tWKAKKJi IlUC BSPOSTMBS, The I-ondon twresjiomlctit of the Boetea Journal trade, the billowing, interesting let- let to that journal : -: ' The II oua of Common U jnt now the centre of ' imsit interest. The Gladstone ' 1 port; ere turned out of power oa th Ha- Jbrm bill. . H wra eijiertwi that -the Derby, or Tor. party wonhl have bften hoisted by the Mm engine. But Derby wein to be auesMriifUie situation, it is threat not to resign it' be i defeated on the hill, but to appeal to th country, hu had ita ffert Boon this question will ds sruiea on way or the other. The eountrr baa (trowm a mat deal in twelve mouth. The Glad utii hilt which th Tories lejeeted with knmil. the would uow trlarlly receive. Witji that Mil the toontry would have been amply ntitirl fur a quarter of a century j but diat bill the country wiU not now ac eppt. i Dwrafll 1 ihrewd, and refuse t(6 take from the Common the" modelling the feature of the bill , The Liberal dar not press hiin.s theyam nnwillinp; to risk their popularity on a rneasure that may or may not be acceptable to their party ouUide the House. ' Great 'debute, ar expected within a fur day thatjriay change tlie whole political aspect of England,' -. Th Ileus of Oumoni i computed , of (35. Ky a rtrangi! overnight, tb hall will Dot hold pior than half the member. . The member draw seat for one sight, and that after prayer. The drawing consists of tb member's putting hi card in a little groov oa the back of tka bench. Too who can not Ret arnta below have to go Into the gal lery, and those who cannot (it hare to (land. Tlx House haa a literal bar. below which i the Peer' seat, and no Peer of th realm ia allowed n the floor of the II out of Com- i moo. While the House of -Lord ha a gal-1 . ery Fvr ladies, and ita debate are attended by ladies of quality a well aa others, th . Hones of Common wilt not allow a lady within it Walls. Abore tlw report' seat and behind the Speaker, in a caged closet, capable of holding 17 persons, with an iron gratinir, not unlike a nunnery, ia fonad tb gallant accommodation lor ladies connected with the House. Within thi dun, and be ' hind the grating, having obtained a written permission from the fcH-akcr, which is r : garded as a great privilege, tallies sit and bear the debates, although they are invisible tofbrdubiter.- Th reason p-iren for this custom is omnipotent in this country; it is en old custom. Tlie great hall tf William KuIuk, known as West minster Hall, in which tb mightiest events of . tha nation have transpired, is now only aTvesifibule to the Hue of Common.- . - ' ' ' Tan Speaker embodies the dignity of the House. He Is chosen for Ufa. He usually ,'. serve for about six years, then takes a pen- . lion, and goea into the flouse of Lords. He has a seWry of :).5,000 per annum. He ,'. occupies a sumptuous bouse, most msgnift cantly furnished at th expense of th na tion. The plate belonging to tile house. . with which he gires ceremonial dinners, cost the nation f S50.000. , JLrery ntgnt, on tue opening iit the ilou, crowds assemble to witness th procession from his bouse to the chair. The Speaker wears bis wig and robe. The bnite mce, gold gilt,' as much j aa a man can lift, is borne before hi in. . The j Bute w.)fit donhlr handed, after the fash ion of Richard of the Lion Heart, over six j feet long, gtitncabbsrd, and jewelled hilt, is borne by bis swoYd-bearer. A man behind holding his train, and a chaplain in full rig, completes the procession. : A bediaened of ficial precedes the party, crying out : "Oyex ! oyif! make' way for the honorable Bpeak r !" All fall back and uncover wbil be enters and fakes bis seat. Few are present at prayers. There is an understanding that -no business shall be don for the first half " hour. This gires time for prayer inside and talk out. Memhera ait with their hat on, unless they add res the chair or move from their seats. An outsider has no chance ' to apeak. The ministerial leader on on aide, and the leader of the opposition on tba other, send a list to the Speaker each even ing. No oilier member will b seen. Tba division of the House ia very curious. It operates frequently like snap judgment. A call is made tor a division, A three minute glass in front of tb Speaker U itu mxliateTy turned. When tha sands run out the doors are closed and no one IS admitted . until the vote is taken. Member ar in all . aorta of places in th library, in tb uio- '. king room, in the eating room, in th lob bies, in the committee rooms. To reach , these absent ones and ' get them in tha Hons within three uinutoe is often a diffi cult task. There are thirty-six bells leading from the House of 'Commons to all parts of th great ouiiamg. immediately on to call for a division thes bells are rung. 1 Whippers in ara"busy and men scramble from all imaginable places to get inside the House before the three minute expire. The rule ia . inexorable. Th doom, are closed promptly on the second. TbeOheen heiv self could not get in. Men file xut from different passages, bav their name written Aw5jj4 conic bark by difltrent doors. , can be imaginea. tue ucierances are in- ' .L. 1 :tl.n I- n;.4,.l .n,l ,iu.k thing a oratory is unknown.- Gladstone : is tb best speaker in th House. He I a tall,--lim; lilessanMookinff "man, with a : ringing voice. But he stand close to th .table, grasps it ithlboth his hands, and t terson bis toes whilehespeaks, Disraeli bas a good ynice, but is Alow prosy on and orrii nary occasions. He is a suiaU, dark cbrpplet loned man.seldom look anyXons In the face, and glide rather than walks into bis seat, as if h did not wiU any mm to know b had chubby bKikiiiR, .t.nL'lnbinsn, wuo leads the lemocrliCy, SIIU t nil iue ycKiyim u bus must -npnhi,i (H jn Ct to-aa W Lilwral n'd Irat B4W -tfcw iwitweg., r'l'tfc'in hidtrars ttwt b bberty 4o vt Wilh or against tbalibataia a. -b plaaajavj. i TIia '""frmii m s oij"-45tKS;ei f, smftliCtTSra rHievel enry ten uiiuutcs by neWiXuporUr. a peoeil note even III the 11 "Use. - igitaat ye are tijvifi every eoiner.. 'It a nian takes a oi-B. il nut to in ike a uisrk or write in a Isokj be is instantly warned to desist, W be will be recnnvc.l from the H ue. ,1 ;" , LfKLCKIH. W aatit nciuieir SortheTB Itslicals nor Nurtbern Democmts nor rvnatr Wilson nor Mr. AnyUxlyeist! to come South for the prpiw i stirtin bp party feeling. II llfrya.n Bii t Imine anj to Uisif -trwii Ci-iui e. liie ixiiitiiern (eopie will gel aiuug tno'-li letter in the rtcotisinwtion ' bu4iik-, ('.i .'.!' VW. ,- Wholesale Grocers anil Commtssloa '7 MERCHANTS, JTa. 88 FayetteYill Street, UaJeijrh, X. C HAVE IX BTOBE ANT) ARE fWKTAKTTT TtF- VEtVUiU, MUiAHfl, COFFEkej, ANUTEA8, "" iiBAKl'lkA WtSK A.!I w'UlNKrM, -r--i: BXlAi'ti.t'Ahlll.W! ASB t AMUJ-rJ, Csusned Fralta, Sauce and Tift Casir4 Oysters, Balsin Mat Date, Nuts, Cwminta, Pf , klcn ud Spleen, Fonder, . hot land Cap, Batter, . .. . V..- lAl-d, Yasnnt, IW : ' ' ' slera. Rod a. 4 In fset svervthina Musily fuunt ts a Ant etsM Wfaotenaiettrnrarr huuas ia tha atastest variety sud si tricc wliich esouut tU to plsi . FAEJfflNO IMPLEMENTS fte. 80 Ilnxi Aus, 25 !. of Msnnre Fnrks, iS Ihm. Imjk hatiitled KhovuUi, W lns. Hitartes, M " Wixxling Noes sMrtl, 60 I. Hat. tt& Hurs I'oltsrs, fti V. Trscs tThuou, 911 r I'lov Lima, 10 Gtom Ax Uelves, Bopei Tsriu, tiaals. Ao. TI.UA, JONPH CO. Wholesale Unwers A Unas, Morchanta. -reb-tB-tf - - - - , O B ALE, Harness. Rnle snit Cnoer tesfher : and SOO lbs. best stiek CANDY, wrriitet pur. , ' April M-it9-tf .' ' WhirtesalsGroear. pOB 8 A IE,. ,., .... . C. Bvswtusaey. rtJTJUAM, 30SE3 CO. April as-ais-tf WfholMtls Urossra. QATINOa.CASTINO, ('ASTMUH. 15 mifl IIbl Poir. SuuJt rs. Ovsiisl Skilleto and Bskers, no eoosiniujout-'a Jurti tw wiU soil to tbslraoastmsuursoturers o(i,a. j t". . ,, n. r. u4.iaji-vi a uu, . Dmudiuwhib. Miqriihante, April 30-317-tf : - Salsif-lt, K- C. yyinssi, WISES, VISE, ( rsaes I law wines. ' 0 UautMss UHikins; tsinaa. ' -- ' luO " ola tksapornMHK: Wins, by leg sv tb gaUoa. . r. suUAsnunsw. April iw-aiT-tr .- - ' JjrjtHUlMlaAMlAlA. . ...y . - "In Store), tad to arrlv : ISO Bslf U.U., S. X Fmilj Bus Urrmga. 511 " . " ClilHB S)u.A , . j Ct BbK S. C, Cut Hvrrins. l'UUJAM, JOKED A t. '! April n xlS-tf . .., W UuWls Uraesra. QtltVlt A.HDVJ! L-ANasWIII XX lbs. asMirtoJ naiiilT lu tS and 401b. aw. . . IuBIims tliisilnv. JU. P; WlLUAMaON A 00. April 11-209-tf - , . , p !. Si ri-ownii r.wniii -. JOO Ko. O. Iluaa. i-. , 60 tlf sWpwur riuM. , & rteapark CoUim Plmn. .. . i , . 10,000 Itw. P.iuiu anil Lsuubiiiaa. -' ". I'Um fioita i .. . . hum ralv fnr deliverr. ; H. P. WlUaUMaOH A ttV HileiK'U. ArU 11 4u-t AUUU'o KAW HUSK 1'llUHi'lUXK, i'a-enty fonawf tlua sokbesied FertUiasr, U. P. U UJiAMSOS A CO. Aprd l3-Xlt tf , Qorros seed, ctxrrox 6eed. - ADO BusboU uf Cotum Meed, D. P WltUAMoOS A CO. Awrtias-aai-tf -.,....,,-..,.. -,--, FAMILY GEOCEHS- W: BOBERT A5DUEW5, -' FAMILY GROCER, HO. 31 FATETTEVBLLK STREET, " . n.Li:n;ii, k. c, KEKI-S CONHTANTLI OS HAND A LA BOB aupplrofv i- ' '- . '' . .cnoic CRocERpfl. Cansktlns: in part of Buesrs Cnishod, A" Oof h, l'uared. Oo, "B ' CcKloe, sod browa of ditfuWiUt prides ; ' -"t .... r- . -, MuluntB uh! Hvrupi f - : ..' : CoBit, Jsva, LaKBira, Bio, and tt. Domme; Itecoo, Sides, obualiWsv Hagtt cared Hums, and HLrili 1 - " Beef, fiichipi)inK. broilmn, ni spfcnd for bolt ing, a splendid srtiele- Nptood fig's Saet, iekkd Pnrk Urf ml bufl&le Toanuen. Cudtlih, i'OiKne and tkiunda, Maekeref, Bra.ikpd er ttootuh Hagrriogs. A aplenuui iot et dHiU, l Ph kled sad smoked Palmos. . . ; jverpuwl suit i aMa Halt. -, l'ntabien, Vi Hit at iTot, Peach Blow and Jack im hue. Ihmny Ht'eiiia;, Bo)i, 8ul Leather, Frraob Calf iskina, Jjiiiuj bknis, Ax. tUiua i'ss. Tanks, Awls,Ae. Wmpping rsper. Powder and Shot, Ottoo Cards, i'earl sud Cora (torch, Farius and Tapio ca; English Xairy Cheaa, twutrf Cheen ; a Urf! asaurtment of Canned Fruu I'l.-klea, Freaarves, Mustards, tabued Ostors, LutsMara, eardinea, Ao. I ... .- T .niAni Wtfra CnmiitM anil Tra ua and eterj tiling asuaiil kfit Ul ,a firt-Jia tui. Also liuU'Jia All mu mmhimv h eiaji all:d to our piua oU Uoossoa County , . ...1 nM L'tl..rU-,i-l..,w. Ail marimjrnf Kauoea, Cstsups, and Fancy Gre- ecnes generally, very cheap lunaa.---- - W sell stm tiy t;r Cica. 1 . W. l.OUEET ASniiEWS,' April S - tf . , .. Faniilj tircs,. ICnMOSDDVIBTlsEXENfs. , ALLA dk. A01I!0.. - r Mr It O JLf Tl H A 1 E ;, "'. Seedsmen, Sarserjiaea k Florists. -f CSJ?B -STV- 4jHARIJ? HOTKIi) - - .r-JJlllf-ritiisjnrtT - .'tr'.e'se"'! It f' II. II. MAtJllY &'C0. A - ; F.tTACIJMJED IS lnat. t BANKERS AXfl BBOKEEg, H WI4MA1H.HTKEET, ; First Eoius Below tha Post Office, : picnsioxD. r. atrrlin; Eschange, !! stnd ls.ll t er, Bank Xotcs, fitatte, Hjr, (and II nil ron d Bad and fstorks, Vc, bought Hd aol J oa romtnlulon, ., Ife-piv-s iv-eeired sod 0ih r"i na ma oa all ar.e..i.:e piiia in Uta b:mied d Feb I-l.w-ism. " , ! OTltE. OFFlOt iEABOAKJD A ltOASOKE R. B, CO ----- FtJBTsworTB, T, March 2t lfJ7. rf -jli,- -beitf nndursUnid iy tiiV officers in eharfr of trmosfHirwiitm via tba sfcisrS alaad freikl K, i.U touu sAtmimt d to th Kailruad Agent at 1 .riniuulh, u tlw subjeet ef IraiKliU, are Biiaaawenxl, aui that ta. sooasooaaea, causa of delay an not eiplauux, aad elaisM fur kiasaa and daatae BasetUed, and a to a board and fcuaooa Kulniad t'imiiiT, whe ar th fcirwardliiS aKente for the line," siv satasasd ttutt Uipsw caiuwa of enm.talllt are . das aaair Arenas, tm to las maw araer of li aaaila, ia urner so (Mt this sulijeet, the Uanatier of tha Meaboard Huad rvquesu that whenever pstwuoa have wrtttm to tlis wdermBt Airont of ths Haatioard Boad, and aftsr waiting a rvasoo aUabnw ! a rsplv, base not received it, tiiat tboy will addrasa faiiia a lets efielaaina; a dnuii saw af tha tetter they had perilously addressed sa Ihs aaenL If Mda is eomplied wnA,- and tb Haiugar of tha Keyboard Bad reeeivna U.a let ter, as ittvaa asawnmee that it ahaU ba prusn(tly mvsatinatod aad replied Us , , t M . Thii Air-line Freight Bouts ; ::" daisss ii he tha Saant expeditions am direct ronfe. and avoiding: to a IT rent rxteitt Murine lnBraTt also tba chsapsat freight ot between tlio Korthern Cities - Vorth and South Carolina, Aa Fraiehta eonaiffned hv tlrt Ctmioajiv'a ana ascting hUNMB la ftirwarded frues FortMaouth withta twanty-fTHtr himraat'tar beiiis; landed, thvrs M ao- reaaoa fta- delays, and altliiwali bwttlils may atHnvt'anea'b nuweut, it will in such eaasw bs pr-ianiill.T most, and U suit f. naa wiU - pant asr. 1 aa O tanieii tortnina this line cannot be rssfoBsible fta- th rapid transportation ot freights or charges npoa it, at' lews sent , y t ; ; ,1: X 4 rim Boston, by um lf , , . v.; BOSTON e NORFOLK STEAMSHIP Co., End of Central Wharf, rrom. NEW YORK, by th OLD DqviMON STEAMSHIP Co., i'i. '. ' ", Pior 87, NorUt River, "" From PHILADELPHIA, by CLYDE'S STEAMERS, 14 North Delaware Avenue, Or vi the ANNAMESMX LINE, tspo Fhlladalpbia, WilmiOKton BalUmore B. B From BALTIMORE, via the " ' t . r BAY LINK STEAMERS, ; KKt of L'aiuB Dotik. 1 - For resiirht ahiimed to tba tsesbwd Oranpsnv by aehooBwra, or bv otliar atswawhip lines. Ilia taapaaisa casant be twapasunbi an id buidad a Uieur wnsrvsa. - , . For is wntinu sbont rreiiib't tiist has not reached them, will pieaa be careful to stavs th data af shipment, bv wlxan shipped, f mat what place, by what lute of steamers, and if possible enclose a eopy of throe cs receipt, to , jas, aiit. Auuit. n, Trae Agent Seaboard and Bosnoke K. B., ' ' Furtamoath. vt IM. ROBINSON, . . atanaaing Diraelsr aad OeDaral BupV AprUt-isa MISCELLANEOUS. TH( HQIJARB sun t ixria," A Wseklw If ajonio Neirspsper j ' PUBLISHSP by'.. r, v" JOSEPU a. UESTEB, CITI HALL, X1LIIOB , ;9. 0, This toiimsl will be devoted to the Interests of msaonrr snd th dissemination of all knowledge, calculated to promote and foster the craft. It will anstain a full and eompleU eummar of all the ainat important current news at the week. It will also giv 10 tta resoers maor mierem ing literary articles, and in every win an entertaiii ug nofsllett. ... A TERMS OF HUlWOUPTfOrt. On year J .' H mrontaa...f ..i-ii .-rfi :r. .if.m?.5:T-i-r ,w S mwiuie. . ... : 1 . .'. .. 1.WJ Advsruseiuanta uiserted on resMNiabl turjas. Alfeiiia Warned ua pvufy tuWB ad idlnn ... ,. Aprd 10-Mf , . T. MORRISS V BttO, 127 8ICAM0RK STREET, - PETEESBTJEO, VA, , f 18 FATETTEVILLE ST., " Baleigh, K, f. Wholesale mnd Retail Dealers .-A ... -. : I - ntanufAotorers of all Kinds of Pnrnitnrs, -ALSO- TValara In Paner Ilnirincs.' Finer and Table OtlClnth. Window Bhades, Knanieied Clolli aud Floor MatHiijt. tall and eismins our stuck. Our motto Is qnie sales and small profit. . .''"---."' anrl i..ii-i.Aii - ' w"' T f Va V w V ewe ii 1 1 wii iwmiu purcn tursalSat ik eaots per lb. Apply to. 5 V..W. U. . S. TITCKEK.--T Fekas-m-tT . VAIXAnUG properti: J OR M -I ftAslstsE X r i f- ? ? . ,r V I Within ens mile of the Capitol 1 rrE SI BHTRIBER OFPF.Rh FOR SALF.TH tT Valaahla prwparty know a fl IXJTiTi YM KI) I X Tm aa rnihrof th viltfl w'thr'rTm?T?-rrr k.5I : 1 1 h trsrt eontaina AS seres, JO.-lsJ wt.i-h. see slmM-itaiias'si tire tT ab'''" " "" "' 4hsea An thw -prewiisea-a siaei A f-iie iH- Clt Kit, ia rtioiue you n ir trees. aia a iruniis- Lii.iii viiiar-l. . . - . Us 11 -p!-ois3ef. ftt.;itsu4ta et-ftwt3r: some iiiit.l.LliM' i"H nlS wna hv rsiuia, wed feiitMlied and aofiK-ienliv eooimoilnnja. Also, kit-hen. Ssaoke-linie. nini; l:!l,-. esrriiii.'e- f ninw:-wvt-aari,' iBf ntirT.f'iris'biiiT w'ius'wT vine in tiie ntaU). , lit isors diwrsliie pistes are, iff n-d Air sale, vumhimi., as it doea, all tiie a.iisuits ot a t'lty and rural wwwm. :' I -- , 1 . W. II. HAJULlVlN. .AataSOt-ar . , N T0TICI, A aa.aM nt 1 V F.en r,1 Vf .h sv U f ll rnrt timn lfMw m tbeeitT tn YvaXn.-h.' m tim h' tu sf Mat lr.7, kHtiri md vi ;Vj-f SJutrvm of tK t 5(U M'k of th hi- lOi M -ManfsM-turmi v. i i uta ttcsvW- kjtja) cIay ff AJiA, WAT.KER. S Jei. AisKtHe ...JkJil'4-JOS-AMIi-- - J. B UL NTKK . ,t K. H. LAHftlTEM. Oaamu s Cov,.1i; C. oarlfiS Co K. C -trORMERLT XOSAJJT BVMTKR.: Cotton factors, & Oesernl Conuaissuom - tSORNEB Of HI H AKB WATEB STBFJE1X IXtUTSijpUTU, YsU -Fl AajA-um . ' ,tsi:isAK A!a TOIIACCU. "XT TE are ia receipt of a k rf 9irars and Chw V laa Tobaoso (ha aaal lta awaisw. tjau ' WnjiAM3 A HAtWOOO. ITOTKEIff Iort the FCKPtwE vt a 1 Famur trrwsrv, 1 havw iiUilied ui aeU wa tb North Hut of Usrkrt 8Mr, n th ttnek e.tors next w Fattteiliw Btrsw. whsr 1 shall keep aauitatilljr on hand a earelully ssieottd stova, auibraciug, ' t . ,.' FLOCB, MEALwtlBAIi, BACON, LAUD, tlUJJJK, ilQAK, MOLAHblvt, tort t E, TEA, OAF, - . ' ' ' " CAal'LEK, 1 Bl F, " " HILT. Ac., As ' to whk-h fr,eifullv invite tba aiteutioa af my mesas and th public iKJUOLAA BELL. Baleigh, Ma 11-lW-tm IntiT. . SPBIKU TRADE S I to and IA a li fllasa. , - W t 14 and li I diu, , SUO ltia., gladder 1'nuy. ' " - . WtoWN, With Uat Lawta. msr tl-tso-tf -'"' TA.NICM'S !. A NV)TnF.Bkofmal8uperiFiabOUforTan- XX. nor use, Inst to hand. 1LLIAMH HAYWOOD. e n-tr STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 300 llKWAUD t .. A Proclamation "oy His' Eaoelleacy, Jonathan Worth, Governor of North Carolina. ;" ' TfnKFBAS. rr has beim kepkk- X sunied to ass that J. Vt- Buisht, law of th 4'ndv ol Wake in sid Htata, slsinU charged with the murder of mis WUer Hauls, lata of said Ouuuty and Htate, aad that, saij Bryant is a fugiurs from justice. -1 ' Now, TSKar.rrma, kt order that tba said Bryant a be arrested sud bruuKht to tusuos th alU ijed niunler, I, JuXArMAif okTM, Gover nor of said Kfcato, do issue tins, my proelamalson, ottering the reward (if Taaaa HuMoaaD DoM. t bis apprHueosio and deli very to tb hherifi ol Wane tenuity. " in wiuiess wnsrsur, nia aiosumt-r JnKTuis Wtats, Oorsrw 0 said Klal i,ui hereto ant .ia Sstid sad caused tlie Ureat Heal of tha Btata to b altVassW hm at ilta Ctiy of kiOciiia Uaa U iUrul d llTtheOorernorj JONATHAH W0KTH. . H. AUaLH, Private bse'y. , . ' Baacaimoa.-J. U. Hrraut is betwasa IS and 80 years uliL aneeA lues t tneh bwh, steaieht, sipiare slioulilered, I1KIU ixmiplelBwea, aim si, imeeesnllv chewing tolHU-oo, Vlilm(f dlMiiiiated plaoea, fnud of irsroiiil!, dark hair, has a sots leg (tr has had, wrluthwiil luavs a sear.) el4-loa-H .;! ... . v; t- . . -'.. fcTATi: OF OKTU CAROLINA. :)0 HEWAlll) it A r R O, C L A M A T I 0 N UU .My, JOXATHAtf W0STJI, Uowrmf of AvrfA t liruiiii : rs "" i' WHs-Rsi ah, Ha nsis t ram. seavedtaw Uiai I'r lhH LANK ((Julo. rod,) bus ol the CiHiiiiji nf Vsui, in said Htata, stsiids eharKed Willi the u.iiider of 011s MayOj (toured) li.i Vf aaid iVmuty and hist, and that said bans is fitgiuvs frmu )ustio 1 Now ? maariMut, ui srilsr UisA t-ie saia ia may besrrested and brought ui jukuis ror toe d alleired murder, 1. Juk-ithas oaT, thrvar- nor of aaid Hiale, do unie tins mv prm lamsttoit, otertn the rw.rd of lit SlJllt.U DOU I.AJI.S (or his aiipreheuatuu aad. ilelivei y to th Sheriff of Wake County. 1 is witskhs WHKHsnr, nia tioeiieneT. Saal. JonavBAa Woava, tioveroev of aaid .it Ktat. has hereto se his Baud aad nuaed Uie lirest heal of th Htst ta b au4. lm at the City of Kaieigh, Una tlie iii. day of f'ehrnary A. 1. imi. . ii Uw : JONATHAN WOltTH, , Wn.H. IU01.ST, . .. , 1 rnvat Heoretary. TJEWTtlTTlON.- PeU Lao, is a brlitlit ma- latto, S feet I or S bielies hiKb weiifhs in) or liiO Knmilit- Ha or so, years nia heavy soaiea run biKh forehead likely quit iutet)lat very pobte ijiiuli spoken aiiS is a Usra-iLh bv trails. ,...-, Feb Xl-ins-lm . ; , .- . 11, ir.!i!.r, ; . AMERICAS HOTEL. r, Kept on th European Plan, , 0. 56 It A I 2f f TS S S NqHfOI.K. TA vsv mi ww j' Sj"ye.-.a--y' n-wT Duwd Fva PAV...M,,......,.v;...,-.i... lJ SO ' I a kik,....... r 14 t) Ti rt-ra LorHjijio ass I'.ii larir,. t 0 liiara, ... ..-... . !-..... 7a liaaaaraar -. " Ml.prKa . -. -. . . Sll koomseaob bad WMbomriaWnt rf wivls. Tmd gelitlenieB eoimiig Ul e orhitk 101 ! Wl I nf this, arrangement mneh mors eooventsnt wita lees eiiienae than amlcr the 'old sit la of botei Aeepmg 1 ' - sieaie served to orai-r s ii aoura 01 in aay nd niflit." I ' J b nnest I.ynhsven Ovsters alwavs bw band. a..;.-. liENJAMlJtl'tlllll.K.V j 4---t-i 2aw 1 ih f mxvmm ' -fMiSsbrliijOiHtSist IntTB tfiB'.'fi if 'fee rerirbv saftt,--'-' -7-" J" . Anptv to . .. Z.Z. H C ittAbGEsV. t.4,.-tt . tut ,. i,d bi'iil-t'-rs tn ,ii.d if I.-in-e. rsn . I Ivi.: iiifni.ii-Tii; ?w-Mr--wa en-auen anieis at very low rahsi I ut ier tuu at lhi.lmry semrolr brauHj fl.nt Fremiit friM eliliurv to liiena!itu. . ii li ' ' Hiiisbora,. i J 10. 'f " , .. iMk-i4,'lt, . f .'lb, I ApiilT ' ' 1 Fo A JXL, WUJMiS A I 0. 1 I false U StaUiSl, Iiec S-tf- :' ' W. S- C M B. c.i;axoi .rAon VKKW Al Goiei an- fF bu. 1. I t.llfVUN' lianxh'a Haw K.itie I tiw-ri f 1 no, iori liom tio' mafiiiia.-virT ai.d soul at iiMir ralli, K.,V aoOieg tiaoi'l.ielatiisx. Jar 4. niers win le to savors wltat toey iuy want. at oae. JAkKM ii. i ii V, Lti. April K-SI- : ASTROLOGY, XUt WOEID ASTOMSDElf ; at in wpKBsnrrt .sHvaxaihina MADK BY THE GREAT ASTIIOLOGIST, Madam II. A. PERRIGO. " ftl rsvwals saereta no mortal ever kusw. h rasiaVa to happiness those h. fima dol. ud svwirta, eatssuooliea. erawea la love, hs of r UUons aud friends, loas uf asoawy, Au., hats he eoBMI deapundeM hh, brum totreilier tbiwsi hsjit sepai alad, (ivea uifiiriasuon eotu erniun ab seot frieiHls er hirers, resvs-e lost ur siok u pr perty, tells vest the btinoeaa voa ar best iiusil nsd to pnrsu aad ia what ym will be mint sue ceaatul causes speedy aiarriafrsa and telle voa tlie tary day ywa will Barry, five you the aaiue, haewraa and etiaraeturistu-s at tli peisoif? Mi rsaoa your vary tiuxu.ii is, and by her almost sn psrnaioral anveils the dark snd hidib-n inyateriea of tb fuuirs, Ftotu th stars we aea toj tlis Mrnianieiil the malt tie atars Hist oreroouia ur predisiiinata tn tha eontimiratiou-- from U.u. aspeet and postvanaa al tin) piaoets snd u.e fi-, siara m Ihs beaveua at tha Uuia of birili. aha de- dues the fin lira desunv of ansa. Fad lit so onsiilt th greatest AstrutoKiat on earth. It emuyua bat s tnile, siul yon may nefer snun have so favorahls aa ojiportuniiy. ('oitnolt.u "n fe, with likeues and ail deatml information, II. l aniea bvlna at a distance en eou.oli tun tla. dam by mail with e,ual safety sod saiilaetiua to themselves, aa if in person. A full and eniilint ehart. written rait, wuh all 1ntiiiia answered snd likeness saeiosed, seat Hr aiad oa reaelpt of pne nieuiiuoed. lit atrictest set may will h Btaintaiiwd, and all re- ( turned or deatmyvil. keteraHeeatif -tint highest aeihir furuishsd thoaa deaunift tlieni. Hrn pUndy tin day of Hi mouth u I Tear in wluub yo w,.rs bora, enclosing a snia i bi'-k uf hstr. our, N.iDAMS tt. A. l HltllKH), , . j 1. .- ' P. O. Daawaa irwl, Ut rru, N. T. ' ; Aprd S-SOJ-ly wad . Tbara raseth (trad ttdutes of Joy to si',, ' To yowia sr,d to old, to crest and tosaiall ; -Tb beauty s iiieb, one was an jrseKus aud rare, I fras and sll may Df fk DM of CUASTELLAR'ft EN AU EL, !v.. Fo hnprorinf and bsantlMnir thentnpleri.i. Ihs awat vaiiiabla and psrfM-t preparaiion In SSS, linr airinc tils akin a beam if ul neai-l-hka tint. thi oolv found in youth. " It quickly rtmrnves ia", siwuansi, rinipins, IHon-niHI, Mom, 1'aUiles, HaUowrwaa, Knijitnma, and all' Impurities uf the earn, amuiy weaiuiav tea same, leavlu in skin white and clear aa alabaster. Ita nm oan ant bs deleeted by th closest scrutiny, and bum a veg atahta pntparstmn, at pertwtlv harmless. It u th only srui leuf the kind used by th Fren.-h, and ia exaMKlered by th Faruisnaa iliarwaaabi to s perfeet tialet. fjpwsrdsof Ko.oiio botiles were old during Hi past a stiftiiaent Kuaraote ui na smeauy. ifioe only 75 eema. Mem by mail, post-paid, on reoalpt of sn order, by ' Ajcmiir.n,, pnt; 1 in t txi , 4.;iiemisra - i April a-au-lydew ini lUvrt4.,Troy,l!(.ir. t V CEISrEBCO.MA. ()h 1 ahs was beautiful and bur, . With starry syna,snd radiant hair. Whoa Stirling tendrils soft entwined, easy asars ana mina. CBiircst nt, , For Curling the Hair of either Sex into - Wary tai Olossy Blnglets or 1 f . ' Hear KassiTO Curia; 'v'"; By nsin thi srtlol Laille and Oeotli nfen rsn beautit.V ttisiaselraa a thousand fold It U tb only artiele in tha world that will earl straight hair, and al th asms tune gire it a beautiful, gloaay aunearaaea. ThsCnener Coma not nnlv curia ilia bstr. but luelgin-aiea, beaiititi's and eleaoae it ; is highly and ib-itKblfiillr perfumed, and ill most coAipleUi artu le of tli kiud svss wliered to tha Aniurnsaa publiu. Iba Orwimr 0.KOS will b sent to any ullruas. seaiod and Boat- paid, foe II , -- '1, . ) - Auoreasaii order to -1 1 . 1 - W. L. t'LARK A CO., Clieniista, . No. S Wet Fayette htreet, Hiaaoiisa, M, i'l April S-lylaw , ' EXCELKIOHI i:iti:LNIOIl!! : ; CIIA" TELLAR'S ; 1 . Hair Exterminator. ! For fEemoriug; Superfluous Hair, . To th lsdiea eerie, ikIIv. this tnealuahle denila- iory reeom mends itiwlfas being an afmoat indis- Ssaaabta arth:l ta funsle tiettity, is eaeily atilied, os not bans ar itdure lbs skin, bus -set direet Iv on th ninta. It is wsrrSlitnd to rsmove snjier flilons hair from low forehesiis, or from sny part of the biKlv. eomih.oir, bs.ady sod rsihcsily st. tirpaltng thssanHi, leaving tlie skin Soft, smooth and natural. 'Ibis ia the on if aeti(4e need br tha French, and ia the wily real ettm'iual d. nla tury in s&isteniw.i Fries 7S eetit p.- p..angi, sent post paid, to any address, uu itwiaiit uf an ardor, by , UM.UEU, Bill 11 S a t o., I 'nermsM. ' ' . S Hirer ot., 1 roy, N. I, April S-Iydaw - , , .... . , ... WHIHKFUB A X T MCel ACHtH frireed to grow upoa tha smoothest fat1 in from tbre to five wi plia by V Iw Ufa-1' i.l! L-d ft k. I' At HA. i. I'M ' CA- C I'llXAlliK, th Bluet wonderful dtee.yeery ia mixlera s-ioe, ai ling cpou uie Heard snd umr ui an shooet uiirartt. Wnis manner. It bas bei-n used br tlis elun of Fans snd Laodoa tb the nuait Sattertng .ne- bsifte uf sll nurebiiaers will b rss tuteri d. and if ntire sstmia.'timi is iif vt ivt-n ia overy iu stanea, tli aeuiev w ill be elu-erfiitiy ri toniii d. -r 1 no by aisil, aesled anil pmljiaiit II. I".serli tlf eir "itHra and te,Mmo' mailed free. Ad- hii-r Buiviiwi,A.-lWffli tor tbw bailed Hi. April S lydaW . v : ' ; lTt, Ashttrn, I 1 .1 111. n .1 A ! twkea . tt.iilA f V a, 1 I br in ns of lfif. 1.K- l.E 1 M ftK Wnw rr4t-fl tot-url tb m rtrmsaf'il ibftd Mii(rB Jisiir of pd Wt-r fC knV fl,itt,' m msiv wtf in. i44 WtMi .n.i by liie fa-ntifsfrnt'tt tit l'n v!ti Ixwiti'io, ih th mut ftt fvintr r?nti, 1 wf -WM-iry l ih bir. rri.y hv tttj. !- - T r- T'i " L X I .. I U ib' nuii - - Ii 1 i I J 1 1' 11 it K Ula, ?oi. tA F-n sr htllof , b V Hrtes i noon titaus. ;.i.lj.iawif. i- :wutjV. v7 '--7?' K. 0. CaAIHl -.WonTJjtJD!AXiXIa- Shlpptng ACcninliiloi nr- 1 - , rbaats, -. WILMIX0T0X, N..C..' ' -r tiXR.,ni .tfniso, rope. ino tikj. It Ijom, 1 ;, Cement, Hair, tranuiu I't-ra-v .-a titiauo direct from trovvirnment Ag'.nls, halt, liy aed ao soi.-is of l.:ol. , A-ot i baah s Haw iloue Kojiur PliosUai f Lime. , Ac-i.s f ir tb rUilsilelpbia Buathvrn feail Steo.- fine. , Ag'-t-tst f 1 LX-i-jieeJ- wsi-ily Hieamli.p iu from bw V ,t. I Aran' f-r J.nnu Smith A Cos., Kb of K ) a. e , . -. . 1. fc , hiKS Agent 1,1 Wtrtea m4-Jl9 Wf Mm. .. . , , . . occedor to -l-' -r '1 ARdllC.VLD YOl'.NG, CAEKETTlCo. " ' .'T " OP NEW Y0HK,," ... , P.-j 'tit. - . - - ? --- ' " ' - .. ic.s ... :.e- Kr-ii;.AlVD i: ftPFaCCR SCOTT St CO., v i i t '-i,5r;KWtAKfc;-K.X . :nr t v. it 7 tl w .1 r 1 ' ' ' Extensive irfanntart srert and ! WholrMil Dritlor tn Mei'i md 8n' Clo tiling:. r,w ori:rrT, ' 1 -HlKVi tl( Mi, - . bi't Nt i.itauorr, Feb 15-H J-,liu A. fl BHAFFR. ...... A I. n:HT, F. Al. liAhlUOTT. JUiUf a, DASOY, JOHN H. HYMAH, b Tiuukiuo, 1i'.(.,"v or aoorijtwa Jiag, K. C, i J 0 8 K P II U . II 11 A N. '.Ka . Lata of TarborojU C ' AXCT,! U YM.Afc'COv CriierHl C'wminlsalon Merchant, For th sal of all kinds of ftonlhsrn psudno and purohAs of General Mercbandii:, I i. - Ko. 94, fhtehange IHuce, ' t's.-iH.!' t .i....-(Mil '...-; ' ajxfr 1 OKat, ; iAng-as-tf .,-..! ? v - r f, U HATHAWAY AXD I TXEY. (Formerly HATH AWAT r Importer of Mt LAt-Ji audmUUAlt, TfcilnuiiKUin, H. 0.) Shipping ttnd Toninilssloti Mer- "","'.' "7 77 fltatnlaV.. , f ,! ). I . i!-l. MS'l ." - - - ' " I ' . !' mill. BTfiEET, KEW TOM.-' ' e ' W solloit runaignmsnt of Cotton, Karat Ptores, WieetiiiK, Jams, Tobaeoo, and other rlonthern Fnidueta, ' to tha sale of which tmr prnrnjit personal attentloa will ba given, tt will make lilieral ad varices npon receipt of In voke and Hill of Lading. All Merchawiis slid i'roduoe sin sped to as tor sals are inaured from ronit of shipment, wuh j,wubil silvlee. nvotasa should atway Iswxnpany sack ahip feuefit. 1 . ., .. 1 -, -. . - - i .-5 - both of ns bsving had over twenty years' et lierienee in business in lbs bsnlh, and our I. h. I1AHIAWAY three years In bew Vork, w feel mmtldent we oan ecur fitil pnees for our ftieods WhawiU favor us with theu-eonsigiimrnla. Items vo Kemp F. battle, Fvtd 10 Treasurer of h. U. and W H. A H. B. 'link it, lc.lel(,-h. N. 0. JA.L.HAAUAWAaV,4 i tVVU. it. UitiX. i. Feb. Hu-m .,, ; MISCILLASEOirS. ' ... I'lXMOXAHY DISEASES ' ' .il " , ,.ih ..--.,,,. Vi-i-j t.....i, TTtR. TIWMAH H. MILES CONTINUE TO 9 treat 1 1101 a. le liv-.-.w by Topnal Mediia Uon. or "1 alhetensm otMsa air Fasesgsa," eoa- loiund.witli aiiironat general reniaHlns, a prae- ma oy iror. imu:, or m lora. J Die treat. Inent is a sfiectlle for chronto Itm. ohitis, Larvn gius, Astliiua and Ineiiieut (Wsntuption. its- foeenees vivn li required, 'fits addiua is Alt. Usrmel, Uiiblas ooanty. Vs.: . .April it ii-a ...j .--..--.if- .5. . 1 r- v mi, .wi.i.ij i.ii,.i,i r, ul. 1H1.111.' ' . An.i:SbOR' XOTK'E. - ' - - liiLsinlN.C.,lIiir(blHtU., l(7. IN ACCOIITUXCE' ItTl U INyTItl'tT Ill.VS reeoived from the fViarlment, ail persons rs suliiig in tli 4th luvisHui, th ihatriet of N. C, will make returns, at mate, of ineome for tha year tm'irt, and Carriages, Watolies, bitver l'late, Ao,, held Man li 1st so7. 1 . . . Alt piTsoits failing to appear and make retnrfi by liie nun day 14 Aprd, Jisi7,siihjit themselves te s peimitv of t per tfent, jier mouth niitil given tn K,I lial.l. ' . r, ., . ,1 . I will lie In my file, otl Market 8inr, over btrooauh's Htoiw, until after April Court. ' I,.-,,,..-.- V .. IJKOMKI.f,' ' Assouan! , Assessor Atb Ihvuuin, th instrict of .( aiar-ls 117 7-bl. . . .'- , - '.. a fAUIiiV ktw Wi' fAUIi.v stoat Avstav ivy i HEIIltlNfltf ASl) FaMT BIIAD. . Having recoi wi asr arden beretofore from persona in v.hi.iii. iit nf thscouatry, which 1 noiild not fill tat auit of ths. incoiiveineuce of tmiispuriatobi. 1 bar taWislisd aa egeor.y itk j JflSWlut, C. .W. (IBAHP A HO ' :" ' boi6ilk,a, who will Mil snvnrdlir that hiay b s'lit them for b'- li ll sih! forward tliem to Stir part o the couiilev. 7'liey will awas ba found or iir(iirniis.ity and put Bom tii lies wisnner, in fitckliw ti-hl ( a.. e, ImrrcU and tislf Itar r. and bH banein. .. KHAhl WtwiO , F hratou, Si, t ., , April 13-i)l-sewua , i . . , 7HTJFIIAM & IITJIIEST Z WOK AM. JOB rmTEliS, s Having ma le additions to our BOOKANJhJon T xpe, in if!t ars prepiiTi'd to do all kinib) 1 d to do all kind of EOOKASD HIWSPAPEa PEtTfTI'Tf alsm 1 iha i-.t -ti r wi wrrr v-HaV -, Uf. -".rt "JiA V"InVtv if , X : tW.H MMiS Pttiit'i Uj tii KUie Wsi styls of the art. ; ' Wl'R PRINTIAO rRSsst ;.: are of lli bust mnttfv:rnr In tha woVlfl, (th same as :d by ins liatlters, and leailibg Fnb beiien in N. V.,) aud our facilities for d4ng work of Aiiy kind at l)Ukt4 .-1 ' : A s SFIORTEST KOTICE ' on th tees itEAStlXARLE TFKMS, knd in M'l'l l.lnil lil VLK. siinsl to anr ia th Wintry. Ijiiotiai'te made or Uir pruitiiig of war..apars sua stagasiaew. Itlttnji, niet'K, J'liiin r colored ifiurtls, . .. . . , I t r Ut . WtET- ,1 Al tb shortest notios snd most reas.itu.hU pi li-e. jmsAxfACieVttrt.tmKirTt'RrsTiRd ..! v ... 1 .. Tosnital! ta.tcs.'' ' W sre prepared tn d any l!rI of 1,-tt- t-r.Vnn nnntlni? fi'-fii a litViiMi in f nr. I t aho-.t'ot one luMiMaod pat'ea, atniitiouiiiy, coooouiic .aml.iiiels..-tMiiiy. j HVl UAM A lll'GHKt, JanSv tf . ii-,. tb, h. t ,Ti:jUAL ItOCICTV H' Till'. STATEO!-OUTIirUlOI.I I', nmrJ Forin-rrsrif an'.!"l jh i ni A Will lie held St 1 , V K ! tw. 1....1. al 11 .J!,lf, 1 .),. J, i I irii!,.iv, 1 n,oi'"-i - uf ' ! I:. ; iti--iwd li of i:,i. e-i' hs Atl.-al I".. I f it i. li-rt 1 1 r I. id w ' tv keu ui aii oiuj- i . b..b.-ri.u. i -- 1 11 i.Ia. J.4 'AprfljCn-fcwii.'"' IST. Spring Trade, f Ii67. ." "', H'U feasr',asaisjti..l4 S 4 1 1 laebear : Aw " t ut lafka, sseorted,- to IB oi. AIJO, - - ' 1 .. Curry CmnlH. Horse, bhos and Scrub flrnsha lied and l'.ste t anion. V boiesal and Retail. "'" " J. KROW'K, TUlelKo, March 15 U'3 If With Maim A Lr is " lbiVA"ls" U I t A L iatUOI.Ali i. a Mrs. , , TIS. Unitize. 1, Gilt and (oat Hand I,re)si, lluilng Kuum and Parlor Lumps, al. eoui.yta. ALSO, - - 1 ' Garden bbear and Uat do Trow -!. I , . j. b flows. " With IUsi A iJi u Raleigh, mar XMOl-tf II A a 11 w a a a, in liar Is.r a .--hcai'a,-. - - - - lrgs Uariiru Miesr and Garden Trow-'. -i-4. liiiOWK, April! ilUi.tili.., 1867. Surlngr Trade, 1887. I.lM! TAbl 1 1 L itF-Hlf r Ht'CIf AS 1VOKV . Handled Ualwter Quires snd Folks, and btnveauair. tluaiio lii oppvra, Blade aud on hand. J. MtOWS, Aprtl-W-l-tf ; With HisrALnwis u I' I. ATM, FAVKl ItVlLLE KTREET. Old rmailuion CnfTe Pnia, r t. t French Hiirgm I'ottea Fots, . . Crystal and Ornamented t hamber gctn, 4 Haudeotn Water Coi.t.'i-s, Chamber or Hot Bath iubs. J. EP.nwN, April -4 tf Wuh UiT A Lt wis. . . QBOCKERT ASP GLASS WAKE. ( Vi hite-ao rersian (iraiuta 1 h!e W srs. : . -Itowls and Pitchers. . 1 ' fcitped and C. li FUtte. . e Goblets, Tiuublera, Winn (llasaes, Halt Ktand. AUO, I Framed Looking Masses, . , J. filiOW V : - April aS-MSWf W ish H4pi A Ijaia. T QILVER PLATED W.r,r. Tabls snd Tes Kprvins, . Ji ' Mustard and it Ht-nn., - - Ftijtter Knivts and Napkin IUiilis, .', Fina and 1'huu t'aetoia. ALSO , . 7 .. PUUd Io PlWiera, rattnrn. ... . For sale low, . . t. WIOWK. AprU Jft-'ill-tf With Hikt ' ' JfBT EECEIVK.D, , Istnall Cook Btov, M siii!l !iiiiii!i-. J. I 'S, Baleigh, April t-JOO-tf .With II .ut A Lawta. EAILROASS. tlALEIOH AU I. At TOV 11 A I L isr -7 KoAi. " ier -ThroDKlirrcUht TarIX NORTH Xnd south, BT TEE ALE UX S EOBTI! ! WE srs now prepared to ship alt binds of Freicht thnniuu to New oi k 1 iiilK l- ina, Bcsitoa and lialuroore, on thumirti luia of Ia.oo, jnuig through rectipla, at tits kiweet rale. , . TUI81S THE USE FOBHHU'l'l im. ; Fimr (iooiui will bs handled only miee. Thnno;b eonnei-tiotiS cioirt. no d.iiiv. tin, a am! SKIHUuis lea titaii by any oiiotr rout.' I:i-min tiiiliitg eonipared stih othr rimtra. 1 1 a gumta'toand fmntCodnntlna, H.4l!.j and all inii'r uisttial staliolis, Willi more prnuijitiiea and ilts- uatt h than any iiprens C'ouiiaiiy at about mi-A loai tb tb oust. TAKE K0TICF. ; Persons shimilun goods Houita will shin tbronirli ths following aKeiiu and by th following naincit htsamsblp CuuiiHuues sad no oiuer. , , .,rf Faoat biw Yokk, , Bv'Uia Atlantic Coarft Mail hteauiel.iro.. , lngntoo, Fo A Uu., Agent. No. hm Ijiwi iy Hu-wt ( Ot f'wr advuih h.i.i iS. k. -: - .- - . Fkom IUl.-riMo.HK, By tbslls tiumre KWaiu i'achxt Company, I.. B,! raria Agent, bwt of I uuia Imck. aud luandta, bn of bteauiura. -V Faov Fattjrir.i.riiit, ' By th P1iilsdc)pl,isud N',irf.,lk Stesmhip Co.,' W. 11. Cbde A t ".. Agents, bo. li .Norm i 'c.nwei Avenue, PbUaileljibi. : Fkom Iti-w-roN, : .-, . . ''-; By ths Boetoaaad Xoriolit tiicitiiahrp Co , K. Banipsua A t o., Agi ttts, end of t cnual tLaif, lloeton. tAmsiga your gisKla to U. B. Asonie, 1 orts wiouili, Vs , and uy l'oittt. fiiMnia eoming bv tlis way of Oily t'olut and Fetembi' 4 nm-t t au narfcad. ' V. ii. Al.l t A, , Ueo.S tf FreiRlit At ll A U U R. MIDICII3. 4C. CATIIAHTlCAXOALlXnATlVJU tit lU, iNBVtsr tti iHt J U KlkJ AOeilt tt WlUi O'slia lulU T JwrftHjli j IswtU' it-has. ' J rKViiaLmg th liowtiis ftttd ?r th nirft of, biltmist luvt-r, lii'iou li,viH' hr, ('..utrj -1111 or C-nt.veDCst Jftniniit;, ifni,-U'.;u. i'iu., Ii--. t-tti, lav?r ttiitn-H A,r Apf-'tltH, wk Hl'AtlK-tl, Alltl ll iiim hmi t:iihte tntl.Ari.Mj mvtiicuie 1 qmtvd. Ur W. Ritiiii' tt, wuo ha no iir't'"r s "'. N a a till 'frf iff tnrni;- ,t.d. W.J. siaittii, tha dietinjriiil;!.! p:ttrlc. snd Prnfi'sor ot t nciioci ry m Uu, I n i im . i v of North Larolina, baa eimlwed thcui, act cvitiisi-a that tliev contain no .tlei-cui-y or nv oilier Uiuiw. ral eofielunetit whatev, r. t.ail and get a I ttvuiar. F' . ; . li. . KM M.ft . Jlanu.a. '.j-i-.i.- rb t-isa-tf . x uuiyui ,s. c. , lor sue in IU1' i ! W - . UlJ.LlAMH A HAVWOOft, TI li: Trlirrf1i fsourhrrit t .w..r;-.-;-..-J--.--. aki -Vinssmt Valuta i-i ?-v-'Itj AC lilC lvi:".; V? U ' ; I-yr' f.T'j f ","(" J" Jt" ( """7 " ''. "1 fi l'l"!i'(l., 1 livitiii. fit V, 1;. . t ( ltB f Die ijHn.Htj liuiutita t.Aii:pi;injl A, A '4fy.LAli.lUU.4 si.-l'l .4- -trAMW-- ( Aft J-Jerfdllt M t.fhilH l'iit'-Htnti Uft;.iif, (" 'I I ill iirl Ilif l" I if S . - j ''t i ! U in t itlf'U ll.-t! i!f';.Jni li-a ' - ! OVSJT llfitJTt, lfl i.iit :;i trfiitfrl'is mtti ffi-rf i-rJ h' l'V ,'U .rt.t:fii;'-(y A-I.'i.'ii I, w ; ! r fi Ute li'V et ''htiVli -e i.-"ii uiveiurite - a 'i 1 m Ii t Vt.'" tn'.v I . Hi, - tUiQ Alltl M firf'Hli i i.t ;dj I.. I 1-1, U lt of hen uo hai ass of mi I. . I"i- v