.. J TEREA OP SfPSCKimos. rnrx i ri!i!..hi every osy wt m ;-'':: X . rtr in. eiHii'ti,.- . -r two nautili,. ..-I; 1 liTf-tr llt'.ii'iia,.,.. . . rot ntouut. ...... US tms y-r, h ..iii-VWI. It Sentinel onsyvsrV a ' - M mn B,,,,lii, ' Vy getttiusl, ou vear. " m mouth,. . . lorn . A.nu ...,.. .......l.S T J ULSENTIN J'L. WM. K PELL. BEATON GALES, ' ejjitoi:. 7 FRIDAY, JULY 19, 18C7. 11KOISTEH! KKdlSTKM lilCOISrifl! On. Pickles will bo doubt, in a short time, issue hi order fr Registration, ami will jecify, w trust tUfloitcjv, ao a to be fully umterstood by every one, who are en tit Idl to rrgitil.tr and toll, fto a ai the day Arrive for tlie registration, ,w beg and implore every man, tlim entitled, to go and mjint-rr. Let noOilojjmt severe sickness, or disqualification under the law, prevent yoa from r' litcring. ' .' ' rilK PASOLK AlfD JTH OBLIOA - . rioxx i Urn. Pojss, of "District No', ft" in a r cent correspondence with Oeu. Grant,- pre the opinion that Ilia provision of tb parole, given by ci Confederate officer, at the time of tlie surrender, bind tbent to refrain from txpreVin Or counselling op position to tli acxieptaric, by the peoplr, t tba Utdh of tli'e Iteconfttruclioa Ax'U ot Coogreaa. (iea. Grant, lit reply,. ia under atood to bare coin idiid in lliiiriew. i " 10 our judgment, tliii ron.tr urtivip U ultM-ly unwarranted by the facta. Lent we may be mUuoderatood, we tukt occaaioa to repeat, what every boneat rtailnr of tbe Sentinut know tn I the an, that we are in favor of recooatrucliuK, aa aptwdily at . pnauble, under tbe Congreaalonat U-i1a-t)on, however on wine and netariona we may belie?1 that iejfialatioB to le. To tli end, we bare alwaya d viand oor people tn reg- itter and to vote for delegatea to a Conven tion. But, at tlw aame tioM. we bave no dinpoaition to upbraid or denounce tbone 1 who, in the eiert ise if a conwierjtiooa cb vicuoa, iuibk utuerenuy j anil, in cane where ex-Confetlerate officer, wbo . have been pardoned by, tbe Freaident, bav uiirutd tbemaidvei u appoeed to a Con vention, we renent it, at an imputation up on tbeir untarniabed honor, that tliry bave thereby violated tbe ttilcmn oblijjationt of aoidier parol. ' , ' Tlie termi of tbia parole, in effect, requir ed tlioae giving it to return to their bomea, ' olx-y tbe lawa, and not to do certa'm tbingn iiicon.tixW-iit Wltll that parole until declared eicbiuiged or otberwin rclievwL Boon a(lr the ceMation of hoatilitlra, the Prcai. dcM of the United Stulea, tiy proclama tion, extended parJtin and full cxemptiou to tlie rank and file of the late (.'onfederiite arniy, and to all ofllrert below the ruiik of ('olotjel, and tm linirethereof. Huliw((uent- ly, at variou tiuiea, tlie I'reudunt, in the rxerciae of authority ventw! In biia by Con- greaa, ba qxcially pardoned a Bimilr of oflieera alov that rank. Wlieu (nrli wai the caae, the peculiar and liitrinie rddlga- tioo of tlie parolo ccaned, and jUieie only erveu('d the obligation, imputed upjm all gooa citizens, to olH'j ttieirrm'tituted autbortUe and utlieerve the lawa of the land. . . . But let u look at the wording ot tbe Rc- countructio Acta tbeinn lve ; The origi nal Act, pawed on the 2nd. of Jlarch, clearly contrmplrtte lilx-rty ol ehction, In a certain aenae, upon tbe part of tbe enfran chised cl lor it eipreaaly recite that "irki the people of any on of tlia laid relwt State ahull hav formed a Couttitn tion of government in eecorduuee with the Constitution of the United 8tatC!," A, and "iff'' certain other tliina aball have been . dantvf Am "aid State hU be tbndared en tilled to reprisentation," &c. The Act tbu evidently looks to tbe powdlnTity of the re jection, by tbe people, of the propotrd con ditlou; and the only tvnpuUwtt implied la that failure to do what Congrewi propoae , will hav the (fleet to pcrpetunt military rule and keep the Stain out of repnaenla tion. The Supplement, pawed March 2Ut., not only holda out the Mine Idea, but H prely and uneijiiivcKally declare, in tee. , that "at tmh eltrtion tli registered vo ters (nd w know of no one who ia op posed to registration) "of each State alia.ll vot fur or ugatMt a C'onviiiition to fru a Conititution thereof under tbi Act." To say that a liberty to vote aa ou please 6oi not ! involve the lilierty of advising other a to bow Viey ought to vote, would br Binjjnlar proposition Inteilr"1 W reassert, therefore, that while tbi legislation ia severely penal in th ariiM tbat it impose unauthorized condition, still it aHotts every quulitiod voter to do as lis please, with the privio that if the major ity choose to rtluseto elose in with the terms of Congresa, then Mey are to be refused their rightful placsj ia tli L'uhm of th State. But it i alleged that sct tion 4 of Blip plement, Ko. i, pascd t the present iessioo, v'.Ue tba statu ol all woo oppo reeon. tction Coaventiona. Not at What is the pluraseology of tlmt sect ion I J Why, lb duty fif Ciuuman ler to rt'move from oilio, as f,resaidT all pi-rs.:.ns wbo are disloyal to th government oUtiuit the due and proper. 1'iwveut or proper lull.. !r:!io8 of Hi is act, JMd thejK-ts ta k ;. :i t s is t i , ii',i thia-iaai.. p!y c pait of the j-olifg of the dominant ' pisTlT, Ta'urtherauTiS of i jpaily' 'athetM to 1: ; ,; '.;.'s L'ie- Pt ite, to prevent persons ia t:vil i !ri from jM tsuading the opfe,over whom IU my ntur.-lly be expected t have e wnriij to oppoa the measure of t.i-t ,,'. It L and eau Lsrj no refer eur e to ft i.:r ers s'i 1 soldier of the army, tot in li;r.whosi tight as cilixen in tbi u,-.!ei r. it 'upon tb nnmUtakabl guaraa- t.'. s 1.1 tsi yr, lu l uwt-lgni r ' vp " v,' -ii;y t'.,l ,i U tiie duty of Ail j,(.r ,-koli ill '-, i V. V, io.'Ht n ju, to tUeh, UJC- Uon i,ioscJ uptVn DinW CommaniVr in .. fr vmninmM Ml - - -4 ......t.jofficialin8wm-uto bin.ier, delay r pre- W - . - i.. t:.. -C . veiitv.li uu a.nu pmper uhuuukjii"m " tlj'tsi Art." This, ot course cannot aflert thi-ght of private udginit But rath er than throw official Liii'tlranc In . the way, (even without itnppleniant No. 8J they slioultl resiyu at once. ' " Tb following dtliat occurral b tbe rlted"Pratea 5etiaTe;-or1tonday lat. We are glad to see that ve tb Idicalal tUe rVnaie have not yet rrcbd Um point which Mr: -( b; in- assuming that tbr Mouther Hiale are Hot BtaU-e, tut ono iiierwl pruvincea, nd that tire CooatitMt'w b'mytbTb HennU very cb-arly eon tend, that thry are HttUt, od Mr. humner n.n? liie Hi idea, miffgeined by tb Frew dout, that tb action of Congres ba ignored their itence, aa State, as very jutly to raise tlie quotum wbtbr or not tba United State govemnient baa nt tUere- Lauldlnatad itacll. according tolhelswaol J l , nation, to iy tb debt of tb State. We quote from tb lnUlUgentr : . Tbe Chair laid before tbe Hcnate a eui sinnication from the Preeuleot, trannitting all orders, opinion, sent to tlie district eommaudera, and eatimatlug tb amount necessary to cary ou,t lb k of recosi sir action i , Mr. lloward, referring to that portion of tbe message in which tbe rmiilent liuue to the assuuiplioa by tb United Ktate itf tbe debu ot tin rebel Stat incwrred before the war, aaid itwa all nn.nhiiie, and d-i)iied for party purjxiae. Mr. Hendricks aaid i be Frwidenl bad nt eipreased any opinion on that subject, lie had merely mal til euffgftatbm whether, it the Southern JUale were to I treated as couqnere.1 province, tlie lulled Htate Would not bave to pay tli deina oi iiiese State. This doctrine bad len laid down by Ofiv'emor Morton, of Indiana, two year ago, in a speech enbrtiig the Fresident'a ooliev. - '' , - klr. Sumner said that, . a question of law, there wa nothing clearer than tlo-l the rebel fltate Wer responsible for all their just debt and obligation. The Htate still existed, and tbeir just obligations luucrea in them, and could not' be evaded. Mr. Johnson thought it wa not advisable for tb I' resident to ettpres byjiothetlcal opinion on the (uf)ct f publie duaiiee at tli prevent time, When the debt was so large, and the people o sensitive on the tubjeot of it increaiu). lie didn't beMeve the Presi dent wa correct in hia aasuniplion,' Tbe- SotifJiern tUates st'll existed as Wates, and not as coqwwd provinrea. . , . , Mr. Keaarodrn regrrtteil that the Pre! dent had brought tins aubjeet before ' the Senate in it oreaent bait. H did Rot think tli President wa just Hied in the iiggestion. II planted them a entirety fallacious - Mr, llendrieks did not think the Govern ment of tb United Htate could rightfully b bound to pay the debtifot the hontliern State contrtcted liefore the war. The ob ject of th war as avowed by Congres wa not the cowjuost ot these M,tes, but the sujiprraslnn of the reliellion. 'In th eveut however, of tbe entire; absorption of the State by th Federal Government, it would b nrsi'tieal umsUoo of irrest nioimmt whether these rUate oldigwtfon would not rest upon tu Oeneral (lovernnient. -; ; Mrl Howard again tik the floor iu iJppo- aitlon to the views set lot tb In tit Treat dent' niessaire, which he abl were ralca lated to alarm capitalist all over the couo ' Mr. AVilsoo swid this message was In per lect Keeping wmt the action or tlie fresi dent during tbe last two ymis. Tb I'rirsi. dent bad during that lime lot no occasion to allude to the bonded aristocracy, and say ahat bncould in disparagement of Congress, and everything connected with it policy of reconstruction. I be policy ot longres would increase th valu of th national debt, and of th debts of the rebel 8t Mr. r-'relinylniynen tsl irlad that this nie sage met with renui tr endorM-ment In the Henate, He regretted tbat th Trust dent bad sent la snch s document. It might have a bail lili-cl wore it not that all intelli gent people would throuiili it lallaciea. There bsd been no eoiiijutilol the 8uuth em hi ales. lo tbe d'ctrm ol conquest could not b mad applicable at all. CiTf'1 PoT Otrftrw PiepjRTMitNT.-Our ciiizeog wvre riirpriwl n yvsterday to learn of the removal ol Kir. J. i. I'oisaon and tbe spHiintmeut of a Air. Brink,- Postmaster in hi stead. We do not know Ur. Brink, but believe be has been here but a short time in the employ of Colonel Foster, late Collector of tliis Port, ' There ha been no dissatis faction expressed or complaint mad of Mr. i'oisson, so far as we hav beard, and h i regarded as most efficient and competent Postmaster, a be I a most worthy gentl man, and has given great satisfaction to cit liens of all classes. .He haa been la th dis cbarg of the dutie of tba ome, acceptably to the native and northern resilient of our city, wbo recommended him, sine shortly alter the close of th war, and hi removal, and tb appointment of a atranger, com hard apon the heel of th rumor that inch an attempt wa on foot. Mr. Pniaimn I a gentleman of advanced year and ha an ; Invalid family dependent upon his lalMira. Wilmngtom JvunuL la theae time! when men ar so greedy for place, and so reck tea of any one' interest but their own, all oSoe holders, whatever their age, necessities, competency or hon esty, should avoid, carefully, all hope or calculation about remaining in ollire m cus ti Very highest qualification form no good reason, why personal greel, or persoual malice, or partinan trickery, will not oust tlfrin. It is a cruel' spirit, one with which w have no sympathy, and oa we cannot, under any circuinstauces, ap prove. W believ that every public and private interest in th oount ry is jeoparded by the remoml rf krryttrtet, honest and competeut oflicer;.and aeriou injuatW -S ditn rtv sink nian. siid Wtwi.i.llT V n.l of n'e. who ,. is wholly! A m when be-ia -mJuT S.TX iiwheu be-ia rcmovvl -.-tw gratify- any IBiere pcraoiial or partwrn- evulv- These' are sr tiewa, whether 'applied to .National, or LbktJLttCjjipoj-aUimiccJWMing thesrt view, we hav hniversally urged jimng men, ewrjwhenj, to avoid tba temptation to ollii e sM-king. If it be a siuecora, no young man should be lazy enough to seek it, aud if it lie one of lalmr and responsibili ty, old men wbo have been tried and tiund worthy, competent and boneat, should be permitted to enjoy it. Young men bad better grub, or pursue ny other honent 1 fcof, V,iiA oitice "wliii h w ill Uamtin-1 and embarrass them, render' them unfit for .i.:i. --.1 t . l. .1 j aiij 0110 mu noju n iita wiey ar ija- time vrlitn QitM CiULJiuiii.iIiira..it, ' . , , , Jo tin Htate, pftkfckkig pfeirt sd ipectat le ; one tt,hi!i our good old Htate vu former st'ruger. Large numlier d men, white and blmk, aeein determined to avoid barl work ttvn4:Imnrou for i.JfU. To dig," tbey are aliined, but "to hg" ; , office, tttry cud doit without MMbjb!,nJ'ofciLiJd bolder Vu kp In memory Tarri's a lli r in u tion, "lor here bave w no continuing city Frosa ths listiousi luullieiMr. Hi House ot Kepresentutive the oilier dsy appointed a committee to inquir into the treatment of Vutoo prisoui-t ly twr called Confcdeiate autlioritien. On tiatur day Mr. Mungen ord to instruct tbeaaiu coniiuitt to extend their iaquiriea so as U include similar invealigatiooon tlie other side. Ia the discusaion of tin proiHwition abicb, ttj the way. wa reiectetl ) M r. tMk ridir mI the surprising statement, tbat ia conversation , which he bad bad . with OeneraLpuld whoaLcbrejfJh) change ol prisoner cm the part of the Urn- midsw iiuiciumnii, ii ti' w fit.. inai an orj r was marie hi uc aeriu ' ram u th L'uion oOieer having tbe matter i rllsrge, tlist lie would give them SO.fttK L'nion prisoners, sick and wounded, (uiakiti; up tbnumli r of deficient, with able brnli. cd men,) ! vitHovi any timultat,. , aa the tjonleileratc government was unable to toed and take ear of them irojHrlv, aud that the otfr-r wa refused. It i probable that ImiKirtaot fact-tbu set forth would hav been disputed by tit partisan pre, it it bad not been verified u tfte sixtt by Gen eral Butler himself, who wa iu chare of exchange of prisoners oil tire uart f tlie I'nited Htate at tbe lime. He said: "Alt tlie eorresjHiiidi-iitw on the subject bad been laid before (,'oiigrcs in January, 180.V In the fall of 1804, after tbe exchange of prisoners bad been stopped, a proposition wa niaile by tlie rebels to giv up the sick iirisoner held by them at Pavannah and ilillen, Georgia A on ss transHirttion eould le got th pronwitiun wa accepted, and lit tenmbost were tent to Mavannab, and took off over seven thousand men. There bad beea some unavoidable duiay . iu it, eonaequeut on the operation of the army. And the oiTrf hail been uiade to" tbe rebels to let them aund cotton to New York, cll it I through their own agents, and with Ibe pro ceeds procure what w necessary for tbeir prisoner." - --. .-; -'.-? ' - v, Th fact tbat th offer was made to' rive np. "without raisW " 20,000 Federal troop, tor th resson .that their captors eould not properly provlij lor ttieiii, and that thi otfur skis uvt avaitcj at the time, but a proposition mucad wa sulHiiitted which would cceasaritv Bre called indcl- iuite delay, i her nneijuivocaJly admitted by Ueaeral Butler j b distinctly admitting, ss w understand tba ChnntfU't report, tbat upon receiving tlie offer b proposed uto the rebel to let tliefu send cotton to New Vurk, sell it through thetrown agent, anrt with tli proceeds procure what was nouwtarv - for their pMsoner. - Now, it would seem that these astonishing dis closure would almost render (tijieifluoua tli raising ot a committee lor the purpoc Of inquiring a t where lay th fault" for the "starving eondition' of Federal pris oners lu Houllicru AnilmVonrilles I not tt produced no peroriitibU tJJi-tt. iipmi tbe House, and we suppose tlie committee will peg away in th furthvr solution of -.Jib vexed problem. "' " A giave point, however, th committee niav vevy nttinifiy- lavesliunt. OeWeral Duller tilt a dismal Void Is this painful history by tlie convenient phrase, "There bad been some unavoiilable delay in It, conHquent en tbe ojierat ions ot the army." Tdiis "unavoidable delay" is all that appear to account lor Iu failure, even it tbe otter of th relieU.wa promptly accepted, of lb delivery of th thirteen thousand prisoner in addition totbc alli-ged seven tbonsand whom the rebel bad offered to restore to their hime ; and wbo i th jndg of "do lay eoneiient 'on tbe operation of tb rmyt" Wbo know itwa unsvoiduble I Who know it waa in consefiueac af army oierationf Wbo put off th mourning kindred ot these perishing thirteen thou sand with tb assurauu of "army neces sity t" The answer is, this exploded and inglorious muddler in warfare on th floor of th Houstt Let tt be investigated;"--? in reianon 10 iius suojoct uie auw ior TrifWn of yesterday, after denying tb al. legation or nr. wooa, or new lorr, irra U editor bad charged tbat cruelttet hati been perix-t rated uiwn rebel prisoners, aud quoting extensively trom the report ot a commute of th Confederate Congres al- teglng iiich cruelties, remark a follow: 'These inculpation, w bav seen, wer publicly made, more tbaa two year ago, in tba report of a joint committee, They are professedly based on sworn testimony, ia good part quoted therein, and they bav tbus Isr received no specific, contradiction. We trust that they ran b refuted or vent materially softened by counter-tcstiinorVy, and w sre anxious tbat such testimonX snail M laaen oeiore mo am 10 giv It aball be mainly ch ad or scattered to the four wiud of heaven. 'We ask Congress. sine it haa too tardily resolved to investi gate th treatment of our men while prison er, to make the inquiry general and thor ough to demonstrate our readiness to face th whole truth. -, Vet tb lions refuse to d this, and on motion of Oeneral Wash burn, of WUcohnadopii the following f "Where, irresiioflsibl statetnenta bav been tn lo by persons in sympathy " with tb late rebellion, implying that the uowra mesTbt th United blatiw baa iuhumanly treated its prisoner during the lajte rebel lion ; aud whereas norvideoo ha been pro duced to show that aiah allegation have' any foundation ia fact; aud whereas the loyal people of the United State ar well satisfied that In no instance wers it prison ers treated otherwise than with kindness and humanity ; therefor. That this House will entertain ao resolution which implies other tlisa tbe most kind, tender sad humane treatment of it prisoners, unless such resolution is ac companied byj rcsjHinsibbj charge that they HMiilMjMl....tftbfjisir.'' - , , ' v General Washburn w have esteemed a wi. and abla man, but tbia per.WmsT n.t smutm-llioisi si.l..u--t t. .M"0ttC!Lal i!Ctda. lli,d-.WHJt'itt'-wr'Wt4fe. oil esnu 4h w-irt not tm cite it as evidence that tb Republican iirr wot make a lull And tWin-vevtirttmrnf ttiCTreatmcnrpBiri; ef 15 J-facfi -party 'Is l our lafe rivirwar not veo btiore 3 cptnniittee of their own cboo ing wnd th impartial world w ill b like.v to agree with them. Suppose a European historian Writing the history of our great stniggi, with th Confederate rciHirt at'orc said belur btin, and only Ueueral Wah bnrne't preunbl and reaelv -1 weigh against it, caa then be any doubt a to hi conclusion r' x llorac Mayuard, one ot Browalow' beiK.lini.-ti, tituiortonk on the. stump in Tea nee b reviv the mvth about Jeit Davis' escape in woman" clotlic, but wa met by tb statement thaths was bitt; and did not press tb point. . -i hjk to be re6.Wf.;.rt6CTffj' i For tb Sentinel : MnssK. KoitoBS. I w a surprised to see my huuil.le usnte renting uoder tb censur ol a sharp criticism In yeterdaya btntitl, aigued - My peraonal history, U it snouid over o a niaUer ol tutfictent consequence to be eti ouired intol can betully and truly learoett atom taea whe ar opponent of Mepuldi j cainsur. - A But I du not ii!ipn-tUal' '". aimed ny ot tb peraonal llings, in hi piece, at uic l liu lieaa ana iroui "i my uni-nniuii sjiBilaJhatli. probably only this t&i. U-al: w - 1st, That am mu ether name, shim wa embraced in a list of citixen who Wer f- ) anted by tb BcpuUn:aa meeting - haw ia Iteleigh oa tb 4di. lust. M go to Wash ington, and make ifpresrutation there ut the preeuteuoliUou4 aflmr in tbiJtte, and . Sml. Tliat I am a liellever la the dictrtie of "Kquality of iu;jVr (As isat," as th corner atone of Just government. Now 1 baU goo', si - rripjeatcal, aud my opiuwm bail been akud m regard to tbe oroirres of reconstruction, under tlie reoent bills, in this Stale, I would have been ote Mgtd to say that, to far as I eould form one, .,4h)lt j( tulugh ia tUU g0wJ o ac naker I Stale nl the rtonln, were not in lully as gikal eiriidiiion a could be desired, tuey ceriaiofy were, at It-ait, "a well aa could be eKH-ie,!." And si from In would have come no adviiu that tbe exiliiig (Mat gov erninenU I overthrown and all tbe official removed by act of ( jnigre-s . But I would, ' at the aamu. tiuie, have said, I cuosVieuti ously believed Ibat tbe degree of peace and quiet in lb hi at grew, largely out ol. th tact that the civil ctlli ers baa tweu regard ing themselves as lb agent of Ueueral Sickle, liable tn lie remote. I whenever he thought they were obstructing th law, aided too by lb fact, additional, that the people at iarga took th same Mem of the law.' And 1 wirnld have-said 1 thought it tery important tbat Congress pas an act de claring that the civil ollicer and th people understood tlssT law rtyhtljy and tkat'Mr, Stanlx.-i'y had interpreted l vreyly. II Con grurs had wanted any fa titer admin from m, I would bar told-it that, alter passing the declaratory sctalormaid, unless it could msie a little progress toward a general smsesty, it bad better adjourn immediately. If tb members had tbtnt crowded around meandkyl my advic a to what they should do iir siKvifiwa, I would bavs told then I thought every one of theui ought to read the Dally New York TrUmn4 carefully until tbe regular session in. December. .By which time they would ee that th pdi est way to peace and proaperity, alter uni versal u fir ago, i vnictrml amiutty. If tb uieiiilwrs, then, in the exuberance of gratitude to nin,-had called on mo to name what "btwe'Nj wanted, to pay m for tlie advice, I think; I would hava taken a smart bundle of lull and winter "gsrding" seeds Irom the Agricultural Bureau, for myself and my neighbors, wbo hav itruggled so bard thi season, against al verse elements, to msk bread. . Now it may be tlmt my trip would have been difTej-Lnt from what' I have, written, hot I have given lb form and eolor of it as seen through the "spec' I bar mi here, at borne. "" ' : "rj" cannot perceive wby any man should believe in "Equality Ixfore tbe law," unless b wnt "biino." Do not despatr, friend j thou wilt ace into that, after awhile, ' "8" inquire what right certain iiic'u have to bear tUo banner ot reconstruction. AH mM hava that right. There's a banner tor every man, woman, and child in the eoun- try. Den. Iingstreet it carrying one. U Lur look sm aiiprorinly, if lie doe i en. not bear a lianiu r. "rt" oui;bt to lake one. Vestcrday my dog Cash annclal at me. II was gnawing a bone, CasA thought J uanuu ia,Kv M . v "8" talki lik a man Who ha a "lions' and is anxious shout its possession ; or like on who wsnis "on" and is uneasy about ever getting it. ' . Now, "H," I will wager a fcroeA with you, You know littls aliout ins except my aaine. I bar no blew whatever wbo you are. My proposition is this: yoa and I will compare recurua, ana 11 1 nre not bad fewer govern ment "lione" thaa you; or I if hav not ought fewer ; or if f cannot giv a better guarantoa tbat f tnll neesr teek thtm in fu turt thanyou am girt, then I will admit that I hav trumped up a mare's nest, and that th laugh ia o n your side and not ou muw. , -1 repriwb ho man who seek-or who has sought oflic. I believe a du respect sliunld oe incuicaied ior me pubiio service. Hut with all tb energy of rov nature. I do. w- pel the silly and grovelling alligation, too Allien mane, mat every citizen of this Ho public, who openly manliest any interest ia Its-existence, is brgging tb livery ot a public servitor. , ' . . .. : e. w. v6v. , Nkak SniTaiKU, loth. July, 1867. CorTMpondeno of th SentineL ' Vauinoto, N. C, July 15, 1867. Maasita. EntTons : As an item ol inter est, you can announce llio capture, near tbi place, on Saturday, tb l.ltb., by three gentlemen lrom Newbern, ot two of the negroes engsgetl in the murder of Jib Fos cu family in June County, they wore brought to tbi place and lodged in jail. These two, with th on in Hi Newbern jail, compos the entire party. Also, that a new - light -ba beeu established at Pamlico Point, and Mr. tUephea Ftwlr bas bee appointed Keeper. This, I think, make th eighth light exhilr ited on tlie water ol th Pamlico. ,. . Also, tliwt th list of Juror for th July term of Mat,tiu Court was challenged by ou of the lawyers, for not being iu con formity witb "Sicklea' CtIe,- and tbat the whole inry list wa aluth'shed- iitntTth Court adjourned over to next term. 1 ,v 1 our, 4c, ' v ' y ' -"A-' ' O:; Wak StKamxks to bk Beht to Max 100. The international diflkultie, likely to arise 1 ..i.i. .1.. ., r f... -t- '. in rviatiim -V4t'xite ueaiu vi maaiuntian uave put th Uovernment oa tbe cut vies, la order to prevent any foreign nations from taking .advantage st hi execution by inter. ft-ring iu tlia alliitrt ot, Mcxicti, -aeverJ w4 !I..TL ,.T V"YT U ZLV ta ku Uit Auatnan-fleet wbirh i to aarivt- n Mexican waters to rteinnhd th bmlv of I j A DARXET'Oet!tio!.----'Ietnif ia, de white folk hi Is abuvr us, and as deyws w Ueben wud-'rm, it k ind nh aggravale m. - And as to ds Yankees, tley are worse dan our -ttdk A Vankee-Betilier1 ktiSWs wbcsT to stop sxin a nigger to 'Work ; aud. whcn dc end ob tt year comes, aa' yoa ax him. for motley, bless de Lord, you owe kin. Mr. Aiken, who acted a counsel for Mrs. Sarratt ia her trial befor the Military Com1 mission, has been appointed a clerk ia th Treasury Department. r ' A young lady tfiKcW York declined to accompany ar friend to tli "aristocratic Uraco Clion-h," because "sh wa dressed for biimbl Mt. Psul'." : Feolieilo will hav a nice time if he takes bis proposed trip tbrougb th United Mates. Mai.iMii.tAn' A vtsor.iis.TU follow vng calf for 4 meeting ut sucb citizens of Kicb mond a wish to participate in the orgaui tatioa of a corps of avenger ol llie.tealb tit' th unhrtuuate Prince Maximilian, bas bu-n banded us tor puloiytion : . , Soldiers of the Arudcof Northern Vir ginia and I'otoniac. i On the continent, of allien you are naiivcs, iiouic aua gaiianx Priuc baa been butchered in cold blood by a lurrrll set ot outlaw and bsadit. The indiirnstloti of pmnkiiul has Imt 11 UUUMai i,, this7hrxifviui and br uul.out- I A Irt&ty III tocaui ot veuifeance ia oundad in echoing tones of thunder, trout Mam to tbu Uiu UlauilR- BoMleiil atTT heroes of thousand battles, du not each of yon feel called npoa to avenga tbia anexam pled and inhuman crime a stain oiion the civilization of the IVth cantury, wliich crie (viihki ior swiii, aiern aau oceisive rcirioo- tioa I Immediate action is demanded. Let wry-rHowerrrf tba gallant Lo and vku- nous Uraut meet to niorrrow ( Wnlnemlav) evmng,a tit Capitol hqusre, to give) x pression to the universal leelingol abhorrenc at tbi monstrous barlarity. tuamtutr hoi Hirer. Th first case in (South Carolina, coming under th provisions ol the new bankrupt act, was decided in tbe LOilmt Htates tkiurl. a tew days since. Judge ! try an charged tbe jury the the suaps-nsion by a banker, mer chant or trader, to urot hi commercial paer at maturity , and uon-reaumpthiu l payment wiibia tour tern uays, altuougii without fisud, created an set of ijisnlnnlsry bankruptcy ; that an assignment a made under the Htate law taut May, although in trust for Itt-ttt (it of tb creditors of a trailer, comrthutrd the assignor an involuntary bankrupt a tending to InmU-r aud defeat Uhe operntiims ot tbe bankrupt act. , 4 Registration commenced in Nashville, Teun., on Satiirdny, aud out of four hundred voters registered ouly thirteen were while. Bishop Quintard is ill at lbnuH, in Geor gia, with gastrin fever. , ' BXW ADVEfiTISEMENTS. JtW, V. UHU.KJt. KUO, M. WIM.IA NH. I1KLLKS A WILLI M.S, j Q H O C E K 8 " AND C O U M I H ri I O N July ld-XMni ..w-- MI88ES' HEELED KID SLll PEIW. jWITII U0SKTTKS f i Bises H.lo 1, t ?Se pr psir W-rlL V 1 tt'KElt CV-f July J9-!U4-lf LAIMK.V HKWKWMOKBOOO WtmU&' tl. lotl.sO. , . '. '. ., ;, Ai.?t), !,.'!,.';;,; ". A large stork of Hboes, whh h w ar elnaiiuj out at Krwulvmeiwt firices. - - T. W. il. it. 8. TUtKEir (.'. r July lt-Jl-lf , ntANUOLrU M1C0N CUUEliE, - ';, T l U 1 m I A . n'-.,;".-,'..J mm SEXTHKsiillJN orTUW IXsTlTmOK 1 ConisiHueea on ilia lMib or Kfjil. ls17. tn atilitim to lUu w:booU of Motsl fluliM'ipliy,' AiHAuut LamowKHs. Matbutlic. Nslursl i'Uiio- sopby Slid itieru lutirnsgea, tbe- board bsa aiauiisniMi a seuoui 01 .... , ; -r COMMERCIAL PCIENCE, in which are taught th braiH-hes of a business duoaUua thus auiung tbe literary, srteutitlc aoat praetieaL Yonns; men sluilviiiir fur tits mimstry. and soldiers disabled bv tbs tale War. wbo ars in neeesartoua cireuRMtaness, can at tend free of luiLiim. All BciwtUrsliip vaUit, fcxpeuiie fur ta luotitlw. iudoduis; swats, use of furniture, (STsrstfeuj fuel, luci'i, wasniug, maliicuUluss aud ootilitiKtit fus sod ttittio 111 thru sellouts as ss fo oounpy tbe whole luue tJuu ; one nau psyani si Ui tetriuuig Ol eacn ten. V -.. A daily line uf harks fjbindav eveeutedl runs from Moanoks hution, (Uiehiuito i llsnvilia ttailruad, ) to Borillon. . , Head for Cirrulsrs, f ' ' 1 1 " "' THUS. 0. 3UHNSON, ' - -: - - - - frmadeut. Jtoydtuu, lleelileuburg t o , V, Jul; W M It A M B, j - , .... G tERiiTcOM.MISSlO"M E I tCOAK TJ TPB ike Mate of CotLon, X..boto-LoK 8ti-.pa, niuuKiiig aud Lvj n 111, riimr, Curu iXd i" nU, ml oil utbttt uaittr jyt t..-!, . NOKFOLK. IJVEkPOOl, AMU L0.VUUS.1 ' Also Agvul for Norfolk sic fJvcr- pool fateamrr. - 7 NORFOLK, Via. - ''.... . ! !' - '' LUtKfl.iL ADVANCE MADE ON CUNSIUN I : i .- MKNT8. '"'''' ' ; "" W BXVK IWH'IITUI WITH CS C V. llt'NN' Kosts Csbousa, h will rsll ou his fiteuls aud atiiiaintaiKa in Central and IVeabirn Canilins. and will be pleased to give sll desired infmnuitioa bv sddressing bini, care HON A Cl 1,1 Ksleigh, M. f of C. t. WlLLIABl- Jolyl-M-2m xniTS-iis-i t. a B.-W m. rn 'I'" IS EWBKHN.N. Oiii AGRICCLTCRAL II0C8K AND HARD WAKE rlTOKE. SELL KVtt AbiiCLH fcfcfcDKU HV THE Cos-h aud rumens ilaker : knus, tipukaa. Hubs, Axle, EnsineUed Leather ami Cloth, llar nes lslher sod i riuininitCH, Haddkw, lisriiesa, Bridles, Ae Ae ..i js , , Auril a-iut-1 v. . ' riNASCUL CIECILAU Taos. Bbsmcb A Co., tticluMond, Vi Brxxch, Soks A Cq. iijllU, lis. B t P 0 B T JJ BY Bankers and Commission McrcbsnU; IVUra LutgtffiCae- Sr. VI1MJ HTT . . , 1 larebdirti! ,j .!!. 1. ...ait ...... i ! rsyetir.tiibu. ; tn ..Iti ijexiugtoH.. " uralianx,.; M niHtii v uviii, i... ......... Boiboro' , . . ....... TlHrtiuurrilke ....... HsdtdJonstgb. W sidongtoii ,. . ... Wtliuintfiott.. 1 . . . .'. . . Vaneey viile i,l ....... 1. . .. 4.1 ...so ..Ml ..-is .. 14 . . VA Coramercisl Bauk, WilminKbHs.. ..... Ksrmer s Bank of Aortb Carolois ...... lt Oreenslwro Miitnsl lnturmw Co....'. ..,.'... MerviMuita Bsna of ewOrrn timers' sod l'lsnters llsok.... v t pay eorreajaioding hign prwiB a other Lank uoios. (... Free bl lei (haii8e at.d r-sy Dm tHwt rate Uie dv rec-ivt-.L - . I'xusii iw-ived 1t Ivnress and remittal for prnoij.tiy ia Cwreu.1 (r S.-W VusB-tuijiaa, tree u( COKt. , ' ' . July l2!Uf r ni:iicAL. colli:gc of ir- CIM4 ATKlCH.vlOl, -,1Lsion or mi : - rb-wxt iaarxi. forawi r f da-n-aws witf tuulUMHKW trn llw first dav of OuoAor, 17, aud eootil.iw mod Uw 1st, l Mr,h, Waking a twin t4 BMSitlia. 11. U. Tw-krv, M. I). PrisT. of tbe Pr tins Med. B. )l. Wellha-d, M. 1. - Materia ttwliea, se, -fc-xrtnvBear-jtrt): !1isi.iOi,'T,3T; JM tl. kllW, M. U. " tllrtUBUj Iliiuo r il.Uuire. at. I). KurKi t. It. OoliuuiKbaai, af. 1 " Auauauv. -. Utuasi -at, D, H Oi i.irsl i-'tUiol.v, An. i. il. Wloia, at. l, UsuocMUaiur uf Aiubnuy. Krery nserssary rai-sns will be emplm ed by lbs Psculiv tor. U iliuxrauua of lbs ksctam. A lie facihliss will be alturited f th pnaweuiioa ul Praiiica AusUmiy. Cllulesi luntrneUu" st tli Ilowsid's Cirove Ffiioital, ll Colli k H'itai, sutHImj KK-timmid UtT lniniMrr, loesled in lite '. Jl.-r buililni;. - Uirn:nllma 4 i J'pnsiHr' twkt, n'k, IU ; 1moouhU-14" ut AuslimiT. U; Urudu su.mi. i m. llosrd tusy bs.ubtauied iu UicbHioioI at front a to 7 per wek. ... Tl laiSfOKtte, eosuuuimr full tafiamateai, will be ami to Uuaia dmaumsj ii, oa suraUB to ' - Isxsa ut the FstitUy . ' July 17-2.ri-3tslw3Hi jlt . Si Aid t: A I!. 8. BAKE!TTt;Y 4(T. 1SI, ,:: '4: ;. WITH THE - llulos. In don aud s'urius uf I'roew.du.gs thars-BSsler.-i ' " ' X-.-.f . CONVENIENTLY .,' , ;;." i Annotated, C1isified and Arrsngod. lt.nd in Law rUisep Pile tit. . ..-' ' ALSO,. ' ! Tb Bankrupt Lsw, with all th Bales, Forms,,! Ae., in I'auipblet. rrte no cent. .- . , - t .. For sale by - '.-WILLIAMS LAMBETH. July 17-9W-tf ID WAV cnL. CHARLbTTESVILLE, V. Tli Tliird HesaioB of thi Fir hoot will belin on tlie First Wednesday of KepUnilr next, aud nd u lb Isat W eduesday of Jnne 1H0, consisting of two terms of nv mouths eaeb. The Course of study tsdiutiKned to prepare boys tor, the University Uf Virginia, or suy other Cot hive, ur Ba- tbe praetiesl business of life. 1 rami : Fur board and Tuition, II. si per term, PayabU: in Atlvanct. - 11 11 ait and Drswinir at Irofesaor's charges. Wssbing, Fuel and LiliU at actual cost, kiaolt i'unl furnishes his own towels. . . For Circulars and other particulars address, WIljlN a S. CAUH: Cbarlottesville, Va. JurlKl'H PACKAUD, jr., Tbeo. Ucmiuary, Fairfax Co Va.. I'riueiusla. ttss-uuuiuu : The Faculty of th Uuiveraity of July 17-2U-lf LIFE ISSITIIAHCE. ...;!;!,. . T.U B ' ; I -' ' .""' ' ' CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE ixmtraxcE COMPAQ OjF"; 1 1 AIlTTOlll), CONN. HAS HO STOCK CAPITAL-; TH8 FIFTEEN Million Dollars, Assets, sll behmg to, and 1..- . 1. - .i U l; ,. 1...H which now exceed 4t,(luU, Slid notsritbstanding tli payment of s sixty per cent ditmeed isat year, nil irrer l,ir.i,uuu dollsuUi widows sodjerxihaits, tbetrvw uo a surpluaof over 0,000.000 DOLLARS.: 1 , - This Conijisnv's Kotea cannot be sufntfilj even deducted from the Pidicyiij6Ai?bekCiui- psny, in case or oostn, ) exiwi on tiie nsiiiod en iliiwinent wlan, but ant caneulod by anUuipaied Uividouua. All pobcie nou-forfeilalde by their terms Noextra rbsrKe mada on policv bolder. ex only whets theruik is extra tiasardoaa. 'l l.M Mb.MitriMwl will Ubl.tfMtMi In ...1..... ing aud proving any of his suaemeutsj. , W- Ail parson eotitomplating Life Iusuranee are requested, and will find it to tbeir biteresl, to soutrsst other Compsmea, repruseuted in this Mate, witb the Coua. ktutual, ss published ia the Beportaof tbs Inssrsnes OoumusKmers of Ni lock and Msasschrwetts. t ; BAMUFLD. WAIT, tMinAral Atfnt r.t. M O OAlc with P. F. Pxaevn, Ageulfor Baleigb aud July 18-29-Sin vTAR.W irtiri, -ADlSOM COUNTY, K C, THIS Dleaaant Bnmsaar Resort has bsan wowlr nrnt-Mm, aiiu ut now oyea lur VISiloia. , BtaurtLpsr Mouth, .ttO 00 " Week,..:..i.-?;:.,, 15 00 ' . V Dav...... . ....ano uty if Tl-tm . The Rnbsenber ha for sslsa On yoke of OXEN, and CABT. Also, two or tbra good Milk Cows, uiw ue win sou oa mouerste terms. x t., -l . .. W" OAtJTOlt BANKS, Clsyton, . C. Jnly lJ-atW-iw VTEWS I'APEB FOB SALE I A fiF.MI WEEKLY KKW8PAPERA RITtTA. ted in one of tlie very wealthiest sections of Eas tern North t:rolina, at tbs temimns of four Kailroada, and Having a fin advertising patron age aud good subscription hat. is offered fur sals ou reasonable terms, th proprietors wishing to euKac in utiiw Diiaineas. For furtbt particulsra, apply st . ,-.. . 1 1HW OFFICE. , July 11-137-lm ,.,.; Henderson Collegiate Institute. HENDERSON, K. C. TIE thb d session of this XnsUtation will begin on tb lith. July l((ti7. Terms oer session of twentv werks (half In ait. ysnra, sue naisnce on 1st. October :j rninsry iretmrtnieni, (t'nrrenevi fanfltl Migber English'..' . i , &.u ClallSH al . -T- --- Stt.HO lirridentsl Eitx-nses 1 ii Board, ill' IiiiIiuk wsahiuir. ftuJ. Imhta 1 i-.r m.ii.tt. via. .a.. - For Circular, address, JuueiTl-SUwlm PruicijiaL V f tine MILL ACADEMY. A .Vacancy having ncciirwl in the above iiMti tutitsi. the Tmsteea wish to riiearn t. a.-lieva fur tbe male and fcwsls Utpanmeiila for tbs Ul slice of tbe year. i Aoplit-atitia must be eiatle biimetliatetv. aa it ia oesirsoie tnsi tiw scutsa siisll couinietit by tlie win. t a K il hi. Address tba nadcrsitrned at Halifsx, N. C. "WM. H, KM.' i ll, ptrA, Hcotlsad Seek, N. C. July lii-il-aawlia. "P AtlilE It'll ft AI.I,, K A L E4 O II, N. c. lu stre, as ssSaMrs4tftfsHr? )U Hflhl otilv sd.htl : ' rfivie W lieat su, "''- - t'tiinious, Urowtt ACoaCiSUua Oi,. - - . -himilair's rmiih's eolrbraliaj t'utliug Kuivt-s, Mtebw--Comin -flows' and -xSirn aoTf i ..... lCMlHslr. -. : 1 Him!h' hew Coulter tVm Cultivators, . . Bieiuuuiul kUulaekys . sod V; : Ifcw aiKt 1'ai.tinra. litully's Iuipmved Apple Jlilt, and Citlev Press e.' ,'' ,i ' Orders for any implements solirtted sad Kinds eat to sjiy point ua tbe fisit H..ls. ' JAMt.it M TOWt.EM. . - Agouf A Combiuaion Mnrebaut, Jidy 16-2U1-U. ' rpilE VLET BESf! - We bars )nst received g supply of ths huslly eektirsted, . . liasKrcuxwixa tobacco, mauufaetumi by Kinrhury sad Thornsa. - , Apply sarty . i , . . I'tXLlAM, JOXEflA CO. July l&-2tf0-tf . - .WbolMslsCrutwrs. FAMILY GROCIES. N T I ' I I t Kyihure hatiiis; bee reBaired, sd bit Sunk hating smred, I aai again preptrsd U furnish aij custutoers "CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES." ' I iiiritu stUiitioa Ut lbs following esrsfuUs Ivctod srtit'le : , : - " .: Prmw Hvmtbanii'Son Bsenn, - lio. 1 hvii.HKi Ijrd.iu, lb. Kngs.l J'amily Fbair, "4, . j jxn ieuiu,-.. Ju s, Ijit! nvrs snd Bu O.ffws. "" Fine old Jess, Biiirsrs of all rrrailes. Molui.s andrirruiv t siiiily Ko liorring, 1 sire, nsit, . ' ltii), niareh. Ae. , All of which I will seh st lowest market nrir. DOUGLAS BELIl " JulylS JW-tf Msrkiit tfciurfc J KIME CHEWlSid TOBACCO! t fe fiavs just reeeived s vary chute attbds f xil.a nmm fmr4 fMsriwsj Twfta, ; Huprrk- tivtbat snnouneed a week ago. Try a VJ Ml m UB, t . JENaIJiH A 1'EKBI , July 1 277-tf ' ... tliNI COliKll ttilt.NI II Another lot PPJJIE CdltN. Iiixt nweiso.1 l,i. will besohl at lowest msrknt imttw, bv J1ULUI.A8 HELL, JulyH-idS-tf Market avjiisrs. dtitl WKEWNGHOKB! HIUJN0 H0K8I 1 welv Ihwen "Elweir" WEEI)IN0 Ab reduced price, by DOUGLAS BELL, Julyl Market Hqnatw. LIFE INSUEAHCE. THE NORTII AHEEICA I.M fslTUACC COW PAX Y, '--i He w FeatweA and Advaiitag e Waicli ara Known u Belonging to no Othw Company ia tht United Statei THE MANAGEMENT OF THIH COMPASI bj niMin tiw klutusl Benerii 4iystem4bs tt uuinutsuid ir..llu going to tbs samired. Thia oojiiusny makes a Seial deposit Willi tbs Insurance beiwrtiurut of tba Mute, tor f hk-k Hegiaterud ilion are issued if dwsirad. soaaiar siKUed by tli KiiperinUtuduut of the lusuraass llepartiueut of tbe Male of New York, rertifvu,. that siR-h pulicks are secured by pledK of lnUiu stoeaa.' . , .- . . ... ho other tVanpany give lbs assured puarss tee ot this ehsrs!tor or anything 4uivak.ut, ' Thirty days' of grace are slloasd on sll rs sewed premiums, snd the policy remains vajid snd ia lull fnros during that Urns. No restrictions as to travel or residenos abraat) st suy season of tlis year, outaids lbs tnnitra, which gives s nearly world-wide and uucoudiUuul ' policy. wo aofner rste. or premium rbsreed ir sts- timiary Kngiiunars, Coeduetors, Begsaga aUstsra, ii AHeuis, nor tu nuiseuuenve ebaug of se ploynient after tbe polity is isxned. Kotos are not required by thi Company, bat kwi nisy oe oouunea oa in pouoy lur i third of the animal premium, which is eaneal by tbe profits sppli! as dividends. . Joint polities, including msu and wife, are Is sued by thi Companv, and the amount insun Is payable to tlia survivor oa tbe blb af i titer. Our dividend, Jauuary 1st. lHo6, was 44 per oriii.. IMvidends are declared stnimllr nA iisM im mtiniwmin win Aniifiat rremiunt, oa all ..).... .U- ..11 . . . . pbuts upon the full amount of premiume reesivatl. T'roiiiiuil nils may be paid anuuauy, acnu-auntuiiljr or quarterly. Alt fHtlieies tsenett fiv tbia Conitianv am turn. forfttunK, alter two, iu sums instsoeea, sad tbsss . Tbe pi-rcentsge of iin uiium reoeu.ls In ltrA over IHtrl, wu 2al par cent ; wbirh Is nusrlv uttiiiMii ti.iti tn any oiner new xorkeonmanv. Itiheiea iiimuteslabl from isv cmai.iani ua aceniit of frsniL n ... ... . , ... . . Fur insurant's in Una Company applv to . '- ' ' F. if.CAVl'EllOJt, Agent lor State of North OsroKna. Wilnunirtoa. or HKATUN UALEH, Julys-KKOidSux ! Agent for haleigh. BOOK SIOUX. Aum Wujxuia, , C. W. LaasxT. WIILIAIIS & LAMBETH, No. 1ft Faj cttevlUc St., Raleigh, N. C. f i l Book Sellers arid Stationers, ' ' DEALERft IV ALL K1DS OF SCHOOL UOOK8, STAftDA Up ' AN J MISCELLANEOUS V-'OltKA," M-tfioNfC BOOKS, JEWEL?, EE0ALIA .. B00K8 OS STOCK AND AOHICUL J ' TUBE ; STATIONERY ; PKIST- IMO AND ' V7RAPPINO ' . PAPEB; PB1STKIW ' 8UPPLIE8; , ! '' ;": ', SCHOOL AND OFFICE REQUISJTE3 ALBU1IH; - - " ' "" - PERFUMERT, - ;"- . FANCt ABTICIJ!H,.Ve, We sis now leceivhig new sbppUea, snd will k nstantlv mskinir sneh ail.l.iuu.. tn ..... i.....k aa will enable ns to furninh every srtit ls asuslly kp in s first class Btaik Htor. Our facilities am such ss to enable ns to fnrnh ua very fow dsvs. snv utirln ant n kuvl inl all Orders will have our prompt atleution. . .Onr buamesa will be eondnetwl on Hi vaak system, and every article sold st tb vsry toveat pries.,.; ., . Raleijjh, AprUSIJUi-tf MISCTLtAKIOTja. WAKE FOREST COLLECE. - ALL APPLICANTS ARE RECEIVED WHO ar aetually prepared for tlie -eouVgi' eoume in one or sll of Us lieiwrtuisnts, ay whs sre ro tending to preps rs for ths sam . The 'Collegiate counts niav I pumned wiihp ferones to an cdncst ion purely Htuent i He or purely Classical. EaeU of the 1i,!h,k ,b nrM t-iiikierrvtl at gratluation, however retpures sneh a blend mg of the studies of both brauehes, aa will euuos lla receivor to take rank ss s scholar. : A student, provided be be fully emploved,' rosy devote himself Ur uy W1, nf tj1(, ijaparv nients exrlusivelr, snd npoa sstisfsttorilv ntv pieting tlie sin. lies of that Department will rseeivs a uegr of Prutiekitit tlwrein. 'Ibo Fscnlty, how-iver, recommend sll wbiate tipe snd talenis , Will sUW, todtfernifv rhefrstll.tf.-a a'a T a IkaP ' "ilte Kuu swdas-sr- Wea mwHtted trr ctrstrcs- the. omrtat sek-cled witboal written iustraetioa from areiiU or guardians, . TlfR UPPAIiTVFVT IPP. L'tyri3fu;U:!;"Sru. I iw yV'. Kovallsiul ' liiMlkA'yi ifiiwitsBj.. t 'Afr Ph .; r.- svtft trr-rm rti.em'aMr.,t"u ot: f-'il '"u T,CTi 1 Adj. 1-rof, i.. K. Hills' Sit. Sttence -frof W. O. Siiiiui..iir Ul. Ns IV. lf JW-lbw UUre rrrKduiit W, M, WlnvaW. - Tl,., fc-.. Il i- . .. ... . .... . . . ..v , : .., ..f.H u ABW.USV OJ tw, l--!1-Tllltlon iFail TcnU I 111 Preiau-Slta-V tn-hfaal 'I ' ' trola-L-iafa i'w.m l.diil, . "Kitd tiiit.reTsrel"ti( r nasith Slit, ui asd ll.Hun reub sttrvant a lore li. l.ia -..'i,,,,.. and frtel are extra, and may be bad on reason;.! terms. : ; . .. . - . W. KOVALL, 8. Fse. June 29 275-dlswiin COTTO .I AI l'If!.i;si. ' - MITCH L'LL, ALLEX, CO KEWKERX, J,. C. i ' . V GENTS IN NORTH f A'MI.IN A. 1' Ii. IU.-. L. EfOt rv Nona' i'al. i.t i'luteraai Cut- .. ton tiirt .fUivLCttlvinisers. Tlii.aton ha It . o a- i, .1,, l,f r-. "A merit-".' CouiiiiiMttnera f li) 1 ar.s 1 'triilniiuu. bsosf '. ipenor to sll oilieia iu lbs tiuuxut.v Aprrl l-'Jl-lt V

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