. " r- ' 7 .;' -nn-a astferasv. advertisement will b 'inserted io tb .Deity 'C..i.-..r -1 tlu. tJloHTm eatj- A uuiuu lll he hraluruit) t 13 minion hues, or 14 kaehea,. Onesiinare one limn .. .. !..., $1,00 " " each subsetroratmsertiuu lew than lwV,v 80 ine eqnare on) Week t, 00 ' Fech additional equal- oil week........ ILuo One tMinsre two Weeks 6,00 , kUch additional eqiuuetwo tU.... S.jd - - One sonare one m.juth , , . B.UU- Iji'Ii additional eoiiare ou aionlu..,.,. 3,00 t we sritisro two nioulhs.. ..... 10,00 f.achs it..t"Hial 3,50 iUia. eOl-JH . Fitch additional " Ohcpian. roiumn " ! half coluuin " Hue column A, HO H0.00 . ...,.4u,H0 .-.,..74,11 Regular hamnmt r-ards, 15 Bunion lino or leu, will he ehsi gad uuljr 110 6w three nionUiS. .' All advertisements iv nob miut be changed in ' ftira at least every throe tnoidfoa. Contract for Hire than three mouth made duly t tlx alow rales. y-' Hpecial notice or advertisement require to be inserted ou inside or any special plane, will be charged 3b per cent higher tban the above charge. Advertisement lueorted tn Weekly and Heroi Weekly at rates eorri spouting with the above., i Omni advert we went tnaertaxl week for $7 a.hnrinifrharited - Advertisers will always ted it tn their advantage to endoae the cash, when they eend edvertieeuieuts, to th swout they wieu to pay fur tlisral 1 TUir SKNTIXEIie 10CAL DEPARTMENT. - To Adtvrtmkkb. The iullic will And the Sentinel one of the ln t tnediuma of ad Tertiaing in the Slate. - It circulation cover larger area, primp, than any other j , Hbw AorsBTiCMKaTs.Muari. W. H. R, 0, Tucker rV Co. aru aelling Ladie' aud Misaea' Slippers and , Slujct-Tat greatly .. reduced price. .- ', ; llellen A Williama : . Urocera and C'oiu --uiaaioB Mertbanta, tSuort IfiMta nuiUling, Newborn, N. C. ..... -. Airicultural Wara-Houae. Eeonnmica Pump, i&c; Uitcbotl, Allen iCo., Newhern, Tbe next eaaion of Randolph Macon Col teg begin on the 19th of September, The Faculty oi tb.i excellent Imtitution i of the first order. Few Collegia it the coun try prasuut anperior advantages; and, inde pondently of its high intrinsic ' merits, - the great work of charity which it i doing (see dvertiavmcnt) commends it to patronage and support. Wm. Lamb ! General Commiaeion . Hlt- chant, Norfolk, Va. llAToa's . Court. Joel $anderford, charged with threatening to do personal damage to SalUbury Binitli, colored, wm returned to the County Ciiorfc- Henry Cannon, Co. ., 8th. Infantry, U. 8. T., arretted for being in the City at night without pans, was lodged in the Guard - . liouae ana turnoa over to tne ulitary au thorities. TlIK OUUNIHO 09 THK "Ol.O NoBTB Stat Inoit Works." We regret; exceed ingly. learn that McarB. P..Willimn- sou A Co's. loM, by the burning of their Foundry and Machine Shops, on' .yesterday morning, ia front f 8,000 to 110,000, and that they were without insurance. Nearly, if not quite, all the highly-improved and Valuable machinery of the.ea tabliahment was entirely destroyed, togeth er with from ' seventy-five to one hundred plows, three cotton-gins, an engine that waa being put up for tbe "Raleigh Manu facturing Company," and many other ar? tic-les of value. , ., , . There in too niuoh reason to apprehend . that this fire was the diabolical work of an incendiary, as there had been no fire about the establishment for sixteen hours prior to its destruction; - We regard tlie WimiNg ol this establish ment as a publio calamity. ,: Tho enterpris- - in prorietor have doD this and other sections ef tbe State immense benefit, by j supplying farmers, particularly, with their excellent plow and other agrtcultnrsl inv plements. It will be a aonrc of pleasure to the public to learn that the firm, with genu ine plack and indomitable energy, are only waiting for the aiAet It gel told, to com j menc the work of rebuilding. They will begin at once, to-day, and will before many weeks be again in a situation to "do the State some service." . Bodthkhh Expkess Co. W learn that our iriend Ma. Henry JL Miller, jWmerly of this City, ha been assigned to tbe charge of the office of this Company, in Wilming ton, during the absence ot Capt Pegram. of Charlotte, the present Superintendent -Majr Miller is In -the right iTace for "one of his energy and industry, lie was the best Commissary ia the old "Second Corps" of tbe Army of Northern Virginia, t .r--- ':t ',m s. r - ,-r Cou Wk. Lamb. We commeud to nnr North Caroiae public the Card ol Col Lauib, of Norfolk, la our advertising col umn. He enjoys peculiar facilities, as a Geo era! Commission Merchant, irom his ex tensive acquaintance ia this Stata and in the cities to which he makes consignments, sud ob account of his connection with tbe mer cantile world, as the Agent of the Norfolk aad Liverpool Steamers. He carries into his bosires tli tame spirit aniWnergyjthat characterized him a a soldier. Mr, C. E.Bunn, who la associated with Y hands.- He contempUtei aa extended tour f rlo make known the dvntsgVof U( boue t 'wiiWhirh he is conm-ctCiU , 7 " 'v: - Poi.kb. The WlningtHt IHijmtck aajs that there are thiitynine iHiliiemer now in the employment of tli municipal authori ties of that city. .It eonipliiins that this nui,iber is totally inadequate fur the pres ervation of quiet ia a city containing as Wilmington does, sots ten or twelve thou sand luhakitants. Tbe population of Raleigh, w suppose, is now fully seven thonsand, but le than a dozen 'stars? mansjlo ltei t'.iiis,- io gou.1 order.. Tub 5'iLlrxhf Commiskiok melon t terday, ooly lo adjoum uutil Monday next. ;W learn. ----- II II A BOCBC of cralfificaWtQ Ultt tbe lpn-fid Kx&oy dm of th Stat heart ily pro tjie Mtet of Gen. Sickle to SfcnaUnTruTufiull, in which io rvcommoclt general amaclv. " W liave heretofore al luileJ to Ui eoiKimtrmout bj the lif'j'uttr. ol Una City, nd the Nen tjrtt BtpuVSa. We puliliah, to day, a communication from Mr. Pou, of JoIinatoB Comily, a which he alao advocate the auneiUe ti UberaJ top gation t the District Commander. It only th rgBClejwiphytfa of rvajliraiim in the South, who were hatched on the net of teccMion, tli it denouuc) Uen. Bieklea1 letter. ' - :' Omk day, in the ttadical Cim-Tcee, Thad Stcveoa ileriili- tlif cootitution u a "ht tered " bulk and a a " ghoet if the pant, and the next day the Jacobin leaden greet the name, of Osoxac Wasuinoton with Mbif." Sowego. Wm imvitk attention to the article- in another column, front the Naliaiud liUMi yffwiw, on the sul'juot i the exchange and treatment of prisoners. Artjot lo this subject, we may say, that Bwiutoo, the Nojs thern historian of the :" Army of thePote mac," expressly fixes the responsibility lor the nouMtxcbange of prisoners UHn the Federal ComuiauderinChief. who. he says. (or eighteemnonths ' refuer to entertain any prop'ieitions looking lo such . an ex change! ' AHB'yxa n oks Kmamm to orrrenr From tlm Fulliuliiiiu, On wego, A negro for Vice President is ciiming to be the. cry among the freedmea in all the Southern clemnilencles, ana tue cry is echoed by our brethren here with an empha sis which means f business.- Home ot the Radical editors are nooh pMihing the err, callinir it "imiiudent," etc, but tli colored man ia not to be shovetl- sjtiile in that way, He knows his strength; and lit Is .bound to make it felt when tlio time comes. '.; lie is master of the situation in the- dependerj. eiea, and the Radicsls may as well under stand first as last, that he is Koing to have a lair snsre ot me oniccs. lie is not oniy going to vote, but he is going to be voted for, or he will know the reason why, their favorite for Vice President thus far seems to be a very respectable colored man named Lancstou, a resident ot Ohio, but if they cannot get kiln, doubtless they will take Fred. Douula t, or the K.T. Samuel Uay, or any other person ot the same color.1 From the Newark (K. J.) Journal. The Triltunt is throwing cold water on the demand of the bombern ntirroea to have a candidate for the Vice-Presidency B man of their own color; but the demand, neverthe less, is pressed in a manner which the art- bune people will find itdifticult to withstand, by the AnttsUKtqf -iwrr,'Wiio- says that without the negro vote a Republican candidate for tha Presidency s cannot b elected. The Africans already begin to de clare that they will not be used as material for carrying elections without they receive a tair share ot the ouices and patronage.) t From Ui New Haven (Coun.) Register.. Thet rhatnace these things better in Ten nessee, where the Radical get their votes but refuse to let them be voted lor. That i the only way ont of the difficulty. Broa ulow and hi party, North ana South, only desire tlie negroes' votes. . From the Hiseouri Bepnhhcan, (Bad.) The colored race is creatine s new school of politics and a new science of government, and the new principle now is that not to place a man In ollica is lo wrong nun. , I ney are llistroenxl to aeiuana oiuc on sue enmnd that thev have a "ritrhtHlloolficiaI position, and thal4o deny it to them is to do them a"woiiii"TEiujury. To Instruct them thus is a cruelty to them and a wrong to society. Expectations are created never to be realised, discontent and insubordinaf tion are produced, society is distnrbel, and theeommoa interests of black and white are imperilled. ' ' From s D.iyltmri (P.) l'niwr. ' Even now tbev ItJie betrrocsl ask for'or- ficec and decline to Kiv war to their Rad leal white tiiemls. in less than nv years we shsll see negroes in both the Senate and House see them as ouicers in tue army, and ia civil offices of xll grade. Suppo' the negroes at a Presidential vh-ctioa would offer their undivided vote to that party which promise to put Fred. Jlouglass ia the Cabinet, wWd it be likely to be re fused in a close contest f . We do not be lieve it would be. Rut suppose the bargain boo Id lie for Vice-President, . would not tn result be the samel -' - ' The present negro programme will lead to all that we predict, if it goes on. W do not believe tbe Radicals intended it should take this direction when they inaugurated it. It was conceived ia all the selfishness for which the Ysnkees are so proverbial, and benefit to the negro was not thought, ot They hoped to control tha entire negro vote lor their own purpose, ami use it to elect themeelves to office. They will hardly be content that the prize for which they hav labored, and robbed, and tied, shall lip through their hands and be monopo lized ty Ijtie nr-gro,,:; Itlseasv to see from in auove extract that some persons think negroes already etgibl to olliee, ami othe that they will be within a few jean. Like the Uoyh-s. town paper, we do not beliete Congtfss intendedto giv ny negro the right to be elected to elUt,- 41 was to Vote, and Huu- nicutt, Underwood, Botts, dc, to hold the oiricea. But Bsmlio "cso t see it. He de sires t he major, judge, couhCilman, or justice. . He Wautsoihce. Anu unless pro gress sb all take action upon tue sunjeci, there is danger that ho Way anceeed. ltieh- mood Ditpitek. '" :' ' ' Santa AtixA.-t is well understood in Washington that Santa Anna is to-be fully urottcted by this Covermnent in his mission to Mexico, and any reKjcaj tn surrender himf on board the rtusquehanha will make mailers rather disKTeealle lor Juarez. TheUovcra ment has jint recei veH .f !,Jic.Alvjce to, iliitl&l'tliaTTffnuTiiua Isaull s prisoner, 'sm, m sf ejai. jrs Htir thai mi tsl fitAte mtei lures 1 promptly auu raeemauj. H s believed thecoininantter ot the Bosque kawie'WHl out ench ifntrit' tion. as-will cover sll the requirements of the case. Special I)tinak tolhe Je 1 ort i.eenmg - .Upon the death of Maximilian Uing known in tjucretard and San Luis, many lailtes changed their attire into mourning. The body of the emperor waa- embalmed, and takeu char .re ot by the Buron de M.ia nti. Prussian llinister. Maximilian, in hi will, leaves to tit families of the unfortu nate Miramon and Mejia, one hundred thousand doHareencb, . . 1 ., . Th fXrH-Bii t4. Ike Indian war jLtsujuxmil ooe million dollnrs perweek, ami, up to the present tiirie, every rl skih killed has cost a million ihitUrs and tea white men's lives. The royal" family of ;Eiij;larvd., sjm-diI or pocket over two snd a half millions yearly. TELEGRAPniC. Thnraday Ancrnwou IHnrtutchc. MATTHEWS' LETTKB--T1IB niXXUIGENCEB t . . -.- - OH LOAJi ' - - i -t---- - WjmaiHonii. Joryis, It! 9fattbews pabliehep Alie ouuelndiug iuiteiH,of Booth's k-Uer, a follows : r'ur a knis; time 1 have devoted my energR. my tune and- my raou ey to the auuotothi hnumt ot a certain tod 1 bsvo beea cWwmijuJ. 1Uwiii 1-u Tn irrii ed waea 1 muel chui.L'u iy phui.. stauy will buuue aie lur what 1 am abuul U) uo, but piwteri- iy, l au sure, wui jiuury aie Men.jshn love Uw.u eiwmirv Ullcr tlian BiUdiirrertr-ttrltrdgtanrnaXor" The or hie - -f " : I'AINE, ' " " - - 4' . iiAi.ui n, . ". ', ' AZlUiUj'." Tbe ldellijewr publiah a junill. I between Barren aixl lxgsn, lu which the (oilowiug para- graphe occur i "iiarrere ttmt rawneu nti ere drat fawned moo the Bourbon, then mnrdered tkuaa. lxiksa llrst aeut into the rebel army the. pour pet(Wol Southern Illinois, whom he had educattnl in the doctrine of sreeeMoo. and then boaaled he had put lo the eword more of-lus iiiixKwnt due tliau any other Bits of hie see in tbe army. liarrere has rone to tiii .moiint aad kft behind him a name at ouee the witiat contemptible and ine uioet inrsmowe in tustory . LiKaa. when be has another nch rneerh lo make; nbonld abjure his rare and country, sesume ma urt4 -a earajre, ana waah ins moulli witn blootl. As was wtl said of his nrutotviw. ia him the qnshliue wliu-h are the inijK- ubjeet of euuieuipt im-eerve aa exqunute and absolute bar nutty." HONOllfl TO THE BCLTAS TS EStiLASfl. ' Jaikixis. JuI.t ih. M. The naval review in honor of the hullnii was tlie mowt BiaKUilkwnt aitair ever witueaeed in tlie bngluta wak-ra, A biik wutd inemaeed tbe m U nl of the swiil. J'kn eiiuatlruu uonilierwi i-iKlily veesrts bearing eleven huiulred Runs A thousand veaaebl were lill U with Bueetator. The Vneea ant suit were ou the ysrht Vietoris snd the 1'riuee Albert and Ihe Isubau. re us Uu Tlie l'rine of Wales, both houses of Parlia ment, lite l.rde of Aduiswhy. and ail he mem burs of the governniviil, were oreeeiit. It ia eetiiusted thai I lie review otmt -50 OUO. A gnnbnat was driven ashore during the rain sioriu which nrevsiled a' tlie time, but bevood this mi aoniM iit oecurreo, Jlie rain aliui sinonely in. terfered with the Drovrsmins of evoimioiie. and tlie firopueed illniuiiialKsi of tlie fleet in tli eve. nuig, .. . WKti IS JAI1,. -.; . jjKw nij-aii, Julv 1H, Jl. Uontir Jones, who was Ilrfirieoned lit Kli. ri.lao for Biarder, died in prison yeelerilsy, 'MAHRETHAND FlSA.NOUlj. - Nrw Ton. Julv la- M. ' Cotton quiet rtpiriu Toriieuiine liriuer UMajm. Koein steady, euiumon l.iio. '! eii-neii ana Beevy, liovernmeiils ex tremely dull. UokULWhj, Korth Carulma sixes, LiVKamoi., Jnly 18, t P. M. Cotton firmer, more aetive. Hl.i 1 r mni I'plaud adranoed to I114 (.Orleatui 10. ' Ivosuur, July is J p. M., Cou.isois Wf; Bonds Til. 1 Friday Horning DlapaKlira. CONGKBll, ' : - Washihgi-ox, July 18, P, If.-. Rkwatc. A loint reeolulinn washilnalaecd ex tending the titeatn Mail eerviee to I'hius Ihe Couimittee on korelKU Kelatwne was di rected to enquire how many Mexican soldiers were executed uuder klsxiuiiiisn's decree, Mr. Wilson introduced a roeulutiuu lauding th Mniesus. lkfurred. The eonsiiluratioit of Inilian alfcirs wsa-Te- snnted. A but anally passed providing fie? a oommissioo to obtain poaoe, if pueailde; otherwiee four thousand border arddlers are to pasb tlie war. - House Wr. Mmfleld offered resolution di. rectine the NeeretArr nf the Tfuunrr hi wlllihoM the payment of the three million dollars for cot ton chums awarded by the Court of claims, lia said the claims oonld be examined bv the nroner eommittee next seseioa and paid by apuropruvtuia u in eon-eeh I aeeeu. A reeolutioa autboruunir th woumittee on Boulhera Bauroads lo proceed by aub couiuultoes paeeou. ... , Mr. Uobmson asked leave to introduce a nre. annuo ana nueuuunn to rvmove tne tax on raw cotton. Misters. Adieon and lletiisnua obieitetL A resolution sympathizing with Uaiidia passed. Mr. liinirhaia sent to tlie Oku-k'e desk sixl hail read the following teleirram received by . himself to-oay irom uea. meatus: -' -j -; Thaiike for Tour banibiome renlv to Mr. KM- ridge, Yoa may relieve his aniiety mill the euniioiinff hifonuation that mv eouioasre baa not onst nun or any 01 but menial anything Tbe aatd euuipaK being the cherished girt of my ool lesirues of Ui third army corns." Mr. Logan oaV-rud a preauible and reaolutUsia which paeaed, reciting and yielding tn the gen eral rumor, that armed expeditions are'beinir or ganised in this country aKainsI the Republic of Aleiico, whKife la st variance with the wmlu-a and feelnim of ail mind citueen of the United Mate. and contrary lo tbe established public policy ; and respectfully requesting the frewdont to iesu a imw-lawiation requiring all proper onicera of the unitcu ntatea to prevent snen uulawmi orgaiiiza tuma being formed, and warning aU persons who dopart Irom tlie t; tilted h talcs on auch mli tuma that they will lorb ll ah rigble io fMoteeteoa under the laws of th United Hiaiee. ,- A substitute was ofterad for the Hcnate bill gnarauteuig equal ncbts ia tin-1 n 1 i.-l of Col- uuiina ; atriung out the woi.l "while ' whenever ooenrred in me cliartor, urduiane or law. THE HCKBATT TBI AL-IMPF.ACHMENT. WUUUHOTON. JulV IK. V. M. John J. Beeves, a tailor. sswMurrall at bis store. in Montreal, about the 1 1th aud again about tbe 17th or 18th of AprU. -The trnthfulntsa of aeversl witnesse from Canada was impeached. Among the numliur are IjenL Marl and lr. McMnUea. it appear at LieuL slarie left Canada because he at file Sissi from th edncation oflioe. The defence is still exnectitur witnesees. (leu. ((rant and Col Hillver. of New York, were before tlie JwlieiaryCouiuiitte to-day, regarding ipeaehment. Jowepk owph tirailley Is summoned tn tostify recrar.t- ing tbe pardon of htepbea i'smeron, a vitiiea tue niirrstt case. IuWrusl ItHvenue to-day 716,0OO RKOWTBATIOK-BTEAMER BLBNED. Mobile, July 18,-i-F. M. Ib-viMtraliiMt ha th cit v einsftd veetr-ritav. Tile bitai miluuer registered are, white i,34j blacks The rJrerateamcr i liti wabrnil at (lis wharf this morning, by an incendiary. Itmtt 8,000. No uiaerauoe. BANTA ANNA'M BEl"OBTEI EXMUTION CUKyiKMKD, FAHOtf, Ot)MEC AM) CA- NALES. Naw OautAxs, July 18, P. M. (.. .1.. -. ..... I" :.. . .. I I! . from lam pica, eoulirm Ui 'tqtort ot the death of Bants Anna. - Ue Paeon has abont 7UU men at 1 ampico. Oomex and Canale have abont 100 and are re al ung. ' ..- - I FOKEIOS. Tlie American a-oyemiucnt is eiHleavoriug to secure the release of (n. Nsgle. , Hix of the V. aterford noU ra have been couTict- ed and hiipriaoned. -. 'j ' M.U1KETU AND HXASttAL.. nrm xsEXlv'HrTfir. Vkmr dttlh'. State I7A1IX Mouther tf 117. - . v Wheat ail!L- .JSeAmlwt.C N-w tii'e Virginia Xi ij" 2.7j. .V)tti firmer, bus setrv. (tale J,W0 tl JftL ITii- ivnii't : I ariiliiia ll.dclk 1 iirrwiitiua firm. vv--M.Ae-Tuih-"t4d U.'MTT o-AlCwponsoflilllllt. i I -4-jtAi.iiaoax, July H,-p. M. ("rAtoa-tjow MiiHIing M ; good ordinary 13. prime C'rftee lt'tlHf. tkirndolLr White ll,iril,l. Tellow tjjflijt $1.10. ' - Pnlk slioulilera lif. Itaeon sl.oul.I.rs 12). Rib miles It, cl ar rib UiUl. Mee Pork W. Lard, City 1213. ilstjuovoii, July IS, P. M. Cotton W. , jtyinulnrfwtine MTMced, Brm, B1J. Bdein steady, ,7u'J.15,jil. "Tar tns ,,. . Livr krooi., July 19, P.M, CiHton elnoe flrrn. Kales lr.OOO bail-. Xlp- lan.ts 1U4- vriean i"j. Prusijis is to arrsnce a new postnV treaty with th l"uitr States throtigtt a special envoy ia nasliiDgUm. Admiral Goldslorough is st Cherbourg with tli toiled Mates tquauron. ,y Aimji.usment op CoKoRis. A veto ,of tue new 1 tiosu iicuqii mt.i msy oe ex pec leu to be sent in to morrow or hex t day, when itKigreas, aiicr pasaing the law by a .wo tlurds vote, will immediately adjourn. This is the general epinioa of leading suen of all oolitiral riartiea in CnHTMa H la twit thougUt that the error in the enrolment of the act, by winch it becam necaaaarv to re call it from tha Executive yesterday, will delay the adjournment berondThltrsdsr, at tha"ArthckU-r-ViifttfayaI lutdliatnctr. lit. Ex Conf.ltMtr C :cral Louis T. Wiglall btete nt lexaa, is almut entering upon the praetice 01 law in r-iigianfl in Connection with American cascsk Thewhola rote registered in Richmond is 11,301, of which the blacks bare a majority pr. J. Marion Sims, Satire of 'South Carolina, but tor over thirtv vuara 4 resident of Paris, has sent fl.OOO in gold ia aid of the senerinir ttenple nt his native State. Signing nien In Washihirtoo are bettinir heavily on a divided jury and against odd on a veruict in laror ot burratt. Rer. Mr. Reck with h been -invited to reconsider his ileclination of the Episcopate of Oeorgio, and will probably be re elecUdl M rs, Jelt Davis snd child sailed from New ork lor Charleston on Saturday last. 1 lie pecuniary cos ol the Hexican expe dition of the French was over sixty millions 01 ooiiarsin ginu; -t ' Hie Oiribnlilisns are said to menace th Papal city nr Vitfrbo. ; ' SPECIAL NOTICES tlent's ready snade- ('uithisii and Ft'sxisame AT " O 8 f " ; ' ! . v - S . Fur thirty dare only. it .1 - M. UUbkNBAt'M'a July H-S77-1.L VOl H LAST I II A i:i ' Otdy two more rases of those flnd Csur lUsnw at M,t. r - " - - ,r ' July S-ttrT-tfr-' 1 : JlMKi fi JutTKK, t'KM K NT AN1I HAUL A large bnin1y always 041 bawl and Aw-sat oa lvin-nii; terms br Wt.ltTH A UA.NIKU Uilmina-tnn, N. tl. P. H. MoXTlll.V Unisim o ianu I.mS viu.a MaixK. Jidy 11-2SI7-6US . . j. . ' - ritr.E to EvcniBoniV ; A large pp. t'irmlar. giving Information of tlie grvslest imKrUin-e to the Jising of bulk SrUSari.. . .. .... (i . . , .i. It teaches bow tlie homely may become tieanU- fid, the dfspiaed resieeted, and th foraaksa loved..' , -. , - 1. . No young lady or gcHlleraaa should fail to send their Addresa, and receive a eotiy post-paid, by return mail. , . 1 , . ' . . : , Addrea P. O. Drawer, si, AprU -2U5-lyiUw ,. , Troy, N. K. NOW IS Y0L' It CHANCE I U.T COST!! r 0 K TH1BTID A . I OS L Tl If ,' IS consequence of the daily decline of Oooda, 1 have resolved to of to the Pubiir, sit of my fine snd i1T selected shiek of r T , n . .,! BKrl OUUJJH, .". V ' '" , , of every uVscripfion riUNTs,';-" " . ' , nfflie nowcsl patterns. WUKT1NG8 and RTIEETlNdii. of the mont e-leurated brand. ' -;. I1AT8 and iUJKKJC'llt, of the latest styles, . millt()SH,TlUMMrS0S;.Fl.(iWEHS,4e:, 1 in great variety. ., . fiiua Sami-ks ad Mastmis, , Histieryv tilovee. Hoop and ludiuorsl Hkirts, ,.-- : -T----- - - " Together with a full ami roo.pti'U stock . of Ladies, Muse' and t lnl.lr. n , HHOKH, ' ' X" if..,, ' ' of the heat make. ' v IBTHkHami VAI.IMKM, for lilii-s and fltffitlentea. ' Beniemlxvr this le no faumbiw. ss the above uuiniB win oe eieii at cost; ' For thirty day rnily ; And yon will not have snot her (-bancs very oou C.niioonean.l ill. and look at tlie oricea tor ynnrat 11. . . .iL ItOHKSDAUM, Ilalrigh, Jn!) 2 177 .f '. . Bitmio atljumv -'' : ' 'J'. Mile A Sons' fiiie French Calf Bouts. . Hue French Calf trailers, . , ' " ' Ualorit Ties,- - " lasting " ' Ilie (fail. r and Buoteue, ' : Ciiililren'a, Miswn aud boys ahoe sud gaiter at ,.. April 5-3mf . . . GEO. T. COOKE'a. r miixi;i;h. I eeetl Prsctical Sillier st onew. awl will nav S liliend price t.w One that ran aotulurt th bul Mieol a siauHlainirliig Will. ,.. . . . l'jtrly aplicatsm in tleetrcd Anulr ui m al lie I was. N. C. Ualeiirk A Usaiuu Kail lioail. . . , July U-a;-ilJw .. W. f. COLLINS. rAaHiNaTON ,. stuif, IJ?XIN0'rN, VIIKKNIA. Ots. B. R. LKF., PnouiioT, aUled by a eorpe -f twenty inatritora, jnclmung i'rrftsiiorof Iiswr- T" ' " V. The next seaHHin will In viu on 3rd. Thursday in Si-pleiulttir. and end im .li.l. 'I'bUi-eilav in June. Leaini..bni may lie reached by siege from statin- Uu or tiiiehen on tbe Yli'giipa Ooti aj Hail Hil; from liViK-liliiirg bv t anal, or bv atage fross Itou- ack's on the Vs. A l onti. ltttl ktowd. Fur bu-llier uarliuuiM's euul to- ()hrk ef Die Faculty for Cstaiotfn. . '.. July -27ieow s KI.K4 T .ItAI.SC SI HStfl. . wauiik.y covxrr, n. v. The 5th. Session of tiii" ik lirsd will commence Julv IHlIk and ciSitiline is) wreka. Turuua : f ilassiiss Elnnwiitary- Branchew ltotan, .including every Hung xtpt1iKhte aud lowi4s. 175. ..... No th dnclion uiaile xeeit in ease of prHracted sti'kiaws. Ijot-ation boallliy. Ki itlxbiHai pbivs- aut. l'npii will be mm t at Littk-tcra Jfpit, it're. fl!lto.W.7r.i-,- T'" -'' .-- AO.ireMH, . , . , Jyll.S (IttAHAM. Principal ;ar ' ' ... liov.4'.; M. Cons. '-JatHll,h"Wt)i' If '."fyl'"'''' e ill B IM I V. 1 1HH i M : I ( 1 ' M I M 71 1 ( ' -A n li T nn the msiiiifs..tiire of t.nrCfi5t.Ul. VVsud aomJU-L. lie picaMMl "1 furuwli any one that may need env tbn.g in his hue. : -Ttmtiin' are nmtn. oT tun Iw t niati-rtal that can I bad, and the pei fonnan-e Se w.arraiitM III irvnwiwt. No nay required, until the (tin lti. ' - j llcpairrng done to mrib r. Hsring lien f nr;od in Hie bnaiione for the la Iwriwy Bee .years. I natter nrieeii tiiat I niei'riamt ia. lieU-rcocw givea if reip.unl. .- - " bAlt'L liUWLA.SD. Ttalcwh, July 15-2110-lin L A B to oil Kits hweei While JjiiiI, lor tauiUy 'iue. iuet 1 IT U.IA,M, JOS 13 A CO, "Jiily 10-2SS-lf . - SVie-ealtiiw-s. "PRIME WHITE MLAL. , One hundred Bualiel Prime Vi hhe meal, juat reveivcd by1 , 1XJLULA8 BELL, -t July 15-XM-tf fflXl 3 itA , -.J. 7: C011EGE3 A.2JD BCHOOIi TiiunAs villi: icmale col. 7 THOMASVILIlK, JJ. Cc TiEV. R. ISKUTOH. A. M.. PBKHIHKMT. IX and Professor in Me Lai and M.irml Hi,1.-..l- pny ana. lM-iiee ix-tirrie. , Jims M. Davis, A. M.. lroneor in Matheiualie. andAncieut lAtiRiiagee. Poofnie.- in Natural RiHenee. ' Mr. Naasri. Inns, Teeclier in Kneliah IJrs eslnre and Amnstsntte Mewc. ' - - Mis Teao. A. a, Teaeher Of French ami Asehaani in Kngtudi. j t ' Mis Cans 1 nil. Hi roaan, Tcai-her In Music, -' " 1 " 1 Teacher, in till l ainliug. lirasmg 4C . "'"I - -J,r-, j ' Mrs. V. W. Davis, liatrou. The Fall Term ol tue at ColleeiaU year will eouiueuce oa Thursday, Suih, of July, and close ft) weeks thereafter. For Catalogue, giving full particular, addres me rreeineiit. f June J&r.i-iw, "', . . .. .'; IX VI ALE COI.I.r.t.liTF. ITI- . - t w t e , WAIIIIKNTON M. C. milK iffy Utir4 seasUm ij this IneUtution will X eommeoo on tlx 17lh. of July, with a full eiirps uf eaiierteuced and enicieut uistructors. lbs eotnee r sluiiy etieUeivo, lustructiim this-uuifb and svstetusliv. (iovernuo-ut liarental. and attention paid to refinement of lele sud mauncrs : as well a Uf -deveioiiiiig tbe i11tclle.1t and storitia the nnudJ Warreuum hi uoU;d fw hesltbrulneee ; sud a favorite resort tn ficreoue fnm tlie Eaatora part of the blate. duriiui tbe k'kly suae n. Piipibi received at all stages of ths ianeeion, snd boarded thriHiL-li vacation if desired. For t'ir- cubtrs, and furlber parln-ubus aiblrees eillier Kev. M. M. MaaeMAbS Mils. M. J. Wuaxu, or Bev. wm. IIiiimis, II. 1. June sl-ilti7-tUni UITTRr.I.1.8 Si'KIXGS mi ALE ( wirmx rw worK nine or h.il- emu, i.ti.r Hr. or nti 1UKI.I.H J)trT. HAIKMH ,. AM U.iHIt'X HAH, H O A - fllllK next Heeeioo ill..x-w on tho 17th. July, X ' i ll t sui-wiis lor the psalsebobmlic yuar allows 17 boaiUora, lm bfa. t speaks for itaeif as to (lie piipnlsrity of the hebiMiL Turn ia nitnleiaUi ami aiTeominodaliiiK. Rtery room baa been reneeed. New niattrtnues Ac., A. .... .j-. CB. HUJi'K'K, PreHtdcut. . .hiltlx-lui hirun;s, June 31 367-1 - . O. YADKIN COLLKGE AND r. S H i l l R Dstt lilsow 4'wuiil),N. C. 7 K. THE alxive Inetilntions will open, la tiiiililiiurs a mils apart, August let. Pi7. The preeident of tlie InetituUous will he axsis tetl by Uie neoeeeary TeacliHre. tue nuue 01 uia ivu ecuot'is are i-'-1-. -1 j Urn. ,, ' ... ... Hludeats can Ustrd with private lanouea.u luey prefer. Uar boardiug-housus and unices bsve been rearraitgwl, so as lo insure commit. Bunks, elothiug. Ac, kept on lian.l, near by, ft aceommotlalHMi at a small per cttnt. Tha preeideBA boj m tu be able to enter tea young men from 4 diiurem mnntiu lor tun uest eeesiou, and perhaps longer, aud wait with a enlii they can pay by teaching or otner 1. Thcv must b over twenty, souud in body. and Willing to observ eorlain rules, a copy uf which they will receive ou appiicabou. . ElTENHES FOR A HEKKIOBf OP TWENTf ".. .,. WEEKS : V , , '"' . Tnlliou, from ti.00 torSO Ou. Payment la ad vance. Board, t4S 00. ' Fjutrenee, -v ' ' Board ia till. ml, if paid by the mouth. For fui thet liiformaiion, editress Brv. O. W. HEHR, A. M, Jnly -37Mswawlewlw. Preeklcnt. M IBS HANOCM-a PRIVATE bchool. The tenth Hcasion of Mia Manatim's Hehonl for young Indies afthe reanlemm of iier motner, Mr. Willi P. Mangura, will oommenc on the IsL or Angimt, 1H07. ForCircubue, aildress, Mis M. P. M ANflVM,- Car of Dr. J. K. Cstir. Jna lt-XMw . , Uillsboro, M. a -JBANKUNIKN MALE AC A DEM K, , wiu smim auiies on m. July f7. Taition per session from 14 hi SHI, Board per month 111 lo IIS. For Circulars ad dresa, (lEU. W. NtAL, A. M. Principal. Jane aV-Ji J-U j gEi jwt BOAtiDiNfi f. try tat Bctroor, ' Hlx.l.aiwia, fg. e. . Visas NASH add Mwa KOLLOCK, Paiacteata. Th Fall Term of lA(!t wiU oneu oa' 111 90th. July, and continjie twen' weeks. ircnisrs lorwardea esi appucauou. , , June s-iU-am geTI.KI'T SI'HOOI, rK TOL'SU LAIMLi The nest Neseioei of Mrs. IIowkll's Heleot Hrhnot will eommence July INth. HA7, Ent'tmh BrsucbA Music. French and Latin will be tboronghiy tangbt, j or particutar, aiKiwaa, - . , MKM. V. C. HOWELL. Jnly t-lBi-eod2w ' lub-iglH N. O. ' OtrORD FEMALE ACAIII'.TI V, CIRANViLLE COLNTV, N. C. . ' Rsv. H. O. HILL, Psmerrti. T 1HK fall boesi.. Ofiena Thursday, the Wk, July Istil ' 'irrnlare forwarded noon stii.lbtion. ' June l-9ti-2awtw ' T atlWITV ('!. !.. J II K next Term a ill o.ii.hiii. Aug. 14. ' I tntiou, .! hi iHr. meiB V Board, - ----- 1,2 juoliltt. Vtaslnlig S;;la. U SI,(AUHir nesilh. Taviutuit in currency in sttvauce. July ll-27-td" ,. B. CRAVEN. s -M M,) I, iTI a?.' Miaa Ksnscra A. ffavworm Wil t, ksoes rkx rtchool,on Mtmdmv, Jiiiv-SiotVtwl?, at th im. deiii- of Miss E. - Haywwxl, Fast of the tttafee Bans. July 11-lw : 1- " orisitnta feviau: i ollfjje. - nt.vNhLlXTC,T:,' i TUiTil Bcwiue wiB bCMUi on ilia tniLtk It', sf JMklU. ill. JllU... -.in I... i , i "j-----. hiii,..rtor a.tiitnie, f ai r :r.,i i ugi!r' of .t,Hi,..4l. lKallim pll-Ol. m-irrtrrhtlr--tJiirrawrtir strrrry-l'Tr.Tti lh,n llnirouiftl sud sraleuiaUc blandardi teiLlnenle- buth, HelSMin advantage ample -'Femnt reaeoMsldg ForTmiahvmie ctsiiaiu fiiU parte uiata, apply In " at. ji j, i n. Juus lU iM-U Pnsidetit." NfeiSlT SKStAI.M rsLUUX. THE KCMMEB A)il) FALL flrhW OF THIS' luaiiintHM oieme fit tiii. ol Joh Jnt,J. enh a lull curiw-of eTpneneii leaubera. 1 li.ri su nn nt monta. '1 am. the in aa mi uther Institution of like grwle. r' :, Fur Catalog ail. tree. I It tinll'EITM, July ll-3-1-eV;w Lenoir, I aid wt 11 t o. N. C. E Ancrc, jhiit noHtv of Lime, ati.ui.lc r..rf,-rl-- ! Iiy.mr. p-irjwrtM oe t- I.a.I at u.v at lil.li per lott iuii. 01 114.11 at v iu-. oa piai.m. Ai p y to , PoWl'l L, WH.w W A CO. - . tstawba aiuon N. U ' Jut 20-271 4j , ; WHOLESALE GROCERS. O I t SAL K . VKliY FINK BLA(KBi:ilBir ft INK, nia.l but year. July -2M-lf 11 l.LlAM. JUKKb A l. V tuihiealwlirorrrs O B H , 1.500 BtMbebi CSora thresh' H IX1A. JONKK AXJ. Jalyl-STt-tf nlmieeale Urocera. ft;rEuio.ii. c 'mutKEW - r lu III.U and t'ase,of tlie makeof eiick Williaoia and t.tltera. V N. t tamily Flour, lined Peaebe sad A(ne, rreeit siiHiiitain nutter, ac. ITU JAM, JONES A CO. Jnn A-Xia-tf W boKwale (irocers. SM l T M A C H I H E 81 "McMASNEX'B f-WeVornt .Wd fuel k-rs iml .W-iWiih." - the beat hi the world. We are Agents fw tjie sale of the above, sad Ik WILLIAMS! N!0. July ll-C).lf - - - KaMgh, N. O. Ktsudard and Progress eo)r. 1 K (IOK1IO NX KMT V - 10 BsrreU Yadkin Co.. live Whiskey.- . Wl Five and Uu gallon Kegs, . " ! 10 Barn dsseki-Jod Corn, " 10 " Ht-etnied t " Apple Itran.iw, .. 11 lisle. Bt.iipperboltK Wllift 40. 1 iid Ma.bna " . tit Kberrv " - -. - - to " '. (HdlVKiiac llraiiily, : XS ..lhieellHi ., ' . , ,- ., I Csaew (Uercb W11.. :, IS) Baeket Champagne, M 1 6 t'aatia 40 doa. kuox A Son'e H)srUing Ale, 10 ( :aoe Haw Hrntr five VV huikvv. All of above we know to be eood and w wiB euto rait tn uniea. ; B.P.WILIJAMHtNCO. ! Coiuniiseiou Mtuv bants. Kaleigh, Jun W-264-tf ........ . JJERRINOHI HEIlItrNOSM HEIIB1NUBIII ;i Uarrul N. V. C nt Hentni's. Ml " . No. I.llroei fli itiiiga, Norfolk lur ' - - speetion, : Barrels Coetev N uu. ... - Jan! reiived and ftr sste bv ' It. V. M ILIJAMaiial A (XL 'Juiyi-27fWf T rn 0 ( r A B M E R 8 . TJi-t- t o...i a'ii' : 11. t r.unit t n ni e t vimb ititiv. Eiule, - " Bron n, Clenimons k tVs.Oeorgia Cotton Oins lianietPratta'reUabbt " ., ," Ingcrsoll's Cotton Prees, It. U Kiuory A Hhi' Kailwsy Horse Power, Hutchinson a pab.nt filter and Yiue Mill, Hi Hlly's t'iih-r snd Wine Mill, All kinds Lcadii-r and tiitta IleUlng, I'laiitarimi K-llit, IJiiiou and Dmy's Wsahiiig macliiues, t'ntlum' Cast hitel l'iowa, . . .'; . Emit Trees. Khrubliery. Ac. We are agents for the'eale o7sll the aliove, and propone 10 ecu st uisnuiaeturer s prices and aar- ranl ail we 11. B. T. WILLIAMSON t (XI. P.Kote1tKn:sTO li A. T. Mial, WskeCo. , - , , 1. Hintoti, " '-. '4i . .. tl. W. Moldecal, " " ' . lr. W. i. Irawkius, Ualcigh A Oiwtlisi K. B. Co. Col. J. M. liiK-k, W arreu, Co, ItaWb, M tl. July Itt-'imHf - , Mtaiulard aud Progress, MISCELLANEOUS. Ill 1 1 ALO SrRIXCiS, , MECKLENBURG C0UNTT, VA. I THIS well .known Watering place, newly improved and fitted up, li now pen for THE EXCEPTION 01 GUESTS. ; Tax Muiwisu viairrcaAaom has bkcb Anortan : BOARD, TER TMV l t 15ft, ' I " KK I'i.JA ' ' . MONTH Xi,oO. cnnvkior and kkh va xra iin.t ; .... 1 - rHlCKit :. , . . ATn-r June 1 Al li. Is v Urgnlnr II A V, K , '.' ... :' FROM THE SriUNGS WILL JJKET ) '". iPAHNlSWaKlta- Prom mVhniond at Ncottermrg depitt. every I'aee- day, Thursday, snd nalnnlsy, snd from lianiillu every Monday, VVetlneeiiay and Friday. A II A N 1) Has bees engaged fsr th season, and other Amnsemente are provided. t. pAXHojf,-; "; Propru-tor. : i Juu 1-U53-Slna HALEIGII AMI tJASTOV RAIL IMT ROAD. IMIT Throusli Frf ii&t Tariff. NOIITH AND SOUTH, 7 TITE AIR LI5S HOUTE VTTR are, wow prerared tn ship all kinds. ef IWmioo and lull iffltHn, on throuffli bills of teotua! givmg throiiKh receipts, at the kjwttet rate THIN IK T'HK LINK FOB HIUPPEK.H ' Your lhavis Will hi, handled only once. UO delay liii.M anil etieiise kws than by any oilier route ' Jituraii. lllllntg inupalHI wun oilier rmilea. e tnke gila tnaud troiii Columbia, B.C., arid all niti unliate ataiexis, aitlt mire priMuptoee aisl liis- tiaii-ii than any r apruH C'tHiiiiiy at about utie uul'in the eoHt. . i . TAKE Nui lt E. ' ' ' ' i Pfwitm wliilioliia- umMlit HimiIii w ill nhin tlm.n,fli i lie foliowuiK atreiiut and by tbe foUowunr saiuml taV-mcltti t. .MttHteeis wtHi -fteewrher;- r - Faoa Naw Toa. By Hm OIJ ioiniuii.o Htcaiualiio fiu. K I. Mi- .'resily, Prveblent, (Mli.ie No ln7. (,i, , i.ui.-li Street, i muer ty wn-rt, pi, a7 North lut, New Visk. Faw lUunwoax, ' My tlx- Ba timoie Hl.ar l a, -set OmireuiV, L. B. Puke Siiwt, but, l ttiitoa lfuek, and liramlfs bus of Hieauiere. . Faoar Pal until .rn it, ' Bv the Philsib-ipliis and N-.r-(, ,k Mteamsbip Co., W. Il Clyde Atk., Aswiu, No. 14 North Unaware Ayenus, Philadi-iplna, and V. Aunauieeeii: bus, - Finn H.wr.., By ths BrmloB and Nwioia "Mtmship Co., K. Ham (Wm A Co., Aguuta, mkI of Ceulisl Wharf, BoaUm, . t Conaieu your goods, to K. K. Agents, porhl mouili, Va , and t ity point, tlotaie coming bv the way of City Point and I ctimOiirg nm.i l ao Biarkcd. . , - . C. B. ALJ.l.N, Vvc. i -H Freight Agt. liOKIi.', TP. y--"rT'T'ir; (in the IMh. day of Augnat, 1HT.7, at the' reel-.in-,. ,uf the- baUf J'.liti :ltajjaai I tee'd,. in 11. w;N-!yAyaMw,,'w''.s ,,fi nriiijei I r uf seid- t biiKK) uotwe and LJ" fl'i UTuOB TfTrfyg HVtUHr uui tun ltiiiii!) fit ttrnl fff f Ut, miimig urnch w A MumLiLiif bt?-'i iiUiiii-vWrt thuty h-itl Mini 'it(tT ; ravrtintiK iitti-Moimiu ; HtmwtiM Otlt aVrU4'i4 USt- IMtffr(w-iry tn m Ji(iin : - W 1 l.I.l H. II. PA UNDKHS, AJuir. Jul) li '.-.ll tf ' . Yy A M 1,1, P K A TTrf ti I N . (50 HAWS) Vhvm w Ht'rr,wJiitii tii tcU t mniufrkt-turtwii, UIH'H, ll'lt;itl, R . . . 1 H.-1. M'lLLIAMSON A CO. July lt?.il..tf ( ',i.V, i'.il TOiiACCt). "So l i Tl Ii.-xt s jit CU-siiig T.ilwive uianuUo tui I 111 P4. Call and ac it. li. P. WILUAlL'iOX A CO. July 18 291 EAILA0AB3. t'KEAT I)f!t KMC TK fltrnv 1 r nmrfinv IV7illJ Jkl.lJ,AIs to tiik wi:sr. KALTIHortr. AMI OHIO ;tvi UAI.LIGII AMI .Asr KAIL ItOiltH. 1EOS!twirliing toi M'rsiee and N tlh II I..r . ,,v to tho t-4H Uil H. .It p. . tmcii tl.o i mil o- part of Ain-iA ( toni,' arc ii.t,,n. , maiicut artdniriiicntH initc f -it iini alxive Hail K.,. i y Inch ! tain tbmilKil llckcta, at the I'dice of (lie A-l d Uatkm Aad fiii u KALMUtl, to . HI. Iiuls, Mo. CiiicMiall, Oliio. ' 4'lllfHXO, III. ' IimIIiiiiui1Is, Intl. - t lett'land Oltiu. IS I, Jo4'ils, Mo, i t iifro. III. Mrmplils, Ten ii. " I.rxilsvillc, iiy. JNIIwnukle, Wla. Ilclrwil, Mit li. ; rillakurs;, I'M. lianaas 411)', VI o. Columbus, Ohio. and all Western and Smith Weniern Citn-s, Paemiugore ocm Hesrt-om (,i?ci .'i, roi' c B'UitfJUM-t st OUm JiaU tiiufd, eo rfW fr fVotte, ein. PottumimtU om.1 tiny .no- '.'.Vcoiiera to AoVO'iiMifW, or Ms rowe, i-io .', ' moi4 d l'VeaVHt'ius'ittre and P.rfomac Ami fi'otrM, In Wsahiiiffton City, wln-ra ct.we coiiih-ciiihih sre made with'fhroe t'aitv Vxprt-wt 'triui on tlie rlallimcrt-e A UIii.i IUil Koadlor aliVctciu CHu-s, kiaviuf as f41ows ; ' , . . Jr -j Lasix IUltiwoks. MailTiwia; ft 4ft. A.M." ' - Feet Line, ' bid, P. HI. kipieae Uwiu, .4,', p. M. . ' I AV Wt&HWorox Citi, . ' Mail Tram, ' 74 i. A.M. . F'sst lane 4..ai, P. M. tiprees Train, S.fc'i, P. XL " Th advantages of this line over all others in Palace Htate Hoow lsv and Nik'lit Cars. 1-iaviii!? in Time and distance, and so few tHianee of Cara, combine to reiubir tb.is tlie net ii,-iMHMtt and de.... sirabie Itiiote, eiecislly to Faiuiiice. or Iw-i Travelling Alone, 1 lu re beini; but ON K ( Itans-e of Can between Balluiiore, t iiicii.naii, Imliana pohs, end but TWO hi Ht.-lmut, Cairo. I hirsfpi, snd th iriuciial t'ttice Heat and Mouth.-- F'roni .lice to en iWnrs wiii 1- saved bv pur chsslllg(o4mA lV-tyf, bestjh a great ti-al tif rineowiiaeeiil i'oitWaslicre (vii-sond i.i,,r,ieai- cbaiigetl, whereas PseeeiiKcrs, ieiiitiug (ycow-?4 tu tril, will get their I.xj-Mye rinini ll.r.,lli;0. and ait tranah'rs irf J(iiTl.fci-e and ,.i-.' are made without any edihiional eip, iiho ti tj,e f'- smigtir exeet the cost of tbroni.'h lu kis. 'os-. artiycrs on itrouyA le-ies can slop at ony ;o hi tli route, Ukrvu.jii (o-a ia ncv umHi ttnltr NjtCii. Pseaetigers leaving Knli-iah, Hawnuv inorhinjt, . will utt be dctaim'ti at lialomni-n or t'iaiiloiii.-ti.fi ' on Hnndav ; tbey will bike the Fast Line for ihe nest ill the afternoon. . . LAtSUK PAIi Jil Jt and FAMILTFM, wi-bin" to enilKraletotbe 11 esierit and SmtU II csrffl .stiiiea, alimild aildrees me, eeversl iwlt U-wrt startuii;, ss reduction will be made to Psrlu-sof ten full raswetigors and npwarda.tf timely notice ia given, tttiaidca reetivintr sll further iufmm.-tltou. Fur thnmgh Te-kets, apply to J. M. Pod, Ceil. . Ticket Agt. or to Ticket Aguut ltaleliih A listtn 1111 Hoad, KaltllgU . i:. ' .. LOt ISZIMMLlU ; tiim'L H'Tiiliiirw Ai'h. X ' Italt, A Ohio li. K. - - JOHN L. Wil.MiN, Master of TiaiiHHirtittion. L. M. COLF., . U.&O. ILJi. . , Uen I. Ticket A ' A ' B. A a it, B. Jnly t-3no-ly - KISCELLA5E0U3, JAN'81 FANSI1 FAKHItl . :. Warm weather baa oolite al l"t, snd, with tl N FANS OF ALL SIZEH AKI) DESCIUP . TIO NS, . PAPKUKD. SlLVKUKIt, .l.VA'.V, tol.lu ISO AND POCKET FA Nik We have bonitht out a Frenclimaji, who lately failed in New lin k, and we can now acll mn sIm-i- ter Fan at lis), than yott ever . bought U i.ho at iw. . - Call awe raovoKX a KHK7K. W. li. 4 11. H, Tl'trKEU A Ctl. May SO-'iTiO-tf . OESTH WANTLTV .i in si-llin everv Cilv SHd ciiimlv in ttua Ktt.i. Inlsreaimg suit Mipuuur works, tbe chief of sliicti si the one entitled WEAIUNO TUF, OILVY, by Ji.hi F'stkn t'ooa, Anther of "Surry of F.at-lij's Nest " ll baa on r tioi pk-ca, aixl imyim- 1h-1iIimI wuh aeveral bitllli, actir, S-. Axetrte stake from tliaio iti ft'i'ni, a?"-ar."'4"''ne Itli a b. and .iO caoitaiiVctu l kili' and caT.iv ou the wcik pri,gri.naii, ly. W, i .H iir Mi l,! l,y mail or r.iptcnH, on tin, reccpto.ii il.c r. tuii price, which is ft, S, Ki, acrordnig lo Hie bind ing. All applications snd oiilt-ia, nmat 1 s-l.tiet.i d to we, K. K W1UTPON, (leu, AS. July 13-09-1 JUJcigo. N. t . 4- ai itout itinii ruin, -lyKOFFKH Tf) THK VI LhU) THIS TIXE- f f lntH, l-iltl'l, lHt IK ti'HU DO If f' t HJ4- sjnrtstt th Mm iiH-i ioi hv mi r miv iiiin i 11,1 ll H Oil. wiil etvti it m tttVHl'l at't'i-i'tsifittr wuh lit' putitM- mi lmv. H m i't it-Mwivic l-rttj liom ny (ImttitM Ht'lt k-im-U. It Hill hoi tilttarj" lifts iiMiitirt. It will turf mril or VI' Sr-iln- fli'iiiHif;, r f H prtxiiH iit m-Ji hwi Iw-HUliliil !f,tit. ' (t w Uynig Ui titt -v.-t. H iUf t tifiaiwrtt Iti mni.niji t'rr..rl iv-il. H fu its (I tn m.y KtMimt tm imp l.y tnkiivriMK tlm biiriit-r. 'll Urn Imwii iuwt lav. !;,!. .y it-ifivil, im1 n nttUthi tj y jiittt' tt h-tti lil-Hr AM) Hi.il' bfil.l MLjt Ul'HKISAl i M 1 11 HOW lit H-. Wm rfe ifpfirt-1( u ftintirvi ti ti fl.ff v it U 1 lij Tttltiktilts triwie til Inw TftU rt, tt(i vi-n.-li.-ii fr.nn Ihft jmiI'Iw r-yrviiiHiiilttfn niiii f (.!.,, .vu .JL1W..jlUA-- JlM'j'Sr.Hl lo ftlltliHll LAAtr-K, ( ItlSCS.it, i I iiNrti-"lX sUitlWM'KM. ' lil'tilM K Ti?lHlfi.'l!!t' Ifn1 ', ft' tu s ll tn th txMtittv, wui t) tjsM.J on n-'.'i -dl.io tot MiM trtt ftifiljtnf ion (( li. W. I KST & CO., ftuiititr aud litiu '' "..'fi't, Jiilj la-ei ,iin i. a. i:;li( N. C, Our Firtti Ori'rtt Auciuui H.Jf h faU'- 'i, of llavrdwar, . ' v , x' ' Cwiltry, . , Cirtx'rr, : v' V" KKAlilf KAl-E (TiOTIIlNd, " HATaANJ)8Ilt)Is, and jtfiiwrrJXANr.ous Afn u ! i JW!HHH-f! Hhill Wkflitr-itlitV, tl.o lay of ui rrrr ui'tirt , i t?ti ami (smtiiiutt vn 'llwfiv, ti,r " J I'l 1.1. 1 AM. .USt- TtrirrrrrTrir-rT:1" )MPtkA- .otti:M'I:h li. 1: II- t Il.Mif.OTI K. X il I!l R. lit VA f ! I.. , " " ' JuHN Ji. l;t-itt ui., A. M. i ' "' rlHK oevt K-aiini Ciimtni i.e. i c l.-. Jl of Ocl.i-r and c-aittini, i,:ii , . 1.1-Jt.l For t'ircular and t r ii. n--. civm-uo. ticiiUra sS to Icriuw. A' . , t-1";--, K. 1 I a .', 1. Charlotl, Jnly-1 J i.'-'v 4iao i.-t . A f T St IS A hky nnIirtf-t tn nt Itfif 4M liAItM'ltirU ; X ' J'liV 1 7-e ..:i4r each on. ii i J. l; 1..,,. A.H, -N S f x ! i.v i' 1 ,.; it j 1 , 1 . .1 2 . ol Kite ty Ii.m ac LU.h, J,ji, IK