' sa tan ...,.y ....-.,..-,.. -'2:..:'," l ' ; .... ... - s ,, r 7V TERMS 0 BCBSCRIPTIOS. Ths feTrrrn. w ajli.-hsd varjr CTiiig,Mcej(t f .jotnuuitt,... J...... ...tlfiu '.!'"".'.'. tfj :..... J,! t t tu ffertuia,.. 3 ,rr miUiv-'- o-tr tf-sr, ' ' r:"T ':""r6.iXZi"7 "w--Eni'- AeeVii-rieiitilw! B y"r, " ' sit btalu.-,,. . '-lSRmr, owyr v.;.,.'-. " juiotli,.., FHIOaY KVKNfSiO, W H iw. IMS?. ;. -orit I'l.irronv. .. - Tk RmvrrtP JHaffrrmK th CH . yrat . '.Sutlunf mart nMitutt lit. -' KCLCa. ' W assums not to lead, but to idjfl that nrtsummation. - Only pood and consistent loyal Biea, ac- tu,r, linn to mat Dlauorm. to ieai anu sua- 1 . ...... h-mpt to Irad, but tn encourage the Con-g;.-iytal palicy. The atlectioa of only ffnod and true men an.kr that platform, who are eligible, for t!ii Conrectiyn, pledged to carry it out-r iiotuiog mora-i-BoUiingleaa.. Every maa made eligibl by the Iboa- : atmctioB Acta, t be careful turtUw his same a voter, and to vote only for the right men. ' -- - BubwtMtoa and obedience tomiiiiary and civil authority in the Slat and United Stati-a. ' " '., 1. ' who cax roTK axd hold - -'" office t -ry W have pobliahed everything; we have aeen, entitled to Consideration, at an inU-r-prelatioa of the mle fixd by the liicoii atmction acta, for the qqalificatintf of votm and oiTice bol ler Under tboae acta,' ,ye thrre U till tome diveraity ol opinioa on tlie niMirt. TlieM difference will be likely lo etut until Grn. Sitklta Imuihi bis ordi-r In rgrd to the regintratioo 4votr. lie will then, o doubt, give an aiithnritntive dtfinjLioj-X)f tba Urn 4 the umts, wliU'h tU be eai !y underttood by all peraoua. TnB"nsr:oxsTnucTiQ!r mzetisq. Tbit (uwiing adjourned on yetertly. It wi'l be hemldtd at a tucevtt. la char acter and rim, and ultra d'-insrt, It wat fully up U MaaaacbutKUa iitvlC W'v bave com pil'd, from the Standard, ,11 UcU d tba bh.iuik, without tua apeachea. Thuy will ' tome in for nntica at a future day ; the filiform and the remainder of the proceed faigt tomorrow. Wendell Pbillipt and Fred. DugWtj il thy could ha belieel in tile aincerity of the white actorv, would have boa highly gratiQed. All tltit we leara. Neither crloity nor inclination prompted ns to be pruta&L.' Wa tea enough o pre-, teoce and tpocr!ty front whiia people, whiUwalkiiigthettrte(a, Without detiringto ba turfeited by attending a lloldraita meet toeing. r . . , . "It nnderatood that Jlr. Batta doclarM : liinj:il '-talt oot iu the crtld" by the fi. B. B. B. nuinKa. 1 he eoWiT. - t !.,, 1 mill !,,. 1 1- A . Kiu n mm, be tayt, iwtitM he opp lewnir thorn voiea. Th whititt will not ota lj hiin bwiiute they know him ao welt, lie ia rvaping thajet reward o( a trtmmlnai. telttih and irritating plicy,by btn "nn Inoutlj rejucuiJ" by ilcl-e alike," A'ici. Knquirtr, j . ' y ' ll, inatead oi hit auto biography B"it bad been rfviiiL'tha bincraijliv of a cciluiu tf fioirticiinrtBl!itr SfaTeVTia couTd'nt kava "bit the nail on th bead" mora exact ly. Look at the lato Conventioa in thit City. The msjoriiy ol the white who were U It are diafranchiterl. But 'tupprtsi Vi.ey were eon -iilvrtd by Congieaa loyal enough to hold olVe. who i there amona them that J can expect o Bet the colored.vote f Can , Mr, liohloo, who dilard, not linig alnc., that hostility to "negro suffrage" was a con. apicnout l uion land mark t Can Mr. C. L. Harris, who voted against alb'winjr ;h brakstoteB(ify lu the CourUl Can any one vl those former"aegro traders," of whmn there are said to bate been eighteen wliw wta ia t!i Convent ion, who nwd to si parnlc him bands and 'wives, psretits and children, with out remorse f The colored people under stand Uiee men and their motive thor- ugb'y. They fully appreciate that their prem-i.t euro is not tli result of any re gard for rwtn, but Hint it proceed from t greel f r offii, and the desire to use the blacks ia or !r to vent vindictivo spite opin the l.t part of the while race. We wilt g "tmrtt- that Jaima IL Harris, Jno, I. Good, and others, are through the disgust- ing liui 'i. ity of these men, aud ia their tour! fc ivi a perfect contempt for them. W Hiun, iMioa all sid8,,a geueral gratl Utstion ii,: . 1 at the conduct and hear- wCo,.. .. .ii :u t;,i, fuaii iu;'i,,udieclwTP'iSfJ,ifi - iim-.'i which occiirrud, their prom- - to, i . '- '! pi..ved themselre too tnuth lor tie v. hite gia listors, and we really re joice sCtui h evidt nee of capacity and Ih ""'le.'.r,' ; i -1 !..:rprt. The spirit of char ity ai.-l c oxservsiism which they evinced was ia lihly commendable contrast with tie in lU-nant, illiberal and nrotcriotiVe P tit 1 tue whitchsder in t-w nioveoiejit. -We understand that on of the colored ? .. d--' ,r.- thit, whilst he rejoiced at iU I. n of freedom and ufTrage, and 4-1:' .cm t Uil .! lust, a aw-iMtlr-Bf r t se of t.rdcr.'V, g v-'ufil Oiv if V as'aed P"' ti.e Is l: it it I !;!, "st 1 X t3 ;j ' hj ' '" I r'ov. ' I11 iu I never (onuait la tens .-!aii-a'.-iit -i i-. -JL-jJtMBB-tKmxitttJfc-.stt iiwt"iirT .'-;';-'TrTTTr wrm-tn---" - ... ,msaaMxi-.jmm,.JVi! - ----t .e--rtf i'-vrv iiE'SSii v- : 4 '" T IL (W lft'L tvr antra, in" b iter ..t. 81 ' w ,h 1 " "''puhlienns srldj. Ihs ,,,t : r " - "' ? . -. -..a . 1 1,. !.,; .,y.i m :, t.-rP- .tbBfttttet of ts1'; i.hr- U. in. UY'tZlxjllT u """r,"L ' -' tu wi t---- -- -Jj - s. !BriallC J51!" frToiB tvr criiuaaiiuita tisiati -i- rt- .- 1.- it- a. i. .i t-iint wHtttto ttt-jnve- "VW2misiB"'ii ' "" 'ifffsTeTU-utuutt, , . " ara aii ews a. 1114 - ; '.. irom offiw lrjwU,paWkl. B'i-,ly 't tm, ?rtfl8nt a i 1e ?? hora she iimv Tl.ii, : she .oul, Lk. ! "avAit.TT 1 . .. H'.e. ,;,,.- levenoIJ Gen. Dkerr. I bemo,-r.U.irt alMiot ! olTl.. I '.i". V. that ,h..w.y W 'lLZi 1 11 Uo tto ZAT? CE1.EBRATEO ? . : i , . r t . -- it inula 11 was nrarir piiniuianetin. . . . , ,-, , . , .. , r , - , i - , 'o i - a a L he iimo for moia tliaa Lbr,1!ll""rp- - --. . i , , " , ., , , jatrtmirle, that licr httslmnd may never Is? ! . lMl'" nqmrv-n..!.. me iatrM-ti.i , - - r, , , - ,. .v. . ; ,- , . , -fl -..-.-. Thewsnt of men made the charge a fail- torn 6wb b.r SMin. 1 afo It-ippy in ihemve , .!U'tNBi.t,i.u, u.U. 11 IS II OP ''PI -i- uim.antare." , , - 1, ,,.";" ,.' !Couia8,sna -e fvea macn nKnt tocora-jthm of mme wj-. bnrird with ur cauaeAPrT-- 1,,; - A USITEKSAL DIXXEKPrU, - .. a..,,' ' ..r. 1.. ... : -t . t plain that ne aid not como t our tuniioit. ; Kt there 4s a'c-m,. -uiti..:. ' blilrtlhu. 1 il" .. -J-r.. ....... '"I..: r?" ' 1 " ' ."" 5 as lis has to coiWki o th at w, did not to;,, .b.t ;u .v I ' . . ' v' L 7-- .. ! rnr rvrms .nd K,ek Hes-Ueba, . , uj, uitvi ia - iTtisr. jib w:u rt-urn anaut Il-u .lit nf.a.ti,. :. ,.,luura. 1 UK llllZI il I inir:Mii, iijri. liiiionaneaa, V-ei-,w U: i.i.tnre.alu-r a .-ngtbr i May 'br n the Judiemry., Cinuiutee willT ti- 7. "t T .. ' '' " nan-tb Iwtghtost star in that bri-ht rmnOt i lotto.. . J.".. i l-rrlios, W,,s, will .s ' ilra r!n0K of an r - -I ! rvo,n,,e i. ho'.i,fc' r '" . ' ick?.1 I t! : cilaxy that N'pr.h CsMlin. sua to Vir,7i J ' O"s"o , u .Ml - "' l'" . from tlis Princetca buntisrd JCowr, since lvery hs hea abolished tlm.M ,1.,.,., C. Ini..n ,.l lk f -u... I ... , eh it.-. the ric'iH of eitl- unship, it would na!tiw iluittt ; rlup!e, atmuht be permit nun- aniiur Knainra have voted f.,r-tle H-"'"-jXJIir n '"ftuifi tlm lull "TeiiTi v liS-'uA nt of all t,e froei.lmen, wit h- oui frfo-ttff.-irB'uUlI i tm u.contis(tut that We should approve of what til J bsve lP; nJ wituhold.lb rIit of suffrage t'r mi our nrit hand Ml of eokred eitijvin, Juiliu is te d by any means eertata ttit the 'poop. of ""Sew Ji;wy are ruady to restore Di-jim ulfrjriB i tbn binds, j lie qnwUoir is .still a evening one, an J i not 1 j Itcty at p!uu-d fir a f ear or two, Inl tire ex- Mnuii-iit i being made oo a grand acals by ilte ireedmeo at the loutU, the iwua ber would prulwbly be a aater and wiaur oae. Could any alrongiT evideau be- aflifded titan the for going of the inter Inaincwity I od nyMx:riajr of aortlit-ra Ittt'lica! jkhiU fjTtWWTwo ' efd to tjie colored race I .Wm there ever auch criminal trilling with a great and momptitoiit qacut intion V V to pomt tli We lec! lht eoih'meut i tdid alxjve extract. 'tt moral ol the OKX. LOKOBTRKKT OX JlhTO.Y- v RTUCTIOX , Tius X(V (Srleant Time; having called for theopiniou of aeveral gentletneo, vrbone bainct were given, upon the political coudi tinrrof the vomi Fy7 OcnT T'rigTt riT7TK"'fcr included in that number, promptly annwert In the following airntible leftttr : ' . New Oitt.KAna, La., March lS, H-jL " To tUt Editor ef tht Aeic OrUunt l"ant - Pkab6im: Iu your paper of yesterday you bave) expreated a deoire to bear the Viewt ol aeveritl gentlemen upon the politi cal condition of the country. "t liud my; (iHinejiii-ntioiiud upon your iit, and protsed without hesitation to retpond. - At 1 have never applied rnytelf to politic!, I Cannot f liiiii(.-lo , (n k to the wite atatea men of the country, who are devoting their: ener-jiea to the solution of . the probh-.m which aitatet the public mind. I can only iiriik the plain, honest conviction of a ol xtier. . . .. ' - " - . . ... It rti.Jfc l,.lll . - -. k A I,! . aisr wtw uuitli l I II I 'TUfwy. ta,w ij(F Iff 4 f4IH Y"" to enter Into a dincuuhin ol the matter that ia usually brought up in arguing upon the profited plan tor rcconetracting the Gov ernment. Indeed, I think that rounv of them are not pcrtlwnt to the question. Theatnking feature, and ttm one fliat our people ahould keep in view, it that we are a 0 iti'iuered j eoplf. Jtecogniiiing this fact fairly and aquariily, there it but one course hit lur wiae uten to pursue. Accept the teruit titat are ( U' red u by the conqueror! 1 There can be no discredit to a'cotupiered people for aixeptiug tln'condittontoffi-rtd by iViriori. querors, J(or is there aoy oecaaion lor a tueliiig ot humiliation, Wa have marie an honmt, anri I txrpc- ttiatl ii'iay y "Vcrwliiv' bl tight, but we uave lost. Let utcome for. want then and accept the emit involved, in the struggle.. Our iM.i.ple earnettly desire that the con- atitutional uoveruujeiit shall ba r-etttablulf ed, audtheonly means to accomplish this is to Comply with the reftutremenls of the ro- Cetit Congressional .legislation. tt u s i U tiy some that Consresa will not receive nt alter we have complied with their Conditions. . Hut I can find noauflicicut reas on tof entertaining thit proixitiiion for a mo-: menu , 1 cannot admit that the n presenu- K""1" UBUi'Il IUUHI U11K socu P14' ' Admmiug. however. - " ""4w im vt-h n nni i tll Mill, can that ha any exeuse lor us l'jiiingtodischarge our duty Letai accept the terms as we are in duty bo-irdtodo.tndif there is a lack of truod laitb. lei il 1st our n others. 1 am, very respectfully, your most oled tut served, . . ' James LosooTbiiet, M,. Blais Kejteitsu Sejutom Vftir.u- " AKO D00I.ITTI-a ExOKXIUTKD ' BB ' Hw;a. JJipiViotheliitimore6un.J . 1 M shioto, March 20.; T1,a 'nabjc..nirdtun for. ign retation I D uiinniiniiu.lv oL'rtwd to reimrt in luvornt h-jeoiioB; ttio nnminstioa ul u.-n. f, p, Blair, a tninisti-t to Austria. Mr. m)'tbe was bt('.r the SuCale Judki- i--mrT eiiiiiinnu e, lo-iiHy aim ga.ve.tull testi mony ia regard Ui tlis cbariteauiade agaimit Kenators Doolittle and rtttsoa bv tht ii n......i i.. ... . . . iiiiiiiiuni coinmitiee m ino House. Mr, Sin yi lies- twliiiiouy unequivocally exooe riui-s tue fi-natora named from any blame Wtllltl Vet, attd It IS Ull.iifntuod tlift in.ll. Vf ''oiniuntea will s; report U.iuorrw. . r The .Senate hat ing, by a vorr decided vote, deUn-mined to arljuurn until I)ceiiilT, and the lloute being equally deeidud ia favor of sdjourniog to Huy, Ac, there is a proba bility that the President may b otlicially notiiied iif the rli.sjjreeinent, and that be will be required to adjourn Congress, as provided ,y the constitution." lU.BRi. CiU Hrstsa m WAsni)((itoj.-.Tii-odore Tilton will dclivef a l turTliUrday eveing in l idon Ix-agtte Hall. -! Th meuting will lw held in the place flili-i.K,i j.n,.lM l.. .V , standing the f 1, . .1 l i , lui-t tllat the tvholrt iir,u.. j 1 .1 me whole iMiveed ' eoeldom. in its tell. ,m, ,m n HII- rifrMwusniWB, has Kneed the lecturer to i. Ir in a pU u.it lar iikW-,. boldjaBB tithe tf tbiMie who wUb to hr hiin. y At soother time Weshstl tskeoecasioii to p!a theae rebel trustees in chitit-hrs in iheir tr,!! light bclorethe rortd.-ifV' CSfStbK Politic ax All eye ara aow uimn tha R.mnecticutelecaoo.wlm h takes plseeou !OBiln lioYf. t,.e ll.,wrn.,s r1....... - I . ., .... v""-1 .M..i,.vJ,r,,m-n, i aodmemlH-rsof the Ugt.lature. The thn. v.. .-,, t..i.n ,,, iu iiiti, ai'tiva I Vin.l .,,.1 II.. ll.tt..n bill .. 1 . .. I elrssa ena Iks lull returns from New ..... .... - n.ll, IS X"!!!, OB at Hamp-tiire snow the Tullovyinv rei' 'fi C:' - . Ilep;; - tlep, borp - MH! offs-.t! i .-t.r of , i thir"-rt.ri. ilitiuint !t w',i a it cf the f;, . ' "- --'-r. 1 rfittia t er iiiafuticrot tha . CoUKiest, ilaArg . !r. v -1.JI i. 'hrt;,, i.-,V; S-T'. ' l.t Cfilll- ! pu-l.t S.-v.i tn ' n,-t-f i - - - - - - j - " : , . For the Sentinel. -rETTIOE'EW'H Ottl SKIffAbE. . Mitsima, Eanor.s ;--!; sttrntin has lin ts bajU-rl t an ar:ji-ir to tfca htntitul, in wh'xk i find iitt t.Hr-?trt- from 1n "Lite -trr. b) Mr.-M'M '. : , -' .-. It. ll.ttKlilllo-lei.ji lis S4. sum 1h ert- km aimit ilMbULft tllil I A'?' il milk 4ii-44WtrA4 nrni mUiiifv. nui Petriirres's Irivtiwu m wi'i f OJa eilirf ,of kUtH 4imiTiOer mr.; If," wna iu (httinKv Sut it--1 fpaii lim fi itl, h-avi, $ wo tlertiKjiiMl ir iw.iif.-n, tut tsXUseu uiijriiiit tbohuirhi of tT. t'oi' si nty." . " T ' v '1'na tniniifc jrts iliarlr ,) Msstiefas it s frl"i'". neii-iuT r.J ai! on tiieir mkmntX lin au4 jmrwl a i: h-rr -T rrw UiloUie eajitured wurkit hym tiy tiie Virjr'u-iMxir-UUHrtntt arwmt to hmfc rT ht iij ijurii, IVkull t'jaud UmO- U si'itte, Ih&l f'r-er;frer OH'll UA llmt aiiti (t hHl to but tdte-Kit rAd eJrtrge Bjd bwn la Im."" ,". , , It is greatly to lie regretted that Oen. has fallen into the baiitis of so niiiinfrine4 a Wifniilier. All ol us know .Oen. Our huttts swell with pride at the mention ol his name, a name second to nona on the roll of Isioe. We loved hira in tlie wrmy. Hi blsnd smile cheered every heart ; bin fiiriMwwlliriiWl WtWarm. Trwaiiiiy formr lo have perHiiml interview with him but one, and then under orders, I spproacbvd his tent with some degree ot trepidation, but bis (remal sinil" ami calm bearing at once reassured me. He received mt mora like father would bave done a eon. than the Coinmander-in CI lef of oi.eol the greatest armiea the world ever saw axiuld an unknown soldier. I met with none of the difficulties tht I did iu pbtain ing an interview with a pot commandant ot a Cfineriit camp in mrth Carolina. I parsed no gurd, and saw tort halt, tl tndicirrinnrTjf m ill rarv ran k an rHmimnancs that surrounded thit mP. ' He.Ke me his hand. lf. red ma a teat aud, the inUvtew endtd. he thanked me for my prompt com- pliimce with hi rt-mml. 1 left. him, feeling that I haul bPTH'tfl t IlK 'firiiNice of ons trulv gooit and great, and wiliingtlntt tlie petty MHteoniinan'ilfT.ntigTit W lungnr lliu same lesaon I had learned a sense id my little ness, an Mr of true greatness. Clod bless tha,old hero ! May Heaven's choiet-st blots ings ever rest on bun and hitf ' 1 - Hut to (Jen. Lee's biocmoher: I know not who Mr. Ink. lU-Mot-'al, Jr., of Vir ginia, is. It may l that he la one ot those who won honor on liaid lougtii newts, it msy I he took notes a convenient distance in the rear, or received his information from one Who did. Of this I know nothUg, but 1 do assert there was no bail conduct on the 'I ", . , r. i.,r, i , " ds.y . cbarge at Ootty.burg. uj , . . , It was my brrtutifl to tie an bumble mem ber of l'ettigrew's Brigade, and to advai-,e with it in that fatal charge., I am the only field otticer Ol that old Brigade, save the gsllsnt-Mnj. Jonea, of the2'ith, who after wards fell ia the .Wilderness, whose fortune it wss ever atjain to meet the rnem v on the field ol beulf.' - In the first day' rlsjht, the Utb and SlJtli bad suffered heavily. Col. Lt-aventliorpf, of the 11th, ptrinmlly woun ded, and alterwards taken prisoner, . the gsllant and accoinjiHsbed Mujor lbw fi ll while leading tie Hrgiment. Ttid loss iu tl4MW -had been heavier will, lor It Wlia there the galtan,t promising and beloved Burgwyn poured out hi lile's blood, and his Lieitteuant Coloiiel, Luiie, fell wounded ard bleeding by fcis side. The 47th and 5'iiid, on the right of the Krigada, had not lost so heavily, though '.tie Iota In tlie4 V tb wat about l-' killed, wounded aad mi ing, among the killed the gsllant and ami able Cspt. Iredell ; Jn-a.ee to Ida ah ! lie died as the brave ever wish to die, beloved by aril hi comrades, and in the faithful riis- chsrjp of hi duty. It whs after this bloody, but clonotts encounter ot thftRrst dtiv, llmt, lal iu the evening ot the second, the Brigade was ordered to tus riglit where Longsireet bd len hotly enggl from 4 o'clfx-W.-- Night cbisod the actum. On the morning of the third, we Wer ' i"" w of our situation, and no man, w ho viewed "the gtottniL but felt that, when the charge was made that all thought Khiuld be, blood , must flow, and gnllant soiritstake their final flight. At first it w ss ordered (hat Pk-kctJ. sboyl'LiitalifitV iq ported I vltetht Diviwon, then com manded by Pettiurew, but afWwarda this disposition as clmnsod, nnd lleth's Divis ion moved to the h it, and on a line w ith Pickett.'. And here, I think, we 'Had' the ground on which are laed all the ehargns of bad conduct on the part of Pcttigrew'a Brigade. . Pickett's men advanced,. expect ing to 1 ,up)orted by l'ettigrew'sj the support did not reach them in time, nnd they verf naturally.1 censured Pcttlgrcw's men for tlie failure. WlitAher any ouu was to bliiine or not, 1 mu notable tusuy, but certain am 1 that Pettigrewa Brigade - not, for, at the very moment Pickett- chums to have bad, and did have, a portion of'tlm eomiv's works, and was baiking to the rear liir Pettigrcw s. troops, those troops trtrm en loi irjiA kirn, battlihir as hunl ami hbreasting as bravely Unit storm of death a tile hravest in Pteett a command ; and as they looked nxiou!y to tlie rear for sup port Irom Pettlgrew; " did Pcttigrew's Briirade look in vain for llnsiiiniort : and as Pickett failed, finding "his grand charge had leen in vain," for the want of suiiiiort. so dill Pettigrcw, "ghmcing arotind, ; Hml that his grand charge had lieen in viiln." for, the same feasim. Pettigrcw' Briuade was no more responsible for the failure of Pickett's clmrjre than whs (Jen. Bodes, who was still further to the lert and 'tinditi, or ders not to tire a gun,' ' .' 2t. , ... ... At 1 o'clock, the sitrnal truns wwe herl nnd, for nearly two iioura, I never lwtened "o ei-, 1 s'liiviHT. wrni, won KU'auv . r . . ' . . -1 ..,.,' ,i.., .vi,-t t .. .i ....,.:. : r SMI Itl IF nit f er saw men behave more eslhintlv. hor do l! bidieve men ever did.' I penk not for the u - IiiIa lllvm.m 1 iniich t i.i. .11 .K.I lk..l. j ... .......... . ....... ... ..... duty. That An her. Ilrigaila kept , a n'e " M v'" 'i"'ie sun-, aim iiia.1 1 llutttifF.lv1. II i-t . r . . 1 1. .. .... . II.... w. 1 . I. 4-1 idler'. I know. ThittM'ii ki tu and wawi-J oHh""-- .t" i! Wsiis on a luiu with At- i UL...-r.sli. a.il-a.i.t-wm-4-isrttaa were.' lie bloke fie lire, and lor a luumt-iit h.tid the front w.rks t but, tbat he andlVU tirrsr were- both tsiiir l'-ijen and lri "'", K,,l - k,,UI.r i,riI',1 n tat t. ': , .. .. . ..,. L, .1 , Me c i. 'bi.'f'Si"rvi'i.;..cs,' I,yUti"tiiri.-jfa ii. they wreui J hava been- drtvefl bur, 'aa li-. - np. s,'-' ,? . ' . i - - .HWS ik-uuuiui m. ItriiMilssit.lli.UijKt.-is, .StttlHir nsf... V: ' J I i i- Z. ..- l n. .1 ,. 7.- i. """vvmswi, wa were ronvvei bv a Ink el I s left, then JVt tigress Brigade, j wajj,m tromlhtyPoiimmc to ritOTrrrotrrfcir fliea Payis. )lies)sipil InailvPd lsthsi Badn m hope that we iuiuht tee Virginia .Brigiyla huso comuiauder f. do home again ; their kind attention brought mtl rememlHT, but wliiwr commnnd was tcsrt to.our eye, ; our heart was full; we alliTwards unillw itl. Airhr-r s, Bridc thought of tha lovc.1 ones far aw av. and under t.en. talker. He alvaiipc.,, re- can aever cease to love Virginia God bh. ceived their fire .aid i-till advanced. Itiiv. i,,.pK,i,u ,.,.... t ..; .i.. . . . , 1' Ittll HIS) I - - 1 - .. ... ... t.,.,. , i. . t. .: --. -- ...... .... - .-. - t , "t ' r J a. ajid the triumph bave been- a short it ei. . . ' 'hi attach .l.taiut! , J'ttlirew's Brigavrl lor I tie t.uiure it as atniurd at it woi ld I o eh stg-:trirW-rtTt lTl' a i'.t i t Wuhoo4, m-cam su'e biiieil ; nud, with aodaia by n. L...Xtlt!.UmJ'n- ..s;ici;.'.Bia that.-Ptfear's list X? n j'u' if Ji A ii JBwBi i itbt Fl i tai i fxLLlajLatasV i wi no bmv j:mittrn) a any I'i:kUa Ujivuioa. Wrimj BritTiuiB in Hilt on I'leketl 4r Tiis ifallant soldient but 4 jtW. Ij,y tha TUT ny'flpid,"6d Ulidir sny cirruiii-tanees, tin y ever displayed more iraliaatry tixa pHliffT's nhl hrigafler' Ai d wliat is it our Virginia friends would have- us d'o, to cOBvWebein that tbere j sirtnc ttianlifiaj ia ttw old north btafe f :llfjt&.it that,-' WImss. b:tory per4ed np on niir l.a.'Uier, tbi:y forgot that Korth, t'aro iinalrootis were there, and when disaster't bhuitiu.' V.rr.'itii r,-i hi xilkna ful, la tht vl are ready t say you "i it.", U it not (enough tW Pie 'bones .f ber'soa ' U on every battle field iu VWiniaf Is it not eoougb thst her Brsncb, Ptader, Kiher, Pet tigrew, and hajft of noble apirilaj iwrislied there defending " alike Virginia aud North Carohuaj Is it iifij criongh lltut the body flittfid''Bwestrpc.rtti'a deadly bstlery it VI a! vera Hill, was a member of Yanr' 2fltb N. C, and that at Gettysburg, under IV tiorew, thissirtne regiuiiut, in the first dayV ngiit, out of right hundred, lost m killed and wounded five hundred and eighty,-4its irstlnnt, ixiuDel Burgwxo dying tuere, his Lieutenant Colonel Lane fulling wound ed with liiinf Is it not enough that Lcav enitrfirp was Womirtnt trn-re. and tlie no ble, youtlilul. fioss, breathed bis last there? A.nd in the final charge,- when Puttigfew hied, Marshall and pielisrdiwin ' dii-d,v and tne rieening i-aiKs anil t-rutlup Were enp-J i-vt34erttotlirTrrti-lotarecen, when thTf noble tiravet, the Donglas of them all, was captive made., o pine and wear his life sway "on Johiiou't Cold and dreary isle, with Powell, Davis, Watson, Kvaiis, Whi ling, New m, I)rnke, Jiiytwr, and host of other names, unknown to Virginia, but dear In the "loved one at home," and who sul feredall the horrors of that terrible prison ; Wo not this enough 1 Could not this pro pitiate Mr. Met 'abe, Jr., of Virginia! No,, the cry hratirf for more. Xorth Csrolina has done her iet, -her whole duty. Tht blood of In r sons has enriched Virginia's soil from Hull Una to the spot 'on which Oen. Lee surrendered, and yet, when censure Comes, it is Irom Virginia, ltls not so . with North ' Carolinian. , Arpimd-Tiur enmp tires, we havebeiiit!L-!tdMrm"'tell their tides otlialWeafmraTit, defeat sustained, end Cbaneellorsvtlle, how thr chivalrous Jlam- M rf f charge, In the camtiaiun of 'f4. we beard tbem tall of how the lines of 8pottjIvatiia werebroki-n, and bow tht) noble Itamscur charged and drove them bartk ; but we have never seen the North Carolinian who would rnska thee things a matter of history. Bad conduct upon tlie part of the troo ot any Btater would have been forgotten, for the take of the gallant and good it had fur nished. . But we ask not to be spared, for the, sake pt the living or dead ; we only ask tp be reported Uirly. . - , ? ,. , , Tdlatjta-Jailed to carry the hel glitrrif -Gettysburg Is a matter of history ; that wc poured out tha best blood the State In the effort to do so is a aiattf r of history, too.' I know-the- line was too weak, and this is the! only answer to tlie qiu-sUoo a to why we failed; our failure affect not the character of the old Brigade; its conduct 'in the llrst dny'i fioht pro vis it: gallantry, Its losses in the final charge proves its daring. At Full ing Waters, it gallant commander 'fell, cov Bring the retreat; his Bdgaiia tha last to' cross the Potomac. Hioc theq it has been uhilcf tbe comumitd of the brave and lion hearted Kirklaod ; ak l)im if, at Bristol, ia the Wilderness, at Spolsjilvauia, and oa the North. Anna, syn down to the hour when be was wounded, it did not do its duty. Ask the calm, quiet, gentlemanly M:iO Ban, If seoond lo any Brigadier second only tu ir oeiovixi reiugicw, , r, arouud t'eter burg, in the charge! at licanu' station, a Charge that has never been surjiasHed by any troop, and in which, our Lt. Col. Bird fell, if. at Hatcher's Hun, and to the honr svtniii tiena iiw-waslorced j sTlfTeHiteTTf he ever n the Brigade falU-r or quail, and if ne sayt it gin, ttien .Mr. ilcl abe, ol Vratinia, msy sssunie that it loitered at (leUvshunr. If in that final strusrirle lor the lite of the Cniifederacy, when hope itself had fled, if 31 ae Hue t iingadi! (.1'cltigruw ) did not do at 'Rilled, ami at good service, if it did not snow a hold a front and as many men i inn y. am anv jintrsua in riCKuu s Uivis- ion, then say it behaved badly at Gettys burg, jiui ir tiny tua not, we ask Mr. MsCabe, of Virvinia,- not to hand them down to posterity, with a single dash of hi pen, (more nugiiiy man hit sword) a pol inHjus, o wnorn is to no attributed t ie de- feat at Oettvsbiirtr. and the lonir lineol dis- trt that followed iu its train. I go fur ther; ask Own. Ileth, who commanded tlie Uivision, if he had more gallant troops than MaRaea (Petltgrew's) and CiKike's Brig atlet ol North Carolitiiuut, aud if be says ueuia.tucn may Mr. ..McCalw, Jr., of Vir ginia, charge thetn with bad couduct at Uattysburg. - - 5 It is no source of pleasiure tr nm to write tncae tines, i regret the uectwutv, I regret that Virginians sltotdd sra-ak thus ofus 1h author of the "Iist Cause" is no lictter than Mr. McCabe, but it Would lie Veil tor both if they would read Oen. Le' report of iiieueirysourg campaign, and from it ram a lestsin of itiHniiness and inagnauimity. . We love Virginia; wc wish her nous would let as love her more; we love her for Iter revolutionary history, tlif thousand pleasing itB.xuiedMMw.-tfHM a torn it. w e hive trar lHausc 'twas there Stonewall Jackson first beheld the Unlit? and 'tis the lanil of riotrt " ' B. lsjw:.;rmiTOh?r.,t jjwM--m r. ' 1 duuiditcre. - Whim aick l..... .-1 .. i :' . ... . . ,r.. fr. vwi. - : ... thai Heaven, blessintrs nay be showered . i. ... . J ,.OB ,oem ,. niniincs tliown a North Csro- , j m, brnthcr, pr lovel one msy God ajiaurer trivse liravers' ' . ri,:. v.. r..I' " . ns not Itci n written w iih a view b ' t . . . ' ui-.m..e l tlir PnST.TatlUTT -- IU J) O " wore on earth. on tlie l-nnHaof the I'lituu ie ' 1..11, It. -tit tt.:tl J.- 1 - . i.ut it "bow like the stur-uf. T,r,.il ,:!. l-i -t Ml I.e.- s nt.l.tc armr had rfi . ttua it.ua. -at.n )'t.uiat- star-iiHT ti-.i v ' vftrit. wis J. Johnston I'eiti.frt.- . ti i.t. 'iiinitj 1 woiil have Candiniaus cberifh.' I want ni h Igber hnor thsn lo have bits a netolfr of kis command. And when the cam . and loils'of life Sre ended. whi cisllml u.pon to strm-nder wife, rrttli , ul, 4 - fi tie tw deewrSsriv: t Wi H-6 II old lld;.W t..triilh is, a, the VVssliiiigtin -cone: ponderit (jt-.tltatltfiCTIoJMl. iv3i, ouilcatioo is not popular just aow; and will not lie if the rloutlt does not pro by turning 1h- bac k on -the tpcob strut tion act jnst past Of this there is daily -reaaxhaocc Apart from the action o'f ilia South, erianscatlon is condemned Lm. he JUdiosd presa rtb-ar--degre; -of 4naBimitJ that i bb4rpriitiijtf -aud ratifymffr s . . -iULjja in:i, In Clispel Hill, on the Ifith. hiL, Miss Axs C. Swsnt, eldest dsuj,'htcr of Hon. 1. L. Kwsiu. At tha resiilenas of hit fsdier, fat Fampsoa (VniUtT, OO till! RI'Tl'lliff ol tli 'jtolu just., t.apt. J iauiaijs lsti, ot the lata itu&.K. C Vola. 6u th 17th iif Fehniarv, at his residence, a tbe Atkauxas Kiver, ol Uim-siw of the hearts sir. Jxxut H. flaxen, la lb Idid vest of kit am. v sir. iosiK-n ats s nanveof aofiii Carolina, bin rarlr reinovttd to l l'-rxli, where be remained air til 1.1 v.-ars airo. Ha then left that Mate, suit linked his d. sluiT vim that or Arkauaaa : tatr her ris suit l-iil, sod, sUhooKb preeined by the irfr,l mMiiP.r' wl.ih . -.. .1 1 .... ....I (k-niy, from Inking up arms in Ihs cause of sue ttuuth, be wa iiit-v.Bist to ur MmiiT ljiod." as wsa hit lirolli. r, e,. n. l'.rsii. h, who fell on the mnaiouhl& aehl ot KUarpsljarir, Jtd. . . He pwt pniml eie-Tcei and suni-etHfut. He lesvea a wits antl fsunl.v of ehildren ami a Urceeirele of u-.'W.l irit-HMB WJ UK'UrU HIM KMSM. 1ft UT Dfl Miiiiiriuiu "Aliataaml Ar.-h- B rets hade mdiind bt t'lAr T" sunup hiii liis iji'uw tliat glorious iusigma man." tiilumhfa Uautte. NEW ADVEflTISEMEljTS. (tJUa.l meal it ruwa. J . rCLLUM, JONE1 A CO. nisr 29-li.tf( W hoh saie (irocers. 1Uli1i'<'j ( KLEBIUTED WUI8KEY, OLD and mellow, juat reeeired. 1'I LLIAM JOM'SA CO nur 29 l'JVtf - loiu. Merchanla, niTCIICLL, ALLK. sk CO. AGKXT3 FOR I:uiubank:h platfohh and countkr . ticsh-a, Kvsns and Wst son's Kire-and Hnrt:" i'rirwuf hafea, Msrble tlmiumenta ami Tonio baieii. Carer's s-nirar audi hvnip isporaUira, ( srey't Improved Stirghuul tfilla. bulkv l'lows, Cider Mills, 4e. ' mar i'J-l'.ia-lt - l'O 0 L K & II T, MANUPACnUKlW OF PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Hlrnm Inglnrs irnsl Holler, LJITKAM l iKR i;v;iM;f IXfFEL'S J'AJKST AMEIltCAX DOtBLE . Ttllmyi;A ATEE-YimEI., SA W ' MILLS, WXIXG MAI HLXEli Y, . P OUT AH I K GlilST MILLS, "' . ttoHKKTa-MI'RK KF;tl.Tt)R, Flonnnj Mill Machinery, fhaftmg, lullej and niar .-lW-Bm. BSY GOODS. 1807. . 18G7. FIKST tKAD OPKXIXGOF SUM3IEU GOODS. - - - - - COME AND l?EE TREJL AND IF THE -4eti-AirB PltItS--trnT , VOC,BVYTUEM. ' I now take the pleasure of informing my numer ous friends ami eulumers .ht I hava just re- wiruvu iiiku tile nuriu, luui aava now Ul OUSTS, IO.O00 lurds r Ueituliful Kprlnx ; AND SUMMER DUES3 GOODS, enihrseins; all th noveltftiS of tlis tesann wiui-li will bs sold rlioB mioUfli Ul insnr.. Cresdis is the pises, to buy jour Ilreas Uoods. i'Ki-Tsr rmvTsii riu.Tni Just received fl.OW vsrils of beautiful Kivrina snd Kutimiur t shews, winch will I wad M cheap ss ehc'iest. i'ustonieni caoma do belier thansu some to Creech's tc buy their Uslieue. CASSIMERE3, TWEEDd, KENTUCKV JEAN3, C0TTONAPE3, tc Jost received B.ftX) vtiils entiH-kv Jeans. ( ,.tt, mailea and Ijuu I1...1. for Mn, Bit and Childreu, Smtsble for Hprmg snd bnmmer wesr. 1 ask you to call and eisioiue my sto, a before you buy, and ya wdl not regret HOOP SKIRTS ! IKK)P PKIRT3 I -- . . .-I .-;' 4-.. 1-?- --i- A Isrireand varied sluU of 'lloou Bk ills, both as to price snd ipiaiitv. . .. t. s rt .T, LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS, TK1M- " MED AND UNTRlMilED, NEW 1, ; STyiXS-FOR 1SC7.-1-- i . 1 . - ... I lies' Trimmd fjnta. dJs rsniinff from t V m. siisMtauiHii oueu. - 4 iwcta't Dr ills piaea to buy your li.oi aud lioum-u. CcnVi Hats, Hats IUUI i . . ........,.-.w:-.;-i v I'ltilnt J llss km.' .nm aim t.iiirea a ma- -rlHtapev llian evrr. Utta tiisdn w buy yuur liata. SUC)T5TTroEa 1 SHOES ! " " ..... ...... .-.. 1 Jnst rewlvd 3t)0 pair Oenfs, Bots, Ladlea' and Mia'iie,-wUl t)iesoldeheap' enongtitij maet lim bstd Haiet.v twuis am aee prievs and quality. 1 v . Croccrlcs and Crocfecrj Ware, v A spxsl stoi-k of Familv Onweries, and CrocUrv ware, snd will b anld s low aa any io the city liuu't Ttife won't onuia and aei, but aay uu will. If j-uu bar laid op yonr money fir a isiny day, tiiat rainy day bus coma. "1 eiaiie u Creeob a to buv your gtssls. tm will flml nt at K. tnt.h ... alwava sa-;v ail willuas.'l fW P-IU tuaT J.1 IS.-I 1-. ... i w. .. . - . - . 'S n t."tt'l itttirttt-r tt.-., , ... JttA... V wui piMvel b'avn w ii;u:i,Ku. un v, a ' : t.-'artti s.ra w'i.ik -:f .: bua.t, -aw rmr- t;i."r ji-. aitii (-l.-i., ! Capiam oa istsu-ti, tar to' t HI KRAI ca tt I aar-a-l-i-tJ. -J?JW ADVEETISEJIISTS, . ' 'r f An Old nf, a-t t t Vew Tunf. f-ci . -f u si rr . i f t M- ' ;; .-- sitsdftt av i ri. r .- . ri . lyesrsstahlishlin!r.T.aty." V -lvhifsilil!remeliea ..'; -- i - V- i. 1 fXL 1 ria fnasi VmmT -rr7:T 'V Ji-ri ti.tinT af V "Not (lauKurwa Ui the Hnnisa Fsrailv.' ly." 'i.ts v'ouia ont ot their nolvs to die. .2. CoatMr',, Bat, Koacb term'i , I a psste mwd for KUi, iliet, Muaehnt, Black awl livd jtns, ste e. , . , . "sMlar's Ilcd-Uua; EtlrBalnalr XT a Ihjnirlor wash nscd to aeslroj', and aifto as a prevsiiuve nsr jsm-nug; ae, "CosUr'" Electrio Powder-for Insert " la for JaVi, Afosmtfoes, FImm. Sd-BMgt, iMKiiMvn j uimm, uiott, jmitMuj, arc. rill BawAailtl of sU worthless imita tion. - Sea that " Comua' " name ia on each JJox, otniis, aim x iaa, oeiore you uuy. a-AiMns-i, , hkivbt r. roaTa ft .,', J,', , , 484 Broadway, K.I, mm ooiu ui naieign si, v. W By-P. f, PESCPD and WILLIAMS & HAY- VtUUll, . And all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. "COSTAH'S" ' ' CELEBRATED BUCKTHORN 8 A L V E , For Cnts, Bums, Braises, Wnnnds, Boils, Can- Blind snd Psinful Plied j Srrofuious, Putnd anil iis, jirusrii iiesi, norv jiiiiiuea, liinefuiiK. iU-eonditioned Harea: Ulcers. (iUndulsr Bweuinsra. I.' m . .. . . i .r...... u I . . . 1. i orua, Bunions, Cliiibiaiun, Ac ; tjnspped tlands, it, ae.; Bites of Spider, Insects, Animals, Ac., kc asr , SS at,, ) ., awsl 91 aiaea. tWr Bold bysllirnggist everywhere. - And by IIEKBY B. COSTAB, Depot 484 Broadway, N. T, r tf And by-P. F. !ECCD, and WILLIAMS HAYWOOD, Raleigh, N, C. . , "COSTAR'8" ' ' .. . . vxivEiwAi, r" . : ... CORN SOLVENT, ' For Corn, Bunions, Wart, 4c ' T ' ateta.. M ., aasl 1 sisussx. T Sold by all Druggist everywhere. ST And by HEKBI B. CObTAB, Depot 484 Broadway, K. T. .-'..',.'.'- .'",. svsr And by P. F. PESCTO and WTLLIAMB A HATWOOD, Baleigh M. 0. COSTAR'S" PUEPAJRATI0S OF BITTEB SWET li GRANGE ELOS . ' EOMS FOB BEAVTIFTTSO TBE COMPLEXION. '; Used to Boftea and Beautify iliev Bkln, remova rreekles, Funplea, Eruption, Aa. v Ladias are aow wains' it la ureferanea io all otnera. (ilea, 1. ' ' ' -' '"' " sT Sold by aD Druggists sverywhere. ' r And by HESBt B. COBTAB, Depot 46 Bnlway, V. , .':;, "i-.' - And by-F. F, PEHOTD and IvTLLIAMB A BAT WOOD. Bskinh s.a . . sawsaiSMii - rskrroRAii - -4 COUGH REMEDY, Kri wraps, v ' t. .is, aiiavrvenetsa, nor 1 nroat, i V roup, viliiK)iig Cough, lurtusnxa, Aathma, t-ousiimniini, unaiciiiss Aneciiuu, aua all disea ses of tits throat sad Langs. , 'I a S-: BotUea, 5 eta., SO eta., and 11" sizes. - Bold by all Druggist everywhere. ta. And tiy HENBV B. COSTA B. Bp,sS 4M BiWatw. w. And 1 r. F. Tl'Sl 'UB sl4,.H'H 1 441M sVr - -w. T tmtivsniiMi, In- t t.swtitiaiMMi, 1 aiul geiM-rai d I 1 m efca., Siiu 1 1 saxes. 1 8-1 1 by all Dnuriota varvobeni Its f vary w in It 'i;-r . And bv IiC5i!; :-p.-t BrflSattHrri - Sf. If. ' P. F. TBXO and WILLIA Ha i ' 1 1 HiWlX'll, 'Baltirh K. C. aaar rj-l-3maa MARKS V E.lTTi.EjjJ- t.riicrnl f-rnrain a a u CotBialsaioii Jlcrrbanu i o r w a a i i s J C A M s c a at s . Petersburg, Va. -r 'Will sttfflid to th (laleaf ufl Phdar. ...j ',. chandiM, of every A-scrioo. T.o f 4 i:" hi hand. , -M nm' - ran aSo ftinii.h FerUirs of an. kij ' ' IsruMuaewaeoiimnodating terms tu Feb la-164-Sm t'CHXlLIZCUS - ClJQpsi TeiriiL.., , .STZZ, i.reir,dt.,f..r,.Ml. ii..V;,'.r.' ,n" sr. n j-ar, d to funuah Uieas with tlsa ii' r - , -1 1 ivi-iju . . PfwT4 UAAOliANO. pnrched mrvctlroaTI.; ' of sua i'liruvuui Uoveroraeot. Vis have wiw in Mure, Inr immediata d.li. B ton biUI)IJ,K'8 hL'l'EH- 1'UubPHAi tTs' LlsJfc, which wnn f, itlf ,eh ananmi if iitait.at in tha anion and Tobaceo CMum NortU i aruluiaaiKl VirKmis, last seas. 01 peruar lo the Peravum liu.no. Ws sim i alysi of it aa acrtsiued by Dr. H( the most eminent Oi.einistt in tha cWntry ; Reaulla r Analyaei Wde or lad- le'a Patent Super-Phosphate " of Id me, a now sold by Wm. L. Bradlry. 100 rsars Consist ur i. ' ' Jiiiistiiro s .;..,..''.. .'j.. - l"rpared animal matter, salU eVJliaaKioi. fatty aubstancet and Humus Ma '. Botiel'hiwphateeitfLiiiie,Uagusaiau4 iron . - . - -tiifla (f?olubier)pbstesofdo,M-10.i Sulphate of Lowe . . jj, - luaulubla ., , ., ,.,,... i. . , ,-,' . ; The animal matter sfforded 4 1-10 n.H. anmia wbenifwaalleeuBjpoaei : andfaa wiUk - oiubleT' 5 " rr": "V , After many analyse of your Bnper-rhiiapl,,,, of Lima, made during the hut few months fates fouud your standard of quality fnU equai'lo Uua of sny you have ever sold in former vrt - mJ I am aiiiled that you include tlis eorreel i. rapiea in the msnnfseture. BespectfuilT A. A. HAVKS, K. D ut i,, we refer to ths fuiiuwmg geuusmeu wisi Usuid It merit last season i Da. G.A. fooTB, M arrca Coanty, B. C. J Foots, '-' " Col Johs Wiataisa, OranrUl u B T Bii.uai, i'raukhn, - , A. 1). Luja, . , . .. ' . . , '., .'., . . B. tf. yAiuuRottoa," h v - " t. Batti., ihjiauityvS. C. ' , JBAvkxt, " ... -r K-m . W T WaioaT, , 5..-.. v .''.:-',:.;,' L M Cosiaaa, . i ... ; ", w,. ..,.. HUWiuusa, ,"';." ' . J riliuxiao, ""' t t JaRSrNS, ' " , tt - 1'" .'-'' . i i 'J'aoaienw, : : K.',;i -ft ii-. f Dr WU WiTHoa, . -'...v . T J Boimia. Kaah Coauty, Korth Carolina. - J a Boiidis, n ,. Bon H Kooita. Wks " t " T t Basswau,, dgwouib, ' ; ' H - J H Aaasraoaa, - , JLLvumA f . : X .. E H 'Lowsaa, ' " ' h C'iJ W Hiaaosu, i-.-i-' ;- W WBtatusa, -. '. 1 B Tavuib, ... ... - - J N Tavuia, " WsUkaosr Korthampm 5 , W Fnw,, Hslifss, ' - ' W T Tavuub. Wdaoa. v .- :-. - Ws Wiil In. miMMtiMl . r . n villa. Nash. W , K,l.. -...i wo u.i.. Berthatr-,.!.' 1 r'";"".rT' f, . , - " "SlIDII WUSUW, a. Am- .w. OUillldlMl ia na atull k.. 4 rstorsburg. f a, , Jaa 21-iW , V" ' 1 : ' TIIOS. BBAXfll V CO., M . 1 l IHala urtt t, ( (OpposrrK tbr post office.) Biehmoad, T. V TEoaBaAJrcHisoivs, i 'Xo, old stri ;'.'"; 1 " PETERSBURO VA BnAXCII, SOS V CO., Broad Street, ...,,"( . AUGUSTA, UA, t.AiiXfc, - -V--T- ,S AND Commission Merchants, Beeeivs Miaiey n Deposit, subjset to sight ebweks, and allow iutenwt on aanw as agreed upna ; ho- . gntiaie Loaua ; Mas Coileetiona thfonK),c,it thi. United Htates, sad buy snd sell oa coiiindaaiiii. Bank Notea, lmnas( .M.K-ka, Ac, Ao. m 'lliey alao oiler their services fur tlis sals and pnmhsse uf Tubaooo, Wheat, Oirn, Ceiwu, iu. I heir senior, Thcaa. Brsnub, with an axjiBneiwe--. of thirty years in the eonruuion trade, will ni? bis perstnaj sttentioo to the Kkkuvmd hmuw, and especU mgiva tatiafscuon to his old frisud and all who msy lavor theia wuta their psgxmtgt. t'ssh sdvsniits made on consignments to thuia and tu their correspondents 111 Btltmeir;!. 'ijpa York, Livsi-pool, Loiuiuu, Antwerp ami Breiuen. liliaDO. and other ooncentratHit Al. s . uninui uwii regular ouuomera. bptwuu aitea- sjiteu w uiveaeeuuon 01 oitoupurcb TII0.H. BKAN'CH A BOSS, Petersburg, .1". AND . .. . ..BlUSiCU, Aujia tK)., Aagir.f,, ot iters ui eiluor Iiuum, as may bo preferre.L ws ars paving tti bigbeat rtlra f,w Jl,i, Botes and ewuthcrn Mecitraiwi ; will hand returns wjin dwelt wi- iariqrlijeriniuud ur pettia barg, fur all pscka?ia sent toourcr,t bsst rstes. .- - . Vis will buy old Korth Carolina fiunda. fit. P00. til gisteiwid. acrauhed Ae, also d. taciieil Hi(sitia. luolrtmd Stoel bought siWl sold, Ih foilowuis; ara tha present rates of our In ters I, urg lttm fur N.'C Us nk ix Hear and ars ttabU to ebangea-tba bighaat ratea paid iwasa notes srs received. ' Bank U t'ape t-u- i--i..vi. ......;..:.i....-.r.M.A Cirtntia. . '. .. ' '. '. '. ropim..ri-..,..., Fsv.tleville.. .,,,, ,, Loxingtiai,. . .fT. .-.-! ::::Jm rnnfi t VvM-r.. r;, .;i.-;.S;.Xg.glfe.s3W rr'!!'n''d.W-.rrv-..a WaaliiBijkil) ... . 6 -.!:........,,.---'--. - - - -- t i I'- X jiF; .'." 2s! .ja'i i'l i 'i rir'f sfui(Mr(Ttai j 'aai in iituiiiL'Ki ... . -M fc 1 ttniialw.i . atiiium ailll J M1U"-0 lHtJlt,.- ti .1 U.k.4.i. V.ll t. -l r frstMa ciiinniiBaii .ii - i ! ....... . , -TIB. bUAJi:n lAibi'iihitwd, IrpHE COMMiTlKE F FmxCE FOB TPS ! I Cismtv t t. havili in.-n atitranled t t tiw Cvnatv C'wirt of tv ike, i', Imisrr f. rm. joi.-f. o ascertauith inrtr bte.iiu wt,t said eouittv, hero. by request ati p,-t-w,na bstmp rmts ara ntt it l it 'a viaac a hi, h I ave ,K itrn tft pr-a-tl-d, 1. pr-. ni illB ie tu aui-fou oT sn-k X-laima, to the t.i!i,iitr., alti'-ir t t" 'f, in t.' .'..uert Itianaa, jo th .- f ';.',-; . if .;' '" ai 1 oeaiiav ttf Sftrnt f.-rm l lh- .-t,:. i fft ta.to.i, tsrf tl i. Tsntiut f eu ( fvV uiiw aw is. wnn art., ..I.. W. .S..I-. ists.o; M. M. loi ii ii. Teb 2S-17U-Uwta Bubiiies. tVAAihMaVVI i