--- y -' ' " ' ;.-:! B-.-fWiaSl . ji at-t-V4 1 -irti or A!fTEmii.Mi. : - ,-. . , .. .aura kctcdln, , . ' iU l fcrted im tbe ita. , i -. t ft imt st i-1 minum liiw. ur I j oue t4in.e-" .....J,.... . ttu- a tk . W UiiV Jit.!' iHW t4, . , . . - . . fl, . Olt tHfUM'V t '' t .-, .-i ,.-..... ft,J .' f u i .u-.nU i ujtn t wo teij ima njaar-t Muv iuJitiry .,.,..'.....-. .,tli,M i'u b -iiittimiiti .tuLr fHW laouUi t,-) Liil,li.tll,l.nmiin'il. 1 itU-ittittJ .-7.7.. .W rr. i. H. 4,U0 , .i . . .SaMSI . I in.' 1... ii 1-11,111111 . ,-4tif3r-iftTwtTflrcnrftii; 15 Hj1it!rn Thip or Imii, will U- rbarei 1 only tW Sir Mourn inuntha. . r,. x AS tn. nm ur unb niual ts ctiwej ia fiiiiu M. k-ito ) .iliivc nwMUii. Cwtrft T luinv ttiu ilipw ni.ir.ilij miulo Wily t tlieabow - tntci; - " z"-:'rzt-'--''- 1t .1 u niKt.U' T tPrtM'iut will lw A IwjtyC-iiHnitfcmMirU'd in Wtn-klr ftud Kmi-VtijajKat-Vwi il'llfi )1ilil1iili!; VTt1ri1i"S"liriVii." I ''ttit u Jvri(H.'HMlU uwrunl -V IlH $7 A .lu'u-. i .t)UalMy SiidU litlhyukJvuiUK U m-ii-'tti tiif csiU wIimi dioy-wmrt ilvBHiiiMttiU,' W i"'- I'lU ut U.i'j wlhii ti )"y f'-r Ihotn. LOCAL DEPA'ETJiEHT. SATi:itl)Al JUNK SO, 1K67. ' '(SW AuVBRTIBKMKtTI'. TUe- HtUMJtW f arliei interested i ralliA to tbc Cor Bilvertistmcnt" from M'ttsliuigton county. -. AKriciilluml lirijlemept, MeciiiM!l Tmiis, LaUr Iump : Slin-'MI.ApeD & Co., Ncw!htb. . '- Nl ui e'11 Sorortign Hemwl b1 from Plaota : W. R. lVuice, L I. . -. The Fall scwion of Wake YomA College " will fominem on tlic lt of Septeinbcf. . ,0. P. McManiiiB, South Lowell, Orange Ce offora for $150 a aix-hoine Mtf erThreah cr. See advertisement " X" The next aesaion ol Mecklenliurg Female College, one of the fir intitu(.ionf in the eoiintry, comiuenrea on the lt bf Oetoljcr. ,, An etra train will be rtin on the Ital- vigh and Oaxton Knilroail, on the 4th of Julflor the a-eonitnolatlon of BtnrkholJ en attenJing the annual meeting. Avon's Cm'nT. J. Mareom, white, and Mnthcw Frechmn, colored; charged witk - being engaged in an affray, wera lined 10 ea U. . ....... ... , .- - , . ' lary Foster,' colored, charged with a- .' aaultinrj Betty Edward, colored, waa fined "t-v - ; .) Martha Miller, colored, charged 'with t filling a Urtue from Ferebe McLean, color ed was rctiimoil to the County Coiirt. . Win. II, rntney, charged with making an assault upon Frank Kroger with" ft knife, was returned to the 8tierio Court, sad" the defendant required to give a bond and . security in tlio gum of 1,000 Kir,his ap pearance -:')"" . T' " " ' ' - " ' lsTJTtJTlO. 0 TUK DBAV, D0M D . fti Hi.ini. -The KwiiHi of this inatitution v doaed the preaant woek, and the pupils hae Jieen anut to their resitoctive liomca. During the lute terui, there were uincty-tliree pn pita in aUendanea,-- larger number than at anv previous period and one quite as large u sa-the present facilities f the Iiistitutuia .wilt adniTU Additionar-applicatunia are being const antty received and it la to I hoped that such arrangeinutits will l uiafle to enlarge the capimity of tbe institution, as to afford ita inedlii liable benehts to. all that clag of unfortunates for whom the, noble charily waa designed. ; . ' Wo learn that the Hoard of Directors have grsnted the excellent i'rlnct)al, Mr. Talmcr, ' h ave of alcnce during the month of July, riiekness in hia family compels him to visit the Springs of. Virginia for a lew weeks. Tub Iunivkhxitt. There were highly iiiU ieitiing mw-Ougs of the Trustees of this venerable iuKtitntion, at the Executive oH;. e,iu IbVcHy, on Thursday and yester day. Itusinesia , of much importance was transacted. - . , KtnicAL 8prainu.-A person name.1 Arnmtrong, frviiii aoincwhcre "up North," addr-iwed an audience of colore-1 people and a few whiUi perxoi in front of the VnrU louse, in lhi City, on Thurwlay ni dit. We learn that his remark were of a "hitler and inflammatory character. He read hi pi h, we also understand, and read it so badly, and with such a , mutila tion or the King's Englit as to warrant the geneV.d imprea4.m (hat it was w ritten for him by amneol thtwe who sent him out on, his "evangeliiiiy" pilgrimage. ' TOIC Sol'TtlKKS OiiWl as Ahixm iatioS. Wetmve nd i faith in this conecm, in the Oeof the re cut dev lopinenU. But we simply nu'iition, aan item of news, that I'ahner&Cii, the Managitig Agitita, an-nouiM-e in the Hh limood :twn that they lave IWn the vn tuns of a bitter persecu- tl...v ,m Mil.,U.rmin.l in drt luS-M I ion,-"" . ' - - - t itCto their patron," and, for that purpose, ajuMhuULMuj ,tw4.draiBK' ton onThnrsdsr, the 27th., (day lfore aT"I UnTSim i itiw and ch-ar re- . luii.v Gt ARB PoUa." W sre ndebt- r to tl.'rairiTior Jif.a"i!LLierf l-intr'tip. tijle. UaathajjsonipOMiOon of VV. - ft. :S -T;.r7TaTWnrv'1aT' Ban.THaab iu tiie Arm v of ifi Potomac. We have no ij.mlit it igool. Jfr. Neave is an sccom plidie.l master of the musii'al srt, and does Will whatever lrj undertakes iu that line, K fiio-KtivR that sn intimation is made itiYiany of the jiiipirs,' that Ur. Jefferson THvis intends Spending the summer Mienihng the siiBiim r in t ri-r, :tiB Mineral 8-ving: . - . . ' ' U ..nyC...ndf..n :.i.r Mineral hprino cat. - .-a .y tli-ir iotrino.: '-.i-ie, 4.. , ml. sv..r 1.. d..ir liietn ,; ' 1 V.-. P:.v " ioi-i ' N. i .!i Csi- !;- Vi i- do lint -l..- ti e rtiun.t. I- ' - ' ';- 1- ; i- - ' ! i i,t ri-rt iin Mineral ririnj.'. B0JMO OF CGMSl6$10XEWLv J-- y i;) Balswh, June STtk, 1STJ Xiegular meetiitji of tli Board of Cpin missioner lieid thl evcuiwr. lVaaeui Win. D, llaywuotl, Vn., Mayor; lleasrs. "3. Vr lUiystCT, J. A. Mooru. 15. F. Cheatham., Parker Ovetby. J. M. P.etta, A. N. Mfluiu mon and J. J. I'verby, Commissioners. The following ihxuubU Were allowed: City night Watch. iJSSM Street wotk, - -5 it i- t-'i l'jo.87 E. B. HarriX CumdaUe, . 5000 T loO.OO -60K1 4f75 I. i40O 4.00 ' 773 155.50 104.15 ao: 48,75 (uvuisr ' - - - Chaa. Keiuter, work on tiij,'iue. It H. llattle a aalary, "r'r Bam Ilnj woh1, wnilli-work, J. tt. Siif.'g.Bcw pawpkUH'ka, l Uo. liriilis .1 - -6t,00 W. It. tlsjir.iu l, Mayor, on Hilary, ;mmj,oo J. H. Bog. kivj.n.s puiiii la niiicr, 600,00 H. V. ISI.i. knall,. . .. .109,00 Smidrt iierwin aiiplHtl to th Hoard for a reduction of tlieir tisxia. Their commu nication Were read, and, oa niotionot Mr. J. J. Overt-y, they Were rejrled. Ir. Wetla oirre1 UieJtillowinj or.lmaiice, which was a.luptl v lie it orthiMd, That any nrraon or err whm. willully enili-y of i;iit; laiw alarm of fire, shall f dectiMHt jrtlllty of miatle- nieanor, and", Uon rmuvtetion thereor, t fi.ru the Mayor, afiall forfeit ami pay JS for the nae ot the 1'ity. v The oHleera of the Fire leparlriint re Mrted, ami asked for an appropriation ol -'(Ml, f(ir the pnrpow of purehaiiiiig flre bucketa, .le. Mr. Me.Kiminon limTeil to allow them the amount aaked for, when Mr. J. IX Knyater moved to lay Mr. MeKiinnion'i motion on the table, which waa carried. On motion, Ur. BetU waa anbetituted, in pla4 e ol Mr. Battle,' on the Committee to etlle the hak of the city officer. ". t On motion, the Hoard aMoiirnd. J. J. CHHl!T01llElW, VUtk. ' 1 For lite Sentinel. MessusI Fki.i. ahoQalks; QentUmtn: Tou will eonter a lavnr.on many. If yon will explain that part of Ue. Riekles'Ortler No. 32, that refers to tbe selling of spirituous liquor. . : 1 it intended to apply to tha country, as well aa city dealers f M any of our people think the order was to prevent the soldier from using too much liquor alxxit town, and was not intern lei 1 to prevent the- conn try dealer rrorn selling bis neighbor a quart ot brandy for family purposes. Ws are deter mined to oliey tha law in every "particular, and want advice. There ar many of our poor people that could riot buy a gallon ol brandy, and, if they are denied the privilgs of get ling a quart, they will have to deny it to their families, but wa wijl do anything rather than violate the law knowingly. WAKE. ,Jm88th, 1807' (Jen. Order 33 is undoubtedly general in its application, After the 1st of July, spir ituous liquors caiinot lie retailed avyltrt in the Slate in lea quantities than a gallon, except in luuinswl iijn. An ink -'is ihHncf) to tie," in tin? explanatory order, "a place where fowl il lodging are provided an.d furnished lor pay to travelers and sojourn : Tjiik 'yAsyjof. TUB MAX'- General Shcriilan's dispatch of the 43d, to'Oen. CiraiUdcclimiu:, utiles orders! absolutely, t extend the registration in Iouisiana. is a novel exhibition, not only of military discipline and suliordiNation, but ot the decencies of ofiiea. In such form ol communication as any one else would re gard aa sui order, (ay the Baltimore '",) it is sug;jt.ed to him by his superior otfioer to extend tlie registration in Louifiuuauntil August 1st, and he telis,. cxpreSSting his regret that lis "sliouiu nave ut uiuer wun the l'resident," but, incredible as It seems, says it mnst lw recollected that helnia'loen ordered to execute a "law U whUh the Pres-., ident has laiejl in bitti t antagoniHm." The fact that the order was not as explicit as it might have Iain, dots not excuse, the insub ordinate tone and tcnijwrof lien. (-Sheridan's dispatch, nor justify his nulsfcoming U tenqit to set-up hi construction of law against that oi the Attorney Oeneral. , In addition to this, as the National InMli. geiuxr justly remarks, the publication of the dispatch rby telegraph from Now Orteaut simultaneously with ita transmistion by tel egraph to Washington, waa an ackof totol erable insolence. It la, in fact, a disjwtch, to tlie Republican leaders, sail not to Oerl. Grant." II Ullioersof th srmy may, with impunity, querulously object to the orders of their suK.nors, and even make a display of contumacy by telegraphing it to the cimntrv. tlwre must lie an utter subversion of all military discipline. Even worse than this ia tlie irtiml recognitiiui, by General .Hheridaa. of tbe lea. lent of a party a sni- riiirs to whom lie is to report, as well a to 1 his commanding oi!lcer, and w boe app val i to lie couiteil rather thau tbst of his miliUiry chief. ' , ' ManipmsT DaiTisv. In hi jH3ch at Boston Mr. Bewardsaid I know that nature designs hnt this whole; coiitiuenl not merely thiae thirty six Hi h t. but this wholeeontineiit should lie. IUHHr r ISUT.' WHIIIll IHCl IWl,f" the Anrrrican t'liion. (Lon-I clieer.) I ne people i" North t'liroliurand IJeurgia may trv to'uet out a iliucti t lie y please, and you hi re iu MaswiUuiwH fj ' keep iht in out as llillcll as you pteaMr, i..ti naiiira havadoridnl aiiaiiml biHh, and yo are to live lAgcthcr a. brothers in unity and narmony. . ... , .?. .... i nut oiiiv till one assurance uwi poaacsai S)ll-, the tMWlfid f ' Ml-WHSTl TCfnStS. ffM.'f y to. in i- 1 aciHiiescetM' of llw iwopl tihukwyTftssr:' " tinitifiiv. the existence tllrotii'lrball Jh iierkHl wl of the pn steel civil war ths world has ""I mgett -.-l-m- nrwst tt Wt WPFITW niya.ly and ..at.Uu iui , d,,vot ion to ,..or t'oirsitlu . i Y. .. i.. I corn .1 this eveoinff at tbe penitentiary, ih- tuers snail sr. . . . .... ,i,h(, . the a side, A w kV. It B. Rlf"1 . . by an armJ lore to uie rrewiirwi i , " -""Z : w . V. ' J i and l-n.t -e M.tiU ami storsl, Ih.l.- ,L .i.thorilv rf the lolled Slate, .ml large Mnaiitlty of eslnoet wM-k, ,lar-ware, i-f". , ' n give n.o .hen fifty, forty. ? .L; ,"-1. the p..oo.ol the Aiuero-sn conlioenf: si,lHK). LnntranMHW .i.n. h ie. Imt never SMB. aa eiju-mT to n ssui "t. , ... . i. u . .. i,. , .,ii.,.u,i,i. .uivUa la r, hi. bandore tbe nsti.Hislt.y .ar th. ",, bojika ' ' "f W Lwi'TT ' ' ; Oennal ' titUrCil l.itiw aarcaam tne I jsermarj rwvi i. ..r ; Ji-., 12 ' u ,Hi.-n-.i, a. ... other .lay. when he l.ild one of l-i. sul ject. .tp-hnieg to grt-r r.r ,t,.t ,,n,A th S.mtW Htal. ssv--i.d. f reiieS.-! ftom is'iumand id the tar..!,na,fs nr t ri. v si i s i. 1..,i.l.aio.C,.,.;r.-ea would fsri ,t will le r.H,KM,,.r.4 that Gener-d SxkleSjA j j, ,;RrJi( r ,4 lTiH, ,: lh.-.W.i.:l. ! -(,t hie r.-..it U the rcrrtry ol War; ,. . , 1 ,.t iV- t Jrl i:, ,mi, i I r...l :e . It-.'-'i,. cm U j n , ,,, mn ,lf ,t,-arl:lx. 'u, v. - s 1 i N .'"'.'J , vui'i,'g " j nod of -''- '-'Tf .' . M.;.,w of earnest ar; , I A ' '"' ' ! v, 1.,,...' -iu - -"-. i;oi..u )i i uie not to ssn.-'.i.a or Tt. ! i 1.6 I... ry 1 1 . ; .- -i I'FinK ?'l "1IML' General Bnekner wa ued in the Cbao Cerr Court of Kentucky ' by tha" LouiviUe and Naahritje railroad toy the desttnetian "f tlie 3reea Rirer briJT, anil a!o for Uie deatrttrtion ol other priviA-rty alonjj tlio line of thaailnmd, couimiiud while be bail command of Kentucky iu The Wis toa ot tbe Cbanoery Coart aa piveo iu favor of tb railroad, aud tba General' imierty waa aold to pay the Uwnajea aiiowd. Tli granted, tue tttvci ot j uuM ul ltoiUi tle General'a projwtT to tiin, aettinst aide tbe judgment f . .sA-4'4i. wliU:ti, aa we ataUni in our lust uout a ol the CMV Wi oWiu4-wlitc he wiwtu tim frm- iMlerate annr. iu ISO'4. and ot mlaru li knew uotliina until aume time after Lhechwc ot the war. This ia the first cvic .brought op nu Jcr tUa aiuDtety act oi lut winter, which lorbid. juidi- r'ta auUa-heiajt loobV again -otlicert amt'-aohller eHlMraiwf tMf acta fuvtomwf uuilcf military coinpuUioa and ly oolor ofmilitar; aatliorHy. " ' . . , H.'f'V-1"o"tint iit' -itarTitT-TCTyfT Ifl t I1C ircnitoe "I "I Iaijnwi'iw " ,J 1 W ; iu uia tuanaina ol uo btrtMirarde nrtrate citizen; no lawtully conrened pulihc, nam IJy ( ia nrf rationally moral or religious wici fty ; ia no decently kepi buUJ ; in no rcstau rant worthy ot the patronage ol while iwople; iu,no reputahleatoreor ahop; in no p!a-e whatfef wlu-na-aJty ticeuoaiit r tlr w ol'CaneaiiiaBbliMHl ahonld the. hthoine imeitca ol any neirro or m.';-'rei . ever I toleraUHl." Ilelar flitters Irom otlicr ltad icala by frankly axpreaainfr Ida aeriou.--They ajrrea with hinj peiiivtty lit arc afraid to eay a.jHick, l)iittck. ' Tub Ji'i.f 8Kint of CoeuEiis,U i now a settled tact that Cougnma will meet on t lie ltd of July, and that a quorum w il l be in attendance; and in reply to tha .ques tion, What will they do I the answer is, Irom j an qnaiiera, pasa a occiantuvrj ae in respect to the military rocoostrm-tion luw and adjourn. We Incline to the opinion that Congress should do smoothing more than this. There ia, for instance, no justice in exempting Uovernineut laind tnilii tax ation. Whatever might have lemi the ex ruse while th war waa going on, when the Government wanted money, and had to re Wirt to the most feasible Kheme in its power to get it, there is now no necessity for ex empting single dollar, no matter how sor where invested, front .tnXBUon.-H'iijt-da lipvblicm. Insi'I.tino hk DitAn. The Army and Xarg Ji'vnuU, June 8, 187, contain, in letter front GeUysMiri;. tlie tollowlug notice of the manner iu whk h tbe grave ol bravajl Conledorate soldier ftra treateU by men who ptate altout the crueltie of - Audersvn-vl,.- - ' ' ' -- ,f , "Alona all these roals' tits 'saddest me- mentoea of the gigantic sUngglcs an still visible in the scattered grave in the ' adja cent fields. Another year, however, will obliterate all traces of wher so many rebel leaders and followers lsy buried. Iu very few cases tlie graves are respected, but fts a general thing the ground i cultivated with out regard to th remains of the misguided men who lie beneath. o That will read well in history. Tie following is published with satisfac tion in the Baltimore American (Radical). Had it been "Wilson" and "Richmoud," it would have been a "rebel outrage ; Bostom lNTimri-noNa. '--During tbe do liverv ot ft speech bv 'resident Johnson on Hat unlay afternoon, in Boston, after stating that be would not make atieech or sxl- dreas, nis person in the sinlieiic pnoscd "thres cheers tor Congress," which were at Hecretarv Seward. Who followed the Pres ident, was interrupted with three cheer tat General Sheridan," "thres elisor for our President bt tldetien," and When, ho announ ced that two year of Mr. Johnson's term L... ..:ik,l tliM, wim itrXiim .if t,Tfuit r 1IMTII 11 I'll .1 1, nil I V mv.v ' - C gOOd.".. , v. ,.i.ii f; -? , RaolSTKATtOH l VlBomiA. Itf Port. mouth, at 1 o'clock Tuesday, whites, 4S9 ;' colored, 127. tlood. In Norfolk, just the onior way. i ne negroes outnumber the whites so tar. In Botetourt nit to (Saturday evening ios whiUn to m black. In Lynchburg, an lar : whitos, 208 ; Wack, 339. Ilislmp Fju-ly ha regiatercd. i In District No. 1. in Amherst, Op to Tuesday night : whites, 104; blacks, 215. At Amherst Uourtnouse on jnonoay oniy su white sgainst 200 blacks. if 'c(rs"iKy liul&r. AROHTKlN or TUB PoPTIIKKK rKOVISIoM- al Gov khxmsxt. Letters iived In Washintrton Irom prominent tMcudicr of both Houses of Congress imlical that, at the coining meeting of that Isaly, the provision al governments now existing in tlie Uouth will be entirely nboluuwit, anit tlie ternto rial plan, advocated hy Senator Sumner and lion. 3 nailileus nu-vens some wmo ailopteil. ITomineni souiiieru i uionini dmlare that while these governments remain in force thorough reconstruction isimpossi bio. WmhitiyloA VorretjiMJrnet. Ghaut ami Sniin.ir.An. Tlie Washington eoriesuoitdent of tlie Baltimore fun wiile' General Grant has replied l General Slieridan'a last letfa-r, but rcluse to Rive me renlv for nulilication until tha return ol President Johnson. It ia not known hut by a lew what the reply was. It Is statart, n good authmitr, however, that he merely wdere.1 Oenerat Sheridan to act as usual un til th return of ih President, when definite orderttwill !) given. Previous to his lU-parturt for Canada, irom New York, Jeff Davis addressed a lettor to a friend ia Mississippi, from which tha fol lowing is an extract : "It was my wish, as soon as opportunity was at harnU to have biwleaed to s re union with my countrymen in Mississippi-; but. vlclduur toeootrollingconsiileralkins, I hsv curled Uie desire, but Miiy, I trust, J 1KtnW t briel time the pleastise. Ttis JnuaUA finhw i . , -. . OUfj thir di-"'"-''.,L . -., , ' " u,i... - . I n u'"' ,""" ,7V". J" S-eretarV -.Ivnt'in l.as s ritti-n. .Genital inpie-Himg w l vmtm v( tb work men en.!.! in tlie .-"' " V 'J ' 'J". lmmtmmfm-tmm--'-'i'ui' m' m-uH MwW ! ami .wiMtoMtaiaJ84a4i UmW?Ttlu TZT."-!.. in lli: ar ) t ,' tor.l;ll'l"d and I , t- .unit tweiity-lite-jH-r .r;ri,, w m"w -"t T-dv the men cni'siV'l in lnJ Lie. .:. -T V l .;, Jllu1u-,ttjs. 7iT. rvir-'t iuJi. imnltf f ,;rrr.-1iiU-a llVAA&M-UimS-! 1rrti.rir '.., 7h 1 l, ir.l tr .(. in,, n of tlie i.r.. It aosid I and siiUin , -7rrjr.liVr.ia?wlkaaa had to be atopited ! ",e .". ; fj'u ;,t I i in a. t.'ww iwr twt'TWr , . : . . I . ,. llijiri .1 ...... ...... aa --- , " " -- . J .1 L . . 1 ' 'JULLKGllArillC. I'ridujr Ktenlng lUpt-hc.' i IBE mtrEX " . '.. i rrx t'rrt, Jau SM, M. Jhe 1'.. i.ut took tha 8,40 tma jlmtUiwimt; 1'aiutMixaix, Jbk i, M. TTi 'Prrtii'Jrtit U imh4. 'The traiu twhrdtwonumitra. Tlwro wore teuhet jitiM ieluBtatauf aiijUxl .. ' . 4- ... . kiw lona, June SH, M. tVitton.iuM, . r " ' : , tjrKarnr.-ii!W 1;H. C5tl4 itu.it d ntJU'ly. Nii. VfH UUi. I'ylMMla tL Ukua UJ. . - -fevifiMl tOHJTEISt'rTijSr' - ' "7 , Vt ii.ni.wrma, JnnS'iH. TIib tlmi to th Witmintjton A V'lho ami Wilniitnrt.ia A Wnehil. Kailmails hy m Uie Wv rin-iirr-(iTHT-TrTmirrt,' n;t .lT tliiV tViuus ar ritimmit w lh ilir.iKlis'heilM hi", . l n. Al.ii.ti. lien, Vni.aiiil ethut Uihwi Sh u, ei ii.TUiilf :il ai4 UlsiU-n Iml im wiiv, hw lv il.n.tiTv'6il It fiv. riiit tti Aiin of the AWMVint.il I V at tins pnint, t. enipltsti el)v iWiiV ilit MiBunllwM fli..l.tiyaiin''"iita ne Wl VhIb I., suil i tla Vt SBlunsi .liileiK ... O... V.. j. V.,..i tlt.tttt 'lUtar..iHvorr it .w M.suUy and waa vir,'"y III rllll ul JuaaiUiut Of Wt 45lu"ie'rf MIS eiiH.li.vi-w. I'lfiy sli i-iy H" il'nM ! N..rlUrn bu m sr. 'V ut'il ' "wttBt f tl4r uoutu-ai .-wumi.iits. - : NuioM umiiMONa,. ... - - " ' Hnaosn. June 38. '- mftdlnrinv are lbs awl n.i.ritn-s m th stnaraMoW f liwlsy: Iliehmond U Vwmler: ..i,i rt.mnv ami. ll.-nrtiftnnir w. 'i'lui It. tt.'f '(NnmiMionerhss "ni Mark lowWy nntMi. H. fonrttrrlw ttiwl for iijry iu ruwtmtusi si'sitn4 tlie rovwi.His or vua-AitiiaHr iliiaf i.n4iimi.a. y ; KPAirsritATtoK. tteaislratHin lo ilsv stand, M alnuw, ile.a.- JIFXU'AN KEWS. .... -' -, Ksw Ihusjsrs, June ; i u.imii Ili.tHtiori.lin win t re tiMTd l.v Itoiissesn, in cmneMiienM "t wmen ii TWnrt llii slieniiK (ons wun a aaiuKisiic btocraiilivof HilWrtlwwt .. . in.-1. tl.e f..lii.winff Mt-ylesn x- . . ,i...niv..i,tfi ir nf lite 31th: Tlio liith. of Msv Witt l s Rrsnil nalional f t'tml dsy in hiSKr of Jh jrniryjWer Hsxinul- ian T'l . ' i The Mniesn lr is nrm sua iiiuimiiij Tlie l.ilrts appear u K""iik j to who were the Krelet traitor w ui - mtilin .-every Mcnuwa Stvnsuiji eynry iltissnrte.1 Uist VntiVi tiM threstened to ni'tVMte JltsreK BIllHlill vim iiw euvution of MsxiniUisn. , YELLOW m-KB-flllS EMrHERS CAllLOT- " . Maw Ton, Jaw W. The steamer Tntit, frimt V.unum, 'llh Inst., has arnve.1. The Vi'Uow Fever I at WsoriUm. The re are desth ilally. 1,WW persnna bad died. .-. ' 1 ho .Vi (im.ciiu lii',imai!ufr say mm i.hmu, mihearuiK of Msxiiiulisn's caninre and dntrr, ....iiul n,1,l. iilv to rnoover her elesiness of in simm sred sn.lil. tuy ui reoowr hit t-wm ,.i .,...1 if... Mnlcft itstioB wa hteana. i i-.. 1. ,,......,.. lit ruiae a liinril' Tiiun hsurl apiinst a Prince who had duvolud hinuK.lf wil h o miu'h witf-iWiiisl to the regenci-atiun of the country. . . Tlie Our h-fl ln;sm for Uie rait poor and sprat M,mm u rut. ' :"vi l:fti)JlWAHHlKUTOJi."'rr:- - ' - ViVumoTo, Jnne 2H. Tlie wife of Juarox has left home, ia w Orli-aii. The Ordinsnee and Judiciary oomruittaes in ein-lim. . . U.'..i..l..Ma.i,M cvi.li.tU.fi neon UMtll lt dsv. Tim e.k r'noniiii for t'U"fi r 12,771,000. i liiienuu lievenm uviiay sp'jouiw. IIohie, Jan . Tt.. r...w, l. iMiiMlan alloeatioa of praim to the HmIhhw and 1'rieni, f. their bm) in stain( toltonta,. liishop Bluum' health I raucn im- provea, , . tM Constaiituiwiki iltei eonUim thatlufcai of th.. Chrwbaw in t'reie. by I's-lia. - lint YihIiIii and Hire other pulls wiii he oKiiPW (-.sinm-rc Ui Janua ry. --. ,- - - - ' ; ,. . , K.lSKfcl.l.l. ' . CuASMwtolf, June J ' Tin. n,., l..-i,j. Kiinu iisnk hu beea seised jy the military anilHntit tor fmhire t Vy full rin. iiM.I ami iiil. rurt U iTlWi.l V. K. Soliliersof the Km-t Miiiiilru. errii, aim ib.wsiUira l u Urn w.ir nuiuiHHVit 'Hot llnnk i iiu"h y. nt ami Ui-ooiom "f ltni'!tBi. Tlw Wreofaw n.tiiwl to coUMtlur Uumu ili.si sa i.n.rni ereJitoi. '. ' ,-' HAitkCTa ANO I INAM IAI- , . ' Kew Tona;JnnW. P. M. Viltrti flrmev. BsI-k l.fssi !! - -,it. Fl.mr ileelioimr. Wabs M.HSeVa. . Sooth- era H,3n.l5,7S. - flora dull. Winters nnxaii, new, nrmti, Ol-t ll.f-'. - ' ' I. ' M.. tiork rJl.l i. i Idee ilnll t'srolms 't1S. .V-" Shirk strong, slow vii W.l 11,3". . - Bsl.tinoftr., JoiiH. ; . (InUon siei.noniinsl,. ' j --- , Wtuisiow', June 4i : iHiton notsirm!. SS. ffirlta Ttinnlin stilly. fil. Ibaiin axauly, IMIH'i. . . ' KLMONT WIKHIt, Tli PAl.t,l'fC N l.T Is-h'ioa Jul 1"h. Buy arririr.it t H.th"N. !, at lb tw .r Ullte, dl !' "1'l( WMiteJiUieo. .or isres-ra, . iKAVM) . June 3S-ifi:l-'2iuulia Uil..l, N. V. T o B T . ' . iix i.. im f. ill. t,ni- ftf Uttlf-WU' ml tii.m l;irit.wd'iit.- ll.tSM.Il'i.'nihe rtsuiu m i.im l,u !,. As A.lmnntrlor 4 l. M. Iw rtee-.l. I i.trllnniin(itili.li.Nto AHl M-T v.ll.i.l.Hi. A.Ir. i.f Ht H. Lrwis, liee'd. UsWharK, Jni7t- ' TIIO AftVIM.n I'LMII.K VOI, .., - M.ia:. ; - ""thomaviu.k, n v. ' . v I'KPjniKNT. ir f-wotK.- iinS full pili. !i'(, slilreia the Pre., . ' jCalu(iT. J, l'.tll ... j .i spxan SOTICES 1 KOtV IIX .lJCTI.V..j Itii E. f. TMai, ii arv Eiulih tff(wlr "ayiV toot rVrttooH rnfUn, Im has t 4i4bvd the aruoililie eluat af tltp OM WiwkV, b ik toeated hciaelf at llmlwo, M. V. Mailama Tlwrutoa mfc mix nt h Wtiut hilpowiiJ fcHMUKl ebfhti aa to enil'lo ber to iHrt knowl.t!i; tha gn-Meat imihinea to tli wrl i uiwi of tbr sax. YhiUs tu;. -ijt.te l ZIrv-r .1. i n. . I'm ti'V Tiwlimrrf of Uirrrsoi yea r to marry, sod by th afal of (a BulrnueM at Uiuis poir,' l.uwu u the rvcU.i.sr.w. sis(uUSS Ui.jwodui's hWik .imiv uf Uietuutf BaB4 wifo of tho H- uUuo, t.u,4her wua-ateef wramago, Rinitien in hfe, haduiKtrit of eliarseter, Ac Thb t w lmiiil.il;. a Uiuaaauibuf hwtuuunisls (an lumft. SI. mill mad whita deaired, a eerUftud oert.fioiile, m-wnttnn (rnsrsiite. that th vieHtnt Is what tt ).nrWt t be, H eii. l. uK smstt.kirk ul Ui i, I itii j.itctuf tarU,-ii, Jii.i-tiTt mi ifiii iiUHi d.lrtwd loyimrni.tf, y.w aiH rws-of) liio tin-tiir aud dcntred tttfurmntHsi hy n-tni-n mail. Alleieninievio satlly e"ll.leiml. I AiiOnvK in ewiih'iaiuC Mn K. F. TaoasTos, li-Ji-Ui-Zii, iiuuiuu. -I f Aa-ljrd rnt:r. to r. rui ov.'" " A Larva- Viv Oircntsr..Kivin; 4imslH of lh srvslea ii"irtam to llw Jn"'tt a l U .s.diMi ho His hoawlymay liwvmMi bwsmt hil, tlm ikiwl tim'kl, irnd 4lw fcmulMt kivl. Hi IT VIIHltl 0 li.lir l petit temaiudtottld UB Ut .'nd their A.l.l"s "d rvi,a .aa4,--ir riH.ivu a-sil. . ' " , AJ.hfaS - la-swer, ai,- Ailril B it-ly.ls troy,, N. IV 1I VASKH OKNTH IlKRCAUT WHII',AI IV t l,tevir t H. HDHKNUAUM R. AprUll 114-tf i Hsiif sssh ,,r.si.Ml;T.,y...., ulivrv i 'Jit iSf. IHT otitic si ' ' li ii, 1'SP.II H U A.ril 17 iU If A I.I, UIK LA I Knl KHIJWI UI.M B u i V lliiy - list at M, juir.r..Ti iiai..n.n, Avi! 1711 tf V ' -- M19CELLAHE0US.""J" VT tV HAtXtN, . SmailU Prime N. t!. Hi ho vimiid Jnut at hsinl and !. naU st ' ru.. . ' -JAMKS M.Il'ni.r.!', Jim IU atW-tf t'.an. Merchant. r AnMlmr Miimly f SincUIr 6 Fuior flraln Orsilln roevited aud fur St luauulai'iuriira urkv. JAMES 1 TGWLEd, Juus 19 -U Attwit. II EKklNdHII IU BM. fnt lUrrina', A Uliln. finis HurniiKS. --. . . ill Uaif llW. H Iterrmirs, very ehsnp. fweOLAl UKI.r. June 84-30811 .L;;.. - i- ' Q.KEAT BKDLCTI0S IN Pltlfiat, i m.ts. rtonr, i-tiiiHi rsniuy, baliunurs Katra and I'ine for sals Vv DOCGLA8 ltELI June 81 -.S-tf s U0AU AND MuLsriSKIti JO I'.hb. P. K. sad rufiued Suh'srs, a llt.ls, Hii isas, ' DOUGLAS BELL. Jan -'- IE BDMASCK Of KKAUSFJN COVUT. An EplKide sxtraetisl from the rtrosiwt of Mirinm Manfort, by 111 Siithnr uf the "llmise- hniii or liouveri, just vutuumeii auu w himi, rneo sj.u. , niUNSON, KARRAR A CO. Jon 27 374 tf - - f QKUdriU vrt AT COKT1 1 1 In iwnaennxm- of the 1st areident atnTth an- tenaliht eoinliliisi of sir Hturs, I oiler to llw ti. le oiy entire lin k at (trustly reduced riee eonum tinff in psrt nf. Chu nae jUslUutore aud Vuxuus uds sud ilaiua. FliKir of sll hitkIcs. - ,' T" HsneU Alolssi, ; N. 11. llemiis; llou, tlroe sndCut. ... , I'orTue Ui, LsKuyi sud Java, ; ; - S YV'uuduu-wsit) anil 4d-re. . - ' DOUULAS ia.ii. JuiilO-3iMl-U . .i ... (,. - " 6AERETT,"Y0rjNOri5COTTr&"C0r la.t,'ar"4 11 ylrmr .., .. ' NEY YOKK, ' ticcxnMou to ; j 1KCIIIBALI) VOl'NOs tAUttKTI4ff. , OF KKWYOliU, , , -.V - AK1 . - pi: i:n h'ott 4 ., tUT NXVYAKK, H. I. i:sltnl JlanufiM 1 A Wholesale ileHlfra, Itt . r If,tf. OAlilSKTT, HU N VcIjMI, hi't NcvitmoTr, Msyl!rtMI7 A. K kKAKfll. a. i.vntirr . H. i i V It It K IT. t v l lT,FtiKDT.&K ACESCy. VI OF SOUTH i KWim i PRANCII OFFICE, IiALK.li; If, N ( . . I'jusciPAL eerier, liimratMmfiii. h. AJ Vvrmtnm lilvh.e Auli-dtalrl miiliimill IjlEllil, 1'iimnn. ii. Ijisntiul all k. ii. ui i Vt fi sulij. r ('t lloli.l .liue Um-iu in Mir hunt f" IW Mtrii., as rtnr (net hue h l....,.,.,a .A.n-l.ui.i-1 Inmi NiH-lli(4H htea fttul idaeins; tr"f'itv ni.iiiiiil) todow the inil'li', liir.aiU out ilverUM. fl-t , tlirvnt;h ,nir miUHl aiwl enrruialrtti i" I In i.d W.t, re sMrfaal,. C K ''- 11,11 .l,i io sa ruu-ui isms r..n nil K, ill ur.li j' to sed Ims juiit n,liioiisl '' ai fna lile Nirflli: ' - I Inr toniw sve k.H.': l .wm. ptsemif .r ill til liau.: irf Hi. IVullt..! land AurtU't irfAirflh I rulnu. dillli AK-d Mvapt,rf iHi.iniMiia o sll iiii4 i-Ik!.I re t,j,,haiii ai,ir.i njiuiMi (.BAnl, hi,ftiJHi, inn- .Tl'l W. ('i W.1 HI ill.U.i". I . 1'iliaw ,t imiu.w iiiuitf Ui j.t.-e wo nr . H s Rns!lr-ney Ho. Vwth. of H. I'. tliSl. K. A- .iralu,.ltilll.p, H.hi. '.. It. Valid. I-1-1..1U. Ui.A. WVH., t....l'f . .". II Ii Hillid.e. It' J.ilm A. .oi.u.'r 111., fialMiro . . t'.d, Til-et. lillll'll, .itain .. . 11. m. J.ni l.ii-l,, J lu-i. iit. oe ir-rm rrf mie, mwiii)i-Im! and aal n Uwr inl'ilo.ioll, l.llce irt aiyll to p I II. Kill H. it, June 2i-2Ti . l.. u-M. It. 1 . a n j x 1'KiS iI'HVil( 1 1 -i -. ' ' A yh ,,,,. xl, ,;1, , ... ' i"' ' ,,.,.,,. j ,,;r ;.,. , ., ;"" " " ' "";.; ' f ,.,.,',,;,..,.,,., ti " j j,.,,;-..-.) ' ' " i-1 s" : i- - - - i 3DEY GOODS. - 4 tlUYEDAT lA8t. . . , T. ! -wiV wWnrk t'aM Bon ' y.n; i'tmb t'ait (.nt, , " J int twliea tiaiuiaaaa lW4ia, faiKirea'a, Miwaand U abuea aat aiUr J K T hi II X T a!l. " i "Tiimil't "Sil'ibskin liiti. ' W hit ""A laif.i. Woi-ii v tl llsiii, Itsr lon and a-a. a, ling, t ruOiK-eu luw uivtk. T. tuaiaiTst. A)u'U 8!VUt-tf M A lnHlUlJ Htm'k lf PllUi .: r--,to!.r4i, waI sihIUiK'1 " ' tiKss. T. tttOKKH. . A;m.I Jii I'. KnsT5nrS"i'a' hsv.h 'aiiikiu hash. JVf kt.-illu-l.'uJt ""f - ttt. -t. tttttKnt 'Itis lurk'ti1! nm.if nrv neoiHii mui MelHleai lliai est! b foiltld mlheeliv, at II. I. I tnihfe B. Airilt ll tt , ..... ... - .. I m i i i. Tin: stMi: Alt:l1 IlAVKJUHf IIK. PIYKU l THIUD "UP-j ,y ,tt H(ii inn iil SUttioier Hi"., Just reeetvej yds, of besntifnl lrtnj; and j SnnimerfALIl'OW. . - . I Ji rtsi'vw Vtl yiU Mohsu atoZAMKlyl! M 1 sn tl-I ScH. ; . . Just received ,ydw. Pfn"d JAtXtNKTTSj siidLAWNt. . I Just li-eeived 1 Jlosen Ladies' js stuisss'l T1UMMKU HAW snd UONSKTH, Slid sill b ' soMChsap. -. I have sssMl my Hands stid pustonisr 4f ofiaK lo t'REEVirs to buy Uieir Kiwi, sud 1 1 nlessiHl tossy that hnudriwl hsv (mm ami r Miill ciiniiiiu. I koep ao fim teura 0 sAetf ruMieS? remnant. I I bay new fttud aud od t.vk, aad ssll them riiihl,.... Come lo LHF.WJHU lo buy your (ood- . rliiuth's Ciauer, Psynttsville Street, - A, CKEECO. Jlay Sl-2.'Ml-tf Ih-ogresseooy on week. BOOK 8T0RE3. irtift wiiiTK, nui-y, aku cakabu jiV;V r Mivcioi.ee. 1'si . , KiiveliitN.., tVhita ana kJ I Pi" Fyndl K.te rH.'r," ttm lc t'V AV ll.T.TAMftA LAMBETH, Nevt d. to YVUhuus Haywood's Drug Sior. Uy ate'JlD Vf : 4 lm.KN BOl "niKllH IIAIIUONYAKD MIWI Pflrl liieliltiioM, " ion Itrs ll.iin 's iliiMen Clmia ana Ceassc. 1000 Hul.tntlll Srll.K.l Wntll,Al!., Ac. . . Jf Mule ! 't WILLIAMS A LAMUETH. May 39-319-tf , , , '. KIS11LLLAME0TJ8. , TslHl! I'UIATOKI, V.n Wliihw, (aekU'd fir family nun, I riwued lo-dsy l.y ... IH1UUA.AB tiiaj, MsySI-itd-tf ... : K Ik IKI.AU MIX! FA4TI IL IJ VO.t ilM)OS. ci rAi i Lorn;, n. c. TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. T yvB deir IA snp ly yrmrselve Bar Ui Pll X and Vtiiih.r IrsVlii, aillith vury iMMt di'Wrie u. in. aud style of ALL-WOOL CASSIMERES, AMI! WITH THR MOHT Pt'BABl.B JMSS ASM HKHsItt VANSttt M, All fi-s freni Mioddr and other lmimritliwi ortltH' aaeuih from H' sulnN.rilier mhI they aili h. StrwaMi il, HM I'l'tri sIlschiHl, durluK V Hlolltli. I'l Ji'.l Sl'd AUKtl-it. tt-iini ihn" ..iii'h-. v i m csa tnaks your at I"-- tloli., Siul ifrtlMt ..nr m.it.r., nu uie Kian.1. .ill I ftirwui'.l'il l!iil'.-t tr-.Hi It, e inantOacliirv. - JiUIN A. jOUMI,' t'hailiaie, Iy 30- A'si Im 'I'i-bmiIcuI. r; fH'JHffHtl WAI AlAI'f Mf. i im.'.!! Ne .n ilM,..in July Sill. 1hT. 1 rnu, li-i S. aviiei isr-it lewrd aitll Uie I'ruu i.l taaliiuKAlIs',lJ' ai.d li wa j lliclmlcill - '? Kii,:lili Tielion. I alin, (iM.'k ! Weneli, tra. S,IS t It'ciiiurs ih-mI on aci.tientii,. . June 14 S Jim u a-id l ....... - ; .mai r HI I lluitail !. K. Tha lloie. "Ji.l lV' Asudjr lwdaMstliK to fit Nun., ii tl (in urn t ..iu.aiiy. Aei .j t i 1 , , WlUJAMGUISUft June la 'A'-.-tot !tiiui.in nu.rr rORTi&LK iMlR WOCXS, ZAxr,sviLf.K, oino. ; ivrnovrn ronrtHr.s ,silV AS!' Vllil i l ilt .- .MM Alf..v. I'l tAI.I. . ir.'e , a V ivif. V AV .1 A h IM- ' ' rti r.7 n.m hi.su M Ii I. I. - ' ' - 'Hi, Fit- ill. "il have v-eiviij tlm .Ural mmiiilBl out a e-..;i-,iitora. . '! V alf.ad th. ,J,, rlinsiaxi. Slid M.,t ..i.ll.l, al lrr III ne ii,i .i in ! y l."."' Aad ia tit ' ''I"- Furmr-v am tired -and tb.av.aV! 'f U I..r. h aiii.l? Hie '"! are li .W.H1S j-ei-l.-tl d ln.s..i..ve M-. ii ,, ail, siirm.t. .i lo en. ni-'l-e Imel.-r iln I- " ",,,'::. a--Uii.,.-.i..-.il!,.o o.-r i IK i I 1' ilXillV I lot, i .1 oi . h,:.- ai.-l , "! I t n t i w i 4,,..: taY roors. z . II. A W. J. VOI Mi, AT 'Alii: . OLD STAN 13 VF.E bow rcciring fnmi tlis S-tftU Uui;iid w..ll cted suh k el Ihti muni ihiiiii.M smt 7 SPRINlf ASDRtBHEIl C.I'm Dtt, Wtivch lism tmia biaiKbl at low IlKttms aiU tv 4.l very low 1 pun cash. 1 " Wiv y,.WH.cVf.'iTly ri,i4iiii tmr fnMln. ml tt v"' pnt-lH' K.'!H.mHy, to nil mt e4ttiii imt el.i-i,, . brftirM TKiviiia eteyhiv.. Aind lilti if w ; 1 0 t -bTUCK; lmKTrtt i , Wit HAYS IN TtU Ai NJiliAt. ASHIItT UMlUt 111 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY CooM, llHla, IleU anil fcliocs for iient' , nd Itoj. -. -1 V lusnui a t ih il J iwid of J I HT lU I KM LH . at i noHi:NiiAi7?rH, IS AlWrioN T() HIH AIiHKADT lAlltlC, A ssstwall eMtnt KI'KIMO ANH RI'MMEIl STtK.'K. W t Meat style and watterm gir.K 8ACQUR8 - AND MAN T1.EH. .- ' ,- ....,.,,- 1st asuurni . I KIATs, WBi tfl otltor diiU td, mi r.t ynHcty, at , si. liis-IAHAI VW. ... Hu. la, fyuuviiiu at.. , ,.', ,,, r t; ' 2 KISCELLAKIOri , , ITtri! MAYS! A PRAtTll'l ! AhIIVI.K v 111 fiua While ll. fifi i srniid. juH i-itl It Jl--.Mvi.N3 dt i Jt.iUi 1. AI.Hll, a Very nie lot ef K. t'. Usui sii, family ts. Jnn.Jiai.1-tf WE also, have fast reeelvd a Vfi-v Beiwior t'hepii, 'Lihuceo. 'Ih 1.-..-IK ul Hi "Wed" wouiU d Wli t" try . ,-mi ul l.-i. JENIUNd A I'LliRY. Jna 31-307 If " v 1 ' " " ' "iai LE C OLLECI ATE I WI L . TiiTi:, wauiu:nxon n. c. TIIEffyAimc.n of tins liitiiiitim ill oniuienee un Ui I7ih. Julr, wild a Ml eorrw irf elWielMHHl and enieH.nl llitru.-t,iril, ' Th wrM iif m.ty eiu.nin., i,,.tt.'tion tliortsh slid nli.iiiio'. rt.ivt.rmin 1. 1 (.m.nml, . and .aiuioiioa tid to reriit..tii.ii uf Uwu- .i.. atniMn ; m l s to ie.ei".n.if th. i.,t.- 'ff tid pterhiK the aimd. . ylrryii. 1 f. kemltlifuinoM ; and s fsvotua r, ..rt i( )! bisn th f soleiu wrl ef lii Bisu, Uuiu m U, sickly ...ui i'ui.il rw-..VT.d st Ifl st)(ef the so'..n, and boviled lhniiuh yscti-ri if iliwin-'l. t.r I ir ciiUra, sud f'o-ilinr .ri?mfl,s i-ii. i-.-iicr lie. l. M ,iHuiJ, kin, it. 1. Win. t, or '. lien Wni. H .ik.m, 1, t. juna ai ai.i-ujis lalTTUCLM m-UlM, 1 1 .IIAIX cor.t.i :3i (H'TH.V ril't) UOfhH M!K or Hi) Aid 'I, A M A il ( r bh 1 1 I r l i tHt i l fi ;',' r, MM-HUH AMI HAhluX HAIL K U A I) . ) , , milP net rWli.a wl!rmn mi tl, l"ik. July. A Hi. I atiii.ii'ii for tlm .nut n. ti-'Vuetic vtmr .how li iHSkriii i-s, wlil.-li fi..t MMk f. lUt-lf a. to the i.i).niuiiy of it. a.oii.4. 'I'erm motU.rtt inl i'ii.ui.i.lHtiiifr. Kvi'iy nurtH ti. IrtMltt rt.lll-W...t. S'-W lIllltt.-He. Ac. I Aii. 0. B. KUHHt 'K, l'n. i.t. siiiiUM Jim 31 !ii"7 Im N. V. lioi-i iNi'tiiuxiu "lio 1 1.1J I N r.ilti.'iif 11. ics of board w. .to ii. tu- f ti'iiii u MiiiitiKir ui.lii, i-nt no I to lllli r"PlliH.ll SIHH..1V St illHlHl, li avtiimiig t.iil.lie liiat th. ii,.uw 1 V. 1 B!lt.l lit ,H In. 1-.H.I ir.iH il ! ( .y.ry reje.H n-.iy a n.-irt M'ttKi-r. r. cavrii.il mis or i ..ik to soa nun Uia Mud'" W. II. KENNEDY A HON;!,' Jim31'3o''l l't- i i. i.-is. f RKr.NBItlKR WHITE St I.r 1 II K H !-."( I H, wild. b fpsxaii imr. or it'Mf, r .. h.rK.pnrarndfrfm1 W fl rT v. HfT ! Fir ft KrtilNtm, l .ireeiiliiere.mmy. V -i '",., .0) tie I'owB .Ii SnaiHiiir a. a..t. f.r U... ft.- o"- tlnitoo nil lar .-a iitmil.-r "f' v,e.i..,ii, a, I t.rt k.-lrt m ll-"l-p a' v, bv It1 1 l -' ! ' - - -', I,. I'ril'il. A .11., avwwl I" Vl'l.ltlM ii. 1 K.V 1 1 N, Irtollie? tif ilia .rtl..'ij.at, U-lti ut V,1: t4 eee.i lte'iee-1 bif"l ... ;..ia. towr .lie tk lot HaiSinr ia an ic, I ,ty beau. H,'i.u. II..-, "in-r" eoteblaUI I.UAHi .. . t.Ail HAMloi lk.tiiieir ha U-.H ipiikiji'a l.-i li-.i lM-!n- l. ' Ii. ni-ht . f eartic iwannii; 1.1', . -it ,: -e Pormica .ill I niw'twl m'.i .!,. M : I tV Hell. 1.1 tli hiwa "t il'.-o l"0 1' l-' '""t'V tic n. , 'I I,. railroad will Ik rrn.ii ! ). i . i u v lat. Jul. ; ft Sll Hieing lii tlie htiT-a I . s Mid s willii'MMwy e -nas k ili I"' elieni ii.ii?oli to I.HM.e.'1'la, aa 1. 4 ,.i-i I- u w,lt ro .l ali-it- C".' l' . I - un i tiHkui.ii in ib. i I' l. .-H.n i-! i - ' : ! I SulploW hi-rliii;. I.t il 1.. I ( ! A .1 I I i:al ton mi k i::,rrn :.d . . iia.t. i I". ' i''i-',i t ' "i " a ' ' i eai eM.-ei--ke--r.; T.-.V.-I t- Vi lleiUli l ll.-lihSi; "V t.l.'nl I l I !iti ni'k. . . . v. fii'o f " i ..juna a r. I 11. tUli.m (toll' .leC IJ 'lc a..J V il -l,, - -' ltoi t.LV' i. June 'H 'J if J41 O K O It !l . tft I',,!,. I'!!"" o 1,11,,''. - !-. ll " "" '! ' . t,H '.1 l" ' 1 ii. r. v. June l 'i t-.tf ..! , k S' ,;.:a ' s . 1 - rv'.'1 n - t J ..1 i. r.r -MHUiV.