. - TW hnfrffi. il ptWW every slr,,xpt PitwOay, oa th. fcit..ing tmie; F.- one saitii'li,.. - r"or twe wtof.OtSr. ......... t. .... . .'. Tnre newne,. , .-. . 111 , .y. .. .' Oo Jr,. .1. .. . 8 n-WwU; Sentinel en ywuvv sis mmilite,. . . , . tVkly Beo'inri, on tw . a.. at 7: hi m-miti.,, . . . . . L Tin: skntinj: L Wli5. PELL, BEAT! Af,V eftAanej and satisfying a ti?j!U fertSi!. .--' c.. We would Dot detract , train the enforcer; race one ei ogle right orjjrltilegeessrntisf t the maintenance of the-ir fie. Ji.rn, Bui it, will be ntonttrone that in Jiteratay uneducated wtisxriy slutuid be allowed, hr Mr dot ' cd . ' - For the Scnliml. KdUarr:-Thr whits -people;' of. aopiaencsa, to rule the majority and place f,,lk " .tow -whites, sound Hcy, w l,Tit',j- in continuance . T . T'r , tltt-sw ande tb ban ot inferiority, sbootd nstajtoftolin . th power of government. 1 LkJi lJU4k JJ Boen Mil w liich tU,o!j t jniOCfi4I jiiUd ijf ..while tit. a. W counsel no whit man party, a siv that the mass of th colored ou. noder X.' n e bar before e, to North t'srolfrts, to to speak, tttouluru, and not Biinj niomht ar to elapse it will be determined," at ' least partially, whkn ia the one ttiwt (ball develop our deatinea, political, moral, ao etal nd industrial. . . '. ,. Th evidence multiply jail of the dan gen that attend the aucces of th Radical policy, , T1m evil which eVee, its Mftar- ticce dare already produced are terribly portentous of lb effects of it real ascendancy, Tennessee Maadaut, . I prouineot and friglitliil relief, a a I llliutratioa of what Jforth Carolina Se- Coraetif it govciaueot abould tall iate tb haBili of tit bad, TlnJiiUire mt;n, who - wou!4 ae that goTerampLt io jfiifeuie of , peraeeutioa aod opprewioa, inatead of ukiog It, what government ,onglit tp bf, gia of protection, aocurity and ttappi eat to all the people. ' Hajtl liomii ' op u terrible example oi the anarcli, dfacord ad ruin which hare erer naulti il, arid will eaue, foia iDrwtiug with politieeJ jm-' Mtyan aorducated,, Illiterate face, a ho! hare but faint eoncrptiooi ol moral or po! Btical obHlim, 4 Kttl(k' nt tlutJe manda of ttemnlii(), no experience with the theory oi goTeroineiit; aq$ do a:UirJ tanee witU the rjHtfiet4f eiilighiK"1 eitisnliip. Kcgro rule will 1m poliikal. aod material ruin. Kadieal rule early, If aot quite, a -bad, la ii fpplw tioa to Btatei where the fclat k ejrthnt h al aamerooaand formidable a'it it ia 41m South, for th tt awn that it can only rdy npoa that element for ita perpetnation, ted can only eilut ttf arraying clatMui, by pan dering to the pawiont of the African race and exoiring it hoatility to the white com- nonity. Iteiult are eaaily foreseen limter I wh a condition of tbint't. Tbera nan be no tecarity for iociety,hoitabll!tylforpi'Op- I iiteinfik-nim an J eliliu top.uianif vt i Ti'w" ia Ten- ne-e.Wk id tbe Ttnrtn,ij? that alua-Radi entiatn- which aerk fk drgradatitm of the white nun, we it adriee the moat earneat f-r..fwr rfforta to arert the Impending peril. ia anottk-r nuiuW, we will (peak of the nre that lief before aa ander a Jut, wiae. atable and beneDcent white naa' gorem roi-nt. ... Hit Kouin eannnt lik np-n tiie etiae ri-ia are !iki1i willioui great j concern. Th7 lonl tjlyt, n.ithtulinif Uie great chaft(fw wULh hare tkn place in.thir coiunuon , ami in the Klatioue Of lm wtll'aa principle, drmaad of the hannonv aod good feeling widt h htre hitherto prrTtihi U-twern the two . At ia . luanileTairaiire Confeipondene from tin "Spring!. j-J- p.'Taw,-Aaj. ii, 1SS7J IJtuttleme: What n the elate of the Th,aiointa9r in the g.nxlly City of Oaki I I do tt wuh to exalt over tbOMt'leM ("flu- MUii I tun, but the temptation to Wii yo of the eoolneaa in which we luxuriate 1 htats jrEm. .'V rilLCe rty, no baaii of puUid confldiroce, tin m Zrwrahca of .aocial bahUtlUy, BS'ia6cat)rg 'menu to enterprise, no inducement iorin- ; . featment. no certain nturaa of , labor, no hope of immigration. ' The alrenJy Minting demoralization, which w bare . e lunch reaeon to lament aad deplore, will prradJ addiffuM iUclf, uutil it will perrad every ramfflcatKHi of atteTety init every "ejtitr nent of trade. 'l;)isWd" may be eligrar a spun ear eeal of Ktate, in liea of the old 1 and honored, rlgnette, ctulilcmnfic of Pence and Plenty. Such ia one of the phutet of "' the future before , fsture which we may urly avert, if all the , lovera of the State will throw intide Indlft. renre.'ap dliy and hppt knM, and fome to the reM ue. Already, men oi wiitdum and perception Rt the Korth, who have hcrotofom cloned, their eyca to realitiea, under the prompting nnd influence ol a temporary, pre.jujice, aj ho ginning to open them ' to the " portenlotn iudicati. .iu of the time. The tide of mi Ion, wliloh threatened to beat n opon the rocLa, ia citing ; and if we are true to our nelveala the eurgiicy now ("taring u In the face, the day will coma when we thall . be bailed with benediction,, by those who have thru it theee present andfpronpectire eVil pun u, lor reacting, with manly and Judlcioua moderation, their blind and un reaaoning etTorte to cruli out the Ufa of . Anglo Saxon mnnhoodbeneiah tbo htel of negro domination.. . i ! t;. i feintaea tr ttlirt'tnn nrtny tr tawmtng "Jurtly indignant at the pMatitntion and perveraion of the oljU-cta. for nlikfi the war wan waod. The rank and flU of that great anny fought lor the prvaervation ol the Union )nd th matnlunJMtce! of the na tional authority, in on word, they fought to conquer Puce, o the .baoia of (he FtnUral CinudittUwn, and not fi nrgro donainatioa. Ttify will awef uhjU stoilt ver thennielvea, and U the Jntincta of their manhood and patriotiam -will reroh. and are rerolung, at the idea of Ita being foiated upon the men of their own race, who tave 'mibmltted to all the Uitimate inane of the wtr, with a faith aa perfect M th courage iih which they eneountsred th ahock of battle, Wa ul(init it confi dently to the member of that army In tliia City, in thia Btate, and thronh.ntt ih Boutli, whtttjef th8 tltnfgi" am not" aoT"" ' Th moral of our olt rvationa, in lU'n connection, ia that every white man la the SUte, who i privileged to "So alionld promptly reyiVer t' nawai a V'rt1, for the purpoea of averting the evil to 'which we have refened not, by any meana, with any purpose of oppreaaing or Injuring the ne gro or d priving hub of any right ; oa th contrary, for the benefit and beat 'iutereat of that race. Kotwithatamling the extmt of th ciWiaiH liiwmenta, w tu t Well aa Btrcd t?!.ta full weirtratioM of -Um latj Bed white otnra ill "W-wwSha; tinned pr.i(.rnitiiice in North Carolina t f A CiTiwi."--W'a giv place to an ar. (u l from a thought fid correapondeat, aipaed "A Ciliaen," who toacbe aa impor tant matter. Vft know bint an lie1 a friend of the colored race and a friend of the UiihiB. We know nothing of the League, bat we are oppoawt to mil merit flUitml toriatinn; of ny kind. ' JIvta if their object be ffooJ, and their whole purpj4 and con duct be ao, they ire tutpidvut, from the fact that they are all in Mm interest of w party, cod their proceeding are withheld from the public. . Were the natioa at wjtriind were thero any conllii t ia th nVmib to th" necrml ty of early tcntm I on.then , ndeed, there might he tome Jntflition for thetii. Hut where the whole people of the South, wtilte and black, are t p -ace, and antioua ftr Uninn and for Hie harmony -44 ell aetv tiona ami atl claHae on a Jnt bai, in or rkf to the recuperation of the country and gerotif engine a aor ret aaeoeiatioa, niaa gad by bitter psrVksan, and whit men, who do not rnjoy th confidence of th aiaeae of the white people of the State, to lay tht least, ii cause of doubt and dis trust, 'Many blacks are drawn into then saeocislions with little or no knowledge of illuir, purposes.; Hhou Id they hear both side of a (jnetrtinfl, and then make up their nnbisaed judgment, untrammelled, no one could blama thetn for any choice they might mnk"j huft whore tbry are drawn In to be majde the supporter or dupe of partisan 01 1?! Hl?5i,B cma till to what length tiiey may be carried.! .very reader of hia tory knows, that, under the pretence of aus- ttt&iilijj LITrty, Tnion' and ilia Conatitu tUm -umlCMtli cry of "Liberty, Equality hd Fraternity," nation and people nave dug the graves of Hbir- own liberties', and buried IhAmiielve almost beyond rcsurrec Hon in the gloomy grav of despotism. wrninira cool BDonzh to ado one to Walk with a wrapping, aad' tori neither tk exercise, not the additional Clothing, too math comfort t Still mue doiigUUut are the nights, auich necessitate race to remain in their present .1 ili tie, I "" " kt gg p. and to labor earnestly tor the good ot iMd twn belore the night hssendnd. Blsnit luiili aiul ..r.-i. . ...I iL.. eta in August t , The erfcet of such an an- pnstperity of the eutintry. In.liainitioan",a' "-"tepWi .'ieipTni-te;aii ' - I.,, T 'I. " ""' mm'i vn-ii!'in Willi .'. . : . T the whiten, or to be enioioved If llu-in in the ordinary dejiartuieaU of lebuf, and thj manifestation of n dUixniiioa to eon suit alranirecs rather than their ewa p pi lit relerence to tin ir liit-'ret, nam rally tend to weaken- -tbeJtrrt 'hic,h have IwHind them hitherto) and tlieehoi'w oa the. part oi the black ff persons knowa to t boatiix ft Houtitcra wiiites, et of incompetent pciaoiut in other res pecta, aa their ronnacllor anil friend must pnKlue indilfi9nce, coldneas and final alienation. , .... ,, ,; 'Not lung it ao Welf calculated 'to- wlilen this lireacn Wt ween tlietwO mors, s the rxistence of secret n'Jitioal aaicUtiOua suiiaig the bio ka, which Mouilirllie power to nuntrol litem in mutters ol l ii u, or other matters, wbieb'tne league, or what ever it i callwl, may 'cIhhmi to dictate.'-" Domestic lairer, especially, cannot be if gsrded as sale or reliatite, w ho sre known to tie ntulsr nerret bound oath todowhstever the ariHror AwaiationdMiMaBtla.--. While. tbetiuiiliiter uisv b boneatlv laboring bud fore-a.loitr Ut iliciiHri.'e bisduiy to ln em ph.yeta, the Jtmne may lie deviiting the most serious uiiaciju-i to him or Ida Uitcr rats lu tact may ha puilling bis rum, The oath which binds idem to do the bid ding of the Leaguo, may at the same titnc noia tlie uomeatic bottwd to blot th etu ployer's (U-mrucliou. This is a acrious mat ter and one that should be pondered. I am no : eneniv to the colored race claim to ia. licjritj', friend of the negro. uiiu iuiiuimiii ui uia new neogeu u lends. Hut I am alao a friend of the white race I am no advoratu for a white nian'a party or atnaott-nien party, i am iu favor of pro raouog in coiicorit ant iiarinoor ana uro perity o( both. I nm for piscine both in luch relations to each other, aa to lire vent uisooru ana separation, sua secure I lis mu tuul welfare of both. 4. I knowwothing, by experience or obin-r ration, of tln'ae' Lnion League,'' "Ueroe ot America,'7 or "liwl rHnng" Orders. Secret organ iztlona, in time of war, to pro mote iioenj, or i, uion, sou concert ol action lor the well.re of frutui. nirainst the ma chinations, of our xicimm, may he adsnkwd ute, lor tn detection ot spies, &c. Hut. in timeol peace,' when avert wrsnn: white and black, In the South, ought to be noxj louaiy co-operiHiig to promote the Htara tion of ihe I'nhinthe Jri-tualionof b;r spriuua ud U iris imYlKlit httn.aa bright faces and cheerful laughs which are anea aod heard approaching to bnakfnst rnm troiik all quarters. ' HpesitiW ut lace, reuiimla me of the de cidedly, tsMM-ficiul effect ot this air and water in iu capacity oi a Iwautinur. earn all thi cuitmetun aod chemical compound ever aiivxrtiaed, and mak beauty doubly beautilol. You w.Hild agiee with me, could you sea "ouv girl as they com tripping 'down the bill to get their glasses ot sulphur waterv thtir ayes as Iwight ss the dew drop tlier AtWr from the staining lira, aod tlHtr clWfuk glowing wlib health and bap. plllL-as. As yiHi'iiiajv know, 1 am an ardent aduit- rer beauty n every lorin anil pliaau, an I tnid iu cuiuiiuatjou iu, young girl. Oue ot ihmu Ulicat creatures, in which the sweetest leal una of the child are mingled aim ue w-ifTrei -viJaraciHTiaw. m a wu man, alaodiuit as it were on tlksv tnreaUolii I ot Jilt. c usc wu Kf ao iurIji I uy tfrrV'4ie tua li pa wbicli have been so sweet sikI so sale to Uer-chililmh feet, yet atraul to ad vauce into th new and uulried path, w hich stretcna uetor iter I It ia needless, however, to employ deacrip. tive aruument to conviucs muni what vou rare already well assured, s 1 will only ssty tliat we bare several specimens ol this kind ot tovennesM, wnicn flora tbe strongest Mssilile proof in uijort of my assertion. -Uirlho.jd i aot the only Hag ot existence tn it nigtieat torus at beauty, which l now represented ar Catawba, a yon would dn elare, could you have seen th miniature reprtweutatiou of the Black I 'Took, which took pts tew day incJThn pertnrm era consisted ot Dv clniUren, all aa lull of lire, aportivenea nod nctivity aa th birds, which san( in the -tree top above the sparkling brook, which wa the seen oi tbe IrolMt . .. I l ,v .. .' V y. fi, " Such shouting, and prancing, and patter ing of little wbli feet, ucb ringiugTaTighe, such rosy cheek and gliatening eyes, and, oh t such muddy dreaeeaaad spoiled skim. I could not help wishing, aa I looked at th Dierry band, that wa larger people could truset with soma brook. clear' and culd aad sparkling, in which w might wad until all the dust and (tain and soils Ot earthly defilement wbr washed foreaer- away, and we permiued to return to tba . high way of ill punned ana M res tied I There unucli a -The Old Srri fha!f publishing th letter ol Gov. Hwaln,. riguiug hi posit tiun si PreWtlent of fcie "tTniveriity takes occasion to pass aW.lisnd srvll-iueritefl eu Uiglum npon hi aerricc. Hptaking rft We snoceawion. 111 aavue paper saya : "la choosing hi uotuor, reganl should b hast, not nnly to tlie.oiaintenanre of llm vciar high aharaater wlllob, tie In.tittTion -TLktt3JiA&.' UfE INSUIAXCE. M H T jl . .' A B OLIS "TLvLL State1' .a ne I n n 1.1 fr I r it K A I WW A Y K K. Ml x in Xhvrw wrni pi.kvsi re that w niii rv3 eviueiiwia oi lirnviMuntv in s.tf mi "? ,jr" l'inriMt''mian., In , il;i III siUanflim'eof l.lfe .WHirsttee ar' Umi n- lu ui to rrntt arinuneal in ilabetalf; J,, tue ajini- time, iur are w a few w)w slau. reail, at all Lim a i" -i.e nn a living nnw HI1II r, M :l in ' lie i;i m me aiK-fl, iff, 'Nil r'KCJI in 'lie l:? rty me aiit-a. n.M A- ' Aj!;A, ,l f,:rL h', fiiamii li as, lie me-nws'isT an f nicular t ai,J hsatinniiborae, buL if p.ible, to raising 1 WW-. A'JK?!llLiliM: 1 :ijliM einally ,uU eoodne; . tfi, r fur ttu. Hite JtJKF!lMa, It U nurprisJug thai som peopla evince a disposition to credit the rumor that Brownlow, of Tennoasee, intend hcrealter to favor universal amnesty in that ftutc-imd thus' remova all obstruction, In fUiure, to the eufTrsge' of the people. Til Ides is ao unlikely, that it require a atmtch or artdolity to believe it even posslble.. iWcrc he, however, to do ao, w should regard th ait with la,, however 1lttl we flight approve the motive. , lliWMi(int-RiitI!--W are glad1 to ay, that every pK.r in th State, whether t oiiaervsUva or Hwlicsl, unite In th daily tir weekly warning to our people, to Hcgl ter t (ten. hick les may therefore, lelicitale himself fciat, in North Cdlns Ihere I Lneilbir, iiy ollicial, nor individual, nor anso- ciationsl rffort, n obatruction offered to eecrefa... . .'--' ; Tan Imhsh war ia th Northwest I still Carri...t . .r. TKw fn.tlMa am.u I . Vesawaaa. It ia-antiaraw that th. rr...t v" '-H'"-"' LZr 'tr rnn the-workmew r th Pacifle Itailroad, and Uxjd travelers., . iws,"'wV'fe lh"cot.ml eli-iitelit til prctajt, " lit"! ..TUvciLi'ueut, by profn-r eitir'ts, I e r-', jihi'SifT'v" fill (Tie httftda of0,n Vlio ,oy experience infe g,Trj,i , i-c-T.rr!rr.nc,tr !niiinistCT.n "" IB t rKKot tot dtstinkstinr- r .. -4. . X. ....... . . ...wr;..vi.l."y tAtl I Ot i; o ".-s i,icn urroHBi ft f l?r. -!r ter, I!.-. 'i. i. .-Ttv.il) for d'fUvatea to a too-' VWitii.n, who, whi'e they kiml! .!"j.t at'im " 'at.it-'-o-o t!-vt l.H com within the bu-rai . ter" uK,...--lillL.t .- f mnj .(,, itrl t ts-j 1 ' t" c" I.. :t Atl cippre u I dow" - ; l it.'- r.'vs . tit 'r : Hon. E. Jov Moh mm, Minister td Turkey, in in fuss with th Forte, tut laferoepting nln correspondence., ., , . , ,,, r-ifwi-T i ai aese ai . n ... Tina HrraMDinn Committee, which lately Investigstetl tbe harg of violating ttie canon of the Eplacbpat Church, on tbe part t Itev. Ur. Tyng, is divided in opinion. AHnt:$TCHrfiU MAYOR Of MO ': ' fr at - in a. jM.inii., aoKiiiH is aiavor ftouon was lo day arrested by United rUate Commia ioner Turner far violation of the civil right bill in the case of ncgo named Johneon. t n cas con si ma ta the, bisb meat tf a negro who had hist a h a in the-l nioa see. rh e Horton gave a bail in f S.OCXr for aia apiwarano on ilonilsn -.iorton i the Raiji.ial niyrr nillitary sppointv; we believe.) i e"-i - ft - Itprr. that Pan (tight np front' Campei Santa Ana Hawta Ana. ha been brtight np front Campeacliy lo Vera (ux in a Mexican men-of-war, ami U to he tried for ceaspimcy againat tba gov ernmeUt. , It is probsbl that aa Kant Ana' svttiiaiiie lunua ar Iveyon.t the reach of lb Mexican j?ovmnvot, hi lie has been par;d in order to flcec him in heavy raiwom. ' la thi view of hi cane w gurM there ia cliauc that hi tile niay lie spared ; and it is possible that If. tba Kin peror ot Austria had only thought of it, ha might have sated ' Maximilian mkh th. bursed ; for many of tire kiexican' liberal leaden are vihitly as hungry for money pnwlrate and ruined coontrv when all should be friend snd leaking to perpetuate that friendship, to have eaUhliihed among ua secei political attoclauona, into which the most strenuous efforts are being made, by foreigner aacL, native ot doubtful or at least unknown reputation, to draw eaoeclallv the entire pr.pdlation nf bJwk, one- face" only into ita coila, 1 a serioul matter. The tact that some respectable men bol-g or hnv belonged to these Aasociationa, affords no proof that they ar Innocent or "go.; -..... .-, -v t.:tr Uixid men (omatime are decoyed into evil. and. havihg taken a solemn oath hardly know how to escape, without danger ot social damage, an4 hence many renuua aiienx witnesses oi wnal tliey do not approve and cannot cure. .Moreover, the public do lot know that any ol these inalilution are tne nam tn character and desiirn I bat theV were at first. , The fact that it la a tterei as eocialtoir; banded together for-pulirical de nvuny' among aTiTajTiIrtLTrui It watery arertnk and muvtaU- .lWJ5iumrjaI-' rq ad ttliePji,lo,i . -J. . 1 . ' I -i. .1.1 i . . not Ihe on v one which is nLelv tn li. ty ahtiiika troui their contact; still them is a longing Iu almost every human heart, which re-echoe thea ubliiuwordof one whose spirit waa pluming itself lor a .flight to th immediate presence ol It God : "Let ua Croat orr the river and real under the tree. ni aiolhera fiud in thi lovelv place such capacltiee for th anjoymeut of the suiall people, wiioae care, neceasitic nd plea- ureanske.eueh demand apoa our time nnd U still higher. '1 here are uiuuy irteu iu. the Htata, whom we could mention; that would do honor to the place ami restore t he former ptosperityof- toV-iaatii iiti.lr- Tk r ar oiliera, w to from their popularity, au.l other br of students to attend than at any loruier period. Butin castiug eor ) uriif the ttate, it fsll upon but vat man who. We b have, poasesacs ad th quaiiliea requlitite- who could at oucc' rent.e l' fofiuer proa ptrtty and add to it alrehdy hijfh eharsoteri a man wboenjoyeabfgovr reputaUun l.otn in knd out of the butts, aad especially out ot Itjtban any ether of her many distinguistied eifieos. Yetwe gravely doubt whether it woald beposaible to induce hiih loah.Tiidon hi tphnulid prunpeete in wtiwar walk ol Jwtlo accept ot the dignified position- rrftident ol tbe Lniversit.' luaJBni t) wliuin we have reference is Uw Un tt iilisut A. IJrahaUi." ' - s tf-s,-? : r.r ,- The Wiliuington JtiufttfU psya the flowililf worthv tojuoliuicllt to Judti ires, ol th Nt, w lianover Criiuu.l Court : Aa we auniMMcd. Cli-iicral .Sickles hit In elite l t n.hiratxl tbo aciiou ! Judge eares in regard lo juries. 1 1 is wet Ion has luted in lsvoralileaamul Willi that of Judges at other points iu Ibis btate, who placed negroes upon juries Who had not puid taxes lor the current year, being efeurly at vartauee with their duty and not consistcut wub tbe order. Judge Meure ha preserved the dignity of hi position, acted conaiatentiy witti his oata oi ottice, ati.l it now apiiears in accoul- ance with what General bickles regard as rigbt aad proper, and baa not only ine p- pioval ol all good cituenif, but, what is t t ter, that of bis own conac'icncc" ; , ALPf VIA PETEBSBCBii AMC1TV T t if. 'Oii4 Lewia If; Heard, a native and citizen of Salisbury, died at Waco, Texas, on the tHb tnf iljrTbe-M(f Xortk tit.it, salt that Air. Beard sua a moat worthy and .estiniable citizen. II leave widow mid an gd and afflicted mother, srrU several brothers and sisters, who had not soea him for some months before bis death, ' , ...... r A correspondent Informs un that W. W. Uoldea I tbe "Grand President" of lb Lnioa League in this State. Wa presume, without knowing, that W. O. tbe' j'arand Pneident" t League" ot Tetfnesnee. Rrownlow Is the . tLnion t A Quann Stukt The iiitw York' Timm atuution, tb;ditf 1-1 ... . . T. . . ... : 1 Itf LFlAt luwillllur "LvOlw.tss hau 1 ssa.. Ana Is not aaeritiosil to Ut. vatwito at- VTT .". tltst liewtl Iflnd the kev thai ctawu aniv a ma origin ilmirs. eiScia nothing will b sained br ahiKitin him iisd.te, iiel7rpointT.rb th 8ut tl t':C g'e'.t li.'.-S i.f I l.;r l.O not sek lo A!;um.',c the f-tate, k : ' J '7..- " t oursw lt to i.n., a that a eonspirscy to tsk tlw President's life is prenter crime than one sgiioat' a king hie, c., Jtc, and sake the billowing tjetiitp : :s . .. . "W'hv stiiMild not the eontpirslor 'iCo- l over, Ashley, Uutler, add Holt) asint the 1 104 of i'resiitejit Juhn'oa Jllc',!vtd Jbui. pnooned, tried by niiiitsrv-coiunjinsioo, and be inrjeminioudy executed' .A B'ttton iiuiii, J.-itc?y dtcccj. bad inul .( p.-!i. n 4 ui'iia ln file amounting to ftoO, byO, paa-uu wuhin sixty dsy. y ' ign whichMliey nro irnwilling- shall be siHiwn i me puouc, is jiriiwyi jitat evutence that it ia bad that iu deaigu is an evil one. The tffucls ef the nswociatuas npnn thel.lai kagoto coulirui thia opinion. The additional Tact that a good deal of money isaiM-nt Idy Ihe Noitheru Usdicala, to hire wen iti trvcl about ami deceive the igao rant black, and draw them into J;hese ssa,,. ciMions, strengthen Ihe bad opinion which good men in the Houth have generally oi theui. And thia idea is great I strength ened by the well Underittnnd fact,' thai among the few Southern 'white who have- joined them, ar some of the moat nnprin- cipiea ana tiegrsaea scapegraces known la in innn, it t enougti to Know, thai these tigureea' the nromotion of twrtrrtr settrel, and it may be by tbe miistdiabolical. agencies that only tba leaders really know the purpose anil ultimate denlirn. for everv goil titan, whit or black, to ignore and despise them. Tbe Southern public believe that thea League ar aecret eneniie. tn peaoe, to b a ion and true lil.ertv. Tbev be- Hev they are enemies to the white South- era race; and lhat nothing is tafe, should in country it in their bsn.ls. Messrs. Editors, this I a subject I have tome tune pondered. I desire that the negro shall be freeman; that lie ah all exercise hit right and risncbiw as a frernisn, and not I. contwilled,riyTr--ciet or onm-feow. er, which b cannot resist, r d.aire that every colored voter shall learn all he ran from all aources, nd. having made , ap hi own mind, that he'sball then vote aa he 'ie JN-a He should be allowed h ctodT. without lemr or Ci.vx.r 1 J.i believe it lust and rinhl. lor nnv emuh after h has had the, oriportiinitrof inatrnn. ne a h please hi rmnhiTecs. that h shtmtrl turn Toonti-wnri dismiss -rhrTO-ie. cm ne they voted against bis wiabea. , Such course is not only unjiuitf but unbecoming true American. Tlio rfuht to vote aa a i an pleases, must be left untrammelled. ' itut, Meaarar Editors. thW 1 snolher puiuof view in which. Wr people, most HHia as rue menioer ot tlinw secret associa tions. They are handed together fit a ceT- talu purpose. ' The public do not know that pur jew. It niay lw political, ut it msj be something elsev or lnh. .Who knew that, whew (feutleuian employ a tnsn to labor on hi farm or on his kit, or in tilt (tore or shop, if he be a member of one of these se cret association, n l not taking a spy on w would eek it a a eoiubl mother' and children' Iriend. from th time their child ish eye open in th morning to that at which the sand uan makea bia punctual sppearaore, th little creatures may wander at will throughout th three hundred acres which art enclosed, with nn guide tint their www variyng fancies, and no danger or discom fort greater than fall oa th grass or a torn drew. I never wa in a place in which o much healthful enjoyment wa to be ob- taiued Willi ao little rmk ol injury. Tbe children pray abont with the pet deer-, bird and tiuttei Mies, and it is bard to tut wbicb u gayeit c niiait Innocent. V ' Childish sport are not our only ones, tor preparations for a grand Tournament are inaugurated, and knights, who have done manful service in the cause of th lairtat lady on whom Uod' aun ever abnne. will conch a larica 4a th hope of obtaining the right to place a temporary crown on the brow of one of her lovely representatives. v ariou otnet amusement ars i pronres ol construction Ih.t word with ita present laainofiaijie prt:nx u unknown la thi re gion, and among tberaar a fane uartv. charadia. tt.eaux. and tn entertainment whichOohtoci WjsUcouUiuiulstesiiiTUiii to a isjr pnne wno is passins a uortiunol ner honey moon wt-Cat an b.- 'ls Several affair In the hp of private luesiricais are in proitress, out wuetlier tne will prove the pleasant coined y of "ah wen tnsr enns wen," or a tragedy to on of the performer at least, la at present beyond mortal ken. lo the meantime, th gam of "Love Young Dream" goes oh and all I mrrry a the prospective marriage urn. rnptod by the action of the alNiriginal . in habitant ol tbe t ouuiry. A Louiainna pa per tell a tor nearly equal to the cheerful tolea we bar been hearing of late ancnl "ye gentle vnge.,J, OnthcOpelousaiKailrosd, since the overflow of tbe Mississiuui. th en gineer bss frequentlv to blow, hi whistle teelear 4b track4il fliators a that la the only rrttiug place affordv'd thenj for al ol Iheso peculiar "sleeper''' have been I run over by train while dozinif in the sun shine on tbe track. Cheerful country, ' T-r taii.it at nhe la a w GREAT THROUGH AIR LIO root to all the Nia-tlteTD markets Mi equal ternia ami ehsn(t,s r(i onr own porta, or hy sav of N.ir Mk in Pelf rsbnrg Ts, to wnd from lite North. No iliaeriminalioa iu favor nf anr .ae or city. cwiV-au far ss to esrry ll.e (rreat j.rtlnets rf ll.e Mtaaa weu ss return merensiuiiw v-r taw ilailway llnea tarifely otenstl tte .Witfe. - - - 'i uiaarriitren.e"t while it gives as urenf faefli iien slid s. ebean rattt ss bv ilw ot'.er hfe, will ii.t iu pavlB ,s.Hiietlinitf into the HlaUt Tresenty tut inoi the cimtn.m ai'hotil fond, br which tst a sill be lightened and th .reiilUlrtin edueaUil. 4 awe are tumte of Ihe reaauna fitr ctmnce of svta tn patta itj (4ilitli'rn. I l lie . f . K B , tn. WII. WeMim'H- Raiul the neslxisrd su K.antoke B4I It"! t'uipanie, ttav af-reed thai sll.U, w4 ..thel wii Bpeelllv dirfUt, shall pas. by way f Golilslatro, fr Hal- t:mor, l-Iillaclelutiis. so w tors ivii..h, m the .ante rates siu! in the ssnia tints that they can L. earned bvtmv trttler rout . This has bwu siTaiiKed and Treiubt trains now run iii eiuae iHSinection from rortsmonin Cltarluttsv; - CAfW HLN lHIiOCGiT wTTH0rTT3RK.KlNrt Si'..- BUL K . . -'. se- Bs eateAil in shiiipmtr from New York lo aliip by old Ikamituon Hu-auuhiv Co., Itfl trreen wieb tltrset, or Her S7, North hiver. My !! mT llw fr.tts Haliiswer v t'ltsVts )as.rs ar Awawe.br way, fhllwerlr-ntw. ai.aatrra, t rat- r. S-t.i e.Mi4iui. .tl lu .huia. (.tiir rhtorn Ihii.rjn.-uti ttf. th. lii-at t.f 4 ui.iarv l .l we l.,.e ll.i lio, ,y uti,tj, hers . Railway, biUarlthit. . Hr t. tttassswtHt At t'a teal Wharf, . tr See that ma snrrfnl dirtrtUu it atren to LO'.r outwit bit arm lUihratmt raeeliotW Aere, Tsk s through receipt to go by tlte Inland atritrtf," cure 0 n. n, Anna, rorrummim. : : - . vt 1L.I.1AM pin 1 n, Haatnr of TraiiVpori snon-r-' ' WiL Weld.M K.H. tV. WilmmirtoBs Angl-903-lni tlhsrloU Times. Old North Mete, thdkbi-& anil lYogreaa, Kslcujh, copy one monlli. . . f -t 1IISCZXLANE0US. T CLE AM SWEEP! SELLING AMTUI.VO AMI KVKItV- " thing T: ;'A4.,TC;o"STv:-::: FOll CASH, AND CASH ONLY! 7: From this tiins forth I will aeli mv entire Htoek ofOoodsat Cost 10 make room lor my Yiaier evict, eoiutisungin part or - . LADIES' DREHtK OiVirw - '"-"'- ' 1'KINTS, WHITE (rOOPH, ., 1KINH UNEN, .OWEUNO, ' " ; LINKS CASIIIIUO HDKF'8, ;, 7 ' M)MllvK, flUVKH, i c 1 unuijMtnMt DniHliu, : nnqtirea t nonaana Uitllar r-H ' jiilKiiTICKIHO, 1 s - V ' ?w ,,,'f"'"f 's Jmh Hm tsaaNt of Hm ,',,.1 f- -4 W-4 t-HK CTtNtl, I f l;0,nrnI '"r lU-W v.arsd.led. to tits Biiri.ln ' '! BTItirKO DOMESTIC, , ""'! " psjUHiit ot all claims, ol evert . j (I UI .1 tl -LINKS PUCK, . JstSdf '! Whatever, tl.e mm f two n.ilhnns thr, a iirafie t'oloii. IsUiott. r fur llie Ml.te ot stsiaeliii. ae'l wii...e itpiiii.-B it".n mailers 14 luaar.rt.-a iTiXi'S"' l.Mltl-l l-l H..rTe Wt-l'tlT t!fiiT-tT.,f aio oilierrfrtm tn ttiertnttw ; ttntv rrtw. h,a ':' from his iitiiK t u.oh.ritj with lbs details eOh7 sivit'.e ef lnittrt.rM"tO' . . . Wxiis'ics BH, .il-u Mtade n with k view to anil ' paHUnlisr cjwi .-; Ii.it iivt ao wnh tho.. of pr, fv'rihfc In tne et.viiei.l b..r..r i,'fniia lini " disiiiilfuitthl stmr.a.; aw.l whi.-h we hsrs ear, . ' fully . oui ml. 11 vs 1 i:ii,if all in. p,,. h7 rat- lew til liw re-tire At .-jit. diki slaw. mAniirmrel, the wtir In f.Mte Until t4 n so lisMilrM sttd .ttrlttv four X'Wieti'i.y p"iiii,.iiuriu(( lit. auta uf ism noli. wt. ss linn.tre. sisd i.elv tltouaand two ' hiimir. it sntt iiittf y ioHatw; of the present value .if one luotored 4 'elli(y-:irfl lli..u, , liim.fre I .yl t .. iiiy-nnsi thUlart sod atxtyesnts. 1'l.re Si-r.t ut.. iu Iwl.tJ ai II.! siiie llstti. s''litlal .if swetiti .five Ihon-snd and nineieeij .uikiiuu tie h,i.t::.- il- , of nitiv nvsW. O..UH .tur-lnthal stsl ft rtv-funr th.in.l thtiv hnn.lro.1 ud sevoiil.y-atuii,Jla ; ,rt tbe urtwni value of three milium four hundred siiil hrt-i,. nine thonand il lmu.lre.1 snd sijtv-tlires dtj-' lsrs Slid st veit tviit. ; maaing-'-w grand total of -twenty-six IhouHsnd ami three poheie. strtnallr i wart, iiwiiiniK tli sum ,rf siitvwtvn ni,lis.,' lifty-l thmioimU ais huiidnti at.,1 ant v-mu. d, J. au.l or in,. I..I..1 pi-i m-m ,!,. ut ,),rw, , , tara. T j i. ,nnT "ine tli.maaiMl four wia H11...1V-U..I a.HMr. anil amve. eeiits. llul a the. prosimrily lrf Cottiiinv 4, pends n.a mi nitivh lip... Ihe amount ,.f fi, U.m nt-hsa np.4i Iih solveiiev jia ability to.pav.h.''- the Alt .alias in IS .res Un tsif. mimlrnr siea, with soitm small ui'iilUi-t..iiiitimii, Ut the whi.1.1 In tlnt e miili..iW r,H- ,uiIW'l and Him., teen thonaand one liin.iii.d and Dftveiitht d .- ' larssu.l Htsteeaeenti. nriislnlitie, li hsaa I....I ' ofair-et. si U.e same dale, ttf tonr b.iIIi.h., f.wr hmirtie.l and oiw Urmi.and eight hundred atul MiirtvMhree ,b,)lai a,l eighty cent, nnr. Iv mie million t,f dr.Har, f 4HM,,U , ... (rf i( Italiilniea. fan the mme minrw we Wa that . arterpaiiiiailiviiU!Wtnf illut, pr ,us ,n. .... simiir j. ur iiH,n ilHwie on ih ..r.hiiary Jife pi "I""1...'"""' """' ''"g " to l.nmlr.Kl a'i'i eiffilei'tt rhi.ninnil i.i.elmi. h. . .t.. - iMIth sadsty-.wo eeni., iliere.is sn eires nr iiiv.,v-.iirev tliwllhSS.1 A- - in iiih year INOltlu, 1 rtrcl and ij;bi.y-uiiie. pi.liW, an. hHFtle.t m..i s. Uii.ail.ill I I'-J.. K.. ' J . : TT. . ...,,,,,,. ,,. w. lmm , tiist Ut in-.iw from Hi- teri-i ainient life po!,.. euntni. ts.i lniiidrett and etghleen thtiMsaiitl d. dials mpsny iawned nve bun Itil M IK tttellt & I eight IohkIii,.! sud fliur . j,, J(Ui3 it nwrned enrh. U'l u hiltnireil m.d lseiilv.lw ..r ,iVj.. 14 seven. I.ui Ki.ii, mora than don tile tl.a ntunber ii1 dtu-uiKili pumtm g year-; in. -iw sueil eiKht thoiii,d , iKJ,t Jiiui.lred and rtt , r.R ., , incrt SKf or nesrlv s hnti donhln the tin 111 Ut ,if the prevmns vesr hi J II leflied fouTxtbonssitd rive hundred slid'aer.4 seven. I.ui ,;i.ii, nwro th.B don tile tl.a nuui iarlil (Itu-uwilut ptneeili g ycar4 ita -iwa it. sued eiKiit thoiid .,Kht imudred and rt, P"llMl"Hr ItMllir StLilhl r II. . r, ... nf . t. .Iredri4 wbil()sriiiirll,eT(.rtiltwtted foiirtt-eu ih.iiiMiidiiii. hinlrCand eluhiv-mi poll. -I., In -rtm su increasn ot' tivs tb.mind' Uirt s IB flltm ilUw. 4tU mmtrii. inidt.im. av t,'A mL-i eVaaa ef iu, i MU, JUq, V.Hs. -Tbu. . CWti.T, to Jdu Mauuik A. Mita. uiAiitwl wswan a U 1 1 TJ Isaltl seilti. t, lrirt1. ! , AW truly, , . .. .. f, . . .i.... 1 aw 11 J . ... ' ! . ' 1- Forth Sent! net i A WORD TO TRAVELLERS. ' Ma-awna. f.DiTon Th una policy of every man In Ihe land i to encourage, by ' muri and d4, every ad vane In the right direction. . The public are awara that th Nort CarJ olinaiiail Roid Company, 'when it built the Company tthopa, put ap. In the town, a vary handsoin Hotel building. Thi houae baa been Srst In the hand ol on and then another, until its reputation, a an eating bouse, haa auffiLrecLLSoruetijiieatiis travel ler baa gotten a good meal there, some times the re versa, until many hare hesitated to invest, lest Mey should 1 get well bit, in siesuoi toe iooii. . Cka tk. Slk U.I..I !' tt.. r!t :v vr' ' I tflse a few hoars' liluua of chulers, Rhjhrb. WtstnsotoaKvAVs, of Uoldaboro', iu th Mill. r w ait tga. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. poktPA: SHOPS HOTEL, at 01 IU RtttSMritwr reaBentlnll. inftwma U tr.uL. Ui(tpubls that ah. baa re-orwued tits altve " I mu KHMNllvn. HIIW IH II, WIT POWOV fO wv Bw-w wttruiy ot eui.il" naironatt. - . ' - , sin.t. in III! VMS, if ' :- 1 1st Mrs .Rosa Jertuvvs sn,1 Ut.lv " ' , Proprietress of Cooks' Hwl. An m n a " ..... A 1 a www. ,.1 . . , . . , 4li ruuiign, ji. u. jchk cjdeb tisxoABtu '' r:r.;7T' Bought enprstedy MtfcsjKi '''i'. . - JyfKliitltj 7-r-t A At ' UOCGLAS BELL.- Aug tMh ' . N O I I O JC. .' 1.1 Th next sesstiin of tits Nostm Cxsiuka tan. vmtw voa Tsa Liri un lrmi iio.iHa ttuao win oonnneiii. tin Monday, the Jn.l. tlar cf n. u. tsmhttr, IHti7. - ' an inns-mantwi m rHstina to ths Sthniiialnn nf pnoit. ean tteasmtid urvm .tiniieatirai o. MM. t, tinier ur wntmiw, ... '-' f - ' H ' ' W, PaLMKR,1 e. :,!.;... 1... ... j-m.eip.j, Aug tS T-Int -uis;,: 1 . ;. , CtlTTONADEH, f j i BOOTS AND SHOES. .. I" (1 i :.t ' r !-. il "H '-' ,- A Urge Stack of the most eslebrated nuuiiu faetnrs of Gent's andLadiW .Bouts and tutosai Now laths UmJymWlvin4oiiaflrMy'"f uowis, tor tuev srs advancing nurtn - t siu svu inf a eosa. Coae-ene and all and examine my stock and prices. Do sot be induced to buy roods elsewhere until yen civ as a call. TWnen I ssy I am eelling at tSmt I mean Just whaKI-say f it -is not tor toe pnrpettatM anmeuKirjiiK von. . Herehskt in thsCftv Whose atm bs netdt rt- LlxiishiuK would do well to call soon and make eur pDrcnaae. ' t 1 J t 1 k GEO. T. to6XK. .. Aug 8-SOtttf-; -v. ,, .. ' iiaii'lred aml evenly.f,.i,r over ihe iHwie of inn. J'!'!f niitr ffmn Iwen-fi.iu- -times Ihe smnnntul liitMiiessdiHislntli vewr Itssl, wlieit tlleni'W pjnunf oiitu-utita. emiiuiiul 1 prewiil. tiiiui il,'e Couipsuy jiss iMned Una year -between live and nit tli..lu...i ... . J.r Imsin.iit. fiiiritinneih.aam.dnriitif the' year, tint result will li,.w anollie very tsru ucrea-i wvtr Inst of Uitt rear. ,, . . ,,.c,..., , v During the y.ar ltlie receipts of the Com pany fi.r nniu(iia and i,,t,.t L.,..'... 11 . adali.irwiilli,m or dollwa, while dnring tho same perid tha ttttsl sxpesKhtwree wre but a T in which snia Is iy- eluded- the acerned claims bv death to the .nieunroTneany l, hnn.lrrlThim..,aff..llrs -'.-t J . TO SHIPPERS. ; ,t "Unci I.H.I ;,.f . V... " , ,1 RAILWAY LINES, (tbat cam to bx !) THE OLB BALEIGH A 6A8T0N BAIL HOAD, :.TTHiE gBUJiniaiVSlKIQSlKT. B A?tT AND - B13TLINE,,JtOBTH AltD BOCni. Trt J BBLEFT OCT IN THE COLD, jfgf. . LESS BUnVEBS SPECIALLY " II HAT VTA. B. IS. B. B I f ThllM Whll Imrti tiw.ii.11 In .t..H tt. I nun 1 it is at icest prnacflt to be guarded t ', . J ;--,i'""-S"e.i ic.., OnKhtaman.tohirnaiecrelenemy towmif. 'Tha trnih w -r. Kow ia Chaful ihU ftll HHIH-'-TII"!! flwwvTw1r?fttrnr l"."'' rjrV!!jT.UiliThtf ibHisa-bfui tlr, 1.. .!..f lli.m tl ". tloMl BislsrstioTiW. hire whiwsrroTwt abtier Whe he hsaruaaon. twiteliewe b is a weeft 'rny t ' la It safe in these time to emiilov any on who -ia-a, tttb4i--lHW Igne,or a Jlcro orA mcntja-iir a KecT Wtf trptw'ip1a'tliiuavaait.svst ii.'.ctt Jtsii.yrvTJji,ii ui.rn. u. nxtcli.i-any CiTliSE.'. A correspondent of the ('incinuati Uuu Calls Tin t ongres to ' rvnnVte every dol- W worth of proferfy" the wl.ela" have. Tbe (iduttt doe not inhSriuTt reader wheiher the wretch whoiiassoch a h.nk.r. rrg-miWTirTTpteTTtyipr'rta-'whttem or a ni-Kro. 10 wiii. b e-tr rc he bt'fum h is probably a connoiweur in the tl.il ent kinds ol theft, and prefer the confines- lion motse as least Uoutileiwin and moat remuncrativ. Lately, th Ilotui has clisnired baada. and is kept now by Mrs. itowe, formerly Mr. Rosa Jeffrey, of, Cooke' Hotel Raleigh.' Mr. VL has renoVatetl th ttlace through and through, and now th traveller get as good a-intud a any good nature.! man or woman want. Everything that form the Trill of fare of the Hotel of th country, I Ix for you, and well prepared. Th writer of peak irora experience. jr tj.at 5 ii)d dinner. ;.".""7 .-".f-Lj'pi-v :r ' : "Taavaujin. BALEI'tH ' olflOl BAXLJtQADm L . - . , Ittuuua Aug. Ulb, 17. i -V t .1 - ILL ... Un ut. tout, tittn., a esen iiiviiiend 14 Are Mr rssitt. I.arether wite Uie DnnWi iSu.U ,,t nsftsssi.aiHui.'S-rwiil be lauiVat th i.Aiea of tne MUiany, to tne stoexitoldsra, or their ao- in.H-uum sssuttv ' ? .1 v . Thstt'ock dividenil of 3 ner i InbuMd npna Ihe rttturn of oriptnal eertirleattis. w vw 1 n mi. -mi uw rtir u n.'.ii i..n. , n. eluding lucrestaid tHork. ' y onter Itjd of Direet. e-a, T w w VAK!, :Aagm-tti7 Treaaarsr, MlTt'llAIJ ALI-ESLAkCO -WEWAIIiIlJN,Ji.4 AO BKU' LTTJB AL tM PljMKKTH.TTKPHA N. ie' T.tla and snpili. timers! Hardware. Ousno, Lists, liutul, Chaster, fsmt OU. Heft ing Ac. Ae. , . ntsrW-lW-U - . . .. . . s rrcATioss waistep: 1 Two hulies of eiDtvrienes and sbilHv aidi. stion as rsstJkttra. They ars pr. par. d to tta.-h Mwoe Aatin atstf ; Fihaeh, aid, Uw Kngliah as .iataiwsviv wivsw; ayvmyw Ansl4A.tr it.j.1.1.. .w 1 wlt" Kfy.Vr.'.si',. r - b Alilridgw, the negro tragedian, mitie- in P,l,LJ.Hd,JJLt,erat thirty Tears" til ;H .maylertrir.-rrf rrt Enrrpe; rreVrirfr irP''S: arried a bwctlist Wiy of rank and "wa 1 ' HtJUwit went body JittTASrTTOWSrSttl't Tae'tViikhess of the taHtTtVSt'iVl' snd to 6ifi): vt s Itrye 'nnsicitv. of J,KW&- JAretlTUhH AND MATKIilAL, nearly new sniT ttf s aiiiK.ri.tr orulilv. tt -d. -irod tl, 9 aiil'i'iv t sftT rt'Kar J to aie. Bttt item T K msngtlrttei) snd ar th Grtut tlmmak v Inland Air Lint Hmlr, tnall th. Nonl...rn llai ket. snd hare aneeessfnllv worked 111. I. II. A to th ennr aatastactioa of tUnnomfc N.a-Ui ami Kimth, for the last ten years, .aa the (en noutnmt Hhippera in North sod Month Carolina will tsstifv We paid ths Htsts nt Hsvwn Hondrsd ThonKtnd Doltars for hsr latursst ia thia hoad -thtwsby saving the psnpls frost Taxatioa Its? all lime to some MtiMQ per year; and we nnhesitstisKly de clare that ws can snd will givs tu..r dispatch to siT points, North and Mouth, than any other Liu. I L ' NOTICE! , 1 TTi)CreM4lRlund Air Um I rlglit ' " M ', o.' , 1; t 1: . . ; 7 5 fiiTHB RAUUGH A GA8T0K BAIL UOAl, is th Short Line for Bnimters. anil Vi in ar.. i'.v fiiriid so to dtraal ymir trmylUs, or Uary will he fakes by snolher Koutt l . r -i To 1 nan re your Frenrht beine carried over tin. Ortat Inland Air Lin. safely, direct your e.neijin- hunilred stul aixlv 8 thonanml and ten ,W.itn-. and enrbtyatt pent, bi'mg . aula Urge than tha entire pn vji.uBiniu,. . . " tr. h".l,w'"' 'r'"'"cntd Uist s lsrKs part of Jits intuits of l!.e Uimtisny goto enneli th stnel -"oldi.rwt Itnt the only foundation that w ran Jadiots11. il allntaliia. iteWM. , IU the sloek bulderH receive ihe pruilu of tuesnutll snount of linaiiien that lit il.at.. H... .i.w.t ... . .cipstiBir plan. The enlire profit. ecmiui? on the psrticipatw.s plan, jeept.wx per cwui. mid sn- qnaly tin . a cajtiial of fee, l.tutdred and ally thitnatu.l .1.,1Ui, 1k-1,iik u, ih iiwured, ,ui , . domed kmoiiir litem evrj r.-r. rmparim sr-nsHessrsiidntietrTint-tif nlara,- and ws shatf ntnk. ii..ne;,t.iiTWe 1I.1 ,,t lie.it.Ut to ssv tliat ,thetoid of 11,,, .mu, hr ,uo p,.ty.ar,"is s h..ii..iUe sod Ihiio rii.g to the tt.uipiyiv t. it ut miiljiii)rtothep.Jlcy.lil.rr. Ii anivese, ahnwu nystie wlamneut sInivw ntatle ia aliiiiatr ' iiiiprttsdeuiid , an 1 il atwuu, harilly en ,lilo tliat any l.ouipaov ttlwouj U troie- -mi d.moling its hiu.ina. year by y-ar a. Ihe .Etna haa di,e du ruiKthepenoile.neri .fhv tsik urief review yet "iiih s. the oa. anil the i,t.l gratifying part of the ww.l ie ll, h , il,, ,, ,p- ,um,,f thB Niirplna kun.l htn tn . try l.-u-elv ii-i,aite.l. 1 beist sueim... re In he ail ril.nt. ,l" 0. . mtaamf, to the nianai;cuieiit irf the CIi.im.anv - '' 1 kc ijiiet-rs tn.ni the lWi.tcnt down, havs ltn nntiruia in their. mAorij. and thoy h .vsn itft.r gtities that t erv uiinoriatit u.l fu..u..H ..1 t Bidivithiam . i. A;.,ju, whose itw.persiuai Ihcv bate K-eavd Lv.kttuctiin.. every fs.iliiv i, iUmm, ag. m that. i,td Ih-U -lntl. tteoairfiatulateiiie wins ma nils .i,,h ui thepiwt au.l ua pn prrtMlir theriir, r..an.1 wee ijiajjj lendt! U.u. wa.blli.if 1iar.cr,ll.,r the 'present year mm be sgr.ifyinc s. lhat alu.wn bv tlirt lat himtisl siMaAsvuiriji.. ' Xli,iriAis mm isi.111111; . hEiKLV lw J OLIi lKS EVA hV HO.VTH and i dein.hy fur the lanr.1,1 haalaea. f anr ntliert nmpaiiy in tin - Hniuhnrn Klalea , , (HI'iilorLi'siiNS Aiainie liie nnmhci-cur ,i..wi . 1 ....1 ... Husntial eftirena an.) I, l.tim, V.... ,. .. uwiirr.l m thnt tl. narttnnit F,.ne ' I .A til l1H.lt HA amoHMtmg to H fHkl hvs u Ntauv tty A'Ctot.t nuttU o n 111 -in,it tisn, am.iMstiiie to 'S n paid lo VW IufcasudOrphwia m ihu am., .;. ,, rbifi Ulna Gen. rul Agent' , r J.N (,', B4 v... wnth trf , ' , lintr. t v , w. It, M KI K, V, A"t. !i-.ll.Jw. 1 .IllOlirr. .7 Jrm AIIE oADs. - - - - WILJII,Tf a. ivi:mo 11 tiitoinconptNr. Oin. j: Ciimr Ivv.i i ' -AVn.iN.nn , LliitCLAi, W. HU,l Lfc. ! I KTJ ' i1" '' '" '"bowing Sebeilule .i.M tHasn tirjt. HeeT.1 , M C, July 8, MU. ( I. id bo-tuu l. ia-ewtrer-trworttnes ti. wan . ilrtiai In nuirtc Toar FrrigiiL irf fU il lisia.l J .,,,nrllK,a s aiuivil AtiN JWMly ftllU 171 (tltiU 1 ,.r T-iv-& -,-& l i x -i .. 4 a J , VltAJ DAt'TAX! . ' ' ' I f: t IA liAUeW..-. Mis-chants' A Miner's Uu. ..l i lu....i 1 W.I iL. w. I f . FBOM SEW TORK I 1 , n,""u 1 ' ( " '"I i' IU H,,,,.. Oil Dominion Hteshtsltitir P. HI ,,1.. i U'K w bnu. ji.v o , l f v .,. ., ,1 . IS..P st l.liiiu i-.-u t. . " " " . ,0"'ialoei..l,.l it , '" uracil nt,, irmce lftl.1 .... . Greeowicn M, Cor. lley ; Jt.L Uittrestiy, I.e.,. ' i i ' ' 'KMrtT PTfitpts 'I'llMVs. ' ..... ...1 , ::,..,!,, , t, ..., 1- 1 FROM FHIIJklyKIJHlA 1 iiU?. Anwamewle.y M)ila.; "Wilmington lai.iiii.ire ueixii. or 1 1. in a r.iTT. . r N. pelaware Avenue, W. V. Clx.W, A , ,. . .... ... . , .....i,,.rr.ril, at miming- .1 1 nm st km A. M. and ak yti.iu.,.. ... . ..,. u fewt; rtf n.-.ti'a lITr. . . , mhV- -1 .irains J- ;.,i,v al i;,7 A. u and in .11 . J.i- ? t?"""-' ...nj atJio,, p. k(., pi 11 stssattMsadsistWWIsVfe .FTlOjAl.TIMiil:; Bsluiiiiira Hleain Packet Co. era, r.t Ciinsi l-k, L. tl. r- 4rt ft'Ufft'n 1 pif llHV 1 li.a UI. ra.t. 1 ... . . . .. r rcranaiaa steam Co , .it.tK't i . t U p.ari Travrvn-"tn,i" t trt r 1 " e.i Aag-feaiS-tL ly"'"i'nirnt''TlSnT .wtm,sjOiiiwiawiiit. -Tiar tw-s, f U B. A I fry trviK,taKf - hs.ih, . C Liiuitru mm aw scuir or merit. A Itlnifire went . . 1 w i.ui...r- x.nic iiiirry yirs sine aa aervant to the l,trr Wallnck. aad. were, by that bumble assnriatioa with th great actor, imbibed autricient apirlt and skill to com out as a performer himself. 1 AKlruii;e strue.-eif wuh .real vw.rtni-. ' s fainst eatlv Stlverair .nT,l,.l t .v ..... "inn v.. wu..r.iu. WCSilD. , A Bki.e for f b fetnaie hate ba'Kclub wa hav read ot Tb Feme Kin. Lx 1 ffar-l i Aag lt Jt E,li;iilA.H A hcli'AMKL, luata, K. C TVBBOLUTIOSi OFCOpABTKtll.sHIi The Coptrtoerahln of J. D. Ci A t. 'tt. IhkSu Msaafsetursrs of T.ibseca, -., u tusssjvsd bv sintiial en.ant , Wnh J.... I... Ulmra. snd at author. nod to ekm the biim,.M of tk. enaoern. lb bwtubea will b eonlii tv y Tt r PwA. . P 0 PiiOL, Kittreffs, Aag lAla.Ji ' P;Lt, , ftltTTBtW. Tit XIV V i: :m.l..,i. Iii..Imv sr.d riudiii'.. a.i-l. ....... 11..1 ..... u ,.' M I kks Vtthlw.t & A M n 'I it. a lavs, ' Itinr- Is; snd a id. jim ., , ,,,1 .1., -4,-tl'. " ' -X--' ' . -ihwut. ss- r tJl " Jl"T:3j. t t a I 1- L 1 U US., - v ! rvie-. l f... s.t...,. I,,,,,. 4 ; - - FRESH SUPPLY OF i iMi.h'iwiM.tu.i'.'rri ',';'" 'J " W.F.. ..',. ... 1 Kill rtttaa. rat the Ksrii, .n.i.... t -c t -ol S Kl. l Avnoetiicilrtt. BUGGY MATERIALS. J !?,," TJIMS, BnlW fpoke.JW.afU. t.h Leather -A..M. FJH, baa d.l..d.rfklaoil.etrrvW-'j' V.5!rjri Tjl"tl,nr -'snvse.-t.,i.-k. no ftertarr.J. I, e. Is wbn w! t. "Y . V v'-vr won g I I'sm 1 alulllnt l.tke I 1 of tto.dHhirrt. I, ateut ot otbr n.ali.t itoa. Cat Sails snd Finiahing Brada. "tl J. URmrw t fl'ulll li.ilil-IVfi. '''' lnn.it f 1.. .tn pis.ss !..! 11 l!h lrnm.ii ..mi. Mt u-,;n.!,,.. itavl nii.l Vi m, ltllll, Tm i,, ,m,, si,.H,.r'.m..iol,.... )., ,,v Trains' r-stneet ' ..tit nm iiu l.BC.. His KiKlit Ti nien J ise. 1 taiiu. .1111 dna- A.u. liH-rit pn liiil,. kr ll.wwi.e. Au; -3.i lia hehc.lii 1 ... .. al w t 1 7 rr NO fill i.'cl ftthi I tel. 17 ink. tut ic terh Ihei tl.af iiien r-kor I'ah te Hi -ii fa pM.' gair kpil Vnh odt M , itn !!. I"et betifc lr imwo lWl Bt ll Bl iaatdi ?l fiahet. pitoi. imie. tiien i J'uwer td L Tbare M"i cat "Daaii livbt,., "ibef dd (tl nudii stdii Wl Uu Wth. daen ttvnt "tf bias filer 1 Sof titaee. ieer 8,'iDgai te .p, Jwar 1 bat w J aitnea ne r-i"u, lattoi f ! Jkra uatsj t i - wa s r li, "keth Ui -tnak t?--Voice ;' ' "otn ' ''ayett. Cttron i-rted 1 bink knew I "jVk'i ui riia,, 'too Ang I3-3lb With Hi sr 4 LtVui 1. y i.t iii'V Ciut i 1.11 r sod etup. ',1 . v - ' - - - . , 1 1 s--atr.m,,Mi.iii , .... JW.'3f" .. i- ' ' " ' .......r..: . ; ;. ,J--. .'.-.-V 7 . ," ' T : ' '"

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