a. t WMrt PELLr honu .... j ....... . .7 Special OorrMpoodeno uf th N. Y. Herald. Sknatos ' Wimom's Vibwi os xmfbacii- CUXOBIM AMD Ctmail QMAWT,"f":" . '':Boww, Masa, Joly 1, MM. oin1 wrrMprtadedl li ot td a " brief interview with lion, Hettry Wilson, ana aa jjiii con enatioa-a mostly upon current political and recontruction topic, 1 veu- tura to gin the public the substance of the Massachusetts tteoator new. Concerning the condition of reconstruction Mr. Wilton aai4 that he belt! the Mm opinion now a - wheat atntmiM from-the South." A to tb matter of admittinir the Southern Slats- to their former status, "ha claimed that if they complied with the term laid down in the Ktco infraction bill and elected men who-coold lake the oath, no member of l'oncrrea bad ant right to tar that new con dition should be imposed ; for the law aaid that toey anall Da admitted when they com piy wua it requirement. its would like-wj-Ao bay added another condition that it JJ. noald be obligatory tor every (state to es tablish , an impartial ..system of common school ; but be ielt bound to ay that b - met so- aiaa, -of wnftrevCT party at the Uofftb, who was not in favor of establishing neb a system. Be believed that it would be wtablisbed, becauae all intelligent men were agreed that now that the negroe were tree it waa Important that they ahould be educated. lie beliered, he aaid, that all the southern States could be represented in Congress be fore the next Presidential election, that they would participate in it, and that It wa Very Important, both from a party and national point of view, that they ahould do so, II tb republican party went into the campaign with the ooutb under military rule ft b charged upon them with porfuT effect, in aucfi Btate aa Pennrrfania and Mew York, that, while the 'military leaden bad crushed tb rebellion, there waa not state. tnanthip enough among political bmdert to restore thoae conquered State to tfrtir prop er position. Financially, arMftthe interest of business, also, it .ia itriportan, that, a nog aa the South, op-tasi of equal right ana protet'uoa tor-an, can be restored, it hould be d0aC; tor then the republic and tie reprjfilicfui party, with tbeT Southern Htatesin Congi-eas, would both be stronger. -lle believed : fbatrYbe rcpublicane would carry half of the Bunthem-State, jijd be waMtiifr two-eif- Biie-third," and be wa alto of -lebelief that , at the nut eJectutfi the republican will carry (lie country over whelmiogly ; for inasinuch-afc"tiicy have treed the nation they ought to administer it t aome time to come. He had no doubt whatever that the speech of (Jen. Kawling at an approved expoution ot the political creed of Uea. Oratit, and ba waa equally confident that he will be the next President of the United Bute. He bad the moat per fact faith in General Grant' thorough sym pathy whu-Congresa and the principle ot ill republican party, and (poke of him as an out-and-out republican a radical ami aid further that he had always advised the Southern men who came to see him to go to for ths Congressional platform, and not to affiliate with the copperhead whom the country would never again tolerate in power. . General Grant, be aaid, bad declared that all bia Generals who go South turn radicals, and that they will average more radicals than the Massachusetts delegation. Grant,he said, was jaarely in' tsvor oi manhood suffrage, and has quietly given all the aid in his power to th Congressional programme. Congress, b think, roughs to confine itselt at the July session to the passage of an amendatory act and then adjourn , and be turtber be- .Xeved that it would do o, ! In (peaking of Grant' . antecedent be tid it waa an error to report that he wa : ver a democrat Be waa an old, whig, but t voted for Buchanan on account of persona) .. objections to Fremont. He supported Lin coln in 1864 with all hi heart. He did not think that lmpciichrrH.-nt rji President John on would occur, for the proposition had faded to take any bold upon the country. II wa opposed to confiscation, for it was too late in tb day lor that policy. We might have done anything after Lee surren dered, but confiscation now would produce a regular Ireland in the South,. The most Intelligent negroes be met were opposed to it, and believed there was no need ot it. W hv got litity-five million acres of pub lic lands in the South, to day, which were opened for the white last January, and for t lie nefrrnea.au month -before: Not- otic3 fifth af it ia taken up. Border land i a cheap and the wage of the negroes so good on tue average that anv induntrlons jicgro ran bnyt6d tfvday. " ft U easier for a ne gro to get a homestead-now than lor an in dustrious working man in New England. We could settle two millions of negroes on it present public lamia in the South, count ing Uv on every eighty acres, without dis turbing anybody. In addition to. this, the I md in the South ia heavily mortgaged, and j lurge tracts will soon be in the markets &l j cheap rate. V '-''' N ; In short, the Seuator takes a hopeful view ot the situation, and believes that tlwSontb will soon be clothed in it rigid mind again, and bave a place ir tlie coancila of 4h na t on as an equal compeer of her recent con queror. .' ' I ' j Tua Vunkm o FaHihon. (June ba lieen tclHii Kol.insonone of bis splitting storiea.) ltobinson "Va'a it'J very fun nyT Jones -"1 lien hy the deuce don't yon laugh Tlobinson "My dear fellah. 1 would with pleaauie, but J darot-dirpiay i.I emotion-jiluts trsiwasifi r aw tremea- oualy tight VFun., i memjftrtrm uTiikpiur puuiehweut war ; rovided for by a bill rcrc.rilly.....jrUriklucl ,C..rfl ttii Coi'i nei'tiewt- Wows-f'ypafjg i "VtWj tHrt-tbst Ttoil , !. feated the. LlLJia.A. woto f 11 to W.sav i.kMiknLiioU.tu-pepl trf-,TrrmticBT Freotioe aay iU a pity that the elections in the South cannot take place at this time, ' ( ft although the negroe are atron pow ;Uey will b-,rotigtir4B tbelog Jsyi. , '-, "Doi jou understand me now," thundered a country pedagftgue to an urchin at whose cad be threw an inkstand. Treot an iuk ;ng of what you niean," replied tide boy. A iniin who ba a wife or sweetheart med Liz ia- not to be believed itnuy; ..inir, for he alwaji tella Lize. about everv- sjs-atii a u it-iiuHn, t- r wr. "a bUs. JsekMD Whitwt (Wted tat fsaiilvt use,) reeeived to-day ir 7f AUyl-2Sl-tf B AOONI BAOONII 'Att0 lb. &aUimnm sarf Virv-ini Hub- u offrMi w ijw priws nv . .. L DOUGLAS BELL. June ,- -1 1 Vine havk A -jBKAPnwn. AimciJt or 1 v V mwvrniWTieal, rreiiiv frruaoo. -v JENKINS A PEKKYi . J 8i-an-tf : 10; a vary uics tot of S. C. Hama X A. . Isuuly JENKINS A PEKIiV. joD.ai-3.ntr Tt, also, ksra Juat reetaved a vrv Nnpwnr 4.;iiesine . luoaaeo. ' ine kH-ef- at to 'W Wfuild f la wm! I fen trv atifiitt ipl this. , JENKINS JtPEKKY. Jnu 21-267-tf - n. . - - ' - - - , -ptTRE CIDER VINfcdAR, JL . Al ..June 1-tM-lt DOITQLAS liEiX'S. EBBlNQbll 10 BIjIs. Cot flerruiu'a. " .T S Hblg. Otoe HerriuK. 10 Halflibls. Roe UrrinRa, vsrf chosp. ' ljiOL-GLA8 bell. Q.UEAT BEDUCT10K IN IVUICEa. M Hbls. S'ltrar, FiUnm Family, ; Baltimore Extra auU l'uie for sale bv 1MX ULAS BELL Jane tt-m-tr - gDaAB AN II M0LAHSK8. I 10 nr. is. v. B. n1 rerlned HoL-srs. Ilbls. Molasse. DOUGLAS BELL. June 34-2R8-tf JEttlNO OKF AT V0ST1 1 1 In eODseauends of the Isle avllent snii m. tenable condition of my Htorti, I utW to ths trado my entire stock at ervatly reluil price rouios tinur in part of CWca n<iiiMim uid Yirumi Ul IIBRIB. Fmnrnf all gradea, Tea Barrels MntigaM. N. O. Herriuir Rim. (Irons and Onfc' - It'offee Kkj, Lk'Jts aad Jars, , ' Uooden-ware and Hard-wsrn. ' x , lOlTflLA8 BELL. June 19.266-tl - MISCZ1LAHE0U3. Tr J . a L - Anotlmr Iun-Hil :r TTi.t Bt JlKlNiiM in k(-x and Ublv. ; family hoe flttrrluga in aeirs Slid UUin., UIUH JlVirinifl IIHI IUVI HI PlWh 'J Junea-Ajtf tf : . , . - . WnoJewktaioem s ALT. UVtKPOOitBALT. UuO lr full sauk iu prime ordeiv " ' Ia ators and to . arrive fknal from Xtearpooi fi ir mi At Imuiil Miu-kcft nri iiv . . . i ... i . I L- u nA J -June aO-lKl-3w , ; s , lNMlKMOKHl OF (LA I MM. THIS Hoard is holrlitijr its ResMous daily In the Senate I 'hamlwr, and is r. a.lv to rwiv sod wnnder such cluiins SRSiiait tlt Kut as sre not rpudiit4d by the Ordinance of the Convention. Those who Wiuh their clttims pmed on by the CommiHSioners. will do ell to iirinciit thoiu with out delay A cooy of tlie Bules snd Kegulatiou esn be obtained by spplicst ion to Theo. U. Hilt, Em).. NeoreMrv to tlie CoimniBia..n. ItcDort ill feetttarterrtbe tgiitstuiF in Aiiuusi unit. Jnne l-'iM-tf J. C. UABl'EU. Cksirmaa. ATTENTIUN I-UVMICIANS. ' . , A Pbvsieisii. eniovimrs ffood nrsctira in s thriv- irff Village of 15ou inhabitants, on ths Central N. C.Tt. M , is nesiriis of wiling his house snd lot, I ia telliirrnt f hraician. a be dwiltes to to into other vusiueiM. For particulars, apply at " Jnne l-?3-lm THIS OFFICE. M FAYETTEVUXE STREET. IN MTOatat, -M Boxes Window Olasa 8xU) aad upward. 40 Cooking Htovea. ,- . Keroeeue Oil by ths barrel or retail. , J. hnUWN, '. For Habt at Lawn. Raleigh, Jun-BIMf QITUORD tASlJ AOEStl, , . OF AOUTU LAUULl.tA, BRANCH OFFICE, RALEIGH, KC. PRIKCIPAL OFFICE, GREENSBORO, N. a Persons having Agricultnral and Mineral Lands, Water Powers. Towu iLols nd all kimkof Keal K- tat for sale, are respectfully invited to place ttoem in our hands rs- that purpose, as oar facilities Air bringing pnrchaaers from Nortiiem Htates and placiuK prupei pvntniiieiitly betwea- tb pnidic lluwigu our aavvrtisemenUi, and also through onr aiffncKS aud eorreiuadenUi in ths North aid Weet are unsurpassed. Wa aaa sow waiv ino roa L m jut. jajuixa. ja. out Usw sua ale. iu onhir tineil Uia srty of sulmianiial far mers front the North. . I Our terms are as follows V Persons placing pro perty iu the hands of the Un.ilfrd Iam! Agency of Ntwth l.;aroiu, will be charged nva mtr isiit. enmmieeioa cm all anion uta n-abetf. Five dollar efitroitoe fee aitiat be paid whea ttis pro perty is placed in our hsritis. f-ei-Miiis si s utHtauce wiMiiug to pisra pf.perty in wir kstiite sheild give ns an svursi deacrip tiuu. of (lie same 11 Agncuitural Larvls. titer should aiM-cify ihe skmI, miiuber of seres of clear ed and tmils-red tartd. the kind of timber, what ratsedou uie uutiL wuat ktul or tmprovesnent are on the pr.miea, Irow far from Hailroad and from 4'oautv-w-at; whether it is well watered. Ir miwkuai. Lavoe. tbev shonid state what hid A Atmerais, tlM keiK'attoua, Ac., slwavs seuih ng a goocl lair epscimea ot t he ore, it would (no lie aavieaoie to send a sfcewn of the land to '." REFERENCES. - '"- His Exwllency OoV. Worth, of N. C, " '. Hon. W. A. ftrshsra, Hillitlxjro. Hon. Z. B. Yaooe, Charlotte. - TlMis. Webb, Et., Pre. fi.-tj. U R. HillaU-ro. Hon Jolin A. (iimwr. Gn-eiuhuru. ...U4eI't--RilHiti---th)alfaw,-'--''- .. .---'. Hon. Joiin l-tclicr, if Yir-iriia.. tii'-r.iiituti'H'n..r!.l.ivwt i -tl v- tsiisjli June 2S-27-3m . Hah-igh. . C. ; THE GREAT SOUTHERN Blooel at nil I.ivcr ncdlcino, FOflSALt MY t - - WILLIAM S t II AY WOO D , .ji.K(w,1i.--r. . : FAICE tLM FEB BOTTLE, , Recommemled bv d.ui,Lni-hl rhvsicisna. vneiuiffie rtc, ere. FASIiriTT G K () C f i . , BO. n FAtETTEVILLK 8TREET, U A LEI dill, fi. C' T."KPH CONSTASTLT OS HAND A UBE JV. supply of " CHOICE GnOCEIUES. Comiotine in part of Hiursrs-tYii".!!-!! "A" Cof. fee; rwdvred, V Cotb-e, '"tSimw.aiiilliroan as ninoreu' gTsuea ; IVi... Jv funin Si,k. uuL iU U jwir.... sioiasaes sua nyrup ; - .-r f -i - - -i and titrtpe; - : "-,;-r "" - oeuf. tur ctimpiajt, woiliu, and ttlal ffir UrtU. hik, -v Kpit-iiuiu miciB. rMt;ej cm s tuvj ricaied furk. Bf and Buffalo Toneurs. Ooiiii.a, . ToriRiiM and Mound. Msckwl. rtmokiHl ov eixMv Usrruurs. A aplvoujd luul CkKltUOi.. . FM-kii aud aimikf-d Pahuou. Tjvwpaul and Teh Halt.- " " " " tVMahw. White alenwr. Pear Blow aud Jack eon WbiWs. - ' Ounur Bwrtriim. Rot. Hula Lealhor. Fnmck Carl bkui. Uutug Skins. Ao. alba fair, Tteke, wt, tic. wrapuuia- Paper, rowdar and. Shot. Cotton Cards. - Fuarl aud Corn Starch, k'arina and Tapia- o. Aiifoisn jusiry t. nt-iia, rartory t-newwi a Urira asaurtmeut of t anned K roils. , licklt-s, Preaervaa. Mustanla. eauned Ovatura. LouaUr. banUnea, Ao. Orangea. Lemons, Waa, Curraut and Pronea, and everytluiuj, asualiy kept in a nratiUaa tiro- Also lionotaof all vtuIm. AtlmtinH is mm. eially all.Kl to onr pur old Uob County and old KifUer Whiskey. ' . All naiiBor of Hanoea, Catanpa, and Fancy Oro- afuonuiy, very cueap nir eaaa. n seu-axrieuy nr vahh. W. ttt'UKHT ANnilKWS, April -tf family Orocer. Bosnrar A. imtci IjimiiilH Pmaf J KaleiKh, Williams borough. ' ; n. v.; ' H.C. JENKINS & PERRY, faiullf Grocers and Commission MEBOHANTI IS THE BRICK - ROW, Four DoortNortk of the lot Of fice and ne-nrly Opposite) 'f" Mrkct Square, rAIETTKllLI.E BTltEETr L IlvULXCIGII, IV J. - Grateful for the nattering patronage with which wa have heretofore been so kindly favored, we re spectfully solicit an increased share of the patron age of the eitisens of Kalxigh and the eurround ing ooontry.. Without seoially paarmg, we deem it sufticient bo say, that onr siock mortlv embraces each articles as are usually found in Family Oro cerie. Mnet of our goods hare been rci'c.utlT bought in New York and Ualtiniora, for caah, aud we hope to be able r sell tUi-Jii .on tilaeltirj taruia. In Jibt ion to our stock of Urocenes, &e:, we have a tto lot of ,i . IIAT3 AND READY MADE CLOTHI.NQ and a splondid lot of Confectioneries, eonskting PLAIV AND FANCY CAKWF.3, RA1SINH, , OltANiifcH, VM NUTS AND bllANKY l tACUtli, Ao.. stl of which will be sold on reasonable terms. - Wa ttavu alao a tine kt ot gewnine iMrhain Smoking Tobaoso, which w oan unpUciUy recooi aveod to "tboue who awoka." . Fiease oali and sM i. - , Wa will pav particular attention to all eonaica- meuta of Produos aud Men-haudiM entrusted to onr oan and will endeavor to sell at t he bwt market prices. Consignment are resnertfullr suliciuxla by a prompt and cloaeetfct ntioa to business and fair dealing with all. we hone to nterit and receive a share of public patronage. apru lo-iii-u B..I.A1 a. Hi beat and most desirable lot in the town of Albemarle. Htaurv Coontv. N. G. containing two acres of land, Kith a GOOD TWO fiTORY DWELLING irOUSE of seven latge-and well finished rooms. I'iazzs in front, kitchen. Hmoke-hiMiaa. Htablea aiirf ether out-houses, a good aud hutting well ot water, nice flower yard, Ac. n Prion very low for cash. Apply at ttentirul Otttua, or addrese, ' . ' K ANDERSON. , Jane 11-Smsw - Albemarle. i OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA R. R. Co.,) Cohpamv'Khops, N. C June teih. 1HU7, ) THE eighteenth annual meeting of the Htock holder of Ihe North Caroiura Kail Road Com pany will beheld in the toanof Greenaboroou Thursday the 11th. day of July next. Huica holders who cannot atteud iu person win please send their proxies. -. F. ABTAOO, June 19-'JW-twtd rlect'y. EAILEOADS. HALEIt.lI AKU ASTON HA I (L 1B6T ROAD, , ' 1S6T Through Freight Tariff r ; NOltTII AND SOUTHS : by Tin: AiB inns eoute i WK at aow prepared to ship all kinelsef Freight through to New York. Philadelphia, Beaton and Baltimore, on through bills of lading, giving through: reoetpla, at ths lowest rsta. THIS 1H TUB LINK FOB RHIPPEKS - Tour Onods will be handled only once. Through oonnectiona close, no delay, time and expense leas than by any other mute.' Insurance trilling compared with other routes. We take goods to and from Columbia, H. C, and all inter aieuiat statUHt. with more promptness and dis uatch Uian any Express Company at about one fourth toe eoat, ' , TAKE NOTICE. Persona shipping goods Houta will sliip through the following agents snd by the following named tUeawahlp Compsmea aud no ether. . , ' Faow New Toag, ' - -s. -By th Old iKimmion Hicaui.hlp CO., N. L. Mc!rely, President, OBice No. 187, Oreenwi-h Hireet, tWner Dey Ktreet, Pier S7 North River, New York. 1 ' . ' """ Thou Baitimobc, "'" " Rv th lie timore Miesm psi-ket Company, K B. Parks A gent, foot of luaw ixA, aud Brandt I bo of Btoaoicra. : . --. . ,u ..fmdJtMUMmJKm . e ' By tli Iihlls'lelK4ilaaid NuritikttWsmship Vf.t , 141-1- A4y.Ai i is, fcm t-fterr rctaiil Avenue. PhUadclpbia. . , , n w.MiSMak-'saeaw JK livHb UartoB aud Noiloia f teainaliip Ci.. K. Kam'psua A t.,.4gsut, eu4 of l eutral Wharf, JiuslMU, ,.Duiiuau.JiiSai giaeils to Mr Hi nui iMl ts " mouth, t a , aiul city n.int. Otiods eotning rv arf Mf FvteTst.iirg noii be so atAI.KKlM 0JTOSI tt H. .., FFiCfc,- V rtJt-lm.I. MJFEU1M ENl)t.M"s) tF , . Ktuiea, ft. C. May kth. CHANOS OF 8CBEI1ULE ON R. A Q. R. R AN and after May 7th, psiT, trains, will V R. A a. K. K,e"Uows: Uatly Hail trams leave Raleigh t.X) A. M. Arrive at WeMmi 1S0P.lt. Hail trains leave W cldoa ' 10, W A. M. Arrive at Raleigh S,M P. M. . Ftetgh train arrive at Raleigh 4..V) P. M. I . " leave , t,m A. M. -The mail train msksTwaooo'if connections with' all pointa Kca-th acdHuoth as stuck as any ather rout. . - - W. O. LEWIS. '4 Msyt2--tf tV.-n.nupt. Frogrs ana Bexuilara copy uu lortttd t SEWT noons new v.oovs i L-yn i.e. Ti; j" g A.VUCiOt NEW AKR1VAL8. T HATH JUST BECEITF.D MY TUlfiD BUF- A t'l of riptiug a iimniarqti. Just re.-eir.-J 5,0(10 jfc of beautifulBiituiaiaiul I - , crTr.r?.-.-- i Buunuvr l iuuiu y I "v. '"'.' f-Jratre15,0tCyaaroVira(b?.AallllgUEtt I war. tei I . I ( Just eeeeivsd 4.000 yds. Figured JAC0NKTT8 uia Lns, ,.r, .. .. ' . .-rr-- j Just rsosived 18 duxen Ladies1 aad Minn TIUUHKD HATli aud BONNETS, and will ba aold Cheap. . . . v I I bar asked my friends and Cuatomsr to eofMt to CXEhriTS to buy their goods, aud I ant pleased to say that hundred havs estse ana are still eooihig . I keep ao h ois worn or thelf rutibtd ramnanta. I buy new goods and (sod styles, and sell them Coma to CRtliCU'8 to buy year gooda,R. BmithjaarAerT-yayetUvill Street , ' ... . ALEXANDER CREKCH. aiayst-v&il-tf , . .. Progress copy one week. - '.,... 01 R STOIK IS NOW COMPLETE! WE TAKE n.KAHUKK IN INFORMINO0ITR friemis and the pobbo, that w have in store one of the most COMPLETE AND BEAUTIFUL ASr ' ASSORTMENTS" ' r of Ooodt, ever toffered In thii Market OnrSREHS OOO DS are eomoosed of aU the lawnu stylus ami noveiuea oi uia Our Line of White Goods la Per. Tert, ronalstlna; of MV&KAISSOOK A Jin J-.A.V. lUKCXkD AXngTHIPETi OBOANDIEX TAR1.KTA SS, ' UA1.V A Xl KVHKOr- J hikkU t.i a.v tvn !2SJf L'5W fifcrra, h 't v- . . Our goods are of th best analitv and Diiaaa sa low ss sttv one csu'll - Wfc HK1.L Hi lilCT LY FOR 0A8H. and an con tent with smalt prolil. . - AU we aek ia aaWurautinatloB of oar aaock and we tliink we can pOSc. X. A. N. t J. McEXMHOK. AprO 8-a-tt "t-. BOOK STOB, Axraao Wuxuaa, ; . C. W. Laitxrni. . WILLIAMS &JLAKEEJE, V"; So. 40 FaTettevIIle St., Balclgta, IT. C. : Book Seller tnd, SttioneraV UEALKRs 1 All. Ul OF fsCIIOOL IIOOI1H, ' STANDARD AND HI8t ElXANEOUf' WORKS. , HASoMC BOOKS, JEWELS llEiJALIA J -.! B0K8 ON HOICK AND A0RICIX- NATURE; STATIONERY; PRINT-f Wii and wrappino aUPEB; TBINTERS SUPPLIES; ' HIHOOL AND OFFICE REQUISITES j j . ALBUMS; ... PERFUMER?, ' ' ' , FANCY ARTICLES, Ac We are now rceching new supplies, and will b eonstsHtly making such additions to our Htock aa will enabl us t furnish every article usually kept ia a trat elssa Bonk htor. Our facilities are such aa to enable na to furnish In a very few days, any article not on hand, and all orders will have our prompt sttt-liUoo. Our business will bs conducted ua the reef! ai'd etsi anii'1 sum at awe ssiy lwsai - prices. WILUAMfl A LAllbKTU. ki.-tf , Raleigh, April 3U7 .JASOVS PATiESt t--r . FKUIT JARfC 1 and I quarta, Fur Ital by ths single otte, or ''M,jj -v Raleigh, Jims I3-2fla-if With lUar A Law'ia. JU AND GOLD POBTM f OorrswrrH, Tv.swraoii," W'Huiswobtw, AnuwraUiOW, His to. . Oieuaa, . . - . . - - Co tree,' Mooaa, 1 ilcfact.rr, Mm ktuioca, Wn.ua. . It.l.lJU s, , Hr.Rrmrw, Moaaia, ' MiL-niH, Craoa, Hrwiaa, Fsvjcrtiv, HI H. CAKpmnA, toi rHroua. All his All mat rS-eived si oar ww (Hon. next la Tuckers new Hall. i BlUNSON, FARUAR A CO. ' May 29-249 tf ...... MI: UHICAL INBTRl tTION BOOK, RVRROWTrf MUBIO PRIMF.RH, , KSTOiT8AiNi"itKfr r " ; SPLENDID COLORED ENGRAYISOU, i ROBINHON CBUROF., e., , TiisOo band at our new Htore. next toTnekars New Hall. rrriniisxcor un-ra-A-H . . 4DOJS-N (WITHERS HAIiUuST AND Ml'hl eal C'toipaoion. 1011 bradliurv'a IkUiln Chain anit l'.nur L- luuu eabbath m-aoot Wratia,Ae;i Ao. . I or sale or . WILLIAMS. A LAMBETIL May 29-119 tf IJ1HE ROMANCE OF BEAVSEIS COURT. Aa F.pwwd extracted from th rctrosrct of Mtriom Msafttrt, by the smhor of the "iiouaa hold of tvmreri, just publwned aud to hand. FnotftLtrA - ! BRAXS0N, FARRAR A CO. - Jon J7-2:i-U s I I PZTEESBUEQ ADYERTISEJIE5TS. ' - ' M f T I C Kt ' L JIA VIM J. - ATTKM DEivH B tSWHr Hosing AurtloH Sal Of the Season laat Week, and procured ..t MANY V1CUV SlTAi) TO THS HJLSTS OF THIS COAT- Hcyhr, j am ituAA- ' OFFER tMX . - BEST AND CHEAPEST DItY GOODS EVER OFFERED IN TIII3 CITY ! Among the many to Tio louud, nroi . M)0 yards real silk Embmidered Oreuadiues, IB new atvln, worth f 1 1'. tt fii mnt. l,0u) yards real Milk Fmlmudered Urcnsilinea, in new styie, worm at so, ror cents. -. 1,000 yards 8ilk Embroidered Grenadines, In new s stylo, worth il oil, for II 00. Plain Black and solid Colored Oreutduies, at eur resTKinduiirlr low price. These goods are jit- Ilia thing for the season snd mttctt' ueeiteti. aa they nave been very scarce aud high. x,(0 yards neat, pretty Dieas Oonts, in all siiiow in intu rsoricsworift ;lil i. cents, for 25 to 37 cents . The beat srtu-le for Travelling Dn-saes I ever saw, worth tl W f"t IWJ to 75 cents. The most desirable slisilcs of grsv and rlrsb Al- M While and lilai'k t rape Moreta. Xiao flrvn- - adiricw. t.OUO yarde'Bla. k Afcas : positively the gresUwt nsr;rviiis ever onuren in tins market, at SO, ti-'i 75, 7t ets., and tl ; worth m every inst suoe double the mouer. I,0W yarda itla.-X hilks, of ths moat approved maaea, la ram.iaa and ttrotiram, or I 30, 140.1&U, 1 75,. tsl, and f'i.VI. These pnoea are front 60 cents to ft (Kl per vsrd ieaa than any aimilar goods have been oilered in this market. 1.OU0 Faraeuls, ih every stvle and variotv, about1 half price- say from tl 90 to fi A). . Also, Sea-aide and Promenade Parasols, very de- i siraUe for travelling, watering places, Ac. Tb largest and finest aisiortnient of Ileal Point Lace Onods ever unered tn Petersburg, ' fur lose than half their value. Itt-al folnl CoIIaVfs ! - - r- r : Heal Point Collur and CtilTh J . Real Point Sett! Real Point Lace Trimmed lland- On reel Point Applique Lane tihawl, a very valu- antearuci ms riw 10,000 yarda of luagniflosot Ijiwus, froui 'JO to SO oenla. wurth double tits tu lce. The beat Lawns ever offered in Petersburg for 25 ' cents. - - - . 1,000 yard iluaT Lhten Lawn, for Ladies' morning oreaaea ; tlis must aastrauw gouds in tue - market. Also. (.0110 rants of Spanish Linen I.lncn Cosl'nit. Lilian Dnlla snd Canvas live k at 'lit li - aOeenta per vard, worth 5tln , to fl. Also, 1UI puces Caiitoa MsHiiui fmru H c f. 1 eenis ier yarj. Among them is ilia iX Imperial, llie best Msttitig ma.l.-. ' It lams) nsoesssry o add more, nor to sav I ant selliug lower tlian any owe elne. '1 h piiLlic are the bust juiiges of this, aud 1 hope th y will iriva their verdict substantially in my favor br their liberal pstnaiage, and 1 will aseiire Ibciu I will laav ao aaurinutried to pleami. t . TllO.Tf A wtIITII. ;: )... i No. !J Sycamore Street, t- , . : I'lTKUHHCSO, Vs. --June -Wte !- r--'- , - JUSCEU.AS'EoijS - 1 JOBTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. , V - , , , Plewewwt, rakwrrwe raaalr, IV. O. The nekt Scltohutir h i ui of this Institution will commence ou the First Monday in August, lno7. x ns course or stmiy t oe pursued m tnorougn , the government orwt aud .doctded ; th expenses very low ; th health and. morality of the oom Biuiiity unsuxpsasad. - . ExnuHsa, V. X, Currency For Session of 10 Booths: Board, M0.00 per m-ailh, gtnu.nx lliltlou, CoUege trasses, , 40 (Ml. ' Euirliah I la-e s,Prcparatoiy ) wi.ml. ' Room rent, iuef, Waalmig, Ac, ebont 'iOUO. AU Indigent young men, maimed in the late war and incapacitated lor severe phvsical exertion, will be charged only eij Uaff of the bov rate of Tuitioa. . - For further particulars, aend fur a Prospectus, "" , Address, . - . L. A.TIIKLE A. M., Prof. Ancient Languages, i Mi- Pleasaut, Cabarrus Co., N. 0. Jnne H-S0J-3m , - , L i .1 ... i. PATENT IMPRpVEn METU0D OF , ;; ; SIXKIXfl WELtS, v tin THE NEW LA LOU , SAYING ECOXOJIICA I. Pl'SI .18. HAVINtl PrRf'HAriKD THE ESTIRK AND exclusive rlglit to tlie patent improved me thod ot sinking Wells, for the H la to of V.rth Caro Una, we desire to have a g.iod and reliable Agent in every eoonty uf ths atateu : - . Aa it ia deairsble for every family to have aa abundant supply of water, ou their owu premises, ft eonveuhnce, aafety and economy, Uie sate of this Pump offers a fine opening for an enl.nns lng man uVeach eoonty, to engage tn pruA labia i business. . . OCR PRICES ARE FOR No. 1 SIZE, $25; . No. 2,io0, v ' , - WITH A LIBERAL I'l Ol'NT TO AUFN1H. We hare a No. 1 Pinup in operatioiKin triad of onr Htore, No. xi. Polio, t Kin-el, nht h a smk in an hour, end aiippin-a aU.ut a,im OALUiNrl of pur water per diW. 'i'lu-v ear atno be seen in operation at the Oaeton flouse, and at other pla ces in Nswbern ; also at hmsom, Iteanfvwt, llore bcad city, aud t niaur inher placus. This is the ehewpeetWnd most speedy mods of .alitsiMiiig wait iv-aVw.acvtt"ranit-flfi1o"" any atrem ol asiit reaeioii, abuU I m'Tisyi.ot;.., wewrycsasviersiimnn iiibt- fy-ir ia lit-iai ,oril- . .xv-tagTsirr W.a toil i wii'at4MjH..Ji MmUtrnTtr .daw or ordera, to - , s.. MITCHELL. ALLY'S A C(K. ' luae ewtB-rrrr N-. f.- !ilba Prune N. O. Bacon ho iaod eji-1 Tur sleat niftihf-t rau.. JAMWel-. '10WLE8. , June,!-5e-tf Com. MerchauL itTHi wueat aVAi'TOKtr. r -T-TUOMASriLLETST"" A3 CTiSOIi3 TO J. SHEIXT A BOM, awtablMbsd tn 1h.i with stilarged espital, Wis most improved niauliiiiory, and best workmen, we wUl s ii everv stvle f Mi-N S, l'."i B, ' Vuti H'H, WOMF.X'H, " ' Mlfl H' AM) I ' tlWT l l.rV " . " . , j , i-buoi-D SHOLX V- as cheap ss th same qnshly of rKxla can b (bought in New lurk i ov tir elemh. ret , BiilXLX, Lhu'l iith-a A'CQ. April U-aUen rN: MISCELLAJfEWS.- ASTKOLOGY. THE WOELU ASTOXLSIIED ATTnawosDitnm.mavKi.ATTO!! MADEBTTiiE 0REAT4TROLOOI3T, Iriwdame If. A. I'EKRIOO. Tl!? JSVall secrets-an asastal. sw kww, -Hbe renioK to bappiuee those who. from doleful event, eetsstrotihea. mad in hive.' ha tj I lation. and trjeuds, iissi tsf mewey.-Ae- have ti- " wwisaiuent- Mie nruigs together thos kxtg KpstvUA, gives mssrmatMia eiiAceniiiig ab aent riu-nils or e.vcrs, reatorea hiat m stulsii pro pcrtv, te4evott the hontness you are heat quail led to.puraas snd ia what yoa WiU twmost suo- eeaMiu. catne-a ;-. ly mamaea aud tolls you .'m very obv you win marnrives vm tua oaine, U!eiM aud charaetvrisuca of tit atmit, eBe rea.ia your very thiii.-hia. and br her almost an pernstnrai powers uiU 11.x duA ai WKbiva uiveUuies of tlie (mure. From th stars w see in th firmament the mali tto star that overvxmte ar pmioniinaie tn the eonrtgnration from tbo cla aud puaitioas ot the plauets and the fixed ataiw n ths heavens at th tuus of birth, she de duces the future hwuur of man. Fad not to commit the greatest Aatrologiat en earth. It rosiayou nut a trine, and youniej never agsrn have so favors I i an nenorurnitr. Viiiltali.in fee, with hkeuesaand all desired 'infortusuon, l. Parties living st a distance can eousult ths Ma dams by mail with equal safety and aatiafaetion to themselves, as if in person. A full aud sxphoit chart, written out, with all hiipUriea ensnared end likeness enclosed, sent bv mad on receipt of price above mentioned. Ths strictest secroay will lie maintained, snd all eorreepondeure re turned Or OCMtroved. Kiifetttneaa nf tl. . ...t,Mi order fiiiiii-.hi,d thoileimi)r thenrr Writ plainly the day of tlie month and Vear In which job were horu, uclsiing a Small hs"k of hair. ao.ireas, ahhi H. A. PKKBIOO, - P.O. Diuwaa m, Bovraio, N. T. AprUB-iOS-lywad i There Cometh glsi) tidings of jov to all. To young and to old, to great and to email 1 The leauty which once was eoprochms aud rare, la free Aw all, and ail may be (sir. . By. the Nee of - , ; t'H ASTEIXA H'a !' ' WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL, For improving and beautifying tlie complexiot. The most valuable and nerfect nrenaration in use, for giving the akin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that is only fouml In youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles. Prmnlea. Blotches. Moth. I'aiche. aUowneef tirnpUoBe, and all Impunuea of tlie a aimuj ueaung in asms, K-avlug til skin white and clear aa alabaster. Its nsa can not be doleetWtiy tlie closest scrutiny, and being a veg ctnlile preparation, ia perfucUv harmlesa. It is th onhr rU loof the kind need he Ih. liV.ru-It and is coueidcred by the Parisian aa indispensable to a perfect Unlet. Upwards o( i isio bottles were all (luring Uie past vear. a anfheiant anarantea m us riiuK-y, met' oulv a acuta. . siaut bv saatl post'psi.1, on receipt of an order, hy , lJl-,l!i,h,lt. SUUTIH A Co, Ohemiate ': April a-'Ala-ly.1aw i River St, Troy, N.T. t riUSPEU COMA. ok I aha wss baatitirtil and fair. With starry eyes, snd railiaiit Hair. Whose eiirliug tendrils wft entwined, Enchaiaod the very lieart and amid. . tnt mtr ftoin A For Curling- the Hair of either Sex Into Wavy and Glowy Eingleti or , Heavy Masjv Curia ; By using this article Ladina and Oeutleman eaa beantity theunuilves a lhousaud fold It ia the only i -ticle in the w.srld that will earl straight hair, and at the same time give it a beautiful, glossy appearance. The Criopcr Coma not only curls tliu hair, hut invigorates, beautifies and en ane.-B il ; in kuilily and dt-hghtfUity perfumed, aiel is the most complete article of the kind ever olh i itiL to lbs American i.iiblio. The Crisper Coma ill be wuit hi any address, sealed sud post paid. tor tl ' v Address all orders to - . W. L. CURS A CO., Chemists, V No, a West Fayette Htreet, Hvaaotiaa, M. Y) April t-lydaw . ' EXtELSIOKI EXCELKlOHIt ,chastelt:ar'3 ';; - Hair Exterminator. ' For Eemoving Superfluoai Hair. To ths lailics eMc!slly, this invalusbl. d pila tory recomineuds itaelf as being au almost iinhs )e usable article to femah- beatiiy, is easily applied, diHta nirt burn or injure the skin, but acts uirect Iv on th roots, it is Warranted to reaiovs super: rlinms hair from low foreheads, or from anv pari of Uie txaly. com pletelr, totally and radically ex tirpating tlie same, leaving ths skin wot, smooth anil natural. Tins ia tlie only article Um-il by the French, aud ia tlie only real ettectual dt ptla-toi-y iu emsteum, 1'ru-e 76 eenta ier nckagn, scut saft paid, to any addresa, on reiwiit of au order, by ', IiEIU.IEB,SIICTT!i A Co., Chemists, " 'T -- U5 River Ht., Trey, N. F. Aprils lydaw ' , , : ,.'t-. rjimKFi! AND 11 M HlCIUtatiWw tlir Ui V' la. Ua7i.'l.lWI. ."V lirjimi issin it..,.A-t.. 7prLIJUEE, th wt . wmoti-irtd dirtcovcrv in modern anietie, acting Usu ih Id aid ami Hair in an almost tniracu lotie tosHiicr. It has been used by the eiita of Pans and lvndou w th the most flatterltig tric es, h. ale ft of all purchase rs writ be regiatored, aiKl if entire eaufa.ilim is not given in every in etaisw, tlie money a ill be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail, s sh-d Slid eiatpalilt tli lH'mTip Uv eiicnlfkrs snd testhnoniala mailed fie. Al dmm HKKOF.H, Klttim A CO., Chemists, No. Juft Kiver Ktreet, Troy, N. V. ttols agetil for tli tutted Ktatoa. - , . - ,s . Aprils lj.iaw, KKArrr.. i;.,i,i,. Auburn. Silken CL'l.V f ij b? the ua of 1 S l.HH X' Fill Silken CL'l.TR nrodu- fmf , a- ... v Ma i Wa, iJ b? the ii - ADIiKITX V V oImi w Irof. LB- Fliiistlt I E CI. One spi.il-1 I I A warranhed tocuri r "-w' th uunl stiaiglit ami stubUcn hair of either sex intowsvy ringlets, or heavy1 maMaive curls. Has been used by tlie faahumabliM of 1'sris snd London, with the moet graiifvuuj rtuudi. Imn no tr,Jnrrrin;; liair. f rui- by inail, sealed and p..t!;ii't ft tj' .i"r.Vtiii ioijjJ.rv4iMs4 -fte" - Avr.V5.vrrvr.ni -i.it; b ii; 'i i iaVtxvAJv- '-Tret No l:itr tSv . J Bftt e!1 A. K.-j'a-wa- AprU lydsw - - - " r : ; V. o. VjOllTU, H. O. PANITX. irmiTii " Bamll- (ihltpiiig tk Cent in Ittlt Mtr ,'r y ' , " elmttta, , . ' .'"'.7 --.-. - 'VylQatNGTON, : 0. BEALERH IS BA00IXO, ROPE, IRON TlXS, l.iuis, plaster, Cement, Hair, Genuine Peru vian OuaiiQ direct from Oovemroeut Agenta. bait, Hav and all kinds of Cost. Agents or Rangh's liw bone Super Phosphate of Limff. - ,'. . Agents for ths Philadelphia' RoutlMini Mail Sieamehip hns. . . - Agenu pr lioodspeed' weekly fftcsmship hits from Jew Voik. ' . Ageutsfisr Jonas Bmfth A Co'., hn of Ksw J.itk ssU packeia. , k . . -- ... xJl.a-lea-aui . , -asT'S UNTACH KS P grow nii tlie lav' J t laoe iu from . i. I live weeks br .. f ! y ... MI3CILL AK 0 wS. STBANtl F.RH vismxa baleiuh are teit politely invited to cU at . - WATSON'S OALLERT OF ART, AND rviuivif th v uivv 5 . ........ - u .... m a-, t 7 : REAlTlFtL-- - - JfAiirTum, OIL rOBTlt.UTX - On Thirrrfum at this e.th: inn. uu 1'bot.raphs executed in tue tuiest etvles of thsart. Partirttlar attention given to ' ropiing oil Da guerreotype Aa. .,; - . J. vy WATSON. J.T. MOKKb A HtHK, 12T 8TCAMORE;:SIR t T, , . ' , PETERSBURG, VA ' ;, V 1 ' vf4n. MpimiH aSfcCoJ - 18 F A VETT E VTLLE ST., ' R.-ilfo-h X f - . -r- - -a at najMB. paf J, i,-; Hholealt and Krtrtil Italert A N D , . . Mannfaotuwri of all Kindt of Furniture, Dealers In Paper Havnrinrfs. 'Wooe itul T.Ui Oil Cloth, Window Hhaiics, Kuameled Cloth and .ii.w aiaiiuifl. . . j . ,- Call and ft amine our slock. Our motto is qnio sale aud small prom. Apru AO-niJ-Am- i , ? no. TonAt'cwwiavf a. - t It Is well established fact, that Tiirurrn Well flavored oouiniaiula a bettiw price and ntw ready sals than it does whsu not flavored r but baitly so. Hitch being the case, would It not he to llis intersst of Maniifsoturera to ess liberally Oil Aniseed. f.rv H.iuinif lM.wn.il, em 11 aa lonka Rosna, tium btyrnx, ! . AImi e, Nutmegs, Angelica Root, ... On ms 8naks " , alt-rtan . Anisiwd " 1 l. Caniantoa Hoed,. . oiiandcr ' t Fennc', " (Him Arabic, Jiergamot, , . t'miiamoiv I'ltroueUa, , " Cloves. Ocranima, 1 Tmon, .s iirbane, s t NutTuitgs, ' 'V Haaaatiaa, . : Vfintergreon, Allspioe, lOimnion Hark, liioveSj nine tin. Ac. Wa have eenataiitly on liatm a larue stock of 'ha slive articles j also, llrtmhug Joules and luka of all kinds, which we st.1l r,,-i i,.ic. . - JtlKDAS & CAUR, ; Wholesale snd Ri teil linii'. i.ts, MayJ7-7-tf . Putersbiug, Va. r tn i, in Imllflmg latclv oix-upicrt bv the HiMical RecM-dst IintliigOUtce, known as the old Reg in ter Olhoe. Jtuquire on the pri'iiiiwa ' HtTUAM A HUGnrS. June t-JOi-tf -, . ,.. ...j ... M . b. A. wiiorv, CAM ACCOMMODATE, with ti...-H ...J todpitig, Kiiiht oa Ta I'ltamws, on favorable teiuis. Herbimsets eonvenieatlv sitnstnl, no Fayettevill Hireet, near to the biwuiosSipurtioa of th ci Iv. Amily soon. Msy WitUSO-tf Valuable City lfoprrty for kale. ONE OF THE MONT DMlRADlV riflt!HKft and Lot in the l itv. irrom of k.Ai, t. .., . lately occupied by Mrs. Riithu 1'ucker, dec d The House ooiitsius 10 Rocuns, all well ftimmini.1. Ijot about li a.res, groiiniis beaiitirnlir orna mented with hhrobbery, Conservstory iilhd suit the rarest flowers aud garden of Una vsgeuhlta and choice fruit trees, ail neouaxaiy otu bmiil inga, and well of pure watnr. iSmscsaioii can he given immodiaMy. - , W. n. A K ft. TUCK HR. mar t-l?tvtr M1 LL OEAliJNO. Mill and Col vm tlin-a.oi Tl.rl,i vi,...i ..... Caetinge, and ri reaa, and all kunia of Fima.il in tr fnmifihtitf utwa ititirr nohru. it our A,v -...1 wspuiain (jiaa. l),P..VILLIAMSOK'4CO Jnne l-2M lf RAIM Cl'.AL'LEil. Just received a Slliu.lv of Hioclaira 'W.t.,,1 a and 6 Bnger Oram CiaUlee th vr beat maka out. Orders soliciUsl at mice. JAM KM M. TOWLE3. 1 M,iy itt-tf AhiiuU IEDICIJfE3. a -. HUIS DKH8 catiia nrir a x i a lti: n ati v ij r i-ii.t., - REOOMMF.Nijr.U l: THE PI HT l'IIVr.1 eians. Purely Vegetalile. No t'l,,n.i ... uit.ui.-iwr t prlBij t -.st.-d .t; tiuul Tola ar perfectly taeteleitM. tor aegtUating t'li Ilowels, and h.r the ent of Rilcms Fever, Bilious -Hoadschi-, i .iiu.iiviim Or CoetivcllCf.il, Jamull.-e, Irulu:. . ... l.Ksa1' Oyspnpaia, Liver iuaoas-a, liK.,am '(,, uf Appetite. M k Heatlaene. and ail iliw. , Bi,i. a reliable t'alitartic uii-iilciiie is reoiin.,1 Or. W. P. Mili'lt. who haa no - - Physician in North Carolina, has e,.iiiii . ...e formula by which these pils are made ami In".. iff recommends them, Col. W.J. Martin, the disliiiuiilu-il l':ili).. snd 1'rvrfessor of t.heimetry in the i-uin-i-nv ol fcortti Carolina, lias auidvaed them, and certr.kia , tl'ftt thev coulaiu no Ab rcurv or snv ,,i h..r ral eonetitueiit whatever Cali and get a circular. Preiai-t d and sold bv - 1 - R. B. riAliMM'n.'i, . . Mallulacuirii, C li,-mn.t Febl-l.Vl tf HIW1..1 lull, N " For asiein Ral.-wh hy..- . .' . WILLIAMS A HAVnwiO. . 4. -AMEItfCAlT -BITTEI'IST jj'HHnviM't-ttf. r-Tn 'rrrn;T Um oi tl.jl.HiU hiULiiiJtisaa.-4 .,.iin. ai i"..r 4 niMi biii t tiijiduttu kt Ui t.im. ii ami i An Lit L?At.t '11,1 ui drl'fhui. J un- Uvmuv9 uriM, ir t tlie smpi-p. ii-rt.li hut Oi Umm o H'lri-til it tn U, ft, ; w v -At. fthfj DHttt4l 1 oitio in tl."v-.xn.i, It Mrrci tiju Ddtui-u ami tinlU'iti0 v frtW- (llW AW. Ill itR. hi:rn atlK'ii trinr-i and KDeral ft- ivous it ih; i. pttcuiiftrlr 4u;tu(L, givittg ti-('M 'a ai, tii tU'rvt.n. '1 o dliA it i,'itM siuit in lUVaUuith.t. ftmi iu iW-e in-nwt rtft;ihi T5niv w wmteti, it. '.. i ir. aJ'!liHtittl . el'M'-n n!lH i(f t;fi. t. titio a-nci w. ii known I tivrtiiar.- ui i bttytA, t?rt'!i Ui US $t?Ht iii!.;t i -tile. W!)U ii9v I--ti kCit In -,- t, , - x X rt-jvnn d anil e;-M ! v Iryf i EAlti h 1 i r j. .