' ' '.sxefsa J ' A. A. -fl- A .0 'Aj A. , -. . . J .... , a 1 11 i El . I J 1 i i i i Jill, IJALEIGH, N, ar MONDAY, JULY 22r18G7. VOL. II. 1 i 1 r SENTINEL. W JL E. TELL. fitorautToa. From the New lark Herald. TUB REPUBLICAN PAltTT 11 THE HOUTII THE DANGER AHKAD. 1 ? The Republican! of Congress ereeviilently resolved to make sure work, is a party vie, fa the reconstruction of the" ten do.letl Southern States. On Monday eren- ing last a party caucus of tbe members of both house fuuia 0410a mis hkbi -subject, from the report ot which it p panrs that the GVfflffTeional:.EoCutiyi Cooimittee.of which Mr. Schenck if chair man, bad collected some seventeen thou aand dollars lor Southern .electioneering , I . . . . .. , V. I anna l. . . 1 purposes ; tna me uui u m. been ao expended In the employment ot white and black stump apeakera and organ iser, and in ike circulation ot political documents and speeches ; that some sixty colored men and a 'considerable number of whites are now engaged m organizing re publican clubs and in disseminating repub lican ideas in the excluded rite tea, and that for the. more vigorous prosecution of this work the caucus agreed to raise a fund of one hundred thousand dollars, towards which fifteen thousand was subscribed oa the spot. This looks like buatlHss; and jet all this is only an item in the resources and lorcea of the republicans iu the South, First, they have Congress itself, with its absolute powers, and the emancipated black in an almost unbroken phalanx on the tide of Congress, comprehending say flv hundred thousand voters. (Secondly, they bare the War Department, the Oeneral in Chief ol the armyy the fire commander of the five Southern military districts, their numerous subordinates, and all their powerful moral, material and financial kid to back ' them. Thirdly, the Freedmen's -Bureau, with an agency for the distribution of bread to the destitute white and black is almost every county in every one of these ten excluded States, is an active, cealou and powerful republican electioneering Institution.- Lastly, the freed men's schools, involving as annual expenditure of millions of money, collected from Northern societies,- are ail active supporter ol the republican party. Against this -formidable array of official agencies, Treasury appropriation, Northern societies, Congressional committeea and or ganized clubs, with the nucleus mas of the Southern blacks and considerable fractions of the whit population to start upon, bow stand the Opposition t ' It stands without organization la any 8tate, ': without recog nized leaders, and . without electioneering agent, because it is without money ; and the opposition elements, moreover, are so far divided in opinion and so demoralised that they appear to have given up the bat- j tie in advance. Thus, from all the devel opment and signs of the times, w cannot resist the 'conclusion that, after passing! through the appointed processes of recon -(traction, nearly all, If not all, these ten-out-i side States will be reinstated in Congress with' ' republic' delegation in both house."" ii'iAii' '.'?' " ' - This will be done through a party organi zation embracing the blacks almost matt, and sufficient detachment from the whites to giy this combination the balance of power. The States, however, which will thus be gained to the republican aide ilt be in truth black republican State,' inas- ' much a this dominant mixed party therein will be controlled by the black vote. And herein lie the especial danger ot a speedy reaction against the re publicans, resulting in the disruption ol the party. While Hayti and Jamaica furnish ' abundant evidence of the Incapacity" of the African race for self government or political ascendancy accord ing to any ot the forms of modern civiliza tion, we have in the history respectively of th mixed breed of Dominica, Mexico, the Central American, and . most of the South American States, enough to warn us of the danger of negro political ascendancy in the South. The result of this ascendancy will 'probably be, from Virginia to Texas, more or less such a conflict of races, such a state of disorder, anarchy and bloodshed in the reconstructed States, aajto bring about a rev olutionary political reaction ia the North, demolishing the party in power, North and South. Indeed, ths republicans, npon th Southern negro vote, are venturing npon an. exceedingly dangerous experiment, and un less they manage it with extraordinary skill, the consequence to them will be disastrous and a warning against all such experiment , lor age to come. W are satuQed that me uongresaionai plan of Southern reconstruction meet the approval ot th great North, and will now be Quietlr acquiesced in by all classes and parties in the South. Copperhead malcon tent may denounce this "System horribly despotic, and the five Southern military commanders a the five monarch!, the fir pro-consuls, the five viceroys, the five Turk ish' psahas, or the five Chinees mandarin) each with three tails l but this will not chanpe the fact nor the power that be. It is said . that General Sickles is ths Great Mogul ot Charleston i that, in his royal coach, with his fonr shining black horse, h 1 the admiration of the darkies, who love display and linery, but that hi coach ' and four produce anything bat pleasing re Sections to the mourners for the Constitu tion. But does not the executive head of th Democratic party make-an equal display with his coach and four at Newport, and is be not a stickler for the Constitution f All this sort ot cant and clap-trap goes for noihintr atainst any of these five military commanders, so long as tbey faithfully and zealously execute the laws ot Congress. We. be'.ieve t'-iey are thus doing their duty, and that heucelorwnrd, under the directions ol General Grant, it will be plain sailing for . i . i i - I., i . i i inerQ. uut wnea iiit-j suau navw iiiiikiibu -their wwfc with; the rrWestruttion, Df'tba Put- concerned, then will come the crisis of J' or d'l'ht'i t'ejw- i"f is" "ol -disrofd d tlmietej-atKia. will - appew, and . theawUl - Js-TUi-,- reowtruetio . 0 prus mt eotHw awl f notion,- md ' ''pertisDS a Northern revcilution' snrsiiiit .th ,.. .. ,.f y. -!'L--n :'ii"k.rpmoiicaapalaJ.. lulli'iiJ v. I in riiwriiiient is under "fj.l htt Irtt,, h T i. J... lit ill ituniir Wlj toon appear. W hetlier the party in power, with General Grant as their rliantpiun, are to walk over the conrse in 18S, like Mon roein 18S0, or are to be trolten op in ascriib race Kfce'Ttiat of" 1S24, wiil most probably b determined by the results ot this eiperU incut ol negro murage to lue S.iuu, The Kw ork Timt thinks new perils fnr Sletico sre brewim:, and says the Aus rian fieet en it way for the body of -AlaxU tnilin,roay, il it demand is not acceded to, take Vera ( i7, ,. and plcngeMr jioo . into anvtl.er r ,1 aunrchv; - ' . THE HEOOXSTRUCTlONrSUrPLEMEN- PASSKD AT IHE JULY BESH10S. - I- Skctioh 1. lie it enacted by th Smats mud IIvum of JtqmtenUttiut of (As Vitiled Btatet qf America in t'mjrrt anembUA, That it is hereby declared to have been the true in tent and meaning of the act of the second day of March,. one thousand eight hundred and aixty-teven, entitled n set for the more efficient government of the rebel States, and of the act supplementary thereto, passed on th 24th. day of Marrh, in the year 1867, that the governments then existing in the rebel States of Tirgi ma. North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alaba ma, Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Arkan sas were illegal and void, and thereafter the same irovernments, if continued, were to be continued subject in all respects to the mili tary eommanders of the respective District and to th authority ot' Congres. SiovtoH t. And he itfvrthtr tnadUA, That the commander of any district named In laid act shall have power, subject to the ap proval of the General of the armies of the United State, to, lmve eflect till dis approved, whenever .in .the opinion ot such commander the proper administration of said act shall require It, to suspend or remove troin ollicc, or from the performance of official itutie and the exercise of official powers, any ofliccr or person holding or ex ercising, or professing to bold or exercise, any civil or military office or duty in such district, under any power, election, appoint ment, or authority denvea rrotu or granted by, or claimed under any so-called State or the government thereof, or say ..municipal or other division thereof, and Uxm such Suspension or removal sach commander, sub ject to the approval of the General aforesaid, shall have the power to provide from time to time for the performance of thajssld du ties of such ollioer or person so suspended or removed, by the detail of some competent officer or! soldier of the army or by the appointment of . some other person to per form the same, and to fill vacancies occa sioned by death, renlfrnation or otherwise. Sectiom 8. And be Ujirtltertnacted, That th General of ' the armies of the United States shall be invested with all the power of suspension, removal, appointment and detail granted in 'the preceding section to district commander. - . ,. , Section 4. And be it further matted, That the acta of the officers of the army already done in removing in said - district person exercising the function of civil officers arid appointing other in their stead are hereby 1 ' 'it 1 - ' !. 1 .1... 1 "1 couurmeu, proviueauaw auy persou now totore or hereafter appointed by any district commander to exercise the functions of any civil office may be removed, either liy the military officer in command of the district or by the General ot the army ; and it shall be the duty of commanders to remove from office, "as aforesaid, all persons who are dis loyal to the government of the United States, or who nse tneir omeiai inn nonce la any manner to mndor, delay, prevent or obstruct th dp and proper administration of thi act, and the act to which tins is upplementary. 5? , ; . ' SiCTioM 6. And M it further enaettd. That the board of registration provided for in th act entitled "an act supplementary to as a-t entitled 'an apt to provide for the more efficient government of the relief State,? passed March 3, eighteen hundred and sixty- seven, auau Dave power, ana it snail pe their duty, before allowing the registration of any person, to ascertain npon such fact or information as they can obtain, whether such person is entitled to be registered un der raid act, aud the oath required by said act shall not be conclusive on such question, and no person shall be "'registered unless such board shall decide that he is ' entitled thereto ; and such board shall also have oower to examine under oath (to be admin' fxtered fvany membor of such board) an one voucuing me ijuniiiictfcion m muj wu claiming registration. But in every case ot a refusal by the board to register aa appli cant, made in every case hereinafter provid ed, the board shall make a note or memo randum, wnicn snail. oe reiurneu wiiii-uie registration list to the commanding Gener at ol the District, setting forth the ground of such refusal, or such striking from the' list; Prmided, that no person shall be disqualified, at a member ot any board of registration, by reason ol race or color, - Bkctioh 6. And be il further enacted, That the true intent and meaning of the oath prescribed in said supplementary act i (among other thing.) that bo person who has been a member ot the legislature 01 any State or who ha bekl any executive or judicial office in any State, whether he has taken an oath tw support th Con stitution of the United State or not, and whether he was holding- such office at the ouiniitsncciuent of the rebellion or had held it before, and who has afterward engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or given aid or comfort to tbe enemies thereof, is entitled to be registered or to vote; and the words "executive or judicial office in any State" ia said oath meutioned shsll be construed to include all civil office created by law for the adinini'tration of the general law of the State, or for tbe ad ministration ot justice. '? SkcTioK t. ,An& tV 'if further entitled. That the time ifor completing the original registration-proyi(?cd for in said act may, in the discretion of the commander of any district, be extended to the st. dsy of )ctobpr, lfl7; am) the boards ot registra tion tln.ll have power, anii it shall be their duty, commencing fourteen days prior to any election under said act, and upon raar onable public notice ojf Wie time and place Oiere)r,t6'feVtsef(irV-ri of three dsya the" registration lists ; and upon being satisfied that any person not entitled there to has been registered, to strike th nam ot ucb... persori from the. .list,.... Avl .incix board shall also during the ame period, atU..iAJUuJUi.regitrj the nwiie of all per- smrMltttH JWriW:tJtelitWt8 tions reotiirwl bv said a-t who have not heen a'veadj registered, and no peron shall at any tiuVe T en',l:T to be ririitered or to vote fiy reaaun of any invutim pt.rj.in or atunoatf tor any act or Ums which, with- Olrl; iHH -IF- pSrsTrtBror r"iBfertr,- -wotil di-' -ftimlttf-.Tdtn .triiMUmttoiinr ?tfw;--f- BEnio.N s. Anl w jut. iter tuaciM-, That section 4 of the said last-named act shall be construed to authorial the comman ding general named therein, whenever be shall deem it needful, tcKremove any mem ber ol board of regiatraVjn,, ami to ap point another person in hiasmad, and to fill any vacancy in snch board." r r-Fi-Tio! 9, Tliat alt memlwrs n( sni 1 iards of Re jrirtratiort an. tail persons bere- a-r vi't ied or ajipointed to oaice in saitl niUitarf li.-trk-ta. undetany so-esiied Su.te or ni'ini i; .d tnthority t by detail or ap poSii'u.t !t id t;;e I '; ; i t. (Vi i.w. ijvtvrs. Lt n4uli4 tu-ttkc Kii ihliU i U) ti.t'o;li 4.y law for officer of th4-Hed He Sbctiom 10. That no District Conmiainl er or member of the Board of registration OT-sny. of the jiHecs-ir appoin to -acUmr under them shall be bound in his action by any opinion of any civil officer ol the United State. Sectioh ft. That all the provisions of this act, and the ar;t to which this ((sup plementary, shall be construed hlH!rally,4o the end that all the intents thereof may 1 fully and perfectly carried out, ' FAMILY GEOCEES. W. BOBEM AKDEE-vVS, " FAMILY GltOCEU, M FiVF.TTEVtLIX Tltr-tT, ' BALEIOII, N. .,-' KEKIX CON8TASTH ON UAN0 A 1ARUE supply of - ' ' ' . r CHOICK GH0CEUIF.3. CnotMiiijr ia part of HiiKsrs-Onshed, "A" Cof fee, l'oviloretf. "C" Oottoe, "It" tlte, amj brown ef ditferent grscWs ; Mulaaaes aatl Kvrup; - - .-..' I'otteea, Java, Lkhii-, ttio, snd Bi. liioiiinsoi Bseon, Hules, fcliou liters. Miliar cured Hwns, end Htrii! . ... ' ' - Beot, (or ehimiinff, broiluMt, and spiord fur boil Ing, a apleiidid artH-le, Hpu-nd tig s lelj'M kl) Pulk, Bmt sad Kuftaio Tongiu.. . ... . U4Mltib, TiaiKl,'-s aud Huunils. 4' Mackerel, 8mtkd ot Heu4ch Herhnri. A aptendid lot of CodlUh. ,i i .:, ,. . i Fiukied and smoked Hal moo. . , Liierjioul and Tallin 81l . J , . fotioi, Whits Mcro.; Foaeh blow and Jck- SOB VVtllUW. -. . Onnny banking, Hope, Hole leaUisr, FreneU Oalf Kkuu. Luiuig Hkuta, Ao. Mhue fugs. Taeks, Awls, Ao WrapfiinR per. Powder and'Hhot, Cotton Canla. l'erl aud Corn March, Farina and l'apui cw ; . KoglUh Uairy Cbtmw, Factory Cheta ; a largs assortment of Caiiuid t-Vuita, i'leklm, I rwierVes, StusUu-do, eammt U.vsiels, IjoUu.rs, Hardnut, An. . Urangus. Leiuoiu, Viga, Currants and Priknes, and vurvUiiiui aaually kept iu a Urat-eiaaa tiio- n. . , Auw Lkmors ef all Kradtw. Attontiim ia wna- cially caiUid to our para tad Uubaaua i'wut; aud old KuUtsr W liwkuy , All maiiuar of tMututw, Catanps, aud Faucj Oiu eoi ie generally, y ubea)i lor easii n seu stnuiiy ror i.ak. , W. HoUEHT AKKIlEWS, April J t Fauulv Urwser.. Boasaf A. Jkiuuum, . Lr.acix9. Puutf - Raleigh, WUhawabonagh, .. K.C. Famllj Cretcrs and ('emmLsslon 'MERCHANTS,:! IS THE BEICK E0W. I Four Doors Korlk of tb l'ot Ot lice Md nearly Opposite , , Market uure, FA1ETTETILLE , iTKEsIT, -XlAJZEXGII,Ti.C - Oraterol for ths flaltnring rUroinCT with whieh w hkT berUfm boen an kindly favored, we re spectfnlly solicit an increased ftliareofthe putnm ai;e of the citizens of ttaieigh and the snrronnd ing endntrv. WiUiont specially gaatintj, we dtem it Mnlticini to say, that onrsux-k mostlr emUraces snch artielua aa are usually nmnd in lainily Om eenes. . Most of onr gMMUf hare btten rtetitlv bonght in New York aud BaHhmre, for rnli-,'m'! ws hops to be alila Uf sell Uiern im nalixIW-tiirr terms, f n addition to our stock of Urrweru-s, Ac, we have a sue iut of HATS AND BEADY MADE CLOTH ISO and s splendid lot of Confectioneries, con-tinting PUW AND FANCY CANDIES, RAlSIStV , OHA.NOE8. FKIS, NUTS AJiU , - , . LHA.Nli(Y l'EACHt.-), Ac, . ... ' AU of whk h will be sold on reaaouaMs terms. , W have also a fine lot of gtuinine Jxirham Brooking Tobacco, which we can implicitly recom-' meud to "thow who smoke." Please call and see We will pay particular attention to all conirn meats of Produce and Merchandise entruifted to our care and wilt undeavor to sell at the bent market ririeea. fJouaivniueiita are nirtctfiiHv INaulieited. hr s prompt aud ekate siu miim to I buaiiieHe and fair dealing with all, "wehope to merit and receive a ehare of publie patronage. . AprU 13 att-tf .;..3A t',.;i.i . MISCELLA1TE0U8. f KALEIOII AM OASTOM HAIL 1807 ROAD. Thronsh Frflght Tariff. A- NORTH AND SOUTH, by tex ais inrs eodte j TTX are wow prepared' to ship sll tinila of f T rreigiit tnrougn to new 1 irk. 1'liilailelinila, Bo bra and Baltimore: en thronga hills ot lading. THIS M THE LINK FOE HHJPl'EUa." j Tour Goods will bs handled only ones. Through eonnectuna ekM, no delay, titue and sxneiwe leas than by any other route, .lnauranes trilling compared with other rmu. W take g,noda to and frum t'oluiubia, K. C, aad alt tuu-r-mVhata atatwms. wahsaureproniptueas. simI dis uauth than any Expraae CoHipauy at abuat eue-fcKal'ilhtiieeuat.- -- '.i t-f : TAKE NOTlCK.'''-"'-, ' Pvrsons shippiug gwd Hmith will ship Uwrmtth th foUowBig agmui attd by Um fuUowuig valued IHoainabip CuaapaaiM and no other. - - ' ' ' ' Fsum Naw Toaa, ' ' . ' Br the Old lAaninion Bteauiahip Co S. L. UuCraailT, I're.l.k-nt, Ufhos Su 1-iV, Gnenwu h Hireel, (.Vlruer Dvy street. Pier 37 Konh liner, ' Faost BAjTiMima, Rv the Baltimore rltcam Paekitt Comnsnr. fj. B. Parks AKwt, AmH of Union lhk, and i'lraitdt's liusos-ntoamera. Furtariiiunn.irHiA. Bt the Philalel)lua and .Wf..ik .Sleam-liin Co.: W. k i:lv.l Ao., Anenlni No. 14 North Ix i.aara Avenue, 1 hiiaueii-ma, ana vis. AnuauieiNiie Hue. Vnoa. KtoM, Hampsoa Co., Agcuts, aud of Ceuual wharf, Conaifn yowr good teftt, K. Agmla, t'orW moath, vs., aad City Vmut. 4VmU ning by -the wav of city fomt and rvteriiDnrg m-t' be so .BBsraeda :...t;... av i.i L.&-lt , Freight Act, K U k K. fcj(h's iifti'.0i"". V the 1 f.t tr. tT of A wrest,- -VWrr "Wse Wt deuce of trtw law vrolm It. vKaimfS. tc'&. ii 4ihlta (XntrW. N. I wti expi-i to pnhhc reluiuM, un. a credit nt mi.joujuUi, ..th pwra.uaj pnHertT of ssfl rlwT'lviinL5tatg.td a .liue atwHit ti lmiHird lit-iwi ff C'Uo, nMisjf Mh i a nnmiwrof Jiff f Cxttie ami iit tUiiir litud iirlob t'fiti ; mm bnrtttrri h-al if H imMiini and I'-xhU-r ; Kartinn im; -U-mrtttn ; H imiukl mid KitrlfTiFurnit are, au4 trtht?r artuit-a ot- WILLIS 1IV SAUNDERS, AJiur,'v 1 July is-1'...l tf I) (30 BAWfl) ' Gii.a m ttrM.rbicfa & m11 a4 BWrnfawanirii, of office prescribed It. V. WILLIAMSON A CO. Holy IM'jl-a . ;V . . 4 '' 7 : T "'c. ; dby goods. -j NEW GOODS! KEW. GOODS!! ' STII-LTIItVCOJlK AD .0 NEW AKKIVALS. I HAVE il'it' KKl'EIVEO TUIUO BUP il uf Kriiit( aud buiumxs Uuodn., , . Jant rsootrad t.noDyds. of uoautiful Buruig and Bnnimer C AUtVfJ. n . , , j 7 Jnot reeiU 4,000 J0..M..W H0ZAXBIQUE1I and LEM1K. :v . Just reerived S.OOO yds. Figarod IA0OHCT7B sndJJiVi.Mi. ,x . . , ' i Just reeeired 10 dosea lauhW and lUsisss' TlilMMEU lATS and BONNETS, and will t s.ild Cheap.. . , ... ' - . . v ( I bar ake4 mj Mnds sad Cutawrs to eome U CMMCt ir$ to buy thou goods, and I tn piossed tosajr tliat tisndred havw eeeos and are alill eossiug. I keep no tint mri or sVf ruUwd retunanu. I buy new goods and gaod stylm, aud sU them rish.ki..,:''. ,- J'--' Come to (UEECH'S to buy ynr guoda,-B. Hraith s Corner, Fayethiville Htruet ALKXAh'EK CKEBCH. UaySl-230-tf Progress eopy one west. Ol'B STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE ! WE TAKE PLKA8UBF.IN INFOKM1NOOVR friemia ud tlis pnblio, that we have bs store one of the nioot . - , . COMPLETE ANIV I1KACT1FUL A8- -,, ASJJOltTMLNTrt , of Goods, ever offered in this Market Onr DREN HX)DH are eotuuoaed of all ths latcat stylus and novelties ot tlw aessoa. i Our Line of M bile Goo1 t ler- fCLCt, consisting of i Mint MUSI,1X " PIAIT.- CUKCKKD AND STRtPEIf 6tt(tAM)lK , TAHLKTASH, di-iiz,.-pUStM-i Wit BMBKOU - JfiKKIt UA A.il ASD MUSLIN 8XTTS, .,. , , Onr kohIs are of tl best anahtv and price as low ss stir one can sell WE H1.1J, I PKiCrLI FOB CASH, and are eon. tent with small profits. ...... --..-r AU we snk is aa examinatioa of our stock and we Uiijik ws can pleaee. A. Ii, J. Hch-iJiAIUrt. AprU 8-104-tf J MISCELLANEOUS. N' O 4 FAVEI'IEVIIXB MKKKT. I IV STSII, 60 &es Window Glass SilO aud apwards. " 40 Couking Ktovea. - " Keroseii UU by tl barrel or retail. - 1. BKOVTIf,' -" ' " ' ForUaaTAtLawaC lJ5leigh,Jnnea!l-!Sl8-tf , .f . r ,.,,.. (1 UtLFOnP LAND AOEtfcy, T-u ... ' ' Ur1 AUnTll LABULMA, BKA.NC1I OFFICE, HALK101I, N. C. - wacii'AL , Office, aitEENSuono, S, c rerote. hftvinit ACTletiUnrat and tnnsral Land. Water Powers, 't own Ijota xnd all kinds of Meal to tal ftr sab, are rHjkHitfully mt iUmI iaj place litem in our haiuU for that imrui, aa our fa.Mlities for bringing purebaera ri-oui Nwrthera Htat4s and placing piiipcrty nmunntl7 belnrw she iiwblie, Uu-ouJu our ail vr-riiM uieuUs and also tnnmKta iMir atfeucuii aud- rrokmdeut ia tlis Nurth a'ln enl, ro uui-paeil. via ak ?"w wmi ino rost-AKiwro k rtM'rn is ra wwnsro ai.s, in order to sell to s paiiy of substantial far mers iron the North. . , , . .- ' Uiir terat are a ! illa : l'eraons pla-ing pro- pertv iu the hands, of Urn flnilfiirtt Land Agency of North t:aroliua, will bs charged mv per cent eomtuUMion on all aimmnts realised. Five dollars entrance feu rnnat lie paut when uas pro porty is placed in mr hsnda. ; ' . . i'eraoua at a ditue wixhing to plans property In onr bands should give nsan aeeurais hieri U.m of the aan If AgriciilUiral Lanila, they should miecifv Hie aXil. imiiiiImt of aires of clear- mi and Uiuliered ImkVh, the kind of timber, what ia raised os um uwut, what kiud of improvements are on ths preniuM-, bow far front ludroad and rrosa Coauty-twat ; whethiw U la wU watnrad, Ac. Ir hpiVhai. umia, they alinnld atate what kind el Mineral, the mdu-slinn, e- slavir sending s giNHi lair iniurtnien of thoore. It would also bs advisable Ui seud akululi of tlis laud M - ,, , .,!.....J.., . ; i,rE.ii,i:i'jn. x Hi, E'wlleiwT Our. Worth, ofN. V. Hdu. V. A. (iValiam, llillahAro. " ' Hon. Z. K. Vsnee, tiarloile. ThSL Ucbh, fi., I'n-s N. '. I HiUnboro. lion John A, tiiuner, tlroenaboro. ; j .. . ("oL Th". llilflin, tilaliam, ' Hon. John 1-t. her, of Virtnina. For tinrns of sale, entering lnd and all fur shiniuistion,liraair sppl .. FU. 'lUlt M, Agint, -4 Juue Jul ;. riakigu, f,C. IHt. I.AWRi:.VtTI, "o niviaii iVa t i.j i "4 , ; .Tim oiiEAT soutiiEnx ' ,f ; 1 Illwod nl l.ltr ItTetlUlne, i ' .rOKStlKBt WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD, KAI.KIWM, W. S'i FBICE'W f t tt"1 butt lb. .'. Reewuif iided by Cle-tnipw 'e.!. rtwtiiigaiabej Jtiprieuins, WmiSGtOy AlSTEllTrSIMESTi. TtlrWOnTffr . o. ts tru -wo RTit r x h 1 Ctr:Z ' rltaitts, ' ' ' WILMINGTON, If. C, ' DrvLERs rs BAousfi, r.nrit, 1HOM Tft. Lima, i etr, tement, ltair, tteuiun I'sra Vl Cuauo direct from Uovermoent Agel.Ua' hit, Hv aid ail kin-la oft'oal, ' ' ' Aetiis r f-aligh s hsw Hon Hnfier Prvjiit of i.iiiM-, ; ' ' Aaonis f -r the 1 Ilii'uvdi-lphia Komhsra Mad Hu-amliip hne. - - Aeni '"V twod!--.1 s weekly Hteauishrp has frcaa New 1k. A ."' for J inas Boiitb Co s., Lue el N foik sail pai'tietaai . -Ai-os . ,. ... , i ttiiiiijBmuu&r "J f . 1 - X O T ICI!! HAYINZa ATTEXDU 3 11E LAHGK -("losing Auction Nile Of th Season last Weak, and jwocured ' ' MANY VKUY DKSIR ABLE GOO US a CITED TO THS WAXTS or TK'H COM- MPMtT.I 4U PXr'AhkO TV, ' ' orrrn rim " ' ' BIST AJTD ClfEAPEST 7- DIIY GOODS . I: EVER OFVEItED IH THIS CITTI liutiiy to ln fbunU, nrei , sOO yards real silk Embroidered Grenadiaes, Ul new stvlo, worth tl tS, st Uf oanta. 1,000 yanhj real Bilk Rairidotd uruaduie, hi new stvle, wurlh l W, for 74 ceuta, t,000 yards Milk Embroidered tirinadiue, in new - ' stvle, worth M, for l (X. -t'lain lllavk and solid Ookired ilronadiues, at eur- rofiuoJiUKly hw prhies. 1 hMS giKMU are jmt tlu thing for the aeasoe and eiiK-H iM-e'led, as tln-y have lee very sosree aud oi(h. " 1,000 yard ueat, pretty llree ioihU. in all i. kinds ot Una fabiuM," worth SOtoWeents, for H to ,17 eenu Th best arth ls for Travelling Drcmwul over w, worth II 50 for IbJ to 7ft cents. ' ' Th Boat dsirabl shad( of grav and drab Al- pacts, at 75 cents ta ti ul per vanl. n-e While and black CraW ttorels.- Xiao Orea- a-iinea, ... t . . i , , 1,0(10 jarua Wai k Alpa-aal pneiifvelv the greaft'at - bargains ever ottered m Uos market, st . ill, W4 7i, S7 J h,, and l ; Wyrtlt lu every (iiatance duiinls the money. 1,000 yards .black Milks, uf the roost: apprrfvwd' aiakea, iu Tft"U and timtirain.lor t DO, " ' ' ' 1 AS, 1 SO, 1 li, I Ul, Sod U,r. Tbeso ; 1 priusw sre frnss 60seuts to ft OU pes sard Um than any similar goods haia been ortered m this wiarket. 1,000 Farala, lu every ailo and varial v, about half prue aar from tl fm to J 40. Also, Bea-anle and Proineusde Paraaola, very de smote fur travelling, wstaTMig nlaees, As. Ths largeat and niieMtaaaorntient of Ileal I'ouit ' ' 1 Goods ever ottered in fetersburg, . fur leas than half their value(- Real Point Collar! ' '" " Ileal Point Collur and Cufr I if - s Cleal Point Sett I Real Point Lace Trluimed Hand ' lterclilrl.t ' ; ' ' .' ;, Oils rsal Point Applique Lao Miawl, a very vain' able artiehi worili 10,000 yarda 4 msgaittitent ldtwtis, frtsa 20 (oOO cents, worth double the price. The best Ijiwus everollcred in Irauirshurg Ar2S i-oattta.- ... " 1 . LOUOysi'da liuft Lhieii lawn, forf adiea' inoriuug dreaeea ; ths moat deatrsble gooils in the mark. - - Also, t.oijo yardanf KiiiHh Linen lauen (Staling, 1 .tnen tlnlla and Cauvae Tiueks: at" 'ia to . Ml oeula per yard, wurlh 60 eta., tn tl, Also, lull places Cauliiu Mailing from Kit to M emus per yard. Among them la th XX Imperial, tlis best Matting niado. , ' It la not neceaaarv io add more, nor to aav I am selling lowo than any one rlae. The pnl'lm an uu iwh juufria ia una, anil a nojie niey will rive their verdict substantially in my favor by their liberal patronage, and 1 will assure them I Will losvs no snort Retried to pleane. , , .s ... , - 1'ilOMAM a.nlTlIa ! ', t ft i m Vat it IvyesmoreWtroet, ! " , I'rncasaoMo, Vs, - KISCnXA50US jfOKTU CAROLINA COLLEOK. , , . Measil riesteaal, Varras I'sssiy, ft, C. Ths next aV.hnla.tio terra of tills frtatltnthm Witt sommtuce on the rnt Monday ru Aagiut, iwi7, i"hs ootinw of atad te oe pursued is thorough, tba government firm snd dm-nlcd ; tlis eipenat vary low ; the health and morality of ths otau xaBtiity unAoirpaaeed. ....,. . J , ,KtrKaaaa, C , ,. Uimwy-For Bsasioa of 10 Xiioutha: ' jtoarn, no.oo per month, - tino no. TaMhat, liuUmre Osswaa,' ' 1 '" 40 tut. Knivtuih t lumMrn, (Prepsratnry) Su m). Rooia rent. F uel, Waehiug, Ac, ahont . 'Jaou. All mdlifeiit voiiug iiHtu. manned iu the late war and Hwacilated l.a- severs phraical eicrtioH. will Imi cluM-god ouly n of ths abov ralM of Tiu(iti. For further particnliurs, sand ha- a ProHjieclus. - Adtlreea, - n.v I A.I!IKI,E,A.M, ' Prof. AlleM'Ilt lAIII'MilgeS, tft. I'.leaeaut, Caban us l .. N. C. Jon U-Xa-Sui . 1 PATENT IMMiOVKDMETllon OF tSIMvING WKLLS NEW - LAIKU 1 ' 8AV1NU tub t(ooKAL n?n I IV. klCi 1 l IU HAH It 1 iMHk AND lnnntt Htf hi tHli" I'liii lii hniif "V l. 111- liujk, r ttmtn- to bav kfiai u4 tvJiAtsbM Aft4ii Ut ev'ry Hufy f tit litJii. . . li- Jl il in gf--jf d-r ttvtfry fnuiv U liato tva lmiMlllt .IUM-iV Of 4t'T. thesIT llWll lifeniija fr tmait-, mh it -h nw)fnv9 ih& "nlf T AII BbII ?-.. tTJUIU-JF "ItAitaa. JAfiMI letVUtM OUR rmcKH A HE f'Cn K.. 1 PlZKt i WITH I VUH-VlhT TO Aiifc.N fii hv Nt. 3 Piimu in mrmnit in froutn-f kt va A-mir. ttmA mtiiwm lMnt a,tKf tiAMN & imrw ir rx-r t -v mm mt im mhmi ifMMVll'tl Al Hit t.ivWtk HmtlwM, V(h ftt teiLK-f fllaV. fafri 911. kntl U ttiwiv nilii r rMH-t. x .J1 iti w Ut .rhHuMai ttvt vd hioU of ebtMniusj ftif-rm iar tvim, .$;'.t4 c4J eSt in'iS. IH1Y HllMW tti ft!. tr t. U, tl M MfttiN- trU,i aUlti tt(Ull Wllf lltMt Wllf U 1 UI1 Uirff- cnm ur rtlnw juuM'4lf a tUxru, h. 0. fit JlllKi,AC,lJX ALSO, LACEP AM..C(Xt;ilE.jt 1..UT ..,- isu shoes. -, r t 4, Alan, a bea itiful Meirtmwl for h4 ani ChiMrea. -v . tail and vow will rsOsra If Trsirknoiea, waving, I wae I.i. kji in aoi"" stt 'xAr aud geitius a pair of M ie' Hlio." s...J&-il-lf tl. T. fOOKg: P01 8' -A L T. : ' ' ' ' '-' AiioIKhv larehi4 N. . Out HI tt n St. I l.'-.r . P-01 it II- I rr ... . - ti.--; i" ' 'i 1 - k m i l' - Ui! !u, .. ! !;. Io "I St-gaaud t in. Aif li-V. 'mscELXXSEotra Lt'K AND OOL1) I'tH'.TU : OoMwstnu, . . .)lnmwoKin, ? tiool, . . . Uiwrsa, . Mooss, Alt t M'l v, ' - At iks ale lih, nn.Lw, ,,- faaaTow . , JUl'HNS. ' '" C'AHeaia.1. - Alt Jaet seueiveM at Tliekera'new HalU . TaKaiatfrM, . . -" LiiHotaLUtW, OSMai, . ..- UlUK't, .. t H.01T. ... AlaHV.niTH, AloKttlS, . illl.T.., ! : . i BvaoM, Hraisa, Col-FUUIOB.' j onr uw tw, aett ta BRAKSOK, FAUIIAR A CO, RtLtlUH tin (UtTSV H. K . RJCel FFlf'Kr Uu.ltx7. ) btPKUl.STtMEM"8 OKI , - v . IUlsiub, N. t:. Kay Ulu. 1 CHANGE OF ScHFJiUU: ON B. AO. B.K. ON and f"r Wav 7ih. 1H07, trains will rnn oa it. A O. H. It. aa foil.iws : Daily Mail Irajiw leave I M,-ih .V A. M. 'Arms St. - J F. M, ' Ifail trains Jeavw Weldon - 10.11 A. M, Arrive st Kalelt-li A. Ml I. AU Freight tram arrivos at Baleigh 4,. VI p. M. . - - " M-lssvea ., ,MA. U. " The mail trsins make raaoens eottc.ee Lett with all points North sad tkmth as inick as an other route, . ...,.. w. a. LEwia," Maye-Hi-lf - -.. Wee.tmpt, 1'i-ogroaa and Htandanl coy till forbad - - 1B, WW.- I.ITTI-E, :': nA8 KKSrMED THB FBACT1CB OF MEDI eine in IUI. ikIi and na vu imly. - . , oFFlt'R, at t m lleo. Little's, lialeigh, Auly ,t-7-lia . , , ' AIXAK eV JOIIXKO. W II OLK H'A X- 13 ' Seedsmen, Nnrserymen & Florists. j.,'. HfAI! ST... rUNlKR t CHAKLE8 HOTEL) 7 i f- 7s' 5 Richmond, YC tie IMS "; f - ,-'- . V KOINIAl MPKINCie, fulUiwiti eelehraled VllUIIMA 8PRIN04, of cshv iKitHtMi bv railroads anil abort slags lines. 'sr good roails, In comfortable emaclios by eou- traa hunted to ten paaaongera, will be open lie viHiiora os am 11 an-Ea tub Iut or Jims ; WHITE SCLPHTJK, ' ' i f--vi Oaxraaaraa Ooem, W. V. '- BWEET tSPftIN08ANl) HALT BPirHTB. ' " - :' 8PKING8, ' ' " . tf inraoa Corra-rv, W. Ta. 'rf 1 ltimte eta Virginia Central mil mad to Jarksoo lliver depot until (liont Kith, July, when th - . railroad will ia ruu to ilovtugioo ; , . , and frian Ahaieark's, on tit ,, , .., irKima Slid 'ieliueaeee - . . railroad, vm aiagee. ' ' HOT HPHISOft, i IIFALlNa HPRIN03, and ... i-. 1IAT1I ALUM BPRtNOH, r ; 1 Batm OomTr, TaI, n.r '".!..'; : Hunt eta VugiuisfnlraJ ratlroadj to HiUboro' e t.. - !2 f . . 1 UIH'KllltlUOIk ALUM HHtlHtiH, , ; lillOKBlUIKia ConsTi.Vi. ... ,. , Itoute via Virginia Centra) railroad to Osehsn " depot... ; '!-, Al'C.rsTA WIHTK HliLl'HVB ALUM UPBISO, (Foitutui.v Rraiai.ixu's.) llunfe ri'n Central railroad tn Klanuton, tlienc by .V - -atagos to ths dprtngs. ' " ALIXGIIAM' ttl'IUN'OH, ' .HoRTaosTsar CoesTV, Va, ' Boute via Virginis Oeiitra, Urange and Alesa dria, tohbawavilla depot, mi irgims and , Tennessee railroad. C'OVNF.R'8 Sl'Ll'HL'B Hl'llINOH, '' 11oTetoct Coi'sri, Vi. 1 Bout as above to Owner's Bprings station, Tlr- , . ,! : gull audi eiuioaiiee railroad. if- thbodoumFickbth s-' v-r '. V- can be procured at tlis principal eitiea Wsat, North, snd Bonlh, to all ths ahnvs -fr : named Hprings. 1 " THE PlIol'lilE'l'OllM " .' . of ths shove ftjiriiiga bav provided aa enlire out- . , , MRWIaTuNITUBB, . .:, - In all deparimeuta, snd will nee every mwt to niaae vuitors eatmuetu Msv 30 !fjMni r. j.mi: 11011:1., N W o 11 1, 13 ANS - VMaPNIItTWttM : T. t. A. Hl'ltR . . Or NrwOkLKAVa. ftpotuwnod lloici, Itii'hiuoiid. W. V. t'ltlihf.Ki ' ' O - ' ' . TJ!.F.OHAPlf AND ItAILHttAO JTltaSl j . t notuMUA r Mm. Y ' . July t-SHO-Ha . -:... . V '.' OOIT11AMIMOM 1IIIANDTI ' O ,i v.. - r .. ; ) ; ... H.NK OI,l 111 K W HlMltl l II , I have 111 Moieafew liarrel. of f me WlllsK K Slid out Applr IIHANliT, aln.v I'r-erf, whlihl sill sell tn ituiuiiHiii il'1 lxl tiLA.S llKU.: I x ' July fc-.iO-tr " ' ' Wariiot ftnutr. . iMMLsMluNKlM OK t LAIMH. , i ilvlef'omniiwlim wiU be open tor ths reeerc tiou of (litinia. iinlil tit iiuil, unit atler lm-h dole thr Isle ts fill M erailitieii ui tn apeciuc adjiiMiaunt f tne elainis that will have hit n that tune nreeeiiled. ' 1 ... ,. - u JAS. 0. HAUI'EIL, t'h'a ll 1t.V57-l.t . " I'roVreaeiarulard snd ltegiater copy til Aa, KA!W PAD LOCKS, VOB DtlO COIXAr.ft, JunetW-271-tr , .. . With Bast A Lvot. Another siipplr'of Kim lairs S Finger Oraio Cradles r0Me.t sad ft sale at mamilacuu-cra price -- -J A MR M.-TfWLE Sr - '4ob tt-84f. -;- ' Agent, - '- It MBf A wtlllc C otfMll, Ms A. J i-Tlie F4l4.gpfeOtX..f lifr? begin Jtyth; r jv-trfrr-frir at Tl ;rp ?S W.!T; C r tt.S "pTJa. t".rt rri aiirw, a-wifB, . - - B. R. 1ATFW. ti HF.AMU ItKsr WKAITIVI l)t V ll. - PAir.K . , to tie soid cheap. U, 1. WILLIAMSON 4 CO. July IR-J'1-If . ttiAwniard and frogreas eopts 1 V) ii 1 1,1.1 h.S. I n-tt a Vraetieel M onr at e i.d ,n j el II, e car s I'UI- litieral pre-e lor one that- cmi neMt of a, a ' t Al ' j A. (,, I.- ; .1 1,. ti-uly II IfOtfi .1. .1 I :iAtti.ll IM . t be N. C, 1.. W. F I I I 1 IN "I ,. !..'.....i.. l'flTOtUAll!i! STRANOFtiH VW1 riVldLl li,!! Ai:K V0J tK4itii UiliUmi W41AU at .... ..... WATSON'S UAI.LEHY Or AKT, AXU EXAMINE THE If AKV ; heaut'ipul- r PAtSTIXH., . ' : - " : ' oit roitTHAir y- . " : iFIIOTOtWAPUitdttt. i On exhibition at this eMt&biinloitc itt, . -l'hotraihs ciecute.1 in the nuet sivha .W the art. . . .' Particnlar attention given to coir, in eU ba- aerraotypes Ao. ' J. V.VVkATSOS. Bclelgb. June s-2.3- tf J. T. MOlI llXlllU,r'.":'''' HI 8Y CASIO S E 8 J B K E T,- PETEE.SBUHG, VA. .;L:,1 FATETTEVU.LE ST., -. M'holcanle and Iletall Jtcalcr ':' :--';-, '' a n p-': " ' ' , Manufacturert of all Kinot of Furnit ure, -AL.SC- ,' Dealer in Psiier llsriglngs? Floor snd Tufcln Oil Cloth, Window rDiadua, iuianielvit Cloth and flmir Slatting. t Call and examine onr stock. Otrr motto is qiiek sales snd small profits. . ' (; ;T-J- apru 19-jix-jiu- j rpo to "Ills a w. ACrONIIT). 11 setabliabed fact, that TOBACCO well tlavored eonimautla s bcesr price ao i itiir ready sals than it doa when not fUvor.,i or bu t badly so. Wneh being the eaati, wmiUlit. not b to t lie intereet of Miouitaetiti-eia to one bie'i-aily pure navoring niatenais, stten ss Oil Aniseed, Tnak Heans, t,v ' " Urrgamot, . Cinuamon, "Citnmella, Cloves, (jeranmtil, ! a l,emou, : Mirbane,' '- v ' Nutmegs, :v : Haaeafi aa, " Wuiiergreen, Anspioe, Cmnamoni llarkj' iiiiiu M vrax,. . i- Miice,. & , .: Nuttnegw, 1. , . AnK'lua lloot, -.'. Orfis. ... " i Keake . , . r. ' Vaierisn " " "'' , . Aaieetsi- ' " i ;jf . CaiilBiuon Heed, . -'a'i-tstider ' ' , Feirtiel, . -. . ( . - . t Hi m Amlrie', - ' - tis Oil. &e. ' i .i IJInvea, Vie have eoasUstlv on hand s Inrue atock of th . sWveirlli-lee . aie, JlraiMiinK Urn-iUta and fiik.a of alt kmrta, which we aell rrt'ti lot. " ' , , , . J OKDA X & CA RIJ, , Wholesale and Butaillimgiits, ' May 2T-a474f fetersbm-g. Ta. ', Taluablo tlljr Iropcrfr rr frnlc. ONE OP TUB ilOST III1:AI:1H jlofUKS aud Lota ui the C ity, (trout of Naoli ripiare) , UtW ocenpted ly Mrrt. Kiiliui Tucker, o.h-il. l lie Houne t-Hitaina 10 R.M'ii.a, all a, -11 hn mMied, Lot aiiout 2$ aeim, gronmis beanlifuiiy orna melltiKt wiih ftliruhlyl-y, tHtaervatory li.ii-d Vtilh ths rarest dowers and garden of hue veetahicw aud choice fruit treon, ail iMtceemtry twt build ings, and well of pure Water. l'ueai-ii,ion can bs given ituiuedian-'t . ' i 3 W, II. A h 8. TUCKER. BlarHTS-tf TTENTIO.N J'HVtilt'lANH, , v, ' , ; A riiveician, "enj-iyfng a good pracliee In s t irg Villstre of Ul inhahiiaiits, on the Centra C. It. H.,' isleairiiua of ael4ing jiia botiMeiind thrir ralN. I lot. togi'thur with hie good will, to siane rehnl.te stia' iitgem rhvaiciau, ss uodcfeUue t-ugaiito ouier llieee. for particulars, spply st ' !' - - ' lane an-i'iii-lui THIS 011 ICE. AlJMlNlH'l'UAl'OIiH AL15 0t'lii:Ai. KitXATK. T) t Virtue of a iJecKe of the Comity Court of 1 w ftMluiiittou t.ouuty, Mwv'l'i1 11 i M 7. 1 IsliRil pone for ei.ii- ell 1 ilee,t,ti.viilli. Ane;H-t, at tlie toitrt lloiiiftt duor in tve tteh t! 1 v ntotith, the Olnflvlili Ei'iul-r et ol J.V .h It. U-ni .) ic. ceaaed, iwlueh w the luie tjnlf hi tl-e r-aamp Mown as Ul "HAH. l.HAt; MVA U ! III tel.-lllg- 111 tlniiilv. fvuiif on ilie '1 un.h.ke at., I A.i...u!iit' the lauds of h. ii: ,M. Ke, llecly t'.v!i-i..ii, aud oilier, coutaiintiK, l''i eu'V'Ija- , ylKTlilt:HAM SIX ftUM'UlH? ANU.MX- . TKK AC1UX Hatd Meaniii hsa a eoniilnrfili'e auniHiiv of Vv- preaa Tiinuer, haa a fertile aoii awereB.'-v' a evetv lvaiitakr, etui aiiiln-ient oinumii- l..i-.one ol thetlnent fai'ma In the eovnitrv, V ' taiiwal A eretiit of Km, X'-h and t' .ii,ten moiilli. Vflln I wo tlmulretl l'oll.tl-a v-unIi to imy eoete aie.i cnargii ll'M.l A r. r If r. A'iHtttnHti-jtior, Ac l'lvinmilh, N. C. July A-esl-daaita MIEICIXE3, dC. HAUMllAaW 4 -AKII: tl4 1. 1 1 : it A I I K rii,i,s. tiMal i-'Ni'io r.v 'iiiB r.v..v i riiMi- eiaoa. t'arely te.-Ulue. tmoluel IU tln-lli. Never tir-ie ; 1. n.f,- l,.!,.! vj.j, t,um I'oht are pi-ni-uii t-" !.-!. , r regnlaimtt lie i.-ow.iH. io..i i..r U e ure ot j-miori i Uvw, Of t JtiVt'llt'(-!S jMlllMh , JlMl., pVfllif'pKti l.lVt'1 ) He.Wi.arst, I r-htti(i t Htlmriie ni hri.'' U it ir, S. I'. M ntl, !i. 1 1 .; ti-i riijrii.nnij in rih t'Si'-h t, ttMitiuia if h.t-i tluij Ji(i-)Hii) 1 i tht 'til. mttriin, uif (!-.;.' 1 tint iYitftr vlAMt nueiry m iu,. that Uwy imtiitt "(e-nf.iry ar a. ri 0tnrt utufut 'iiaUv-r, i K, Ti. Halt -it- h 'V HAXVsOOD, AMERICATT BITTIZHG. '--fit ftmtt ttttrShrrrt- 'I r-r.-t .-'j 't1 I vt i r 11 u i:u u. 1t)B TTTE-'fT' f.f o 1- Ii'," t'f'I'T ' 1' cd iiu-emtii.i,. ;.tiO" 1. ' -t..n nt mriTi.i-.--i, n-;r 1 - . .. - tU-ottiidiuUdiUi-li. "1. .u-.i... Aff 1;irj;'arrt-- t-n?TTc--rrr ' tt: ; :..-v i lnyfit!te tliv-alm, or o! ti,e I-. -twt... f-t" Wie l iwa ot aj'i t trt and CTteetllal 'I. in t'l ne. ti'nl.a OAtlirc Sil.i , liver tliecewe. in u s au.l k o. 1 . "rifcrLiA'sEOUs.- I v ... .-. :5