V t UA1I) OP iDTIRTIlRS. rK U lit IrVCEB,. ""7 AJ-niui''"t" 01 be lui-rted to tn i)ufl K-atiMt at the following ratea. ,uar will be , a. ,.,. n-.t it lamm.ua lint, or li invitee. . l.i each suhwHpTeut uieertioa lea Oue square one fwl . ......... J. ,w v-.h buttons! snusr M week. J.i .... awaar two- .. .. . . . i.-. . .... . t-..-h -lunioiial sonare two fcla...,.; SO - r-- Hue mu two uiiuia ..10,11 -.rh additional " ' : . .u etrnsrs- threw month .- J l. .. ,. fceuh additional i tse quarter column ' i ....-..,.... 3,i0 12, 00" 4.U0 , 15.00 40,IW iliw HSU muuuia ' - BHtariBHiwratVtS lBtiaoS tin or lew, will b obuxad ool7 f 10 tur tUrev moathib All advertisements or card must bt changed in at least very three mouths. Contract fur nor than three mmvjb ni tdojdjr . stthe jdwve, Terete, v , ,. .. ' ''.";-:. Suecial ttoiiess advertisement required to t inserted on iiwvl or my special place, will be .jed.3Sfier wnt khjhec - - Melvckrgee, Advrtieraeuts inserted In eekly end Seml Weekly t rate corrtpouduig with th above. .Court sdvertiaement Inserted week Tor 17 cshor10ifrhar((l- Advertisers m'aLyL nndit to their sdvsntag to enclose the cub when t)iy eend advertisement, to the ssteot they m to nay for them. , 3 OCAIDEPAETMEST. JCiO-Advektibebb. The public will find th Stttiml one of the bet mediumt of d Tertiiuiig in the State. IU circulation coTers s Urgut kre, perhiips, than any other pai per.- .....! "Nw, : ADVERTisBMicNrL i-'rockery and OUm ware : J. Brown, (with Hart ft Lewii,) Whiskey, Candy, Harneaa, Sole and Upper Txather: Fulli"", J'tn- r" Mayok'i Court. 8am Vancy, colored, and Thoma Harrison, col'd, for riottfus and disorderly conduct on Market Square, were ": fined 5 each." ' J.h. E J ward, arrested for a riolalion of Gen. Ordera No. 10, Section 12, wa turned orer to the Military authoritiee. : "FiLt b Fibbsidb." We would call attention to the change in the announcement of the term ol sale of the fistnreMwUial, j Acj of the FM tmd FiretUi eetablishfflent. j From thirt to ninety days credit, with e j . wtiii will be given on large nmi 1 on imall auroa, cah Will be required. . 6rM0QAPHT.Mr. B. Magoire, who furnishes ua with the report of Got. Worth' speech, on yesterday, ia gentleman oi much experience and proficiency. in JiiajpMh " feuion. Tie "purpose remaining in the State tot some time, we presume, and those desirinz to acquire the art ahould trail themselves ot bis instructions. His system is aaid to be easily acquired, and the business la one ordinarily which "jOTy." . ' Thb HKMAina of the gallant Capfc N. Col lin Hughes, who was killed in Virginia, in 1963, reached Newborn on Saturday evening last, and were met by a large' concourse of his former friends and acquaintances, and etcorted to Cedar firoye Cemetery, hert the last sad rites were performed by the Rct. - E. M. Forbes. ' ' "j'-fl, T LitoiaLATUBK-of Virginia, on yester day, passed a law levying a tax of thirty cents. on each hundred dollars to pay the lour per cent, annual intercut on the public debt, as heretofore authorized. Certificates will be issued for the deterred two per cent : TO TUB PCBHO. The State of Maryland and benevolent Associations in the Northern State have lately committed to my charge, as Governor .ofNortu Carolina, generous donation of corn and bacon, to by distributed to the most destitute of out people. ; I am ex tremely anxious to carry out faithfully the beneficent designs of the donors, sod owing to immeasurable executive duties, find it impossible to ascertain all the facts, and at tend to all the duties and correspondence , necessarily attending the trust. At my re quest, the Hon. Danl. M. Barnnger, and the pastors of four churches of the city, to ?wit,:Iev. Dr. Mason of the Episcopsl 1 "Church, Hev. Dr. Skinner of the Baptist Church, Rev. II. T. Hudson of the Metho dist Church, and Rev. J. M. Atkinson of the Presbyterian Church, have consented to assist me. The Catholic minister would bye been invited to act with this commis sion, if hi residence had been in the city. Communications on this subject addressed to ettber ot these centlemen will receive proper attention. ' , JONATHAN WORTH, I' Governor of North Carolina. Apl. 23, 1867. Inasmuch as this i a work of charity, the press of the State will please (five it general publicity. ---ThelLcglsTntur of New York suljourned ciaturdsy. By universal adruisatoo. it was I -the moir VcnMl and profligate body taa ever iu in America, w course u onnece Ihk Remains of'tbe Eflkai pArij in Connecticut, fo put in his museuna. . A novel ehiction wsger was fulfilled in Meridi, Conn.t-R few dsyt ago, by the rU:feiitci party wheeling the other through tbe puliiic street, some half artiile, and Riving three i-l.n-u fof, his opKnent's candidate, Jan.rt . Engliah, iu the presence of a large trowd, l,,-- ' JkTOTlfJE " siKnXX,Foa4a.irf.svt. ' . " n . ..it lulliecnv ti-r.- t s Mrt-.-.f. f. ij jiilLtilAii.w. Iiaajsniaseif 4WieiBt p,tVmA t;..mnv'.-. "' - -.- k lerm made known on ilav of aale. 1 I --'-.C.,, .. - ' - AT.EX. WALKER, L. . ; V : h K;.T. Cl llt''" -4s It A. Ol U f A X II IT M V ARIilVAl. OP H. t. IKRf'VIAS -iUiiaiHi atiti-itiii-t. a Kaw It.me I'litiapliare of se. divert from MhiT niaJtlirm-t.iiv and sold at tlteir rate., miiv atUling tana;a rtatiim. Far aaera will db well to ecur .'what they may want, at once. JA MMM. TttWLIi.-!. April lC-21H-tr A GREAT MAS"V OTIIKK. (MOD- THISfi a. Vjot-tlKi. to ineiiti'm at -lu.NKI.V3 A PERRT S.' Apt-B 18-21Mf In ReutunVld, oii Frklir uwrciug twt, Col. Wu L2AJI U. MisK!a, w'c'U iVmt ey ere. ' lie w s guod usn,sjid r,JI aunxtreiy uuueutavd. f JEZW-ADVt&TlSEJCiSTSr Barnnse, finle and Vpper latiter ; acid tuO lbs. wics wrrniea pr. - - 1X1XUM JON'ES Jt CO. ; , ..Uii (.ru.uti rt'LUAM. JOSEg A CO. AprU 23-31 tf, . .Hiioleeele Oruoers. KOCKEX AND GLASS WARE. ' White and rVretan Onara TiM Ware. Bowl, uij Fibbers. EdaVd and C V. fte Uubkua, lambtera, Wine QUeass, lalt Rtaad. A L S U, Framed Looking Olsaaes. i rOW,1 April stf. With UMTtLim MITCHELL, ALLEU ft CO.. L.JNEWBEKNr-K, C- AQESTP y SOUTH CAROLINA HORACE t, EMERt HOS'S PATENT Oil versal Oil ton ( una and Uondenaera. Larsr and Kaifaay florae Paiwra; - . ' . . 1 . tl. A L. . T juijoivui au.i nay rruauua, - The moat improvud Coilun PIauura and Plowsw Harc-h JS U . , " , 5S?oaTAST-ip tmi EES t OH TUE8DAT, THE SOTO. APRIL, THE UK dPrain;Del, aa Tnuitree of Win. B. btlmi A td., will expoev to sale, at publw anrtKm, tits DnW-riJ bekneiiie to (tie Print in u EutliUaieut of aaid firm, including, einouft otlior tliuiga, On Norfhrop Cylindar Power Pre, suitable f ir newspaper work, and due (ail book wort, u m ga running order. ONE RVQGLE3 CARD PRESS, almost new, and for Una sod rapid sard work un surpassed. ' alleys, - urn or VASrOCS tut infill. hraDuaTwr and lob work Also, a tare quantity of Philter's supplies, eunaiatlvg of newa and book ink of farioo colors, eania,pap-r Aa AJao, a number r cornea or "NAMtU.MH " a novol, and ' HUMiKS FKuM A ROLLINU SiONE,' and aieo aheeu of the aam nnbouud. Also, twottnedeoka. chairs, autaa. Kaapio aad fixtures, and nnmeruna other articioa to elose oou A rare opportunity ia altered to Printere to sup ply tbemaslves with either news or Job antes. , Also, s large quanuiy ua t: , , . . . GARDEN SEEDS. TEBN8 : From to 90 daya will be given on paper, wU endorsed, ttuisll sum cash. . Those indebted to the late firm are requested to make payment Immediately or the aaius will be placed in a train of collection. The sale will take Dlaoe in the rooms where the Printing eatabliahnumt was earned on and will continue until all ia auld, for further particulars, address the under signed. ....... In bit absence, tiifonnauon may be obtained from Ueiwrs. Williams A Lambeth. Book seller and Stationers, No. 40, Fayetlenlla Rtreet. re. w, 1 1 m n.. April W-itl84daawJ : Tnnte."- AUCTI0N SALES. AUCTION t AUCTIOSII WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24TH. 1867. "ITTTB' WILL SELL BY AUCTION, AT OCB V Htbre, ob Wediwaday the 34ih. day of Aiiril Inst., at 11 o'clock, to eloe eoaaurnmeuta, (be following valuable articles, Y,i ; ju iwiaes w k neeee. - 1 L SU Hack of Buckwheat.' ' ' !1S Tuba Mountain Butter. 5 Btsod Honev. " ' WW lbs. B. A 0. rWar. 400 " P. B. A K. L Sugsr. Doxea Whittemore'e No. 10 Cotton Cards, - 75 All bright Cant Steel Weeding Hoea. 29 EiweJl s K. V Ceat Htcel lloea. 24 " No. 1 " ho. a " " " 10 Boxes Aiwnrid aiava Tack. 4 Kingle sett Buggy Harness. 1 Double. .".. . .,.. 500 pair afen'a. Women's and Boye' Bboes. 10 dosea Hate Wool, Fur and tttrsw. o0 yard Bleached Cot tone. SKI yards Poplin, KcLaine and Lawn. And manv oilier srticlua. eonaiatine of Head New, Looking Olasaea, Flax Thread, Button, Pina, Note PaMtr, ljettr Paper Knvelopea, Lead Pencils. Mate Pencil. Watch Chains. Blacking. O. V. Caps, Fishiug Lines, Pocket Knives, Ac, Ae. . , ' ; ' ALSO, , '. ' BaiTeli f. C. Cora Whiakev. , ' ' " Apple Brandy. , . B. P. W1U.UMH0S CO. -Auctioneer sad Com. Merck's. April 18-216-td .. . - i ,- DRY GOODS. Aatonlsblng JLow Irlcf. ' : HKD SHaTETINCl. ' J 1.000 vda.. Good 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, which will be sold at 6ajc per wd iv , 11. t a. n. 1 ui.ua m viw. April 16-21S-tf . .., DLAiK sill.K WBArPINSIit. SCO Black Silk Muntles and Bacqne from 15,00 to 140. W. IL B. 8. TUClLtB A CO. April ie-ai-tf IIOCP SHIHT. ''- ' 100 Dos. Lsteet Btylee fijr Lsdie and Muse, from 40 ct. to COO. W. H. A R. A TUCKER A CO. April 16-IlS-tf - ; . ... ' HRW siimiiivo. 10 Bales Brown fhirting from 12 e. to'2Sc. , W. H. B. B. TUCKB CO. April 16-M3-tf , , RIH(H(B nlllMTlNa. 6.000 Yds. of good Bleached Shirting from 12(0. to 23c. . r W. H.XA B- 8. TUCXEB A CO. April l-213-tf RI.ACK ANa RHeWII IeHnst. 1 , m T,1lt Bik ,fl4 Vrrtmn .,,,... lt j, April lo-iia-tr - , -V Vim. fa.All MHBSPlli, ; . r ... h. fuc .WrieaeB'a-DlTliiicS. . - W. H. 4 B. S. TI CKERA CO. April IS-21S-tf - sswEs At 1SA1 . F OH U ES. WOMEN, BOYS AS D 0 IHLS FRO, iJo. to ,uu W. II. tl. 8, TCCKER CO. AprU ln-213-tf 3 FAMILY GROCERS. B e IS I SACS!! .N7 UttH 1 uutats;, su4Ja . . i"iie B"J'.!in 'pfi,i. ,'" AiMil22-2.1cVtf. !". -t-- l.l i.f 1. 1.1.1 f iTMLRTnUHSEWfif V' t:X m 1 1 1 is r A trw K' i: o Aprti2il-itf TACK.-'W'HITE lt)TATOKS. If you want -mething nice in the shape of a Potato, call and etamui thoee whi-h I am now uOVnng. DOl tiLAS BhLL. Arii 2J-21S-tf GoLDLS sYKcr. - , ' ' AS exeeUt-nt Srtlj'ir tor rajyi.iv n-a-j-ia- ra-pivoa DOLI.LA4 Pi LL. i April 22 21S tf Uaraet Square. TELI-GHAPIIia Tuesdar Horning liputrlics. Btcsmoxp, AprO S3, Hr-natqi WilioB sJJreiitds eoucoorBejit abunt sii tbMssnd persons from Ue Cpitul steps, this sfUrnoon. HewMtotrodouBd by Gfw. Pirport . 9f!I!? IgJBrt arilnraiVUe;!! ajesyt ef of the 1UuUim pver Jl. 4W d fj Oov. Pierpoj.1, nd Uuunkiltt. sod Tucker GOT. 0KB OH REQ I6T RATIOS. "Ottf .'Otr las a33raaed a cirvuii to Bm 'Mhn , uT of the Stats, nggiting the naming of amia ble person as renter an.ter the rtmatrucUoo act.- H State the oualitkatioo required, with the prescribed oath. The name, thna collected, r, te n eea,IlI--D,eiKHlr con- dadss a follow : . . "" "I eaaaot too "earnestly unpree upon you the vital importance e promptly acting npoa .the rv quoat eonUined m this eomuiamcmtioo, of trans, witting your an war at the earliest day nracttcar bis. If as earnest and ensreette effort la ail mad to proeare the serviee of .trustworthy citi. xsns to discharge three respeettv duties, they will be performed bj atrsoger w ho may not have correct appreciation irf the wants of the ronima. nities."-' JMEJICA8 KEWt ' Kxw OauaiKa, Alnl2vL The Btssmer TWionu baa anived at (iaiveeton, froaa Tampico on the 17th. Kh bring positive confirmation of the capture of PuebU. It ia re- prcaented that Ortega ia in great favor with the people, tor whom they would pronounce, if the remotest chance of success eiUtod, Letter from the Liberal atxjueretaro say that Dia has shot sis General ofllcsr and aixty-on of a leaser grade at" th osptured of Pueb a.it is alleged in retalia tion of th October Dscre of Bhoonef at Mona- taln Home. MARKETS AND FINANCIAL. Ksw Toatt, AprU 22, P. M. Cotton dnB at 25. Bales 1000 bales. JTJnnr dull Bute lOiftUjl ; Southern grades dull and declining, lll.2tXgH7.JO. Corn active. Mixed Western tl,S2ru.ti,M ; Yel low Bouthera 11,33. . , Pork firm. Mom 122,30. Lard Arm, 131il3. Rice quiet, 10J. Turpentine 76(6(77. Oold $1,81. . . BiLTiaiana, April 22. Cotton dulL Middling Upland 2. Corn easier; supply good. Whit l,20tl23; Yellow ll,2aatl,2i. Mixed Western lt.1T. ' PjwrUnena steady. Mess Pork t24." Western LtrdMi, Bulk Bhonlder SJslOf. ; , Wn.aisoToa. AprU 22.v Cotton doll, 21. Spirit Turpsotiu dull, 6H. Roain guiet, tm- ' '' Our Afternoon Dlapulciir. FOREIGN NEWttr-WABIMMISEry Pania, April 23. It 1 tated, on very goo4 authority, that Napo leon 1 endeavoring to purchase arms in the Uni ted States, The chance are apparently in. .favor of a war on th "Luxemburg queation. , It is sta ted that Prussia diaapprorea of the compromise proposed by th great powers. " - ' T Losoosi, April 23 . Peso between France - and Prussia is almost dee paired of, Th Pmeaiane are quietly arming and preparing mr th expected shock of arm. , Th warlike eapeot of things hee caused eon- aidarabts alarm in the Loedu aVtoch Exehsnge. The tendency ef aftair is toward a panic. ' ' INDIAN DEPREDATIONS. n Br. Lotm, AprU 23. flea. Haneork' Indian expedition have reach ed Fort Beuad. Tli Cheyenne Indians made professioD of pesos, but, during th night, abandoned the wigwam. . General Cnstsr was sent in pursuit, - '' ' - Dva, Couisako, April 22. Lookout BUtlon, 270 mile East Of th Smoky Hill rente, was destroyed by Indian on Monday last. Three employee of the United State Eipres Company ws killed and scalped, . NEW YORK MARKETS. 7" Nrw Yoas, April 23. Ooldll,S8f. Cottoa quiet, 26. BAIL ROADS. NOTICE. OrH'ICI SEABOARD A B0AK0KB B. R. CO., ' PoBTSMoDTat, Va., March 22d. 187. IT ha been understood by1 th oflloer tn charge of transporsstksi vis the ssswri laisss r rriaai assaiis, mat ictiera aooreaeea to the Railroad Agent at PortamouUi. on th ubjeot of freight, ar unanswered, and that in consequence, osuee of delay are nnt explained, and oleima for kiaaes and damage unsettled, and aa th Mealward and ttoanoke iuiiroaa rompany, bo are the forwarding agenb! for tlie live, ai e eatutWd that these causes of complaint are hot due to their Agenta, bnt to tba hiaoeerscy of th mails, in order to test this subject, th Manager of th Seaboard Road reqneet that whenever person have written to the unilermgned Agnt of the seal surd Koad, and after watting a reeww able tim for a replv, have not received it, that tbey will addreaa bun a letter enclosing a dupli cate of th letter they had prtviouxly aldri-ed toth agent. If Due is complied with, and th Manager of the Bea board Uoad receives the let. tar, be give saeuranc that it shall be promptly investigated and replied to. This Air-Line Freight Route claimi to be the moat expeditions and direct route, and avoiding to a great extent Jfirt Jnturanct, th cheapest freight rout between th Horthern Cities V " and Korth 8nd South CaroliBa. A si VKAiarlii MallBitfllAal ttV th CtJsTl liaVn BOO' MH-tMia Ximr9. IB fwrwavifivHi from I'urUmouth tuayaianet ttj a.ii-nt, av w.U in au. hessasbs promptly traioaid, and if not f. nnd wiU be paid Jw,. 5heMManie.f.ewii.g thH.hne rat,i,. b ressrvnilils tor tl-ir "!' -"r"' " ""K1' reswoiiaibls Cur thsratadtranarairtaliisi o freights or charges ss it, nuless sent From B08T0JI, by the '. . . BOSTON & NORFOLK TEAMfifPtTi.7 Knit of Central' Wbart 1 - ' . . .i From KEW Y0HK, l,y the . , ' ( OLD POMIMfiN STEAMSHIP t , - . Pier87,Korth Rim!, " I From PHILADEtPlHA, hj CLTD ATEAJI.EIta! - i 14 Xiirth bclwarft.AnoeW'i M .... l-r-' . .... . ' , lJeaVls"itwBii -i-; HAT I.I.AA r,.l.. AS Jvltti. For trfii-'ht shipped to the KalKisrd Company bv whiartwrs, nv olio au-amehip Ima, llie C'.mijianiea cannot be reaSiii..ie uotil landtd on iheir wbsrveai. i ivrwins wntinj atxrttt freietn that haa sk5 reached tliem, will pi-a bt (-wvful to aiate tlie date of alonnM-nt, by wlB.m-alopped. from what piae, by wna hue of et.-am.-ri-, and u Kaa4aie enclose a eo!7 of thrrmili reo-ii't, to ' trM Ao-nt Seaboard and R.nok 11 H . 1 onm--iti, ia. J r.M. K0HISOS. Manamng Director and Geni-r! Sup't. AprUt-lnt . Aa,t:jit Mvrut iua.kc CORRECTED US JOIIX 0. VOLIAMA Cd . CHOKERS, KALEIdM, X. C. .' ' 'fSliTi ( OSTlTioCltt ROIBSt-' Bank of Jf. r (Oi14 SP1 'IsQIm 36! fl. B. zzsz,' Csper i'iAt-, : Cr ";;'.-v". .v.v;;: ..l.v. . .1 " bariotto '.....,., '..:. '. ' " ' "I.eioisi.ai, at Crahaja, . . m r . t'oiiH'wr,e. . -.' '.. WallUtK'n " :i iarii1n .. ..... ..;..,,.. ,' . ..... . " lanivvTuie .... . r. I' .V....r' Knt ... S l'oaiinerMl Banlu Htmumrton, ..;.,; . .,, ;' it ... M ... ... 25 Merchant' Bank, Xwbcru. , lireejmlHrtmifh Muiaal. . . ; Virttiiua Bank otcal about. ............ b-iuih tsrUj.a ". ....... )fi "f .jr'-' M.V HilW.?.'; UZ Ol-I flmiiima : ......... North t arohna Kaiiraad Coupon Old Sixes...: v.. 2 .... l. ,.:.-i.i ... : i . . . r. TO kxrltange on Kr iw Raleigh National Bank of North Ctro- ..'-'' lint. .... -i . . . ai iota Sites . Baok'efCap Fear. . . .:; " Chaiioita . Cuwerce .... ... . ... . t iareiiii"i. . jysttvKv;r:'A, . "... Iuiij(ioa at Orahjun y . " MurtbOsrehna... ,. .V.."...-. ' Koxboro. .v. . . . V Tiiomaavills.'..,. .. ... . Wa.teetoro. .... ,..... Wilndngtoa.'. . ... . . .... . . .. . . lAanoUiyton YiiotYMile .:. 40 ...40 .. 4 ... 21 ..: ... 7 . . . 21 . SO ... SO i . , 24 . .; 21 ... 20 ...1 ... 42 S5 ...44 Couimejciai at Wilmington .. Farmers' Oreeintoro. . iOld)7 Mercnants . rnni . -. : . . ; . . . Miner' anuPtanters' .......... .V. .. . Virginia Bank notes, average. V. . Mouth Carolina . ...... 1... Georgia " Gold... Silver Old Korth Carolina Coupons. Virtii tsrolina.ttaUroad Coupuua. .. .... North Carolina (j a . . jjHiftnif- ini Kwt' Yf1', PROTOIOS MARKET. ' CORRECI ED BY JORDAN WOMItLE, GROCER. RAlXIDH S. C w BAIXiS , . BEEF Bl ITER.. ....... . t OTfOS... . CORN fOFKEJB.'.v. EtHW ' ..j, . noils . .... lli.r . 25aSft . .... . l(fJ4 '. . 1 vmt 40 ..... . 2W.U5 ..... I'Jt'iCIS .12 OOlua 00 HUUiU FRL'IT-Ai.ple. reackes, FOWL....-.,;.., per bn,. . amis ; ;.. ..... swmi . 15 WKftlT 00 ....... IS 00.1.14 60 ,...., 16 ' , ',. 1 Staejt M ""t75 : . H-.ilU ........ i a.v,a as 1 Itxrel 2 2 75((t2 25 Wl 50 '" 4f.S S 2V-4 25 Ihwi2 FLOlRFamily.. ........ Bupuriuie. I..tlll),...i.. MEAL... MOLAsEl....iiew.;... : NAiLu. l'EAAWhlt.....T..... ". (i.o-k. ............ r0TATlKo-lrih....... " Sweet...;.-... RAGS... :.r, ttALT. BljGAlt Cnuhed .. . . ' Brosn beet.. . " . Common Brown. 12j':l4 SPECIAL NOTICES 10 CASES GENT'S FINE CALF BOOTS AT 4,00Bpair at at. nuntnuai m o. April 17-214 tf - ' ' 4 Finrn asis rtnr s T es ts- Jt. phyr at 25 ct. per ounce at M. JtOBENBACM'8. AprU 17-214-tf A Ll THIS LATEST B1TLE8 GENTS AND J.X. Boy' tiala at April 1T-214-U M. ROSF.NDAl'M'B. k.ow Tin' ii:sri.M. Muni E. F. Tuoeitton, the great Engliah Aatrologuit, Clairvoyant and Paychoauitrician, who has ashmisbsd the soientiue classes ef the Old World, ha now located herself at Hudson, M, X, Madam Thornton pusese nch wonder ful powvra of econd tight, aa to enable, her to impart knowledge of tho greatest nnnortanae to the single or married of chI.'T act. While in a state of trance, she delineates the very fesiureat of th person you ar to marry, ai.d by th aid of so Instrument of lnl nae rwwer, known aa the Peychumotrojie, guarantees to produce a Ufe-lik picture of tli future husband or wits ef th ap plicant, together with date of niarrtfge, position in life, leading traits of character, Ac. This 1 so humbug, sa thoumo&i of testimonials eaa assert. Bb will send when d-nirod a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the pictur is what it purport to be. By emlosiug a amall lock of hair ud stating placs uf. birth, a, diepoejtion and eomplexion, and.encloein fifty cents and stampr ed envelope sddreased tn yourself, you will receive tli picture avid d sired iufiirmation by return mail. AU communication mcredly confidential. Address in confluence, Madams E. T. Thobxto, P. O. Box 228, Hudson, K.vY. Apr S-ao6-iydaw - " iiti;i: TO LVLKVIIODV. . A Larss VP- Circular, giiing information o th greatest ioiportsoce -to the young of both aexca. lt teache how the homely may neqome beauti ful, th despised respected, and th forsakes loved. 1 ....... No young lady or gentleman rhoold fail to send their Address, and receive a copy poat-paiiL by return mail. Addreaa P. 0, Drawer, 21, April C-2fl6-lydtw iroy, N. Y. (IltCAT CA TAI.04.I K. SJAI AT iVTJC riON ! OX WEDNESDAY, THE 1ST. DAY OF MAY. at our bu.re in UiS City of Raleigh, we will Sell, by Catalogue: -J'K) !s. Kurvasand Fork, aaaoried. ltiO" ' Pen and Pocket Ktnvwa. 'jt " haijors. .rt Y;, i,-r Knitm. Its Tea and lalile Hpoona. ' ' --60 SciMWrf and hhfcari. ' 4 ' Nail ( ' Draw Kmv.s aiM - ,. u.. ";'A - ' .' '.. u Ti r . . Wet-aitg H'trnv. M ltne HaJMiiert MioveU. JfltL.Jiuaiii- i& ' faolre an.! Mar I'm Itsi Ks:nt awl jbir - fails snsI flora) Sh. lit (riiivie tlt J ju-in, aewVla. 2i Do. Curry I'.-mla, at.tt Hrt Brilehea. .aia tj.Hee Milia. L I. p t law Haetfwr. , -' r ; " ; , I M - liatiung anil Hiiinglinif HaMiets. lei Camp and httiteii Frying Pane. J W l. htiF in4ek tirp apw.: li 44 ire hitt-rM. S - fi'vn t ? U""'' """ , m -.'! -'4--aei5rt" " ..!!.-. Pwl aid. I jn.fea. - - ' t.n frrnnm t:iV: rt. tr ; , iIi t'ai-.f.s lc..a.'y ..ini.ti- -- A- tae.- w ity - nt:dsu.i ,u...i...,rt.uli.ikf( IMS, V"at"j - - ' ' T"T???-.; ;s n-TitH in :C '"vi I'm 1 i it. i ii:o. K. i i, i-ai-h r.iitiiiM.g . ! firuhi.- i-'i .;mia. ....... . ' "50 t u. Juutiii. 1 III adiiltloU to tlie above, a large kit of ( AXJi vrrfit KK FA XCY - t KHlhX ASH Llqt 0ti I mav be orT.'red. " j Goode open f.ar inaiw.-tion at alt time; and . fatal, .trtii-a rrav (n .i;irnott,n tdre dava la-- re aai., by h;b firtl, purl ii-w d. a.'i iijg a.lil ! other ar.ui.j.E;uj!i-liii ti in -,,r-. I'ffcLIAM, J'M.S CO. j Wholesale Groeatf-nerien Cmi. r.-hanni. f v. :W laettCTuie Street, liai.-n-li S. C. I. April 1J 211 tf ' 0. sukc swrrss. ' ........r ." V ' - 21 ;...v,.:... 15 t.: 10 S ............ 43 XSY COOES. -Just a.Mop op two AficaiLV Alia fit BPIUiq cAI,Ic6s.l trench JtXwttem lawii English Barege, Orgmdiei, Ae., 4c .ro. hi Blocs iieecuri diuaiin, . 7-S and 4-4 autnssched - '.. " A LAMA KCK PtAlD$ Ae.', As., Just recelvej at " - VEO. T. cOrtATVs-. -Feb as-m-tf ''".'-.. .. t heap Hi.ira. 1IOSI AAI lltlC'ETTIVER HeimwigfiutTerVlpt eTfcM Bpring'snd IwwS sti-aol , lHlC'MWS -" '' ' ' 1 ' ' L ttKAUY-MAPt CIOTWXH; MOOTS. MM a 3tlUVKKT. AXV f'AXCXVOOHS, They will be sold at a very small advaiuv on KIR8T COST, . The Millinery business iU b parried on by JJlSa-iETTlNGER, , ta all its branehea, she having been North h.nelf and viaited tlie nmt Irtulinery eauiilmiiment ui tlie country, laid in her own etwk tn peron and heaidee that, having a thorouRh nolm?ir th buaiiieas,. will be euablrd to m one tud all from IA 1 rwh to fAe poor. Opening dsv fi Spring snd Summer Bonnets will b on the "loth, day of AprU, to which all her ladv fHend ere respectfully invited. W are also Introducing pew tyl HOOP SKIRT caUed th - : - - V "" : ' ODEHUJi' PATSST 0llAP8IXa SKI AT, skirt far superior to anything that has ever bean brought to Una country." W ask an inspection i of the aam. Inn will not regret a walk to No. 48 ravetteville Street. Aprd 4-aO-Jra . ' ;. Wt Take rtEAarcE in informing our frien.ia and the jmlilur, l list we liav is tor one of tlie nioet , ;v COMPLETE AND BEAUTIFUL AS- . .. ,, ; ASSORTMENTS , . of doouj, ever offered lq, thii K&rket Onr DRESS 0(WlH are enniHed of all the latest styles snd novelties of tlie season? Our Line of White CJocmIs IVr rVfi, couaistiiif or iftVXA, XAtXfmOK AM) ' ; H iS.v MVSUXH I' LA IX. CHKCKJID AKBSTRlPr.lt OROASUJS. TAkLKTA A S - , PLAIN AXP SMBJiOl. - -! lt.Ht:U A...V ASV MVSLIX SKTTft. Ae., Ac Our goods are of Die beet quality and price as low a any one ran aH WB HKLL STltKTLY FOR CASH, and ar eon tent with small profit. Ail we ask ia an examination of enr s'ock and we think we can ptraee. A. K. 4 J. McKlMMON. April 6-20t-tf FAMILY GROCERS. Bownir A. Jaixma, William "boroirgh, : H. c. LxxtrcL S. Putar. - ; Raleigh, " ' "" H. C, JENKINS & PERRY, Family tracers and Commission MEI ICllAJSTTB, ITS THE BRICK ROW, Four Door Korilt of the Post Of fice and nearly Opposite Market Square, FAVETTEVIXUS nTIlEL'T, Orateftd for th Battering pal ronage with whioh we have heretofore been so kindly tavorad, wa re spectfiilly a. lii-lt an inrruaard ahare ot the patron aKe of the citwne of Rak'igh and the aurrotuid mg enuntnr. Without speetolly jamy, we deem it aumoienl to aay, that ouraiot-k moatiy embi'ace au,nh artii lea aa ar usually found in 1 armly Gro ceries. Moat of onr giMxis have been reosntlv bougiit in New York and Baltimore, fur cash, and we hope to be able to sell thorn on Matiwiaotory term a. in addition to our aUK'k of Urooeriua, 4 a., w have a fine lot of BATS AND READY MADE CLOTH Kf6 and a splendid lot of Confectioneries, constating of PLAIN AND FAWrt GANDTPS, If A WN8, "' (JBA-NGl't FiH-t, NCiS ASy BRANDY 1'i.ACli l., As., . all of which will be told on reasonable term. We have also aAn hit of genuine Dutham Smoking Tobaoeo, wluth w ean implicitly reoOm netnd to "thus who amoke." Pteas esli and see ua. - We will pay particular attention to all ctniatgn. meuta of Prixiure and Mercliauiliae entra.led to our care and will endeavor to sell at the beat market prices. Conaigninents are respectfully aoiniitcd. By a prompt and cloa att. ntion. to business and fair dealing with ail, wa hop to merit and receive a share of publio patronage. Apru is an-w MISCELLANEOUS. Musical Instruction Without Teacher. WINKER'S PERFECT CFTDE FOR THE piano, Vioha, Fiute, Mehrtton, Cabinet Oran, Guitar, AetMirdiwei, Fife, 1 Uveolet anil t,'lationet, deeigned in its Leenoti. Ktsmphw and kterasp to nopal KuowlniKe of piaym wild out the aid Of a teai'her ; wit It aeieetiona ot i-h'.i-e Muei". Price of each book 7da. bent pt.al4. OLIVER DIT'N A CO., Puili-hera, bot'. t'HAii. H. Dlifi.)! CO., bun Broadway, ew .fc. April 15-te ' IIIOTOHAIllSl - .-, P R 10 K S R E D i C E D ! 1 IS tjUHtaTO PLAlJi HOTOGBAl'US V, ITIt tn ths rea-b of everybody, and tiiereby m urei as my bnatnesa, 1 have HS IH't l l THK Piiirn - 1. W WATSOM ,X, ar2M:i7-tf l I N K E .." tK THIS, I-ArilKH, AND NOOTIIFR, Stub ywir PAnJRl havenoboiberf . ' M. ertry gfuert pa.ran itrt ijt, --- - 'try bos and a sr regret it-1 , -,J,; Tlws Vftta'c'l-'OiVUKB lKMead bv.sH Srt-4wa ll.rt.li.aiul li.ieaiirant thr-ngh tt ewt'v ad aSAt H,l lv,rv I. d t-i lt.lvv aa. t-f. flt.'-jr-Uii.Bw-a-l. tilliil.il. Jianula. tnr.i b 1AA4K ttltrli, I Jjjj, ji i'-lAA MlB&r&ICM a'larfc. i nf:ji 4.- t 8- mtun satst HI lem. TlloilASVIU.r:, N. i . ah !ircn,( r.f T'l J. SHKM.T A SUN", 1 with Hilar-, I isii'tal, tl.e 1 eatablialK'd hi n ni..a.t inipro..! ma. iiiiK-ij, atij i-ct wot aii. 11, we aid vil every ol M1..VH. I'd V M, ' ... . . l(i ! M 1. ',i'f :;, Mm -,l s- .;'-. i J . t liit Iti.ni ii r lU'r.s. aa ch'o sa t e eanie ifoat.iy if ao J raU trf bonght in he lor, 1 i'.r k-' . . April 12 2I0-3m . V.. DRY COOI53. llBBXlSOT Ki:v. SPRIN Ci AlSI 1 i;SlJ30IEU GOQM CtiODS ANB PRlCM Sl'lT V0U, BUY Tli EM. I hive t.ka tjiceaa.tithifijfaimgniy BMnia.r.,tw.yrn gisn'psT-'t.isyri . me tli.rn.is aha roau-uiur lit 1 bave inct re j liirce l wan ttie ftortu, ana nave in mure, i IO.AAO Vatrda f IHUllful ftprleg ASD SCMMEIt DRESS' O0OFa.- einhracinjr ail the tnweltiea of ' th eaeen, whj. t sill 1 aoM rbnap enough Ki "Insure aaii a. CrtKxh' ia tlio pla.s to bny jour Duaa ttoutla. riiiyrs i iuiT 11 ruisTSj it i Just rpcrved s.000 yar.1 of bicsntiW Spring and Summer; I atni, which will be uvulae ehsap sa eh''iIH.t. Cuatoiners c'ann'vt 00 better than to come to t r.-ecli's to buy their t'eitcoce. f CA6SIMKUES, TWEEDS. KENTUCKY . ; JEANS. COTTOXADE9, Ac. - Juet i(Wv,.,l 5,(Ki0 vaida Casaitui tVa,.Tweda, Keiiiuc-kx. JtMoiaCit.iaile arid Um'ft tiooda, l Mou. Roa and CliYl.lronauttaf'le for IstHTna: and elummor wear. I aak vou to call andexaniine lay ate k befor yon buy, and you wul not regret it. . HOOP BKIRTSt HOOP SKIRTS 1 1 A Urge and varied atockof Hoop Skirts, both aa to pries ana qtuuity. LAPIESMUTSAXD B0XNET3, THEM- MED AXD CKTRIMMED, SEW : . STYLES FOB 1867. , , ' -, . ! Ladies' Trimmed Hate, phcee ranging front tl to ti. Mtaaea Axon 40 ctia. to It, i iili is the place to buy your Rata and Butinets, , fif-nyg JlnH, .TflK, Hiltnl Juat received s line awwrtment of Men's, Boya', Youtli s and t'htlilieu's Hats cheaper than ever. Com to Ui-rK'ii' to buy your lists. v : BU0E3! BlIOEiit SHOE,! M Jnt retwived (KiOO pair Gent', Roy', Isdiea' and iliaeea' tihoes, will b olj chp enough, to meet tli bard tuttc. Com and e price and quality. . . r . '"s ''..'''.' . ' . tiroccrles and Crockery AVare. A good stock of Family Qroeerle. and Crockery ware, and will be aoid aa low any in tlie city. Ihm't aay vou won't eum snd see, butay yim will. If you hare laid up your monev for s as'ini' day, that rainy, day haa come. So eouie to t beech's to buv your trooUs, You wlu find me a: It. tiniith comer, alwaya ready and willing to aerva vim rint. mar iB-liiJ-tf , A. CHKKt It. 8. II. A W. J. VOl ., AT TIIIJ ;.';' OLD STAND "' J : OF ... H. II. YOU1NO,- - -A RK how receiving from th North a large and V well aelocted stuck of the most deairahle and faeintHrable . PPRINa AND SC3IMER GOODS, Which having been bought at low figures will b sold vnry low , FOIt OA8H. W respect Mly retpicat our friend, and th public generally, to call and examine bur Stock, Uelor oiivmg eieewftere. . . . April M-aUe-tf - , HOME AAI. ; l H9H EIVIJAirM, WOULD REPF.CFriXr INFORM I?I8 PA trou and th puhlie in geuerai, that he haa just returned from hew York, vhere he ha been for the lent three months watching the mar ket for the OltKAIKaT BAtiUAI.SS tn hi line, and that he ta now prepared to eliow hie cuatomere a aplemiid hue of all the latest atyiea l)rea Oooda. TBIMMISO ". " " ' - U.AT$kiQ$ST,T , : . A-XOB IR , IWEST1AVS, . ' fWrHTTXrii. . irOCK-rVHMHlAQ GOODS, iiobimr, nu.ko, A fln assortment Ladle, tlae and (Ttil. rirea'a-fttoea of the celeiirated T. JUlloailun s Piilisdelphu makiijiit received. . . iM" i.Ihi a Mil buior buying lwheri It will WtU repnv vou. Apru i? 2l-t ALLA. k J4U!0. VV II O L.I2HAL, XS Seedsnt'n, iVarsrrjinpii t Florist l.tOMSiAIN sr., (ITSDF.11 ST. CUAIiIJCS HOTt'L) Klchmoud. Vtv 0.1 l'ty . R. li. Jt ILKY, 1. L. aAl lli, R. TliUOKE. 1L1I.MAUUY&C0. . EHTAbLIbllED IV IS. BASKK B8 A,VD DBOKElig, NihlOUKAIS STREET, , Firtt House Iklow the Pott Cfi.ce, laCHMOSD. Va. -Sterllnit ticliango, t.oia stud Sil ver, Hank IVotea, State, 11)", jtud Ilollrautd IJonds staid , Moi ka, &!., iioiiklil nnd -:vot it-fm : E.f.'ffi4!U.it4- 7 I, o'a i'..vd and ( o!lecti..ns ma oe all t ac.'"iHille itiul in toe tntuni Mates, de Vh M w-JMl. - V- AJfcWLLEY. EILVES WARE. AC. .,' - . ! i;iymM$,Zl VATl HJIAllF-R- & JEVt ELLKi:, 31 a'aretlet-lile Street 41 lt ax.i:ic. 11. N. iC' HAS jnat returned from th Xorth srul (.irued at hie ot'l eland, a apleiidtd Variety of .aien'-JeArltrPr VtTrff,&e.' atvS3rHl-wrth il'ir-Tir- -ci. .1.1 k.Ml ! . K-vi.e M of 1 ! . Mt.t M A I I' At nf. ..JtU'l ti.-... 1...U ill. a i.- vrt tvpay in ,t'ai,T-; iOl-Jiitt- r- t I in V-I IUST A . V , oti';tio, li V 0 Clin TH K PBOI KSTAWT fPM'OPAL iir.-li in tiie Mie af Va-ih t sroiioa, will t iu .--t. Jao-e t 1 (iri-h, vt i-iiuii.:l.i on r.l- tt. .v ..fl. 1 "V. - '-I 1'. .-(: .1 .i.na ehnij';,! 1- i.t tu the ! .oct..rof! . A. ttitat Si : -1J-y tft l-if. I '.... '..li-ll, ano t' U:ai I M. J&mt a' ( ii':rrti. V. i.l(fci.a..;It. ( i; v. A. a.m,i...-t'. i"'- to to ti 'V ot 11.. -'V'..-, : K. j lU.I -.iH.VSr. April IS21J lw Sec y w t,(,uveiuu.n PETHIiSi JL3 .i. 1 JI .1 li ii ) A I. J1 1- ' ,si;eci;.-vi' -r.s in AS"iv:.. s, ?ia:;: - : - - 4Urntr-:i! iirorvrn . A S i ' r 4'4Bjmiio r It-rt lilt! A 1 ( il..,) K.i. S i A Mi rrstiTt.ttr.iito Petersburg. Va. K U I. Will att.nd to the likieof li .etad SI..r- 1 j.tiii.l.u. a (!. (...: 1 1 :t..r.i .Mi. kK. in hand. Can slso . ftitniidi Y rdiyx. if, ai.y kind to fafuers rot aw-mruwUUru !.. rTia. J. A. M.Utha. W. H.LiITLICtOlfN. iotr 0 AnaerexrM, M wI j A ...... ..,..,.,,a- Feb 18-164 8m '. ----- n:uTii.izi;:! lOIt HPUINU CIJOl's-J. T'fljB Wg a Iiif.srm tli'tr.. an! plauter of j T tortn t aroima ana prepared to .ii uimIi U;m V ri.iaj tiii.t e are itti toe ns.wt i.i rovt?d IhlillLl-'tK-t. on the moat term. We wiU have a alivg of gciiuios 1 i nL- VlAin GCAXO, pun'liaat.l iierect ir-Jiti tue Agent of the Peruvian uovenino-jil. We have now in store, t'.r iTnm.lU'ft d-'ivorv, 25rona BBADLEY'S St'l't'K piiui-i H.U a til1 LIME, which won fi r itwil win ii an envin.e rp ntauun in tits Cotton and rioic.o cnunia of North Ceroltua and Virtt-.tna. iat aiaai.n, prtHriug itself equal, and in-many ttofHirtsnt r.-ai.e.ia, atl pptiof. lo-"the Peruvian ifiiam Vf. g,ve aa au aiyai of it ss aconaincd by lr. Ii.-..a, mis sf the most sminent t)f eimata m tite cnn-.i-y : Uetulte or AiimIj tt-s "U;!M.r i;rul- lejr's lnlent fciipcr-I'Jtoiplna - of Uuie, tu now sol.l ly IVm. L, Kradlcr. ISO f iT "CoKaiat at ': ' kbaature . . . Prepared animal matter, aalta of Ammunia, ' fatty autwtancea and linmna Da .id , Bone I'hoaphate of Lime, kiaynsiait snd Iron - - - . S.S (S.lubis rhnapbatea of do. 16 MO.) Bulphats of Lull - . .18 5 iie - -twiraTors- 200 Tlie animal matter snortled 4 2-10 parte of Ain mmua when jt waa deoompoeed, aiui, an 11 he wn, noai ly one-Ualf of lh Bone l luwiiliat t oluhle. After manv analvaes or ronr Kuir.r!ifwr.bata of Lime, tnsde during the lut few imnthN, 1 have found your standard of qiistmr fmi eiju to tiiat of any you have ever old in f'.nm-r y.-ara ; and I sin sattaiifd that you uictu'le ths correot prui ctples in the matiuin'tore. Il.,p. i.tlul' v, A. A. Jt.tll n, M. 11., Mate A-.-rer. Wen'f.-r to tlie filiowing gi-nil. tfeni' u woo ii.Btea 11 nisiite Hint eiaaon : . . 1 ' 1 O.A. loom, Warren C.'Riitv, N. C. t J S 1....1.. , - ; - : Col J.'HM V taiviAM, flranTllle ' B T lUi.ian, franklin, , " b A. D. l.i 1.1a, " , . ' IV F. YiKsonoron," " L. Haiti. , 2iaah Oountv, K. C. J UAwwr, ' . 1 " ' '' W T ft ist, " I. M CosttKaa, ' , : m HOW uxuats, . ... 1 1'Hii.Masu, " i V ) aatna, " " i 3 THoayrtw, - " Dr W H V sTot, " . T J Bonnie, Kaah Connty, North Carolina. J 8 Bodoi s. " ' Hon S a liigs Wak " T P Baaawaxi., tdgeeooib . i H AaaaTKoHO, " . . JI.I.VON, ' E II liowraji, Col O W H .SMOKD, " ., W W Baaa ' 1 H'ltn,..a. ". J tt TtVt.'B. Ocn M W Iisn-M Northampton ' W P SoLOMltH , lialifm, WIThws uon, W will be repreeomed at th Curt of 0,n. vill Naah, Wuke. 1 .tgtwinl.0. V i: n , ,., Northampton Franklin ind Wairsu couuuee, IV. C.andtireenavitie cmnty Virion;, Any-buniiia conti.led to ua at.ad have our hea( atlion, M. ILWAIXE 4 CO. releraliarjf. Va., Jan 21-Siii TIIO. IIRA.M II A t o., No. lots irinln street, (0PPORITK TIIE POST 0PIT.CE,) Hlobimend, V.; THOOUAJiCII & 0X3, 1 o. Old Mrevt r rETEnsnrr.cj, va.; BBAXCII, OX eV CO., V Broxad Etrcat, " V,7 AUGUSTA, OA., -BAKEItS,-' : AND ' Commission Merchants,' Bseetv 'M.niev on Drnoslt, xibiect to !nht ami allow lnlertft on aaiue aa ard tu.. unt.alu txiana ; kiake t ouri'lione throUk:: toe uoikmi niawHi.srfifi oov ami s.n on soniiu ,.oa Uank hotoa, hi.llda, wwk,, i , ' ' j liey sm otr..r their aerucea tor K-s sals and pnrotiaae ui 'IoIkicai, Wheat, tort., (uiV.n, A a. i l.e.r eettior, 1 ins, Bren. li, win, an ar . ef thll ly ysara ill toe Coiiain.ai o tra , v. . Ilia iiNlil aiietiLion ti ma K .f 'l(t -e, and t vjo.t W Kivs aatl-lat li o " t: i: ;a and all liu inav lavor liioo. -' tii.'.r jmi ..ik.i. Leah alvaiM;a maun ' i-uiaigiiiin-i,u 10 11 - ,rl and to litcir eorr.-i" IU.;IHS 111 tAt: t, ;..r7 link, Iael xil aVmuoli, Antwerp and ..a.,n. -tjllalio. a-1'! olilr Colul.lraUU .V iiiiij ! is. fur- l,iHl,w.iU) ineir r tcuiai-cuai.iuii.ia. r ;ioi4l aM'-.ti. M..11 la given to tlie etecutioa ol t,oVU,u t,uu i.aade. by . ,v TnOS. SRANCH iONS, Petsrtotifs. ' "BA;CU, 8-3 4 CO., August-,, 0. Tl IUrhmmtl Houm trtnimjktinir t'-i't-.ol.is? OrW Ui Hhr boi-i, M itiy if Xn 'f-:f r.-.l. Nt,t4m Kite, boutnt fu h'i-Miir,": . -i hsmd r-tui tt with ohft't'iti Nw ix.., ivi- fiJji.iifi or lt U.f htar,, I or ftU piu it (. (Kill tu oa ufiit. at bit fesN'tt, Vv will pj t!4 X-fTth rM).nk'Lon.iv C m- potlAV- rtfrtjlasiwr t?tntrtHrd ar, Aj u iv..-jhJ oourjn, -- J-Silr'-'Sfl Kri It toH-- lit tVl It.) 4 '...'.. ...,-:", h'a U chntf---th lnli-xii rta.i j.-i; i ivhi n ru!-v.i -!-'- rvvi'rrl." ; ,f ' ( irrri .A . '.v. t il''ii.i-fl,, , ;-, , . . ; ' tiittrt.' " at ti-,t .2.1 North t.'ut.iii.ta . ,li' Ms-.r(j'. ....... '1 lit.llitttsViilet . . . mi),!, .iM-i" - V nm:i., r-1 t i-.i i ! i C .f.A. lsAtsAivlat.v4 . U-r- Mill i bi g, iieof r.'iiii!. - ,: - "r Tiu..-. .1 e l-. rni hi:.. IIUI. I1M1.-.I. li.N ( u r' 1 ; A.:ii in. 1 ; p s r ; s f l.' I tf VKK Axr-tl. I li - M- I I' h. id at tiie l- . '1 mirs'lay, tlie i. 1, Apiil li 210 t 1 T"S M K K X l'' "Two 11,;-- - 'V1 haii.i"Uie l i A.-- . A. M. C -April.! J!'. A