-4- ,.;-'E:-i i- TKHMSOF BCEHORIITiuS. The KtyrlNfcL is piiMisbed every everting, emcpt k-- ooe neaith,... nr tso mmiUia,. . T ires nvsitha, . lKKltb. ....... Otw rear,. . . i.iM) b.' , Hi ii .. & ti K-ii M eeily ts-Titiiud fl one year, sit nuillf;!!., . I'.M HI1. . -V Mr 1 .'. - ' - --- Till: si:ntixi;l: ;tJT. E. I'ELL, SKATON UALE, ; j.-j)jfrtfi v i r.i tit s i'a r a v. Toe lad. Aalreville Am contains tlie flint nt a scries ot article, under til caption of tli South in ' the Union," tlie ol ject of liiclj u to dciujutrt material devel opment end prosperity thai await the . TSoulh, and North - Carolina particularly, if our national trouble are compos! cm a '' jiwt wrdliberfcl Wliug, The writer espe cially predict tor lb Stale a grand career as a manufacturing power, based upon our natural resourew ami aptitude fur that blanch of industry. , .,, , . , .,, n'Y Tli bsnd o nature ecm to. point .Out Nmtli Caroline" a a region of country hiJ irt!jyaJapUr"t5'liiairuTctorii'. And VeL wilh all the materials and stiinunt at hand, we have hitherto annually exjieuded ml we ban .-ilrWtie. ti: lu ia pun hase-of article nisnn factareil ia Eurnjrti and at tit North out of uurowurawniattii.il. tiad otimulve euovfrtnl that material to tlie Client wo f atiould,' w would thereby bave Jid from Agriculture mni of tli aarplua taUir, 'anil turned it to othur purauita Irainuiu ting prmluccr into couauinnrt and c-atMig at liouie good market for the product ol the larmer. It ! true that t fi'r enturpri', on a comparatirely larga ulr, liave tiers proM!ut! - itt-mtr-tnidiA, hut tlie waulta Uare bea wretcucUly luct)Hitiiourl witu - ithr the demand or our eapadilitiea. So far M manufacturing eatt)Hhaiata depend, lor their profilalil o.;rl ion, upoa water powvr, climate and proriaiooa, the facilitirt affurdsd by thU State fully mast every rpileinent. Few Htatea intlie Uoiod abound more in iitf of waUr power. The eboalt and fallK in our primary rWeri, tit amalU-T rirer . and large cr'k, furnlah BttTtl fcilinj; attpplies. Much of th! power i found in that range of ountry where the, cotton grow well j and higher up, nrar the mountain, there i no limit to it extent. The oil nd climate of Kurt It Carolina, are. admirably adaptud, we hare repeatedly daoionatrated by the Ugit of ttatutiy, to the production of all the noeeuariee of life ' dcpifndiiTf on AgrictiTturo. "r 'Tx "ocenpiea, in deed, a aort o otiddle ground where the etapli-a and product of the Korth and Stith meet in aocial proiimitj in the tame rich Culda. Ia the requiaiuie, only, of ekili and capital are we deficient, and thew tulglit ' long aince bar bees aapplied by ajndicioai end practical employment of the mnana within our reach. By holding nut the prop ' r IndncmonU to liiu llig'-nt immigration, the necessary knowledge and akill Might easily bare been commanded, Whenmanu factories were firat introduced iuUt New - England, the want of thm rt-'piiftitei Wna a much felt there aa It tiB. heun here, for . tliir people were compelled to import thetr eunerintendenta and mechanic from Europe, V TUeretofore.he difficulty In the way of Hie : - neceaaary capital lay in the J'uet that iho wealth of onr citizens eontiated In property that was not etuily conrertiblH into money j land and negroes, " Now, more than ever, that the ravage or war have ilna olated the land and ImpoTerisliedthe puople, we must be dcprmii-iH lor till capital upon : - extraneout eottreea."" 77i tawHui'twii,j tyUtm, we are convinced, I utile policy now to be depended npou jo rvlievo our Htate of the evili that preaenpoo her, Onr haMt and prejudice have, hitherto been averse to it, but we must yield to the force of .thinn and profit by the indication of current : event. It can bo made our greatest mennt of weilth urn! prosperity, and, pui . rooted firmly among us, will flourish like a vijlto row plant in it native anil, "Wo have not only liecu fatuitoita in (leg. lectin this appropriation of the raw trtate rial of cotton, but we have barely t''wn enough wooj for the coimiwiuat tloineatic usee. An thi eppear all the more Inez " curable, in view of our emiiu ut ami i;icoo teetible advantagee for the production. The climate and aoll of Korth Carolina are exoollently adnpted totheep-liuslmndry. In the eastern and middle parte of the State ' are tl tensive tract of land well auited to the purpose of graiinjf, while the moentainoa Potions ataud aurivalled for wide spreading raiiaofthenioatliuuriantgraxa. lieaidesi - oae thousand dollars in Korth Carolina will purcbaae a more extenire eheep wa!k than ?.' -w EiiJ-IanJ, New 'ork or I'ennaylvamia. And in inore "ttorthern tatitaiie, htp re j nire to be fed nearly six mouths in' the year ;- while here six weeks I at long as is nwesiarT; 77- . Te foUowing may lie summed up a the clement indispensable for building np and enrouranng msnurartunng catuhlidiment I I winch we poaseua, under ordinary. ciremn e i' -9 in-lily 1 Iti.e rwnijd.r..JLj.td,uJrI-saaU"I ,lM" VUtK TL'S l,u ... i ::,t )'ve.r gmi-eatsry f , .11 . ravi 3 " 4 ui .11 loon j . j I r t i-"ori. c)ien,atrd alum, Unit .... . . .i. I uiote. houltliv and nubl. -or- --. rWW'i?"- a!lu.irn to the .?? :-ii i l'HHfeAttii.bhi. 'aMlf- j fnti v wfiwr Baa aaar.riaj-a.iltnt wHietiughterf ofNorth Ciimliua hate ili-playeil a lilraltty intlletr ronti il-ution eijuallei only by tba valor of the aoiiit of the Old North Kate during the recent strn;;i.l;." ' Tt.et ible it eitmtiy'1 deeorated with fletcrs which sr.. receice.j sxea dairy frr-in ,V!,,. llraham D.tve. of 'wi!ui!ngton, an I M--kn,il,.. I,,!,,, ,lt, aru m,d ft . '-' : 1 ' HoMl -onrilitifions.to Mt-a. Col Tb Waehingtoa Chronicle says, very eo- I property, that t , -. . ' "Nuvr hi good time f..r capitalists to in vest in.mcy in Southern lands, tmt Mill Ist- UT u-r earnest, fconcst, workitAium Ui cure home for themselvcsi w Irb h will b (if J f tKaL Value UllluajcBIUWtn, .zTB breaking rHHiio iuui toe tttainei, o mat cnterprne can bane a fnir chance, but it. ha alto throW a lare amount of land into the market, which under the slave system was alwata cheap, and which ia the aoeial tran itli.ii ia even ctieaiief. ""There wITI-atwavit m aUriHiata iit protmeavriiin "treenttjgjj; oi any ciiane. iuey uarc coduiouuki w reduce tli value of Boutliern lands, while there, jwe. Other, who- ipmrt tt VS tivSIZ W kiuitf of no better method to help the Boutb- trn people than t'J. ludui th KtllWmt auiiinil them ot men of industry, good habits, and enlarged ideas. Northern en ergy and capital, and Northern ruspect for jttbor, will revolutionize) tlie Houth and make it desolate place smile 'again with the jiroduet ol indiMtry We believe that I lie i jfiie isViuiing when peace Will he real, and nun will loci Sale to emigrate to the Mouth ami lite there. When thi happens lauds will begin to Increase in value, and all the new appliance to save tabor Will be brought into play." It is seldom we caa endorse anything that Forney aays. lie has showa hiinsell hi be governed so much by sinister motives, and by hostility W the Botith, that we Htd ceased to rely upon anything be would say yet, in the aiwve, we are ready to yield bie correct oea and 4oreight. It 1 true that lands are abundant and cheap, and I tllU ' tht '" loduatrioua, 1 bonest poor men of the North should Come among ns to - become actual and permanent settler, with a Certain pros pect ol making gool tirioir. And w eiort earnently invite the InduMriona, bon tst, quiet, liberal hearted men of the North to come and Si'ttle. ! If they show the pro per spirit toward eur people a - spirit ot kimJiu-as and diswsitiin to help and be helped, to slay with us and link their for tune with the Southern people, for weal or Woe, we pledge the eourteey, friendship and support of our people, making aa oblivion of I he peat. There, i, however, already ia the South, (nnd more are coming? class of the North era population, whose presence and aiwncia- tion are not si drirablv fJj no mean include those, in this remark, who ere official. ly connected with the military departments of the government. We allude to those who, having left the employment of tlie govern bent, have become mere squatter in the South, for the purpose of making money, or who deafga ti procure a "residence," in order to become eligible to o dices of trust and profit ' We fear there are too many of thi clese, whose object is (imply to fleece OT "le 'little thai yet can be mvle f tie, or to acquire that position and otlio and consequent Influence among us, which they coum not otitain at Borne by their ewe merits, with the view of controlling the pop tllarwil) of the country. If the Congress deaigos to guarantee to the Booth repub lican Stat governments, we Insist upoa it that they shall be admlniatessd by moa to tli "manor Uirov," mr tboee who come ainoon; us and have become permanently identified with the interests of the countrv. Our readera will remember the remark of an army oOior in the late' Ilolde'nite t'on- reution, here," who stated that he. oxpected to settle in North Carolina and to represent one of our District In Congress. He would have dime much better to bave kept bis jret,"i When we are' obliged to Im port men to fill our offices and represent vs ia Congress, our people would desire to nave some nanu la Ilia aelettion. Tilfe MA TTKR IN A NUTSUKll. The flanvitlo Timet thus puts the matter of reconstruction In the amalleat, compass : "We are ia favor of doing what we are forced to do by the military bill - DO more, lint, we are In favor of doing that much, with the greatest promptness. Hence, we urrre our friends to register sod vote. In ditTerenre in this matter will be fatal to our prosperity." , , '.''''.; V ' ; :, storat ion and reconciliation are-so ns- ceasary to the future prosperity of the South, that they should be effected a toon at pot- rilile. As Conurea hat determined that nothing short of a full compliance" with the I U-cont ruction law can procure a aettle- uieiit, we can tee no other course left to law-abiding men ami giiod cltiicns.bnt to oljey the law promptly and fully. Therefore, we repeat the injunction of the Timtt : Every man, not diafrenchised, should by all mean register and vote. The duty w Con sider imperious. But while we take thi ground, we are equally positive In our opin ion, that no true friend of the white ot bbtek man in North Carolina can be willing that the State Convention, in forming a Hew comtUtution, should go, further than the Reconstruct ioa act of Congress demand. This point should be atronirly impressed upoa the mind of every voter in the State. i ! - t . l . - I 1 i in pouy n. now in tesaion, and to-day commcncettheconaideratioaol lb claim submitted for it Investigatjion, by authority of a lute Act ofAasemblVj which we will piiWTrTo morKiw, We shall also publish to-morrow, for public information, the pria cipal ruka , tinder which the. Commit tioner will act It wonb be we1! for I the press thieujfhotit the -State to no- t vice these rules, that their nailers ,. 3 hl " "wi V'l.'lllfCU.lU . IIO all, 1 k..i....-i i. ... 1 .... I . . . . -o- . 1 ! 1 1 ia . -' w ' ' ,ll!,tl',t ).V wa- ri 11 fl the. as. . , . , . 1 1 ,1 J . - I i a, llttMi ' OUkW f ft4- 'J'' I fit 1 I nkf "a " r!'im. which, either from tl .lf vflLTlB or M3& h.lw.ffWfrenrtWw .n-,,,,,, , - whu-fi the State i, .u.u. to prori.le for a. I racy and g.Vifl taste th. o aUlaa. early aa rj.tjle. Ttie CommiMooera:relo.lred good teal in reani to everything reipiired to n port the Mult (if ihtir actio 'we do, ia very nearly akin to p ood iwirala. to the next session of the L(yll'tureand ibjportp'c'it to the junior ineuilers of should that U Ibkdr-ost, they will w ' P"'1" " , ' .rdMee wiLh the ... . . r b ""J "'ii, w pcDersl tenor of hit life. He was alwavt think, have no time, to lose. They bold 1 ion. in hi. demeanor WwMlTt?..m arid jitir fittings ih the S'dpmn Court room, at i irave them every enemnaoemetit and ais. pnnent, and will continue their Ubor until ! tlie c aims x-tora th .1..11 I- ; ... ...:i .1.. . it. -i . .. ... .u. - - . - i V.r- ' ' 7? . ' " - s""""ng oi uie ix - uisiauveim j. tsuly to. hM tr"41iey wre- tn mk -ttielr fe- purt. THE- LAte jUOX JOIX M, JIOUE , , ' UK. II). , ' - in)preiv and el(Hji;it oratwn of t!ie Hiin, Jutm Krrr.of 'wifl,on the 111 Hid cliar. artitr Ot the Hon Julin' al. J!r)wr.l, lli:!i- vl'...-.. i... .1.. e,-.,i. .. p.i .. tast lis iriciil h nitlh iir;ludea Ila luiblua tion entire , la uX.tUu4wrlHt w e eifrg-flrc4 wing extraet. fr.mi the com ludiuir ior- , :? i f t " f iJ-i;. vernor Morebead came ,to the JLar iu LAliititJaMAJUaUBai bightMt eva in tW jtmilwal anw tuu-! -t Tlie Brat qeirter of the earnut century was illustrate.J in onr htate t j a uairioty of lawyers of the liihiat onWr of natural gut, and of prolnuotl learuni? in the seienw' kf 1w " A moi'ig " thr profHlonaT Mgbta ol the time alluded to were William. Gaston and John rltanley, Edward Graham! and loee Morth-oai, Gavin ifogfr; and iio-l dell, tnng and 1 oiner, fcles and Strang -tliese were of the Eastern and Cape Fear circuit, while ia the middle fthd Wen tern rirewne we bad I'eter v lirowe BeaweW, George E. Badger, Wra. II. Hay-wood and Thomas V. Uevcrj-ux, Uuncan Cameron, William Norwood, Murphy and Naeli, Yan cey, If utliu, Mettle and thepperd, Arclultald Ueaderson, Janie Martin, Joseph Wilson, and David F. Caldwell, and others well worthy of asaociation with those I have aamed, together constituting a reajiiemlent galaxy, certainly not urpaNd, if crpmlkd, by any on this continent. Tlie older claaa of the gen tli nu n reterrtd to, were, whew Gov, Moraltead enUTil the protection, in their occiilent, "and the Wta'ern horijm waa in a blaze with thtir ikMyodiug k lo ries;' the younger "'were riaiug in tueopixt site quarter ot the Heavens; and quickly became Ionia ot the ascendant," It is uo smalt tribute to him to say that at uch a time, with the publio nirnil ;annliar with such eaamplea, be rose raoidly to eminence. and, in his own circuit of practice, became master ot the prut poaition. ; Nor was he without T furmiTaliTe rivalry iu hi ascent to tame. Among the most prominent ol hi Immediate contemporaries with whom ne bad tu contend nauitually were of those who preceded him at the bar, by a tew year. only, Hartlett Tancey, Jamea Martin, Thomas riettl sad Augustine IL Bhepperd,! ot those who came shortly after him, Governor Graham, Chief-Justice Pearaob, Hugh Wad. lull, Nathaniel Boyden, his brotlier James T, Morehead, John F. Poindexter, Jtalph Qorrell and Ueorge V, Meodenball, all inert of general abilit y, and of ur passing excellence in their respective I anoey wa a maa of great personal atg- nity, of commanding influence throughout tba Bute ; and, owing to the relation be attained to the political patties of hie dnr, with equal success in the coort and oa the busting !. . -v ". "Wielded st will th6rc oauiwraUs.r, ' Settle, whs for , more than twenty years traced the judicial ermine, was lull of the fervor of genius, and with a strong hold on tba popular reward, ud lingular tkill in the arte of advocacy, was able in alt bis court to command a Sue practice, and maintain a high position, . ! .,? bhepperd, with a clear bead, and a pure a heart as ever beat io human breast, waa thoroughly proficient in the science of spe cial pleading, the technicalities of which be brought to bear at time, upon hie ad versaries to their great lurprine and discern- I flture. . , . ... - 'i Martin, like Settle, wore the judicial robee for many year,1 and sustained upon th bench tb reputation fur learning be ac quired at tha bar ; ardent and aealons in the cause ol his client, lie waa by tbese qoalitiea, and bia proleasiooal altainmeota togclberkrflarea at all timet a strong aa tagoojet in torensio disputations. Mendenball, by indefatigable industry and tha ftrtetest attention to the minutest cir cumstancee io the preparation of bit cases, and a most eontldaut and bold manner of addrese to juries, with good attainments ia the law, mad himsclt formidable, won a large practice and a fine reputation. These bar all passed away, and deserve much more than this brief tribute. For the other I have named who still tire, it were nairraceful to do more new, than to aaaion them a place a 1 have done in the honora ble category presented. ; . . i ,: i 4. In sucb time aa tie lined, witb socb knowledge and Inftuences surMuuJing him. and witb such ritw as ue li.nl -to bare wonsui'h eminence and fame at he did win. prveet Johu M Morehead clearly entitltxl to be ranked in bie prolessiyn among the greet. ' ' Nor are we at Ioa to discover th tUnunit of his greatness. He had genius and talent both in high degree Ills mental resources were ample and full. Hit power of inven tion and talent for application were equal) striking, equally ready. Ite was not very accurately, not very ex tensively, learned in the law.; he bad bow- ever 'matured its general principles, and without much acquaintance witb the case in Banc, hit mind we so ordered, was ol aucb a practical cast that he wa on of the beat counsellors in tb State. No client waa ever beard to complain ol havlne I (!. U fc.! l! . . uvea iniaieu oy his wuvioe. Hut it was at an advocate that ha shone with peculiar splendor. His presence, aa I have already said, was imposing --hit argumentation waa logical bis wit sparkling bit llluatrationt striking tnd bit flow of soul under the excitement oi bis causes captivating to all hearts. . He aa sailed with great force his adversaries' position and defended hi own with con- j ii mm ate tkill.' He wat alwavi sell possca. edelway eourteoue. He had the btatJ control of bis tenier of any man I ever to roar. Tbe roar he might would also lie devoured. Hews a man of strong will and posaea-ed great power of noDTrollingmhers in and ut of Vjio courtaT During the last ten year of N bia )Xuice at the bar, he defended ia nearly alt of the capital cases occurring in his circuit, and in uch trial never lost tint one verdict, and in that instance hit client by his exertions was pardoned. f never Af fliut eiipitnUy His rhetnrlr.win.il LAot. has r .iks ac non a ins 1 leiion an nn ii-a,m ,mat - l. letv.rBm rry lintsi f, . - ... . K, r new matters. i.nrna-r witn him at with --w nun hi Willi vr,,.,vK I.. nurt it- . t. i. t, . . 1 ! !!V"Hj. M t ttv aWTie.it H - V VMHtJi t fifet ttrTT Thi careteMnest waa a th tvel ia bim Unr h! po in ciurtand not ol couit, When io'diacbargebl bis dnty, he defeateii " ii ia"'i t'oeo them io trials, he did it a soch a wsv as to t - kethem fd that i he. hat ti' it -Vt-'-e-i ws He ; baniraouicly thtnisetvea but badness of the caiib o '-, that lei to I be Tlie Orecnlj"ro J'ufrit publirllM !lie'lwii,.,,-...fl!.irf1.ili.rM. ..!-. 1.1.-. ,...'- tuuw, was iu vain mi Biiemm 111 ni-t tria s.,..u..Ks u. urn vj canting uw anyer. I ,:,,. ., .Mass:ssraaiiem lie WHO;; tlMnujijt MiimvmmitintvT "rr-f'r w.. - - . ie of ouef wlio sliouid be foolish, enouuh . " 1 ml',J'l year b Caplaio arouae a tleepinir lion merely Uj hW him ,,',me to aupernitetiit In Home J defeat. II bail, too, aa amiable way of let ; ting of) little emplim)ti-,tlim that ! VvnsVMdkltnA . t ifli I f I 'ml f IUIHf1ri 1 It la jut licrc at ttii point tlint-lMjr owe '. UiOt be.1 by the reonliectiooi atmia Op ila offering of eratumle to his memory, tor - -, - irtig m;;rl.i, ,.f .11 tl..t Vtmrj T"lec re success 111 life, bid when i" w" V-"""fM me sfowi, tnmtraatuf JworfljT VV ; -f n i'j j ;p j' !l was a kind man Ja 'good lawyer and a giit inlpocilt. ,... & - fMi eoiivrctlon ot my owaminu, lust It was J ardent, enltgtitewul ami trua, t was cun trolled by principle which, bad they been earned out in the general ailiuinistratioa, of ourif!,T?Tnn,'d. wt'Lfe? avertwl the, Calaoiltie we now so sorsly feel, and bv conducted oa, a a people, -W the highest attainment ot national felicity, 'At a statesman, .the policy he approved waa enlarged and emuvnrbeosi ve. Ho merely sectional attachment ever obtained the mastery ever bis mind or heart but par taking largely of the spirit and Views ff Mr. Clay, had It la-en placed in th national councils, he would have known no North, Houlh, un Eaat, fiof West, but would have consecrated alt iis faculties to th best service of bit whole country, and would have left' the impress of bis geuiua and wisdom on th national, aa he ha doo on the Institutions of his own t)lt. North Carolina, certainly, owe btus a large debt of gratitude, for what be did for her, a well when be was la the private walks of life a when charged Willi the dotic wf high official station. To hi in, more than Io auy other man, is the indebted for her existing workt of Internal Improvemeut b4 benevolent Institution, and the new impulse which the cause of Education received wbea his' star wa at thw zenith of ile culuiination. He wa aot only poaaeeaed of eniineot ability to : originate and direct geiurrml fiUw$, but h wa perfect master of details, and eared the but imiueue expenditure, by bia familiarity with mere matter of account, and with mechanical rule, and civil engineerings He wa not to tie deceived by latiorert iu any department, but, anderttanding their buai neae a well at they did, he exercised firm nets, and incurrsd uiocb enmity, by witb standing their exorbitant charge, and by exacting the utmost fidelity iu.tue execution of their coutrscta. tn this respect, aa in tome other, be ha often reminded ma of what I related ot the great Napoleon. It it believed by many, who did not know bita well, that be waa not possessed of much information derived from reading. As to bis acquaintance with bookn, I am persuaded that there is a prevalent mistake ia regard to it ...;. After I became acquainted with bim, I bad no reason to believe that h wat much given to hooka, but he must bavr beea at tome period of bis lite a close, thoughtful tnd studiou general reader, for be wat un doubtedly, far mora than it usual with our profession to the mate, familiar with belle iettre. hiatory and the art tnd cience, When, or bow, be acquired bit knowledge of touee tning, i am uname to lay ; probably, however, while he wa a youth, before be went to college, and when fa wat there, he laid up aucn treasure by diligent improve ment ot hi golden opportunities, as ena bled bim to till hit future dignitie with the accomplishment that became thfljiu. With unpremediuted facility he could recite, with effort and , point, from Milton, Sbakapearo, Campbell, iftlrnf and ether classical and beiJe-lettres writers, and sever al of his professional brethren, now present, will proliaMy never forget the electrical ef fect tie uroducedin a trial at Stokes, when defertdwinr a beautiful woman by a most ai poaiu quoutioo from one of the poena ot savage. . . - He wat no pedant, however, and iudul ged no fain ostentation. Ue bad read - -j - - "Multoai, scd nun ssull," Much, ' but not many-' cWU. This I deem both wise in him and fortunate for his coon try. - He waa a maa ot original ideas, and wa tor tht moat part controlled by hi own and not by the views of others. , Had it been other wis with bim, be might have become ee too many are lb the present day, --' i - "Deep vraed in books, bat shallow ia biinaelf." II was a wrlina mas. Th prominent trait of hi character was practical vigor but b nail enough acquired tnlormatton from hooka, enough ot literary taste and respect for learning, to rescue his honored nam from the iiat ot the follower .of 4 imar, and to place it in iu rightful ksaocintion with those of the cultivated, enlightened and li beral gcr.tUmen and statesmen of the nine teenth century in the great christian. Repub lic of America. It U deeply to be regretted, that none of the floe diaplaya ot hi talents a a lawyer and statesman remain to us in print. Hit fame would on this account, be theTesei)du ring, were it not that imposing edifices pro jected by hi gi-nius and reared under his su perintendence, tor the lustructlon.sustenance and comfort of the l)eaf,tbe Dumb, the Blind and stricken victims of Lunacy, stand graee- tutiy erect ami point blgti toward Heaven, to speak constantly Ins praise while en gine of steam, tunning with aunimating celerity from East to West, and throughout tlie bUte, will catcu tlie strain and repeat it with joyous acclaim to fuUr generation. ' Good Onoppino.W find the following statement in a letter to tbe Petersburg iwets. from a corresoondent in Rrnn.l. V County, V. Vhooaanila of young men.who prefer to be clerk and shop keepers, eou Id do a well by energy and industry in the Taiet, moralixing pursuit of tie fanner, away from tbe vicious and indolent ans-K t- bkt tenants, of one of which 1 make men' Hon. . Mr;WrrclirTrrwsweII, with one mule and 0 negro boy fourteen years old, meas'tred 15J barrel ol corn, which ia 77 J bushels, at one dollar, $775 ; 1,800 pounds of crd cot ton, Sold'iin teeil at 8 cents per pound, )6 ; 8,7(M) pounds tobacco, weighed but unstdd, at per bundred, f lit ; 10 stark pexl r...ivtu t wm-SU.1...1... si ... a ..H,,.1B ,v 1 r siaca, 1 00 ; ?0; b4ialiea ,44ack yw .peaey. $ t -pet4ivratirr;T $;i0-making a total r4 tt,sl7. besides Iri-h and sweet tsiutw, 0t iMc.Mtsi.t .-r f- vided, but good crtttit of both. , . , ' eiSMSW-,-- HVKl Olt 1 1 1 i ' It I lU ' ThaW ti ftTat H C . .1 . . - - t - "1 i i "7 . , , bit tfctiatlt and dttfemrt ptaevs, art Of whicli I wilfaeod ton T if von desire it : Vo n.r ,,l .. ! tsercmg trrtenaiit,:,y-.'r-"-T-;v--. - ,r ,-,. . t Ridori, it it said, list maile $j7,fMHI clear profit by playing uee hneilr. it tjid.' .itty eight nisrhtsdurinj her viiit to tile t'nite.1 Stale. Wh-tt (her calling in lite pTS Ijka'thikt ',..., . : ' The corner stone of a Jewish tfiule, l.id ji" Louisville on tbe Stib, bore, besi.les the (Jewish date, "Anno Domini, 1H87." It i4wt4 that the pneett,! 1 " psi'd "bf,' t oiled !!ate .n eminent fur ku.sl.ii i America ia about three cent aa acre. . I10 '. . 4' I,. r l.r i.. I lace, ami meaadre and divide all croiie of y - . ' For the Sentinel 6JSSI0& PSApiJ0 AT TUB VSI- ' ymsiTr. "- ": - Vnirtuutt op Nowr Caaot.m, ? -Caaret. Ilii-fc, May 4tb., 18117. 1V Maatsa. Eire-i-The'. anHat8euiir i r eat FeyaiwajM)rbraia-l Ti t,iirril Htll, on ni. llTiarsiTiyytvening, the lollowiiig Wa the I . &tvtz-.T1Tu?T: ureurta proceeuute; i - - L Influence of Education upon the Moral Condition of a People, . ,-i . Wn.i.ia Aijiton, llalilax, N. TL We should not forget the pest, " Wi.H. mt, MHviile: Teow: - -rrfriB im'4 H ' pe opw t he A ctiorr tif Men. PKawTC'Riwi'it-i "Favetterille JLiPi-'f IV. It" in a r.lenienU ol t.'iilijlion, --iWwrritB H .GrrrMnnt, 'hpe Hill, y.'C. L -ii Vt To be rn, tobe Marrunt and to lie, fUiBT.' W. Mkani, Concord, N. C. -TOa"!""''"'!''"'' pieti the ttage : " L Causes and Effects of the .'rusades, r - Al.axKT U. Cakr, Chapel Hilt, N. V. ,:IL AJexantler Hamilton, - - ..vfi'-.iii -4; PaTica II, Wikhtok, WJndaor, N. C II L Abuaoa of Imagiuation, . . ' . Willi an H. Millkb, thlby,N. C- IV. The South and Her Itnnmlie, -I ' 1 Jon O. Vpcno, Charlotte N.C. . All the rienior acquitted tbruiselve very crailiubly, and I will, therefore, make ' no distinctions. T Oo Katurday Moniing, the Senior report was read, a follows:' :" The first distinct inn in scholarship was swanlfdto Mr. Patrick II. Witlstou, ot Berti-r, Co., N.C,-tie Undr U Mrv ti. M. Ito-e, of CuinU-rland, and I lie 3nl. Io Mr. Holu-rt W. Means, of t'abarnis Cu ! , Mr. WinsliHi will deliver llio Valedictory at (Joiniiieneeiiient. and Mr. Iloae tlie Kalu latory. ' ' .. The music at Senior upeaking waa very line, and the Marshal kcpttlie unmt iierfect irdr. Kaleigk must lend her beniitiea p to Commeucement. I V STUDENT, HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ARK1YAL8 O K" BIM UNO AND SUMMER GOODS. MAY SETTLES. nozAnnuiins (.Rc4iiM0fi A.U IOfLIt:TT. ALSO,- s e r ? HATS, 1ADIES' AHD KISSES' f : E A i.-t V E 8, 8 UN-DO WN8. A L M AH, At. V. II. i May a-i-if R. N. TICKER CO. pRISTBI PKIUlUlt 1-BlNt'Mllt A beautiful Htoek of Mw sod Fresh PriuW, uosap. W. H. a b. TVCKEB A CO. mjt-m-tt a tt.lt las H sniual'MHH H: '..,) -. B)l;PfitaXJUiitKjil(IU'tC'K, .In-.. liiuiut, (;. May Mi. lao?, CUAXGE or BCU tDULK ON It. A Q, B. U. SX aud after May 7th. PkiT, train will run on V It. A ti. It. n. aa 11 slows ; Daily Mau (raj os uave 11-ieiu 9.30 A. M. Arrinl at w ehlo a mi i M. 1U,) A. U. 3, a0 K at. 4, :1 K M. UsU traiua leave Weldoa Arrive at Kaleuh - f reigut traiu arrives at Raleigh . .. .. ,rM t,M A. 11. Tb mail trains luakeTeaoraa ooutieouoos with all pouita North and Houifa as 41m k aa any other route. v a 1 uwm May-a-lf' . ., . (leu.Bi4.l. rroaresa auu 3tuuara copy 1111 loroia jest received another alipply of al arch's New I'.HinlBd COi' iOA IXUW. iiwy Kiva nultsraal aaueracuou. .- JAMES M. T0WLE8, uya-Sbbi-tf , -, Aei.t. jfSlIKWlNO Atr aatOKXO TuliAClX). f w r- io store a guod supply of cheap Chewing and nuioxtuK louseco -- JAUKU M. TOWLK. myt-irs tf Com. aterchaut. JlArsK WW narttrit I'sHsi.ilti.; iHKGKNERALstKKTiNO OF THE RTOtK buldora of Una liauk will be held at Ilia limkiuf House in the t;uy ul llaleigb, on '1 hursday tlie imu. uay oc juua oeau t. liKWtY, Italeigh, N, C. .my -2-3(sw Uaalner. ; i'rogi ess copy. iriAUSt COFFEEHf! TEAS If! CRUSHED PL'UAK, " A. II, V fJ. SUUA.lt, - V.... I'OUTOltlCO SUGAR. 0L1 A'JVrA VA COFFEE, " PKIllS ORKES LitiVAl HA, DKLHUIMW flRKKX AND UbAt'K JTRAy - and. extra Oohh-n Syrup, whh'h are Jusl to bead and wdl be sold on newt aA'onnuodatiiig terms, by . INHGLAa 1IU.U BIT2-slf : pAMILY rLOUlli Aaviiner -qna Uf warranle' hr J ' OOLULASBKLL.' y-2-tf ; , EOIASAJLE OK lltil. wttb Hi's plawra, aituatsd in a Is-autitid Grove, eras ven lent I ni to tm nuincsa. -there is a kit- " a rrt 4 !,.(, h 1 ,1 , oa the kn.vwhwb enuuui nearly aa acre.. twisvtw-swrr t .i...ijnm eilSSMl Wltll- a JtiMMl IMUS 11,11 Vt'llsllwt j sTBis vvij uioutfrsie 'aiy.i-'ilSiai'ii': IX Ay-T4U.t4tte-fc- - YV - ErlfEHIi EMVIIty 1 1 X iklMt.umtn WsO hinoskwd on hanX .i TiKHlVN. aiy t L-tf With but a Ijrs is COTTON VIIS AVII i'io:ri fVllTCUELlv ALLLV, CO, ' NEWflFRN, X C t CEKTlirt SORIB t VI UINV I HUH V a.e L. l.uiery A Sisis l ali-nt I mwrssi l,- ii..s.on has l--n s. I, , t..l l"v t - imisn.siers l.s- the t-,ris 1,. 1 he Arasri4a eu-r. su in marlwi; Aptli 1-icOiMt I gISCIILASXOIJa. . W ; i:t tM JK .I OPE.M Vts er this at- awn 5. 25 Sjfamorr Slrrff, PITEESBUB.a - VA. F nillG'AIMA'K N VMKH KfOCK H V.H lN HK A l-'lej Mli miiett taste a;il juii,;m.-ui ami at liiv 7r 1,-1 rat iUiDtC't WlM na(itr luutle Iii Iff ca l all kmu ul - i, J, .,. .t,... . ; 0BT cod ds; r msviuu sut oakiarKiixii.r tow. ' Thim hi iktfiA'Jty the laitst and lt iuk ut DltY GOODS la Virginia and offers iadueaienla to pnrchaMi-a aumrpaasMl anywhare. Mo eourt will b spared to give aatuuaeUoa to all. vo vaa KKauaumor VlfgiaUt nU North Carolina, bin SAY SSND 1!f TOUR ORDEItO, Yim wiH ba "delif(litelwith the' BEAUTIFUL UUOt8 yon will reueive In return, and at the LOWEST MARKET PUICU. To onr nnmeron enatoawrs at a distance, I return say grateful thanks and request their or ders foe samples, auanuiteemg ia every mataiiee entire satialaetkai. Tu our numerous Mend and patron in the city and vicinity, I would especially say, that ia many reepeet lb Block wa oarer ao desirable oroomplete, embracing many NSW AIf lttIMIHAalf.K AalTI4I.Ka ' IU EVERY DEPARTMENT, . And will, therefore, refrain from a numeration, eaoept to call especial attention to J , THJB DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT, which surpasses anything heretofore offered in Una market. An early call will secure tbe moat DESIRABLE SHADES, - PATTERNS, ., Ac. Thankful for th very liberal patrooa; hereto fore eateiided, I bope by atnet attention to tbe aeeesaitiee and Interest of my eustomers, to merit its eoniinuauee to the entire extent of their watlts IM ll,S tkltV CUV1T1M ril,-l.l)TIL-K."r ' THOMAS I.1ITU, my t-Mc .CROCKEBT, qUEE VSiVAUE, ' ' AND. ' QLASS-WAhE. HMJISa LEAVE TO ANNOtTNCE TO THE CITI I A scYis of bsleurh and vicinity, that I have added u my ajmuy extensive bnsiueaa, an especial de partment mr V ( EOCKEEY AND GLASS-WABE, " and have taken great ear to select the good with a view of tualting thi a firat-elss Grocery store. . , 1 have the Unreal sod beet selected assortment to he found in this sitr, wmauiimg ot k lNK LUl KA WE I'TK, (plain, irilded and painted,) all of latest styles snd patterns, Hi ONKWAKK, COM- aiUN W AJKpSnd AjH1jUN WAKK 5 ' -" j ! ; . IS GLAIa-WARE, ; 5 ' : Our aaaortment i oornpleU, eonaLtin; of r Fin Cat Glau Goblet. Tnmblera, Wine GlnaMa,' and Dither of all Sim, Looking Glaatet of every description, made of the very best Ger- man and American Glaaa. - Ih lleparuueiit of STAPLE ASl f ASCT I)Ef GOODS, hss jnst been fitted on I with the most fashionable and desirable Goods, and the recent decline in prices and the particular attention I have given ui selecting tne goisis. will suable ma to please sverv bodv in stvle and nrica. I lhrf,H-a mviu my old eustomers and th public generally to call and examine my good and price betur purcha sing elsewhere. s " Ik-sidea, b it still prepared to furnish the people with . V EEAPY-IIADB. CLOHOTO, in as great varietv aa herslnfisra. ami irsi-ino- (lis best qualiliea as to at vie, make and quality. He invites aa inspection of tba same bym purcha ser. , a In addition. I will mention my nrat-ebust CROCERT STORE. whkh ia kept np at all time with the best and fineat t'aiuilr Uroceriee and sold at the lowest market prices. A. KI.iNti, uor. rayettevuie and Hargett Hta. May -226-2m. , J. XI. CHAWFOHD, Mechanical and Operative Dentist, RALEIGH. N. C. OFflt E iiVKU1 I'Edt'UDS OLD, DKl'O : " 1 8TORK. ' vtritat itttii: P. M. T.-elh EaUai-lud- willtont ---pant by lb wse ol Nitrous tluilt Ui., and lb ks-ai amnlheoo or aUksT apray. my a-Kte-eislly fJt'KEYK MOWKlt ASD KErAIIT We have in Store one of l li.i ..L.r.r.t.i i. cbiiee, wbhh ws will sell on accommotlatiiig leniia. .... : W e have alao ma.le arreiitfemente to furtlish sa aluirt noti. t Grain frail hs, 1 hresluiut Machines. Horss l owers. Horse Kskea. Fan Mills, 4 ultuti - n As 1 I ( IT I il j U. i: lUJAMis IS k vo. 1 ,. "J ( tlf rKAWBreHiWJXr- tli-rpv-T1iie whh'h will lit- snht rhi jp. " - II. K VUU.lANl.so.N A t o. 4 - I m t--"V.if II AltlktYAItE t II ill it ii A Ki: ft IIIKUUARE! AM. SHOVELS. ;. SP A tl A N HAS Fir- ii torn. ! hi J A.l TAliLti i-.-: ,' I tl IKY. Sftnis I TEA -Mr I l.H .vi7 fi Hi 1 fA .1M K - V A. D f'.4 i m i v, UAl'lMx, HtVVKll A.4..V .' A A II v JiS tl A 1 I ... Ill: lit i;as V. I ! " " lit t ,' v .4 f . I N hlK.Jh i. IV if AVloeh I .k u:il..'.. i ... i . f X " ' 1xl'i1 Alt hrI I I April li-il5-tf . u '.VL.' I. I .aAl I'll ESE5TATIOX CO. 7 fsoirrmsiti INfOltPtvlUTF-D BV ' itlk LEgisla, TCRR Or-TIROINIA," " ' - To bs Qivn r Baltimore, Juno 17 1 6 6 . rim'KKTSONI-riulitU E0H.T tie a... X olJullShKAil. Alfai.t.a Dwlks, C" ; aswes Oitio, BaletKhVN. AJ, , T 5fe OwiiiK to rvueiil troiiWi a., tli Maiiaesrs-'i,. issued the ftillowiDM ',rd towlucii thi.ttH;, -iepiil,lieee,fcd: ' -- tfBJ I'arMttTriTv.s f'-...... . 4, tudtimure, Apnt ia, tasi ' ' Mi.si.iib.- tuiTvUuiOur stimuli. . i,.. . ealinl tosiraew ia btiutiiera pawr taJ7?L Htfon the uisiiK'.rui 'tf llw l'reseutfau iii erttn bmI t the Monllirm Orphan Waiutlf and in auawtw to the atatenwuia and assi,,!. . c.mtnjij ut auek eUraeu wio Ui Ut thi whole uiaiter before the jiBopla, tual th,v judpe li-om theai-tiottsofoiir scensers tlie IH' l.y abirh they ars eovet. Wa rail attau, S in 41 rw-ts emtuuiie in tho friliowiif card, and I ileal tlie ptitibu iu bear in miiid last u2 JZ I ie m.. Il I :. ,l., d si... !.. n, I u. t . i . boaulhonly to set in auy oJHcial esrwcuy kat ever. Tb power thev Snnirlit to asnru wunl.i r give lb. fuU CHitns of th Isiok. and fuadTlU which they could eiape the arst io suit UTi3 withdraw the latter Iroru .th. bank, wWiIm now, siihject to the order of the Aaaociauiti ' ; irrora tne liaUiuxsre Oasette April a.J TO THE PiTifJC. ' Tlij. Kontliern Orphan Aasocialioa being hatOa to miwepresenuitta, in coiise,,nce of lie u arrest iX some of its membara oa ehsrres orsft. aent tbe fidiowiua ataleiueBt, rt.trd Iu IU Association and its a-users : y At the incepiioB of the Sixiety the ladies roa neeted with lis orifrin, iu tww of duliculues that -might arise in proeuring a charter, dewnmiwd to ulunt a meiubers such geuUeruna aaVw. suHed tl pn.per Io advise and assiatlhew. Some el these gentlemen apismiBtlv worked t the sole beneliluf tli Aaseoeoiusi ahtil the t,uZ table Hmcert was proposad. Alter that their as tioiai allowed hot too plainly that tW desired te obtain ooutrol of the AsHociatiiai. -"., At a meelltig of the J'ruslee npoe tbe tth. of Man h aronsOliiUoa, draws t-pbr aJmara, Eiav. berly and Uawkuta, tnee-ting tiiea with fall aam er and autliuruy to handle the funis of u ' ciailon and lo 'vtaaitne ila books; by Mr. kuuberly, and upon a vise Wing takes? " asiaidaul. The ladlre. Wlthwsasvusujaaa. rejited it snd the President and 'lraurarsr aui recoiruuing the legality of the dueuaxiul, nlnsad , tovul. In this maimer it waa bud over, li, withstanding tins, the parties resolved tbeaiaetvaa : into nnunuuees aad set to work. . , On iiie .Id. of April a oomnmue, eutisisUag of Messra. Kimberly and ttoatock, niuWr litis m) called constitution, came to our ottioa and th mauded tlie book. ' The President beingpn-siit, staU-d that having refnasd to aeefipt tb eraistk tution, she would ao reoognis Ui auanulus. On the 4th. Mr. Kimberly called, with tsu gsaua men, and again demanded the books, aud ws sgain relnwii. , r On tbe 6lh. by.rwaneet of laeaare. Kimberly, Hawkins and BiMtock, wa, with two wiounsss at tended an interview with them at fiarnum s Ho tel, air. Hawkina atated that h had that ainra mg reeeirad a teller from General Trimble, tnthe rumg iuui to proaeem tta for baring oiwutd en of the General's I. tu.rs, Inch iu luutuded la da to the full extent of the law if ws did not givs ap the bonks. As tha officers should dociils Ihu, we told bim that he would be answered wait day. On that evening tWotneeta and on ran Its wsr arrested on a warrant issnod by Mr. KimlH-ri), . and released on bail. The next availing Jttr. Haw kina issued s warrant fiw tb arrest of our bunk keener. Hr. Bchasra. on tha eharwa of hsvias opened General Trimble s letter. As the charge waa false; sir. r-. tilers waa dismissed. We ars front this merrring's "rinn" that these parties '-announce Ibwir umilialltled rwnHilisl.i,sft ,if 1I.A tw.b Ject,"t. wlueli WiH be taksa fur what it w worih. , wuttn it sill le shown that they repudiated, so., because thev Irsit their iarira eommisMusis in tha rejections of their farms and nooses by tha sioowty. 1 be ottioee and rank they appead In tbsir aig- ' aatursa are of their own eraauon, as the aonsiy wishes the puUic 16 uiHlerstalitl ilifit U disi 114... reefigniz the rtamVsnd oftice of '-riiianoa Com- mittee" aa ever having been crested by said - cieiy. i i. , Wa here luasa ths nnhlie tn dstsnutna tha a rives of onr accuser, for, te eur mntii, a aioiple narration of the alsjve facta is snfhcicnt Co "aUow that tne Association and onraelves are attacked because we would not suit tba parpoasaof Messrs. Hawkuia, Coetock aud Kimberly. UT. PAUIEU A CO. In eonasqnence of the persecution arising from ear late connection with these persons, ws are compelled to postpone the GRAND CHAHH A- IlI.E PREHEMATfO.N COSCtKf to the StVk,!i- TtHN'fH DAY OF JUNE, lHt Tliia wiUgtv aa aniile time to dispose ot all the tickets, and it will afford the public an opportunity to invest' gntw the facta which we have published, Uia gaining that confidence which ia necessary to en sure the success of every publio measure. , We do not wish these statement lo be taken unsubstantiated, as we cordially invite an invest! gallon of the enlarvriHi. .Tbe grand inry of Ibis J city presented na, and ws hoped that they would go further aud indict ns, for we wished to prove to the world our houesty and disinterestedness in this measure, which emild not be better done tha in aa iiivcatigation by the grand UKjneaa. It. now remain with tlie public whether th "Home and Nehool" shall be built. Whether tin poor, fatherless ehildren of tha Mouth, whose pa rents' blond waa shed in defence of Houilieis homes, aliall he deprived of th hleasuiga which tliia eiiterms eeoAa to obtain lor.thaua, klust we appeal in rain t Ko, it aliall not be aaid thai the hoiuhorn people were' so ungenerous as lo condemn thae who ars seeking to beneftt lbs children of Uie soldiers who died fiw them, apu the evuleiieo of men w ho, when they saw Uistr own mercenary aims frustrated, sought lo eorsr their guilt by bringing rharifee on n. Chaws' which, in tlie only trial that waa allowed na, were proved Id be aa false as perjury could make them. , , UT. PAUltUAtO. Mrs. J. L. HAMMOND, Preaidenl.Mra. E. A. V. MKMIRrt, Treasurer, Mr. Mc:l!hiilN and Mrs. bUllltllti, Trnatees of the 8mulem tlrjihsn As sisialion, have also published a card, 'i lie iol kiwing are extract : "VYe invite an eianiinafion of our books and tlie fnrsbi now aecnmnlsting in bank anbjeet to tha order id the Aasoi-MltKiu, he Ihe purisns-of ertsil- - mt the home and aehoed fur ths .orplimis of Uie, ..ul.dernle doad" inXthe cur of hn Imesei, Ttrjrtnia. Notliing-tliat We can say will tesiuy nior-i acenrately the eom'ctness of iwir plans tli" an inycettgatiofi of our Usiks and funds, and it a as tss'sune we, aa custliOiausof uiess tressw-i aio. - IA s itsss ssa II... I. ,w si.il ilevaslgtion of r u late war, aud know the immense aiwnVcJ "' 'of fering occasioned l.y it. llonua were rendered cm-el jess bv the loss of its head, who fell titiitmif ... I lis; the homes of tlie Motit h, and it w ihu s ms--4try forlhe poor and- trintiliCTs iri-hfts of th. Ho'iith i'list csnwd ns to entnr.into liie reiewntioe . . ! .1 ... - l. A .. i ... ..I, tin SS is act -uriTig iur iii-m a noim-Nairn iii'n'-'s ----eilucatiisi. as nay rindi-r tlw-nt hcn-sftiT giid . and nsefiil citiseiis itf afree and nappy land. . We csifcss. how. vcr, that tf we, could hive. link ed !!inHrh the future and Ken llie trials sod araM-nOiui Ln mm ynl.jM.'! WSWOSSl iave nrier'atU'iiioteil to ts-cui ao thaiiks-ss a wsirte iut hhw hati en t ai aed i vnf re utaiion is al stake and wc must build lbs 11 '' nd Ins.! : l!u it f.se ae eafl uinai all g.ssf - .n(e: t.i .s.itaist. ,na. tua.aid 4.e- ioH41.iilitn ta ftr , V J V 1 r HJ U tm-rk-H .. eiieuueii. p. r-iu . v -wri w-e oeii-oe.l f-il. . j.1 S 11 iaj,nmj.ii4iiuha aura, junto t 4 V. : lite ai'ls ul our ivruplmei s, snoitld fiveilo the J.'" i Mi-mH sateTn-ti,s. and' mrnttlT rtlen" ssai'l'tgssi : ; to as Iw Is m strei l see.rfvartev wnh tits fsess, - sr-e li-Hg si "et s. T TF. Ttrtv -I pubis. bed a card a hu b. as We approved it tle-a, I e will olli. -mil v riiiiorirt U nuw, that the iM -"IM "iitij. Jl Jja mw- xi a I 1 ' put-il vi-jv I. ,ei iisraoti-e lor lie luiliibine-s.- i III eisiseijuenee ol the Ol Isv ieanlsieu nv risuinei ol ine iirrs..:isiiisive alnaied to. we kaie t itrs uisiiisive alnayed to, we asie .1 to iiin.mj onr managers lo J- i Isrl'il eom i ti'ine tli .4Sil-rt nut U the Kill. dv of Jaua, l .i tlial. we wi-tv be fbte to begin trie hillidiug as I as i.irr I oseert hn-im-M hIi.11 t ud. AjU rivtfw 101 111 llll'iii.s 11 us. i " Jiwt ree. iverl , i wl.ieb will tie. sol. nth r M of ItHss? Cbace H. Dori.LASlsnLL. lo Var tf IV 1 u.tii in tits;! i primeartK le to day reeeive I ! T . .J i. : l-uloLASErXL. May 1-223-ff r

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