I t jtaTOrfljinirji'! wil b basurted in th Dotf. 0-jiaittb following rai. A uutr will bw feet!; BiiBilrf ela rnmtrn Ham. or 11 inch. Onesuar noe (irns !,-, gi' ........ , ' iesosr otsewewk 3, ml 1 Kadi additional aipiarv mie w..-. ....... J.tlo - ijw square two w-ks I 6.01) - fcacih.llittmsl nrtwi weeks...... 2.SI OB eonare rtni' month. . , , . h.(-l VmcU BdhiHval eqnare one mouth. . 8.00 Ouesqnsrs two tuisith. . .. v. ........ ltl.lKI fcst-h additional " . . . . . ;t,,V tin atpwr three) ninntW : . . . .. .. X, .. HM Kacbdditnar " .. .....n,.. I.iki Unequal t-rcohimh" ""' . ,.4.ta;i " , VWt-11 BUUOT-lflieill UIWI UUU VIM ' Ihrf hall fi'iinmi " y ....... it ik: I e nilutiiu " iu,uu H.!guUr buslm cards, IS iiuiuuu bus or lua W dl I1 chat n"d uulv tiofor three nKMillin ' All s1 vurtiac mout iir cards must be changed iu fifna at least (very three uwuths.--Contracts fti. aya thai! three tuuulhs tuad ul at tltwahuve "7" fUMottl uuUwM or advertisement required to a t, iinnci..rt iiii isiiait srny -itil yijfciini wdi be Tjltlirgu4i i per onl higher than the alaave charges. " '!'l'TSrttwuiit imrii4 In Weekly aud K-ioi- W-klr st ralss eor atmulnk with the Ikxi. Coait advartastsosnnu iumrbHt week tut 97 7 saaaorttuif chars;.-.!. !-"'S - -Advertiasss wiU always audit lotheir advantag - - Umpli tfcaki who h Sluot ad:n..noLT, tu Um axtual tbey wssn Jopaj far them. THE 'SENTINEL., L0CA1 D1PARTMI5T." WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, lsti7. Williamson (Vsymak an important an Boiiiiociii.nt to farmera, :.'.- Lard: I'ullium, 'ionea A Co , Wboltvale Cirnovra, FayettcvilleBlrecU . , , , Agriculturttl Iniplcuuinta, Labor-aaving I'uiup,c; MitchulU Allen 4 Co, Kfw barn. - Miyuk'i 0h;hi'. Itill WilliamM, colored, cliarJ with making ifaault upon Nd Bryant, colornxl. Unturned to the County .Cuort.- - -. - :' A. Rout, Co. K. 8th, Infantry 17. S. T., arrvattsd, for miag in tli City witbont a,an Duvie 8t. . Lodgtni iu the Guard iium aud tnrned over to tlio military authnrhtra. ' UrB Ferrvll, wbiui, armated for an aa aalt upon M, K!ng r, a hiuv Ueiuraed to tbe County Com. ; ,' ' '; Thk MikKUT- Onitiuu( ruilier poorly v aupplied with treab meU ; though tlwre baa ben an improvement itbiu n fetf day. Country produce, and pmviaion ot all kind, command trigbrr prkx- tbau at the tarn time in almost any previoua year. . ' .- U u-u. .s Ab.ivt Tmtaa. Halfijh ge by tbe tvutiruiHit of tbe "City ot O.iki," though tbe oak by no mean tbe predominating tree with u. - Wv have niahy f the glorioua nnnarvh of tbe 'oa our public aquare particularlyj Lot tiie elm U tbe pre vailing abade tree, and luxury and an ortuureut it ia. If aa muck care ia taken with t tii ir prvacrvatiiMi, aa tbe "forefather of tbe bani let" took ' with tbeir planting, tbeae tree will long cuotiuUelo conalituU tli attractive charm of appearance toj our mi in ' ' , ".v, j ", : W olitwrVe that our City Poetmaater, with OHiinieudabie taate and forvithoaght,. ka pUnted on tbe government equant ou which the otlice i located, aolne valuable apecimena ol abaile and orna.iiMiaal tremfi One apuciuiea, we tlo not know the t:h nical iim, with elcpliaiiliue li-avtii, ia a curioaity In arborictiltura, though we bar obaerved aevcral of them, of late years, in varioua part of the City. - ' , S "Ue aye atkkiii in a tree," aaid the Laird of Dutubietlikea f J. 'twill lie growin' while you aru alwpin'" . , btaTiTtTkmiC. . , The lU v. 1. II. Dalton baa been io stalled as the Pastor of tbe Presbyterian Church at WanbiiigUm, N. V. Tbe KoV. Cbaa. Phillip,' Prtiteaaor of Mathematics in our State University, presided aud delivered aa able and interesting charge. . The lfcv!. Joel V, 'fucker, Pator U tbe Methodist Church, st Wilson, delivered the literary address before tbe graduating class of the GoMbUW Female College, oa Thursday laat, . . The Warren ton Couritr i to be issuwl semi-weekly about tbe first of August, i 1')ie - Wilson Carolinitm ha beeti greatly enlarged, n flattering evidence of merited success. ; " , I- -The colored people of Washington, Beaufort County, celebrated the Fourth by a procession, Jtc They were' addressed by Judge Warren, F, a BattcrthwaiW, Maj. Tao. S. Sparrow, and several eoiored ora- tor .Th sneer-hea. our informant aiatejL I tors. -The speecoe, our informant , M were all verv conservative and wtll-timed. Msj. Sparrow'a effort Is spokes olf as peculi arly happy, and his allusion! to tha evil ui secret political societies were well received. Garland E. A!Ienv Esq, haa retired from tbe Washington Iiuitx, having disposed of hi Interest therein ' to' Lewi Satterth Waits, Esq. There will b no change in tb sentiments of the paper. Mr, Allen will shortly resume bis editorial labors ia another ieida v ; ,;'' The First National EanV of Char- 10 lbs haa declared a di viihuid of six per cent fur the last six months. . . The Ooninit-nrcment nerritcs of Da vidson College will begin on the 12th lost., and continue up to the 18th. oj uie Ireeduier' ol Lincoln ton,- trom, twelvejo Seea hundred being - preatnL Tbey wcre ail itreswif Yif MrTToiirice , w lio ;...i;.iw u , . i. i..w .,u a. ny I7av iVbenck, F.sq. The trtrr aays i '. . "WeVill not attentpt to report the specfa iale bv Mr, Schem'k, as we hope to secure a copy few publication. We cannot do him justice ia a mere abstract, Sutlice it to ay, that the parte fleures' presented by Mr. Tourjrw; ia his etfort, were literally destroyed by ,the manly.eloqtient, convincing and overpowering arguments and oratory of Mr. Schenrk- - At the cloaa of t. thjhenpk' - renarlt. Mr. Tonrgee atteuiptod a rejoinder (which i unusual and in very bad taitej hot it was inauily apoh-.-atk; aud explaiul6ry., ," At nn-rirf, a lnysU-riuua ad idaultiug placard tu found auajtendeda a omiroi CiloQpI-e,wliiih, afinrwing'ultati'on, wa .re moved, and, y orJU a of the Mayor, the Federal flag waa hoisted. fSayi the Omritr again: ' -r .. -. "On investigation, it wu found that the .tl. ...I. l -.1 i i.i- L: . in.'itmriu puuniril, Willi lis aiUflll-u aiKna -and maka, had been prt up by a ce- (rro, oie ot the lU-d String.- W givr tbe I ijiiifii ; A triangle, is heavy I4ack tinea, eneloaing tbe letter' U.riled Blringa at corner, and bearinir tiie odirctionable aunt mien t "To iheTKath.". " h Jbejiljove. ni ralt nliited t eaoiU nmst orderly citifcin, yet the intended theiilt waa Ixime with dignity, and no dmituer re- tutecl. tiut, uad it been perpetrated by a Southern gentleman, we have no do"i,''t aevere puumhment would be nioted out to tiun." - From tli Baltimore San --'A yji W SO VBREIVlfT'T. IiiKWad of tb prinipet of the repreea Kiiionoi iue bouiucth bUtea beiug improved by their endeavor tocarryouL in good faith. tbinw.iSntruction bill, that-of tbe hrmier Htntea i beginning to be allied, and the art- ol ; arareaaMMi upon ctvii hlwrty ext- ueq. AiimittgTTleiilucjty IutiimIukJ eighty ciirbt th'ounaiVii thKiii to the Union- ariuv, Land not talf that number to the Cimfuduf ate anny, yet it w boldly aawrted bv Mr. Ligau, that Kentucky had shown, bi-rxelf umMwiu ouiiiiic aaa aince lite reimition. aoa that therefore the Kentucky delegation mut go tx tore tiie committee on electiona ami let liH'irjoyalty be teU'd Irfiyalty, like lilx rty, i a much ahuaed word. Loyaltv to the (.'miBtituiion mar be good toriuipeaidiiui'nt, while loyalty to the parry, in utter (iwrtgard t the Uonititu firm, mil civer a uiuiiitiuleiil ain. . When a nicmlier of Ten'neaaee cah be admitted who haa been enrolled lu the. Conlederate arm it, but i loyal to party, and member from Keutucky are kept out Who, it not loyal to party, have alwaya bwn loyal to tbe country : wnen a partinan niitiontr awume to dmit or excluile the iepreaenlative of toe people aocoruing a tbey agree or disa gree witn me opinion or tne majority, precedeut M esiabliabed which Bound an alarm to every Bute in the . Union, and ought to array the outraged public senti ment of every community, which value it inaeiieniieDce ami ireuioin, against an aiNv grraaion upon republican institution which i almost without a parrollel even in these days of ruvoluiioimty innovation. Tbev U see, in thia act uimincl . anuouuee- ment that loyalty to radical domination it the only tenure by which their constitution al right are to be held end etercised. The iiibiio opinion of tbe country will never, it boiled, consent to tbe establishment of a new sovereignty in the shape Of a Congres sional majority, demanding of the citizen, upon penalty ot ilmlruiichisemcnt, that al- cgiance which ia due only to the Constitu- ioti. It this iiriuciole ot action ran be sd plied to Hte Hiate it may be applied to another, antt so it muat come borne to the eitiaenaof all. .7 i From the atiousl ImeQigeuver. IiASOER FOliKSII.iDOWKD. I Alter! a short tetsa, the felt purKi-s which at the clone ol the lust session of IJiinyri-is , indignantly- rcputliatcd Jiy leading Kcpiiblicansin Iwith house are now uublushingly avowed. The determination is eirest:d U) apply to all tbe loyal fitate the same unconstitutional legislation that has been forced at the point 4 the bayonet upon tne Niutii. ..Let the people of the Northern and West ern tite beware bow they yield one single conslitutiohal right to these unacrupulou usurpers ot political power. II they yield this point, they will soon find themselves bourn! hand and toot, sml reduced to Hie pitiable onadition of their Bout hem tlcigh- Uim. These coruioraiita of political power will not be satusucd with negro gull rage in the North. Thia is simply the entering weit;e. mve arKnowuf.ige ineir power to eontnil the tii-4io(i ol suffragu in the StaU-s, and ln;liire another year expires they will be tounil, like Napoleon in Frunce, aud Maximilian in Mexico, compelling in all the Slates of tbe North, the election of their candidates at the point hi tbe bayonet, and mnkiiiif the people pay tor the maiiitainanue of the military torcethus required,, Ajjain we warn the people of the North and West to hcsviirtt the trap tor them. .. r , ,- ,A Choi.kr Hemldy or Bomb Kepcte. A New Orh-Kiis pajier give the following rcmeily lor cholera. It is the iireaeription, ot Dr.' Uliaui li. Lmdsey, an eminent phy sician, and was ned with success in 1839 and 184V: ' . Ten ounce of French Brandy. Ten drachms Essence of Peppermint. ; Ten drachma Ethereal Tincture of Vale rian. - Ten drachms Spirits of Camphor. f i , Ten drachm Tincture of Ked Pepper. Seven drachma Tincture of Opium. Five drachms Tincture of Catechu. - Two ounce Syruw of Ginger. . : Small doaes, say trom tea to thirty drop alter eacn aiscnarge rrom tne ooweui, win generally check common diarrbo?. In case of an actual at tack of cholera,' dose vary iifg in quantity trom a teaKiioonlul to a tablespoonful every five, ten or twenty min ute according to the age ot tne pat n ut and the violence of the attack, will soon check the disease. '' Mr. Kimball, President of the late Maine Democratic State Convention, says that xaon most tie taaeii ironi me anoumer of he poor mantwt placed bi.On the rich, where it belongs.' R-gging has U-en reduced to a science in Cntiimbia, S. C ' Tire latest jipplicatiofl Was from a little girl on the street corner who earnestly pleaded lor ar-'chaw o' terbaera for her sick and dyiug mother.'' Soka Watkb aso MiiU'ijik A Wash, ington druggist was Recently arrested for selling soda water on Sunday. Several physicians testified that it was a medicine, and the case wiia dismissed. - , Tbe Puke ol Jfoilolk (Sheridan 'a trtend) waa much attached ttv the bottle. On a masquerade night be asked Foot "what new character bt should go m I" llo sober,' said FimiU1, v The President has tendered the Governor ship ot our recent pun has fiotn Kussia to lion- Kenjamin Mark, of JSew Jjondon, Onn ,. lately a Democratic hentitor trom lr A- N. 1 aliey, ui t-ojuiuota, haa ten elected a Prolessor in heN School ot Ml ieiue. aad l s'l A. V.UfMI, f A Kbeville r he- South Lii'Versilv. A negro Umruaiucbt tiok n'm t in Uarrj- soliburg, Virginia, li-t week, and wound ap witfj Iree tixbt. The successful kuight wa put in the claloe, and therefore did not crown his queen. 'Mrs. JefTenoo Davis was at the concert given in Montreal ia honor of the Young Men's Christian Association Convention. Illsuian-ladoe not at alt n-si'mble Gener al gutter, a some paper i stated; jnff , tbe coiitrary be i ri'pect!ible looking,. The Masonic proceion in B!on ron t slued 8.'J Masons in full regalia, and 49 band of muic, with tod inuakian. ELEGjiArniqA rneiday Aflt-rnooa DUpaM iic. ! KEOWfEATIONIM DI8TRIt KOI Thw MlowtDf tii-ou.-iiJ aamanraant is pnuubed Una uamiu : Uvn. hi. hu li Hraeted sot l bio niriaralh in Ho mitilarv I llHlrut MMtil i ! l. k. .1 . . . . ! W S&eiUv be ar eouilmt a Wit metrak u w ptiiuiiiml laat (Joostom will exteml tiia tune urn uis moipietioo of mguttratuai in the t arult aa autil Uetober or November. s 1IARRET8 N FINANCIAL. s .' ' Ka Voaa, July 9, Jt, OottnnonlL I'phunU - nsvsltrs ijuift- HiiuiuTnrM'Hiineaf Simla heaVr. Kj&Ijuuiu uTU HU. (iait gij7. M. Money Kite. Ookt l,sj. II Livuriub, July 9, M. Cotton Trr dttJL tUlra T.ouU bales I'ulsiiiLi wj . . unNW 11.. -- -jf - ' ' . Loaoux, July 9, M. Consols Mil Bond. 7 j .. . ; . ' Wednrsway Rlornlng IlspHthri. PAUTICX'LAIW OF tHE EXECU"no.N" OK MAX- - .y UlUJAS. . -'Haw w.tjuis; July 7PrT. Th Time ha a anaeiai from Honntim vivhur detaiU4 aeuoaiit a thu euxniUuu uf Majuiiui- ian, Miraaton and Meiia. wWm l thM was himmi or blind folili-i, nor vu any indignity olfurmt, aa reported. MaxiiuiluiB, bofiira twiair allot, reuapttnUicil the eauswt wbioh bruuulil hua tu ilmlo.; ill uuh! tiie anttuaitv uf thaoiurt which seuisuueil him : and hopsd that A Uool Would auiy the rlTumuii ol bkiotl ia Maura. Ha called lh.H rK-'il uf taw tlasrd, jr biia a Iwudrut of ai.l, ll re quested lbs faror Uiat hs.stiuulda mai li:s huurt, rir balls entwred bat urtlaat. but tiie rST et was called out. wbo abot iuni ia thw ante. Miramoa auuka Iroia p.r,ltinj that the otilv rmrrat bs felt in dviuit waa. tin I it th. I.iwr. als should rxanaio in powur. bis children would oe vonurtl at aa U Oaaotiudaut ot Irsitor, -lo lls niaoe no aiumm. Miwa dissatiafaetiou aui trial San n&i,i'..Ht-. by tu spvctaiora. , Tb sword u4 MsxJsiUiaa waa urwaenQid ia 4uaou, uj uvummu, ui wis goveruaiaut isisos. 7 ' OOMOItKHH. -1 ; WssmauTox, July 9, P. M. Nmvri. The Jndiciarv rm'oiintnicijaii l.iil taken up. Tb day Wat consumed in six-umu wbeiber the Cimnaudira should ba alloaed tu apisNui oiTuiana to vausnt Ktate ulucca. Aiijonrned witnunt debmte avtaai. : In tb Him tb rceoustriutiou lull a.. re sumed. Tb sistb aw'tuai waa modilied by strik ing out the wards, "ornuless be shall eouseut io be rehemd," and maeruiiK instead, "or in, arrest t aa ofliMiee pa mailable br diamisstJ hum ti.. army, ur dis- quidibeil l.v sickness truia the uer formamat ol bis dutwu.!' 'J li bill pasaed a iHMiioeu, uj isas tin, nsya i. v Tb BiUowinK voted in the necativa Xtir.' Adams, Arober, Uarnaa, Udildfrtt, tlliiw bronuor, Mobuau. liotchkiiM.. alarahsll., M,m:,.i. kmgn. Morcau, Morruswy, Mnnaen, Jklai-k, N eabHi, huei, Pnls, iiwdali, llobinmju, boaZ 8itraava, MtMrart, 8iuus, 'iabwr, Van Adieu, v ai c aai wm rw mux, . t- - . SANTA ANNA. . ' ..."'-.' L ' WAsmaoToa, July 9 -p. M The Meii can t (ration has official rKaluis Mauta Aiina's sitbsi, ooutrndicloiy of n siwitimsw ui lie wss lorctuiy laaeu rrom th iiguiia. ..... PKCSSIAN MINIBTER-RETENUE-UKltATT ... -XlUAi. WuHimmui. Jtilv O P u Baroa tun Oerohlt. tb Prussian tiu.uei.-r I. n IimUt (ur hunt ilia oeceesot is- uix-cteU sboruy. - ... ;.' mtenisi Heviinne ren-lpts to-day SSSS.wsj, l"h Intrnal Iteveuua collections ibis year, nuinrtid with last, allow a falbua- OB of nnarlv Sli,.VJ.ttUU. ; . " , . .-, J 4'4eert wtaurxni ssaatol tha ls 1. it;u oreditiBg John trfMV' Several witiwss aid alirr auuld not bebev bun ou oath. T REaisTHATio js vinaiNU-A d m i kaL . -,' ; " TVCKER. , ,i . ftuioao, July 9, P. M. rue eotorea majKaty in registraUoa to-day SMI.. - "' - .,- - -lb aeeounlafroni the Houtiiwoainrii HUlo, aud tha Valley, show large .uiajorUiHa fur Admiral Toiker, lata uf tb Peruvian Navr, naa neea sppouMsd Dy the 1'eniTUMt linwusebt atateeuara an tpsdiut to tutors th MABKtmi AND FINANCIAL. i ; KrwJVoax, July W, l 11. ' f'.H ton hoary. fialesNIIU bal.-s a4. . , t lour more auUv, Btata b,70Miu,yul Huth- eru w,twoio,aii. . ,. ,--i : : Oam lfa Bi. Weatorn mitsd II W. - I'ork cUMtvd (basdedly lower. Male ,MW bbla, 1221. .. rit.n-k. active. Money (kit. Gold tl.gsj. -2o WIM"1 OSS1A1I. Bsjwihobb, July 9 P. U tAUro dull and nominal. Wheat acsros and highar Maw Whit Si.tWS.00 ; Kd IJ.7(fe!t.(SI. t'-orn flrmer and soarce white (l.li ; Yellow Sl.lll; mum bium si.ua. - Baiiai Bhonlders tOJ(3U, Oear Hide l:IJS13i. f. . ' WujtiauToa, July , P. M. Hpirit 'I nrpsuUna 61, Rosin Steady, tt.mxitti, SO. s Livaavoou July 9, P, M. i Cotton vrv dull. Middling Fplauda IO Or us 10 li-ld. OuBuuon Uuoin 7a. Fine lio. " v 1 ' ' ' IiOsnoa, July 9, P. M. Consols 94J. Bond 7!k- " - 0u Times com Asaih. On tbe 4th of July a large number of freedraen were in town, and it made one thiuk of old times to see Some of them enjoying themselves by fiddling and dancing on the street Al though the thermometer stood at about 04. they danced -Until the pcrapiration ooxed through tbeir coats. The li inalo dancers stood it remarkably well, considering the dust and heat, and seemed to be pleased with tbe dexterous performance ot the new voters. Vharlatt iMmocrat. ; ' The returns of registration iainy coun ties in Virginia show that while the negroes generally have registered, the whites have neglected or refused to do so, thus giving the ascendency to the colored vote. - li tboae who ar entitled u register -and vote, fmt in it their stubboraness and passions to de- priy them of the privilege, tbey will cer tainly have no right hereafter to complain of "negro rule." The present difficulties mast be settled snd tbe Htstes restored to tli Union, and if white people don't assist in the mstter, it will bs done by the colored people alone. White men who allow tbeir stubbornness to prevent them front voting will find out their mistake whoa too .late. Vhwlotte Democrat. v,,iS , . ... A WftTI Schknck. Mr. 8cbB k proito tes to return thanks to Petroleum Nasby and Mr. ctaniiery for tne assistance which they have afforded the President in carrving out hia policy. Tbi is an unfortunate reference for Mr. eeaanck. . .verytody will at once ret ail the fact that Ueneral Scbenck, at Vumna- aoorilcdMr. Lincoln -the tua kimt or. ssststsnce In suppressing the rebellion theVNaaby gives Mr. Johnson in suppressing fu em'tllihaiAit4 HiifiaUk..: --.w-wirryTww-cu (frits nt Cl.aiuaiioirt, fought a du4 rtcentlyi. One waa killed. Tbe survivor was arrested and tried; before JudgeMiMea and Ltbf Jury, rentkrsiji. dit 41 ' not guuty," alilHH)gh rt was not xlenu-J that tha xiriont h tagoniat iu a duel. . faVuch mockervin a Court ot Justice, so-called, is disgraceful. ' x t '- , TlocHESTltB, N. Y July 8. At' a circus performance last evening, LI is White, the. lion king, while la a cage of ferocious beasts, wa attacked by a male lion, inflicting sever al wounds. He was rescued by the circus men with iron ban. - . - - ' . ; , ' i ' 1 Tb Mend phis, Tennessee, tapers stats that a policeman In that city arrested a tni some duys ago, and 00 bit way to the sta tion house the prisoner called his captor an ngly name. Ije was accordingly iihot and kitted.'. '""""" """':' ' ' ; . Pe'St -ArTTtttrscrorTini Pnnt-A -correMmdcnt at Rome describes the personal sppcarjuice of (ho rop:-"i met him tbe other day on the Via Angelica, a pleasant sha dy street that runs out north ouder the walls of the Vatican, where he bad gons, as U his wont, Intake aneveitingdriv. , Ilegenerally drive out Iwi weca five and six o'clock, goes out lew uuftilred rods, ana men dumonnts and' walks. -1 iaw bun walk over a utile, and then be dlMpputred front sight, still Walking,- while lii earriage followed alo o i U liiuJ. Mo walks with the totter pecu par to age, an,t yet.wjtu not a little rapbllt ami energy, J am ihhuhi to say ,1'iu l ha the pleaanii teat -face I have-aeen in En- V'M IJtlaU-.t'iUi.'fl.ailloJlia'ji alrooat tq eakneea, and hia hesitation is said to L'lve bis council I icillors milch trouble." ' 1 TIhi Montgomery (Ala.,) Jfait hu a BnWl standard of genlilitv. ; It says : "For what ever we have written or may wtiterenWting upon tne conhi.1 ot iudividuals, the editor oi ttie Man hold themselves eniirelv iwikiu- stole, aaul will probably answer an v demand fnnatistacti'in, coming from any one who has a clean shirt and ha not been in the peoaeutlarJ,,, . , , y'.,; - CopKsuAveiis.- Of forty five wliile voters woo registered in the lourta magisterial dis trict, in Hlnvthd nuiHtr. whose name mm. etHwf Wlttt-twrnty-fhrt Vf thcrn lrere 1. ...... .11 ir. -:i j - ; wpuuxgiv- h tin a uuuiiy ior one seign- bornooil, to aaf nothing about the women Hfix Ihn tt. Tbi ldy,wlioatiuireda world-wide reputation during the late war aa the "Confederate heroine." and who hi li n onrni!r in onr midst durinir the past tew months, will leave shortly to fill a ninnlnH ol engairetuenu in the theatre of the K'leiem and Vtesteru cities. Jfartuubure ltt AW. I'be Now Orleans lifjiuMifiin, in sjieaVnig ol a boy r.yceutly boru lu a street car in that city, . - '-.t - VV ho know blit the boy thus unceremo niously introduced may yet live to bo Pre ident, or even reach the eminence ol a mili tary district commander, What's the use of trying to discourage the little Idlow thus early in lite t Lafayette. Washington, a colored man -in Wytb county, is a strong conservative, and makes telling srHeche. He says of one Mr. Marsh, a white Haijiral, tlut he is like the potato bills made by a hoy w how) ..father complained that they were too small he la small enough, but there is a dunged sight of dirt jn film. ' "'.J ; "': -,;-i ; Fred. Doueliis arrived lu Portsmouth on Wednesday afternoon, and was met at the wharf by a deb-gation who ' haik ' him in churge.. Strange to say, no while sharks were )n the delegation, whicji would seem to indicate that the blacks have diamiaaed them, and have resolved to act (or themselves. Among those who had tlteir uauiea record- ed on Tuesday, in Lynchburg, on the books of the r-gitinr, wss the venerable Bishop Karly. He haa thus set an example of wis doiu and discretion in, tbis matter, a In many others, which It would bm well for all who can to follow, ; ., , Upwards of two million! of acre of land belonging to citizens of Mississippi were forteited to the State for non-pay moat of Uxe during the years '61, '63, '3 and "64. The editor of the Charlotteavillo Va..) ChnmitU says h alept in room with a tarmer the other Bight, who kep't such a ating, that be asked him whether b , I tb toothache. "No." be said, "but be waa afraid the wheat would rust," It is said the gentlemaa who Issued, re cently, a soul-stirring sppeal for the organi zation of the Ohio wool- growers, to aid in nxing np the tariff ou wool, never owned sheep in bis lite. ' SPECIAL 0TICES flent'a ready mad Uunwiao and FvaMiamao uoone, AT 008T For tli it t v dsvs onlv, , M. JWihAl;M'H. 4 July J-'iT7-tf VOI U LA.UT C II AKt'E Only two ai.ir raHes M th.w lld t'l.r lloon atrial. st - ...... , M. mmKMUUM a. , July -if77-tf Fit k i; t i:vi;itiitoiv. A Iwgu 6 pp. t uvulw, giviuK luforuiativB t tlia gresleat mipuitanee to the young of both '"- -r'!?--t--i----i;-t-T - 11 teachi-a how the homely may txt-oiuii U suti- fnl, the despised reM wiaiL anl ilia forssken lovetl. No young lady or Ri u't. aiun 1imu,1 fil to seiul their Address, and receive a . copy ns4-uaii1, by return mail.' -" ----) .. .. .... -jj Adilres P. O, lirswer, 91,--April -aii-lyiliw 'j'n.y, N. V. gtti.rt T sjciiwoi, row ( ; , .. YOLNU LAUIES The wit Session of Mrs IIi.wkli.'s S.hct echNl will couiimui'-l July llli. 18117, Lni(liKh ilrauidics Mumi French aud Ltttn will ue tuorougniy tauKiit, For particulars, a.l.b.SH ' ' JMK0. V. C 1 IIiiWKI.U - Jhly 9-2HS-!2w liaicUiU. K C. LIFE INSURANCE. pl. NOBTII AMKKK'A I V HE It AJV CE COM PA New Feature and Advantages Which ar Known at ueionginj- to no Other Company in th United States, Y THEMANA0KMKXTOF THl (XiMFAVY i uii Un Mutual Ikim bl n-st.m the ac- cuniuutcd pronta.goiiig to (he iwiskI, Tum eoninsnv make s siH-mflkrlRiNMit tik Insuraneeiletrtmeiit of lite NtaH., for whib hvidaterad V"baare Hsuied u'ilmred eoumer. Slud b ti. Hiitwrilil.-u.ln4 f the llisnrancr IM tisrlment of Hi rt ST New I'ork. crtitvute Utst iiak poucH are Mcared hr ..f niiOli" sn.ks. - - .-"'"- - . . No other t'oeinsnv airs ths sssmi) a rmt.n. tee of tin etiaraoieviwauytliinr einsti-lit. Thirty days' ot prrc ant atkwr.l alf r nsweil premiums, aati the policy rwisins valid and in fuM fiwm dunnir that t.m. o rastrlctions as to trartV tw rwhtence abriisd st stir ssaaou of th vcar, miw I lie ir..w . wliH!h givsisattrarlv wN-lti-ai1eand annmililii4ial Nu hitrher rate 'of rrvmism charged pit sts- tii'iiarv i.OKineera. Omilu.-oo-a, hairsK Vfu-li Msd Airvnts. ior va eoiiHiiiniiMe ol ctuoii orOr- - - - M- .ss Mk im-iw!- 'k v."-ia MMMf....Mi. . ... .. i- . . . (..... IJ-s f "ft ti U IM VU. Mil. I i pi lumm. wiocu la. .-nrt:itt 1 ; J'flnt IVIM. It-H, lltt Ill .J. If tii-kll aVl.iI if,. alH ju ' ! niru u- tun t.titit uiit, auu lilts aV.I14illt l4fliretl M psvaos to the sumv.tf-on tn-.i.-ath t.f oj,,.- eent. - . . . . , l'ividcods are c-!si(hI snnnslly, stid LsiJ on st-ilifiattnt i4 4th. Animal rrcn.iin'u, ta sil our plans am tbs full amount of prominrtt rfSMuvti. 1'renit.ums may be paid annua Itp, sewi-Snnuaiiy or nnartcrli. - t All polttas fasned by this Company are Bn forfritms;, alter two, in eoimi iiatauue, and tbre annual fyiut-nts in others. The f rocmse of pn-mium ic ii.t in IsftS, over wss i'jl ptrc.t; lnu is iytariy douuifi-lltat o. sny ttit-r.'ir l'ork ct.tnjnyl l'.ii...t-a Ujcont.--eia.ijle from aur causa uLocjd on acrtiuut of ti sud. ' r ur U1.U1 itiMe ia this Coini-anV ppt !v to 1. II. I , i.i..iS, Agent ft- Slits of Borth Carolina. V .inn.c'.!. or bk tl'nN iftl.l.s, -July s-S0-aiB -. . .. A;riit fur hiM.h. C0LLEGZ3 AND SCHOOLS." I IIU.ti AM I El ALE COL. v lege. .. - ; "f. ' : TflOMAiSnLLE, ' N. rf ; ' ttV. D. K. liKlTilS, A.'., PRianDEMT, AV and l'rMcsws- is iloutal aud Mura Pluliwo hby and lkvllea tj-tiri-s. T ' Jt 'Ms St. lliTts, A. M., Professor in Mathematio ana juxusMi li. j;iii;.-s. , l'nnm m NwtBrsl eviewor. Mri Kkkis 8. Uvik Teaehrr in Knghsh lite Miss Tauo. A. Wiuui, Teacher of French and Assixtaatni Kiiphidi. Mm Ctaaia M. Ki Toaxa, Ticher iu Masie, IVaeber-in ua I'suiuui;, llrawiug Mrs. M. W. nns, Matron, Tfc Vsll Trrm of die nst Colloeiate var will eoniuHnc on Thursday, aoOu of July, and clua wwiiinKiwwr. Ftirtataioeueb irirfnff nin tkarth-ul&rw. the Preai,k..,t. .... Jun VS-.Tt-tw - ' ..it FEMALE COLLEGIATE IXhTI- . t t e, - rtlHK Tv Ar sessina irf this Institution will JL ooiuiiifoes (at th 17tb. of Jul?, wuh nil! txjj iia of sr)riewed and eflK-iont Uistraeiora. 'llio eunnMi of tuly eiteasiv, iustmolioii thoronih shd vlcnitic ttovemiuenl uartaital ami atiwtroH' part V rWKsawnt- e twxtnit oianuer ; as welt a to tisvij(iiu msuotteiieet sad storing Hi aund. Wsmuwm ia ntl fiw HHMuioitnmis -, sa.i a isriH-it resurs ok peiwmts rrom the rlsstero part f th Xai,' din-lna Utm sstki.v sits n. .-',.-. . ..... Puiuls retM'ived at ah staifea of tb seasion. and boardi-d UmMiKh vacatsai f desired. See fir. culara, and further irtienisrs sidrw eitbar tutr. si. si. Miuiu- xiks. m. . wiiakii, er IVW. II III I IIIIVIKS, 1. m Jatte 91-i7-dam ' KITTKELLS SI'KIMi rEJIAI.E (Hrwy nro uovn.1 KiDK or hal. .H1H,,A A ' 4 HLr JIII.K lr KIT- . )ii:U.S fltfuT. KAI.KICH 4 Ait tiJOX a. ill, i H ' ' u 4 J, i fllHK neat esion will .-fa n On the 17th. July. I 'Jlis I siat..i;lia lor tlie"lsa st'luilsslie Vcsr eiu.ws tfii bosrtiors, whu-ii fa.ft sficaks for tlsell to l lie N.iiiii'iiy oi lite SH-iiiHtt. Tt'iiua riimI.-i-sUi and u'etmiuiialsllnir. verv nwiil oa tttNHi rciifwe.1. Pies nisUrceiwM Ae., Ao., . - li. li. itlll'li n., iTosuielil. .., fctl trolls tipciuKS, V . 0 June 21-.7-liu YADKIN COLLRUE AND oVir.':8;:E'1!ll4-N,:A:BT - I'Mvldson Comitj-, K. - fTAHK alsiT IiMittutious will open, in buildiu, M. a mile snare, august ins, i-h.i. iu iToaideut u tliu ineutuuuus wm oe asMs UhI by tbe ucoHssary Teschors. The diitus of th two school are lawitivetr ills- tlnot. ' Ktiuletita can board whit private faiuiliea,ii ttuy iirsfur. Our boardina-houiHi iul. olticue have beenrre-ari-Btiged, ao as to insure m.mlort. Hooks, elotiitui;, Ati., kept on DatiiL near Dy. tor aeeomaioiuitioa at a snuUi iier rent, i Tli lrsidcnt buues to be sble to enter ten yonna; bus from ton different counties lor the next aesaum, and ierbss saiger; ami wsjt Willi them nntil tbey can pay by teaching or ntjicr- wis, 1 bay Blast u ovsv tweuty, suund la Umw, a wllhu to ubaerv certain rules, a cony of which they will receive on SpiicUon. i EXPENSES FOB A DRS8I0W OP TWltNTT Tnitkst, fr.aaS5.00 lotJUUU. payuient in sd' nuteav - H -, ktanl 946.W. - ;; . ... ;. Knti sjx, SI. (li. r i . i , Hoard is liMii i'naid bv tha saonth. . . For futliier iulormaiRa, sdilrem, t Kav. O. W. UWiK, A. M. i Jury -27s-dawwlwtw. Prtwitbntt. jlHS MASaUM-8 PRIVATE BCHOOI ,. , '1 li tenth Session of Mixs Msugiim's Hi-I'ool for Touuk I jWi.'s at tha nidtrtca of her m-.th. r, Mrs Willie P. Uugaiu, will ununoviint ou llio lxt. of AUKHSt, lWi7. , , For Ctrculai a, ad.hess, - , , ,., ... , 7m Mum M. P. MANOrM. Car of Dr. 1. F. Ci, June 13-20-Cn llillsburu, H, C. 'T "" jpitAKKUNTOIv MALE ACAUEMT, " ' " WiU rwsnine dtitrcs On TS J.' July "1867" Taitiott sr aeasion from 114 tn f.'H. llistrd ner moolh fl'i to 115. For t'lnnilara ad- drH, tiKU. W. tiEAL, A. M. I'riuoipaL J una X7-TTJ tl JOCIrinntfl MAIJt ACAD1MV. . " ' iM fall Hesabat will tiriti JhIt Hlh. 1HRT. -Ttasis. (iH.k of il we ka:l llrd with Uie i'rincii.ala (waaiiuiK. hvloa aud towela ruA iiitTioupiii fv-iim l-.nplii.il Tuition, ; ju,(sj liin. tlrsek and Fwirnh, th jtr T o,W circulars soul ou appiicaiiou. . . M. H. IX VIM. I ,. ' , II. KrtllKfUElin. I nnripal. Juim u ;i Id glXRiTT llOARUINt) AMI) DAY (k!H00U J!it NAHU iStf Miss ICUI.tOCK, l'sismciij. The Fall Term of Di7 will -o vu tb With, juiy, aiHi oiiiinuAtw.iily aeiuk . .. t'irculara f.-wardd oa applivaiioa. . Juno A-iOiKbM - TYR. WILSON'o HUtltMtL,"-- "TAfELVILLE: ALA MA N( E C.., V.V, ri till: twvt mfvmiim of till fit-Kitf ttiUrti tItl trra X leinctt July iKtti. I - Vur ,0ilirf(-ii)p(y tit ritli r f tli rriin ii'i.14, !- A IA. I f k-'i Xt li it i A. lilt. JNO. WlLrt, J 1 rh" h' Jnuo lt-MI liaalwdsss) ... . . OXI'ORI) l-EIIIAI.E AC.UIDHIV ClUATiVILLE COL'NTY, JS. 0. . hrr, H. i. H11.L, I'Kiwirtb. fl'flK Ksll rHi.4i oimos Thiirss-lsv, thu ikkb. J. July lwi7. trcuiars tiwwarnV4 nint.l.'niiisi. June la-0-l.w - . ' J)Ki.MONT Kt'lllMtl, . ' " Gritntillc CtMiiil), , I', ill FALLSl-M-dllN'of l:7 bo.na July 11th. l;"jnriviri at ilcMik-trsnn, w v.. at tit urn p-r tTi.t., .will uu pronirt MHiTean, ior '.-ui.-iusrs, sintrtaw, . ' ' - H. II. URAtTJt, Lino ivJ7i-J,l.wlm lwd. N. C yAwMi'ke.Tailti isli.iiiit, ilMSl.TUN, HM.IMt ifi U. E. 1.1 k. PaastmtsT. sidevl bv i erirt . nf twenty IiiMrucnirs, ini-iuding a I'mfeMsv ,s . jt. .--W 3lf r. . tint ' IHr-Mmin-rrT-r-in-l.rirc--' it "J ' h.. . i .i..... - . ... . . .. . . : . . v- ''wW. . , " fyf foriiicr paiticaUra ai.pl v t.. I'l.- k"..T H I it ItUbfafcAJdsiiajilMS an. .. .l Ju.r -i-.'.ifW HBtatK - hai - L J mhcellanlXus. JOVlSLfltll FEsIAI.it t ol.ldK, 7 ' . . ; . , FRANKLIN LVk . 7N Tli Ksll Hrssim will begat oa Ibi, Wtk M aeuiy laJulv. bni rM sd.eiitaijMi sis hers trfl-r.H to a Unif ied nnndr p..(-u.. iM-aieMt phas.i.t aud bcsitlilni. i'tSliMM uf sto.lv-elt.n.ive. -it, hi im.v. ItoHi tltortHilt and . u..u wandaiti ,i sl toininrinla Jt.'bssHia a.lvtitM,. (ptB Terms r"aial.it jw I itw.iu iitaiintitf full tfcwtiimual, si).ly to . . f . 1. M. Ji.Nk .t, Jun lo-ii tf . Frawdeut, V- WHOLESALE GROCESS. O tt HAL E , V- -' . V VKBit ms BLACK HK It ny WISE, inly 4-2Hl-tr 1 . - (iroeera 1.509 Bushels Com t,v ssle. - ' I'l LUAM. JONKH A (X), rJnly MTw-tf -.- - tthoieaaie Oner. QITE1U0R K. C, WHISKEV, lu lit.ls and ws,ur lbs Biaksuf Kick W.illisuis TTX: Tauiilv l louTTErkwl I'eaubaa and Aihm. . ' "u auviiieiu outiur, aa ih...i. . i. .... . , , JuB8-a3Vt WbaleMile tiroiwrs. t) O S I a H M S N T e 10 Parrels Ta.lVin Co.. Ttva tSTuIsW v. 811 r o e and tea gallon Kegs, . " , ' 10 lisrreia aelrivd tJoru, -., 111 . . tieetitiwl ... , , " . Aiih) llrandy, , fa tlsbi. tt-iiiMriion)f Wine. , 111.1 Madeira " 40 i Kherrr J - 9 - r I l.l O.irnse llrsmly, ' ." MosBfria. , . - '.V '' 4rt Cjv. fttr h Wine, '; '; 9 baskets t'lismnsirue. " ' f'lisks 40 d..i. Knot A fkimy rnn tWa Haw KiVer Hi Whuikes. lt of atiove w kuuw to b good' anil wa" will ' . P. WttUAMsriv a m ; ' ' i ()oainiialmi MerokanUk nR i(rn, nnis-stat-tf II KUIUKUHI HK1U1ING8 1 1 II EllRINUH 1 1 1 Jli tltrrl K C. Cut Herriims. 1 W . " Nlvtlni Htirruign, Niwtidk In. . teetiim, - -r-v 10 Ilsm'la Oooo Nuta, -." . i y!w Just 'reeoivwl ad fiir sate he - - II. P. WUJJAMvVIN CO. July 1 87ft-tf . . MISCELLANEOUa 1ST 0 T I CI The nott irenersl HieetUu uf tha Hiikhiil.tin.. of th t hsthaui hailrosd t 'oinpaiiv, will b held at tli olhee of the Kl. iKh A (iastoa ltsilros.1, in KsWgh, on Monday, the bilh, inst., at 11 u'clock, A- M. Jutye-iW-tf , ; Jkie'y. tASBI FANHIl FAK8III , ., Warm waather ba.eoan at last, and, with it , FANS OF AU. BIKES AND DKCRH. ' ' " - INil ASO PtN'KET t'AN'8. t We 6vs iwuiirlit out a Kreii.-hinmi. whn Utntr failed iu New York, and w ess" now S.-1I von a bet ter Faa st 15e. ttisvVk ever bnurhl befora at Can iii raovoitr A snmr.f V. 11. A H. K, TTOKER A 00. Mayai-lVWtf "4 aiTfATItftV WlTl.-: -,v-''; . -.-, -V- i . - - - .; A Xouiig Lady, who ha experieno In teaehiiig, desires to obtain s ailuauou as 'I'naiiher of tli tiilieh Inmn hm ia a t'muilv Ruhool. ia- aa an a aisUtik. The best biatusjiuuls will be sires. AsVlrea the. - " LDITOllS OF THE btNTl.NKL. Jaua 19-365-tI PIEDMONT RPIIIIVGS FOR IALE, . ON THE 1STH. DAY OF ACat'flr. lsfiT, WE shi.ll sell, on the premises, atpnbhcauctlmi, toth lUKlii-si biihlttr, th eelebratsd Wsteriug plasia known as : v . ritEDiroNT srniNas, and 6KJ arena of land atUched, slinstad in fltokea imntT, siiui c srauus, tursa niilea Irom tus .pnaioi uie oouuty, - 'i his valuable propertv ia in th midst of th moat picuires.iue anil roinautie aeencry io Ami ri ew. Th salubrity uf the ehmat and virtue of llit water ara Uk well known b need comment, fit and aniltbln aeronunudatiuua for 'FOl'lt Ill!N DltKU (il KSTI. iur hirthor infonuattim apply u M. W, hiitallwissl. Kich-Htiiisre, Northsuip- wn afinuiv, a. ,. . i'rssi or Sua :-Twetv months credit, Isiad sou si)iT. security with mterest from date, title rvlaiued till imnhss monev paid. ' M. W. iSM ALl.WOtil), I !...;. - - JOHN TUJJilty. 1You'M r July 62ft3-td v ..,, . . ",Ji,;. T. JA91EK IIO TEI , NEW OHLEANH, "k. FRIIT9KI1 Wat. A. lirKn,.;......... OrN'kwOauusa. W. F. COglkrda', Bputtawood Hotel, lUcluuoud. ' TELEOBAFH ASD lUtLBOAD OFFlCEA'' ' Iff BOTUMUt or BOTSX. Jjdrj4ap-: 9ia F OK tt ALE TIIE BAN U ISO HOUnR AKI) U)T BKUiNU- ina- to ilis llsnk of Mis Htsl if North t-aroltus, in ihet nynf Htclli, will )ihn".ri fi safe, the preunsos, on Tu. 4v, UuSloib. dy of AuHtiot nei, stU oVi.s k. M. v Tkitast tiu thinl Cah ; real. hie m Wire equal iustalnHiiiilaof Hit, Twelr aud tugliic. u tiionihs.wiMi hiterset lioiu day at saw. I.'mi.I. with ..nrto,l .-.-unlv, wiH b r.ili-ed and lllh-. rt-tsinwtl HHtlll Iha wIhI pan-base uhhisv is pni.L I'Im. liaak riwervca tiie pnvdega iA lusk iiiU on U4. - ' v- -C. DEWKY, July ti 3s.V.'swl, ' Agent. yt a & w k si a ',r,. ;"'':;;.; : : - The f..ll.,i,ii,ir c.t.l.rud VIKlllM A ttPUINtist' if . s.y sMs-saJ' r0tiwl and abort atsite bn.. ov.-r i.-ii.nI riaU. ui condortsblM 4.a.Iim l.v mtti-tr-t liuiiid to l-n ps.iKir. will bs riw-u f.s- rumors oa aso n tub 1st or Jcsa lmi7 I WHITE HI l.PHCR, '"" ' 't ; "'. llunaMia toi'STi, W. Ya. PFLT HPHINO) ANL HALT HL'U'IIUIL ... . M'blNUrt, I v Mokbu Omnt, W. Y- Jioiue e.i Virubua Central rllrid to Jacksun i.iver u.'isit until sIhhiI loth. July, thn Uis rsili.d vll be run in CoviiikUhi; ami from bonsa. k a, oe kh. Virtttkira snd Tmneasee rsuiosd, tii stages. HOT Hl'lll SUH, ' . . ; 11KAI.INO 8rilll18, sad BATH ALUM WRINGS, bT Cocrrv, Vs. ItouUieia Virni.iis Central railros to Millbora1 '. .1- ' desaav. . - ' ktH kbltllHiK ALb'M HPKiNOH, Ko.tBita Cora-rr, VI. V rJ Konl su ii(jiina entral raihoa.1 to fhwhsn d.4. . AT t.l IIITF blU'lU It AU M KrutMia, V ('oBiaai.r HTsiai.ixo's.) Ijoirf. riu T. UltI.j-.iltua4 tx KUkUoit- 4lvnT-v- Tr ;.. J.yfi'f rtl'-". r "at n'S" " ;-' "" lf.,lla 0 n AS l.. fona-n, -V 1-kuS'J! -C!arVuianl!tattf tsrsnn and Ah-ti tlnloaii.wavilie eVpnt, on Vuguiut and gltABn - TII t uiMit n w unm Hruixc'ri, - - luririoi i tnrgTC,Y.T'r. " as sl.v to C'livner Hprinps atatiun, Ytr- II. nl li....a a ntuawv rauiuau , TnttoctiltiicKErS' -: Van be prncured at tli prlnrt plxettii West North, and Kt lr,-Vv Iktr lit a nor I named His-mga. . THE FKOPIUKTOKS of tb above Hidings have proyidnl an enlir out. ' " ' nt ..( . "." NEW FCR.V1TTRE, is. 1- tu all d.srtnJids, hd wul tn tvury sulort to make, visitors satlaiied. ' May 9u-t4iu ' ' - LIFE "ISSD'EAIf 1 AMKETft oM.KU:'-- p.-':.: H Si 5;0o b;oo o;oo" I w COW SI tsvsti M lIHISt, COXXEQUCUT VICTUAL LIFE J t x if r r k cn --co .n v y : r: OP TIAltTlOItl), CONN. The I.4trgrt IJfe Iiiauruure I'oni- tttitt) lis 4lte-VirI4 S IT HAS NO STOCK. rxriTAb : TH S "1PTE KH MilUaa liollsr aH t-4t rWicy hid- Icra, wiocb.jiij,w exc-cd tljiiri, siut not witiiHtwno- iy ti. p.y,iint .rf. mi1v j- runt .livuluail .OwSV ear, tlierw M now a surplus m orer .o.ii.issi.(i. I bis bad, throUKb its rnur buturr, tiie auud- leat averaee' eioeuiH.. aud. tlurolore. it la His safest and ebespest Lifs lnsuraiHw CAinipaiiy in' Iiesuest 1 iiisny ia i xntreaoe. 'That Comnsnv ia which tba areraire epenii are th low pet and tlo rat of internet obi-amed iitvoMtmcnls is . tiLtt btiiuiii tothey tbinxs . being ita ,) slSirils :if insurance at lite h i ecMt ; alo that t'oniisoiv t the safes tu wlinji Ilia hu-geat umulwr w iusared.1 ' - : THAT COMPANY W THE CONNEiTTl.-' ; CTT MUTUAL. ' ; This Coinpsiiv eircsthe Pdlicy hohlcr a eredit at forbearanrw of nna half hi premium, sod ia ease is! early death, lit divtA.4i.ta will alwaya equal tha number o( mil-slsiuiinif eredita. : All poiicics iKin-liirfeiilMjW Iit ,hnir km. Nit- rttra"efiarce nmoe on po'Uf s h iUUrs tirrait m tlua -i SAMUEL t. WAIT, ; - i . - itntieral Airent fitfN.tt. ' Oftlot wikb P. ILFbwcuu. Aaabl iur Hsieiur and . vicinity. ', . jaus la-aii-im " PITIRSBTJEO ADVXMISISISIS.- No, llt Main street , : ; , (ovrtwrrK THE poot office,) i -t Richmond, V.J : TH09. BRANCH ft" SONS, . ';,:;:'.; :;4. oii irit , ' V, ; ' ', ! "I ' "PETERSBUKa,; VA.; BUAKCII, SO CO., ;-.v-;::;; , i Broad Street, ; " r; y ''y-'- "ACCr8TA,0A p iiAisi kerb,; " .;: m 'x AH D - v.- '."v T - Cotcmiissioix lMcrcliaiits, Kseeiv M.m.-y n tlepoait, ubjnot to sinlil'hecks,, , . s awl allow interest ou aam as etfrved upon ; Ne- " " (oust Ijisna ; Mska Collrrtimis tlirt hiii th ' - ' . L' luted HtatH. and buy aitd trU i tvanuuaatuw, ' Bank Note, llouds. tueJs, An., Ac. TIh-v also oiler their service f.w tli r' ssj , - purchase of Tobacco, Whest, Corn, Cotton, Ao. " ' ' " Their seivbir, Thisi. HratH h, with an iMinriMa-' ' ; y 1 of thirty year iu th otaumission trade, will aiij r . fi , aia pemauM auenwoo to ui luciiraituiu iouey . aud eiiifu toKivs satiHtsxition to ins old ft lends 7 and all who may favor- tlHW with Hwir palntaami. Csab SdvaiiMSi uuui oa MuuiiH."t.t to to.- j-. .t - - and to tboir curresiNaidMila m liaitiui.a-a, dew kork, Ijitpr)sHl, LuuiIob, Antwerp am HmuMi. , .. tiusno. and other otmeanu-stsu. Manures, fur- nisiieriUi their regnlar. customers,' "Kpeeisl attoii- '. ; ; tu wgivsn W tbeewH-uuou if Cotl.41 purcuseo, by -. - TBiML MUMCU A. HONS, Petsrsbarg, i---- ,,,n;iw,.i:,i,..,)v,-'i ' 5. i --f-S;.' ": BKANC1I, SONS A CO., Augusta, Oa. C Ilia lllchmntid Hons transniitting telegraph! ' :) orders to sithcf house, aa msy I fertfcd. j. ( wa er paving Ut highest rait for llsuk Mots and Soiithra atvuiiltce; will hand relurua witb check (as Ihsw York, Ku'hniond or Psterw- bars:, tor. all peck ant to our ear, at beat ' Valea. . ' - , ' '' Ws Will bny old Nirth Carolin Bonds, Too piavs, Heglattired, ata-aUibed An, also detauhed . -eiaifsins.- , 1 haih-iawl Stotrk baaght and aidiV --'CI ':' .'. Tbs t41owlng sm th preseut rstes of owPl .- . . tarebnrg'.ltuiiM tor N. i'. llsuk doUm, aud ar lutbi to thsitfn - Die highest rate paid when ' note ar rivi?d. hsnk of Csh Fear.'.'.'. ....... . ....... SK tjbarhrtte itf ' .J ('larMuioa. , . , Comuters. ....... ..,.. ,.,.13 ' Fayettvvdt. 9 tainiil"ii, :. . . .. . ..,.14 - -t OrikhaMt.-; .v..v-.-. . . .. , irr;.9 , Korth Uarolliia,.,,.,.,., ,.,.,.;,.,,. . - '; iL.ttsH-o' o o ThoiuaevUki . . ... ; 6o r - - WalcHtxirinh..... ,,.. M VYashHtfthi.......X. 13 WilniioKt'xi..;.. ....A.............. ..i -- Yaili-evulli... t.- ........... . V Coninierriiil Itauk W'ihiiinnlon.. . ."...C... V-.'! "" Farmer's llsuk of North tt-ohns. A.. ja tireensbtao' Matual Insurauca t'o..V. ........ . S Merchant' Bank of -Ncwlicru... ...j..,.. bit . Miners' sud 1'iaub-rs' Jiank , 0.1 l'bos. branch A Sons will fi wrl fmih IVtci-a- . bwrg, free in rvmnntssion, sli oonaigimiciits to v" nicm. imvm ii a t u., iwcuuiaiiu. Feb-t4- ,. - ,. v'.. BOOK STORES. I'avrt-i t nv it((Ht WutU urnl tlart l'Bw. Tittt.t li Kttu 'vx. . - It aiw; ui :.Jtt.. -i;.-(-;-(-J -r.7: KtKt 4Mir toV UIhuu A. jluvwiKHi lmtf bUtru. roKTANT ITEM, IU-.k snd rUstionerv ara still rheauer ttian ab.-n w wii.lv Jim last. -In piuvl.aMiiiK our new Stu.-k of g.Mdfl, we hav s I. -ciml only t l'ltV" lll.nf Aif lllMH, snd toaol ul' UiMi ws ISiul to lie clKiftpcr tiistiiliciuiHta qutdllies pun-has. tt tn Jajilisry slid I'Vls-iisryi. l buy ii.jil.inn hut .,..1. A- i,i. it, hence as can alloid to s"ll lor imnih u . fs, lu or.h r lr w-wi lloi.i- ir.ust ftuvwetl, and this, " sovi.ral yesrs f exMrii n.'c .-trnt'li'S us Io do, H ia rtstnly our iumri-et to fiva khupisI ssusfsn ti.ai, and this bs aiwavs tcn-x..iir amu Vs ar to-day r..c.-ivina; a hit of lint- i-'it n- ii and Allien- , call, Letli r Ntrtc, Slid Foolscap pij, win, b will sii rcas.rtial.ly, tail at uur New Mors next d,r above TnrW New JU.1L; .... liUANSOX, FARRAUA ( . June 2a-2fi tr s 0METU1NU NEW I -liiOTOtifUta IdLLlt STUART'S FKKKMASON'-S MANUAL! tS DAVIS A TRAITOR t Vr. LivingsUKM'slTrsvi 1 and Exi.l.rsii.Mi in fhnith Afrit. . . lUnstratwi, Dictkmtiry.tif lb liiiJe, A. All justuhaiidat'ttiirea eoi uer, our sew stors. ' 1 , ..... , , BRANSON, FAlUtAU& Crf." - Jnn t-ra-u WILKHTOTOU ADVERTSKKrSTS. D. 0. YiOUTH, N.o. PANIEL.' WOIITII A IMMLI. Kfiiiliig Ac C ui'iti I a s I a n Sf e r . aLs'J- WTCTlN-tJTi'iN",' y 1 t-Binrrit. tlsir. ti.-iiiii,. I-.,..- -- vjsn 'Insw sprw t. tesji 1 ... . tut.iuuuut a.jj--.- - - --t-AiX, o..r aii-Tatl kukIm t.i i tu. Airrntator nanus's l'.kw lS,ue Sii.cr p...l,f of llmie. A. nts for tb HU.elliliiu line. I'btUuVlplii Kocthwa 'ilHsil . Agent fts litKMlspsedt weekly htcsmahip h Adent ftu- Joos Smith A Co't., hn nf New York sail packet, Fa 'i e-l.d-tlm . 6LA8r JIOLAS.l-;.S ! I ' fi-hr. AnU'lotn (i;rcct from Cardcrts lis 11... i. v - " - .'t I .- t'a "ar.'i.-nas I ,.Wci, . .- 41 I" is. f.T sale bum wtjlrf, tt lain prices, by I s h , nJ ' - - tARU X A CO, junse-27vaw . . , ".fit . --, .r- !r

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