. ..ri. urnrrEii.' ... AihafiM'UrMi will be pa rted iu th Daily ' tJiMi tl ll" f-dl"wwt;!ratt. A scaurs will be . ...... . T;. . .1... One wpHtm wm.4.i:.t,-....:j ... ' iTi ubrjiiohtii"-rliaies tbn ,- 1 Hw ! SW AO ,tJ fcacu mUiUonal Uf wwsk. S,ol - -iurt uiku tiicU-., ." - ... .j. ...t......t iuinf twft kiii ! .... s :'st . r.w sovoui - on mwhi hiwxh.. .v . - ." I.J" , JUl a.rll,toni .. .. ,-- ..,.,!,.), ..... , .... ., hie s,plro three m iniyli. ... . . . tjU'OVliUlKltUj 4tM quarter column tlH? liart cliliou . -untKiiimiif 1 KinlirijuM inU, Is m noon tomwurtes, ,H be eherirrd rail)1 fid" for tin month. All edv luooirsu or cards ejuxt be chaotfnd in f irm st M-'stttriVr?: flt'nillHi rtrnr f " "wijrelum three mouth inula uoty 4 the above rate. rlpeeutl aiAiCes ? xlei1Uieuient required to k HWM 'MS Uul etanjt. special pla., wiU-bs charged $ pr higher than the abuve charge. ; AJi'rtwi"iHul uurUil in kljr aud Senii yrvujj at rate corresponding vita '.he above. Court sdrertisewHmts inserted week! ft $7 eubor 110 if charged. . ." Wrt"bir will sl.'sys BiMUtloflieir iwlviutige to enclose the tuli when thi VV nd sdvertinetiieiit, to Uie einmt (Wy uruui t J f' tlwm. ' THE SENTINEL. tUlUAV KVKSi.SU, Ai KH. W, 1(17. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. . - , IJ To A0VK8TWER8. Tle public will find tb ("' e of the yent medium! of j- . Tertising in theStute. lt circulation coven larger art-a, perUnpi, tlian uj otUer J)- pcr. . - j ;! ' ; .sr. Nkw Aovcktiscmknti. J. K. A M. II. Pin nil offer for rent their eitenai ve Tobacco Factory in the town of Thoniaaville. f Q PI A W T Viuins t tlia nlil " " Z':, - .Xanror-KTlTToung, on r ayetteruie .tree., are receiving a large, fashionable and varied stock of goods. , , 6odWatr Apparatus for sale; Apply "15 Breniier, Kellogg ft Co Greenaboro, or Breniier, Kellogg & Peters, Charlotte. Jenkins k Perry advertiw a splendid ar ticle of flour. ,.' ... . . : We hare jnst learned that, in view of the omstant preneure ' of Vualntse OK0 Got. Worth at this time, he has referred the dis tributlon of the donation irom the Bute of . Maryland to Col. V. ik hnrriagtst, M thi suggestion of the Maryland Commiaaioners, and to the pastors ot the four Churches of this city. Rev. Drs. Mason snd frk inner and . Rev. M.wra. Atkinaon and Hudson. We olmerre that 5,000 buHltela of the con have already arrived at Wilmington. . ' MA WaCojiHt A Fowler, charged with assaulting Martha Bulvin, was fined (3. Wiarlea Crump and G. F. Butler, Co. A., 5th Cavalry, were lodged in tUe guard bouse for intoxication and ilinorderly con duct oa the street. They were turned over j to the Military authorities.: j ... .. -w, . .... ... City ArrAins. We Uke great pleasute In endorsing the efficiency and prom ptneas of our municipal authorities. Mayor Hay wood is always at h is post, promptly dis charging his duties, to the satisfaction, and, we may truty aay, to the gratification oi all. J ile is, we believe, justly popular with white 'and colored, though we are not awse that " he prss any one, meriting discipline. We ; I do not recollect that the cit j has ever been supplied with a more efficient, soler or 'reli able police. They are a terror to evil doers. Ja Saying this, we design no reflection upon previous officers who did thcirduty. There are, however, seriou defects in our city government. We have no Inspector of flour, of wood, ot bread, no one to compel lull weiglit or measure at market. Inother eities, when a man buys a barrel of flour, the brand of the Iuspector enable one to know wlist be is buying; if a man bujs a cord of wood, ha geu it; if be buy a loaf of bread, he get pmiier weight ; or if lie buys meal, poloe or beef, or what not, be gets proper measure or weight Here, there seem i to be no rule or regulation. We sub nit that there ought to be a change In these (natters. r . ' ? -: ' ' Hkndkrsok. A correspondent ot the Norfolk Journal, writing from Henderson, gives a racy account of matters and things in that lurg. He says: "The municipal government of Hender on is complete, save in r unilormed police. favor or partiality. The Council are prompt to act upon every meaoure calcuiatu to au Vance the welfare of the town. A anevi dence ol this, at a late meeting of the Coun cil, the following fuHilutimis were unani mously adopted : - , MaulctJ. That a Committee vf three be p- pointi .I, -w how trrtty it-shatt -be tirrinitrrcery ..... jfgfK t,if Tfwir rlf srit Mi.y ay, s4 aw that wrjf rhiitMey w htmfi. - . llaUvtd, That every erfon 6fftring . slaughtered lt l tor sale ia this market shall We have no doubt tue.riefpwlenll TmT'ini".T would lie an unwarrantable reflection upoa tlie worthy Mayor to say that he put justice to flight, l "dispersing' it. EtMiKCoMBB. We leara that the banuer Cimm y, in cotton planting. Old Eilgecouibe; is going ahead finely in preparing for a large crop the present year, With ft w exceptions the freeilmen are at w ork ami doing well. 1 the ftite of BtiaiioMd oiiior- f.rtilizera, Edgwu td-.k ontirip)iiu) ..uerarlt ovor all W,T,iainsis ft n-NHi hiWWjjt I "7-:;.:.litiiiltc Id.iWir fi -'! lerMhaW' '-AwH 7 1 HiiTwrrare' ECTTWiV-fi-j'iit cofijM!a,4ir,4i, wtrhrt) laf; at ppfTfttt Tor ..; . - ijUiNt. lot-t'i -i1! bv, ' r ' v""- v'"''' ",a- - 1 ---';- ------.V--r f - I ""V-Mi" 'Keeonib. The fariuera oTUJifalI-IwHltarj' p-iti..a un.W the nleder.cv . Mm, 0y mmm j t.:. l - j-; "..T: miClLLKLWt f cieUtiou.na.i.eof name of the de- Jt VUO tOUHA VH f 1 tfZZ&'X&XVX?. 7' '1 -' j mination,....li, winch h.ve , . , . ( . . Mrefl 1M13- Ai .. FI),!(,,nlt IHslllirs Jtuflrr, Mil ,r I'laletl ,M ,.-M be ....-al d to ab-w H-hm any per,.:,, Hit lariaiiui I nnr u aii uinni-jri tne ran in. itir t r. itnftr i.r-r fT n j itrv: rUicr in, t a wy tvJi'fui v rmm buw. 'i mjw n mitiiti i ii i i . a- i tt 1 . . - ...... . , , urf ....... U.e t i rive in XcS.ied. IU v. Dr. f uumicts, to whom th. r.n tli ijciat iHSafc isawn ; a.fa.nta nf tti i ri Iiiit?n s .LiurciiU. An an v official return were sent, ear that the que j Une js J.,,,;, , ,.r.eunnif pr.iier . t.-sti-tioo of lay dtle"1'"" drcliW in the alHr- j monia!. Tlicre will 1 e!ut 200 register, native, and tbatas to tbeoaneol tliechurch j insf. board 'ia the State, utl about .800 la tW aegative. ' ' oiUeera.-AV Tri UrlJ. Special DUpatch to tlie Baltimore Sun. difficulties iff HFrafiTrrr. 370-AON MUX bltTCMEt: IX run HfvriioKx. au-nHUfyAK AXIiZJIIA)TVLSrMliXrih-(JHX. t MOVUffHd V, are..'.-,' , -t- - , WasHiiioTOK.'April 18. The adminintra f tioH ii ia dillf rcavipt of eorruejcBtleuce ,t r .n...i:r. 'r c .iL r "' - 1 mmi icaiimu men m me 0011111, uietpir S- t - fr.iiuiirr.TTV. - . - BU1U11W lUDt 11IG tU'l. OVUJ V kTUUbit iytiii;iMiifg"Hiutt the rwuustructiun laws recently pawed, and the only disturbing element iu the HoutU are the imp.irteJ pulitivisns front the North, bo are tuAkih).' evi:rj tfiM-t to briag about dteeQrd.rletWBeB 4tm white and colored . A letU-r jut receirad from' a prominent citizen ot the North, now making a tour of the Mouth, ia particujarly instnicttve ia thiii regard, i lie writer aay tuat tue only tur bulent spirit are Northern men, who appear tit be in the iiitereate nf the liadicals ot the Kast, He declares that the removal of civil officers ly Gen.'Bheridan is considered anfurtunate; that Judge Abcll ha ever been an uncompromising U-nioa man; that tletb, bis sucifMiir, was one of "Butler's pica;" and, in fine, 'that nonexof General Sheridan's apMintments cun command the lvat rieBpect" The write?, Iff Conclusion, says: ''Gen. bheridaneMt daily becoming more unpopular, but the. people will submit to bis rule." . ' The sduiiuUtrntion is subiectad to a trreitt deal of annoyaiwe I'r.on apjjjicnuuioiiiujia. Itiil miriKliu turn into mpcctaMe diplomatio Bocictj in turopf. 8iuce the title of travel bu turned towarUe tlie l'urin Expoitiin, tfao Stale I)frtiuent tiDil the theee iiitrifded visitors, win want a letter jf intnxluctioa to (iimruj Dii, Mr, Auin, so. Jo nvi unncctMHirjr tript t ILia city, nd to protect tue government otticen from raucu unpleseant, end aonietimee impudent applicatiout, 1 vould simply call utieutiuq to the ruin at the State Department on thi auhject, published luet Ma;, in which it ii expreel.r eatablishet1 that no tuch letter of introductiou can be granted. . 'Uen. Itouaaeau' comrninsion a Brigadier General in the regular army a delivered Ue - 4iiu bi the 1'rtiiirtmlirerVnn SauTrr d , - Ti)e commUaion U date,! UKh iStb. General Ilouweau has taken tbenecea sary oath, am) i now in the service and awaiting orders assigning him to a cum in and. It is understood be will have com mand in Tela. a. VS8TITUTI0X IX ITORfir CAB0- LIXA. ... f Wokbob, N, C, April 8, 1M5. T tkt Editor f the Xational Inldligeneer i Dka 8ms: This counifsuITored to se verely from last year'e drought a t be seriously threatened with famine. Fifteen hundred perwu nave no corn and no mean to purchase it in thi county. Tbey are generally women and children ; nearly all ate such ; about one-fifth are neirroea. There are five hundred more who have no pro via ions, but have, some, a" cow and calf, and other A poor piece of land ; so that we have two tuoueead person in thi count who are entirely destitute, and hare not even corn to last them one week. We are, there fore, more interested in trying to get bread to keep from starring, than in reconstruction or political matters. I presume our people will, all who can, register aud vote for Sher man' bill, and - acouieeo for peace, and bnion, whether tlicy like the plan or not. . . , , , 8. H. WALKIP, v Robkkt on thk Trair. We regret to leant that the ltev. Mr. Goodman, whose family and friends reside neartbia place, bile coming np lrmn Salisbury, lust Satur day morning on a traiu that was Uking sol dier to Horiranton, was robbed of all bis clothing, vsiued at f'iUO.OO in money, con tained iu a valine, eearcu was made for the stolen prrlerty when the train arrived t this point, amBj th soldiers, but without uocae. although Hiere was no reason to doubt that some of them bad taken the spoil. Statem'dU American. There is now living in Lawrence county, Ohio, a gentleman who separated from his wile in Pennsylvania many years aeo.. Ha came to Southern Ohio and married a Mia P , of Marietta. After the second wife' death a daughter of (he first marriage brought about a reconciliation between her father and mother, and they were remarried more than twenty years slier tlie date of their separa tion, toe nrat wile becoming tne lliirov A vouna lady from Ohio;- attending the colleges lor young men at Pittsburg, has been unusually popular among ner teachers and classmates, ou account ol her marked ptoliciency and gotxt conduct ; but, on lately coming back to school, after vacation, . aha was denied admission, because of the mi croscopic discovery that "sh is one thirty-aecona part .fciuinptan. ; Two young girl were carried off by Ca manche Inilian from the vicinity ot Frer) ericksburg, Texas, several months ago. On of Jthem wss murdered ou the road; the other, after suffering terrible privations, was only recently released on payment of a ran som. Durioir 18C over 5,000.000 poonda ol book were exported from Great Britan, Inrire nroinirtion rif whkh came to the was 9,010,835 in gold, an average of sixty cent a pound, . The Jews are contemplating the estab lishment of an insurance company in New Xork with large capital. - The IWtwHPnat-ririnkrtiie IfemncrBti of New Hampshire had great cause lor joy, but the Nutmeg fcute luruuhes a grater, " A society out West arc discussing the ques tioa : If a man deserts hi wife, which is the most abandoned, the riian" or the woman I . Tli.ln4.HWe of a, bonnet" U elled...Jlei. Twenty-niue circuste arid mensgerie re now traveling through the country. . Mobile, Ala, is to have. jew hotel, to e callwl the Girard House. . , - v LiUieJiol'rArk ,Uas f,9a inhabitants, 2,"i of thtin black. , 'HFixicCTT' Hkcod. The PcU:rslurg gives tliefollowinar as the true Ilocoril of Hunnicutt, the ll.nlicnl ftotitlicrB l.oyl leader in 'Virginia 1 ' f . I ..ntmlmrrr to tOlrr' pl.f ntion h-ve a vet l-rn K,,;ive.l from . ,.... hrliiiritt f,f tUm f-tTi wsvlM-r IIWlh . . 4 ..'. . . n - - w n - 1 uur n m ...... m e.vs... wi . . r i.. . oi.., 1. A .,,. o u, 1 , . 1 , , i . . . 1 . 1, , . .... . 1, w i.t.n 1 r..i.i..L vr n jkr Al.. . ....... . ,i-n4o .ioiuutdi. et.awfoieMseTHieii-.in1 sr.. . rt .......... ..i- - l. -.- iirr.-vr.-u .1 l! rr ik 1. in iiii. 1 ivnrrrTiv ,rr lrre vrflarrei a n i - 1 10 mo .0 c ...... ...... TELEGRAPHIC. Friday Horning OUpntrbr. . t .M.rai.11., A)J llC TUs GwVeraor nunit Uit mm kuiebfl iuxh amdof the paopU of pAutli Caruliiia have txA taMed SaewA ia thirty days. DeUtatiua ia pert, and ssreral deaths from starratioji are jri-parted, - tha TefrtitraiuD o voters will be erniienrril as aooai asnffiii tumTr7,i i"fioii Pt iw'iirt lyonua si e uittmg.-gToTT'BrrtTgtTii:' Bnt rw have done so yet. Kunhern adnues rrehd We-iadw ate a -aiderable migntioo of tu-mrra ftonj KvW. UMi ew T and reutwjkaiua. been soidto IkTerly Nfc, as a oegro arpin, U falM. It i still edited and awed by F. Q. 1H OOV. BltOWS. - - -' HiVASSiU, AirUli. A mara msetiiig of ths eitisena, to-dsv; h ad dreMed by Et41ijv.. oa,r-Brown; -whtrwait tlie only speaker. He spoke aa hour and a half-ad-vistuK submuaioo to tba military bill, aa the beat sltemative- left for the people of the Booth. WAHUISGTUS KJCWi. - r WiMiKaTo. April l'H. Several days ago, geuatur Jobaaoo oTfered area olation. In Executive aeeekD, haviuj ia view the interveatioa of the ; United State b. twocu tlie bvU H;)fuU in Uexira,' and look.ug to an h lcrirLI "'!j-AI'iirilil)i-nliiM, Tii il.i. In siilr drew tiw revolution. The StHtite, uuiaediaUjlt alter rearlina tlie j.nirual, went into Execotiv eeseiiiB eubaej qneotly, a resolution wasailopted to rtUuil the sesstoa to ReturcUy uxt. .. , Gen. Cake, to-day, was oiBmrued as eolltetor fur ths port of rhiUutcljibia. Two compauie of the fifth V. 8. jcatalry, .wbkh have beea ataUoued here, are ordered to report to Oea. Pope, eumuaading the Third Military District.. The counsel of Surrstt turned, Uday, in GouTW that day be fixed forth trial of tn priaoner. ' " The pruaecaliug Attorney announced that he was sot yet ready. Nn tun wee flted fur the trial. It will probably occur to June. NEW IOUK NEWS. t ,- New Toac, April 18. Dispatchea h' been reoeived bare, wbUh stated that negotiations between Franoa and Proaeia are brokea oftt -' - t Owing to tlie Easter bnhdiys, thre will be no markets till Monday.' THK fiCKNICCTT COSVESTIOSCOSSOU- yp". DATIOS ADOPTED. ' Bichhohd, April 18. :i Ths Oonvesttioweaet at 10 o'clock. The prevail ing feeling, shows in the speeches of the colored MDibera, waa for eonneeation. One or two; who opposed U , were aalated by sties of "eoppsr beads.' An annoaucemeat, by Freeland, of Pe tersbarg, that if Congress did not giv the ne groes lands, they should be taken by violeooe. wss received with spplanee. The white mem ber did not aeeta to relish theeouAscation idea. and tried to throw cold water oa tt. - Ths eoaimittee reported aa sddreaa to ths pec-. pie of the State, sad a aeries of resolution. The address first recites the wrongs done by the reb els ; trat says thou who fought unwillingly wight to bs forgiven. They declsr allegiance to the Republican party, and the fullowtug platiinn : Honor and rewards to labor. Homes for the bomeleaa, who are willing to work. Property sad not polls to bear Uie burden of taxation. . Ths property of the Htale arnwt educate th childrea of tlie Bute. Ens schools and universal sdoeaUoa. It threat ena the land monopolists of the State with confis cation. If they oppress the laborers, attempt to control their vote or molest tlx school tesrher and (rienda of the freedinen - Th resolution thsnk the thirty-ninth Congress for its legislation ;' pledge the Convention to aid in earrying it out, ss the only mesne of early ad mission to the Union ; adopt th principle and platrnna of th national Bepoblicsa party; ad vocate equal rights to all, including ths right to hold office ; end refuse to support for onoe any man who dnea not openly identify himself with the BepnUieaa party. . Both th address snd resolutions wer adopted nnanimoualy. ,- A resomtioa favoring confiscation was. slier a harp debate, referred. A resolntioa, ndoraing President Job neon was hooted down. k mass meeting is now being held on ths Capi tol sqoars. - Both Bouse of ths Legialaturs, to-day, pueed the bill eonsolidating th Norfolk snd Petersbarg, the Poutbside and the Virginia and Tenneenee Hailroads into one road, to be called th Atlantic, Hiasieaippi and Ohio Bailroad. . fB01I CHAIOEfn'ON. J CssKLCSToif, April IB. A public examination ot the Haxtoa colored school, under charge of th Frond men's Bureau, waa held ill is afternoon. The a ndience was over whelmingly . large, mostly colored. Among th whites present were Judge UaOrathf Gonurels Sickles, snd Beott, snd Mo fob, Collwtrr Mm kev, District Attorney OrUu, eoveral HinUtera of Uie different churvhea aud tlie reprnecntativeaof the press,. ........ - Th trial of the psrtits indicted for murder on amount of alleged criminal gareleiwaess, resulting in tbc tiuring of the Kiugstre JslL, with twenty two prisoner, some mouths ago, liaa been couciu- COKcEBVATIVE MKETINO IS PETERKBX'RG - - 1 . pEruigBrBu, April It The Conservative meeting, to-night, paascd res olutions fully affirming the equal rights of whits and black, a4 accepting the terms of CoBjrreea. The Tmeetirig "wme very large and entbnsistie About one half were iiegroee. John lysa ws the only speaker. " ...... MARKETS AND FltAXCIAL; y ; Nxw Vona, AprU 18 P. M. Cottoa easier. Ceciiaed one cent. Sales of jew. 'asliiwi'et ''effinjiiMiMilwiiw flour quiet and arn-hsnged. Corn eaaier. Hales of 67,000 -bashels. Mimd Weetera l,SBu$t,3a, V '' Pork qniet,'t,75. ' . : ' ' '--' :'. Naval Ktnro firm. Spirit Turpentine. VMgX. lbxun 37J(St10- " -v - ; Mrawy very assay. - ' Unlii ctcited by report of another decline in cotton, snd the rumnrihat nKwifauonshsve been broken pff Is-tweeO Pnimi and France. Closed it.:7'.M.r:. -- , ; .. . Ijvaarooi, Aprd8. t'otb.a HHW tive all day. lriccs nominal. Ten- etrcd pt:rm wen armed. a gHat JinriiU-r of , ew. were fired in the r, rt. ths ournm.nt. ? . . rouEiGN KWr). ; : . ,. Paaut, Apnl liJ. Iinprisouioent fisr dWU ha keen aholuilud in Paras. " ' .'. '..'.'" : , ; ' BrauHrApril 1. It n ri-'ported here Oiit N'atvit.- isitrfngtlien Ht his f.jrunud iIm aiiliijoy- jxxte d Uie two tier, 1 1 yl.imig ,tnwitl!iy mt -war" lmifffTrad pur. bs.uy tiutub-.K ; and Uit tlf Frfnt'h re WveftorTrwTJr.Sevattd'onllM BtsTeT May- I'ruMii is sWi retireaanhxl to 1m Vakiag artive muitarjr ntii(rtiHia. wrf.B RKirr. T ;-FT'7Ttpfinr: ur.j XUj aV4 laWJi i AAa aMA rdif. U to ll.-JT tl,j.i.H,.H,"tHTT after anli At uoki U atlmd at ti.ss. .lKUit:i, te the tmrtni.tr-Trf KctTXTC: TIuw.ll.TIr; Taoiiis l.tunTaal of lt.lt iub,4o MiMt Nta.ua loi vo. of Vtnte counlT. . - . ;.' Ealeigh Moutj Iftriek- COBRI'JLTED Br JDHN O. IIJJAMH CO., J.iA-yii. BKOKKKa; KAIltlt, trrf , ' rah w or auare CJiaoum Isa notce : Bank of N. C, ftlold L lt ij ilJtAJ : -.-Tspe" F.ar......... ;. 9 f - t'ttarloite... ,....... !M " Loi.nvton, at Urahaw 1 .... -S.--HoiUe-iiiijh i.i.-n.-n nr-.vi .v- aueU?.iU(;b. ...., .. M Tti.wnaevill i ...... ..f,.i. ' M ' K.:: ViiluuiisK. ,, l " "(ToniKjri-t .t . i'T1 .. ... IS . ravtwiUa.;.:.J...,- , ' Ysruyvillfl . . . . . .a, . . Miners and rbuitcr's TUuk . . . Farmers' bunk, (irecnUrogh. , ojumuiud Jiaist-WUumtfsoOr- "SliTi-hsnt a Hnk, NAlmm. (IreeiiMUiroitKh Muiunl. . ... . . . . . . . 4 V, l n-i?Hiis lUnk ot4, aixt. . .i.. . . . Soma ' sroii.; " ... ........ . ' 23 ...v. 1S3 ...... l.ta ...... inud . , , i .. . -I silver..:' old 'ounons North srnmia Kailrtia.1 (tiK. . (Mil Hi sea Exchanit on Ki Jork. ........ .... ...... T, ....... 7l ...... i PROVISIOUltABKET. C0RRECTKU B JORI1AI WOMItLE, OROCER, , BAIXIGR X. C. PAiXIN ItrEF. BrrrT.R, ...... ' crtos. . . . . .. 17iiIB , tltrt. i ri'N. CllKHK. i. ........ aw.tlU Etii$ i YJi'tM -. DKIEI) rRCIT-Aude $t oO'.a 0 " ", . PeatUs, lxir bu. ' - rowx&.j.. .... 1 ..A. rUlllt-tWilv... 15 4kiw.l1 ufj . iMiperttu ..ia in s T.ARD. . , ,. , ...... j.n 1 h,1 SO .......... tknttTS u;l0 c ,..... 1 SShCl . ,...,,.". t llKl 'i Idoi-iUS ,. ,.;..... ti w .. Sjott is ... , , lHwi-i WkAL MoiAES... naiu I'fcAli Wlii !.... " Ht.k.. POTATOES-liUh., . " ., , , r.it, BA08.,;..'.......,.. HALT,.:..... , bUUAB CriAlied.. -' .... . Prowa beet.,. " (Jonimun Brown...... SPECIAL NOTICES H OASES GKN ttS tlSlt CALF BOOTS AT 1U s pair at s M. BOKENBAUM'A April 17-SU-tl I FiKK AiieiiTngATer VI Jl V. phyrs at ot. per ounce at la. UOHESBACK ft. AprU J7-2U-tf A tfj THE LATEST STVIJM GEST8 AND jt. Boy's HaU at M. BOBENBAl'JI'S. April 17-J14-tf IiOW TII v ii;sti.m'. Uaiiasi E.'F. TaoasTos, the great Enfrliek Astrologist, Clsirvoysnt and Psychometricisu, who ha aatonuihed the scientific classes of ths Old World, hss now located herself at Budeoo, N. T. Madame Thornton poeaeeses such wnuder- ful powers of socond siKht, a to eaabla her to impart know ledge .of the greatest unortaoce to ths single or married of either si x. While In t state of trance, alio delineates the very fostureef of ths pemou you ar to aiarry, and by ths aid of an instrument of intense power, known ss ths Paychomotrope, guarantees tq produce a hfe-liks picture of ths future bu.liai.duv ifn of the sp plloaut, togetliec with date of asarrtage, positioe in life, leading tralte of character, Sc This is no hiuubug, as iboui-i.. of toiiuionil.cjn ajri. Site will send wliea JsJwtl s eertitled eer t ye," or written guarantee thai tl.t-vm-ture is Iff it purports to be, ( By eucloeuig a euislt liwk of hair and stating place-of biith, axe, diapseitkm and onmplexion, and euclo.iiti fifty' centa and stamp ed envetofie adilreiri th ymiriw.rt yoa will receive the pkt'urw at deirnii' uiforinatum by return mail. AU cotonimncations aaor.llv eonibliiitnal. Adilrrae in conliiienw, M iti E. E. 1'noasTo.i, P. ix bos in, itii.Woii, h. V. - Apr 6-o-lyilw , KIIKK t i:vr.Rvnoiv. ' A Large H pp. Circular, gitiug iutorniatloa e the greateat importarioe to tbe young of both sexa. . it toatdtcs bow the homely may become beauli f ul, the deepfied respected, and the. rbraakea lovcit ' '"- " ' No young ludy or g"iiHi ran tlinuld full to send their Address, and receive a eopy . jiost-paid, by returuuiaib . . AddreeaP.U. Drawer, , AptUS-ai'iehilaw . . Xroy.N. .- MISCELLANEOUS. MKMZEB, kELLOGG A 1'KIERS. MANICKIJNI As IIHOICKltH, THADE BT, SPKIXG 8 BUILDING. Ur-til.er - la t lfogg A: Co, : ; ; ; CUE ENSCOltO' X. C. ' ! N x : D12A1.KU8 IN V iVd, ce, io7on. sfftira eojoVMrf,. chun1H htHula, Ktockm O.vi woiiprnt. i!oUeeuorotuiaile on all sc.w,be point.- iie poait receiveil aubject tosthtcliecka. ' - Htrr.n to BIIF W, P.P.OvV ( i I , ! :Lai'loU., S. tL.... ' Dr. E .NVE HLM'i UlSdN, ' , rO. I. 1!. VANlV, i.-hw.Ht. N. C, : oiiiTiir.iii nts rn reHv, i " ' TIIOMASVILLE, N. C, AS 8r.'t"!Hjrltlt. TO- J. KHKIXT A HON, eeuMished m taw, with eelarr;. it cpipl,. Uh m. M icnprovod a.aiirnyry, sikI Ijest worauiVti, we Will Si-ll eVTV ftlvbj ,0t ku-;h, inn , - x . iWl -i 11 WO MENU, 1 . Mll'.' A NO ". .mi 1,1 r vj ' i . ,.i.'.,Vi'iiuirrtru. . se-cbraTi mm ! nii..fliilv ,.r '. 1. esb W boUKlitm NewVork I nr.. Mwh..re. Mil-: .I.V I Itnllll --BiJ-tVi: ...... m .--- -;- a6s.r - it;viU4"ii,,V'i' af-? ""txtlii:z.i v-ji-r: ..-w.li.ioS.UaUa-s;i . iJl ' . ! i.--r :. 1 . . .. . ....... .... . J . tlyV uf:fl N j. c: VGKli l I.TVIiAIi IM I LKJILNW, MCi HAV ' .ii. and U0iii. a. ireoilil ti:t f ii w art-, ii,b, l.iiuc, CrriM ot, l iu r, l and Hil, Hi 11- iiiKAc. AW , ..v.-U ... inf i15-lt . DSY GOOES, "Just a fc;ir,or two Jtbrad." r'IKST Vl'ITLY OF NEW' : ; ; SPBINIl DBV U00DS. SPRING O A-IICOrf. ,.,(.;..,' , Hulks. . -.. flood SUx-k Blea-'hed M'lsli. : . -It aud -t ibhll " - t . - ALAMAXVKrj.A1M.it., AV.," .4 y. fun received st ZV-.;. .. , am. t. criosr- - Rib 3od.7i4f.,,- '-,- taiesytttoes.--- ttow satt. - XX..,- v I IAAC tpTTI N O K U la airw ta full receipt of hi spring and Bummer Min k of . ,i - ' ". . Moms, Mofx Mir.t.iMxr. : A .Vi A A t,' r UOOlt. j Tby wrB be sold at very smaH sdvsnce-on . FIU8T COST. ': The Uilliuvry btwiuess will be carried by - MRS. CTTIXGEU,, .'.. m'HntrTnrii rS7sI' having Rwn Knrrh (wei lf unl vieiWd Uie met Mtiunory e.li.iy-iiiii.'iu. in tlie enutitrv, laid In 6r owo suic mp-roo sua fceeidra tht, havmir a tborouKh knoiMi).'eof tne buaineea. mid be euabled toeuitoue-and aUfrum tA rwK ni tiw iKmr. - - - (ipentiig rwv ror nprtng Sim -ummT oonneu will b ou tbe ioih. dav of Anrtl. to which all her ssov irienos are reeiiecuuuy iutim?u. Vt e are also loirodocitig a new style HOOP SKIRT celled th obKssA rATEXT coLursixa sKinr. s Bk in f.r superior to snythlng that has ever bneoj ttrooffiit to mut ooaiitry. ac aa uisWMoa of tlie Mite, loo will net regret a walk to fio. t 've,(vile SUvet, April -Mtft 0CE iSTOCK IS SOW COMPLETE! WE TAKE PLEASURE IN INPOKM1N0 Ol'R frietMM sud the public, Uiat we have in store owe uf uie wow COMPLETE AND BEAUTIFUL A3 V ASSORTMESTfl of Goodt, ever offered in this Market Our PRESS nnor4 are eompoaed of all the lateet styles and novelties of Uie seaeou, ... ... , -. r -t , . Our Line of Whit Goods I Per lft, consisting of MCt.IXAlX"fOK A TP SHIM MISLIVX, '; ' : Ft A IV. CHECKED AXBSTKirrn onn axhe. J : tAULhTA .)t -- -r-- ' PLAIN A XP KMBROr. :. '-- ' - DKhhb Ll.SkX AND MVSLIX SETTS. c.,io. Our goods are of ths beet quality and prices aa low as any eue can sell WE HKIX M'RIt'TI.T FOB CAHI, aud ar eon tent with small profit. All we ask ia an examination of our stock and ws think we can please. , v A..N.J.McKIM-MON. April e-90i-tf , , lAMILTOaOCERS. Boasav A. Jxmia. Williamaboroiigb, N. C. Lranti H. Pnaar. . Baleigh, N. C. ' JENKINS & PERY. Family Grocers and Commission MIOTIC HANTB, 15 TEE BUCK EOW, Four Door Korth of the I'osl Of fice and nearly Opposite -Slarket Square, FA1ETTEVILM5 UTKEKT, itAt.Kian,iv.'o. Orstefnl for th flatUriiig nalmnsge withwhfa-b W bave berotofore linen eu kttolly tamrrul, we rr sieotfilty solicit an iiicreaM-d aliare ot tlie jietroo age of Uib oitisens of Hakiyh and the surromid mg eomitry. Witiiout eieci.lly yuMi hq, we doeus at sutlicieiit to say. that tMiretnos'uMMtiy etnbratHie such srticlee ss are aaualiy found io Family Oco otirtea. Aloet of our goode bava bcu recently bought in New Ta-k and bttlitiuore, for ca.h, sod ws bope ti be sble to eelt tle'ia on ssti.tai'iory terms. In addition to our stockof Uroctries, ao., w bave a flue lot of DATS AND BEADY MADE CLOTI11NQ snd a splendid lot of Confectioneries, consisting of I'LAIX AND FANCY CANIHErt, BAliiSi ORANor.8, Fin.H, NUiH AND ... BRANDy i'EACllliH, Ac., Sll of which will be sold on reasonable term. We bave also a flue lot of gonnine Dmbarii Riaoiting Totsuwo, wbich we can implicit? rccom Sieiui to "those who smoke." i'lnsee call and see us. Wewrlll pay particular attention to all eon(gn ment of Produce aud JHroheu.liaa n.u-nnu d io onr care and wtll endoavia b sell si the bHt marltet nricesi Coti.iKiiments aro fcrfinfiilly aoiiettvrl. By a pri.mpi and .close ait - irt,io to biwinesa and fair dealing wiili ail, we hope to mcna and receive a abare y( public patrou(". April 13 jJU-tf . MISCELLANEOUS. , bam. cai'i: nuit, i - 1 i WiiiHisotoB, AprU 10, IStlT,,,.. ....V: 'fi'jfrrVX'C X lloider f tb Bank of Cape F'nr, will I i.r td st ttnr Banxmg tionse in Wiliuingtou, ou limrwlay, Uie Sill, day of May nxt. ' J 0. bL UR, CshiR- April 12-210-td . , 1tr f't-.-'t-).... -7 ' - . biOt l.'AHt. ' OUCIUftn GRAcK j TixiiTiiY, 7' 7"" . i . .. BLUE uliAH. Lli.LiXE. aod tK-at varii tv uf liulikn Kemi ji.si iwwtwl tnu U, biUiior A Co .iMUUinoii., .1 iu.- ranoels j liil - J . H MA JilHlf.1 AV iSUU'a KSOII.lr HUH III HEHltrN0ANDFAmt HHA1. HiviuK received many ord'-ra btn-ti.fore tVorh n..ri in vas-IDlia ll ! of tlie CnUllirV, wllM-Jl I oild not Kll, on si-cotint of tba im uveni.-.nl. of ; l tJoiRH. C W. G HANliT A honh. " fear-folk. Vs., who will lit snvtdcrs ll.at Biiy 'be s nt tbm !- my ftidi anu rar. thaon ti any I n.iM o lite eooni-rV - Tbv Will Irt found " -iwriA wite 1 in pw-kle-ticW vksa, twrrels ami .all law lre:..n. nan tmrf. ig. . , : l,! n . otr mm, - .t - :; ......rt-i'.-fcrtsriw:i-.-- Biaowo iuih iww. 1, .m.. . . r 5 oitr i u to I'f.At E fii'irooiiApim m im I in too r of everybody, sod l.,.-r-!.y .! .nv . .. .... " ,i ri am Be n.y huttci i tub fnivfr lit I1ii4..-rs.lis one four, t o w itie'unw. Call.!arly. J. W. WATS0S. sVhn-tf inar JDET COODS, 1807. ,1807 riUsT UJUXl) rEMSF NKW KritING AND CO.M &ASi'i-T H EM,.A5 i 1 -THE 1 . you.buVthem. j THow UV Hie tib iiure ill ii.fonniiiK inv snuwev- mi tricnita stni nixo'iner tnt jut ri-.l- tiimvu tixim die Nortn, and 4 now iu tviure, Ift.OtMt A'nrds or llf-stuilftil irliig ANI PUMMK.lt inirS GlKHW, ewliiraisitiir sll tlie liovisHiee of ' Ilie seanftn, ih mm !. sola ffhcHp eiioniitt wnisite uu. , Creech's is lUv' iJace to buy your llrctui ttooua. IK1 TI miXTf II TRIVM III Jiwt CH-elveil S'tOK) yar.ls of IwsntiVuf Spring and riiuuuier iout' wtoch will be sold a clinp a ebeaM't. 1'u.toitiers caiitiol do Imm ut than to eoitie to 4Jrew-h'a to buy tUtwCAlit'oea, CASIMlUlIAiVEEUS, KiUNUCIW4 JEANS, C0TTONADE3, Ac. Just 'received S.O,i() vsrtla Caasinhrea. Tweeds. KeniBckr eon, 'ottoiMMii and Ijin tt xl. fegaJfatJid.l3ut-lren. mtaMa.ng...iM.ing sud eiuliinou- wi ar. I ak you to call and exatinuv niy sto k U fore you buy, sad you will not reaiet HOOP fKIUTSl HOOP 6KI11T31I A lame and varied stock of lloop kikirle, both a ao price jia quaoir. LADIES' II AT3 AND BONNETS, TRIM MED AND UNTIWMMED, NEW , STTLK3 FOR 1807. I,aili' Trimined Huts, prices ranninst from 1 an aH. tlwues frnm bo ct. to tt. 4 run lu'a ia Uie place to buy your JUu and Ikaiucts. Cent's Hilts Hats, jlaH! '"Just received S fine SMortmeut of Men's, Boys', a, hots', 1 an met. tout, to Creech s to buy your Uau. 6U0ES! SHOES! SU0E3I,: Jnst received 8000 pair Uent's, Boys', Ladies' snd Aliaati1 ehoea,-wtlt be cold cheap euoub to im.t Uie bsrii ttmesi tome and seu prico aud quality .. . firpecrlcs and i'rockerj Ware, A good stock of rsnitly Groceries, and Crockery ware, and will be sold s low as any in ths city, lion 1 eav vou wont com and see, but sav v.i will. If vou bars laid up vour monev for a rainy dav, tliat ramv day has come. Ho come to t;recb' to btiv vour roods, i'ou will find nie si k. Hmith's corner, slwaya ready and willing to surv you right. taar as-ii-u a. rNiirii. AUCTION SALES. St JOUS'8 COLLEGE, 0XF0KB N. C. . roil SALE 0 CltEDIT. THE rNDEftSIONED, W BEHALF OF THE trustees of tbe sbove institution, and tiS oUir partwt uitereaied, reepectfuiiy amouuee, tliat 0 TVESMY, THE 7th. MAY. 188V . ; thvf will U to the hiKhiMt bic)W. at t)i Court UimM due in QstfoJriJ, protirL kuuws tv "ST.JOILVS COLLKQK, OXFOJUtf tfvHethrr with th nANlIOIf UUI A- OXK UVSfiHKD JLCHK OF LASl)t lOl ofwlik h i uiUbW fcir ftvming or oihtt fmjrv bOwMM. Minn fti-tMrnn, ut iu cjitwit. It offnr putmr Uttlu'mieaia to any well qiintf fid Uiy or NfrnUeniu. dtttpmod Io wgtg ia the (tn of lii"h iu chftrKA cf Mr. J. H. MUI U X : lb IMttmur CtJiitK Unlcli.ig, ialt?i iu th ftiitlill of a Ittrwtt Krovtt uf wiiitsv ou.k trtM, twt-u ty sW'tfii ia Ltiit urtift ooiiimmiiiuiK viniiMfiiot Dour th Ujvvh, fcttjlt of .tUti4it brick, ivr nuitfrvti witU rtttnrettw to all the luutirm ,iRt)rttv ttifmui snd oteUVttuiti(). It in fur riuiu luU ; liti fret itikt Uii. ti.j fit through th intr : it CffiLkiiit. tii -vni iiumlKtr ut hulls tuid riHuu per ft ftiU tort o )ttiMmtm, unci ttj it Biit ; M vt)iuUtm in itieiiimmtory anwii'ti" "(! Umtf ful futsi lid tm-t hii.U ft (U'lutui Ciit.u 'i 'Una butlthuK f n eim Uui in IH jH, by Uw Htksxuao i-ifj-ia y of N. C. lor t"iu4:timi pip in, nd ha iK'ti'wiitUj' put in tltunmb ititMmij)leirHjmav Tli sUtutrtttm HotwwB in th rtr tsmiiiiits aii Urw ft.it! tury r t tx fn-h wiih hevy tiifuriw ; fiavx7.fA at ui btMtr'mt iiU H in lino urtlnr wiftt every ntKiMuiry imUtiuititug cwiipiAtft ftnii ft tint canhu wi(t trroMmU, fc'.vtnWaiiig and fttsvli: btmj, with vvtmtd wmuri tV, b-tyahift at 4 ftftU i'J tteuftthft ltf tli rwifiu, 'litu rijM'rod UU t;ytuit.i. - John wtfny. : '-' 4. I. lAi llA..im$) a vv. i.Artiis-;it. Vfitmiiiiun fitTliiv;i, liivliftmini Exanj.'tttf, Ntttt'-IUvl illl ills'l'iK'i-r, llfcJ.wU Jt'TUtH'Irti, hfjft- .rn & itniiai A C i-.t irf, Norlo.ii Viigii-hii. Smw 'V'rk i I'luiiu fi'j.-49 threr uim a a vvittk ttij 'I jr4Mii an l n.u.l u.ft.'iu to Uift ui i'r- fl;4.l4'tl. ' i 'kftff m- tiw-i ' i.v.i,rF:--wJw ; v ii o i;m a. 'is " r: cJeetlMiica, SI urcrj mea tt Florists. lion 'tain nr. , .,., ", '(CKOta KT. .HAltMi!f notla. - Hu tiruiiiirl, Va. : Oct U-tJt tt. II. If At KlTi t. L. ilACUV, II. liKXiKE. 11. H. .MAUIlVaV CO I' tbTAiLIbllEU IN 1S38. B A S K E K 8 AS IV ; BROKE Eg, Ko. ltHlrf-VlSBTIllfET, Bret fiouseeXu the Pott . Office, I ... t - ' lUCHMONDrV, itwllitfhg4a,; ii1ll ttr, liiink ls, Mute, llj, and Itiillrml IIoiuls hihI to-k, Ar,, ttwflgfit talitl ; lI on eitiinlloti,.. .- . ; -.-.v.. ,; , 13." ffi-.....-. ...t s. t:t 111.7 , .1". jianv-.-nsvsi'-"- si ,n--nr.-w . ,1..-- .,,,1 w..!, .!,. j,,K lit. . . . ,;,7n. , , ,,, u,,, hH ! todti-li N , JM' KK.r KM .1 -. Ar A cbui. e l..t ot i.-.,-oi m . i n ii lit, .i -j4l W. at nutny Iniwi ntcette tiut di i. -pay m- i ,i,. ir n.' t VI ... ,r i titr it o 1.......1 . i , i OU ri' 'i.i oo HU.11.U wm ami nna. itbili-l!d- PETERSBURG ASVEHTISn: 'J litis! & MTTI.KJOI1-V, :r . ttlCCCaVtrMHtH TO AX DP.! WON, IfXt.Ua A CtA.) . . General -Ciros-v-rs . - . , .. -AND- - - ; - Coat tulxduti Jlerrlturits,- - opr 6 a I TCi ' c a mo be,. Petersburg. Va. Will attend to the Raleef a'! Produce and M.-r-cbaiiilisw, of every dm-rn.ijTiri. avtit to 'iirir cr and will also pri-liae any s'-'ds nut m th-11 Lot. l.iaierai eaiiii airV mi.t-e -rolc c;r.i'!. 1- in band. ' " Can also' funiiah FerfiHwr of any t"i-l w lsUe On Si4KlMOtllMii.f i'rfTi- , ' - ' i. A. MAKhS, ft. u.j.n iriui'ii fxife.tf 'AnoVtsuh, Jfitrl to. oj r,.i.i:m Co., .V. ". ' " " - , " Feb l-l4 3in ' rEUTikMxi;u! KOIt HI'ltllSfi CTTIOI'S. 1TTE be jt to inform the tra.W and planters of North t'arotina alid, n umiaf -tliat rr,.red to fonu.ll Uu lu Willi lb ttioel ainmund , KUXU.It;itr4. oa - lla aeeonuitai-oir tornis. We will have a eti-k of aeuuinl'l'.t'.i. -VI AN OliANO, purehaaeal direet truu the Aot . of the I'eravian Government. VI l.sve now in sture. fur hnlncdiato d. lircry. 325 ton liHADLki'o hi l'KH Pllitxl'HA I h !' UMK, which won far itself swell an enviable rep- -atalma in the Cotton and -Tobjniro enuutww of Nortli Caroluia and VirKiuia, but Mason, iiiomiik Itself equal, slid IB many important miliit OJ, - irifjr...isL.tk!i.i;My.i..iM.wii! . vv.fi sits, .mi wt aiMua of It aa aiH.rtiuoU bv iir. Ilow, on' of tue tuoal uiduent C vuuut ui Uie eontitry : Uesult f Anal) sc Hdc of I.rittl. - te I'tttetit fpeT-lbpliu - f I.I me, tt now oll by W m. I Hralle . 10U Pasts Cossist or - , , sioi.ture - - -l'rered aniuwl matter, milt of Aiumorii, fatty .uoataio-oa and liumiia' iic.'iO Bone l'nospbauia ol Lime, slaKUeeia and t. . . Irou '. - ' - - Ho. &0 (Soluble Phosphate of A ld-10. Soli. bale of Uiue . , - 10 M balls . - ' " f lusoluble . - ", , , Ti.. .,,im ni.linr affirnlmt t rrr" Am ,4410 perls of .. i,,, ,1 waa dtonirKi.d. iid. a will be seen, nearly one-bait olulile. ' of the Done phosphate ia Alter many anairsee ei wur nntw,'i i of Liiiib, mails duriiiK tlie lwt f-w ruoniba, 1 l.,"r , .und your eUmtard of ouaJiiy hila wquai to that of any you have eer of,i in f.irii-r )ira;a.i.l . I atn ssuaflnd that yon include the corr.-. t pnu-'. . cipkis IU tbe mannfaHiir. iictfuliy, A. A. I1AVH, M. I),. Maie Asssyer. Wert-fcr to tbe following gciiiiiiiucu wno b tid it menus last ai-aiein : i lla. (I. A room, W arren Comity, Nr. v. i a l.xrrs, - t'ol ohb V lasis. flranvill B T bajbtau, Jirankun, " ,. A. P. Ki-i.is, " ' K. If.Kaaaosoca " L. Barrta, Nash County, S. 0. J H AvOT, . " " ' W T VtaroHT,1 " . .... 1, M CoKYvaa. " " ' H U Wnxuas, " " J JMliiuAun, " J P Jknsius, .. M . , ' ' J J TttObNTllS, . ' ' - lr W II Wris, " " , T J Boooia, Nh County, Korth Csrotiua. J 8 Bonnis. Una U Rrsisas Was " JP Itaaswtu.. k.lfjeeouib " H Aaamraoso, " " J LI.yos. " " E H t'u.wvKs, - . . Vol a W HaMMOSu, " " W W ttaaaaa, " , " 1 It Taiixa, " - " J N TlYlOB, " " tlen U VI liassow Niirthainpbm W P Houiaioa, llnhfaa, ' Wl'l.uuia. Wilson. " Ws will be ri.pre led al tba Omrta vf (oaii. vlllu, Naab, W ske, Kdweeiml," vVtientt Haiitax, ' . Nurtbainpton r rankini and W'am-tt comiOris, N. C, and I mtttusvllle coiinly VrrKlioa. Any buaiues colili-ivil io us aball bave our best atUon. ...... - ' " "" MilLWAINE A CO. lyteraburg, Vs., Jan 'il lm ' tTios. iutlT vtt &.io.', -JV o .10 IS M tt I it r t , (OPPOSITE THK roST Ol VlCli,) V Elekmond, Vi. TII05. E2AKCH ot 60N3, x . !o. t OldfSfreel naXHS-UUKG, VA.; IIKA( ir, HOXsTeV CO., ;i'i; Broad StreoJ-, . ' " AUGUSTA, OA., i. AND . Commission. Merchants, lUceive Money oh Ilcposit, snlijwci to itilit cbw-U, sud allow lliuireet on same aa Hr,mn npon,p Koliale am ; ftUke t:ot!Pflioiia tbr.Mii otot Did liuiied MUtist, and buy and e. U on iuui.m, llauk Notee, IbiiMle. atmikla, ., Ae, s 'ilo'V alo oib-r tlit'ir mirvn .-s for ti.o saKi atol uu.IihM) ol ftilnwi-o, Wiwnt, forn, foli-n, Ac. 'Moor senior, inos. llrsii.ii, Willi an exi nun s of tbitty eara in tbe couiinmsion tra.io. m .i Kne bis p-isiHml atlHiLuai to tne iiklinltol hiMoio, Slot b.Kive aiiti-tiit tnoi to bi. oi.i fii.-iuls ami aii aim may lavor tln-iu wnb tin ir fiiioiuij... I kIi advances made oil roofOnoionls to tin ot and to tlo-ir 4ri..onib--nls ill haiiini.no, iM w lotk, l.ivci'ol, l.mioii, Antweni an ! inviuvn. trimno, and olbvr coiaiitrttl..a iimris, ruv nisbeuto their reuularcuatoniers. Kjo-iul t. r,. lion iaajveu Ml llu.Y.c''imon t otu u l i.ih,. ..j ;1 .;TilOH. IlllANCU AS'CINS, 1'eteraburfj, axo BBAXCU, 80S8 A CO., Augusta, Os,,-.., . Ilie lticbmond Iloiia transmit! ii.r telegraph io orii.'ia t.i eittt'rf' booe, ss ni lie .n ;cfiv.o. V.S sre inlying the bij.u. l i.... i -r V.'.k Noios and ouitoi'ii evening'; wsli hAii-i rt.to.os nn h i-a " . i-ia ilollL.-- liuuor.4 -or pr. bwrK Xur aii packata ati.i vootn wo.,-, at l.i.nt rutt h. '. Vie will tur Old Joirth t'arol I North faroluut 1 aol-atcbed An, iv (..- ksim, iiau.red, iKoinona. I .;iiod M .k b--ii'. i.t aod s'.i 1. liie billowing aro Ins pi.-i-.:!! rVr of our i . -tor-Ulirf Jl.nie tur N. f, ii.ini; l..,':..,.. 11:1,1 ; -f ?itl.?- JV.J.S1! Jtlijftiafcr-UaeasV iseswsisslia 'j-aVi' w -. - .1' 'ii.i. s at ii i. c.-iM-.i. - , - . liank of t .) i . a,. ; " ( n.rioMe -. -iai i.'iuiou. ............ . ' ,4 omm.-n e . . ; . . . ,"iayiteviiie... ..1 ' XssSO's'loll.. .u ....... . ' ' at . (irabaru. ' .' Korth retold!.,.. . . Itouiioro. " . . '1 Imninm'ii'ie ' Sn'lvjOnob(. .;, . .. : - " Wa-hint. " W iini!o-'..n '. . . " 1 W vviili' ........... tivrUS-''-" Hook VI llo'divcon I .., !-- of N-rtVi, t , . .. ! . ..-.'A n .-fa tii 31" ' . fi.v -'"t1 t'lll I I iti'-. j . ' " ""o k. t. s- itisaj, 1-K.IV; ,y u 1 I n."1 !' 'l , ; dnie st sn-.ii n ! . v o; i.- ( v j.in. J. mar-t-:iwtw. .i'rosree. ni tftao4tiI tKfy.