1 :,t..l7 AS" ;Ia0 - AAaA-AJAJAVI AA, XT it XASA?I.jOAS.AVjtV i ,t JU;I.il1.r .seal, -VrT" X t 1 TXIK SENTINEL. - yoRTU cABOirsA. ; ; if.reh.iita. Farmers, and Fishermen Bust the FUlii-g Business), : !r2ofS(X)0 8hilnd lOO.OOO Herring ' V W't if " Fiaaeriea tuia muoh, . 50,000-Trtdin? Wai froar th t.p- Lr Country Snuff anjtJ Tobacco AJyf ti. of Ui Wgoner, Bre&Uast of Her ring, J5bd Bae, end Kew Dip-8.w, M mi and Bhingje Bwampa Lumber and 8bingle Cotton Growingiliaama.. tCorwiiMln t Nfout eWnell ; WwDwm, N. C.' April 1, 1867. " Dear Joural-$nce last writing to you, I hare paased thrdugh the Eastern part of Hertford county ; through Winton, Harrella .ille, ana Colerain, to thia plaee. The tnerdwnu are busy arranging their Soring purchases, th farmers are buay nlanting, the fishermen busy at the acinea, ind tna 6h wrT bu"? in "1Dn'nB' fonl of mid teinea. Thia fishing business baa turn "ed ouf faTie a gfaiiil uaTe8srrhtrfca0H. tk. -th ia uumenae one aeine on the 8ound caught otct 6,000 shad and 100,000 herring at one haul. That story took like It' ought to be scaled, but them ia nothing flaby about it, I assure you. ' The owners of the Tanoua aeinea are jubi. l.nf 1, tipo-nx-a. who do the work, brag, as -hUkev is Increased, wage are tending - f M.n i. for the time lor- tSi your reader, may form' some con- 'i .i.. r iir.t in tli V??1$?L tht 8ounTd on (X,unrie. .rtotng on the Sound and ou the nvers flowiug tnto it, I . tU I etato that k, mri$ZZr SS toiemgeu 7or "i '"V 7?!,,. u this Out or tins, oniy vu. , h -m 0 W The. barrel, ar, r during the an . . . 1 : . l . .. ,- I of clear' money by whioh the aggregate wealth of th.a aca..m j. Mcwoeen, .. re..,, - t - ii ' . .. . , . . 1 ta the presence in tuis section large num- wwonacolne from clean lyond the lioe of the Kkhiuond and Danville railroad, in Vir- ginivand Cn m to west as oSrd and loryth Counties in this Btate ; and I will ?ure to say, that had Sam Wick ever bad one enoounte? to a fair open trade, wit, a Kcarolinaiolmcco wagoner, he never VOOlCt BftVO DUU11SUW Ul3lJ"- V. ease. exploita through Yaokeeddm and Wuenoae- dom. so completely would the coneei have been rubbed out of him. Then t see the ,nitia fish these uo count rv men can lo. It is ttUjying. After watching wag- l ...,i hi. ir. hntakfuat r.-ntflrilny I morning. I could not help advising bim to start small seine on his own account, while down here just to keep his table sup- plied. The man himself ste fifteen herring,' a.ukrt nff -iih a nlaia lull of shad roe. smoked hia pipe after breakfast, dtank three bslf pints ot new nip, ana luen wrai w sleep in his wagon. Why shouldn't he weigh 886 pounds, and why ahouldn't he have a gooV conscience for the balance of the day Bew-mills and shingle swamp are alio aource of considerable revenue to the deni- r n T -n.nliHd nt lumber and shingle are shipped hence to Baltimore, Norfolk and-WasUington, v. v. These variou sources ot wealth, together I with cotton -growing, makes this one ot tne .richest Counties in the. BtsU. .. And it. it were not so unhealthy, from the miasmas ot the awamps and low grounds, the produo- tiveoess of thia County would be largely in- creased. ' Ditching aud draining are pro- greasing vearly, snd will, no doubt, have a y very beneficial effect on the general health ot the people. . M The weather continue glorious. Fruit of all kinds will be plentiful, if one can trust the blushing promises 01 a una, consenting 1 Spring. Heaven smiles upon us Congress 1 trowne upon ua. Lot ua believe in the one, 1 and tell the other to tro hence. When you next hear from this correspon dent, he will be somewhere on the railroad between - Weldbn and Goldboro. Till then, good bje. VlATOBY. Eaaea, wife of Braxton J. Bane. Esq., Ol 01 l"1D8 J," , ,,,,! .,t theexistine Charles City County .nutuT.uicid. In StSSSi M.M Oortdin niece of weliinRton uoaain, E.q.,.f Richmond and had Wa married on y a lew uiontba. For amusement she h ad been in tha habit of .hooUng at a mark with a pistol. On the day oher death, b .aid to n.r hustiaaa, who was engage tea wiexlrinnv ntit mnmm auWHinra that fall in. tendeiAillheraelt He ot course thought rtewu joking. She took the pistol, loaaea it, gt4 him to put a cap on it, went into tb irarden. walked liiiiriU'r around the walks, kissed a little step child whowa there, told it (?om1 bye, placed the pistol to her breast, etui fired.- The fjullet penetra ted ber rieht lunir. She ran to the house iiwiiiiiiwiwjiiiwwiwtitii).jai hastened out aud she IuU into uis arm ex piring. v 8he had assigned no reason for the rash act, aud her dying worde to her hus band were full of endearment and affection. An eicedilion toKusian America is no ar being organized by tlie Department ot State, for the purpose ot mskinir thorough ciB - tific -oxoloration of that reeioo. It is . ., - .1-.' 1 I - thought that the expedition will lie ready to start aluthe first week in Msy. - Tb gentlemen to compose the cientilie eerp have not all been designated ; but it is said t'tat ProSaosor Baini, of the fimithsoniah Institntr. will be of thsnmnlKir. The mem- r.-r v.f .tim :j'i,t j,iif "'a.i'C:tixl'i'Bitrt'S't',"Sifi' w(i-rif !f 'riiH twke-th rventi tatter Lrnefn"iH! .sail'ffW'' Sit If S, Iforii WBl:h piint the expedition' w ill start on its fiivea- tiirattOD. CvrrfiTkmtUttt Aeit Xvrt lUrrdtt. A r'inrtiia cotreamindent f the Savsnhab" - --'JBaeYet flSravi, eyTw"lHiie see- pi cuting tbi-ir pursuit with the nuwt perse veriBif aotivity, ! are grrratlr- encour aged thereto byllie eflorU of the freed men to redevelop tire agricultural resources of . .the country. Ex-Adniiral ?t-rr.nn-s lectured ou Weiloe. day last, at Jlcnipljis, to aa iiuniene au.lt eoce tor tlw lietirrif of to Fannie TiVrsi,,!) SocH-'f. " The tul.jwt wan ; " The Awisma. and hit Course, as iewed hj- the Lsws of Uona.n ; ' i "- impqrtaxtordeb by GKSsnxi ,; : i'.sicjgesL- '-L-.. Charleaton, 8. U April 11,1967. Th gentr.il dettitutiow prevailing eatoeg the population of thia military diatrict can not Tie rtlieted without allarding mean for the development of their industrial tesour ces. The nature and extent of the destitu tion demand extraordinary measures. The people, are twrne dows 1y T heavy "Burden of debt ; the crops of grain and garde pro duce failed last year; many', families hare been deprived of shelter,' many more iced food and clothing ; needful Implement and auxiliaries of nuabeadry are very scarce ; the laboring population ia numerous local ities are threatened with starvation unless supplied with food by the government of tbelTnlUd States ; the inability of a large portion of te people to pay taxes leaves the local authoritiea WfrtroTrfadequate tneani of relief, and the gravity of the situation is Increased ny tne general aispoemon ww Uhed peop's the "immediate collection ot all claims. To suffer all this to go on without restraint or remedy is to eecrihefthe general good. The rights of creditore snail oe res pected, but the appeal of want and auflering must be heeded. Moved by these consider ations, the tollowing regulations are ao m.tinrxl, and ilipy will continue in orce, with such modilication as the occasion my require, untu ue oivu guTOuuteu, the reepective Sutea shall be-estaDrunj n accordance 'h the rirement. of the government of the lotted btatea. llie Commanding General earnestly deaire. and flden ,ieVBt th tbi oUaervance of 'moDI,tni the co-operation of all oeraonsLncerned in employing fairly and Justly the advantages stUl remaining te them. LIIH.L I MSB aa inuuui vra ajaaaMw v " - . tho, opened will contribute to W for debtU prohib. r" " ? ' """71-7 ii- n RnrMinnn 01 dib imjiwu, wuu - ;r . , . nVncemlinirs now netao isneu in un uu Lmth Tarolina reDeotivelv for the trial and. - .. ' h 'action may - be Saii-Judgment or decree for the pay- ment o money on causes of aaion arising between the 19tb of J880 tb. 15th of M.y, 1805, shall not j enforced by execution agsinrt the property or the pe of ,the defendant proceedings in auch cau of action now pending .hall be J . ' . a- ..,-k alter instituted or eommenoed for any such eausea of action - TAiri Sheriffs, coroners and constables are herebv direcled to suspend lor twelve cel ender months the sale of all property upon uwniinn or nroceas on Uabilitiea contracted prior to the 19th of December, 1800, unless upon the written consent of the defendanta, except ia cases where the plaintiff, or m his absence hi agent or attornev, shall npon oath, with corroborative testimony, allege end prove that the defendant is. moving or- mienns irauuuinnij r'-'c-vv beyond -the territorial jurisdiction of the court. The aale of real or personal property by foreclosure ot mortgage ia likewise eus- pended for twelve calendar months, except in cases where the paymentof interest money .-r,ilnrp Sinn ttm l.Mh daV Of MsV. " 1805, shall not have been mad before the day ot sale. ; ,,, ,, .! - ftntrth Judgments or decrees entered or -trolled on causes of action arising SuDse .uent to the ISth of MeySOS, may be e- firct.d by execution sgainst the property of the defenilnt, and in the application ot the money arising under auch execution regard sb,n to the priority of liens, unless D cases where the good faith of any lien ,uaj be drawn in question. In audi cases, the usual mode of proceeding adopted in North and South Carolina reapectively Jo determine that question shall be adopted. fifiti Ait proceeaings ior iuj 0f money under contracts, whether under 0r by parole, the consideration, for which was tne purcuase oi nrjiiw., .n.n.n1eH JnnVments of decrees entered or enrolled foi such cause of action ihsll flirt All alvance of moneys, aubsia- btnee. imolemenu ana ieriuiKjis r we i 1. 4,ne thai Wrlnf Will 7" .odentorcea: ; Wage, for to "h. production of the crop, P"",. vV " tJL rrnn ., MTment of .ball ben on toe crop, and Pym1 0 tTt' Zi " J,Hncet f money and other mean. 1 tecum avuvnuw v j f. l,, order of anv court, there shsU be reserved out ot the property of any de r ...i.. h i, a familv deiiendent upon his or heritor, a dwelling house and ap purtanauces snd twenty acre of land fur the use and occupation of the family of the . .. . 1 MrttMi if furni- trade, huiosnary or oiour euijiuu. .1,- ..l id t iiiO. The homestead exemp ' ' . . . 1 ..... , aI I tion wba.lt enure only to the benefit of fami lies that is tm aay, parens or parent. .1.11.1 n l.'il.lnn in other Cane the ex- ixrin iti tl eitenrl -tmrr -tcbt h inff; in' I vetlU f trade or other employment 1 L...n v.TlwaMl bv the dclendaat. of the I Uu-.'. rf - value ot $108. The exempted property the defendant ahull ta ascercaiuea oy ") ck.ntrnenthprnthcer enforeine the execo- .W h!l srieciticalfv diwrilfe the tame and make, a report thereof in ea h eaw to the C ourts The punncf cif Hill . fflatVe diarenTTT"TV,"i'i;r.-a i .11 e t fr. w of all dsM. aaa-awoaoua, heso reeojfHiiwd in-.rjh t tWiuth Caro- I.. n,1 ail caxm in which the same Shall J I leiuieW-d In pnvnipnt ant nnwi vy wn ..i.l.H nHh! fi'M- A once reptwtfil.. ium hVat.iuarii'W. or 1 The -estnumafl-lin m..r of the oust within whkh oi h otlir ,ha, - - A'ittfA Property of an alent debtor or one charged as such without fraud, whether eonaisting of money anvanceu ir too pur poe of agriculture or appliancee for the Li,;..!lr.o of the il. shall not be taken under the process known a f-reign attach ment' but the lien crcaiea 17 oy u- ki.e'l not be disturbed, nor shail the possession or the use of the nxebe in any wit intertered! with except is tht execution oj a judgment or final decree in cases where they are eAithariaed to be eaforoeil. - riA In suits ortrmsrvideltt knows as actions z amtntrttt, bail, as here- tofors authorised, limit not be drmatiiled by the suitor nor take by the sheriff or outer officer serving the process ; In suits foftrese peaa, libel, Wrongful conversion of property and other cases, koown as actions tilic, bail, aa hemefore-srutfaoritedpinayHje de manded and taken, Tbs, prohibition of bail in caeea a nmttactn shall aot extend t parties about to leave the State; hot the tact ot intention must be clearly eatablithed by proof.- : ,, Z eriminaj proceedings the usual recognizances shall be required and taken by the proper civil officers heretofore authorised by law to take the same, nrovi- di tbat upon complaint being made to any magistrate or other person autnorizea ny law to iaaue a warrant for breach o( the peace or any criminal otfi oce, H shall be the duty of auvh magistrate or officer to iue his warrant oa the recognizance of the com plainant to prosecute without requiring him to give securttv oe such recognizance. TmMftK tTbe practice of carrying deadly prohibited. ,- The concealment of tucharr--pona on the person will be deemed an ag gravation of the offence. A violation of thia order will render the offender amenable to- trial and pwaisbmeat by military enmrnts. ion. Whenever wounaing or Killing snsu NultJtom-th. -ae ofuch JeaponsijrrMl of the party carrying or concealing a deadly weapon shall be deemed evidence 01 a felonious attempt to takelbe lile oi tb in jured person. . . . 7ArUacA 1 tie oraer nereuxor usueu la thia militarv department prohibiting the punishment of crimes and offences by whip ping, maiming, branding, stocks, pillory or other corporal punishment, is in Force and will b obeyed, by all persona, , ., w, FourtMtUhTh punishment of death In certain case of burglary and larceny uu-. posed by the existing laws 01 toe pro vision al governments In tuia military diatriet la abolished. Anv person convicted of burg lary or of larceny, when tht p'roperty stolen ia of the value of f23.ol assault ana ttaiu'ry with Intent to kill, or of anv aawiult with a deadly weapon, shall he deemed guilty of felony, and shsll be punished by Imprison ment at hard labor for a term not exceed ing ten year nor lea than' two years, in the discretion of the court having jurisdiction thereof. Larceny, when the value thereof ia less than $25, shall be punished by im prisonment at bard lal tor a term not ex ceeding one year in l the discretion of the court., J.'.r FiJUmtk The Governor of North and South Carolina shall have authority within their jurisdiction respectively to repricv or pardon any person, convicted and sentenced by a civil court and to remit fines and penal itW , ,:; .' -v' BixUtntK Nothing in this order shall Ve construed to restrain or prevent theoperation of proceedings in bankruptcy In accordance with the act of Congress in auch cane made sad provided for, with the collection of any tax, impost, excise or charge levied ny au thority of the United Bute or of the pro visional govern1 Di ants of North and South Carolina ; but no imprisonment for over dae taxes shall be allowed, nor shall this' order or any law of the provisional government of North and South Carolina operate to deny to minor children coming of age, or their legal representatives, nor to uspeud a to tl.m. anv richt of action, remedy or pro- -.Hino crainat executors, administrators. trustees, guardian, masters or clerks of equity court, or other officers or person holding a fiduciary relation to the parties or the subject matter ot the action , or pro- . jSeMRMsntA Any law or srumuw fore in foro to North or boutn varetina n nn.;.nt with the Drovisions of thia Gen era! Order is hereby suspended anddeclared inoperative.'' '..-.. 'r';- Uycommana 01 ' M.ior General D. E. SICKLE3. 3- W ruintCantainThirtv-Eiiith United Bute Infantry, A.D. C, and A, A. A. 0. HISCEUASIOUS. Htm ciARar aib canrAee," A Weekly Masonic Sfewapaper : PCBLI3UED BY JOSEPH O. IIE8T ER, CIII HAIL, I1U1Bi " Naiua Journal will be devoted to the intereata f mAKry snd tha - " ' , ' Z?, ' calculated to prorooie aiu i-" - - - .fnll aod oomolew aommary of all the moat important current of w"1'- . , It Will aleo (Tla t lie 1- literary srtieles, snd in srery issue so ontortain iaf Boreliett TEBM8 OF BUBHCRIPTlOH On year. ... t00 a, 00 montns Adrertiaatneiit. inserted oa reaeotiiole UmiS. AsenU wanted in srery Iowa and rillags. April lO-SSia-if ' ' - s '. J4 T, BIOBHIS BBO. HI 81 CA110 K E . 9 T V E B li W.1X- MOItHIH 19 FAYETTEVILLE ST., CalelKh, N. C. Ykaleeale ' and Retail Uraiert Hanuracturert Of all Kinde of ruraltttre, -AllSC- 1 ACM.Iw ''ftlls.' 'W- :M kweW -".f-.f. wt . j-it riA viiui me our auMk and J"il pryJiUij -X111L-SAIX- Taluuble 'illy I'roiM.Tly for fcalJ. -VKFOF THE hT lK.sIKAX!.E H(H'E I l'J..'.l.I., in the (.nr. I(nt nt Kneh Hflnnrel f ' WiT ipiel by Mrs. klltiia Tocker, dee'itl , . . 'n.,-.nMiUin W llinia.U wii riirnu-nea. Lot slwut 'M S-T'-a, ground besiltiinlly P"ia- meuted with tihruiAiry. L.ervai..ry wi i.nuil ffarileo of lioe vt-t!i-lA. UIS ne" o . i ; t.,.ra arml Wr 11 of I'Ur Wat"-. t L'JQ C0 urt-ns-af . . ; ' t , rr: , aUSCIXIJLgrEQTJSL " 7'- tfiiiiiCa,lU C aioavauwrwM Co., N. O, til VrCU eV LAbMTEH, iFOHMEBLY C02JAKT HUHTER.r Cotton rartora, & General Commliilo. MEltCIUNTH, Juaixckof-'iuuii M? saxeb btkeetv- - ; I " rOBTSMOVTII, VA.' ! Fee -15J-3m ' ' . , . fcEsiAuVikSi sTTOMAtCO. "tTTE are In receipt of a lot tftara sod Cti Y . Tubaaee SnaS eaat ha haasm. CaU T7L WILLUMS & HAYWOOD. Ion the itkW)se or coKDUcrtta f ' Famiiy linxwy, 1 hare aataUmhad myoii ua tea hoith tittle of Market eqnare, ia tb Brie win KUW kuTOtuxUi K', where I ahaJI keep ctmsiauujr on haud a oaralull saltxsud Sluva, uiira-MK, . . . , TiA.TtumKm,-- ' - BAU)N, LAUl, CUJjaR, . - -. kLCiAU, MOlAiiStJi, 1- . -i tXiFFES, TaUL, " ' v :' BOAS', ' CAMDLFjl, ' - ' T , - RUE, HALT, wtiiMMv.nrln ln tltiinlinii of mi friend. ul to. ntoi. ' Ihue4g'h,s(MUUC-Sm. ' 6T. tilltl THAIfK iter. 8 I 10 tnd 10 x 1 J aWm. lux 14 and III 1 diiUh SOU 11m., llladdor ratty. ' J. BKOWN, With llT Uieis. mar 11-lSiHf ' TaianacM'a !- A NOTHKR V of that Superior Fiah OU for Tan- tier's nee, Just 10 nana. : WlLMAMS 4 BATWOOD. Dee 17-tf STATE OF NORTH CAStOLIXA. A ProclsKf tion "by Hit Excellency, . Jonathan Wdrth, GoTernor of North - Carolina.-- "" " '" ' .Trh..in ' rr tit I1KF.S KEJ'KE- V amted to me that J. (. Brvant, 1st of UiJ County t Wake to id State, stands chsijredwit Uie murder of oue Vt Uay Maiua, late of said Omnlf and siate, aad Uu aaij Bryant Is s fugiuvs frotu .ow, TavsCTosx, hi erarr that the said Bryant 1.. ..... J .il Lmnirhl tn Inatios for Ul 5IHT .... n.. . n - . aaidaUKed muitler, I, JosaiHas WoarH, ovr--. ..t ,i .i.i- .in uiia thia. mv proolaniauon. otleriiii! the n-wardof Tsar.- Hiisoaao lM"as lor hia ivprvhiK)n and utoirery 10 manuei of waae unn. i ' . ,, I- Inwilnaas whereof, His Exoelhmov, 1 I t . ....... w.,,tii tfovernor of saU V 1. .a l., r..i., ant hi band snd , ul n the m.te bi he elflied I)o.i at the City of itakiah, tlus h itad day of 7f ' JOSATHAM WORTH. W . H. Kaoi.e. rrirat Kec'r. ' Ii1W(i.-J. d Bryant 1' bKtwesn 25 -and .... ,.i.i .v,i ftwt i huh Inch. atraiEht, sonars ehouUwed, light somplexioned, dowa bxik. h'ooaaallllr obawinif tobaaoa, vuuliug dlaeipatMl olaeea. fond of RUiung, dark hair, baa a euro Je for has had. wlu.hwill leave a sear.) Feb IS Hif-tf f ' : : STATE OF NOUTU CAUOLIXA. T R 0 L A M A T I O If Ut i Jos a riiAtr wonTJi, TTrutitKia it haw nsttn rx ,V nifdtni that 1'1'H.U LANK (llo- reil.) latoot uie uonniy 01 m r-., ......1. . ....,... 1 .win, thn n,nrilr of one Kavo, (Ouloredr ht of said toiuity snd Stale, and that saui Laiw s lugiuv front jnetiee : Vnnu,IIMIL III iifl. T t,l said LSHS may bearrseUsit aud hi-..nnlit to Jimiioe fur th said allrgtMl mnrier, n. rfsia" - nor of aaid hiato, doii this my jinclmation, LAii-S lor hi spin ttwneion sod debvery to ths etoarifrofWak County. 1 j - " wri'KKhe w.riaaiir, in- x.Hnii . I .. 1 t... . . w.M.m (Miveruor of aaid 1 , ftitnt". baa hereto srt hi hand snd .....,...l,.,....t .,f the Klulo tu he aiBuxi. Done at thsfiiy "f haleiuii, Uiuthe i2d. day of Fobrnary A. I. 17. e ,vlTn.,m,Tn by tli. tivertior : JOSATHAS WOBTH, ; Wa.U.lUoutr, 1 : i ',' - " Frtvate Secretary, , VAwariniPTtOV Veiut Lsiie. Is a briKlil mu. latto. fee 1 or a Inches hitfli weighs M) or lilO Kunda as or 40 years olil hrary ftoales full e hi((h forehnad liklj-xiute tnmlliirrst--- tx.lito inuck u.ikou-and 1 s hlacli-emitn bv trade. ' Feb 24-lW-lui . If. IT.IMM.K, J ABIKRICAN HOTEL, Kept on the European Flan, V fiA If A I A" 8 T R B E T ' ' IteRfll.K, VA. ouau((i:ni Boaao Pea !..., ..r..-.......j Ti-.h Wits ti Mi 11 lift 2 mi 14 ti gnrrra UnAtvi axn BactaMer, TiiNNica.-. . . -. . KaEASrAsr, acri'ica,. ,.....-.- -v - Itd.iiue can b nan uficmtiuu uinm nd (MiitliMfn wimliiir to Nm-loiii on liinon iwl.l Hild h'aa ieuae tnaa uiium ii o T? .'.!'.? ...ri.il 10 .nih r at nil Iwill .of thc,dV iiie liiieet Iwiharen Oietcre alweva ml band ' liLN.IAMIX I'l.DHLE, April 4-aiit-2wlM r'aneaiaTim. iOB RENT OR HAJLkV k ralukhle hone And M in this city, for relit or aal. - - Amdy to .-.. 14-lfil-lf B. :. aih;iu MMKl FAllMKKS and hniWera h weed of (,) iwa he iioi'iixd by th u.h-niik;nd eitu a eKCfcUeitt ai llcle rv hw rati'e i'lwl w-rton at h 4iiry ai i'iiri'ly hoiei tt3,f) . a... ..ei.e.. K,liTu". ' -r-i-a t alalia hutlitll, IW S-tf - W.N V. K K it liift. i;iaiacA-ii ' i'y ,'M i if ' YVrtVVft T.iM'Y PK-IXKM A HrrCATlOS aa T'-"ber, in pnrat buuiiy, or acini 4. .? . I ....... Ail'iri-w. .--' r Mioi LOUISE THAt'Y, ' Biar 175 w W limii.too, N. C, I'ttraaola! IaroU! I'arnaoUl A W. M. at. . .1 U.'KF.B A 00. nowiS-ri-tf KISCXLIAITEOUS. iASTIlOLOGYs THE W QELU ASTOMnIIKTi .. , at Tag WoKPKKrtrt,. bicvslatiok ,, MADS BY THE GREAT ASTROI.OGIST, MdHiu II. A. ITRKIGO. ". Hhs rsreala secrets ao mortal srer knew. Kl restores to hsirinae tboas wluk, fnia doltful erfnta, eabutrupliw, eroawa ia , Urn ut r laiiotu aad rm-iuia, ka or moucjt, Ac, ,ias be naiw daapoouViut. Mia bruiga toti'Wr thoM ag seyaraieu, nivas inaraatioe eBuoamine; ee sul fri,nUa pr lorerav reaierea iv or attik-u pro DTtv. teUavoB tha linnhiii voa ar. Ix-wt nu&li- AmI i pursue aii ia what von wilt Ix DHMt earn enatul oaiuw aMKly uarmuva mt U-'M Jim very day voa wiU marry, grrea you the uama, likanaaa aud cbaraeutnauui of Ua uerwa. Mt raaia ymir very thmiic'nta, and by he aJHfcwt parnatural sowara avaUa the dura snd atdd4i myiitvrtna a Ui ftiiora, Frou Uu tr wa aea hi Uia Armamni tbe luaUftl atare that overcon ca- preduvuaata tu tha eounjruraUOB froui tn aap('la and positions of tha piaucta and Uie Bind stara la the heavana at the tiuia of birth, aba de duce the tntara doelUiy of aaaau Fad mi to otiMttlt the graatrat Aetrnlogiet en earth. It eoauyoa but a U-irte, end yoa may never airaiu have ao favorable aa npnorrttnitv, Ooaauiiautm -fn, -wtth hkeneas slid an devirsd tnformBmin, SL 1 artiea UTins at diatane etia souaiilt tha Sla- me by mad with equal eaieiy and saUufsction r UianSH-lres, a if in iwrsou. A rill and emiicit hart. Wnttan out. Wllh all InontrMta aneaitrd ami hkaneea snckiaad, sont by aiail oa roei( of li, r.l)ve menUtaMcL Tbs atrietMt sarieay 1U be Dmmtaiiied. and all oorreeiMmuufice ra- inrned or droyed. Keltirewna of the hit'tint order fiirMahed those dninui thrra. vtrna plainly tha day of tha saenth Mul . var in whK'k ins sale twrn;-B()VwtuS( imsirUV'Tr'rTiiW.-" auuroae, maiiams 11. A. I'MiUUtiJ. "V P.O. fcajtwuajsi Bvipawj, N. T. April -40S-lywsd , j There eonwtb glad U Jlnfre of Joy tn all, ' ' 1 yimus anil u ota, to irrsat anil tu amsn ; The beaijty which one aaeaoiimuiMuatidraT, b free for all, and all may be bur. . , Br tha use of . s j. CHASTEIXAIVS EN AM Eli, For troproviiif snd beautifvinff the emnplr lori. Tbs Btoat ralulile and trfri't Dronarntion In ne, for (rivine tlm akin a beanliul pearl-Uka tint, Tan, Frecklwi, l'miplca, Blotches, Alc.tli, 1'etcliea, uin w urn, luuiKi tu yuuiii. it .Qnirnir rrmorva Ewiwiwie, r.prpMMira, anu an itnpuriura 01 uie akm,kuidly baaluiir til same, leering the akia white snd clear aa alabaster. Its ass ean not he delecud by th eluaeat aorutlnr, snd being a veg etable preparation, is perfei tly barniline. It I tn only artii'Ui of th kind used by the French, sud ia oouaidered by tb Farialanu iniilapeoaahl to porf.H't hillnt. I'pwardaof DU.UiSJ bottleswar oiu anniiir uis put year, a aunictent Kiiaranin k lie emiwy. . rrKieooiy 70 eeiiia. Hem by mail, lienor.!, mini ia Co Chenuat tprfl 6 S-lydew She River Hm'ruy,M.Y. . (:ttISFEBCOMA. . Oh I ah was beautiful and fair, ' With tarry eye, and radiant hair. Wboss eiirlliiK toodnla soft entwine, Sucbsined Hi very heart snd aundA ranpia rent. Tot Curling tha Hair of either Sex into Wary and Gloaty Bingle'ti or Heavy Masai va CnrU" Bv nains thl articl Ladio snd flnt!mn ean heaotify themaelTW a thousand fold It tli oniy article in ths world that will nirl etralirht hair, snd st ths same time. rlva it a beaulilul, gtoeay aipearune. The t.'rieer Orua hot onlr eurla tba hair, but invinoraue, hcmitiih-e and oirameait; is highly aud oVlii;litfiilly perfnmrd. and ia toe moat eompii'te arti')e of the kino var oflred to tli Amorlcao puhlw. Th Criepor Coin will be nt to any sourm. seslad and Boat' paid, ior w, : .--5;.., .... .. Aoureas an onmra to W. U CLARK A OO,, Chsmiata, Ko. t Wmt Fayett hu-eet, Mrsjiciiaa, ti. I; April e-tydaw. EXCELSIOIt ! EXCELSIOR ! t Hair Exterminator. For Bemoring Superfluoui Hair. Tn th ladle sapsnally. thia lnraluahl Ul-i-'U- tory reoommende Kaeif as beniK su slmoet iiuli panaabl article to female beauty, iaeaairy sppiiil, do not burn r injar the akin, bat act direct- ly on th root, it ia warranwa to remoreeuper fiiiou hair from low forbei, or from any part of the bodv.eompletelr, totally and radically ei-tlraaljne- tha aame. leavintr the ekm e-irt. smooth and natural, '1'hi la th only arlauiw esed by. th French, snd I th only real etlentual di pna- tury in exiatanea, 1'rice 74 eonte (wr packeije, ent post-paid, tossy address, on receipt of an orusr, pv ' EER0EH, SHCTT A Co., ChemM. as Rirw St., i'ri.y, . AprflS-lyilsw TtTBixKrns Aim T ML't fiirfled to r grow mxia Ui j anKatheat face in fnirn three to fir weeks hr f ii-ir if pr. KFVUiNka J lil 1 AI KA'li lit CA-C, jt niAJUltlk, ui rooei v wmderfnl dlacoverv In ntodara scienea, sctinf spun the Heard and Hair ut an aluKiet aoraeu k'lia maniiRr. It has lwn tiswl by tlia ehta of Fan and Londwa with th nxwt fittririK me Name of all pnrehaeer wiU Ik rey ilerd, snd if enure aatiataotion i not Riven in erery In eiaiiee, tlie mirfiey will lie cbeertnUy refunded. Price by mall, at alod nj uMtpaul, II. lieiip tire c!r'-ilern ind UiMlloi'tmale ni.iJ'ii ff-e. A'i dreaa HKItliKII. f Hli J I 'l. Champ, . JhTi River Mireet, troy, N. . hole ninrt fc th V lined HtauiH.' , AprU lyU "1 )En . Anlmra ' "TV f I I) ti .i i-n, t Uio, V a i ' i v i he nm ot 1'rnV, j f Sa( li ii KUX. Out. ftpijU- L t tb mmt fltfaii tit atid mulUra hsir of eiilt-r intiwvTiul"tw, or hfrf tniJT mrU irn utfl vy Mt f(iinm(iJi' ftf in J X,n4t'Ti, 1W ITtm (rat hniff r'Mi!I. tixt MM.tB)l, II. iH-w.iriiivci ( itcnl ir r)u'tl t. Aii'Mtafw bLWirJl, hilt UK t ., ( iistn- wu, No. 26 hivfr bt., Tttty, , V., Ag4iU wheisotoh adtihticshXaIts. rifjfii ahiplii ACOinnittiou M r . -W.MINiTli?, N Tr.i.n: in baikiiso, B'lfE, jin tikh, s ' ,m,, r'iaeter. tm.'iit, lisir, t,. inline visff Owanodireit fr.H ioeriinieut AtTt-nta. - hait, liar and all kinds of C'oal. Ai'Mita for tsaiioh l'.aw llune Knper 1'Uuqihal of Limo. AafpiKa f'r th tliilsdi"!) hli fli.ltthora Ifsd Bteaiu-nip una. . Ak" I' 'rodepd' weekly fiieaaisl frtnii f"w )irk. ip lift A.-d-s f.r J.-r.k 8milb A Cu's, hue ul New f.irst U fXHiket. Feb Otta-aa, J iW TOEK ADVESTISE2ESTS. K. Sa tVarrea a4 Hrry a KEW YOttK, ' ':! 1 ..'.- iUCLCksaoa ak( iiibu.i) yoim;, (IAEIU.TT & ( 0. 'OP KEW YORK, . . AND .. , SPENCER SCOTT CO., . i OF NE1TAI1K, K. . J Extensive Hauufket urcri od Whleaie Dealer 1m Hen's and Boys' CI ottliiK. C. W OiritETT, ; . A. 8 SHAFKR. . , ; Fl'I'V 'U Mt. ' ' A. I,. h I'l l', hl I St'l It 8COTT7TTT.". GAKKrOPTT Ft 14-liii-iiB j . . THE 1 tEMINGTON H h riUE AIIWS. Sol) by th Trade faeacralljr. A IJBl'.n At DWCOCST TO DEA1.ERS. aoe,eee r.rwuk.4 the r, a. oer.wc Aaan Rnvoi,va,.... r.v. ,. .. .'r 44-inola. tVUbre, Kv rlH,vit, .as-lim in. l aiiors, tei.T KrvoLV,. ,".'.' Kavyttu t'alihra, ouew Ksvoivaa,. .-.i, ....Navy MiaeOalihre, l'imil UavoLvwa,. . . . Ul-toO in Calibre, r.K arf Hevoi.vss,. (Hid -r's at.) II-1'IO in Calibre, RKPSATlNa I'lerofc, (tilnrtpt 1 No U A Si Oerw ua, mi l'.Kst 1'wivi, to. 22, 80, W and 41 C.artr'Ke. (M' Caks, .km Ui and Si Cartrtdk, tlnncra Uunme Kirl.a, (Heals ) No. ifi. DM, RavoLviwi Kin s,.., .. ,i and -MJ m iMiinre, B, Bt.UIMtlva wjns, iuoa, new ors. sht nro'i f aiTia ojst . . Moos A NirsoJA,... . .... ... . . York , rao a o,. ...s.noei Joa. 0 Hairs. fio. . . . : Philadelphia PotiLTitvy A TmWBiJt. Haiimioi Hkjint FuiaosT Co . . . .. . , New (h-leaua Joevaoa, Ursscaa A Co .... Ohwaeo L. M. Kranrr Co t. w Ai sr.av K. i ml,. .... . . .. -Baa Fraaclao Fob 16-tiHXin' r! JOBS 8. DANCY, , I0im H. HYMAS, - or bVvmw Nana, K. 0. or Taaaoao, H.C., JOSEPH II. UY 31 AN, lata of Tarboro, IT C DAXCV, V tO ' General Commission Merchant, ' For the aale of all kinds of Bonlhern produo and pureaas ueuerai aieranaauiMi, u K. 81 Exchange Place, AUg.3S-tf - - ' v-r-o.? J. L. IIATIIAWATAKD aTTLEY, (Fortnerlr HATHAWAY Co..Iinportiof M0- SbinnlHg and Commission . 9Ier- rhanta, . i7i ruAhx Street, kew york. W suli. it eonalgnmeuts of Cotton, Kaval Rtoras, bheetinKa, Varus, Tuliaoeo, and other Homliern 1'iMtui.ts, to th sale of wln.'h our nrmiint neraiiiial attentiun will b siveu. V9 Mill iuku .hberaX adriiiaae upoa receipt of Iil viuce and lliil of laihtift. All Wenhauiliee and a'rodticeliir'ed Ui aa for sal are uteured fruin point ut elimtueul, vita or iili. wt auvioe, tnvoiiHia ahoui.1 alaaya aoouiiipauy each ahip- auenb. - ii.,ih nf ui bavin aad over twutitv vear' ex. itrt)ii Hi liUAMWee IB the Heilth, and wir J. lh HA1 ilAViAt tiu-ae vaara in New kurk. r fi oonUUiit we ean aecure full prieea for our fiinde Who aiil fevor a woh their ooiiAitinit-iite. iikirs v Kemp 1'. beitis, I'uohe Iresatuer Of V U. and W. 11. A II. tt, tucker, 1.I. i;u. a. U. JAS. U rWlUAWAX, H1LK.ULI.1. Feb.ioi. ; , MISCrUASEOUS. riLMOlllV DIKEAiaEt CAN BE C'CHED... r. 'TuoMisi h. nsnxn cosrxnvm to U'r, I'lf Xlnite'l lsiin Of Ul9 r J'M"Ktl, 0"U Uvi by i'rofruuKt.!!, tf tw Yorit. l nut uu Rtiil ia k HikiN'ilur (tir trhrfiuia Urr) c4iltia. Ij-vii jflill hi it Anfiimai tvf 4 Jm-tiwut 4 wMituiiiua. Iiv jltr4js Ktvt H it fHiiUilt fU Out tokUwm .4 Ht. Cetimul, iitthftii'Ctmuljr, V. ; ..... v tk "icronukscz with issrKL'tnio X rirel tinn th Xrrtriivnt, ml rvmrn r' i.l 11 ui in ti !U inv.rmio, (U iwrit't tt ?i iiike r'UurHs at owi. ol itn mj fir Uj ytitf lhiVi, and trriitri, n.UiiM. hiivsr i iaw. Ac, .hei'i Man ft Int. All iratin fmlin to ftpir nd mV return by HiOaffin Amy of April, i 7, Nhjf.t Uiptawivea to t ih'Mbht"(4 6 H?r tint, pjf iiV-iitb untU gio in and imjil. .- 1 iUiaajiH m; Onioe, on Market piman. ow l 1 , . ."....-Pafvt'al - - e. v,. A.I. ' ii i i i. Aeainiant Aaw'KSur th Divimun, th XiisUtot of ft. i.. i Bar-t-lH7-t4. - . ' fAMII.V KOI 1D (I HEKHlSciH AND FAMILY HIUU. naviftjr tcvw iny ordfw ItrraUfi from ftjw..s u vartrm ptvrw nf tin ctiuy, vbirh I eon Id ml, 0tt ftrtf'Uiit nf tri.e jimiikriitm of :i-.7 wr.siR C w gaijV a ms lS(rrf",V, Va.t wlwirjt' flUany orUr t ,, my a i't them f.r my fiiih.tfi I trnmrA ttri-m tu aiif pSrt t4- II f'.-tiliJlV,- j !-T !rl B f-ini .Sft -iieiVr- .r!,,..v' U4. a, ... ca-s-wff rTr.r-Mp-i-V r "'.l.Jr-.f '-Mi-t- 4---''i 4 Wrl a ,., tm.-.-'--- i ' u i r ' r- oik r -row KeiT. i ri-uL fyr . lliii prtaatilit. rar-Air 1ik Inn '1 Ull.VI l ( I U 1' ii I , in 1 bonisei uie, N. (7 liiii.jisl.-H- on ti. N, r. it. Ii.f b-i:iii"r aith Sit tlie Dctluwuy fi,tuira f ir p'ltiing Up l,il.s.sO. 1 vrmm raey. Al l iy at onr to : ' April 19-21&.1 - J. K A M. II. .'1 iiomai SIX, T" if rt ice is ki:iii 5 0,000 i I.M ( ! M V.. t 1 Its. I l l 4 m Hi A k-e tmin ln-ii mnn.i.ir htinmns. tic sale st rir !j- :'!-y t-. W. it. ds Ji t. 1 LCKl.Il. rebM-in-tf ttONisDTiar'WAE.i J InttT. liprli!jr Tri'r 1 r 0 do. Kill Filn, aw l.il, to H Im-he. j M tU l at Ei, aTtf rt, :' j Ut I . '. "' -'. : AL80. '.-'' - Carry Conilw, B.waa. Kbo and florub Ifttukas . Bed end Fiete Caatura. . - -- iiuit-saii? sv.d Rnta:l, v . " ' ' - ' - - - i, MSOWN, Baleis-b, atari h Si-l,iU : With Hast A fcswt i T.vTa iiuT V XI7 iil . i.'i'; t rs;" - - ; :r, TIV. BronreJ, Odt aud tilaas Hand Unips," Wiiuut hflom and raritw li(ia, all cohipirt. " Ati. Garden Bhesrs and l.ru,-n Trowcla. ' 1. liR'VS, . , . Willi Ht Liwia. Baloigh, mar SJ-191-tf . Iel. Spring Trade. . istir. AT XO. aa, FAYETTtrillK STKKF.T, . QtftlRtl, i(IBTlHT Hardwara, Cntlery, Tool. CrvVry, Glaaa, Butgy slaheriai, liuu atid Meel, ' ' alm), .v . ; Worker ia Tie, Sheet Iron, C"r;r S"1 Z'ib., J. LiiOWX, BahMKhl aiar 10-lu9-tf With Baar Lswui. -Ci" jiht keci.ivi:d. Brnall Covnk Storaa, for mah familii-e.' ' " :': - , J. hIKW.V. ,- ' Raleigh, April l-JiD-if With lior A Unit at a i' 1. 1 0UAKO' WiOPPntS, lilU.NU ttlEVES. i. mioww. With Hast A l-rwui. April a.m6-tf A It D Wt K WOSTTCXHOIM A SONS' HEAVY It.VZOIiH. Fin Barber' hliesra, IjOj tiank D blicsrs and Garden Tr"w '. J. lii.UVl .(. April n-209-tf '.-.; ' With lltirr 4. l.twi. 1867. Snrinsr Trade, 1RC7. 31NK TABLE t'l'Ii.F'HY ! tiltOH ASlVuliY Handle,! tlaleier kturee aiu) Furk. and iiiree wiii. Uuano 1'roppera, mi.le sad oa haltd. . J.aaAUJH , Aprl7-2U-U ' With lUar A I.iwia EAaHOACS. KALUIGU AU 4. t I O It A I Ia IS6T ROAD. , . 4 IS6T Throns;!i Frclglst Tari.T NORTH AND BOUTII, BY 1KB AU HOUTE !I WE are now prwiared tl ship sit kn) p Freight thmuKh to Nn limit Viuii'i'-'Hul'v ,i noedin and iittltimore, oa tlmuu-H hihairf buuiul, ivmg Uiruugh rrHH-ipts, st Uie h.ireet rale, T T11I8 1M TUB LINE FOB MUlTim Yiinr flood' will h handir-d nnly'otire. Thrmitth cnHueiifoiie Wie, no ll.iisy, tim sad upeiiee i,ee than by any mliur roiue. I.i'irKtia i-irlinsy eonipared Willi otuer ronti a. V s twi. otwle toatld Jrm ('((iiimiua H. (., and ait u:tt-r- natt'li tliau any tuee .'uuipny at shout 0119- b.ttrvn mm it. TAKE NOTU'R. . , Ferann shlppius siKwie K,.muwMl shin tlmumh th foliowuiK SKuula and !- toe fuiiuwuig asiu4 eteaniahtp Colii)sliles ana no oilier. i'noe New Yokk, By tb A Unlit w Coaat Mail hOMtnhipAi, Uv- '' nastoB, Foa A Co., Annnle, bo. as .Liberty Htrewt - er 1'iur 86 North Kiter N. r. - ' Faost BALTtwona, '" Br the Baitinior hu-kiu 1 A kwt Ootruisnr. I.. Tt. Pail Auullt, fiut Of llllwQ !' , Sb.l liiAiinlS Da of btwuuers. , -,. ..j,.... v. .X. Fsow PHTi,Lrin( -- ' . By Uis rhilsd. Iphi and F-irfoIk Sinsmn! ip Co., W. B. Cljde A 1 Annuls, ho. It NuviU l;i,Aia Avenue, Fluladt)ilna. ' Fsow Bono:, ' Byth Boatoa aud Nori. ik bmaiimhio Cn . K.. . (tsmiieiiu A C., Agyiita, eod of t-eimal Vniaif, Aloeuia. . i Consign youreondt to R, B. Arihu, Iiris- fiiouih. iS. anl ti'V r.int. (lo-is v-'fin. hr Ui war of City Fotut and 1 ulrt.m inr-i i s, t. il. A 1.1 I N Uwo. tf FrptffU aki it A u H it. HA.UAll:it?5' CATHARTIC W l A LTI IiATI V K 11 OU OMMENMai M 'IliE t i..- f l'in !- autns. fnriTf i.f.teo,o. f,,., t j,i..Ul.,i m tuoitt. erer inii j Ui-idn Coati-4 mm ouui I'nn ar pi-riedti, uuou Fnrmeillatiu'ir the Ji,w,.i, suit for th of Ihliim kever, iMmu iif.,U' he, t'un lir Cost IV Oil Jilh,iir. 1 , .,, .ji liyeiesia, i.ner Iiivhasmi, i,,....,,!,.!.H, A, .t;iile, Mi k li'lsi liw, and ail i l.-e "S ft t,- a ri-naole t at tinrnc? mea..:uie IB rt-n iin ,1 Ur. W. r. Alallett, wa h nv mitxii iivsicisli in isiirlli (.'srMtlni,. hue , I ti-a I. a- tofoiuia by winch iise puis aie aia.ie a. i eeoui it tetio uima. tot. Yi.J. Aisillll, tli OiNl:rf-;l' - I -I'll and i'rot"ir of i.heuul-ii-y ill me Cuivei,, ,- i hiulh ;aroluia, haaaiiAivA.fi tin-m, tul ,-n that they oouuiin no &i-rcury oranyoiiinr ln.i,, rai eotistitueut whatever. Call and g'd a CiriMhar. FrepareU and Siu by , B. II. RAI.'M'KHit, Matnifai'lnnii, I ! - n im( Fobl-lM-tf Cbai-il i,ja, . c.' Fur sai In Balr'i'h Vv Vi it I f i-l A V W WO' m " "Tin; ."' AMERICAN" BITTIZrU ' The Cirfal woutlit rn Tonic, AND THE MOST I'A'LATAri.K fn ' .. MACH10 EVCU I'SEO, T.Wh li'T rrrrmvrrr iViffiiki .i-jia.i IV ed II Uita of tie Ki.v a BlrtMii H.fj-i An ititii-ist l-H'.i; hi h- u(-d eli tut ih limn ut i p uu- if in t aiivi eil''tuJ i -itic' in tiuma imtnrt ai J ?i1;,i.s. ari:f IMT?' itllsMW", ill WHj-ttlil, W"lui. (! t- Is' 4t 111 tu I : VV, S-.i.n-i,.i ti,ii.:.;-..,, i t Ui nrr-a. l ai-,i. ttt juij'-- tliVaUtaiii ui i1 1a f.'i.Mi"'' i:t-i.t-- l.T, Jf'tilWfj'M. i; --li-at, i,,: tiij,: aid, ( 'i '!) I ;., p i, , i . i f n . Feb 1-1 .i If it-iT SAia ui I. I, 1 JOII U. II IN HI. I AtTOilNEY AND" (" LAW ., Hay fetrtt f, 1 1S ,.tu. ; , ,- v ATITVD I '! : v t r a: m-i-s !r,au..,.,i ' ..SUU ii All ? It ess !

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