4 a-. l. ,7 j - 1 1 : h ii t i n r - IS y v . wi w '. w .. ir ' .Vv j ' .1 ' ' J T --.! ',' 1-. -, "... I J.i W U t VOL. II. ' H r MIALIUGII, NO.,-.THURSDAY, ;MAY..30.M8G7.. ( . 1 'A.rA t -I ij'iua lh"Laua We. Love," for lain QKX. ' CKO. tiCUG WYX AXUERSOX By Skaton Oai.e. Ah KiuhiHii .) honor, a mronl llmt slmli I iimiMHial, aiil a pntU lul and xirectionato rp nwmliratwi! if ln'i limit iut miu, am mU lliat are lift t Hie Sou 111 tru'ii tlm wrrcW ut Ilie lntiil rwil ar. That liimiw, prejit tlic,ur nwligitify can iHuwmfiilly awail or ever Urni.li. Tliat reciinl of litTiiinin aad iltotion liall grow iu lutrc a tlie War a.lvauci-, an1 be tlie tlirtn oTmng an J sto ry in (," va tu rump. Aixl Hint We aud vrncraiinii tir tlie ni'We ttunit will live ami inliisil until tlie priw-ut t'-nrratinii lt' in liiist: nn.l theu mir : rliiltlren ami our eliililnn't ciiililrrn i ' i, : , s ; "Khll Fotrr Hi. ir niim, .! in Sim! mrmMjim 1'nxiTta juul miU kwji fn-i.li, liWI " w a- lavitiii a bava ttf a lit offfring,. Niwlb rarul'ma ln ran-lv maile a ru tier runiriua- lioii to faineauj liiatory, tlian lin eorf ltuivwyn Auilc-rxm Ut tlniu the Ifjjwy of : Iiia hriulit Vi.urur name ami enamiilo. It shall le tlieoljict of thia iinprriM,-! okekh to tell bii wr'fc;c and coiiimeniorate a lite that aa ai ailiiiirelile- while it laUtl, M it wan gloruma 10 ita ciinrluaioo. , Onirge liurgwyit Anilt rwm vu torn iu Orauue county, within one mile of llillilx- ro', on the 12th Uat cf-April, 18ai. Ilia latht-r wa William E. Amh-raon, a brother oft'hirf JuaticB Walker Anlrwi, ot Flori da, and hint known a the Taithful and in- tclligvat C'aihier( for many Jeara, ot the HranchBaiik ot the State, at Wilmington. Ilia Diother, Eliw, was the daughter f Oeirj;o Bui(wjn, ol tlie "UPmiiiage, in New UanoTer.-tbe heatl of family graced , l.y all tha qiialitiea which adora aociety. lie neived hia elementary education trom that beat of all !intructor,-4lie moKher, and waa auhieuently a pupil of (Jol. Win. Biiiftbam, anil at the Caldwell Inatitute, in Hillnboro'. Aa a boy, be wa remarkable , for the briKhtneaa of Uia intellect, bi amia ble add cheerful dipoaitinn', manly dqnirt nieut and utmlioua hahit, the aaine quali tiea which, in ' alter life, characterized him .in an remarkable a-dexree- I U- matrieula trd at the L'uivemity of North Carolina in 1847, joiiiiBR tlt liiiihonMre elasa ot that year, t'p to the tiinff of bin leaving the In atitul ion, he Miami tlie fii-iit bonora ot bit elana with John Hill, a young man of hijh proraiae who, Uietl early, Win. II. Johiuum, of Tarboro', afterwarda a Tut at . (Jhaicl Hill, and I'auft W. O. Kerrat preaent (teologist of the Htati The dUtiiiguiahed 1'reeitlent of tlie University apeaka of him a one of the moet punctual members of iiia class, a gentlemanly in di xrlweut, moat etemplary in morals, and, in every respect, the fltUng conijicerof the best of bis con temporariei. H is only deemed nwsesaary to refer, thus briefly, to his youthful aiitece denta. Many facta are in the possession of the writer, exhibiting the germ of that char eeter which, in maturer years, made biin the object Of such high type and tender regard t.ut the great events is which, aa a man, be played so illustrious a part, obscure the tri- ' vjal but pleasing ineidents of bis boy hontl. Through the kind agency ol the lloo. A. W. Venable, he obtained the appointmeut j of'a ('adeUhip to Wert Point, and entered! tlie Military Academy iu 1848, a u;0iler of a clans nnuiltring ninetyfour young men, : aud which g'raduated fnrty-ime mewtjera.r' Aa soon aa Ins studies commenced. In Bep- ' 'tfctn Ketltt ttwfett--yj "MBst,ja,JtMCaWC.L r apparent (to use the language ol uenerai Htanley, U. 8. A., who waa bis contempora n) that "voung Anderson wtta not only one ot the brightest intellects, but thews- - rwr miud of his clium" . In the M at hems tics, Physh and Engineering, be Was par ticularly ready, and subjects orprolilems that ordinary minds sgonized over lor hours, be comprehended and mastered with a ain gle reading. But he was too fond of reed ing and genial companions to confine him selt to the dry studies of ths Academy j and hence it was tliat be graduated only ninth in his class, a high standing, of itaelf, but nothing to what be might have accomplish;- ad as was evidenced by the fact that, at the firvt examination, in January, after hia-ad- mission; -he stood urond. The library was bia favorite resort, and among the haunts of history, phihieophy, and general litera ture he strolled ami ended their choicest fruit. "-:''-- s'"r. t.'" ? ' In 1850, tha Strife iu Congress ttw.en the North and Booth, growing out of the ComiH-otuise agitation f that period, inva ded the precincts of the Academy, and con troversy was its excited and blood as hot there as in tha National Legislature. While young Anderson was earnest and de cided in the vindication of the imperiled rights of his section, and devoted, with all the enthusiasm, of bis generous nature, to the sunny land of bia nativity, bis disens aions were always marked by courtesy, la one of these diacuaaions, as deserilied by General Btanley, it was remarked by a par ticipant: " Well, if war mt follow, I boe that my dsy may have passed, that 1 may not live to see ic S," said Andcraoa. Jerplyu I too wotUd deplore it,.. it " must come, I "would feel ft wronjf thstl' should ptlt oft, for a succeeding generation, a misery that I am more entitled tobear." - Tbow who were most intimately acqhaint ed w ith Oeorge U. Aoderaoo tiunc, that il there was any one trait, next to lus fcrapul- . ous conncientimienese and exalted sense ol personal honor that distinguished him and made him the nature's nobleman he Was, it ' was bis utter abnegation of relf. , And waat "a superb illustration of it was here! ; la 1852 the elaes gradiistsil, and Andcr--mi,ie iiiiJii.s him t the i)n-"iot -tha aim of im he -i i nft mft, T.4 rrf ecUrtbiit of the J)rii;"""i Afier spemi y.4i un-LJtt it ibe t avaie tsAotH f rt 7nri"irTr r3TTTr",J"'"'J " T son UavinttVn W'fBtij tif -Wajr.-a art ii.it fn l-.-nit. I ftVK''. til Hie limm uducrdta P'k 'LrT'Jfl,r pfsi ticst railnwl route iu Cmdorio. In this scien lifi'1 dutv, be spent moot of the summer, fall so I winter of 18i-l We neit fliwl Lnut. Anderson joining bis revimeot, the 8nd nu,'Oon, at Kort t'hadlmrne, Telas. -.Among the. offieer more o h connected with this extreme and desolate frontier post, --rturtmr-the veav-ol bi v, may be uun l-erl Hiilnpy Johnson, eo. 11. iteurt an.1 If. It. Nl'lcv, alterwarij C'tmfwlerite Gen erals, and i'ieaaanton and Kt-aniy. sulfce qiKftilly ameral odieers in the Fe-tvral amiv. lo the M ol IS'. J, the tegimcut mfhl aro the plain froui Tx.ta to Kort JMey. .Kansas, lu-o A IV I lieo lt. Lit uten ant, eommandid hi cunpuny in 1 1 e f Capt. Patrk-k .Calhoun, tueo iii Ks i'liiS. Tli .winter of 15J ,18,as"iif'ii at Fori Hiley, and in tue apnng of tho Ut ter year, the Kansas troublea commence!. From that time-until tlie midd of the Jauiwiiet ot. 1 P57. th troops ia tlie country were incesaantiy enirageti erineT ia me arrest of liretlutorv caitii-g heailed by silch marau dera as Jim Ln anirtisawauuiie Brown, or in interposing lo prevent the deetrnction of siffne exiHwetl villajU lv S Missouri mob. Here IietiL Anderson had for a eonimaiHh Gen, iE. V. Suiuner, and served in theaame command w ith the snice llluatrious Joaepli K.-Johnstoii Iu T37, the I'tah selition wis nndertakentlie SbiI I'ragoons w one ol tlie rcfciuiruu (totailMi lor tlie niy, ami Lieutenant Andefo Was, iippolntd ils Ad juUnt In the nntuuin of lf.'.9, jiusaitig ovef iutermediute events, be left I' tub fcir Ken tuckv. ' ' On the 8th of Noveuilier' of that year, he was married to Miss Mildred Kwing, of louiavtlle. The following Pprlug, he re ceived the recruiting detail and wsasUlioned at IaWille entil April,. Ilt, when be re signed bis commiiwion in the .I'uited Htste Army and liaatooed U' J(lU farulin ,ii link hia fortunes with thoaeof hi Stale. 11 hu tk tin iUrr of tlm M mrmp, tht in toniff. vh. frofewd kit mtont aad hid liftnXir1h CurvLha. True fo the patriotic and till! inatincM f but greaV heart, be nished to the defence ol the Hear land of Iiia nativity and bis auWtmna, lu that do fence be died,-nohly diud, in the prime vigor id .manhood, in the"ftilt Mushot prom ine, and iu the poaneasiou of all the tU'lcar ing heart -4reaaur.es that make life lovely and sttrsciegkritnerfpdili -.-fur a usa in one senae now loot, but none the hats right and holy, because so hmt. and in the jutiiice ot which be bcliuved as fully a he did in the eiisteneeol that trvlk which he hlolined. Arriving in KnWigh.be wa etHiiwiasiiaied by Oovernor Ellis, aa Colonel -of the 4tb Regiment, North Carolina Blate Troops, on the, latib day of May. TliisrcgiaieiiUieing one of the earliest formed in the rotate, waa coinpoiM'd of the clioicoat material, aud in cluded iu it.roni soma ot the !est repre sentatives of North t'aroHna. John A. Young, of Charlotte, well known throughout the Htate as a genLli inan of high cliarai'ter, aud as a leading public man in bis suction, was Lieutenant Colonel, and Kryaa Grimes, of Pitt, who subsequently won a merited promotion to a Mior Cleneralcy, was ita Major. Among ita line otlioer wre men, who had ri-pTwenteiT iheTiropltrlif fiiany positions of trunt and prom ineace. Colonel Anderson pmeeeded at ne VHk hKy and entliUHiasin, to reduce the raw , and in congrmiu) elementi of bis command to y tern, and7 although applying to il the rid regimen of the regulat army, be coiutMiieti with discipline and ducision so mnch of at' lability and knidiieM-as, to m'otu-ile the impatient srtmWto bis rale,- and to win the hnirti his regiment. His men loved him from tlie start, and their eilVet ion grew almost to idobitrv as they, in the course of time, experienced his tender regard for tlieir comfort, his just ami impartial adininiatra ttou, and the judgment, pruilvnce and na tion, which he United with the gnlliinlry ot the Marmhnls of the Empirh. And.jhe, in turn, waa proud t hi n giiin.nl i aud well be might have beeu, for a braver band of beTiiWTiPverfBCed s fb tmnm.-lteil under martial banners. ' ' ' " " " "' The remittent, after) lituHg f iilly nrgknixed at Uaryaburg was onk'rwl to . Munastuta, which it retw-beil a lew diivs ulue Mi battle of the8ltof Julv. ' A fhorl time after it arrival, Colonel Audeisou wus appoinli-d Commandant of the post, . and, under hi skillul supiTinli sdi uee, miiny of the forti Hrutious around Mnnaisiw were completed. Even at this early day lie was strouuly re- Ueueraia- lieauregura ami JuliusUin, who were iniprtniteil iili , lus eniinciit ettjitu'ity ; but owing to eerlaiii Invidious repriwenta tiona, the tfovei'iinient failwl, at Uiat time, to recognize bis claims, tie reinnined in coinmitud nt M :iii;jis untfi the" evarnstfnn et that Ht In Match, 18B3. At Clark's Mountain on the Kapidan, tn rout for the I'eniiiHuU, Uenerai Feat heraton, of Mii sippl, was awigned to tlm command of the brigade,-' Uenerai Johnston, and General p. U. Hill, commanding the division, express Uig surprise and regret at his supenediira. Tin command reported for duty to Oen, Rain, at Yorktown, on the tub. of April, and was awiigiH-d U tlt,.l'Ai!Bf Oen, Ma . iruder's liiSe ot lelemw, A llliough preeent and slightly engiua'd at. Williamsburg, on the 5th. of May, the 4th. rt-giinrnt did not receive JU ,i&tl ImptUm ol lire until tlie. great battle of Heven Pines, on the 8lst.- llere Col. Ahderwin, In the absence of en. Feutlicrston, comnumdiil the brigade, which c.n.Lted of the 49th. Va., Col. (ex Gov.) Smith, the V'Ttli. and 28lU. Untrgia, and the 4th. N. V. The latter carried intoV-tion SiO enlisted men and had 96 killed anX 870 wounded ! Of 'il ntficer for dirty, 24 were either killed or wounded! No eomnwnt it needed to point tl s moral ot such an exhib it. Nor is it our purpose to give any lurthef details of this desperata engagement, with its many tragic and thrilling incidents; j When it bistory i fully written, the fart mU be recogniited that few, if any, battle of the war were fought with more conxjde sons valor, with finer exhibition ot indi vidual intrepidity or more sjilesdid inntai cm ot aggregated daring. )!. Anderson le baved throughout with eueb- dis'ingutstted gallantry ami skill aa to elicit the highest encnoiiums trom Uen. I). ,11. Hill, ami to draw from the Uov,mment promt coin- miaaion as' Brigadier General, whieh was b- sueit to linn oil the Dill, day ol June. The brigade ssnigned biia was trimipoaed of the 2nd., 4th., 14th. and INK It. regiment of N. C. Troops all of whi('h,,Bider their then and sntwnent Commanders, earned 1 aU immortality of renown. j On the 2th. ol June, the wdes of Tint- tlcsaraundliirhinoBd la mi, in all cf which U tu-itrul po:t. iotfi.tal tlis, cus ctioTijig Tine of WToih (M,dvi"rn TIulj len eral Andertum receivnj a wound tn ihe Ittln-t wti Fti'"t-iirlTniT U"or hnrvr Wrr HrrnnH! TRe wilier uf'tmr teroVi'nM'tf---ieii.1 I I t-i 1 e ' ' -1- it; ..... . i m A ''nwsHt-it ww I nl r Iiia imjil le on the ? th. dvot AmonV. TV?, wh it was in bivouac on the ltioi lun the army, alter soine sis" weeks' reiKaat trom the UisulstruKlaxif tlie "aeren days," bein.' n reee lor the Bn4 Maryland invasion. It wacoot tlie fortune of lien. Hill's divi-m lo have n active put in any of the eno,te flienta of this remarkable camiituifu. until lUJit of the lllli. of K on mta-i, aA 4 Mary lan.l, ot which It may with naft;! b otaMrveit that, in it eonacrjUeiioes, in tUe accomiilishment of rc ib-teruiined objorts, and inUhcskiitul diiton of ambtlnnm berW. ' ei'pnsei vrw lielmin n-lds," it Is' without i.arnli.-i in the w sr. 1 lie diiinbau. uii.ii. led until a lata hoiir of, the afierucnnJ lold tn t-bm-K tlie a.lvn ot the (rivater portion of Mvtl. llau's vi-t aruiy, etid.-ari'n Tnif; wttFCaTtenng rsinlmjieTiiaflo TofvelTS" tlimigb the ii.irro gaff,- nint th ret y atlordeal tuue tor the concentration of our -various corps", d:stierscd in strategic ilim'-! ttona. In season for the bloodv itwue t SharjndTnrg: In-thts tngaj-i'ini'itt -(Nmll-Mountainl Uen. Anderwa behaved with loa chsracteristie intrejiidilv, and additional evidence was furnished this day that none of bia. brigade commander uiui eniove,! the coididence of the da it-ion civtniiiTuulor than the youlhlul aud Wttit Brigwlirr, ' This ia exalted pruiar, w hen it i nnirtiilx r n that lie was aMtociaUMi with such men as (iarlaiul and Idxles. We need not bill who I 'try were, , iarland (between whom ami lieu. Anderson, by the Way,, ihere CJristi-d an earnest friendship 'and aliuinition) felt early in lids action. An aectooplishtHl ir. ii tloiuSn, the. very soul ot Iii vi lry, and one of the tirat civilian otlicer in the servuv, be would haa won high oisi im li.m bad he lived. Modi, ' bo ultimately sniViiedejl Oen. Hill in the -oiuumnd of the division, slain at Winchculcf, on the lth. ofHepkfm lier, I Slit, : Ilia loas Wiuioneol tlewe tm hie disasters, which orMliadowed the tinal and approaching Calaairoplic, -r- W mav hot eav to ihaerilie the uneoiml field ot Hharpshnrg ft baa tieen f laiuied, as a victory lor the Federal arms." HwUry will not so write Itwitu all "the f;irt and sequence imjiai tially arrayed. It day1 light, on Weilniwlay, Sept, i 7 jh, tien. ii. 11, Hill's division Occupies the centre of the line drawn up to receive the brunt ol but tie. Soon, desperate and heavy fnmi the left roll the boom of artillery and. the rattle of (mall arms. A retrratiW mass of men BWer over the hills in that direction, where the enemy has attacked with treiuen dous force. Uenerai II ill's division Is or? dored to change front to lelt, and, marching through a growing 'fltdd if corn, Ht tkes position in a hm'g lane, Hipley the ex treme l?ft, then OariandVi liri(rah', (t-one-nisnded l.y Colonel U..,Ki MelUe.') nyt Hodea, and Amknuui on the right., But IV liionimits vhiiiKed ere this mualf iliviHion. weakened by its lo&e at Jottth MoiiiiYiiiii,' was furiously aaattiled by a hnee iimne,aaura hly its siierior. Haeemed matlneas fist and, but, true to its 'glortoas preat ige, tu eultolv awaited the shock. , Tliia waa a,lioot 8 o'clock. And then the air Shook ' with the din of arum, - of musket and i i'n !,' siid high ftliove. the claxh and iar mug the angry shouting of the aptaln' the crh-S ol. tha wotiakd ami tlw gronmt if dyinir men.- 44enral Anderson men p ted a pronu mit p.witi.Hi on slightly rUing ground, Im mediately Wrear of his commaud.;; ,; Whih. thus ex (xiaed, and disjil ay ing I he 1 iiinat splcpilid courage, aiiiiniting liii men by hi- ex-ample, and dlriMing them; by his coot aud rulwted orders, Jio .w i struck I in the liMt,,ner th. aiiklu joint, by a uiui aie ball and fell, 5 lie w as at tmce enrried, with dilliculty and dituger, to an ijniriiviatd hospital in the rear, aud the wound exam. Ined-and pronounced severe but not serious. No one dreamed that one of the truest and bravest men that ever lived had the vrouuA efdtolh upon him.' :,;.,VJ, m , , He was ulequently conveyed arrriM the Potomac to Hlieplierdslown, and 'rii'-t-iWil every attention at the hamU of the, extitiov- lile ladiua of the taniity ol Mr,- llnteU-r, un til Friday morning, when the fillinc l k of tliearfny nccaiUitcd his further tciuofid. Frienila couuaeled his renutiuiiiy, hut he ce rolled at the idea ol fulling into the Hand of the enemy, and his heart ,variied for the tttiniotratbiu of his tk'voted and lowlvwife, and the little endearinenl of bin Infant Inky. By slow stages, in coihmiiiv with his brotheV ami Aid-deampLietiU Ihitxirt Walker Atm dorson, who was wounded in tbeosnw battle, and who waa afterwardK killed !n the' Wil derness, on the Sth. of May, 1801, (and a ttrnVtrty-rnMhw -tnasn- Was,) hie waa carried in a wagon up the Valley, to Htaunton, and thence by ruil to Italeigh, which place he r itched ulioiit the 2Ulh. ol the month, ' Af the rexidemie ol bia hrot-hif , Wilham ), Am lemon, Kf , he waa the recipient of every kirMlnns that a sympathixiug communitycouhl lieatuw, and of the bet surgical attention. ; W e nut; not invade IhevpreciiiRts rf that home and siteak of the tender love that, angebbke, hovered around his Couch. Alter a fortnight of in tense suffering, luorti Ileal iou Iwymg taken pmre, aiiiputJitiim waa tlentned , Benry as the Inat bopo.of saving his vshiaule lit'. The Ojieratioa was skittully perfiwmetl, but h sank under It and died on I lie. morning of the Kith, day of llctoia, anil surrender ed bia pure and noble spirit to iod. - tlneiiftbe laigimt iublio nieet ing. ever held in Iiulcigh tuelitied the sorrow of the citizens at the great public loaa, and their sympathy with tliat agonised family. And when the Inb-llige"' of hia death emehed the army, brav men monrniil airdwepc Death waa, and bad beeu, nil around liieiu, and they had Imwf umhI, . and perhaps callous, to rt eontemplatiowr hot tlie loss of their lea'toc and their friend moved them to new and eiyimm emotion. . - lie waa Injiied in the City Cemetery.. The funeral was one of the most ftnpoi'iug ever w iUnased In Unleigh. The Old flag. which waved almve him at rV'ven Pines, riddled with lulllets, was borne on its shattered stsfT iu the cortege, and. attached to the saddle on tha fmme, wliich ma M by his body servant, was the sword which he wore when he received the f.ilal wound. This sword was one tha property ot jist gallant uncle, CapC J. II. K. liurgwyn, and was on ktt person wneo tie fell bravely lightt ing1 at the battle of PuehladeTW in Men) CO. , V ' ' V: What is left, In be faid may fie com pre bended in few words, butk a liie neeii no formal eulogy. T Peb.-u the miai I Bunked 1 milk t ( ten. eral Anderson's ebarsoter were Lis sincerity, ui coofCieiiiiou-ncBsan ut earnest r1'0" truth.- These miuht, if o,ua4itie s4 tut ble ever imJJ tie no ileeoovl kavo l rop-t p n I, lysu. i u ' t i, j., Jij the-extent to ntot t hV c n i n d t -citi he Wfiu4 --h vw-dlMii,. tf po.ti! ililnf a Ute t- Jol tune. l'tore he would' hnvt swi-rve.f an t , c ti iniuu-.t fiirriis in -.sn.-nt'ni ir amnMiiiurTti Mixlisl. Ii-iw-tl wwa-lmt- ttiTrfW" u liaaall mini? than he. . Who that ever knew linn ran f..r j;et In tniU, when pii.-a.sanl ai.jl JJeoud rmutions were rxeiteil t It was like a tn beam bt;hlinj( up hi liaitdaoiue fatw, and winning the preprismjiinion td nil sail 3a jirofkcliuil him by an irriiitd.b. nia;ic lu U a mie cotihl only have been bora ol s ilieart. in wl.rth t!t l-uji-sLibpiih Is- tijd thej rl h.i'.ue. Anil ft was, -rt we fny t jna the it.lx lo his whole inner niture. . v Had he been spared, he would siidoubte.F ly have attained the highest ditintkm.-a. lint a death in (he deli-nee ofbo,e Nand caiuntrv is r.jUid'bia bUtsioe id lory, and a UefT'S.'rili Carolina nukea uji her- full ol linri.r aa w nut and will do, when calmer titi.t t '!( rveoe full justien will be, done to Ihwiiiuij.. friimTwy-Tir-miiuriilul-Mrd jlfrnieltif tclnwpcrt, the'lot,;; cat aloe ue of i "end who have Ilitt rated lternauie "'i hHorj,he w ill daeil witU jiueiUiar I'rtiie ujiuu, the fife and aurK.u vf Ukormj( : QLASS-VAUE. f M'iJ I K WE TO 1NNV!(I'K Tl TUB OITI- ,1 "iWfrTTRMeiKti ainl vi.-hiki" tfasl t hsesrttluf Ui liv alr-!ttu exwiMMve lMlnui's an mclat tU- 'arUiitiiiti(.ir; - .j r-iw :f 1'KI)( KI KV AJIll CLS8-VAKK, au,l takea f(n.at esr lo seleel the ewd ,wili a la- of jukVuik Una llrni-eUlMa lirucvry oni-. " . . f 1 h.va tha hn-.-t u4 fcr.wM. it ,rtmw.t hi lu ttll Mi tin -llv, oataurilli i f HSU I HI H t f I s i plaut, ml, let ami iainlMl, all 4 l:.M t and pill. nu., MUNV.tt ttiK, HM !UOM AIIR, ami KAKTIIKN WAItIS- ,: V t-Lisi.WAiti:;;:. Dur sioi-fin-nt k enuilet, lumaisting of ' V Fiat Cut Glaaa Gobleta, Tumblers, Winn , Olassr. and Dishes of all Shea, Looking Glaase of evei;vh-aeriplHai, tnaileuf tlie veiy lawt pr ntsn al'd Ameriean Itijuia. ... , The pi'irartmetit of M ' -. ' " -'- " " - STAPLE AMI KAXl V HKV (.U00.S. ItkVff jnut I Hen t,i,4-lSiit Willi vhm! fntiH.hkbt ami Jii'iW lHHt. aittl Omi rnHt st4ii u pih t mil tlti tjariit'iilr iitiiiliou I fcve kiu iinw'tlf Hnir tht tro -A' will eiulif l itltie tilt tittl euHttiW'rM Ait1 Um iMitttia K,3f ionll it tut in"""! uiv g'HN.U luitl ytiixm bvUticv juiivh- Hfltlj; tMlW-KUU'l-tt. J " r tti Huh (: fa mil. prcr.sl to furnUh the i . f ,- - - v.---. . y - - -. :., ' ' KEADT-MADE ClOtHINQ, in aw irrtt vrf fv hrwitift. inilnwni ihn Uttiinl(Maai t4i-vh mkt mud tfrialitv He. inulmf ftu uih-iUmo W MwtoAiiM from uurehiv ill VUImM, t lU il' Ulh lil'LtM f Vbii-lt IM kitfti t all tiUKui iih Um ivni tviul Itiif t Ki'ir (mfvrii ftiul v4l t hwni Hi.Kt4i jji M. - A hi. INK. - .i ir. avviuui aua iijuyuii w. Mv Mm -. s. ,.t , ,K BOOK 6T0EE. WIHIAMS & IAMBETH, " No. 1(1 FajtllPitUeht., RalcUli, K.f. i Pmik Kellers and Klnt.lnriera . t "? " kkai.i:!!! i aix uiih of ' M-IItsor.! KOOKK. In I . HIANIMI A1 MbU'Kl.fANKtitTM WdltK.S. M.WiNK'. IkXlKH, JfWU.i BfXl.lI.IAi' , ' liiMiKH4iN unaiH aMOAilltlt'UL- tri:K-, tirtriuM KV, ii,ir-' ,,i -1.1., itiit ! ANIl ) .!MAI'I'IKU' :M ' i. . , ' " . ' NCPPl.tl-M; ' - ! ' " S(')iiubAMiiiiirKi;i.iiJll'l'l'X, .. , ' -f i. Ni V Alt I'll 1.1 -t, AeJ ' ' " fi are nwir wetvhn nw Miiophi. ami will lm on-ii am It nialmtf kh.-i aiMiiimni to onrHliN'k a ill eiHioie tut u turiU'-li wvecy arte-le asestly ap4 a rt ela HUttv. tlur farjillin are atit-li an to eiialae utklo ftimivh in a wn f.w lints, anv artn le nil no hikl, sod ill! nrilVi-M wilt bva nor ri4iiil stletttew. v : inr lnwioem will w wm.lui-U rl e IJin nh svHlent. aud fiery atUrfe aotii at tlmvery (owaot (iii-i - V MVir.MAWt T.AWiRTH-.-" Kleixll,ANril 2H7-U - . .i WHOLESALE CaOCl&S. I'lLlllH, J0,hS4 UK Uliolisale iro.,Taiid'iiimlhslorj No, 53 Fayetievtlle SUeet, Raleigh, JS, a UAVE tS tsTOUK, ANfi AliH I'ONKT.tVTtT ItR . ,,tiJ Vlt, HtlliAlm, IliKr'Kl-Jt, M TI.AH, li N, MOLAK4ICS Mu CIIKI..SK -rWMMHM, WlSf-M A.NH WltlHMI.K, KuM-.-i, I AMI I AM) I a.Mill' "'?-', -Jl nut-HXiv MM. fit AUi I lU.tlat, 4'Hiiiit'd Trulls, KutM'- und 1'lgs, ; c . I Hunrd Uislt-r, KuUin usil ItMlc, ,ul 4 urruula, l'U .;-i; Mm ! !, PnHder, i , " i J, "'il dl aa, llu II rr, , ltrd. lrad. I ' . Wrra, lol , 1 n.l mi r,ni I'ViTvitmiT' iiM,.n r.....t ... a..N rlmn W l,(,i al. i iriM-i i r li-tiV- M, tha Kr,'U t vsn1v sint l ynrv alta-h riiin.it fil,!.. .-'. FAEMISQ IMFLEMEKT8 ftc. W Boxe All . 1 fl- Z. of Milling .rk.,;"" J Ihw. jn Kjo'll.'.ii hhi.teU. 2. Hii.i.lrii,'.' iai " HihhIimK tl. awitrleit. ntl l. lUaira '! t '" ' 'Ua-, lit t.i. '1 rse bairns, i ;i " 1'i.n i in. ii, til tiw Am Jl.lnt ' iup, 'I Hl.it, ns-, A. T ' "'" A Ii I 1 1 1 JftM-M . n. ' - v-i r.i ai t i-, xi t . , l I.I U. Unwr.lt AM) tUJ'AlH. .... JJ.-'. : i..Oi-ati d Ala-..i - rim -sntTfTjj-' iLIJJUir: tltfll.lalix O..M, -a ml IUiilt:iiiutiAl.llaiiiili.',a. K. , I u .Viilia. 4 .. ll.ai ll-ir-. I i.. ii Ulna Ae., Ae- it f St Ht'iurl,it1, ii. v. niLt IdAM.Xi nf. ti ffrm (" KtilwuUr, i fl &hh. Ik'it 4 HImI. I r..!.ilH . J TT.-r-.ifK.-iiiiirrf ww. naa la, aaa-a f Virl tfiiL IMil WI1T. rWrti ekuAliitluU HHf fai V ?-;i ffiHR fir k f-'vlv-ir At i iw ht f.fcriu aiu? -i in- . ' "(( m )u r u J.tmt kti t l li.v Ins It. ' ' t'- . V.'ILUUI I!t aK, iiifitiim 4, trrt Ct C. ATTUK VoMiKKri't. V KIAliON ' nUAPK l!i TUB CHEAT ASTROLt Mi 1ST , I : si. j ri.nnu.il, . . TlWtered rcv.t tin WMnrtal ever kn.w ' M.e nahmw tn hxixn.aa i)M. whn, Inau dol.-duV t-.w, el)n.ilia. eruaMat la fc-le, -i of nt li u sihI li.wMki, kawof uuNay, A n, Uie Iw rwue ti-.i,.hm M,H Urn,,., i.cili.r Iti.w. MiK "eimnle.l, rhrea mmftAalnai Cue. -riin..- .at. i.t lri. ii.kiif l.iveF. r:ij Kant nr Mi I" i-ro. Jrt-rfy, f..,i.jtu tit UuiM ywtt aiu tn-al' )uli. tied to piomH. antl ill ahat tai iU Ik m.(io- .tw,nu tioi' it ii!iinuij ami t ,U ae lei v aitl.niat-ry, UiM-A im the !tkiiv toiU i-luortwnl' ttf 11, mtmi ile n" r very ujiu:hi, and tnr hn almo ku- IWHiwirai i..ra UMieU Hie iUrll U, iuv,,r, aw ll.e firHir,.. Kr.ilu Hi.' i ,. pn Ul Uu- Hdusui. lit . III.' ul. il-i.,r Ui, I ,tt or r. ,i..uiuii la Ut emunrnrsUoU' ft, an Itw ik u a. .1 .ouMtHKMoT tl ,Uaik-t atat tin Hv..l m HI. UtavMi 4 lit I Hun u lurlKtlM, iiiM Mi. luiun. i,wluir ul ihsu. tail 11.4 I.. eoui.li II 1 tw Knbvi AainaogHil ua sarin. H jmi ,,1 .u inujaiu ,,ia may aeter avaia have no fx.U- an ....imrliiini, , l',,nliii fsa, aitli liki.u.Hu. 1,11,1 all UMurwi utlurnwtaiu, A,' 'i1" uiiik ai aiiixiaiiee enn ewnniill Ui Hv iaiu by mail mlh eqnaj aafety anil satwia.Hn ia UoHMelvwi. u" in (wrsou. A full sntl eipheit Hiai tj ritli out,, a.ili all m..ini. auxaereii aniluiuuieMma.i,.Hl. hi hy mail-aa rweirt of 4M atuio III. i.li.airtj, 'l hrt lri.'Uit n,tejr U U- uii.liituiue.1, an.t nit comMim.Wiioi. f.' turueiloril.'.MwjwI. Hemo-iawa of t aielnwt orth-r fun.ii.aml MitaMi l"-..iruiif Alimw. , m plainly the .lay of llu, m. .inn an I y.ar in fclm-b y.Mi aere iuto, ik-I.iiiki amvl U k of Uir, . jA.Hrtwa, M.l.AK II. A. I'MtliktU. . ; . f. . Itaawaa i.l, linrv no, N. V Anrd-t-lat - c . ., Then, eotm-th ti,lliiK of Jny to all, J . sad to ia.1, to Hraat ana tnanistl ; " liie l .ity wlueli taien twin tiriKouaaiid rare, la free fc all, am all may o fair. By Ike 11 ei r 4lltnTt:i.l..tK'N- WIIITJ LIQUID KNA3IKL, ; F.ir iiiipn.vliiK ami beanlifyinn the miilexeH. The lual vainahhi ami r-if.-. v pn .:nimn m mm, fur Kivuig Die akin a Iwaiiuful i url lika loo, lliat ia only found in youth. It quickly removes 1 aiu. rVwktn, I'ltniihw, ijlotebea, M.ati. 1'at. hea, nalllmlieiw, KrilpUoua, and all uupurilH'S el Ilia akin, kjrully healing llu. moiih, koviiiK tha akiu Willi and clear so alaliaater. Ilsuaeran not ) ileieetim by the iil.aa-M aoruUnv, anU Iwiug a vei,--. saMa pr. iiilMai, in a-f.iJir barmt.m. Ii u Uie .mil ai'Ufk.of the km. I uw J by It. 1'ieu.li, and Is eonHhlerml hy the Parisian huliHa.tiahl to a riHit tnfleii" IVwarilnof 'itin ttottltmwere sold dunlin lira uaat y..ai, a sultteaint iiranlKa 1 ha ettk-JM-y. I ni iwiiy 7j cwi.i. tWut by Miailj post pan I. nn r.'.vif.l ..f an oritur, by ; iiK.itiiKit. KHrrra . , tti.wiwt April -i,.y,law tiM Kfvrr4., Tmy, N. V. - iusrKit (oma: tltiTahe WaaTii-nilUhil nd ft'ilr."'- " rr - Muh atari , eye, anil raUlaut htlr. i MhiiBe em hug teudnl will vtit iuelr , - . Kiiihaiueil Ilia lery to nit au.i unlet, ( . iikispkh run . - .. . b, For CuiUng the Hair of ettlier Sex iuto Wntry and Gloasy EingleU cif i ....v . Heavy Massive Cutlt, . Itr ttamg itita atiieti! Id.hra sinl (I. nlJ.'iii.-n ran la.-a.mifi tiii-liiN.Ues a th.aiNsiut f.it tt la Die only euii le in Hie a.ul.l that will curl imimIi( hair, an.t at the name lime Jf Ire it a InMitlijul, fcl.waiy ai.JMHiraiu'e. 'file 4 'rM( er flails H.H ihiIv I'llrla the hair, but Inl if.irMl'ta, laaolllilea iol I'teatia.' it. ; la IokIiIv all.l ili-hi,rhtfilly H-l ttoiKsl, suit la lb ni.ait c.miii.I. tfl srli. li.-i4 tin' ktii.1 eler ottered to Ilia Anioi'ieau: litll.lir.. ,.'iim AyaperJ l,.Mlia ill ia; a. l.l Ul any U. li ens, aeeil an.t lil panl.! ' - ' ; Addrus sll ra-ilerao .. .-i.;. , i- W. llT.UiK A r),, t'li.-mnia. Nu. t Weal Payatle rUreet, Hrsuraa, h.-VJ ' ..j;rd JJ..UW w,rfw I , j -. - r,..,.,.,.; ,r,.,.;,";, x Kiti:i,Kioi! i:iic:i.MOH!t M. CIIASTaLAR'S 1 j 1 . . Hair Exterminator. 1 ! Fpr Eemovinj puperfluottf Hair. ' ' To the laities eaptinlly, thia uivlosMe depila tory mvmoiifi,(la ilA if iO. helm; aa ahmait iielia penaatite arUubu feaiale btiuy, iaSaafly Sillleil,' rba-s ma burn or ii.jurn ttin-akijn, hut a. la ilnei'l Ir fas ibenwta. Il la warraiitiHl to remiiveMiM-r-ifniais hair fi.iui tow f h h. la. or fruta aov oart 4 tlin IwhIiv i9oiii,l'U.ir, l-a ill) ,and ya.li.,.ally ft til'tiating lli aaliii', bayiitjc 1(Imi akin a..ft, alu.aittl an.t natural. Vtiiih ia t,- .'mly artM-le uai .l l.y ths KVmh'Ii; and m tin. ia,V md enw'Oial H. ,.rt. by IB tiati-lM'e, J-J4.1- ',.1 eeuU (a VSi'knKa arnt piatt paiil, Uiti a.i Ii7ai, r'ii'il 4 an taoiT, iy UKfttlr.tt, Hltcni fSl , I'liiVlnta, -m Urn nt.. .. it. ry : April 8 f j.Iaw aaaxif finTr...t lo rcrow .,li.4l tin'1 1J XX jT lrtlOt'' t I' I,1 lllfl"'!!! . I '.tY I J - threl.i ij.r fci-.-ks by, i " J "Vll'MitK, I'r M''Vi4ir'.'H . . 'V . ' V" I'iU-A.itfc., Aim nkw.. v Vtimlt-lfrll lllsH'fVtT ill Hf-ltff-ft M t-Ut , I ' U'lK ajMifi iitc iVnl ftiifj tit- til timti linen 1'IMI UMiMl'T, jitlat;H il' 4 t'V i ("til M fan iut .airfn.Hi ti ttw.i tlntt-rtiLfb; -in-orm. Kttm M tii fMirv'Fuwrw 'ilj m PrtftUa il,-- mui if wiMtm Miiitt' imm h tun tf1xu u ?v-t? plkllaW, lit liHlt v will h .'. fu'i rrltitt4Hl - l'ru Uf ntAil. ! kul n - iWL It Ifcw iti'- tirftcil'-tlUrM mi l If im.t-t tla bikiirl fr". A'l 4rrM liKJi4.K. H'M I in .V I ,i im-miHsM, Hh Ss'i Uivfr Tj,n , , J'. , f( (, L ntil Ht !. tulki I t lil (Iroihi t : f 7 l. it.. n ..l I r I. t.K- j , j-- l'l:l t'- H...-l; I.K. vj-- ) -, X,MkVtl -W i, $,,' Vsf" railmt aittatilil Uj.url V " Ilia miany slitailo. ami it,Um tiair of eitn-r 't itoaiyinvl o, r hwiiy nauna enrla Haa been uw 4 by (ii UAiia.iMii.i. a f arm and IHel-m, te.tli lite tn.. K'tM liuor remihs. ,tw. II" lepot l.i MH :,:;ir, 1'n. i. bv ia.ad W"aU.i J Suit p.'-T.avl.' l- f . -a-fratt "Ita-Yiit. mfltfA Ti -i A r r -cm ir pnnT-tni'r r lt, . I r hi J, )a J ,i i. A- ia l,a Ilia I 1 rM.-o-a.-. - . : a:ii a-tt Asm...... , . ,, . UOK I II Il4.lli' i- - . -.... " t a r..UXLi IvfiViiiiViJf.ij-pn- iSJlTi IOH-, i'la-lr, rwt,t, Ha.r, l., i, i!j,e 1 , i u- llail riiiawi .re Ir.Ht. (i..veri!inai,t Ai-oia. ' fM.it, Hay sou all kiit'ta f I .aU, A' l'lal. I' iM; I. I. II-4M, ,-Mjr l'MbU Of l.iiur Afeufca Sbv. I'!..!, i !,.!.. K.;itt!i.nn-Stui ril..,ao-4..fi 1J1,, .- . ., ' ' AiC-ttf. f"'!.aJal a . il HMHHad.l, IM fr.(,u N. t-.ik. A ... it.J -,, t,.,;,ll, A t,r, to of )w T. s ,:. Itt .. " ' 1 GARRETT. Y0Ua SCOIT. CO. I !t rrenaau M Norrai ., , iUV-V4AiKr- -J: .: '. . mi ; usiiHii 10- .' ' AIU IllUil l) 101 ,U, (aKKKTTAIu. J or NEW Yil!K, . "-. , ami M"i:r.H Mtirr ro., ' - . . ;. . I'.xu-nolt c Mnuufux-i u r c r and HbolrMl Deitlfr In - MettVTd'Bbf 1 it thing. I -.T..W.OAHRKTT, A.n rHIAPrn. ; 'hKN Viit'NU. . . J...A. I.. fHHllH ln KI KNt'KHt(Tc, . M. UAIiltKTT. I t FeblS-lS ' -. I John s. ianv. AOHSI M. Ui'MAM, , osTisai.ao, M.C.,''i -.fir ikoTUOavKn.'', N. X ! ' j (is rth iiji tt an, ;; i lt of Tarboro, H C. ... l'i-''icv,iii'ii ro., d.rut'rnl ('outnlsalaii Blen-bHiits, For tli" Sale of all l.n.la of tt.iutbnm prodne and purvliaaB of Qoueral AleiuliauiluMv " No. 81, r.trliaing llts, n "--"jntW tOMK, . Au. tf .. , , - ; ; . . . jTlZ llTll4WAvliAli!TI.K'a'. (f'.H-iuerly W ATM . W AT f'o.; Iuiiortrs of M0 LAnntX 'aodhUvlAll, NVumnutum, . C.) hiplHj sand - 4'mmlln Ulrr- !' (-"; ' .UII4, ', '.1T PKAltL MTHIIITr, JtKflf ktiliK 1 Ws aolirit eonalgnmenta of Cotbm, .vftl Ptorea, Wieetiiijra, tarns, lohaeeo, and OUier tvatilutra I'rndui w, to lit sale uf a'liu'll our rtmiit neratiaal atteiiti.0 a ill bat gheu. Wa will niakH literal a.WanH.s ntHai reeeoit uf In voice and but. uf ladinaj. All steei-tiaiiUiat. aud lYinhuni stopped to ua lor sain are luaiired froui imutl of alii.iiienl, wilb or iih..ut slu -tiiica ahutthb always, amaaatiaiiy . eaidi slnp- fcUI'llt. tk.th of ua bavin ha.l over twenty year' rx- 5.M-iii'i- Iu buaiuaaa ui t he bAiitti, and our J.. C lAI'HAWAt li.r.'M yearn in N. w lork, ws feel rmu.ht w eaa aiui-efull aiiiwafiar iHirfriaada who will favor us wuti tli.-ti' conMiajuiiienu. V Krrni ro - Kemp P. battle, I'utilie Treaanrer ol M. ti.u l M II A K. h. iurlo.r, llalei.i, N. (J. - .MH.fi. HVI'IIAWAY, 1. it. I it. IV. teh.lu . T MISCELLASEOirS. , i riipioAuv iI"i:aii:h . -ax ins mtr.!.:. T VIl.yl'llUMAH II. MII.KH CtlNTISnW TO .1 f lirtai. J hurai.it! llir.. a.a bv 'I "(Ural M.-illen-turn, ..r v l'ili.'l. iii.iu (lf Ul air t'aanaaes.1'. oun. Joined Willi .fr...i iaie general rvmedn a, as pratv lnd hy prof, iii -y.s, of tti Viark. Tbi troat- IihhiI ii. a fliauiili,' lor ehroflie HiH,'hiNa, Ijiri-n-I'lUi. A-.ll.ni aoit liKif..'iit 4 'onaiiiiiifHMl. . li. f.,riii-e yurs ff re.fiilr. .1. Ilia a.l.li. aa is Alt. I aruiel, tlrthlaH eouiily, t..... L; ...ri , . J AHl!l i Joi- '',''.. mWHAM & HUGHES J'.OIIK AMI J()D I'RIXTEIW. " hooka ND j o t r j' :. ,". . ; ".': . .-. ;'.. '..' ' , W'e.sm pri.-j ired todo alt kiu la uf BOOK AND HEWSPAPER PBINTINO Fr.uilt)V Siid in Uia beat atvln of II,., art N ,: OI'R PltlHTINt rttwaiawa ii! " srsof ths tanat maanfairture' to iha world, tiha aaine a iiaed by Ibe Ilai lwra. and b-a.hii, l'ul lilos in N. V.,l aod our fa. ihtiea f, doo.K mk ft any kmd at Mta - HIIttfMKST NOTICE ' on Id. moati fi I1'. A1)RA MI.R" Tl tltl I, sdi M i'a bit i. jI ll.l., Miuii lo ally in Um .a.nli, 1 .inia. lv Slide I. a llu, IXUUM4J) vf kau,r, Sl. t SI It: t.i.u a. f.- r lilitiiha, (liei fca, plain or coloied, 7 i lurila, ' ... I MU lll'Mda.1" "f" : " '"' "' . .'i - ' f f -I' ' llltllal llilla. - ,' l'r,, ..'' r . , , ', ', . .. I'lrculitra, v f '.' -a .... . mm . WHIT SKIMIa, A.,' Ac.; A v.. At tb ataatatal mill,.,- ai, moat reaAoiiabbi k!.. f;liSAMr.M Al, foLOUKU rKINTI.NU Tuaiot all taatea. ;:."; ". We ara ii oared hi-do ant tin. I rf b.iu.r pimTiu, fr.ou an luvilatiun Tard to a tamk t.f iao In.ii uo..t uaas, u(a.diUuuiy, ciMoaaieally and aailiala. lotiiy. lirrilAlt A HftillKit, -iansV-tf ' Kl. ifch, N. 0. - acimz --ix . , . r..'-."; ........ .' .' Ja 0 H - ' A t; K y; A ' " , trta of land, Iviua; ia Nw VrauTV ifidus al.iil, ?(. I!., lie,ti lUiHibn.-id, aiialed laUte ertiw- niKtaTiNiri'iiNt (dun, add aiu.il at am. Thf-e IsriHa sea aliuated nt.m ilia ai.-ra i.i tlie N, tia,, aodarualau om-iiu-nl w k S. '. kail H..b inn. .! iaiaia, tloi laie rw.nb-B.ie of i. m. It Lilly, .!- it. aim Itw ry la-t uitH-irf,-r,iitta hi. il. rrmtatii betwwu xihk aui nine btin rtred aywHs ' V ' i iw aiwr f,.f rbnUiiiinf abimt li.. btliHlrw aud Biily-.livew.Tea, 4jaa a food liwelbtil; buua il. ai il, Willi all other nNVa.ry eu blul.ln.Ka. tor furllier in r. mat o oi . j.l.aa .t,:,i, ,, blr. JaatlhH h. AKI-I 1 ai Mmi l:u, t .t,-.r,f . t il... ,., 1 :, ,t at .,e l. .... . t M i.r..n at sl!Mi.iii1a.-.-,tr..I-b.i,...f fi i a , . .it ... , if i. hi a, iintmr r oirrtT-t iio.l Jitliatalll. ' la. It e- .it - inKii.ii f . AHro ' X f'uw'KM WIIX.IM A Hi . . ' .t'alaa 1. .stilt,. it, Dm 4-tf W . H 1 11. -Kon;ssiQji al CAEca : JU IAiUV-ll -ia iaI, - - ' ,1 '' ATTOTINKY ASH mr'NsKLUiU Al ' LAYS', ,'.. x ... , So.i llu) Hrrrt, l oj tl ille V.I'. .trri nn..-.M,-n v ;o ai.ki i -i la-aa IfOttiod 1. lit .-?.-. - , i .ir.,. . ajtya Loir iu N'.ita Cr.,l.u Ju ti it ' ' , - St ' ' "IEOii" AKD TTST TTAEE." 2 A nr w w ARK, rtcwTI VHuI M A KDNV HVATV nAIORst k ism barlier s laoeaea, . AWAibtt:ti !ji" i n J lartea Tn .!. J. Iiiiort N', Aim 11-f.i t( ' Witb iliat A Lreuk 1867. Spring Trad, 1887. 1.MM4 tt'4UI,K-l 4 i t Ma t nl)l'HAilVOIU-. ' tlaii.ll.il Haider, hiuvee aud Voiks, and Kiuvva onlv, tiiMiH) lirufipani, nitule anil ua hand. ' J. JiliOVVN, April 17 SIR v With HvLsis IT m u v Art, r-m..lTi:VUJ.E8Tl(F.Ef, lilt Pw.lintil.41 fN.ff".. Puts, ' " l-reii. tl I i-. i.in t.,irle t'oia, Oryatal an l t iriiam. nh d ( hantber Sola, llanUaiHua l 0-r i .Hili.ra, I iiainlx'r or lt.H liaih 't ubs, J. PlinWS, AprdjW-iai-tr With Uast A Lawis. niifKn'.V ANDfit.tS WAKK. Wbile suit P. raian Uraiut Tabka War.' Itowla ami lin-tirrs. fc.ixwl sikI C. I', t'iste. - . , Oobleta, luuiblers, Wi (Jlsaws, gait Hlatids. v" ; N ' At H 0, , " Frsiasd Looluuj lytaMK'ii. April aUtlVAf Yt iih hIst A Lkw'hl ' - lou iti:," 1 ARCTIC ICR CltKAM FKEEZKR8; VOX, i res ia t suimoea. , ALSO, Put "alls and Finiahint Hia.U. lluoi Iron and Cast bieeL ... ,,, . .- - . 1, hltOWN, . Mayt-2tf With Hast A La is. , Q UAiN ANOUHAHttaCYTWJiit. , ,v . rVwth Snealha. . Iliiilatta ftaid Mhaiea, - . uraas and Uraia 8.-yUiaa. - i. mtnw.i, Haklsh, Hay . , With .fUat A Ltwia J&nmm KMi'UtlC COOKINia.na'OVt.i, II roniUhed, on hand. - ' ' ' 1. BROWN, ' my.'JJ-tf With Hut A Uvii RAILROADS. KlM K.II AM t.ih UAIt. lCT , ROAD. IUT U foiirh rnUhi TariX , ; N0R1 1 1 A NI) SOUTH ' BY THE Al-t LINE EOCTE !J "IITI! r now irij a - d to alnp all kinds el : tf rr.u i.i inriiiiKb ! .N.-wliua. I nila.t.i.'liia, Rtiabin and IUltiin..i'e, oi. i t,.it ih biila ol iatUur, KIviiik tlio.iigli nawipts, l tim loauat rale,.- ,, .. TllW IS T It Id-NE ): It KlIUTEHa. -,, . ; Your (I. Kids will be haiidl.'d i.i um. ' 't hroiiKh tfonltaeUtsis eiuai., no tl. titns aud' eietuu.. it wi tluui by any otlnar muui.' li.-tuajice Hiiln.u ia.iiinr..d aiib iith.-r rmiiea, Ui una Hwata toand tr.ittilV.liiaihia, M. )., and t. ! tntr. lit. .lial.i uluinilia, irtili ni.it.. Mt.tii, In,, t Uts-i.i.-h than any i,in. a ftm.aity at si..us otta fottl Ul Ui euak, 1,KE M'TICK. ' l'. ra..a abt.i,iK ,s..iiih a, til a,ip tlir.mgll - Hi f..ll..wliii aK, ma and by the ft iioauig nautil rteun-uij) I, uiti.aitiea siid uo iHloir, l-'koftt Niw Vows, " t -ttv th Atlsntir t'osa Mail WeartHiliipOa., Ltv iuatuu, k'os Ok, Aii.'iila, ttuatly tiUMot, or t it r atiNurili linni f,. V , , . , .' . ... y(,aj rtiLtlM.inr., ' '' Hv Ihafla titn.ue Nieam 1'aekal Comnany, L B.' Parks Aiient, f.an r tinmu Di.-k, act biu,n hue of i.'aini'ta. ' ' ' Faoit PaoAiitMiiiA, Hy Uia rhildt l.lili bud NorfiilkHfesiio.tiii.fVj YY..ti,A 'lnh A Co.. Aetuiu. No. la N.U. H. l,. ,, Aviu.i., 1'IhukU li.lita. ,1, )..., n... .-;:' I.- Hy tb DoKbay and J..la Hieamshlp Co K. N:iii,.,u A (',,., a,.,t. ,,,! f (,,,,,,,1 vi,, llijal.tS. -t. 'tf'r-r-mmtAf. t.'t.liaii'B vmir louula St, n II laAB.. I. .. , r,,ulv. Htm,! .r.Mitu t,v tu wy of city fflaut and l'tert uf; it.u.t o nmrkt.il, - , . AU.fn, ., .......... .. n . .J 1. I.. m T-s.- EL.--.; rrr-: - . .- ': ' . MEDICIM3, ttC. " t'ATII Kt K' Ml A I.TEU ITITK raiA, kfct'OktMKVlil l) It V true IIKmT i'HYrtl. L'taiia. i'ltt, l V, ,...l,i., v.. it. . iie.ai. Never untie ; beinAUnsKd Willi tium ' . ... ....... ,. aim nr itto rtjra of llili..ua e-..r. ioooua liWMa,.MH taiin.atiu.- ..r 1 .lt,.MI.-. Jalilidleai, li.,iaii,Mi. 1,1... I ly i-.(.al, Lii. r l'lvaa..a, ln..tiraa, lia of " A,.) in.', ii.-b II. a.la. Ita, .,4 ii u, bt t a i't -natii. t't.ih;.tii' itM-.tt;ii, ia r,.,,uj,, ( t W. I'. Mulk W, alio ha no upt.rK.r a a1 I'liyax-iab ot N.iiiiiU.'attdiiia, ha' e Manned Ih ..iu.illa by alit. il Hi. a." j,tti aj mau aod IiikH iy riaimliiieiitla ti-iru . . 1 '.,1. 11. i. Jiat tin, the llialtilKHKlii d 'patl'lol anil fr..f. .ir i I b-Uiiflt y in it,,, i,i,,.r.,i, '. vmiilaruiMi, baa analyxj tiu.ia, and eernriua ll.al lilt-, I'.ittlH.ll It,. l. r. in v ... ,. rt e.mijiti.nt abtttever. t all aiut k-i a 1 tr. ular. . . . . v I t. Iiati ii and a.4.1 i.y V ' ' - H, B. ftVI'MTfi-i, "' '( . . ' . lauiiuwlmiiut l,.-.iii(, ,. r.bl.1ir f i..i..-l It.h, A. o. M wa 111 Ul'll l.v . tiHXiAU.'lA HAYWiyou, : -y ' Till: , 'r: ":') AMERICAN BITTEKS. Tll t.reat ta.iuilicrn Tontr, . ANIl THE "liiisT rALATAPI-E KTO mai nit kvi u i A 1.)U TII.,l,l .i.tiit blhilHH, MMtiiiiif Ki ' l'l?."l .alttu ,u J, M.iyl.h tkreul,. IHiaol ll. .baal. MIHNO l v.d.il H,H (,. a Hi'Ml.i.1 c.i.lili rti E.l. U.v M..aib at.d tl".-tai Ad l-bk-lllt I 'I'"' .l '.Olal..! , f , . Ingi-aloa iHli.u.a, .f'".- i-u n, ;. ,irii!v I. l a-i in. iJW tl. BhUtil,,,.,,,. aud rlt. . t..4l ..i i7, .,,,,. .,.. lli.ia aaiioa ai..i ciiiii..ii.. tt . f . "A tt... U.5", SBi.. , 3 i y TF-1 i: 'saCi -'.t. ' '- (! , . i ittat. hhi f,,a i-twt, ,.,.,.. . .... Ir . H..a ,. a..ii..i, a..,.4 tlW.,t,, ... , t... !.- . ...-r i,--,,, ,v, ...... 1,.,,,, ,, .... . , I o-'i, ,1 and .... I l.l I. i: rU'MH K-l, . ala.juU.liin'..; l r' 1 1 " " I'M-i li" i N f r aab h, tti, iih 1 v - ' . ; tnul.lt M A li .i-l .. i c h k ci p 'a d v i n. r r-; . , v V H Oiii v I. i; yv I r r , li t. ati-l -N known rr.-i-i:r- TTrTr, --f,--Tt ' ' -i " 1 lh ...... HOI. fc!4U tl4,V,. i.. ...H.,,. t. .J (. j, it a nl I n- i.in.. .ia. . tl M 1 lj-iy r. t, .: : . . " I . ."" . . -

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