' k. r ' ' .-'-. SV 1 TEil3 0rt3ACllirTI0S(. 'T Srimxn. U fmWUJwd vry 7. tT ".'mkUv, i ths fukowuig Wrms f JT MM Sbotlth........ .......... K IC tvp aMWttb4V'..ir-- . Ttiree tsnn'iiSr. Hit moUltl. .-. V One Jtr ........ . II iku- oekly oemhwl os yesr, I ". " m month,.-. Wkly Hctrtihel, r.r year " mouths. m ... ! S.ftJ . . . tons ., ..;..! ...-1.SM -THE, SENTINEL. I'ELL, 8EAT0X GALES, EDITOBA- -WEDNESDAY, JlXTTgriV- . L'(jSGRF.S$lOSsi JlKC0S8TBVC-: - 1 ' ' TIQX., ;,-r.,.J , Wtw'ii Confess adopted Uie Keconstruc-".- tmo Aid, it was -dona with th Corifldcni belief, tUt, if e oted a it was hignd tbey abould be by the District Commaodcrs, it would most certainly result in placing the Houtbcrn Stslol BBikw thecuntnd of Con ctm and ths lladical party. This opinion i."jjwa. "WIWhi 'w4.-TU entire pur- wof tl 0hgr.'4o acfitlVglirtatbm, iiTnll that it bss'ms iottbenegro audio 11 that it promise, ha been to sectir per- maneocr to Kadical rule, end In securer beyond doubt, Ui jpipliiiinetit of It dtMigna in (fleeting a fhuga in the govern- went. . 1ihere Iil len pqrpone, on the part ' of Conjrr, to erin-e nnifonnity ia all Uie Btata ij) tie execution of the Ueronatrnc tion Ai t, that lxy would bare provided for it; I mt it did not 4.i uniformity, I- i-aine uniform rule jo all Male, ao dilfcrent were tlicy 'm iln-ir eircuiintaricea. wnul.l bare dfCated lb dtniffii. If Uie Iri"iclcnt and tlie Attorney (Ii-iiwhI enU'f tai'ni'il tlie opinion, at flrnt, that ('ongrew t1alrnnl nnifiTinlty, it waa plain, aa we urged at tilt time anJ rince, that iif Ifort . liixtrwtiona w-re iefiary, and that they . abould have been prrjiared, and approved by the aevrraleoinmander before tliey se ' eeptfd their poaitiou. Their courae would bav been plain, then, anfl there would have been no room or eoll bion. The ubaeiient mune of the President eotf. Attorney Oenor " ral, we were, tlierefore, aure, would ttnult aa y it Jm. " ; ' .- It waa the plaineat thing imaginable, - that the District Commandera, having ac ceptod the poaiUon, would execute tbe law precisely lo accordance with the known do $n$ and withes of the party majority in Con grew. Their action baa been different in the KVeral Districts, became the circuin- lancet are different, and hence if Jolt aat Ufleil that whatever they might do, would Yf''wiv'l5i tiinqirWCgFeiirT"'r,'r'"" ' Tbe bill reported by the Reconatroction Committee of the Ilouae, and the report ot ' the Judiciary Committee, made by Mr. Trambull, of the Senate, which we pub- liabed on yealerday embody, no doubt, tbe general feature of the bill which will be finally puaedi The purpoaea of the Con great, originally, will be in thf main adhered to. It will confirm the plenary power of . tbe District Commander over the entire ubject ot reeouttruetiun in eacfe Diatriot, : and over all civil or military matters j will valhlate their previout acta; will confer Urge power on the Board of Iioglttration ; may define more apecifically the meaning ol "executive and iudlclaH oflloert, and Ix a penalty againat all who oppMe rwonitruc tion, Bucb s hill Uahoal what we expect ed. , It accord with what we really wnder atood the Reconttmctlon acta to mean, aa at first pawed, tbongh evidently tlt intent wu not expreMied in the acta theiniolves. The IteeonstriH'tioB meyr? of Congreaa will, therefore, lie earriea out prevlnely in acconlance wj th the view and wishes of ( he majority of tlie Rititical imrty. This ia what the Southern people have expected. Their silence and ulmUion, however, ara not correctly, interpreted by tlie Northern press, when H U intimated thst the Pouthern people approve and eiidorne the principles and measure proposed by the Radical par ty. Tbey submit to and oly the law. This -. has been, and will be, the course ol niiie Jentlnof the Southern people, though they do not bi'lie7e that thete measuna are .wise , tr beat lor the negro, or beat and aalust lor tbe country. lVfure the Bouthern people can believe this, tbey must have thti go in them developed and establixhcd Ix forc tbei'r ejm. At heart, thrve-lourlhs of (lie Sotttheni Hlicsl believe the same thing. No class of men among us are more adverse to negro equality than they are. There are some moderate K jiulilicsiu among us who approve ot them, believing them for the beet, but the nuinlx-r is small. Oue of tlio prorisious of the contempla ted Re ontractiou Snpplrmrnt of Congress "i.S.?''ii a 1, nvj aiul harsh penalty,- extend insr t Clio and imprisonment, to any and all i r Us "Jx? prevent tlie execution of the lUt-otislroctioa. . Acta." '.Tbia .languagn though gciieral and ragn, is doubtless aimed at such men aaGova. bharkcy and Perry, Hon. Tt. IT. Hill, of Georgia, and others, !o, mil U.ing able to reconcile it to their conscientious conviction of dtyto tvlviae the acceptance -of the Congressional terms, bve counselled tbe people of their . respective Btate to vote against Conven tions. While we have not been able to con cur with tlio ilwiirigitifljjsL prnlliirien.in their .view t f tins matter, w accord to them tbe bliieat m'itiv of patriotism. - Jrhw.)"?-!'? .niiwho. .report thrdo- -rnent, it- is wtil-kno n, refuncs altogether to Trcgi-I Oil li i;iIiiohorCongroaaaflnai- Jly ... Ill recent convcrKtiojJj jEplyai. -prHnrm iT:-ri-Tni3hjry,-hB-trneiiulViica!ry fleV wwi'. i not vote !r the admission of South ern t ir'.'n!;-.Uve; even ftcr the Lost Rad ical complisnc with its requirement. And' ydrt'ih i'.'-s tni4rr4at(luig, and ib thf face of sui U a treHcheroo avowal, hepror pons to puuisb all who question, iihe ineer Ity i-f Ctr?re or the propri.-fy of their ac tiuel Could intolerance go further f , A To 'vr: . fcU i Pit'' is Xmti'lng U,mton i i tajoo from beig!iiof- BOL'TUERS RADICALS AND THE - coyasKsx . 7 : It baa been apparent, analong, that the course of Con great baa OCT suited Southern Radical. Tbey have always beea ready io thst mean,'tlrey can gain office and power. TbU U their ultimatum. The rial interest of tbe npgroj they do not car a groat for, beyond the ocouiplihmeo- of their own ambitious dunigna, They have been JEjJ troublesome to Congress. At every session they swarm around tbn Radical members, endcii YnrTn'gTo mlalc sTiheig. BdTaf; tbelf eonii.sels .have bad yery little bid Pence, ex- ecpt in so far a Radical prim iplea, whlco grow rapidly, have kept pace with them. Hie present abort seasioo t( Congreaa is likelv to be diatartied br them, but wheth er 'ctnjpws prill stes) to toe b, ca,- r Iiwhis to be seen. . , ... . ' ( ; -A friend be handed ns the following lint of person appointed by the chairman of the Hmtkal meeting, held bar) on -the 4di. insf.,- to proceed to Washington to rep- reMent the interests of the '-loyal'' people ot' the fttai. rAniongJ'tfiejL '.lu iftlLiM twamisof office acekera. Tbey are a fol- krwie r-'-.;: :,:;;....r-, "Lrwis Tbompami, John Pool, Calvin t. Ct)Wl, James II. Harm, Col l)avl Ilea tun, Jaiue Kont. Taylor, E. W. riiu. Dr. Hmitli, Vincent Jdkhael, C. K. Thomas H W. Hatcher, Thoa. Settle, 0. W. Price, T. A. Byke, J. E. 4'llra, W. Cawthorn, Jas liowman, Handy Jx kbart, J. 8. Ieary, J T, Hchem k, John T. Dewecse, i. U. Cook, It, W. Lamitor, IL V. Dick." , We further Uarn, that strong efforts are to be made to Imhice Conirrirss to remove the diabilitic from the chii f leaiior of the Radicals in this Mate, so as to allow Hum 14 run for the Conventioiii; WVben Congress removes the linpeiiimentsfrom the thief tin ner, It cannot withhold them from the leaser One. - -X; ...,, !. ..!... i : A "FIRS MxTimvmiER. : n base oliaerved occasional illusion ia tbe paper to this invention, but, aa our at tention bad not been called lo It specifically w bad not referred lo it, and our nailers, perhaps, were a Ignorant of it a we were, A friend, tome day ago, sent us a statement from President Webb, of lb K. C. Railroad, giving an account, of experiment which were entirely successful. Wecnld not publish the statement for the reason that we could not accompany it with proper ex planations, so that our reader could under stand it ";,"" ' -v- : Tbs following description of the Extin goisber, w bve received from Mr. L. 0, Hanes, of Lex Ington, N. C, who is the Agent inK. C. Uw sayst ' "The Extinguisher consists of a plain me tallic cylinder, about two feet long and nine of ten Inches In diameter, Into which is in serted tuba about eighteen inches long, and one and balf belies hi diameter, and secured by means of a screw in one end of the large cylinder. Two chemical are placed in the cylinder and tutie respective ly, and tbe cylinder filled with water ; the cbemkal action of wbb b Is the evolution of carbonic acid gas, which is ejocted . upon the fire, by mean of a small flexible ttfU, proving an effective extinguisher. )T$e whole apparatus is strapped to tbe bark ol a man and is operated in any part of the bouse or on the roof. It is French invention, which i now being manufactured in Boston and New York," ' Thsexperiment witnessed by President Webli, were made by Mr. lTaiics, recently, at tbe Cimipany'a Hlmpa, with this lustra ment The following is tbe certificate: '- Orrtc Nonm Cahoi ina R. H. Co., Coyi-Amr KHoes, N. C. )V . July til mi. " An experiment msde thts lUf before the I'rcsuiciit end (Itredors of tlie North (;aro lioa itnll 1..I Ca, by Mr. WisC. Hanes. of Lexington, with the "fire Kxtlngulsher,1' ia proven entirely atsticroryt .. A dish of larl riarrt'ls.iiine ulaiik and shav Inga, saturated with spirits M tnrnentine. alxiut six fiet bili and ten or twelve feet wide at the bane, was thoronuhlr limited. and, when In lull blaic, his instrument was Kr,...l,. i- f. tit a .v.., , on minute, it was extinguished, ' ' J 1 1 . . Agsln, It was allowed to be in full cea of ignition, and waa in like manner ex- uiiurmaueu. . Then a larm thoronirhly iirnited. and la AO seconds the names were totally extingu)sheiL It wa (he unanimou opinion of all ent that tlie experiment wa a perfect nie ces. TtTOWAt WKttn, Pres t N. C, It It. Co, RKooNSTRt'crioR. We find the following excellent and sensible views in a lste num. Ier of the Washington Keening Etprat. Legislation may be accumulated mountain hhVbut-any-recoiiatriip'ion Imacd i.,,n other than mutual good-will and kindness, will be nnsuUdantisI and hollow. ' "MTistever msy l ths schemes for which oor public men labor, it ou'ht not to be forgotten that the true reconstruction of our country Is to be effected by the restoratioa of fraternal feeling and cordial good will between the people of tlie two sections. Whatever inllames past difference and pcr petuntit bitter memories snd hostile feeling is opposed to reo'mstrictioa and the genu ine .restoration of the Vnion. Our public men, therefore, should be careiul of their spirit no h as ;than of their word, for at the very time that they may be working with honest intent for the reconstruction of the country, they may, by bitterness of feeling sad Intemperate apeech,' contribute to the defeat of a cherialied polic Amonu A m jeans who hsve at heart the httereMs of our common country, there ought not to be any such onrecoocilable UillVrt-ocs aa will pre s' nnaiivre. uinta.. to .the X wl -Banor .n.alJt411UJ .lAAaSiA, rw tel, that jth ad jyen snnouncy j . tjem i gfflgjf aaT AVi1iiDgEiir,-niaf mt BrcTiTsi bad been instructed to suspend hi order of reg istration )a North and tjourtt Carolina, until Congress had settled more defluitejy pa the question who might register or vote. : Ws presume thai Gen. Sickles will publish an order, to that effect at once, " Registration will therefore hot commence on the 15th. ioiL, we presume. " ; - "'.,' -p1 Pemale trvmnastica jumpint at I offer. i-r. 7..- " V "A STOCKHOLDER,"- AG A1S. A Stock bolder"' requeaU ua to publish tlje following reply In our late article, which we dp with pleasure, lie does not allude to presiilent Wibb's reply, which we sop posed would berriiifiicrory, and which, we jud-s, "A WiK kliobler" bad not secq, when he wrote bis reply to n: ' HWe tee an cdiUtrial in the SenlUa of the 2nd. inn., in answer to our article in the irimot, in mtard to the mismanagement of tlie K.C. Railroad. . I , i 1 We are verv muih uTfised to see tuaKdi- toes W -tlie ttmtttiH bbv tHined tltevr bigb'cheractt'r as fair exphen"taif the public opiaoo, in answer toonr article. ' 2i''lr bs, as we thuibTTt deeeria,"TE clirw.ier oTSSmgtm oTttrietyTSettaallU'e la ihS Stats. But, r. , Elitor, weni not com menee writing, this article (or ths purpose of praising the rliW, Jwt -j, we M4 we have not said anything more for it than ia justly due. The 8eUid censures ns lor not "calling the siuntioo o in, putuieio it before", and -also sy: "to cure all dist ders, which exist in Chuo-hes,, 8UI mat ters, families, rnilroadsf assofciations' of all kinds, or anilutt-4divtuuJTe-wis eours is, first, let private repnxjf I given ; if there be bo amendment, let more ttringont and effective nw enure be token." f fiowy tfr; KatU)tv-wr"SH mt wbi;r have done In that way.: We kdt tuts city for Kew York alytitthe 10th: of Way. : We bought ' .tiektt here for whir b tlie Aff,'nt diarged -thirty tbiW and" tbirt lire vDtJu Got through our businew In New York alsint the Kmh, ' called at tlie R. K otBce ia New York for a ticket, and tlm-w down t.HJ.35 to pay for tlie sain;: "wlien -tlie Tery gentlemauly Ageut hsmlfd I ns our ticket and reUlrjltxl us three dollars, and thirty firs cents, saying tlie fare bad been re i lured to twenty-seven dollur Irom New York to Charlotte, which-si-rsngctncnt went into effect on Hie first of !ay We told him w had to pity at theotiioe of the N. I!. It. It. :t0,83 for a ticket only ten days lie fore. He said the Agent here ouglik not to have charged us but twenty-sfVen dollars for. the ticket, a the ollioer and munauvi for the everal railroads had liad a meeting and fixed ths lare from Kew York to Char lotte, at 127,00. Wprt' the President ol the N. C. It. Ron tlie car the next evening, ami informed lum of what occurred between the Agent In New York and otirwlve, and remonstrated with him for cliarulng J.il'i more Irom Charlotte to New York than a ticket from New York to Charlotte). And we have time and again complained to the ticket Agent bore for not having a uniform price trom both enda of the line. And be told os there bad been a great many com plaints by tbe passengers, but the instruc tions wets imperative, and bad to be obeyed. Being a modest man and aHtockholder, we regretted very much to bare to resort to the public journals to try and get the outrage (as w think) corrected, and that i our reatotf for jot calling th attention of the public to it before, - and that account tor our "thunder and lightning article," at the Sentind term it. W shall certainly bring tbe matter up at tbe mauling of the Stock holders text week, if w can make oar er cangements to be -there. JWebflpe. llie.iiis. statVkwUi give our eaplanatioo place w. it column. " ' ; v A STOCKHOLDER. The Baknkb Town. In the matter of registration Portsmouth hi the banner town' of Virginia. On Friday last the registrar completed their labor In Jefferson Ward, and the result showed whims 733, blacks 678. The whites had already m majority ot 418 in Jackson Ward, so tunt in the city they out-ntimlM-r the black 678 vote.,.'. rkuiiuel CAPT0rT: VEPrBl? 3 ORATION. mrs. Editor -I send yon the follow ing bit of the liteM mm, taken from the piinliijhed sjiee ch of Cupt. IVi r, made at tbe politico celebration meeting held by the iloliMiiteton tDeth. lost. I have no doubt It will bereganled by yonr readers ss the very latest intelligence. Whether it will be believed by them is rather dubioun. Capt. pepier Said: n "Among the most emmpicuoiis and hon ored linlon meu ol JN mil Carolina, atands .the peerleaa name or W. W. Holilen, chsm lion of the poor, true patriot, gallant man, faithful friend. In the namo of the loyal million 1 greet yon. ' lint 1 nbxnrve, in this speech, somo exwl- lent sentiment, among others not so. The billowing eloqnetiiTtribttui will be hailedhr trnO men everywhere. Cspt. IVpiM'f wit bitusclf a participant intlie war, and speaks as true sotiliers ever s'S, tie said s - "And while inflexibly demanding that ths Reconstruction measures of Congress shall be heartily and promptly accepted by those recently la rlelloii, let u also be magnanimous towards brave, but mis- laaen peopia. iney uave provea tnem- ml ve loeuiea worth of our attl thrv ' ' y. A i 'L-moiabe Tffs Lljiand Iwlore thejSorlda the most masterly "r,' I iwvotrTrimiTijroi' nivlmuw liiuLnrr fjt na attach these erring brethren t. . the VninO, not by fear, but by the golden link of grat itaiie. Any oilier terms man tnoae pro posed by Ornnt in the siirremlct of Lee, will overshattow tue national cense with opprobrium, and cast a cloud on trxt. bril liant fame ol the grand army ol the Rcpub lie (lencral J.ce, with the truthfulness and imljtptmdence of a great soldier, as bs ua- LoJieationably.i ; (IcnurHl Johnston, whose sword was Invoked at tbo last moment to. save the' drowning banner of the Boutli ; tlenerals - IrfnKstreet, Beauregard . and Thoniison - these, and others equally ditln gtllslicd in the Mouth, have heartily acqui- esced in the isamea of the late struggle, and Ith tlieirood faun and frankness of nrnve soldiers, are how earneatly and sincerelyn gaged in co-operating with the Washington autuoriuaa to rrjiiuf lua ureaetie of the war. In iK'half ot thebranre men who foncht and conquered, I vcheiuehtly Repudiate .all ideas of coniiwation, of makingSao Ireland or a Poland ot tbe South, but on lie other hand, we rapturously bail and welcome the South at one of the wealthiest and noblest section of the American Vnion." ''' A TUCE REPUBLICAN, Sl'PRR VfC COVRfOPlXONS. Bv Pkamsos, C. J. In Buntiag . WriidiL from New lUnover, judgment affirmed. ii 8Ut . Hay want, from Craven, no error. In Lori onntii'(mirtw&r;H3 ?rrir,' In Alspsflph" . Uray, in equify, tntin Kor' syth, bill dismissed with costs. In Smith Brvson. tn equity, irom aiacon. t:imiged t r. a; : ii . .-: 9 sjb SspVNass.-ii- lir BATTt-g, i. In Minor r. liarris, Irom Granville, iudxment reversect; In iledrick rrhrrtB-fmrn-tWvt son, from iretifti, no errnr. in Jnrtnriji, Ct wfntrl; from Tiow an-, sn ei :nv" la tlTijf wood sr. Edwards, Irom Franklin, judgment revened. In McNiel . Wbittington.ln eq nitv, Imm Wilkes, bill disruisstd with cost. By Reads, J. tin Dottaien, McCorkle e. Earnhardt, from Stanly, no ern. , la Hughe. Kingsbury, from Granville, no error. ' In Fentress r. Brown, from Ran. dolph, errnr. ; In Hall . Gillespie, in equi tyKun Hccklenbnrjr, rror In ilarier . Sudderth, in equity, from Caldwell, direcv ing a tlwi r'cc la Honrs ss. .Green, ia equity,, from Franklin, no error. " - Pnnsiot, C. J and RttAM, J.,f51eviojiQ, iciB in Phillip Uocker, fiotaLtuair. . '- p -:. -. For the'Bentluet KSi TTISOjASD 6 1 UIHlJtA TTK RH. vlttMML KntTORS-Srnt- hertWHh re some North Carolina socks, ; which I bop vm will accept. .They were made fijr " Wright, of Jamesrt)wn. i.J bav never seen better specimen of knitting. Mrs. WM although al moat disabled Irom active house hold duties, carded, spun and knit them herself. They are more dnrahls, equally as neat, ladj no higher priced, thnn , Northern gmds: - -i.,.f .1j... Iti . -(JfigreAiUr4iica ietweco ,oior people ml mu-ilurn immjdUi ia this: Thru are em tt)4e4 with tmU- profits amJthe4iicuBi of Vll iJtfl V9 AFC DQTOi Wt I prnfirs, and' iaonma f , trtiuff uO shows which is the better policy. Tbe small earns lsv tin foundation for future comfort, owU takes t of it .Is 'sbt-4 prislog bow they gmw eventually, it is tue policy which has suriched some ol the best men of all tiuts.X illVn Xt. H Hundreds and thooand ot,our people, who ere not able to do much, can b little ihingej oadmakeat feast a little. ' Rut tbey sppeaeJo, lhiult they iiBgiinttoiHg b b. ttwy are doing a great deal. How many fenistt, yuung and old, cubl maonfacture articles of general use, and thus soruro at rtl, o.iii.li,rl nl lite I For iu- attliWV r iBXTOtttWTeavTOgr kwnin.jw in, use, wok.ii cu i situs io maniirartnra almost aa nice cloth, cotton or wool, as a factory, turned by a twenty thou sand riotrar steaiu engine. Tet tbi little hand loom ia ia tU reach of almost vI one. . v There ire emllcs 'y by which Ui"niake the useful fabric of lite, yet wo great akill nor capital is fequired. -? : - -' v--ln you know who insists tbe chair called "Windsor Chair f" Tbey are made by far rrtrri to ths Country, north Ot BoaUMi- Thtrni mea have IstUa on their little farm a. and when they have leisure, tbey hitch a horse to their bit lies and turn the pieces, and lit them together and carry "them to Ronton, unpainteii. - The Boston dealer buys them by the toad, mT three hundred at a load ba them painted, boxed up, and they are ready lor tlie "Southern Trade," i They have a poor variety of wood to select Irom ; extresnely sold winters, ete.,eto., etc., etc., to contend with. , We bare a Vast va riety of woods to use np mild climate, etcetc, in. our tavor. , Indeed, what bave we to contend with f Another dint-rem lietweeo us and North ern pctiplo, is, they ignore intr falirica. f Willi se (AetrsJ ' The aatrst way to insureauc 1 cess in manufacture i to Imitate the North ern shape, color, slue, style and all, Tbe writer of this onos tried this experiment. During the war I went into bard ware store, In Richmond, and bought part ot a keg ot eight ounce tacks made at the "Old Domin ion Iron Works," I then- bought hardware paper from the 'Kraukjin. Paper Mill," in Richmond. I devised little block, ths ex act slss , of im paper: 4 Yaukew tsekv sod put up tbe artiel ut aatho Yankees put them np ; the same ahadeof paper, (ixesnd shnjMj; tied tbe package with shoe thread, had label printed in Richmond, te paste on the enda of tlie paokagrs, Superta 8 of. Ysrffs?5- ?Wrn had fMixc made rln' Ricfi moed, bobling about three hundred paper of tacka, nailed them np securely, and put them "ok the market." : The Commission Merchant sold thriu back again letA torn mm from irkom I bmykt thm. at nearly JtmU what I pnul them fr the article hit a few Aiyi itor. The tacka, paper, packing anil all were made in Richmond, but thep looked lite Vaukre tack. Had tbey been la belted "Old Doiaiuion Tacka," I bave no ides tliey would have sold aa well. : . The prelureoce given to Mortiiern made Sods. baa alwaya crippled, our Southern effort, Bird it alwaya will, so long a it con tihucsT The Southern manufacturer cripple his own efforts otlen. bv his bich prices, not content with small profit, and drive bis uatooier awayt Iv requires a, sbsde sad grade of patriotism rarely found, lo giva tlx teen dollar for one pair Ol pool, simply because they are made here, when yon can get ewe very One pair lor the same money, made elsewhere. . .-. - i - - - . We seed s radical change In' oor way of doing. Hut tn place to begin at It In email tHj. i Jnstead Ot Yankee water dockets, look at the endless loresta of cypress and juniper in oor swampy district that, by in dustry and neatness, could be worked np snd sold to our own people. Thirty five dollars will build a complete machine for making as neat broom a ever wa made in jsew JSngland. The broom corn will grow fine y alontr the fence. have seen ilagaip and again growing around thtl edges of cultivated fields. Now let some industrious countryman, near this or any other town, get a broom machine, sow utile broom corn eed, and make homo brooms; then carry them to market, as be would carry butter, corn, or any other com fnoditr, and be would sell bis brooms.' Mr. W. J. Palmer, of the N. C. Institution for the Deaf, Dumb and the Blind, can tell him bow to do the whole thing.. ...', Let our people knit more, weave mora ; rising earlv, sitting np late pbe content with little profits, for the ake of Imtitfing-ttrrn trade, and we will need fewer rations ; we will bave neater houses slong coun try roads, better vehicles to at to church in. lietter cows ; and be better off in a thouund differ ent ways. The writer of this,, think snd talks a great dual of these way and means of Im provement, for this reason ( he has a family growing up, and longs to at a better coun try to Jeavu behind him for hi children to live in. clo every man oiifjht to teeL But onr country will never be bettered except by tjFart-llt .writers write, let workmen work, let every on labor in the sphere in which ha i placed by a kind Providenie. developing whatever there is in bis reach land, wood and brains, to turn out some thing, and our rtte and country will get the better for It all. Without exertion we cannot tropmv. As it was Once said, "la st cad of waiting for something to turn up, it is better to go to work to turn up tome thing." - , - . ITINERANT, Maximilian was shot with bis face to tbe eseculionerv and bia last words wcr"Poor 'nrlotta r lis died as oecame a Kmg, after fitting like t hero ; and hit last sympathies were for the wile of bia bosom, not him- setf. , Hit death haa created profound, ip- dipilatron throu if hotrt Krpe-, ond -Mexico will evermore rue'the day when she ordered his butchery. France, that betrayed. iy)m from sheer ictimitlation, and ths I'nitsd iaiiti iKir mm Mm tHrnrlmeisridxnf- nrr: I svjntaair.t bare 1131 Male, ish. :tlitir. banners whose Colors will but grow bolder with time. Itwavta Ue soldier in tlUeBriu.4 ipent much ot their tuns with them, si the peril ot tbeir lives, Many thus fell victims to their crmjiiffal devotion. One was shot through the breast by bnliet,v vrhlrh like wise killed the Infant strapped to her breast. A second had her hem I taken ofl by a round shot; third was killed by a bullet in the plaia. - - - " Tli Prior of Wales ba called upon th alitor of Vac, reijnestins; him to desist from esaica'iirinff his niotlier, yi''lf that be considered some tliinjrt which hd appeared in NstfA.as.hiRh'v diurespccttul to Her Majest. .. . ----- " I' - . 77 - MAUniED, - lu Hi-nrr eoanty, W, uO U 25th. lt W. L. rr, ti ; ol Cir-i.', If, C Is kiM Kri.i fcauijui, joun,'eM Uu;li!r id Col. Jf. l(. fiua. tl'.. i J'.L BBS" J1 I -XI v ..;:t - : it. :"v . 0a Wedoeajsy, J sua 'SMlt. tt Ua Edward H'Jttaa, ib atntitbei&utt, Mx-a. Verv imUdonly of uiflamiuauuii af til l Ueuaoa t.iut TUUIUl.ini, uf W ffAMMK. banuBTi ,ul emmnu, afjuu aw yeat a auu s atouut. '. At hta reaiUn4e,"in Oatet Co. . If. Cm thtii&tli. H alter a serttra Uioxw f thite Osva, "C.,t. Jt'Ciuiao U. I- 1iio the 37iii. yearn! hi te. a waa a uaeitit eiuzca aua a a-siiMiM- uiau. HEW ADVEETISEMENTi-- u tils bwt White lavrd, for fjuuiiua, hut f i rjujAM, josm lo. J Jal r 0- JXi-lt V)Uuteale Urutx-r. YtUitiiiti O7 1UK jBHAJt I. ,j ;-j fj it - - t;lotk Uhtdisig ...:-, kt.OO, rKtiiV'i j , Wieeu " S.ISI, .. -HsifCstf-M 'BUO, , , , . Tbiabuuk ia a.lovlv l At-cnU. ' tf ar tit jls:iHU :aad; ttS? city of ttaientn . : . . v I1BAS80S, VAUK-UJ CQ July tu-lHC-tf , . mo r ABM K BH. M: jf; t, Emory i 8 s Cottou oln Kmmn lirun,nnnimiia -Va.Ot)ortia CotUss (luif iJaaiel Irtt' n tial'le ' . , ,. : ' , " , liil(eriHir t'ottriu Prrwft, " ' "' 1 H. L. Kmurr k Mm kailwar Hraa Puwora, Hmcbinauu a f atcul fid. r tii'd Wia Milt, aa-ailr'a Cuter sad Wine Mill. , , 7 " ' All Haila l-aili.raml Hum Ilyltlng." 1 '" " riaulalluu JW-lU, - Vniua snd lot V Wsahing machines. Col ilia' Vtut M llova, - t'rmt Trevft, bhrujb-rv. Aa.. - We are wiit .r die ulr of all tint shore, and propuMTa m-ll at aititutaeiurer a rice and sar rSltt tH we ay-U. , B. P. WIUJAWHON A CO. llmi Tn Itrrra tu . ; A T. Mud, WtkeCo. f -j U Hinlu, " ' . , , O. W. Murdeeal, ' " lr. W. J. Hawkins, IUieiKh 4 Oati U. It. Vo. CoLJ. M. Meek1, M arreit, Cit. KalriKU, S O. July Ill-Uhti-U , Mtwtlarii audrnigrawa. tOriO AM) I'UEfchl.M. j 5:lTfIIEiL, ALLEN, CO., " - ; NEWBERN, N. C. , , VOEMTS IS JiOKTH cAltOUNA, FOB HO It see L. Eniery av Horn' 1'atent Vmrenial Cs 4tii Otiia auu tJouir uaera, 1 IliwUin has Uwn aehvtiKl BT'The Aniert-aa" CiiBiiwioneni I' the fans Kxhititu, being tuinnur ui ail euieraia tn piaxtet., . ,Aprii i-aoo-it ' - - -1 . -i STATE OP NORTH C'ARtJLLNA ' ' ' ' Wakr Cocnty. Cocirr or Puua aio Qi-avifs Rwistomi, Mir e-.-t , - te. 5 -.. ' ' Ufa rem. i On the muiUer itf Hvmmlf -isi- IT sppi-ring t the -satisiset "of fhts r onrt that Williara 1 Haundrra, and Bradly T. Jolui on, and lu ifo Jaitu Jiihiisou, buira at law of. the UmUlur, lh saul H. M. Manuiler, nwidu be yond the limit" of Uiia Mate, it t ordered that ailvertieRieut lie made in the fenuW''eklrAWi-rrrfT-ffir "nx "wr -elra; natifyin'B tliui'tu appar"at the nen iena or una court, to be UelJ ou llm aril. Mousay lu Auxut exat. tltea and tiiors to w Droiawliiii'a iu Ihia matter and tii tiiaka ilmnu. selviai (lartiea tlien-Ui, u Uiny abaU aos proper ao todft witness. '4: 1 FKBRCLL, Clerk Tut wirSaid vmn tl omee, tlie 3ru. Mrantsv .in iv, A. U. 117. , , i - - J. J. FKliUfcLU. 0. U. a Juas 19-3Cw ITendtTMin (olloxlalc Insiiintr-' A . .. ITENDERSON,,' N. i THE third soaaion of this bialitntioa will Ui;lt ea tbs l&tb. (Hly 1W. Ti-raii per seaaiou of twenty weeks (half iu ad Ttnes, tii blatu aa 1st. Uiitohwr :. Primary Uetuu-tmaBt, (Uurrsael tw.ofl h i(l"r Kuu'iah - - ' tiltM '..Claioai ,.. au.iaj - Incidental Exnansaa 1.00 Bused, ux-teding washing, fuel, tight h., per tut Circular, sddrena, i . i -. . JUKI). A. TETTER, A.M. Jims aS-271-Stswlui , , ,-. j , , , , JVuM-ipal. CBEAT ' DOUBLE TKAfK1' NATIONAL i f r. itouTi: 1 1 TG , THE WEST, 11 i'i ( BALTIMORE A!lk OHIO All) KALEIIlsAMI ;.4fTO ' RAH, R04I. 1EHS0NH wwhiiiff lo Irsvelur Hmigraft U 1it H'eaent and tmnUh Wenfert Hlaleafrom tiiia pa.rt of A'Mih Varoiitui, are itifiirmrtl, ttiat per manent an-ansnienta litre been made betwxea the above Hail Ibuul, by wliith PaMaenarra eao ob tain through tteknOs' at tbeOttii of the Hainjk and (iiuttm had koad at liALtldlt, to . SI. Ituls Mo. - (. - -,' -. ,,'---, (lui luall, Obl. C'lllCHgO, III. IndlannpOlls, lifd. 4 Icvcland Ohio. hU Josephs, Mo. . lulro, III. . Uleiuphls, Tenn. v -: liulsvillc, Ky i Blllwitukle, Wis. Ist-lrolt, Itllrh. , ,4i , . , Iltlshurx,' !.., ,;., X ' V'-. liHiiaua 4'lly, Ha. . Colutubua, Ohio. awl all Wealern and Ronth Western ISMea '' I'aiuwneera omn Wert from KabnnK, via Hie BtiUmime at Ohio Kail Rood, can ri(liertake Uie A'utaSp, tin. Pwimmtlt and Bay Lint of Steamer IB Buunntirm, vr w ror, vut .nii-nrounu 1 JtYttterielahm-g and Putomae ItnU Koadta lo Jtuaitnar. or we mmJe. rj Ktctimotut a Waahiinrtoa Citv. where eloaa' connivliiiita mads with three lhulr F.tiireM Trains on ths Uallimcr A Ohio Kail lid for ail Weatera Cities. buaving aa toiiowa i r ' Lcava BAUViHoaR. : Mail Train, (Us, A M. 1 Faat Line, . - ; , 6 il. P, M,. ,1 , Evreaa train, , f.U.t. M. -1 Lciva fV'iSBiairroa Cm, ' t! Man Tram, 7 t5. A. M. : !, FaatLin .,,. M. 1 Kyiresa Trairi, ; s.45, i, M. Tits fWadtaena uf this line ever all otboria In rslap.Htate lUion 1T snd Night Cant. 8ring in Tuns and distance, and so few changes of Car, ooinbinc 10 render Uus the moat pleaaant snd de sirable Boutel enpecislly to Families, or Ijuties Trawlling Alone. There being but ONK t liange of Csra tietweeh Baltimore, CmcinnMi, fndianai polia, and bnt TWO to H boaia. Cairo. .( hieago. and Mte principal 1 hm-s whih aii Bontn. From.sne to tern Ihtilar will ba avd bvl par chaMHg tkrtmyh tti't'eti, hmadt-S 'a gr-t deal of a u ifoinwcrnr tntr whrw irw aWd Htqiai are changedi, whereas raaaengera, holding'rAroak rierHt, wm get wnr mwfrfny eecax Hiroagn -t.Tta..-..-aT.;;;..--?Ti "t.i-- ssiisffl ejw oh.UaaittiiS heSeoj can K .p at any pooU 1 onthaannto. SB fAt-OKoA lit 4 ore Bond unlit uee.L . ' . . ' ,L Paawi fftreis-Ksviny nirTi;miiH na v niiirnTiig. t t' er w aen 1 11 g li ia asTXins fur ths W-i-4ift'irr5.''i. T.A KQK FAKTVKS ibH FAHTLIFS;" winhing' o emigrate to ths tt afer and XoKk M i-sfers rttales, shoeild address me. several weekt before starting as a reduction will ba mad to i'arties of tea ftill I'asengrs and tif'Wtrde, if timely notice ia given, laidet receiving al) hirtlier informatii'n. For through Tu-kete iVplr to J M. potd. Oin. Ticket Agt- or to Ticket Agont KaJetgh A Oaeton Kail -Botd, Bsleigh K. IK ' . I !,fI8 21MMi;R, !. ' Cun'l. Kontherw Ag't. 'I Halt A id 10 R. R. . ; - ' '. JOHN L. WIIXIS. kf aster of Trnirtatieat ! L-X COIR, B AO. B. E. - 6ni. TVket ti " . . ' , n. u. b. b. .. . ,7... Jnlyf-fcS-ly.; . ' ' ! ! GE.VL' A't:T 0F JflE iETNA LIFE S INSURANCE COMPANY, 1! FOR TIIE MTATE V N'KTH CAROLINA AMI Vlll- kj youa. hotttn of the Jauiea : '1 akep pleawirs m pitaw utuig tlis following otneual . , . ADDREhS TO TiK M K II M It . "jljT'lsttrA-!!" ,00,0OO,O0r TIii-re ar af preftent alxnit Tnu gentle tueu aud 4 IT. ill .-s ' rtTi f.,arltn wtiu are nieui- Utl I.I UK l i.lf. liwHramaiCnmnaiiTi Himw 1 haw been Ant in tliia Male, 1 bar iaid ont l lawful repn-aeMativws of iteeMaeil Bietnhera Sltl.n, and IS.Uo uorw will be paid in a few dav in ma mprrtviiuiii'tw'of the law VvL eau..f, Kaudwa, of JobeaOai CO., N.C. T0!xilE MEAlUEUil jufc.TIiJ.- .TT'-T-HARTyOKIV CONN. - " ' .. ' ;.. " Ma.;,1W7. ' ., Wu ell mk-11 attentuin to the auceraui of the j&tna Life luMnrtuio tJowpany diirina; tint year Vtet lw litre Hnrn1ii'Tiietiiiuiw-twHt tlnit-: it .income during the nioutha of Jamiai y and Kebniarvof rtiia year tuw been donMe thaf of -r-rnitidiaft tuontlit of laat rntr, while lioim-a aiid i tpeOMe iiavs bees iirtiiHirlaiHtslly tena. - w e btijaj to uiiuiiiaiu thia ratio of increaae during tbe baj auee of thia year, which will eire your Company trsa Miixtosa or UoiXajiS Asseaj. ttrncsta St appeal to each poliry-boider to add bia in fluenre. and naa srery eflbrt for the eoptmiwid m-cem of Uia Company, aa a pita Una, aad a wise and economical matiKiiiflt, dsfmid ths amount uf diridenda to be returned to lum. i ' Tli Oflieers and Ageut of tbs Oenpany bars doiia. Slid ar dumtf, ttivaM-rUiing in their power to make tbe .KTNA ih ORtiml Lara Ismi'Sanci CoHi'ssr im AncSica. Thia w ean and will do if ymx will (tire na yonr inrlneno. Van can do thw by reanlviiig to get aowie uf yonr fnrada to insure iu Ui Atna, aad if raw cmunut illy poet tfcsm np, send tbc-ir naraea to the Agent and hs will Uke plcaaiire in ealling upoa tltem. fly ao doing, juu oso put jour iurtiixawa to prsetical uaa. THE IiIVIDEND fOlt lfri, IM FIFTY PER CENT. UNKIA;rXED SUCCK8S or Tn k ETNALIFE, i. STOCK COMPANY. tsa a. lw.l . iwi-i. . liea.. id.; pus., MS., rotioiiss lesvxo. 6h. hot ..... l.H'i. ...... I ,M7 !8,nI5. lWi....... 'RiPTa. .i-7iu;a,7 94,H7H.U7 ,.. l'.Si,(M,OI . .i,(.M,Kiiriii ....Sl.UjSJ.tSJ At tbs ratio of fnereaae for balance of this year as up tWMaroh las. tbs buaineaa of 1MU7 will wjl iilH-iea xt,nnu. itoceipts tV UUU.UUU.uu, -- Tliw rapid and anctamplod progress baa been attained in tlis far of tbe moat energetic. couiw til ion ever eirnrd. A law rival Companiee sod agents ar making great efforts, by printed circulars (aom of them anonymona) and other- ws, to diaparag tlie jfcUis Lito Innnrsnea Co., and oheea iu progress. Its management is a. sailed, its plan of operations faioilied, and tiis preaa empioyea lo prejuaie the public mind, lie- iniT ennnuenes, and retard ths Company s rapid iy iucresaiiigbssiiiesa.. , , u Tliess rivala pmfuas great interent in behalf ol ths kiauriug public. Their conduct would lie more in keeping with niotlvea so unwUlnh and huonrable, did they conhne tbeir remarks to ths diaensaioB of in-ifui'Ves, rather than deaceud to tb us of meorrect ataCfinienta and abnaivs and B,ffit.ri ftt.tptfitt npon tfaiffi Compflirjr.Thii fnln- eaa ao unen nana la too unn to inn tneir real mouse, and the intended injury can do ns no bars. Tbe iwni qf Uie Alna l.ife, whhik) is Uia real cauae of lliia Jealonay and bad temper, l.ina other inatitntiona. Thename uf rwal f tnn- naa wa aoaortmv oouineo. and without amau- jmmvm anr i jnunn in u oircwitr, nor a trara 10 vie prenan oj any particular vompany CVmld we tiiink any other eourse honoraWe, the paat ha been umj aueeeaslnl to warrant a changa in this reganl, and enables im to adriae otlier to dejietid entirelr npon their men merit rather than try to build anon aawumod faulta uf others. iieai alienee anuuui baeouatraed againat na, we 1st tluaoceaaiim, in our snnaaloueuiar to 1'oliey. holders, to say that, in our opuiion, 1ieir Humey and our time ars not for newapapor or other cou trovsrav. and whits our I'attoua and Vrienda mar not ax pent us topnbUsii Mpaelai aiwwera to attack that may be made upon h t'omimny, the otUeera and agents ars aver ready and willing to girs full t satisfactory mfurinaUon. In ao doing, the tmi-ui is tne jr.wa urn ars samewnt, and we have nooflesaiua ia reisra to aasaU otlters, ana tltev errors ss our shield, or sudetvur to inter. fers with the ndatiotta eilating between other uoaapaiuea ana ivirsr ponev-hoidera, . ) - Home rivala atate that ths tua nan a lsree amount of dividend to its HUx-khoideni, ia face of me repona 01 uie com rwaaslum rs or w Vork and Ua achnaetu to Wisfwrrlrary (which can be swnstouroniee.l - Jy- - 1 Tlie force of this sffdenent oTftur rivals is alao dealmrcd by the tact that very few Companies have so low ratio of expense and diatnrVsements to income ss the &tna. (excluding 'dividends to PoliRj-noidsrs,) sud when ws oouaider. in txai- nection with una, that lU Over oita-half of tbs iEtna's buaineaa fin- waa nee basilicas is I. Tiis the Mum mcreaaei) ita bnaincaa in a greater ratio titan anv other Com nan v IkL Tbat( the principal expenas, jn Lft Jntrnr- W 1. btw imiHUflMS , .... - It is evident that no Comnuiv ean iia.v. ImLter mnilrnds to Fnlicy.holdera, aiid few will ever, The entire iirouts on toe aiutual clan", exoent via wir iwut. aiiniiauj oii capiiai, ittiMl.uuu, ) ue kaag to the insured, and are divided among them orery year. 8es page 20 of pamphlet. Tbs JOtna offiurs to ths iiinilred, ths following a, I v. nl . .r..m nv. . ...,,W.. ...... I 1', ........ 1H. Ths additional aecnritr of the C.riT.t- 3d.' The Oi'iaaSTaa uf its permanent unoes in the careful superviaton of ita buaaiiiHsia by tlie director snd stockholder tekick their pecuniary 3rd. Eookow in management, aa tits general eipcaers of Uie Company are divided between the aeparimema. ' 4th. AU ths benefits of dividends, and 61 It Nun ofthshahilitiea usual in mutual in snrance. ,. , - Tlie A:tna life Insuranes Company has over 87,1) inllaential Members, well pleased, with the Company, and an Annual Revenue of orer JAri qn.l vtwkau Miltwne of Dollar. It rceeived over .fourteen 2?iouari(l Afembers In 1HMI .. It ha a present ratio of raereaas which will give an secession of Tamtty-Two Xlwueand MertUter and .Sores MUlurn of Dollar Imxrme fa.lM7. It has over 'i Million of Juttart safely in vented at intereirt, ; It kwi nearly on Million DvBar surplus above all lislidiucs including present value of all Policies, an lumuiocii induoing preaent raloe of all Polu-iea, It para j;rJypr or ij. annual Lurid, nd to I'tJi- ey-hol.lors. firo yen outr on iife" 'isbl tnaa most leauing comjauuea. Of lite entire liualnra done ky till the LlfcC'onipHnle rcportiug to the filalrs Of Maasachnslls and IMewTorb, Tor the year I64i, L Tl.tns hwrmtriaariv onJenJAoT llu nnmberof I'olicu. . lint one Company iaamed as great a Dumber of Re IVIice a the .V ina in 18)M, ami iu the two years of lMAS snd 1W4 nunl.ined, it ei.-veded even that ons, and with less ir wat dietmrtemenl in haws and eipenaes. v Tlie svomge increase was about OH -per cent, while the jKtne's wss 11 per cent. A, Tb prr-eemage of all disbursement ft the yeart- lhOS and 1 combined, was leas in th jfclua (lias ia any nslier leading Company. it i nsf lo all (bniWRiea, is comparing the IH-r oeuL SVDense. tn taks int., i.. ratio of new business ; for tbs larger the new. ho siiiess Uie greater tlie ratio of sipeass will na it rally be fi-that rear. S vrto e-B fWu income, 'i hs Atns a wrm ,ir . j-V i mm gYSOPSIS OF THE EUSHTESS fiV TTTT " V B-U Ota 3 UIT lil .J . YEAH 1866. bts -ire-1 ( Prtmiaiu snd bitonat- lineins vase . Tiirreiiieirts. 7 saiw TixiT-rr Ii!a.Jiiisuiis .". . . . ;1,Is1.22j.iis 4-'ii,oiii lil Assets, January, im,. . ; v ... (ui.ui : Dividend, 18(j7 50 per tent Atseti, Jan. 1, 1867, $i401,833.8a -1.032 new policiei were isaued during '.j : the year 1868.1 v - 'iHYinF.xns. 1 Taking Uito ftauiletaliiui thsamanntaf dii denl declared and paid t;i Folicy hi.lders br th A:tna heretofore i jti percent.', tw tunh snd m sneer f psymg tlie same, tbo per eeni. of loss es abd eiptnaes to rsceipts, scoautay of matraga wji. ii. tnowr. awnt. ear is) ueh-rtiBrbvea, mernsse at baslnews, and aiukiy to snake snd par tutor dividends to lb nwnred, th .t toa iaMjuaiied by lew and anr i"ssnl by n tistujsji.. , "A polit-rcf Lift Aswrfaiiss i th ehaapnst mf safest mode of auuViag a evrtsra proviaioa fur otm a familr. It la tuns our psuple undersvajd aad practised, aiors genttrtii Cu" Assaranos.'V FaASaxis. . - ,. 1 1 .. ,',,.;(, At this itr the al-.v ianjtonly true, bat a ! Tie Fohry tn ther raurnrr as a strawT way cf ' uiakuig t certain pioviitioji for 11LU AljK . . 1 he it ns tuaiea Non-t .rfm ing I.ndowneat Pobi-ies. ptvabiti in rase of Uejuii; alw paysliW ' on sttaiuiul a specified ago, thus making pivw vibkmi Iit dratU ami Aii U'e. Ths preiinsins may be paid iu ou paj sisuyur iu hvs or , tea tiiniaU pa vuieuts ui.ui liie xJwr in due It is a good ib u.Biu.4.t j Uw poiH?vh"iier wtH mma artt-, vtoVnd-f. ev-y ritsr iua pola-y mala, Vhi:h wiS in aoMU-iaw t.aiunmu to lu.il a mail theTH' J?S pwsl.tiia i'oupanr. ,J X roiKwa smuob npoo all ths sltisr appSored ulans. July f-177-Jw - FAMILY GK0CE11S. It t 8 H N TAT o'fft ;.' f" I i 14ki Jsokeon Vhltsa. tsrieotad tVr rsauhr- ua,j iwrnru tu-oay vf TK3CC.LAS BELLT May Sl-SaJ-tf ACOJilMCOHIU. Ih-. Halt iioore and Vii-irlnla 8idn aro ofr.ni -it ki&tiniv h - ' . ' DOUGLAS BEIX. Jmie m !K-ir t: . :,-:.,., ...... "ITfE HAVE A BKA1TIKITL ARTICIJ? OF 1 f f , bbs white Meal, freahlv growud. JENEINti A PERRY. June ai-2o7-tf 4 LX0, a very nice lot uf N. C. Haras sua family sixes. JENKINS PRRV.' ' juu Ji-arr-tf V TTE also, have )uat received a very hiipertnr W' Chewing Tobacco. Thn lovi r of the "Weed" aoukl do well tnrrv aome of this.- . . ' .;. I ' i JENhJ-Nsl&PJ-.ltliV, June at-aj.tf "I JCltK C 11)1 B t INFGAR, M ' . At June 7-2.iC-tf JJOVGLAHUEU.'". H E K It t N U Rl I 10 Bbla.Cnt Herring's. . , . 6 llliis. tiroes Herrings. IS Half Bbls. Bihi Hcrringa, very cheap. 1 1 lKJUGtAH HELL.' Jone S4-2B9-tf ' ' '- ' ' - Q.KEAT KEliUCTION IS P8ICEH. - : . !1 Ilbla. nnr, I'alaiisco Family , -i .; j lialtuuors hura and i 1111 for sals br . 1 DOUGLAS 1?EIX. ' June Ji-a-tf ' SCUAB AND MDl.AhNKH. ' 10 Bbts. V. Ii. and refined Hugaia. i , j Bbls. Uolaasus. ' - i POVGLASBFtU . Junat-2U) If SJELUSa OFF AT COKTIIt' 1 i In eooseiniciie of tbe 1st scridttt sad the no- r tenable condition of inv Store. I ottir ui the trtde 1 my rnnre bum-b at L-reauy reiiui-e.i pncea con.is . .... .... . - , ; . . - , - 1 'WW iiiiu; in part oi mtnve jisiiimia-s sna virgims1 Sidea sod llama. Flour oi ail grades, , . , - 7- Ten narrela Nolaeacs, '.I N. ll'-rring Box, flmas and Cut, " ' Cof&e Una, tguvra and Jsvfc . - rriMKleu-ware and Hard ware. IXlUULASiSELU Jane 19 .ftiO-tt pitDUi CUEWIKa TOBAC001 ' . , , , Ws have juat received a very choice article of KxliW ) Carsd rbssrlaic Tssiacrai, . Superior to that announced a Week ago. Try It by all means. ..:.'" ' JFNKINH A PF.RBT. , Jaly -S177-tf . . . ' .. - QOBS1 COBKH CllKNIll i Anotlier lot f K1M1! COBN. Jnlt received, whieb will be sold at lowest market price, bv ' DOUGLAS bELL," ' Julys.2S.5-tf ' ' ' Msrkef8iisre.'' JJ0ES1 WEEDING HOES I BILLTNO B0E8 f" Twelve Tbiien "Elwell's" WEF.DINO AMi HI1.L1NO HbE.s,Hiis. 1, 1, 8 and s, for sals st reduced price, by " . - '1 . DOUGLAS BELU Julys-aswf JVf - a . , i Market Bquar. . Hi MISCELLANEOUS, I) K. liACV'a icneoii new. Th exercne of thia School will Im nanmnt Will. Jnlv Mesaioii lit ts-snlv o..W !,'... effort will lie mnile to give hoya tlioeonl, pri-" paratiou fur Colleg or buaintias. Terms, hall in advaucei, ...; --j',; .,-,i . .. , MliH. LACrs SCHOOL FOB YOtJNft IJHIIFK will be mwttned on the litth. Jnlv ln.,7 k.,..o. of twenty week. Term as heretofore. 1'aj ment half fn advance. -. . i ..-. . - .ulytl-sns-tsl-.,.. ! ..,. -,. A80N 8 PATENT IKfrTJAlW,ianM qnarts, it For bale by the single one, or dw.sn. , s .',..' 7 s BB0WN. Ksleigh, Jane lJ-iflO-tf With Hast A Lev is. JSOLIHH AND CLASHICAL tK HOOL. Ths Fifth 8ssion of nr school will comimncs ' on Monday, 16th nly, and continue to iHth Deo., 18117 . ,' - ' ' ; , . . ., j .... Moethly ptj-nwuit-will bs required. . ;i Hu L- u' v ,.'- . ,JW. 1, WOMBLE. staleigh, July -277-3t. , JEASS PAD LOCKS, FOB DOG COLLARS. I : - ' J BB0WW, Witk HaM Laws. TQCKB HI DOE JLUySl 8PRIN08. farorits ami delichtrnl' .ij,l...ni having midergone thonwgh renoraiion, is pre pared to receive visibrs. Tlie owners bars msde every egort in the outllt and eauipment to render .... uiu Trr aurmiva to those in . iinest of recreation, while to the invalid ii. n.e.i,. ' ciiiai waters hold on new h.pea mf health It V ' may bs eonadently claimed foe Diem t at liter ' have iu a great many cases relieved and in sun ., . .. more case cured, Uis following diseases: ticun ri'iu, and many chronioVCirrASsoca dmcseus 1 CHs.fliio TnattsH, BSowi Hitts, DrarrMit, Cusok. "'' ie ei.u, tsorsx, arnuTiosa of Kiunkv and !i lilXlHiMt, and 1'u.tw : and. in nmuwiM. . iik ii.. u HotBatlia, Chronic Bukiutbi. '" ' As an appetiser, a Vmic, and general relora- ' ' live h. an enfeebhd constitution, it is perhaiis " ' unrivalled smougst nuDeral water. 1 lu. . , prietors btvs eugsgwijf.sr tbs approaching sea- . A vT.B r SCFERIOB BAND OF MU.sIC, both fm tlie Laws snd the BautBouh. : ; " , " nse otiij.iele. onl.w Uisn ever before, .. fj Tram ths very eilisuirf pretiaratiotts now msdt-' i'ilUdjsll.t!ifl:s.Uris..Vutiiu,, hiirimis,.. heave lrsa. .M'ips.ted.iuL.!teatk. will bs st. ' ' In keen their tattMirot-nt Fn.ir n . u. social re-nnions which in ibriner yeaiii h-ut sihh 1 a rhana to these monntain Vetreata. ' I'tiasengera bv tiie Viruiui CWntisJ rail mad rot 1 '' oft tl esrs at ttOMILN 1. k.iKht 8 nniis ksJ stsgiuK ver a stjH'aitb rtaid lands tbcra at the f "lt'Of.". - .... , . , n)Ai:n, njnrER iav ; Ax) per noxra,; '. Ws have ar cured the efficient s,rvicc-s of Cap-' ' T'l tain ilmiw H.Knt so long SmlfsvnraMTknowo ,! to Uie puhlte. m cmmiinsi wdh these Korhir i . U.U.ltnAB.i.NlxlJU,oiW?,urfc , .- s . . - Fv. i u Iiton A Co., KnhmCjd - - ' ' ' ' A. I. ftri-sVa. Lvm-M-n'g ; ' . Coi.rwas A kiN.rHs. iiaitit.ior ; - H ,aJtll A ( e ora ; I ,. Agents f..r ale of il.s U i.,i ss.l Halts- f w Witt til.., rnu. H SS RMfttl OTllM slay 23-2 ;-,- 1 I' A -id- '! i t f !-) ii'i -i f X.--.-.

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