at 4 4b" BTKTIINU - nun arovnsn. -, , , idwrU"1"1 "'"U i"orto4 a tha Hotly ''mtaui a tt fc-UW" rata. A ayaarw will be karMlUr4KitiaU!i)'( IS umiIok Bunt, ur 1, web. ,M,fmsrm.etmieV...v... ...... ...... H, - . &t'h atibaeuiieiit utaertiuttk-aa A eudeiit utaertiuti lea " .l.. B week . yjif wpure one week. ...... . :. ... ; idaittoiia) snare ops w.ek ..... OBI.-qtire Wueke ,.'... -u -Miiwnal 4""' ...: . ' ttoe rr" ""' m.ii6 a. tdiliil""1 in" tw mom. w wr ro.mtlith, Jl'U"il 7" ...... .i Uit sousre H""W wi'nth . . .... . . . . additional Ugequarterrotumn . nol clmiin ".'. ........ .. s,uu Mi Au ... a.o -S, ,t .. ,U0 . lu.ou .. s,i ... 4.011 . . . .4u,M vt - -. - ! : . ' AUi. '-i CaieuenHa "f iu'tU ftuStlm'TlMuiged Ul lai at h-wt ,rj' tUreo mouth. Contract, lor pur. than tL roe tuombs uade oly . at lb abov Hpn-lai auiina or adverti-tUMMit required to ga inserted oa inside or auy special plaoa, will be .1 'i5 uur cent hiht-r than the above ehargee.' -jhlveiteiuMtBestea' h" ekty u4 Beaii--Wekly um apoudiug with th abov. Xjmrt advert iaeiaonta ioMrkxl weak for 17 tufa or 110 if iJiatged. Advertiser, will at war find it id their edvaatag t ! lW ih when tby send advert iaeaietila, fr, the easeqs tiwywiaa to py foe thain. LOCAL DEPAETMEKT. THURSDAY, At'Gl'ST J5, 1807. To AevHTi. Tb puWtc will .tin tU "Stutiinl oimI of Uia beat laetiiutui of ad Tertuing in the Bute. Itt circulation coverr I largr area, porhapa, tban any other pa ' Cap. B. A. Butn wki.l, of . Newbemi in or aiitlioriaed agrat to receive lubacrip- tiixH asd adrertiUig for the Oehtiiul in Craven, Carteret, June and Oullow. He HI itpeiid tlie aumnuMP at MoreheadCityJ and Beaufort, and wilt give u the newt inmllit.fcti.yn lU-rU)l Heuulr fur tit HmiUimI. TBS MILITARY COMMISSION. EXITED NTATKrf PA TOLAB, POWEIW AND WATKISK. i TtiKaoAT, Aug. 13, 187. : fmmiul A. I'hillijn, awora : Ltra in Fay etterille. Mine Maasie i not connected titk Bie in any way. lleard of Bebee'a at tempt .oo Maanie,. about o'clock, Stifflildy iiiuriung. Heard, during the day, eerl aay he "Ughtlobe killedtttli Dual leoulect who ihey were. Knew? of no agreeiuent to kill Bebee.; Wltuena' atore ii aho'ut VIS yarda from market bouse, on-1 Person sirei t. Went to innrket bouse at 8 clutk, P, M., the day Bebee waa killed l.lut SO ptreune there at tliat time. Had Rifflingtoa piilol, (exbibilaJ). Wamiaa utlS mi the trial waa id emu off at .'clock . , &aw Tom Tower, Ed. PoWerl, 'jkea, Cpt. Tular and Ralph Lutter- 4 there. Belee waa up ataira when there. Tolar had on a .ebawt, Capt Tlr waititlkiuir wtfh Ralph Lut- erlohe'l jCd. Jtiwt r.i did not hear tiier mm., Rum bo iu ot anr miaclili l at hr "tiiiie ; u a araii , Witneea Ui iiiem ten iiuuuut and went back to atore. bere he staid a ahort lime aod returne1. )h return there weie an hundred m uiTwiiis pr-nt. wiiuia w et mi tterkoua ltteti'tir. Asked Tom Powera it he w at faptatn ot that t?.-rrraatij i. rowrr appeared trery aad. Krmaiiw a Tew iiiomenu aiiu returned to ator vain, liiiore lie h it, aaw r,tl I'owera nave putolou uuder In tiirtliea, ami "Muuk ithakuiie; sis veil a short time at atore ad cime back. ' faw lu.Hea go to the car ge ; aaw ( apt, t'olar git up to carriage nd lueak to tli. in ; alao eeveral oilier. iWitmss waa forty or ttfty feet trom the car p age. Saw UaiUie come ikmn ataira, tol I ved by BcImni and Weum, who had btiii tiedbr the rtuhL thtiuitt: W&a .ararwliiiar v e ear V(i utepa ; Sa w tigua of eici lemeut is the hiwq;. they were Katueretl in croup. wi Behee got bear ihe ud of BLky l-i'l bench, beard aouiebodi ay "I ileiuaod ilw prioner." lUr.he aaid "he i tny pria (mer'aud rtaiid back." Tlnee or lour tte Waaded the prtaoner ; one ol the men "waa puav I'owera, wltnena thiuka.' ' The crowd f aoul up. 8a w aeTural peraona grab at the Iu-itaaer. Diet not see Tom Powers have a nite. "Monk" had oue. The police kept off. 8uW- Tolar. Tom Powr K.t J'uwen aud Legett is the tuob; also Hall td Lutteilob. -iKtaw' other ruabea made. Tlisw was much confuion. Tom Powers iud "Monk" liiul k iiivea at this time, trying J cut Bebee. Heard a voioe cry out, ? Dlained if he is not my prisoner."' Saw Mw, Wetnit and fairclotb, all, tall to i'lher on the pavement. . aw llardic have Wd of 3tbee by . the..t. Ilardie was twding a littla to the rear and righ. Wit tnsidid not beat Hardie's testimony. We Jisi was to the left of Bebee. Saw Capf. War raise s pistol and fire, killing BeLe. wthe pULol immediately before he firett itaeaj swears pouuvely that be (witness) idaot fire a allot, Tolar s shawl tailing ki shoulders attracteti witness' attention. Irs was Bti great diliueoca between the ei t oiar s- pistol and the one had by tiuiess. Immediately alter tlie abooting, a ''ics tried out, "If any one divulgea any fm about thia, ha wdl far the same."-. ' Leggett and Lutttrloh were elose to Tolar -we fired;- powers vJwas bear to Bebee. a pistol in Ed Power.' hand. tAiuuu J'warda. It was a Urge pUlol Witoete J T Bad oue pisloL John Aruistronx pear Tolar when be ; slsoXalvm Hunter and Simiuona litaess Was four or five ieet from Tolar, CTol") fired. Heard aonw on. cry V"Cpt. Tolar shot, hmi." After,' lr tiirued and went around the eas eud f Wesuarket hoi,, an J wilnnia Iota sight Tut after be a ahot but waa prevented ,";'L-bJ JiatiiLaiul said aloud. UWUII awM nno house, before came down, '1 , "m l4Ve to hllfHft. tjUt it X 1 .kt a uottj aliot.5 tu.l ..., r.....,;'. .uwie; .... j smii t A lit Tnttllf rrmile TrU u4 f 1gr-"Mb'avis4;B. X have be. n Have lived 'w Ve"iue over years. W aa oa --uaersiniiiiet. wlm h nt two day a . !ed himself in gttungup testimony . "win witne- huuself. Did Wmk himself at lilverty todavul what ry.-t,'-'"r;'as not Wd em-mrfe tg ' bele. 7 i anewdidnot say to TIica A. II. n ifL,00ng m"' "lt J"J r friend ' Clnjpi. u. A,, r. . ,, :. ,A tlie Verdict, sfaich Was tht tlie Wra- ctme to bii death by pistol liot tntf bj th bud of sow paon unknown to tLe JwrythJty nwr Capt. ; JuUt t: th car riage akout a minute ; the carriage wat for J or fret Off- .1 crttai be m Tolar iBBrvauie carriage, llaf pa reerilloctioB tfuxiag Maltsby.or anybody elae, jump up oo a beucb and making any exctamatiuB. waea neoc waa ronuag uowa th gu-pa. mwKiji aou nun, wun oiuers, titUDi oa a beacb. Just a littla while Mora: nnn' think be fay Tolar, Hal) or Lutterlob in tba oral nwn. Uid tea "Mi.nlt." Torn Powt rt WM in koto. Witneee bad bia niatoi when Reim u not ; neid it la one band ,' don't think that lie cocked it or rubbed it. WtiieaV rfiatol waa largur tuau x olar a or l'owea', Totor orew Ii were two UieB U-fween Tolar and IWIkw When Tolar fired : cant recollect who thrv were. Don't recollect Tolar making any remark. Djdu't aee hiiu put hi left hand on any one. Tolar had left beloro witneea bowed hi piatol ; ahowed it to Douglaat; bowed it atierwanls at hii tore. Think Kentbnck examioed U then. DM not nw cognize the voice, which aaid, before the nootieg, "i nope I wont have to ahoot, but, if I do, I mill niake a good thot." Rl)ird. .'Had expected aome difficulty about Bebee'a trial, iiecauae he had heard it on the atntet. Witneaa bad Bo talk with Keudrieki until at diuuer time, juat before i no nnai nnuiog ot the Uoroneri Jury. Had heard that Siuiuione knew who killed ltebee - bad a cooversaiioo with him aljout it, and he (Simmoua) dechued apiearing aa a wit Beaa. Witoeaa waa told by Coroner, that tlie verdict muet be found according to the evidence given in, and pot from what. the Jury knew thetueelvca. ltd Crou-hf imuuUu .-Talked with Mr. Blake, the Coroner, before, the finding of the verdict, at witneia' atore, while the Jury! bad adjourned lor dinner, previous to the afternoon ataaion, which commenced at three o'.clock. . r'f- I The judge Ad vm-ate bere stated that the pruaecutiuu bad only one more witneaa to exawine, but that he (the witneae) could not he brought up' before Thursday, and that the prosecution would be closed bow. if the deteuse would allow the other wit nets to be examined on Thursday. , , , x I tie Defense relud. " When the Court adjourned, it adjourned to meet to-day, I hurday, II o'clwkA. M, Nkw AovKBTisKMEMm.--Comany Shops Hotel He-opened : Mrs. Rosa Rowe, late Mrs. . I Rfa Jeffreys.. A correnpoadent, in another column, speaks in high terms of the accom modations at this House. The next session of the N. C Institution for the Deal audt Dumb, and tha Blind, commences Monday, Sept. 1 Address Mr. W. J. Palmer. Esq'. Principal. Labor Saving Pumps, "ai mere' Imple ments, Ac: MitchcH, Allen Co. Pure Cider Vinegar ! Douglas Bell, Ms ket'BtlUar."" --;frt-:-;r -, r :trik.nt "payment tif -dividend by Rahigh & G anion Railroad Co. 't'LorKE ai Ua.huux.'V-Ab latere sting article upon this subject will be found upon our fourth page, this morning. ' . i n i i Oua ManatT. The supplies fn our mar ket, at present, are ample to meet the ' de- maud, bill not more ao. Large quantities of leet, mutton, Ireah pork and bacon, as well "fir", towls, melons, and IrntU generally, are sold daily. The excessive acarcity of money, however, does not justify present prices. They should still be reduced. ' PtNiTKBTlART Brako. 1 his Board, con- slim led by Oea. Sickle, met on . vesterdav. orCaTthe Executive office. All the members were present, vix : Hia Excellency, Gov. Worth, TreaaurosBafUe, Mr. Ppnikiir Me Aden, aad Memra. Wiggins and H trper, Chairmen pf the Senate and House Coiumite of Fi nance, rur the want ot more speciQc infor mation by which to lie guided iikthoir .de liberations, the Board, after a short, eeesioo, adjourned to meet egnin el, the call of tb Qoveraor. ; . , - :;'!f !;?:' Ma H ill's pons . - There has -I'lom bees, in this City, on. similar occasions, i larger or a mora aelert and appreciative an dience, thsB that which assembled in Ihe Common Hall, On Tuesdsy evatiing, to bear the ria italion, y Tbee. H;- Hill, fco,., under the sospices of the Mdniorial Asancla tioa, of bia Poem, written for tha Com mencement of the llttaboro" ("t'lpntiflc Acad emy. Such an audience was in tha highest degree complimentary to Mr. Hill, and af. fori led, at the same titiie'a. gratifying,' ari- denrw ot the disposition of the community to encourage the aspirations ot native gen us. ' -".-' ,:; We will sot attempt Jen Analysis tMr. Hill's fine Poem, further than to say that it bail all the elements of a highly popular product iooiconibiWitig much of genial hu mor and flood natured shlire, with touches of rare and exceeding beauty. Inone word, it was worthy of the author's prestige, and, as such, was admired and praised, on all ilea. The concluding portions, descrip tive of a perfect woman, were exqubuta ia parity of conception and fa artistic expree- on. Tha Poem occupied, about half aa hour in its delivery. - ( , , The following touching and appropriate atanzaa were written, by Mr. flill just prior' to ilia repetirioa ot the Poem, and pro nnsmd, in f ipliinntion, ss it Were, of the circumstances under which it was re-pn -duced: ; ' ' ' , aaaht that fheveTr-r itr sum;. Mav vauae one wore-aa'-w-.! doat r tr h'oom, ' ut-n ptaintivi- iiaipi, w rsoutnern wiijima Bnitg. all ait-! hk. a nod purpetnsl gltajiu'- h!R, bo wad attb Uoadi isaaft aud yw f h" aJituif UciiClSiUiTZJ 'Esn.irnf-r sioiiv i-".ia - KIllUl WHil, . .'j - , And st k. ivln l friwi (j -nv la tfs : ' Jiitn.hgiLimddmgmiil U. K'" Ul(tiCllf itr itiiweia la alir. aUhailug aw4?ta,tlhimluin the air Aliuv the grave ,f tba u.ireflt.rata dad. Bh ohaiea to t...' A dav. or lorirt-l-me-ieH. t :lne. Ihsl Ki-alj Ulill-'i -'It' v'.-.j'f. y '-j This- (Ai. .Hild be tar deanv Uisa the nd iH pralaa awar.led to tb Native atraia, ' ' 1 Blown from a piW of C-anlii nad, , Which, at yuut buklmg, I aak sgaia f ? ." "' r" A We1 adbera to tb opinion heretofor ex p,resaedthaCthe full rtgistratioa wirt sltOW a decided majority of whit volar ha tb State. Cotmmi t Qo.) faj r. The New York 7rasT that men of vey iuipresnir presnc aud very grand appearance are geura I ly quacks or goodie. TELEGRAPHIC. WedaraiUf EvralDg IH-pattrbra. jSCTBrcnoss to gen. bickueshheui. , . r ' iW aWBhWEAlK W oiactaroa, Ang. It, It The PraaidenL thruuKh. Gen. Uraiii, baa m atrnetod Umm. Hark 1m that ba eaa Baaa in ardaa eoi.lbeuiic with the proetaa ol the tfttWaU'uuru. Tkua ravokea urder Ko. lu, intwfertng with eaana reoeoiljr aujuduatod by JuJa tfeaaa, ut North Carohua. .... i , f , u-- i i BMiaridaa writaa ilea. . Ctrauk. euBitdahiinff i )t uwoi Jwaaeau a a-enamrt ihiniwaiiiw-towarit- low. who. la New Orloaaa, waa ant aweh aa the Coa- aiauain utticar of um Uulnet had a nrbt io aa- JteJgM'r im- . M- aa ail Mlta4t Tnnutiiia onii atail drriawuua. Bui. " tmnmvm tuurks van dull. Ould tl.SOt. Sterling . luaa. 9ilhtlo,. a M) uup.aui of 'til, lt:i(. Ten-m-aai). alaaa,, SW14, ,-Hmw waa ..v :. i . uvKBfnnc, Ana It, at.' Cotlna ana, leaa aetiva. tiatea l'J,(i . ' . Loauoa, Aof. Ii, at. Tburstluy KIorsiiBg llsptcliea. ABKEST OF FR03I1SKST TIBOISIAS8.1 1 I " kimamii Ana. Ii P If Bus. Jint ft. Pawdlalua, at Culpaper Umutv, a tWawr m.Bibor of Cvugmaa, arriwd bare this eTouiue; i kavuia baaa arraauxl oa a chare ol pariiir, in bavins riuiatcmo. . Ilia oa uf J.lx BeurT W. Thosnaa, of Fair lax, who arrivad Uat niht aodmr arrant (, h Snc vtulatad the Civil Highta Bill, by rtifnaing to take aegro teatiiaony, baa heea etit fur lit aext tomi of tb U. at. Cvtui. at wkkk ha waa hailed W appaar. jxhu uaruea baa Btwa inmeti q dj uaoarwosa s Orand Jury. WASHISOTON NEWrt. ' WinBtduToa, Aug. It, P. M. Mr. Mantua apij lib hv. (on. to Boston. Uia aow rataiaa a elerkahip m the War Iiefiamswiit. Oan. Urant la very busy llwra. i Jock H. Kiukhoad baa bean appointed Post ataator, atHitka, Walruaaia. ' Aitorimy-lHueral ntaa.tia.ry iaat Capua ftpriuna in led health. - J Yeateruat 'a eabinat BMtettng was Ih moat har- naooHiua na furnuiiilia. liaveoue reoemu SM6.000. ' ' Uenaral adrieea from tha frontier imlioaW that the ludiaa boaulitiaa are oa tha iucreaaa, KEOlMTBATION 0N. BICKLFJf 'AND U&- DEBrf No. 10lND3i T faaautaTo, Aug . 14, P."at ReiriaUattoa to-day Bii. of which 181 w wuitee At a meannr of Uia Board of Trad, this morn ing, a KMig latter waa read Ituto Ueueral nicuva, m rvplj to a reent reatuaatranee of the ifcaud couoaruiug Orders Ka. in aud Hi, Be apholda all toe prorisiooe uf tooae orut-ra. r-T-4r-:- MAkKTs -;-''- -:.r J . WliatiaoTOK, Ang. It T. Bf. ftpirlta Turpentine quiet S3, . ,-r buaia ateady 7. ULTUoaa, Aug. 14, P. af, , Cotton ftraa, aachanKed. Khmr 4uvat, aud in eoiae demand for aipurt WheatlVuua to chuio bed U t f(Ci.6 : infe- rikHall.7i prim sod ahoie Whit taoi a. Cora-WbiU 11.10; Tallow tl.17atl.lg ,Hw Toaa; knj. 14-g; at Cottoa very Arm-aaleaof 1.400 balaa atl. Fkmr Htat and Weaiarn UucMc bUar : Mat t7rll.76; HouUuuro SUu(14.mi. ., Wllul. Nxar lal K.itl.u-a iQ 4511 30 Whit Georgia fcl autatdl . Cora dall-Mixad Wealern i,Whit (ouhMtiiUU . 1-ta-k lower, 103,10. - - Tarpanun SWttSU. Itnain taSl8,ii0. Kietka aaavy. Uold l,of. VAI atnptaaa 11S. ', is.. . a. 7X ' -7 . Tha people of Macon, Georgia, had the opportunity Iaat Saturday of witnessing that cheat and refining amusement known uanaar palling." A lerire crowd aaaera bled, bets ran high, bnt noue of the riders plucked tha alipptry gander'a head. ' Tha old fowl waa too slick Tor them. He "bund high" from lirfcb, -and looked down rB th puny knigbta below with a smile ol con tempt. - He waa victorious. No tela were won, as nobody thought of betting on him. At tha and of forty minutes ha cauia down J'rlght end up," and took a quart pt corn fO..aM.C0K.,l.:.': V'!-W ' 1 ' Jaoob Thompson ia aaid to have a g' chauca for appointment as Secretary ol the Interior ia tha new domiuion of Canada.- ' A citizen ofji fteraoa county, Georgia, who had a valuable tliorough-bred suileo during Sherman's march, baa received a let ter from the thief requesting him to forward tb horse's pedigree. Ex. The Sultan has made a joke I Paasing the shop of a well known coiffeur, where chig none wan exposed for sale, b inquiied If it was a bair-'em. VaeA. . - Richelieu aaid there waa bo such word aa fail. . Hsnost hwv had an axpttrjratrd r()H thai of the dictionary, and nav, acquaint ane whatewr with mercantile agenctei. " Tha Cincinnati oaWtalka of General Butler's ""valuable services." Does it refer to on of thoee silver services ha "captured" at New Orleana I , . t-j ... , , i: HW anted, a ateady young man to look af ter a horse of tba Methodist persuasion," is a Engliah advertisement. N J0H. F. RiXLCN. V Efa. it. wnxuMu, y T &ELLE5 at WILLIA1W, ' GROCERS AND. CO MM I S BIO MERCHANTS, COl'RT IIOISE Bl ILDl.Gt - jirffrtirjr. -nr. c 1 ' July ta-lM-An - IS Wl B E. wa Bav oa Band a large mora or TIN WAKE at our oti awk. It mim tit tb tnKt or by re tail. ALSO QUO 0. 0. C. .'J. BROWN., Wnh HaarALaww. Aug a-ana-i-" 10 TUTJ Iil.NTAl. PKOFKKKlOll fh Wit BtwdilW of tb n. C Unlital AsaiH-i- atlua will ba held at (Jigb fnint. on the a Int. Ang "' -'' : i :r '- i .ii i A full atteudane ia Baaat eamt ntlv deein-d. J . .J,., . V. At. f ItkliifcB, , r 'Aug WW-SI ' , - Correaponding Sef'yl . t halixi 1 lines anil wiiuiiirKtia sum snd aw.d hill to l'r. T., Hvh rmit. TAW A t.m t it rMoPKBtTtr, -Taw ltao st tsWoT-rfia WrtfTCXimiiar It.r Hng dnur la sell the srellrnt bih! valaslii Heal Ktat ol aaid deeaaaed, Vmawtuig of tb .ira and UweJlimt St - ' ' ' ' K4. 4 F-Al FnEnLLE tSTBCKt. 1 7wd-lhe lul on whRh It ' . i . 't . " The bsikltng i tbrii:a, tws asH- hl.d. fb roi.t hna kiU bed, aud a aicali. bat jgmuiie Uve (tardea Bs Mi Tear. . - - fr. h".ar, tta prtwaot tenant, wiiVtaks pksa ra ia showing the property. . ' AdJa, w. k. Baku am. Atfy ftw tb Wrtra Ang 13ia3 WariaumgrW.tTf A 1 LOT 0t htCE BKE A0 COHN. I A1JMJ. SO Orosa Psrhaf Saris ( Jos reid sj.i4 f..r .'. It ' H.f. HiLUAJtooa A CO. AuJMU-4f .MVVS Bf LIST NIClirS M1IL Rumor, of codrse. is verv buv with the Cabinet ooraplicatious, aiUl the numtwr oi utoae prolesainir to bold conmienttal re lations With the White House baa -largely multiplied Within the pat day or two, in ennsequeaca of which there are strange sto ries eoougn m eircuiaiioa. to create iu lni pressioa among the credulous that the Exerutivn liranoh of the roverniaent it about to ahdicai 4 lot. The statement above given, thut the President wishes a ifeweril oflenngof retit;nnon to take place, is regarded as doubtful until lurtiier con firmed ; bet that the offcri ot U eears. Seward and McCullorti to resign their poaitiona, if ttcti ilinuTd be blade, would BoTbe slighieii tT tlie yi-cuum.fii.ian a w tlim. Mn. titii the sUti iiH iit to a more seridiis' con sideration. H'dA. Cor. If. T. JJtraU. The papers offered by Dunham, alias Conover, aa ground for Mrdon, CuttSktDtJ not a word impugning m. Ashley, General Butler or any other person. : Thoae which PToleai-d to dacloa a nlot Were Died sub sequently and apparently in t'.eapair of pro curing a pardon Without tbeav They ars altogether diatiuet from tha pardon papers, tbouuh tha .Aetinix Attornev General tbo'igbt proper, to include all in his report, ui wuica op However, (iiaunctij aaya le took the grvatcat care not to cwunect with tha nnileaaed disclosures any extraneous matter whatever. There is tue hiuheat an tiiority lor saying that when the diaeloaiirrs eama before the preaiifent, with en. official detail of their contents for him to deter- mine what to do with them, be decided, alter due deliberation, neither to- unier in vestigations ami tha collection of other 'evidence rumored to exist, nor, on the other hand, to let t lieru lis secretly on bia file, but to commit them- forthwith to the public and rid himself of tha whole matter as it stands. )l. CW. A'. T. JUraU, ... PHOBiBI.aRgMOVAtor THtMlLITA' BV C'CMalaKUKKS I TUB Sol'TB I llaV reason to think that the next strp. now that Btanton baa been removed, will lie the t movsJ ol bheridan. aud oro'iablv tba other tiur military commauders. It it Mr. John son s deal re to place mure cooeervatrv men in authority over th conquered' SoutHrrn brethren men who will execute the lawa of Congress with as little harshneaa and show ot despotism a practicable. To do this el- fuctively-hrhT rtsrdeU; aayudfeiifus to make a complete change, so thai ao en destined with the past barsh aod oppreiv adtnia istratpm of affairs in the military dislrkt will remain in .power. By this means it is 'Considered that tha white will be secure in tbtir lives and property, and the great dan ger of negro snpremacy must b avoided. M, Cor. X. T. UeraU. - --Phospecti vt flesi 'Einaiow or Jluuc Holt. A report is in circulation to night that Judge Holt will shortly be suspended from his functions as Chief of the buieau of military justice H'uaA, Cor. RU. tfna.iSlA, General Rousseau has reotTved his in. tructions aa Commiaaioner to raceiva - the new poeaeaaions of fhiUMttilfltBltl! in Rnaataii'X'-inM;. -..A ..III I - country on the tUt io.i, with tha Commis sioners on the part of Kusaia. -r- ,t-- Bialion Atkinson, sailed lor EuroM. from New York, on Saturday last,; on the Steamer CVy of Bilhmar. He was accom panied by Mia. Atkinaon. J. Ii. lIUJiTEIi & CO., COTTON mi -- iiAcrroitfs, -A N I u n Produce Conimlaaloa nerrhaBta, ' C0KXIB HlUfl k WATKB STREETS, " t - ' PortMDfjutH, Ttt." " ; . 4',. V: ' UI" . - Jl,l $ Will aell ia tlx ariwa of Noaeour lnB PoaTW nouva, iamiaeaoa, wa lianoii,.4iHB, , . Uubaeeo, Naval HI urea, li id ' , ' - ruit awl all market. . aliW Prod uen ---f- IdBoral Silvstirvineni. ois.hJ on atiul shipT w-ih.,mhi T-nKn,ti aut-niiti .puiu. to puoii of mercharidiiHt. Aug l.i-8t :' caEAftoi roN Piibin. . :i ,.,. j Uaving been uolill. d lh;.t pa ent has be. a al lowed ma fur a iw and ui.p uvuS tl ! PI.EmI, I ofl. r for Klfi lM.ui, tenuity aiol u.b tidual rigliu. ihiapr.-f.s b t;ftieil hh eoniWiung mi4 a.t vaBlaifHa for packinj imi.'ii 4 ban a" now ia Baa, II is a4spid ut huno or asuah hum. ; a. w impn sua CI.. 4 U voluilriusliou tlMt --aat K'l neciiauu- can build it ; take, lu-a aiaii .i..l inn power to work it, wnh loeipnr to t)n wmtlmr and h.a waiiol CMwu, Uiaa auv other ?4sv. peruiM.i in mt. r aa trtmiitmrn, JleMf . T. Vaajliaii, of BVyOalMl ,Kw-li-ji. t., all-at-wtwrn ' "in j 1 1. . n. 11 riiioni ... r , 1 11 .. u. . 1 ... a.ui iiav. at-a it . aim great uaiialaclv oa lli. ir pliui tatioua. Thoae wiw put up Her will b aorry for it HeliaU agent wanted 10 tl lb right thoagbout tiw Son them Coaiitry.' Fur further pvuuahu, addmaa. - " i . . 1 n-x t: J- H, AJUlrWIM, V T . . ia .11. t. .. MsatlsBsl Nmi g T. a. at aj t- 'llMre waa asnlea from a midWies in this fltr. soaw days a UOl.D WAIUHblu eitame Ud. Oa on aid Waa a grape lesf elosW nf green, aat in dianunds ; oa tha other a Forget ne not,'' sat alas in duminla. Attached waa a culd ChatUiua. with a bnuk having aa ion A bbnat psward will b given t.w tnv inf.irnis-' tbia bwdiBg to tba reeovery of the Vt ateh. ' . k' i - . Apply at- 1 THIS OFFICE. Ang IWWt - COVA.M V JIAKRiaM, Ceneral foram!s.sion Merrhants ;7: 2 'ontmerce htrrrt, . NOItlTOJLiIC, . VIltGII, WILL ATTItNiJ nuiMPTLV Tt) KA I.K.IK t) - tXitUMt, tsraia, Lut.titir. TolaMMn sval. .tores, Ac and piuvkam ol Hupphna Will for ward C.lou to t.uiutia liii-fe uf frrardniK chabok. " ; . , .,". : ... , D. O.COWA HU, . li t HAitniHM, flrsiivul.. hiie Mali- t e... N. (! WaahtiigtoB cat , Ai. C. -. AJlfLl BilflAIL, Xil. li'i VI I.A . . Bossiallma, llvi.tia..aa s iwavv. M. PrtneqAl.-- Mr. and tlie. l u vaia U. VI. Ui. Head of Kct.tUa.i,-t), i,to-; 1,1, ut-.n ia. J.iv Ikijr ta:t I tii-r mtruud .ii.--lt7i i M.liuua. ..MaXasijwsh-I---. .s i..M.-eee 1-: V.H-al alitl li..ii' jtiti-an t roj. k. lia aei sr. , .-' lato.ajLidPaiiiiiig feijaiA ii.aint . i loa itwltitttos will Im. l.;ti.-i (1 Vloiniiit ltvrf.nrfierTi.tlir'"The"tert oil tl'H ru-iu. hwrw-vear et.ti JaoitsryvjrtKk- ins sV-fotid s. aton J-nne 3oth. . , HiiNMp. l.KAE hi ail na ted 1 sit eb-valrd Bt.lira.4. ih. .Hd r-rwJn. k mad.V niilea tnun lite iiiiiitai.t B.jtimore ano aitltineaet a-ea. -SmbftiHirillw t'sSHeng. f RailWarnM'&ui-' ai.i'ririt. aiih tlie Wl-V. 1 he iHwwber wl pepiiavritf tm tnt' w Twen- imli l at J. Hi W A ITlin $ SnVs 1 harbw atreat, sad E VrZJTT;ArU a isiJOkl "Blt'Hli, Chrle street. . Fur adwiiaai .ti ai,i,!r to Mr. C Fi. XeliLAIlL tbnaorh tba Italuiuoia o , bk 1,H. Aug 7 aw-1 in , . SefFoxtnrar3ByT.AV i.cHtji, . I M I . . uii.i.'Hsae, is, si, - alias K0LL0CK. Isiakawia. Th F31 Tnrm irf I -Kf will man am tha ?i;il. Jti'V, sn4 n.miinii tw.-utv a. -ka. t irenlar. fcardtd on spl ocatiflBw Jaaaa-Mea' v-i - KIXAXCIAL CIIiCUf.AIl. . . : r It i Ukani-b A to. J!kji. a. S..n a t itit-tnuoiivf; a. Aufefiiaia tin. , .A K V u u r K i h v TB08. BKAJTCH 4 SONS, Bankers and Conittiisaion Merchaula, I'virr . .1 ''' I'Urg. 'Va. ' ' HOBTII CABOI.IN. . M ra .. . in u! . . 1 1 - tr 17 Bank wf Cap rear ." t barkato .. i'laVTitlil.. I UmiaHH-l'-V. . . KM Ufftllw. IUilKrJall.. K'rlh t utiliii 'htmiaaSllla .-T"l-i MadualMlruuak... -.,. ...Mi W aahlUKU n. " .. . , , H Wiliumtmi ;'4 TalM-eer'ilht . lit Ouaunt-roial Baiiik, W 'llmiiigtiai. ..,.',...7?i ruwar. auk of Ninth t aruluia ttraMtMihoro1 M ritual InalirautN' iA: , . I- Moreiutiii' Bank ofSealx-m fj. aVmara'and ItaiiWr.- uauk .... . W pay eurruoutiiit; hih tmo for mlu r Bank uotae. IVl.; U.IJa I., tl.M I..- ku.. the day fwwinid. . )Wluji,lM-.M,j l. V. .1.1 , ill..,1' fi.l- tM...l.i i. I,M. ... .... h. V...I. A... ...... ..fl yat. July 18-JKU-tf ' V ' keC Uleifih Money Kaaket OORHVXTKp Ut JOHN i S tLLlAMH A fO 7,," ftWKKIttt. aVAUUUIt, raicaaor aoara rsiua-iat bk rot'm! Bank uf K. C, (rtold ) tsUvur loi) U. 11. " tai riar Charlottn " Leiingtuu, at Ulaliaui. .. '" ' KoslHirikuiih " , Vtadashurouifb.,. .......I. ; Thumaavihe ... WllnilUKUla). Cominerc.....,, ; " waaliiHKti ' t. Fs?eUviJ!.; . " ; t'lanwdou ........ ..... . , ... , ' 1 laoiHivvihe ...... a.. . :.t i . &o , il A1 si ... 14 . .. Ii ,.vld .... 4 ... 7 ... -ii. !4 J ...Ml ... 6 . II Mlinwa" and I'lanter'a baok .-, tarnnm' liaiik. urmmabunmiih.. CooiniHtt'ial llaiik, K iluungtou. Merchant's Hank. N.nlwru . . Itreeuaborouifh Uiiiual ... Virvinia Bank Notes, ahuat. . ... ... imth Carvhiia . " Oeorgi . . .,, " , (Md .... ... ,.....,.,.,,.,. 4:, a, . iler..... . ... U ... K.I ...1 Ki .t Old Cuupoua'. . . . 411 Korth t aruhua Bailroad Coooutia. ;7 i Old Hixaa.. kiohauK oa New Juik. ............. . Oreeniboro' Honey Market . erraa bates or bank kotos, ';., nv WIX8OH A 8H0BEB. BAKKB8 AND . .. ' Eioasaaa Bsosxaa, rVirya Ei at Bramrr, Qariaa "" .. ' ' Boao. K. C- . . i Bankof K. C.. ,, ' 47o 24 H M t'atie rar . Charlntr . . M'adaaboro " Wilniingtoa. ,...,..,.., Hosbnro. . . ., .... k,. ... .. A..IliuBoiatUtir r, " Lcimgton at rtran.ia " '. .' isigtoB.TrnTrrT777 " Couunere,,. . ,a. ,f Clarendon .. , J.,. " Fayelterilla. , . -. . . . :. , v. -.. . . stt " Waahlngtua.; .... ... . ..... ..... , '-4 . IS 1 i ltl u as 23 ' ii m Xaneevviiin . MerMianla' Hsiik of Kewtxirn , Fsnnara' Bsnk of Oraenahoro. . , .... . Mtiwra'and Flsiitaira' bank. . onimareial Dank of WJmuiKtoo UreaaalKiro ktutual Ins. Co., VirKiuia Bank Ni s average about.. HouiB Carolina " .. .....r, ..,,.7 tlaoraia M ' .. . ' W e buv and sell St liberal ortcea . (told and hil- ver. North Carolina itonds, Culled (hatea Iloiids ana su otiisr markeiame aloeka. trilera for Bank Botes hv debtors and Btock- holi'ere of Banks wilt raoeiva proaipt attntiun. Huturtia for axpraaa pai-kaic of llank noUsa a , will b made on tha da; reoai.ed, bv nkeck oa Nuw Kork or Baltiinure, or In ourrtmcy aa liu- aoe.l. . . Lif and Firs Insurance Policies Issued lu good vompMoea, ai iHiai rates, .July M-in-tiu.. PEOVISIOJT MARKET. CUKUECTE1) Bit JKN1UNM A I'EKBY, ?.BP!II...S-!MMlSHtOM JfEltCHAXTS, Favkiixvu.i.b St., RAbbiMH, N. C. - ItAiiOll..... mm" BAl. T. A w EMPEltN ' liuM ItFEF ON H( KlF : . .. , ),, V KMTwvV.. v.-KftiAl-1 " '''ittrrrEB... ..,,...;.-. ; critiN. :. ... inf.'j ( lilt kFv, HpHng, . . l.i-UlS " " ' tstow '. . . - .i. It) vltjl..'v....i.-.. ........ -.v.., ... I sl SO ' . rOIFKK. v "'-' , r.u.H ,.v, . IWAI 1 UtK 14 tiiKuiiS uo itddiKRv:.., 1?..: , on - ' ' ItK.llHIM)...,. eg V.VrfllJ , ' UUita-HiiHin . . .. nxr pr lb. 4 lirvt f. t ' ' 7 l'J4 ' f ' ' ! WaY... x j-a. aa 'At lv 4.-.. ."' I AKO. . . ; WI "SitU.'K..iJAl,..i.;1!,.v. I tang,! 60 H(CABKh. "L"".i.,jX'..T'...;'.. . V ' KAIL.... ..J,. ,. i., 74'SICI FfcAM-aw 4 1. . ... . .. I tivtnl Ml piriAljllt Iriat.....j., . ..... 1 wl - , " .M,i(-l(IWl,.;i.,'.;l,rj1.-ll' It A tH, . , , . , . , . . 4'A .,'. MALT. .i . irti W-4.4 IIS ' MUltAB. . ...i,w...;..'i . i .: .'!- tang'A "rTAUA.W........ v.-..tvW ' '!' . ,VlNLtiABi...s.,.i.i. .. IW07 i. ' " . REMAItKU. '. '',' 1 ' Tsrv httls f3ottoa baiiii Uouirht to luaikot and in demand at abova qnutaiioua. :, : txirn scare ana ui tioDiand. Fbiar dwliniiig in eonawjitaiMw bf i)i)litli Jt ol w eop being brought to makat. . ,., 1 hniinly of listiou euiial to demaxnl. hut orkaa Bra audi thiilluuo of ttortbara qiiuUUolia. !PECIAl SOTICES L 1MB, PLAHTElt, CKME.NT A.NO ilAlit. A I sins Knpply slwsys uu baud and air aale tai BKNrt lavurable teruis by , WUKTil A IMMi L. : Wiluimgiou. a. C. V. R. HoKTHi.t Ilsoieia ot Itus Lias raoai Mnaa. . a,... . , Jul- ll.4K7.Ain 'V 'lADTihvKF, CI n 1 VT UrTHINd AND T rrawisHixii UnftM. honta and Phi. a. and a Hmi. s-aortniettt of ti.-nt s Slid Bs llsia, at 1!" ally ratlueed pnees. at M. UOStNBACM.- Aug i-an-tf : -. ' , . MISCELLANEOUS. a St at til. HIA R LOTTED VI LLK. Vs. , . V -1,!..- 1 noil e.iaV4. nf tins grhia.1 a. I lgiu on 1I1.- r-.i 4 W.-dn.-a..i.v of H. iiU'Uih...r.M-At and eud 11 il.i sal etlle-wlay ui Jliue h, eouu.tlllg of : 1. 1. 1. 1 Mis if n.a Bufitlte ea;h. I v I ...o aeot -t'l'tr . d'.'KUt'd to .iA:.aJA -i,.-i-i i-.ei.iiy uf Wiia. or anv ialivr C4- I , .a liar1 tha pi iltea! bitauie d lilm. . 1 1 11 F tr It r"'J.s.mJ 1 'i ij. iKilM,4m' tot ,41,, ".ti. iim. Io' Swiinti. Muni., and s. t-r.ff".-ior,s vtisirf.. " fn.l sn4 Li!n- a-lW -eOkr-lfc-k "iTtpil fiii-i,l,li-a Ilia uwi toaela. . ki t Irewlar and har psrtlrnlsrs address, - WIIJSO.NU R.CAHit. lrtiHSOTnlle, Vs. - irtr-i'-rii rarasTtu, rfr.'Tiuaa. Bemuiary F.irl.i i' , ai, Vrtnetiwta. -. -r Itt-rkkawnB-. ThFf.u1ty oTTTi5"TTiitV.r.itf ii..Mui.ii Asrti. . v. 4. VJUk rl.aiB. of an A.vdemr, ia a baalthful aud pk auH BuiKl.Wh.jd, A:unu milea Hoatli raxt of II t I V .l . """" - to i B i ...J, auto small (Va.ilv, wisldng to .ie.d bis vs. ant hour, m litararv ptirauita, or us huatftrti v. Um. piaa.1. rvd eouid oa retettred VmV d..ii-.i-. 1 w a aoiKi niai, tijortmhlv qnaho.-d Ut pra pare atinwots I (. ofet'B, and a MB proper cre .ieiiuaia, wl tnoral citift.ler, lltduwofreuta W1,U lie pi wnlel, 1.0 spoilt alif.n to ll.s .irMl.r-H''c i .tt leciod to tna eais of Jtr.Ja. . Ait.arT i :ku.. A. T. JiiAL, Aug --. family GEocrna i NK 'i'MvM eASil eU fvHKl. HHN. l-riaia WIUTK Cltll.lHleMil iik ii.a wr.t.i, ai.rket Kure. tiAii U ! luirirrr ooou hEW liKTTFH MW1I ' . f.rXT KFWft ii riwm-ia Vow Kitra. aad So. I. FssaiW, la Klur. and.waa by , i..w,: i , . ;i 1 Aug 4'0li! 4ts a. OAI.t! H.WK TiAUQU A MOXKY BY J,, i irva-a-,.- .7 1) O A li ! ! ! Ikl RsoNs tVHIUh'ItND IMMKOAJ. , ling Mia , .4 ,. i ... , . , : HVr . ' cuMiNa MiNrr.u If a ill had d ftmail.Y t tlu-lt sdvantag to awpt)i lhiiitt-ltv aitL-iut ao muirci-ttiu) dnln. Ail 'inl. ia vivt-n me ailt he filie.1 pnani'li' and Ul Mil h hiafifi aH I Mnt MMir. Mt iaf-.attMi- k' f rie.1, Ae, sfiplt at m Mure aa Alaiket wpiaie, , , ,...... . lHtliiUHltKlJ. Auk Dim tr r TJUY C00DS. tatr.trru ititt.Aiit - 'THAN" ' Oumu, At; i nN vinck tAMitNr'Jjr or thk J rack. .. t 7 . .'xHi janla vt all the bvleat. aud Biuat dean able ljli- - - M'BINd AND M'MMKK lUlv-XM OtHiIiM at greatty UhIiicwI Priiea. j j ... a,I.Trd of bkaefaod anil Wowa . SIIIM IMIS AND OIIKKTIN'tiri, ' ' at i-rk-M to suit fha time. !' ' ' Aim rant all desiratil smt hat ' , ' .; ' ; ,yt-..i'"iTVvT"i. , k'-',. ,, ahnoat given si. -..- TloKIIHV Slid (?I.OVK : ' ' IITS and Ha)iTaT " ' i.raaoN and rulHwimia, r t.e-brwiiia tin amort aient of lliH MK 1'R- MMIl.Vti l.iXiliM. and a U.wiaud uUir aruelw 1 too nuincii.iia to )ueiiiiou, aH 10 ho aold at ralaa to ami avert bony. . MileaA ft. m a, and other twalne, uf Ladi, aasr'anu (joniivB M 1 rtTMKS M WWITKPB, s - i at gn-stly raduiwd prteaa. - " ' ' if. ROSEN BAVM, Aug l-ri-tf . Ko. I FayMMvill 1st. M GREATEST BARGAINS , .0 F T 11 E . S E A S O I. 9000 I da. C'ulU'Oca, liisl Color; 10 and lajc. H - t,00a) - )ritrFin Fa. lae Lawns, 14110 Cloth, SSIe. Iaat . ,. .1 a-rr-ai. ,. .1 , rlhdierd 4sid HiAambiqae BOtotllM ' . -i fjoena yards mskaaa bill draaa,at We. " ., CALL AND TAkK A lAX'K j ,-, ,. be fore w soil thuu sll out. . , W. H. ft K. 8. TUCKER df CO. 1 aUlntgh, JnlyS-iiakeuT tr ;I ... . i . .. - MI8CELLAME0CS.. DOTl'H CLOTIIKS WASIIEE. ' ...f f, , . .-..a-i - i THE BUST AND MOSTPOPULAlt MACHINE EVEIf , INVENTED. r' b. rr to operate, SIM log nr atanill ng j takaa but huJ riaiui uijurea no gM weuta; hiuaha ita wora iu iomh ..i mi lour Aiil'itM-a ; 1 ouraUM snd i.iBvinteitt ; snd iho only Washing Marhin L . ....... " . ,1 . . f aiitnru eai ia v. LIKED TUi." l-illMt 11IR LUiiUhB IT IH , , , - . . ,IKI,U. , Ho aaah -huwrd ta-eallvl 4r 1 he elillver-r t plroNwl 111 An! -lols, and .in ui. Wbda lima uit mrra I sml the at. aia eolitioed. tha msi-bini ia i Sh aeen stiove 1 hits, sll the b.-m fit ot ! preaawre. andjill the aoltvid power of snao are. ohtant .1 at una and I Ue saute lini, I'b a.s-k m ; dme at ..uee, Ma eluf lia ai rlcaiied, at.d in. 1 re.HttH- only hi be riuaed MP .adilt4r aruug, 1 sti.l bnng nit to dry'." - ? Wiihriilerwl!lli.' Wringer"'.. pr.-t rftn sue wairi'0Nii.Mibtiita, tan sisti lal.r of waHhiaa-la b but a puaioin., aomparrd aitb tneoui t. ii... .111. m. e-s 01 iiinung atui wi.. Jii'tf THE CLOTH r.H ARB NOT IN.Il'HKO hiH iilU Mir-Hihi.n im Mtt t ri"f l.jfi TiT Th it Jitiltw iiit ul lit mmt baxmlim But..iM 1 irtgwtii Uitaihw?t1iiL nutM 4 k aiiM . t-Uri-7r: uliT lltt, aum t4 lilt Ulhv i. liW'l llttin ft'l U'1. 'HlltBf lug ttnj w jkiaj tiffSinh Hit t jttqe hr 'tirt wttti it. Wivrkinn In rii r tri iu tuiii niitnii-. t titiN'i..ia fur Mir t1v 4ti in. rtfirf (ffC iAaj; ntkijUtfHt ttuw y i dun thr umU , , lit ti in jj in in ,-rvii (i ant! tlie . L ?t kAiAU llil;, ii Mtjr IHril.iUM itt Utm ntw iimiMuiiaw btivA, ti3 HHntrii tint?. . . UI llir4 tl"It flrf IlKIt! trf Jltt.V tlCll t .hill. nihuiilim. ' , 1 1 ' ' - ' ... . i -tlth t rial t Mfi i-s V jtiu i r I -ir-fP'AUUSTrJStl At ADCSrAfil E ' ralrnf Cog-Wheel litgulntor. 1 a. tta-duW., bf Mo. f Wn -WK are uwiiijuitd. Wiv wavwly'psaa'ttiH wr-eii "Two I till! .'oi Jul tha msM. -pr.en. d wit. . Vt I a ' ft " : . ... -kJLe f -.J,1.,.,.:7?,st W . was rt tfie.l'Ltfil-t-gjLj,f4If"aiu- ZTm Lure, No .sn.-r Ihs frail, or bow nvtieh w.a-n, mt ava 1.hh. eM a thread b. atrtfilied ma- a rent enlaf K'-.l.,.Avhlld Sks rnilty wrtftgout a tublid af i tAiu a iu a ii w muinu a. It is m realny, f mft 1 1 1: t t r. k;-' t A IMT? HAVKTt aod a IrTHFSfi'HI-RAVF;. It wiB h nun t I. iix-ir eveiy var m ll avn.g of ui i mi nla. Il eaves btKii espfiliu-a W'.-. lh,rt- lint . ar ..(Vtnitt..,,. .,,,1 i. iluii ij li- aatl.e In every wtdl rr-ttiated Aimily. I have wl'-V sr-"fi . .-, 0 tA n a an- V the Mi hun:8 aiw- I:.i I. I Haev5i .V'T Xaiuui Uim at tX'Uhi. ei"l,K. ' : - - " U. C. MVI RAT Anfl-110-tf ".., .., Agsut, f- -: Tili. MiUfll AMI. by INsVIUVfr Kew Features and A4?,nUjcs u iu.U ara JUiown aa Helongnif to no Other Coiupany in tha United State. . ITWK1tAOK1IE?iT OF TUU CiiMI ANY "l A aiMMI thav Hulllal full At Mtt III - in. b, cumnlatad urufila iwus St4 aaMirrd. 1'bal nmiliwit aukktm a aOM-lal illMaul ktlk ll.a ln.ur.nca Lk-iarluirirt af tin- Hlale, x wim-u n-wairm T5iiTir-t -,ti - ! t i-oum. 1 . sikumI b ll.a Hiipeniitoift- lit .f t'.i- Ii -. vn. tl. I au. a poikM are a.itid by 4..lg vt uubuo slo-ka. N Ka other air.-a ll.s kiiril a Ionian- " tee of Una eharaeteruranrtlntig eiptit al. ul. Ihirty day' nf graea am ailowMt .m all r. swej prehininia, and the r.-mams vl..l sad'lu lull Hiree. luring 1 Itai tmie. A IMMMSai ss ta trstel or i. i,l.-.i. ,. .I.r,,..l st any ara J tb year", nniai.te lite t.. mi. a aka-b give a nearly wurbi-sra.Md piln-y. Nofailfher rata of vtreniium rltarMt f.r .. ttneary l.nnuieera, CiHida.-l.ira, Ihonge M-i., Mad AgMHa, bw iw emiae.)neiiee i-hange rf etu atovaiebt attar tlx p.aiey ia m-d. botes ar bo4 rmpiiiea bv tins i;ompiif , but ka may b ot.tainrd -t.n Ilia pom r l..r ... third of Ut annnal prt-mitim, whitA la eaneelli d by tha pniMa applied aadivitlenda Joint pobusea, luclaihog man and wife, aiy la- ' uod by I Ins tAwpauy, aud llw somiudI lusurmt PJsWto tha survivor on the il.-atli of mlu. - Ottr dlndeud, January 1.1. lmi, was ii p.-r 1 Sent. .. - ar declared annually, and paid aa . aetttanieut of 4th. Aunual I'teamim, uat all our plsna iipnu Uia full anionui ol pruiitiiiurr. eo.'.l. Frewnim may be paid aioi.i ar aaartwly, r All polictea named by lhia-4 iialtt, n.-uil-s'iintistly " nrf.'iling, alter two, in a. una uiatau:a, and three kiimial parntenta iu tahera, Th perontiase f ureiatnni .reeeinla In lw:!t. over tani, waa X6I par mm ; ia mar It dnuhhi that 01 any ethar Naw liakivsupany. Foboiea inronteatabl ftoiu suv iuae as.-. Id on. siuol of framl. rw iuaBreno ia this CVmipsnv apptr to , l. II. CttlMH.lN 1 Agaut f.w Mat of Korth Carl.lm, V. July 4-9BO-. d.tta " ,: 'Agent kw fialeigh. THE EQUITABLE I.IKK ASHl'RANCB SOCIETY, OP NEW VOIIIC Ait it over 4,000,000. anni'ai. intona: 4.Bw,ooa MYIDF.ND9 PAID TO FOLK n0U)P-Ili. (NOT HTOC'K U0LDEBH,) THIS YKAJt. 0T KB M 0 t,0 09. Pl'HELV ni'TI'AI. I!K0l'iT3 DIVIDED ANNI AI.Y AM00 5 - .' . jx-.i. jf"' ' . . it' - .. POLICY IIOLDTJF.b, ToS Bquilsl Js haa gruaa 111.- rapuliy, ainca if nrgsBlsatiou, thanvany "caab" Life Ineurane Cnnipaay vrrrainiaed as Aaieruw. It pohoief averag larger, in srsoiuit, than Stlius of any atbw Company in th t'nlt. d WatM Appucatfons for ,Attu..a m North t'arnlins BMStb aldreaadtothGn'l Agent. ,. at. F.Tsvioa, Ag't, M dmh,Rh'- Diaoswst at ioa, M ' XmWn,., Oaaxw Wiu uaa, '," . l arboru. ' ,. t BtiaBAgs A Oallsohui, Aguiit, Vt liini(toH. Basairia, Kr.ixouo Co. " Oriwnsliuru. K. h'ra Iltm aiaaoa A Co., miinburr. HCTTRIHON, BrRBOffOriH A CX) " - r cimii.tiii, n. (i. - Aug S-SOS-Um -r fl,.Bi Ausnta for H . C Si 0,0 00, 0 0 0. ' Income Ottr (i,500,00li. ' .-' I TOTAL Lut&4 PAll t)VElt HtOoo nnifc. nitIUftils I'kllk rK vs ti f u JVttlfI,(00tl) 01' rdutiu: ' is " ' Ki'Ui'fci ti h..t is.niiu 'ahs t (ttllit-4 Ul'tlf SlUlMUl i ,tit INNl) IX AN Cm COM 4'A.N V ' VV HAUTl'OIll), COS.N.. T' Ws.wi(aiii.'J iu 1H4 ft uni baa uot lawiplsll. d by anv olh.r I nniiaiit. It isoiKa l.iad npoo tlie ptir.ily uniutil . i. in j 11 i.h. pi- pll. tary r Ht.M-fe epltal; and the prf-.emn..-iit .mn-to-taai, tlioroaora, ia the mmijiiuoi. o 11 . litmus, la, tl.a Uiey don.ita but Jio , 'li' i a ' v"7". .iN'"', l ot prt-M-nt and ciu- rn, U...ig 10 aoirt(ii Htnur ' An p .lieu-, tt-ai-haieitaole by tei ata- i ' i k. it... ,ejhaiif in le on p.ili. y nubb-ra.except oal allu.a Ili.-tH-k la extra haKtu-.toiia. inrTunh.rHifMraantTiitrBpt. h-hi, .ui i vi !iUT big and petnuig any of his aiatenu-nta " r AH Hisun mientatiiii t.ite tu.-uim,7. Si rvqueated, and will nnd it to 1 heir iMon-.t.-u, eontrscl uiht t oil 1 pa 11 ira, repiva. mi. hi ii,.. Mai,i(h the Cmn. Mutual, a piil.n,l,l i ,u , li. PtisiH the Instu sn. e toiiiiuoi.iii(ja ol .St. toik Slid Maaa iiuiwMta. ' ' ' ' ' HAMI'Ft, D. WAIT, ' . ,'. ' i , Ueueral Agent N. C7 - tlfhia. aiUl 1'. F. l'ua.l u, Agent lor liah-tgh and vicinity. Allg It ft-tf - . - MlSCELLANICUa. , Mil. lltsMs ' : I Y E M A L K H K M i N 1: V . '; lll , t; 1 i.u: ;tm Mi'- t .,,,. I .--go.. 4i ili. i c w -e i-.1 . J .!. 4 1. I. i : . '' . Iw.-n.i.l ..A . : k i i ' "I . i ,.) S Ml He. .1 I , ..-1 , I . f. n a .i . .,1 ' a 1 1 I. tte lw- a a- r..i Ireu. k a ih b. h.l.Hti n.iv. II ln.-ii.. iii- rol i Uvula, a, aj'olv lo, lit... Ill ill I I; -Vg4Jl -iu MS. Il li AHTSFK-lflP Sol ft h 1 n. um 1tkii.-J ,! Our f .ii,, aader l.h Ban. .if h. il. ( Ctl , fnrkbe pHrpna rmrrvii-K on i 4'.ia.wiisi..wppeiorir"r'ir"aryTt-tirl'v'r i: t ( . 'i ,t ' , 1 . j i lb r-tTof Wttiiii .-'tUW olfiw! t Me fm-M: in on I I a f-t Si. j will lie happy Ui lor fnin ai..i rr. 1( the tai. ot th tole lii.-v II I... i pi.par. d to furtnab atippli. . .if all i h 7." ": . ; JN"' w- j.t ,., i h Aig 1-SnW. - Wiim. l(. I !,. HV IJ X It oitocrj.r axi) i-hoviMON i r.Au v - and Ftilla ail arlult-avi 1 Otd.irs ami Cooaianu.fjis wrii-. i!-- t v Vv'. poro 7 7:

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