.V -,p-4 (nii iart asartttv- em-n ittrte,tiea utsetlhmii - i lsr stptare boe week ...... , S.ISI Jlaeh aiitlitiouai aquar one Wi-s-kr . l.cfl IB" )! '-k. ..... ...,t-4',,n.MB,;4H;: (MeauOarw two uaaiUia . -..,.-..,.. .JOttSl - fcseb sit-hriisnil " . 8,oO MH.re ibi.niuuth ... i '. .;.li.ii ititLattnu tlia- half rtUmll ."' Uue ooiuiuu " . .to.uo , ,,,,.,.,.. 7j.W UrsUr busiasns eard, 13 .minion hues, or Vara, will be rharftf d mil?' ttu ft three months. All advertaa-menta or nuilii must fie rhantjnd in formal teas erery throe month. Cnntraeto " ig.Trrrtretf ttrfTuiinttis liwlu Toilj. at tb above . jaw ' . . , ' .. , i.'. fipa..ial audioes' "ur adv!rtIeineuU repaired to boiesertod on inside or sny special plaeu, will be rhargi-d 2S I" r rent higher than the slane eharges. Advert'iM-iinuf. uuiorti-d iu w eekty and Hemt '.Wewkly l'rr irr(. unwilling with the above. . Court nlvertofBu-iita inserted 4 week for 17 null ut f 10 if ehargeib Advertisers will always Uixl U l their adrsnUge THE HKXTINKL. JLOG AL'DEPARTMEKT.-' SkW AvEttTiHEKNT. Jenkint nd Perry, Family Opk, Fayettevillo Street, cull Ueiilum to tJnir targe auil oboii e Btix k. TUi tiriu U new anil tnU'rprUiiijf one. W hope that it will reci-tve the en cHMagtMMit w hich it denorvcsr ji f - ; . Witlard Uro., Wiliuingtim, announce a new inntortation if crop MolagM Ou, u-riuntrj tltsiiU'M wilt pleaiie take no tic. , . ,' : J. P. Pullen, tint Taker, will attcnil at the Court House, oa the S2nL iuat, for the purpose of taking the tax tiata for Kaleigh DistrictB, Aim. 1 anrt 8. Pa Bone I'btMphate. Edward Wood, ot Eilentm, announce that be has ttiade arrangementi with Measni. C. W. Grandy & Bona, of Norfolk, for the 'aale of hii celebrated Family Roe and Cut Herring! and Family Shad. MATOk'a Cotjt. Jane Ferrell, colored, wan arrested, last Tening, for disorderly eonduct, and fined f 3. Failing to pay the flue, he waa krpt lti limbo for twenty-four niiiirH. ' ' 4-' With tbia exception, "all waa quiet along the lioee." " " ' '' : Wuo "woitldh't w , Eurrot-Jut about aeaiMnable lunch time, this morning', 1 appeared in out aanctout a well filled waiter Iroin our friend, W, Robert Andrew, Fam ily Grocer, -Fay ettevi I ! Street. . lt luwiioim Ciaitrnta make hi fo'rgrt'pi'lica for a while; and U we fcanted 4n the pirx-ly (Urored pickled oyter, and other delicailea, we fell "malke towwda niHia anil charity to all.'', Androwa knowijiowto "do the thing up liroWnJ' and hat in hi atom the where withal Ut go aWut it. Tui T, two yearn ai;o, Knleigh 'Otcuiiled by ila Federal, liircea, V.. On. Shwunt B. Hnrrow, tntctyTl "Telicra- ble citien of Ittth ipb, diiii in Wanhlugton, on the 8th. iunt, at the ruMdeiK of hit a-in-laV, Isaiah ItiiuM, Eq. " ' " "Liiii KiTSoiiTB uii "IIkukp AotITioiT V' publiiih, in another column, from the Brooklyn Kiyh, a alatement ahowing the organi;atiin of this clmrituble and benero leot Aawicialioit U that city. ; The Card from Dr. tikinner, which penred in our eelumnaj V km daya tince, exhiliittH) the amount of relief tlmt hat been extended in tlii particufar aection, while the gnnd that ti been ellVc-U'd iu ike aygrt-gate, tliroufih out the 8outh, through the agency of tlda and similar Societiea, in much greater, prob ably, tlmo most persona imagine. Sue 1 practical evidence f Christian cympalhy tto much to knit togttlicr, in the bond of amity and kindnt-m, the two aertionn o! the country. These ladie c enjoy tliecon aciouMieM of having Bot only" niiniiitered. to the neceokitie of the uuering, and therelij fulfilled theMvine injunction, but of having attributed, iu higher degree ' than all the politician combiiiett, tn the restoration of international friendship and good 'will. A CotiOKItn C'OMMIRtllONKB IH PtTMOOTH. A corripondent of the Norfolk Jutnutl writing from Plymouth, Washington County under a recent dale, has the following: "There was an election for town officers rVZZW& iiHf woaf.1 stWed. to -rote, and I it lieing Saturday, which to themes a weekly -hulhlay, they came Into town from five miles . . . round the t hu country, tftkoevtef Bame of a negro, flamed Thcopbilus Ash, on hi own ticket, a an electimieering i to stx-ii re-Hie ncgrn vote fur-himselt, and Ah was thus elected a nieniltcr of the town Ccmmissioners-of Plymouth, in the county of Washington, and State of North Carolina. A-U Uaneproof very g(wid sense, and is t.ckled amazingly at bis election. It is is a mi.ttrr of rr-nend remnrlt among the itlizehs, that Ash i really tlie best of" te tour white Unilaloes r others wlio wen elected with birr. ' Ash ssys be" is a gwin to stop tie utg'rei froln totin guns sn pistils troo de street ; di-y are loo cureless bow dey ... shtait dsiootr, and dey miKht lia;iN'n, 'ci det.t!, io ktb a tii;.-.Tr-i;iicair- or a whita -7- - - - - - .. rMwnii'tt of tb Keas;:Vori irol u- -aamBees tlie luiUwrm Arnif -tdiangt-w-t - :; J KreVt bieuUt ol. 4. I. Mll'.l., AsSi-t -ant O'-irrin:! -'er I iit-'! St?ites Vnlnn-feers. bsa beca rtUenni Imim the ilntira ot Clitrf 'tiiinttirrinastcr and ln!ior-tirt ollirrrof the eiil.lnvy C"tnin"d of North Camtiiia, add Bryvi'M j..r tlencr-d it. O. Tyler has been astii.i!l to duty in bit .place, tolnnel StiililisTiaa lee aliened to duty M Post and D. pMritneiit tnsr'ernitsrr at Charles ton, 3. V. ' ' fc.-evet Cptn Jsnies Cb.'r,.Tliird Ar- viUerv,li t.i-en ri !:-ve.l as A,-ltns AsW'ant In-t-ior i o n-ral of tlie military "cm'ffuiar.I of .Norih (. .troima, and oykred tA report f,.r "datv. uli b company, st Hilton- llead JItntCiL Eoaud. A i'(.rkjs.uJit of tM V iifnirro-trm X,imr,t e,.Tt., .,!(..,,:.. ",rSyr) ,n iWHi Lwtuiins- ran (f.llrct bis J law, tmhwrbo Wctnss to prac tire troimhet'tateArpttfrrd BoarJ, provided he kaa ohunetK.el the practice in the Plate me Aprils lSW, Jh'w taw app i i . . . that litimjj Ht4l4T .The fcl'o Uig tMdkal gi otamtMi- mm g'Mtimtllie Board. and-.J.WMJ i, baited ut tba inHlffig, In Juneriasit, of the Statu Jiedk'ai 8(H'ietyt vU: lr. E. Burke HayworxT Raleigh. .. 8- S. SaU-hwell, New Hunover co, .- Ji;J, rUtmim. EIgwhe:coc u R. B. IIaywoo.1, Kaleigh.'. " - J. J; 8Htttmtvt ttathttiiiry; " JAl"!OTe, Chamaaca.Li " M. Whitehead, Salinburr. The Board are miuired to ineet alternate ly in. Kaleigh and Morgauton, on the Bret llomlsy in May of each yeur.nd to remain in ge.iou iiuiu ilny to .ly f,r Un day, in order to examine applicant who may pre sent thenuelvea Cr examination. But to prevent delay and inconvenience, two mem bers tririeTtoonl may grant ajempora ry license to practice, to remain in force till the next n-gular mw-ting of the BAardi for couGraiation or rejection aa the Board may determine. ' TI1S SPKVJAL RELIEF FVSD. May General O. O. Howard Dublinlir uie following instruct iou in circular Ho. 11, from the Freedinen' Bureau, relative to tb diljQraement of the pecial relief tund ap propriated by joint resolution of C'ongrea lor the' relief of tlie destitute in Southera and Southweatem btates': - - Five hundred tlmuaand dollar (1500.000 of the unctendi-il uiiHiey appropriated to supply lrerdinea and .refugee with provis ions or rationrare hrrliy net ajtart, na sc eortlance with the alnive joint resolution, approved March 30, 1,887, a a tpecial fund for the relief ot the destituta iu the 8outb ern and Houtbweatrra State. - The special fund is dexii'ned to meet -the immediate neeesaitie of those who are in extreme want of food, and, aAJwt - jf county or parish authorities. The relief vivea bv this fund will consist of one bushel ot corn and eight pounds of meat per mnnth, lor eacn adult person, and one half tlie above amount of corn and meat for each child betweewona. and four teen years of age; and tliW issue of food will I discontinued a soon as early Tegeta bles and fruits shall lie grown. Brevet Brigadier General K. Whittlesey, A. A. Inspector General, will assure the general charge and direction of the distribu tion ot tli cue supplies. He will be governed by the orders of the Commissioner from time to time, will keep I a careful record ot bis proceedings, and mak reports of tba same to thi office. , . Assistant Commissioner of this bureau will at once eater upon the work of distri bution of these supplies,, and will us tb utmost cure that nous but the very destitute receive them. They will direct the local ageuU in district where by reason of the luilureof the crops, or other causes, great destitution exists, to consult with civil ntticrrs and ascertain the Dumber of persons destitute. I hey will mske all necesaary Con tracts for the transportation of supplies within their raiwtive jurisdictions, and will ewtablwh depots at Convenient place. Ew'b aKaistant cotmnisHioner will assiga an etlieient ami faithful officer aa acting coMmissary ofsubaiHteiice, whose duty it shall b to receipt Inr the supplies furnished in hulk, and to 1 1 ii-tribute the same to local stents. And all local agents to whom any portluu ot such siipi.lii- are transferred shall gtvarceiptsaod-Aeeeviti for- tbe-aamtr-oir the form luinisned ; m iu same manner as eoinmisxary stores are accounted fir in the (utisistence department. All expenses incurred io uurchsaing. tmn"iMrtin . and issning the npplifcs. will lie paid out id the sptctnl fund set apart for this pnriKwe,. ... A scpsi4tu account will be kept ut these exptuses, and a full report made on the flist dar of eech mouth ot all expenditures snd issues during the month previous. ' .... ,: ' , .'. t ,. .,v. i. Assistant ei.niUiibaioners will apHint ad lional bicsl airents, whenever atstolutely ateciwary, for the special purpose of issuing these supplies, to Whom the wtlu ot loyalty, preserilied by act of Congress, approved July 2, 180 'J, will twsdiniuiuistercd, and no one who cannot ulcrile to the same shall revive such sppointment Btua. Ckonktt. MISCELLAHE0U3. JJACOSI BAUJS II U,fn.st llxi., tVsr 8ids, MhnuUh-rs ami Cnnilsn--buul t ut ilseuu, in More mil lo arrive. ' . PULUAM, JONKH l!). April ta-21t-d V hiale Urocnn. IMI'KllIALOUEKN TKA. Just srrlted sail for sale. l'PLUAVf. .t(lNIt)0. April 12-2t0 tfl Wholesale Uroewa. I'TSIKK tSK Sf TfV. AH KIH'l'IXSOKS TO J.. KHKfXt BON, enialilished in lai, wiui etusrgeil capital, tlie ntta4 iiiiniveiiaiai-liiiiry, sad tturt workmen, we will sell eTtrT sirie u alK.N'K. 1 IV '8, ioH'H M, WOMPN-S, aiSC:yA-i.oi,-.r hr.iWisg.iaaaLM.it.iaV.rMiiri ,(,., law Tnka- Antdfl - :; - .n'n:ii!;Ky;r" - r' - - x" ss ehi-sp as. ths sinn quality o( ikmIs can be boiiKht ui Nw lurk hv, w elsewhcri. A. F iksn visti.svxsiK w. jiloxtAanv oitcmnn tiirtsM, TIMiri Mi, . WX li ORtSH, '" iii i- nr " Snd best vtrirtv of Oar.leB Seeds, hurt rera-weiVj frira K. Muiclsir A Uu.ltailimnre, ut Uie Fsriners' Hall JAW1X M. TOft LtS. Vv'W. ltf 1- .: - --ti 3 ,A-ioa'' O U XA "Toilet HitSi, Vfnnnleeut ssxl Potinhius; Boap fiar fousliiiiK iuvr. lintsitnia mid i in n are. I'b'U.lAH, JtiMfO. Feh tt-1-HMf ..,.,..i..,.M,v.:?u!,.Q.ra:;r,, ffcg - IOAlffi :;tVh.t...lt 'e : H 4It T f I .V l IMC -;;.. TCIt Tp pfHiTeV w'sssT if o n'TIl e r t.'Ittwii7" WTLMIMJTON, N. - DF.Vf.ElB4 IS BAfXWNO, HiiPB, IIUiK TIES, Lima. I'Usu-r. Onn-iit, Hut, tiiaine Perw etit linsoo nireet tr.xn liorermueut AKetit. lt, Hsv and all kinds'of Coal. Aui-ma lis: baujih a liaw iina S-iper I'hoihate M Lmva. ... Arrn for to rtiilsdelphi Bonthira Viil ''Steamship hue. I " w'"Vy "'P hn J 'sfiir Jus Smith Co'.,.' hi of Ktw i v,,lll Hui ,,...at,i. TELEGRAPHIC. Saturday Moralus ll.i.n h " it -'ir- -ftitMimnm. 1 P. M He attendwI M Cabiuat aaaeUiH; tonUy. IM 7iihi rtiiriu bw . aii,uj ut WBJHl 1 fere of iSiBfcH.i.v..:- rMulutioa to aloani un TiumU&j . 1 . . ."'"m m' " Eomiu t) M. ttS IS T8K Bt'I'RKSK tTR'KTr-TIl P aillMI LjiDKK ADVlKtMKN f V W VSUUIOTOS, April, 12, T, fl"n vouit tm the swaioirio fll. U die aiuaHSMina Mil, the Oiiel ioMm, uil: Aamtioo to BJebiU WM, TO,t(r nutter of eisirw ' But he sugKortwl that if the bul ttUii natter .whKJj k i-auiUluas, ulit to beeume twfors the Cuart. the jltJsiialataAsVa - fc, Mu th6.AU toravj General ohjeet to Mia hm, s euotainlnft sssttar aant to be Ungbt Ue the Court, ami tliat ia tb only point whs-l. eu aoa bv euaa.hl. Cpoo that cuiai, tb Cairi will Btnl I ear Ih. Al- toruet General. j, - Mr. O'Cooaar aanouooxd himielf. UM1 aJao hi. awnam, m atteiKi!Hv,;h..,i.l,H i j --s. j t, sryu both bill. Tb AttnriMiy tieneraj u,i Uiat tlie JwKMa bill I'lHfl UtA fsflilli SIM Sl l' mm " tu filing of the HiwMi,, hijl. The Ma-ai-,,.,,! bul wasju legal aoae,Mjvlal.ia, aa it pria,i. .M-t saakihs; tlie irraiuuut tk'taataut brforo Uw Ooiui. . . , lov. Sharkey said tliat be bad uuimihirf bill, so aa to proceed agiiwttheJ7iauJuil . eltlaii of TeniKaawe. Mr. Btaiibury read porfioua uf tU bill. i-buiuuir huh a was niani!B.u sa-auwt tin I'r...i,l,ii Pnnideuu Ha aUuded to a ixooeaa wmw.lua aiiiulaVbaniedSRaiuat Mr. JK-nste in the Burr trial. Mr, JeOroa did out ebsy ta-avoa autiee th prooeea. , As an officer, U abuuld adviae tb President to disre(jard the subpiens, and tram the result, should tha Court potMat snd th Prenali nt reoiaui Arm. The Court, to muiitaiu its diiu ty, would have to imprisoa tb Prai.kul air eoai. kai4orCoart. B auiotauted that, etpully wiLh the King of fUiglaud, Ui Preahleiit was exn) t from praoewdiag of this kind. He could only be brousht bufur Ul body f tlw Henate. After Lis iaipeaehmeut, tb CouiU euuld uoiuah kiui kw acts committed while Freaidcnt. But b was be yond their Jurisdiction, while cwnpyb tb frea- Hieuuai cuarr. - aiwrsHtBtiiia, waa airaiuni the Cnitad (Mates goTonnaent, aatnoeb aa UaxiKb tbs gorenuneut were named. Heanaouucad that b appeared thai at ths reuueatof the Pnsairb ut. 1 tor whouj, whea the bill, pasaud ovr bis veto, i uanw waa mi em duty, tu faithfully earn eul sod 1 eiBcate time lawa. . Hon. R. J. Walker followed, and ti Court thoa took the matter wider advisement. MARKETS AND FINANCIAL, Kaw Yoaa, Apiil li Cottoa aswef. Bale of 1.1UI bales at 27 J- - Cora active,: tlu Western 1.2l.l : White tlx. Mss fttrk afia,-'-:-- -J ,1 Sngr arm and aachaiufnl. lUe quiet and aurhsnged. Oofle heavy, - Karal Store Ana and Buchanirtal. Freight dull. Th Htoek market is very exeiled.' tVa-tweulv eon P"ns llOSIiSitlWi. Tennesae sixes, new bt sne, i;3, North Carolina ai kw, ex-eoupons, H9. Honey?. UohlH.Wi. . . Wu.iiiToii, April IS. Cottoa dull at 25. , HliirrU nominal at 69. Bosin tJkjfft, . ' Lijrsaeom., April ti. Cotton market eunnauea kwavy au-l tlirt. Quotation sbuw no cbang. Hakta uf S,mJ balxs. Upbuids 13; Orleans 12. . fxiam, Aptil U. , Oaols aJ. Bund. 174. .... -f..S, -S Our Afirratsson lVlstHclic. - -WAHHHWJTOS WEttS. - . Wsaaiawroa; AnrU IS, The BuprsBM Conrt took tlie uiotiou lor leave to fll th Oenrgis bill for eoaaiilerstina without srgument. Chief Justice Chase ssid that if the Court wish ed to bear th arguaieat, be would notify tlie eounseL Ther wa aa interesting trguisMnlia thaHea- ate, yvatwday, en adjournment Tba point made was tliat a speeial seanoa, called by the Preaiileut, eannot legally aljourn wltlHiut his eiswent. It would ba duiperaion. th difficulty He in keep ing s quorum totrvther, without which the Bunaia osa neither work or sdjoure tint at.'. If a quo rum M present oa Tuesday, ths session will pi ob- sbly bs prolongmi If not, th chairman will ad journ th Meuata an yasterday'e ntkn. - t ' Bvral Kadiesl Houston announced that wer tftey tlwlTeaident,' they would peraiat, hka Mr. Johuaon, iu nominatiug fiiWHla and supporters. There is no sign of a compromise. BLOCKADK BUXNINO. i " . Ksw loss, April 13. , Frazier, Trenliolm A Co, of Charbmbm, ban buea notified to appear befbr the Jadii uuy Co. mitte. to testify relative, to the bloi kaile mnning bunibraa, and tbs arm's asset at th close of tb ; .i , . . . : 1 .. .. MEXICAN AFFA.inS. f J' -' '. . Ji. loan, April li Th Matsmorss eorresisndetiee give further news from (Jneratir , to Uia 2ind alt. Mo dould axieta ef th rsoent eugagementa, which resulted in the defeat of tba Imperialists. Th light being stubborn, th inaaiai an admitted by Kaeobado to be grest on both aidaa. KAIikKTS. - rp TLa a "" - jj- 27. . . . (hid t,s6;. I.iytucooi, April n. l'roliahie salis,uiu bales, klnt Orlesna 12J. ' V . iUAUta quiet. illiiig nplanda 12 EICHJffOSTD ADTESTISEMEJfTa. w it o r. m m a i: " Kcrdsnirn, Korserj men I Florists. isoa stun st , (V'SPKU 8T. CH A HUES -HOTEL) ' . t RUbmndt Vav s3yk .tricffrJCTBnrirc It. W '.UXVliY & CO. J-HTAfiLlfifi EU 111 IMS,. t r V Hna. 1014 MAIN hTKEET, .1 Fint IIous Below the. Post C3ice, . racHMosn, v. Klrrllnz i:itlntiise, (.old ttud Ml--rr. Bank Kes, taf", f'lfy, d Itiiilroitd Itontls and wtaM-fcs, Ac, bo ii ;. lit arid . sold poinriUslon.v rpow ri-crire.1 tad f-0oi.f!B ma ou sll ..ii Ui tb United nisi-, d h- 'Eilc;;h Jlosey Market 't'oiiuixiKi. i v 4n o. wiujamh acu. -i liUOKKRrt. RAl.l.liiH lnsl.yfcL UariUr-. , . . . . . . .. ,. . k. . " iVtotKHati at hal- . k.ii....L hi, " - Ul..H,.lW . i'SttH,a.,,.7i . Isvetteiills. ,..... -. !'!(ivLiil.-n -. ISti w llKi:vvut4 . Vinera' ae-l Plaotev'a Hank. , . , ,fer. Farmers' ltnk. (ireiiHloroixh I'oimn. r.-il lUiik, w iIiuiivi.ujo. . . Ui ruliant'a llani. tjru ltrtenKlimi:t'li Muutaf V. . . . . -, VaaioM Hank S-ili-a, ylwmt-: T -HataWcdui4 ' w .;.,':.;,' ihiri;; , , " . :.... KilVHf rr. .....y. . .. . .-rr:.-. . . : iiui i uunima Kih amhii Kailiiatd Cviusaia . oWm ... ;....,... . K uaKi " Sew Viaki.i. ....... .... .. ... .. i Raleigh Rational Bank of North1 Caro " tiaa. nmiiuiHcraa- a. . mm. .-x--i -rSHl -.- lllsnkiaTran Pesr IB :. ft, I I, ,: I. II, . , ...., .. . I.. 2t .. 1 i,.ru. mt. . . , ........,. I I. " 'tareiik , . . .s. .... . lt l-r. tu milei ; " '- W svtliirtta..'. , . .. i. , . :. ". 1. Ill lnuiuton sj 4uatuim. . 1 1m North t itroiiiis ............... u. . . . , ... . 4.1 " llosl-n, .,. , 4 " I'lioiinunilUv ..,... ...... ..... ... 40 " Wajlesiiora 1.5 i..,.. -lit VVllmhiifUal; . 1 . a. . ... . 21 . A aatooKUm .wj ..... i... , ,.,.ioi 4 o VaiMwvMie.. .1 .,. . T ' (VstiiiH-n'iaJ at M dfUMiirloa 21 tanner lleeee-.li.wrt. . lillii). . l ... . . 2a lerehaots . Nealairu ...... ...... .... j fsl lini'Oi and Plauli-ra .j . vt ..... . . . . i , JSI 1 u'toms Itank antes, srerifje. i.. . . 2 1 tkmtk Ca4ma. - - j. . t- 21 1 lWsia i"' .. 2HI HoU. w .....'.....,.............I.'W! Hilrrr . 1. .12NI (ilil NiHTli4ieiliB tJrtqvms. , v . 1 , . , .44 1 Norlli If'. U uirisol t i4iauia . . . .. . ,. . ... s-i 1 Nortli lar.ilses s . . . . ..1... . . .. ......... ..i 46 1 klxiaiiira on Sew kork, 4. - ' 1 'PROVISIOK MARKET."" " CHll.UICClH) BY Jnl.DAV V,(iMI.LK,UIUK tl. KAIXK1U N. 0. ; BMt'N ' . .' l?if'lil IU KF .. Hfl 1.1 1 1 1 H . a . t a tiTilif ' 'I tm v .1. -i m fdl'I'KK. ..... ... Vs-i.-l. K.IK.H U '.! Mtlk.ll Klil'l'f - Aji.le 1 &out;l ul " reaches, purtia. ii"iie - KilVVf H , ... 8 ) HOI It I'umlv n ti' 17 on " Huiiernne . 13 mhi 14 aa l.tltP ivl mi-ai. 1 m't V) mulAM'Ka. . (UK, -7R nam i,;. .:. v :. tKi 1 I Ah Vihit. 1 2 Cl V " Hloek. . : . I Un.rl '.' ItrTATtH-.i fifh 17V J J1 ' " MweiH' .'. fccl f1 It.AIIH . , .1 . 4lf. AI.'t' , ......vv.... S Ask 4 23 hi I..AH Ciuili. d .. 1hi,(,.!2 llnmu bosk l.snlTJ M Ksnmon in-iwH. .. Il'i.l,i Nswakks, April In. t.'ottoa (tax siu,iaiil22 i 2.1. Hour 1i.,'SHu-l. Kpniia 'lnrwuiiii Hal f.ull iSie. IdMUn Wuii. - Mess I-ork .t2u. orn &uc.3tl, e.lonKl... t,l,;s,t3,ol per M. Vtirmsvn.tJi, A)ril 10. - Hin ' 17 (if!, Ihnif w,ha Hurler TPSt.rt, foil. m jfrr-.!4t. trotbai Vikriij 12 .4"i W.Jsi. 4-4SlMtnnr N"i itl. Klonr, family,l'il.'0; uperflne tl.Vrrl.2S. Tar pBBtiu ,;(,.i, - - . s. ;. . t . Hlk ''' - WiiJnwTTox, '"April a..furantlne,' 4 ftsr rlkw dip snri f2,.'i6 fur hard, is r II. Spirits etB. irrgal. Bosin tii-aJlU. Tar l,!)0 uerbM. 4'iuion 2i'(Jft. il lrrr.Bics April HI. -Cotton 5Jiil. To bseen, l4ig ri.Sts.U ; lVf Hmi tuvonltug Ul lfU.hiV. lUlXHI, VVi'Hll I'll. lil'lit.. r'lTUU- eors-prn-i- ariiig, si'ivs-ditig to iuality, from 4oy. ier tixi. . . ,, , ,. , . -r . . .. Noiinws - nn PottTuMone, April .-ftaenn, A', and i. )., 124elw. tatim -i.i-.i2M fhsirlll .l. trrrmf,'N. '. en. l. hb, ft twjUUl&. Biiiaiati 5.'s.(,ni,' Kuiv-s ;to(:l( per fl. - 1 . SPECIAL NOTICES K4U' TH Jl.i'f lt. UtliAas K. K. 1 isorstiw.-His great l,unlwh AstrukigKit, Ctaiivmstrt and IVi ehomelrh-tan, who ha astoniabTd the acientilla ctoaswi ef the Old Wurui, has wiw ioeateit hcrtwtt" s iliulsnu, tt. Y. Hadsme Ttiiirntou' pi'S'M. Saih wieider ful posers of at cond sjht, a. to enstile her to impart know ledge of Hie givateal unporlanue to ike single or married uf ith.ir . White in a stste of trauee, she dehVien the very f stnrel of the person you are to mari, and by 11m aid of aa bmtrnairnt of intonas pWer, known as ths Faycliontotnie, gtismuties to prornee s hfe-like picture ef the future hulahd o sJo of tlw sp pUrsnt, toKetttr with dale ol marrwn, pnaitraa at life, hadinsr traits of ehaiater, Av This is no bnmbag, sa thounandateT UiatimiHiials can ssenrt. Hli will mind when dmired a certified eort-ftcsta, or written guarantee, that th pictnra'ta what It purports to be. By eni loHing a small lock of hair snd stating place of bii iu. ao, dispusitioa snd etsnplexion, snd enclosing ntlyeesls and stamp e4 envehnie ailtlrejwed h yonrsi'lf, ymj will receive the picture) snd ileaired iuforniiliiiu by return mail. . All eouiuinnicatioiia eacrwdly cisilidential. Address ia emndnee, MtiMM K. f Thbtoh, P. . He 823, Ifndimn, N. V. ' . Apr -2i6-iyilaw .TTFkEIS.'IO J.H.UiBOlU," lit grtwt iinroiUnrt Ut thti yiHtitg of iMkth It taaehe bow ilia leimi ly an ay letim heauli ful, Ul despvs'd respected, sod tlia forsaken bnreil ." No yixing taily or g' liilt iu rlumM full to send Um ir Ailiheaa, and revretTs a rotiy pihytjiawl, by I return maiL ! '" " wjavatl, - v w . re-s kv. I J 111. VIS PKlXWr. PUIX1S: aa rittfs of all tl." '-t tu. mi ! .uu"is, .at I" " es toautt the times st . . ft. lius i:haoi. - Apiil l-jrr- n'-' ; ' ' 2m fik-WUl MllOKS AT it (str lir, si 31. HtiSlONllAl M, April l-2Wt!tf tjtKII'KI IIOMKbl'l'Nrt, Q SOT, St '. M - AM-ll l-lSSk-tf JKANs, AMI Kl.ll bt iiiie-KaltAbM, A I HOT II K " l.l.OHIlt tsr J tPlillD. StV-net., W oiii-e per oilitee M. rJJK.snACMJM. StN M.i Air.me2.tf - t-w-. isiw- at t-t-a.t t n. ' ' '. r in fztrm R.f t .--'-.t,e' r:" i liit4)'..J.-..t';. I .a-jJ kswawk fo txt'l-il 4 ol-l iv t '1 '. a Het pewi-44Oi - -- a, e n.ii jtiaiT lair: ' HI. I "lllstl' S i:o.y" f..iir I 'i , 1(1 f U 1 4, Pi ifM. ( liH ' K'llll4itt(4att MatUW ft 1 1. 1 I tU mrJ lsff Jt-4. af tl. 1 aU5 AU'. -fHAJftfiht t . 3 " HitrtH-rt Jmim i'.rtnti Mi.Mfe, r: 2H i'AKnh itiil Aifl-rt'-u l'tt ki--; " f'tvm 4Ast 'I ti'n liiv" ty- nii- - . tV'l't!. .. . ' ' ' 1) fiftn ri U .tttiuly m;j i.in, ' Jt Biilf V.rWt !!. ,1 " h .') 'i- L'aUtaIiU; M.l -'ini l'Uf , ' I'1 DSY GO0PS. 2 ii FratSU ANI ryiirMEtX " tUR'tW." KOSENBAURf, r iiiyr Trin xlf i if- 1 1 stlnihoB ,4 his enstoaiera. and tin. rimne 1 grtieral, that he at how prepared I" ealnlst ke JbrntTlfJtfJXfrj -.--T-.-rr. .. ,- u i'spiusa nuKrw utujuiC ; - ever bmmd'.t to Uiiseity, eonLlui: in prl ef rilM-LK . ik(v;s. ....7.-..-i.r-:.: a Mkit A' 4;iXtii.jl; - r- BHn .lK . - I . ; i sTKiffin UQZia&iHVSj. L, ... 1 iti-A-jM. : 1,-4 ..- 1 ko.Mi hiitioxs. . .xT:.:.M'J(rsa:.lUlvniiJll-Xr---- .-.-i with s fall atVa-k of ItewHwlt a. and stasa araita AM f lu..k, lU onVfo.l at Mm lowest aisrkt prut's . April .o-tf. , Jn!i a Mop or lo Ahead." : FliiST MTPI.Y (IF-ieW . I """8 FBI Re If B (i0OUM. HI'ltlKfi CALICOS, French t AnieritauLavins, PLAIN AMt mUMKOUrKKFO MOZAM- English Barege, Orgaudiea, Ac, 4c H.umI Ktmk Hle.-hd Mil Jill, " ' 1-H and 4 4 nnbhsk-lKsl - ALA V t X! -XPlAHHSte., ., Jut rii vitiMl at iU T. COO KITS, C'heaiV htoiti. tb A-171 tf I I OMSt AtAAIW. I D I t (' r. rrn j i: it is now ia full reeaiiit nf his Kirmg said Htitutuur lo.-k id , f mli AKADt-M.tDK i l.OTHJM:, ll(iol .Wnix MII.I.ISKHr, ' ..... AM' fASvy HUOl Ttiey will! sold al a very small advance on FIHS't VOHT. Tb kTil.ui.iy buaiiiiiaa aiUXe can M il on by mi1 Km c nil, 1 IB all its branches, she bavinff tiers North herself ml viaibl Uie llr-t Uiltuirrv eadahlmhuienla in ih. nmuitrv. laid ia karowa atork ui pi-ron. and Iwuitie liial, harmg a iIioiihiuIi knew lfli;c of lb. biMimsis, will be euabkMl toautt one Slid all from Ut ru-h lttw ssa-. . Iieulitit dar for His-m and Muiniurr lUMineta will lw a the lisli. day of Apn. towhiuh all bar la)r fnrnils ar reafieetliill invited. Vie ar aim Uitnsliiemg a iMw atyla IliKiP. HKIUT railed Ute I ajfs.st raixr ("JiAi'nyo aa'i.t aku-t fr siiiH'rinr to tnvthing that b .e ever lawn brfMifjht hi tlilii ioluitrv. We ssk all fn.wrlion ofthvaanie. Ii will uol regret s walk to ho. Is taveUerille MriM'U Apru 1 Bl-:iiu - ' A C A K n . BEAR IH MIND TUB KOIXOWINH FACTS i l.t. Oar Huoae w the eiihvt lry tiiasbi l.il.lililiinit is the rily, our Junior ninBiln r lutving beau in the busiueas nearly JU .vears. skv 2nd. Ws keep oa ut our ttrm eonstanlly in lli Norilveraatarkota. - rd. He m well posted s lo quality ami prka id goiahk 4th. We bay or cask ; snd buy goetls lower by dVsng so. ' - ..'.;..- Mn. W kiHM tls wsnts isTuur eustisiiers sud our gooiUi pleiM them. - ,.....-.-i . '.lit. Our motto is "ijuidt isle and small pro 61.. ' 7th. V do s bvw baginesa. .iloa't lup any dead aloek oa hand. . Ml li. It is a notortoua fact that ws buy tlia best qustity ot gtsals : and sell tiww at low priosaw - in h, ..We attend atrietty ta sat tiwnmtwsa. ,-, , . ioih. WawiU hikmIm for eaah. - lith. if wa wiske anytliing. It ta spmii iu the wtproaerifeMl ey' owe Wy. 12tli. 44 sW swiw a'nf gmttHM. . , . Are not the alwve 12 gisid n awsjia why ym abisihi bnv your liry liouiia m its f tt e bad his,sd to ha's earrnd our beautifid Kpriug stisk toftur new Htia-rt.-but owmg to the bed weather, liar laea datayed, Vi will sell it ant at oar aid stand. W a fan , truthfully ay Uiat bmidsouior atrsiksj PPRING AND SUM MM! HHY 00003 hM never beea offered in tbie msrkrt, W. H. A H. h. i LI aKH A CO. mar 88-1954 : -.- . .... ladles,' miaas' And lnfMitla Hals. A Bt'ITltrt RTAfK. CtiNSIHTIVU Of aritAH' j.aik i.ifK , . tr!'Lir TflAV hJAlii, 11 KX1 Hitf.l x VA.SVfH tfhVTAO, ' f - -, rum, ' ' i"fv " '-. ;'.( PA TV I. - - vAsrmr at.va, Phl'At. tlLAi'lA roHAx., A'., W. H. A II. 8.TUt'KtKl'0. mar 26-lM-tf luck i A roitri vr.. I AST WFFK, PUINtS AM) tiTIU.lt Id(Y J tl.ssis fell m New Vork fnaa to 2 iMih pr. d. W lsai(nt s lal;o lo'k, Ninoe ttn-li 1-iIi itS have again s.ltaie.i Tins may Ik. esile'l l.t a , if ao, our eitstouitrra ahall si Im- in l.m-k by huv llig th benelituf our elno iuri-tmw W. 11.4 li.B, lti hrilAf'O. mar i-l'J5-if ;inl's lints Iiufs, lint. , A Ft: LL Work of Huts fi Mi rririnir Trwhi. W. If. H. . Il l kr;u t. u,.r So-lW-tf MTIU'llANTsV AMI (VI (ohmIm. eaitli'i-li.s III TIIEIU4, iliHrii(l iftn from na, or tutu. t..it :l.ll .l:OI.O..KlWn.. va ft a it h rt t m Tf -art- aiar lS-li-tf 4 Jt-TtU WUwtvV-MttmTIt 1lrr.TAKRri.F.ArHMNlNI"llMINttt)I-n tf rrien.l sud ilia piiUu, Uiat e hv m nloia iMieuf lite luol . COMPLETE AN l flEAl'TIFl'L AH ' : ,. ASHoHTlfENTii .1 of Cooiitvtver offered In thi KarLcf UmrldiKSI) XOI)H sre ronipnael of sll the taUn4 at t Ws and nolies of tlss aesaaai. Our Lino or While) f.oeda la IVts frrl, roiislsiing of ATtf, KilflOOK .4 Tfl i AiMf.V Afl .s.VS, 10 ffv ;-r-rrTrv-rTii AShs h: t f rri on ox V u i fat, r ' - ' f; I 1 1 il lilt i i I fl IX A - liHr.asies..aT lb Vs qnablT and mi ea s ess. sae4i: M ;. t t.islnit t t:V Ft.iHtAafl.amt are con - tf M wit ti oTiDttl iTi'fi - Ai H ( ! V 4VH.yJl(iTt ff 'Uf ffOT lr H't t ' - A. N. i J. MrK!,M.Hi 'AKit 5-$Htf v -f A Y00 WOULD HAVE THE BEST 1 Colltditin of Piano Ju-ho ' rul,ii-!i .. ,1 1. ' li- Pm.,1,1 a IM ImMI .)., ' ioll-, i jtiiii hi? f rt ra . : it- Jf ' 1 ., 1... I Ofjl. I It-1.1 I If ., a i.o aft' ry- tot's il 1. ..ity!I.H . . 11,(1 vmt I I' I., ll.c 1 '! i ll,-. 1. ; i', I4i, liui Hot, I l.'Sfc -'itu t ! I ' K 1SI CHAUITAbi.K K i .-.-. j ri::r rn tci:itT, -fii AlH WVWSfr ! St)Hlhprtt.,rprKii AsMM-iatlon,!. ln'rr:ilcd IJ" Ike - l.'i;llntiirt! r lr$ in tu, Jtiuir)'a, I Mir, i- 7 t BB GIVEN AT THE . : MARY LA N D. I NSTIT tF T E .APEH, 30th. Tiik pit-urns vr Tim roxevsr win liK (,IAV TO Tl.K SOfHHtr t'H - V.V. .t.tM.CM rf.V. m 1HK Wrr- jnst.D v4'fifx- .' run ttn- of Wllini. K ALL TIIK AT ' T A , TlnX t'f Tilt. Pl'HLK't . i-U... the (iih.vr of the riaitliera Orphana' A'Kocuiiion- bs- Hie utaintenanee sad edm-aiion ot lira doMlttlile erjihslia of deceased Hollthern y tin rx ami soil ws, eariietty aolitil tlie syuii tJiy aud-iH-qis'staai in tsar ; (.rttlitl Proenuitloii l emrerl, Of all who desire to see the '" it a larrr n s i" b cii o 6 1 enalded lo niviva ud eare . all the DJy ote who ae k II aiielter aud lroteetuin. Thalikmsr mir fts tula bar their past eontrlbu- tionaand aiuuait, we again sppoal to them to help aa in a Bjoraaxtonst witeronse. it is ute deaom of this Association to erct - - "IIO.MK AND KCHOOL" for I tie orphana of ths onth, both nialu and fe male on an eitausua .cate, ut lite oily of Hieh nMsail. Virginia. As au mdueetueiit w haw the liiiitihn; loeiilrtl there, the loitumtti Coiinril of thai cur have eiinranleed s aullietellt hit nf land,, in au i lovtu.it Mid heidthml ks-ation, snd will in-art-ami tne ipmuiiiy ot laud if ntHHied. . ll is nli a coiihiloiit hops in a fsvorabl re epmme ti ttna BpMftl to a public hh'h has newr vet tailed to BiiMtsm a eharttalila insi itntiiHi, that w hate entered inlosii srraiiKentent with rs, I, T I'U.MMS Co. No. ta llollulnv tree. II iuiinriii.t irt?neiti efi-atid stmneal TIowm .Inn. ui i 'ute-cit for its lienelit, and earnently aoheit the kfinllv aid aud jiairtHiage of th iul4io to ensure US sueeeiw. . ' (N(,;ihI ''.. Mrs. J. U IIAMMOKP. President. - Mm. lr. J. 11. HH'.AN, Vie 1-rtmi.l, lit, Mrs. I A i MK.V KM, Treasurer. ' .1 Mm. Dr. A. tl. KIMUKIlUf, Cor. Secretary. lr. JT. II. Hfllil'lis keeording Keeretary. . lr. A. U. MMIil KLY. Imam ml tkurstary. H. C. I Al l. A M. Ei.. Ciuiesellor, Ui.TiBtt, reb, -! lts7, .v.; "' "" : ' Tbi-stkss. Mis. 1!. A V. MKAIIS, Italtimore, M.l.' MisvJ. It. tH'HIRItet, Baltimoro, M.l. ,' ' Urs. W, X. HuMlit K, Itallimpre, H.L ' Mrs. A. lUWblNH. Italtimore, Md. Mm.l'r. A.li. KIMIiKlll.V, Haltunore, Md. Mia. t'HA.S. M.1 I IlillN, HaUliu.H-e, Jlil. Mrs, Hon. J VH. l.VuNK, Hi. hnioii.l, V, Mia, J AN. 1 IIUM.AH, til. Inn. sill, V. Mis. TllOiJ. liliANCU, lUehiuond, V. , It msv seem nuneiwasaev to add a sini-1 Word to the atsive stbtreisi, but calls uixnt the luaUtu- tton nsvn ims-i i numerous and preaaui, ana tlie atrncgle llinmvh wiiii-h H la now isHiiig to aideu tiia ctrchMif Hsehsnti-s is of such au ar duous nature, that tlia iuetia"enietit caitiiot tesi strongly urge upon the ,. II I'M AN E AND PATHETIC everywhere, n Mivepsitieipslina in tins a.Mi- leiliaKat-leinpt. to sileMSte the Sad eti.lllnsl of jcroat uunitM-rs of lielploaa ehtlitrait, remlered thus by the t-nille war ttirontth whl.'h We have nanei'dl And. swurnllv, whatever niav have Iso-n Uia relative ih titi.'l vu-wa of lattice and Ri-ntle- uieu Iteri'iofore. sit mniH airree thst the eliii.lren fi l'eri'ed to, could Hot, by any )oNtlilii.y, hay bad any sgnney iu bringing shout their praaeut DEPXi)UAUI.K ANtt DEST1TCTE UJN- "'- : ,T"r)iTiN,""'TT" soil are anuatile iitiiecta for the eharitv of all t r- sooa of whatever aliade f pohtieal opiuloii. The "nOMBANIlrtCllOoi," whieb tiwy now mure pitrtieiilarly sek : to aatatv hah and endow, will be of incalculable benetll bv iH-oviihug not oi.lv t.al sml raiment for time iiotpitwii ooes, out iisewtM aoim ami uiutmiu I eilui-ation, thtiaquAlitiNg them b 4- . i'ulorc lcfulness lo Society at - Utzp, ' In iH-dis-Uiat this appeal rosy ba atfeotital hi en baliug tltretM.iv.il uil4.n'iH and en-ts;MratHSl if sll clauses of wirou everywh1 e, as havw eoneltided toukue fisr Was -. Grand FreteuUtiou Musical Concert, Vsl diS) tirkets at Iho noniinal prie of tl each i-illt-le In ket S.lilllhK the pliri'liaaer to s gift there being one uM Ut evrrv tieket. Ths tift are sa tnllowa : 1 Ah eietssitt Lirrmif 3lts-reim- prov.l nitli i xi. iiHtve tlwi'luugs j. Valid oiitlilii.liiiB. enw anil sri.t II, niatoii! I or pioii-rt luvaiii- r Xiiio ..llM.fsintlO . :iNtsJ .-TJ2. f ifl of till l1 ill Kohl v.lued si , Hl .1 I'srm o l i io-ii'm, loelily inioro eil. near the el'v of lWiuniora... in.fi no 4 A fill In urepoi.sfka ., i A ihreoorv liiuk II.uiso, with 6,ism o lo. .km impro.i meets, 111 haUiiuor $,(I0 Of) A tniH store tirs-k House, with 10...I.T11 i i,irovenuiita, 111 Itaitinior 4,2W 00 7 A 10 slay Hrifk Hnie, with mifVra hnpi oyeittitii in Itsliinns-e S.nefl Of . s 'laigiltslutittt.iil,.ks, II.IMlOea..hl2.iio is. T ' " f.HSI arh) ft ISNf ISI 111 Eiliy, " " - tnsiesi b) 6.1100 1S1 II lUw llllliilro.1 (.? (Si eeli) s.lkHI l St I'nt' lil.Wel i'isnil ,..,,., . I,.'il ll VI liii.-liritu.l I'isiio .... I. noil 1st II '1 an tiare 1 ismsi, t.ssiasi'hi 1,11141 isi l. Tell I'sitor tlTMStta, :Oeschl IH1 Ul III tin.- luiiiiired gouts Aiobl Watehos, ( I. SI eaeb) , LVMUOH 17 Kite hiiiiilrKil UdW 4 kohl Wati hes, r..: t tr.irti .... ....... V:.,:....: : IS rri'4.1 iifwiyssyiiSsajilWiiffsi tf l mi. Iiiilnlroii t lliptie n.'Witig 11a- rbtnea, l7ftea. li) ....,...!, flft -SB tntauwtH;t;ii, - ; jm 11 1 e.anuuu 41 line hundred 1di"a' fin (Void Cliains an! pins. 1 1" i.H.'h 1 . .... . . 4 fi 22 'f'so li 11 tui rod 1 lit I'ainoi,'., CiOeai-h) 4,eo tl Five biiioirvd lilt-Ii-a, o .4t 1., ., .lii,nJtJ 4 'lo thotisand enpn-a P4lards Kmillr rn llisloly, Ul 10.0(a) Of) ,,26 1 wo ituiiHo.l i'hutors!hi Aihuma, I i iu,t ao M I o tlu-uMUid tu (Job, in In rasea, a. 10 ntKI oil 27 tiv hunderd Plain Oold Phia, 4,o.l l; 2. 1 wo liiotiMiud srta Silver 1 isuh! 'lt.a ttsaaia, a..; .v fi,rti)00 2! To in. iuaii.l CsB Iii lis, Nspkiu ., lungs, Ae., a ", l,mott Tli tlc citisi-ts of ih foilowuig srtii les : MnMO'Si l'"-lluioi'iile. Milsiti lWno. , j- tsrtim-' "Vork- fenesa-.-; .,...,.,,-...-......"...... V 4 . 1, i. sa. Ll .j.jiv in rfTrrrrriTrrr" f a r? ttt7.it-. l..l I )- l.Ti . " ' 1 I J1' f , :",lL":i" " 5.kAtbAttJ.l I". 1 " - - Itit.h -st. loitol r fr.oi 1 to TrfiOfBiO rp t.l.ed in a a hi-ell 4 1 1 t l-J. ftiooUv alo e draati out -(tlSwa tlie l.tjiio t 'H lot el Ute il. nuiiiU'! tl,ti dirts, 1 .oil, In- hi-v l'i..-t, or hi i,.i,,1 'Jl, A,- . Ilt-I.l lite a !...t.- loin. ( is . I! .ihii 'J b- il.-li ...i' i,u s .fi l.ikt- yin.f ai'r li.e Con errt !,. 11 l.i-"i p. l-'ii i ado! I. it, A r.m. t;.IM. IM- i-o-a tl-ml ISO- a.vtu I tiisrrof toe ssioe. Ail ar'-io si"i l.o-.'i.i. is a ilil so Hint ll-t ltl..''ftWrt.ilrt -.!, to t.iii.- j 1 1 a, !! I I uiUr, so. I in ..iii,i.k of r, 1" (Vi (.10 1 11,1 1 1m life I 1; n j, H,.-e'.-r "f I..'' r.i.il i.. on. . i ... ..! UNO 1 . HI,. O I u, T-... . n , t;'ll t" i.o.'l rii li.ll 1 ...0. rt l.t Ir . i: :.J t. " v.- I.,,,.,,- ' Tfc- f- Uli., t-u; .- .. -.. - h n;-,-:triiB .of .irtxr rv)tt -o . 1, w-r,-'. . . r fr,.r.i p..- I;i ! I i l.f. eil, Kt. I I.-1'---. i ... i VI .M I a t Pro. I p. i f I lioi-'i-..! atyJ.d-H. h. h. l-t t, ti.- 'N, t S'9f t M l i.'R. -fsi-:AI, M. f..'b-;fin"rv.- J. Ml 111 Csli iN, M. II.. I Mliutore. "Jr"5w fsr.-riMi-ii. r, p...nnB.fi.. jfunaellxutJLJia. JlolOia AC'- i. F MMMii, liaHniwre. :V, K..trTbif'F, Mime ; . - , . . . i ... i . i , Xi. .1-1.1 noil it.M.li P ... ll'4i- . tii il i.mi ' 1 mi I ll.tl' n diiti d Ui tim t.rl'1,'l!l-. ' " " ' i'. i' nl.M'T .r c . ''"- Ko. 13 II. !,.... Mi,,., .... i-t, . ': ' .M.toa.;oii- I.'.. l.-i. - Ti.Jte en is- bad flf JXtt. HUAtili, isolllhi in Ktpr) m libra, llni. iiih, -A(d4-U I miasBP ktiADv iaTjuii:.' iT - jHUl lisTei I.IT'I' I I -ItltJ , -' -' (KI0T.HrKiSM TO AM'i:iWiN, MVIlh'H A l t' .) j tUrutrnl firorr - r::. - A S fi '. .:' '.:"'": i C'oiHinlaaiait Jli ri bunts, . No.., OLD OTUKfcT, 1 o r r o a I t m t'X c t ' , j "Petersburg.' Va. - wdl attend to tie BsWf all Toahwi snd Mi-r-ehaiMltaa, of rt-y dtWripiiiNi, wut so lio ir i-a. and Sill aiatt pnrebae any icoimui u.d in tiieir hue, - Eiberaj a.U sdyaueu maiht m eaiioi?n-m-nt tn hand. I mi also furnish Ferttlixors of any kind to. fares on a-,Htoiiuodatiiig tomia. J. A. MAKKK, Vl H MI lXFtDlIN, tut!e.Adicoa, Marks A Co. trarilm ' , X C. t , - - fob ls-ltrt-sui rcnriLizrns ron WE beg t inform the trade snd piiUilei of North I'arolina sud Virginia, that we are prepared ' furnish them with the meat ai prove l l.tvb'iil.l.t'.lut. on th moat aue m- M ternia. Via aill bar satoi k of .geiuiinr 1 i i i -V1AS Ot'ASO, purchuied itnn Irotu tnu Ajj. ot of tii Peruvian liovemment. Vt bav bow In afore, lor imroedima rV!ier f-'S bins UKAJ.i.KV H Mi PER CtluoPIUIE tu' 1.1MK, win. h won for itsell sueh au envtah.e rt j. itiaiiou in the t'ottou and l'ols-o e.iinii.. of North Carolina and Virituna, laet aeamm, provtn.t itself tnal, and ra many ilnsa:liit rei-i. ts, u pitrior to tlie Peruvian tliiano. Vi ti g'..au an alveta of it. aa aiwiaiin-d by tV. 11sms, one f 'the aaait emiueut Ulieuimta m the vouutry : ltrult or Anal) iri 11nd-.tf IXriid lf'i I'atrnt fcurM-l-I'lioapUale wf t.tnir, a wow Blbf 7 m. 1M BrHtHy'i:. lflofVaiw CossisTo - . " Moistnra - . 8.30 Prepared animal matter, aslt of Ammtnis, Tatty auitataneea suit tiitnitia lione Plioaiihattsi of Lime, AisKnema aud Inm - ' - v ffttilubla Prusnthataa nf do. If, tin 1 3ft.80 mil.liat ol Uiua . Halts ' . Insoluble " . . . . ii . S.i,r Th snima) matter afforded 4 HO parte of Ani mtraiut whan it waa dfsyiiiifHSMadt au.l, aa will be seen, reai ly oua-had" of tn liotie I'hoapliai is olllltirt. . . . . After many analyae efyimr fiii)r4tawsrhiti of Lime, niaile uuring the last few imshwaa. I Li found your ataRtiard tat ouaiuv full eotou to iioii of any yau have ever sol.t iu former veats ; sn.l 1 sis aatiMllod Uiat you include the corn-..t pun eipls in Ui mtinnfttt'tiite. iti.ioct!i!iiv, A. A. II AVM, M. !., Mate A-vor. We refer to. the foilowuig geutlounm a ho tented its metltalant season : - la. H. A. Etarnt, yVsmiu Conntr. S. C, t H Eooi s, t'ol Jkhh Wmsisa, Orannlte ' B T ltAi.uai. rraniiijii, o A. P. Eu.is, " It. If. VUBouoraB," U. Htti., Nssh LHiuiily, K. 0. J H AvraT, " " " W T Wkiomt, V. ' I. M IViNtr.ita, u li (t Vt u.i una, J P ItlM lARU, " ' I 1 I' JfNSlNn, . . u " is i i 'rsoHSTim, . - ' lir W H Warwi, T 1 Hoi.j.j, Kasb County, Kortb Carolina. J H ltoitlUK. o lion 11 Kttoass Wake T P liiii.UH L, E.hjHeonib " J 11 Aaws'iaoao, " - v - i it Ctiia. - - E II EM'wras, CoKl W HtauoNn, ' , - W W mesas, . 3 B Tvuir, ...... o J N 'I u-a. ... K. . .. . . . . Hen M W lummw Korthampt.ai W P Mouiuos, Italllai, ' WTTunn W1I..S1. W will Im rf.preeni.l at ths rnrta ef Cisu vills, Nash, Wulie, I..tg-eoni(w, Vvu,.n Malu,..x Nortlianiptott l ialikuti end W srrea rouailea, N.' U. and ttioouHvUle (otiniy V iri.-inia. Any busmesa cisuiil. J pru, .lo.il l,v om b. t atuon. S, . . : . f' Il.WAINRi('. IVtersbaig. V,, J,a 2l-;tiif TIIOS. IIK.4 If ., , 1 0 I A Hi n 11 r t! t N (0PP0MFTK TIIK IHIMT OF Fit '15,1 Rlohittond, V.; TH03. EEAKCH & SONS, Ka, H Old fslrwt v ' . rKTli"li.si;i;iu, va.( l(lt II, h(AX t o., . ' Broad Street, Al'GL'STA, A., AN i) ' Commission Merchants, 4,-L-nr W'ai, v ui) ImM)iit, riiit.. rt it, a I It. Ifitei-nt ltl MIW k lAt't, -i A Hitttr Icitttftti ; Mnii t fiHiTiinni (i.ii 1 tm 1 HlU', avntl ImV aitta Mail t.f, , lttalllk Kl,'l, )'.Hm1m, hlit. kj, Ac. 'Ifey Ui) 1 ihur tVM'Vf.-t fl(j t ijiirt liHti of 1 ..tmci i. S in ftt, UdUj i llt M'l.t;, !t l.U.H 11 I. to si.,. .tnl eH lit t(.fni .-ttt-!,.tiiin in j, , l Utki Itlattli ( UtJA.il t i;Mlr, , ,1M and U tKtir Ckrepi-pimtii-nU m h-- i'lfk, .ijrxtri, Jrf'AttMAU, Auiif.rtt .t,. " (iiiaviKi, wusT r cui! ' iiii uu ii litiilffiiiij tin ,r r-ri,;.iT ett-t iiii.'i t. . 4ti kgieti o lini- UHt tf t tt it .,t.v --- ---- Ti IU hfmiil titfiiasa ti.iiii.ti. i! t.. n . Ktitcaj imll Ki, in h-1 11 iS,.-uu !- , k ,, -i , Wtthl-tt aV ! M'W iHh, lti. t.'vn.ii i , .jartf, fr U uts!j ltl tvMirrji rat.wa, Jji'i'll'f "'"ir."; 1 -1, I ( 4-4'i;itt. if, 4 ..'. h v i Uiu Ut iiii..i eoles sea i- iv lisnt lit I o. r " i'-'-'i'n 1! 1 i'.t- hti III. t. ''. I I '1 tiwi ,4. U W ,i VI 1. .1 1., -"h... '" I o iii. r a I,..- n ,il I., ..I . ' 1 .,. I.ui -, 8.C. I ro a-l-our lab T-Lt-Jm. I 4 Aprd -s-lu at U.ojr tu-jtv to sut ho.u c. -i ;. ut .'"lb, .