A SONS, Peterslmr . " " AM) . ' ' 7nir-t riir-rin t ( 1 1 In r 1iiiim, M luftV in lenetl. , v, ' , , n '"'-"" ' i'lST-gg. - -. niiii.-s ; w in iian.i reniriiN win, en. . a 111 tt iv ,,n 1.1. Ihih.h.i .... 1,1, 1,. WK. an i-.teka.jen. ik ut iii ouncare, at ls'sl rat--. iS-e-JS-UldiUV ej, !tlii-J:8JX'liii It. m. Is. eam-.. . - V ' .... lh.ilr.wl Sba kdsMiKht an.) sold. also di tat li. .1 the followli,.. are the nren. Ill rslna i.f o.r IV. Vrlairif House for V c. Ilnnk ii,,c..'h,,i ln, hat, f to -e tune., s . I.I... I.,ul.. t ...J a ., J -IW-i'.x-,'-.hiaiis.ru.au4.. , P.aiuk'of ( ape 1-, ,M . . : . " . ChSilotte- . . . ' bir. tut. . . ia i iiiiuit-ihv r::.:;;w- --rt ., ..,,...., y,r . .- v I. I III, 1-1,,'. v ittiitt-i i iH'.Sr u,,l, fi'te.Uii ss.nl Mind enunii ,- re ;l..v r. .ii. ,. -.!. I.iii(frtin aitsi'iisl IIi.a I oil, ,11- ' Shi. I, l,l,ve ,,,,1 !,. In f,,,..,,.. -ta. J fi silll, at an I am .tint ,,r ' i, l.-llll'..'" "" ' niHIee al lll. lK olllee. II, .1... ,. n u- (U ,! ( ii v i f 4 ii ,, ii ,,. 1,1. .h,,t Itl'llll;' Hri l),,. j,.,.,.. , - ol or lii i illi. r i.i ,.. of Colnmili l.s to that l ine. . k . ' t r. . j:wiiiiam u. ) '-W. N.illUiHHi '( A I'niyi-' ' ' l'liiiillfw. FrbAVITo-lawie ' -. .-' ati 1 ( h an' I , , 'rt- 1UI H Lsj ; J 4 i x'-w :'" ! 'It'WililaiiatiffltiaBWggawiaa; .... .i ': i .: ' j jui r- tin in in ois jaV'tT- T r : '7 '

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