-'- kiii or Abvr utii. - XinitniormrnMM OTi"wM. fa the JWPf WaOt-tTicT'l' ri r A wtflbe Bp?reiWr e.otL'-U at I !tiiU'H Ullea, Or II ilKbe.- itue plr one --fk . .. fcacA -!": '' 1 iT'isWVtWiuiY. I'll- 4 itt a-piare olyt- Hi'-illt. . ; ...... Hist Fa. U pt'.itf "n ' Bi.nah., . ,f . H ne , tlmtp'tnAie tf Ut'titlha. . i .. . .1. . ..lu.tW . a., h. . .... .: I " , S aj tHM St;: L.n-.t "'"tittiH.i.i. '. .i , -rr l2.t- .ta-tti.tillal - ' --t- .-r. .-. r 4H0- , 2.'W tnlptallrcl,ulm4 ; . , -, ... ... ... .25 6 , tMtr iti-lf eitillltiti, . .-'.;.... 40,11 ttttectauoil ,.',. ' , (, . .1.1,11 Bi..s;itlr i ir.i rw X-t, 15 niuim Jim or leas, will 1 cbar;. d t-idy f.T tl.i.e monilia . 1 All xh.Viua -rm nt or I'm ,U. tut4 be changed Ui -- k':'t every three ueaith. CoetratH lor ; "awe that hn mental. Bn$rtr sidy ".at" ti Ki4 KkvLU n (lnv or tlnTlu" mul rcqnirod ia kr iiirll m iu.i 1.' of joial pUo, will be chirMt 2fl jt o ut UilH-r Uisui Uwtliutre charge. AJvt tUjh irtfnt hiKnrt.t in Wp, ,i s, mj. W'kly' t tlrr itoiHliiiu w illt" lltt ' ftltfii ' iVmrt MvBrticwHU4iMertnii t die 7 aaharJiftsliarnl. , , - s . .,; . v dvrli-r w m 1 a y fin J it xn tlwu li witafjf . toeiu'kiae th cuU rhu U7 uniil ulvettuwutonta, o Hie niwit Uikt rwu hi my fr tbcra. THE SENTINEL IIUNOAY ETKNJ NH, KVHU. , 1!7. LOCAL DEPAET&EHT. " To Adtkhtimfh. Tim pti!'lic will find the Sentinel one of tie lkst nip.liutiyi r Trtiing la the Stute.. . It circulutioii eoven Urjfcr arra, pcrlinpo, tlirin any ttlicr pa per. .'),' ' Nkw AnvKimnKKiT.-liiUiH A lK-atli, 2i Lilit Street, IUlti(ii.r,t tlje "Old lf rylmij Work," invite ttUmtinn to their BiioufacUire of Furuactw, SUitps, H.'frijfi-ra-. tort, I'lltnp, 4c, iiC is &Ulimort. Oliver l)itm Co., lJullislurj ol Mimic, Buton, call attention to the "Vianixt't Al- Cbemiita, 2WJ Tlivcr 8t., Troy, New Y.rte See dttilj annoiincniuent of that eo terpriiting firm, Mitclielf, AtK-n & Co., N- WU. Ouino Drnpperi ami Guano Sieve: X Brown, (with Hart A Lei.) "- ATnKW J, Toi.k, Esi., of Tenncsaee, formerly of thU city, and a son of CoUv Win. Polk, died recently at Vevey, Switzerland, whither hcluij gone focthciiupiovtinunt of hi health. . - Da. Cuau-kohu, Dentist, wishes notue given to tlio iiiliUc tlmt lie will be absent, ill fulfilment of proleaionul engn'i'menta, Until iIoiu5ayni.it, 151 h. inst. "SmrARS as o Compass.' ThU is tho title of a new Weekly Masonic Journal, to be published in this city, by J. O. Hester, xj. The first number will be issued in the coarse of a week, betinuiui; with rt elition of eleven, hundred copies. Mr. . IK'sU will thHiMless niitku aa u;cepUll journal to the fraternity, and we wUlt him the tuccuss which we are sure he descrves, tF.ir lhHiihiul rilKMlZtt GOOD'!. , JAwr. KJUrt:- Kvery lovur of art will enjoy a visit to the MeiwrA. Mi Kimmon's, to am the liBiiilsome artich, drawn iy the North Carolina niu.iV m at St. Loni. Kve ry one is ready to s-k,'whut flmll be doue with IIkiu!' If they wiredrawn for North Carolina, of coiirw North Carolina authori ties will mauagii I lie .disposal of th-m, Bat ain( they aro Noi lh (Vrollna prizns, would -it not Ih) ii"pio)i iatM to pn-aeiit them to some of JSorib Carolina's own mm. No maa will gtiin any reputation for nri;inali " ty, who eiilnpizi'n Ot-nerdl ttoix it E. Lee. The wbolu Winl. I has loti; hinie conceded that he is 1"mI, brave, wirr, nolih'. ' But bas Nnftli Cnroliiia to y.) from home to seek Someone to honor, with her on ,SW goodtl I propose to compliment one of our noble leliow -iti.i:iis ut home, wilh the present of this hund.soiiie drpiwintf case ;'and will be oiieof Cl'nwn bumln j other to n'tva t dollar each, loptin-lmsethis Iwautilul case fortloff Vance -or tJov. (iraham; and spine of thine days. vhnn the milion proposes to compliment ?n. Kolu rt E. Liu, will join heart an.i bund in & siiiliiWa teBdi-t of our admiration. .. - ANiUt l lf CAKOMXIAN. Th liiua t (iinr. A yoiinif man, a nntive of North Carolina, recently bronj'it a litter of introduction ' t a citicn ot Hulnstoh, which contained a reipicHt that aid should le rendered the youn uisn in L'euittir into bu . sinerai. Duitultie cottvrr-rttton th .tact wa drnwii out th:it the j'.niii man bad Workol Ida pas;e from 8w Vora. He Was not a-lt.aiit'd to work at anvlliing that . Wa bnntut, A ttiati .who helps liitiiHeif will ' always have friend. His new Ualveston friend at once iim.lc n plan for him, unless be ohl do Itciter. Williiio'ti) tuke liold' of thiiitf t.Ut- h-jiiiM it. w a Hit Ion, siiinaiwHI a-ttmiatTBfa- irVtmfewTfrww fuir snlary and npcninsf s good prospect L. tl.- 1 i,...:.i . f ...i...Mtiti.-; i-n-fe- I i-M yrrA..4li.AUl.i.'.S .;.." w-hich thcTiJUti:; mrii tonrc.No.rvwh - weC thrown upon t'e.-ir r.-iiit.roe should sick to master, li . KtMrot i.y lortiitte to come. - Iltttrt h;T li n,. V) ;, s jj citt yonr p hivca, - -your eoat, and as a .-.! Icr, warm 1. .r the coh teit, nt;f;ein the t',(Uti tor fon cerii, and you will flud many who itl wknowh-dge yout claifu. and w ho will tlnd it to their interrat to promote yours. . -s - i ; W clip this aliiivn fiom" the Galveston Tri-WVkly -i.,vW,Vc. The jnwig Bun alluded to is a native of tliia titj, and we are proud of his rt cor t. For many a long . Blilnth burn In At :-brfc. ii. M -I. . ft 1 , . . his j 1 ' r -U I ,1,, P cjy. up a 0 4l 1 ' went nn , 1 P-A t-i , ': e friin.l oJ ' k at on. . 1 11, Voik. I til;ver,, it . ' 1 1 ...1 f.r I.. Ml I t t t. 1 I':. .111 it t.- k ,! . ' ;, ! i fit mlied to Hum Will Id Collid I I 1 US ( I I S 1 in 1 11 if . fw- t 1 ! v 1 T iTV'ii nml ' . 1 a cut to t 'l ..I. e 1 I , i a.-nt to N.-w it frunno r to i. t 1 I we enprct.lo nt l i J"wywbi W. IC-ttrt:-:-'m-fci-b?fmce Man in year, be will kie becomes man is !1 otbertwptiu. 1M vHrii nothing like determination to entvwif.". JicnwuibrT wbeft '. u 4 frill, Hurt it a may. ' DBA TU Of BOX I. F. CALDWELL We announce, with fMHidrtU-! f UU tlieiiiiieiisli! wan, w liiniA City on'' ThursJr. io the "Olh teat 1 go. wudetatdweU on native ot Irwlill Loiiutf. lier he w u born Id 1TS3. He ws .Ju?t.l at ibanei Hill, and rwul law with tWfate Him.-ArchitjlJ Jteaiiereim, Id the proinieion oi wtiu u be enrly rose to eunoeDce. H tint entered uuhlie lite u a member of tin llothw of Common trotn Ire.iufl Count; i the IM H aulwemN-ntlt rtmmreJ 1 RaljabBry, ml fpwwtfU li..wan t.hi'.':j in th-8naie of our trWte lAgilatur in the years 18'9, ";?0 and -31. R,.V8r,t ilia .Vunu m -UUlt;- in Is bewrai etertetf of ttte jmgm of the wpo riot Court of Law and K-joity, which otkw he hild, with honor to kititteli ami profit to th State, uniil be renined it io IS-'j'J. . Juile Caldwell waa a maa of no ordinary intellectual powers. A a lawyer he wa for many year the n-knowlmlired'hcsad ot the bwrTtt thCirejiirIS which he practiced, A a JuJj;e km men hre inspired more gwd will and reiect among the legal profeemoa, and none ever iriKjiirwi a higer reverence for tue iiuimiti tiou of Jutu among the com mon Ijj. lie u a man of unbending ut-jtrity, a high aitna of honor, and though ba may have had to contend with Itroiig prejudice, a kind and gunrou heart, "" It wat Dot our good iortuneto bare known him very lg or very intimately, and wa have aotthe material at hand to write any very extended nmioe of him to day; hut w truat auch notice will be prrpami by aunt ot- in otd ummMtum at tiia tar. horn put- aooal reniinisaence ol him would prove of me niL'iiein idu-I8I. it is true tuat ba be- lon(rd to a generation of lawyers which ba nearly p muted away, hut we have in our mind on ol bts survivors wbo H eminently quali fied to furnish a sketch ot his life and charac ter, and we hope that be will undertake the t sic OUt Awth btut . Military Cobstbootiok. We bava offi cial information that on yesterday Colonel Frank, the military commandant of tbia post, waa applied to by some friend of rnchola Carr, tba prisoner atmtenced t b braHiled by the Court, to tclrniapU tq Oen. Itiicales, cummanding thi military district, iq order to ascertain whether or not brand ing wa construed a mainiinir, under the late order prohibiting the infliction of whip ping, maiming or otherwise disabling the person as a punishment. Col, Frank de clined taking any action in tile matter, un less applied to by counsel tor the prisoner. Shortly afterwards, we understand, thi same request waa made to CoL Frank, by one wf the counsel for the defence. ' A telegram wa then dispatched to Oeo. ! Sickles to this effect, and in the afternoon bis Honor, judge Meares, received aooiumunica--tins intra Cut. Frank, atatiug tliat Uuneral Sickles bad been heard troiu in thi cam. and -that branding bad been construed maiming. Col. Frank, in accordance with this information, requested that Judge Mearc would inflict some otner puaishmeut upon the prisoner Carr. The action of the Judfje will be shown to day, wtoa the pris oner ia brought into Court. I', b. rJiiice writing tlie above we bave received the following copy of the official order from CoL Frank, served on the Sheriff of tin county ; U jxt Post or Wh.hinotok, N. C.,:: I . ' April 6th, 1S7. ( Mr. H. Ji. Hunting, 'tskmiff if A'em llunofur County, H Umznami, A. ('. ' -" '8m ; I aw instructed by the Major On eral commaniling, that branding ia prohib ited ty act ot Congress and orders from de part men t beadunartera, and am ordered te enforce it. You will not therefore carry the sentence ot Kictiolas Carr into enectr Very resiecllully your oletient servant, ' i B.. F. FA,- ... Bvt.Lt. Col. andCapt. 8th Infantry, ! o Commanding FosC . -v Wil,JvarnaL Since the foregoing was in type, we leant that Judge Meares baa changed the ten tunc ot tba Court to a fine ef t'v.000 and impris onment for twelve months. - THE I'O Wt'Ili, Of TlIK DISTRICT COXMAKDEltS. A Washington telegram to the Hun give a very clear statt-ment of the position of the President and hi Cabinet upon the ques tion of the powers ot the district comman ders. We think there can Jia no sort of doubt that the President must decide as herein indicated, : There must be some res pect for law elected : r "Mr. fltaiiUry has not written, nor hash tieen reijtittert Jo write, an opinion on tb Subject, mvr has tkneral ISheridau ever Sent S line to the President with reference to the removal of the Louisiana ollicera, " '1'he rWretary ot War few days ago sent a no'-a;;e to Cieneral Sheridan, requceting s report ol his action and the cause ol the re merala, but the report has not been received, thonpdi momentarily expected. . The subject has been informally discuss ed in the Cabinet, and it was understood to be the sense of the administration that the military commander are not warranted un der the reconstruction act io removing civil nificciri, ualvsBthcy are in some ay obairuct ini the eiecMlion of the law, and that when such removal hsve liwo made,-even upon i good and siiiIk'IC'U gionndu, tho in does not authorize a tuitiiary coiiniHih.h r to at- point their stnt'eiH!Sv li eiiiBMi; ttiiii- tmy tifiicvrs to crtirm olliciul ilutie which r to f-i ir ailrr't pp"i' attoruiy tteiu-ia.a lniK,..ra Tliia ia loerelv t! :'r -f f r--' ' v! This is merely the ihlornial con- - ioa .I lus almiiiwHon, mt w jiTt has nvt liom regularly rierote ttisi aot uet nor referred to the Attorney (jsaaeral.' Kx-tJovernor Win. B. CamplHilt, of Ten-ni'-ee, who was a Gnu Union man tbroiigh olit the wsr, Hod a niemlx-r ftf the last' Congreaa, ha written a letter, i which, among; other things, he say : "f am decidedjy of the opinion that the TSadickls hsve already dextroyed our free fi.rin of pnvernniPUty and have erected upon its ruin a th poii-!a instittjti'd of a major i'l1 ot t niii'ii-rt n f.o h li v in r,., f-v' si t r i l-v.i CO oriiii'oe i. ,;o mil in a ot I vrt.t.'iit-4l.i' btwujitva nit- the.JFiidi -a' 1 and Bow...rii,'3"i''d- te wswtBiiiJ .-i and (iiHwiiitf roHit-4 luttiH amddarv ftrtran i -ui mn w hu h is to uisiiitatn their swav. and 'sernro the ettHinme of tlteir mrtv supre- : niacy in t otn'reKs.' I . i to the lirooks , tr.f .n coni.iy Tit it i W l i a.t. A'ril 1. 4 ,ttHrnal si' -A c s t We fd -t II v (1 t 1 I ) St ( li:,,, ina, some to li, I rnsnttimn, : in I- .inn? 1 - .1" il I -,e intir. ' i 4tm .i, were Uk'p Inun n conn! v. In.iiiina. id, by a ui-u and iT I,": I 1 II n I f TiaKaTTAT'inc. iUoadiiy Ftornin In. pan tics," ' turn wisactj'Tus. - . A'aivn , A,nU7. totaro from TailaUn., f!. .!.,, ti d n iUt tbuuaawl sera id huut bjt. U. loau.1 the hotasatead law, wUk UuuUtliseitlii. to" BxTy"asar . 1 . Un j ( Btafceerry and f.f S . i t r, ., aral Haadslt waraainotit 11ituh.,i, Th KatMaat flank CuvtttiUuu i t,, iH ( . i . Quo.uut, . : The eaaberasmrnts of U War. Saw aiM l"' i et Departateuu It tl H . jt The IntevnsHUvena iai-,,i f,v ttr i s.y,ni),- --- -. The reauluUiat sinlltua Mr. HauUbuiv aa .inslttnitet)r astnmsa. ' lienoralltMrwrta thfrntith, f hi hsn tisa. Wn njueted by tba Meuahf, as Knrv. jor uu.rJ of Hontaua - The effleial papers, three ia LouiiMia snj twa in each of the ether Bnn-erMiUd tlUUia. are uthoe4. by a special act, to puhlua tbe laws of tn PurtJ-amUL engnsa..It will amount tu snout twalT baudrt4 dollars. The JaJuri peeridee tliat the Wr, irv, F.ift-utit and redanl Jodiekry adrertutfatetita bali be pnl- lbibed la these papars eal.v. . . ' '' - Kr. aMeven ba bono quite iu Mac Wwliitohy. ufdiaeaeacf tha baart. irfy "s'-... Facta regarding Itaiwiaa Awurka have Uwn da- vetoped, witliia tba hut wiank, huimwaiug the Beeate saur favot.t.ly towards Ui ratilteaih ot th treaty. It ia beticwd that the majortty ot U eoDunitUaeo Furtigo iUtiiHi hrta: Its rati '; OHIO Bl KHtAOK. CuLLHaf a, Ohio, April 7, " Tba .Vire ha eoncurred m tba ttttm aaud' wnta to lbs sulTra bill, eitouduiK Die frenchi te su mala eitiaana, euwpt ebul ami desurtura, KETOLTJTIDN Ui HATTI. . HiwivN, Apnl B.. A private hitter from ftirl an Prdwt of March It, eunttrm tb reported revolution in Havti rrsnidunt Qeflrard bas msigiHid anil left the Island ia a French man of wsr. DEATH OP AN EX. V. . KN A TOR. y ' lNwTUkSo, April i. Hun. Oeorea Kvau. luntMrlv V. a. Rvaator rruta Halite, aud fur aaany yaara cbairataa of tb oa- Bottae-eek-4?uanaMii'ee died Ubryv COJfftEKYATIVK 'HEKT1SO IS CHATTA- : -. . . . y KOOOA, j ,' & . i CaaTraaooaa, April 7. A Conservative I'nion cunaty tXniteniion ess hM bare last night to elect dalegaUa to a Htate Cuaveotioa without distinction of color or rare..- It was the largest aud swat eutbuauutMi tueulmg ever held sum. There Were abuut 500 odured and KO white prewat. Tb onicar Mid tk- r were all orhrinal Uukin men. Just before adjooranwat, they aw addreaaed by Willises Fbttcher, a laadio; eotorwl eilun,lio said if he waa at to vote, he was at to alt mi Ui Jury and to hold ofllDe. lis 1U.I Vert told the conservative were hostile to the eokired maa W hat be had hoard to-night bail set hint to think ing. He waa going to read, atedy and vote for himself. The radicals asy that they are game; to carry all the Htate ; they would una him. He was greeted with applause. ; The reaolnliims favor th retniaU) the Oonali. tntiou, oppose Brownlow, favor a more hheral school law, and th eenaotnica atlmiuiatntioa of th aevenunent. : ' . MAKKKT8 AUD FINANCIAL, t ) i : i.liv You, April , P..M. Cottae steady. Balsa WSJ balee ; natditting ap land 38. . . ' -" ' Flonr aetive, state tltlr-tu.ao. Wheat U(10 heater. ' ' ' ' j ltALTIMeMKy April tr dtUmdult. Middling njilailda . r- f , W11.MIH0TOH, April 1. Cuttoa held at K. . Kosia W4$s. ,,T- r r- , Our Aftrntexm DUputcbra, a , IBOM WAKHlNliTON. WaaHiaoTui), April Oen. itoeecranz ia tentioned iu coneectiue with th Aaatrian aiuiiatry. ' Uaprsoadauud rsticeae ia obtwrvvd ia ijtuiti circles, regarding past sod future re morals by th District Coauuauaer. The question ia ra gsrdcd a a very nice one. It ia tb general hapreasioa that the supreme Court will not entertain the Miaaimippi oouiplanit. The iupeaehnient utvestigationa are soapended tiU Msy. ; .. Thos. h. Crittondua is eonArewd A Brer. Brig. 0nersi, nurratt'a trial is Set for the present term. Ilia eonrtcttoa is eonaidored iniprobable on acoonnt of the aekward uuhcunent and kuuaely JoiiiUd rir euuaatancee. Georgia, through Cnarles O'Connor, of Mew York, and Judtr lilack, of l'smurlvsirta, adl fibs on Friday a petition in tba Aitpma Court, simt lar to that of Mississippi. :. Bt'MOllED WAK IN FXltOI'K. hrw Yoas, April S. There are rumors oa tlia street i! wsr between Frano ajul Praaaia, aud a great decline of 8-2u's en the other en I. f. MAUKh'fH. . .. New Yoaa, Aprils. Ould sxtrenaly sebv ; owuig to the European new. Oiwnwl at 11,31, sold aa bitth s 1,36 ar,d ebMed t f t,S.ri. Cotton quiet, at 'AS ft upland. LrvaarooL, April S. Cotton easier, with still further decline. Bale I will probably reach 7,000 bale. Upland U;.- i Oibwee 13. i . - . - ' Enaint's Last. The following is the latest counsel which the HtraU give list Stth "ii,-Hr----. . ..-.j... the idea ot the radicals to the fullest extent atrd pnslt the revotutiml th rdi iit iosii guiaUd tw the ntmrwt timit. In troing thie they shpuld send a large delegation ot nr groe to Congress." FkK 'tor TH. PotTni un Statks. Con gres having appropriateil $50,000 to pnr chase see.! to I distributed thmtighout the Soiuliern Statea, Hon. laaac Newbm, C'ommiasictner ot Aprictilture, is now miking preparation to iliatrihule them, aiid during the prewnt month a large portion w ill be forwarded to larmers anil planter in th Sllh. Itl the ilesireof Mr, Newton that the fanners ahsjl rei'eive the seeds soon , a ......!, tu on4 ibt u.eji may ba itBtus- t elj UHcd. n A It ntta.ie.lin some of okr ) arn'e that the Uev. t". F. IVetus. editor and propria tor of the it it hmnn. uiie it hud an tai4itice in New ork, has been filtered a nrttteaattrshiH ! in ( aiimrma ut 'too per niniiiiu. . lie uv ' ' he is in the hands id the 1 omvttiary . at 1 i I ' , k i an 1 i w id jjo or s: a. il, itt l.-.i. t , -a- ( fii xiniit n"i Kkti hvs to Wasiiim-i It-.- h-naxor W u-i went to V, ii'hin.'ion ! T the I-re.H'nrki.u' tr nu on i i-v ; : - - i i u li will r.iiirn. Iiow-j-ver, to tian,. ' s.-l we piestiiiie H'l iik st ai! the Ino-, riant t' tit io t'.e Nat as. He niii, h.maeif ii i l w n li the mtirhfji who w In. h be vi ... -t by UecitiiA-ii. ot i-o liini.tid so, I i I K M I g JuilS (. IIJ.-t.MS k t'tk. Minn i s ( - ' f- r Si.) O It 4 I - , si tiraksm -n . K. Vi:..,, i,4i , ... . . . I ' UHllt. -. H aj.lMrH-t.ia t stl-HVHh lar.'OitMt AIH V VllU- . .7 ? . i J M SI Hi r. i ii 4H PI 7 I Viaere and l laoo-i a hiu.k 1 .rin.-ra ikAna. I it'.'t-it.air-.' b I mim-mutt iMna. V llmni'-t.iu r. linil IihK. Ncwlmrni ui ..iih imrn. il -Mrtiwst '." . 7 'lia.tta4' ., nit ; - "nMb t aioiuia . " . etria Wd ,r,w.-ir,..'i ltlv4W . : - Hd enijirtn, -! I arobiwatadned t'n Old Mm 4 Ln haoneiia New Vot. . k. .--.-.4 Ealeigh Kational iiuna : of Norh Caro- Lna. ma auu ,- x.n, Bank of tVtw Fear .i . . j. :. " iwi-iu.,.-. . t'omiiwnv . , . ..y ....... . . ' tareiutoif . " FavMleville w .... wJillto. . . . " l.ciii wl ill at t iaWu ; 44 Korili l ar. boa lioaSto o fi'hoioaMii! -. . . -. . . rui5i;r:(.:u. j i;hik! ran i s :,r , liank of N . t -' o - it i i is a - i . t .-..:if,...:W. 4.1 1 40 ... . 411 I .. -H ! ..'...i...... HI , t 7 St i. Iftl . . .l.v'. 60 ., .. . iHI ...-rv.il . r at .. 'Jo t . . ...I.-M 4 .... ,. l . - , 4j " UuintiiMi.ai ... ... ... W.iilu,.l,H ... - , ' 1-.MI).i . IVnanH-rcialat U itunto l.i 1 miMw' lin--iiHtHtro ttildt Merebnnli. , .Si U rn , - r . Hilars aodi'UMaw: .. . Vifrmi bank oott SM.rttav -HimtH trsmtiiia ' . . (titiruia . . '. Xllver. .... f '. hi North I aiiduis t iiuimua '. Nuiili ro-ntiiia ttuilroad uaiu)tiM. MonhtandiiuvK' - ,.. . , K.avliailKS itn New lol'k, 1- PROVISION MARKET, ' CORRW-IKD l!V JtlKKAM VioMUbUlbK'tU UAIJ h.U h. V rIAi'tiN .... Hl-kF ... lit' lTFlt.. at'T.tujii CUI1N !?; in r. .. J !,(); ' 5 . .. i.i .. l,'i..,l XS-'il. mrox. tlttttl MKtr.tl Fill I I' A,ilna ft M ' tVa.-li'a, lHirhn. " taaie H'WI . . . (II si V , iUH It Faiiolv , . . ., II ia,M7 UI Mlla-ilu.v , . JI HO 1 14 OU - Mil' :; ... l.v.rjii i- , , . , iii ta Wlji S1rJ. bot.l, ..AIlA.-. . ... ill ifAH-t , to , ; ,.. 1 i ... " , -niock. 1 tit.,.-1 j ItrrATUKK Irfeh v.... 1 7v,, j a " -elweet ........ . . .. f:nr US "H e- ,. - 4,,-. . A 1 . 1' . , . . . A, . . ,, . . '. . . . . - J jtv t st hi (iAHt riw.li, ,,l I,i Brow li lawt lV.r 17)' " M t oliiuiiiti lliuali. , . . . . IliAr,, i.r .. SPECIAL NOTICES , KMIWTIIV IimiM', MiHAHX K. K. liMarot, tie (,rcat 1 njidi Aatiokajixt, Clan voant ami i'ajcliiiiuuUruua, wbo baa atoiulitd the aeteiuiiio classt of tlte Old World, has now baaUd berwlf at lludaon, n. Y. Msilauic Thoriitnu pumctwtsaiu h wonder ful power uf ccuod ailu, aa to ensbU bet to Impart knoa ledge of the greatest unpurtaace to tb alnnle w married at eiluer sex.,. W141ein a state of trance, alio delineates the very teat urea of the peraou yoa are to marry, anil by tba aid of an hiauuiuent of inlciins power, kmmn as Ui Faychoniotrope, Knai'aiittwa te prtklmd k Irfti-hke raotuiirof Uie future hiulianderWife th ai- piuiaiit. btttettniir with dab) ef warilag, nwitieo 111 unvlaadiu); trait of clisi aeter, So. Tills is InmiliriH, as tlnmwORlaof kwt iuioiiiala can aawrt. Hb will send alien doaircrl a cortiBed eertificste, orwriiuin gufajit,vfl,-tluit tfi Idilftrv Is wbsl it pwrporU W be, fly etw Miar a small ha of hair and stating p!ai of both, tv, d.,itiM ami eompleiiou, and mi Uiu; lill v et nla and aUtii li ed enveli addnsMK.d biiaiiMitf . von i)l receita tli'i pict!irml trfr.-d ififiiroiaKoB by r.4r Biail. AH eu!iiluniiiejtl.iiis aai i-niily eontiilelitlal. Addrea in eoumn ui . ilnnsn K. F. Thbmtoii, P. a But KS.1, HiiiUiii. N. Y. Apr S--l.uU , i . , 1HI; -I 4 i:ii:hi iioiy. A LsiR pp. Cirenlar .ii,ii;; infiiimalioe of the great ml tnii-iniMiit to tlie piaug at hotk eesee,-- ; " " Itteai bes bow tUe I.0111. Ij niaj bwuiue tMWiiti- ful, the deued i-neled, and tli ioraakra joved. : . Ku young la.lv or ifi nii. nun rbttubl f.iil biatmd their AdibeMt, aud lee- on a eouv tOat-paid, by return msit A.bhva p. o. In-awer, it, Aprtl6-Ji6-ldaiv ., , , IrnJ, b. V. YfAJ.'.' rnj." 1. Jno ruin f all Uia htiiinlsi.J P-t auila,! prua io auit tlie Ulitiw at M. ROSE.NBAIM. ApfUl-'AKitf il i t,V 1.11 Hll1.1l.Jt Al' M pt.T pair, at M. Rf'lSKNBAVM. AirU l-2ii-tf QTIiirttl MOMPI'l'.NM, O acy, si Jf ASP". AMI K Fit- H. i.4 1r-liHAt II, April I-'AW-tr AnnTiif k . aatiK rvfti, 1 ICiLl'lllUJj.aA 20 ti., jvr oiinee a . ll I'.illi.V L SI rl, April l-ata-tf ,.'. i. .. JEWELRY. EILVnVARE. AC. M MI.1I. TalOMIttiOV, , t . . 1 . w ..-' ... .j, T. ."I -STATE 'OFJUlU MI CAliLINA. "f11 41,1 - - Wt"-r A,.A,L,S iui.ii v., - tAi.i:i;ii. jn. f. nAHjuit r. tiiriu .) fnnn N,i!, ,,! ...ulu 'at Itta oid fclitud, a pii.i.u,.i t,.,iv ... -- t tt lit?s, Jewt lr), ftilt rr llnlcd! . -'iVitrts.tic. 1 ' reltslr "It tlimencally and elttt dit, h,' He hu ). 011 hund a a".-.ii..i..ni , t'Ux kit, U.d.D-l'KNri, IIH'ld-: f K.NUK-i. A,.. v A t:hui'- hi of s- : i-i.t cl V i i. .M.I.V. in ISlttrtt, Btid iijai.y i u,.' i,,t . tu,. loi, n(ii y,. j , atieetnai. -. t Md l.i il.fl and HILVPIl l.HKht and .,!.!. - . ... . Feb 114-1." -HU 4 41 ttltt I : . t l li-l i.it i.t. - . (ttfHT oil. laryc. I;i i" I i i r Al. i4n 1 ; if fX'ttl-. (t If U : Uet-fl' . I. ti . I. ot li, r t I IL C, MA OLE wiromAis cRocrr.s. otm i: to mi; in n ir. 1: Alii; lil'i'l IVltt (IN I'OXSHiNMKNT m, and varied him k ( i i h i f Kk.U V miiKCI.HTHIS U 11, UO V c fe Oniae. rid ' la' Tl'Wf 1-r IrtKpcrtiun ,T -I Mi i. Iuiu. iu Um Uva.audaili Iw ta-id low l-u J'ii-fi'ii if a.4 ml- mom mtiictr, am he ' , ,;, t,,ivd at Auctme, of akult du n.ut ail U- I" .- aivvtw . ' WIJ.IAW.MKKrtAI Biar S,Vi- if v Ii..le8nii tiro-era. 4K )I.K. kl1 li I'll! M 1 1 lit Jo. a 1 UUta.ui N !. i omtph-N' oiilt-r. . i t l.l.l M JllM XAt V). AtnU?i'Mf U l.an Ui..is TTO' a.uii.a:ni:vitt. ("tAlX AM' StiwrniINO NEW AMI TlIK J tit t. Imvliva tolli.u t'lsuU-r. liaoaikn Utttoe l low. aiarM 191 tf 41 lillW. At JV. P. W UJ.UMSt.tN S CO. 1 1 i ai. Mat a.n J4 a !- A ......... - l.lSl lha. priuM Itaiioli Kulea, J.iaat kotee tuirmia ttaMW and Sidea, l.lM uia. Ilm. -SU " pitHw It jjin) 1 jtpj,, lr. rtiu. Amviuif.tloM dav. Apid l-'JinMI 11 f. WH.I.lAMwS A I'd- til Aiei i(f tao u j?Ano Ml (( TliNX kioiw No. I i'amrian tittann, dailv VII " evoweltMi. Hue vuiu-imiIi a-m u.w it jimi uet;t any. , - . . '. ' J. F. W I14JA HHOJi A tU April 1 ano-tf . .. . TIEIiniNOM! HI'liKIStiHM iu:t:i;iN(idi!i Al 'I el", prime H:0ili tliKiniKa. ltxel nig liiatdiiv. iu.-. i.... li I. Wll.I.l lMSilS- Jr at Apill 1 l-tf .rtauilard aud Prukt'caa etv VV.Y COCES. A (.' Alt II. Il'AK IN MINI) TlIK PiiUiiWIMi FAl.'TS It' A It IN MINI) ll4. llMl hull A t lot. tin liniisH ik, iii t,v inia i.ablialoiH.it ill liie i n v.. . imr J1111...1- Uu....i.- having lieeu in dm tni.iiii'M ui-ailv 'Jil ycaia. ""." T nl. V a kc p one of ,ir tirui eouauaiUv iii tlm MwrtliiVn niarketa ard. lie ut Well tmalei aa to mialiir au.1 nri.., ..r i"t m-U - ' 41 liTffe, linjl.ccii..;i ;'ai.M.ny i.-.-vV, l.,.ff.,r 3iHlltt ail. Mil. s o know the want of our eustonic and our giKiriN please tlient. ttl It. Our uiollo ia "oioek tub.a aiiilniBll a... i. y ' r" 7(h. Ws 00 a Him l.iiMiiu, dt ail stock oil lili, I. Hill. 11 IS a nnlorloiia fnct UUt ii luiv II.a 1- quality otgoi.d : ami a. -Il-tliciu at ki price. : r,n. n ai icuu S1111-V7 hi our buauieaa. .. . , imh. Vi e at ll g,is for eaab. . lllii. If we make auithiuii. It ia aiamt ia the 14111. iic ttiotf trip uny rotwiea. Are out ttia almva 11 uimm! na,iA ahv v.ui ".' Timi uiy iiiHtua m ut r is ha.1 liujH-d to bave earned our btautiftil Spring a:in k P'Ourm w Htore but oaiug to toe weatth-r. bate bean delated. Wa a ill ai U 11 out St our old alamt nuoau UmhliiUy say that a lisiMlaouier stiaik . ,-, . -. , ' , enilNO AND t?LMMKIt Dliy OOOP1! has never bn a olfored in this niarkat. W, 1L 11. . lLtbf.lt 4 tO. marStt-lSJ tf , . ... ... . " . Indies, Misses' and Infiuita Hals. ASUPFftn HTOTK, roVslsTINd OF "' ' ' MM W t..CK hill I'fc'fV fil'LIT hTH.i W UTAH ' 11 f.xii nun, . A 7.V HOfSTAO, u.,uT 1 . .. t-yinr.. - 1 . , kif-rortr, '" t'.i 1 rl, - , t A km X A IMA, " ; v. '' ' ; '' ' - J' Hi a. UL i blA. ; J '-' TUN ,f W. II, 11 KKH & CO. mar w-iy.tr IArfT WFKtC. PltlNTH AMI OTIIKt! DHY i i'bi fell iu bnw Vork rnmi It to t crnin pr, Vd We taali-lit a lantrt al.-k-k. Hii... li..,t. have aiB a-lvaueeil ; 'liiia mar lie railed l.rct ; if so, unr neilotrt.s aliall aim he in Click by hav ing the bea4H .(f our cheap pttr.iiaa.-a. - vt. u. n. m.'i ui.hKita co. war ac -luo-tf Or-iir Hula. Hals, IIuls, A VVlX. Stock of Hate for tin. Hpi ing Trs.le. a a. W. 11. A It. b. m iU U Atil. uiar M-llNI-U l CEHCflANTH AND OTIIIMW, DiailirNU il L tl.la, can purchase tlu m from us. or have Uwtr eedera lilted t New kork on frrmnitaMon. W, M. IK.A TI. 1'Kti.it A Of, aiar 13-l3-tf 01 H STOCK IS NOW COMPLKTKt -ITTR TAKE PI.FtKt'RF IN' IVPOHMIVO Off! If flM-niitaml tlie uuhhe. that a liv 11. store eta. ot 1 lie nn ni COMPLLTE ANU UKAI'TIFCL AS " A?HORTMENTS ,.''.; of Goods, ever offered ia this JiTarkc-t. OiirlH.I .S l.n(i'H ere eonipoMid nf all tb Ulat att lus Slid Uitiritles ol tile aeaaou. Our Line r H Itlte? 4.ond la I'cr- r-4-t, tiiiiing uf .. UVLL, Ml vim K A 1 , MU.i.v .Ut SI. I V, IIAIY CHECK KD axd HTuirrn nnnsnif , . , , 7 A ll f.TA A S, j 1-I.AIS AMI lMlii:0T " 1'ii.H) 1.1. 4 1 .4.; . , .vr.vf..T ,fm. c, d.,-. ... ttiir giaats sre of th beat quality sml price a ae a.iv on.i can tt.-tt Vt if. ril .i.I. h I I J i I.Y rt .8 t'A' (I, and are con bni nodi tunall piuliu,' Al! we ak ntpiii tiX.oiiiliati.ill of our Brock ami - ii.tnk aw 'itti pl.-at.... . A. S. A J. Mi KIM MOX. , X April it ."i U 'r.-.-. . rr',- 1A ' 11 y ,' v. ot- rt vt - '. " '''! '' tiort:i. a Cot-kC ttiI.a, Fti.i. 'i't.aa imiC. K. W. lilll, I i r. , , I ih-ufiiurl ,4ovAweX. II. k.uy. . ' rr . ....,-.,.., ir. ii.j. fa,.;r... ..,.,.. ,. ti... , 1 tthat 41. h.'Ul, !! Mi.l-.ltt lll.thla ..!, i a II. Hi elh-lit ti thia r-'n'.i : 1 In rt fine It ia Ol.i-n .1, tbat jaabhei'iou be roa.lf in tin- .s, ,,.. a, l.jM-r pnt.li.h.-d iu the I'.lv .rf lileich, a.i .-ive wet t.a. Ii..i!fvuiii the it. fi'li.,.!itt in ie t.l a- p'r I" t..,. ti, uf unr V oi . ! I w, at ll.e nt-U ,.uit to U- h.-hi f, i feu.tif MA.-.iri, at tiie t .tint tl-itit m trank- i (m ..ti Hie thud Vi.Kt.lav il A pnl text, then and i li.er ti i ai.aer .tr tiriio-f hi a,i !i v it 1. 1 a- tt h.l .. t,T.awi--.- -Bw-A.t.-vit.--taa-.;c t .i.iir. tt i.niea-iu I laiiauu, the tl.ild ).,,..., 4 A i 1 , A rf i., U A ht 1 t-J.tol Till f I I I 'I ( ' I I Mr t 111 IV I M 1 i I it. f J : ft a I : l .r l.i of tV, at 1, I tl ' 1 ;vnt.H s I I A. i I 1 WIS t. it i Q K.N CHM!IT.r i '. riai,rt i ion oti:it r, HIK Asmm lAtl.tn IN Alt) UP Or !. in Stihiiit rn V"" lrtcortirli d !' lu l'kvi1'lure 4tf iriuiu, JuuHry tftt, IwttT, TO BE t.lVEN AT TlIK MAUYLAKP IirSTITTJTE APRIL 3fUh 1867 hik f nor its or rni ("yrrtiT wit.i. th tvIA'A 7" 7'HK not 1 11 f A' fH tiU VV .H'M'CltfVii.V, to-: I UK fit M. f.f.l Jit-. U iU l .U II & . JL.1 , Ti-.M lux or ; ft-tskfn - AVs tb.i ttlli.i ra of tli fv'lulwnt Orphans' Aivtoeiaiioii. ftir Uia Rtattiu oHlK-fi and edin suo.i of llm-doauiute uipliaiia o. iteceawd a,'iu!i-i.i wihuefti and aailori eati:.'itlyoUcit tlwBiepa- it. ant viMUH'iaiuin 111 iir " .. , (.rniid IVt'ariiiailoit C'ttncrrt," (N all who diwtre to see 4befr5-6 -" II J U A . CIIOO V enalih d to meorva and ear for all tb aedy onej li. 1 a- k its abetter and nrotactiow. Ihaiuiiit; lair rrienifa l.tr tbrir pant enirihtt- inns aim aaaiatarHv,, agam appeal to meut.ro 111 in 11s 111 s mofi tensive eutetptiae. It is u ucMg,-ii 01 una Association to erect a "nOME.AND PCHOU for the orjilian of the. Roethy"lh' twnle aitd tW tnal n an euuitaivti seabyn tlie city of Hkh niimil. iriiima, Aa an utfliioemeiit to bav the banding lot au d tiuires'tke Cmiuou Cr.nncit of thai i-lty bave guaiiMIUH'd a antlicieut lot tit land, ill ail elevated aturlieaillifnl k all,, aud ltl 10- eleaHe Hie OHiOrtitV ol taiul It Uetaleil. It la ailh w'tHHUlili'iil bc) 111 ft iavorahle r m., I,. tt.i ap al t a piiblie nlm li baa never vi-tl.olitrl tit ailatain aelialllauW tliMtltlllltai, tbat we f.jeieetiteredlliloattaiTiiniieiiieotwitli Stiw-ra. I'tkaaa A t o , Nit. 13 ll.dlidav atrevL- tai- I tfniin-e. In m vu.ik. m 1 oii,I at, .-..-1 l.,..,,,.,,,., km, Iii auiaud llr.mane ut Ilia nulilie to enaure iim pin-eeait, - (fl-Mldl iMis. J. L. II AMM(INI), President. Mis. lir. 1. li. I.KAN, Vice President. ' , LMra, K. A. F. Ml.tliH. 'IVeamirer. i", Mr. lr.A. It. hIMliKliliV, for. fWrlai-y nr. 4. n. ru'iiiMirS Ktmrniiag i.'rotai-v. Ir. A. 41. bi ll Itl liLX, 1' iiiam iat nniriitary, 'til. 0. IiAI.l.AJl, t-.rt , Cviiusi-llor. It.tl.naoaa, iob. , lii.7, , J.- Tni- ..ta. .' Mrs. F. A. V. I'I'MiH, Ilnllimore, ltd. Mia. J. tt. iK IIII.liS, liaHituorB. lil., Mts, W. H. Iiiimx;;K, itatuiiMMw, Md.. llr A. HAW Kl. ballllnora, Md. Mrs. lir. A. II. KIMTil Hl.y, Italiiiimra, ji,), Mrs. CHAM. Jl.-a.-t iilUS, Haltlln.ire, HI. I, . Jlrs. lion. I,ti.Sn, lucbmond, V. Jtia.J vs. T1IOMV1, Hi l.nwsid, Vs. ... Slia. TllUH. ilUA.NlH, ItuJimolld, V. It may stxm nnnerawarv b add a sin. !m a.ird to tlie shove AiUlii HS, but tmlls iqiott the Jtn.tliil tliilt liave la t-u mo lunm-rima aud preeMiuic, aud ttie.alrui.'eh, tjiioilcli i.ii h 11 ia now pn . Ui Milieu lue cucle ol IU. Uiiou.a ia of an. Iran ar duous iialute, tliat Iim li.auntteme.iit eauu.4 bitt sti'tatHly ure Ui.iu tiiu ' HVMANK AND PATIILTIC everyvth.-re, aa at'tiv-a .arti.--ipatitn iu tl.taa.liii tiouai atlt'iit.fc to alleviau. ttia and c.ii.i,itiii of great nnuilH-r .rf hipl.-aa chil.lien, rMtni. re.i thtlabyHielerrilileaiirtnroiiyiialii.il ua have paaaed. Aud, aHiire,llv, ttltal. ver may have tM'en thft rehttivn m ,1.1 l.-il vie.vs of ht.ll., ittid u.-nlte-HM-ll hert'tofor-t, all lllltwt a.-i. tiutt lite eJtii.l.cll rniv.m,d bt, could not, l.y anv p,.ilnlily, have i.,i anj Bij.'it. y ui iH-iugiug alii.ut 1 11.11 pr.ieelit DET'LOTiABLK AND DESTiTL'TEA'ON- sinl tre suitable ol . .i f. th charity of all p' t a.iu id ahaUtvr ahaoe-rrf poiittcat' optiiiou. The ':' "IIOMR AND HCHOOL" whi.-b tliey how mitre arlcolarlv seek hv r-t,I-tub suit eiithot, taill Im ..I lueaii'iilahla b'lieiit ly lir.ivi.liHH 11, oiv t.anl and rauunnt Ut theae li, Ipli-aa oma, hut l-k..i,i a.,ti,l ami thoiuull education, thus qualujiag tbcie for Fuiarc ('MTulni'.ss U Sotldj at Tn iVilfi- iltal lids apta-al mar fie eU".'tnd 111 eu- ItHting ttipstiive iiii.'1-m.t and co-oiit.rstit.u of all riaaate of person everysbe.e, we have coiehuhd U lasu lof the Grand rrescntation Musical Concert, .Vm.iliKI tick.dti at the Remind mi, of it ea. h a inula te-kct eitiiilttuf tlie ptir.-haiMtr io a toll - Ih.'ie l iiu- ottii gilt hi every In tel, 'J'b aifts 4aia aa l.iiuaa J 1 ,u eh.aul Farttttif 211 acre. Im- .. . ' pr.tvi d wilh cut i.Nive tla.-hu. and aiithihliiii,ra. aaar atidiMl. iiull, lllakm I lie pl-.ijiei tr illl alil- ai'ie . . .......... ..i:f0.iwiiMiii 2 A Kin of J .hu mi in valued - at 1 iyn m 3 A 1-aiHi oi h'lt .-re4, hiK).i,t lutprov .1, m-ar im1 t-nv ur iiatuuiore, , .. , . in 000 00 f AglU lit liniihaclia . 6,.jUWI b A ll.1ee-al..ry Itn.k It. wilh Hlml..-U 111. pr.. vein. -lita. Ol Halliin-.tH 8,0nO tSJ Il tltrtte al.-v lilt, a titutm-, will, nnti.'ru imprttv. metila, ut tuliiuiiH-e 4,'A.iO 00 tA I'ii Who Itii.-i. It. now-, ant, l,i.iieru iiiij,t.o.n. i.ia Iii li . j. i.ti.,1 e ft,l 00 8 i ao (.;!'! , tu 1.1 J- ka, i 1 l.oi.i -a, ,j .' nj it, S 1-11 ,. .ti em'i' I .'j .... Ill t.iiV ' " .. tll ea.iu 5 i.o IKi It line I'lini'. ,1 t IA) ..!,, ,...) nt, 1,1 line loan i I ;ii. !,.,,( it., 1.1 t li.e t.l alul 1 ,.t in. J . 1 i.' l'i It UmS.),..!. I i .l,., I ti ea. h ) , . , . , 1 o 0 s.o l.'t 'it'll I 'ai l"i l n . ii n. 1 1 ti i. 1. . . , . , lt.fl!i,i Oil lit lint hill... litid m ti.tei VWl'ii,-, (!,( eaell'l Ij.OUU W 17 Hun htllidi fit fell. ' U..I4 WaUhes, - I lt i i. ..I Ill ufl 11 1 mi wl.. r plul, .1 1, as. i i t. i,j nflM i ill lie Itllll 1 1 . I 1 ..ipiic fct Ho.a -U- vt'I.M, I,' ' I I ! . ..,... 4.. ,.f , , j ij.. ;;.. .j.,1 '. I-.M 1, I I 91 lot. butMlrad btbWttn f'4d Chain 1 li ,.. ... i A ... ... .p., jii i. 4" iitutti, ca t..'i.i l Atiil, a, i . .1 . ... I. A. ai u.i i .v.- l.ut..iiit !,..'. , a, , . , , . Jo, IB ! mi i "i u...it-i.itfi t-,,j,:. 4 ' I', ....i-i a l-.ifhrti lli-i.rtir, (... ....... lit, lull UJ ti I -.v.. th.rtlaaiti I'ii'i--i;ntpte Aihiooa, I I lU.unii IX' '.Mi I ' tltollaatld Site (I'M P. in In , e a, !t, ID. lino nil t." iiimttred Mam Hiilil I:i.ica7 n ,-. 4(ntii vf I ao tittaiNalid aeta .N.lter 1 lau d l ea hl, ;i g lim no SSI '1 ttetttaait.1 Call IU ha, 'Sijpkin , lu.i(,, Ac., 3 i. t TllC b.loti cn-i-ta t f 1!,. f..i; Milte at litt.lt ilniciita, liliiic 1 ,-. V , l.llt a' Vtotk (l"i, , 1,,' fl,: I" 'il . fil.''.'t.. ..jt-ifcte-jar iaia.l - h- 'a t.l. b t,r ,.it S'h.'.i-s; I ; i.a ah,, I, atti...-,, ut a i V.U.I Ai l r. I'll- f .. 1'f 1 CI I 'H f ta. ft I tr : . . i. i ; I t ttvti.tt. T ! M bi ts. l.cM, Jr t r. i alio i. ti. n. (; ( i i . S i J II. i MV l J 1 M 1 i i M I' J. N. M .ro-w, I n! li-m-r. I l-'irn.fi-lv ol J:, rt. - J. V. Km (. lintim.oo t M Mlllf I tl I 1 I t df ei.ii to li.e I Io I.O 1 - 1.. l' N.t. 13 11.. i. .J iin'NM liini-i, likl. i:li. April PTELSLL'G ALV1 I nti;b a 1 11 ft ' 1 (St a 1 Mii.s 10 imp i s v "I . t ( t(iii'rl 4.1 i i i out mission ,is rt !..ij, .. No. 6 OLD BTKI'.IiT, OProelTK I t c 1 It 11 11 1 , f Petersburg. Va. Will attend to the Hale of all IVvtiw ,1 j;..r. clmiiititw, of everv dNtciiti..i. .-nt. to li,i if ,-is and will alae pun-baati an.v aKjS ri.it in td,-;i ; i.ilwal eaab advau.-s 'io,le tat exsiaimuruta IB hand. an also ftirniah Fertiliwrs of any Viil to raTiner myaeiMmtuiodatniir o-i'm. J. A. WAl'.Kfi, W. H. 1,1 in ,K tnlTS, ' nistAsaleratni, 'ifmtt to. ,j 'f'm,k,,n ( ., ft. lh I614-3iu ' ; ' ; it:ktii.ii na v ntirs cnois. iron VE beg toinf.irm the Ira.b ,1 ',;,'. M .-f t'ii ill 1 r,,!iiia and .1 ... i, ,1 w B -part d .. furiuab tlitt woh tue hotHi , . i t t-.IU 'il.lKtiS, urn Urn tmS a.. ' ti'riua. evrtli bnve 1 tti l 0 c, i-u,-..- I , - 1 N 01 AND, pui. W-tl: HUiul In in ti.a A -cut of tlie l'vmvjan Uovernment. lt..liatM 1M,W J-1 ... f'.y. j,.,,,t )...,,,, 1 - ....M: 9wm HWl,f.H-H tilli.lt Hii'tvit i :,;'. t i " 1-lil.L. ahieb wtwaMr4tiirti aa etivj.;-.,- rep- UU1I..U lu iiie I i a 11, 1 . ., ,, . . rt . Noiili Canuwaana kiij'iioa, Isat aeaut, pi, ,,, ilaelf eipiai, aud lit nianr l.iif.iirianl r..-,,.., 1, b.. petuir lit tils Peruvian" tituiiti. V-eiv, a a-i-al vaia of it as accrtauied by IV. 11 .. a, ii i f til Utiait eilUUfM Ci.vtioaut ill tl6 C"ir.'v . Ilcaillt of Alllilj s ttildcof t.i nd 'I',1 Iiten ttin r-I lit; ! '.. tsf IJine.s now nl''f tYw" IJratltrjr; 100 Ptar (igvu(fr iliiimura J? . . , t , l'o'pared animal matter, a!'. of Ammonia. fatty nltann atnl Humus Ibrne l'lHpblia ol lumv, tiagneai and Iron .-'- . . j,; .y-j (Soluble Phoapliatos of da, lit g-Irt 8iilihatof Luue . . "5ti' i . . . . . . "si Insoluble The animal aiatbr afford. d 4 J-lfi parts of A n moiu when it waa dtHtt.uiit.M.t.1, au.i, aa a, it ba seen, nearly otte-baif of th 1. one 1 )-; hate ia olnhlit. Aft. -r many analnttw of ri.nr Hmwvi..li,,.i !,. of I.initt, niailri dur u.ir the. Ut few ui,.i.. j . i . f.iiiu.l yunr alaiioatd of .ji;;.,,.y f .11 ymti to u of any yml have ever tti.i.1 in '.Win. Jeaia ; ami I am aatlKh..it tliat v.tn tit,lu,lM 11,m cipice iu the oumiia.'t.ire. Io-,,.. ij,.! A. A. II At hit, M. !., mate A ,f.-r. We refer to the ftiiiowtiitr aeniliiutuu a i. i,.l its luel'tta last aeaaoii : I'ii, it. A. Fuotb, Warren Coimtv, N. ( 1 at Ftatra, f'.l J.uia WiiimnH, Oramillii " U I l.ii.tu Franklin,' " A. D. Ki.i.ia, - t. It. V. V taBoa.iiioff,u t 1- litni , Nanh tVamtv, ti. 0. J II AvraV, ' W T Vtawnrr, " ' i. n i ..att-tis, " It II Vtil.i.its, " " J P Hii i umi, ,. i 1" jKtalr.a, .. . . J JI '1 u..nrt.if, ... lr Vt li VtiTsoif, .. ; T 1 piiooiK, Kaab ('inly, N..uh t'stoio. J H llol.oiK, , I ll'.n 8 U iiiHiuss, Wake . T I' liuaswRi.L, i' llyectitib " J II AllM'l'Ht.V.t ' .. 3 I, I.vort. " '""""' .. V. II KrowtRS. ' . t'ol 'I W IftMMoan, ' W W IriKHia ' i. J It Tvt.oa, - J N Tit i ..ft, . I.en M W litn. N,irilitii,,it,,a " Y M.iuia, llabfat, .WTiAti.oa.Wilit.iii. tie Sill tie repres. l.l.,l tl the Co Vlll" ba.li, Vtake. t.. i Jr. ,,,, . ,, s of I isttriitamriittn FrstiShn au.i u .,,,. - V.. Bliti iiiw.uaviiie c.kii.i v Vi,.. i,,- Any buaiiKwa eonndtal io ua oi.,!l luvii our t -all ion M,ir.r l', l.ti.iirg. ., Jn ill :im A ( , TllOti, Itll.tM tl A I J , . 1011 SI hI ii Kireei (OlTOcJiKTiiK PumT lu l l. i;,i Richmond, Va,; TKO3.EaAXCH&E0X3, a. H Old a-fi-iVt : ! ltii t II, o V f ., .,: Broad Street, Al..;. ii. HAN Idltl AND Commis: icn IT: re'.. " :. ftttj Hill, vt Hit flint (ftl r (f1 '! Un l-.tnukl J M.iitC i I l Stwlf. tiiu( (ti i s Utk S.-U'-A, U-Hvn, Si 'I m-y ''1-r (iti piir.-hruHH t 'if-b'i-.-., 'I (-''Il dt Iti-tr, i il':v of ih.tu fi..i iti it in! I'l l fHt;i iU' a', i- u , a. .t . , , l, t . iWJ'ftV4'..j..-v.'.'s-..'.".. m,l to tl.. ir 1 ;. , I i ti'H it K.vt ti tn. t vi'i't ! i , -. ' by - Tli.M.--.,KiiAi ;t a . AfW lUtANlit.SoNH i V Til JU' litKllil IfoHH" tll or-i- ru Ui tit it. f h-ii - i i, A ttrrt, mV.fif dirt I,,, i , No! lnt 'St-M' if. -I'll iS.-; (1. :i , till t'i"4 it 1l rSl J-.)h t ItMftf, f.r HI! I. H a ' . rut-. pule, hrg-sjt. t. w-Hi.,. J, .-. ft, b t 1 b 1 I I V f 1 M 1 V I -j-f - I to an, i.- ItllJ 1

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