I .... -,;., ,r-,r- ... W- rilI EK r ABTtllTll!S. - - Advertisement wilt 1 msertd .in tbe Doff reW at the Jolhiwiiig riu-s. AMtiHmrt 0J be hereafter oilmiaHj at 13 mbuok tb,. tit 1 j locks. On aqnara on time. ....;. i ... . vb suttseilllt'liriiiiiertiou less ir""tiiieo ihie'oiii-".-.- .f.t. .1 i--iah a.i.lilMnal sqiUrtrtrte Wwes!.'-"". Ml. lu square w weaa. , .',,i ', fc".acb aiuittousl square tw I . tllHJ s.(nare Oil BeHillU. tatr-l bach wMKKKikl square ou mouth 8, 'J OtNMttruere inoaihe.. . .', i -. . ..ltt.irtl yt-b fctaiumifci .,..,..... s.. p"fira!"iara UiferTrthhOarrTrrfrMr' ""-----tlnejTiartprctauuill " . ,..'.r..V.V.."..i5.0. . tut naif eotuma " 4n.n0 ; UueeoiuiM 7'-' ............7.14,W0 UViruHr tatsiiiea-t ewrds, 13 minion line or lew. ,tl u oKirui J noly Sill f,tribHui:moiillij ... 1" -r-r-jr -- 11 adituauiiM ur earns to tut be ctnutgeu ia JbriLBiJ!texjtI llire BntU. ..Conttacla A. mum Ua three mouths waW only at thesbove rsteS. , Bpscjal notion ur ailwtliomonU rlireJ to fr, l.--.H li,.U. ur .any. piUI plss, Will be eaarged 33 K'f ait higher tbaa th above enargse. Aiiiejua-iuenls iowrtnl ia eekly and 8emt- WwUr at rate earn stxmdihg with the entire, Coart 4erusewiuiit mantled i week fur 17 esb or t JO if charge!. Adrertisemwill always find it U tbuir edvaiitaga tosacloiw ihJauh when theyswid advertise t tela, to th. eitaut they wiaa ta nay lor tltena. THE SENTINEL. XVENiKU, JktAX A, Hif . LOCAi: DIPAETVEHT. To AjvitKtiKB. The public will find the cVsftW one pf the beat Mediums of ad ertiUi( In the State. It circulation corn 7 a Urgr perlmps, .than an'j other pa . Aort, W. II. BerDarU,"Eq , U aur Agent at Wilmington, N. C 7 ' W. W. Joik, E.l , i our Agi ut mt Lou- uiKg.N.a -. - 3. W. Korwood, E( it our Agent at JWarrentno, M..i ' . ' ' -. N AovEKTWitMKSTg. ICestera Em pire Cookltig Stovea : J. Browd; with Hart & Lewi. - '';,'- ' ' - A Boat and eligible cottage in the. Eaat .era part of the City ia off-red for aat or rent For., further infurmation, apply at thia office. " ' Mewm. W II. R. 8. Tucker A Co, an nounce new and splendid importation. Cotton Plows, CUewing'ttid Smoking To bacea ; Jaunt M. Tovlea. A pcnrral meeting ot the Btockholdentot th Bank of North Carolina will be held in this city, on the I8tl proi.1 r 'I ' A superb lot of Oracaries: Douglas Bell, Market sqnare. ' : LstTftiE t IUr.' J. S. LoKrWe are pleased ta aniHiunce that this gentleman wilt deliver Lis two lectures, on the Ethics of History " and the "Life of Bishop Bast-ow,'"! the CoroiooBS Hall, in this City, oa Tuefclay and Wednesday evenings. The object of theae lectures is to aid In the rebuilding of the Methodist' Church in Wa4iiugta, K. V, which was destroyed by in oa the 8(Hh, of April. 184, on Uie evae uation of the town by the Federal forces, aa object which commends itself to Chris tians of all denominations and tha'coinmu- j Jlity ai lufgft IVfliups a place suffered so much UuriiiK the war as tlim town. t liee that all tli churches were deatroyed, and the condition of the people renders it iadiapeasable that they should apply for extraneous assSotanoa to enable them to re erect their houses of worship. Mr. Long has lectured in Newbern, Wil- miriKtoo and Fayctteyille, and the press of those cities has pok,e ia the most exalted terms of his ritre gilts of oratory. We hare erer tecn.wemsf My.higher praise award ed io any public lecturer. That these eoniuiendationa are, fully merited, we are sure, and we predict for those of ourcitl tens, who may attend, a literary feast of uncommon attractiveness. The Inst Fayettevills Sem speaks of Mr. Long's lectures ia the following tenns : ''Seldom has it been our good fortune to enjoy a. literary entertainment so pleasing, so instructive, so entirely satisfactory, as baa been recently affurtlol by his delivery of his two hx turci Tlie Kthics of History,' on Friday evening, the SRth., and 'The Life of Bishop Bascotn, on Monday evening, the tuth. Endoweii with the faculty of sur prising comaiaatl of language, gilted with an elegance oi diction and a Minemetit ol imagery, possessed of a piwerful and well modulated voice, the apeaker takes hold of the minds and sympathies of his audience, and carries them with him throughout bis (efforts. If we are culled upon to make a distine tioo hotwovji the '.wo lectures, we wil! say that lirlK-auty and eloquence, touching pathos and great power, and solid evidence of great research aodst-holarly Attainments, the 'KUim-s of History ' was perfect."But we caT.II'fC,ni hiKher praie to the address on tue "1,110 ot ttiHliop Uascom' than to ssy tbst, wilh a, Uiiscellaueons suilis ce. nnj ownM'KiUTinwitfira'. tire -aeeeased Bishop, anl who were to lie forced into rTtiuiattn tith the subject, Mr. Long was, if possible, stfil more surcmwiul than ort his first night, ia giving pli-asure and gratification to bis aearers." ' The pnee of axlmission to "the Lectures Will be 50 rents each. ' Pntnsf WoUl.-MV take pleasure in stating that we were iufivrmed. this more- t tejffrthst flew1 MttweCuiit of fhmTfS. given or,!er (or the siisDeosion of the I Jrtit iV - LiH-ile4- iwmsBUK-nl uitirni."irws , ; - -4lPmBitfllirr, :tf.-n!attgt)ff,''Wllt MtrTt-imM .,.-tnix.-- tbWwlt ,;f Otn. ViW nnirer-nl la lit' Biii'..". Ifie no necsHit. exists : the r,mf.nnn,.e ,.f n,ls, work in tW rt... , - . - . siht ! I .ntv n.fi-.l in ef t ta tlist I Ml .1st. lo.fT.I .11 the hi,.Um r tlitbtl piscetrntk ia on Mon'tar' laat uiarl. R"vrmet rein I frtmi labor tin that dsy, ml the privilep of erj-yinj the riti(;iou efvicesuf tW Plhthf ia which all men "mid participate. Wc know that -th "W't iHHia. epcrnaeye lual an.l t, aj," . , ,"" , ' V " 1 ,na wnen i ori a (iv nrosv, ot e i eesjt,a ,, j , .),. i,t,.n.,r f : - -oe enrroaclie 1 cpon, . tiul la n : the Beceasitv shoullti imixrious. r r , ,,. . . For tf'e Sentinel MtttSRa Euitors : Will you not urge up on our young men the itiiportance of estaby lishing debating and n sding clubs and cir calSliD. lilirariiis t Ascits4-Ttgirta will JLeaj3Ji:ac!arttirali,BiMck thaUbsy ssight- fail in as individuals, however iodustrious and persevering In their exercises and trials. Interchange of thought and conflict ol opin ions will elicit aciatillaiiont of mind, which might otherwise remain dormant forever,1 hutlMiing vlw1teit-b ltwdred Into jittei" atelulI"trif'af:1arB aiid illumine by their genial glow and brightning in fluence the present and future of our coun try; just as the striding of flint and steal to (fBthtfwm ;:;pwrdtH'--wpk'rkfniateTtaI" flame, which could not be oroduced from either wit hout collision," but, being emitted. may be kindled into names to warm and cherish ns, and to minister te our material welfare and support in thousands of Wsys. We nave any number or Base liall clubs, with their match games, which are very iia proving in their way, as they certainlv are quite pleasant and eliciting. The appear ance of vigorous health and personal activi ty exhibited on these occasions, speaks well tor tlie tihynaui of the young gentlemen, and conclusively shows what regular sier- cise and training will do in the way of de veloping the physical man. . Now it is no less certain, that the same amount of time ' regularly and judiciously spent of evenings. in intwlleclual exercises and training, under ralea and regulations as stringent and squal ly lorcelul in Compelling obetlience to pn acrihed duties, would result m ail intellec tual vigor and activity corresponding with this physical improvement, I heaa mental exerciaee, with the purpose of storing the mind with knowledge and ot speaking and writing correctly, netestitati the habit ol thinking accurately, a mattor of the utmost importance, under all circumstances, and to every one, vo kmt.t and ttptett t amuiter and penes! tht WvrlJ oa tht lint f hit oper eUmt, whether actually and actively enga ged is the pressing pursuits ot lile, or only training for the necessary struggles of ths world. Moreover, there would Be fewer vices, and less faults of any kind in the world, if we were ia the habit of thinking belore acting, which would le the fruit of such intellectual training; while the tact Is undeniable, that familiarity with our best authors gives point and polish to our talenta for business, as well as to our conversation and manners. Will not then the gold and silver of Johnson, Addisoa and Burke, and the diamonds and pearls of Milton, fihsks peare,xPope and Drydea weigh somewhat 0 tilt estimation t the Irmar nelr$ ol this wiyld Jfor after all, f ;. , . -i. "What is thS world t What skea ssna tohsvo, Now sitb his UM, snd now is his sold grave r' T J"i'rirTTBVru,E M Art-. We deeply regret that the daily mail from this city to Fayetterillf should hive been stiepeoded.- It is a serious inconvenience to the business men of that plaVe, which no other arrange ment can possibly remedy; ; We . re, how ever, sure that no blame can lie attached to either Dr. Jobe, ; the special mail kgent, or to the Postmaster of this.city.7 j t j Ur. Jobe has just returned from t syette- ville, having effected so arrangement for canning the mail from Wilmington to Fay etteville,' tri-weekly, by the'' river boats, which, with the tri-weekly mail -by way of Lumberton, will give them a daily mail This arrangement, we presume, is only 'tem porary, as the contract fbr the matt from this city to Fayettevllle, which has already been made for four years with Mr. Clem meat, begin on .the 1st of July next,wbMi we hope will not be vitiated, We regret very much tbst the people ' of Fayetteville d'nl not call the attention of the Post Office Department to the impor tance of changing the old mail route. It is the longest stage route in the Eastern part of tlie State, over one of the worst roads we have, and so poorly supplied with food for horses, as to make it one of the most per plexing and expensive routes io the coun try. It appears to lis that the, daily, mail route 6r the Northern mail to Fayetteville should le from this city to Jonesboro', or Morrisville to tlie present terminus of tlie Western (Coalfield) Railroad, This would reduce the staging one-half. , Besides, we think, the public mind would by this means be kept upon the final com pletion of the Chatham Railroad,-? work which may now be completed at sV incon siderable expense, and which would ac complish much for the development of the resources of Ieep River. - - j Chanue or' SciiEDi-iJt. We learn that a change of schedule baa been made on the North Carolina Railroad, which went into effect oa yesterday. The mail train from the East now arrives at 3.S0 P. it., and leaves fbr the West at 4.0S P. M. The nisi train from the Wei4 arrives at 9.18 A. M. and leaves for the East at 9.28 A. M. The Acconitrodation train trout the Esst arrives at 5.1 3 A. M. sad leaves for the West at 6 A. M. Tlie same train from the West arrives at 10 40 V. M. 'and leaves for the East at 11.20 P. M. We understand tbst the through time, (mail train,) from Charlotte I . rTi.TaJ 5 - j I UiinUtti. I This arrsngement is a very iiwtinVeHicht and objectionable one to the press ol this City, but we will crulcavor to accommodate ourselves to it ss soon as practicsble, 'L...... Kaleiob amu Gaston R. H. The an- Bouaement of change -ol schedule on this Road was received at an late ta hour, that we have barelv time to call attention to it .4W..effsBemfrW-'ewvfim- thrftfjjh snd complete, and that, under its 1 Vl i J" nbli-h the ad-1 MVM "' """J- 4U8",. " i f"' - l"K "onc m. 0",aKn IPIsni pnwilH1l'il. ! Tin Unlniile.-iwt,tlii ,,r,e firm 1 ! 01 ciiii uiuitirrti (lotnii s in caHlt ; alHltue Aiwi says that is "pretty pi md fiwthes dull .; "... .. ' v times. 1 Our correspondent at Cbtcopee, :in no- . . t..: .1 . t. , 1 ,i... j t... . . -:. i. . i j.o.a a..-., a - vt "- "u ) rare material, iiei wraniruiaa.-BS almost to u-iiijit t ut-ii w 1 ivj.,r a ri - j ue first !v.f.,r s ri Ji-. tun. t!i. 1,,.,, ..,..1 , ... . 1 U,s rem.ns to tlie depot la that village. ic-prwjnua L ,!. - .. ' I ELEGHAPIIIC. Mondny if wrniHg DUpHtches. RENTl't'tf EIJCcTkS-D F. M 0 C ri A T 1 (J . uat.H.';""r"":' "" ?L'"''.,- . ItJIVifi-, Hay'S, " Ths CoBfrsasiooal ehMliaa pas4 off quietly,' oa yeetordsy. Orovar's majority ia ths flrth ) hot k 4,000. Beck, in tlis serendh, Knott, la ths siita, all DessoeraU, srs ehvt4. la praportina to the vote east, the Democratic awiise will k era Ihaarlaai wrrrsrss5 FROM THE WrsT. Biji Faistisoo, May 5. The Nevada Btais primi has W baruotl. The jgrisoneri xejrjjJI fwenril- ' i-,,, " . 1 Us IiKUaas ar U prpilniug M lilaho. Ueaw Halliict has f oas to Hoaera, - -r The Tllow Jacket ktUun( Com put? haS de clared a dividend of fifty dollars on the sliare. TROM 1 -': WuutitoTfts, Hay S. . The Chihaa Minister has affinal adrfoes of tlie stuesas of Hie adauniatratloa party la the rseent elections, .. ' '. '' The Slats Department hsssdrlMS of tb din eonrjfit ths silk plant ia Faro, and that propa ratiua fur its sxtsmtre eeltlratioa la being inaug urated. iW Indian ComaiuwioDer fur Arinms report the fudiMis to be buati) suil the whites iudig ant over the oatrairea euinmitted lf ttinn, - The Custom receipts for ths week, ending Uh. alt., sidudinf New yurk, vsrs l,IHl,0wl. .e. Heeratarji Urowuiag ui quits sick. Ths Attorney Qeaersl's opiuiitii reeardiug lbs diaft-anchiseiBeBts audor the reeontrBcti, ai-t, is not euurpleted. FKOM NEW IOKK. 1 - ; New loss, May 5v . ConnUrfsit plates of uns sud Jis oa ths Pee pie's Kattoaal Bank of Uiciugaa, and legal tender oiws, have bees discovered by ths detective. atatamaras correapondenee of ths 21th. ult., ssjs that Juarsa has issued s -decree withdrawing privUeeea from European citizens who recognized ths Empire, sod abolishing ths treaty stipulations with soch powers. A Rio Jsoeiro dispatch, dated April 8lh.. save ths Bmpsror hss issnsd a decree declann ths alavse fres, tbs mandate to take effect withiti twenty Jr, The children bora hereafter will be (res. - :-1 . r FROU BICHMOND. . Richmond, If ay 4. Ths Cenrt, to-day, quashed tbs attachment for t8,0(made bjrChaflin k Co., of New York, against Bteeabork A Bro. , - The Clover Bill pita, which recently esplnded, were re-opened yesterday. The water was twelve (eat deep in them. Ho bodies bsvs boon reoover- sd. x : - i , MAKKETO AND FINANCIAL. - NgwTos,May4,P.M.": Cotton opsaed bssvy and lower, VtTii, hales 1700 bales, ctoaing at 17) for Miditlinf uplands. 1 Flour lees active., 811 I114U1,M. Corn dull ; 1(3 lower. New mixed Western Pork lower I22,0t23,10. laid firmer V2 ' Wn-smaTos, Hay 4. 1 OoUoa, no sslea. : Spirits Turpentine nominal, CO. Roam No 1. ' Our AflerBeea DUpatf-bes. , FROM WA8HINOTON. ... . t . VasaimTOs, May A .. The aMaocrata bavs eanriod Lancaster, Pa., by 570 saajoriljr.i-a gtia of StIO linos last yew; A paragraph ia Mr. Davis' Aobsos corpm pnti- n sajrsi. i.'. ii,J.:-rl..: U, , "lour pstiUonur further sbows that his bn prUHmmont afornsaid has sraatlv impaired his boaltb, and that tbs eontinaatw thereof, throngb ths taming aummsr, weald involve, esrioas dan ger to his Ufa, ss your petitioner believes." Own. Kousseau is .ordered to the command of the Northwestern Military District, embrteing Oregon, Washington sod ttontana Territories. ' . mMmmm BOrrtOS FINANCIEItlNO. Bonos. Mavftv JohBLsigbten, who failed for over 11.000,000, is impltcaUd hi as over-iaaue of ; mining .atoidv. .bjuI with Julian F. Hart veil in embezxliug ever tjOO,- 000 from the government. He was jailed, in da- fault of f 140,000 bail. DISTURBANCE NiENTUCKtl ' LstmoTos, May A Lt. Rioa, wilb s detachment of sjldirs, st- temptad to make earn arrests tar.. Nichabwn villa, Kenteckv, when the soldiers were, driven off. Itiee and a privste wore wmmih'il. - The trouble. grew out of tbe lynching of negro, who killed whiUboy. . ! THE FRONTIER. .8a Fa;uco, Maii, Arisona advioes ssy that a war of eitorniuiallon has commenced sgainst the Indians In that Ttr ritory. MARKETS ANP FINANCIAL. Nsw Yo, May I. CtittoB lowar. Mid dUng upland 27. Htoeks steady. Exclge, 60 days, 9J. ' Bight 104. Mooevb&S. Oold 11.361. J LltERrool, May. T counaqmet. upiaaua IM'itllJ. uricMislli DIED. In Louialmnr. N. C la the 3Hth. vearof her ace. on Friday, ths 2Hth. of April 1M!7, Mmii Anna HotrrBtuTSV wde of Col. kichard lugs Wynne. Rr MnrfteenfirsWr W. r . tm tl 11 of w U. tHTT. ' ' 1 I C0ITET AD VEUTISEJTEJffTS. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, j J,vnKTosj . Count. .. Coen or Pleas ahd Qrinirs ttrjuuoxs, Fm., ' . . , , Train lWi7. , 1 Terry Oistwin,' I ' it. Oriuimd Ailnr1,iriti: IkM. llarknv. ) IT appearing to the eatiafaction of the Oairt, tint Ji. JL iiaiOowtha MthMi m-thnt an-.. is abaent beyond the liuiitM (AT tiaa Mali-, ao tlrt ll 1 iIimss .1 pi is as s hvw1 emmnt-be s.-m-ll-ii'.'. S him, it is therefore, fm motion, ordered bv tlie Conrt, that a-Ke-jiteenieiit 1 mmir once a w-r-k tils !hip.nsl.,Slift- .m:F1:w; bUlMk ! in ut L rut of inn tmrn aiijiai.a.ej M. ,timXiSlil---.--". Wjg; gggsg ,k,,B tv,,yrii, a4 lb 1 . . . , : ft attac ill be eHI-.-!(tiC,t 1 aiisep, K I. MASSEY. Ch-rk of said Court, at ' Tu. " 1L :P.T.MsKSi:r,"Ci.iTt; ' 16-1 ! ttfAl E OF SOU Til CAROLINA. ( Havti. CorsTx. . j iv vwi q, v "1, "tw." 1 m., 1 "i The ThomaavUl Bank J ' lliil Iv tt' yU 1 f I J r'tnmed frnm the S-irlh snd opened ra. Unnam ..rfllAat bta oht hhihI, a spleadid Vanely of , Tlie Creditors of The J '1 hiimvti'ilmyiiaKlf. lOorBMV 111 nana. - i . ; 1. 11. U u nt,.,. I.. I I',.V tl..l ..1 vertiMisanit beauule w the ksb-uib ,V,mi, Sm' I t,., bih! Ufiw-B.laHU' f'trfrp. t..$4'..tI-V to 'l'houiam'iiie, hKk, to nrea4,t iu, tr fiatm. bi' - iub tt. iw-at w,.v sntjilo-, i. 1 (m. fi;; - ion.r if is.'t l-)r. . m n in ,i,,;rvt n.,. ...,4 v.......i, .1 E f.dconn.y ti.'t-e,,. 3,. A,,ril j Mav twly f, C. HUbbi.SH, C. tL t. ' Haleigh Koney Kaxkit cwuKEatw "lis jous 'O.WUXIA1H rjix, BKOkM-sULElOH. Tf.'CT'. , . raicw or ltoa-m cjuuhjx nam: fNtHk,;I,C i SOU IjuAC-. I UarfeHU!, . . " lni(!li, at Oraliaui . , WaUmbontiigB. . . . . - M. TtMiuuivill ' , ilmtiMrtim. . . ......... a. . . 1 alimirton -A uiiiwtiiei.,y-niiyfie """.t,'iaa;trt..Vv";o"i';'.;:.,'.v Miurs,'nd llaiiler's Bank. ........ . ... lanu.-rs' llnk, lireenaUirougb ., 'ouniH-rrial Hank, n ilminglon. .... ... ...... Mercbsnt'a Batik, Tinrtwrir. .- :,-7;r,x:, 1 'wftisntwg-h Slmuat: .-. . r:-.-. .-.v.-; .-. : 7',-- e irk-iuia Hank tua, aliont. 10 Buuia.-rar.ama 1 ' llnVKI 1 " V.... .. .V (Md... ....,,.....,., ,.,.,.......,,..,. Silver . . . . . u.'iirti,l.l 1 OUt Coupon ,....,......,.,,,, 40 .tt V. 4 Mr,.t,tt kx)nA,t I'rmiKMia. IC Old Sin.... 16 Kahaufte oa NewVorlt. ...i v- Eleigh Kational Bank of Hortb. Caro- .-y J'.:' 'Una,,' ' '' Bvrwo aaTW . 0. Bans. Bom. BeidtotCape Ft-ar. 15 v t'harhitle.J..i.,.....,..M.. a fiHiiffiiir.,t..,'..,.i 13 (laiwi.Vw. ',," ...:..,'....... t ' ' K,vrtU)Ul.,..,,,v-4,.-.--."- . " Leamgina. ... .,.......,. W - iexi!it,'uin ac urauam.,.,,,,. - -.- .North (arultiia.rm a, .- " HosIknk ..,,..,.,.... " TtwrnainUte . 'w. ,-. ; .... , " HhUVl , AVllliiiitKrtl, , . ' W aitiiKa . , " aiH.Wilt .M..;,...,...,. Ooinni, r. ial at Wiluimgton .... ........ Kanni'jm' lireenUw) tildj. Merelianti, Newleru .w. ... Miw-ra' ana Ilantera' , ) r,- ... 40 ... 49 . W l ... ... 1 ... ) ... 5 ... to ... M I... ' irjrinia Uant uts, aveis .... .., Mouth (.'aroUna ...'. ......... 1 ileurgia . ; " , .. (ioUl , . . 1A1 silwr.. :. ..,...Mrt Uii North Cariihua CiitMtua (fundabteK ii North ( aroima KailroaJ Coupon.. . . , . North Carolina A i . , ,,..., . . 40 Kxchange on New York, i, PEOVISIOH MARKET. CORRECTED BY JORDAN W0MllLE,0n0CEB. BACON., BKEF liU'lTER; OTI ON. COKK..., CoHtEK. ' kWill ... . 17'.0 ltmM Siv.f.ilO .".Kita4 . I i 40 , 8.i 10 ta 6.ct tM - u-ne t ear WvUiO FKUIT Atipl". . IT Applet ...... Feaciu-a, nrkn. FOWUt . , HjDUit TaniilT . . ....... . . .1.1 WX.LI7 OA ,MJ.(. 14 60 .... 11....W .. t "ih l( . . 't75 , iM0 tbtuernB.. '..... vlJlfiD. ;v..,.r.-..v.. ,,,...! WaAl,:.r...i.,,.v... SlUl-Ks . .. . . i KAllJ Pt-AS White .. ... 1 S5'l,l M poTAToiiri.fi'??nrr;:'T t uci m ' et (nil . , RAGS..':;- ni HALT--.--.-.:. I H U . bl'tiAR Crilahed llfrfij " Brown heat. K 16"cl7, i ; " Common Brown. , Ujuli SPECIAL NOTICES 1 i CASES OfcNT8 FINE CALF BOOTS AT Xf M,U0 s pan- at M. ROSENBiUM-S. AprU 17-414-tf A fin phr iBjtt a ss m t m st m t w mm- Urn at 15 eta. par ounoa at at. widaus a. AprO n-an-tf ' t tL THE LATKo'I BTYlXti UENT'S AND j:VJkiy y'a HaU .1 M. ROrlENBAL'M'S. Ajaril 17-Slt-tf KOW TIIV DESTI.W. 1 Mn E. F. TeosirroK, the great English Aatrologist, Clairvoyant sud Peychometncian, who haa aatoniabed ths aeieutifis el uses of ths Old World, haa now loss ted herself st H ml ana. N. Y. Madams Thornton poom-aava such wonder ful powers of second sight, aa to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatoat rmpnrtarir to ths single or aisrried f either sex.' While ia a state of trance, shs delineates tbs vary featurssf of ths person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known ss ths I'syetomotropei goal mi tees to praduce t Hfh-lft picture of tbe future husband or wife of the ap plicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, loading traita of character, Ac. This is no humbug, ss thonaande of teatiuioniala ess ssssrt. Slis will send when deairedjt eertioed eertilcats, or written guarautve. Uiat the pietnre is what It purports to be. By enclosing a smsU look of hsir and stating, pise of birth, ai, tliauoaiUia and eotnplcxioa, and encloHiinr fifty eeots and atamp- ed envelope d.lrod to yourself, you will reeelvs tli picture and desired inforntaUoa br return mail. All oommnnlcationa sacredly ,confi.ltilial. Addreaa in conAdonoc, Muums E. V. TbosSvos, 1. O. Box MS, Hndano, N. . Apr e-u-.uw -,- . . . . FIIEETO E1XK1BODV. , A Largs pp. Cirmlar, gfring infonnation e) the greatest importani- to the ynmig of both .. '... It teaches bow Uik himiely may bWom Uianii- ful, the deapiaed reapected, and the toraakau lovod . . ' .' - - he young hulyorkulh'man should fail loaned their A.ldr.iea, and roj:lvs a eopy Boat-psid, by return mail. - Addroas P. ). Drawer. Sl. AprU -S-j.vilaw Troy, N. f. BI1SCELLAHE0US." -v NiMtlPAi. Fori( 1:. - " .' UAYub'Atlrcui 1 . 1 T1'-1' " On?iait vt tlw Lit? 4 itxlmrH, ftt W r 4fi4il'ti t lt3l,XH t trktmAHVtllyT rit-Aniw tht ir iirr-mvui i 'ihtir il .tt final tut i. m May, Juit- iiittj July, Ahiw t94fftt;tutvr, w vwh ti.t t'vrry v-r. tietax trvw t. ftrtxnice f i(irft.iitj( rui'h tfj ttir kFvil at ihm mr Ttys Tolifrs will iti-44 ihe rrWiu!M f U p-. aui mtiiiiii, tviu, riu-y will wii)vt iiim4wrlvM ctirdiiiK' i tij3 rniHirwUksfftvn "(' it Lr, ltiettuf eiaiit ltiuld if: ke&ly ttne4,' ivfV ' ' Bil.li. HAVWVili, My t-'ljii 3t - .. Vjn, 1 rwenlr-fi-T lUrrela HnH,i'iff l-i.ri PotalV DuUiLA,. bfctL;. w sr. II. TIIOM lM V, .1 1 1 1 1 A Ll llfi 1 1. JV. C. y .- .,- . -r- . V IVaKlici, jewelry, Miser f Muled j a k .. - a.. Hnrr,4f. repair ng tlonebt-at'y and iih di.p:h. Vr ha 1 '. v" - a.-1l.lent 44 iCUCht, ) itr il-l'-f !;, nfcl .fc l .' 1. 'emit e 1 ;h i i' : iM.;. V, ai0 lfi ,re, and 0111 In li- UV' a .l.at at ri y in- j . .1 (hI.T) sn-1 8ILVKB bought and Btrfrf. Kb ite-J iO-a . . . KI) AT LASf. T. Miles A fVn Sne Frsach Calf Boots. JTllts mv S Calf daiwrfc y- W.Tieer i and Itool lil4rti MmHi uHt btrya dtwea atul titan I April 29-ttS-tf T CEO. T. COOKE'S. J A T SI H A T til FaahkmaMe Molsakin Hals. "CT.wJutA ... " CWtmere and Wool A large atnek of Straw llala, for boys and atou. aeuuig at reuaceu anus st GEO- T. COOKE H. AprU -lM-tf u JJ tatNM -aw- tTHBstus-s.!!. - A keaotiAtletoefc of Parssnls. " Cmhrvllae, email aad large arnee. at ' litO. T. COOKE'S. Aprtt-U4-tf r? f doz iiEjrt.iNr,s cambric HASlv (JU karehwta, kr aals Cheap at , Uta T. COOKE'S. April KS-lf ' . S"6 KC1AL NOTICK. Tha laremt and rW'i atock of 0uU" Boot and Mbimtluat van lMitHuid In the rity, st T. u. T. COOJilS S. April W-ilt-U JJOWW ASIAin. ISAAC CTTIMiir.K ia bow m fsU rrit of Bia tiwnis: aod INbibh toet or . - bur hood, MOOTt.KHOhO, MILLIXthr, AXDiA&uruOOMi, They will be sold at a very small advance oa FIRST COST. Tbe Milhaery busuiess will bs carried oa by MRS. (ETTINGErt, in all its braiu-hea, she having been North herself and vlailett UM Biat aluillMuy atal'llnnienta in Itta tfwunli laid 111 br owu Moe4 lu imrnou. auu l,Mile that, having a ttioronuu knowHNtife of tlia fmaittraa, will bs suahted to suit oue aud all from th Io t he p.Kr. i)uiik uay rornpring aua mtmnwr oonnem will be on the lOib. day of April, to wiiK-h all her ladv frkeuiU are rraMetfully invited, o era lo tulruduelug a new atvlo B0OP SAIUTeallodthe OVKSSA, PATENT COLLAPHIX0 BKWT, a skirt far superior to anything that has eves been broKht to tins eomitry.' t s sak an inapsction ut th a me. Tint will sot regret a walk to ho. 4tl kaveitprille Ktrsnt. Apnl 4--3m OtK hi tK U NOW I'OJIPtETKl WE TAKE PT.KAHUHF IN iNrORMlKOOlTt fhenOaand tbe publio. that we have in atorsoneof tbe saost - COMPLETE AND .BEAUTIFUL A3- ASSORTMENTS of Ooodt, t?er offered la this Kuket Onr DRF.SS OOODS r eonpoaed of all ths latest styles and Borelties of tjfJi season. Oar l ine of Uhlto Cuod Is Pr feet, cousMtlng of MVLL,3TJlXror ASt PIAIX.CBKCKKD asb strip tn onuAXDiks, lAMLKTAMt J'JAIX A JfP KMBttOI- DkKKI) XJ.VA.V AKD MVSLIS 8KTT8, Aeete. Our goods are of ths bsst quality and pries aa low as any one can !! W E H .1X m ine I U FOB CASILand are eno- tent with small prohla. - All ws sak ia aa e lamination of our atock and we think we sea pWass, A. K. et i. MehUMHUr. AprU5-4-tf V Astemlahln V ISw Prleea. - WKETINCi. I nop yds., Oood II) 4 BJaaclaU ShSeUnf , wbioh wm ts suia at UK. par yard. I W.UAB.ftTUCKERCO. April le-JJi-tf black Bii.at marpiwtJM. SOOBuM-ktsOk Mantles sad Aacnuea from SA.nOto 40. W. H. A H. It. TUCktH A CO. April l 91S-lf .. HWP BBtlMTSI. -100 Dos. Latest Stvlss tar Ladies and Miaaea. frota 40ct. to 4.011. W H. A K. I. TITCKER A CO. April 1A11S.U V llslSSWs) sniNTIVU, "10 Bales Brown Shii ling from l'2i e. to lAo. W.H.A R. H. TICKIB A CO. April lAllS-tf BII.BACHK SJMIHTtnM. t.OOO Yds. Of aood Bleached Hhirtinr from lata. te U6o. ,.: W. H. A R. 8. TUCKER A CO. April lC-S-tf ai'Atw A itswai tssMtnti. 1,000 Ids. Black and Brown Delta at 15e. W. 11. A It. H. 1 11 IlKIt A (JO, April 18-JlJ-tf ) IB, f I. A t SS.ltStf t N. foe Wobmb's Drenaes. W. H. A R. a TUCKER A CO. April lft-213-tf , ICB AKttS NATS . I.tOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS ANDOIRLS FROM ' tie. to ta.Otf Mr. a. 4 R. S. TUCKER A CO. AprO 14-llS-tr VSB Mkfl lBBvts. an) Yds. heavy Lilian Drill, sliirhtlv dsuiaged by freoh water ; will b sold st coat on aaHMjunt of Ui underwriters- a great harKftin. W. A U. rl. 1 1 I hFR A CO. V. bolls A betau Men hams, AprttlS alMl1 lialeigti, N. C. KISCEL1ASE0U3. I1 OLIC tPEAUI.XO. Xaaa SatmirisxB, Jonssro Co.. N O. I r ' ' AprU Ssth. Iwi7, . 4 ,WJi.fl tnax on eiaiarnaT, 1 ', 11 . Slay, 1 oeans vrr xars TO the pl.of Kalnigb, snd of Wake Comity. Bieu, Wotuen, and cbiKlrsn, without UnHtnelvm iff jtarty m of 4or, oa "l be Cause awl Curs of tmr Aa ttial iroultln1 I hars had ao eonsnltalk wilb any one in re fnteiHte to this snpounesfBeiit, but I lel lmiled to leg. for IhaA ocal(Sl, ths prewme a,il mm- ralli of all tbos to yonr city and countv, alio the Hon t here States of' Ihe old American t inon betur Uiaa any oilier part of th eailb a anrfsee. ' Meafeetfully. H.yl-Jjitd ED.W.IW. F.DWAItDJ. IIALK V 0, n Ufcok2le Dciikrt In Cooks and Jl.AVE REMOVED' TO fa Mi at li A I AlaiAA V. "7 V tcy are' pi ear'-d to son,)? 4l,eir liotiinern, ti n,inl anil th villi il srtielM atW cab mir 1. .,..!. IHI I 1. 11 U.4-..,.t,t. .. .T. L . . 1 j . Ailiirwa, , V"ii 1 j v a. .7 . - -- May 1 -2w IS Murray Street, bew V.ark. 1- A tU lkCIi TO HATE lOttt old risSinns BtniSEn jtsu T TAJ AAi". 1 AviNiif'rrti V6t!ie iif.virrs or" . w are prepared to il'i I INfi, wiiii bealu-M ami ' a kttl'l. of 1 1 M ! dpa. k. un-U'ili j.x ,'aou 1 14. ,011 STt'trese recoY!,1 and u-.ait er?.r. Fftn-.i. ttf ail ti- !a rei ami vsjth.1,, .-!. i,.ter.d, aod fci.y 1,,. cntr lilt. . Ulti rin w. a. ' ir.hi April -.JCfctf. ... . 1 layerteyui St. DEY C00BS. 1S07 1807: -Fissi t8A. (iptsise or: SUMMEU GOODS- 1 COME AND rKK THEM, AND IF THE OOODD and rmCFi. 8C4T.. OlBCTTlIKtitV- I now tut thnpli aaurenf iuforsiing my namer 011a Frieiifta and riHiiHieca hat 1 bave juwt r turued liotu tlie Kmtli, and nave ur 10 more, -4- - -ANI SUMMER DllE iitWDSr eniViracing all tlu aovelties of the eeaenrl, wbn-h will be aoid ciieap snouh to iimme eidf-a. L rees h t u tlte pUoa to buy jour JUrea tlolik 1'KiMitf rniTn riti'VTMiii Jnaf roeeived S,10 yanta of lieautiftil Spriiig aod Hummer t'ajnii, wbicb will he sold aa cheap aa eheueat., I uauiuer eaumtt ito batter tliaaso come to Creech'a to bay Ibeur Cslaws. CASSlMEIlEf,) TWEEDS,' KENTUCKY ' r JKANacOTTONADES, Ac Jasl reoefve.1 S,0"0 yards Cawtinterea, TVeeda, EetitnekT tfeana, tHtonailes and lnen tioiwla, h Wen. B-eia aiui Clohlreli. smtahle for htiriiuz and Kiimmer wear. 1 aa you to oall and eaauoue my at,a-k iwfore you buy. and ViMt auliiot fkufret HOOP SKIRTS! HOOP SKIRTS ! t bot'l A large and varied atovk of Boon Skirts. aa to prios ana qaaiiiv. IADIES HATS AND B0NUET9, TRIM MED AND UNTRIMMED, KEVv" PTYI.KH FOB 1887. -ladies' Trimmed Ttate, brieea ratiHrnr from tl to Hi. Mlmea from 60 eta. to M. lee, h is tha plans to buy your Hats ami Bonaeta. Cent's Hatv, Bats, Hats! Just received a flue annrtment of Men 'a Bora. Youth's aud Ctnhlreu a liata eheaper thaaavar. Comsto Creot'h'a bi buy your liata, , ".. SHOES! 6H0ES t SHOES 1 1 Jat reoeived kW prr Oent's. Bovs1. Lsilies and Mines' Mn', ul be sohi cheap enough to Bieet tlie hard tune. Corns and see prior and quality. . Groceries and Crockery Ware. A good stock of Family Oroosriea, and Crockery ware, and will ba sold aa tow aa any in the city. tHW t aay vou woni eonrs sua sea, nut say you will. If you liar's laid up jour money for a rainy day, thai rainy day baa eomo. So ooin to f.'reech's to buy yonr gotxls. Vo will And me at K Bniitn a corner, alaavs rsady and wuune to you right. 3-lW-tf A. CRKKt'H. 8. II. sit W. J, VOl.U, AT TII1J OLD STAND o F (: S. II. YOUNG, ARE now receiving from ths North a lars and well selected stock of the suoat deairahle Bud faaiuonable "-. SPItlNQ AND SUMMER GOODS, " Which having been bought at low flgures will bs sold very low . FOR CASH." Ws rsapectfuUy request our friends, and tha pnhlie generally, te call and examine our stock, uassv nuvinir aiaewfiefw. -'-AprU llealS-U , ito.nc KUk. m. nosicivisAtTjir, trori.D REPECnIXY INFflRMHIS PA H Irons snd the 1111I1I10 in enneral. Uiat he baa Jiiet returned fmm New York, where he has beeu for the lnit thr,, niotiths watching the mar ket for the OltKA'1'l.hT BAliOAlNrl in hi bn, and ttiat he is now iirc)isred to show his enatomers splsnuid tine of all th latest styles Uresa Oood. TBIMMlXfil, ...... no WBH x stiSKTisan KltlRTIXftS. A flue .assortment Ladiea. Miaaea and f 'hil. drsn's Itlioes of ths eelebrsted T. Miles a Son's Phllatlelphi Biako, plat reoelved. . 1 Oirs hue s call before biiving elaewhsre,; it will well retiav you. April 17 jlt-tf . II W. J, 101 a. 01 B 8T0(K lOMPLETE! WE HAVE IN STORE AOKNKBAL ASMORT ment of STAPLE AND FANCY IiHY OOODS, lint, Itoolt Mild MM' for 4aenVt Ml llojs. ALSO, HAT rOK IAVIKH AD MlsSK. -,. ' " Call snd see us st ths old stsn4 of May t m it f .- i H. H. YOUSO. -T I'oit-ttAcii. VRCTIC ICE CRFAM IhHE.tH; WIIX rr,o- ui ft taiiniiti-s. - ALSO, ft H al.,1 t et B j. rnows, With IUst l.rwu. May I '2i.f . ' AUCTI0S SALE3. A ( T 1 1 1: H A fCT I O I QS ilMi)IUY, MAYENDTBiT. at Our Store, o. 6, I'u) el tot tile Direct, Ilaleigh, WE WILL t?ELL, BY CATALOGUE, A LAEGS VAEIED BTOCX OF (Vmsisting of Table and pocket Cntiflry, Haxors, H, teaorw .11 I tH,-ra, lraw kliHe., liimimrii, lal.-t)at..Aa..al pa, t! f rifely hu js,. f..'ai .i V-i it I 'lii ; SjijIiU-uat liuisy .ivt-a,t ao ?4 Va. v. 1 t .l!iMav ai,.v.rtt au. t-l.. t' f-ana. riftu.-ttir (...ui aiM A Infill. 1 Mfi, if. I nrr. I t.rtilw .il I It. 1, 1...- If i . H . - A.., u' auu 1.011..1. ki-.ia, i.ieu. , i a ruov -:-! . . - ,. f A rail. Complete and wcUL Selected itc.iuv irmiii c LoTHi.'i, LATESjT 6TiLr..S AND El'.sT MAKE. Twenty Cintt't of-Crofk' II. Wand Khoca, f i.'araatid lottaio, ine anal ' Ij.,,.,, hucai a k.-l i.-ti: A,i j.r,x, h,-y I ae-.'of ,r:;.i y I of, !;,; iu,d .ury lio tfcl Hr- iiatii w pa-' u;.u1v rn.! if i '. ,' .U'..i tin 41 l" "- . -,ir T Jos'3, i fi rU lloi-l ,.V4t i 'f 1.1 .re tft 1-m. J'LiA-IAVt. J..M.M A I J. Vl.. t.rwr, . : Ar Auditor. J : - " : - y-?P-l4 . i. PETiEssusa ADvrsiisr::r.T3. . . ; MABKJMTTI.KJO 1 1 , . ,..,.......TrrrTaf mr .(v...i....i,i.. -AND- . ComHtlsaioH Itlcrcliovts, Ko. OLD STKKET, f t JL.T...S... 5...... Hall Will attend te" th hUtei all l'nluo and i!r chalidim, of every dcaoriptnm, aent U t?r care anl will alao pnrt-naa any ?hU not in th.-o bllieraj eaHU aitvamw 'nuuie 011 cn.iioui'iiia tri hanil. " "ran alao funtiali Tertniju;rs of any kind t lartnera on avotumouatmg u iidh. J. A. MARKS. V. H.Lil rJJ.tOil.S. f.OiA(iTopu V.ll l jd til. ol f rona.ta Feb lt-104-Sm , , rriiTii.i.i:K . I rOlt MIMUNfi CJtOA's-J. tTV"E beg to u if ma the trade and planiera of If North Carolina and Virginia, that we are. Jirepaivd to furniab thetn with th moe airtoeil 'KlUiLIZKHH, OB th BMMt aiB"Uii" !-rina. We wilt have a stock of geuiiiMe 11. hi. VIAN 0l;ANO. piu-1-haa.'rt tirct trom tha k&s, of ths Peruvian tiovernroent. YisSav now in atore, f.-r mime liata d-tirerv. Salons UltADLKVM hi 1'Kll f Utwl'HA m O' . L1M1-I, which won for ttelf auch an enviable- rep utation in the Cotion and Tobacvo omuiliea if North Carolina and uinia, luet ae-aaon, proving itaelfsoual, and hi many tmiwtrt rtrci'ts; su perior to the Peruvian IhiaHo. W iit as w aiyais ef it ss scertaincd by !r. Hai, una f ths moat eminent Cneuiiat ui the country : Result of A niilj sct lMde of Url. Ifj't I'tttctit hnp-r-riioapliiilCH of I.luie, as now told ly m. Ia. UrHdlc) , 100 Paats Consist OB i Molatur . l'repareil animal matter, salts of Amnion , fatty sultelauics and liumiis b,-i Bone I li.iliaiea ufUina, Magueaia and lion .... go.iaj ' (Rolubls Phoaphste of do. 14 4-10.) Bulphats of Ijuis " Halls . . - i luaotubls - - . l.eil . v Ths snimal matter alto Jed 4 HO pariah Am. saonta when it was decomposed, aiul, will b aeenf nearly oue-lialf of uie bone Phoapliats is olulile. ' Alter many analyses of yonr Supar-Plioat hat of Lune, uia,le duaing ilia taet few ntontii. I have found vour atarulard of nnaiitv full enual to tnat of any yon have ev-jy aoid in forinar years,; and v 1 tin satmneit that y.i moiuda th correit prtu cipk 111 ths manufacture, ltespertfuily, A. A. n.lll-, at. kf.r Plato Asyjrr. ' We wfer to th following guutl.euHia wlio tetd Us niertta iaet sesin : . l'a. 0. A Foots, arren CoHnty, N, C. i Foot Cl Jon Wiiiri, Oranvi'ls " B T Uilumi. lianklm, " A. I. fcixm, M R. F. 1 Aaaoiioros," " L. Battlb, Nash County, N. C. i; J II Avrsr, " " W T Waioirr, " , L M CtiNraaa, " H O WiUJaisa, " " s 1 llii.i.i.au, !P JhKKIMS, J TSOHMTOII, H- W H Watsoi T i Boniua, haah County, Konh Ctrolina. s e oonnis. Hob S H hoosaa Waks " ,T F BsaswKLi.. dgeoonib i" 3 H Asusraosa, ' 1 L l.ros, - X 11 Fixiwraw, " Col O W IUkpohd, ' " W W Basass, " .. J B Tatkos, , " JN'lri..a, Oen M W lUwsow. Kortliamptun " WPHoixiBoa Halifax, 1. W t Ttruia. Wilson, . We will b reprosented at th ConH of fban- vill tiaah, Wak, Kitgeannilia, Wilaou llahtax, Norlhatnirton, I raukliu and W arren cuunues, M. C, and tjreensvills county Virit una. j Any BHSina eoufidrd to u ahall bsvs our bent atlioa. .... Mt lLWAlNE A CO. Pstsrsburg, Ta., Jaa ill-ilm TIIOS. II RAM II V CO., No. IOII Jltln street, (OPPOBITB THE POST OFFICE,) Richmond, Vt.; ' TE0S,EHA3rcna805S, 1 fio. Old Street ' 7" TETEnSBCIUl,' YA.i" BOA 11, ROXS A CO., Broad Street, AUGUSTA, OA., , ... AND... . : , , Conimission. Merchants, Brjvs Money en Ppsiit, snbjHt to sight chect 1 and aUow Interest on aama aa airnn,i m,n - k ih1 ftUfrw .ntrft u sWiHtv an pvyreti mt.o : N- gotiala liana ; Maks t ullrclioii. turottthout in CliiU'd Ktalea, and buy snd m-ll on eoitiunaau-u. 1 'bT ino utU-r their .rvicen ftir ihrn t -nd prjriiliMe?, trf lot(xt W bftkt. Corn, ( ott'i, An. !f tliiriy yft.ri in tin fnmn-Mm trmiit nji tf;v 111 prr-MftinJ miU'UUtm Ut li.t Jin hmtHn! Ii'jtmtt viid ttKiMK'tM Ikiuivsa at( ifti H4'U u tu hi Mid iWn.t UitlavU may Uvor tinm with tlaur jmt.F)'?.K.. iuih nt.vMct4 ntH'ltt ott c-tMiMik-niiiniiJi u ti - m Km! to tii am r cttrrt(MitifnLBj ui itttiuni-if, Iwii, tJtr(Ofii, lAUiim, Antwerp mi.t ..itemer:. OUAtLHX fttiti Utlttr 4301MH IllraVUsa JHiUllll t at. fur turb i given to iii -uvutH. v( Cotton utn i.o-,. , 07 TnO. BKAN'Cn AlpONS, l4r-burff, BRANCU,'(kNa k C?., AunU, Ga. lit Rich mniM) IlouM trrttu.fttftip tIt rrajjto , Offlrir ttt it.htrr 'JiLrttixo, iw wi V rt- F f -i JLuUM UM iH.ihiI.i IH frrrtnttrn ; tT7ri tmr. j r withc.ick o ,Scw ork, i-n Mnouti oiv lt. ,--b-ir, i pan kt(i n v iit t; our ( h ut U'tt r. - - - 9 will buy oil Kth Carolin IUb.iU, Cmi poan, tU g later il, vru hti &e, Wi a4 tt titi OOtlJKHlaV. j.sH.rtB. KtfK'k botii'fit unci tnh. - Tlt fil"wliiff am iiia irt.(t-iit ri?t of mrl tTwburg ihtuiM ,N, V. itk tauten, und nr likvLle Ut ehanK tho bij.lirt rait il boa nftsa ar revttivtxt, ; . iiauk of t'njw .,,-. .... I liarlolte . t.iart'ndou , . . , . . f 'onoiierce. .... . . fcl . ""KiiivHVuie. V. . . . . . , S... ; s. iV 1 rlr U".-- Bi,,i... - al (.tl altatu. , . .4. . . . , North Carolina I i I I ...ia , i . 4 , It'-xi.'rjroM i. . . j. . , ,. " .. ,. t.r ' - , t,reei,.,.iro Htall r.itN t h W'-r(hanla' ll.-k i-f Ji'ih'tn.... . .. ! J 'r'-'!':;.K.-.-. burit, flu. of comiti.ij-i'in, alt .,e.i; I Hub. 1 li.V.S.'u A HI , iu,),.,- . 1. Fob 6-151 J.u .ELIUI0C3. f i THE ' I IITV-I IKST A I I. covr.Tio, I 1 ' ' " " ' ' x-v v rii r v t, r t r- . T- ft X- T- , r . , ,-t Hi ,E, Jiltl.r-. I ,- - -v, V.v 1 i,. 1 t - lt.lt. t. "f i : - r-tnrv ut til. I - I I - -v. A. A,, i M. JU,-a' t liuV- 1., V ,;. j.-.i I... to 1-e.i.v ,.; I; - Av,aiKT W-Vy- r, '