-.-'--'. X'jr I ,,:..lf 1 BATE F AOTKKTimBO, rat- wt?ona. "T ; vr: ' .. ,-haiil..iiti'ntliiMsrtiunleae - ; . mtimr one week rch additional fiftjire. out !t,ow -stM (m s.ntre two tM' - i4. .o.lirtoiial tiumr two .,.., s,ou .,.12,t rtr two lu iiithiB 77 V.-fctidirinfuu tin .n thrt tnnuib. j.-i.Lia. .. - ...rrf riti.-m.fc " ........ Bcgnlar busiueaa dard, 13 minion lutes or lew, i will I duygeiooly 110 brtbxM Mouth -: ; -AS. tdwrtiaonieut or cards mutt be ahange4 in ' jgst KuuiJ svjjry tUr WoutU.. Ontrtela fur -1 son than three niouthe nude- only t (lie above it.- " : " ''. ' ,". V I jptefted OB U 18140 or any apecuu pj, win ue thsrged iS p" oeut higher than the aooveobargea. iTerlietneuta iuwrted ia eekly Mid Boeol. wtekly t ntc uonding h ths abaft. , Court adveriicei towirt weeks lor 17 IMBOtllOifchurged. - Advertiaers wiU a find it tu Uioir avtge u eadoM tb al wbii beyMd drtiiiemenuh - te th MMU't thy wish tnftjt them. ' TUB SENTINEL. FltlUAV EVENING, MAUCH W, 1W7. To Aovertwbbs. Tbe putilic will find t Broubtiie bet moaimivi offM"-Tt-rtising in theSute. It circulation corers Urgcr afen, perhaps, tlito any 1 other.' p. 7 per. r Kaw At)VERTiiEjiTa. 8oo ;nnounce- Btatby Mitchell, Allen & Oo.a Polio "'gUeeT.TfewWn". , . Bee aJTertiseiuent of CoBtar'a Vermia Ex- ttmiinatttrs, and valuable ipeciflce. ,," Poole Hunt, Baltimore, are Mannfuctu nsrtuf PortaMcaod Stationary Steam En gtaei, 6w Minn, Mining Machinery, &c. Thu la, beyond dgMht, first claetahiin. sent, and we commend it to, the patronage o( our people, ;i i i.n. -ti s ?' ' Pulllam, Jouee AXJot announce floe Meat and Flour ami -the celebrated Puryear .inJtlM.f:'' ? .f-'-f ''. , MAtos'e Cocbt. Xi'Uon I'frii ww up for wt eipoture of We person, oa llarkct aquare and fined I. : ; -''"!f-- Good Fbidat. To morrow 5 Good Pri d and the promise of the almanac that "It will b pleasant and Talf-ii likely to be lulfllled.' ; 7 - ' r :.' , V, V V 80 tailh the i'rtyren of yestorday, - Our ieighbor la ahead of the times.', .'.Good Fri itj occurs this year 00 the 19th ot April. YabbobocoB HoCBR.-We would call at trition to the card of Blair, in another col ima. He has the best reputation of any aa in the Suite as a hotel keeper, end we in pleased to see that ha lias seopred the Tarhorough House. Persona ruiting Hal-. t)gh cannot do better than to' gire him a aJl GnenibuTi Stgitter; ' ,J . j-, f r ... 1 - i - 1 , f it4 !' '. . JCoh SELtsr. We are glad to learn" that the Southern Relief Association; of Philadelphia, have forwarded to Messrs. Worth and Danie.1, of Wilmington, a suffl- (lent amount of money to purchase 8000 bushels of corn, to be dbttributod among the destitute and suflforiiig people of the , State, without regard to colort The corn will be purchased and placed in the charge ofColBomfordand Gov. Worth for dis tribution. .This is another evidence that Xorthera sympathy is not entirely dried upi but that there is still a regard for suffering lumanity fbit among eomeof our Jforth- rn brethren. . , r, . i It is ix contemplation, by the business en of Tarboro, to have - constructed a Railway leading from the Depot in that rlace down Main street tohe river bridge. RMtaKBO It is rumored tliatE. Wilkes, : 1., the SuperirHcni'e-it of the North Caro fis Railroad, bus resigned that post. It is very important one, and wa hoe that the Directors may be alile to fill it with the best talent In that department in the State. jBKK(, DKlltK M' MAlf to OK DlS- ANcaitD. Tlte last b umber of the Mew York 1'riliutu says as to the persons who are disfranchised: ' ' ' "Every loyal eitiien, black or white. Is en abled, by the two reconstruction acts, to have a voice ia theirood work of restoration, Hh at least four-tilth of thxw who have been FoUl. The rtniitin tilth WB hope moviued w that in the nmdinjr constitu- iioaal amendtBint .JUid JKs. ixuat lltat iu con. SMiiitttstiijB wUl so$ -huijl l4wlayxk ' The iitth clearly .undrrm and, at we do, thai Ibt wsy to this lies through a prompt snd vheertul conforrnjty to the rxjuircmen.ta.uf: " tatigrau. The tioutu seems to be acting wtU her part." . . OoVBRHMRtt ABRTWISO IH THE SotTf A 8jt)ABBl.B. Secretary Seward batolli usiij acfcaowleleel the receipt 01 an or. r from Mr. Mcl'herson, Clerk of ' the "ease, designating the newspaper iu tlw 8tU to X hi.-b the Governuient alvertiina "Hill hertafu r be irlven ! bnt.lt is nmler- :,tMaia.tfca-hiwiH ttw IWISIM M lt., .a r.rni f.r,.iirr,T l,V tl, al t lit "!?ny:Biut)ifiiiuwwalJle '.'aKfiaJ atteatiy - 'fmi. 1 Coil tracts' wit h the T?1 nnmU.r ot pnotr fW the Tucuing year, ad cannot .abriigate ..them, . Partiee-inter-teaclaim that no con traetaJia've been made, fcfSriffeliry 8.Wa'rd liuiild le eotwiilet; 1 treated it if they held Governmenl fPpnintnienis, w'uk!,, .by the terms of the .f'a.'tt,' riyoked. Ttrk A FlHST CI,A eKStATi, Diiitchtt J' Wahins;tnn pfmrt.i over the w wr-g y?r. erlty to -sjM-eulatorf in Wall street that "Muent Jiil.Kw.n was cojd ia convene i the Southern repr-. mativeti anl : "ors at toon a. tt.,' .,.,r.t (V"re al- FotteKV (;.. ...... . v, . .-... ..!. t - J- '. .ie!t iit'.'L liiro 10 t-pt at : ... i. .... i,,t ,,. hnl . a.. ., ' ' '" " "" '" f " "oooyiuppfw-t tlmt either the n-oJcrs tne reelv, u:Jieve,j ti)rmti,m,,.!, the " 'd tw u.: ...... , tl Hlv ,j,, ,,h,e the a..-iert'ifl-f Ceotlf:0.. fJtnm,i!l.-e on nv.iiiiA.nt, 'fIMiihl, to keme ue rfl' IJlarnk.llretl Ihtchery.C. RTf.omi. ' jMl.stret-:v,t' J-tvi 7-taiesv S8(A f HoMen, John U. Odora, (white; and. F RQCKEDISQ3 OY THE jfOLDEflTm -Mn!ttrTtmtt':llT4'ITY- t Of' WffTri. j. -rt' J Xht Bijt'tn.ywMTaHeiMd ohTcr'it'jTm, IV eJhriilayjhe SitlLinst : " ''Jlr. C. U Uarn,of Kutberford, a Chair inaa of tb taoftuig of loyal muibrt oi Ui Lgilature, calltxl tbera to order, when Mred UoctnTT, Ot RlflimonarTrM' nominated lor tmporaj,,jchUiBaili and uoanlmoulj 'elected. linn. Tt P. Dick, of GmIfor1,TmLite') and r-iJ. tt: ilrn,-icoir(mt)T)t-Wate. were dtlV galtij ta OouUuGt tltit Ppettkcr to tiie Cbair,; wliuu (leinjt tloDQ .... Mr. Dockcrr proceeded to aJlresa the Convention in hi usual torcible aud lorjuent manner." ,.,,'. a "On motion i.f W.tV. Holden, Pr. II. J. Menniner of Craven, (while) and I. S Lee ry, of Cumberland, (col.,) were chosen tem porary secret uric. ; ', - TTttntsrWii ffiefftatlia'anTtlle lollSw. ing delegates uaoifit to their names : Ahirtan(.)T. i. W. t Met Pauley, 1. B. cMuiray, J I W, Hardin, W. A4 Dunn, (whites,) and Wyatt Outlaw, Uuilforil Cel lars, Henderson Haosell, Charh-a Moore, (colored.) : I!tAujoH.D. 41. Carter, S. T Carrow, (whites.) ' ' 0 . Win, Tonner, P. E. IJest, (col) GuHford. K. P. Hick, J. lliatt, (white,) II. Untlianka, lU.Oil son, M. Alston, (cul.) HatiJiUi. Jaa. A. KeU, Ji. H.. .Martin, (Wllltttl.) - . : Harnett J. M. Turner, Aaruu Tliomas, J. 3. Harrington, .(whites.) v , Urndfrmm.-K: H. Jones, (white.) Hertford. i W, lloue, MHre, (col.) JreJell. II. Bernard, (white.) .,. : Jukhitv. B K. Ilinnant, Ir. J. T.' Leacb, whitifc siHi..,;v H'Jr'i :'" J(iu.l)r. J, T. Leach proiy. . . . . Lenoir. It" W. King, (wbile.) MarUK&. W. Watts, J., J, Martin (whites.) . :-; ; .' . - ' V- . McrLUnJiurf --K PuUings, (white) Ilichd. Smith, J. Havidson, (roloml.) , Mmtgomerf. A. Jordan, (white ) Moor,W. n. UicliartiiKB, A. Walden, J. Barrett, (whitea ;) M. McOlund, B. Kieves, (eo ored.) . . , ! T, - - - JfusA, A. B. Baima, (white.) - iVi Ilaitvter. Uaj. J. L. libodes,-. J. II. Ncff, O, W. Price, PUourke, (whites;) . stiller, (colorwi)- - - JkrtU.-rVU Harrelli Blow Pew, (coL) Cabartui, Win. Coltuian, (white.) , C'orrr. I)r, M. F. Arendell, J. C. Cil ner, (whites;) Francis Uibble, (colored.) Canctll.'i'univi Patilo, (colored.)' Chatham.-- Hi I as Burns, Wm. T. Gunter, (whites;) T. Taylor, It Kamsay, Henry Smith, (colored.) .' . Crat. C. B Thomas, D. HwUon, IKS. Menniuger, (whites ;) J no. K. Goode, G. It Green, C. 4. Brown, (colored)1 Cumberland. !.. L. Pemberton, JT. B, Lee, (whites ;) J; W. Hooil, James Bowman, J. 8. Leary, (colored.) ,s .r--', l)atid. V. F. Henderson, II. Adamr, N. Chandler, George Bik-y, (whites) and Kicliard Heir, (colored.) , fr Mrit Jease Green, (white ) " t'Jtjeeovtk.'W, U.Kuapp, John N 01 fleet, (whites ) , - 1 ( '1 Funytk.'E. B.Tcagne, Dr. J. L. Johnson, (whites.) ' ' . fv,...-, -., jr Franklin. John E. Thomna, (white.) Mfea.D. A. Jenkins, Dr. W. Sloan, (whites j) and James Khyne, (colored.) ' Qranrilh. John Peed, Dr. E. Grissom, (wbiu.)- - ' ".-:- r A'jrliamfilan. J no. B. GdVm, (white) j J. H. Longford, B. II. Jonen, (colored.) Qrang. M. J. W. MeCauley, (white,) Caldwell Wilson, (colored.) ,., PjH'ank.UAl. P0.1l, (white. Person. Dr. C. H. Jordan, "(white. ... JXlk. N, B. Hampton, (white.) Jiundoljih, J. Aliwurtb, M. , Ilol.bius, (white); Tlifm. Potter, (colored.) liiehmond. Alfred Dockerv, (white.) Jloieait. 8. II. Wiley, J.J. ilelper,(wbite.) v tlobemn.Jm. Sinclair, (white.) liiihgham. Tboa, rlettle,(wbite.)7 - JtuthervnL-Q. W. Loran, N. Bcoggin, C. L. Harris, (whites) ; V. Michael, (colored.) toiy. L. C. Morion, (white.) Btvin.A, H. Joyce, V. Estee, J. J. Mar tin, (whites.)' . ... rry.-rtaml. Forkntr, (white.) H'ai. W- W. Holtlen, W. It BicWd son.J.CL. Harris, J. F. Taylor, W. D. Jones, Jefferson Fisher, It K. FerrclL J. W. Holden, B. 8. I). Williams, Jacob Born ll, (X J. Bogers, David Peed, A. L. Davis, B. T. Htricklaud, J. J. Overby, (whites,) ; and Jan. Henry Harris, G. W. Brodie, W. War. wick; J. It Caswell, II B. Lockett, F. & Piernon, Jr., lanvim Avery, (colorol.) WatliinijUm. J. A. Melson, (white.) Warren, D. It Goodhe, (white) ; Wm. Cawlhorne, John Hytnan, A. Bergca, (col ored.) i' .... f WnyM. Jno. Bobinson, T. A. Deans, C. jn ilroKTten, (whites) ; J.'e." G Uara, (col.) MwiU-C. i. Cow let, Capt J. U- A. Bry an. (whiles.) ' H'iW G. W. Stanton, (white.) . IWlin. T. M. Vesial, (white.) . WanhmyUiA City, D. C Dr. It J. Powell, 6. 8. Hedrick, (whiles.) ' - - "On nioliou of Mr.. Grissom, committee on credentials was raised, tonsiating ot Metiers. Griasotn, Cowles, Jiemltivin, and Jenkins, whites: and Uessia. llsrria, Goode, and Bniith, colored.) The Commits tea retired, when ' - Mr. Dick, of Guilford, moved that a com mittee ot eight four ot etch - race be ap pointed to designate o Hirers lor the perma nent (irganiasation of the Convention." 'Theution ot Mr. Dick was adopted after soma 4urtler remarks. T he Hreidentitbenrai3 tisoiutetl ..Mtsr. Ik a. Teague, (whlicj ami u, W. lirolte, H.tra, ii.ty aie I tj. iA.keh Jas. Aiowtuan anu Jona nyinan, U wlnred. the sum mil fee w permanent or-t ganiMtlon. - Mr. C. J. llogera (; tieeaaion d a feood , he N deal nf al -tha detonation of the party name, 'Mr. Jenkins, cbainnan of the ommittee on permanent organization, reported, that the comniitlee had aimed uuon officers for the Convention and aake I leave to re- pcrt, which lin grantwl, " He annminyed the nuneiT. Han. A. it, Jones, of Hendersjn County, for president, anil Mewra. D. Hi-alim, of Croveh, and.Dr, O. n tiiUmtt, Ot tt lUe 4- - iMte ,ltttlrttr R. Uotxle. of Craven, V ice Pretnlenta on the part of the colore t peojile : and - ' - I)f H. i-Meujiiiittrj.rtff.. toriate and J. K. 6'lhira, of Wayne, coloretl. for jjerTfturreit.1 "; Tiie rt jHM-t was -uv4nutl jr adtfptetl, aa vtota.ji of fla'to! when Mcatrs. Blokn of fl a "ton antl Harris f Wake, were tjiKtinteI to oontJurt the i'reai deut to the chair. TW other olfiira being seatnl,1 Mr. Jones ajares. ii tlte Convention. , f ,,, imi. rauil.it -Jjinii-d ParNir.ij . t :p '.ilr. Pettle movcJ that a committed of -trv fr ."r, to date ir.Hi.io. 14, it,7i twenty le aprwaipteti hv the Preeiilent, ten ' and to t nuiui' Jan. lt. fl he nttuie of of ettJh raee, trr.lfaft rtplutioiMt, ami to bf f be 'T"'; T bolr '""""I' tctt-rml all matters I' - tainirg to n-const ruction, after being &, ; ' i. ir. il,t I 1. n trttmuoceiU he fo ow- , - Ac. town: MeasraVThti. Settle. It Si. I led- rw-k.n.'M. farter. It. P. IHtk. E. Oris.. MmJmiar.''fii. Hood. : W. Hrtntie. W.-M.. CawtUero. F.i. i lloori: if?-- W Hr,,Ii V,-.M Caathoro. V.ir fnTauietilajy tuls iu uwi) Tv the IIulise.A Oannmns were then eitoptixt tuT the crorammvnt of tins boi v The Convention them ijourned wttil li e clock, y, M. a ' . - - EVEXLNQSEiaiQXl- - Tha Convention was called to order, pur naat to aiijournmeut. the Pretideoi occupy ing the Chair. - ,,r; ' -Prayer by Hevr Hrirflood, colored dele gate frooj t'unilieriand. , , -- The minutes of the morning session were teatl jjuVd appreved.'' .: k - The most of the time wa consumed in hearing speeches, publish to morrow. The platform will MISCZLLASIOUl ; - :' ; piiutograpiis j p bices k d ccedii IS OliDK TO rtAl BfHonWRAPRa ITH in titJ, iv. k of nrervbutty, aud thereby iu ea'tvriay biMUktfen, 1 hava - 1 ILKbrCED THE PltU E ' of PUotn(rrph i fmrh. ! new u the uiim. I tucariy. mar-'lW-tf ' J. W. WATMAS. QOUSJCOKS! fOUS! , . 1 htTO on bsmt at i IMme WHTTK CORN, wliieh I am MlUng t Ills lowet market (". -' alarvb at U , lK.t(.iLAi lil-lX. IAt! iUCVtl HKt! In qitaililiu to iiit mireliSfU-ra FINE WHITE Bttl.'J tl -MtAU Jiwt rerwve.t hy Urohfl-il . I 1H1 uu.i JU:tJ.' QIIOICK ViHLU iltStii ;. A ehotee 14 w Mi, l ' vitfliiMA Iiajll, 1111 reeeivttit snU f'r low. by Jlar.hiSa-tf Ixi0Ul.A8BKt.I- JJALTIMOliE KAMILY FLO UK. it few barrels ItiltlirIAjUlt-WHIH- reuetmd at loLlilS HI CU.'K, . ilwch tf ' Market (Sonars. TEAll IM MIND T!IF4 FOI JXWIN(1 FACTH H J.J lKt. Oht 11,, imo i the oltteat lyry (tood tutliliKiinieut in tl.e eitv, oar Junior member btvuig been iu tlie bwiiKMi nearly W yiwrMf -hL W kreu" line of our brm cuwtaaUy u ths Northern niarkt-U. 3rd. He well pouted as to quality and prWa of ((HkIs. iib. Wsbn.vorenaA: andbny goods lower by (hung so. a oth. W knew the wants of our cnttomcrs and our )ruodn pinsM thiu. Gill. Our luotto ia "qtitck sales and. small pro-. U." . . Jthf. We 4 a live bnaineas dont keep any deal sUiefc on hsrMl, ' tttlu It ia a notunona faet that we tmy the" heat qnility of iconua : and wit them tt low pricua. Wit. We attend strietly to our buuiuwa. . lmh. Weaull K"o forcath. . , 11th. 11 wa make anything, it it ejK'nt lu the tmrcemwl o our tti. ..AiUk.Njialinat intp tii'l) 0roirie - ; J 1'JL Are mis ilia alxiva IJ ii rt'taona why yoh ahimlil bny y,mr lry Oo.dw of ns ? We bad'bnpMl U have carried rmr beaHtirul Spring KtiK'k to our new Btorp, but owing to tba biwl weathvr, hare bera delayed. Ws will sell it out tt owr kt Mtad. We t-aa truthfully say thai a handsomer stock f .','',,.--.'... KPRIXG ASD SUM Mill DHY. GOODS haanever been offered" in this niarkrt. '' W. u: A a S. TLtKEB CO. niar JO-194-tf . . . . - tidies,' nitsca' aod Inrante Hat. ABITF.ltn RTOCK rOSSIHTISO Ok" (-TKA W LACK hltlYEItfi, . t tit'UT STRAW STAHX, , u A'.vw uoiL . ' tAXTOS bOKTAQ, ... VKUAU , ' t VATTI. VAK'TOX ALMA, 0 , fKOAI.UJ.AblA. : .'. " - TOH0.,n., . ; . - w. n. A rt a TICK EK A CO. mar -tU6-tf . I'urasoltt Parasols I ParsMoUt t itKAUfirut ahkortmest: W. it. A K. H TUCKER A CO. mar SK-l,)5-tf ticnt'B Huts Hata, Hats. , A FULL Stork of Ht for the Hnring Trade, W. II. A JR. 8. ll'(Ki:U A COa war 2o-l95-tf T1 VtTII KXTH.II'TKD WITUtotIT S- A I N . I aball l prepared, on the first of Apiil, to ei tract tuetli, wiUiout paut, by a new proema of loeal ainelhi4 , P. UAlKXM. lL Kaleigh, soar B I'JS-St- LICK IS A FOItTl'Xr, I AST WEEK, I'nraTS AND OTIIEB Dt J (lixxl. U,U in New Xack tram 1) to 1 oaota pr. v.l. We bouKht a Urgeainek. Hinea than pnoet litre ijmu advanced: Thia mtj be ealltd Lfok ; if ao, uiir UhUmiiTi shall alto-be in Lock by hav ing the beuelitof our cheap piirehaao. i W. li, A It. M. TUCKES A CO. thr 2-.ll.r,r - WILMISdTON ADVEETISEKEHTS. D. Q. WORTH, 7 WORTH ' K.O.DASBiL. eV UAIEI. u tlilplnff Ac Co m ni I s o is Her , r ), . '" " rUaute, ' ." ' WILMINGTON", K. C. TTvKtlJlW IN JtAOntS IM.n.'Jt.iKJViTJEaf uucii tii'tn ti'vtiutuut Agnuta. d sll tii:.l of 1. Ai't nta lor Itaiwh's baw Itoite rttiin-r Difwiihtte uf l.ium. , . Aueuit p tba I'liihwleiphia HoaUiern Mail Strani-lnp hoe. - ' Aei-ntt lr tluodtpeed's we-l.lv fiti'tniehlo hue ftnou hew r.wk. Airentt 6r Jits Hniith A oa., ho of New Tk tail itaekaaa, "- . i pmnwi - ji,aiv ri rtTaiTeiB. ia) Kit. IWlnis "-Jtercer " "Peaeb Blow" and itekii W Litu for ttl by WJLLAfiD BK03.' tnrj-l75 tf Wilmington, M. (X a r,w ch r .'"oi- 't.tCTIf--'"" ' . i-w- ,-r-rp .1 iiji . ji. i. JTtaqLt.Bvatj.i..-r- -twmicat.- i.-s .. - T tuat ' Wtiiiiiltoil ft-t?;- IfAm ki K TUt LAPX lir.-ll.'KS A rHTl ATIOS M Teat bcr, in tjjiva 'e.Xaniilj.jjr, ehu. . "..A ..:rl-, .. . A.... . . .. 3irz. Hisev wvi-E Tiucr.t ' Saart-ITS-W W'iimuigUai, N. C. UMIIKll rAl'.TMiR.SUIP. X'OTW'lt H MKUKifi CIV1S, tHAC TIIK ttnaLPt.iitaa-i hT, f'rl-rilf-a-1 a .t.Hio teiriiM. ' - At. " "--- - f" I ! . - i.. - ..r..,. L ,.ti ..4' ll . I . .. J . ; ,, ,,-. V j, . a. WiiiaM . ml a. a. W ,r,,( I tn ei.a itnuurt.tt fi n , -srf t w 1 ,r) " mj-i". !.., , , ,,.. n u,Lii...i ,, ,i , , ,.t .nwk HMvtAt of.aevetitv-bv.tlrTOI i thiasinl eVaiara if.i w tw eteb. , 1 ! J Vi. A. 11.1. 4UD, ? ,. W. H. Wil.LAkl), ritl Partner. : I aar J-17S-lm , Wiiiuinghaisi.C, qtp f Wj I J 4 tif f f f - ... : MkVM 111V trtiiy Trlorwlnj eWHnMiti,i, Ktrrh tt, t. In tb .noie. tunlutioM of the tWouliiioaa Conventiia of Mtnland, aakJTluta atopablteM govenum-itt, were vafarred t the Judiciary eaaa- nittee. T ' ' The bill sothoriang the KUry of War to t phty lo arwtgt butia, to keep opa tba atouth of the Miaiaiptfl, aadgeesta the Pirailmt. A bill, optifimuBf U aalaw ia HettMi Otrolma to toldiert, atjlors tpd mtmbort of t'jft tatllM PaatatO. . . ...... .. - - The adjoaraatent was duteuaaeA lad JenUlly. ' The eonttiiutional smendnytat was urged, pro claiming aulrtrtal saffrag Utraagboat the Unioa. The propositus met With Wilt favor. . It wa ar gued.that, iflataloae, the Bute would toon adopt negro suifrtgvwhret if eueroioa of tba. North was attempted tbtetiple .would . beoOTttdgiBJ. ; ATatjitfity or b Striata wattnw luaiprtneo sive of the freaidnnt's a dare te exoctu th ktwa. Aeouearrent reaoluitua was adopted that .b raapsutivv elQoert adjoarn boih bodwa, oa Kttar day, to the irt Wvdueadar ia July. Thea, nka oOierwiM ordnrod, til adjourn the Art tntaiiai Hit ii. :;'. In the Uuaat, Ibt Marylaud aUpubUoan ratola titou were prwentedV" . Mr. Thomaa aaid tlit that la inieaas tK'iux jntut in Mar; land, but he doubted Ha lvadiog to btoodabed. tte denied tliat any republican gov. erumnnt existed in Mart laud. Mr. Thonta argtt d the right uf Cungresa to aeiaa the 8taU,Dd t tit'ttlarly, an it lay around tit Ititfriet, and tn ptaa tn enablitig art, tliilt guarantaeiug equal right. Mr. lirouka argued elaborately atrainat tba riidit ot OotireitMiiHitl intertV'reniv, and aaaerted that, iu I'enwtMau and HiMtouii, there was ho more rfpnliihaniioa Ihtu in Fgypt. - ' ' 'l'u rvitolutiiu were referrvtl to Ut Jotbcaary eaiintill'v. , Tir ttioderatioa ofairjoitrnuti'iit wt retuht d. A vetwiittviim-trairwitinited, to a.lj m'U at inA-a. to-aiorrow, Iu the Itrct jlomUj Ui Joi. llie aeleet txiaiinitlee on PUmtbt-ra hftiloada eoiuifada u: XeClung, Meruer, Wtnhlainie, uf In diana, lltMitlier aud Hawyar. ' ' - A Joint reaolutiou, utukiii viyld bm a day a wTirkIiAeTiiuieiitliiUaot, t-4. " ;j loneurrvnea ia the rknat'a e!jiiiruiiieut reao hition vjaa n fuaeil. and a nituitunf imiiIi ioi.ee aaked. -' ! " ' " , MAKKE1 A8i yiSiAIaflMa, ,, h.w Yoaa. Mareh KH, P, M. CiHU't ttitity ami active ; aaku vf . 3UUU bak at iij(a.41. , " i t -' ilour dulL htate i,iKn,lii. bVatthern heavy ; mixed to good UUV?s8,tW. A i i " Wh.at dull. ,' ; . . - ' Cm advaiieett Mited Wteru l,lii)fi.i.tl,JO. MetHt uork Hruier. ... liu tiMoaa, Mareh xfl, P. M. tv.tu dull ; middling upltn.lt H1. ' - ' Corn active ; white l,tW';lll, VeUow $1,08.-, Mixed tl,uA , Our Afternoon Dl.putfUee. lii - TE NSliSSK COKbEEV ATH'EH - ' NAnuvtMJt, Mareh 29. ' The ht-ling ConarrTttires iroHia inviting ne gn voters to participate in ilia preliminary poll Il eal uioctinj;, tud to send delegates ttalanouii uating Convtntioo, FUOJI WASHINGTON. ! ..v. WtatOMuiosr, Mareh M. Tba Sonata, yeatordty, fotiflrtntd to, and ra Jeetod 6i civil nouiiuationa. (iau. Lovell II. Kousesa hsa bean nominated as the auooettor of llrig. Oim. RoMeertnt. Tlit Poatmatter 0 Antral hit ordered euhv erease of pay of Poet Office clerkships, of a thoa taad doUjtrt and ander, twenty par otnt., and over a tbootaad, ten per eant -,. ' , RiAite Agent and otrrior twenty par eant MAltKETH ANU FIN'AMtTAL. 4 - . . 1 Sr. Voaa, March W. , Cotton thiB ; middling f Gold H,)Hi i 'Yirgiuia iieaUti;''5 ljvtaeoo Micb SI P.M. M Cotton eloaed dull and h.avr; ok lined Id. hCrltnda 1S. (irli-tiii 13). .bVlua lU.ilnO Raleigh Moony Market CORKECTElJ Ul' JOHN U. W IIJ.IAMH A CO., IlKOKEIt,, RALKKIII, N. C. ' rtirat ot aoaTti etaouxa . anTat : Bank of K.T., (O.Jd , (Silver l) 0, B. 1 ' Oap Fear.. ,.. t hariotte . . . tt " Itingutn, at Ortbaia. ....... , K m BoaliorooKh . . . , . . ,. n aiW abormiKh ......... . , SI Thomasville " , W llnuiitrtoa. . .". ,. 'i " C'oinmnroa , IS ' ' VTaahingttMi., " " EtytttHVilla. . . 10 " t 'ltrendon r. .. .'. 4 TsneeyvillB t Miners' and I'uintor'a Hank. . . . , .... r. SO Ftmwrs' Hank, tinwnalNirongh. , , , ... Vt ('(iniinen-i! litnk, Wilmington,.:. II Merehant's Hank, Newurrn. . .......... ... In lrientxrmi;h Mutual Virginia bank Motaa, tlwnt 39 Mouth Carolina " . ........... .. ."; "."' JJ tieorgia tt tlold 1S6 Mdvar ; l: ld t'unpou '.. .i . . 'rth i arulina Ksilroad Coupons. M (fid Him - .. . tt Axehtnge on ew Vork i Nsvataw, March 3, tlMt-m (tat anpaidliyai iS. Flour A,iiKa'i. ftpuit Tnrimitm (tal ntid) 5tie. Kotin M'fVi. Mi'm I nik r.:if(ttk torn aae.fell, hliinglct !3,di(inl5,Mi per 11. iMrWtitrrra!!.-.i i.vtt7- lte Hfftiu. ituitor win. tvitton Hi,rii, C"tlon Vn 4,ta.S. 4!4(Uieeliiitniw4it mv. faiuilv, 1 1 '.f la, w i ; aspcrlta14t4; -Turpatt- Wnvaiwirnt, Mar-h SB.-Tnrj)itlnvJ4i-velhiw eVip jBtt tt.n ! htfl;-pW sfUS ib. Hptrit a 71 eta. per gaX , Ktww t,6K . Q,50. Tar tlji perbbl. 4aMua ?,tiK.'. FicTKBra, March aft Cotm Wff7j, To- btcoo, Lag,l,a!.li ; tMt tw t,.i, acmimj, to fliial'tr. L.eon, W'tMcrn, lid.ltr. rerti aert-pneea vtrjuig, txoiaxj.ng to. tulity, frota Wii m per toq. "1 Kotrr.a jixb PofnotoTTH, Marob 45. naran, Ta. and N.i'. !3" J.". t.otlmi 'iin n kimr 111 'i'IIH. H. ret i, l' , .S.y.eul. aid tola, ,1 it'ftMl., --frvni-VW1iliJ jir. Jff '2- -IZ JI.1I..J. in i i i "' OIJ i.e . x ..jt.iiisKAifc-. FIXE I.OI jV nt IPS.'Thi r.tiitf FIXE LOT I f lMYiL VVBiL.J3t:UM. m cht. at RTittiiESliAlMiS. f TA.sra fiKVTM r INK FUK't'M f'Al iVnita axtr ranted hand atred. t $u im t pair. u-.-) Al, Jl. lil..MMI N ll. - Feb J. 157 -If ' 5()() Feb a-U l AIIirt IJ'lt thLWKU stHtil.S AT l..'4i a ptir at. a-137-U M. Kta-l.BArMS. JtlTCHELL, AXLES tt CO., ' XEWEEHN..N. C. , rir f Amr i.Y.t - iH )KA F 1. I VI FPV A KtiNs' PfST OI- ill vevatl aa tna and CtasdVnaeta. L Land RtUwtv . powum; lna.-raotl a ttiAiow arl Hav Pre. 1 Le rm4 irr!j.uvd tyiHtoa l'taotart ami Howt. kUri'h i1lt t C O-T, O S S A iBQJiaASUEllAT-iiKVV 4ii;LEAXaF0n THE SEASOK OP MTr New Canvass, Trappings, Wardrobes, &o.' The earfrimii ; aa glrifjg jWl IMlt MAXA0E1W, HAVISfl EVERY FACILITY AT THEIR DISPOSAL, CAPITAL AT THF.1R . eoniuitutl. and a knowledge of what au la of antertaiameM wonld tint ilia people, and meat lilt t)ilinlali.n aud ounhai support of Km tiWecctuii, dutertnined to form an iiinmnllon of winch tli-v eaa rett taiird that wlwa tlu-ir manikud tttnetiont (acttou would be given In tad acknowledged by KDUCATKI) MAClti:i J) ON TALENT, WONDETlt NOVELTY. - T BrPEHIOHITY IN EVERY DETAHTMKNT ! An Mlienft poinU pi. nit diMmibte tnthnHWKAT HHttW UiroiiKbout ih Sauth nd Wei, frna Nr OrU vn u lUt i.intmd, in all lh prinrip! ciiirt mt iowua, . Iu ltUtAUAt. iUuutw Uouik Ctftntiiwk. Nortli rmtina, (t-k.r-ia, VlrKnifi, Keut.it ky uid Tii(UtMHMy U ttM iwi Wiib mukt-ii lutv ctm, ud id rufpM bw Inwh triunipli&nt nwrrb. . . CHASTE & MODEST IDashing llotd Hiderw. ntOXIOA-N AND HCKNIO 1..V n J. '' r11 JV'" " .; (. ... "-iSv ..".- igavtvgi. I GIFTED VATJLTERS. M it YE LL0D8 I KIP E B 8 II '; ., ' AOII.R TUMI1LER31 BURPRI3INQ OTMNA8T8I t V 11 q K IGIN AL CLOWNS! WACairiCET tltKSi;. PntTTl' TOME. rVNSfY MILES, Sjdmdid Drtutt, C'ottauu; tf. .f .f PmperlUt. ' Tki Exhibition it dxmtd Iht ',. :' ' J) . fid. ; MiJem TimM. " - UII.I. FVIIIIIIT AT .- V A , . ---..- . V, i- RALEIGH, TNI onAlV P will tiaivea daily at tl o'eloek, A. M., and will, without at cw.tion, bt foniito bh Urgiit tnd moat giirtjwHia paii tnt ever given at a pnhlia grttuity. Id tv H-T.l.la tnd tTtmhtlt. thmg eaetvtit of tioivr til KtlUNTt ttlemlmg tl.a l.tnlk' ttr fall COl' eta", attired in Kobe of Uegal Rpleudrw. Haeraeillng tin will com the wluViv Tb. Hiu at Orrl atia. aver lia'lid ta - tw44i , t. r i......i M,.it,.r iii i,.ritojiAO.witii-tiu, himidd hmiilv traowd, aettnc llorfttai. the Killn Ponnt and Mulea. vitnea tlie folmwmg fonuuig tba tiraat tngrea of Aitiat enas eMi tury t ...,,.,. .V -Hmrm--ftm-himmi Frilbir Fiwr4yimg- Mua 1a li-ttouta, Mia tirai-efui t.i Itrtjliant other ertniaH-r. - Masons liatuotav ataaUr of tl Hlmt, tint t .Blent, he if Ma. Frwaiv Caornvnt, tb t'nt nl f iitTteiliat, lataof lnt t tiren. wno tna very env I t.l,Hwi,t of llitiuiw, Minn tnd Wit, will alwaa I atorer. tr.d ct a. k a tntnibnr of t llmg pikM.. that I tl.H4i.il s.-il 1,,1. alitv ,Mfrlrel an.l tvutl Ma. t.v.t..r li.r. Hi-jy.a, nw limn .iir and l--r 01 uie Age, wm eiecvt ma ,ri;iiig. teapt thri-oeh trie tor, and Ituiah wieh hi liimtite Hifliw-rwiiut. ,. I HiKtr faaaHta. ll ton, . Veramtw IVrf. in the worhl, will, at each perf' riiitnce, giva -h ST in- iW'Ull'' tV.lntw-iOlil a.-, ttV'i?n iKiltonrm. ,va, Ac, Ac , . ". Ma. W itii.a liai.eo, Ni. e, i.-nrti.-l ih liu-ii.rf N fo Fl"criitri.-in', and Tlhinpltn rtnwn. AfUtia and W iilliM . the aKUtili'lot llvmsi-1a, hit. Huntmi.'. the lloiiMe JiotvrailtO'r aihl li,-itto., l :r. . V.-'i-.a tt Lttj, t ..Jlt..tjU i,M...iAl.j4-i tt' li-? ml 1I.M.IH. t-(lt. Sr .fKaiV. "tU lr,. u,a Plt-aa. Jt4a .!. I l"t-enlc I iuli.n. l l'il. limiHl-itoo. iriiirrf ,' , .., . : nui .) ii'i, . ii. 1 a ii- -i- i"i'r, 1 'iiii.f 1 w. i" - Ki"Jl "'"' 'Pt"'"1' lv. eV-., lomuu ff.c !."-. "1 I - ' i anii.i 7 j a . , b. , iiiitr-fi iiiiiit per.,. -Wee,.,.. l,.rt ct-n tt J a...i J h euvk p tu n' w phiiii'm m i i.m i n-i, -.ii"T, it j-rn i :..jj-w,."i,,,r- - - " '-', (M H O U S rflitntaitd Miitoo noriiott mis poriiott ot ui eommututy, be inativ tiroud. and uitt would tnabia tbtm to war prvaeuteu, ami had lMaa mm, tutt luu eatta tbtir patron. 11.uiL.i4 JUAN. EQUESTIUENNES, i:U 1X J IA1INM, f -.ivV ;' f t'ft TfcJ FRIDAY, APltlL 5T1I. eaUt lialMBet-Tloa-WtH h th lint, tvm)n iaing only a poruoa of the pxrforniMt witn t. h.kwi ttuiinuon oi uia oiuttteuia ('Vrii'L ..llJlA 1Tm riatfti'-WIirtriiiilM.' Ahint, on Uie i-iaaut tiopA who s suds above all iiii-.tnaa Pireetor, al..o from 'patty's great Eatabiiah- ' .' ' appi - tr and relate tome tnecdotet, tH several happy om plcaw ttwite aim ean a(precmt. tail aru'tf I V flelilu aled. I lt attnleif ttifg M.tr. Mr. H. 4i-uiiiiiw-, ftBUiiai.. nm. oftom, wr, n-.fr. , r. rviBu-m, 3ii'; . . . 1 1. , ...ia. A,,i, nm..,.,. r 'i'iii-, mi i. b, n. niip, im-.i., ttmat and gr.tvtt vata-ty of Fetfta-ittaueee ever ,A V... ...at , i- t..ti mv. . n , nfiniwa waim vjf eAnfirra ; I' rt nniM . .attawaees att bemr abar. . c fc-tj 'fcj!Jt vt Kun."Kiy mu u, vuiaiirt BD'jj;, ."..".' ' ""-' ' . JtSM.AIIC:?AL.. CBANVILLE CO., X, lli..-,, .1 Within half Kile or UlUreU's ! pot, on tip l:a!c!h A. XV eU , j ' j onjhjt i I r o n d . ' j,RlXe.B. IUDEICK. I'aturaKT, - 1 . . .. Pnuaua Jr iiiMa Ittr, ..lltiXJ. S, R,.jE LAl.fct, t Vf.l-', ' 1 aixl Prof. Men. aud Mmat I hikwuTby. iWYjLiKUim, lUlUatA. Pitt Aua. 93nai;iw. . : tffll r." liiTiv liiBr.fiite tt - Profcaeor liunc aud Mirt.irn Ltiisuss. " TIKS. A. tlATCH, A. M., lTfra(ir Matiit inatirt anrl ttural R.-ienct. klitt bhlllB A. TU al'KS 1UN, lhllber Engl iah ami Acadeinie Otptrtaiarit, Hiaak. HUiiA XiUt'h.slu.N, Ornamental 1 leuarunent. 4 intti unit v g A'Aj. :rrrrr' - Mtun, Mhd KAEY A-CCXNLGHAlt, - ---- - Pta- Mitt BLAS0HE TESTRKS8, - iiuHt and Outtar. Uitt AMANDA HICKit, Piano. 1 . 1 - . Organ A Soifeggin, " J '-- ' ' ' .." Matron.,'.".. ooi sdjon o. Mats, 1 oroaawc iMpartuisnt,' ,TH0S 0. HIKES, M P.. , ' ! v lle.tltnt rhvuiriirt.. dy lVotnlr. Xb lnl( lsti crnd Ut Ult VffKln tAy ia Jam-Hrr, and wui o"4iunu I'll 00CM0f tlli sfc'luWhl beMitt Wllhxtt MUevlleL A nw bmtthng ha Just bea (XiintuUHi, by wtttch lrg ti.utwnT uumlw tau fcuoimi toiodid. .V- wt d-t(jrttui.xt ta wtft our p. p M ufll fort bit H thf tf p0 W P'.ld AiwliMt Mid wtttordilatrnt sli tit fc,iyijtaK i'?r Uilm-omI iifi xU'it:v ttututtn titkl run Mmd tut lb tknniti'-, us nitmt tjt iiutftii eti. , Mate-rtU Wtvtw m too -U known to ih wb ia crmniry tu utd a rpiawlt, invaud yunp Ulu' ttiy pw-ini ft tlioruuisfh ltt"i nm, uid tl UienAtiw uiiifcthft rtrttt.rRtifti of tuir hAAJiU. J.- . h'lVIM iA Uttuid i vtf V lleitt)St!tii f tirnian Mt found r iifcf Utjf. -i" " liio vuDiiif Ulu wtHitiiin in ttt rolloir OiftiHtL utti htu no ntr ciuUnna rMitiirti. in fh tintit un Qf (tVfM jMititis vtn 'AA p - Tlint liintjtuUoo ua wrtmluT mi of h hfmft ind oMt 6hv ikf ' ui ttt hiHtthnm tuif. bwnii-, it vittjrs tli ikM iirior tdiaaif m iTry rtuiptH't for Vevimmuit!mm, -JFt b 3-1S1-3U kitutU hi-ntt, h. 0. BOOK 8T0SE. EW.UUOItHl jrsT.RECEIVINa JTtOM TUB KOBTH A LA HUE tuppiy of , , :,l.. .l. .... ... SCtlOOl BOOKS. . ... , STAT10XERY "':"! '. V.' JBlJLXi BOOKS,. Ink. Pens tnd Fancy article. All ehttp tor tbt timat tail tnd tea. UIUIStiON&PARIUn, Jan 83-awood , ... ... Ralatgh, . 0. J it s t a r n it k n.i.:::M-. i.vkti i.tKiaii lnxeui In Bottlot of various eke beta uuality. , Ull, Dlank Books, aud a great v&riety of Miont Booka. niUKSOX A FARUAR. r FebiS-170-tf - AUPKH VT freah and UwiuiiM at eb Kl-lWI-lf DJtANSON A FAH11AH. A 0?NT OF rAYETTKVlIXB INsl H.Vlii V. il. COMPANY. L.ttHAfO,N1at ktbSll-liit-K ailiAJtbOSI A FAP.RAR. J CIT ABBIYZD, CTilttr's Bbvkrtona. Wandell't lw. Adttns' kquity, BBAKaOS A PAIinXR. , mar 14 iSl-tf N r aiwst), jisr ntst nivttn. BomiFrtx nAiiMnY CMKlVfUs tRt,A8D - , , 'AnAJUblt tt r , , , ,'., . 11 H 1,1 tiH A TAUflAlt. fUtlaiga, V. a fsr U-lbtl ,. D CTraBOOA-EXEl'lJJQ. JuatrtetlvtJttthsK'iiib rr !liit T-Vi t tllAli .V A, l AJaauta. mar lS-188-lf ... . .i ........ . jaossojra ELocvnov, At the K.O. Book-etor. liRAMWXA FAKKAH. mar 191M tf MISCIllANtOUA JKAIa TMl DEI, I It A. Ma II BS09 I.F.AVE to Uif iiia her hil tnd i-.l-mt, and mt intblie, ti.M the ia no rvuMtwa aar Hpring ind Xuminur atock of , MILLIMtU' tOODS, tndwonld bt plstasd ta ahriw them to any ;Mva m want of tin ii go,, a . Mhe piediiaa hura-. to tell at ehtap tt tbttatns out bt had iu Hna narkat. SLIAllllvu, I-HMhikii Aro Wtlxti dons at thortftOtiee, nt p'iaile Court Ilu'i-o ,.. . Silt. I. B. i liAMU-It. mar-18 3aw4. tiegra and dttniltrd eopy. as i:Lt:AYr m:iui, or sj ;tt1 - , Book J For taho riaao-ForU." mnt novRCincLE, a ruii.cn'V c f is. -J.-" ttW-fWi""'1!!! "K. -.;frtt J- try V-' T iTtTtWr -V' t Ui third t. th "ilMm t irci." J u s tbord, i04 A?, liai.mU, Jitarir-tt, 1 u. f , 'P.wib Aip'cwiiijmianiwJ:: "Uii'fcf ivf "IV V;-. k.UtJl fti 2 B4'i't:'fi'.va, lnprnuo 'id'Artn( na-afi-r - tl id 'lifntir, rrttbO eViui liiv, 111,4 iiinT . i i'iitO Acq. U IuhoI OvriUott hi l-i-,.Otft,-r.,l. Ki'ttunU, .iV,nn A''I,f I V;i.. OwitMltd lrr.UiitU "hfrnfrpj. --ferr-t -ti "ti. fat--"- atttin. I' tlo A' Ul iwn uf Mtt l' ! .Nim;, bai ---ttfi ftiid Htk t Mt4tii lUii,ti 1 in 1:0 ah'.( 4r, frttfB Hits piint'i(ti( ( r-j raii, 'i b UMJva 4vr li t tir.i.rra W2 (ttift el-Tc ftf bltt-MIl)f. IVliO itt titrtt oi-iuilv -jM; tlt-iii v 4mj Cl0t.i4 fiiii 4 lit, r, ui. k.j i ui vohiDieA or tiie at-t ci-mph't l tii Muie litt. iu and teot fift-pajil bv V t'-MVEIt MT-.O.N i (it... ; mar 21-li-tc Itibli, In r. lt..o.,fl. l Aitn nm ki r : q-W3'llfatt3tri.t.Kti.,-Sii'Tf 1 . pr,:l.t ,.-r, a . - - , aituli4.. al .,l'-i--ti 'Hii-n Ir; (viry- pr.N; ra!timir. ) -1 will f'tnil' h WtSL'i'in.'f i---t'in oaiuvati. Uw ka4t. - For torint, 4S , f ? to , W H. 1 V ' -iraleli-K, rnaf'JlT ?, ' lEWELSY, BILVZa WAUr. iC' W31. II. TlIOTU'MtV, ... , Pr,li ,-v: n v. tt-nirti,. (-.. It A A .u) .VeI ft tv J C. tt X, LLi, Faff lit tllle Sin tl lt.vii;i;ir. v. . UAjHtrtM!tn,..d fr. m ll i. at tot old tttud, .wn,i. H itf t l?a, Jew 1 1 r j-, ; t itr-, A 1 l " ! M. j, ,., 1 riair 1 x tie tiv ami tl. . 1 ., I , . (,-I.l -1 t 1 1 " hi T F "-tin vf I'l a A cti. 1.4 if w esut H.V1I ,A -I u" B,,l7. "V'" '-" "" n . a -.i ; ( , t ( T, t fi ti 1 V ' t V i. t J i ti .1 '

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